
Amazing Grace
By: Morgan a.k.a zzmbrashear

Grace was the perfect daughter. The perfect sister. She got good grades and did what she was told. She was the quiet type. She didn’t like to draw attention to herself. Grace, even at an early age, had struggled with her weight. She didn’t mind it but others did. They pestered and pestered. They messed with her mentally and physically. But of course, this was all fun and games until the unspeakable happens. It only takes three teenagers one girl over the edge. When this one girls story hits the news and the people responsible for what happened are exposed, she becomes famous. Her story becomes known everywhere and its this one girl that changes everything.

Amazing Grace
~beautiful inside and out~

She kept her head down as she made her way through the crowded hallway. Her shoulders bumped with others as she pushed through them. She could hear them snicker. She could hear them laugh as she walked past them.
“Moo!” They call as she walked past. She kept her eyes on her feet as she pushed through the crowd. Her palms were sweaty as she pushed open the main doors and ran out of the building. Her books dropped as she burst into tears. She didn’t stop, she kept running. She knew if she stopped that the tormenting would just continue.
She breathed heavy as she continued to sprint down the street. She was determined to make it to her house. She couldn’t stop because that would give them another chance to humiliate her. She just couldn’t take it anymore.
She looked up at the sun shining through the clouds as she reached her porch. Tears, dried onto her cheeks, still remained as she slowly turned the cold door knob. She quickly ran past her Mother on the couch in the living room and past her sister sitting with her friends at the kitchen table. She ran up the stairs to her room.
“Grace?” Her Mother asked as she ran up the stairs. Grace didn’t stop. She slammed the door and locked it, once she got to her room. She leaned against it and slid down to the floor. She buried her face into her knee’s and began to cry.
To her, this was usual. She realized it was so much easier if she stayed in her room and cried. This way, she could be herself without everyone judging her. She could look in the mirror and not hate what she sees. She didn’t want to cry in front of others. No, that would just make her look weak. That would give satisfaction to her tormentors. She couldn’t do that. They didn’t care how she felt. They didn’t care if she cried. They didn’t care what they were doing to her. Only she could show them but she can’t leave herself that vulnerable.
But others didn’t think. Thats exactly the point. They didn’t see what was behind her fake smile. They didn’t care to look. They only saw the outer and what they wanted to make of her.
Grace pulled herself together. She reluctantly got up and walked to her computer. She wanted to get her mind off things. She clicked onto Splash, a website created by a student in her school. Splash was a website where people use usernames and can post things to there friends. Instead of Facebook or Twitter, people from Ridgeway High use Splash.
She scrolled down her page, looking through other peoples posts. Her heart began to race as she looked at what people had been posting.
“Just go die in a hole!” Said RainyDaySuperStar1212.
“A waste of skin... ALOT OF SKIN! HA!” Said JayJay87.
“Moo! Moo!” Taunted Jasabean43.
“Fasto, why do you show up to school? I mean seriously, you barely fit through the door!” Said MikeyTheManMelonieaneee.
“Gracie can hardly keep up her pacey when she runs away like a baby!” KayMaeKing1234 posted.
“Hey! If I bring the rope will someone else bring the duck tape?” Asked Footballboyee12.
“Footballboyee12 gots a good idea! I will bring the duck tape! Lets get rid of this b***h right now!” HottieMottie#1 added.
“You’re A** is the size of China!” Said CheerGirl54.
She’s seen this all before. The post never change. Its always about how fat and ugly she is. Grace couldn’t look at the screen anymore. Tears shattered like glass as they hit the key board. She couldn’t sit there in silence anymore. She didn’t deserve what people were saying about her.
“Please, just stop. Please.” She begged. She hesitated before she posted it. She hit post and closed her eyes. When she opened them more than fifty people already responded to it.
“Or what? You’ll sit on me?”
“We’ll stop when you stop breathing!”
“You were a mistake!”
“You have the good end of the deal! You don’t have to look at that ugly thing you call a face like we do!”
“Too bad there’s no medicine for being ugly!”
“People with faces like yours don’t deserve to look at a face like mine!”
“Whats the name Grace mean? Giant Ridonkulous A** Ceasing Existence!”
She got goosebumps as she read more. Could people really be this mean? She hasn’t said a word to them. They don’t know her. How can they sit there while this fowl things come out of there mouths?
Grace couldn’t read it anymore. She shut her computer off and walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her perfect complexion stared back at her. She slapped herself.
“You’re ugly.” She scolded herself. She slapped herself again. “You’re fat.” She slapped herself again. “You’re not worth the air you breath.” She felt broken down and like no one loved her. She felt alone in her big, cold world.
She placed both hands firmly on the sink. Her face, glowing red, stayed perfectly still as she reached into the draw below the sink. Her hand slid across the draw until it felt something cold, hard, and sharp. She gripped it as she pulled it out. She slammed the draw shut as she slowly raise the razor to her face. She gazed at it as it caught the light. Her reflexion looked back at her. She looked down at her arm. She smoothy sliced her arm. She hung her arm at her side and looked at herself in the mirror. She was ashamed. She thought she deserved everything they said.
She breathed heavily as the blood dripped from her fingers. She picked up the blade again and sliced her arm again, and again, and again. She flinched at the pain but soon, her arm went numb. She couldn’t feel anything. She thought she should bleed to death. Maybe thats the death she thought she deserved. She didn’t deserve anything more. She soon came to her senses. She picked up the white towel by the sink and wrapped it around her arm. She kept pressure on it to try to stop the bleeding, but it didn’t. She finally gave up and took out some band aids. She put them on the open cuts and then made her way to her bed. She slowly crawled onto it and then laid down. Her straight blonde hair covered her face as she cried. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep. Crying always helped her fall asleep.

