
I’m Going To Marry Her

"Hello? Can someone help me?" I heard a little old lady ask. I looked over at her. She was struggling with a big screen television. I ran over to help her.
"Zak. Thank you." She said as she read my name tag as she continued. "I have been trying to get this thing on this pulley for 20 minutes and I would have been here another 20 if you didn't come. Thank you again."
"No problem. Do you need help getting that to your car?" I asked.
"No, no but thank you any ways." The lady said as she was heading for the door.
"Zak!" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw Jerry, John, and Scott.
"Hey guys." I said. They said they were getting drinks at the end of there shift and wanted me to come but I couldn’t because my sister Rose is going out of town and I have to watch Jacqueline for the rest of the day. When I get to my house Rose and Mark are almost out the door. Rose threw me Jacqueline's bottle and then ran to her car.
“Sorry Zak but we are running late. Jacqueline is in her crib sleeping she just fell asleep. I will pick her up tomorrow. Bye. Love you and thank you so much.” Rose said and got in her car and left. When I got inside Jacqueline was sleeping in the crib so I fixed me something to eat and took a nap. I went to the kitchen and turned on my television. My favorite show was on. I was so tired from a twelve hour shift and I knew that if I didn't get some sleep I wouldn't be fit to watch Jacqueline when she wakes up. I fixed me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then laid down on the couch. Jacqueline was in the crib only two feet away so I could hear her if she awoke.
In the morning Rose wasn’t there so I assumed they got held up so Jacqueline and I went to the store to get some Groceries. I picked up a jar of baby food. As I looked at the label it slipped out of my hand. Jacqueline was in my arms so I couldn't very well pic it up. I looked over at the stunning woman standing next to me. She bent down and picked it up.
“I think you dropped this.” She said.
“Yes, thank you.” I said. “I’m Zak.”
“Claire. So, who’s this?” She said looking at Jacqueline. She tickled her belly.
“This is Jacqueline. She is not mine, she is my sisters but her husband and her left so I’m watching her.” I told her. She picks up a 2 year old out of her cart.
“That's funny because this baby is my brothers her name is Sophie.” She said.
“That is funny.” I said with a chuckle. “Well, I have to get going. Listen if your ever free you could give me a call.” I told her while handing her my number.
"That would be nice." She smiled. I didn’t think that she would call. I looked back as I walked away. Her beautiful blonde hair bounced as she walked. Her slimming body almost made me fall head over heels. The next day I got a call from her.
"Hi, is this Zak?" She asked as I picked up the phone.
"Yes! Is this Claire?" I asked excitedly.
"Yeah, listen I was planning on going to get some dinner later today and I didn't feel like going alone so do you want to join me?" She asked. I loved a woman who took charge.
"I got no plans. Its a date." I smiled.
"Okay, see you at the Chandelier at eight." She said and then hung up.
I waited by the door as she walked in. She was wearing this tight red dress. It came up to in between her knee and thigh. She looked so stunning. I was speechless. I didn't want to stand there like a fool. I looked across the room at the mirror. I could see my reflection. I brushed my brown hair out of my face and fixed tie. When she reached me she took my arm and we when to our table. The waiter asks what she would like to eat.
"Steak, medium rare." She said. My jaw dropped. I was so surprised. I love a women who is not afraid to eat in front of her date. She was getting better and better every second.
“And for you sir?” The waiter asked.
“Same please and thank you.” I said smiling at Claire. “So, how long have you lived in Little Lake?”
“I recently moved here to get away from all the hustle and bustle in New York City.” She said. I was memorized by her eyes. They looked like crystal clear lakes and her hair. Her hair is so beautiful. Its blonde but not enough were it over takes the rest of the color. She has a tint of brown and it curls at the end. She is just, wow.
“That;s cool. I’ve lived here my whole life really.” I continued trying to focus. “Its a great place to get away from it all because the mountains look so beautiful and its always been a calm and a serene place.”
“And everybody is so nice here.” She added.
The date went great. I learned that she has one sister and her father died when she was young. Her mother and she are very close. She has a pet dog name Bella and she works as a dentist in one of the local offices. If she said anything else I didn’t hear it because I kept getting lost in her eyes. When I drove her home I walked her to her door.
“Well this is me. I had a really great time.” She said unlocking her door.
“Yeah it was a lot of fun. I would love to do it again.” I added.
“Me too.” She said with a smile that could make time stand still. I leaned in to give her a kiss. At first it was a quick kiss but then we kissed again. The second time I pulled her close. Her body was so close to mine. I put one of my hands on her neck and the other around her waist. She put hers on my neck. I don’t know how long we were kissing but I swear time stood still. Her lips were so soft. Her body was pressed against mine. I was in heaven. We said goodbye and she closed her door. I couldn’t get her out of my head. At that moment. That kiss. I know that's the girl I’m going to marry. I just know it.

