
Just a Kiss
By: Morgan :P

As I watched the bottle spin around I was so nervous on who it would land on. When it stopped I froze. The bottle stopped at Jacob. He looked nervous too.
“Alright Miley, ten minutes in heaven.” Michelle paused for a second. “With Jacob.” She finished. We both got up and headed for the closet. When we got there I sat in the corner.
“So... What do you want to do?” I asked.
“I don’t know. What do you want to do?” He asked. I knew but Jacob wasn’t the one who I wanted to do stuff with.
“Its really dark in here.” I stated trying to break the silence.
“Yeah.” He replied. I didn’t want to be the wuss so I took control.
“Just sit still okay.” I told him. He was tense and I could feel him tense even more up when I touched his arm. I sat right in front of him, not that he would know because of how dark it was. I put both arms around his neck and slowly went in for a kiss. He knew I was so he went in too. When our lips touched I got goosebumps. I never thought I would be kissing Jacob Marks. He has always been the out cast in our grade. He had such soft lips. When we pulled away we just sat there. “We have like nine minutes left.” I said while laughing.
“So what else do you want to do?” He asked.
“Well we could sit here.” I said but then I felt him put his hand on my arm. He slowly went in to kiss me. I kiss back but not as much as he hoped. Then I heard the buzzer that mean’t time was up and I quickly pulled away. As soon as I did the door swung opened and Michelle gave me a anxious look. Michelle and I left the party shortly after that.
“What happened in there?” Michelle asked.
“Its not like Jake and I were the only people who had to go in there. Why didn’t you asked them what happened?” I asked. She didn’t like that answer.
“What did you guys do?” She asked.
“Nothing. Just kiss.” I paused. “Twice.” I finished. She was surprised.
“Thats funny because Jacob looked dazed when he came out of the closet. Do you think that was his first kiss?” She asked and that got me thinking.
“Its wouldn’t surprise me.” I said. I really hoped that was not his first kiss because it wasn’t like he could have chose to say to kiss me or not. Jacob was cute and handsome but he was really smart. I’m not sure why he was an out cast but he was. I know he is a really sweet guy and I’m happy I didn’t have to kiss one of those other jerks.
“Is it okay that I spend the night at your house?” Michelle asked as we got into my car.
“Yea. We have to get up early for soccer practice.” I said. I blacked out for a second. I thought of Jacob with that wavy black hair and his cute glasses. He is tall and built nice. He wears Holister or Areopastal for everything.
“Miley!” Michelle screamed. She snapped her fingers in front of my face.
“Oh. Sorry.” I said while trying to figure out what happened.
“Are you okay? Do you want me to drive?” She asked. She was such a good friend but sometimes she’s too concerned.
“I’m fine. I can drive.” I said. She wasn’t satisfied with the answer but she kept quiet and sat back in her seat. I don’t know why I thought of Jacob. Its so weird. When I pulled into my drive way Caleb ran out of the house.
“Miley, come quick! Its on!” He screamed from the door. Caleb is my little brother. We are 11 years apart. He is 6. Since I’m out so late he tells me when my favorite show is on. Its called Grey’s Anatomy. Its really funny. Its about doctors and their lives. Michelle watches it with me everyday. I ran into the house and plopped down on the couch and Caleb turned on the TV. We watched it for an hour then Caleb had to go to bed for school.
“Night booger.” I said while kissing his forehead.
“Night.” He replied back. My brother and I have always had a good relationship. I swear the girls will be all over him when he gets older. Michelle and I went to my room.
“So you love him.” Michelle stated while shutting my door. I gave her the no look then she gave me the, honey please, look.
“Yes.” I said looking out the window. “Its like when ever i’m not with him I get butterflies in my stomach. I’m scared of losing him but he’s not even mine.” I told her.
“Aw. Honey, thats called love.” She said. I started to blush. “He’s most likely thinking about you right now!”
“Do you think?” I asked.
“Yes.” She replied. She was probably right. I mean I’m pretty sure I was his first kiss so that means he is probably as in love as I am. “Call him!” She said and then threw her phone at me.
“I don’t even know his number.” I said.
“Its in my contacts. I know everyones number.” She said.
“Creepy.” I said. She laughed. I threw her phone back at her. “I can’t.” She dialed the number then threw it back at me. I put it up to my ear and heard his deep voice.
“Hello?” He said and then I hung up.
“What was that?” She asked. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She asked me.
“Because I don’t want to.” I told her. We ended up watching scary movies the rest of the night.
In school the next day I decided that I would ask him out. I didn’t know if he liked me but I had to find out. I saw him at his locker and I didn’t want him to leave before I got to him. I raced over and leaned against the locker against his.
“Hey.” I said.
“Hi.” He replied with the look that said what the fuck.
“So, um.” I paused for a second. I was talking myself out of asking him. “I’m just going to say it. I like you. A lot.” I told him. He shut his locker and didn’t say anything. “Say something.” I told him.
“I like you too.” He said. I felt my heart jump out of my chest.
“Do you want to go out?” I asked him.
“Is that like I take you on a date?” He asked me. I chuckled.
“No, thats like your my boyfriend.” I said. He put his books under his arms and started walking to class. I walked beside him.
“Okay.” He said. “Miley,” He said. I looked up at him. “Can you teach me to be cool?”
“Of course. Meet me at my house after school.” I said and then hugged him. He wasn’t sure what to do. He kinda just stood there.
When he got to my house he was wearing one of his Areopastal shirts with his plaid shorts. I was in love with his wardrobe.
“Come in.” I said when I answered the door. He walked in, “My rooms this way.” I said and walked up the stairs.
“Are your parents home?” He asked me. My parents went out drinking a lot.
“No but I’m watching my little brother Caleb. He will be in his room.” I told him.
“Am I aloud in your room without any parents being here?” He asked.
“Yes, they don’t care.” I said and he was surprised. When we got to my room I sat on my bed. She sat on the floor. “You can sit next to me.” I said. He stood up and sat next to me. I knew he was nervous so I slid next to him and held his hand. “Okay. So when you walk you don’t want to have your legs so close. You want to have swagggg. Stand up and copy me.” I told him. He copied me perfectly. Maybe this wont be as hard as I think. “Now when you talk don’t be afraid to pronounce some things wrong. Its okay. You will look even better if you hold my hand down the hallway.” I said and winked. “The way you dress is perfect. I love it. When you stand in the hallway you can lean against lockers. It makes you look cool.” I told him. He was nodding. “And last don’t be afraid to hold my hand. We are girl friend and boy friend. You have some say.”
“Okay.” He said and sat down.
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“Yeah.” He said. We walked down stairs and made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
“Caleb!” I yelled from the kitchen. I heard little pitter patter of his feet above me. Then, he comes running down the stairs.
“I’m hungry!” He yelled from the top of the stairs.
“Here.” I said and slide the plate across the counter.
“Thank you.” He said and took off to go back up stairs to play x box.
“He seems like a sweet kid.” Jake said to me.
“He is. I couldn’t ask for a better brother.” I said.
“Do you think your friends will like me?” He asked me. It wasn’t like kindergarten anymore. You cant just say, “Hi. Your my best friend.” It doesn’t work that way anymore.
“I think you will fit in just fine.” I said but I could only hope.
I walked in with Jake on my arm and everyone looked and stared. We got to my locker and I stopped.
“Okay, don’t say anything stupid. Just act like your cute self.” I said. I brushed his hair to the side. Then Michelle came over with Bret, her boyfriend.
“Hey guys.” I said to them.
“Hey.” Michelle said. She was staring at Jacob then staring at me.
“Hey Bret, why don’t you show Jake some of your football moves. Maybe Jake will like it and join your team.” I said and pushed Jake towards Bret.
“Okay.” Bret said as if he was asking a question.
“What is that?” Michelle asked.
“What are you talking about?” I asked acting dumbfounded.
` “Don’t play dumb with me, Miley.” She said in a serious voice.
“Okay, okay. We’re dating. I want you to be nice to him. Let him in our group.” I told her.
“Fine.” She said. After about a week Jake was a pro. He was fist pounding the other guys and was having girls gaze at him. I was proud of what I made him into but I think he was perfect the way he was.
“Come to my house today?” I asked him.
“Of course.” He replied. When we got to my house I grabbed a water out of the fridge and went to my room. When we got there we got our books out about to do our homework. We both laid on my bed. He looked up at me and we kissed. And then we kissed again. And again. He slowly laid me down. Before I knew it my clothes were off and so was his.
“Are you ready?” He asked me. I was skeptical about what to say but I nodded anyways. I knew I wasn’t ready but I wanted to be.
“Have you done this before?” I asked him.
“No but I know what to do.” He said and took out a condom.
"So, you just have codoms in your pocket all the time?" I chuckled. She smirked as she opened it.

It was kind of awkward after. He laid staring at me as I sat up. I grabbed my shirt and put it back on. I looked into his eyes as he kissed me. There was something different about him. I wasnt sure what it was. It was almost as if he had this new burst of confidence. Something Ive never seen in him.
“Miley?” He asked and looked at me.
“Yes.” I replied.
“Are we okay?” He asked.
“Of course.” I said but I really didn’t know.
About a week later I saw him leaning against a locker after third block. I walked up behind him. I was about to wrap my arms around him but then I noticed he was talking to a girl.
“So listen. Your pretty. I’m cute. Together we’d be pretty cute. Will you go out with me?” He asked. He was wearing his football jersey. He was now the star quarter back.
“Okay.” She said in a nervous but happy voice.
“I’ll pick you up at five. Stay sexy.” He said and then pointed to her and winked. She closed her locker and looked at me. He walked away. Jake didn’t know I was watching. I walked up to him. I was as angry as a ball of fire in a forest.
