
Chapter 1

 My name is Holly Woods and I am 16 years old. I belong to a pack of werewolves who are known for their skill in both tracking and taking down enemies, though the pack was far from the greatest out there. It was called the 'midnight' pack, it was my personal hell. It's not that I look strange. In fact, My complexion like nearly all werewolves was naturally deeply tanned, the genes which had been passed down to me from my parents being the reason why. The most werewolves are very athletic, but I was unhealthily thin. Years of starvation and rood rations will do that to a person. You may not believe it, but I am the daughter of Alpha of the pack. I was supposed to be respected in the Wolf Pack, but all I got was ridicule and abuse, and I was used to it. I was hated in the pack, the reason unknown since as far back as I could remember I never knew what it was like to be loved. To be honest I wouldn't have thought it existed if it hadn't of been for me watching as couples mated over the years, it was both painful and amazing to watch.I didn't think I would ever find a mate which was what made it painful. Anyway I'm getting off track, but to put it both crudely and bluntly my family hated me. Again I didn't know why, since I was sure I hadn't done anything to offend them in such a way, but I cannot remember. I was treated worse than a slave, the reason being that it was my pack, my family, my parents who were treating me in such a way and not some random person I was taking orders from. Nothing changed for me when my brother became the next Alpha. He was an incompetent Alpha and in many ways I was more capable than he was. I could see he was running the pack into the ground it was seemingly oblivious to everyone else. It wouldn't be long until they had to align themselves to another pack, give over control to another Alpha due to having no other choice. It didn't bother me; I didn't have that long left anyway. It was not that I had any illness, but that my health had deteriorated from chronic hunger and fatigue. I don't even know if any of my companions will notice me if I fall asleep and don't wake up one day.It was a Monday morning when I was woken in the usual manner, the all—to—familiar feeling of ice—cold water crashing onto me in a harsh and painful manner. The feel of the icy liquid as it hit the thin sheet that was my bed, instantly soaking the thin material and hitting my body in a sudden rush as the feeling of my skin burning from the shock of the temperature causing me to gasp. I screamed the first few times they had done it, in both shock and pain but now only a gasp fell from my lips due to the fact I expected it."Get up!"I didn't bother to reply, they pretended not to hear a word that passed my lips anyway so why should I bother? I hadn't spoken in the past years other than a small word here and there, I wasn't a mute, I just didn't have anyone to hear what I wanted to say. Sighing I got to work, my chores were basically everyone's put together, another one of my brothers' so—called amazing ideas. I had no idea how the pack was going to cope when I was gone; they did nothing for themselves after all. I cooked food for them only to get nothing in return. I cleaned up after them even if I wasn't my mess. I washed there nice clothes, feeling worthless and cheap as I compared them to my own.So you see my life was far from perfect, the only thing which I was relieved of was that while I was humiliated, beaten and abused they never pushed it far enough to violate me sexually. They were horrible people, but they weren't monsters who would stoop as low as to rape a girl…I hoped not anyway. It took me the entire day to finish the exceedingly long list which had been left out for me as usual, by the end of it my vision was blurry and I was minutes from passing out due to exhaustion. I was shaking like a leaf, my body stiff and painful with every movement as I leaned against the wall waiting for them to get home from school, the fact I wasn't allowed to go meaning while I was good with strategies, with tactics and with finances I wasn't the smartest person in the world. I had never been to school, remembering when my bitch of a mother had told me when I had asked when I was little. 'School is for people who actually have a chance in life, I am not going to let you waste your life when you could be obeying your brother and doing the chores since it will be the only thing you will ever be good at'It wasn't long until everyone arrived back at the pack house after school, my head bowed low as I tried to play myself off as being invisible. It was moments likes these I felt the worse, hearing them laughing and seeing them smile with each other. I couldn't remember the last time I smiled, hell I can't even remember if I had ever smiled in my life. The thought made me frown, but the action I quickly regretted when it got me the unwanted attention I had tried to avoid."What are you frowning at freak?" my brother sneered.

Chapter 2

"What are you frowning at freak?" my brother sneered as his hand made contact with the back of my head, the force of the action making my head snap forward and my neck to crack slightly under the strain of his hit. 'Freak' was a term I was called often; it didn't bother me as much as it probably should have. I didn't reply to his question, my lips firmly shut as I knew the best and safest way to get out of this was to not respond at all. You must be thinking why that didn't make matters worse, but strangely it didn't. He liked it when I didn't respond; I think it gave him a sense of power over me which he craved. He was a bad and useless leader, not to mention both power hungry, lazy and greedy. He may have been only a year older than me, but he acted like a child who couldn't take no for an answer."Aw, is the freak not answering me?" he continued to taunt, it being nothing I hadn't heard before as I ignored the sniggers which erupted from all around the room. Surprisingly though it didn't seem to be as loud as usual even though everyone was present, perhaps they were growing up after all and seeing that picking on an unhealthily thin girl who was only at the young age of 16 was nothing more than pathetic and cruel. Again I didn't answer, knowing that all he wanted to hear was the silence."Go get dinner ready bitch, and don't  think about eating anything either your fat enough as it is!" he snapped before shoving me in the direction of the kitchen, my hand reaching out to steady my heavily shaking form as I held onto the door frame for dear life, not wanting to lose my balance and collapse onto the ground. I knew no one would help, like I said I was the runt of the pack, the one that nobody wanted around but heavily depended on to run their lives. It was pathetic, but I didn't have long left to suffer through it before my health finally caught up with me and I was buried 6ft under. After making everyone their food, it taking longer than expected due to my shaky hands making it practically impossible to use a knife safely, meaning my hands were raw and bleeding by the end of it. Thankfully I didn't get any crap for it though, but then again it wasn't until it was time for me to go to bed, my form of near collapsing that the thin cord I was hanging onto snapped. The pack seemed to think that it would be funny to ruin the one thing that I cared about, the one thing that brought any kind of happy thoughts into my mind whenever I thought about it. It was my happy place, but the heartless bastards destroyed it without a second thought. It was a single flower which I had growing in a pot in my room; I had managed to keep it alive for years which was an accomplishment in itself. It was a large white daisy, nothing special but it was mine. I loved flowers, how beautiful and free they were, how they provided  the bees with pollen to help them make honey. I thought they were amazing, bringing brightness to my day every time I stared at it when I sat alone in the tiny room which represented my bedroom. I remembered the first time I saw it when I ran through the woods, sneaking it up to my room as I brushed the petals of the large daisy whenever I was in a particularly bad mood. It was my safe haven you could call it, yet when I saw it smashed on the floor in the centre of the room I knew there was nothing left holding me here. I heard everyone downstairs laugh at my reaction to destroying such a stupid object. I know I couldn't do this anymore; I knew I couldn't stay here any longer. So with that I grabbed the rags which I had no choice but to call my clothes and waited until everyone was asleep. I didn't bother to leave a note as I dashed out into the snow; they could rot in hell for all I cared. It was late at night, and I felt very sick with cold and hunger, but the thought of my imminent relief gave me new hope. So with that I carefully tied the ratted material to my ankle before crying out as I shifted into my pure white wolf, the only color on my thick coat being that one of my paws and my right ear was a deep black making me look anything but dangerous. It unfortunately hurt me as I shifted formed, phasing shouldn't have been  painful for a wolf, but with my poor health and the fact it had been a while since I had been in this form it was expected under the circumstances. The pain I knew wouldn't fade, I was far too weak to heal but my wolf kept me company even if she was her usual quiet self. Unlike myself she wasn't broken, though she craved a mate so she had the will to live. Knowing it was impossible to hope for something so perfect I hobbled through the woods and thick snow, my form unstable as I looked into the distance in front of me through my wolfs eyes. It was so much clearer when I was in this form, everything looking so magical covered in snow. I kept running, though my speed had  slowed, though I knew I was entering the territory of another Wolf pack, and that this meant danger, but I didn't want to stop. It wasn't until I heard the familiar sound of paws crunching through snow at an alarming pace that I knew I didn't stand a chance against the approaching pack mates, in my state I couldn't even fight against one let alone the sound of the three wolves who were quickly approaching with aggression in there steps. Their growls rumbled through the woods as the sound seemed to rattle of the trees surrounding me, clearly intending to instil fear on any rogues which ran through the territory I now knew to be theirs. I suppose I was technically a rogue now, considering I didn't belong to a pack due to leaving mine but I knew I wouldn't have to worry much longer. I hoped they would make it quick and relatively painless when they took me down; it wasn't like I was going to even try and go down with a fight. What was the point? I wanted to die. I wanted it to be over. So no, I would not be fighting back."Who are you and what are you doing here?" a harsh voice suddenly cut through the air as my ears twitched as they picked up the sound, the low tone of the boys voice for some reason caused my wolf to whimper at how he had spoken to us. It was confusing, why was she whimpering?Slowly I backed myself towards a tree before I could help myself, my legs suddenly collapsing under me as I tried to get as far away from them as possible. For some reason, the thought alone of whoever the owner of that low and husky voice being the one to end me broke me in a way which had me whimpering. It wasn't until I caught sight of him though that I was momentarily distracted by his looks, but even so I continued to try and move as far away from him as possible as two others still in wolf form stood behind him growling at me with vicious and dark stares.He was tall I noticed, the fact he not only had a 8 pack but he practically extruded danger, power and authority meaning whoever this boy was it was clear he was an alpha. He like all werewolves was tanned deliciously, his hair pitch black and cropped short as it only slightly swept over his eyes. He was dressed in a simple pair of shorts, clearly just having phased as his previous cold gaze suddenly turned wide in surprise as he took a cautious step forward causing me to whimper loudly at the sudden movement. What was he doing? I didn't like it!"Hey, hey…I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to phase back into your human form" he said soothing, his mood doing a completely 180 as even his pack mates seemed taken aback by his drastic change in attitude. What had just crossed his mind in the second he saw me that made his previous hard gaze soften into something close to…adoration? Hope? Love?


Chapter 3


I shook my head, why the hell was he thinking things like that! What was wrong with him! I felt myself tremble, the cold finally catching up to my skinny and skeleton like form as I was literally shaking like a leaf as I pressed myself against the bark of the trunk. It was far from comfortable, but I couldn't help but be flooded with fear as I felt a tugging in my chest which was scaring the hell out of me. Was it a heart attack? "Look I'm sorry I shouted, but I need you to shift" he repeated; regret crossing his gaze only making me more confused. What the hell was going on in that head of his which was causing him to look so regretful about? Was he pi—polar? That thought only scared me more. I continued to whimper and whine as I felt myself thump completely onto the ground, my eyes never leaving the wolves in front of me as I tried in vain to try and get up only for it to be a useless effort. There was no way I could move from where I was, and by the way the alphas eyes widened as he took me in it was clear he was only just taking in my state. I was surprised he missed how unhealthy my wolf must have looked, my fur matted from the snow and the fact that in my human form my face was pretty much sunken in due to the lack of nutrition in my poor excuse of a diet. Not to mention the fearful and dead look which must have been in my eyes as they sunk into my head slightly due to my bony and brittle form, I looked far from a healthy wolf."I'm Adrian sweetheart, alpha of the 'Jewel pack'" he continued in a soothing tone, my already wide eyes widening even more so as I recognized the name of the pack. It was a very small pack but they were vicious and incredibly talented in tracking, killing and fighting – they made my brothers pack look like nothing more than primary school kids. Numbers didn't always mean the outcome would favour the side which had more pack members, if the Jewel pack attacked then my brother wouldn't stand a chance. I didn't reply, I simply stared at him with my large amber eyes as my breathing came out in sharp and uneven pants. If I died tonight I thought, at least I'd have what my idea of perfection would be on my mind when the end came. So with that thought everything went black, my body finally giving up on me as my eyes closed, no longer able to keep up with the strain. I would probably be dead meat anyway, I was a rogue and was far from being a threat so I hoped they would end it quickly while I was out, at least I wouldn't be able to feel it when they ended my life. Thank god for small favours.   

****Adrian's Pov

My pure black paws contrasted vividly against the snow under my feet as I glided through the snow covered forest when the sight of a rouge got past our territory boundaries. It was fair to say I was pissed since the last thing I needed was to have to deal with some idiot who thought crossing over my territory was a good idea. I mean we had gotten ourselves a reputation for being a vicious and dangerous pack, and yet while any sane person who realized where they were would have ran back once they realized it was our land they had trespassed on this one seemed to be making their way across at a slower than casual pace. Were they suicidal? As I continued to track down the strangely delicious scent of the wolf we were following I could hear both my pack mates behind me, my beta Paul and my sub—beta Ryan. We were a pretty close pack, considering there were barely any of us but we were all trained to perfection. We could take down multiple opponents with a dangerously lack of effort on our part. I was by far the most vicious, but then again I had to be considering I was the alpha.'Who do you think it is Adrian?'  Ryan's thoughts filtered into my head as we continued to follow the incredible scent which seemed to remind me of cherries…I loved cherries.'Probably some newbie rouge that needs to be taken care of, we'll make it quick'I thought back causing them both to nod as they slipped behind me a few paces so we formed a V shape. It was the most effective way to approach when intending to attack to kill, simply because it was safer, easier as well as more efficient in taking care of a threat.As we approached the rouge I found myself getting more and more furious with the cheek the werewolf who had dared ruined my already shitty day! My life was far from perfect, hell my parents had died long ago and I had slight anger issues – ok slight was a little more than an understatement. So whoever this person was they were going to regret invading our territory, they should be lucky that I planned to end this quickly and not draw it out like I had done before. Our growls rumbled through the woods, the viciously animalistic sound should have scared them enough to at least try and run, but shockingly this werewolf was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Not only were they majorly outnumbered but they had managed to piss me off with their presence alone, yep, they were definitely stupid.


Chapter 4


Shifting back into my human form I pulled on my shorts hastily, since the wolf hadn't decided to try and run there was no point in staying in wolf form. Both Ryan and Paul were behind me in case anything happened unexpectedly anyway, so if they made a move to attack I would just give them the go ahead to fight back with the intent to kill. So with that I walked into the snow covered clearing with an annoyed and furious expression on my face, intending to get this over with as quickly as possible."Who are you and what are you doing here?" I snapped coldly as I walked out, my eyes widening when I took note of the pure white female wolf which I was greeted with. She was clearly startled from my tone as she backed herself as far as was possible against the tree behind her, the whimpering falling from her muzzle making my heart clench for some reason I didn't understand. Frowning, I soon found my emerald eyes locked onto her gorgeous amber ones and with that I knew exactly what had happened. The pull in my chest, the delicious scent she seemed to have which was temping enough to make my mouth water…this rare colored female was my mate, and I couldn't have been happier. I has always both wished for as well as despised the idea of having a mate, a number  of reasons behind it. I wished for the closeness, the feeling of love which would surely follow but I also hated how whipped it seemed to make a wolf. Both Ryan and Paul had imprinted and mated for life, it was literally all that was on their minds whenever we were in wolf form after all. You see we could only have a mind link while in wolf form, it was both a blessing and an annoyance that while we were in human form they had the privacy of their thoughts, yet if there was a threat is was an inconvenience they couldn't communicate. I was brought back to the present when my mate's whimpers grew louder with the sound of Pauls and Ryan's growls, my face softening dramatically as I growled lowly in my throat. I made sure not to raise it loud enough for her to hear, I didn't want to startle her even more since it already pained me to see the look of fear in her eyes. My pack mates immediately shut up with their growling, but it seemed to do little to calm my mate's distress as she continued to whimper softly. It broken my heart: knowing that she feared me."Hey, hey…I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to phase back into your human form" I said in what I hoped to be a soothing tone, wishing to see the gorgeous girl which was hiding behind that incredible wolf of hers. I could tell she had alpha blood in her system due to her impressive size, she would still look petite compared to my own massive black wolf, but she was larger than the average female. I quickly froze though when her whimpers grew more and more startled when I tried to step closer, my form instantly freezing to the spot. I couldn't help but gaze at her with adoration and hope, I couldn't believe I had found my everything and I would not be letting her go any time soon."Look I'm sorry I shouted, but I need you to shift" I repeated when she shook her large head, her ears pulling back as they twitched in fear. I didn't like to see the emotion on her, I wanted to sooth her, tell her it would be alright but I knew I had to be careful with the frightened girl in front of me. She had clearly been through a lot and I couldn't help but wonder what.It wasn't until then that I felt my eyes widening when I took in the state of her wolf in front of me, my heart aching out for her since I knew she must be a hundred times worse in human form. Her fur which should have been thick and glossy was thin and mattered, her wolf incredibly small and fragile and she looked like she had been starved for months. I felt my anger rise as I took in her sunken features, even in her wolf form she looked far from healthy and I knew I needed to get her medical attention as soon as possible. She was MINE and now I had found her I was not letting her go. My panic only increased when her legs seemed to give away under the little weight she had on her body, a thump vibrating through the woods as she connected heavily with the floor beneath her. I winced: she needed medical help and she needed it now. "I'm Adrian sweetheart, alpha of the 'Jewel pack'" I introduced myself, hoping if she knew a little about me she may realize that I was far from a threat to her. She was my life, my mate, my other half – hell I hadn't even seen her human self yet but I knew I would give up everything for the badly treated girl who laid in front of me on the snow covered ground. She didn't reply, her breathing still coming out in harsh, short pants as a fog surrounded her muzzle as her warm breath connected with the nippy air. It was cold and it shouldn't have bothered her, but she was shaking like a leaf and it was clear she felt it like a human would. What the hell had someone done to my mate! They would pay, even if it was the last thing I did!

Chapter 5


As soon as I saw her fearful eyes start to droop I was running towards her, seeing how her breathing slowed dramatically as she passed out right in front of my eyes. It would only be a matter of time before her body forced her to shift back into her human form, I didn't want her to do it in the snow."Adrian? What the hell is going on?" Paul asked as both him and Ryan phased back into human form, identical looks of shock and confusion on their faces as they stared at me in shock. It was obvious to me why, I was a grumpy and snappy alpha who lost his temper easily, and while they respected me and I treated them fairly it didn't mean they had no fear for me. So seeing me fall to my knees and reaching out to run my fingers lightly through my mates matted fur had come as a great shock to them, hell we had come to kill her and yet now I was petting her." She's my mate" I found myself whispering aloud as I gazed at her, my heart breaking as I took note that I could count each and every rib she had in her body due to her being so thin. What the hell had she been through? The wet snow had washed away any scent so she could have come from a pack but I couldn't tell; but why would she risk her life to run across our territory in the bad state she was obviously in?"Well shit" Ryan gaped in surprise,  though both him and Paul were grinning widely until they took in the state of my girl. "What the hell happened to her?"" I don't know but we need to get her inside, call the pack doctor" I ordered as I easily picked up her light from, careful not to hurt her when I jolted her massive form to get a firm but soft hold on her. Even in wolf form she was way to light for what she should be; I didn't even have to strain when I gathered her large form in my arms which wasn't good news.It may have looked slightly amusing if we were spotted by a human, how an apparent half—dressed boy of 18 was carrying a wolf that was roughly the same size as a horse with not effort at all. Yep, we looked quite the sight. As my order ran out through the woods both Paul and Ryan immediately shifted and sprang into action as I gently jogged behind them with the mystery girl who was my mate in my arms, wishing I could go faster but I knew she was incredibly fragile right now, even in her wolf form. Reaching the pack house I ignored the curious pack members who were staring wide eyed as I dodged past them and into the pack house, heading straight for my room as I did so. I knew they were frozen in shock; it isn't everyday a temperamental alpha such as myself brought home a passed out female in wolf form with the intention of mating with her when I had gained her trust. Yep, definitely not what they would have expected when they woke up this morning. Reaching my large room I kicked open the door before lying her down on my sheets, not caring that she was soaked through as my black sheets were immediately going damp. She was more than worth it, hell she was my everything and she didn't even know it yet. It didn't take long for the pack doctor to come running up, the young woman gasping as she took note of the young wolf lying on my bed. I was thankful that she was a female, I wasn't sure I could let a male near her when she was in such a weakened state."Oh my…" Lisa breathed as her eyes scanned over the matted white wolf, my fists clenched and my form stiff. She looked at me for permission to approach her and I quickly nodded, the faster she got to work the faster my mate would wake up and I could get to know her."We need to wait until she shifts back into her human form, shout me if she shows signs of phasing back I need some warm water" she stated in a soft but firm tone causing me to nod. Right then she could scream orders at me and I would follow them through without a second thought if it was to do with my mate's health and safety, but it would be the only time. Knowing this I nodded, watching as she bounced to her feet before sprinting down the stairs, the sound of a tap turning on being brought to my attention.As soon as she was gone I was at my mate's side, my fingers lightly brushing her fur as it felt thin and wiry under my fingertips. What had my angel been through to come out like this? It clearly wasn't good and I planned to find out as soon as she trusted me enough to tell me about herself, hopefully it would be sooner rather than later. "Lisa!" I ordered when I felt her start to shimmer and shake under me, the realization that she was about to phase causing my alpha order to rumbled through the house causing a number of pack mates to gasp. They much like Ryan and Paul knew not to approach, my room was on the top floor and they knew to avoid it at all costs. Hell, whenever I felt or heard them approach the floor growls rumbled in my chest, instantly causing them to freeze and scurry off like they should. I didn't want them dis turbing my mate, so they didn't. Holding open the door for Lisa when she came running in, warm water sloshing from the bowl in her hands as her hastiness caused my plush carpet to grow damp much like my sheets. She shot me an apologetic look but I waved it off, like I cared about some bloody carpet when my mate was in the state she was."You poor girl" I heard Lisa breath as my breath caught in my throat, my eyes glossing over and my hands clenching tightly into fists as my mate suddenly appeared in her human form as she laid on my sheets still unconscious. She was beautiful, but she was far from being what anyone would consider healthy.She had thick raven colored hair which was strangely the same color as mine, her skin tone the usual tanned complexion but it was far from a healthy color due to it being paler then it should have been. She had to be around the age of 16, maybe 17 so she was a few years younger than me but I wasn't bothered. She was my angel, like age mattered and it wasn't like it was illegal…It was her body which had me shaking in rage though, she was practically a skeleton which had a thin layer of skin stretched over it. Her bones poked out at all angles, telling me that if she had a lot more meat on her bones she would be deliciously curvy. Her legs while thin were incredibly long, and while I would practically tower over her since I was taller than 6ft that again didn't bother me. She would be mine to look after, to  protect and I wouldn't be taking my responsibly as her mate lightly.


