
The start

It was a normal morning for Emily. She woke up, had breakfast, got dressed, and walked to school. Walking down the street she ran into her best friend Buffy. Buffy has a interesting way of expressing herself. She is the complete opposite of Emily. Emily is the nicest person in school, she has the best grades, and is the most liked person in school. On the other hand Buffy is the meanest person in school, has awful grades, and is the least liked person in school. “Hey Emily wait up!” Buffy yelled down the street.
“Hi Buffy!” Emily yelled.
“So where are you going Emily?”
“To school and, so are you.”
“Na I was thinking of skipping today.”
“Um no you are coming to school if you like it or not. We have a test today that you have to pass or you will fail 11th grade.....again.”
“Fine I will go to school! But just because I am sick of Mr.Fafful.”
“Good girl.” she laughed.
As the girls walked into class there sat Emily’s crush Jason. He had blonde hair, and brown eyes. He was every girls dream guy. He’s tall, muscular, and very handsome.
“Emily stop staring you are going to scare him off.” Buffy said
“I can’t he is just so, so, so...perfect. And we should be together.”
Jason walked over to Emily and sat down. He was looking at Emily and finally he said, “Hey.” With a smile.
“Hey whats up?” Emily said shyly.
“Ah nothing much what about you?”
“Just waiting for class to start.”
“Cool. So I see you got Buffy to come to school today. How did you do that?” He laughed.
The bell rang and class had started. “I’ll tell you later” Emily whispered. As the last bell rang Mr.Fafful walked in to the classroom. He is short, bald, and very bitter, to everyone.
“All right class you have a big test today. I hope you all are ready for it.” Said Mr.Fafful. “Do any of you have questions before I hand out the test?”
“Um yeah whats the test about?” Buffy asked “As if I could care” she whispered.
“Buffy have you paid any attention at all during the year?” Mr.Fafful said irritated.
“Uh yeah, duh!” she said snottily.
“Okay so tell me what class you are in.” He said irritated again.
“Umm is it gym? Art class? Science? Global?” Buffy said with not a care in the world.
“Buffy! Stop messing around!” Emily whispered.
“No! Its math!” He yelled. Buffy gave him an evil glare. Then Mr.Fafful handed out the test facing downwards. “Now you may all begin.” As everyone began there quiz Buffy is trying to cheat off of the person in front of her. Buffy started poking her, trying to get her to move. “Hey kid what did you get for number twelve? I can’t see your paper, do you mind moving it for me?”
“Mr.Fafful, Buffy is cheating of my test!” The kid yells.
“I am not, don’t lie!” Buffy yelled back.
“Girls knock it off there is a test going on! Mindy move to another place and Buffy stop cheating off Mindy’s paper!” Mr.Fafful yelled across the room.
After the test Emily and Buffy walked down to lunch. Down the hallway, every nerd ran away as they saw Buffy. “Hey do you have any money I can have for lunch?” Buffy asked.
“Can’t you bring your own for once? I mean seriously this is the third day in a row!”
“Fine I will get my money off some nerd.” Buffy reached over grabbed a nerd by his shirt and told him to give her some money.
“No. Just here bring your own tomorrow I got ya again.” Emily said annoyed.
“Thanks Em I will try to pay you back soon.” She said all most promisingly. She let go of the nerd’s shirt.
“Oh whatever.” she laughed “I am starting to wonder why I hang out with you.” she chuckled.
“Because you complete me, you keep me centered for the most part. And besides you are the only one who was never scared of me unlike everyone else.”
“Yeah, and now look at us BFF’s for ten years.”
“Yeah, you are the only one that I can talk to without any criticism for most the most part. And most of the criticism is just trying to help me with my problems that I have with my life and stuff.”
“Yeah, you came a long way since I got a hold of you. Your welcome.” Emily laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Buffy joked. “Hey do you want to come over after school?”
“Yeah I guess I will. It will be a chance for you to do your homework with me. Not just copy it but actually do it.”Emily said. Buffy stopped and thought about it.
“Actually, lets go to your house my mom is having plastic surgery tonight and I don’t want to see her when she gets home so she can ask me how she looks and all that crap. She never looks any better when she comes back from plastic surgery, just more disgusting.” Buffy said grossed out. Both Emily and Buffy shake it out of their minds, and keep walking.