“What the hell was that?” I asked while pushing him.
“Woah Babe, calm down.” He said and looked at his group of friends.
“No! I will not calm down! Now tell me what the fuck was that!” I demanded. He was getting embarrassed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room and closed the door.
“Miley, just calm down.” He told me. He no longer talked like a jerk and he didn’t use any slang.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you just act like someone else to be cool?” I asked me.
“You don’t know what its like. To be made fun of and never asked to be in anything. I was invisible, Miley. I just wanted to be part of something. Something that made my life worth living.” He said. I felt horrible that he felt this way but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it and treating me like shit to be cool is not worth it either.
“So you want to treat me like a road kill just so you can be cool? Thats not right!” I said. I was yelling but I didn’t care.
“You are still not getting it! I was nothing. Now I’m someone. I’m not giving this up!” He said. I stormed out of there. He chased after me. I made it half way down the hall before he grabbed me.
“Did the kiss mean nothing to you? It mean’t the world to me. I love you but you don’t see that.” I said. He dried the tears that were rolling down my cheek. He lifted my head up and looked me in the eyes.
“It was just a kiss.” He said with a soft voice. I bitch slapped him across his face. He dropped his jaw. I dropped my books ran at least five miles to get to my house. I couldn’t stop running because then I would start to think. I stopped running and went straight up to my room. How could I get in that deep? How could I fall for someone so horrible? How could I have created that? I didn’t know the answers to any of this. The next day everybody was looking at me and whispering. Its not like I didn’t know what they were talking about. I put everything into him and he just used me.
“Miley?” Michelle asked. I was putting my books into my locker and she was standing behind me. I turned around with tears in my eyes. I jumped into her arms. “It’s okay.” She whispered over and over again. She stroked my hair. It was relaxing, like I believed what she was saying. Michelle is always there for me. Through thick and thin. I looked up. She wiped my tears. “I know, honey.” She said. I didn’t even have to use words. She picked up my books out of my locker. “Lets go.” She said and headed out the door. She knew I couldn’t be in this school right now. We got about halfway down the street and started to talk.
“I know that you most likely don’t want to talk but where you in love with him?” She asked me.
“Yes.” I said and tried to stop my sobbing.
“I know its hard to find love but-,” She began to say but I interrupted her. I knew where she was getting at. Michelle knows its too. There are always more fish in the sea but your first love is alway more special.
“Its not that! Michelle,” I screamed. My voice got more quiet.” I think I’m pregnant.” For a while Michelle didn’t say anything. She just stood there. Looking at me.
“What?” She asked quietly. I didn’t say anything. I fell to the wet ground. I was sobbing even more than before. She got on her knees too. “Miley, what did you do?” She asked. I saw she was crying too.
“Michelle.” I cried. She hugged me.
“I can’t save you from this one, honey.” She said. I knew she couldn’t save me. After about an hour of us sitting in the deserted sidewalk crying, I stood up. I wiped my tears and stood tall.
“Thank you.” I said to her.
“For what?” She asked me.
“For being a real friend. You were true from the beginning. You never left me. You cry when I cry. I love you, Michelle.” I said.
“I love you too, Miley.” She said and hugged me.
“I wish it could stay like this forever. Just you and me but your going to have a handsome husband and adorable children and I will be the lonely one keeping you back.” I said and hung my head.
“Even if I do have all those things, you could never hold me back because you’ll be at my side.” She said. We walked a local store on my street.
“I can’t go in there.” I said. She saw the fear on my face and went in for me. I watched through the window. She went to the section where the pregnancy section was and got two pregnancy test. She walked to the counter and paid for them. I saw the look the cashier gave her. I feel terrible.
“I’m so sorry I made you go in for me!” I said when she got to me outside.
“Don’t worry its fine. I got you two because the first may not be accurate.” She said and handed them to me. We headed for my house. The minutes leading up to me peeing on that stick was torture. When I got to the bathroom I had never been so terrified to pee in my life. I waited for two minutes and then looked at the stick. Before I even saw the answer I closed my eyes. I couldn’t do it. Michelle came in.
“Are you okay in here.” She asked. I was sitting on the sink. She came up to me. “Whats the results?” She asked.
“I don’t know. I can’t look. What if I am pregnant? What will I do?” I started to panic. She put her hand over my mouth to shut me up. Her red hair covered her face.
“I will look.” She said and then took the stick out of my hand. She looked at it and then threw it away. She didn’t say anything. She opened the second box and took out the other stick. “ Pee on it!” She demanded. So I did. After three minutes this time she looked. She didn’t say anything. She came up and hugged me. That made me think I was okay. That was until she said,
“It will be okay.” I started to cry.
“No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no.” I repeated over and over. She put her hand on my mouth again.
“Sh.” She said and pushed my blonde hair aside. “I will be here every step through.”
“Oh god, I’m going to be sick.” I said and then bent over the toilet. I vomited everything. I heard Michelle crying. She held my hair back. I was crying and vomiting. A horrible combination. Once I was finished I sat up.
“Are you going to tell him?” She asked me.
“How can I? He doesn’t love me. I don’t want him to obligated to love me either. No one can know!” I said to her.
“I know.” She replied. I stood up and went to my room and sat on the bed.
“This is it.” I said.
“What do you mean?” She asked following me and sitting next to me.
“They are going to kill me. You know that right?” I said. “I’m too young. I don’t want to think about it anymore. Can we go to the park?” I asked her and she nodded and headed out the door. I followed behind her.
As we walked silently I admired the hues or orange, red and even a little yellow, that was surrounding me. I kicked leaves as we passed them. Michelle decided to break the silence.
“We can run away.” She said in one quick breath. I was stunned. Little miss perfect Michelle. Never doing anything wrong, wants to run away and with me of all people!
“What?” I said in astonished.
“I mean do out parents even know that we exist? They never pay any attention. They wouldn’t even miss us!” She said but it was some what true. With her Mother drinking her worries away and my parents working twenty for seven, they never see us.
“Your crazy.” I said. I was totally serious. I looked at her and her red hair blew in the wind. I looked up and saw a flock of birds in a v shaped heading over me. I kept staring. “If I were a bird I would fly and fly and never look back.” I said in a very quiet voice. I didn’t even mean to say that aloud.
“Will you run away with me?” She asked me.
“How will we get money, clothes, and what happens when they baby comes?” I asked her. I started to panic even though we haven’t even decided if we actually will run away.
“We can bring our own clothes and we will figure the rest out when it comes up.” She said. I put my hands on her shoulders.
“Whats wrong?” I asked her. Michelle always does the right thing and never disappoints anyone. She looked straight into my eyes. Then looked away.
“My Mom moved out.” She paused for a second and sat down in the grass. “I was almost asleep last night when I heard them arguing. Uh, my Dad admitted that he wasn't happy and my Mom admitted it too then they said that they knew each other were cheating. My Mom started to cry then my Dad said that something had to be done. My Mom cried even harder and then when I woke up she wasn’t there. Miley, I miss her. Its been about two weeks and she hasn’t come back. I can’t look at him and keep missing her.” She said. I leaned over and hugged her.
“It will be okay.” I told her. I wiped the smudges of makeup off her cheeks. I helped her stand up. “What will we do about school?” I asked her.
“You will be 18 in a couple of weeks and I will be 18 in a few months. We will drop out.” She said.
“How will we tell them?” I asked. I couldn’t just leave with out letting them know that I was okay.
“I will leave them at note. I mean him. You should do the same.” She said and I nodded.
When I got home later that day I stood in the front door for the longest time. I just breathed in the air. The sent of cotton and fresh air. I touched the couch and felt my mom’s satin sheets on her bed. I walked down the hallway and looked into my brothers room. He was sitting on the floor playing with his power ranger action figures. I loved my brother. He was so smart but he didn’t even know it. He deserved the world. I felt horrible about leaving. I didn’t have a choice. I looked down and touched my stomach and sighed. I went to my room and sat on my bed. I looked around. I saw the picture of Jacob on my table by my bed. I looked at him and a tear escaped from my eye. It hit the picture and shattered like glass. My heart crumbled.
“How could he betray me like this? I’m not dirt! I deserve better than this!” I screamed into the wind and then slammed the picture on the floor. It shattered into a million pieces. I slid down the side of my bed and sat on the floor staring at the mess I just made. I stood up and got a broom from my closet and swept all the glass up and threw it away. Caleb stood in my door way.
“Miley?” He asked and I looked up. I wiped my tears and put the broom away.
“Yes Caleb.” I answered.
“Are you okay?” He asked me. His brown eyes stared into mine.
“Yes I’m fine.” I said and went up and hugged him. “Everything will be okay.” I said.
“Okay.” He said and walked back to him room. I can’t leave him. Not here alone to fend for himself. I walked over to my window and looked out it. I saw him playing in the leaves with his friends. I picked up my cell phone and called Michelle.
“I can’t do it, Mitchie. I can’t leave Caleb.” I told her.
“Okay, okay. Calm down.” She said. I took a deep breath. “What are we going to do?” She asked me.
“We’er going to take him with us.” I said and she became silent. “It will be fine. I have over five hundred dollars saved up. It was going to go for a car but I can use it and Caleb has around the same amount in his safe in his room. He’s been saving up for a gun but I know the combination. How much do you have saved up?” I asked her.
“I only have around three hundred. Miley are we really going to do this?” She asked me.
“Yes.” I said. “I will pack for Caleb right now because he’s outside. My bags are already packed. In three hours meet me at my house with your truck. How many bags are you bringing?” I asked her.
“Like four or five.” She said.