Chapter 6

 I watched Lisa with keen eyes as I followed her every movement as she looked over my mate, my eyes trained on each and every action she made. I could tell I was making her nervous but she didn't complain, rather going into doctor mode as she continued to do the job which she had trained for. A pack doctor was a respected and learned profession. Due to not being able to be taught in doctor skills by a human, both our blood and body's healing and being different meant it was pointless. Instead the elders taught and passed down the knowledge to the pack, but only a few such as Lisa who were interested in it enough to learn more to be a 'pack doctor.' She was incredibly respected and looked after within the pack, and while she wasn't our only pack doctor but she was by far the best; meaning it would be her job to teach others the knowledge of healing. It was where most packs went wrong, not passing down the knowledge and such meaning it would affect the entire pack later on. There weren't many of us; but we made sure to look after her own."I need some more water" Lisa stated as the bloody and dirty bowl sat near her knees as she propped herself up over the bed to run the cloth over my mate, my eyes trying to avoid the fact that while my mate was injured and unhealthy she was still incredibly naked and lying on my bed. Nodding I was in the kitchen in no time, ignoring the looks I received as I grabbed another large kitchen bowl and waited impatiently for the water to heat up. What the hell was up with our plumping? Some sane part of my mind knew that I was being impatient, but my wolf wanted to return to me unconscious mate and to be honest so did I."She alright, mate?" Paul asked as he watched me fumble around with the water, my head snapping in his direction as I gave him a cold look which had him flinching. I didn't feel guilty, they were used to it by now after all and knew what to expect when I wasn't in the best of moods. You could hardly blame me though, considering my sick mate was upstairs in my room with no one other than Lisa I was a little bit on edge. "When I find the pack who did this to her, I will slaughter them" I snarled out causing Paul to instinctively push a confused Lilly behind him. It was by instinct, he was protecting his mate and even though there wasn't a threat just the thought that there could be one was enough to explain his protective actions."I take it she's in bad shape then?" he asked with a wince, my cold looking telling him what he wanted to know."You need anything then tell us Adrian" Lily said softly from behind Paul, my eyes staring blankly at her before I nodded in thanks. It was clear neither Paul nor Ryan had told them that she was my mate, but it wasn't hard to work out if you put all the clues together. I wasn't known for my incredibly light nature, so why would I bring a unconscious rouge into my house and lay her on my bed if she wasn't my mate?Grabbing the bowl I sprinted up the stairs, careful to try not to spill any but I knew I would have to make a mental note to wipe down the stairs if nobody else came across the mess before me.Reaching my bedroom I entered only to find Lisa in tears, the bowl completely forgotten as I tensed in alarm. I knew my angel was still alive, I could hear her heart beat so why was the pack doctor crying? What the hell was going on?"What?" I snapped out, both worried and angered. Worried for my mate's wellbeing and angered that I had left when Lisa had clearly found something, why hadn't I just gotten one of my pack mates to get it for me? Oh that's right, I refused to let any of them even close to my room at the moment due to my mate. Being an alpha I would be even more protective of her, but I was naturally quite possessive anyway so my emotions weren't coming as a shock to me like it would most."You're not going to like it Alpha" Lisa whispered as she grabbed the bowl I was holding, soaking the cloth before pressing it against my mates forehead in a soothing manner.I couldn't help but growl at her comment, what wouldn't I like? If it was something to do with my mate then I wanted, no needed to know. She was my life, my everything and if something was wrong then it was my business to know."Tell me!" I demanded causing her to flinch, I couldn't bring it in myself to care when she knew something about the state of my mate's health. If she didn't tell me then I would force it out of her, she may be a friend and a pack doctor but when it came to my mate she was nothing. Harsh I know, but ask any other mated couple and they will tell you the same. You can live without a pack; you can't and won't want to live without your mate."She isn't healthy alpha, far from it. It looks like she has not only been starved but worked to the point of exhaustion, if you hadn't of found her then she wouldn't have survived the night" she whispered through glossy eyes, my fist colliding with the wall causing it to break under the force I applied to it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing; someone used my mate and then just tossed her aside like an animal! What the fuck was wrong with some people? Yep, they would definitely pay for ever harming what was MINE! I would be seeing to it personally."Will she be ok?" I asked, actually fearing the answer. Her heart beat sounded stronger, yet she had yet wake up. To be honest I didn't know what I was going to say to her when she did, clearly she had been through a lot and while I wanted to know why and what she had been put through, I knew that getting her better and gaining her trust was a lot more important at the moment then revenge. I could live without revenge, I doubt I would want to live without my small little mate by my side even if I had yet to see the true color of her eyes and the sound of my name as they passed though plump but swollen lips of hers. Yes, I could wait.  



Chapter 7


It was a few days that my angel had been with me and she had yet to wake up, I had started to worry until Lisa said it was normal and that my mate was just recovering from her shifting. Apparently it hadn't been the best thing my mate could have done; shifting requiring a lot of energy and such meaning her body was trying to pull itself together. It wasn't until a few hours past mid—night on the third day that she was out that her breathing pattern suddenly changed, it instantly having my attention as I threw the book I had been reading on my floor and stared at my mate as her breathing increased slightly. I hadn't left her since she had first arrived at my home, I had done nothing more than watch her as I dressed her in one of my shirts  and the smallest pair of my boxers I could find. I found it soothed my wolf to see her in my clothes, I also knew she would be most comfortable in something loose and not so tight on her small and weak frame.Hearing her draw a sharp breath through her teeth I was instantly on alert, practically shitting myself as I tried to remember what I had planned to say to her when she woke up. I had been thinking about it since she had arrived, but now that I could see she was stirring I found myself completely blank with what I was going to say to her. The last think I wanted was to startle her; the memory of her being scared of me was enough to cause me to tremble and my wolf to whimper at the visual image of the fear in her eyes and the sound of the whimpers which had left her muzzle. No, that was the last thing I wanted.So with that as not to startle her I remained seated as I watched her eyes flicker open, not moving when she gasped for breath as she struggled to pull herself up into a sitting position; though it was killing me to do so inside. She was my mate and she was hurting, yet for her not to fear me I had to be gentle with her, which didn't mean pressuring her into anything like a relationship. I didn't like it, truthfully I hated it but it was necessary so I shut off the my mental whining and continued to gaze at her. She was so beautiful…  "Why aren't I dead yet?"Ok, that was not what I expected to hear my mate say when she first spoke and while I took note of how deliciously soft and airy her voice sounded I couldn't help but feel my grip on the chair I was on tighten drastically and my eyes to darken to a near black, was she serious? Did she want to die? What the fuck was going on?Since it was clear she hadn't noticed me yet I stayed quiet, even if it killed me to do so. I still couldn't believe what I had just heard, she couldn't wish for death could she? I mean she was my mate! She was MINE!I watched as she finally seemed to snap out of it, her tiny form looking smothered in my clothes but she did nothing but frown slightly as she took in my room before a startled yelp left her mouth when she saw me sitting in the corner on one of my large chairs; my eyes trained on hers."You're…uh…." She stuttered out, her voice hoarse and my concern only grew as I took note of her rapidly shaking form, it was far from cold in here so why was she shaking? I had made sure to light the fireplace in my room as soon as I had brought her here, she shouldn't be shaking!"I'm Adrian sweetheart" I smiled softly as I gazed at her, wondering what was going on in that pretty little head of hers, the nickname again just slipping out before I could help myself. She didn't seem to mind but I couldn't help but take in the confused expression on her face as she scrunched up her features in the most adorable way. God I was already sounding like a love sick puppy and I knew nothing about her."Why aren't I dead?" she asked bluntly causing me to growl lowly, I didn't like her talking like that!"Please stop saying that sweetheart" I pleaded as I slowly rose from my seat, watching as she scrambled away from me causing me to raise my hands in surrender, my heart aching at the startled look of fear in her eyes."I…I don't understand" she whispered as she continued to back away before she could go no further, her back hitting the headboard of my bed preventing her movement. I couldn't help the purr which vibrated form my chest as I tried to sooth her shaking form, watching as she jumped slightly at the sound before slightly relaxing from her previous stiff position. It was a relief."You passed out sweetheart, I brought you back to my pack house" I stated, trying to work out whether it would be a good idea to tell her we were mates. It was clear she hadn't figured it out yet, so was it better to tell her out—right or to wait till she figured it out on her own? Fuck! I wasn't good at this sort of thing. When she didn't reply I slowly made my way towards the bed, relieved that I had thought to put on a shirt since if I had been half—naked I was sure I would have startled her. She was already timid; I didn't want to make it worse by her thinking I was pressuring into anything. I would never harm her; she was my life, my everything, my mate!"Are you hungry?" I asked, my eyes moving over her too thin of a form as I did so. It would only take me minutes to get her something to eat, I didn't like seeing her so thin.Whatever I must have said seemed to shock her to her core, her eyes wide and mouth open as she just stared at me. To be honest her reaction confused me, all I was offering her was food so why did it seem to shock her so much?"You're….food?" she stuttered out, I would have thought it was adorable if I wasn't still confused by her reaction. Gently I sat on the edge of the bed, taking note that she didn't seem to notice as she continued to stare at me, her stomach rumbling telling me she was more than a little hungry."I'll get you some, you sound hungry" I stated as I jumped off the side of the bed, her face still a picture as I quickly headed to the door as to provide for my mate. She was hungry and it looked as if she had never had a proper meal in her life. It was a shame I didn't know just how right I was….  



Chapter 8


Running down the stairs I took to them two at a time as my heavy feet pounded with each step I took, my pack mates literally jumping away from me as I headed straight for the kitchen where Ryan sat with a few others, his own mate vising her parents at the other pack house."I heard she woke up mate, how is she?" Ryan asked as he munched on a piece of toast which looked like it was more than a little well—done. I ignored him for the moment before cursing when I realized I hadn't asked her what she wanted, but then again she looked so hungry I doubt she would mind. The thought both pained me and pleased me, she wasn't healthy."Hungry" I grunted out as I grabbed a couple of eggs and cracked them into a bowl before whisking them. I planned to make her an omelette and while I would have liked her to have something more filling I was in a rush to get back to her, this would only take several minutes to cook. Flicking on the hob I quickly poured some oil in the pan before putting it on the hob to heat up while I continued to whisk the eggs."How did she take the whole mate thing?" Ryan's curious voice cut through the kitchen gaining my attention as I paused in grating the cheese, my head snapping in his direction as I levelled him with a sharp look. "She doesn't know" I stated as I dropped the cheese in the bowl with the eggs before whisking it, adding some salt before looking in the fridge to see if there was any meat I could add. My mum had taught me to cook at a young age before she passed away, saying that once I had found my mate it would be a good talent to have when trying to both win her over and look after her correctly. She was right of course, my mate was going to both need and love this.As I diced some already cooked sausages I found in the fridge I added it in before pouring it into the pan, smirking when I heard it sizzle and the smell of freshly cooked food filled the kitchen which instantly had everyone's attention as they complained about having already eaten. I rolled my eyes, but yet again Ryan's voice brought me out of my inner thoughts."Why?" he asked puzzled, as if he expected me to come right out and tell the frightened girl upstairs that she was stuck with me for the rest of her life. Yea….I wasn't going to drop that bomb shell on her just yet and scare her off; she was alarmed enough as it was. Not that I blamed her, it was clear she had been through some touch shit."I don't want to pressure her" I stated honestly as I flipped the omelette before grabbing a plate to put it on, hoping she wouldn't mind the rush job. My wolf was already snarling at me to return to her, but I effectively calmed him with the realization that we were making our mate food to better her health, he thankfully settled down with that thought.Ryan thankfully kept his mouth shut as I piled up her food before giving him a nod, grabbing the plate and a fork before rushing back up the stairs, eager to see my angel again. I still didn't know her name but it would be the first thing I wanted to know about her, surely such a goddess would have a beautiful name to match…Reaching my room I was about to burst in when I froze, she was still nervous and skittish around me so I didn't want my eagerness to frighten her. So with that thought I gently knocked on the door before entering, taking note that she had yet to move a muscle since I had left."Hey sweetheart, I hope omelettes ok" I smiled wide as I slowly approached the bed and put the plate in front of her, watching as she stared at me wide eyed as I did so. I couldn't help but stare at her as she looked at the plate in front of her, a confused expression on her delicate features as she kept glancing between the plate and to me. Again I found myself wishing that I could read that fast working mind of hers, wanting to know what she was thinking."Thank you but…." She trailed off, her face still scrunched up in that adorable expression of hers. I didn't know what she was thinking but I would have thought from how famished she looked she would have already demolished my food. Didn't she like it? Shit I knew I should have asked her what she wanted first! Stupid! Stupid!  "If you don't like it I can—" I started but she cut me off, looking taken aback as she did so."No, thank you. But why?" she asked, as if the idea of me feeding her was so outrageous that she couldn't believe what she was seeing. I resisted the urge to snarl, my eyes scanning over her bony and unhealthy form as I did so. It was clear she wasn't used to people caring for her enough to feed her, the thought made the alpha in me come to the surface as I swore to make all those who had taken part in my mates pain to suffer. By the end of it they would have wished I had given them a quick death, as far as I was concerned they were a pest that needed exterminated."You're hungry sweetheart, please eat" I said soothingly as I carefully sat on the edge of the bed, making sure my moves were cautious and slow as she continued to watch me with nervous eyes. I knew not to push her, she would relax in her own time but until then I would just have to make her as comfortable as possible. After all, she will be staying with me now. She was MINE, she would never leave me, she would never be in pain again!I continued to watch as she simply stared at me with curious eyes, her strangely amber gaze suddenly coming to my attention. I had never seen anything so beautiful, the rare color making my wolf purr as I took note of how her hair was the exact same shade of mine. She was made for us, I knew that and didn't doubt it for a second that she was anything other than mine. I would care for her, provide for her, protect her and love her for the rest of our lives.Thankfully after what seemed like hours had passed she slowly picked up the fork with shaky hands, the sight of her bony and delicate fingers making me want to wince as I tried not to stare. I couldn't help it though, my wolf was forcing me to watch her, to make sure she ate and got better for us. She needed to get better!


Chapter 9


Holly's Pov

Why was he staring? He hadn't stopped looking at me since he entered and while I should have felt uncomfortable under his piecing gaze I found it impossible to be so. It was as if even though my brain was telling me that I should fear him, that he was a stranger and that he could be dangerous, my body was telling me that I was safe around him. I didn't know what to think, but all I knew was when he offered me food I was stunned into complete and utter silence.I couldn't help but scrunch up my features in confusion as I stared at him, the fact that he had returned with food only minutes ago only increasing my confusion. Why was he doing this? He had to have an alternative motive right? People just didn't go around helping rouges they had planned to attack, especially not an alpha like himself.It was a few long minutes after he took a seat at the edge of the bed that I slowly reached for the fork, watching him with keen eyes in case he changed his mind. I expected him to snap, to say it was all a joke before he attacked me but again my body, my wolf wouldn't allow me to. Surprisingly she was quiet, as if she was contemplating what was going on and why she suddenly felt almost at peace with herself. What was going on? When he didn't make a move to stop me I breathed in deeply, the heavenly scent filling my senses as I nearly moaned at the aroma coming off the food. While his cooking was nice, it being the first full meal I had ever been given, I found his own natural scent smelt better. It was musky and masculine, making it clear that he was an powerful alpha who meant business. Again I found myself wondering why he was being so nice to me, my body accepting it but my mind was whirling due to never having been treated like this before. Even if it was a joke before he attacked, it would be a nice memory before everything went black I thought."Please eat sweetheart" he breathed with a smile, watching my movements as he did so. He hadn't stopped staring at me, his amazing hazel eyes which looked so much like caramel. I was shocked to find that there wasn't that much different between the colors of our eyes, mine just slightly more vibrant making them look amber. It soothed me, knowing how gorgeous his eyes were…I rapidly shook my head at the thought as soon as it had crossed my mind, feeling shame and self—loathing set in as I realized that such an alpha would never look at me in that way. I was put on this earth to be unloved and hated, I had gotten used to it by now and I knew that nothing was going to change that. He will have his fun with me, trying to raise my hopes of something better from life before taking it away from me when he was bored.  Taking a shaky breath I continued to stare at him, not being able to help myself as I did so. What did such a beautiful and handsome man want with me? I could tell he looked to be a few years older than me, maybe 18 or so. I wondered how long he had been an alpha for, the Jewel Pack was very well—known and feared due to the impressive leadership and I suddenly felt incredibly inadequate as I sat in his presence. Why wasn't I dead?Slowly I put the small amount of omelette I had on my fork into my mouth, feeling my lips wrap around the cool metal as I took a bite. It was delicious, it was a shame my body wouldn't be able to take a lot of it.Due to being starved for as long as I have your body can no longer accept large amounts of food without making you feel sick, so as I took a small bite I knew that while it tasted so good I wouldn't be able to enjoy as much of it as I would have liked to. Even so though I found myself smiling at him, something which while took a lot of effort seemed to come naturally to me as I looked away shyly. It seemed to please him though, a wide grin pulling at his lips making a strange feeling to bubble up inside my chest which had me confused."Good?" he asked, his voice husky as he seemed eager for a response. Again I found myself confused about his reaction, why did he seem to enjoy my company so much? "Thank you, but I…" I started, not wanting to seem rude or ungrateful as I looked at the plate in front of me. Why did he go through all the trouble of making me something? He was confusing me more and more as each second passed, and what was this slight pull in my chest! "Please" he breathed quietly, his tone looking near pleading as he stared at me with those incredible eyes of his. I soon found myself melting under his soft gaze, never had I been looked at with such care, with such emotion that wasn't hate or disgust. I liked it, but I knew not to get used to the feeling.




Chapter 10

I soon found my bottom lip trembling, my eyes glossing over as I desperately tried to blink back my tears. Normally I just let them flow, but I didn't want to around him. Someone inside of me knew it would cause him pain or discomfort and I found that it was the last thing I wanted to do, to upset him in anyway. So I quickly diverted my gaze and focused on a picture on his wall, it surprising me since I didn't expect such a nice piece of artwork to be in his room. With that I soon found my tears subsiding as I scanned the room curiously, trying to take another bite and smiling softly when I swallowed the little slice of heaven I had started to mentally call it. He really was an amazing cook; well I had assumed that he had made it.Looking around I was stunned to find that it was the last thing I expected, instead of seeing what I expected to see in an 18 year olds room it was surprisingly homely. His walls were a light shade of green which reminded me of freshly cut grass and his floor was a plush carpet which was a midnight black. While he had a few gaming consoles and a number of other electrical devices such as a large TV and a music system, everything was incredibly neat.Looking at his furniture I took note that everything was in a dark wood, a large desk in the corner of the massive room which had a slim—line laptop on it as well as number of sheets of paperwork. It was clear he used his room as his office as well, my eyes continuing to take in the room in front of me as I continued to feel his curious and intent gaze on me. Again it didn't bother me; strangely it actually made me feel kind of safe.I suddenly couldn't help but smile when I saw that he had a large flower sitting on the windowsill in his room, my eyes trained on the bright yellow petals as I did so. I couldn't help but tilt my head to the side as I continued to take it in, my fingers twitching with the urge to touch it but I didn't dare. He may have been unusually kind to me so far, but the last thing I was going to do was push my luck. "You like flowers?" he asked as he suddenly pulled me out of my thoughts, his question catching my attention as I snapped my head in his direction before wincing at the strain it put on my neck. Uh."I love flowers" I said in an almost dreamy tone as I returned to gazing at it, suddenly feeling a whole lot more comfortable here as I slowly crossed my legs as I continued to stare at it. While the petals were a bright shade of yellow the centre was a vibrant orange, the inner part of the petals the same color as they came out from the bud. I had never seen anything like it; it was incredibly exotic as well as beautiful."It's an orange and yellow Gazania" I heard him say in that deliciously husky tone of his causing me to nod, suddenly finding my form relaxing. Flowers and plants had always seemed to have that soothing effect on me, as if it made my life seem a whole lot brighter as I stared at the attractive colors."It's beautiful" I found myself sighing dreamily, a soft smile on my lips but I still ached to touch it, to stroke the light petals in a soothing manner. I swore I heard him say 'so are you' but I knew I must have been hearing things, I was anything but beautiful. I didn't kid myself into thinking that I was, I had been reminded enough to know that I was far from pretty."Would you like a closer look?" he asked after a few seconds, again seeming eager to talk to me. I smiled widely at this, never having felt so light and airy as I looked away shyly and nodded. A blush rose to my cheeks and I heard him growl lowly, again it did nothing but sooth both me and my wolf who had started purring affectionately. She liked him I realized, she liked him a lot.I watched him closely as he hopped off the bed and walked to his window, grabbing the thin and clear glass where the one flower rested in. It was see—threw and the vase looked expensive, a small amount of soil at the bottom to keep the flower healthy and living."Here" he grinned as he gently held it out for me when he returned, keeping his movements slow and calculated which I was thankful for. I may feel strangely safe around him, but I made sure to keep my guard up just in case he suddenly turned like I expected him to.I stared at it for a few minutes, not wanting fall into any trap he may have set. But one look into those entrancing eyes of his I could see that he was being sincere, my past making me able to tell who had good motives and who had less than welcoming ones. Still I was careful as I shuffled back slightly, a pained look forming on his face before it was replaced with an encouraging smile as he continued to hold it out for me."Thank you" I breathed quietly, knowing that while a human wouldn't have heard it he would have. Not only was he a werewolf but he was an alpha, meaning that his sensitive hearing was even more sensitive than others. With me being a daughter of an alpha mine was similar, but it wasn't always a perk since I had be forced to listen to years of taunting which I wouldn't have had to listen to if I hadn't had alpha blood running through my veins.Slowly I reached a shaky hand out to reach for it, a smile still on my face as I felt my fingers brush against the coolness of the glass. It was when my fingers accidently brushed his though that a yelp left my mouth as I hurriedly backed away from him as quickly as I could. My eyes wide and fearful as I felt the sudden sparks which ran through my form, an  instant craving for more of his touch hitting me with such force with so little warning that I couldn't help but want to get away from the foreign feeling as quickly as possible so I could make sense of it. What the hell was going on?


