


The furry beast was prowling around for the hunter. The hunter hid behind a tree. Silver arrow notched, waiting for his enemy to get into range. He was breathing quietly and had hardened his feelings, for the beast could sense fear. The hunter slowly peaked around the tree and saw the animal's back was toward him. The hunter ran and then rolled to another tree, closer to the beast.

      He had a better view of it now. It was sniffing for him around the bushes, where the hunter placed a bluff scent of himself. The hunter had already killed the monsters companion and now the thing was angry. It kept sniffing for him and when it finally realized that it was a bluff scent, the beast dumbfoundedly searched the circular grove of trees.

      The hunter decided to make his move, he cautiously turned from the tree, aiming at the beast's rear end. But then, the hunter stepped on a small twig. The smallest snap sounded from the twig but that was enough for the beast, for it had a keen sense of hearing, as well as smell. It's senses is what it relied on. Like a Tyrannosaurus Rex if you didn't move it didn't see you. But for this beast that was only in the morning. It was dark and raining the beast could see everything, like a HD television. The thing spun around speedily and lunged for the hooded warrior. The hunter ran towards it and, right before collision, the hunter rolled under the jumping beast. The hunter got up and shot the silver arrow into the monsters back the monster screeched once, in pain and tried to attack again but the silver was tearing away its essence. It fell dead and the hunter won, yet another trophy of victory. Then The Temptation started happening at the sight of blood. The hunter's teeth gritted and grew. His body was about to change shapes to an unruly beast, that he now knew how to control. The hunter relaxed and The Temptation disappeared. But before all of this had happen, there was a beginning to it all. Back when this hunter was a boy, who knew nothing of this world.

Chapter 1

Jordan woke up in a startled gasp. He saw that it was raining outside right now. Jordan was having strange dreams lately about a hooded warriors and beasts. Every night he would see them and every night he would wake up in cold sweat. He always woke up before, the hooded warrior was going to reveal him/herself to Jordan. It always bugged him, that he could never see the face. But he didn't have time to worry about that right now, right now he had to get to school before he was late. He went downstairs to his mother's cooking. Everyday, Jordan would see his father in his bathrobe. His father was a buff, grizzly man, and he only worked late into the night. Jordan's father, Jonak, had a tattoo of Greek symbols going down his arm:



                                       θηρίο φονιάς


Jordan always asked what they meant and his father always said he didn't know and that he was drunk when he got them. Jordan didn't think it was all Jonak always wore a sharp tooth and furry claw necklace. Jordan knew they were real but he was never sure what animals they came from.

"Morning, mum." Jordan greeted and kissed his mother

"Hello, pops" Jordan said giving his father a fist pound.

"Hey, there tiger. Ready for today?" Jonak said.

"What's today?"

"You're football game, my boy. Don't tell me you forgot."

"Yeah I sorta did. I'm sorry"

"It's alright, sport. But you'll go get em."

After about an hour or so Jordan's father went to go drop him off at school. For some odd reason, Jordan felt as if he and his father were followed to school. This was the first time he had ever felt uncomfortable around his father. Whatever it was it seemed to be stalking them.

"Hey Dad, do you think someone is following us?"

"No, it's probably nothing," Jordan's father said fiddling with his necklaces, which he did rarely. Jordan has only seen that happen when, his father was in danger. Like the time when a bear was in the middle of the street swinging at cars that passed by.

When Jordan was dropped off, he began to calm down. But just as his fear cooled down, a pair of eyes glowed through a bunch of trees. Jordan ran as fast as his football speed could take him all the way into his girlfriend. She was a beautiful young lady, with long natural reddish brown hair, curvy silhouette. an adventurous yet powerful gleam, always rested in her amber eyes, like she knew things others didn't.

"Hey there, what's the rush JJ?" she said. She usually called him that. Jordan looked back and saw that the eyes disappeared. He kept telling himself he was hallucinating.

"Hey Hope, no rush, no rush at all." Jordan said.

"Why do you insist calling me Hope amigo, the names Esperanza, a little respect for my latina side eh?"

"Whatever you say, but I hope  we do well today on the field, yeah?"

"¡Dios mío," Esperanza said in spanish. Having a have Latina girlfriend you get used to it and then later on, you can translate it. Jordan knew she was calling out to god in exasperation.

