
By: zzmbrashear
This is book two. Hope you like:) All comments are useful:D

As we all sat across from each other at the dinner table my Mom says grace.
“Dear Lord, I want to thank you for this wonderful life. I want to thank you for my lovely husband John and my amazing children. Thank you. Amen.” She said. I looked down.
“Uh. Ma?” I asked.
“Just a second honey.” She said. “John, where did you put the forks?” She asked Dad.
“Ma!” I screamed.
“Hold on a second.” She said and continued the conversation with my father.
“MA!” I screamed once and for all.
“What is it!” She screamed back.
“I think my water just broke.” I said in a very calm voice.
“Your what just broke!” My Dad screamed.
“Ah!” Caleb screamed. My Mom got up and grabbed the pregnancy bag by the door. We’ve been preparing for this for a while. We all rushed to the car. My Dad helped me down the steps. I took deep breaths. Two doctors rushed out a wheel chair for me.
“I can walk.” I told them but they lightly pushed me into the chair and raced me down the hallway to a room. I laid in the bed. I did the breathing exercises that I practiced. Doctors were in shortly after that. They had me push and push. The pain was excruciating. Luckily it didn’t take many pushes before it came out. She was so beautiful. The doctors handed me her.
“Your name is Isabella.” I said. My Mom looked at me and smiled.
“She’s beautiful.” She said.
“I know.” I said. As her beautiful green eyes stared back at mine I wouldn’t have had this any other way. She was beautiful and mine and no one can change that. I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear,
“That was for Michelle.” I missed Michelle so dearly. Not having her be here at this moment was heart breaking but I know somewhere, out there, she is living her dream. I’m happy for her. Maybe its not how we planned it but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
“Isabella Mae Smith.” I mumbled to myself.
“Not Marks?” My Mother asked. I was shocked. How did she know? She couldn’t have known? There’s no way. She was never Sober let alone at home long enough to see him.
“Marks?” I asked trying to play dumb.
“Miley Anne Smith. Don’t you lie to me. I’m not stupid. I saw who walked you home. I know what happens at parties. I wasn’t all there but I saw. You were in love.” She said and touched my cheek. I turned away.
“Key word, was.” I told her.
“Miley, everyone has someone out there. You felt like you were on water when he was around, right? You never wanted him to let go? Honey, don’t let him go. Love only comes once. Don’t give up.” She said.
“He hurt me and,” I paused for a second and sighed. “I can’t let him hurt her.”
“I don’t understand but its your life.” She said and started to walk out of the room.
“Don’t tell Dad.” I told her. She nodded and walked out. I couldn’t stop staring at Isabella. She was so pure and beautiful. I was so thankful. Nothing could go wrong. Caleb walked through the door. He walked over to the bed.
“Can I hold her?” He asked. I scooted over and he hopped on the bed. I gently laid her in his lap.
“Be careful and hold up her head.” I told him. He had a grin ear to ear. My life was finally complete. We took her home that night. She was healthy. She had a little blonde hair at the top of her head. I laid her in her crib but I didn’t want to stop holding her. The next day was a warm and good day. It was beautiful out side. The sun was out and birds were chirping. I lifted Bella out of her crib and got her dressed. I put a yellow sun dress on her. With yellow slippers. She looked so cute. I put what little blonde hair she had in a bow. I poked her little button nose and she laughed. I then put her in the stroller my Dad bought for her. I took a walk into town.
“Can you pick me up some Baking Soda?” My Mom asks as I walked out the door.
“Sure.” I screamed from the other side of the door. As I walked down the street I saw a few of my neighbors stare. I wanted to say,
“Yeah! So what! She’s mine!” But I just held my head up and kept walking. I got to the school and practices just let out. Jacob came jogging from the football. I saw Marcy, Katie and Anne. They were some of my other aquantences. We weren’t really friends but we talked in school and did projects together.
“Oh she’s so cute!” Marcy said as she came out of the school. All three were wearing there cheerleading uniforms. I use to be a cheerleader. That was until I met Michelle. Marcy, Katie, Anne and I use to be really close. I guess you could say that we were what everyone else wanted to be but then Michelle moved here. She was so pretty. She didn’t care what anyone thought. I adored that about her. I made friends because I didn’t like not knowing people. I began to hang with her more than the other girls. She convinced me that cheerleading was over rated. I believed her and then dropped out. Instead I started to play Basketball. Which was a good idea because I was the star player. Michelle pushed me to do the things that I didn’t think I was good enough for. She’s what made me into the woman I am today.
“Thanks.” I told Marcy.
“Can I hold her?” Asked Anne.
“Sure.” I said and handed her to her. I made sure she propped up her head. They all stood looking at her. The sun reflected off her bright green eyes. I closed my eyes trying to hold on to this feeling. Anne passed her to Katie and then Katie passed her to Marcy. Marcy laid her back into the stroller.
“When are you coming back?” Asked Anne.
“Well, there’s only a few weeks left. I missed a lot of last year and I’m not sure if I’m coming back.” I looked at Isabella. “I can’t leave her.”
“If she was mine I wouldn’t leave her either.” Marcy said. Jacob stood at the door watching me.
“I have to go.” I said and raced off. I saw Jake walking towards me. I walked faster but he caught up.
“Miley.” He yelled from behind.
“Go away, Jake.” I told him in a serious voice. He saw Isabella. I tried to hide her but it was too late.
“Whats her name?” He asked.
“Whats it to you!” I yelled. He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. “Isabella. Isabella Anne Smith.” I told him.
“She’s beautiful.” He said.
“I know that." I told him. He knew I was ticked.
“Can I hold her?” He asked. I didn’t want to say yes. I wont say yes.
“Jacob, this isn’t good.” I paused. “For either of us.” I told him. He doesn’t deserve her. All the words I wanted to say wouldn’t come out. A voice screamed inside of me. It wanted to come out but I wouldn’t let it. It screamed, ‘You hurt me and now your asking to hold the one thing thats true to me? The one thing that means the world. One touch and you can take her away and you want to touch her? You hurt me more than anything and your in front of me now. Just you standing there is pathetic.’
I wanted to say that so much that it hurt but I couldn’t. That look he gave me. He looked like he was in more pain than I was. His eyes were piercing. Its like I could look into his soul. I couldn’t tell him no. After not saying something for so long he got agitated.
“Miles, listen.” He started to say.
“Don’t call me that.” I told him. Only a small bunch of people call me that and I didn’t want him in that bunch.
“Fine. Just listen, okay?” He asked. I nodded but that wasn’t enough. “Okay?” He asked louder.
“Okay.” I said irritated. The wind was blowing leaves everywhere. There were no one on the streets. Just empty benches.
“Michelle was right. I miss you like crazy. I didn’t notice how much I loved you. I’m sorry. Please take me back. Don’t say its too late.” He said. I felt a tear but he wasn’t worth crying over. Once a cheater and a lier, always a cheater and a lier. I looked away long enough to make sure I didn’t waste a tear. When I looked back he was on one knee.
“Oh God.” I said. I almost laughed.
“Miley. Sweet sweet Miley. Marry me.” He said.
“Jacob get up. You look ridiculous. People are going to start staring.” I told him. He looked around.
“There’s no one out here. Marry me. Take my hand.” He said. In his hand was a beautiful diamond ring. It had a silver hand and a diamond that would take your breath away. I didn’t know what to say. A cold breeze came through. Bella started to wine. I picked her up. Jacob stood on two feet. “What do you say?” He asked me.
“Jacob.” I couldn’t find the words. “Your so young. So immature. You have your whole career ahead of you. I heard Coach talking about a scholarship. He said that scouts were coming and you were what they were looking for.” I walked up and touched his cheek. I almost pulled away but for some reason I didn’t. “This cant hold you back.”
“What about you? You had the highest grade in the class but you were so quiet. You could have gone to any school you wanted. Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Any of them would beg on there knee’s for you.” He said.
“Look at her. She is here and I’m not screwing this up. I cant just ignore her or think she’s not here and go on with everything. It doesn’t work that way. This is where I belong. Thats where you belong.” I said and pointed to the football team coming out of the building.
“Jake!” One of the guys yelled and motioned him over. Jacob turned his head and by that time I was already five feet away.
“But.” Was all he could say. He shook his head and then jogged to his team. I looked back. It was one of the most stupidest things to do but I did. He was looking back at me too.
Mom was waiting on the porch when I got home. I rolled the stroller up the walk way and she followed behind me. I walked to the kitchen and got a drink. Mom picked her up and straightened out her dress. Her cheeks were rosy red. She was a gift from above.
“Did you decide?” My mother asked me.
“About?” I asked. She laid Isabella in the tiny crib in the corner. She clicked the button that activated the mobile above her head. Isabelle chuckled then slowly closed her eyes.
“School? Job?” He asked.
“Mom.” I told her. We already talked about this. I told her that I was 100 percent devoted to Bella. With only one parent she needs my attention all the time.
“I know. I know. But Miley, don’t be stubborn. Don’t throw away your education. Your smart and beautiful. Oh sweetie, you were so smart.” She said and laid a hand on my head and stroked my hair. I turned. “I don’t know why your like this. Millions of people would love to learn so easily like you do. Your Father and I are both here. We can help with her. Think hard.” She said. I knew I was throwing away a lot but she means so much to me. Maybe I should go back to school. Maybe I could get my Law Degree like I planned. It could help money wise. No! Isabella needs me... But if I have no money to clothe, feed or take care of her, then what use am I to her. Thats it! I’m going back to school. Later that night I decided to tell my Mom. I figured she would be more happy than I will.
“I will.” I told her.
“Thank God!” She screamed. “When I had you I threw everything away. I married young and didn’t think. I was accepted into Yale.” Mom said. She looked down as if it brought back a bad memory. “But I told them no because I couldn’t go pregnant.”
“I’m sorry.” I told her.
“Its alright. Just don’t make the mistakes I did.” She said to me. I promised her I wouldn’t. From then on I was back to my A+ average. Teachers worked with me after school and on weekends to help me get caught back up. Everyone was so happy to see me. I avoided Jacob. I see him watching me. Just yesterday I caught him staring in the hallway. Two guys didn’t see him and ran right into him. He fell flat on the floor. Everyone laughed but I didn’t. I didn’t see humor in making someone else sad. Then the bell rang. Marcy and I walked quickly to our next class. Jacob didn’t come in till after the second bell. I heard people laughing again.
“How was your trip?” One smart ass asked.
“Will we see you next fall?” Another asked. Jacob just shook his head and then sat down.
When I got home I plopped down on the couch. I picked Isabella about of her crib and rocked her for a while.
“We don’t need your Daddy. We can do it on our own. He’s not your Daddy. He’s just...” I said to her. I couldn’t find what Jake really was. “We will be fine.” I told her. I was almost a year behind in school and I had to double up so I could graduate with my class.