Chapter 11

I didn't know what was going on but whatever it was it was scaring the hell out of me. The sparks were anything but painful but the intense yearning I suddenly felt to touch him, to be around him was terrifying me. I hadn't expected for him to want to touch me so I hadn't bothered to try and avoid his fingers, thinking that he would hastily pull them away when I got to close to his liking. But when he didn't, when I touched him and felt the sparks I couldn't help but want to get away from them, fearing that if not I would have followed my urges to jump him right there and then.Never before had I felt anything like it, the feeling shooting from where we touched as it seemed to ignite my body and wolf to a limit which I didn't think was possible. Both the flower and the food were forgotten as I tried desperately to get away, thinking that he was playing some cruel joke or trick on me for his packs amusement. I could hear them downstairs murmuring, but I knew that Adrian would be able to hear them as clear as day with his more than impressive senses."Hey, hey it's alright" he tried to sooth my nerves but I couldn't help but look around wildly, his voice both calming me and panicking me. It wasn't alright, of course it wasn't alright! How could everything be ok when what I was feeling was far from normal? I shouldn't be feeling this way!  Whimpering I continued to back away further up the bed I was on, my eyes still wide as I tried to get away from him. I wasn't scared of him, but I was terrified of what I just felt, and not to mention the fact I actually wanted more of it. I liked the feeling, but that didn't mean I understood what it was, what it meant."Sweetheart, everything's ok" he tried again but I want listening, my eyes wildly scanning the room for an exit. He seemed to cotton onto my thoughts instantly as his form stiffened as if he was preparing to pounce on me, though he seemed to force himself to relax when I suddenly started to have trouble breathing correctly. What was he going to do? Was he bored of me already? Was he going to kill me? Suddenly that thought didn't seem all that appealing anymore, as if my wolf had suddenly found something worth living for."No" I found myself whispering, my breathing turning into desperate puffs of air as he suddenly seemed to get a pained and panicked expression on his face. I didn't like it, I didn't like to see him so upset so my panic only increased as I stared in his emotion filled eyes. Why did he have to look so beautiful to me?"Calm down, deep breaths" he soothed in such a soft tone that I found myself listening to him, my hand clutching my chest through the fabric of the shirt where my heart was beating rapidly as I tried to calm myself. I found I wanted to listen to him, my wolf purring inside of me and the feeling was so strange that I couldn't help myself as I found myself craving more of it. My wolf had never felt so content, so happy and I soon found myself relaxing."That's it! Good girl!" he praised with a smile, one that I couldn't help but return shyly. Why was he affecting me so much? I knew it wasn't normal, I wasn't good with people as a whole but I couldn't help but think that it wasn't exactly me personally, but rather the way I was brought up with everyone isolating themselves from me.It was a few minutes later until I had managed to get a grip on myself, my breathing returning back to normal but I fought my urges to crawl into his arms. I didn't even know him, the only thing I knew was his name was Adrian and he was the alpha of the vicious 'Jewel Pack' who had a reputation of being the most dangerous and threatening. It didn't exactly help to sooth my nerves.I continued to watch him shyly as he continued to smile at me, my gaze returning to his hand where the flower still sat unaffected in the vase. I knew to most out there it would sound incredibly foolish for a simple flower to have such a calming effect on me, but I had given up caring what people thought of me a long time ago, but thinking that I couldn't help but want Adrian to like me, my wolf only purring in agreement as she herself found herself craving the company of his own wolf."You ok now sweetheart?" he asked worriedly causing me to look at him with a slight tilt of my head. It was another thing that was confusing me, I had no idea whatsoever why he was doing this for me. I mean there had to be a reason right, everyone had a reason for acting so strangely and I couldn't help but find myself curious to what it was. I wasn't brave enough to ask though, but that didn't mean my curiosity got any easier to hold back.Nodded slightly I saw his grin widen, my own lips seemingly curving up into their own smile as I couldn't help but blush slightly until his bright gaze. My reaction only seemed to delight him more, his mouth pulling into such a wide grin that I couldn't help but worry that his face might split because of it. Even so though I couldn't help but find a shudder of delight run through me, as if the fact I was making him happy was what I was put on this earth to do. It was such a strange, such an out of the ordinary feeling that I couldn't help but find my curiosity increasing. Again I kept silent though, not wanting to comment on it and for things to become either awkward or dangerous on my part.


Chapter 12


"You still hungry, you didn't eat a lot?" he asked with concern as his gaze flickered to the still full plate which sat on the bed, thankfully it hadn't fallen over when I had unfortunately had the beginnings of a panic attack. It wasn't the first time it had happened to me, but it was definitely the first I hadn't passed out because of it. I put it down to the fact that nobody seemed to care whether I lived or not in my old pack, the fact I could say old when I referred to them making both me and my wolf to purr out in delight."I'm fine thank you" I whispered back, my fingers playing with the edge of the shirt I was wearing before I blushed deeply when it occurred to me that he must have changed me when I had no choice but to shift back. I couldn't help but feel my flush intensify as I continued to think about it, had he seen me naked? If so why did he still seem so interested in me, I knew I wasn't the prettiest person in the world so why was such an attractive and handsome alpha taking the time out of his day for me? Didn't he have a mate to warm his bed, to cook and look after him? The thought that there was someone else pained me more than I cared to admit; was he really affecting me so much in the very short time that I had known him?"Are you sure? Do you want something to drink?" he asked eagerly as he made a move to get up, his hasty action causing me to flinch back without even realizing it. I could tell my reaction pained him, but I couldn't help it since I had lived all of my life in fear of being hit and beaten and it was unfortunately natural for me to shun away even if I felt strangely safe with him."Sorry" I mumbled as I tried to force my body to relax, not being able to look him in the eye as I let my gaze wonder around his room instead. It really was a nice room I thought, it was plain and simple which was exactly what I liked even if I didn't realize it until now."It's fine sweetheart" he replied, but I could tell it was strained which only made my guilt rise. He had been so nice to me and I was making his life hell, I mean I would have already tried to escape if it wasn't for the fact not only did my whole body protest again it but surprisingly my wolf did as well. For that reason I stayed put; even if it turned out to be the death of me.***Adrian's PovAs I watched my mate sleep I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander, my long legs stretched out in front of me as I sat in my office chair trying to take my mind off my mate only to have no luck. It wasn't like I didn't like the fact she seemed to be constantly on my mind since I met her, it was just I didn't like where my thoughts were taking me at the moment.When she had flinched away from me I didn't know what to feel, the pain in my heart only fuelling my wolf's whim pers and whines of pain as we watched how our mate reacted towards us. I knew it was my fault for being so sudden with my movements when I knew she was as delicate as she was, she had clearly been through a lot and I hated myself when I saw how naturally she seemed to flinch away from me. I knew not to take it personally, but the fact that sometime in her life she had been treated so…barbarically only seemed to fuel both my curiously and anger at who had harmed and damaged my mate in such an unforgiveable way.It was times like these I wished my mother was still with me, having died with my father when fighting against rouges. I had been so young when I was made the alpha, the pack hadn't of been as strict or vicious back then and while we were still considered a very close knit family I had made sure not to let any of our guards down like my father had. He had been to lenient with them all, he had been a brilliant alpha and father but his kind and forgiving nature led to the death of him. I didn't blame him for my mother's death, she died fighting for the man she loved and I respected her for that. I was an only child, so I was alone when they both passed but as I grew close with the pack I knew we had to seriously toughen up.Sighing quietly as not to disturb her I couldn't help but lean back in my chair as I rubbed my face with my hands, my eyes yet again wondering to my mate as she laid curled up in the sheets. She had been both stunned and taken aback when I told her she could sleep in the bed and I would go elsewhere, only to return as soon as I heard her breathing even out letting me know that she was asleep. I knew it would help her sleep if I was near her, well that was the excuse I was using anyway as I continued to gaze over my beautiful but severely unhealthy mate. Who could do this to such an incredible girl?

Chapter 13

 knew that I had to reluctantly address the pack and let them know about my mate, my brows pulling into a frown when I realized I stull didn't know her name! Why hadn't I asked her that first? Oh that's right not only was I too distracted with the sound of my mates beautiful voice but I was too eager to get some food into her system to ask her. I made a mental note to bring it up as soon as possible, wanting to know the name of the girl I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with.With pure reluctance I heaved myself out of my office chair and headed towards the door, my hand gripping the handle as I glanced at her one more time before leaving. Her face was buried into my plush pillows, her raven black hair sprawled out around her making her look nothing short of magical. It may have sounded incredibly cheesy but I found it hard to care, especially when I was finding it suddenly difficult to leave her side even though I knew it was necessary for me to do so.Sighing I heading downstairs after shutting the door as gently as I could, holding my breath as I heard her stir in her sleep. Thankfully she didn't wake up though, mumbling something about flowers which brought a smile to my face. I had already made a mental note to fill the pack house with them, it was clear they had a calming effect on her and that's exactly what I wanted. I didn't want her to fear me, I wanted her to love me but I knew not to rush things with her. If I pushed her to hard then she would freak out and isolate herself; that was the last thing I wanted her to do.Heading downstairs I gently knocked on all the doors as I passed them to get the mated couples out, the last thing I wanted was to have to repeat myself to them all if I missed one of them. So with that I called a meeting, making sure to keep my voice low as they all took the hint and filtered into the living room where we had our pack meetings. It was the largest and most spacious room in the house, so it made sense to have it in here."What's going on Alpha?" Paul asked with barely restrained annoyed as both he and a very flustered looking Lily took their usual seats. It was obvious I had interrupted something but I found it hard to care, it wasn't like I was going to apologize for it. An order was an order."I guess all of you are now aware of the fact I brought a female wolf home a few days ago" I stated, watching them all perk up when they realized they were going to be filled in on the situation. I hadn't taken the time to brief them on what was happening when my mate had been unconscious, it hadn't of been a top priory of mine when my mate was in trouble so I hadn't bothered to let them know. But I knew I would have to tell them sometime, it was late and it was better if I did so now."How is she?" Paul asked, knowing that more about the state of my mates health than most."She's as good as can be expected" I replied causing him to wince slightly before nodding, letting me know that he understood."Who is she?" one of my pack mates asked gently, smart enough to figure out that whoever this girl was she was important to me. I wasn't known for being friendly with a lot of people, I may get on with them but that didn't mean I completely enjoyed being in their company. It wasn't that I disliked them, they were my pack after all but I was the sort of person who preferred my space. Well that was until my beauty came along; she can spend as much time around me as she wanted to. Actually, when it came to my mate the more the better."She's the rouge who crossed our border, to put it bluntly she's my mate" I stated in a flat tone, though I couldn't help the warm feeling which spread through me when I thought about the small slip of a girl who was currently buried under my sheets upstairs in my room. I couldn't wait until she let me hold her, to comfort and kiss her like I wanted to. I was relieved that my wolf wasn't pressuring me to mark her like most would, but it was clear he could sense how damaged and broken she was and knew by forcibly marking her we could both loose her forever. I would never harm her, she was my everything now and I would never be letting her go and I realized that my wolf wasn't about to take that risk either. The pack instantly started talking as soon as I had finished, the ones who had already put two and two together looking smug while the others were as shocked as can be. I didn't blame them, including myself I never thought I would ever find my mate but I was far from complaining."What did you mean 'she was as good as can be expected'?" Jake asked, a pack mate lower down in the ranking order but still an efficient and clean fighter. He took down his prey with such grace for one his age that I couldn't help but be impressed, and a compliment from an alpha was a respected thing. It helped that I barely gave it out; meaning that on the rare occasion that I did give some positive feedback it meant a lot more to the pack mate who was on the receiving end of it."She has clearly been through some touch shit and I don't want any of you commenting on it. You do not approach her since she is timid and you do not make any sudden movements around her, are we clear?" I asked in a tone which left no room for disagreement.


Chapter 14


It was obvious what I was saying, you disobey me and either scare or hurt my mate then your arse is mine; and I won't be gentle."Yes alpha" was mumbled around the pack instantly to which I nodded, scanning around to see if anyone had any questions to which they did unfortunately. I found myself eager to get back to my mate, knowing that I would most likely be sleeping on the sofa in my room as to want to be near my mate. As long as I woke up before her then it would be fine, hopefully."What is it?" I asked with a slight scowl as I saw a few of them shifting nervously under my gaze, the normal response for a wolf when their alpha was displeased. They were used to it by now; but that didn't change the fact it made them fidgety."I don't mean to offend alpha—" he started but I cut him off, feeling my anger grow when I realized where he was going with this."Then don't!" I snapped causing them all to flinch "you have a problem with my mate and you will be dealing with me personally, is that clear?" I snarled out, watching them all nod as they replied with a 'yes Alpha.' I knew they were worried in case my mate was a spy for another pack or a threat but they should trust my judgment, there was no way in hell my mate was anything other than kind—hearted. If she was a spy my wolf would have sensed the deceit on her, my even more sensitive senses picking up on her emotions if she was being anything other than honest. Frankly the fact they thought my mate was anything other than pure pissed me the fuck off!"Sorry alpha" he mumbled causing me to nod with narrowed eyes, pleased that he had learnd his place. Sending everyone back to their previous activities I rolled my eyes as I watched Paul sweep a giggling Lily in his arms before bouncing up the stairs before freezing when he heard my warning growl. Let's just say everyone was a lot quieter afterwards.

***Holly's Pov

I never used to sleep well, always fearing that I would be violently awoken or the nightmares would cause me to wake up screaming. It was something I had gotten used to, not being able to risk closing my eyes in case horrible images flashed behind my lids when I let myself relax. Things I remembered which I wanted nothing more than to forget, it was painful for me to see them again, to re—call the unforgettable aspects of my life that my innocent—self had been forced to witness and endure as I was growing up.Surprisingly I didn't pity myself; I knew that somewhere out there someone must be worse off than I was. It was what kept me sane, trying desperately to look on the bright side of life even when I look back on it now and want nothing more than to cry my eyes out.So when I didn't normally sleep well I couldn't help but realize as soon as I started to wake from my sleep that it was the first time in my life that I have ever slept without waking up screaming. I couldn't help but tense, wondering if I had been drugged in my sleep only to relax my form slightly when I realized I was surrounded thickly in a scene which had my wolf purring in delight. I knew whose it was; I would be able to recognize it anywhere now. Adrian.I still had no idea what he wanted with me, why he was wasting his time with a broken girl who had nothing to her name. Why was he even bothering with me, it was clear he could have his choice of any females considering he was the sweetest guy I had ever met, not to mention he was far from unattractive. What with his muscular form, thick black hair and soft eyes that made me want to melt. But I knew I didn't stand a chance, I mean what would he want with a skinny and unhealthy—looking girl who could probably break with the gentlest of touches. No, it was better if I didn't get my hopes up for something which I knew would never happen; even if the thought made my wolf whine in pain.It was another reaction I was curious of, why my wolf was acting in such an unusual way. She had always been with me over the years, talking to me to help keep me sane from the life that I was brought up in. She much like myself had never been happy though, never felt anything other than pain and shame. Now though she seemed to be alive, as if woken from a long sleep. It was when I thought of Adrian I noticed, how she would purr in comfort as if she had fallen for his wolf already. I had no idea what this meant, but I had a feeling that he most likely didn't feel the same way. It was probably due to the fact he was the first and only person who has ever been nice to me I thought, she simply wanted the comfort she thought he could give us. Not that I blamed her, she had a right to hope after all.Sighing softly I slowly let my eyes flutter open, not remembering where I was until I felt as if I was lying on a cloud. The soft material felt unusual but comforting against my skin, the skirt he had obviously given me leaving my legs bare and I was thankful he had spared a pair of his boxers, even if the thought of him seeing me so intimately made meat flush a hundred shades of red. I didn't know why he was still hanging around; it was clear that now he had seen all of me that I wasn't anything special to look at. I was a broken, fragile girl who was now alone in the world completely.That thought should have affected me really, I mean I should have felt a sense of loss over losing my family or regret for running away but I found it impossible to do so. When I thought back to how they treated me I realized that they had never actually considered me family as I had never considered them mine. A pack is there to protect each other, but they had never protected me since they were the main and only cause of the pain to begin with.So with that I couldn't help but frown, realizing right there and then that they meant nothing to me, at all. I felt more for strangers then I did for them and while I thought myself as a positive person I realized that I didn't just loath them, I hated them with everything in me as did my wolf. Her pack had betrayed her, abused her in ways which brought tears to my eyes; she didn't deserve that.

Chapter 15

 Breathing in deeply I pressed my face into the plush pillow beneath me, feeling a strange sense of loss as if something was missing. The scent helped I realized, but I couldn't help but take note of how my wolf seemed to crave more. More of what exactly I didn't know, but whatever it was she seemed to have become addicted to it instantly. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing I will never know, but I'm holding out that it's positive.Really I knew that I shouldn't be letting my guard down so easily, I mean anything could happen but I found my wolf too at ease here to find myself worked up like I would have expected. I felt almost comforted here; a feeling which was while new to me was one that I found myself liking. I wasn't foolish enough to try and get used to it, but I was grateful enough for the feeling to soak up as much as I could get before Adrian grew bored with me and threw me aside as I expected; my wolf cried out at the thought but I knew it was inevitable.Sighing I slowly, cautiously pushed myself up from the bed as I kept the sheets around me as if they could protect me. I didn't know what to expect, but I needed the bathroom badly and had no idea where it was. I was surprised that I hadn't needed it before, but then again I hadn't eaten much for days or drunk anything so it didn't shock me as much as it would others. I was used to it after all, unfortunately.Letting my eyes scan the room I couldn't help but stiffen as I saw the back of someone's head as I looked towards the black sofa which sat at the edge of the room, it was directed towards a large open window and I could only imagine how beautiful the sight must be but I couldn't see from the angle I was at. What I did know though was who it was, Adrian.Strangely I found I didn't mind it, my frown deepening when I realized that I actually liked him being here, as if his presence brought me comfort which I couldn't understand. I tried to shake it off but before I knew what I was doing I was gently moving myself to the edge of the bed, throwing my legs gently over the side before I froze. What was I doing? Would he mind?Shaking my head softly, my curls knotted horribly I quietly lowered my feet to the ground. I wasn't prepared for the soft carpet underneath my feet that was for sure, it was nice. It was thick and felt like heaven against my toes, my battered and bruised body appreciating the softness of it as I couldn't help but let a ghost of a smile grace my lips as I gently walked over to the couch on the opposite side of the room, my eyes still tired with sleep as I found myself walking as quietly as I could before I could even think of stopping myself.Reaching him I couldn't help but stare as I stood in front of him, my eyes taking in how unguarded he seemed in his sleep as his large muscular form seemed to be crammed uncomfortably on the couch. I didn't know why he let me have his bed for the night when he clearly needed it, I wouldn't have minded sleeping on the sofa since it would have been a luxury compared to the blanket I had at home. I wanted to scoff at the thought, that place was never my home.I suddenly found myself having to fight the urge to run my fingers through his hair, taking note that while I had thought it was pitch black before it was actually a very dark brown. I couldn't help but let my gaze soften as I simply stood in front of him, letting my eyes take in the pair of silk pajama bottoms he had on and a shirt. Why did being near him seem to bring me so much comfort? It was as if just being around him gave me a purpose for life, made my wolf purr in delight and I found myself wanting to know what was bringing it all on. Did he feel the same or was he disgusted with me? The thought that he was, pained me more than I would have liked to admit.Not daring to even sigh I quickly looked around the room only to spot a bathroom attached to the far side, my feet still quietly heading in that direction as I kept looking over my shoulder as if I was waiting for him to snap at me for making too much noise. I couldn't bear the thought of taking the time to escape from here, knowing that my wolf wouldn't be able to take it. I didn't want to put her through that, I would stay to please her since it was at least what she deserved after staying with me for all those years.After I had finished I winced as I flushed the chain, hoping to god that it didn't wake him as I tip—toed back into his large room before sighing out in relief when I saw that he hadn't moved. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I knew it had to be something serious to be causing me to act in such a way; the scary thing was that I didn't mind. The comfort I felt, the brief moments when I felt myself starting to smile seemed to be worth the fear that he would soon get bored and toss me aside; hopefully when that time happens he would kill me, I knew neither me nor my wolf could take another rejection and the last thing I feared was death.So with that on my mind I couldn't help myself as I walked back in front of him, drying my still slightly damp hands on the shirt I was wearing as I found myself nervously staring at him again. I couldn't help but fidget from where I stood making me thankful for his thick carpet, though why I was so nervous was beyond me.Slowly I approached his sleeping form, his breathing even and I wondered why he hadn't woken up yet. Even though it pained me to even think it I couldn't help but realize how easy it would be so end his life, I would never do it but why was he putting so much trust into me? Not to mention why was he sleeping on the couch when he could have just kicked me out of his bed?

Chapter 16

 What I did next I couldn't help but feel was stupid of me, my thin hand reaching out towards him slowly. I didn't know why I had the sudden urge to touch him, to feel his skin on mine but as I reached out to try and satisfy my wolf I couldn't help but scream in fright when suddenly a hand was wrapped around my wrist in a tight grasp. Pain rocketed through my arm starting from my wrist due to my bones still being fragile, my form collapsing onto my knees in seconds as I tried desperately to pull away from whoever held me in my grasp."Shit, oh god I am so sorry sweetheart" was all I heard a pained voice say before the pressure on my wrist was instantly gone, all of this happening in less than a minute as I found myself backing up as fast as I could as I tried to ignore the slight throbbing which was now directed at my wrist.Looking up through my messy locks I flinched when I saw how close Adrian was, pure pain in his eyes causing my wolf to howl in displeasure at seeing such a look on him. My breathing was harsh and sharp as I felt my back hit the wall, thankful that he stayed put and didn't try and approach like I knew he wanted to. While I was pleased he was keeping his distance my wolf wasn't, but I couldn't help but feel myself growing more and more agitated as he continued to stare at me with that same pained expression on his face. "It's fine, I shouldn't have urm…it won't happen again" I whispered as I looked away, gently holding my wrist in my other hand as I did so. His grip hadn't been what most would have considered tight, but due to me not being as healthy as most it felt as if he had tried to break my bones as he did so. I couldn't help but swallow back a sob as I curled up against the wall, why did the thought of not touching him again hurt so much?"No, no sweetheart you did nothing wrong I just…." He seemed to trail off frustrated, my knees pulled up to my chest as I couldn't help but stare at him. I knew I shouldn't get so attached, but I also knew that my wolf was far too smitten with him to even try and think of running away. She deserved some happiness, even if it meant I would have to put up with these strange feeling which I seemed to be having around him.I didn't interrupt him as he seemed to continue to stare at me pleadingly, a few moments later my eyes watched his form as he seemed to sit on the floor in front of me, crossing his legs as he kept a safe distance away which I was thankful for. Even though my wolf was trying to tell me that he didn't want to bring any harm to me; I didn't trust him easily with good reason."Can I at least know your name?" he asked me after a few minutes of complete silence, both of us just staring at each other as I soon found myself relaxing when I realized he wasn't going to approach me all of a sudden. I was foolish when I had tried to touch him; a mis take which I didn't want to make again so soon.It was the pleading in his tone which made me cave, the fact that a vicious and well—known alpha was sitting in front of me pleading to know my name was surreal enough for me to find myself speaking before I could stop myself."Holly" I whispered gently, but I knew he would have heard me as clear as day as his whole face seemed to brighten up with the new knowledge he had on me. I couldn't help but smile softly, pressing my face against my knees in an attempt to hide my reaction but I knew he had seen it anyway. Why else would his smile turn into a full—out grin?"Holly" he seemed to say to himself, the spark in his eye making my wolf purr and my form relax almost completely. Why did he seem to have such an effect on me?Even though I knew it wasn't a question I nodded gently anyway, pressing my lips against my bare knees as my bare toes curled into the soft carpet seeking the soothing sensation I had found previously. It was nice I found, being on the receiving end of such a soft gaze."Such a pretty name" he muttered causing me to blush. I knew that he was only saying that, that it wasn't true but still it was nice to pretend that I know someone that wasn't completely disgusted when looking at me.We again seemed to lapse into silence, neither of us saying a word as we continued to stare at each other. It wasn't until my stomach rumbled that I found myself wincing slightly at the loud noise, ignoring it with ease like I had done over the years as the un—comfort I felt with the feeling of being hungry was one I was all too familiar with.I flinched slightly when Adrian jumped to his feet, his face giving me an apologetic look as he took in my startled reaction to him. I couldn't help but shrug gently, it wasn't like it was his fault that I was as jumpy as I was. I was brought up with having to flinch away from hits and beatings so now it was simply an instinctual reaction, even if I wished it wasn't due to the pain and regret it brought to his eyes."You hungry? Breakfast?" he asked quickly, the regret still in his eyes making me frown. I didn't like the fact he seemed to be regretting something that wasn't even his fault, it made my face fall and my wolf howl in displeasure and pain. So to please him I gently nodded, watching his face light up making it seem worth it somehow.It didn't take him long to get back, carrying what looked like a tray with more heavenly food placed on it. I knew he must have rushed since food took time to prepare and he was barely gone minutes before returning, making me think that he might have just grabbed whatever was out. I didn't mind, knowing it would be a struggle for me to eat a few bites since the last thing I wanted was to bring it back up again.