“Okay. Same here. Be here in three hours. I will be outside.” I said. I walked to Caleb’s room and took out three duffle bags and three back packs. Since he is younger he is going to need more clothes. I filled four of the bags with clothes. I filled one with his toys and the other with shampoo’s, conditioner’s, combs, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shoes, and even a picture of all of us. I called Caleb in form outside.
“What is it?” He asked and took off his jacket.
“Caleb, listen close. We are going away. Just you, me, and Michelle.” I told him.
“What about Mommy?” He asked.
“Mommy is never around. We are going to go far away. I have your bags and Michelle will be here soon.” I told him. “Are you going to come?” I asked him because I didn’t want him to feel obligated although he was.
“Yes.” He said.
“Okay. I have some of your toys and your clothes.” I told him. Then I heard a car pull into the drive way and I thought that it was Michelle but I looked out the window and saw it was my Mom home early. “Shit!” I screamed and picked up Caleb.
“Thats a bad word!” He said as I ran and put him out the back door. I grabbed the bags and threw them out the back door too. I saw Michelle pull up behind the house and she jumped out and buckled Caleb in and threw the bags into the back. I took out a piece of paper to write her a note.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m pregnant. I know this would upset you but you two are never around. I was planning on leaving anyway. I took Caleb with me because if I wasn’t there then no one would watch him and he is such a smart boy. I will be in contact soon to let you know how we are doing. This is the best for us. Michelle is with us and we will be fine. With all our money combined we should be okay. Don’t be mad. I will enroll Caleb in school and he will get the education he deserves. I love you. We will be fine.

Love Miley

As I wrote the note I began to think of how much I will miss them. I ripped off the paper and set it on the counter. I ran out the back door as she came through the front.
“Did you leave the note?” Michelle asked as I jumped into the truck and told her to go.
“Yes. Go quick.” I told her. I looked back at Caleb through the mirror. I looked out the window at his Mother. We started to pull away but he didn’t take his eyes off her. It was horrible for me to watch his heart crumble like that. I reached back and put my hand on his leg.
“You okay buddy?” I asked him and he nodded.
“Michelle, where are we going?” I asked her. We had the escape planned but we never actually discussed where we were going.
“To New York.” She told me. We live in Pennsivana and now we are heading to New York. Its not too far away but we can get there. After a couple hours we stopped. I woke Caleb up.
“You hungry?” I asked him. He nodded his head. We got out of the truck and headed inside. We were at McDonald’s. “What do you want?” I asked him.
“Chicken Nuggets.” He said. It was almost dark out side and getting pretty chilly and I saw him shiver. I gave him my sweat shirt.
“Can I get one Chicken Nugget Happy Meal with a chocolate milk and two Ice Coffee’s.” I told him.
“Your total is 8.56.” The cashier said and I handed him the money. We sat down. Michelle looked tired. She must have been driving for at least five hours.
“Do you want me to drive next?” I asked her.
“Yes.” She replied. Caleb had dark spots under his eyes. The man brought us our order and Caleb chowed down.
“Slow down. There’s no hurry. We can stay as long as you want.” I told him with a chuckle. “What time is it?” I asked Michelle.
“Around Ten O’Clock.” She told me. I sighed. Caleb got up and threw his garbage away and we headed to the truck. I got in the drivers seat.
“Everyone buckled?” I asked.
“Yup.” They both replied. Michelle leaned the back seat back for Caleb to take a nap. We talked quietly so we didn’t wake him.
“We can sleep in the truck tonight but we will have to put the bags in the back inside the truck incase it rains. We can go apartment hunting tomorrow.” I told her and she agreed.
“I’m going to take a little nap.” She said and then dozed off. We got into New York. I found out quickly that it was mainly country. It was dark in a lot of places but the street lights helped. I found a vacant street and parked the truck and fell asleep. When I woke up Michelle was staring at a Map. Caleb was still sleeping in the back. I rubbed my eyes and stretched.
“Where are we going to start?” I asked her.
“There is a nice apartment building here.” She said and pointed to a spot on the map. “But first lets go to this one, and this one.” She said while pointing to other locations.
“Okay.” I said and started up the truck. We got to the first location. It was called The Place. “I’ll go in.” I said and had Michelle wait in the truck with sleeping Caleb. I walked inside and found that it was bland and not kept well.
“Hello. How may I help you?” A man greeted me.
“I’m looking for an apartment. There is myself and another woman and a little boy and a baby on the way.” I said.
“Well we have many rooms but noise isn’t tolerated.” He said. I didn’t like this place but I let him give me a tour anyway.
“Okay. I will let you know if I’m interested.” I told him after he was done showing me around. “It was no good.” I said and go into the truck. We drove to the next place which was a ways away. Michelle went in. After no more than ten minutes she came out and shook her head no. Then we drove to another we found on the way. She went in again and shook her head no when she walked out just like before. We went to the last place. It looked decent outside. Its name was The Le Monte. I didn’t know what it meant but it sounded better than all the rest. Caleb woke up when Michelle slammed the door shut so all three of us went in. A man in a uniform greeted us.
“Hello. Welcome to The Le Monte. How may I assist you?” He asked. He was very nice and handsome.
“Hi. We are looking for an apartment.” I said.
“Sorry we are all booked up.” He said. Then one of the Lobby Elevators opened and a woman and a man ran out of it.
“I’m sick of you and your whores, Jeffery! I’m moving out! You and the kids and go live with your mother!” The woman screamed and then checked out and took all there luggage to a cab and made the man and the two children get in.
“Apparently we now have an opening.” He said. “Would you like to see it?” He asked and we said yes. He brought us to the room. We walked in. It had three bedrooms. It was very neat and nice. It was perfect. Caleb and the baby could share a room or I could share a room and Michelle gets her own.
“Its perfect!” Michelle and I said at the same time.
“Okay. Come down stairs and we will get you set up.” He said and then opened the elevator for us. We went down to the lobby. I was skeptical about how much it was going to be.
“It will be three hundred a month.” The man at the cash register said and I let out a deep breath. It was a lot but better than what I thought it was. “There is a dryer and washer and a kitchen.” He said.
“Okay.” I said and got out my wallet. Michelle stopped me and took out hers and took out the only three hundred she had and handed to the man. He then handed me a key card to the room. We then went to our truck to get our bags. The who greeted us at the door put them on a luggage cart and took them to our room. When we got there I unpacked Caleb’s things and put them in his room. “You can organize your room however you want.” I told him and then he smiled really big and hugged me. I left him to move his room and then took my things to my room. I put all my clothes in my closet and then plugged in my cell phone. I laid on the bed and smelled the clean sheets. I looked at the Lavender wall paper and smiled. This apartment was so nice and it smelled so clean. I got up and took all the shoes and jackets and put them in the closet by the door. Then I took all the conditioner’s and shampoo’s and the other things that went in the bathroom and put them in the bathroom.
“I’m going to run to the store. To get some things I think we might need.” I said to Michelle. She was in her room. “I’m taking all of Caleb’s money and putting it away for next’s month’s rent. I’m going to get some hamburger and mac and cheese and drinks at the store.” I told her. “Do you want to come?”
“Yes.” She said and put away her bags in her closet.
“Caleb were going to the store. Come on.” I screamed from the door. He came running out of his room.
It was going to take a while to get use to where things are in this state. When we got to the store I saw a help wanted sign. I ran inside and asked if I could have a job.
“When can you start?” The manager asked me and I jumped up with happiness.
“Now! I can start now!” I said over joyed. I ran out to the truck. “You will never guess what I just got?” I told Michelle.
“Herpes?” She asked joking around.
“Whats that?” Caleb asked.
“See what you got started.” I told her.
“Its grown up stuff.” She told him.
“I got a job! I’m starting now!” I told her. “I will get groceries when my shift is over. I don’t know when that will be but I will call you. Here is twenty dollars. Go out and get something for you guys to eat.” I told them and handed them the money. I ran back inside.
“You will start by being a Cashier. You get minimum wage and you get off at seven.” The manager told me. It was only eleven o’clock. That means I will get 52.50 just for today. I was so happy. Maybe we will really be okay.
“Okay.” I told her. “One question. Whats your name?” I asked her.
“When your working you can call me Ms. Horn.” She said. She was very nice and most likely in her early twenties.
“Okay. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.” I told her.
“Was that woman in the truck your sister?” She asked me as they drove away.
“No. She’s my best friend.” I said. “The boy in the back is my little brother.” She looked down at my stomach. I was about two months pregnant and starting show. I nodded my head when she looked up at me.
“How many?” She asked.
“Two months.” I told her.
“Don’t life anything heavy, okay? We have Ernie for that.” She said and pointed to the big guy stacking boxes.
“Okay. And thank you again.” I told her and she threw me an apron and then walked away. Lots of people came in. My arms hurt like hell after a few hours. When my shift was over I went to my locker that Ms. Horn assigned me to and put my apron away.
“Do you have any tan pants or black shirts?” She asked me as I shut my locker.
“Yes.” I told her.
“Wear them. Its the dress code. You get paid every two weeks.” She said and went to her office. I called Michelle to come a pick me up.
“Caleb’s sleeping. I will carry him to the truck. I will be there in ten.” She said and then hung up. Once ten minutes passed the Manager came outside and started to get in her car. I was sitting on the bench next to the store.
“Is someone coming to get you?” She asked.
“Yes. They will be here soon.” I told her. Then Michelle turned into the parking lot. She drove up near me. “There she is.” I said.
“Can I see your little brother?” She asked me.
“Sure.” I said and motioned towards the truck. I opened the back door and there sitting in the seat tilted back was sleeping Caleb. He had on his favorite pajamas’. They were red Spiderman ones. He was wearing his red Spiderman slippers too.