Month after month passed. I was working so hard that my Mom took most care of Bella. She had two teeth now. Her hair is darkening. Its turning a brown color. Her green eyes will make you tantalized for hours. I miss spending so time with her. By the time I get home after I stay after on week days its already six p.m. On weekends I work so she doesn’t see me very often and when I get home she is always sleeping but I graduate in a month or so. I can go to college and... but then I will see even less of her. What will I miss? Her first word? First steps? Her first everything? I can’t miss out on her life. What was I think? That’s it. I wasn’t thinking. I was too busy in thinking what in the long run might help but I didn’t think about what I would miss. It would be too much but I can’t turn around now. I’m only a month away. I have so much potential. I can’t let everyone down.
After arguing with myself for an hour or so I decided I had come to far to quit. Isabelle will understand. She has to.

When I graduated Bella was there to see it. I got my diploma and proudly walked off that stage. In a way I was scared to go off to college. I know how teens say that they can’t wait to get away from there parents and there home but its not true. They are scared to be on there own. They know they can do it but they just don’t want to. I got accepted to Yale, Harvard and Princeton. My Mom was so proud of me. All my Dad heard was that I got accepted to a really expensive school. My Mom hit him for saying it. I’m going to miss them so much.

So today I go off to college. A new beginning. I don’t want to leave them but I have to. The ride there was short but it seemed like forever. When I got there I found out who my room mate was.
“Hey! I’m Heather.” A girl said to me when I walked through my dorms door.
“Hi?” I said. She had bond hair with brown high lights. Her eyes stuck out a lot. They were a hazel type of color. She seemed really nice.
“I’m your room mate.” She stated.
“Oh. I’m Miley.” I told her. She grabbed my bags and pointed me to our room. She pointed out things on the way there.
“Thats the bathrooms, thats the kitchen, thats the den and thats the boys dorms.” She said and pointed to the room across the building. A guy looked my way. He had short spiked brown hair. He was buff and filled out. I couldn’t help but stare. I got a weird feeling. Like goose bumps from my head down to my feet. Heather shook me and then started the tour from where we left off.
“Who was that?” I asked her.
“That was James. Don’t get into a relationship. Its too much with work and extra curricular things.” She said. All I did was nodded. I was still looking at James. After I snapped out of it we were at our room. I put my things away and then took a nap. I had a lot more work than I did in high school. Truth be told, I kinda miss everyone from there.
Weeks passed. It kinda felt like the same thing happened everyday. I pretty much stayed in my dorm and studied all the time.
“Thats it! All you do is lay around a study all the time. Its sad to watch. I’m taking you out! Get dressed. Now!” Heather screamed. She pulled me off the bed. I crossed my arms.
“No! I’m not going any where.” I told her. She started pulling off my pants.
“If you’re not going to change then I’m going to change you for you.” She said.
“Okay! Okay! I will change!” I screamed. She let go of my pants and then walked out the door. I assumed we will go drinking so I put on my faded skinny jeans and my strapless black shirt. It had a v cut in the front. I combed my hair down and then put my make up on. Heather came back and we left. As I walked off campus with Heather I was watching a group of guys sing and play guitar by a tree. They were really talented. Before I knew it was on my butt on the floor. I looked up and James was standing over me. He held out his hand and I took it.
“Im so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” He said.
“Thats okay. I think its partly my fault.” I told him.
“I’m James.” He said.
“Miley.” I replied. I felt a little dizzy and almost collapsed but he caught me.
“You alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I got up too fast.” I told him. He slid a paper in my hand. I assumed it was his number. I guess he didn’t want Heather to know. I called him later that night.
“Hey James?” I asked.
“Yeah. Hi, Miley.” He said. It was silent for a second. Then he spoke. “Do you want to go out some time?”
“Sure.” I said.
“Great. Great. So I will go to your dorm at 8 tomorrow.” He said.
“Okay. How should I dress?” I asked him.
“Jeans and a t-shirt.” He said.
“Okay. Bye.” I said and then shut off the phone.
He came by exactly at eight.
“Hey.” He said and then we headed to where he was driving.
“So, where exactly are we going?” I asked him.
“You will know when we get there.” He said.
“You know, I hate surprises.” I told him with a chuckle.
“I guess you’ll have to endure it for a while.” He said with a chuckle just like mine.
When we arrived, we were at a beach. Everyone was dancing and there was music playing.
“Welcome to your first party!” He said and jumped out of his car without opening the door. I didn’t to jump out of the window because I would have made a huge fool out of my self. He held my hand and walked me to a quieter part of the beach. There was a huge fire and everyone was sitting on logs or in the sand. People were roasting marshmallows and hot dogs.
“Hungry?” He asked me.
“No. I’m okay.” I told him.
“Suit your self.” He said and then took a huge bite out of a hotdog. I laughed. He made a funny face. We both sat down. The rest of the night was really nice. We walked along the side of the shore and we talked about our life.
“So, my life is pretty simple. I have two amazing parents who are madly in love and a baby sister. She’s only eight. She’s really sweet. I hope you will get to meet her.” James said. He was so nice. His eyes were so dreamy. They were a deep brown.
“I hope so too.” I told him.
“So, tell me about your life.” He said and stopped in front of me. I looked at the ground not sure if I wanted to give out my secret.
“Well, its rather complicated.” I told him.
“I have time.” He said. I sighed.
“I left high school on my senior year with my little brother Caleb, and my best friend Michelle.” James got a confused look. I sighed again. “My parents were drunks that hardly knew my name.” I said. “I was stupid and got pregnant. I had to leave but I couldn’t leave Caleb behind. He was about six at that time. He would have died if I left him. I couldn’t have done it alone. Michelle came with because her life was falling apart. She left when I finally decided to come home. She went to become a painter because that was her dream and she didn’t want to go all her life without reaching for the stars. I couldn’t reach for the stars because I had a baby. A beautiful baby girl. My parents straightened up and my brother and I returned home.” I know I was telling James a lot but I have to tell him this now so It doesn’t come later. If it did, I would be afraid he would end it with me. Its a lot to handle. “I was the only one who got pregnant on there senior year. I felt like an idiot. Everyone stared. Everyone talked. You don’t know how it feels to be outside the crowd. You don’t know what its like to be left out. You don’t know how it feels to be your own best friend. Finally my Mother talked me into going to college. Right now she is raising my child. She will be the one hearing her first word, seeing her first steps. And so after everything I’ve been through I’m now here to get an education and help my baby girl.” I told him. A few times I got very emotional and had to wipe my eyes. James stood motionless in front of me. His piercing white teeth were no longer showing. I know no man was a woman with a child so I assumed that he would have been running to the hills by now.
“Say something.” I told him. When he didn’t say anything. I turned around and started walking to my Campus. I didn’t care about him. I don’t care about anyone.
“Miley! Wait!” He screamed. I turned around and he was running up to me. He ran to me and touched my cheeks and pulled me into the most powerful kiss I have ever had. My world spun around. When he pulled away I opened my eyes.
“I don’t care that you have a daughter. I don’t care about any of that. I have what I care about in my arms right now.” He said.
“I’m trouble.” I told him. “You don’t want trouble.” I put his hand off my face and put it at his side.
“I love trouble.” He said.
“No, thats not what I meant. I’m not good. I come with a lot of baggage.” I told him. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
“I know we’ve only known each other for a very short period of time but I think I love you Miley.” He said.
“Don’t say that.” I told him.
“Why not? Do you want me to scream it?” He asked. “I LOVE---” He began to scream but I put my hand over his mouth.
“I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me. So many guys have done me wrong and made me strong but the reason I stay strong is because I keep the ones that might hurt me out.” I told him.
“I promise.” He started to say. “I will NEVER hurt you!” He said. When he said this he was so forceful and he was almost crying.
“Promise?” I asked.
“Promise.” He said.