"C'mon babe, Esperanza is a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl like you. But it gets too long at times. Why can't I just call you, Hope, for short. After all, that is what your names mean, mi amor."

"Look at you catching up to my spanish business. But no I like Esperanza better." Esperanza said and walked her pretty self to the school. Jordan gazed at the grove of trees. Again, the pair of eyes appeared. He ran to catch up with Esperanza

Chapter 2

Something was definitely going on. Something scary and big. Jordan didn't like the looks of any of it at all. He had to stay out after dark because of his after school football game. It was a big game too and he didn't want to miss it. Jordan decided to get over it and just play his game. His father came with a black cloak with a hood and long black armbands on each arm. It was a very windy night, the wind was howling hard. Like a wolf howling to the moon. It stung at the players bare arms, like mosquito bites. Something was wrong, Jordin sensed. He didn't like the looks of this. It's like an evil was approaching and the wind was telling them that it was coming. Jordin didn't have time to think about that, because the game was starting. His team had won the toss and elected to receive. The wind blew a little faster and harder. The kickoff was complete and the kick returner (a guy named J) got ti the fifty yard line. The moon seemed to get bigger when Jordin when out there. He barely listened to the quarterback's plan, he was starting to get worried about what's going on. Luckily, he heard that he was going to run a fly pattern and he was getting the ball. Jordan thought that it would be better to run the ball then throw it because of the wind was heavy.


"Ready Set"

"Red 78, Red 78"

There was a long pause and then:

"Hut, Hike"

Jordan swam past his cornerbacks jam. He was already half way down the field and he was open. The quarterback saw his dime, pushed against the wind, and launched the ball at Jordan. Time slowed down the ball was a little ahead of Jordan. He pushed harder, the ball descended right into his hands, and as soon as Jordan had it and took off. The safety tried to get him, but Jordan looked right in the eye and knocked him down. He was pushed by somebody to his left. The game was tied with 5 seconds. He needed to slow down to decrease any good chance of an overtime or loss. He stopped and a rival ran right past him then Jordan ran again. The guy turned around and got low for the tackle. Jordan ducked down ready to make contact and rushed him. The guy rushed Jordan. But then Jordan forced his torsos energy into his legs and sprung over the crouching defender. He scored a touchdown and won the game, for the Vamperdam Wolves against The Wolverstand Vampires. Then a big dark shadow knocks Jordan to the ground. Jordan could feel a strong furry arm throw his helmet off and slice his face. Jordan screamed in pain. He saw his father running up with a bow and arrow. He shot the beast and the beast fell dead after screaming in major pain. Jonak had grabbed a large piece of meat and he stuck an arrow through it. He shot it in the woods. And 3 more furry beast came out chasing after the smell of meat. Jonak begin to pursue the beasts. After a while Jordan followed, bleeding, exposed, and confused


Jonak was rushing through the woods and then found the wolves in a circular grove of trees fighting, for the right to devour the meat/ At this point, Jonak, calmly, took out his bow and aimed at one of the 5 beasts. He let one silver arrow fly and it hit the beast with ease. Jonak quickly notched another and killed another beast, before the monsters could even look up.There was only 3 animals left and Jonak could kill them easily if he was careful enough. He grabbed another arrow and aimed at the charging beasts. But then:

"Dad!" Jordan called. Jordan was bleeding profusely and was in major pain. He could barely see out of his left eye If only he knew how much concentration his father needed, would the events that follow happen. Jonak flinched letting go of his bowstring and missing the beast completely. In the moment of their attackers distraction, the beast pounced on Jonak and clawed and bit at him. They were drawing blood. The beast began to draw blood and devour the human like they devoured the meat.

"No!" Jordan cried. The beast heard this and began to go for Jordan. Jordan was frightened he saw something silver and grabbed it. It was a knife with the same Greek Words on Jordan's father's arm. He did not have time to think about that. A beast came upon him and Jordan simply stabbed it. He saw the other one and stabbed that one too. But The biggest one came. Something snapped in Jordan and he was off. Running back from where he came from, the thing leaped at him and it fell right on Jordan, impaling itself on the silver blade that was ripping away it's essence. There was blood all over Jordan, and the trees. Jonak laid dead in the middle of the circular grove of trees, Seeing all of this made Jordan cry. He just cried for the rest of the night until a rescue team came in to help . The team rescued Jordan from the images of his father torn apart, but they could not rescue Jordan from his sadness of his father's death.