“He’s so adorable.” Ms. Horn said. Michelle got out of the truck. She walked up to Ms. Horn and shook her hand.
“You have no idea how much your helping us. Thank you so much!” Michelle said and I smiled. I closed the door so Caleb wouldn’t get cold.
“Do you need a job too?” She asked Michelle. She had a smile from ear to ear.
“I would love one!” She said. But then paused. “I can’t though.” She said with a frown.
“Why not?” I asked her.
“Because then there is no one to watch Caleb.” She said.
“Oh.” I said and looked at him through the truck window. The blackness of the truck blended in with the night. I looked up and saw the full moon. I was filled with its beauty.
“I could give you two different work schedules and plus doesn’t he need to go to school soon?” She asked.
“He still has two more months. That would work perfectly if we had different work schedules.” I told Ms. Horn.
“Okay. So Miley can work for two days and then Michelle can work for two days and then Miley and work for two day and then you both get sunday off. Then it goes on.” She suggested.
“Thats perfect! Thank you so much Ms. Horn!” I told her.
“You can call me Emily.” She said.
“Thank you so much! See you tomorrow.” I told her and then Michelle got in the truck and we drove to our apartment. We got there and I carried Caleb to our room. I walked through the living room then to his room and laid him on his bed. I covered him up and kissed his forehead. I sat down at the foot of his bed. When I look at him I see my mom. Her dirty blonde, her brown eyes, her nose. I miss her but I know this is best. Maybe we can go and see her but not soon. I looked at him. He is so innocent, so sweet. He is what makes me go on.
“We will be okay. I love you.” I whispered in his ear and then kissed his forehead. I put his teddy bear under his arm. He never sleeps without it. He snuggled with it. I went into the living room and sat on the couch. Michelle was reading the news paper.
“Whats wrong?” She asked me. I sighed.
“Is this really whats best for him?” I asked her. I love Caleb so much and I know my Mom’s drinking is getting really bad and she’s not around as much as she should be but he needs a mom.
“No Miley! Don’t do this.” She said to me and got up and sat in front of me. “He needs you as much as you need him. You have been the one parenting him. Together we can do this.” She said and held my hand.
“Michelle, what if we cant do it. Then what happens?” I asked her.
“We have a job that pays almost a hundred dollars a day. We can do this. Once we are 18 we can become Caleb’s guardian but until then no one can know that we “took” him.” She said and I nodded my head. I went to bed. I laid there for at least an hour. I thought to my self. I didn’t know how to be on my own.
When I woke up Michelle was standing over me.
“Wake up sleepy head.” She said with a pan full of bacon. “Its almost time for you to go to work.”
“Oh crap! I forgot to get groceries yesterday!” I said and quickly got up.
“Its okay. I got up early this morning and got them.” She said.
“What would I do without you?” I said. I got up and put on my clothes. I walked into Caleb’s room. He was still sleeping. I shook him lightly.
“Hey. Good morning.” I told him as he took his little hands and rubbed his eyes. I ran my hands through his short dirty blonde hair.
“Is that bacon I smell?” He asked. I chuckled.
“Yes. Michelle made it.” I told him. He jumped up faster than a clown in a jack o box. He ran to the kitchen and was jumping up and down. I followed behind him. He sat at the table and Michelle sat a plate with two pieces of bacon and an egg made to look like a smiley face.
“You’re amazing, you know that right?” I asked her.
“Yup!” She said. I laughed. I sat down and ate and then brushed my hair and was off for work. I kissed Caleb on his cheek.
“I will see you when I get home late tonight.” I told him. I then gave Michelle a hug. “Thank you. I will bring the truck back later. And Caleb I found this really cool park just a little ways away from here. Maybe if your good Michelle will take you.” I said then waved good bye and shut the door. I got in the truck and headed to Quickie Mart. When I got there Ms. Horn was already waiting for me.
“Good morning.” I said to her as I put on my apron. I went to my register and started to check people out. Once it was closing time I went to my truck. I started it up and drove home. I started to get tired. I closed my eyes for one second and I was in the other lane with a truck coming straight at me. I panicked. I swerved to miss him and hit a different car. Everything went black. When I woke up I was laying on the wet ground and there were lights everywhere. I looked up. A man was standing over me.
“Its going to be okay. We on our way to get you to a hospital. Hang on.” He said. Then they counted to three and lifted me onto something then put me in an ambulance. The sirens were so loud. I blacked out again. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and Michelle was squeezing my hand.
“Ouch.” I said with my eyes still part way closed. She lifted her head and jumped up.
“Your okay!” She screamed.
“What happened?” I asked and opened my eyes all the way. I felt my head, it hurt a lot. “Ouch.” I said reacting to the pain.
“You were in a car accident. You swerved to miss a truck but then hit a different one.” She said. Then a doctor came in.
“Miley, you’re awake. Thats a good sign.” He said.
“Why does my head hurt so much?” I asked him.
“Your air bag didn’t deploy and your head hit the dash. Luckily you didn’t have any broken bones. Besides the three stitches you had on your forehead you just have a few bruises and minor scraps. We have one problem.” He said. Michelle stood up.
“What is it?” She asked trying to be quiet because Caleb was asleep in the chair by the bed.
“It says here your only 17. I cant release you under your own supervision and she is only seventeen too.” He said while referring to Michelle.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Twelve thirty.” He said. I laughed.
“What is it Miley?” Michelle asked.
“Its the twentieth.” I told her. Then she laughed.
“Will someone fill me in?” The doctor said.
“Check when her birthday is.” Michelle said to the doctor. He looked at her file and then said, “Aha.”
“I am 18.” I told him.
“Very well then. You are free to go.” He said and then had me sign some forms.
“I have one question. How is the baby?” I asked him.
“What baby?” He asked.
“I’m pregnant.” I told him.
“You are?” He asked.
“Yes. Is the baby okay?” I asked him.
“Let me check.” He said. He laid me down and scanned my stomach. He found its little head. It looks so cute but its not very developed yet. “It has a heart beat and it looks perfectly normal.” He said.
“Thank god.” I said.
Michelle carried Caleb to the truck. She drove.
“You scared me silly.” She told me.
“I’m sorry.” I said.
“I no. Its not your fault.” She said. We were silent for a while.
“What happened to Bret?” I asked her.
“We were at his house. We were in his room watching a movie. I kissed him but he wanted more. He got me on the bed. I stopped him and told him I wasn’t ready. He kept pushing and pushing finally I screamed. I got up and stormed out. I haven’t heard from him since.” She said.
“I’m so sorry.” I told her. She didn’t say anything. The next day it was her work day. I stayed home with Caleb. I was sore from the accident but I didn’t want Caleb to know that. I was watching the news when Caleb ran up to me.
“I want a skateboard!” He said with enthusiasm.
“You can get one for Christmas.” I told him.
“No! I want one now so I can learn how to skate!” He said.
“Okay, okay.” I said. He kept tugging on my pants. I got up and looked at my wallet. It had only four hundred left. We kept using money for gas and groceries. I took a hundred out and took Caleb by the hand. The town we were in was small but it had everything. We walked almost a mile until we stopped and found a sports shop. We walked in and looked around. There were all sorts of skateboards. “Which one do you like?” I asked him.
“This one! This one!” He screamed and pointed to a red one on the wall. A man came up to us.
“This is a special one.” He said and took it off the wall. “If you get this one we can write your name on this part.” He said and pointed to the red part.
“I want it!” Caleb said.
“Calm down.” I told him. “We’ll get it.” I told him.
“Yay!” Screamed Caleb. “Thank you!” He said.
“How much is it to get his name on it?” I asked because I knew nothing was free.
“Since this is your first time, its free.” He said then looked at Caleb. “How do you want your name?” He asked him
“I want it big and blue. I want it to say Caleb and to have a spiderman picture on it!” He said.
“Okay. I will be right back.” The man said and walked into a room and shut the door behind him. When he came back the board had his name written in blue with a big red and black Spiderman in the middle. Caleb was so happy. He ran up to the man and took the board. I walked up to the cash register.
“How many limbs will this be?” I asked him. The man laughed. “Oh, and I need some knee pads and elbow pads and a helmet.” I said.
“Spiderman.” Caleb yelled from behind me.
“And can they be spiderman?” I asked the man. He chuckled and took them off the wall behind him.
“Here you go.” He said and slid them Caleb’s way. He screamed for joy. “The total is 74.99.”
“Ouch. Okay.” I said and gave him the money. We left the store and Caleb put on his helmet and protection pads and held my hand. I walked behind him and pushed him.
“Weeeeee.” He yelled.
“I’m going to let you go.” I told him after we got halfway home.
“Okay.” He said. I let him go. “Look at me go. I’m doing it on my own!” He said. I jogged to keep up with him because it was a slight hill. I made him pick up his skateboard once we got to the main doors.
“Hello Miley.” The man at the doors said.
“Hi.” I paused for a moment. “You know I never really got your name.” I said with a chuckle.
“My names Chris.” He said.
“Well, hi Chris.” I told him. He waved and then Caleb and I went to the elevator. When we got to the room Caleb dropped the skateboard and ran to his room. I picked all the skateboarding things up and put them in Caleb’s room. Caleb was sitting on his bed. I was about to the leave the room but he stopped me.
“Can we go to a real skate park?” He asked me.
“Yes but it has to be Sunday.” I said and bent down to his height. “That way Michelle can come too.” I told him.
“Okay.” He said in a sad voice. I started to get up but he stopped me again. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and squeezed really tight. “I miss mommy and daddy.”