That was only the beginning to James and my relationship. We went everywhere together. He brings me breakfast in the mornings and takes me out to dinner sometimes. He really makes me feel whole. It only took five years to finish my degree. James got his degree too. We both majored in law.
James and I are returning to my house to meet my parents and my baby girl for the first time. I saw Bella almost once a month but that wasn’t enough. I also went home every holiday to see Isabelle. She got so big so fast. James and I are outside the door. I fixed his tie.
“Okay, babe. Just relax and be your self and they will love you. Just like I do.” I told him. He kissed me and we kissed again. We kissed again and again until we heard the door swing open. We both jumped. Bella ran out of the house. Its been almost a month since I’ve seen her. I feel to my knee’s to catch her. I stroked her long beautiful blond hair.
“Sweetie!” I screamed.
“Mommy! I’ve missed you so much!” She screamed. I stood up and she jumped out of my arms.
“Bella, this is James.” I told her.
“Hello.” She said.
“Well hello, beautiful.” He said with a smile. Bella wrapped around my leg shyly. My Mom and Dad came to the door.
“Miley!” My Dad said.
“Daddy.” I said and kissed his cheek.
“How have you been, sweetheart?” He asked.
“Good, Daddy. How about you?” I asked.
“Well, just peachy!” He said with a chuckle. My Mom held out her arms.
“Mother.” I said and hugged her.
“We’ve missed you.” She said.
“I’ve missed you too.” I told her. “Oh!” I said, forgetting that James was here. “Mom, Dad, This is James.” I told them.
“So this is the one that you talked about on the phone.” My Dad said.
“Daddy. Play nice.” I told him.
“Hello, James.” My Mother said and gave him a hug. “My name is Patricia and this is Damon.” She said and pointed to my Dad.
“Nice to finally meet you.” He said. We all went inside and got ready to eat dinner.
“So, Miley. Where have you been working?” My Mother asked me.
“James and I have been working at a Law Firm for a while now and we making really good money. The firm is close to the house. Its only thirty minutes away.” I told her. When I do come home, I come home late and kiss Bella on her head and then I go to work early and kiss her on her head again. I hardly ever see her but I can’t ask for time off. They say I’m one of there best employee’s. It seems that everything I do, I’m always letting someone down. I need a way to make everyone happy, including Isabella. For now... I have to keep the job and support my daughter. My parents do enough. They can’t have her money burden on them too.
“Thats good.” She said. Caleb ran out of the living room. I stood up.
“Get over here and give me a hug!” I demanded. He scampered over to me and hugged me. He was getting so tall.
“How old are you now?” I asked him.
“Eleven and one quarter.” He said with a grin from one small ear to the other. “How old are you now?” He asked.
“Thats classified.” I told him and messed up his hair. He shook his long hair and went back to video game sin the living room.
“That was Caleb.” I told Jacob. He nodded.
When everyone was done with dinner we walked into the living room and talked for a while. Bella sat on my lap and James sat next to me. He held my hand in his, almost as he was scared I would go somewhere.
“Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Can I ask Miley something?” James politely asked my Mother.
“Certainly.” My Mother quickly replied. Bella hopped off my lap and ran to her Grandmother.
“Miley, your so sweet. So beautiful. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said. My mother Gasped and covered her mouth. “Miley Mae Smith, will you do me the honor and marry me?” He asked as he knelt down on one knee and opened a blue velvet box with a beautiful two piece ring. The middle was silver and the biggest band had a gold ring and beautiful clear diamonds everywhere. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
“Oh my Lord.” I gasped as I looked at the sparkling ring. I looked back into his brown eyes. A tear fell from mine. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” I said over and over again as he slid the ring on my finger. He picked me up and twirled me. We kissed and kissed.
“Gross!!! Cooties!” Isabella yelled. James and I chuckled. The door bell rang.
“I got it!” I yelled. I walked towards the door not even looking. All my attention was towards the stunning ring on my finger. I opened the door and it was Jacob. He was holding Roses and a box of chocolates. He ran up to me and hugged me.
“Miley! I’ve missed you so much! How have you been?” He asked.
“Jacob, What are you doing here?” I asked him.
“Seeing Bella and of course, you.” He said. He closed the door behind him. I pinned him against the door.
“If you told her that you were, well her you know what, I will kill you, slowly and painfully!” I told him. My arm was against him neck so he couldn’t talk.
“Losing... oxygen.” He managed to mumble. I released the grip I had on his neck. He gasped for air. “I didn’t tell her. To her, I’m just a family friend.” He told me but I still wasn’t satisfied. I didn’t want him in her life at all. “I miss you Miley.” He said reaching out his hand trying to touch mine.
“Don’t touch me.” I told him.
“What ever happened to us?” He asked as if he had no idea. I wanted to explode of him right then and there but I knew James and Bella was in the other room.
“You were about to cheat on me and you told me...” I paused for a second not wanting to remember. “That is was just a kiss.” I finished.
“But it wasn’t just a kiss.” He said.
“I know that! She is proof of that!” I lowered my voice. “You hurt me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I said stupid things and I’m sorry that I was a stupid teenager that just used you. Miles, I’m sorry!” He said.
“Thats not enough. Over these long years I met someone. He’s sweet and loving and he’s right in that room over there.” Jacob looked in the room to see Bella and James playing with her toys on the floor. “He’s my fiance and he loves me.”
“But I love you.” He said.
“And I loved you at one time but that was a long time ago.” I told him. He walked closer to me. He held me in a tight grip.
“You can’t tell me that you don’t feel anything for me.” He said and softly kissed my lips.
“Jacob.” I said and pulled away.
“I know you feel it! I know it!” He screamed. I did feel it but I can put my feelings behind me. Its time to move on. James is the one who I love and thats how its going to stay.
“Sh! There in the other room!” I said and pushed him out the door. I closed it behind me.
“I’m engaged to the man sitting next to my daughter in that room.” I pointed through the window. James sighed and looked down. “I’m forever his!” I told him. Jake took a letter out of his pocket and handed it to me and walked off. I walked inside to read it.
Dear Miley,

I had a feeling that this is how it would go. I wrote a second not just in case but this is the one that I thought I would have to give you. Miley, I want you to know that I’m truly sorry for what I did to you when we were younger. We are adults now and I still feel the same way for you. I never went to college. I stayed around so I could see Isabella. She is a very smart girl. I watch her all the time, but from a distance. Your parents let me see her a lot and I’m truly grateful for that. I know that you had to go off to college and get a job and I know that you cant see her as much as you would like to but that’s why I was staying around. She needs someone that she can play with when your Parents can’t be with her. Something I never told you was that I grew up without a Father figure. He died when I was one. Too young to remember. My Mother worked three jobs to keep up with rent and my Older brother and I. We lived in a horrible neighbor hood. One day my Bother was walking outside and he heard gun shots. He ducked like we were suppose to but the gun man walked straight up to him and shot him. My Mother never recovered. I hated not being able to do sports or having anyone to teach me how to play them. I know Bella’s a girl but girls still need a Father. I will love you two until death and even after that. I understand that you don’t want me in her life so I will stay away. Maybe go and see the world. I don’t know what I will do but what ever I’m doing I will be thinking of you.