"Here" he smiled as he slowly returned to his sitting position, putting the tray on the floor but I didn't look at it. No, my gaze stayed on those hazel eyes of his which looked so much like my own, as if we were made for each other. I knew it was impossible though, he deserved so much better.Seeing him give me a reassuring look I slowly looked down towards the tray, seeing two plates of what looked like French toast and fried tomatoes on it. I strangely found I missed cooking I realized, I think the only reason I had resented it beforehand was the simple fact that I was constantly cooking food that I was never allowed to even try, let alone eat."Thank you" I whispered, my eyes never leaving his hands as he unhurriedly reached for a plate before making a move to approach me. His eyes locked with mine as he gave me a hopeful gaze, as if he was asking me for my permission to approach the few steps which separated us. While my wolf thought this was unnecessary I couldn't help but be thankful for his caring nature, even though he was one of the last people I would expect it from."You have absolutely nothing to be thankful for sweetheart" he said softly, cautiously approaching me but other than tense my form slightly I didn't comment or move, watching him with keen eyes as he moved to sit in front of me instead of moving back like I expected him to. But I did, I had so much to thank him for since I knew that I could die happy right now, knowing that at least one person would care that I was gone.


Chapter 17

 Adrian's Pov

I was a fucking idiot! It was the bluntest and most honest way I could put it, repeatedly kicking myself internally at both gaining and losing so much progress with my mate in seconds. Why did I have to react like that to her? It was my own foolish fault but I had been snapped out of my sleep when I felt someone approaching me, I was normally aware straight away if anyone entered my room and the thought that they could be a danger to my mate just wasn't acceptable! I had instinctively reacted only for her scream of fright to snap me out of it instantly as I felt my heart clench when she quickly backed herself against the wall. It was physically painful for me to watch, the fear in her eyes making me feel nothing other than regret about my actions.I knew that she must have been feeling the effects of the mating pull, especially since I was an alpha by blood meaning that due to my wolf being a lot more possessive over her the mating pull she felt would be a hell of a lot stronger than other mated couples. It was designed to push her towards me, to complete the mating more effectively but even my wolf wasn't foolish enough to push the issue with her. She was timid and fragile and I knew it would break her completely if I took her in such a manner, not that I ever would even if my wolf wanted it. She was worth so much more….But I knew to be more careful with her, a lot more than I realized but I knew we would get there in the end. She was meant for me as I was meant for her, I would protect her as she would stand by my side where she belonged!At least I got her name though, and what a pretty name it was. Holly, it suited her I found. It was delicate and feminine which was my mate wrapped up in one. Just thinking her name made my wolf purr, a drastic change from his constant snarling and pacing which he had been like before my white wolf had come into my life. I knew she settled him, calmed him down since he was so much more relaxed now. I loved it! Hell I knew I was already falling for my angel, I only hoped she was doing the same and falling for me but I knew not to push. I was currently sitting on the floor opposite her as we ate, my gaze taking in every detail of her delicate and soft features as she ate, tiny bit by tiny bit. I didn't like how little she was consuming but Lisa had stated that it would take her a while before she could eat a more normal amount that I would be happy with, so I had been told to give her light foods and get plenty of fluids into her system. I planned to do just that!"Here you go sweetheart, drink" I encouraged as I held out a glass of milk for her, remembering how Lisa had also stated that it would be best to keep with low concentrated drinks since she was recovering from starvation and not an illness. Not to mention milk was good for the bones, and from how Lisa had stated my mate was incredibly weak for a female werewolf her age I knew it was my duty as her mate to make sure she ate and drank the right foods to get her healthy again. I would not fail her!I watched her, making sure she took it as her bony hand slowly reached out to take it. I made sure to keep my fingers away from hers but gave her a comforting smile, not wanting to freak her out but wanting her to know how happy I was in her company. And I was happy, my wolf was purring and just being near her was enough to lighten my mood to a level which I didn't think was possible. So yes, I was more than a little happy to be here with her. "Thank you" I heard her breathe as she used both her fragile hands to hold the cup, looking at me from under her lashes making me purr out loud. It was a reaction that while had stunned me first I found myself doing it more and more frequently, finding that it only occurred when I was at my most content or to settle down my mates’ emotions. It worked of course, her shoulders relaxing from their previously tense position as I continued to smile at her brightly."You're very much welcome" I smiled at her, and she was. I would give her anything she wanted, I would love her, protect her and make sure that she was constantly as happy like I was. I could already see that she was smiling more often around me, even if it was only a twitch from the corner of those tempting lips of hers, it was a start.I was relieved when she finished the whole glass, keeping my position still as she seemed to cautiously settle it back on the tray much to my relief. The simple thought that she was slowly but surely getting more comfortable around me was enough to please both myself and my wolf, the fact that she had voluntarily moved nearer to me when she put the glass on the tray was a small victory which I was making the most of.Breathing out I thought about what to ask her, there were so many questions I had running through my head that I wanted to know the answers to and as she settled her back against the wall about a couple of feet away from my I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to ask some less personal ones. I didn't want to frighten her off, not when she was staring at me with those incredible amber eyes of hers that had me reeling. She was so beautiful.Making up my mind I decided to ask her some basic questions about herself just to get her talking, wanting nothing more than to hear that soft voice of hers as I heard the others downstairs getting ready for school. I didn't go anymore, being eighteen I had already graduated which now was an utter relief since it meant I could spend all day with my mate. I knew not to push her, but I also knew that as it did for me being in the company of your mate kept you relaxed so I was doing this for her benefit. Well, that was what I was telling myself anyway."So, how old are you Holly?" I asked softly as I moved my legs slightly, stretching them out in front of me as not to get cramp from being in one position for too long. I could see her eyes following my every movement, but I found myself pain at the thought that she was only doing it since she was still fearful of me. I didn't like it, but I could understand where she was coming from. She had been through some tough shit but I would help her through it, she deserved that much considering she was my mate.



Chapter 18

 My question seemed to surprise her, her eyes widening fractionally as she seemed to relax even more thankfully. I was still purring, pleased with myself that I had asked her a simple and easy answerable question to try and get her to open up to me as my mate should."Uh…sixteen" she muttered as she sat her chin on her knees, her legs still pulled up to her chest as she continued to look at me from under those long lashes of hers. She looked so fragile, so innocent that I couldn't help but let my expression soften even more than it already was. She looked so young I found, but her eyes told me that she had seen things that no sixteen—year—old one should have seen. The thought pained me.I was just about to open my mouth when I heard Paul shout at me from downstairs causing me to scowl at the interruption, he never did have good timing I thought with frustration and annoyance. My negative emotions only grew when all he was telling me was that everyone was going to school, my eyes rolling when he didn't even wait for a reply. I would be having a word with him when he got back I thought with a frown.Turning back to my angel I took note of her looking around my room as she ran her fingers through my plush carpet, her expression while peaceful I could tell she was still guarded. It didn't take away her beauty though, her thin frame while unhealthy I knew it wouldn't be long until I got her to a more normal and acceptable weight."I like your room" she breathed out as she continued to look around, my frown turning into a bright grin when I realized that this was the first time she had started a conversation with me. I couldn't help but crave the sound of her voice, how I hung off her every word like a child would a mother. I couldn't help it, not to mention the fact she had stated she liked my room making my purr increase as I fought not to correct her by saying that it would soon be 'ours'."I'm glad, what do you like about it?" I asked curiously, wanting to keep the conversation going as she continued to look around. Honestly though, I was in fact curious about what she liked about it so much, it wasn't anything special since I didn't have the time to play a lot of video—games and such. I was the alpha after all, I didn't have a lot of spare time to waste on something which accomplished nothing."It's nice" was all she said leaving me slightly disappointed, but it didn't last long since she soon turned her attention back to me making me grin. I couldn't help it, I loved being the sole focus of her attention and I only found myself craving more."You like flowers" I stated when she didn't make any signs to say something else much to my disappointment, remembering how her eyes had brightened when she had taken note of the flower in my room. I again made a mental note to fill the house with them, just to make her that little bit more comfortable with her surroundings.As I expected her eyes brightened slightly causing my wolf to purr, my smile only widening as she nodded eagerly, seemingly forgetting that she was only seconds ago nervous around me."Yep" she smiled slightly, the smile which I found I loved as she gazed at me with both confusion and hope. I knew that she was confused to what she was feeling towards me most likely since she didn't know we were mates, but I could only hope that she was wishing the same thing as I was. That we would be together forever, cheesy I know but it was exactly how I felt so I couldn't bring myself to care how cheesy it sounded when my mate was involved."Why?" I grinned, pleased that I had found a subject which would hopefully help but learn more about her. The more information I had on my mate the better, I couldn't wait till she opened up to me completely since both me and my wolf were purring in pleasure at the thought of it alone."I think they’re pretty, I used them as an escape" she replied before getting a dazed—off look in her eye. At this I didn't know what to do, should I approach the subject now or leave it alone and approach it at a later date? Shit….I knew I had to be careful with her, pushing her too much could ruin all the progress I had already made with her."What's your favorite?" I asked, deciding to play it safe with my question. I knew I had done the right thing when she relaxed fully against the wall, wiggling those cute toes of hers in my carpet as she seemed to brighten up at the fact I wasn't pushing her for information she clearly wasn't ready to give. I couldn't help but be relieved, now knowing that as long as I was patient with her then I would be able to come clean to her about us being mates and her not freaking out about it. That I knew would hurt."I like yours" she smiled as she craned her neck to look towards the nightstand, I had put it there before she fell asleep as to hopefully keep her from freaking out when she woke up. It seemed to have worked I was relieved to note, having no idea that it was actually my scent which had kept her calm as I found it impossible for me to remove my gaze from her even if I tried."Would you like another look?" I asked her, receiving a nervous nod in return as I jumped up before heading over to grab it. I couldn't keep the shit—eating grin off my face even if I tried to, she was my everything and I couldn't wait for us to put all this behind us and start our lives together.

Chapter 19

 Holly's Pov

If anyone would have told me a few days ago that I would be sitting on a bed facing one of the most vicious and dangerous alpha's of the area playing chess then I probably would have cried due to them seeming so cruel, and while I was still shocked as I stared at the board containing the little chess pieces I couldn't help but think about what I would have been doing if I hadn't of run from my previous pack and ended up here.Chores most likely I decided, cooking, cleaning and such for the pack as they went along their easy and simple lives, knowing how much they were ruining mine. I tried not to think about it but I found it almost impossible not to, my mind constantly being drawn back into the horror of my life as memories filed my mind of events which I didn't want to remember.Saying this though I couldn't help but wonder how well they were doing, I didn't care for those who had caused me torment or simply watched it without saying a word to help me. I didn't blame them, well not all of them anyway but I only hoped that the children of the pack were alright. They were the innocents in all of this, and I knew that my leaving would have affected the pack greatly.It wasn't due to the fact that I thought highly of myself, simply due to the realization that I had been ordered to do everything for them. Most of them didn't know how to cook or clean, they weren't good with the pack’s budget and they weren't cautious enough. To put it bluntly, even though I hadn't even been considered part of the pack other than a runt, I was one of the only people who had actually kept the pack together and afloat.I didn't know whether to be pleased or worried about that fact, well that was before I re—called all the things they had done to me since I was a toddler and all the worry disappeared from my body. I wasn't cruel, I didn't wish them harm, but whatever came their way they deserved it I decided as I shook the thoughts from my head and concentrated on the board in front of me.Returning to the present I fingered the bottom of the shirt I was wearing as I took a deep but hopefully subtle breath of Adrian's scent as it seemed to surround me, for whatever reason my wolf loved it but I couldn't think of the reason why. I had never met him before so my wolf couldn't love the familiar scent of him, so why was she reacting so strongly towards him?I was drawn back to the present when Adrian made his move, my head tilting to the side as I stared at his actions confused. I had never played it before, hell I had never played any games before but I found this one particularly difficult. I just couldn't seem to grasp it, I got how it worked but I was too hesitant to make a move. Would he be angry if I took one of his pieces? If I won? As if sensing my confliction I saw him frown, his expression making me look away from him as not to look at the negative emotion that was present on his face. My wolf didn't like it, and to be honest neither did I."I'm not going to hurt you if you win sweetheart, I could never hurt you" he stated though he seemed pained as the words crossed his lips, as if I had hurt him by simply thinking it. I knew I was being very cautious but I couldn't afford to let myself trust him as much as my wolf seemed to, but then again what else did I have to lose. I literally had nothing to my name, hell I would be nothing but a memory if he hadn't found me when he did; even if he had scared the absolute shit out of me back then."Ok" I whispered as I cautiously moved a piece on the chessboard, cringing when he took it instantly. I could tell he didn't know whether to let me win or not, but I gave him a small smile telling him that I would rather lose every single game than win one due to him letting me. He seemed to relax at my small gesture, settling back on the other side of the bed as we continued to play.It was fair to say I didn't win, but to be honest it was the first time I had ever played and I still didn't know what all the pieces meant. I knew that the Queen was important as well as the Bishop but other than that I didn't have the foggiest, did the Knights mean a lot or not?"Too hard?" he asked slightly amused which captured my attention instantly, making me look up to him with a slight pout which had him chuckling. I didn't know why but the sound rolled over me like a caress, making me shiver as a slight blush flooded my cheeks."Kind of" I muttered as I looked away, staring at the chessboard again before frowning. When he had brought up playing a game I thought he was joking at first, but when the look in his eyes turned hopeful I didn't have the heart to refuse. I didn't know how or why he was affecting me like this but I still wasn't sure whether I liked it or not, he was nice but I knew not to get too attached to him."Want to play something else?" he asked, that same eagerness in his tone causing me to melt. Again I didn't know whether I liked how he affected me or not, but I knew something was going on that I didn't know about. It would only be so long until I figured it out, I had a feeling that even if I asked he wouldn't want to tell me the cause.


chapter 20

 Nodding I watched as he packed away the board before grabbing another one, my eyes watching him as he set it up before explaining the rules of Checkers. It was a lot simpler I found, simply moving the pieces from one side to the other, removing your opponents’ pieces while trying to get to the other side.I didn't know how long we played for, game after game since I actually won some of these much to my enjoyment. I didn't realize how much I was letting my guards down until I heard a door slam shut downstairs, my form stiffening instantly as I used my senses to try and track down who it was and whether I needed to try and make a run for it. The thought pained my wolf though, and again I found myself wondering why she had suddenly gotten so attached to the well—known Alpha."Hey relax sweetheart, it's just Lisa" Adrian soothed, though his tone seemed filled with annoyance. Whether it was from my tensing or Lisa entrance I had no idea, but I couldn't help but think it was the latter."I uh, can I use your bathroom?" I asked nervously, not looking at him as I did so. Truthfully I could hear her coming up the stairs and I didn't want to meet her, whether she was nice or not didn't cross my mind but the thought of meeting other people right now scared the hell out of me. Adrian I could handle it, he may be a hell of a lot stronger than me but I could always keep my eye on him, I couldn't keep my eye on more than one person at once here and due to that I couldn't help but find myself shaking slightly with fear at the thought."Of course sweetheart, you don't have to ask" he stated softly, caringly almost. As soon as it passed his lips I gently got off the bed before almost sprinting to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me before I slid against it until my bottom touched the floor. I couldn't help but curl into myself, my forehead resting on my knees as I tried to take deep calming breaths to settle my increasing nerves.It was a few minutes later I heard a gentle knock on the door, having heard Adrian tell Lisa to go it was clear he was the only one in the room again. It calmed my nerves I found, even my wolf being anxious around other people, especially those I had yet to meet."Holly, are you alright?" his worried voice filtered into my sensitive ears, instantly calming my pacing wolf as I swallowed harshly. I didn't know what the hell was going on with me, but it was scaring the crap out of me.I didn't reply to his question, not being able to find my voice as I didn't move from my position on the floor. Well that was until I heard his next words anyway, pain and concern dripping from each and every word making my heart bleed for him."Holly, sweetheart? She's gone, please come out" he seemed to beg to make my wolf whine in protest, not liking how pained he sounded. It was for that reason why I slowly got up from my seat on the floor, catching my reflection in the mirror and again asking myself why he was being so nice to me. I wasn't anything special, far from it and he must have better ways to spend his time than to spend it with me.Slowly, cautiously I let my fingers grip the cool mental of the handle before unlocking the door. I couldn't help but take a deep breath, collecting my nerves when I heard his sigh of relief on the other side of the door. Would he be angry with me? Would he ask questions?Not knowing what other options I had I gently opened the door, my moves calculated and slow as I peered out from behind it. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't plant to see an extremely panicked Adrian pacing the room as he ran his hands through that delicious hair of his over and over again in a nervous gesture."Oh, thank god!" he breathed out when he spotted me, half of my form still hidden behind the door as he stopped pacing and made a move to approach me. Strangely I didn't shun back as much as I expected to as he stood a few feet in front of me, his eyes scanning me as if he was looking for any injuries. I also didn't miss the way his fingers twitched by his sides, as if he was fighting the urge to keep his distance and not touch me. I was both relieved and disappointed I found myself feeling, not knowing what else to think on the subject at the moment."I'm sorry" was all I could bring myself to say, finding the urge to want to step into his strong arms for comfort. My wolf purred at the idea of it, the thought of being enclosed in his muscular arms where I knew I would feel safe."Holly—" he started but I cut him off, my eyes glossing over as I stared at the boy in front of me while biting my lower lip, a nervous habit of mine."Why am I feeling like this?" I asked quietly but I knew he could hear, the fact the color seemed to drain out of his features clued me in on that little fact. I now knew that whatever it was, not only did it affect me but it was more important than I had expected it to be. A lot more important; I couldn't help but shake in fear at what it could be as I stared into his hazel brown eyes that seemed to sparkle with nervousness and hope.

Chapter 21

Adrian's Pov

As soon as those words, that question passed her lips I felt myself go pale as my blood ran cold at the realization that I would have to come clean with her. It wasn't that I didn't want her as my mate so wanted to hide it from her, far from it actually since I was so bloody thankful that she had been chosen for me. I was terrified of how she would respond; would she freak out or accept it? One could only hope that it was indeed the latter.When Lisa had entered the packhouse and started to jog up the stairs I wanted to murder the woman when I saw un—comfort and fear cross my mates incredibly soft features, the previously relaxed and smiling mood having been shattered when it was clear she wasn't ready to meet new people. It made my wolf snarl in protection over her, the fear in my mates’ eyes triggering the alpha wolf in me as Lisa had literally run from the house when she had seen my face when I had gone down the first flight of stairs to get rid of her. Stupid woman.I knew that I really shouldn't blame the woman, it wasn't exactly her fault since she didn't know, but when my wolf was out each and every pack member wanted to flee. It was a natural reaction from their wolves, whether they were close friends or not didn't matter since my wolf instilled fear in each and every one of them. My wolf loved it, the fear he brought out in his pack mates and while I found it slightly off—putting at how much he took pleasure in it I let him be. He was a wolf, an alpha, meaning he loved power. Now he had a mate though I knew the pack would always be a second priority; she would always be first and I saw absolutely nothing wrong with that. I could like without my pack, I couldn't live without her.I couldn't help but run a hand through my hair as I tried to calm myself, fighting the urge to start pacing again as I stared at my mates’ half—hidden form as she held the door as if it was a protective shield. I felt my heart clench when I realized she was trying to protect herself from me, my previously violent wolf actually whimpering at the thought of her fearing us. I didn't like it, and neither did he.I knew it would take time for her to trust me, but the thought of coming clean with her now and telling her that I was in fact her mate scared the shit out of me. I didn't know how she would react, how she would take the news and for that reason I found my body stilling in fear as I seemed to freeze as I stared into her bright amber eyes which were swirling with nervousness and concern.I couldn't help but smile at the concern present in her gaze, the fact it proved that she cared for me warming both me and my wolf giving me a feeling that I found myself soon craving. It had shot a bolt of warmth through me, a feeling I wanted to literally purr at as I continued to gaze at my mate, feeling my defenses crumbling as I looked into those entrancing eyes of hers."I don't want you to freak out" I admitted as I ran my hand through my hair again, my smile widening slightly when I saw her eyes follow the action as she had a soft look in her eyes. I always tended to do it when I was either frustrated or nervous; in this case I was more than a little nervous.Waiting for her to speak I soon realized after a few minutes had passed that she had most likely not even heard me, her eyes still concentrating on me running my hand through my hair as she seemed to have an almost dazed look in her eyes that had me grinning broadly. I knew that she must have been thinking about running her own fingers through my hair, the fact that it was the first sign that she was indeed attracted to me making me what to jump up and down with a 'whoop' since I was in such a good mood. I resisted though, barely."Holly" I spoke with a smile as I tried to get her attention, thankfully succeeding with my soft tone as I watched her jump slightly which instantly had my wolf on alert. He quickly calmed though, seeing our mate stare at us with an expression of confusion that I found absolutely adorable."What?" she asked as if she hadn't asked the question that had started all of this, her tone soft as she seemed to pout slightly making me have to stifle the urge to close the space between us to pull that bottom lip of hers into my own mouth., sucking on it until I drew a moan from her lips and had her own wolf purring. My wolf growled lustfully at the idea, but both of us knew not to push it. We didn't want to lose her, we were both already too attached to ever let her go."Do you want to go down and get something to eat, or drink?" I asked, hoping to divert her attention away from her previous confusion over the whole mate thing. I wanted to tell her, so much, but I didn't want her to freak out and try and run. I knew I wouldn't be able to let her go and I didn't want to have to keep her with me by force; she was too fragile for that.