She opened one eye as the morning sun shine through the window and across her bed. The warmth tingled her skin. Her wrinkled clothes fell lose on her body. She took off her glasses and wiped the dried tears off. She heard two knocks as her door swung open. There stood her Mother.
“You’re late for school. Your sisters about to leave.” Her Mother told her.
“Okay.” Grace said quietly as she got up and walked to her bathroom. She jumped in the shower. When she got out she threw her beautiful blonde hair in a bun and threw on some clothes.
She sluggishly walked down stairs. She looked at her sister, Allie. She was standing by the door, in her cheerleading uniform, texting.
Allie was her Mother’s favorite. She was tall, skinny and beautiful. She didn’t do school but she did do cheer and boys. Allie was perfect, at least in her Mother’s eyes. Grace knew this but she loved her sister anyway. She knew thats what her Mother wanted her to look and be like, but Grace couldn’t. Thats not her. It would never be her.
“About time.” Allie said as Grace made her way towards her.
“I’m sorry.” Grace murmured.
“Its okay, ready?” Allie asked her.
“Yeah.” Grace mumbled.
As they left the house and began walking, silence grew between them. They never really had anything to talk about. Allie would loved to talk about Cheerleading and her new ‘boyfriend’ for the week and Grace wasn’t into things like that. Instead of figuring out a common topic, they spoke with no words.
Grace knew Allie loved her. She knew that Allie didn’t approve of how her friends treated Grace. Allie didn’t have to tell this to Grace. They had this type of relationship. They didn’t need to say what had to be said.
As they got closer to the school they heard a car come up behind them. The blue Volvo stopped and a boy jumped out of the car. Well, it wasn’t really a boy. It was a man. He had to at least be eighteen, nineteen or even twenty. Grace didn’t know but she knew that Allie wouldn’t listen to her.
“Hey, babe!” He shouted as he jumped out of the car and ran to her. He wrapped his arms around her as they kissed. The wind blew Allie’s bleach blonde hair.
“Tyler!” She greeted him after the kiss. His black straightened hair covered most of his eyes. His tall and slender body looked quite small in his skinny jeans and skater shoes.
With Allie it seemed like she had a new boyfriend every week. Grace didn’t approve of any of them. They were either drop outs or football stars or just plain idiots. Allie is pretty, young, and skinny and the head of the cheerleading team so she can get any and every guy she wants. Grace only worried about their ages compared to hers.
Not many people know Grace is Allie’s older sister. Allie and Grace don’t really talk during school. Allie stays with her friends and Grace stays by her self. She thinks its safer that way.
“Wanna ride?” Tyler asked Allie. She exchanged looks with Grace. Allie wanted to but she didn’t want to leave Grace. Grace nodded to Allie, giving her the okay to go. She jumped into Tyler’s arms as he got into the car. Grace watched as Allie waved goodbye.
This was usual behavior for Allie. She would always ditch Grace. At first, this hurt Grace. She wasn’t excepted in school and that was bad enough, but her sister was embarrassed of her too.
Grace held her books tight as she continued to walk down the empty road. Grace liked being alone. She can be herself when she’s alone, or at least try to. Grace had a gift. She could sing. Not just a simple note or two. She could belt out a song and make heads turn. Her voice sounded as if an angel had touched her. If anyone had heard her, they would get goosebumps. But of course, no one has ever heard her. She was judged on her looks. She was terrified of what people would say if they knew she could sing.
These people turned one beautiful girl into a walking locker. She shuts everything out and never lets anything in, terrified of what people might say or do.
When Grace was young, and her Father was alive, she use to be the apple of his eye. When he looked at her, he didn’t see a cubby girl. He saw a halo. He looked at her beautiful blue eyes and saw an angel in disguise. He’s the only one who’s ever heard her sing. She was so small, so innocent. He loved her for her. Grace knew that her Father was the only one who would ever understand her. That was until he died when she was ten. It was a tragic accident. He walked into a store to get some Ginger Ale for Grace because she was sick. Little did he know, he was walking into a hold up. Standing across the counter was a tall, dark man, wearing all black, holding a pistol to the man across the counter with his hands over his head.
Grace’s Father immediately stopped and tried to walk back out the store but the Gun man was too quick. He instantly pulled the trigger and three rounds of bullets went right through his chest. He fell flat as he lost consciousness.
Grace took it hard. The only man in her life. The only person who understood her, was gone. The only person who took the time to know her was gone. Her Mother didn’t pay much attention to her. She was to overwhelmed with little eight year old Allie. She knew she would never compare to Allie. How could she? She didn’t see herself as beautiful. She knew she wasn’t skinny. No one would even look past her outer appearance. No one ever gave her the benefit of the doubt.
As Grace made it further down the road she looked around, making sure no one was in sight. Satisfied, she began to sing.
“You feel out of breath, used up and broken down. Just like shattered glass, with pieces on the ground. Some days you wanna scream but you can’t make a sound. But you’re not alone. Here comes another day, here comes another fight. You’d rather give it up than give it one more try. Because no one understands how you feel inside but you’re not alone. Right now it feels like its the end of the world, like your battles are lost, you’ve been cheated. And just when you think that you can’t hold on any longer, hold on a little bit longer, Trust Me you’ll see! You’ll be so much stronger! So much stronger!” She sang. Her voice echoed through the tall tree’s.