Love Always,

A tear rolled down my cheek. I know that he truly loved me but so does James and I can’t hurt him when he did nothing to me. I walked back into the living room. James was still playing with Isabella. My Mother and Father were on the couch watching CNN. I wiped my cheeks and sat down by my parents. My Mom saw I was in distraught.
“Miley dear, will you please help me in the kitchen?” She asked me. I nodded and walked behind her. When we got in there she sat at the kitchen table. She pulled out one of the Oak chairs and said, “Sit.” I didn’t say anything. “It was Jacob.” He guessed. I nodded. She held out her hand and I put the note in it. After she was done reading she sighed. “Miley, Miley, Miley.” She said as she shook her head. A tear rolled down my cheek. “Do you still love him?” She asked me.
“I love James. I love James.” I repeated.
“Do you love him too?” She asked in a sincere voice.
“I can’t! I don’t! I mean, I’m engaged to James. I love James.” I told her. I stood up and watched him play with Bella.
“You love him.” She said. I hung my head.
“He hurt me. I can’t let him hurt her.” I told her.
“Everyone is going to hurt you sweetie, you just have to find the ones worth hurting for.” She said. She stoked my hair.
“I don’t know what to do.” I said being honest.
“This is something I can’t help you with.” She said and folded up the letter. I walked back into the living room and walked up to James and hugged him.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Fine. I love you. You know that right?” I asked him.
“Of course.” He said.
“Okay. I was just checking.” I said and buried my face back into his chest. I checked James watch and saw it was getting late.
“Well, Mom, Dad, Its getting late, I think we will be hitting the road.” I told her.
“Where do you think you’re going?” My Father asked me.
“To the hotel, sir.” James answered.
“Oh no your not!” My Mother said. “James your family. You all stay here.” She said. James and I exchanged looks.
“I’m okay with it.” He said.
“Okay Mom, we will stay.” I told her. Bella ran up to us and jumped in our arms.
“Yay!” She screamed.
Since today was one of my few days off. I had to work tomorrow. I walked into Bella’s room. She was coloring a picture.
“Whats that?” I asked her. She held it up.
“Thats you Mommy and thats Me and thats Jacob.” She said. The picture was of her in the middle and Me and Jake on her sides. I almost choked.
“Where’s James?” I asked.
“I don’t know.” She answered.
“Okay well, time for bed.” I told her. She scampered to her bed and jumped on it. I covered her up and kissed her forehead.
“I love you. Sleep tight.” I told her.
“Love you too, Mommy.” She said and then tightly squeezed her stuff monkey and closed her eyes. I walked out of her room and shut off the light. I leaned against the wall in the hallway and slid to the bottom. I was in a ball crying. I love James. Not Jake. I kept repeating over and over hopping that the more I say it that the more It will come true. James came up from down stairs and rushed over to me.
“Miley! Are you okay?” He asked.
“Sh. She’s sleeping. I’m fine.” I said as I took his hand to help me up. He gave me a big hug.
“Is this about that guy that answered the door?” He asked.
“How do you know about that?” I asked him.
“I saw you guys talking outside through the window.” He said.
“His name is Jacob. He is Isabelle’s Father. Real Father.” I told him. His hand fell to his hips.
“Oh.” Is all he said.
“Don’t worry. You’re the one I love. The one I want!” I made clear to him.
“I know sweetheart.” He said. We kissed and then went to bed.
“Goodnight.” He said as he clicked the lamp next to his side of the bed off.
“I love you.” I told him. He rolled over and put his strong arms around me. I rolled over and buried my head into his warm body. When I woke up he wasn’t there. I put on my robe and walked downstairs. James and Bella were making Breakfast in the kitchen. It smelled really good. Bella was cracking the eggs as James fried them and the bacon. My Dad and Mom came down the stairs behind me. I walked up to James and put my arms around him.
“Good morning.” I told him and gently kissed his lips.
“Good morning.” He said and he kissed me again. After we were finished eating that delicious breakfast James and I left for work. I kissed Bella bye and we left.
When I got to the firm Jasmine ran up to me. Her short black hair covered her face and she was jumping up and down.
“Lemme see it! Lemme see it! Lemme see it!” She screamed over and over again while jumping up and down like a little kid in a candy store.
“Okay. Okay.” I said and held out my hand.
“Holy Shit! Look at the size of that rock!” She screamed.
“Sh. Keep your voice down.” I told her with a giggle.
“He’s a keeper.” She said. We started walking towards my office.
“He’s a keeper but not because of the ring, because of how he is with me and how he loves me so much.” I told her.
“Just like Jacob loved you.” She brought up.
“Hey!” I yelled.
“Okay, sorry.” She apologized.
“You don’t know what he put me through when I was younger. When your a teenager you will believe a guy if he says I love you. You will believe them when they say forever and it hurts more than anything when forever comes to an end.” I told her. She stopped dead in her tracks. “What?” I asked her and all she did was point to in front of her. When I looked up Jake was standing before me. I turned around and tried walking away. He ran in front of me and stopped me.
“Miley!” He said. When I tried to plow through him.
“Don’t!” I told him in a stern voice.
“I can’t let you go. You’re my world. Everyone has one true soul mate and your mine. Not his! Don’t you see. We share a child. A beautiful girl who I want to be a part of her life. I don’t just want to be a friend. I want to be a Father. Someone who she talks to. Someone who makes a difference. I want you back. I was wrong. You’re the one for me. I love you!” He said. Emotions boiled inside me.
“I will not make the same mistakes that I did last time. I will not let myself cause myself so much misery. I will not break the way I did, I fell so hard. I’ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far. It took years to forget you. Because of you I turned so many people down. I played on the safe side so I wouldn’t get hurt. James is the first one I let in in a long time.” I told Jake. He had tears in his eyes.
“But I love you!” He yelled.
“The easiest words to hear are but I love you. The hardest words to hear are I love you, but.” I told him. I hugged him as he cried. “I love you but, my heart belongs to James.” Jasmine was sitting in a chair watching this whole thing. She was almost crying. I know how she felt because I wanted to cry too. I couldn’t.
“Goodbye, Jacob.” I told him. As he walked out of the building James walked in. He gave Jake a weird look. I didn’t know what it was about. James came up to me and kissed my cheek.
“Hello Darling, ready for dinner?” He asked me.
“Yeah. Let me grab my coat.” I told him and then walked to my office and grabbed my coat. Jasmine was waiting for me.
“How could you let him leave? I’ve never seen a man cry like that.” She said.
“Do you think it was easy? I loved him a one point but that was a long time ago when we were kids.” I told her.
“Miles, you still love him.” She said.
“I love James.” I told her. I was getting really sick of everyone telling me who I love when they are not in my head. They don’t know anything!
“And Jake.” She added.
“Why does everyone keep saying that! You don’t know who I love. You don’t know!” I told her. She saw a tear escape from my eye. She walked up to me and hugged me.
“I know honey.” She said.
“You don’t know how it feels to be left to raise a child when you’re still a child yourself. I was terrified and the only one I had to help me get me through it was my Mom and Dad. Jake was running around with other girls. Having fun, while I had to stay home from school and breast feed. I lost my way so many times. I couldn’t cry because its a sign of weakness and I had to be strong for Bella. I was forced to fake a smile everyday.” I told her. She wiped my tear. “All the guys I met and ran away from couldn’t have possibly broke my heart because it wasn’t whole to start with.” I told her. Then I saw James standing at the door. He heard everything. He knows that I still love Jake.
“James!” I said. He turned around and started walking. “James!” I yelled.
“What! Do you want to marry me? or am I just wasting my time?” He asked me.
“I love you! I want to marry you! Don’t question that!” I told him.
“I want you. Thats what I need.” He told me.
“Jake knows your the one I love. I let you in. Don’t break your promise.” I told him.
“I love you so much.” He said and put both hands on my cheeks. “The thought of losing you almost kills me.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” I told him. He slowly pressed him soft lips on mine. When I pulled away he pulled me in for a tight hug that I really needed. We went out to dinner and calmed down.
The next day I had a day off. I spent every second of it with Isabelle. We walked to the park. She is so smart. She’s six years old. I feel horrible about missing so much. I bought each of us some ice cream.
“Guess what happened in school today!” She screamed so excitedly.
“What!” I asked trying to seem just as excited.
“Mrs. Bubonic let me erase the board. I got a gold star!” She said and then pointed to the star on her purple dress. I ran my fingers through her long blond curly hair. She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes.
“Mommy?” She asked me.
“Yes.” I replied.
“Why can’t I see you more?” She asked. My heart almost broke. She is so beautiful. I hated myself for not making more time for her. “One boy said it was because you didn’t love me.” She stated. That was it. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I saw it before my eyes. Spread across the wet ground. I looked up at the tree’s above me. They were beautifully red and orange.
“Don’t! Ever! Let anyone tell you that!” I told her with tears rolling down my cheeks.
“Okay, Mommy.” She said. “Don’t cry.” I tried to dry my tears.
“So do you like James?” I asked her.
“Yeah, he’s okay. What does getting married mean?” She asked me.
“Well, sweetheart, its what happens when two people are madly in love and want to spend the rest of there life with each other.” I told her.
“So you and James love each other?” She asked.
“Very much so.” I told her.
“Oh.” She said and then took another lick of her ice cream.
“Do you like James?” I asked her.
“He’s okay.” She said.