Chapter 22

 At my question she seemed to tense, her form stiffening and I internally cursed myself when I realized that she might not be ready for that. But I knew that even though I had to be careful with her I did need to push slightly, just to get her more used to the situation and bring her out of her closed—off shell. I knew not to take it too far though, I didn't want her to fear me anymore than she already did that was for sure."No one's home, their all at school and won't be back for a few hours" I continued, wondering if that was what she was so nervous about. I grinned in triumph when I realized that I had hit the hammer right on the nail. It was clear Lisa must have startled her before, and I took comfort and pleasure in the fact that she didn't seem to mind my company. The feeling the thought provoked was heaven."Ok" I heard her whisper as she opened the door the rest of her way, her movements slow and calculated as I watched her small form appear from behind the door making me smile at how cute she looked. Reaching out I slowly held my hand out for her, her form tensing slightly before she raised her own hand before slowly placing it in mine.It was official; I want to purr I thought as I felt her jump from the sparks which shot through the both of us. She made a move to take her hand back but I gently but firmly held it in place, wrapping my larger hand around her delicate fingers and hoped beyond hope that I hadn't made a mistake."Good girl" I praised as I felt her relax slightly, her eyes staying on our joint hands as I entwined our fingers with a broad grin on my face as I felt her skin against mine. It may have been something as simple as holding hands, but for me it was a big step that she was willingly touching me like she was.Not wanting to push my luck I gently tugged her outside my room, feeling her hesitate but follow closely. She was so close to me that I could feel her hot breath through the fabric of my thin shirt, it sending shivers down my spine as I led her down the stairs and into the kitchen. It took longer than expected; I mean of course it would since I was having to stop every now and again while she had a curious look around the packhouse as she seemed to be interested in whatever was around. Her grip on my hand remained tight as she scanned her surroundings, me finding it incredibly endearing as I couldn't wipe the large grin off my face even if I wanted to. She was just too perfect.About a quarter of an hour later we appeared in the kitchen, my sensitive hearing making sure to constantly check that the house was empty. My mate was delicate at the moment, and I knew the only reason she was willing to be around me like this when it wasn't in my room was pure because of the fact we were alone. I didn't want anyone ruining that, if they did then blood would be shed."Are you hungry?" I asked as I looked down at her, finding her staring at the large display of flowers on the windowsill of the kitchen and I made a mental note to thank Lilly for taking the time to put them in the room, pleased that Paul’s mate had done a good job of helping my mate feel at home here.At my question my angel shrugged, clearing not knowing what to say. Luckily her stomach seemed to do all the talking, it rumbling loudly causing her to flush the most delicious shade of pink as she pressed her forehead against my muscular arm as if to try and hide her reaction from me. My wolf roared with delight at the willingly touch from our mate, even if she didn't seem to be aware that she was doing it. The mating pull was doing its job I thought, she craved comfort and found it around me which I was more than a little thankful for."Sit down" I told her gently as I pulled out a chair for her, not wanting to let go of her hand but wanting to get some food into her system. She did as I asked, gently slipping out her hand from mine with reluctance that made me smile. At least she wanted it as much as I did I thought, we were definitely making progress.Holding her chair as she took a seat I made sure to offer her the one closest to me at the table, it being positioned so that she could keep her eyes on me as I got to work making her something to eat. I liked her looking at me I found, it made me feel wanted, needed."You want anything special, sweetheart?" I asked her as I crouched down to her level, her pink tongue darting out and running along her bottom lip before she trapped it between her teeth in a manner which had me swallowing harshly to try and resist the urge to kiss her."Could I have a drink of water please?" her soft voice asked causing me to smile and nod. I had meant food but if my angel wanted a drink then my angel was going to get a drink.Searching the cupboards I grabbed a tall glass before grabbing a jug of water out of the fridge, thinking that she would prefer it to be cold and fresh as I poured her a glass before turning around to give it to her. I couldn't help but grin when she smiled thankfully at me, she had nothing to be thankful for but the small smile tugging at the corner of those plump lips of hers was enough to make me grin."How does a sandwich sound, you're not allergic to anything are you sweetheart?" I asked her gently, only just thinking of it now that she might be allergic to something. If she was then it would be cleared out of the packhouse quicker than anyone could blink, I would not have the increased risk to my mates’ health if I could prevent it. Putting her in danger was completely unacceptable, she was my life, and I wasn't going to be letting her out of my sight any time soon in the near future."No I'm not" was her reply, obviously referring to the fact she wasn't allergic to anything. I breathed a breath of relief, thankful since it was something I didn't have to worry about.With a nod I got to work making her a ham sandwich, deciding that going simple would be best since I doubted she would have told me what she liked even if I asked. She seemed really touchy around the food subject, but then again Lisa had stated that it was obvious that my mate had been starved so the amount of food that she was now being offered would shock her. I wanted to rip into those who had denied my mate anything, managing to soothe my wolf with the thought of tearing them down at a later date when my mate grew more confident with me. Hopefully, it would be sooner rather than later. Putting the plate in front of my mate I sat next to her, turning my chair so I could watch her as she slowly picked apart the sandwich with her fingers, eating slowly but surely as she didn't look at me as she did so. I found myself disappointed but I didn't comment, just thankful that she was eating and getting some food into that small body of hers.Finding the silence not exactly uncomfortable but not brilliant either I found myself wanting to learn more about her, to hear that voice of hers as she talked in that tone that had me purring in delight. So with that I took a deep breath before letting my curiosity take control, praying that I didn't overstep my mark and make a mess of the situation as I did so.


Chapter 23

 Adrian's Pov

Wanting to take it slow I started with a simple question, knowing that it was more likely that she would open up and answer more of my questions if I started with some less personal ones before building my way up. My body was practically humming with the thought of learning more about her, wanting to know everything that was possible for me to know about my timid mate who I unfortunately knew so little about."How did you sleep?" I asked, that was a simple question right? Either way it managed to catch her attention, her head slowly tilting towards me causing her matted curls to tumble down her back in an amusing manner. I didn't comment, knowing that it would make her incredibly self—conscious and that was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want her to think that I thought she was anything other than beautiful to me, even if I knew not to comment on my internal thoughts just yet since it would most likely make her extremely uncomfortable."Fine, thank you" she told me softly, studying me curiously as she managed to polish off half of the sandwich I had made for her. I tried not to smile, fair to say I failed miserably."I'm sorry for frightening you this morning" I said sincerely, how I had grabbed her was just unacceptable. It had been my own fault of course; I should have been more aware of my surroundings and because I hadn't been I had only severed to scare my mate from touching me ever again. Thankfully I had quickly nipped that shit in the bud; of course she could touch me, the more the better if I was being honest with myself."It's fine" was her reply, obviously not knowing how to answer me. I got the feeling that she didn't talk to a lot of people, while her voice was soft it had a scratchy quality to it which I guessed meant she hadn't used it a lot lately."It's not, I was out of order and I apologize" I stated sincerely, hating myself for scaring her. Her next question caught me off guard though; while I was pleased she was slowly growing more confident around me it came with a price."Why are you doing this?" she asked curiously with her usual soft tone, her fingers still picking at the sandwich making me relieved that she was still eating. She did look slightly healthier, I could only hope that with her being a werewolf it would speed the process along slightly"Doing what?" I couldn't help but stall, my mind whirling with how to answer this in a way that would please her but not freak her out. Surely telling her that she was my mate would cause her to reject me, and while the thought pained me I could see where she would be coming from. She hadn't known me long, a few days if you include when she was out of it so her accepting something so out of the blue could push her away. I would never lie to her, but I knew this time I had to try and prevent her from finding out until she was ready to hear it."Being nice to me, people aren't nice to me Adrian" she answered softly, the way she said my name making me shiver and my wolf purr in delight. It sounded so soft, like a caress and I soon found myself wanting more of It.; so much more. Well…that was until what she had implied finally seemed to sink in."What?" I asked chillingly, trying not to put her off telling me by being too harsh with my tone. That didn't mean my tone came out soft though, it was impossible, what with my wolf snarling at her comment about people not being nice to her. She was the mate of an alpha, she deserved respect from everyone and the thought that she hadn't got it made my muscles ripple with the effort it was taking me not to phase on the spot. She was too close; I didn't want to risk hurting her by being careless with my actions."You are the first person Adrian…that has ever treated me like this" she said softly, her brows pulling together into a frown as she spoke. I didn't know what to say, too consumed with rage to think straight so I kept quiet until I managed to calm the hell down. I didn't want to snap at her, I couldn't afford for her to fear me anymore than she already did."Like what?" I couldn't help but ask, wanting to savor the opportunity that she was sharing something about her passed. I doubt she realized how honest she was being with me, but the realization that she wasn't lying to me filled me with such satisfaction that I couldn't help but calm down slightly at the thought of it. At this I watched as she seemed to think it over, her form relaxing and I couldn't help but bite my inner cheeks to try and stop the cheesy grin that wanted to form on my face. It helped, but I was sure I looked slightly insane."Like an equal" she finally admitted after what seemed like hours had past, when in reality it was most likely less than a minute. I couldn't help the growl that rumbled in my throat, it causing my chest to vibrate as my hands gripped the edge of the table with an effort not to break something.It didn't take long until my knuckles started to turn white with the strain of my grip, my form shaking in my anger as I tried to fight the urge to phase out of rage. It wasn't until I felt the softest touch on top of my hand though that I felt my wolf settle down almost instantly, my head snapping in my mates’ direction only to see her nervously circling her thumb on top of my hand sending pleasurable tingles through me. I couldn't help but sigh out in pleasure at the relaxing gesture."Thank you" I grinned widely at her, catching her blush before she turned her head as if she was trying to hide her reaction from me. She looked to put it bluntly, adorable. Whether she tried to hide her reaction from me or not didn't matter, considering she was flushing about five shades of red.


Chapter 24

 It wasn't until she seemed to realize that she was still stroking my hand that she snapped her hand back before I could stop her, instantly missing the warmth and comfort her caress brought me as she did so."Sorry" she mumbled, her blush increasing making her look utterly edible. She wasn't making it easy on the whole not pouncing on her thing, but I knew that she wasn't doing it on purpose. Just that thought made me grin, knowing how innocent she was."Don't be" I assured her with a wide grin, never in my life have I felt so free and relaxed. I knew that if the pack saw me now they would probably faint out of shock; yea I wasn't considered the friendliest person in the world, not by far.At this I watched as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes dancing as she played with her hands on her lap. It was then I realized that she was still wearing just my shirt and a pair of my boxers, her form shaking slightly and I was again reminded that she had yet to gain enough energy for her body heat to return to normal. Crap, how stupid of me!"Do you want to have a shower sweetheart, you look cold?" I asked her, not wanting to offend her. She seemed taken aback by my question but hesitantly nodded, making a move to clear the plates before I grabbed them. "I'll do it" I grinned, for once not minding cleaning the dishes.With her slight nod I quickly placed them onto the counter, deciding to deal with them later as I held out my hand for my mate to take. I couldn't wait to feel her skin touching mine, call me pathetic but I simply didn't care.With a small smile on her lips she hesitantly did so, my larger hand almost engulfing hers as I felt her shudder slightly at my heat compared to hers. Really she should have been running the same temperature, but Lisa had promised me that as soon as she got a lot healthier she would slowly get back to what was considered healthy for a females werewolf her age. Well, that was what I was hoping for anyway."Come on" I smiled as I gently guided her up the stairs, not bothering to hide my grin as I felt her stand impossibly close to me as to absorb my heat as it radiated off my form. She was standing as close to me as she possibly could without touching me, and it was fair to say that I loved every second of it.It didn't take us long until we reached my bedroom, my hand still gripping hers gently but firmly as I tugged her along as I took her into my bathroom. It wasn't like I minded her using the hall one, but to put it honestly I just wanted her scent in my own. Not to mention it would be hers soon as well, as soon as she understood that I would never be letting her go that was."The towels are there sweetheart, use what you like. Do you want me to see about getting you some clothes that might fit; some of the females might have something?" I asked her, not telling her that everything would probably hang off her skeleton like form. I also didn't tell her that I liked her in my clothes, surrounded by my scent as my shirt and boxers seemed to dwarf that fragile little body of hers."Can I…can I keep these?" she asked nervously, not looking at me as she gestured to my clothes as they covered her pretty little form. I doubted she realized just how much her question pleased me, my grin widening as I nodded. I couldn't deny her anything, I didn't want to."You want me to get you some fresh ones?" I asked her happily, knowing that she might feel better with some clean clothes. At her subtle nod I gave her hand a squeeze before reluctantly letting go of it before heading into my bedroom, opening my set of draws before I grabbed a pair of boxers for her and a shirt. She would have to turn the waistband around a few times so they didn't slip off but other than that she would be fine wearing them.Walking back into the bathroom I caught her staring at herself in the mirror, not making a sound as I simply watched her. She didn't seem to notice me, rather blankly staring at nothing in general and the empty look in her eyes had my heart clenching painfully."Sweetheart?" I asked softly, not wanting to startle her. It was a wasteful effort though, considering the fact that she jumped anyway as she spun around to face me. Smiling apologetically I shot her a sheepish smile, pleased when she seemed to instantly relax when she saw it was me at the door and nobody else."Thank you" she muttered sweetly as I held out my clothes for her, watching as she gently took them from me before holding them against her chest. Smiling at her I reached around to turn the shower on, giving her one last look before heading for the door."Call me if you need anything" I made sure to tell her, getting a nod in return before I reluctantly shut the door behind me. I didn't like letting her out of my sight, but I wasn't going to appear controlling and make her uncomfortable by staying. Though I couldn't help but think of a time where she would be completely comfortable with me, hopefully then she would be up for the idea of saving water and showering together. I couldn't help but grin at the thought; something to look forward to.



chapter 25

Adrian's Pov

It wasn't long until I heard the water cut off, my sensitive hearing picking up on the slightly squeaky sound that was made by the shower door opening. I couldn't help but think about how she was standing right now, most likely as naked as the day she was born or in nothing but a short fluffy towel. I couldn't help but groan at my thoughts, knowing I needed to tamper down on my lust as not to scare her away if she thought I was pressuring her into anything.The sound of clothes and fabric being moved and put on was next to catch my attention, my breath catching in my throat as I tried desperately to shake away the image of my naked mate from my mind. It didn't help that I had seen her completely bare before, even though she was nothing but skin and bones I could tell that once she got some meat on her bones I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her. I could barely hold back now.After a few more minutes I heard the door open, the fact she hadn't locked it not missing my attention and I grinned when I realized that she trusted me enough not to barge in and take advantage of her. I growled at the thought, but loved how slowly but surely she was becoming more comfortable around me."Adrian?" her soft voice caught my attention, my head snapping in her direction as she peaked her head around the door."Yea?" I smiled, seeing her eyes flicker with an emotion which flashed too quickly for me to fully grasp onto what it meant."Could I borrow your brush, please?" she asked softly, clearly expecting me to refuse but having the nerve to ask anyway. I quickly answered her, not wanting her to think anything other than what's mine was hers."Of course sweetheart, brush away" I smiled, seeing her briefly do the same before the door shut with a gentle click. I couldn't help but fall backward on the bed, landing on my back as I breathed in her scent as it surrounded my sheets. It made my wolf purr in delightful pleasure.A few minutes later telltale sign of the door clicking caught my attention, rising onto my elbows as stared at the door as it opened.My breath caught in my throat as I took in my freshly groomed mate as she stood by the door, playing with the sleeve of my shirt as she stared at her bare feet as she clearly felt my eyes on her. I couldn't stop though, my eyes raking over her slightly healthier looking skin as it had a slight pink tint to it due to the heat of the water, her hair neatly brushed as she had to pull over one shoulder as it seemed to be a lot longer than I expected. Not that I had anything against it, in all honesty she looked…"Beautiful" I found myself breathing, seeing her flush deeply as she shifted on her feet. Sensing that she was uncomfortable I pulled myself into a sitting position, deciding to ask her a question that would hopefully get her to relax."Do you want to bake a cake?" I asked before wincing at how cheesy it sounded, totally random but trust me when I say that it sounded a lot better in my head than it did when I spoke it out loud. My fear of seeming stupid though was a waste of effort, what with considering the way my adorable mate nodded eagerly as she slowly approached me while being dwarfed in my clothes. She looked tiny; it only fuelled my urges to protect her and keep her safe."That would be nice" she smiled gently, not hesitating to take my hand this time as we made our way downstairs and into the kitchen. Suddenly I couldn't stop myself from grinning as my mate seemed to lose herself in the moment, it not being long until we had made a two—layer lemon cake with a citrusy creamed filling. She had made it from memory so it was obvious that she enjoyed cooking, not to mention as soon as I took it out of the oven, not wanting to risk her burning herself she had decorated it to a level that almost looked professional.Currently she was giggling wildly, it being music to my ears as I grinned at her while she used her palm to wipe away the flour which was present on her face. I couldn't help but feel myself beam with happiness, my mate seemingly having forgotten to be nervous around me as she seemed comfortable in my presence which I was thankful of. "So tell me about yourself, sweetheart" I smiled as I wiped down the table, our cake sitting on the centre of it on a cake stand that had once been my mother’s. It looked delicious, the cake I mean and I couldn't help but adore the fact that my mate was a diamond in the kitchen."What do you want to know?" she asked as she stood by the counter, giving me an opening to ask some questions. I knew to tread carefully, she was being responsive and the last thing I wanted was to wreak the mood by being too nosy when she wasn't ready to spill her secrets; understandable of course."How did you learn to bake?" I asked, thinking it was an easy question to ask. But by the tensing of her shoulder, the stiffening of her form I couldn't help but pause in my cleaning before she seemed to relax slightly after a few moments of some clearly hard thinking. I knew what she was deciding, whether to trust me or not and I was hoping for the former of the two."I had no choice, but I like it" she confessed as she turned off the tap, switching to drying the plates and bowls as she did so. I didn't like seeing her working in her condition, but it seemed to help her opening up so I sucked it up so I could reap the benefits of her relaxed mood."Want to talk about it?" I asked, trying but failing to hide the hope from my tone.



Chapter 26

 I knew not to press her; she was becoming more and more comfortable around me which was more than I had expected it to."What's there to talk about?" she breathed softly, obviously not wanting to talk about it and for once I knew it would be best if I simply let it go, for now. She would tell me when she was ready."Want to see if the roses are ready?" I asked, watching as she instantly seemed to brighten up making my heart skip a beat. She had made these incredibly intricate roses out of pastry, having put them in the fridge to harden since she had said they were for decretive purposes but could be eaten. They were incredible to look at, not to mention being able to watch her work as she made them with pure ease making it clear she had done it for years to get that kind of skill.Turns out they were ready, her previous soft smile widening slightly as I pulled out the tray and held it out for her, knowing that she would get more enjoyment out of placing them than I would. She had made them after all."Finished" she beamed at me in a childish way that I found adorable, it was a nice change from her previously quiet and reserved mood and I found I liked it. A lot. It was cute, adorable and so utterly sweet that I found my expression softening as I took her in. Well, that was until a loud bang startled her in such a manner that I soon found her form hiding behind mine as she trembled in what I knew to be fear. My wolf instantly went into protective mode, my body pressing hers against the counter of the kitchen as my back pressed against her shaking form meaning I could make sure she was there without having my eyes on her. The sounds of my pack laughing and chatting soon filtering into my hearing, my annoyance increasing as a quick glance at the clock on the right—hand wall told me that I must have lost track of time since they were all home. To sum it up, it was seriously back luck on my part."Adrian" I heard my fragile mate whimper as she pressed herself against my back, the mating pull clearly having effect on her. When she felt fearful or threatened her wolf was urging her to stay close to me, and from how she was pressed against me it was clear she was taking the advice of her wolf and following her urges. I wanted it no other way."Leave!" I snarled as soon as my pack started to filter into the kitchen, clearly having smelt the incredible aromas coming from my mates’ cooking skills. I wanted to take some of the credit, but to be honest I had spent most of the time simply staring at her as she seemed to act as if this was her home. It was of course. At the sound of my no bullshit tone they instantly froze at my order, their faces a picture for a second before frowns seemed to decorate their features."What—" Paul started but I wasn't in the mood, the fact my wolf could practically feel how terrified my mate was meant he was instantly on guard. I shouldn't have been able to feel her yet since we hadn't mated, but very strong emotions could get through and I was not playing around as I felt my mates’ blunt nails dig into my waist as she whimpered just loud enough for me to hear. I hated it, knowing that she was so uncomfortable since only minutes ago she had been giggling wildly."Don't question me Paul, not now, not ever!" I snapped in a harsh tone, one they were used to as they took note of my tone and quickly left, the males holding their mates close to them as they did so. I didn't care, not when I had my own mate to protect.

As soon as they were gone I spun around to face my mate, not prepared to find her shaking and as pale as her sheet. Her eyes didn't look focused and her breathing was far from being even, it being harsh and sharp when she actually took the time to take a breath."Holly? Sweetheart?" I asked slightly panicked, watching as she seemed to sway on her feet slightly as she seemed to fade in and out of consciousness."You're my mate" was all that passed her lips before she crumbled to the floor, her legs buckling under her weight as I quickly grabbed her around the waist before she hit the ground. I couldn't help but savour the feeling of her in my arms, well that was before my sanity kicked in and what she had said finally sunk in. All I could think was shit, she had put two and two together and found out we were mates. Well at least she didn't flip out I thought, unless you count fainting in that category. But I quickly pushed that aside, calling out for Lisa as I rushed my unconscious to my room as I ordered for the pack doctor to send for her immediately. I've had a taste of what my life would be like with my mate; I was not losing it any time soon that was for sure.


Chapter 27

   Holly's Pov

My head felt as if it was pounding, the sharp sensation causing all the air in my lungs to leave me in a huff as I felt myself suddenly become winded. I couldn't help but whimper at the painful but unfortunately for from new sensation, I had felt this before after all and the thought that something similar had happened in this place before everything went black had my form stiffening in fear. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, but I couldn't help it. He was so sweet, not to mention my wolf was begging me to give him a chance.Trying to fight the sob which wanted to bubble up from my throat I tried to think back to what had caused me to be knocked out, but found my brows pulling together in a frown when I realized that I couldn't remember. What the hell?Knowing that I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible I tried to ignore the pulsing in my head and come up with a plan, but my wolf was whimpering so loudly at the thought of me going anywhere that I found my physical pain only increasing. It was as if the mere thought of running was too much for her, that she would be nothing again if I didn't stay.Taking a deep breath I tried to settle my nerves, my eyelids not cooperating with me at the moment since they felt as if they had been glued shut since they were so heavy. If it wasn't for the fact my sensitive hearing was working perfectly I would have feared that there was something up with my senses.Deciding to listen to my wolf, not having any other choice I forced myself to relax. I knew from experience that the more I relaxed the quicker it would pass. If I strained myself then it would only hurt me more in the long run, I may not have been a doctor of any kind but I've had to deal with and fix my own injuries since I was a child and you can't help but pick up a few techniques. Unlike most now I could fix a broken leg or see to a dislocated limb with ease; it just sucked that it wasn't due to be being taught by others, but due to having no choice but to learn from trial and error if I wanted my injuries seen to and fixed to prevent any future problems.With that decided I let my body relax, my head feeling like it had been plugged with cotton wool as I couldn't help the slight groan which fell from my lips as I squeezed my eyes together in an attempt to deal with the pain. Strangely though, it wasn't as bad as it had been in the past; not by far.I didn't know how many minutes had gone past until I felt a gentle sensation brush against my forehead. The action surprised me enough to flinch, but I soon recognized the husky sound of the owner as my wolf whimpered in delight as a soothing sensation was spread through my head at the touch alone, instantly making me crave more as I leaned into the caress since it was an escape from the pain."It's just me sweetheart, I'm so sorry" he breathed as he continued his soothing caresses on my forehead. He made me feel safe, protected and dare I admit it…happy.Letting my eye lids flutter, them finally not feeling as if they weighed a ton I let them flicker open after a few moments of hesitation. I didn't know what I expected to see; but the fear and panic in his deep brown eyes wasn't what I expected. I didn't like it; neither did my wolf.His words caused me to frown, his fingers still running gently across my forehead in a gentle caress that had me craving more. I didn't know why, but as I slowly sat up I couldn't help but feel loved when I felt his hesitant touch on my back as he kept me upright. It was that simple soft gesture that had it all rushing back to me in one go. How we had made a cake, me giggling, his charming smile, how scared I was and…"You're my mate" I whispered so softly that I worried for a second that not even he would be able to hear it. But from the widening of his eyes, the fear and nervousness present in them it was clear he had heard me perfectly fine.I didn't know what I wanted him to say, his pleading gaze clearly told me that I was a hundred percent right with my assumption and it left me breathless. My throat was dry as I tried to ask myself whether this was what I wanted, whether it was worth me letting myself become so vulnerable again like before. But after simply asking myself 'what did I have to lose' I knew that I had answered my own question, because the honest answer was absolutely nothing. I had nothing to my name, I hadn't smiled so much in years and his presence brought both me and my wolf so much comfort that I had instantly started to crave it."Yes" he confirmed what I already knew, my hands shaking in my lap as I continued to gaze at him with blank eyes. I knew now why he was doing this, why he hadn't let me die that night he found me with those two others wolves, why he was being so nice to me. I was his mate; but why on earth would he want anything to do with me?