“That was beautiful.” A strong, deep voice said behind her. She turned around quickly. In front of her stood Ryder. He was Grace’s first love, ever since kindergarten. But of course, she’s never said anything. Ryder wasn’t like the other boys. He hasn’t picked or pried like the others do.
Grace’s face turned red from embarrassment. She opened her mouth to talk but no words came out. She dropped her books. She bent down to pick them up as Ryder assisted her.
“Ever thought of trying out for the Talent Show?” He asked. Again, she opened her mouth but no words came out. He handed her her books as they stood up.
“No.” She murmured.
“You should. You have an amazing voice.” He smiled. She looked up at his sparkling white teeth.
“I, I have to go.” She scurried away.
“Consider it?” He asked as she picked up her pace. She sighed relieved as she reached the school. She went to her locker and buried her head into it, hoping the others wouldn’t see her this morning. She just can’t take another day of it. She just can’t.
“Look, I see Texas!” One of the guys shouted.
“Moo!” The others said as they passed. Grace closed her eyes as a tear fell from her cheek. If she could only make it to the bathroom. At least there, she could be alone.
She took her head out of the locker and looked at all the people, standing in front of her, making fun or her, laughing. She shook her head as she ran to the bathroom. She locked the door as she closed it. She walked over to the mirror and stared at her reflexion.
“This is not Grace! This is not me!” She screamed at herself as tears fell down her face. She dropped to her knee’s, as she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Why can’t I be me?” She cried. She couldn’t take it anymore. All her tears she tried to held in, stayed in no more.
She leaned against the cold blue walls as she covered her face. She didn’t come out of the bathroom at all that day. All she had to do was wait for three o’clock. Thats all she had to wait for. Then she will be free.
She stuck her head out of the bathroom after the three o’clock bell. She looked down the hallway, no body in sight. She slowly opened the door and began to the door. She was just feet from it when they came out. They showed up.
“Hey Godzilla!” One said as he pushed her against the wall.
“Hey thats mean!” Another said. Grace looked at her with sad eyes. 
“Thats mean to Godzilla!” She finished as she laughed. Another one of the guys came up and pushed her into another one. They tossed her back and forth.
“Please,” She begged.
“Wait? Did fatty say something?” One guy said. He started to walk towards her. She backed up until she hit the wall.
“Please, I didn’t do anything to you.” She begged. One of the girls came up to her and punched her.
“Maybe, I just don’t like how you look.” She spit in Grace’s face. Grace closed her eyes. She prayed that when she opened them, they’d be gone. But it didn’t happen. When she opened her eyes they started to kick her and hit her. She fell to the ground in tears as the pain spread through her body.
A teacher came out of her room when she heard all the noise. She looked at Grace lying on the floor. The gang of boys and girls ran outside.
“Hey! Come back here!” The teacher shouted but they didn’t listen. She knelt down beside Grace and put one hand on her back as she got out her cell phone and dialed 911.
“Please! I need help! A student has been attacked! Ridgeway School! Its 98 Main Street! Hurry!” She shouted. She placed the phone on the floor after she hung up. She brushed Grace’s hair out of her face and whispered,
“Don’t worry. Help is on the way.” She assure her. Grace clenched her eyes shut. She was praying this was a dream. Her body hurt everywhere. She couldn’t feel her leg. It was all tingly and numb. Then everything went black. She had hoped for death. Just maybe, God would go easy on her and kill her now.
The next thing she knew, she was in a hospital bed. She saw her Mother and Allie sitting in a chair next to her as she opened one of her eyes. She looked down at her body that was covered by a sheet.
“Grace!” Her Mother said. “How are you feeling?”
“Wh, where am I?” She asked.
“The hospital. What happened?” She asked. Grace knew exactly what happened, but who would believe her.
“I don’t remember.” She lied. Allie looked at her worried.
“Grace, I know you remember.” Allie looked at her. Grace knew if she told then they would just come after her again. Grace looked at her Mother who was looking down at her arms. Grace quickly covered them up and avoided eye contact.
“I don’t remember.” She mumbled. Allie shook her head in disappointment. She sat in the chair in the corner as a woman entered the room. She was a tall woman. She looked very serious. Her black hair rested on her back as she stopped dead in the doorway. She was dressed in a suit and held a manilla folder. Very intimidating.
“Hello, Grace.” She smiled. “I’m Detective Ames.”
“Detective?” Her Mother asked. “Why do we need a detective?”
“Ms. Teyler, we are here to examine your daughters condition and case.” She stated.
“We? What case?” Her Mother was so confused.
“Ms. Teyler,” She began.
“Patty, please.” Patty said.
“Patty, we are with the Detective Agency. We are just here to go through a few things with your daughter.” She smiled. Grace looked at Patty.
“What do you need?” Grace asked.
“Grace, can you tell us what happened?” She asked.
“I don’t remember.” She lied. Her gripped the sheet that covered her body. Detective Ames went through the folder.
“But it says here you don’t have a concussion or any memory loss.” She stated. Grace’s hands began to get sweaty.
“I, I just don’t remember.” She said.
“Grace, tell her.” Allie demanded. She stood up and walked over to Grace.
“I don’t remember.” Grace repeated.
“Grace!” Allie scolded her. Allie tore off the sheet and pointed to her body. “Look what they did to you! Look what they did!” Grace looked at her Mother. She had never seen her Mother cry before, at least not for her.
Grace looked down at her legs. One was black and blue, the other was in a cast. She looked at her arms which were cut and bruised from trying to stop the punches and protect her face. Allie grabbed the mirror off the wall and showed Grace her face. She gasped as she looked at her reflexion. Her beautiful blue eyes, now blood shot. Her clear skin, now black and blue. One eye was the size of a baseball.
