
Chapter One

"Get up.  It's time"

James opened his eyes to see who had just disrupted his journey to dreamland.  He was angry.  He hated being disturbed especially when he was about to don on his Jack Spine costume and ready to go on an adventure in the forest.


"Jones, why now?"

"Are you not going with us again?"


He looked at his wristwatch on the nearby table.  It was 12 midnight.  A sea of fear sailed across his face.  Where were they going at this time of the night.  He immediately sat up and looked around the poorly lit room.  His twin brother was holding an old rusty lantern whose wick was begging for freedom.  They were just 16 years of age.


"It is too late.  Can't we do this in the morning?"

"I knew you will say that" Jones said. 


He always knew that his twin brother was his direct opposite.  He loved adventures but everything was in his dreams.  He never ventured to go on any adventure in reality with him and his friends.  He was the lily-livered one between them.


"Sorry for disturbing you.  You can go back to sleep" Jones said angrily and was about walking out of the room when he felt a grip on his hand.


"What now?  You want to try and prevent me?"

"No, wait for me.  I will go with you"

"I will be outside with the others.  I am giving you just ten minutes" Jones looked at his brother, shook his head and left the room. 


He never liked getting his twin brother involved in his affairs because of his feeble and fearful attitude.  Unlike him, he was fearless, adventurous and action packed. 


Among his clique of friends his brother was nicknamed "Worm".  James was his direct opposite.  He had told the others that James was of no importance in this venture but they had insisted he tagged along.  At first, he didn't really liked the idea of bringing his brother along but then he remembered that he would need him as his back up plan should things go wrong.


They were the only children of their medically inclined parents.  Both parents were medical doctors and active members of the Mobile Hospital team.  The MHT as they were popularly called was a group of doctors who travel to remote locations to help treat people who lack medical facilities.  Anytime they were on holidays, they would become a part of the team.  This was one of such trips.


James had always been the favorite child of their parents because of his "holier than thou" lifestyle unlike Jones who was always doing things his ways.  Jones would sneak out of the hostel in their boarding school, get involved in nefarious activities, hang out with bad gangs in school and then get into trouble.  He always had a get-out-of trouble card, his brother James. James always got his back.  Their parents would always believe anything James said whether it was a lie or not but never  his brother's words.  James was the perfect child any parent would wish for.


James came out through the back door of their bungalow wearing a combat trousers and a T-shirt with his favorite comic book character Jack Spine boldly printed on it.  It was his favorite attire because it glowed at night.  He wore a cowboy heart and then carried a bag.  Jones frowned when he saw him.  Petura and Tobi looked at each other and started giggling.


"Why are you laughing?"

"Where are you going dressed like this?" Jones asked

"On an adventure"

"Guys, let's go now.  We are behind schedule" Petura informed them.

Chapter Two

"Boys, pack your things we are going on a short trip to Makuma village" Dr. Finnih Tomiti announced.

"Mum, we just got back today from school" Jones said. 


He was not ready for any of these trips.  He never really liked going to these remote places.  It was his twin brother James who loved such trips.  To Jones, it was another wasted holiday.  He would have preferred to remain in their secondary school hostel all alone instead of going on this trip with his parents.


He wanted to protest but he knew that he would get into more trouble if he refused.  He was still owing a week of detection from his last punishment.  He didn't want to blow the chance of being sent to live with his disciplinarian aunt who was a military officer.


"Jones, why the long face?" James asked

"I don't want to go on this trip.  I have things to do"


James looked at his brother suspiciously.  He knew that Jones had some other clandestine plans that he kept away from him.  He and his brothers were not really the best of friends.  Their relationship was more like neighbors on a street than brothers.  He had made several attempts at making Jones accept him the way he was but to no avail.  He was always seen as a weakling in their gated community.  He was called "Worm" in the housing estate where they lived in a 5 bedroom duplex owned by his parents.


Jones was the prince charming to the girls.  He was athletic and well-built for his age.  He was bigger than his brother who was very slim, lanky and weary looking.  It was his brother's body stature that earned him the name "Worm".  Jones always respected his brother for one thing.  He was the intelligent one when it involved academics.  They were both in the sciences and his brother was the prince charming of academics.  But unfortunately for his brother, being intelligent does not attract the beautiful damsels.


Two days later, both brothers found themselves in a spooky looking village surrounded by strange looking hills on a very hot afternoon.  They had arrived from the nearest town in MHT's helicopter.  It was a team of seven doctors made up of four males and three females.  The brothers were the only teenagers in the group.


