Wichtiger Beitrag
Dela Bobobee

You need to take all the useful advice and suggested corrections to improve on your writing skill. It is not enough to have only a good story line, you also need to master your MA (Mechanical Accuracy) to be regarded as a skillful writer.

Constructive criticism refines our blunt edges and redefines us. Take a cue and work on your MA. Nice plot, though.

Wichtiger Beitrag

It's good to see you here again. I gave you a vote. I believe you deserve one for participating and writing a tale.

There are a few suggestions I wanted to share.

1) proofread your work- means checking for misspelled words and the misusage of words. I found you use 'threw' which should be 'through' and there were many more mistakes.

2)use commas- commas are necessary to give the reader a pause and the effect it needs. In a... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your Story is very nice, well done!

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a gripping and engaging story from beginning to end - I couldn't stop reading it! I enjoy your writing style - you write so well for an author of your age and I know that you will continue to progress and evolve into a force to be wreckened with in this industry :) God Bless,

Wichtiger Beitrag


The story line is good. However, you still need to work on your grammar.


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Without trying, we can not succeed. Good luck.

Wichtiger Beitrag

und verstanden - aber ich kommentiere lieber in meiner Muttersprache.
Die story ist außerordentlich spannend entwickelt, von der Beschreibung des Vaters, der da zu besuchen ist bis hin zur beeindruckenden Zeichnung des Bildes der Mutter, die ihre beiden Jungs zum Ex schickt, obwohl er damals der Säufer und Schläger war. Der Held des Buches James nahm die Vaterrolle für den jüngeren Bruder Eric an und trifft im Flieger Sarah... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

i like it :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for participating in our short story writing contest "Travel Stories".

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