“I'm sorry" I sobbed out quietly, biting my lip as I felt my eyes turn glossy with my tears when I realized that I had condemned him to this. He deserved so much better than me, I was nothing and he deserved a nice girl who wasn't so broken. I wasn't even sure if there was anything left of me to love, or if there had ever been.


Chapter 28

 I could tell that my apology was the last thing in the world that he expected to hear, why I didn't know, but I had a feeling I was about to find out. But I couldn't get past the raw guilt and shame I felt for putting myself in this poor boy’s path. He was an alpha, not just any alpha but one of the most vicious and powerful alphas in the area. I didn't deserve to be an alpha’s mate, I still didn't believe I deserved to be breathing right now instead of being in heaven where I had planned to be only a few days ago."For what?" his soft tone interrupted my internal thoughts, my hands still shaking as I wrapped them around myself. I couldn't help but bring my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs as I tried to make myself as invisible as possible. Fair to say it was a pointless effort."You deserve better than me" I whimpered, both me and my wolf hating how this was planning out but knowing it was true. I had always wanted a mate, to save me from my previous uncomfortable life but now I had it, I knew that I had been selfish in wishing for it. No one deserved to be bound to me, especially in such a personal way as this."No sweetheart, look at me" he pleaded, my wolf whimpering loudly enough for me to obey his request since I didn't have it in me to refuse him anything. Now I knew that he was my mate, my life, I knew that he was literally the only thing that was keeping me breathing. Without him, I would lose all hope and wither away as I had first planned the night my flower had been crushed along with my hopes and dreams of finding love."What, Adrian?" I asked softly, wanting nothing more than to reach out and brush the loose strand of hair from his face as it seemed to fall against his eye. I couldn't help but take note of how attractive he looked, again wondering why on earth he wanted anything to do with me in the first place?"Of course I want you Holly, how could I not? You are so beautiful, so sweet, so gentle and caring and I want nothing more than to be in your company like I am now" he stated, his tone filled with such honesty and sincerity that I couldn't help but believe him. His words were so kind, so soft that it wasn't only me that was affected by them but my wolf."Why didn't you tell me?" I couldn't stop myself from mumbling as I diverted my gaze to stare at my bare and bony knees as they were positioned in front of me like before. I couldn't help but feel the stab of pain in my heart at the thought that he didn't want this, I mean why else would he hide the fact we were mates from me? Didn't he want me to know, was he ashamed? If he was I could hardly blame him since it wasn't like I was anything special."What do you mean, sweetheart?" he asked confused, the nickname he had called me right from the start sending a bolt of warmth through me making me have to resist the urge to shiver in delight at the sound of it."You knew, but you didn't tell me" I asked, my heart only breaking more at the possibility that he had kept it from me simply because he didn't want me to know. The thought pained me more than I would have liked; was I really that ugly, that unlovable that he wanted me to remain oblivious?At my comment I watched as his eyes widened almost comically, confusion present before realization took its place as he rapidly shook his head, his slight fringe moving almost amusingly with the action."No of course not, sweetheart. I just…I just didn't want to scare you off" he stuttered, running his hand through that dark hair of his as I again found myself captivated in the action. I couldn't help it, my wolf was entranced which meant so was I."Oh" was all I could manage to get out at his confession, a slight blush staining his slightly tanned cheeks making him look anything but threatening. The thought that he cared enough about me to worry about my feelings warmed me to my core, but I couldn't help but be anxious that it seemed too good to be true.Almost as if he knew exactly what I was thinking he quickly spoke up, as if he saw the emotions and hesitation in my eyes as his tone was rushed. "Please, look I know this seems really rushed but don't you feel it? The sparks? The pull? The comfort?" he asked nervously, my eyes blinking as I tried to make sense of all of this. It was going too quick, but whether I wanted to change it or not was beyond me. All I knew was that the simple fact that I knew I couldn't leave him, it was the last thing I wanted since I knew he was my happiness wrapped up in a tempting package of muscle and kindness.It was with that on my mind that I took a deep encouraging breath, my lungs filling with air as I shaking got on my knees and crawled the small space towards him. I could tell he didn't know what in the world I was doing, that was until I hesitantly crawled into his lap with a bright blush on my cheeks as I sighed out at the contact. It was pure and utter heaven.I couldn't help but close my eyes as I pressed my face on his shirt—covered chest, breathing his scent in deeply as I prepared for him to throw me off. He didn't though, rather hesitantly wrapping his arms around my small form as he pulled me closer. He kept his movements hesitant, his lips pressing against the crown of my head and for once I couldn't help but crave sleep; as long as he was with me.


Chapter 29

 Adrian's Pov

I couldn't stop the shit—eating grin on my face even if I tried, the sense of pure love and comfort I was getting from the fragile little thing in my arms was enough to make me almost high with pleasure and delight. She wanted me!Hearing her breathing even out I instantly knew that she had fallen asleep in my arms where she belonged, her tiny hands fisting my shirt as she seemed to subconsciously move as close to me as possible. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her bony form, frowning again when I was reminded of how she was nothing more than skin and bones. I would have a word with Lisa tomorrow; perhaps ask her if there were any sort of fatty foods that would get her to put on weight quicker. I didn't like seeing her looking fragile enough that one touch looked as if it would break her. Pressing my lips against the top of her head I savored the physical contact she was allowing me, knowing that I was pushing my luck with my next actions but not being able to help myself. She was with me, she had willingly crawled into my lap and there was no way in hell I was letting her go.Not wanting to risk removing myself and waking her, terrified that she would change her mind I slowly wrapped an arm around the back of her legs as I winced when I moved her; praying that she didn't wake up. Thankfully she didn't, already in dream land as I laid us both down with her curled up against my side. I couldn't help the sigh of relief and pleasure; I wanted it to always be like this.When she had brought up me not telling her about us being mates I had tensed instantly, never having thought of it like that since I was more worried about her rejecting me than how she would see it if she found out. But now she knew I couldn't find anything wrong with how everything had worked out. I knew it didn't magically make everything alright, I wasn't that naïve, but it was a start and for now I was fine with that.Sighing I continued to stare at my mate as she pressed herself against me, our legs entwined and I hoped to god that she didn't feel just how much pleasure I was getting out of this position against her thigh. I may know that was she wasn't ready, but that didn't mean her soft body pressed against mine, the fact she had clearly accepted me and her edible aroma didn't have an effect on my body. I was a male after all, a teenage hot—blooded male whose soul mate was currently wrapped around me like she was.I didn't know how long I simply gazed at her, brushing her soft curls from her face so I could gaze at her sweetheart features until I joined her in the world of sleep, dreaming of my mate as I did so.I woke up with a start, swallowing harshly as my eyes snapped open when I felt my mate still pressed firmly against me. Surprisingly that wasn't what had almost moaning out loud though, not what had my wolf practically purring in lust and delight but the fact that I could feel every part of my mate’s chest against mine. Literally.It seemed that sometime in the middle of the night we had both gotten too hot, what with me having gone to sleep in my clothes, under the covers as well as running naturally hot. I knew that Holly was still too underweight to get her temperature back to normal, but even I knew that even she would have been too heated, what with her pressed against me as close as she was. Not that I was complaining, not at all.Anyway, back on track. The reason why I was practically panting was not only had some time in the night had I removed both my loose jeans and shirt but it seemed that my mate had stripped down as well. I doubt she even realized, hell I knew she hadn't realized since the shirt of mine that she had been wearing was thrown hazily on the end of the bed as her naked and very bare chest was pressed against my side. I was in both hell and heaven.Taking a deep breath I couldn't help pulling her closer, the feeling of her naked chest against mine pure and utter heaven. If I died now, I would die more than a little happy.Knowing that she would be not only embarrassed but self—conscious if she woke up like this I stayed put with her wrapped in my arms. I could sense that the sun was only just coming up and the rest of the pack were all still in bed, apart from those patrolling of course. I couldn't blame them; they did have school this morning after all.Sighing I shifted slightly before burying my face in my mates’ curly locks, breathing in her scent of cherries as I felt my wolf purr in delight and pleasure at the delightful aroma she was giving off. Never had he been so relaxed, felt so calm and loved as he did right now. Due to an alphas wolf being more dominant, possessive and vicious it was clear that the only person who would be able to calm him down was the little thing in my arms. I couldn't help but smile; I would have it no other way.With that on my mind I let myself drift off again, trying to ignore how aroused I was as I tried not to pay attention to how every breath my mate took her breasts only served to rub against me. God, she was going to be the death of me.


Chapter 30

 I awoke to the sound of the exact words 'holy crap' much to my amusement, but I desperately tried to keep the amused expression off my face as I pretended that her exclamation hadn't brought me any kind of pleasure. I knew what she was talking about of course, it was obvious to anyone that it was clear she had just realized just how stripped down she was.It wasn't long though until I had to fight the urge to tense my form as I tried to keep still, my humour instantly fading when I realized that this could all go wrong. If she overreacted then I could be in deep shit, not only she may not want to sleep next to me again but she may think that I was taking advantage. SHIT! This was not good, now I had tasted the pleasure that her being by my side brought me I did not want to go another night without her in my arms. Just no, it wasn't acceptable! I needed my mate!I was holding my breath as I felt her freeze against me, not liking how stiff she was as my wolf snarled and whimpered at the thought of her leaving us. I knew I wouldn't allow it, after sleeping just one night with her in my arms I knew that as long as I could help it then it would always be this way. She was my mate: in my arms was where she belonged."Oh God" I heard her whimper, moving out of my arms and I reluctantly let her go. I didn't like it, but I had no choice. Hopefully she would think I hadn't noticed, that was what I was going for anyway.Playing my part I rolled over onto my other side so my back was to her, hating the distance I put between us but knowing it would make her more comfortable. It did, her sigh of relief telling me that much. It wasn't long until the sound of ruffling could be heard by my sensitive hearing, it being clear that my shy mate was quickly rushing to put my shirt on her and I tried to stifle the groan of disappointment that wanted to leave my lips. What? It wasn't like it was my fault; she was my mate after all!Not knowing what else to do I slowly let myself appear to be waking up, rubbing my eyes as I tried to appear still half asleep when I reached for her. Truthfully, I was already missing the feel of her in my arms and didn't want to let her go. I knew that now I could touch her more, craving the physical contact, that both I and my wolf would think it would be unacceptable that she ever removed herself from my sights. The more attached I got, the more I would hate her being away from me so at my side she would remain. Hopefully that was.She came willingly back into my arms, clearly deciding that I didn't realize about her having ben half—naked apart from a pair of my boxers as she settled back down by my side. I couldn't help but smile softly, it was still early in the morning and I couldn't help but remember Lisa mentioning something about making sure my mate slept as much as she possibly could to help her gain back her energy. So with that on my mind I brought her closer, making sure I was constantly aware of just how fragile she was."Go back to sleep, sweetheart" I breathed as I pulled her flush against me, her sigh of pleasure making me grin as we both relaxed into each other's embrace but it was clear that we were both too awake to dose off again. Still, that didn't mean I wanted my mate over—exerting herself if I could help it.So with that we stayed in each other's arms for the next hour and a half, the only movement she made was the slight stiffening of her form when I heard Paul shout that they were heading off. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, not only was the pack incredibly curious about what my mate looked like as they had yet to see her but they couldn't seem to grasp just how skittish my mate was around them all. But I knew, I knew that as soon as they caught a glimpse of her they would understand instantly. She was more than a little timid, but I was pleased beyond belief that she seemed to be growing more confident and comfortable around me.Waiting until they had all left, the parents of them all having another packhouse to live in I shifted in my bed before craning my neck to look down at my mate, a purr rumbling in my chest as her fingers lightly traced my stomach and lower abs almost absently. My purr seemed to shock her out of her daze though, her jump telling me as much as I grinned her way when she looked up at me with wide innocent eyes."You want to go get some breakfast since they’re all gone?" I asked her, though I wasn't going to take no for an answer. She must have sensed this since she nodded slowly before getting up, her cheeks flushing adorably as she took note of my sudden lack of clothing as she looked anywhere but at me. I chuckled, she was just too adorable.Grabbing a pair of silk sleep pants I quickly tugged them on, deciding not to bother with a shirt since she didn't seem uncomfortable around me. Shy of course, but not uncomfortable."Come on then sweetheart" I grinned as I cautiously reached for her hand, my grin only widening when she quickly latched on and held me tightly. Now this was the life.Making our way down to the kitchen I couldn't wipe the smile off her face even if I tried to, the sound of her feet pattering on the floor as she plodded behind me making me have to resist a full—out grin. I couldn't help it, never had I felt so relaxed and happy as I did when I was with her.  

Chapter 31

 "Where's our cake?" her small voice filtered into my hearing, my wolf purring as I turned to face her before glancing at the table with a snort."It seems the pack got hungry" I stated as I took note that the tray had been cleaned and put back on the centre of the table, minus the cake of course. I couldn't help but shake my head, seeing Holly tilt her head to the side before shrugging. I hated to admit it but I was glad she didn't seem upset by it, but then again it was only a cake but I would be having words with the pack later. Honestly, I had wanted a piece and they didn't even think to save us any. Greedy pigs, the lot of them."Oh" was all she seemed to say, looking at her utterly adorable self as she tightened her grip on my hand much to my enjoyment."So what do you fancy?" I asked her as I tugged her along to the fridge, opening it to see what we could work with. I wasn't a brilliant cook, but my mother had taught me the basics before she had passed and for that I was more than a little thankful."I don't mind" was her vague reply, it causing me to frown before she spoke up. "Can I cook?" she asked hopefully, my brows rising but I couldn't deny her, not with the hope in her tone. Well that was what I was telling myself anyway; honestly I simply wanted to taste her cooking. Her cake had looked and smelled incredible, plus it might be the perfect opportunity to get her to open up to me more."Sure" I grinned, causing her to smile brightly as she moved to look inside. I knew I had made the right choice the moment her eyes had lit up, hell if my mate wanted to cook then my mate would cook.Leaning against the counter I watched as she worked, taken aback with how skilled she seemed to be in the kitchen as she seemed to move with shaky grace. I frowned, not liking her overexerting herself but I didn't have the heart to stop her from doing something she obviously took pleasure in."Sleep well, sweetheart?" I asked her, wanting, no needing the conversation as she seemed to tense slightly before flushing at least ten shades of red. I tried not to smirk, not wanting to make her even more embarrassed over something that had had my wolf panting and me nearly moaning out loud."Yes, thank you" she blushed, looking as adorable as usual."I like you sleeping in my bed, with me" I confessed before I could stop myself, expecting her to tense but all that happened was her blush deepened making her look more than a little flushed. I grinned."Me too" I heard her admit, her own confession making me beam so wide that I could feel the strain of it in my cheek muscles. Watching her I couldn't help but stare, her long legs looking incredible in my boxers as she didn't seem to notice my staring. I couldn't resist, she looked so appealing to me that I couldn't help but have to move to take a seat at the table as to hide just how excited I was by her appearance. She didn't look her best that much was clear due to her being unhealthy, but I couldn't help but imagine what she would look like when she got some meat on her bones and I almost moaned out loud at the thought of it. Incredible."So do you want to do something today, sweetheart?" I asked her as I leaned my elbows on the table, not taking my eyes off her as she worked away. It wasn't long until the scent of food filtered into my senses; I almost leaped out of my seat as to see what she was up to."Like what?" she asked softly before a plate appeared in front of me, this time a groan falling from my lips as I took in what my mate had made me. Fuck. She had made what looked to be a round of grilled cheese toast with an assortment of fried tomatoes, bacon and egg. It was heaven on a plate."Where's yours?" I asked, my mood damping when I took note of my mate sitting on the opposite side of the table with nothing but a glass of water. I stared at her, there was no way on earth that she was not eating. I needed to fatten her up, not having her wasting away!"I'm—" she started but I cut her off before she could finish her sentence."Don't say you're not hungry because I know you are, here" I told her as I grabbed another plate and shoved half of my food onto it, needing her to at least eat something."I'm really fine" she protested, but I didn’t have any of it as I pushed the plate in front of her."Please, for me" I stated, knowing that it was a low blow but needing her to eat something. Thankfully I didn't have to feel guilty for too long, since she slowly started on a piece of grilled cheese toast as she started to pick at it and much to my relief eating it. "Thank you" I breathed with a smile, gaining one in return as I did so. I was going to enjoy spending the day with her, that much was clear.  


chapter 32

 Adrian's Pov

After we had both finished eating we had made ourselves comfy in my room, both of us snuggled up together on my bed and I couldn't help but find that I had never been happier. Just having her in my arms, so close to me was enough for my wolf to settle down completely which effectively let me relax. I loved it.Currently Holly seemed to be in her own little world as she stared at the television on the opposite wall facing my bed, her small body leaning against me as my paperwork was spread out on the sheets. Unfortunately, however much I wanted to I couldn't afford to let my alpha duties drop, but I found having my mate here helped prevent me from becoming stressed like I usually did when I sorted out this sort of thing. Yet another perk to add to the list.With a smile constantly on my face I flickered through the number of papers as my eyes scanned them over before I made slight changes when needed, my mate giggling at the comedy I had put on as I did so. She seemed entranced by it, her eyes never leaving the screen as she crossed her legs in front of her as she stared at the screen animatedly."Good I take it?" I asked her with a cheesy grin, having to give her shoulder a slight bump with my own to gain her attention. "Hum?" was the reply I got, the fact she seemed so comfortable around me making me grin."I asked if it was good" I repeated for her benefit, not being able to help the chuckle as it fell from my lips as I shot her a wink when she looked at me. The result was a bright blush appearing on her cheeks, it only making her look even more adorable as I found myself shifting slightly to get closer to her before I realized what I was doing."Yea, it's alright" was her mumbled reply, chewing on her bottom lip as she had me yet again entranced. If I didn't know that it was obvious that my mate wasn't doing it on purpose I would have called her a tease, but I knew my mate was far too innocent in that aspect to be one."How would you feel about meeting my pack?" I asked her after a few minutes, wincing when I took note of her form tensing as she tried to look anywhere but at me. I knew it was a lot to ask of her, but my pack would never even think of hurting her or making her feel uncomfortable in any way; they knew that if they did then there would be extremely harsh consequences.When I didn't get a reply I dropped the pile of documents that had previously been in my hand as I turned my sole attention on her, taking note that while her eyes were staring at the screen in front of her it was clear that the comedy had been forgotten about. To be honest she looked as if she was in deep thought."Holly?" I said softly, regretting my decision to bring it up but not taking it back just yet. If it really did start to upset her then I would stop pushing, but I had my fingers crossed that she would be alright with it as long as I never removed myself from her side."I'm sorry" was all she said, her tone soft as she didn't look at me.It was then I took note that her form was shaking, my wolf whimpering in displeasure as I took note of her holding her hands tightly together in her lap as she tried to calm down her shaking. I frowned, quickly but cautiously wrapping my arms around her as I did so. Feeling that she wasn't going to pull or flinch away from me I tugged her into my lap, loving the contact but hating the fact I had clearly asked too much from her."I'm sorry sweetheart, if you don't want to, it’s fine. I Just thought that…they would never harm you, Holly, I wouldn't allow it" I soothed her, feeling her blunt nails dig into my skin lightly as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I couldn't help but feel like a jerk.After she had calmed down my mate pulled back, wiping her eyes with the palms of her hands as I took note that she had been crying. I couldn't help but feel my heart clench at the thought, the pain in my chest only increasing since I knew that I was the reason why."It's fine, it's just…I don't have very good experiences with packs" she mumbled, taking a deep breath as she relaxed in my arms. I knew this was a chance to try and get some details out of where my mate had come from; it wasn't that I didn't trust her but I needed to know if anyone was in fact after her. The thought made me snarl, but I managed to keep it to a low growl as I continued to stroke her back and thigh in a soothing gesture."Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?" I asked her, hope in my tone that I couldn't seem to get rid of. It was hardly my fault though, my wolf was practically rattling in my inner cage to try and get some answers out of her.

Chapter 33

  At my question she tilted her head up to look at me with those amazing eyes of hers, a strange look on her soft features before she seemed to think about it. The simple thought that she was even considering it made me tug her closer against me, stroking her bare skin as the sparks between us brought pleasure and soothing comfort that I knew I wouldn't be able to get anywhere but with her. I would have it no other way."It's not pretty" I heard her breathe softly. I quickly shot her as a reassuring smile, though her eyes seemed to take a dull quality that didn't seem to suit her at all."I'll listen" I encouraged, pressing my lips to her forehead as she leaned into the gesture making my smile increase as it tugged at the corner of my lips."Urm…I don't know where to start" she admitted sheepishly, her warm breath falling on my bare chest causing me to shiver as my arms instinctively tightened around her possessively."I hear the beginnings always a good place" I smiled down at her, my paperwork was long forgotten as I tried to lighten the mood. It worked, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips, before she took a deep breath and began. It was fair to say that what she admitted next was the last thing I expected, and it put me in a full blown rage."Urm…ever since I was a child I was treated differently than other children. It started with me being banned from going outside to play, next I had any toys I may have had taken away before I found that I was completely ignored as a child by everybody I cared for. I was about 7 I think when my mother first hit me, I had tried to hug her but she had smacked me away and catch my face. I never knew whether she actually meant to hit me so harshly or not, but it seemed to be the catalyst which seemed to set everything off. My father was next; he grew tired of my crying and punished me whenever I made a sign that I was weak. That's how it started anyway, but punishments soon turned to whenever I annoyed them before they simply beat me for the fun of it. I remember one time when my brother, who took the alpha position when my father stepped down, decided to class me as the runt of the pack. I was 14 when he first discovered how even though I was the daughter of an alpha his order affected me as well; it got worse from then on. The worse was when he woke me up in the middle of the night, dragged me outside only for me to be surrounded by his close friends and the pack mates his age. He, urm…ordered me to stop breathing and my lungs collapsed and I was in a coma for four weeks while I healed. He couldn't get me to listen enough to reverse it, but the worse thing is though that none of them cared that I had nearly died that night" she hiccupped as silent tears dripped down her cheeks, my wolf snarling in pure anger at how my mate had been treated. It made sense, how timid she was, how untrusting when she had come from a pack like that. I tried to swallow back my rage but it wasn't working, my hands clenching into fists as I tried to control myself with my mate around. I had never felt so angry, so disgusted with our race than I did right at that minute. And I wanted revenge, oh god did I want to destroy them all for making my mate suffer as they had. And they would suffer; they would die for their actions towards her."Adrian"Her soft and slightly scared voice broke me out of my rage—filled thoughts, my head snapping in her direction as I felt my wolf whimper when she flinched away from me. I couldn't help but tighten my grip on her, not wanting her to run from me since I knew that my eyes were most likely my wolves as I fought against the urge to demand her to tell me what pack she was speaking of. I knew though, I knew she wouldn't tell me and it sickened me that she was protecting them."Who are they, Holly?" I asked her, my tone rough and tense as she stiffened in my arms much to my displeasure. I didn't want her to fear me. With a soft shake of her head my thoughts were confirmed, she wouldn't tell me and I hated it. But I knew I needed to calm the hell down, I could feel her shaking and I hated it. I knew I could look pretty threatening but she should never have to be scared of me, she was my mate, my life and I would always protect her."I'm sorry for scaring you sweetheart, I just—" I started but she cut me off, her tone sounding so empty and defeated that it broke my heart. "Never thought I was so messed up?" she replied, her voice tiny as she clenched shut her eyes as tears dripped down her cheeks in a way that made her look so broken that it only fuelled my need to protect her from the world.