In no time, they were settled in one of the bungalows in the king's court that would serve as their accommodation.  Jones and his brother were given a room to share while his parents stayed in another room . It was an error.  The two brothers would have preferred separate rooms.  They never shared anything.  The only thing they shared were their facial appearances, parents and surname.


James was still unpacking his bag when his brother dashed out of the room as if he was being chased by something.  He was not surprised hours later, Jones entered the room with two young boys.  They were their age mates.  His brother was a genius when it involved meeting and making new friends.  That was one aspect of his life that he felt lack.  Friends making was never his strong part.  He was too shy to meet people but the moment he makes you a friend, he always become the best of friends.


"Meet Prince Tobi" Jones introduced the bulky boy with large coral beads necklace on his neck.

"Good afternoon, my prince" James said with bow

"Thank you, James.  Nice to meet you" Prince Tobi replied."And this is my best friend Petura.


Petura was no different in terms of stature from Prince Tobi except that he was an albino.Albinos were seen as unique people amongst the black race.  But in Petura's case there was something off about him, James thought.  All he good sense was something ethereal about him.  He may be reserved but when it comes to profiling people, he was the best.He knew when something was not right.  He studied Petura and noticed that his eyes were all over the place.  Was he looking for what to steal from them?  James thought.


Two days later, James decided to take a walk around the community after assisting the doctors in attending to the teeming patients.  Jones never helped his parents.  He was nowhere to be found.  He needed to explore and so armed himself with his camera, pen and note book.  He saw his brother and prince along with Petura in some deep discussion.  He didn't even bother to join them because he knew that his brother would have told them that he was a killjoy.  He left the palace and walked down the road that led into the village.  He was going to the village square.  Every village in Africa had a square where everyone gathered.  He knew so much about so many African villages.  He loved to research on historical things.


He was not the only walking on the road.  There were little kids with pots on their heads either going or coming from the stream.  Also a lot of the women with their babies were heading towards the  palace.  The news of the doctors arrival had gone round the village.  After walking for some minutes along the bushy road, he decided to rest.  He saw a fallen tree trunk by the side of the road.  It was a good spot to sit down.


He sat down and then he suddenly felt alone.  Nobody was walking on the road any more.  It was as if everything was at a standstill.  James got up and looked around.  The adrenaline of fear was activated in his vein.  He could feel hot of urine burning his thighs.  He looked around him.  He was the only one on the road.


"James, how are you?". 


James almost jumped out of his skin when he heard his name.  He quickly turned around and saw a divine damsel standing behind him.  He tried to run but his legs could not move.  He stood transfixed.  His legs had betrayed him.  He felt goose pimples all over his body.  He tried to say something but could not except for some inaudible words that came out of his dropped jaw.


"Hey, are you scared?"


James had never heard such a sweet voice.  It sounded like music in his ears.  He was lost.  Was he in another world or in a dream?


"Hi, how did you know my name?" James stammered


"This is a village and news travels faster"


James felt ashamed when he noticed that the damsel was starring at his wet combat shots.  She smiled and then giggled.  It was in between those giggles that James saw her real beauty radiating from those giggles.  She was slim with a unique curvy shape and was slightly older than him.  She was really beautiful.  She wore a T-shirt on a jeans trousers that made her shape looked more like an hour-glass.


"So what's the name of this beauty?" James asked

"Princess kadura"

"Nice to meet you my princess" he said.  He could not take his eyes from her face.

"I have to run and meet my friends"

"How can I see you again?" James asked

"I will find you" She answered and then ran along the road before disappearing around a bend. 


James just stood there staring at nothing.  He was not really into girls but he was already in love with this angel.  It was love at first sight for him.  He wanted to see her again.  As he turned around to go back to the palace he saw that the road was busy again.


Something is not right in this place" He said to himself.


Chapter Three

"Jones, you won't believe who I just saw today"

"Who do you know in this village?" Jones answered with anger in his voice. 

He was in the middle of something important and then his brother had disrupted his attention.  He looked at him as panted like someone being chased by a mob.  Jones knew his brother was not into people.  So what was it that made him so excited.


"I met a very pretty girl in this village" James said "And she knew my name".  Jones looked at his brother and then Prince Tobi and Petura before they all burst into laughter.  James felt ashamed.  They didn't believe him.

"What is her name?" Petura asked

"Princess Kadura" James answered.

"This Kingdom does not have a princess.  Prince Tobi does not have a sister"

"What did I tell you?" Jones added

"But she introduced..."

"James just stop.  Stop all these your day dreaming" Jones cut him before he could go further. 