Chapter 3

Jordan was in deep sorrow, he didn't want to go to his old man's funeral but he wanted to see the last of his father at the same time. He decided to go to his father's funeral. He saw his father in a casket with his necklaces still on him. When the crowd went up to go see the body,and wish it luck in judgment, Jordan heard his grandmother mumbling something.

"Oh dear Jonak, why did you take that job. I told the Paranormals would be too much for you. You just wanted to carry the legacy that bad didn't you Jonak? You were willing to die for it and you have bested the legacy. I am glad that you died carrying our family's name too. Rest in peace as you slay the beast"  Grandma said. It was Jordan turn now, he walked up to the casket and placed his hands on the edge.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. This was all my fault. I wanted to know what were you doing What was your job? I will find out and avenge you, I swear I will avenge you father. But, how and why were you fighting animals as big as those? I need answers to avenge your father and I will get those answers." He grabbed his fathers necklaces off his neck and put them on his own and walked away in tears. He needed answers to his questions


Jordan went outside of the funeral home and began aimlessly walking down the street in anger. He couldn't help but feel like he was being followed. He wanted to test this theory. He went and double back around the funeral home and into an alley. He saw the shadow of a person and he slowly turned around, he had his hand on the silver knife he kept from the fight. He saw himself facing a tall man with a cloak like his father's. The young man had a bow slung over his shoulder with a quiver of silver arrows strung across his back. He had wickedly sharp, wooden swords in the scabbards on the sides of his belt.

"Hey you might want to put that little knife away, yeah?" The man said

"Hey you might want to step away from me or I'll use it." Jordan growled.

"Oh, I wasn't saying that for my own health, I was doing it for yours," The guy mused.

"What do you want?" Jordan demanded.

"Only to answer your questions about your father." This got to Jordan and he immediately spewed all of the questions he had.

"What is your name? How do you know my father? What was he doing? What was his occupation? Why did he fight those animals? What were they?"

"Kid, relax. I'll answer you questions. Listen up. Well me and your father had been childhood friends and we were always exploring things. One day we explored too much. We stalked our fathers one night and saw them fight monsters and we questioned them upfront. We found out we had a family legacy of beast slayer's that fight of the Paranormals. The Paranormals are just what we call the abnormal things. Like the beasts you saw, those were werewolves, are part of the Paranormals. We have a group of people that carry their family's name and we just kill any abnormal things that threaten civilization. We train the younger ones to fight. Now when we found out our legacy we wanted to carry it on. That tattoo in greek letters means: Beast slayer. Our legacy was carried by the last names. You're father was the Nefetari Dynasty and mines was the Ezsers Dynasty. And as for my first name it is, Covon Ezser."

"Please Covon, please teach me to be a Beast Slayer. I will carry on my family's legacy and avenge my father." Jordan said. This did not surprise Covon at all and he would teach the boy. He didn't like the child but he would do it.

"Sure kid, personal favor from your dad. We'll start right now."

"What?" Jordan said. Covon grabbed Jordan's wrist and put his legs behind Jordan's. He pushed Jordan down making him fall and squeezing his wrist so the knife could come out. Covan grabbed it and put it to Jordan's chest.

"Step 1: Always be alert" and with that Covan walked off. Jordan really didn't like him now, but he had answered his question and he was willing to teach Jordan to fight like his father. Now Jordan was prepared to take on any training given to him.

Chapter 5

Covan had always knew where Jordan lived, he had came over so many times to that house, he couldn't believe that the boy didn't even remember his face. But Covan left out with all of his gear, he was to be always prepared. He was going to take the boy to where all the beast hunters train a place called Skedro Davenkai, a magical place with many beast students can train with. Covan traveled quietly and stayed in the shadows so as not to be noticed. He climbed through the window of the Nefetari mansion, startling Jordan.

"What?! Oh it's you Covan." Jordan gasped.

"Yeah, I noticed, you ready apprentice?" Covan said

"Pretty much. Where we are going anyway? Covan?" Jordan asked.

"Listen kid, do not ask questions. give me your hand."Covan ordered. Jordan hesitantly held out his hand to Covan's.

"You're lucky you're dedicated boy otherwise we wouldn't be able to go." Covan grumbled and then began chanting.

