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when you write the next dragon girl book, I would love to read it I will keep an eye out on here for it


ill send out a mass message when i get a better idea of things. But it looks like I won't be publishing Dragon Girl this Christmas like i'd hoped. I lost my job so Im spending most of my time job hunting. But I am making steady progress on my writing so it should be done before... mehr anzeigen

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Haku Nakamura

Your books are fantastic. It would be great if you translated your books into other languages.
P.D: I could help you with Spanish because your stories are very interesting.

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I like your book dragon girl!

2 Kommentare

im glad! thanks so much for reading!


your welcome!

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Gelöschter User

where is the second dragon girl???

Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User

tell me when you post the new one... please


of course! actually, if you're my friend on here then you'll get a notification with every update i do. oh, speaking off, gotta go type one up. got lots of developments happening!

Wichtiger Beitrag

you can read my book now its called "the way future looks"

1 Kommentar

okay, thanks! itll take a little while because ive got a very busy life right now. but as soon as i can, i'll give it a look.

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Gelöschter User

Hey Melissa, can we be friends?

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Gelöschter User

How do you make a crying sound?

Gelöschter User

Wa! Wa! Wa!
How's that?

Gelöschter User

No, that's not right

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Hey, I just finished the first few chapters (and counting) of my book. It is called 2033. I hope you enjoy it. Ps. you might find it better through my profile. Thanks = )

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Hi Melissa, i am reading Dragon Girl, it is very interesting and fantastic! you are great author .

3 Kommentare

hi, there! thanks so much for reading! im happy to hear that you enjoyed it, and thanks for the compliment! but this first draft is gonna be nothing compared to the draft two that i'm working on! will you stick around to read it, whenever i finally manage to finish the chapter?... mehr anzeigen


dang Melissa. the original picture, That's got to be crazy


yeah, talk about a blast from the past! i loved that picture for DG! it summed up the plot pretty well in just one go. But i had to change after a year or two because the only way i couldn't get the text to look good, because the only color that blended into the scheme was black... mehr anzeigen

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Hey Red Head, remember me, you old pal Milky.. lol

5 Kommentare

hey!!! how you doing?! been so long!
also, nice pic! Jensen Ackles.


Yeah, I'm good, how have you been?
Thanks, I'm a fan, haha. But when will you change your pic? I am seeing that since day one


I love Supernatural! such an awesome show! Dean is really cool, and the man himself is actually pretty funny!

I don't usually change profile pics.

I'm doing a lot better now, actually. I finally moved out of my parent's house, and now I'm with my friend and her sister's family.... mehr anzeigen


Cool, I love the show as well :)

Oh okay.

That's great news Melissa, things have really changed for you for the better, I am happy for you :D


Thanks! Im really excited, too.
Hope things are going equally well with you.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Dragon girl is the first book I have read since high school. Thank you for such a great book

1 Kommentar

Ohhh!! Im so glad you enjoyed it and that it was so special to be the first since high school! Thanks so much for reading! Oh, and you're very welcome!

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