James looked at his brother, shook his head and walked to a corner to sit down.  He was not mad.  He knew what he saw.  His brother never believed anything he always told him.  James knew that he could see and witness things that others can't.  Most times, his friends and even his parents felt it was because of his love for comic books and adventure novels.  He was a big fan of the adventurer Jack Spine.  Nobody ever believed in his stories.


"You got a weird brother" Prince Tobi said

"He creeps me out sometimes with his absurd stories"

"Let's get down to business" Petura added.


Petura was the son of the village chief priest.  His father was next to the king in the village.  He was seen as the oracle of the gods.  According the tradition if the king dies when his heir was under twenty years it was the chief priest that would conduct the affairs of the kingdom until the heir comes of age.  Petura was the heir to his father's position.  He was older than Prince Tobi.  It was his duty to serve the prince as his father serves the king.  He never liked the idea of being under anyone.


Petura was two years older than Prince Tobi who was 17 years.  He was wiser and known to be very crafty by the villagers.  He had stumbled on a secret about a cave when he overheard his father speaking with the gods.  He had to carry out his own research.  He got his father drunk who spilled out certain information about the cave's location and how to access it.  The cave held something that would grant him access to certain powers that would make him a god.  With so much powers he would then kill his father and the king before installing himself as the ruler of the whole village.


Petura hated his father for using his 5 year old sister to appease the gods.  He had secretly followed his father who was accompanied by the king and chiefs to the forest where she was slaughtered and her blood used to cleanse the land.  He was just 10 when the act was done.  The next day, he was told that his sister was attacked by a mysterious beast.  That was 8 years ago.


According to his father, the cave was in a different realm and could only accessed by the presence of a prince and twin brothers who were the direct opposite of each another.  The condition was difficult.  He had the prince but where could he get twin brothers that were the opposite of each other?  He had been searching for a way for more than two years ever since he stumbled on the existence of such a cave.


Prince Tobi was a very friendly personality who attended one of the best schools in the country along with Petura.  They both attended the same school because Petura had to be by his side always.  He knew that someday he would become king but he would want to do it in his own way.  He was easy going.  One thing he hated was his father's style of administration.  To the prince, his father was of the old generation.  He never applied the use of technology.  Everything was done according to the way of his forefathers and what Petura's father says.


The prince had his own plans when his time comes.  He had promised himself to expose the kingdom to the outside world.  There was a large deposit of diamonds but yet their village had refused companies to come mine them.  The location of these diamonds remain hidden to the ordinary eyes according to Petura's father.  It was the treasures of the gods and not for the outside world, he would always say.


He had bought into the idea of exploring the cave in secret when Petura told him about it.  They had been making the plans together.  All was set except for the last ingredients.  The twin brothers who were direct opposite of each other in character.  Petura had told him about a cave full of diamonds.  His plan was to go there, carry as much as he could then sell it when he goes back to the city.  He would become so rich and then begin to change his community from the back seat.  He wouldn't want his father to know anything.  The first thing he planned to do was build a clinic for them.


They were so happy when Jones and his twin brother arrived the village with their parents.  It was during the introduction session with the king that Prince Tobi and Petura knew that this was the chance they needed.  James was kind of the shy person but not Jones who was full of smiles.  He was a social butterflY.  There was no need to waste time.  It was what they had waited for.


They had to tell Jones about the diamonds in a way to entice him and how they had made plans for a journey to the cave.  They told him that James must be a part of the crew when he insisted to go alone with them.


"No way, James would mess everything up" Jones argued.


Chapter Four


"Let us go now" Petura said as he led the way.  Prince Tobi followed then James while Jones was at the back.  They all held torch lights irrespective of a full moon along with bright stars illuminating their way.  They all carried with them empty knapsack bags except James whose own bag were filled with two colored flares, a small jack knife, ropes , touch lights with batteries,2 dark goggles and some matches.


Jones had hinted his brother about a cave full of diamonds inside the jungle.  To James, it was too good to be true.  He knew that his brother was up to something dangerous.  James would have gone straight to his parents but he didn't.  He agreed only because he wanted to act as the safe switch to prevent Jones from getting into trouble.  He had always wanted to be in his life but Jones kept pushing him away.  He loved his brother so much.


As they continued into the forest with Petura leading the way, something strange followed them and James felt goose pimples on his arms.  He turned around to check if he could see anything.


"You want to go back?" Jones questioned

"No, it's nothing" James replied.


They continued to walk deep into the forest until they came to an open field.  James checked his watch and saw that it had stopped at 12:15 a.m.  They had walked more than 30 minutes and yet his watch was still displaying 12: 15 a.m.  Unknown to them they had already entered another realm.As they continued to walk, then they saw bright lights in the distance.  It was true.  It was only a large deposit of diamonds that could give out such amount of light in the night.


