
Just A Kiss (Part 4)
By: Morgan ~zzmbrashear~

This is the fourth book to the Just a Kiss Series. A lot had happened in Miley’s life. A lot of things that James didn’t sign up for. Does James finally break? What happens to Michelle? Is everything just to much for Miley? Read and find out:) Don’t forget to add for your favorites and Comment! Love you all!

<<>> Just A Kiss Part 4 <<>>

When he came out he looked just as tired as we were. It was three a.m and I still had my red dress on. The doctor could tell we’ve had a rough, hard night.
“Is she okay?” I asked immediately.
“Are you her family?” He asked.
“We are the closet thing she has.” James replied. The doctor nodded.
“Sit down.” He said directly. This made me worried.
“No, I need to stand.” I replied.
“Okay.” He said. “Mrs. Matthews, Michelle is in a comma.”
“What?” I gasped. I took it in and processed it. “What about the baby?” I asked calmly.
“The baby was terminated in the fall.” I gasped again. Tears fell from my face. “She looks good. There is a good chance she can come out of this without any problem.” I knew there was always a but.
“But?” James asked while holding me.
“But, every second that she is in the comma is more of a chance for brain damage.” He explained.
“But there’s a chance, right? That she will be totally fine.” I asked.
“A small chance.” He answered.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.04.2012

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