The next day I talked to Scott because he is one of my better friends out of the bunch. I told him everything that went on.
“Man, I don’t know. You don’t really know anything about this chick. I mean seriously. She could be like a psycho killer.” Scott said drinking his beer.
“Man! She’s not a killer. She is. She is amazing. I think I’m really falling for her.” I told him and I could tell he knew I was serious.
“Well, if you’re really serious about this chick then go get her.” He said. “Where does she work?”
“She works as a dentist at one of the local offices. I think its The Dentists on Maine.” I said but I wasn’t really sure.
“You know what we have to do right.” Scott said with that look in his eye that he use to get when we were in 10th grade and we were about to get detention. “How long has I been since you’ve seen your dentist?” He said smiling. “Lets hit the store, we need some candy!” I thought the idea was crazy but Scott was a good friend and I trusted him. After about 100 dollars and about 80 bags of candy later I was getting tooth pains. When I went to the dentist I saw Claire. She asked how I got so many cavities and I said I have no idea.
When I left I told her that I had fun yesterday and thought we could do it next week. She agreed and would meet me at my house at 9:00. I couldn’t believe I got twelve cavities just to ask some girl out but I know she was worth it.
She met me at my house and she was dressed in a red salsa dress. I had a surprise for her. We are going to go Salsa dancing so I thought that it was funny that she wore the dress without me telling her what we were doing. When we got to the dance club Claire said that she can’t dance. I told her that that won’t do and I showed her how to. She caught on fast. The way she moved her body gave me chills all over. I was really falling for this girl. We dance all night long. When we got back to my house she was going to get in her car.
"Do you want to come in?" I asked her hoping with every bone in her body that she's say yes.
"I'd love to but I can't because I have an early shift in the morning." She said. I almost frowned but I didn't want her to know I was hurt. I wanted to talk to her all night because her voice sounded like angels singing. After a few weeks we started to get more serious. We spent more time together and never wasted a second. We went on a picnic in the park one day. We sat for hours just talking and looking at the clouds. This girl made my head spin. I can help but thinking that somethings gotta give. What is a girl like that doing with a guy like me? I didn’t question it because I have never been more happy.

After a few months Claire stopped taking my phone calls. I stopped at her place a few times but no one answered. Unexpectedly I got a phone call form her.
“Zak, I no I’ve been unavailable lately but I have something to tell you.” Claire continued. “I’m married.”
“What?!?” I said.
“I’m sorry. I should have told you earlier but we were having such a good time and I really like you.” She told me. I was so devastated. I put down the phone. I could hear her say hello? hello? "Zak are you still there?" I couldn’t pick up the phone. Its like my whole body shut down. I was so sure of this girl and boy, I’ve never been more wrong. I love her
After a few weeks I didn’t go out as much. I got a few e-mails from her and she asked stuff like how have I been and that she is worried about me. She said she missed me and that she didn't mean to hurt me. How could she do this to me. I decided I would go to Florida. I always wanted to go because my brothers and sisters moved there when my father died a few years back. They say it gets really hot there but any other time is so beautiful.