They ran towards the light until they came to the entrance of a brightly lit cave.  The whole environment was bright as if it was 12 noon.  James opened his bag and brought out the goggles.  He gave one to his brother and was about wearing the other one when Jones snatched it from him.


"What are you doing?" James asked

"You are not going in there with us" Jones replied 


He looked at his brother with scorn and gave the googles he forcefuly taken from James to Prince Tobi.  James was not going to watch his brother bully him anymore.  He was angry.  He went to Jones and punched him hard on his left jaw which sent him to the ground.  James could not believe his eyes.  He didn't know where the strength came from.  He had never felt this way before.  It was always Jones who had the upper hand whenever they fought.


Jones knew that something stronger than his brother's normal feeble punches had hit him hard.  Jones got up and rushed at James.  He was furious.  James grabbed him by his collar and lifted him from the ground that his two legs were dangling in the air.  Jones felt a pillow in his hands.  He then threw Jones down and he land on his butt with a thud. 


Jones remained on the ground writhing in pains.  He tried getting up but could not.  He was pained.  Prince Tobi and Petura ran to where he was and helped him up.  He was up but his legs were not steady.  He would have attacked again but this time he had to let go.  James was surprised too that his brother did not come at him again.


"I will deal with you when we get back" Jones said with a painful and sore voice. 


His eyes were red with hurt.  James grinned.  He has won this one.  He was glad that he has disgraced his brother in front of these two.  He would have preferred if it was in front of larger crowd.


"James, we need you to stay and watch while we go inside" Prince Tobi said calmly.  They were all scared of what he did do next.

"I didn't come this far to stay and be a watch dog" James protested

"Please, be our watch.  We will fill your bag for you" Petura continued "And you seem to be the strongest amongst us here"


James loved the thought of him being the strongest in this place.  He agreed to wait outside behind a big tree that was beside the entrance of the cave.  He emptied his bag and gave it to Prince Tobi as they all entered the cave.


James stood behind the big tree holding his jack knife when he heard some sound near him.  He became scared as all his new found courage disappeared.  He knew it was the dumbest idea for him to be alone in this place.


"James, your life is in danger"


James recognized the voice immediately.  It was the mystery princess.  But what was she doing here, he thought.  Could his mind be playing tricks on him now?  It was his imagination, he thought.  He dipped his hands inside his pocket and brought out a chocolate bar.  He always carried one.  He was about a take a bite when Princess Kadura suddenly appeared in front of him.  This time she was different.  She was all glowing in her white flowing pants with a sword in her right hand and a shield on the left.


"Who are you?" James summoned courage and managed to ask

"Leave that for now.  You are not supposed to be here"

"What do you mean by that?"

"This is a different realm.  You have to go now before it is too late" Prince Kadura warned. 


James was about to go but then he remembered his brother.  He couldn't leave his brother alone.


"My brother is in there" James said as he tried to rush into the cave met a kind of barrier blocking his way.  He could not see anything in front of him.  He turned and saw that Prince Kadura had pointed her hands towards the cave.  She had created the invisible barrier.


"Let me go and bring my brother" he begged.


Then he heard screams inside the cave.  He ran to hide behind the big tree.  Something evil was happening inside that cave and Jones was still there.  James was confused and at the same time scared.


"It is too late to save them now" Prince Kadura said

Chapter Five


"Look at all these diamonds" Jones said

"They are just laying waste here" Prince Tobi joined

"We are going to be rich"

"I am going to going to build mansions" Prince Tobi continued "Petura, what are you going to do with your share?"

"I have something planned and you will know when the time comes"


They continued to walk deep into the cave.  The walls were lined with diamonds and on the floor were tiny diamonds scattered here and there.  Then they came to a big space with heaps of diamond.  Jones opened his bag and started filling it the big stones.  Prince Tobi joined in the harvesting of diamonds.  Petura was not interested in the diamonds.  He was here for something else.  Something that would give him more than just diamonds.


"Prince Tobi, where is Petura?" Jones asked when he noticed that he was no longer with them.

"Leave him alone.  Maybe he has gone for something bigger"


Petura had walked into a smaller compartment in the cave.  There it was.  Sitting alone on a small heap of diamonds was an old looking scroll.  It was brown and looked dirty.  It was in a closed state.  He walked to where it sat, grabbed hold of it and then opened it.  And all hell was let loose.

There was very a bright and blinding light that came out of the scroll immediately  Petura opened it.  And he dropped the scroll.


