20 Kommentare
Guillaume Mwamba

Of course, I really love to join your group.

Gelöschter User

May I ask why....?

Guillaume Mwamba

I want to preach to you about Jesus Christ.

Gelöschter User


Guillaume Mwamba

Yes, this my summary of the story.

After Lucifer fought God, God permitted Lucifer to go and test His faithful children even unto the point of death. Lucifer is free to tempt God’s faithful Christians to sin, especially the Cleanliness family.

Sam Cleanliness is God’s Ordained... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

I see.

Guillaume Mwamba

Yup, so what you think?

Gelöschter User

Uhm...interesting but I don't think our group is exactly the place for it. We're more of just a small family gathered together, embracing our weirdness I suppose.

Guillaume Mwamba

Okay, but Jesus loves you.

Gelöschter User

Okay. I am sorry for any possible misunderstandings.



Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User

Our group isn't really somewhere you'd wanna be... We are a bunch of fucked up weirdos with Dark minds, I grew up Christian, I am not now. Thanks for the offer, but we will pass ♡

Gelöschter User

My Pagan religion prevents me from accepting your request to join our group.

Guillaume Mwamba

What is your pagan religion?

Gelöschter User

It's a religion.