Wichtiger Beitrag

oh.. pls pls pls... i love this book nd u are an amazing writer .. pls continue to write i hope the update will cme soon.. i wnt to knw wht happens to matt nd CeCe

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i like the book........update soon pls u do a good job

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Great book plz update soon

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Rock star forever

It sounds like some sparks will be flying, and baby showers will be planned.

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Gelöschter User

wow...really good..now you really should finish it....

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jessjc3 ♥️

you need to finish it!!!! plzzzz

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Can you finish this book..??? Its really amazing story.

1 Kommentar

yess i will be able to soon.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Are you going to finish this book?
It was so awesome!

1 Kommentar

haha hopefully. might be a while tho//

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Gelöschter User

Why are usually all the good books unfinished?

3 Kommentare

because people like me are idiots tbh lol

Gelöschter User

xD But really couldn't they atleast finish they're book before they leave Bookrix... Like damn it isn't that hard -.-

Gelöschter User

I do agree!!! one should finish its work....love your book...please finish it...

Wichtiger Beitrag

pls update more ,if you have time ,i love this book

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