Family time

“Emily time to get up we are going to grandma’s for your cousins birthday.” Emily’s mom whispered as she woke her up. Emily got dressed, ate breakfast, and left with her mom, brother, and dad. She pulled in the drive with her family at her grandma’s yard. Everyone watching as they got out of the car.
“Hello everybody!” Emily’s grandma yelled.
“Hello! How you doing?” Her aunt yelled.
“Im doing good what about you?” Emily replied.
“Oh Im fine.” Her aunt replied. Emily is thinking to herself,
“Why is my aunt wearing booty shorts, three inch wedge heels, and a shirt that a teenager would wear? She’s dressed as if she was one herself. But she is far from it. Isn’t she in her forties by now? That should not be.”
Then her cousin Patty comes up to her and gives her a huge hug. She is squeezing Emily like she is trying to pop her head off. Not letting go Emily could barely breathe. Emily is trying to get away.
“Hi sweetheart! I missed you! How are you?!” Patty yelled in her ear. As Emily pulls away from her she says,
“Im fine. Happy Birthday.” She said annoyed by Patty’s yelling in her ear.
“Oh thank you Emily. Do you know how old I am today?” she said excitedly.
“Yeah you are twenty-two.”
“I am twenty-two! Can you believe this? Me twenty-two!” She yelled happily. Emily walked away slowly trying not to be seen by Patty and went to her grandma and asked
“Has Patty called the police lately? You know for no reason, just because she is mad at you?”
“Yes, just last week because I wouldn’t let her go out with her friends, she called and said I was keeping her captive.” Emily’s grandma said.
“Wow she really has some issues. Why doesn’t Aunt Susie just leave her in the mental hospital for a little while more?”
“They can’t keep her there forever!” Grandma snapped at Emily.
“Well I know that!” Emily said irritated. Emily left to go inside to eat. Everyone ate, talked and caught up with everyone. All of the weird conversations going on about football, college, gambling, and issues going on in our family.
“Time for dessert!” Grandma yelled.
“Ooohhh yummy yum yum I want cake and ice cream with lots of toppings and everything on it!” Patty yelled excitedly.
“All right Patty calm down you can have it in just a minute let me make it first.” Grandma said. Grandma put chocolate, caramel, sprinkles, whipped cream and pineapple on Patty’s. About an hour after everyone ate their ice cream and cake Emily, her mom, dad, and brother left grandma’s house.
When they got home Emily went up to her room to find Buffy sleeping in her bed. Buffy was snoring up a huge storm, Emily thought “And thats why I don’t sleep in the same room when you sleep over.” Emily tip-toes over as quiet as a mouse and screams in Buffy’s ear “Wake up you lazy bum!” Buffy jumps out of her bed. Flopping around, on the floor and she hits her head on her desk.
“Ow what did you do that for I taking a nap.”
“Why are you here taking a nap in my bed?” Emily said laughing.
“Because my house is full of reject parents and I can’t get any sleep there.”
“Oh well, why didn’t you sleep last night then?”
“I forgot to.”
“You forgot to?”
“How do you forget to sleep! That is the worst excuse I have ever heard about why someone didn’t sleep!” Emily said laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. No I’m just kidding I was up all night fighting with my mom.”
“Oh what about this time”
“I asked her what time it was and she started yelling at me about how she doesn’t have a job and that I should get one if I want to know what time it is. You know normal mother, daughter fights.”
“Thats not normal mother, daughter fights. Normal fights is when you want a car, or you want to got to you boyfriends house, or she tells you to do the dishes. Thats normal fights.” Emily explained.
“Well not in my house.” Buffy laughed. “Hey can I spend the night?” Buffy asked.
“Sure let me ask my mom.” She told Buffy.
“Hey mom can Buffy spend the night?” She yelled.
“Is she already here?” Her mom yelled back.
“I guess so”
“Okay Buffy you can stay.”
“Sweet!” Buffy said. The girls went outside on the trampoline. Emily is doing her gymnastics on the trampoline and Buffy is watching.Emily is flipping, jumping, leaping, and doing almost any thing she can think of. Then Buffy went on the trampoline just jumping up and down, nothing special.
“Whats that?” Emily laughed.
It’s my gymnastics. Aren’t they so much better that yours?” Buffy laughed.
“Oh yeah tons.” Emily laughed.