“Claire, what are you waiting for? You love him. You know he gets on a plane in a hour to go to Florida. Its most likely that he wont come back. This is your last chance.” My best friend Elizabeth told me while we were sitting at her house.
“I know and I want to but I already lied to him about being married. How could he trust me again?” I said. I really liked Zak but every time I’m in a good relationship I mess it up and I didn’t want to hurt Zak so I spared him early.
“I saw the way he looked at you. He loves you. Go catch your man.” She said and I went to go and find him but I heard her say as I went out the door, "God knows there's not many of the good ones." That made me laugh.
I love the way Zak’s eyes look in the moonlight and that kiss. The way his body was so warm. I didn’t want to take a breath but I screwed that up. Why did I lie to him? I went to his house but he wasn’t there. He must have already left. I tried to beat him to the air port but I saw him so close to the plane. I screamed his name and he heard me. He saw me and dropped him bags.I ran to him.
"Clair?" He asked as I jumped into his arms. He picked me up off the ground.
“I couldn’t let you leave.” I said pulling away.
“What would your husband say?” He said turning his head towards the plane.
“I lied.” I told him.
“What?” He said turning my way again.
“I’m not married. I lied. Every time a relationship is going good for me I always mess it up. I wanted to let you off easy. I really like you and couldn’t hurt you and to see you leave me would make me die inside.” I told him but I couldn’t say anything else before he ran up and game me another hug.
“I would never leave you. I thought about you everyday. When I was sad, mad, or when something didn’t go my way I looked at the picture of you because you make me happy and your everything I could ever want.” He said and then looked at my face.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes. I love you.” He said.
“I love you too. I’m so so sorry.” I told him.
“Just forget about it. Its in the past, okay? Now its just me and you. Nothing else.” He said and I don’t know what about he said was reassuring but it was. We got to know more about each other. Year after year we grew more in love with each other.

ZAK's P.O.V.

Its now been three years since we've been together. We are still madly in love. We took a walk down a little road tonight. We had already eaten dinner. We've lived together for a year now. Clair loves walks. She absolutely loves to be outside. She put on her white coat and brought her green bag. She carried her umbrella because it looked like it was going to rain. I looked down at her brown high heeled boots. I laughed at her style. I wore my black coat.
As we walked down over the bridge I thought it was the perfect time. I looked at her in her grey hat. She smiled her cute smile. I looked out over the water running under the bridge. The wind blew and made the smell of lavender fill the air. I stopped as I heard the pitter patter of the rain on the umbrella. She looked at me and I got down on one knee. My knee was soaked as the water drained off the bridge and got on my knee. She covered her mouth knowing what I was going to do.
"Claire, will you marry me?" I asked.
"Yes!" She shouted and dropped her umbrella. She ran into my arms and I almost fell over. She kissed me and I fell in love all over again. I was proud of myself at how I planned it. A few months later Claire found out she was pregnant. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I was happy or not. Well, of course I was happy because she was happy but was I really ready to be a father? The nine months of waiting was excruciating. Claire became so needy and I tried to help but sometimes it was just so over whelming. I loved Claire to death but I don't know how this was going to work.
When it was time for the birth I was in love as soon as I saw her little cheeks. She came out with a head of blonde hair. She was 7 pounds 3 ounces. We named her Danielle Joy McKinley. She is a smart beautiful baby. My baby girl is so beautiful. I play with her every chance I get. I watch her when Claire is in work. Danielle is very smart. After about 7 or 8 months she started talking and she was walking even before that. Her hair darkened real fast. She has curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes. The most beautiful I've ever seen, well of course aside from Claire's. She has a button nose and couldn’t be more cute. She is the ideal daughter. I wonder what she will be like when she hits 13. Now that's another story to tell.

Happily Ever After For Now


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.03.2011

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