
Heyy everyone this is my advice column! Read and if you have any thing you need help with just message me and I will try to give you the best advice that I can!

By: Queen Latifah

Last year I had dated this guy named Robe. Things didn't work out and so I broke up with him even though I really liked him. This year we got in touch again and I started flirting with him and everything and I had even debated on asking him to the Winter Formal at my highschool...then I found out he had a girlfriend. Weeks later he texted me n he eventually asked me if I still liked him. I didn't want to lie so I told him that I did, but I didn't want to disrespect his and his girlfriend's relationship. He texted ack that he liked me to, but that he wanted to stay with his girlfriend for as long as he could...what does that even mean??? And now he won't leave me alone! He's always asking me if I think about him, and if I think he's changed at all and etc...I don't know what to do...I really, REALLY like this guy...but I can't talk to him without feeling guilty or without feeling awkward...what's wrong with me? What should I do? Should I ignore him????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Advice: Well first, there is nothing wrong with you! You are just trying to follow your heart. Second, don't let him trick you. It sounds like he's trying to get you to help him cheat on his girlfriend. I know that you really love him but I think that you should let him go. If he truly loves you then he would break up with this girl in a heart beat. I would ignore him but first make it clear to him that if you can't have him all that you shouldn't have to settle for a piece of him. Hope that helps:)

By: SchoolFriend

My friend asked me this today and I don't know how to respond. "When a guy is in a relationship with a girl and he don't love her - she is only his ''bedroom-girl'' - should I tell it her?"

Advice: This is a tough one because you don't want to hurt this girl. You have to think of this in a different perspective. You have to ask yourself that if this girl was you and you were just getting use and you didn't know it, would you want to know? I would want to know. The girl might not believe you at first but try to make her understand that your just trying to help her and to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

By: ButterflyGirl

Okay, well I am currently a Junior in High School. One more year left...I know. I should be excited but I'm not. The reason why? Because I have one year left to see his face. Yes, this is about love.

It all started in 8th grade, Junior High School. I had class with this boy, and he was so gorgeous. I was so shy, I wanted to confess to him but I couldn't so I told my friend Katelyn, and she immediately told him how I feel. I kind of got upset since I am the ONE crushing on him not her, I should be able to tell him my OWN feelings. But I knew I couldn't. He was in mall my main classes except science. My teachers eventually found out and moved my seat right next to him. It was so embarrassing..

After all 4 years past, I still liked the guy. My feelings were trapped inside me, I didn't now why I felt like this. He was the first guy to take my heart. I always thought we had a connection, some of my friends told me but I thought they just agreed to get out of the conversation. Our eyes always met in the hallways, and every time it did he held my gaze. We would stare at each other for like what seemed forever. One day, my friend Katelyn (same one) called his name and brought him over to us. I made a whistle in my Culture Art Class and i thought it looked like crap. It kind of did. It was supposed to be a bird and looked like a deformed duck. She asked him if my project looked good. He didn't even glance at my project and only stared at me and said "Of course, it's cute." I blushed and looked away without saying thanks which I should of did. After that, I always told myself I have to talk to him before its too late. But I gave up after he got a girlfriend. But for some reason I'm not jealous. I sort of feel.... happy for him. Besides if I'm never going to be able to have the courage to talk to him, I still wish he could be happy. I saw him yesterday in the hallways with his current girlfriend. I did a quick glance but when I saw his face, he looked like he wasn't..happy. I don't know, but he didn't look at all interested into what she was saying.

To cut it short, just looking at his face or being around him gives me butterflies and makes me blush really hard. I don't know what to do. Advice?

Advice: Well, it seems like you were struck with cupids Arrow. If I were you I would tell him how you feel. I know it isn't as easy as it sounds but if he really doesn't feel the same way (and I think he does) then number 1, its his lose. and number 2, if he says he doesn't then in a week or two he will forget and it will go back to normal. Don't let him be the one that got away. You will regret it.

By: Miss Confused

last year i did some stupid stuff. i dated a guy and we broke up two and a half weeks later because he thought i was cheating (which i wasn't) i was okay. i even got him to go out with my friend who had a crush on him. then while she was away sick for a week he cheated on her with a chick that later on cheated on him with his best friend and every time he was with her he would look at me like he used to. there were a lot of fights between him and me about him cheating on her. but now its a new year. i just want to forget him. but i thunk he still likes me and i still have love for him in me. but i don't want to date him again yet i i don't know what im doing. if i should go for it again.

Advice: Looks like a lot of Drama. It seems like he is the lying and cheating type. Some girls fall for there first love and once your attached its hard to get over him. I had a situation similar to this and its been almost two years since I've seen this guy and honestly I have no feelings for him. I think over time you will forget him. If he cheated once you know he is going to cheat again. I think it will just cause heart break. Hope this helps...

By: Miss Gothica

There is this guy I dated a few years ago and I never really got over him, the next year he dated my best friend and i still like him, is that okay? Also that same friend this year is dating another one of my ex-boyfriends, is it wrong to still want to be her friend? And lastly, I told 2 of my best friends my biggest secret and they instantly became worried, they told our homeroom teacher and she told the counsilor. I know they were just watching out for me but ever since I told them they haven't really spoken to me, what should I do?

