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you make all books of vampires can you love it

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I am terribly sorry that I haven't been on as much to answer questions and emails, my home life has been very busy I just got married and I will be moving soon so I apologize in advance if I go mia for a little while

3 Kommentare

You got married at 19!!!! :O


yes I did, I don't see anything wrong with it. in our families its fairly normal to get married young


Blimey, so thats you sorted??? Well, good for you for finding love so fast :]

Wichtiger Beitrag
Shion Arkenevis

Guess you like vampires a lot

1 Kommentar

yes I do :)

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can u make to love a vampire free (it costs 0.00) please

1 Kommentar

the book is available for free on the kindle app

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Gelöschter User

are you going to write more? i love your books a lot and cant wait for another book/series :)

3 Kommentare

the dvk series has been completed there are 4 books


where do we find them?


Yeah seriously, where do we find them? I'm looking for them everywhere and yet there is no sign that there is anymore books. I've looked through over 50 pages on google. It's not on amazon or on here or anything. Help a girl out?

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Gelöschter User

hi baby nice to meet you please add me on yahoo messenger or email me at [chukychuks30@yahoo.com] so we can know more about ourself?

2 Kommentare

thank you for being a fan but I like to keep my personal and professional lives separate, and I would appreciate if you didn't refer to me as "baby" since I am an engaged woman who will be married in a few weeks


That guy is a spammer, and we're going to remove his account now. Sorry about that AnnaRose!

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finally finished forever a vampire srry its been a while

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the final instalment is up!!! i have discontinued writting forever my love and started forever a vampire, will emily finally become a vampire? we shall soon see

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because of all the recent spam ive been getting about updates i am now only accepting messages from my friends list you are free to add me and message me but please dont message me about updates because its takes time away from me responding to my wonderful readers i love u guys

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hey everyone sorry for the long wait ive just been stressed with classes and trying to move but i have finally updated

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