Back to school

“Good morning class take out your text books and read chapter ten.” Mr.Fafful said. He was wearing his usual comb over, and big nerdy classes. He wears the same awful bow tie, and his hair is all greasy, and gross. He has never been anyones favorite teacher, and probably never will. He has a tendency to get on everyones last nerves. Especially Buffy’s, they have always hated each other, since the first day of class.
“I really don’t want to.” Buffy said out loud to the whole class and to Mr.Fafful.
“Well to bad! Get reading! Now!” Mr.Fafful yelled.
“Make me you old hag!” Buffy yelled.
“Thats it go to the principles now!”
“Thats it go to the principles now!” Buffy mocked him.
“Go!” Mr.Fafful yelled. Buffy walked to the principle’s office.
“What are you here for this time Buffy?” The principle asked.
“Well fist I said I didn’t want to read something then Mr.Fafful got all up in my face. So that is how I got here.” Buffy explained.
“Ok, Im going to let you off with a warning because you have been out of trouble lately.”
Buffy walked back to class, with a grin on her face. She gave Mr.Fafful an “I told you so look”. Mr.Fafful just about snapped when he saw her walk in.
“What are you doing back?! You should be in detention by now.” Mr.Fafful said.
“I got a warning since I have been good lately.” Buffy said in a mocking way.
“Take a seat!” Mr.Fafful said angrily. He continued with his lesson.

Walking back from school they took a “shortcut” to Emily’s house. The girls were going through bad part of the town. Emily is looking concerned and suddenly said “Where are we going? You said this is a shortcut and I don’t know why, but I let you bring me! Why did I let you Bring me?!”
“Calm down I always come this way.” Buffy said. Emily stopped in front of a dark ally.
“Buffy can I go home now? Please.”
“Yeah thats where we are going.” Emily starts to walk, but before she does someone grabs her out of the ally. Emily screams on top of her lungs, her mouth gets covered by a cloth being shoved into her mouth. Buffy turned and ran after Emily. Buffy’s running as fast as she can catching up to the brutal mugger. Buffy caught up, tackled him, and pinned him against the ground. She starts beating him, trying to get him to talk.
“Whats your issue man?! We were just walking along! You can’t just take my friend and start beating her! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Buffy screams in his face.
He lost conscience, Emily called the police, Buffy is still beating him to a bloody pulp. The police show up, Emily is crying her eyes out because she is so scared, Buffy is trying to calm her down, and apologizing for bringing her here. The police take the un-conscience man in the back of the police car, the car has flashing red and blue lights, the siren is blasting to warn everyone to be careful while driving and driving by. Emily’s mom heard what had happened.
“Emily are you okay?!” Emily’s mom panicked.
“Yeah Im okay.” Emily replied.
“I warned you not to ever go into that part of town! I thought I raised you better than that!” Emily’s mom yelled.
“But Buffy...” Emily froze in mid sentence. Her mother looked at her getting more and more angry.
“I knew that that girl would cause you to do bad things, and get you in trouble!”
“But mom!”
“And another thing, I don’t want you talking, or hanging around with Buffy anymore!” Her mom said angrily.
“Ugggghhhh!” Emily growled as she stormed up to her room. She fell on her bed face down. She didn’t move. Frozen in anger, she started to cry, she sat up. “I can’t believe this! And now I can’t ever talk to Buffy ever again. I can’t believe I gave Buffy up like that. But on the other Buffy did all most get me killed. But she saved me and all most killed the dude who mugged me.” She was saying quietly to herself. As she laid on her bed she wondered over and over again trying to figure what she should do. Hours had gone by. Her mom walked in her room to see how she is doing.
“Are you okay Emily? You’ve been up here for a while.” Her mom said.
“Yeah i’m fine, it’s just...she paused. “I don’t know what I should do. I know you said I should stay away from Buffy, but she saved my life today, and I can’t just abandon her now.” Emily’s mom leaned in a hugged her.
“I know how you feel, but it will get better. And so will Buffy, she can find her way. You led her on her right path, she has a small clue on whats going on in life now.” Emily’s mom said. Her mom got up and left. She stopped at the door and said “Do you want anything to eat?”
“No I’m not hungry. Thanks.” Emily replied.
“Okay but if you get hungry there is leftovers in the fridge.” Her mom left. Emily turned to shut off the lights, and went to sleep.

