


The night
The sky
The light
The moon
Nothing compares
To what I feel
When I’m with you


Roses are red
Violets are blue
You are so beautiful
And I love you!

More Than Us

And here I go into light
Where I am free
Where birds chirp and children play
Where there is not bad
but only good
And so here I go into the light
To find a meaning more than you
And more than us


You hurt me
You used me
You tore me to pieces
You took out my heart
You want me back
You shook me around
Too many times
I’m done with you
I’m going to walk away
And never look back

Colors Around

Blue is clam
Blue is serene
Blue is sad
Blue is the shimmer of the water
The color of the sky
Always there
But for how long
Red is bright
Red is enraged with anger
Full of hope
The color of a heart
That your giving to your true Love
Red is fire
Black is death
Black is hate
Black is deep inside
Black is when day turns to night
Black is dark
Black is mysterious
Yellow is happy
Yellow is a banana
Yellow is the color of a baby chick
Yellow is bright

F*** Off

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I have five fingers
The middle one is for you

Will I learn

Funny how it seems
I never wished it was you
I grew to realize that we were impossible
Merely dream that could never be
I tried so hard
You put me through so many emotions
so many tests
I kept saying "what if" or "what could have been"
It's been years since I thought of calling
To see if you change
If we changed
Life has been a roller coaster ever since
I walked away
I didn’t want to
But you made me hurt so much
It's not that you didn't know
Or you didn't care
But there was nothing else you could do to make it better
I prayed you could just disappear
Far away into this thin air
I wished you could have walked away forever
and never come back
You told about forever
And told me you wanted to never let go
But it was just another empty promise
You said it
You convinced me
And you made me believe
That you would stay forever
But again you lied but how came I blame thee
When it is I who keep walking back to you
Will I ever learn?

A Mistake

From time to time
I just wished I could erase this "hate" from my mouth
Erase the hate from my heart
But its there to stay
You soiled my soul and my mouth
You broke my heart too many times
I gave it all to you and you throw me away
Do I deserve this
Could you spare my suffering
But of course you want to be friends
Hoping I will come back
I can’t go through that again
The lose of me will not mean much to you
But the lose of you to me is much more than you can imagine
I want to wake up with our ever knowing you
I have a whole in my heart from where you were
A mistake is what I made
I will not make it again


You broke my heart in two
And took me like a bet,
With all you put me through
I have so many regrets.
To lose you was worth it,
Although I wasn't sure,
It seemed to make me happy,
but still so insecure.
We always said Forever
we would take it to the end
never give it up
but this time my heart couldn't mend.
It cut so deep into me
I guess it hurt you too
but when you did it, then you lied
I had to say "we're through."
I gave you all I had
I tried to make it last
but now all we have
are memories from the past.
You wanted what I couldn’t give
should I feel bad
For not giving in
You took her when you had me
So look me in the eye
and tell me what you see
a girl so broke inside
who's been through misery.
And now I’m moving on
with the pain that kills inside
but I’m starting to forget
by reminding myself, how you lied!


You Broke Me
You Built Me
You Tore Me Down
Should I Wait
Or Move Straight On

Let Go

There Are Things That
We Don’t Want To Happen
But Have To Accept
Things We Don’t Want To Know
But Have To Learn
And People We Can’t Live WIthout
But Have To Let Go

I Cry

I Cry For The Time That
You Were Almost Mine
I Cry For The Memories
I’ve Left Behind
I Cry For The Pain
The Lost
The Old
The New
I Cry For The Times
I Thought I Had You


Time to tell me the truth
To burden your mouth
For what you say
To let everything go
Time to stop hiding
and leave it all behind
Time to tell me the truth
and let all break free

My Heart

You came back
I missed you so
You broke my heart
I didn’t want to let you go
Should I trust
What lies within
Because you broke my heart
So I let you go
Hoping to end right there
What hurts in here


Smiles are what I see
From her to you
Glaring back at me
Should I hate her
For stealing you away
Or should I forget
About what we were
The time that were so great
Are merely a fade
Now that I see smiles
Glaring back at me

Memories Of Us

The memories of us
Lie deep inside
From the time of our first date
To our first kiss
How it is the little things I miss
Like holding you hand
Calling you my man
Kissing you lips
But those are just memories
That I can’t get back
Because now she holds you hand
She calls you her man
She kisses your lips
And that is something I have to live with
Because those are not memories
That is reality
So when I want to remember
All the love I still feel
I look back on the memories
Of you and me
And I can go back to our first kiss
Holding your hand
Calling you my man
And kissing your lips

But I Do

People say I should move on
To forget what pain you caused
But it is not real to them
But is more real than anything to me
They don’t know
What it is like to think about someone
Every second of everyday
To wonder what they are thinking about
To hurt the ones who love them
Because they don’t feel the same way
To want them back even though
They want one thing and one thing only
Is he worth it
I don’t know why I love him
But I do

They Were Right

You say she is gone
You say you would never see her again
But that is just a mask you put on
So I wont leave
I’m smarter than you think I am
I see you with her
I know that she loves you
I know you do too
So don’t lie to my face
Tell me the truth
Because I already think you are a disgrace
My friends were right
When they said you were wrong for me
But the one I trusted the most is the one in your arms


She told me she loves you
Do you love her too?
I knew it was too go to be true
For now she has you
I’m left with nothing but empty memories
Is that fair?
Why should I be sad
When you said forever
But forever never last
You lied
You sank low
But I’m not like that and you know
I won’t be there when she leaves
And you got nowhere to go
So I guess thats karma
You should have learned
You messed with me and hurt me
But now its your turn

Love hurts
Why do we keep playing it though?
It cuts so deep
Why do we keep finding it when we know it wont last?
The pain wont go away


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2011

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