“I do too, bud. I do too.” I said. I hugged him back and kissed him on the head. I went to the kitchen to make him lunch. It was hard for me to leave him there. He is such a sweet kid and I feel so horrible about taking him but he would have died if I left him with my parents. They would have left him some where alone or forget about him and leave and he would end up dying or getting taken and I couldn’t let that happen. I took out the peanut butter and the jelly out of the cabinet. I put peanut butter on one half and jelly on the other. Then I took off the crust and cut it in four triangles. I set it on the table. I went to the refrigerator and took out the chocolate milk. I poured a small glass and put a straw in it and set it behind the plate with the sandwich on it. “Caleb, lunch.” I said while putting everything away. I heard the pitter patter of his feet coming out of his room. He sat at the table and looked at the plate.
“Just like you use to make.” He said. I went to the sink and rinsed my hands.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I make it the way you like it?” I asked him while drying my hands off.
“I don’t know.” He said and took a big bite. When he was done I took his dishes and put them in the sink. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I turned on a children’s show for him. I picked up the paper to read. I was going through columns and columns of writers giving advice to people. I was so intrigued with everyones problems. I kept reading and readying and found myself at the end of the paper. I sat it down and saw Caleb staring at me. “Can we go to the park?” He asked.
“Your not skateboarding though.” I told him.
“Ugh. Fine.” He said. He got up and walked to the closet by the door. I opened it and he grabbed his coat. I grabbed his gloves and hat from the top shelf.
“Put these on.” I said. I put the hat on his head and handed the gloves to him. We heading out the doors. Chris opened them for us.
“Out again. I see.” He said.
“Yes sir e.” I said and rubbed Caleb’s head. “This little guy keeps me on my toes.”
“Have a good day.” He said and waved as we left the building.

We got to the park and I set down on a bench as I watched him play. It was chilly. I was happy that I remembered his hat and gloves. Caleb ran up the stairs and waited in the line for the slide. When it was his turn he slid down fast. So fast that he didn’t stop at the end. He flew three feet off and landed on his bum. I quickly jumped up and helped him up. I brushed off the wood chips off his butt.
“Ouch.” He said. I chuckled at the picture of him flying like that.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
“Yeah.” He told me. He ran off to get in the line again. I stood up to find a tall man over me. He had brown hair and a boyish cute smile. He had a blue scarf around his neck and a brown jacket on. He held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and he helped me up. I brushed my knee’s off.
“That was some landing he has.” He said. I chuckled. He reached his hand out again. “I’m Jesse.”
“Miley.” I told her and shook his hand. We headed for the bench.
“How old is he?” He asked me.
“Six.” I told him.
“He’s cute.” He said. I didn’t reply for a while. “How old are you?” He asked me.
“Eighteen.” I told him.
“Oo. Ouch.” He said.
“Oh.” I said realizing he thought Caleb was mine. “He’s not mine.” I said with a laugh. “He’s my little brother. We live at The Le Monte down the road.” I told him. “But I have one on the way.” I said and smiled at my tummy.
“Oh. That makes more sense.” He said. He then pointed to a little girl on the monkey bars. “She’s mine.” The little girl had two high pig tails with pink bows. She wore a pink dress with stockings.
“She’s adorable.” I told him.
“Her mother died at her birth.” He said.
“I’m so sorry.” I told him. He didn’t say anything. “How old is she?”
“Four.” He said.
“How old was her mother?” I asked being nosey.
“Eighteen.” He said. I felt so bad.
“If your not comfortable talking about this I can shut my trap.” I said with a little laugh.
“No, its okay.” He said and looked up at his little girl.
“How old are you?” I asked him.
“Twenty three.” He replied. I nodded. Caleb ran up to me.
“Push me on the swings!” He said excitedly.
“Okay, okay.” I said and he grabbed my hand and pulled. I pushed him back and forth and back and forth. The orange and red leaves blew away as a gust of wind passed. I glanced over at Jesse. He was looking at me. I smiled. “Alright Caleb. Its getting late, we should head back home.” I told him. He jumped off the swing.
“I’m hungry.” He said.
“I have twenty five dollars left.” I said and looked around. I spotted The New York Pizzeria. “Do you want to get pizza?” I asked him. His face glowed as he shook his head vigorously up and down. His cheeks were rosy.
“Lets go.” I told him and started to walk towards the pizzeria that was across the street. “Hold my hand.” I told him as we crosses the street.
We got to the restaurant and waited in line to order. I looked up at the menu which was above the counter.
“What do you want?” I asked him.
“Um.” He said for a while. “I know! I want pizza with chicken wings on it!” He said.
“Okay.” I told him. We stepped up to the counter and the man took our order. “Can I get two pieces of chicken wing pizza?” I asked.
“Okay. Five minutes.” He said. Caleb and I sat down by a near by table. As soon as I saw the game room I knew I was in trouble.
“Can I play some games?” He asked me.
“Here.” I told him and handed him two dollars.
“What am I suppose to do with this?” He asked and pushed the money back at me. “I need those shiny silver things, that are about this big.” He said while making a circle with his fingers. I laughed at how smart he is.
“Put the money in the machine right there and it gives you those shiny silver things.” I told him.
“Okay.” He said and picked up the dollars. He walked over to the machine and put the money in and it gave him eight quarters. “Oh.” He said to himself. He walked to the game room. About five minutes later I heard him scream. I quickly jumped up and ran to the game room.
“Caleb!” I shouted when I opened the game room door. He was on the floor crying. I rushed over to him. He was grabbing his knee.
“He,” Caleb said and then paused to cry, “Kicked,” He paused again to cry, “Me.”
“Who kicked you?” I asked him. He pointed to a boy his same age playing a game. He had red hair and he was fat and short. “Where’s your money?”
“He took it.” He told me still sobbing. I walked over to the boy and took Caleb’s money away from him.
“Hey!” He screamed.
“Why did you kick him!” I demanded after putting the money back in my pocket.
“Because I ran out of quarters, now give them back!” He said. I turned around and went back to Caleb. I lifted his pant leg up to see the bruise that was forming.
“No.” he said while sobbing. I kissed his boo boo. Then his tears stopped.
“All better?” I asked him. He shook his head and I picked him up.
When we got back to the apartment Caleb was sleeping because I carried him the whole way. It was already dark.
“How was your day, Miley?” Chris asked me.
“Sh.” I told him while pointing to Caleb to let him know he was sleeping. “It was fine and yours?” I asked him in a whisper.
“Great.” He said and waved goodbye as I got on the elevator. I laid Caleb in his bed when I got home. I took his shoes off first. Then I took off his clothes and put on his camouflage pajama’s. I covered him up and gave him his teddy bear. I kissed him on his head and whispered in his ear,
“We will be okay.” I left his room and went to the living room. Michelle came through the front door. “How was your day?” I asked her as I picked up the news paper.
“It was okay. How was yours?” She asked me as she took off her jacket.
“It was good. Listen,” I said and stood up and walked her way. “I had to spend a hundred dollars today.” I told him and just stood silent.
“For?” She asked me.
“Caleb must have been watching TV or something but he found out about Skateboards and he wanted me to go and buy him one. Then we spent the day at the park. I met this guy named Jesse. He had a cute little girl.” I told her.
“Okay.” She said.
“Your not mad that I spent that money?” I asked her.
“Miley, its your money. Plus in a week and a half we will have some money coming in.” She said. We will get $630 when we get paid but we will have to put 300 of it away for rent next month.
“Okay.” I told her. I was going to head to the bathroom and take a shower but something was bugging me. “Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we stayed?” I asked her.
“Every moment of everyday.” She told me. “Do you?”
“I know my parents would have been livid if I told them and stayed but I miss them. I know i’m an adult know but Caleb is just a little boy. He needs a mother.” I told her.
“You have been more a mother to him than anyone else!” She said. “He loves you and don’t worry he will be able to see his mother and father after we get something situated. Maybe when he gets older.”
“Okay. Michelle?” I asked her.
“Yes.” She answered.
“Never mind.” I told her. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out I looked at the fogged up mirror. I wiped it with my hand. I saw a reflection. Not my reflection. A reflection of a girl who was hurt, betrayed, and regretting almost about everything. She was broken inside. I hated seeing that. I looked into her green eyes. I saw so much pain. I looked away before doing something stupid. I walked to my room and went to bed. I woke up and went to work. I didn’t look in any mirrors. I rang up person after person.
“Hello. How are you?” I asked with my head down ringing up the items. I asked this to all customers.
“Just fine. And yourself?” A voice replied. I knew that voice. It was deep and soothing. I looked up to find it to be Jesse.
“Jesse?” I asked.
“Good to see you, Miley.” He said with the most amazing smile. “So when do you get off?” He asked me.
“Seven.” I told him while ringing up his last item.
“I will pick you up at your apartment. I’m going to take you out to dinner.” He said.
“Thirty two fifty. And see you then.” I told him and he handed me the money and walked out. When my shift was over I drove home and got changed. Around seven thirty I heard a knock at the door.
“Hello?” I said and opened it. Jesse was standing there with a dozen roses.

 “These are for you. You look beautiful.” He said and handed me the roses. I put them in a vase in the kitchen.
“Thank you.” I said. Michelle was sitting on the couch looking at us.
“Uhm.” She grunted.
“Oh sorry. Jesse, this is Michelle.” I told him and pointed to her.
“Nice to meet you.” She said.
“Sister?” Jesse asked her.
“No. Best friend.” She said.
“Oh, you live together.” He stated.
“Yes. Well, better be going. See you later Michelle.” I told her and then left the room with Jesse. When we got down stairs Chris was at the door. He smiled when he saw me. Jesse put his arm around my waist. Chris’ smiled went to a glare at Jesse when he saw that.