I knew she liked Jacob more but I’m getting married to James. He’s the one I love. I love Isabelle so much but this is something I have to do for me. James came by in the car. He picked us up. When we got in the car the song Because Of You by Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson was playing. I thought hard about the lyrics. Its like it explained how Jake made me,

“I will not make the same mistakes that you did.
I will not let myself cause myself so much misery.
I will not break the way you did, you fell so hard.
I’ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far.
Because of you, I’ll never stray too far from the side walk
Because of you, I’ll learn to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt
Because of you, I find it hard to trust
Not only me but everyone around me,
Because of youuuu, I am afraid.
I lose my way and its not too long before you point it out
I can not cry because I know thats weakness in your eyes
I’m force to fake a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life
My heart can’t possibly break,
When it was never whole to start with
Because of you, I’ll never stray too far from the side walk
Because of you, I’ll learn to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt
Because of you, I find it hard to trust
Not only me but everyone around me,
Because of youuuu, I am afraid.
I watched you die,
I heard you cry every night in you sleep
I was so wrong,
you should have known that you lean on me
You never thought of anyone else,
You just saw your face
And now I cry in the middle of the night,
For that same damn thinggggg
Because of you, i’ll never stray too far from the side walk
Because of you, I’ll learn to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt
Because of you, I find it hard to trust
Not only me but everyone around me,
Because of youuuu, I am afraid.
Because of you
Because of you”
That song described what I felt. I was afraid that James was going to hurt me. I know he loves me and made a promise to that he wouldn’t but promises are mean’t to be broken. I guess when my Mom said “Everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones worth hurting for” she was right. I’m going to marry James and I will have a happy normal family. I looked out the window as the song faded away. James reached across the arm rest and held my hand. It made me feel good. Like he truly cared and I know he did. When we got home I unhooked Belle from her car seat and she ran inside. James put his arm around me. I turned around and looked at him.
“I love you.” I said and kissed him.
“I love you.” He said and kissed me. We kissed again and again. He picked me up.
“Woah!” I said when he held me in his arms. Even thought he put me in his arms are lips were never unlocked. We got to the door and he opened it. He was so strong. I remembered that Bella and my parents were here but I didn’t care. James and I work so much that we hardly ever have any us time. He marched up the stairs. Our lips were still locked. I was scared he was going to fall but I trusted him. When we got to my room he laid me on the bed and we undressed each other.
“Soon to be, Mrs. James Pendergrass.” He said and kissed my forehead.
“I love you.” I told him.
“I know.” He replied.
When we were done we hopped in the shower together and then went down stairs for lunch.
“So what did you do today?” My Mother asked Isabelle.
“Well, Mom and me went to the park.” She said.
“Mommy and I.” My Mother corrected her.
“Mommy and I.” Isabelle repeated.
“Mother, she’s barley six years old. Give her a break.” I told her.
“Ediquit can never start too early.” She told me. I sighed.
“Why is your hair wet?” My Mom asked me.
“Because I just got out of the shower.” I told her. She then looked at James to see his hair wet too. She put the pieces together. “Mom, were getting married.” I reminded her.
“I know, I know.” She said and graced her hand on my cheek. “But it seems like yesterday when you would so small and actually needed me. You were my baby girl.” She said.
“I’m still your baby girl, I’m just a little bigger.” I told her with a chuckle. We hugged and then she slide plates of ham sandwiches across the kitchen table.
I loved being home. It made me feel safe, like I was a innocent baby girl again. I looked across the table at Isabelle. She took a big bite out of her sandwich and smiled at me. James reached under the table and put his hand on mine which was on my thigh. I smiled at him. Everything was finally falling into place. My Gorgious baby girl gets to spend time with me. My handsome fiance truly loves me and my parents finally proud of me. Everything was perfect!
The next few weeks were rough. I never got to see Isabelle. My work hours were terrible and I only got to see her sleeping. I try so hard to change hours but nothing works. The only time James and I see each other is in bed and when we pass each other at work. I hated the distance from my family. Sunday was my first day off in weeks. I woke up at ten to get ready for church. Bella ran into James and my room and started jumping up and down on the bed.
“Okay munchkin! We’re awake!” James shouted and tackled her. She started to giggle and he tickled her. When he stopped he rolled over to me. I rolled over and faced him. Our blanket was just covering my body. He graced my cheek and pushed my hair out of the way. He gently kissed my lips.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” I told him and got up. Bella was still laying on the bed watching us. The blanket was wrapped around me. I went to out chestnut dresser in the corner and took out a pair of jeans, a tank top, and a sweat shirt and went into the bathroom to change. When I got out James was already changed. He slowly walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He kept walking and making me walk backwards. “I’m going to fall.” I told him giggling.
“Don’t worry. I will catch you.” He said and kissed me. He walked back so much that we hit the wall but his lips never left mine.
“Honey?” I asked.
“Yes.” He answered taking a breath.
“Isabelle’s watching.” I told him.
“She doesn’t know.” He said.
“She’s six.” I reminded him.
“Oh yeah.” He said. He kissed me one last time and then walked up to Bella. “Ready for church?”
“No, silly. I gotta go change.” She said.
“Then go, silly.” He told her. She ran off to her room. James closed the door behind her. “Now where were we?” He asked. “Oh, now I remember.” He said and kissed my cheek. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away.
“I have to get dressed.” I pointed out.
“I can help.” He said and slowly slid off my sweatshirt. He kissed my chest and slid off my tank top. Revealing my pink bra. He kissed down stomach. He unbuttoned my jeans and slowly slid them down my legs. He kissed my thighs. He started to take off my underwear but I stopped him.
“I need those, remember?” I told him.
“Oh yeah.” He said with a giggle. He kissed my lips again.
“We have to get ready.” I told him.
“I’m better at taking things off than putting them on.” He said. I shook my head. It was hard to pull away from his warm embrace but I had to or I would have never gotten dress. I went to my closet and got out a black pair of pants and a blue blouse and threw a pair of slacks and a button up red shirt with a tie at James. After we both got dress I adjusted his tie.
“You look beautiful.” He said.
“Stop it.” I told him.
“Its true. You’re the most smart and amazing girl I’ve ever met. Thats why I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Miley. You’re beautiful and caring and you always but Bella first and I love that about you. You’re my soul mate, my true love.” He said. I looked up at his eyes that were shining from the light through the window. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even know if there were words.
“Were leaving!” My Mother shouted from down stairs. I turned away from him and grabbed my purse and started walking down stairs. My Mom, Dad and Isabelle was waiting.
“Sorry we took so long.” I told them. They didn’t say anything. They just walked out the door and loaded into the car. I looked across the street to see Jake walking his dog. He looked at me with these eyes. Eyes that looked into the depths of your heart. Its like they read everything you were thinking. James put his hand on my shoulder and I jumped.
“Are you okay?” He asked me.
“Fine.” I told him with a kiss. He helped me into the car and then we took off. I looked out the back window and watched as he disappeared over the hill. James but his hand on my thigh. I turned to him and smiled. When we got to the church I helped Bella out of the car. We headed in. We were relatively early. Pastor Mike walked up to me.
“Miley! I haven’t seen you since you were a little tot!” He said with a huge hug.
“Pastor, its been way to long.” I told him.
“And who is this?” He asked while kneeling to Bella’s height.
“This is Isabelle, My daughter.” I told him. James put his arm around my waist.
“I’m Pastor Mike.” He said and shook her hand. Bella hide behind my leg.
“Be polite.” My Mother said to her.
“Nice to meet you.” She replied. I hated when my Mother made her be respectful and feel bad when she’s not. I know that things like that need to be practiced when your young but she’s really young and I dislike that she’s parenting for me. I put my hand on Isabelle’s head and she looked up. I mumbled the words ‘I love you.’ and she mumbled them back. We took our seats. James put his arm around my shoulder. My Mother and Father sat on the other side of Isabelle and Caleb.
“Sit straight.” My Mother told her.
“Mother!” I scolded her. I calmed myself. “Can I talk to you, please?” I asked. She nodded and followed me to the hallway. “That really irritates me!” I told her.
“What does?” She asked dumbfounded.
“Don’t play stupid. You always making her be polite when she’s shy and making her sit straight and always acting like a lady!”
“Its morals.” She stated.
“No, its arrogant! She’s just a little girl who cant even get dirty because she always has to act like a ‘lady’.” I said mockingly.
“Don’t use that tone with me!” My Mother said. She sighed. “I couldn’t do my job with you. I messed up, okay? I know I was a lousy parent but I’m trying. I want her to grow up with plenty of love. With the correct manners.” She said.
“You may not have done a good job with me but I need to do a good job with her. Its my chance.” I told her. She hugged me and rubbed my back which was always soothing.
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, darling. You know I always wanted the best for you?” She asked.
“Yes.” I answered and we both went to take our seats.
“Everything okay?” Dad asked.
“Just peachy.” I replied.

