Bücher von Vigilant_One
A Diary
- Thriller
- Englisch
- 5897 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 4276
- 100
The following is the unofficial treatment record of Dr. Alicia Bessemer concerning her treatment of the patient, Lance Firnstahl. Treatment began on March 1st, 2011, and what transpired over the next month, shocked the psychological world. It is released now for all to see.
Stichwörter: Thriller, Diary, Contest
- Belletristik
- Englisch
- 32623 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 1478
- 21
The police only needed one more thing to make their treachery complete-a patsy. They expected an average guy, what they got, was the genius, master criminal, Reed Newton. The loner would have walked away in an instant, but the cries of their innocent victim held him fast. Now they will all pay.
Stichwörter: Action, Guns, Cars
Case #2 "It's My Party and I'll Die if I want to."
- Krimi
- Englisch
- 4448 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 1090
- 15
Jacky is invited to a local dinner party and he gets to spend some quality time with Melissa. But he gets more than he bargained for when one of the guests mysteriously perishes.
*Winner: 2nd Place "Let's Solve a Mystery" Contest (Aug 2012)
Stichwörter: Mystery, Murder, Contest
- Belletristik
- Englisch
- 6029 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 1017
- 21
In 1971, Jim Morrison died of a heart failure, he was 27. His genius, his vibrance, and his legacy died with him. But now a strange wind blows over the deserts of Albuquerque. It's time for the return.
Stichwörter: History, The Doors
A Dabble...er...what?
- Kunst
- Englisch
- 302 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 558
- 3
These are musings from the mindset of three people suffering from three different mental illnesses described in exactly one-hundred words. I could tell you but I think you could guess what each is. I created this drabble for the contest. Never done one before but it was an am... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Drabble, Contest, Mental
- Belletristik
- Englisch
- 98395 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 522
- 1
This is not the story of a hero. This is the story of Adam Rodriguez, a soldier trying to pick up the pieces of a life that was stolen from him. On a mission in Afghanistan gone sideways, Adam finds himself at the mercy of a vicious warlord, and the warlord’s murderous am... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Paranormal, Fantasy, Action, Thriller
A short story
- Belletristik
- Englisch
- 4024 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 430
- 2
Reed Newton is back in this new short story about his beginnings, and the girl who would change his life forever! Based on the lore peppered throughout my Reed Newton series I've written the suspensful back story to how Reed Newton met his criminal (tor)mentor Charlotte Molti... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Supense
- Belletristik
- Englisch
- 1000 Wörter
- Ab 16 Jahren
- 342
- 1
Confront the Truth.
Sasha wakes up from a night of hard drinking to discover a most unsual bedmate - not a stranger, but her best friend. "Hangover" tells a short-short tale of desperate love and the lies we tell ourselves.
Stichwörter: Flash Fiction, Drama, LGBTQ
- Lyrik und Poesie
- Englisch
- 255 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 330
- 4
This is a poem I wrote after having a relationship with a girl mostly on the phone. We were forced apart by circumstance and subsisted mostly by phone calls. Eventually the strain was too much; we got into a fight and broke up. I hope you enjoy the fruits of our struggle.
...and vote it up!
Stichwörter: Poetry, Romance, Contest
- Belletristik
- Englisch
- 983 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 284
- 1
After his latest work is rejected by yet another gallery, Henri, a struggling artist, confronts the realities of trying to live his dreams in a world where dreams are commodified and success may mean giving all he has.
Stichwörter: Fiction, Flash Fiction, Drama, Suicide, Art