*Ah* young love

“Hey Emily, can I ask you something?” Jason asked.
“Y-Yeah go ahead.” Emily said shyly.
“Well, I was wondering if you would like to, you know, um go out with me?” Jason asked. “Yes!, uh um yeah ha ha.” Emily shouted.
“Sweet.” Jason said. Emily and Jason walked to class hand in hand. Emily felt like the most lucky girl in the world. “I can’t believe this! The best thing in the world is happening to me, right after the worst thing. I wonder if its the universe saying they are sorry?” Emily thought to herself. Her and Jason are walking down the hall and they pass Buffy. Emily didn’t even notice her, even when Buffy yelled her name trying to get her attention. Buffy turned and walked away, trying to forget that her best friend had abandoned her. Buffy had left school.

A Few Months Later.....
Emily and Jason are still going strong. Emily brought Jason home for the first time, and her dad had a little man to man talk. He said “So you like my daughter do you now? Well she is my little girl and all ways will be. She is everything to me and her mother. You will give her complete respect, and if you ever do anything to hurt my little girl....” He paused. “Nobody will ever known you have existed. And don’t tell Emily what we have talked about. Do you hear me?” He said finally. Jason shook his head. Emily came down and sees Jason's terrified face. She stares at her father and says “What did you do to him?” Her father smiles and said
“Just making sure he treats you correctly. Now Jason is it? Go on up but remember what I said.” Jason get up and walks over to Emily. Emily moves closer to him, and takes his hand. Her father clears his throat. They turn around, and Jason lets go of her hand. Up in Emily’s room she said “What did my dad say to you?”
“Oh nothing, just that he hopes that we are happy together.” He said shyly.
“Oh okay. Well is that all he said?” Emily said with puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah.” He said looking across the room with a blank expression on his face.Trying to avoid the look she was giving him. “Well....what do you want to do?” Jason asked. Emily thought for a minute. While she thought she was looking around the room trying to find something to do. She started laughing “I have absolutely nothing.” Jason laughed with her. “Do you have any movies? Maybe we could watch one.” Jason asked.
“Yeah they are down in my parents room. I’ll be right back, unless you want to come help me look for one to watch?” She asked hoping that he would come with her. Jason got up as Emily was walking towards the door. Jason grabs her by the shoulder and turns her around towards his face. He then reaches behind her and shuts the door.
“Actually, I have something better to do,” Jason smirks.
He grabs the back of Emily’s neck and kisses her. Emily was a little uneasy at first but then she was more comfortable. Jason backs up for a breath, and Emily is stunned. She is speechless at the kiss. “What did you think about that? Is it to soon or no?” Jason said hoping that she would say that is was just on time or something similar to that. She looks at him, smiles and says “That was amazing! That was....” she stopped.
“What?” Jason said worried.
“If I tell you, you might laugh at me.” Emily said sadly. Looking away from him. Jason tilts her head so she is looking at him, and says “Your my girlfriend and I all ways want to her what you have to say.” He said with a smile. Emily smiles, glances at the floor, and looks back up to Jason and says slowly. “That kiss...was..well my...first one and out of every boy in the world i’m glad it was with you.” She smiles a little embarrassed. Jason looks at her and smiles, like he is relieved. Emily looks at him, and frowns. “Whats wrong? I knew telling you that would make you do that I--”
“Whoa-whoa, hold on a minute, can I tell you something?” Jason says. Emily nods her head. “Well your my first kiss to. I all ways liked you. Since I moved here in 7th grade. I waited and when I got the guts I asked. It only took five years for me to get up the courage to ask you.” he laughed. Emily is blushing like she has never before. She is embarrassed and hides her face. Jason takes her hands away from her face and says “Don’t hide you face, its to beautiful to hide.” He say smiling. Then they stand there in front of the door, hugging. Her mom walks up the stairs and and peeks through the door, and smiles. She walks back down stairs, and starts fixing lunch for Jason and Emily. She calls them down for lunch and asked what they were doing.
“Oh nothing much, just talking, and hanging out, you know the usual.” Emily replies with a smile on her face. “Mmm lunch, what are we having?” Emily asks.
“We are having Mac & cheese, with turkey sandwiches.” Emily’s mom answered. After Jason and Emily ate their lunch they headed back up to Emily’s room.