After church we headed back to the car. I saw Jake walking along the street. It seems like everywhere I go, he’s there. I don’t know how how does it but it was getting very creepy. I was about to get into the car when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Jake.
“Jeez! Jake, don’t do that!” I shouted scared.
“Can I talk to you?” He asked.
“No.” I answered and tried to get into the car with Bella. He grabbed my arm tightly.
“Ow! Jake let go!” I shouted. James came from out of the church and ran to my rescue. He lifted Jake by his shirt and threw him away from me.
“Are you okay?” He asked me.
“Fine.” I said and then James turned around and took a swing at Jake. Jake ducked of course and took a swing at James. James kicked Jacob and Jake went to his knees. James was about to knock him out but I stopped him. I pulled him away.
“Stop it! Both of you! Get over here!” I yelled to Jake. He walked over to me. “Well?”
“You can’t marry him.” Jake said catching his breath.
“Oh, and why can’t I?” I asked a lil mad that he was telling me what I can and cant do.
“Because he’s not right for you.”
“How so?”
“He doesn’t love you like I do. He doesn’t know everyone one of your flaws. He doesn’t know the song that you sing in the shower. He doesn’t know anything about you. I’m the one for you. For christ sake, we share a child!” He said. Almost everything he said was right but that doesn’t change the fact of what he did to me and then him abandoning me.
“We have a child, yes but do you not know that all you are to her is a friend?” I asked him. “And that she will probably call James Daddy? She doesn’t even know who you are!” I said almost furious. All my emotions were going in over drive. They’ve been bottled up for so long and now they are all coming out. “You chose and skinny little thing over me, Jake! Do you know how that feels? To have to one you love, reject you! Well, I can tell you it hurts. More than anything and I don’t know if I can trust you again and I can put my baby girl at the expense of that.” I said calmly and walked away. James took my arm and walked me to the car.
“But Miley! I’m sorry!” I heard in the faint distance but I couldn’t turn around. I can’t go back to that place. Where he makes me weak. Once we got in the car I sat up front. Mom and Dad took Isabella for a walk since the Church wasn’t too far from the house. James hopped up front and drove off. I looked out the window, silently.
“I need to know.” James said. I looked at him in confusion. He sighed. “I need to know if you truly love me.” He said in a serious voice that I’ve never heard before.
“Thats a silly question.” I told him.
“I need to hear you say it.” He said in the same voice.
“James your scaring me.” I confessed.
“Say it!” He said slightly louder.
“James,” I said reaching for his hand on the arm rest. “I love you with everything in my heart. I would take a bullet for you, honey. Don’t you know that?” I asked him. He looked out his side mirror and pulled over. He but both hands in his lap, leaving my hand.
“I know.” He said quietly.
“Then why ask?” I asked a lil mad.
“Because, I’m afraid...” He stopped talking.
“Afraid of what?” I asked. He didn’t answer. I was getting really worried now. I love him so much and he’s scaring me. “Afraid of what, James?” I asked louder.
“Afraid that I can’t love you the way Jake says he can!” He spit out.
“Don’t say that! I love you and you love me and thats all that matters! I don’t care about Jake or that he is the father of Isabelle! You are the one who she will call Daddy, not him!” I was going to go on but he stopped me.
“Wait? Jake is the father of Isabelle?” He asked almost about to explode.
“I thought I told you.” I said about to smack myself. I swore I already told him but with everything thats going on I suppose I forgot. He’s going to kill me!
“No! I would have remembered that! I knew Jacob was your ex but he impregnated you! I’m going to kill him!” He shouted. That was a little twist on what I thought he was going to say.
“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you!” I said almost crying.
“I don’t care that he’s the father, Miley. I love you no matter what but I need you to be honest with me. Okay?” He asked. He really was perfect. He’s not even mad at me for not telling him the biggest secrets of secrets. I can’t lose him.
“I love you.” I said with a pile of tears in my lap. He embraced me and rubbed me back.
“Honey, how could you think I would be mad at you for that?” He asked. “I could never be mad at you.” I looked up and kissed him and we kissed again and again. I was now sitting on his lap. He leaned the seat back. He slid my blouse off and my jeans. He took off his shirt and pants. It was a very hard position to do so. He unhooked my bra as he bit my ear. I kissed his neck and he moaned. Just as he was about to take off my bra I looked out the mirror to see Jacob watching. I screamed and rolled off James into the passenger seat. He screamed too. Luckily we didn’t get that far and his boxers were still on. His face went beat red. He was furious. He got out of the car and slammed the door. I tried to re-hook my bra and slid on some actually clothes. I could hear everything James said outside.
“What the hell are you doing?” James asked slamming his hand on the hood of the car. Jake backed off with this fiery look in his eye. A gust of cold wind blew by and I shivered. “Well answer me, dammit!” He yelled. “You want to look at my girl then I will give you something to look at!” He yelled and charged him. Jake pulled out a knife.
“Don’t move.” He said steadily.
“Woah man, What the hell are you doing!” He yelled and put up his hands. My shirt wasn’t even on but I jumped out of the car to calm things down.
“Jacob, put that thing down!” I yelled.
“Go away, Miley.” He said. He was walking towards James with the knife.
“Put it down!” I said again. He ignored me.
“I love her and you are trying to take her away from me.” He said in a very creepy voice. “She’s mine and no one, not even you can take her away from me!”
“He’s not taking me away from you.” I told him. “Its me, not him. Its my choice. Let me go Jacob, please.” I pleaded with him. He dropped the knife. I ran into James arms.
“Never let go.” I gasped. I looked at Jacob. He fell to his knees and picked up the knife. He raised it to his throat.I was about to jump into Jakes arms to make him drop the knife but I knew it wouldn’t work.
Boy do I know how to pick guys! I mean all the guys I met with Michelle and seriously one was ‘in love’ after like one date and the other killed himself and now this. I turned my head into James chest so I wouldn’t see anything. I squeezed him tight scared that he might scream but I didn’t hear anything. James tapped my shoulder and told me to look. As I looked I saw police quietly coming from behind. One of them tackled him from the side and took the blade. The others handcuffed him. James squeezed me and I buried my head in his chest again. I took a deep breath. I loved the smell of James. He smelt like a light axe sent. It was soothing really.
“Its all over.” He said and then kissed my forehead. I nodded but somehow it seems as if it wasn’t over.


