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Adora Belle

Hi Angela!

Thanks for your mail - seems like my old school english still works a little, if you understood what I wrote at this pinboard (OMG!).
Yes, I really like Stephen King! A few years ago I read all of his books which had been published (?) so far and I love his style of telling stories.
As I said in my pinboard-message I prefer "It", still thinking it´s one of the best books in this genre.
About the films, hm, not sure,... mehr anzeigen

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thnx 4 the heart on love and hate i really apreciate it!! :D

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I appreciate your invitation to the group "Completed Books", however, I am not a writer. If I can join to read all the completed books, then I would gladly accept. :)

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thnx 4 the invite!:D

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Gelöschter User

Thanks for the heart on My Heart Is Yours


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You'll be happy to know that I've taken my first steps onto the road of becoming an author! I've written my first book, well, the first few chapters of a new book, and I've uploaded it onto bookrix. Being my first book, there's bound to be a good number or error or screw ups, so any advice and/or comments would be greatly appreciated!
Here's the link:

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Thanks for the friend add. I have to tell you your page is awesome. I am a True Blood addict. :)

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Thanks for the heart on my book!

:) Jace

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Gelöschter User

Thanks Angela, for giving 'Sex at the mill' a heart, it is by far my best read book.

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Gelöschter User

Chronicles 3, is about half done Angela, wait for the nail biting finale'. Then I plan a 4th book, and 'Fight or flight' the P A Canella tie in, will have a linking series of another 3 or 4 stories as well
Al x

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