“Look what they did to you! Look!” She shouted as Grace turned away from the mirror.
“Tell them who did this to you.” Grace’s Mother begged as she reached across the bed for her hand. Grace bit her lip as she made a hard discussion.
“I don’t remember.” She said as she turned to Allie and her Mother with tears in her eyes.
“How can you say that when you just saw what they’ve done to you!” Allie shouted at her. “They did it once! You know they will do it again! Grace, they’ve gone too far! Tell her!”
“I can’t.” Grace cried. “I just can’t.”
“Grace, we can protect you. We can put those people away. They won’t hurt you again.” Detective Ames assure Grace, but that wasn’t enough.
“Please leave.” Grace begged. Allie and the detective walked into the hallway as Grace and her Mother got a chance to talk.
“Why don’t you just tell the lady?” Patty cried.
“You don’t know what its like.” Grace closed her eyes. “You don’t know what I go through.”
“Then tell me!” She said.
“Why? Even if I tell you, you still won’t know! You will never know! You were always skinny! You were always popular! Everyone loved you! They still do! You don’t know what its like!” Grace shouted at her.
“Please, I will try to understand.” Patty begged with tears in her eyes.
“Just imagine. Everyday, another day or torture. They call me fatso, or China, or Texas, or they say I should go die. They call ‘moo’ as I pass them. They are the reason that I think, no, that I pray, that God would just end my suffering and kill me already. They don’t care that I’m a human being. They don’t care. And you didn’t either.” Grace sighed.
“I never treated you like that!” She argued.
“But you never took the time to try to find the real me and thats just as bad.” Grace explained.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me this before?” Patty asked.
“Because you wouldn’t have listened. You had Allie. What more could you ask for? She’s pretty, skinny and cheer captain. You didn’t need anymore. I was just a, an inconvenience.” Grace shook her head.
“I love you! Don’t you know that?” She asked. Grace shook her head. “I know I will never love you like your Father did but I’m still here.”
“Where were you when he died! You weren’t there! You were never there!” Grace shouted at her. Her Mother’s eyes watered up. “I know I’m not beautiful. I know I’m not skinny but that doesn’t make me any less of a daughter than Allie is.” She spoke softly.
“You are beautiful. You are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen! Weight has nothing to do about it.” Patty shook her head. Her cheaply died blonde hair fell to her shoulders.
Grace turned her face, not wanting to look at her Mother. Her neck stung as she rested it on her pillow. All of her body stung.
“Tell me who put my beautiful daughter in this hospital bed.” She begged as she squeezed Grace’s hand.
“I,” Grace paused as her crying took over her body. This is the moment she’s been waiting for. She’s wanted her Mother to know how’s she felt all her life and now its here she can’t tell her what needs to be said. “I can’t.” Patty stood up and walked out of the room in a hurry. She covered her mouth, not wanting to let out any sobs.
The detective walked in and closed the sliding door. She pulled up the chair and sat silently as she watch Grace.
“What?” Grace asked after a while.
“Nothing. I’m just wondering how.” She stated.
“How what?” Grace asked as she turned to her.
“How you can look and see what they did to you and still, not say a word. They will strike again. You’re not the only victim of this. There are others. You could be saving others. Just tell me there names and,” She was going to go on but Grace didn’t care or want to hear it.
“No! I know they will strike again. I’ve been a victim for years. I know it won’t stop and I know nothing and no one will stop them. Please, leave me.” Grace begged her. She sighed as she stood up. She slowly walked to the door and then stopped. “You’re not alone.” She looked over her shoulder and then walked out.
Grace was left with a lot to think about. She was terrified, not only for her life but for what they might do. To her, to others. She knew she had to tell them there names but she knew they wouldn’t get charges. They would be free to hurt her even more than they already have.
Grace had hoped, in that moment, that God would spare her. That he would take her. That he would finally give her a break. She’s had enough. She couldn’t take it anymore.
Grace stayed in the hospital for a while. The nights grew long as her body ached for her recovery. Allie wouldn’t look at her. Her Mother wouldn’t either. Grace was alone, once again. But she liked the silence. She could think. She could sing. When she was alone she didn’t have to hide what she loved. She didn’t have to hide her.
“How are you feeling today?” The nurse asked.
“Better.” Grace answered.
“Well, at least in a day or two you will be out of here and with your friends again.” She smiled and then left.
“Yeah, friends.” Grace whispered as the nurse closed the door. Grace has never really had any friends. No one would take the chance to get to know the real her. No one even tried.
“Grace Teyler?” Asked a mans voice outside her door. Grace sat up as she looked at who it was. It was Ryder. He put his hands into his skinny jeans as he walked over to her bed.
“Grace,” He smiled.
“Ryder?” She asked.
“Oh, good. You know my name.” He joked. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m getting out later today.” She smiled. He flipped his brown hair to the side as he took a seat.
“I was worried.” He chuckled as he sat down.
“Worried? Why?” She asked. No one has ever worried about her before. Well, at least no one special.
“Because, I thought something bad happened to you.” He explained. His beautiful brown eyes looked into Grace’s blue eyes. “Who did this to you?”
“N-, no one.” She lied.
“Grace,” He sighed.
“No, really! I fell.” She lied again.
“You fell.” He repeated.
“Yes, I fell.” She repeated.
“How do you explain the scrapes, the black eye, the broken leg?” He asked.
“Sharp stairs. Um, I hit the edge with my eye and my knee shattered because it hit the stairs.” She explained awkwardly.