As James and I woke up that following morning we were drained off all life. I rolled over to face him and he inched his way over to me for our Good Morning kiss.
I chuckled at how lazy we were at this point. The sun was shinning in through out big window to the side of the bed. Its glimmered on his face. I laid facing him admiring how someone like him could really be mine. He laid facing me.
“I love you.” He said while gracing my cheek with his hand.
“I love you too.” I replied.
“I’m so happy that in a couple of months I will be able to call you Mrs. Miley Mae Matthews.” He said.
“I can’t wait.” I told him.
“Then why wait?” He asked me.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“Lets not wait months to get married. Lets get married this month!” He said.
“Its not enough time.” I told him.
“All we have to do is get the guest list and a caterer and your mom said she would do the decorations.” He said.
“I don’t even have a dress yet.” I stated.
“You and your Mom can go try to find one today! We don’t have anything else to do.” He said.
“If that’s what you want.” I told him.
“No, honey. We are only going to do that if its what WE want.” He said. “Do you want to?”
“Anything to be with you.” I told him. He practically rolled on top of me and I laughed. He pecked my lips. I held him close and then pushed him off me. I rolled on him and he kissed me again. We heard a slight knock at the door and then my mom walked in with Isabelle. I quickly rolled off of James and covered our naked, exposed bodies with the blanket on the bed.
“Oh Lord!” My Mom shouted. “I’m, I’m, I’m sorry!” She stuttered and ran out with Isabelle.
“Well,” I said. “I’m going to get dress and see what my Mom wanted.” I said with a laugh. I slipped on my sweats and my slippers and threw my hair in a bun and went down stairs. I thought to myself that this was going to be an awkward talking seeing how she almost just saw my Fiancé and I “do it”. Yup, this will be awkward. I walked into the kitchen where Mom was making Bella a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I leaned onto the counter.
“What did you need?” I asked her nonchalantly.
“I was going to ask you about the wedding date because some of our neighbors were asking.” She said. She slid the red glass plate across the granite island to Isabelle who was sitting on the stool. I walked over to Isabelle and played with her brown hair. It was beautifully naturally wavy and so soft to touch. She looked up at me with her freckled, dimpled, cheeks. I kissed her forehead.
“Miley?” My Mother asked when I didn’t answer her.
“Oh, well, about that...” I paused. “We decided we wanted to have it a little sooner.” I told her nervously.
“How much sooner? A year? A couple months?” She asked.
“A little sooner than that.” I said with an innocent smile.
“Miley.” She said a little mad.
“Okay, okay. He just wanted to get married so we can finally be a family. We decided in about a month.” I said quietly.
“A month!” She shouted. “Are you crazy! There is no time for preparation! To find a dress! To make the guest list!” She was freaking out now.
“Mom, Mom, Mom.” I said to calm her down. I saw her onto the stool next to Isabelle. Isabelle stopped eating with all the noise going on. “It will be fine. I don’t need a big fancy dress or lots of people, all I need is the people I love and my true love. Everything will turn out perfect. Trust me.” I told her. She nodded.
“Come on, honey. Let get you dressed.” I said to Isabelle as I held out my hand for her to take. We walked up stairs and into her room. I laid out a pink skirt and a grey shirt with a pink rose in the middle. I laid down her undies and her socks. She started getting dress when I got into the closet to get her shoes. She looked so cute. I untucked her hair out of her shirt and it bounced as I let go of it. She smiled at me as I brushed her hair out of her face. She sat on her bed and I grabbed her blue hair brush and combed out her knots and snarls. She was absolutely beautiful and I wouldn’t change how this ended one bit. She is the reason why I go another day. Her and James. They are my sunshine, my light. Everything that I need to survive. She slid on her black dress shoes and ran down stairs. I watched as she bounced as she ran away. I couldn’t help but smile. I walked back to my room where James was still in bed. I was smiling uncontrollably.
“Whats happened?” He asked.
“Nothing.” I said still smiling.
“Then why are you smiling?” He asked. I sat on the bed neck to him. He sat up and placed a hand around my waist.
“Isabelle. She’s just so beautiful and she means everything to me and I’m scared that I’m not doing a good enough job with her. What, what if I’m not the Mother she needs? What if I can’t give her what she needs? I can’t let her down. I just love her so much!” I said crying. James comfortably rubbed my back. He leaned against the bed post and I laid my head on his chest.
“You are a fantastic mother and have raised an incredible beautiful daughter. I can tell you love her just by the way you look at her. No one can do a better job than you.” He said. I looked up and he kissed my forehead.
“I love you.” I managed to mumble through my sobs.
“I know.” He said. James and I laid in bed for the rest of the morning. We talked about out life plans and the things we regret. It was a real touching moment for us. We really connected. Isabelle ran in through the door and jumped on the bed with us. She laid on me, and I was laying on James.
“Hello, sweet heart.” I said while brushing her hair with my hands.
“Hi, Mommy.” She said. We all stared out the big window to the side of us as the sun shined through. We watched as birds and planes flew by.
“I wanna go play!” She yelled.
“Okay. Do you want me to call Susie?” I asked her.
“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” She shouted while jumping up and down. I felt under the blanket to make sure that James had some sort of clothing on but not to my surprise he was nude. He smiled at me as I told Isabelle to go wait with Grandma while James and I got dressed.
“Get up, lazy!” I said while pulling off the covers. He spread out across the bed and put his hands above his head as if he was getting comfortable.
“That,” I said while motioning to his body. “Is fantastic but we have to go and call Sophie.” I began to say but he cut me off.
“Susie.” He corrected me.
“See what you do! You and all you’re ‘glory’ gets my head spinning and I can’t think straight so get dressed!” I told him.
“Make me.” He smiled.
“You’re acting childish.” I reminded him. He pulled me on told of his rock hard body. I put one hand on his pecks trying to get free from his embrace but it was no use. He smothered me with kissed and rolled on top of me.
“Are you done?” I asked him.
“Not yet.” He said and kissed me once more on the lips. He rolled off and got some boxers on. I got up and jumped into a steamy shower. The wall of the shower were streamed up. I was singing to I’ll Be when James scared the crap out of me. He opened the shower door and jumped in with me. He hugged me and started singing with me.
“Get out!” I yelled.
“No.” He said stubbornly.
“James.” I whined.
“I just want to take a shower with my baby.” He said.
“Ugh!” I yelled. “He hugged me and kissed my neck and I smiled unwillingly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He said. He soaped up my luffa and washed my back and I washed his hair. I’m uncontrollably, indescribably in love with this crazy guy and I’m loving every second of it.

