Wichtiger Beitrag

Lovely use of language in this story. It was romantic, dramatic, and had long moments of terrible suffering, there was also a lot of underlying joy in Justin's memories and a sense of magic that never seems to leave John's pages (except when writing about marathons). I love the many little details that really bring the characters' relationship to life and the way things were explained without the unnecessary information some... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

It isn't often that I read a story which makes me cry, but this one did. Beautifully done.
Well edited. The descriptions of the cabin and surroundings put you there. The emotional impact is developed gradually and finishes in a wonderful climax.
Thanx for the read!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I like this story; I like all of your stories. The reader feels Justin's pain as he meanders through the tangled emotions from missing and remembering. You did well.

If I could make one small suggestion. Pg. 7 - The sentence that begins, "He was well stocked with the pain killers..."... perhaps a tad redundant, especially since morphine is mentioned later in the story, and the reader knows that morphine and oxy-codeine are... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

You are a very talented writer, Every word, sentance and story you create is a true masterpiece and this story was no different. You can really get into the story and feel / experience it so vividly.



Wichtiger Beitrag

First, I have to agree with Robynn. Another one of your treasures that needs to win a short story award. Please waste no time entering it, Mr. Laird.

Like your other readers, I was captivated from the first sentence, a willing victim. You use no unnecessary words - no flowery descriptions that drag the story down. You get to the meat of it from the start and by the end of the first page we need to know more about this man and... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

This story is so well written!! Loved it!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Review - This is a superb piece of work. Not only the story, but how it is woven to give the reader just enough information. This allows the reader to 'paint' between the lines the rest of the story. Poignant, joyful and hopeful. I think this short story should be entered in the Writer's Digest yearly contest or submitted to Glimmer Train. Awesome job. Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag

That is a wonderful story:) I do have to say, you know how to express very well what you write. Well Done, and Thank You for sharing. I loved it!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Took you a bit to have another amazing story for me to read. Don't have anything more to add to the comments already posted here. Beautiful.

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