"Go where"

"Skedro Davenkai!!!" Covan finished and in a flash of green light the guys were gone and into the portal to Skedro Davenkai


In a blinding green black light a portal that looked made of lightning appeared in a beautiful land with many people there. Everybody was wearing something similar to what Covan was wearing but with different shaped weapons or different weapons entirely. Everybody specialized in different type of weapons but they had two of the same materials: Wood and Silver. They had bands on their arms with  holes that could shoot out things or call out for help in desperate need. Jordan was amazed at what he saw. Just people training and shooting at flying beast with teeth. He watched them. There were seven beast hunter and monsters to match. Each person shot a beast down all except one who hesitated to shoot his arrow. The beast swooped down and bit his neck and began whipping a way blood furiously. People around him shot at it and it died with wooden tipped arrows in its body. Lucky for the boy the beast took only enough blood to faint an he would live. He lost a lot of blood. Jordan just watched in awe he didn't know what to think. He just witnessed something similar to what happened to his father. He felt like this was a bad joke a really bad joke too. He calmed himself down and then he walked on with Covan. Covan looked at the shivering teen walking behind him. He went back and grabbed the kid by his shoulders and told him:

"Calm down boy. You're showing weakness and weakness is not allowed in front of the council."

"You never said anything about a council. You said you were going to train me today" the boy hissed back.

"I never what we'd have to go through so I could train you.  I'll train you for sure. You need to wait" Covan said letting go that surprise so the boy could get over his fears with anger. The pair began walking up a slope that led to a large, black, circular door. It had markings all over the top rim. Jordan was afraid to go in but fortunately for him he didn't have too. Covan just walked straight in and told Jordan to wait there. Jordan just sat out there and waited he was afraid he couldn't receive training. He was afraid to receive the training either. Jordan dozed off on the door, and was knocked over when Covan came through the creaking, black door.

"What, who what, where?" Jordan said quickly said as he was startled from his sleep. Covan chuckled. Jordan got off of the ground, now completely awake at Covan's arrival, and sprung to his feet.

"So what happened in there? Why did it take so long? Do you know how bored I was? Like seriously dude what-"

Covan cut him off merely by raising his hand in a halting position. His hood covered his eyes there was something in them that Jordan wasn't able to see.

"I was given permission to personally train you."

"Really?" Jordan said like an exciting puppy and not at all like a sophmore in highschool.


"Awesome! What are we going to learn first?"

"You'll find out" Covan responded hiding the thing that was in his eyes. The thing that was in his eyes were just complete sorrow for this kid. He felt as if he failed his family and is now putting the boy to a death wish. But the boy needed it and really wanted training. Covan saw no other thing to do than to teach Jordan. He moved his head back deeper in his hood to hide his sorrow.

Chapter 6

"Alright, the first thing I shall teach you to do is stay on your guard. Which might be pretty easy for you since you play football." Covan informed Jordan. Covan turned his back on Jordan:

"Try to tackle me"

"Um... Okay?" Jordan said in a state of perplexity. Jordan got into his 3-point stance and shot out rushing towards Covan. He dropped the shoulder and was about to truck Covan. But just before contact Covan spun to his left and grabbed Jordan’s shoulder and flung to the ground.

“Even when attacking make sure you follow the person or monster that tries to evade. I’m sure your coach told you that before did he not?” Covan said

“Try again” Covan ordered and, once again turned his back on Jordan. Jordan got ready and charged Covan again this time he didn’t try to tackle him. He got up from his trucking mode and was ready fist fight. Before Covan could spin out of the way, Jordan swung a fist at  Covan. The hunter grabbed Jordan’s arm got under him and flipped him. Jordan rose, panting and attacked again with a yell. He swung Covan blocked, Covan swung Jordan ducked and tried to come up for the upper cut. Covan did a backflip kick hitting Jordan in the chin and then lunged forward shoulder first knocking him backward. Then out of nowhere, as Jordan was flying backwards, Covan appeared behind him and grabbed him.

“You have much to learn young Nefetari,” Covan whispered

Jordan was breathing hard and highly upset. He couldn’t think straight and he attacked Covan  again, kicking him in the groin. As Covan was on his knees in pain, Jordan spun around swinging his fist and hit Covan right in his jaw. Covan was impressed by the boy’s persistence and took the hit. When the pain from his genital area faded he grabbed the kid’s arm pulled him down and kicked up, flipping the kid in the air.

“Very stupid of you to do that, boy. We began again tomorrow.” Covan said and walked away.