After we got out of the shower I got dressed and went down stairs to call Susie. I picked up the phone and dialed her number. It rang several times before her mother picked up.
"Hello?" She asked.
"Hi, Katie. How are you?" I asked.
"Great! And yourself?" She asked.
"Fantastic! The wedding is coming along and I wont forget to send you in invitation. The reason I called was to ask if Isabelle could come over and hang out with Susie because my father is going with James to find him a tuxedo and I'm going to go with Mom to find a dress." I told her.
"That will work. Just send her over." She said. Then we both hung up.
"Isabelle!" I yelled and then I heard her come down stairs. "Go ahead and head over to Susie's. I will be right behind you." I said and she ran out the door and across the street. I slipped on my flip flops and headed over. I knocked on the door and Susie opened it and took Isabelle's hand and then ran up to her room. Katie came over with a chuckled as they scampered up the stairs.
"How's Roger?" I asked her. Roger is her husband who just got back from Iraq. She sighed.
"I don't know. A few times a night I will roll over to find him not there and I'd go down stairs to see him on the porch sitting in the swing. I don't think he's okay. I know he loves us but he doesn't act like he use to." She said. I felt so bad for her but I knew pity wouldn't help her any. Katie kind of became my best friend after Michelle left. Michelle use to write once in a while but after a month or so her letter's stopped. Without an address or a phone number I had no way to get a hold of her. For weeks I tried to track her down. I even went to her parents to see if they had heard anything but they didn't. I tried looking up an updated address but they wouldn't give me one because I'm not related to her. I finally gave up but thats when I met Katie. She was pregnant just around the same time I was and Susie and Isabelle immediately became best friends.
"Has he tried seeing anyone?" I asked her.
"No. I know the old Roger I know is down there some where, I just have to find him." She said. I gave her a hug for comfort.
"Good luck, sweetie. He will come back to you, just give it time." I told her and then waved goodbye as I crossed the street. I went back to my house and told my mom that I was going to wait in the car for her. After five minutes she came out and got into the passenger seat and James and my Dad and I got into James truck and headed to a Tuxedo shop to guy one for James. We went to a little boutique called "Mathews Bridal." It was beautiful inside. A few women were trying on dresses and they looked stunning. I walked in with my Mom and we walked around looking at dresses. I wanted an traditional wedding. One with a beautiful white gown and a handsome Fiance waiting for me at the alter.
"What can I help you with?" A little perky lady said to me. I jumped up.
"Wedding dress." My Mom said..
"What kind of wedding dress are you looking for?" She asked.
"A traditional white gown."I said.
"I have the perfect dress." She said and then motioned us to the storage place. We walked in and we were surrounded with manikins wearing wedding dresses that were white all the way to the color pink. I was amazed at the beauty off all the dresses. The woman walked over to a section that was in the far back and came back with a stunning gown. It was white. It was strapless but tight for the upper half, then it came out at the bottom with two layers. The upper half was sparkly but not to over whelm it. It had a white rose on the left side where the second layer started. My jaw dropped. I had to catch my breath. It was the perfect dress. Its the dress that you dream about when your little. The one you close your eyes to see when your sneaking your mom's heels to wear.
"That's it." I said almost speechless. I turned to my Mom. "That's my dress."
"Ok." My Mom said and the woman showed me where the dressing room was. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror and this is the first time that I thought I was beautiful. The first time that I can actually see me and not just my outer appearance. I wanted this dress. I needed this dress. I turned around to face my Mom to see what she thought. She was crying and wouldn't even look me in the eye.
"Mom?" I asked.
"Don't look at me." She said through her sobs and cries.
"Mom????" I asked again.
"You've grown up so fast." She said while wiping her tears with a tissue. "I remember when you were little and I fucked up your life." She said.
"Mom!" I scolded her. "Language."
"I'm sorry, its just you raised your brother when you your self was just a baby. If it wasn't for me you would have graduated high school a year sooner and been on a much better track." She cried.
"If it wasn't for you I would have never met Jake and had Isabelle and I wouldn't change that for the world, no matter how crazy Jacob turned out to be. Don't forget you are also the reason why I met James. You forced me to go to College and I met the man of my dreams. You did nothing but molded me into the woman I am today. Mom, I love you." I told her and she cried harder. I stepped off the pedal-still and hugged her.
"I love you so much, Miley." She said through her sobs.
"I no." I said.
"Mhm." The woman grunted through out touching moment totally ruining it.
"We will take the dress." I told her. I walked back into the dressing room and took the gown off. I didn't want to. I didn't want to take it off ever. It was so beautiful. It was my dream dress and I didn't want to let it go. We went home and we had the dress in the back seat. Every minute or so I would look in the rear view mirror to make sure its still there. I don't know why but for some reason I felt as if It was going to disappear. As if it was too good to be true. I got home and saw James suit hanging on the coat rack in the door way. It was black with a flower in the pocket. I knew he was going to look so handsome in it. James came up to me as Mom and I were carrying the dress up to her room.
"James go away! You can't see the dress!" I said and hide it behind me.
"Come on, babe. Its just a dress. I wanna see!" He said and tried looking behind me but my Dad came up behind him.
"A weddings a wedding, son and if you want it to run smoothly I would let her have it her way, if you know what I mean." My Dad said and nudged his shoulder. James walked away and watched the game with my Dad. My Mom and I scurried up stairs and hide the dress in her closet but his suit. I sighed once we got it in the closet.
"Whats wrong?" My Mom asked.
"Nothing." I said and sighed again. It wasn't intentional.
"Somethings wrong. What is it?" She asked as we sat on the bed.
"This is really happening isn't it?" I asked.
"Yes." She laughed.
"I just get this feeling that if I close my eyes that it will all disappear. I really love James but.." I couldn't find the words.
"I love you is forever. He's not going to leave you like Jacob did. He's real and he isn't going to disappear. He is the best thing for you. You and Isabelle." She said. I smiled to myself thinking about Isabelle.
"Isabelle." I smiled again.
"She is an amazing girl and will grow up to be a beautiful woman. You are doing a great job with her and James can only help." She said and then I hugged her.
"You always know what to say." I told her.


After weeks of preparing for the wedding it was actually time. The catering was all set up and all the guest arrived. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing my dress and my hair was down and curled. My Mom knocked at the door and came in.
"Can you help me with my make-up?" I asked her.
"Oh course." She answered and picked up the lipstick and started helping me. When she was done she fixed my hair in the back and stared at me through the mirror. "You are truly beautiful. He's so lucky."
"Thanks mom." I said and turned around and hugged her.
"Before I start crying I have to tell you that I have a surprise for you." She said.
"What is it?" I asked. She stepped out of my view and the door opened. A woman in a maid of honor dress walked in. She was dressed in the light blue dress with a white bouquet in her hands. I looked up at her face and she dropped the bouquet. I ran to her almost tripping on my dress.
"I cant believe its you!" I yelled. I was in tears I was so happy.
"Miley! Oh my gosh! I've missed you so much!" She cried back.
"Michelle, where have you been? I've tried to keep in touch but your letters stopped and I had no address." I told her as we both took a seat.
" I know, I know. I was writing you but then my career took off. Once of my paintings was discovered and out in a art exhibit. I was so busy trying to draw and come out with my new piece that I forgot." She told me. "I now own my own Art Exhibit. Its mainly of my art but others too. My dream finally came a reality." She told me. I was so happy for her but this seemed like a dream. She was really here. I can't believe it. My Mom sat in a chair next to us just listening to everything we have had to say.
"Michelle, I've missed you so much. You have no idea everything I've done and have gone through and it was a thousand times worse since you weren't with me." I hugged her again. She pushed me back and took a good look at me.
"Have you lost weight?" She asked me.
"No, but I don't have the baby bump anymore." I told her with a chuckled. She jumped up and smiled and at the perfect time Isabelle walked through the door. She was my flower girl. She was wearing a white dress with yellow flowers around the bottom. Her hair was pulled back in the front and down in the back. My Mom even put make-up on her. She was so excited.
"Mommy, I forgot where I put my flower basket." She said and sat on my lap. My veil was behind me and she touched it and smiled because it was sparkly.
"Its right there." I said and pointed to the corner where she had set it when she put on her dress. She jumped up and got it. She was about to run out of the room when I stop her.
"Isabelle?" I asked. She looked at me and stopped. "Come here, I want you to meet someone." I said and she sat back on my lap. "This is Michelle. She is your God Mother."
"Hi, sweetie." Michelle said and hugged her.
"Hi." Bella replied.
"You are so big! I remember when you were in your mommy's tummy." Michelle said. Isabelle smiled and leaned into me. Isabelle ran out of the room with her flower basket.
"She is beautiful." Michelle said to me.
"I know. I don't know what I would do with out her." I told her.
"So, whats been going on with you, besides the whole married things going on right now?" She asked.
"Well, I went to college, and that's where I met James. He's a sweet heart. He loves Isabelle just as much as I do and he does everything in his power for me. He love her more than anything. James was the first person that I’ve told everything about. Caleb’s really good. He’s got all the girls chasing after him. He’s such a player.” I chuckled. “He’s James best man actually.”
“Miley, I’ve missed you so much.” She said and hugged me again.
“I know, I’ve missed you too. After you left I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t do anything and it was so hard to deal with the pregnancy and Isabelle as a baby with out you being there. I hated that you missed so much of her life.” I told her. I looked over at Mom who had tears in her eyes. I stood up and walked over to her.
“Thank you.” I told her.
“Oh sweetie, after all you’ve been through, you deserve it.” She said.
“This is the best wedding present you could have ever given me.” I told her. The door opened and Katie came in.
“You guys ready?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I said looking in the mirror to fix my make up.
“Honey, you smeared your make-up with all your crying.” My Mom said. I laughed and then she wiped under my eyes.
“All ready.” I said and Michelle handed me my bouquet. Katie went back to her spot on the brides maids area. Michelle went with her. I met my Dad out side the changing room and I took his arm. I saw a tear roll down his cheek.
“Don’t cry.” I told him.
“You just grew up so fast.” He said and wiped his face. “And I’m not crying. Guys don’t cry.”
“I love you, Daddy.” I said and kissed his cheek. The music began to play and I walked down the isle. Isabelle was walking first. She looked so cute with her little dress and her throwing the flower pedals. I looked in the crowd. I saw everyone. My Mom, my friends from my school and my family. I looked at Caleb and how handsome he looked. Then I looked at James. The man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. He was smiling like a little boy who just got his first boner. I chuckled to myself.
“Do you willingly give this young lady away?” The priest asked my Father.
“I do.” He said and kissed my cheek and then sat down.
“We are all gathered here....” The priest went on but I gazed off into James eyes. I imagined us old and sitting on a porch swing, slowly rocking back and forth. I see us both with grey hair and I see Isabelle as a young woman. I this is what I’ve been waiting for. This is what I’ve deserved. I’ve gone through everything for this. I couldn’t help think that if it wasn’t for Jacob I wouldn’t have been blessed with Isabelle and I wouldn’t have been forced to go to college to meet James. It was Just A Kiss that placed all this to happen. My heart was pounding so hard. James reached across and grabbed my hands as he listened to the Priest talk. When I came back to earth I heard the last of his speech.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t think this couple should get married? Speak now or forever hold your peace.” The priest said and as I looked in the crowd it was silent.
“Ok.” He said but just as he did the church doors slammed open.
“I do!” A voice said.

THE END...... (Still interested? Want to know who come through the church doors? Then read the third book!) 


Texte: Morgan
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2011

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