“Nice to see you.” Chris said.
“You too. See you later.” I said and waved. Once we got into his car he turned on the GPS.
“Okay, since you probably don’t get a break I think we should act like we were in high school again.” I chucked. “So I decided to take you to a movie then watch a high school football game on top of a hill.”
“Okay. Lets go.” I told him. When we got to the movie theatre we got out of the car. We got to the counter.
“Can I get two tickets to Little Fockers.” Jesse said. First of all I can’t believe that I’m on a date with a twenty three year old and he is so cute and nice. The man handed him the tickets and we took our seats in the theatre. Halfway through the movie Jesse looked at me. I knew this was the part when we kissed. He leaned in and I leaned in and we kissed. It was like I was floating in air. I pulled away.
“Too much?” He asked me.
“No, no.” I told him. We watched the rest of the movie. When it was over he drove us to there high school football game. There was a spot away from the bleachers where no one was. He laid a blanket down and we sat on it. I laid back and looked at the clouds. He laid and watched them too. “I’m sorry if I went too fast.” He told me.
“Please. It was just a kiss.” I told him with a chuckle.
“So I didn’t make you uncomfortable?” He asked.
“No.” I told him.
“You sure?” He asked. I sat up and put one leg on one side of him and the other on the other side. I was sitting on him. I kissed him and then laid on top of him and kissed him. That was the second time I have had sex. I only thought of Jacob once. When we were done I slid on my pants and put my bra back on. I rolled over and cuddled with him.
“I have to go.” I told him and sighed.
“No.” He said and gave me a kiss.
“Yes. Its already eleven p.m.” I told him.
“I know you weren’t a virgin but how many times have you had sex?” He asked me. I didn’t want to answer but I did because I really liked Jesse.
“Only once before this.” I told him
“Really?” He asked and then looked at my stomach. “Sorry.”
“Its okay. I hope its a girl.” I told him. He smiled and kissed my forehead.
“Goodbye.” I told him and stood up. He stood up too.
“Don’t say goodbye.” He told me while grabbing my hands.
“Then what should I say?” I asked him.
“Say see you later.” He said.
“Fine. See you later.” I told him and then our hands slowly departed. The last touch, our finger tips, so warm. When our hands were not touching anymore I sighed and then ran off. I looked up at the moon. It was full and beautiful. I kept running. I got about a block away before I stopped. I leaned against a tall gloomy building. I took a deep breath in and then took out my cell phone. I only had one bar. I quickly called Michelle before I lost it.
“Pick me up.” I told her.
“Sh.” She told me. “Caleb’s sleeping. Where have you been! I’ve been worried sick!” She said with worry in her voice but managing to keep her voice down.
“I’m sorry.” I looked up at what road I was on. “Be here at the corner of David Street.” I told her.
“Okay.” She said then hung up. It was dark outside and it was misty. Fog covered the street light that I stood under. I took a deep breath in and all I could smell was wet wood. I looked around. There was no one around. No cars, no people, no stores. I heard a crashing noise. I jumped.
“Who’s there?” I asked while taking a tight grasp on the street light. No one answered me. Have you ever had the feeling like you were being watched? Thats how I felt but it wasn’t a feeling. I knew I was being watched. I was terrified. I headed another crash. I looked around but nobody was there. A pretty lady, at the corner of a street, alone, during a black night was not my brightest idea. I should have had Jesse take me home. I’m such an idiot. I heard a footstep behind me. I tensed up. The steps stopped. I quickly turned around ready to kick the person in the face but then I saw who it was.
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Michelle said. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
“Thank God its you.” I told her then released her from my tight bear hug.
“Miley, are you okay?” She asked me.
“No, but thats okay. Lets go.” I said and ran to the truck. She ran behind me.
“Why are we running?” She asked.
“No reason.” I told her and jumped into the truck. I sighed with relief that I made it alive. She didn’t ask anymore questions. I looked in the back of the truck thinking I would see Caleb but he wasn’t there.
“Where’s Caleb?” I asked her.
“Crap! I knew I was forgetting something!” She said and hit the steering wheel. She started to laugh. “I’m just kidding. Don’t look so serious. He is with Chris. I was walking out with him in my arms and he asked where I was going and I told him then he offered to watch Caleb so I didn’t have to wake him up.”
“Oh.” I said and we left that creepy place. When I got back to the apartment I went to the main desk. “Hello. What room does Chris Oakland live in?” I asked them. They checked the system.
“137.” The man said.
“Thank you.” I told him then went to that room. I found that it was on the same floor as mine. I knocked at the door. Chris opened it. He was in a pair of blue jeans and a sweat shirt. That’s that first time I saw him without his uniform. I smiled at him.
“Come in.” He said. I walked in and Caleb was asleep on his couch.
“Aw. That’s so sweet.” I said.
“He’s a cutie.” He said and smiled at him. I looked into Chris’ eyes. He looked back into mine. I don’t know what came over me. I jumped into his arms. We kissed and kissed and kissed. I don’t weight a lot. He walked backwards into the door then slid over to the kitchen counter. He sat me down and started to unbutton my shirt. Our lips never unlocked. After he got my shirt off and his were off I looked over to the couch and saw Caleb sleeping.
“Stop.” I told him. He immediately stopped and took a step back. He put his hands on his head.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” He said. I grabbed my shirt and buttoned it back up and zipped my pants up.
“Its okay. Its just, Caleb is right there and it wouldn’t be right.” I told him.
“Miley, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way.” He said and slid his shirt over his his rock hard body. I bite my lip at the thought that I missed it.
“No Chris. I was fine. Its just I can’t do it with him right there.” I told him.
“Well, I will carry him to your room.” He said and picked him up. Caleb curled next to his chest. I opened the door and we headed down the hall to my room. Chris but Caleb in his bed. I stayed in the living room to cool off. “Sorry again.” He said as he came out of Caleb’s room.
“Its okay.” I told him with a chuckle.
“Um. Can I take you on a date?” He asked me. I was hesitate because I’m seeing Jesse. I looked into Chris’ beautiful eyes and then I couldn’t say no.
“Yes.” I said.
“Really? Well I’m going to leave before you change your mind. Bye.” He said and quickly ran out of the room. I chuckled. I went to Caleb’s room.
“Hey.” I said as he cracked one eye open. I ran my fingers through his silky hair.
“Hi.” He said with a yawn.
“I have to work in the morning so you need to get up and take a bath now.” I told him.
“Okay.” He said and dozed off again. I slipped off his shirt and pants and carried him to the bathroom. I turned on the water and laid him in the tub. As soon as he felt the warm water he woke up. He laid in it for about five minutes but was too tired to play. I washed him up and then I wrapped a towel around him and laid him on his bed. I walked to my room to get him his slippers because thats were I put them last. When I came back to his room he was out like a light. I dried him off and slip on his blue race car footsie pajama’s and put on his slippers. I covered him up and gave him his teddy and then whispered in his ears,
“We will be okay.” I kissed his forehead and walked out of his room. I shut off the light and went in to my room. I walked around and picked up all my dirty clothes and took the dirty clothes out of the bathroom. I quietly walked into Michelle’s room and picked up the dirty clothes on her floor. I picked up what looked like a pair of boxers. I was confused because I knew she didn’t wear boxers. I dropped them and then looked up. She was in bed with some guy.
“Ah!” I screamed and ran out of the room.
“Ah!” They both screamed and then he rolled off her. I was pacing back and forth in the living room. A minute later she came out with a towel around her.
“What was that?” She asked very irritated.
“What do you mean what was that! I was just getting your laundry because I was going to do a load. I didn’t think I would find boxers! Who is that anyways?” I asked. Then the man came out of the room and hide behind the door.
“Hey you coming back?” He asked. I knew exactly who it was.
“Yeah babe. I will be right there.” She said and smiled.
“Bret! Really!” I screamed. Bret went back into the room.
“Sh.” She said. “Keep your voice down.”
“You gave it to him! Michelle, Michelle.” I said in a disappointed voice. “He is a dirt bag who just wants your pants. Don’t give in. Please.” I told her.
“No! Don’t tell me what to do! You gave it to Jacob who treated you like dirt! Then, you gave it to Jesse! Yeah, I know about it. You came home with that glow and I could tell you came pretty damn close to Chris! Don’t do things like that and tell me who to sleep with!” She screamed. She was right. I was giving it away just like that.
“I know! I’m horrible but see what happens when you give it away without thinking!” I yelled and pointed to my stomach. “He dumped you because you wouldn’t sell out and thats the reason he came back because he knows you love him and that you’ll do anything for him. Don’t let him trick you.” I told her.
“I love him so much.” She said and started to sob.
“I can’t tell you what to do.” I told her and then went to my room. I didn’t want to leave her like that but what choice did I have. She has to learn her consequences just like I had to. I paced back and forth for a while. I couldn’t sleep knowing she was being played like that. I decided to sit down and go to bed. I tossed and turned but still nothing. I was getting annoyed. I finally took a pillow to my face and screamed as loud as I could. I let everything out. From when I was little and couldn’t do things because I had a baby to watch, all the way to now where I can’t have my own life. I screamed and screamed and screamed. The screams then became to tears. I cried myself to sleep.
When I woke up Michelle was getting coffee in the kitchen. We didn’t speak. Caleb walked out of his room rubbing his little eyes with his hands and then yawned.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” I said and then picked him up. “Wow you’re getting big.” I said.
“Morning. Who’s turn is it?” He asked.
“Mine.” I told him. His morning smile went straight to a frown. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“You were suppose to take me to a skate park. Remember?” He asked.
“Can it wait till tomorrow?” I asked him.