‘Now that is something I can work with’


Jordan woke up thinking everything was a dream. But as he looked around he realized he was still in Assassí Temple everything was not imagined. Jordan began to wonder around and look for Covan. He walked until he came to a slope that led to a big field. There was nobody down there so he wanted to check it out . He confidently started down the slope. He still had his father’s hunting knife. Jordan pulled it from his belt for protection just in case. He heard some rustling in the bushes and he pointed the weapon in that direction.

“Who’s there?” Jordan bravely called. 

More rustling.

“Show yourself!” Jordan demanded. There was a battle cry and a shadow attacked Jordan. He instinctively  held the knife up and blocked a blow from a sword. The figure attacked again and again Jordan blocked it, went for his feet but he jumped. But the figure quickly pushed him to the ground and Jordan tucked himself into a backwards roll and lifted his blade in time to block yet another swing. He drew energy from his legs and jumped in a neat arc pushing the figure down to the ground. He was on top of it and screaming at it.

“Who are you!” Jordan yelled. No response. “I asked you a question”  but all of a sudden the figure pulled out  a bomb shaped item and threw to the ground. The bomb exploded with smoke and threw Jordan across the field. When the smoke cleared the thing was gone.

Jordan heard applause behind him and turned to see Covan slowly clapping.

“Well, that was a great fight. I never seen a newbie fight like that after their first battle with blades. You learn fast young Nefetari. Perhaps you’re not as much of a failure as I thought”

“What was that?” Jordan asked “I could’ve died!”

“Oh just a trainee here that didn’t do very well to have been learning here for a year. In fact, you know who that person is. I’ll have to tip them later.

“I don’t know anybody here except you if you hadn’t noticed.” Jordan said. Covan ignored that statement

“On more official business, I believe your weapon is a knife. You used it pretty handy with your opponent. But you haven’t tried the other weapons yet so I won’t be able to tell you what weapon is best yet.” Covan explained. “Come with me Jordan”

Covan went to the armory of Temple Assasi and showed Jordan the different weapons.

“There are many weapons in this place as you can see. Some you are required to learn how to use, others you can toy with if you please. One of the mandatory weapons is the bow and arrow. You must learn to shoot at flying beasts or very far beasts. You must learn how to alternate between arrow type. Only certain material can kill a specific beast.  So therefore I shall be teaching you how to do this. Grab a bow and arrow, a vamp-sword, a wolf-sword, and a net. We’re going hunting.”

Chapter 7

On the way to the Forest of the Paranormals, the pair stopped at a gear shop to suit Jordan up.

“Wait, don’t I have to like earn this stuff before you give it to me. I mean we only had two training sessions.”

“Yes, I am aware of that. In the Temple  when you start getting your gear you have to kill a beast. If you kill a Paranormal then you keep all of your gear with the gadgets and extra things that come with it. If not you don’t keep it and we keep on trying until you do.” Covan explained.

“Oh” Jordan whispered suddenly feeling nervous. After Jordan got a black hooded cloak with bright red flames trimming the attire, he strapped his swords in a X to his back and Slung the bow over his shoulder. Jordan put the magic quiver under the sword but high enough so he could grab arrow. Put the knife in a holster on his hip.

“You’re pretty smart. Seems as if you studied how to suit up.”

“Nah. My father had his things like this. It’s just something I remember.” Jordan said sadly. “Hey what do I do with the net?”

“Oh,” Covan held out his hand and Jordan handed the large net over. Covan set it on the ground and said “petit” The net immediately shrunk small enough to be a hair net for a baby doll.

“Alright let’s get to the targets before we hit the woods.”

“What’s the targets?”

“What do you think kid?”

“Things to shoot at.”

“Very good, now please don’t ask dumb questions.”

Jordan was really starting to dislike Covan even more than before. Soon, the pair came to A field with magic targets.

“Some of the targets are made to be weak to wood, some to silver, and some to iron-” Covan began

“What beast is weak to iron?” Jordan interrupted

“You’ll do your research later, boy.To change the arrow metal just say the precious metals name in Skedroan. Wood is Fusta, Iron is Ferro, and silver is Plata. You don’t have to say it aloud you could think the words, but that’s another lesson. Brown targets mean weak to wood, Silver targets mean weak to silver, and Black to iron. Sometimes the brown and black targets will be in the air so your aim has to be absolutely precise. Get me?”

