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Thank you for adding me = )


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Thanks for being friends and look forward to reading your works!

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wow!Your story "An ordinary Joe" was very touching...Even though it was very short i felt like crying when i read it.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for the notice Barry! I know right, a friendly hello would have been nicer! Happy Holidays and a New Year! -rawr

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Thank you for the read, the favorite and the review on my book Coup d'etat :D

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I LOVE youre profile and quote.

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Thank you so much for the friend request I appreciate it:)

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Thank you very much for your enthusiastic comment to 'Vertigo'.
I really appreciate your words and am glad it pleased you that much.
Thanx a lot.

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Thank you for the friend request! (:

Happy writing and reading,

Wichtiger Beitrag
Alikzandria James

Just wanted to say welcome! I have been away from this site for a while, but will start getting back into the swing of things soon. Hope you will feel 'right at home' here and I am looking forward to reading your works and getting good constructive advice from you on how I can improve my own works. We all can learn so much about life in general, as well as, how to improve ourselves and our work. Again, welcome to the BookRix Family!!

Kris :)

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