“We can help you if you just tell us who did it.” He begged.
“No one can help me.” Grace argued. Her voice was so emotionless. She had truly given up hope. “Why are you even here?”
“Because I care about you, Grace.” He explained but she didn’t buy it.
“About me? Why? Is this another prank? Am I on camera again like last time?” Grace asked as she stood up. She looked around the room and shouted, “Here I am! For all you to mock! I’m fat! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
“Grace, I’m serious.” He stood up and touched her hand. She pulled hers away.
“How can you care about someone as ugly as me.” She said. It was in the form of a question but she didn’t ask it, she was more of stating it.
“You’re the most beautiful person, inside and out, that I’ve ever known.” He explained.
“Please leave.” She begged.
“But, Grace!” He stuttered.
“Please!” She begged. He walked out and closed the door. Grace didn’t believe him. She couldn’t imagine someone loving or caring for someone as ugly as her. What Grace didn’t see was that she wasn’t ugly. She was beautiful. More beautiful than any of the girls that were tormenting her. She’s been called ugly and fat so many times, that she’s begun to believe it.
The car ride home was silent. Grace had nothing to say to her family but they had plenty to say to her.
One thing really started to bug her. Was Ryder really serious? Had he really liked her all these years? Will he ever talk to her again after the way she talked to him?

The worst thing about it all to Grace, was having to go back to school the next day. She didn’t want to face them. She didn’t know or want to know what they would say.
When she got to school she was pulled into a janitors closet. Her heart raced as she fell to the ground and her books spread across it. She looked at the three pairs off feet. She looked up to find Alana, Jeremy, and Trey.
Alana was one of the cheerleaders. Well, she was Allie’s best friend to be more specific. She was a tall brunet with a very slimming figure. Her bangs covered her forehead as she stood over Grace. Her brown eyes looked black in the dim lighting of the closet.
Trey, a tall soccer jock, stood staring at her. He ran his fingers through his black, spiked hair.
Jeremy pulled her off from the ground and gripped along the collar of her shirt. His black hair sat on his shoulders. His black, button up shirt opened, showing his grey muscle shirt.
“Who’d you tell!” He demanded.
“No one! I swear!” She cried.
“Then why is some woman going around asking questions!” Alana shouted. All Grace could think of was Detective Ames. She must have been snooping.
“I don’t know! I swear, I didn’t tell a soul!” Grace tried to convince them.
“If we find out you did, then you won’t have to live another day.” Jeremy threatened. Grace gulped as he released her shirt.
“You better not tell anyone that we had this little talk.” Trey threatened. They left as she fell to her knee’s. Tears rolled down her plump cheeks.
When she was ready to come out of the janitors closet she slowly walked down the hallway. Thats when she spotted Detective Ames. She was talking to the teacher that found Grace in the hallway.
Grace marched up to her and pulled her aside. Detective Ames looked shocked as Grace’s anger.
“Stop!” Grace demanded.
“Stop what?” She asked confused.
“Stop asking about me! You are just making things worst!” Grace shouted.
“How? Have they done anything else to you?” She asked worried. This was just making Grace more upset. She didn’t want her digging in her business. She would just make things worst this way.
“Just, please, stop.” Grace begged. Detective Ames looked into Grace’s eyes. She saw more than just one layer. She saw a girl with dreams that can touch the sky and a broken heart.
“Grace, I cannot stop. I have a duty. Until you tell me who they are, I’m going to have to find out myself. This isn’t something I take lightly.” She told her.
“You’re duty is to protect and help. You don’t understand what you are doing. If you want to help me then you have to stop. Please, just walk away. Please.” Grace begged.
“I can’t.” She sighed.
“You don’t know what you’re doing. You won’t ever know!” Grace shouted as she walked away. She knew that they were going to get a hold of her. She knew it.
She clenched to her bag as she walked down the road. The sky was dark and it had just got done raining. Her shoes slashed in the puddles as she stepped onto the side walk. Allie was still at the school for cheer practice.
As her surroundings grew quiet, Grace heard footsteps as she went further down the street. She stopped and stood dead silent. She could only hear her heart beating, furiously inside her. She turned around and looked from side to side, to find no one there.
“Its okay, Grace. Just relax. You’re just tired.” She shook her head. She continued to walk but as soon as she did, she heard footsteps again. Again, she turned around to find no one there.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” She called as she looked around. No one answered. She began to walk again, but faster and more swiftly. When she heard the footsteps again she turned around. This time, they didn’t have enough time to hide. In front of her stood Jeremy, Alana and Trey. Grace walked backwards to get away from them but she tripped on the sidewalk. She went down hard as she hit the cement. “Wha, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, no reason.” Alana grinned.
“Were just here to spend some time with our favorite person.” Smiled Trey.
“I, I told her to leave you guys alone. I, I, I told her it wasn’t anyone. I told her I didn’t remember.” Grace stuttered.
“You, you, you,” Jeremy mocked her as they laughed with him.
“What did I ever do to you?” Grace asked. They all stood silent, thinking of a reason but they didn’t have one. “Exactly! I’ve never done anything to you! To any of you!” She shouted at them. They backed up as she stood up and began walking towards them. Grace has had. She was tired of being pushed around and bullied. She wasn’t going to stand for it anymore, at least not if she could help it.
“Shut up!” Alana shouted. She tried to come towards Grace but Trey held her back.
“Shut up! Who do you think you are?” Jeremy said as he walked towards her. His black hair covered his face as the wind blew furiously. He walked towards Grace even more. She back up but stopped at the line of the woods. Her back bumped into the bushes as she couldn’t go anymore. Grace knew there was a drop off. Just behind the bush, the ground went down more than ten feet. She couldn’t back up anymore with falling.
