eBooks kaufen - Mathematik - Sprache: Englisch
Günstige eBooks aus der Kategorie: Mathematik entdecken und direkt online kaufen. Hier findest Du alle eBooks unserer Autoren aus dem Bereich: Mathematik in der Sprache: Englisch.
Beliebte Kategorien:
- Englisch
- 7181 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 32
In this book, aspects of functional analysis are presented with respect to:Banach, Hilbert and Lebesgue spacesmeasure according to Lebesgue and Lebesgue integraloperator viewdiscrete and continuous transformsdistributions and Sobolev spaces
Stichwörter: functional, analysis
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 3767 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 32
In this book exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:2x2 and 3x3 linear differential systemsCauchy problems related to linear systems with constant coefficientssearch for and determination of eigenvalues related to linear systemsInitial theoretic... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: mathematics, system, differential, linear
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 4334 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 32
In this book, exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:estimation theoryhypothesis testing and verificationlinear regressionInitial theoretical hints are also presented to make the performance of the exercises understood.
Stichwörter: statistical, inference
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 9600 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 31
In this book, all facets of mathematical logic are presented such as:symbology, principles and properties of elementary logicboolean logicorder theory and axiomatic systemsaxiomatic set theory and Godel's theoremslogical paradoxes and logical antinomiesdescriptive and fuzzy l... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: mathematics, logic
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 75131 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 30
Most of mathematics is presented in this book, starting from the basic and elementary concepts to probing the more complex and advanced areas.Mathematics is approached both from a theoretical point of view, expounding theorems and definitions of each particular type, and on a... mehr lesen
9,99 US$
- Englisch
- 4414 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 30
In this book, exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:monodromy and polychromy in complex analysiscomplex integrals and seriesremarkable theorems of complex analysisInitial theoretical hints are also presented to make the performance of the exercises understood.
Stichwörter: complex, analysis
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 4326 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 30
In this book, exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:numerical calculation of the roots of a polynomialnumerical solving of matrices, linear and nonlinear systemsnumerical computation of the integral and derivativesfinite difference method and n... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: analysis, numerical, calculus
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 7313 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 29
All mathematical topics related to statistics are presented in this book:combinatorial calculusprobability and elementary statisticsrandom variablescontinuous and discrete probability distributionsestimation theory and hypothesis testingregression and Bayesian inferencestochastic processes
Stichwörter: statistics, mathematics
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 3684 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 29
In this book exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:power seriesdevelopments in Taylor and MacLaurin seriesFourier seriesInitial theoretical hints are also presented to make the performance of the exercises understood.
Stichwörter: power, series, taylor, fourier
2,99 US$
- Englisch
- 5282 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 29
In this book, exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:Banach and Hilbert spacesoperations in vector spaces Lebesgue measure and integral.Initial theoretical hints are also presented to make the conduct of the exercises understandable.
Stichwörter: analysis, functional
2,99 US$