Advice: Its okay that you still like your ex boyfriend but the question you should ask your self if you think its right that your friend is dating your ex. In my school there is sort of a code that you don't date your friends ex's because it causes trouble and feelings take a while to go away and i know it hurts when you love someone and he ends up loving your friend. Its not wrong to still want to be your friends friend still because you shouldn't let ex's or boyfriends come between you because friends will always be there when your boyfriend wont. Lastly, Your friends might think that your mad at them for blowing your secret. I don't know what your secret is but I would be a little mad but I would also think of that they love you and want you to be safe. They are just looking out for you and Im sure telling wasn't easy for them either. I would tell them that your not mad at them and that you thank them for helping you get help.

By: ~AlexandraX

so i was dating this dude and he cheated on me when he was drunk and he told me as soon as he sobered up and seen the video... i forgave him about it but then this chick kissed him and he didn't stop her so he felt guilty and we broke up. he's got a new girlfriend now, and i've got a new boyfriend... i'm still in love with him and he's still in love with me.
he doesn't love his girlfriend, but i do love my boyfriend as well as him... WHat should i do??
Plus; we still tell each other we love each other, even though we're dating different people... would you consider that cheating??

Advice: Once a cheater always a cheater. I would stick with your boyfriend you have now because he seems like a safer choice. I know people say follow your heart and mushy things like that but you have to think of what will have the best outcome. If he's cheated on you once chances are he will do it again no matter how many times he says he wont. Its just a guy thing. The next time may no be on purpose but it will most likely happen. I don't think Saying you love each other is cheating because you should love all your friends but I wouldn't go any further than saying I love you because you may cause trouble with your boyfriend and his girlfriend.

By: Susan Thorne

Okay, so I have heard that a lot of people are getting blocked by people who used to be friends. I too have had this happen to me. What do you think someone should do if they are blocked without explanation?

Advice: If they blocked you then you must have done something for them to block you but if you know them personally I would ask them about it because maybe its just a misunderstanding or something but other than that I would just forget them.

By: XxAngryScenexX

me and my best friend have been friends since we were 8. but were 12 now, and were fighting so much to the point where we avoid eachother, not wanting to fight again. im trying to think of what causes the fighting and the only thing i can think of the fact that were both changing styles and what not, and neither of us agrees with the other's change, and we make sure to say it in a not nice way, because we want the other to know how we feel.
Im sick of fighting with her, i want things to go back to normal, because im srtaying the same way I've pretty much always been, only catagorizing it (I'm Scene) but shes gone way out Emo, and she hates to hear my opinion about it. she wont let me do some things with her, because its for 'emos' and i cant 'screamo' ot im not emo, and it hurts my feelings and makes me jealous and mad.
i just dont know what to do.

Advice: I don't know how your relationship was before the fight but I don't think that best friends would let something like "styles" let it come between them. I'm not scene or emo but I do have scene friends and we are fine with each other and even if you two don't agree with your others change why does it really matter because you both are friends and you shouldn't care what the other looks like because (and I know its cheesy but its true) what really matters is on the inside. I would stop avoiding each other and talk it out. Explain to her that although you don't like her choices and that she don't like yours that your friends and clothing or hair type shouldn't define whether that friendship sustains. (And you could apologize for judging what she wears because chances are that she will apologize too) haha:)

By: XxMisUnderstoodxX

this is what my best friend posted on my wall, and called me once more to yell at me, yesterday and that was it. I honestly havent been copying her, but to be her friend again i have to chnge, and i dont want to, but i need her and dont want another enemt, and im already depressed. jelp, change and be her friend or stay true to myself?

Advice: Don't change. Be yourself. Never let anyone change you. Even if you did copy her thats just because you like her style. She should feel happy that someone likes her style. Don't change who you are for a person thats not your true friend. Be by people who love who you are for you. Not someone who is giving you an altermatum and is saying that if you don't change I wont be your friend because a true friend wont do that. You are who you are. There are thousands of things in this world like "hair extensions" and "bands" and everyone wears them. People cant get mad because you do too.

By: Stupid Zombie Muffin

So i was with this boy, named Joe, and we dated but then we broke up, after awhile i went out with another boy, Steve, Steve was always happy when he was here, one day we were hanging out and then he had to leave, we were texting when he got home and then he just stopped relpying. he waited three days or more before he sent me a message saying that he thinks we need to break up, cuz his dad wont give him money to ride the bus anymore, it was like $3.45
my ex joe was still in love with me, while i was with steve, Joe was always saying i hate seeing you happy with Steve, call me selfish but i really hate it and my family and all of my friends think that Joe said something to Steve or threatned him, making him break up with me, what do you think? Advice..

Advice: I, personally, don't know "Joe" so I don't know if he would have been the kind of person to threaten someone. If he is anything like my ex, I wouldn't put him against it. Guys can get kind of crazy. I would go to Joe and ask him to be honest with you and see if he did and if that doesn't work I would talk to Steve and find the real reason and find out his true feelings.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2012

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