“No.” He said in a little sad voice.
“Well maybe Michelle can take you.” I told him and then looked at Michelle for the okay.
“Yeah. I could take you in a bit.” She said.
“Is that okay?” I asked him.
“I miss you.” He said. My heart almost crumbled. I held him closer and hugged him.
“Aw, honey. I miss you too. More than you know.” I told him and hugged him tighter. “Listen, you go to the skate park with Michelle and then we can do something special tomorrow. Okay?” I asked him.
“Okay.” He said in a disappointed voice.
“I love you and I have to go so bye.” I kissed his forehead and then sat him down and grabbed my bag. I looked at my watch. It said I was a half an hour late.
“Shit!” I murmured to myself. I jogged to the elevator. It didn’t open so I took the stairs. After about two flights I was gasping for air. “Boy am I not in shape.” I murmured to myself again. I kept jogging and jogging till I got to the bottom. I ran out and jumped into the truck. I tried to start it up. I stalled. I looked at everything. Oil light wasn’t on. The keys are. Then I looked at the gas gadge. It was on empty. I hit my head on the wheel. “You have to be kidding me!” I screamed. Then I heard a knock on the window. I looked over and it was Jesse. I got out of the truck.
“Everything okay?” He asked me. I rubbed my head.
“Just great. I’m late for work and the truck is on empty.” I told him.
“Do you want a ride?” He asked with that boyish cute smile I love.
“That would be fantastic. Thanks.” I told him and he put his arm around me. We walked to his car. I got in and he drove me to work. When I got there I thanked him. He leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him back. He tried to go for more but I stopped him. “Jesse.” I said and caught my breath. I put one hand on his chest and pushed him away. I looked up. He looked confused. “Its not you. I can’t keep doing this. Its not me.” I told him. I knew it sounded weird and I knew it didn’t make sense but that’s how it was. He sat back down in his seat and turned on the car. He drove me to work. “Thank you.” I told him once we arrived. I walked into the store and he drove off faster than smoke could rise. I saw Emily waiting for me.
“You’re late!” She said with a mad voice but I could tell she was trying to hide it.
“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” I told her as I went to my locker and put on my apron. I started ringing things up. Jesse came through the door. He looked like he was on a rampage.
“Jesse, If you’re not buying anything then please leave.” I told him in a whisper.
“No! I will not leave!” He started to raise his voice. “What about that night under the stars? The kiss?” He touched his lips then threw them down. “How can we share something like that and then you tell me that we can’t again! I love you Miley. Don’t you understand that?” He asked. I looked into his eyes. He didn’t have that sparkle anymore. The sparkle that invited me in, that made me see a light around him. It was gone and instead was darkness that I couldn’t see past. He looked crazy.
“Jesse, don’t do anything that you are going to regret.” I told him. I was getting scared. I backed a few steps back but he kept walking towards me.
“If I can’t have you then nobody can.” He said and took a pistol from his side coat pocket.
“Oh Dear God!” I screamed when I saw the gun. “Jesse put that away!” I screamed. Emily heard my screams and ran out of the office. I looked around. There were at least ten people in by my register. They were all flat on the ground. Jesse didn’t see her run out. She crouched down. She crawled over to her desk. She came back and I saw she had a gun. I took a deep breath. “Jesse, put the gun down.” I said in a calm voice. I slowly started to walk towards him.
“Stop moving! I don’t want to have to do this!” He screamed. I looked at his hand. It was shaking vigorously.
“Put the gun down and no one has to get hurt.” I told him.
“No! This has to be done.” He said and I saw his finger starting to move to the trigger. I closed my eyes. I shot went off and I bit my lip. I felt tear after tear roll off my cheeks. I heard everyone scream with the sound of the shot. I opened one eye to find that I was okay. I looked down at my feet. Jesse laid with both eyes open and one bullet through the chest. I kelt down and started to cry. He had a drip of blood coming from his mouth. I started to sob over him. I looked into his eyes and the darkness was gone. His lips started to move but it was hard to hear. I put my ear to his lips and heard.
“Sorry.” He said and then exhaled. His chest stopped moving. No words came out of his mouth. I cried more and more. Emily came out from crouching and walked over to me. She pulled me off him and comforted me.
“Why.” I cried.
“If I didn’t that would be you lying there.” She said. I kept crying and crying. I fell to my knees. Emily drove me home. She walked me to my room. “I will see you tomorrow?” She asked.
“Yes.” I told her. “Can I ask you something?” She nodded her head. “How did you find the courage to shoot him?” I asked her.
“Miley, when I was younger I ran away too. I ran away with my older sister. You remind me a lot of her. Miley, when you work for me you’re going to be like family. Don’t worry. I have your back.” She told me. Some how that made me less worried.
“Do you want a cup of coffee?” I asked her.
“Sounds good.” She said. I unlocked my door and went inside. She sat at the table. I put a pot on. I sat across from her. I was still jumpy. The coffee pot dinged when it was done and I jumped.
“Oh jeeze.” I said once I realized what it was. Emily reached across the table and touched my hand.
“Miley, talk to me.” She said. I sighed.
“I know you had to but he was my first. He was nice to me when I came here. My world was crashing and he seemed to make me feel better.” I paused. “When I heard that shot,” I paused again. “I thought it was me. My heart sinked to my toes. When I opened my eyes I thought I would have seen pearly gates but instead I saw a man. Lying on the ground with a pistol in one hand. He laid gasping for a breath. Do you know what his last words were?” I looked up and asked her. I saw a tear falling from her eye. “He said sorry. I felt something for him. It wasn’t fair he had to die.” I said. I felt tears coming so I rubbed my eyes.
“I know.” She said. I cut her off before she could say more.
“No. Emily, you don’t know. You may have shot him and I know that must have been hard but you really don’t know. My world is crumbling before my eyes and its like I’m frozen and can’t put it back together.” I told her.
“I’m so sorry.” She said.
“Oh Emily, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow up at you. Its not your fault.” I told her.
“Its perfectly fine.” She said.
“I will get the coffee.” I told her and got up. I took two cups out of the cabinet and pour us two cups. My hands were still shaky. I handed her her cup and then took a seat. “You have no idea how much you have done for me. For us. Without that money we wouldn’t have this apartment or a bed to sleep in or food. You have been a guardian angel to us.” I told her.
“Its my pleasure.” She said. Caleb walked out of his room. He was rubbing his eyes.
“Miley.” He cried. I got up and picked him up and sat on the couch.
“What’s wrong honey?” I asked him.
“I had a bad dream. You were gone and I was left all alone and I never got to see mommy and daddy again.” He said with a whimper.
“That would never ever happen!” I told him and held him tight. I heard Emily say aw. After about ten minutes he fell asleep and I put him back in his bed.
“I don’t want to get in your business but he is going to have to see his parents sooner or later. You can’t keep him from them.” She said.
“I know. Its just not the right time.” I told her.
“Its never the right time.” She was right. If I keep using that excuse it will never be the right time. She left later that night.

!!!!!!!!THREE MONTHS LATER!!!!!!!

Caleb has been having more nightmares. I went to go talk to Michelle. I learned my lesson from last time, I knocked first. She answered the door.
“We need to talk.” I told her. We both sat down on her bed. “Caleb needs to see our parents. He’s having bad dreams.” I told her.
“How do you want to do this?” She asked.
“Well, I was thinking that first we would call them and talk and then set up a visit.” I told her. I was waiting for her to tell me what she thought.
“Thats perfect.” She said.
“Okay. We will call in the morning. Night.” I told her and then left the room. Its been almost three months since we have seen my parents. It will be nice to talk to them and see how they’re doing. I’m scared what they will do. Will they try to take him away from me? What will they say about the baby? I’m almost five months pregnant. There’s not much they can do. I was just scared all together. I dialed my house phone. I breathed deep and slow. Michelle was sitting across from me on the couch.
“Hello?” I soft voice said on the other line.
“Hi Mom.” I said.
“Miley! Dear God! Honey where have you been?” She cried. The water works started to come.
“Mom, were somewhere far away. I miss you.” I told her. I wiped my face.
“Baby I miss you too. Come home darling. Come home to Mommy.” She said. I knew she was crying too.
“I can’t. Caleb and I.” I started to say. “I just can’t.” I finished.
“How is he?” She asked.
“He great. He has taken up the hobby of skateboarding. He goes three times a week. He quiet talented.” I told her. She cried even harder. “Do you want to see him?” I asked her.
“Yes! Oh sweet Mary Yes!” She screamed. “Miley, I’ve changed. I’ve been sober for two and a half months. Your father stopped too. We are ready honey.” She said.
“Mom, its going to take more than that.” I told her. Michelle grabbed my hand. She knew I needed someone right now. “I will bring him tomorrow.” I told her and then hung up. I gasped for air when I pressed the end button. I squeezed my chest.
“Its okay. Let it out.” Michelle said as she held my hair out of my face. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I took a deep breath. I did so much to get away from it all but I can’t do that to Caleb. I have to. I packed some of our clothes into the truck. I wasn’t planning on staying with my parents. I just had to see them. Chris helped me put my bags back into the truck.
“When can I see you again?” He asked.
“Chris,” I paused. He put his hands on my waist.
“Don’t.” He said.
“Don’t what?” I asked him. I wanted to move his hands but I didn’t want him to feel awkward.
“Don’t say goodbye.” He said. I touched his cheek and stared into his crystal clear eyes. I saw a sparkle. I sighed unable to say the words I wanted.
“I want to stay. I want to stay in your arms forever. But I’m scared of getting hurt!” My conscious screamed to me. Thats what I wanted to say. What was trying to burst out of me. But thats not what I can say. I cant show that I’m weak.