Chapter 34

 Grabbing her chin gently I turned her to look at me, my tone soft as I spoke so sincerely that I knew she would have no choice but to believe my words as I spoke honestly to the girl I was falling so quickly for."You are not broken sweetheart, I have you now and I am not letting you go" I smiled before bending down, wishing so much that I could press my lips against hers. Not knowing how she would react I settled for her cheek, feeling her flesh heat up under my touch as she blushed brightly and looked shyly away from me making me grin broadly."I'll meet your pack" she finally caved after a few minutes, the whoop that left my lips leaving me flushing in embarrassment as she giggled childishly making it worth it. I knew that it would be hard on her, but I also knew that it would be worth it since my pack would do everything in their power to make her feel as welcome as possible. I knew that once they caught sight of their soon—to—be female alpha that their wolves would instantly become attached to her. The more protected she was the better, she was my mate and I would not risk losing her!With that in mind I brought her into a deep hug, my arms wrapping around her small form as I mentally thought about the best time to introduce her to everybody. Today sounded like a good plan, it was only the beginning of the afternoon so we had a while until they came back from school so I would have to try and make her as relaxed as I possibly could. I didn't want her regretting her decision to put her trust in me like she was clearly doing."You won't regret it" I mumbled into her hair, feeling her squirm as she tried to get comfortable. I grinned, lessening my grip long enough for her to take up residence between my legs with her back against my chest."I hope not" I heard her whisper to herself, my lips brushing her cheek again lightly causing her to flush to deepen in its red.As I hugged her loosely against me I couldn't help but take note of the fact that she was wearing my clothes still, not that I minded but I made a mental note to take her out to get her some things which she could call her own. All she had on her when I found her was some rags, what purpose they were for I didn't know but I had thrown them away. My mate deserved better than some useless scraps of fabric which I was scared to even think of as being the type of clothes she had been wearing. She deserved so much better."I want to take you shopping, get you some things" I muttered to her, seeing her frown as she looked at me strangely before blushing when she caught me staring at her deep red cheeks with interest. I couldn't help but purr, loving how sweet and beautiful she looked to me. Because she was, she was so beautiful. "I don't need—" she started but I cut her off, wanting her to understand that I was here to look after and care for her whether she like it or not. That would never change as long as I had anything to do with it that was for sure."Now hush, you are my mate Holly and I want what's best for you" I whispered against her ear, resisting the urge to take her ear lobe into my mouth to try and draw a moan from her lips. I didn't press my luck though, both me and my wolf knowing that she was far from ready for anything like that just yet. Hopefully in the near future she would be, but definitely not right now.At my comment she seemed to go quiet, her bright amber eyes looking off into nothing as she seemed to be deep in thought before shaking herself out of it. Leaning back against me more I looked down when I felt a gentle but addicting sensation on the back of my hand, taking note that she seemed to be aimlessly running her fingertips over it as it remained wrapped loosely around her waist where as far as I was concerned it belonged."Thank you" she breathed softly, turning around in my arms as she hesitantly straddled my waist much to my delight. I made sure she didn't sit directly on my lap though, if the bulge in my jeans become aware to her I worried that it would cause her to shun me away and that was the last thing I wanted."For what?" I asked her curiously, reaching my hand up to brush away one of her curls that had gotten loose as I tucked it behind her ear, my eyes remaining locked with hers."For being like this, for being nice, understanding" she explained before leaning forward and pressing her lips gently but quickly against mine leaving me stunned. I quickly snapped out of it though, looking at her nervous and blushing face as my hand reached up to touch my tingling lips."You're more than welcome, sweetheart" I beamed, my smile so wide that she couldn't seem to help the giggle which escaped her much to my pleasure. I couldn't help but grin, the realization that my mate had kissed me however brief made my wolf purr and howl in absolute delight. Suddenly I felt whole, happy beyond belief that it was clear that my mate had accepted me. I had never been happier.



chapter 35

 Adrian's Pov

I could practically feel how nervous my girl was, her hands wringing in front of her as she kept close to me as we walked down the stairs. The pack had come back a few hours ago but it was only now that Holly had worked up the courage to follow me down the stairs to meet them, her body pressing so close against mine that I couldn't help but love the contact. I knew that everything would be alright; it was the only reason I was giving her the gentle push to do this since I knew that it would work out better for everyone, including herself."You ready?" I asked her, watching her eyes widen in nervousness and fear as she pressed herself further against me. I didn't like seeing her acting so scared, but I was hoping beyond hope that it wouldn't last long."They won't hurt you sweetheart, they'll like you I promise" I continued, seeing her nod hesitantly before we reached the last step. Reaching out I helped her down even though it was unnecessary, just wanting the touch she allowed me to have as I wrapped my arm around her waist and lead her towards the living room where everyone was already waiting for us."Adrian" I heard my mate whimper, the sound making my heart clench as I paused mid—step and gently took her face between my hands. Running my thumbs soothingly over her cheeks I looked her in the eye, giving her what I hoped to be a reassuring smile as I did so."You'll be fine, I'm not going to leave your side ok" I reassured her, getting a blank look in return much to my disappointment. I hid it from my face, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before tugging her into the living room where she was suddenly centre of attention. She squirmed; trying to hide behind me as I took note of each and every pack mate staring at her like a wolf would their alpha female. With protectiveness, concern and hope that she would pay them some attention. It was just how it worked; her being the female alpha of such a closely knit pack meant that their wolves would be silently begging for her attention. Apart from the feelings a wolf felt for its mate, this was the next most addicting feeling and she had just become their drug."Everyone, this is my mate, Holly. Holly this is our pack" I introduced, the fact I used the term 'our' seemingly missing her attention as she continued to stay behind me where she clearly felt safest. I could feel her face buried into my bare back, the fact I was shirtless no longer bothering her as she pulled me closer. I didn't mind, but I disliked how uncomfortable she seemed. "Hello" I heard her whisper as a greeting, though she didn't move from behind me as the sound of her soft voice caused a number of my pack to smile reassuringly at her in return as they all replied with a hello or a hi."Good girl" I breathed for only her to hear, turned around slightly to wrap my arms around her as I pulled her in front of me. Thankfully she went without much resistance, but I could tell it was getting to her and suddenly I didn't feel so confident in my actions."Hi, I'm Paul’s mate Lily, it's nice to meet you" Lilly introduced herself to try and break the tension, Holly slowly turning to look at her with wide expression—filled eyes. It was silent for a few minutes until my mate spoke again, her tone not as shaky as it had been before when she had first greeted them."I'm Holly" she clued them in on her name, my arms squeezing her briefly around the waist as a sign that I was proud of her for making an effort."Well we are going to get on great, Holly" Lily grinned, her smile infectious but Holly didn't return it. She looked incredibly uncomfortable, looking as if she wanted to be anywhere but here."Ok" could this get more awkward? “So Holly, you're a great cook by the way " Paul stated, obviously trying to make her more comfortable much to my relief. It worked, though I did not expect the next thing that came out of her mouth and by everyone's reaction I doubted they did either."You ate my cake" she seemed to blurt out, it being silent for exactly four seconds before grins broke out on everyone's faces as the tension was successfully broken with her comment. She flushed adorably in embarrassment, quickly muttering a sorry as she buried her face in my chest again as my body vibrated with silent laughter. "To be fair it wasn't just me, and we thought Adrian made it" Paul stated, grinning proudly at the fact that he had been the one to get her talking more than a few words since she had joined them. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, but I let him soak in his personal achievement. Idiot."He helped" my angel muttered against my chest causing me to grin, giving my beta my own smug look as he rolled his eyes in my direction much to my amusement."Sure he did" he muttered sarcastically, getting a smack on the arm from Lily as she silently told her mate off for being cheeky."Bugger off, at least I didn't scoff it down without saving us a piece" I clipped back with a raised brow, not expecting a guilty look and not receiving one either. I playfully scowled, surprising each of my pack members since I was normally constantly angry or grumpy. To be honest though I found it impossible to put a damper on my mood, certainly not when I had my mate in my arms.


Chapter 36

 "Whatever, it just gives you the excuse to make more" he continued, the pack laughing as a comfortable banter settled over the pack as everyone started talking. I knew that they were keeping an eye on Holly though, not being able to help themselves as I tugged her gently towards a spare comfy chair and pulled her onto my lap, pleased when she eagerly did so.I didn't know how long we sat there with everyone but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I tried to. Holly had added her bit to the conversation, she wasn't chatty by any means but she seemed to be relaxing more in their presence when she realized that they were nothing like her old pack.Just thinking about how she had been brought up made my wolf both rage and whimper, both wanting to kill them for harming her in such a way as well as feeling terrible that I hadn't gone out looking for my mate when I clearly had the chance to. To be honest it had just never bothered me, I had been used to being alone since my parents died after all and having a mate just didn't seem like a possibility, until now. Now I had her I regretted not seeking her out sooner, wondering if I had done whether I would have saved her from any of the pain she had been forced to endure.My anger though increased when I thought back to when she had told me part of her past, the reason for why she was so timid and cautious all the time. The fact that not only was an alpha meant to protect their pack, but the fact that it was her brother made my blood boil. It was bad enough for a family member to just sit by and watch, but for him to actually be the reason why made me sick.The fact her parents were involved as well only helped to fuel the rage I was in, internally seething when I thought about how a parent could do that to their child. My parents had died when I was in my early teens, leaving me with no choice but to take over the position of being alpha, but even so they had loved me like a parent should a child.I quickly shook my head, rapidly trying to clear my thoughts and concentrate on the small girl in my arms as to try and calm my suddenly raging temper. The last thing I needed was to disturb my mate with my anger; I didn't want her regretting telling me a bit about her past since someday I wanted to hear every part of it. I may not like what I hear, but I wanted to hear it nonetheless.Relaxing back against the chair my gaze was drawn back to my mate when I felt her shift in my lap, hearing her groan slightly under her breath as she shifted into a more comfortable position against me making my mind haze over briefly with lust before I quickly shook it away. That was the last thing I needed on my mind right now."You ok?" I asked her gently, looking down only to see that she had curled herself around me and her eyes had drifted shut. Using my sensitive hearing I picked up on the fact that her breathing had evened out, her cheek pressed against my bare chest making me purr out loud at the contact she was allowing me.Knowing that while we had yet to eat, my mate needed to catch up on her sleep much like Lisa had stated so I carefully swept her into my arms, remembering how Lisa had also told me that the more rest she managed to get the quicker she would get back to a normal health.So with that I tried to be as careful as possible as I stood from the chair, hating how light she felt in my arms but loving the fact she was in them."You want me to bring you something to eat, Adrian?" Lily asked, probably knowing that I wouldn't be turning down the opportunity to lay with my mate for something as simple as food. I could go without a meal, I didn't feel right eating anyway when my mate wasn't and she clearly needed feeding the most."I'm fine" I grunted, "Thanks" I added as an afterthought, not wanting to seem rude or ungrateful."We like her mate, she's good for you" Ryan stated as he sat with his arm around his own mate, gesturing to my sleeping angel as she curled her form around me much to my delight and enjoyment.With a nod I didn't reply, not wishing to take the risk of waking up my drowsy mate as I turned and took to the stairs. I tried not to jolt her, relieved when she stayed in her sleep—filled state as I reached my bedroom door.Wincing at the noise it made as I opened it I looked down at my mate only to breathe a sigh of relief when her breathing remained slow and even, a smile appearing on my lips at how cute she looked. Because she was, she was more than a little cute and she was all mine.With a soft smile on my lips I quietly shut the door behind me, walking over to the bed as I laid her on the sheets. She refused to let me go through, whimpering when I tried to untangle her fingers with pure reluctance but I needed the toilet almost desperately."No…Adrian…" she mumbled, her grip on me tightening with her words. However much I didn't want to leave her when she was in this sleep filled state, I really needed to go."I'm not leaving you sweetheart, I'll be back in a few minutes" I soothed, feeling her tense before letting me go and rolling onto her side away from me. I could see her form sink slightly into my thin covers, not being able to have thick ones due to the amount of heat we wolves ran on.Quickly jogging to the bathroom I finished my needs as quickly as possible before entering the room again, drying my wet hands on my sleep pants only just then realizing that I hadn't changed out of them since this morning. I shrugged, seeing my mate still curled up on the sheets as I looked towards my bed.



Will be continued: hope you like it so far comment what you like so far
































Chapter 37

Knowing that it would still be too early for me to get some sleep I grabbed some paperwork from my desk and a pen, deciding that I could get some work done while I laid with my angel so I could look over her when she slept. I found I was most relaxed in her company, no longer finding doing paperwork on the pack's finances so stressful as I had found before she came into my life and improved it for the better. I knew it was down to the fact my wolf was relaxed, internally purring with his mate so close to my side. I smiled at the thought.Moving to sit on the bed I had to admit I was slightly disappointed when my mate stayed where she was, her face buried in my sheets as she curled up her body in an effort to stay warm. I quickly moved her to slip under the covers as soon as I saw her shaking slightly, breathing a sigh of relief when she instantly curled towards me though she didn't touch me in any way. I had to admit, I was slightly disappointed that she wasn't but I didn't move nor comment, not wanting to wake her.Flickering my eyes back to the matter at hand it didn't take me long to get it up to date, my eyes looking for the clock only to find that it had taken a lot longer than I had expected.Getting off the bed I quickly filed my now finished work in my desk draws before heading to the bathroom, instantly feeling my wolf come alive when I let my mate out of my sight. I couldn't help but frown, rushing with having a quick shower and changing my clothes only to walk back into the room and for my eyes to instantly seek out my still sleeping mate. I was more than a little pleased that she seemed to be catching up on her sleep; I wonder if she would mind having Lisa take a look at her to see how she's doing since the thought of something happening to her was too much to bear.Throwing the small hand towel I had been using to dry my hair on the floor, making a mental note to deal with it later I slipped into bed with my mate, not caring to admit that I had been craving the contact she allowed me as I did so.I couldn't help but draw her gently into my arms, the room now being dark as I had switched off my bedside lamp before I had slid into bed. The breath I had released was pure pleasure as she turned in my arms, her warm breath hitting my chest making a shiver run through me that I couldn't hold back. Not that I wanted to, I wasn't afraid of hiding how she affected me but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable since she still clearly wasn't ready for anything like that yet.As I shut my eyes, trying to drift off with her I couldn't help but think back to the shy and brief kiss that she had placed on my lips, the corners of my mouth pulling up into a grin that I couldn't prevent even if I tried to. I couldn't help it, it had felt so good, so right and perfect that I couldn't help but think about what it would feel like, what it would be like when she allowed me to touch her, to ravish her and treat her like she deserved. I couldn't wait.With that more than pleasant thought on my mind it didn't take me long to drift off into the world of sleep, my lips still pulling into a grin as I buried my face in her neck which only resulted in her pushing her form closer against me. I was far from complaining, the closer the better as far as I was concerned. Waking up I let out a shuddering breath when I felt something on my thigh and groaned, my body still as my form tensed causing my eyes to snap open when I felt myself becoming more and more excited. It didn't take me long before I figured out that it was my mate’s leg, sometimes in the night she had seemed to have wrapped herself around me much to my delight and pain. The pain being that while I wouldn't mind her helping me with my situation I didn't know how she would react if she suddenly woke up right now. Shit.Taking a deep breath I winced as I grabbed the sheet and moved it off us, swallowing harshly as I cautious lowered my hand to her knee with the intention to gently remove her leg from my very awkward problem. Fair to say it didn't work out as I had planned, not when as soon as my hand made contact with the silky skin of her knee she leaned into my touch while arching her back slightly, effectively pressing her chest against my side making me have to fight back a groan which wanted to escape.Shit.Trying not to tighten my grip on her leg I quickly released it as I held up my hands in mock surrender, knowing that there was no hope in hell of me getting back to sleep in this position as I gritted my teeth when I felt her thigh move up as she moved slightly, effectively creating a pleasurable and torturous friction that had my throat tightening.

chapter 38

 Luck seemed to be on my side though, the others all getting up as a number of alarm clocks all went off at once causing Holly to jump slightly. While I didn't like to see her startled, it made her jolt enough for her to turn on her opposite side leaving me instantly missing and craving the contact and comfort she brought. I didn't protest though, needing to think of disgusting and vile images in my head to tame down the problem that rested between my legs.Knowing that I couldn't get back to sleep I rolled on my side as I gazed at the back of my mates head, her breathing still soft and even as she seemed to still be in her dream world as she pulled the covers up her body further as she snuggled in my sheets. It made me curious to how she had lived before I had found her that night when she was running in the woods, making a mental note to try and bring it up since I feared that her living conditions were anything but good.Since she seemed to be unaware of my staring I took the time to take her in, her thick mess of unruly curls sprawled out on the pillow she lying on as I resisted the urge to run my fingers through it. To be honest I was worried that it would wake her up, the more rest she got the quicker she would get back to the state that she should be in for a female werewolf of her age. I liked a woman having curves after all, and I knew that once my mate had some meat on her bones she would be more than a little perfect in my eyes.She must have felt my eyes on her, burning a gaze into the back of her head since I heard and felt her stir. I watched her carefully as she turned over to look at me, her eyes half—lidded with sleep and she had never looked more adorable than she did right then.  "Morning, sweetheart" I greeted her, getting one of her rare bright smiles in return making it utterly worth it."Morning" she smiled, it being wider than she had before making me mirror it with my own matching grin that had her giggling adorably."So what do you want to do today, sweetheart?" I asked her curiously, wanting to know her thoughts on the matter since the more time I spent with her the better. I only got a shrug in return as she rose to sit on that cute bottom of hers, reaching her arms above her to stretch only to wince and grab her shoulder when both of us heard something crack."Ow" I heard her mumble she tried to roll her shoulder, only for it to make a grinding sound that didn't sound too good at all. My arm quickly snapped out to stop her from moving it, her eyes locking with mine as they seemed to water slightly. It broke my heart."Can I have a look, Holly?" I asked, knowing I was going to have a look whether she liked it or not. I only asked to be polite, but I was more than a little pleased when she agreed with a slight nod of her head causing her messy curls to bounce slightly. "Good girl" I praised, my wolf gloating with pride that she trusted us so much."What's wrong with it?" she asked in a mumble after I had gently let my fingers touch her shoulder, my wolf crying out in pain and my brows pulling together in a harsh frown when I took note that it seemed that the bone in her shoulder had cracked. It would heal in no time, but the fact she was that fragile make my protective instances flare as I looked into those bright amber eyes of hers."It'll be fine, how about we get you some food. Does it hurt still?" I asked her, helping her to her feet as I wrapped an arm around her waist encase she lost her balance. She didn't, but I didn't let go."Not much" she stated, it wasn't the answer I was after but I didn't comment as my gaze again found her shoulder as I kept an eye on her as I lead her downstairs and towards the kitchen.It wasn't long until I had her seated at the table while I put something together for us to eat, my gaze drifting to her now and again only to see her staring at my mobile phone with interest as it sat on the table. She looked as if she had never seen one before."You alright there, sweetheart?" I asked with an amused grin, her gaze snapping to mine as an all—too—familiar blush coated her cheeks in a manner that had me biting my inner cheek as to stop from groaning out loud at how utterly edible my mate looked. Because she did, she looked so bloody edible that it should be considered sinful."Uh yeah, sorry" was her flustered reply, my interest piquing as I walked towards her and leaned on my knees in front of her, instantly having her sole attention. I loved having that effect on my mate.


chapter 39

 "Why do you look so interested, surely you've had a phone before?" I couldn't help but ask, getting a gentle shrug out of her before she winced at the discomfort it must have put on her shoulder. I frowned, remembering to ask Lisa having a look at it if Holly would let her. That was something I wouldn't push Holly at; if she didn't want to be touched in that way by anyone then she wouldn't be as far as I was concerned."I was never allowed one" she replied as if it was nothing. I was internally kicking myself when I remembered how she had been brought up, they barely fed her of course they wouldn't have given her something like a phone."You want to look at it?" I asked, seeing her eyes brighten up. I shook my head at how easily my mate was amused, passing her the phone as she took it hesitantly from me as she held it as if she was afraid it would crumble in her hands. It was another thing I had noticed, how everything I had given her whether it was a shower, clothes or food as treated as if it was precious. I knew it was down to her upbringing and I knew it would most likely always be that way, it made me realize how much I and my pack mates took the simplest things for granted."Thank you" I heard her mumble as she stared at it in rapt fascination before hesitantly pressing away, testing both the touch screen and the buttons as she seemed to become completely absorbed into it."What did you have, Holly?" I asked her gently as I took a seat next to her on an empty chair, knowing that when she was distracted she tended to be a lot more generous and open with giving away things of her past. I was correct of course, my wolf purring at how I was beginning to be able to read my mate with more ease than I had beforehand."Huh?" she asked off—handily, clearly the distraction was working."You said you weren't allowed a phone, what else didn't you have?" I repeated, keeping my tone anything other than demanding. I didn't want her to feel pressured to answer me, but I was too curious to let it go completely when I had the opportunity to learn more about it."Not a lot" she answered vaguely, "then didn't have belongings so it wasn't like I was losing out on anything since I never had it to begin with" she continued, still staring at my phone as it made a few beeping noises that clued me in on the fact she was most likely on the game app that I had downloaded onto it. I shook my head, beyond amused."Didn't it bother you?" I asked with a frown, it only deepening when I saw how unaffected she seemed by my questions."Did what bother me?" she asked, glancing up briefly with confused eyes before looking back at my phone."Not having anything, being alone?" I continued, hating having to talk about this with her but knowing that it needed to be said. She was quiet for a few moments, terrifying me that I had gone too far until she spoke, her tone flat and lifeless."Yea, so many times I just wanted to end it, to escape my life. I actually came close a few times, holding a knife to my wrist with the intention of cutting through my flesh or sitting on the edge of a cliff and thinking about how easy it would be to just…jump" she stated, her pain—filled eyes connecting with mine making my wolf howl in pain and for my knuckles to turn white as I clenched them into fists."Sweetheart—" I started but she cut me off."But something was always stopping me from just escaping a world of pain, from seeking a way out of the fate I had been dealt with. My wolf, while she seemed to be dead inside she never pushed me towards death and now I know why. She was waiting for you, Adrian" she finished, her eyes still staring into mine as I instantly had her in my arms."I am so sorry sweetheart, I should have…if I had…." I stuttered, running my fingers through her hair as I attempted to soothe both myself and my mate."I like you Adrian, I owe you everything" she whispered as she pressed her cheek against mine. I had to fight back tears as I pulled away, keeping her in my arms but moving my head slightly so I could look my amazingly strong—willed mate in the eye."You owe me nothing sweetheart, absolutely nothing" I breathed before throwing caution to the wind and leaning towards her, tilting my head slightly as I brought my lips towards hers. I made sure to keep my movements slow, giving her the time to pull away if she wanted to but hoping against hope that she didn't. Because I knew that in that moment I had fallen for her to the point of no return, which I was finally catching up with my wolf's feelings. I loved her; I loved her so fucking much that I knew that I would never be letting her go.