“Jeremy, be careful.” Alana warned him. Grace looked at her with wide eyes, terrified.
“Shut up!” Jeremy scolded her. He pushed Grace again and again. She held onto the bush behind her but with one final push, she couldn’t hold on anymore. As her palms got sweaty, her grip loosened. Her feet kicked the dirt as she tried to keep her balance. Jeremy gave her one place push that sent her over the edge. She held out her hands, hoping one of them would try to save her, but no one did.
Alana gasped as she watched Grace fall. Jeremy’s eyes widened as he just realized what he had done.
“Jeremy!” Alana shouted.
“Sh! Just shut up! Let me think!” He paced back and forth. They all stood at the edge and looked down at Grace’s body. Her neck was twisted in a way it shouldn’t be. There’s hearts beat furiously in the chest as Grace’s stopped.
“Is she?” Alana couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I don’t know.” Jeremy muttered.
“Go check!” Trey pushed Jeremy. Jeremy looked at him, his pupils so big there was no color. He gulped big.
“Okay.” He whispered. He slowly walked around the drop off. He slowly walked towards Grace’s limp body. Her knelt down beside her. He poked her. She didn’t move. He poked her again and then looked up at Trey.
“Grace?” Jeremy asked but she didn’t reply. “Grace?” He repeated as he placed his hand on her arm.
“Try to find her pulse.” Trey shouted. Jeremy nodded and then placed his hand on her neck. He felt a pulse. It was slight. So slight that it was hardly a pulse. He didn’t want to tell them. He knew they would try to take her to a hospital. He can’t ruin his life. Not over one girl.
“Well?” asked Alana.
“Nothing.” Jeremy said very convincingly. Alana and Trey walked down beside him.
“What are we going to do?” Trey asked.
“Trey, go to your house and grab a tarp, a shovel, and a rag. We need to get rid off all prints.” Jeremy said as he buried his head into his hands. Trey left to go with Alana. Jeremy dragged himself over to the wall of the drop off. He leaned against it and stared at her body.
“How could I do this? What am I going to do? My whole life is ahead of me. Well, was ahead of me. It was all harmless. This wasn’t suppose to happened. They can’t find out. They can’t find out.” He thought to himself.
“I’m sorry.” He said aloud. It didn’t take long for Trey and Alana to get back. They walked over to Jeremy and kicked his leg. He jumped up.
“O-, okay.” He shook off his jitters. He took the rag from Alana and wiped down Grace’s neck. He then carefully rolled her over onto the tarp. He wrapped her up and then started to drag her.
“Where are you taking her?” Alana asked.
“I’m going to bury her.” He sighed.
“What?” Alana gasped. “Jeremy, she’s a human being, not a dog!” Jeremy marched over to her and firmly placed both hands on her shoulders.
“Look at her body! She’s dead! If you want to go to prison and meet some nice lady named Burneice with very big hands, then go ahead! Not me, I’m not letting this ruin my life.” He let go of her and walked back to the body. Alana started kicking dirt to cover the path from dragging her. Trey shook his head. None of them approved of this but Jeremy is the only one who knows the part that couldn’t change everything.
“How much farther?” Trey asked.
“Just a little bit more.” Jeremy answered. They have gone almost a mile into the woods. Jeremy stopped at a barren part in the middle of it. There was less tree’s and more open spaces. The ground was soft from the rain. Grace and the tarp was covered in mud.
Trey handed Jeremy the shovel and he began to start digging. Alana bit her lip as she began to shake. Her heart was pounding so hard that you could almost feel it. Trey kept running his hands through his hair as he paced. He began to mumble to himself.
“How... this isn’t... dead.... dead.... no... no... dead...” He couldn’t form full sentences.
“Okay.” Jeremy breathed as he stuck the shovel in the ground. “Roll her in.” He said. Trey began to grip the tarp but Alana stopped him.
“Wait! Shouldn’t we say something... I mean she’s not a pet dog, she’s a-” Jeremy cut her off.
“Yes, a human. We know. Just roll her in.” Jeremy demanded. Just as he said so the sky grew even darker than it already was. A big cloud rolled over their heads and it crackled as lightening struck a near by tree. Alana jumped as she looked around.
Trey gripped the tarp and dragged her into the hole. She ‘thumped’ as she hit the solid ground.
“Now what?” Trey asked as he wiped the sweat on his forehead. His hands were black with dirt.
“Now, we bury her.” Jeremy said as if it was the easiest decision ever. Alana’s hand shook rapidly as she raised it to her arm.
“Jeremy,” Her voice was unsteady and she sounded terrified. “What, what if she’s not,” She couldn’t finish the sentence. She closed her eyes as she shivered at the thought.
“Yeah, man. What if she isn’t dead? Are you sure?” Trey asked as he put him arm around Alana to comfort her. At this point, neither of them could wrap their head around what was happening.
“Look, neither of you can believe me and we can bring this body to the authorities right now. But let me tell you, if we do then we will go to jail. They’re not going to give us a chance. This will be the end. Kiss college goodbye. Kiss a life or a family goodbye because this will be it. Think about it.” Jeremy said in a stern voice. He didn’t show it, but he was trembling inside.
Trey walked over to Jeremy and picked up the shovel. It shook with his hands as he stuck it into the loose dirt. He picked it up as he sighed. He looked down at Grace.
“I’m so sorry.” He shook his head as he dropped the dirt onto her face. Just as he did so, the rain came down. It beat furiously on her cold body. It filled most of the hole and soaked the dirt even more.