“Yeah, I got you” Jordan responded. “What kind of language is that anyway

“One more thing, there are things that will try to mess you up so be evasive and precise.”

Jordan nodded to Covan.

“Begin” Covan said and the targets whirred to life and began making noise

“Wait, you didn’t tell me how to shoot an arrow” Jordan yelled over the targets

The targets were going crazy.

“Figure it out!” Covan retorted and gracefully flipped onto a boulder and sat in lotus position. Jordan was furious with Covan now but drew his bow and arrow so he could at least try. He tried once but the bow string snapped at his wrist causing him to fumble with the arrows. He saw a brown target and decided to try again.

“Wonkai” Jordan muttered and there was a whirring sound coming from his quiver. ‘that’s pretty cool he thought’

The brown target was moving back and and forth. He followed it with his bow and arrow. He confident he could shoot this.But right when he was about to let go of the bowstring the ground moved and tripped him.

‘Okay so I have to make sure the ground doesn’t get me either’

He took aim for the wood again and followed. He was about to shoot but then a grass hand shot out at him, Jordan jumped to the left still with a clear sight of his target and shot the arrow in front of the brown target so the thing could run into it. The arrow whizzed through the air and impaled itself in the heart of the target. Jordan strategy worked! the target turned silver.

“Silver” he said to his quiver and it changed to the metal. He jumped over a rolling grass hill, rolled under a swinging tree branched got up on one knee and shot the silver target. It hit it but not in the middle, it still did the trick though. Jordan had one more to do.

“Ivedka” Jordan muttered once more. When he heard it change he took aim. He noticed that the iron target was flying. He tried to aim but the thing was evasive. A boulder came flying at Jordan and he jumped out of the way. A grass fist punched his legs causing him to do a cartwheel in midair. It took all his upper body strength to land on his feet. He then had to roll under another swinging branch. This was very hard for Jordan, for his body began tiring. Jordan knew he couldn’t shoot at the iron target so he ran for it, while pulling his iron arrow out. The uppercutting, grass fist came up again but this time Jordan jumped on it and used it as a spring. He flew through the air and stabbed the iron target with the arrow. Jordan was hanging on to the arrow as the target veered to the ground. Before impact, Jordan jumped and rolled to his feet.

    Covan looked at the boy with a satisfied grin. He jumped from his boulder and landed in front of the panting teenager.

“Well, seems you figured that out pretty easy. Impressive. You learn really fast even when teaching yourself.” Covan praised

“Heh. Yeah, well looks like you didn’t have to teach me to evade and shoot after all.” Jordan said

“Well now it’s time to test your sword hand and tracking skills before we start the hunt tonight,” Covan said. Jordan sighed heavily.

“Watch yourself, this is what you asked for, boy. I’m only doing you a favor now let’s get a move on.” Covan ordered and pushed past the teen to lead the way to the sword arena.


“I’m going to teach you to sword fight since this I favor this particular fighting style.” Covan said. “First, I’m going to teach you to fight one-handed and the we’ll work on dual wield.Then how to fight against beasts with them. Okay, bring out your silver sword.”

Jordan followed his instructions.

“Now, your stance is one of the main things of sword fighting. You want a stance that no one can penetrate with their eyes before their sword. Being hunters we’re agile and quick. We have to be able to analyze out opponents with speed. Try a simple sideways horse stance and hold your blade on front of you. Don’t let your opponent under your guard.” Covan instructed.

Jordan did what he was told. For Jordan, reading his opponent  was simple, being a wide receiver because he had to figure out how to get past his defender. So in his mind he thought getting under Covan’s guard would be simple. He lunged toward Covan with an outward slash.  Covan merely slid out of the way and poised his self  for the next attack. Jordan was surprised at the sudden change and turned for another strike. He lunged and swung his sword in an uppercut, Covan leaped backwards. Jordan knew if he stopped pressing forward, he’d have an opening and Covan would win. So he stepped forward with a straight jab. Covan noticed the kid’s tactics and knew Jordan was learning. So he swung his blade to parry. Jordan came back with a back slash. Covan blocked. Then it was Covan’s turn on the offensive, he locked blades with Jordan and push him back. He then slashed with great speed, Jordan swung and blocked, Covan pushed hard and Jordan just kept locking. But then Jordan tried to do something never did before. He dodged an overhead


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2012

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To Jilian, my best friend, who keeps me going

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