Buffy's story

on Buffy’s side of the story she has been hanging around the miserable side of town. She has been actually hanging with her mom, well almost. “What is gods name of hell are you doing home? I thought that I told you to never, ever, EVER come back!” Buffy’s mom screamed. “You did but I could really care less what you say right about now!” Buffy yelled back. “Who cares what you feel like and what you want or whatever you said.” Her mom screams
“I’m not in the freaking mood right now mom just leave me the hell alone!” Buffy hollers almost crying. Buffy was trying to hold it in but with all the stress that she has been in, since Emily has left her alone. She bust into tears, crying right in front of her mom.
“Why are you crying? You never cry, ever not even when you got shot in the leg with a pistil. So why are you crying now? I could care less but this is just strange.” Her mom said almost with worry. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Ok” Buffy’s mom says happily and starts to walk off.
“It’s Emily! I took a shortcut through this part of town trying to get to her house and she got mugged. So I went and beat the dude up, and then the cops came and spilt us up. Then the cops called Emily’s mom so now she is not aloud to talk to me, hang with me, or anything! And not only that but now she is dating Jason who takes her away from me even more! He keeps her mind off things and she could probably care less about me now!” Buffy confesses and runs off, out of the house, and down the street.
The police spot Buffy run, they start their cars and chase after her. Buffy turns around and runs faster, not wanting to be caught. They cut her off in an ally. She turns around to face the cops. She’s breathing heavier than she ever had. They point their guns at her, she starts hyperventilating, and passes out. The cops take her to the hospital to see what was wrong. As Buffy is in her room, just waking up she see’s Emily walk in. Buffy’s relived that there is someone there for her and she smiles with relief. Emily walks over and sits down next to her. “How are you feeling?” Emily said concerned. Buffy looks at her and laughs. “Do you actually care? Im surprised you didn’t bring Jason. It’s like thats who you ever hangout with or talk to anymore.” Buffy said. Emily sighed and looked around the room feeling guilty, she gets up and starts to walk out then turns around and says “Im sorry Buffy I never meant to block you out of my life. I was just trying to stay on my moms good side for a little while, then Jason asked me out and you know i all ways wanted to go out with him, and I couldn't pass up an offer like that. And I guess i have been a little love struck these last few months. And you know what? Im sorry, ok? Im sorry i blocked you out. Im sorry that I am love struck, and i’m sorry for everything these passed months!” Emily admits, crying she runs out of the room. Buffy gets up and follows her out trying to catch up. But Buffy is to late, she see’s Emily drive off in her car. Buffy walks back up to her room and lays down. And tries to go to sleep.

testing their friendship

Later that day Buffy was released from the hospital, and tries to go find Emily. She drives to Emily’s house, and Emily’s mom comes out. “What are you doing here Buffy?” Emily’s mom says. As she waits for Buffy’s answer she glares at her with an evil eye. “Is Emily home? I need to talk to her.” Buffy says quietly. Her mom just look like her. “Why do you need to talk to her? She went to apologize, to you and you flipped out on her! Give me one one great reason why I should let you talk to my daughter?” She says firmly to Buffy. Buffy looks around, saying nothing, she turns around and gets into her car, and drives away. “I thought so.” Emily's mom says and walks back into the house.
Emily walk down stairs, lays down on the couch, and goes to sleep. Her mom comes over and wakes her up. “Are you okay honey?” She says kindly. Emily looks up and nods. Her mom gets up and walks back to the kitchen. The phone rings, her mom answers it. “Hello?”
“Hey is Emily there? Its Jason.” He said, through the phones static. Emily’s mom looks over at her and says,
“You know why don’t you just come over, Emily needs a friend right now.”
“ All right i’ll be right over.” He says. The he hangs up, the phone. A few minutes later, his car pulls in the drive, he walks to the door and lets himself in, as usual. Emily walks over to him and gives him a big hug. Her eye’s start to tear up. Jason holds her tight and asks “Whats wrong Emily?” Jason says concerned. Emily looks up at him and whispers softly, with slight tears softly running down her cheek. “Buffy and I had a fight and I think she isn’t going to be forgiving me anytime soon.”
“What happened?” Jason asked. As Emily told Jason the story, they start to walk to up to her room. They reach the top of the stairs, Emily finishes her story. Jason with nothing to say hugs her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.02.2012

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