"My eyes, My eyes" He screamed.  Petura staggered out of the compartment to where both Prince Tobi and Jones were busy filling up their sacks.  They were both stunned when they saw Petura run out with his eyes shinning bright like diamonds.  Petura kept on running until he came out of the cave.  He was blind.

James saw Petura as he emerged from the cave.  He was screaming.  James came from behind and grabbed him.  He quickly pulled him to his hiding place behind the big tree.  He turned to look at his face and almost screamed.  In place of his eyes were diamond-like eyes.  He could not see anymore.


"It was the scroll!  It was the scroll..."Pentura kept mumbling

"What scroll?" James inquired

"The scroll...The scroll"


James knew that Petura was no longer himself.  James brought out his rope and tied him.  He then gagged his mouth to keep him from giving away his position.  He grabbed his touch and was about entering the cave when he heard footsteps of someone or something running towards him.  He retreated to his hiding place again.  What he saw next almost made him faint.  At this time, his thighs were burning with hot urine.


It was Prince Tobi who had come out of the cave.  His whole body were covered in blood.  His right hand was almost severed from his body except for some tiny veins that tried to keep it from falling completely.  Out of nowhere, James saw several swords appear.  They were all in the air.  The assailants were invisible.  Each of the swords dealt several deadly and devastating blows on Prince Tobi.  He kept on screaming as he felt the effects of the different strikes penetrating his body like a hot knife on butter.


Prince Tobi fell to the ground and stopped moving.  Something started dragging him back into the cave until his whole body disappeared.  James froze in his hiding position.  He saw everything that had happened.  Where was Jones?  Was he still alive?  How would he rescue his brother?  Several thoughts ran through his mind.  He felt alone for the first time in his life.


"James, save me.  James save me" It was his brother's voice. 

He came out from his hiding place and what he saw stopped him dead in his track.  He stood in front of his brother.  More than 50 fishing hooks were attached to all over his body.  Jones was almost naked except for his boxers short.  Some kind of forces were pulling him back into the cave.  James could not move.  It was a very horrible sight.  He wanted to run and pull off the hooks from his brother's body but the invisible barrier had re-appeared again separating him from his brother.


"Time to go.  He is gone.  He now belongs to the cave" Prince Kadura whispered to James.

Chapter Six


Professor Vincent Nathan had just finished a class on African Shrines.  He had entered his office to get his things before heading home. ­Sitting on his big mahogany table was a strange looking parcel with four feathers attached to on the four corners of the box-like parcel.  He picked it up and stared at it.  The receiver's name was absent.  He shook it and then listened to know if it was something sinister.  He was in a university where there were bad gangs who attacked lecturers for refusing to give them good grades for work not done.  He carefully opened it and then peeped through the small opening to have a glimpse of the contents.  It was not a bomb.


He opened the parcel and saw a small compact disc along with some pictures.  He picked the pictures and then saw familiar faces.  They were his aged parents.  He inserted the compact disc into his computer to play it.  It was an audio CD.  He pressed play and listened . The voice was not familiar but he heard all it was saying "Professor, if you want to see your parents again.  Take the next available flight and come to Africa.  Our contact will pick you from the airport.  It is going to be a reunion".


Professor Vincent, was dumfounded.  Africa is a continent.  The message did not say which location in Africa.  He sat down to think.  He was in another part of the world far from Africa.  He was in Australia.  He picked up his mobile phone and dialed his parents numbers.  Both lines could not connect.  They were switched off.


As he sat in his chair facing the window with his back to the door he thought of what should be his next move.  Then he heard a knock on his door.  He was not in the mood to discuss anything with anybody.  So he ignored it.  He heard it again and again.  He decided to answer and then go home and think of how to go about the message.  At home nobody would disturb him.

"Come in.  The door is open" Professor Vincent said.  He heard the door open and footsteps.

"Hi, James"


Professor Vincent immediately recognized the voice.  He turned around to see if it was whom he expected to see.  It was Princess Kadura.  She was older and still as beautiful as ever.

"You?  How did you find me?" James questioned

"I am a warrior from another world and we need you now"

"Warrior?" James was laughed

"A war is coming.  It's time for you to fulfill your purpose"

"What purpose?" James asked

"To rescue the Prisoners of The Scroll" Princess Kadura continued "But you must be fully prepapred"

"I am ready. I just need to get my guns and bags" the professor said as he began to pack his things.

"Your guns can stop Petura" Princess Kadura warned "He is a fallen god and still possess his powers"


Professor Vincent knew that his thoughts about him was true. But this time around, things will be different. It was time for him to go for another adventure and this time he was ready.  He was no longer the feeble and scary James.  That was 20 years ago.  He was a professor of History.

"When do we leave?"





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2020

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