“Chris, your amazing. Your kind and smart and sweet. Any girl would be blessed to have you.” I said. I was about to say more but he interrupted me.
“But not you! I’ve heard this many times before! I treat girls like gold and they throw my into the trash!” He said. He threw his hands to his sides. I out both my hands on his cheeks. His skin was so silky.
“I can’t be in a relationship. Not with everything going on.” I told him. He looked into my eyes.
“I can tell this hurts you.” He said.
“You have no idea.” I told him. I wasn’t in love with Chris but he was one of the most kind guys I’ve ever met and I don’t want to lose him.
“I will be in touch.” I told him and slowly slid my hands off his cheeks. He grabbed both my hands and our lips slowly touched. When we pulled apart I walked to the other side of the truck. Our hands slowly departed. As we drove away I looked back and he was still standing there. I felt horrible.
“He loved you.” Michelle said.
“Michie. Don’t go there.” I told her. I was so tired. I dozed off for a second and when I woke up we were siting in my parents drive way.
“Well, this is it.” She said. I started to get out of the truck. She hadn’t moved. “Aren’t you coming?” I asked her. She hung her head.
“Miley, I can’t go back to my parents. This can be your life but it can’t be mine.” She said.
“But you can live with me.” I told her. I kept stuttering. The thought of losing my best friend was terrifying. She was there through everything. Who will I talk to? Who will I trust? I cant do it alone!
“No. I’m going to go to California and become a painter. Thats my passion. You’ll find yours. I packed all your things and checked out of the hotel. Stay with your parents. Thats where you belong.” She said. I tear rolled down my cheek. It shattered like glass on the ground.
“I can’t do it without you.” I told her. I couldn’t raise this baby with out her help. It was impossible.
“I love you.” Was all she said. Caleb got out of the truck. “I will wait here for a while. Go. I will be waiting when you get back.” I grabbed her hand.
“You promise?” I asked. She nodded. I picked Caleb up and carried him to the door. The people who answered the door, I have never seen before. The woman had make up on and jeans and a beautiful blouse. It was blue and had one row of ruffles across it with a rose at the top. The man stood tall and was well built. He was wearing jeans and a polo shirt. They were my parents but I was use to hangovers and sweats. Caleb ran into my mom’s arms. She kelt down. I could tell her knee’s were weak.
“Honey!” She screamed.
“I missed you!” Caleb screamed. Mom had tears down her cheek. Caleb wiped them. “Mommy, why are you crying?” He asked.
“Because I missed you, darling.” She said. A tear escaped from my eye. She stood up. Caleb ran into my Dad’s arms. My Mom held out her arms to me. I walked towards her. I hugged her. I breathed in her hair. The smell of Pomegranate and vanilla. Smelt like home. She brushed my hair out of my eyes. I was crying uncontrollably.
“Its time to come home.” She said. I nodded.
“I’m so sorry.” I told her. I was going to say more but she covered my mouth.
“Thank you.” is what she said.
“What?” I asked. I was so confused but the tears kept coming.
“If you didn’t leave we wouldn’t have changed.” She said. She hugged me again. Then she felt my stomach. “Oh my.” She said. I chuckled.
“I know. About four months.” I told her.
“Oh honey, you have so much ahead of you.” She said. I looked at my dad. I ran up and hugged him. He hugged me back.
“Ever do that again and I swear.” He said. I looked out the window and saw Michelle out in the truck.
“I’ll be right back.” I told them and ran out side. Her eyes were red and her make up was smeared. I hopped in the truck and closed the door. She wouldn’t look me in the eyes.
“Michelle.” I told her. She looked at me. She hugged me. Tears were falling from her rosy cheeks. I wiped her tears.
“You don’t have to go.” I told her.
“I do. I have to.” She was talking really fast and slurring on her words.
“Michelle, Michelle.” I said. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She said.
“You are the reason why I’m still here. You were my Guardian Angel. You saved Caleb’s life too. You have a purpose. You will always be in my heart and one day.” I paused. “We will meet again.” She hugged me again.
“You can count on it.” She said. I laughed. She looked at my stomach.
“Give her a kiss for me.” She said.
“How do you know its a her?” I asked.
“I have a feeling.” She said. I grabbed my last bag and stood in the drive way. She pulled away slowly. I wanted to run after her. To make sure she never left. But that’s selfish. She’s so talented and I know she’s going to get discovered. I waved my final good bye as she disappeared over the hill. I held back my tears that whole time but one finally escaped. I caught it in my hand. I stared at it with my reflection looking back at me. My Mother stood in the door way.
“Honey.” She called. I looked over and put my hands at my side. I felt the tear slide down my palm. It shattered in the grass. I looked at the hill where Michelle disappeared. I don’t know why I did. Maybe I was just hoping that she would come back, but I know it wouldn’t happen. I walked inside and sat on the couch. My Mom wanted to know everything.
“Now tell me.” She said with Caleb in her lap. He was so jumpy. I know he wanted to show her all the moves he could do on his skateboard.
“Okay. Well at first we didn’t know where to go. We ended up in a small town. Michelle and I got a job that paid well and we rented a room. I didn’t know what to do about the baby but I knew if I stayed with you two never being sober, you would have killed it and or Caleb. I had to get out. For all of our sakes. After a while Caleb began to miss you. I couldn’t keep seeing his little eyes get broken when he thought of you. So thats when I called. I know it was late but It was better than nothing. Caleb was getting so big. One day I bought him a skateboard and knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. After three months he was better than some of the teenagers at the skatepark. He was so passionate for it. But then, I began to miss you.” I sighed. “I wanted to make sure you really changed before I let Caleb come back because I can’t put him through that again. I told Michelle she could stay with us but she didn’t. She left to find her passion which is painting. I’m most likely never going to see her again.” I told them. Mom rubbed Caleb’s head. I didn’t tell her about any of the guys I met because then she would get worried and I was fine and plus I didn’t want to relive any of that.
“I missed you two so much. I’m so happy that you’re back.” She said.
“I have a question. Why didn’t you call the police?” I asked.
“Well, we knew that we would never get to see you two again because they would take you two away till you were eighteen. We had to straighten our act up.” Dad said and put his hand on Mom’s thigh.
“We’re even taking Marriage counseling.” Mom said.
“Now that your back. We need to get serious. You need to finish school and get a degree.” He said.
“Okay.” I told them.
“I will enroll you tomorrow.” She said.
“Thats fine.” I said. I took my bags and took them to my room. It was exactly how I left it. I looked around.
I laid down on my bed. It was so soft and it smelt like lavender. I took a deep breath. After a while I fell asleep. When I woke up my Mom was standing over me.
“Honey, time for school.” She said.
“Of course it is.” I said. I rolled out of bed and got dressed. I walked to school. I felt like everyone was staring at me. Of course I’m 18 and pregnant so who wouldn’t stare. Jenna came up to me. She was one of my aquantences. We talked and did things together in school but we never talked out of school.
“Miley!” She ran up to me and hugged me. She looked around. “Where’s Michelle?” She asked. I didn’t want to answer but I figure that its going to be lonely with out Michelle so I might as well be nice.
“She’s not coming back.” I said.
“Oh. That’s so sad. I’m happy you’re back though. Everyone missed. Even Jacob.” She said.
“Well, I don’t care about him.” I said. She stopped dead in her tracks.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I mean that we are not dating. He means nothing to me.” I told her.
“Oh.” Was all she said. I went to first period. Jacob was in it. He sat right behind me. I couldn’t help but think he was staring at me. After the bell rang I started to walk out of the class room when someone pulled me into the janitors closet.
“Woah! What the hell man!” I screamed. I turned around to see it was Jacob. “Goodbye.” I said and started to walk out. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“No. Don’t go.” He said. “I’ve missed you, Miley. Where have you been?” He asked.
“Thats none of your business.” I said. He looked down at my stomach. He then touched it. I pulled back and zipped my sweat shirt. He put one of his hands on his head.
“Is it mine?” He asked.
“So what if it is!” I yelled.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“Because remember, it was just a kiss.” I said and walked out. I gasped for air. It felt like my insides were about to come out. Did he really miss me? Did I miss him? No Miley! He didn’t! He hurt you and you can’t let him back in! Jake chased me down the hallway. He caught up with me. “Let me go, Jake!” I screamed but he didn’t release me.
“I want to be apart of its life!” He demanded.
“No. I can’t let you hurt her. Not like you did to me.” I told him.
“I promise! I wont!” He said.
“Promises are mean’t to be broken.” I told him in the saddest voice I’ve ever spoke. I hung my head. He lifted it.
“I can’t lose you.” He said. I looked into his amazing eyes. I got lost for a second but then popped back to reality.
“You’ve already lost me.” I said. He turned around and walked away. People were watching. I hated being the center of attention. I walked home alone. It seemed like I was alone a lot lately. Morning sickness came a lot too. I don’t get why they call it morning sickness when it comes every second of the day. Sometimes, I just wanted everything to go away but I know that taking the easy way out never works. I’m going to love this baby. I’m going to treat her like a princess. Sure she wont have a father but she will have an Uncle, Grandmother, Grandfather and a Mother who loves her to death. Maybe one day I will let Jacob meet her. My Mom makes sure I don’t lift too much and Caleb is like my servant. Every once in a while my Dad ask’s who’s it is but I never answer. I knew my Dad would go all Ape Shit on Jakes ass. I have to admit that I do miss Jake but I know it would never work out. He’s not the committed type. Maybe one day I will meet my Prince Charming but until then, I’m just Cinderella.

THE END!!!!!!! (Still interested? Then read the second book:D)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.11.2011

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