Alana sat down beside the hole and covered her face. She cried into her hands but no one could hear her. The rain was louder than all of them combined. Trey looked over at her sitting there in the mud. He handed the shovel to Jeremy and he took over. Trey wiped his hands on his jeans as he walked over to Alana. He looked down at her and then sat next to her.
“What are we going to do?” She screamed over the rain. Her tears still fell but they just looked like rain drops. He put his arm around her and she buried her face into his chest. “Were murderers.”
“No, don’t think about it. You didn’t do anything. This is all a bad dream. It will be over tomorrow. Don’t think about it.” He tried to comfort her but it didn’t help.
“Its not a dream. It will never be over. Never.” She cried as she looked over at Grace’s body that was slowly being covered. “What have we done?”
“Nothing! We didn’t do anything!” He shouted.
“I, I can’t do this.” She shook her head. Jeremy patted the top of the soil as she was finally covered. The rain beat furiously down on the top of it as he walked over to them with the shovel over his shoulder.
“Okay, lets clear something up right now.” He said in a mean, almost cold voice. “This never happened. You don’t know anything about it and it never leaves our lips again.” He said and then Trey and Alana nodded. “Okay?” He screamed.
“Okay.” Alana flinched.
“Okay, man.” Trey nodded, while helping Alana up.
“I’ll get rid of the shovel.” He said as they all came out of the woods. Alana and Trey watched as Jeremy went into his garage and put the shovel there. Alana and Trey stood in the rain for a little bit. Alana hugged him as he hair clung to her shirt.
“Its going to be okay.” He assured her. She nodded as he went to his house.
She continued to walk to her house. On her way there she passed Grace’s house. She looked at it, almost shaking, when she heard her name called.
“Alana!” Allie shouted from the porch. She motioned for Alana to come to her. Alana crossed her arms as she jogged to Allie. “Hey.” Allie hugged her.
“Sorry, I’m wet.” Alana smiled.
“What are you doing in the rain?” asked Allie. Alana opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Allie looked at her confused.
“I, I went for a walk and it began to pour.” She smiled. She was terrible at lying and Allie knew that.
“Alana, its been raining for the last twenty minutes.” Allie stated.
“It was a long walk.” She tried to save herself.
“Alana, are you okay?” Allie asked.
“Yeah, yes, I’m fine.” She smiled an obvious fake smile. She knew Allie was getting onto her. “Well, I have to go.” She said and then scurried away.
“Wait! I thought you were coming over!” Allie shouted to her from the porch.
“Sorry! I have other plans! Maybe another night!” Alana shouted over the rain pitter pattering on the roof of the porch. Allie shook her head as she went inside. She sat across her Mother at the kitchen table. She sighed as she set down.
“What is it?” Her Mother asked as she set down her coffee.
“Alana,” She answered. “She’s acting really weird.”
“I’m sure its nothing.” Her Mother dismissed it. Allie nodded. “Have you seen Grace?”
“No.” Allie answered.
“You sure? She was suppose to come home right after school.” Her Mother asked again.
“No, I haven’t seen her.” Allie repeated.
“Okay. Oh, um, some kid, I think his name was Tyler, called you.” She guessed.
“Okay. Thanks.” Allie smiled as she went to her room. She picked up the phone and called Tyler.
“Hey.” She smiled.
“Hey.” He copied.
“What did you need?” She asked.
“Nothing.” He answered.
“Oh, okay. Have you seen Grace around?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah! I saw her walking home after I left the school after meeting you before your practice.” He answered.
“She never made it home.” Allie stated.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be home sooner or later.” He assured her. Then she heard voices in the back ground. “I’m going to have to call you later.” He said and then hung up.
Allie shook off the dis and took a nap. She was woken up the next morning by her Mother.
“Allie!” She shouted. “Where’s Grace!”
“I don’t know.” Allie said while rubbing her eyes. She squinted as the sun shined through her window. “Why?”
“Because she never came home.” Her Mother said nervously while opening her shades even more. Allie flinched at the bright light. “You’re pale, you need some light.” Her Mother said but she was just trying to avoid the subject.
“Wait, she never came home?” Allie asked.
“No, thats why I asked you where she was.” Her Mother stated.
“Just wait a bit, she’ll come back.” Allie shook it off.
“I need some coffee.” Her Mother shook her head as she walked out and went down stairs to make some coffee.
Allie got up and picked up her phone. She looked at the time and saw it was twelve forty two.
“Sh!t!” She mumbled as she realized she was late for practice. She threw on some sweats and a sports bra and ran to the school. When she got there the girls were just finishing up.
“Okay girls! Great job!” Maria praised them. They picked up there pom pom’s and went to the locker room. Alana sat in the grass, tying her shoe. Allie walked over to Maria.
“So, you decided to show up.” She smiled.
“Don’t get sassy with me! I’m still the captain of this team.” She playfully swatted her pom pom on her.
“Allie, you’ve missed so many practices.” She sighed.
“You know Grace needed me.” Allie tried explaining.
“Allie, we have regionals just two weeks away. We need you here.” Maria said.
“Grace needs me more.” Allie murmured. Maria sighed.
“The team has decided that if you can’t make it to the practices and work as a team then,” She paused for a second. “Then, they want me to take over as captain.”
“But I’ve always been captain. I’ve been with this team since second grade. You, everyone’s just going to vote me off?” Allie didn’t know what to think. She’s always had cheerleading. It was her life, her whole life.
“I’m sorry.” Maria shook her head.
“I thought we were friends.” Allie didn’t understand.
