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Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina.... Happy birthdy!!!!!!! I hope it's a good one!!

2 Kommentare

Thank you soo much :)


Yep! It you have a great birthday?

Wichtiger Beitrag
Primrose Burrell


May you have all the joy your heart can hold,
All the smiles a day can bring,

All the blessings a life can unfold,
May you have Gods best in everything.

Let the God decorate each
golden ray of the sun reaching u

with wishes of success,
happiness and prosperity 4 u,

Hope you have a Super Duper Birthday

Happy Birthday

1 Kommentar

Thank you boo :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

(1.) Single or taken?
(2.) Middle name?
(3.) Last kiss?
(4.) Girl Bestfriends?
(5.) Guy Bestfriends?
(6.) Favorite song?
(7.) Height?
(8.) Weight?
(9.) First kiss?
(10.) Play any sports?
(11.) One secret?
(12.) Piercings?
(13.) Longest relationship?
(14.) Favorite ex?
(15.) Race?
(16.) Three things you would change about yourself?
(17.) Who you tell everything to?
(18.) Ever cheat ? (Explain)
(19.) One wish?
(20.) Funnest memory?
(21.) Beach or... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Hey, I don't know that much, but I came by to wish you a happy birthday!! <3

2 Kommentare

I dont know you much either but thanks for the birthday wishes boo i appreciate it :')

Gelöschter User

Your welcome!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Happy Birthday today to you may you live to see many more birthdays to come and may God continue to shine his blessings upon you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy the day as it last because this is the day the lord has made and you should be glad to called it special and here is your treat from me to you http://www.happybirthdayimages.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Happy-Birthday-Cake-To-You.jpg

14 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
Gelöschter User

happy birthday


Thanks guys i appreciate the birthday wishes

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Im sending a shout-out to my girl
Sabrina its her Birthday today show her some love lol
she wont tell us how old she's turning but i will find out lol but anyways

Gelöschter User

well thats what friends are for and if i ever needed you u would be there so wipe those tears and enjoy ur day..... ;)
no funny business either (im watching u) lol jk jk


lmfao thanks @Dauntless lol

Gelöschter User

np lol

Wichtiger Beitrag

heyy nelle tnx for the fr.i gladly accept it

5 Kommentare

np we hsould write a book together if u want 2


well i will think about it,


But thanks for accepting my request tho i appreciate it :)


no problem.i like making new friends


Same here

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

You changed it again?

2 Kommentare

im srry did u want me 2 keep it or something

Gelöschter User

No, no, it one is okay too.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

what is your book based on

Gelöschter User

it is about my aunt who passed away would you read it


yea but if it makes me cry toooooo much ill stop

Gelöschter User

okay i am almost posting it up

Wichtiger Beitrag

Dear Bullies,
You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut? She was raped at 13. You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby? His best friend commited suicide last night. You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man you... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare
Hayley Stanbury

You go girl. keep those bullies away


thats sooo true because i used to get bullied ALOT and its not very pleasent.......

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