“Its not my decision.” Maria tried to explain. She picked up her pom pom’s and went to the locker room with the other girls. Allie sat in the grass. She didn’t know what to think. She’s always been captain. Always.
Alana stood up and walked over to her. She sat down in the grass with her. At first, they sat in silence. Alana’s conscience screamed at her. She couldn’t even think.
“I, I didn’t vote.” Alana spoke.
“Thanks.” Allie smiled. “At least I still have one friend.” Alana smiled at her. Inside, she was dying, but she couldn’t let it show.
“Well, I have to go.” Alana said while standing up. Allie stood up with her.
“Wait, do you want to come over?” Allie asked. Alana looked at her blue eyes. At this moment she felt broken down. She needed a friend and Alana knew this.
“Yeah.” Alana smiled. They walked back to her house and went upstairs.
“Has Grace come home yet?” Allie asked as she walked through the door and threw her bag on the couch.
“No.” Her Mother answered from the kitchen. She walked out with her apron on and flour on her face. “Oh, hello, Alana.” She smiled.
“Hi, Mrs. Teyler.” Alana smiled. “By any chance, have you seen Grace around?” She asked Alana. Alana stood silently for a second. She was terrified that if she opened up her mouth, she would say the wrong thing.
“No.” Alana finally said.
“Okay. If you do then tell her I’m looking for her.” She smiled.
“Will do.” Alana replied. Allie took her arm and they headed for her room. Allie jumped onto her couch and turned on the radio. The song “Ours” by Taylor Swift came on so she quickly changed it.
“That chicks got a song for everything.” Allie chuckled.
“You got that right.” Alana agreed as she took a seat next to Allie. They sat in silence while Allie surfed through stations. “How long have we known each other?” Alana asked. Allie looked up at her a little confused.
“Since we were just little tots.” Allie smiled. “Why?”
“No reason.” Alana quickly answered. “You know I love you and your my best friend, right?”
“Yes. Are you okay?” Allie asked. She felt her forehead. “You’re not warm.”
“I’m fine. I’m not sick.” Alana chuckled while removing her hand.
“Why are you asking this?” Allie got more serious.
“I don’t know. Just wanted to make sure.” Alana smiled.
“Lunch!” Patty shouted from down stairs. Allie stood up and pulled up her blue tank top.
“You hungry?” asked Allie.
“Yeah.” Alana nodded. She followed Allie as she walked to the kitchen.
“How do you guys feel about pancakes?” Patty asked.
“Yummy.” Alana smiled.
“Good, ‘cause you’re gonna eat them wether you want to or not.” Patty smiled. Alana and Allie chuckled as they took their seats. Patty slid them their plates from across the counter.
Patty took off her apron and folded it up and hung it on the oven bar. She walked over to the door and started putting on her shoes.
“Mom, where you going?” Allie asked while taking another bite.
“To the police station.” She said as she stood up. Alana gulped loudly and then started to cough.
“Are you okay?” Allie asked while patting her back.
“Yeah,” She said while catching her breath. “Went down the wrong tube.”
“Why?” asked Allie to her Mother.
“Its not like Grace to not come home. I’m just going to tell them she’s missing.” She muttered.
“Missing?” Alana asked.
“Mom, I’m sure she’s going to show up.” Allie said. Alana nodded in agreement. Patty sighed.
“Its just not like her.” She shook her head.
“Then go.” Allie smiled. Patty walked over to the mantle and picked up a picture of her. She walked over to Allie and kissed her cheek.
“Love you, I’ll be back soon!” She said as she closed the door. Alana sat nervously at the table. The clinking of silverware just made her more jittery.
“So, I see you and Trey are spending some time together.” Allie smiled as she pushed Alana.
“No.” Alana blushed.
“Girl, its not secret that you loovveeee him.” Allie smiled.
“No!” Alana said loudly. Her voice was serious. “No. We’re just friends.” She said more quietly.
“Okay, okay.” Allie stood down.

Its was hours before Patty came back. She was a little shaken up when she walked through the front door. Her skin looked even more pale than usual.
“Mom, are you okay?” Allie asked while coming from up stairs. Patty took a seat.
“They, they won’t do anything.” She shook her head.
“What do you mean? Why not?” Allie asked. Alana’s face struck terror.
“Because it hasn’t been forty eight hours.” She explained. Allie looked at her phone.
“Its been pretty close to it.” Allie stated.
“But not close enough.” Patty sighed. “Allie, I’m worried. This isn’t like Grace. I think they did something. I think she’s hurt.”
“What?” Allie asked.
“I’m serious. You know she would never run away or go anywhere without permission. She’s too much of a goody two shoes. This isn’t like her. I really think they did something.” Patty said.
“I’m sure she’s fine.” Alana tried to steer the conversation.
“Mom, I think you’re probably right.” Allie realized.
“Now guys, lets not point fingers until we actually know the facts.” Alana smiled.
“Call Detective Ames.” Allie suggest. Patty got up and took the phone.
It was only minutes before she got there. She walked inside and Patty escorted her to the couch.
“What can I help you with?” She asked.
“Grace, she’s missing.” Allie answered. Detective Ames eyes widened.
“How long?” She asked.
“About forty hours.” Patty answered.
“Ms. Teyler, I’m going to tell you something but I don’t want it to leave the room.” She said and looked up at Allie and Alana. They nodded in agreement.
“Did they hurt her?” Patty asked.
“I don’t know but that would be my best guess.” She answered. “I’m going to go to the police station and I’m going to get them to investigate by my side.” She said and then stood up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.04.2012

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