chapter 40

Adrian's Pov

 When our lips pressed together in a soft and gentle kiss I couldn't help but feel my wolf become alive with pleasure and love, the sparks running through the both of us causing me to have to fight the urge to take her into my arms and kiss her much more passionately like I wanted to. I knew she wasn't ready for that though so I would let her go at her own pace, even if it was taking a lot of control on my part to achieve it. She was more than worth the extra effort, a million times over. So with that on my mind I let her lead the kiss, her actions nervous and timid as she gently applied more pressure as she tilted her head to the side slightly causing our noses to brush. I knew from how hesitant and apprehensive she was that she was completely new to this, the thought of how pure and innocent she was making me glow with pride and possessiveness. I would be the only one to touch her like this, to bring her this much pleasure and so much more.The kiss didn't last long before she pulled apart leaving me instantly craving more, my eyes slowly opening just in time to catch her staring at my lips while she chewed at her own. She looked more than a little flustered. I grinned, knowing that I was the reason why she was in such a state.It had been a simple kiss but it had meant so much more, it meant that not only did she accept me but it was obvious that my mate liked me in a manner that wasn't just friends. I knew she wasn't ready to love me yet, what with her past and all, but I knew that it was a start and that was what I was concentrating on."Hungry?" I grinned, not even bothering to hide how happy and delighted I was as her flush deepened. She nodded hesitantly; obviously trying to hide how much the kiss had affected her.Quickly finishing putting together a meal I placed the plate in front of her as I took to my previous seat next to her, pleased when she seemed less hesitant to start eating even if she continued to pick at it as if she was afraid I would suddenly take it away and deny her. I frowned at the thought, though quickly pushed it away when I saw her look in my direction."So how do you like the pack, sweetheart?" I asked her, wanting to hear her voice as she seemed a lot less nervous around me than she had when I had first started to speak to her. She was still edgy around the pack, but after knowing about her past it wasn't like I expected anything else from her or blamed her for acting how she did."Their nice" she confessed almost surprisingly, clearly not having expected them to be so different from her own pack."They like you" I couldn't help but tell her, seeing her look away shyly as she concentrated on her food as it sat only slightly touched in front of her. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked when it was silent for a few minutes; clearly she didn't know how to answer my statement about them liking her."I don't mind" was her reply causing me to pull my brows together as I thought about how we could spend the day. I had caught up with my paperwork so I didn't need to worry about that, we had the whole day to ourselves and I wanted to make the most of it."How about we go get you some clothes?" I asked, most girls liked shopping right?At my suggestion she seemed to get uncomfortable, instantly having me wondering whether it was anything I had said to have her mood change so quickly. Hearing her mumble something under her breath I couldn't help but ask her to repeat it, it being so quiet that not even I could pick up on it and I had the enhanced and sensitive hearing of an alpha male werewolf."I don't have any money" she muttered, clearly embarrassed making me sigh out in relief that it wasn't anything more serious."Well I do, however much I like you in my clothes don't you want any of your own?" I asked her, wanting her to know what money was no problem. Unlike most packs we didn't spend it stupidly, I didn't allow them to. We had cars, yes, but they weren't anything severely expensive like most packs had since I thought it was a complete waste of money. I also wanted her to know that money wasn't an option when it came to her; I was her mate and her provider so money was the last thing she should be worrying about."It's yours" she said softly, looking at me with those gorgeous amber eyes of hers as she was clearly talking about money again. I stifled the urge to roll my eyes, she needed to learn that it was my job and duty to look after her and that was never going to change."Actually technically it's the packs, and since your my mate it's yours as well" I stated as I grabbed our finished plates and dropped them in the sink, they could wait till later. Turning around I couldn't help by grin amused when I saw her expression, eyes wide with disbelief and mouth agape in a manner that made me instantly think back to our kiss. I couldn't wait until I could make love to her, she was my mate and I would spoil her rotten as she deserved.


chapter 41

 "Adrian…" she started in a soft tone but I cut her off, walking towards her only to help her out of her chair. I loved that she was comfortable enough around me that I didn't have to be as cautious all the time when touching and approaching her, I knew not to push my luck but it was a start."It's just how it is sweetheart, better get used to it" I winked as I tugged her upstairs and into Lily's room, I knew that she wouldn't mind Holly borrowing some clothes to just go shopping in. While I did like Holly wearing my clothes, surrounded by my scent I knew that she couldn't go shopping in them. She would be freezing, even if I was constantly by her side like I planned to be."What are we doing in here?" I heard Holly asked curiously as I looked through a set of draws, pulling out a loose pair of Lily's trousers, a set of underwear and a shirt. It was then I froze though, lustful images filling my mind when I realized that my mate was utterly bare under my clothes. Fuck, I really needed to change my train of thoughts before I scared her off I thought with a rough shake of my head."Getting you some clothes" I replied as I gently pressed them into her arms before steering her into my room and towards the bathroom."Are you sure she won't mind?" my selfless mate asked causing me to both sigh and smile at the same time, she was just too cute."Of course she won't sweetheart, you can have a shower if you like" I grinned as I gently guided her into the bathroom, reaching to turn the shower on since her eyes seemed to light up with the prospect of cleaning up.  "Thank you" she said softly, leaning upon her tiptoes before pressing her lips to my cheek. I couldn't help but grin, giving her a wink that had her blushing before leaving her to get ready.I quickly took the time to get dressed, slipping on a simple pair of black jeans, a shirt and a leather jacket before searching for my wallet. Thankfully my memory kicked in leading me to head towards the kitchen, remembering that I had left it on the counter last night for some reason or another.Hearing the water cut off I quickly dashed back upstairs, heading into my room only for my breath to catch in my throat when she walked out once she had finished. She had brushed her hair and had it over her right shoulder, Lily's clothes seeming massive on her while Lily was considered an average size and she was far from a large girl. I fought the urge to frown though, but her freshly washed face and small smile made it a whole lot less difficult as I walked to take her into my arms, loving that I could."Feel better?" I couldn't help but ask, seeing her nod before I grabbed her some shoes and tugged her outside towards my car.Quickly locking up the back house it wasn't long until we were on our way to a shop of some kind, it suddenly occurring to me that I didn't have a clue on what I was doing. I was internally hoping that Holly would know what she liked and wanted, though I knew deep down that it was going to be a lot more difficult than I expected it to be.I was correct of course, Holly looking utterly lost as soon as we walked into the first clothes store we approached. It was then I had wished I had Lilly or another female of the pack with me, perhaps Ryan's mate since that girl was one hell of a shopper. Clearly sensing how lost we were approached by a female assistant, her tone almost eager to help out and for once I was grateful for how nosy they were."Welcome, how may I help you today?" she smiled softly as a greeting, not knowing how much panic she had just saved the both of us. I quickly explained our situation and soon she disappeared to grab a number of items, beaming when I had told her that money was no object when Holly seemed to be in one of her moods where she was in her own little world.It wasn't long until she appeared back with an arm full of clothes, my eyes widening when I saw she had two other young girls with her as well as Holly's eyes widened and her grip on my hand tightened to an almost painful level at the sight of them all approaching at once."You'll be fine" I whispered to her as she went into the changing room, it was not taking long until she came out and I felt the air leave my lungs in one go at the sight in front of me. She was wearing a deep yellow summer dress that had white lace trimming, it suited her soft and innocent features perfectly and I instantly looked towards the sales assistant."Definitely" I nodded as soon as I managed to find my breath, the woman smiling gleefully and I had an idea it was due to the fact she would be getting a large paycheck considering she was on commission. The more clothes she sold the higher her bonus was, so it was clear she was more than a little happy that she had approached us in the store now. We were there about an hour or two before it was clear that my mate had had enough, her face a picture of discomfort."You want to go?" I asked her, getting an instant nod in return as she hurriedly changed back into the clothes she had come in before quickly making her way to my side. I couldn't help but wrap an arm around her, wanting her close.


chapter 42

 “Do you want something to eat?” I asked her as I paid for her things, most of them consisting of dressing since her small and thin frame meant jeans were impossible. I didn’t mind, actually preferring her in soft and flowing fabrics since she seems happiest when trying them on. “I’m fine” was her reply causing me to frown before I directed her to a food court, getting her to save us a table before heading over to the counter and getting us some food.  She may have said she wasn’t hungry but I want her to eat something at least, ordering  an extra— large fries with the hopes that she with tuck into them as well.

We were back at the packhouse not long after, Holly’s light breathing  filling the car since she had dozed off as soon as I had pulled the car into gear. I couldn’t help but keep sneaking  glances at her, hoping that  someday she would realize just how much she meant to me.

“Mm   Adrian?” she mumbled sleepily as I helped her out, the rest of the pack’ s cars In the driveway meaning that they were all home since they have obviously  finish school. I  hadn’t realize how late it had gotten, no wonder  there Holly could barely keep her eyes open. “Yes, sweetheart?“ I asked her as I gently held onto her hip to make sure she had Her balance. When I was sure her legs weren’t going to collapse under her I cautiously let her go to grab the bags, locking  up when I had them firmly in my hands. “You don’t need to do this” she said softly as she gestured to her new clothes, and nervous and embarrassed expression on her features as she did so.  I could tell of the pack was listening , they weren’t exactly being subtle considering they all had their faces pressed against the window in a way that would have been amusing  if it wasn’t for the fact they were being incredibly nosy. “I know, but I wanted toI replied as I headed  towards the house, hearing her as she plodded along behind me. "Why?" she asked causing me to look around to stare at my beauty as she tip—toed through the thick snow. I was suddenly glad that she had boots on, they may not have suited her outfit but as long as they served their purpose to keep her warm then they would be fine."Look sweetheart, you're mine and it's my job to look after you ok?" I said softly, stopping to cup her cool cheek in my hand before rushing her inside to get her warm. God, never would I have pegged myself for being so protective or possessive but it was like my wolf couldn't bear for even a paper cut to grace her soft skin."But—""No but's, it's always going to be that way sweetheart so you had better get used to it" I grinned at her causing her to smile after a few seconds. Entering the packhouse we were instantly greeted with the pack, bright smiles on each of their faces except for Jake who was looking incredibly nervous for some reason."You alright, Jake?" I asked as I put the shopping bags by the stairs, Holly still by my side as her hand reached for mine. I smiled, lacing our fingers together as I looked towards my normally tough packmate. I had never seen him so nervous before, his mood instantly having my attention as well as the fact that he seemed to be looking towards my oblivious mate with an even more hopeful expression."Urm—" he started nervously before Lily cut him off with a roll of her eyes."Just ask her Jake, I mean it's not exactly difficult" she sighed out causing Jake to glare but not comment, quickly diverting his gaze as he looked anywhere but at us. I couldn't help but feel curious."Who are you talking about?" I asked with a raised brow as I leaned against the wall, Holly simply staring off into space like she usually did. I couldn't help but shake my head amused, pressing a long kiss to her cheek causing a smile to tug at her lips as she squeezed my hand with hers."Jake wants to know if Holly could do him a favour" Lilly continued, and though Jake glared it was clear he was relieved that he wasn't the one who had to explain it."What kind of favour?" I asked, Holly perking up when she heard her name mentioned as she gazed at Jake with a curious expression, her head tilted to the side slightly as if she could see through to his soul. I had to admit, it was slightly off—putting."Urm…" he stuttered again, flushing slightly much to my amusement. At this Lily sighed before filling me in on the situation, it stunning me but I couldn't have been happier for him."Jake found his mate today, a human girl, she's sweet. Anyway wanting to be close to her he offered to help out with a bake sale she's organising, only he can't cook" Lily stated causing the packmates who didn't know to whoop at another packmate being mated. It didn't matter that it was with a human, most packs would have minded but we were more of a family so it wasn't like we judged. If Jake was happy with it, like we could clearly see he was, then there wasn't a problem in the slightest.




Chapter 43


"Well, that was clever" Ryan stated with a snigger, getting a slap on the arm from his mate who clearly found the whole thing romantic."So you want Holly to what, cook?" I asked curiously, seeing him nod. I was about to speak when Holly's soft voice filtered into the air."I would love to" she smiled at him, instantly putting a relieved and thankful smile on Jake’s lips as he grinned broadly at her."Thanks, Holly" he beamed causing her to giggle, the sound making me purr as I shot her a wink when she looked my way."When?" she asked only for Jake to suddenly look uneasy with her question."Urm…tomorrow?" he confessed, his answer making it sound more like a question."Ok, I'll start now if you like" my angel smiled, clearly not minding at how short notice it was. With a quick grin he headed quickly towards the kitchen, Holly looking towards me with a slightly hesitant look before I gave her an encouraging nod and she slowly followed after him."She's getting better" Paul muttered as he headed towards me, obviously referring to the fact that my timid mate was already seemingly getting on with the pack better. With that I nodded, giving him a quick grin before heading upstairs to make room to put my mate's new clothes.It was about an hour later that I headed into the kitchen, while my wolf wanted nothing more than to constantly be by her side I had to admit I was curious to how well she would get on when she wasn't in my presence. I was presently surprised that as long as she wasn't crowded with the pack she seemed to be at more ease, my hearing picking up on her talking softly with Jake as she glided around the kitchen as if she was made for it."Thanks for doing this, Holly" Jake thanked her, the gratitude in his voice enough to make me shake my head amused."Its fine, I'm happy to help out" ah, there was my mate. It was strange how just hearing her voice made me want to appear by her side, already missing her even though it had been only an hour at the most. "So what's she like?"****"Her name is Annie, she's a year younger than me so she's about your age. She's really sweet, she—" he started to ramble off excitedly causing my mate to giggle. Taking that as my cue to enter I walked into the kitchen, my eyes widening when I took note of how much my mate had managed to cook."Bloody hell" I couldn't help but swear under my breath as I took note of the delicious aroma in the kitchen, the table actually covered in different types of desert treats which meant my mate must be one hell of a good cook when it came to cooking more than one thing at the same time."Hey"I grinned at the sound of my mates' voice, quickly walking over towards her as I wrapped my arms around my flour—covered mate and pressed my lips against her cheek."It looks like you've been busy" I grinned, looking over her shoulder to see her adding a number of strawberries around the edge of a cake which smelt of cinnamon. Damn, my mate could really cook when she put her mind to it, not to mention it looked incredibly professional."I got carried away I guess" she mumbled embarrassed as she added the final touches to the cake, adding three strawberries in the centre before adding this strange chocolate homemade swirl in the middle. I had to admit, I was having trouble not devouring it myself."They look great" I commented as looked towards Jake who was nodding eagerly, obviously pleased that he would be able to impress my mate."You really are a life savour, Holly" Jake admitted, his tone thick with gratefulness."I don't mind, it's been a while since I could do my own thing" she smiled making me instantly curious, there was still so much I didn't know of my mate."What do you mean?" I asked, helping her move the cake onto the table when she seemed to struggle and getting a kiss on the cheek making it worth the effort."Normally I was just ordered to make something" she shrugged, my hands going to the edge of the table to calm my anger while Jake looked horrified. I forgot he like the pack weren't filled in with what sort of life Holly had come from, but I wasn't going to tell them until she was ready. So with that on my mind I subtly shook my head at him, silently warning him not to comment.Taking a seat at the table I found I couldn't tear my eyes away from my mate as she seemed to continue pulling things out of the oven every time a timer went off, it was impressive to say the least since everything seemed to be different but smell just as good. Literally, my mouth was drooling when she got to the double chocolate cupcakes which seemed to draw most of the pack into the kitchen only for them to freeze when they saw the delectable sight in front of them."Holy cow"Believe it or not but it was Paul who made the comment, it wasn't exactly a secret that the boy was an utter pig and that was putting it lightly.


Chapter 44


I mean due to us being wolves we did have to eat a lot to keep up with our shifting and extremely high metabolism, but Paul took it to a whole other level and it was almost fascinating that the guy wasn't fat or even large except for the muscles that came with the package of being a werewolf."Oh god, cinnamon cake" Kelly moaned, Kelly being Ryan's mate. Really you would have expected Paul and Kelly to be put together by the spirits when it came to food, they were both animals when it came to tasty treats."Hey, don't even think about it!" Jake threatened through narrowed eyes, clearly sensing their motives. I rolled my eyes, though couldn't help but pull my mate in for a firm kiss on the lips when she nervously pushed a plate towards me. She squealed in surprise at the action; though the smile tugging at her lips as I pulled her into my lap made me grin out relieved that I hadn't taken it too far."Adrian gets something!""Well he is her mate, what do you expect!" Jake snapped, it being more than a little amusing that he was actually seemingly guarding the table since he wanted to make a good first impression when it came to his mate. I couldn't blame the poor lad, with her being a human it was going to make it harder on him when it came to explaining the whole pack aspect of our lives."Jesus, touchy much Jake"I rolled my eyes at Paul's disgruntled comment, though groaned as I took a bite of the cupcake Holly had pushed in front of me. Fuck…it tasted as good as it looked."Perfect" I whispered against her, licking my lips playfully causing her to actually beam widely. I couldn't help but be taken aback by her bright smile, it making my wolf purr and a bolt of pleasurable warmth to shoot through me at the fact that I was the one who put it there. I couldn't help but pull her firmly against me, letting my nose nuzzle against her neck as I breathed in her heavenly scent."I didn't go overboard did I?" she asked worriedly, this time Paul being the one to answer which wasn't exactly a surprise. What he said wasn't exactly unexpected either, it suiting his behaviour to a T."Of course not, you're not taking all this are you, Jake?" he questioned, clearly hopeful that there would be some left over. By the looks on the pack’s faces it was clear that they were hoping for it as well, I mean it was hard not to want to try her cooking when it looked as edible as it did."I don't know, I don't want to seem desperate" Jake admitted causing everyone to laugh, even my mate couldn't help but giggle slightly."I think it's a bit too late for that, Jake" I smirked causing him to glare before looking at Holly with a hopeless look, as if she had all the answers."Holly?" he asked hopefully."Just be yourself Jake, I like you" she smiled softly, though she seemed uncomfortable under the attention. Her response instantly had him grinning though, Jake smiling broadly enough that I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his reaction."I can't wait" he muttered to himself almost dreamily, Holly smiling before turning to face me with a look full of adoration. I couldn't help but squeeze her tighter against me, running my nose up the side of her neck as I continued to breathe in her scent as if it was my own personal heroine. She just smelt so bloody good…It was about a half hour later until everyone headed upstairs, what with having to get up early for school and all. I couldn't help but be relieved that I had graduated early; since I had to take over the position at such a young age for that of an alpha I was more than a little relieved that I had passed my exams even after taking them earlier than everyone else. I had worked my arse off though, I had thought if I was going to be Alpha and make my dad proud then I might as well step up to what it would entail.Currently I was searching the kitchen for some plastic containers to put the cakes in that Jake was going to take tomorrow, the little bugger having already turned in for the night leaving us to sort it out. It was hard to be annoyed though, especially when my little mate seemed to be having such a good time."Found them" I stated as I waved them in the air as I knelt on the floor, feeling her take them out of my hand as her fingers brushed against mine. I couldn't help but smile at the sparks, it was more than a little addicting."Thank you" I heard her say before the sound of her bare feet plodding on the kitchen floor could be heard with my sensitive hearing.It didn't take us long to have what we could fit in the containers packed up and in the fridge ready for Jake to take tomorrow, the gift had better be bloody grateful was all I could think."Ready for bed?"I asked her as she put the last plate of cookies in the fridge, her sleepy nod telling me everything I needed to know as I swept her into my arms before she knew what was happening.



Chapter 45


"Hey" she protested weakly, but the fact she snuggled against me told me all I needed to know.I couldn't help but smile at the realization that she was becoming more and more relaxed around both me and the pack. I loved it.Heading up the stairs with my mate in my arms it didn't take me long to have her back in my room, reluctantly setting her gently on her feet as I kept my arms around her waist to keep her balanced. When I was sure she wasn't going to topple over I quickly showed her where I had put all of her things, watching with a smile as she hesitantly grabbed a pair of pajamasI had picked out for her before dashing into the bathroom.Taking the time to slip off my clothes and grab some silk pajama bottoms of my own it didn't take me long to get changed for bed. Normally I slept naked or in boxers but I thought that would be pushing it a bit too far, the last thing I wanted was to backtrack and make her uncomfortable with sleeping in the same bed as me since now I knew what it felt like there was no way I wanted to go back to spending a night without her by my side.I was broken out of my thoughts when my mates' voice caught my attention. Turning around I instantly felt desire run through me as I caught sight of my mate, the fact she looked a lot healthier than when she first came here making my wolf purr in relief and delight.She had on a simple pair of white pajamas which consisted of a pair of shorts and a vest top, the fact it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra underneath instantly coming to my attention and I didn't know whether I was relieved or disappointed that it wasn't chilly in the room. The soft white fabric had light pink lace around the edges of the top and shorts making her look utterly adorable. I was so bloody lucky she was mine it was unbelievable."You look nice" I smiled, reassuring her when she seemed to shift uneasily under my stare. I couldn't help it, the fact it revealed so much of her creamy skin meant I was more than a little distracted with the amount of desire I was feeling right now. I really needed a cold shower I thought, desperately."Thank you" she smiled brightly at me now she had been reassured she looked ok. I couldn't help but shake my head, my mate said thank you far too much I thought. I knew it was most likely down to the fact she acted so grateful with everything around her, I knew why but I couldn't help but hate that she had to feel grateful because her previous pack had not only not looked after her but had treated her like a servant, like an animal that needed to be trained. It was disgusting."Come on, sweetheart" I smiled as I pulled back the sheets of the bed, Holly quickly plodding around to the other side as we soon found ourselves under the sheets. I loved that she was willing to sleep in the same bed as mine, the fact she allowed me to hold her in my arms even better as my wolf openly purred in delight and comfort. I had no idea how I had lived before I had found her, but I knew that I never wanted to know what it would be like to be without her ever again. Not if I could help it anyway.I woke up to an empty bed which was completely and utterly unacceptable, the fact she was missing making my wolf go on high alert. Shit.Instantly I was on my feet, all previous sleep was forgotten about as I instantly felt my wolf reach out to try and locate her. I may not have mated with her yet but that didn't mean I couldn't find her if I wanted to, it came in handy I thought as I only relaxed when I realized that she hadn't gone far. Quickly dashing downstairs I followed my instincts only to find her outside, my eyes widening when I took note that she was shaking slightly since she was still in her pajamas and the snow was still thick outside."Holly?" I called out, what the hell was she doing? It may not have seemed cold to me but it was surely having an effect on her, her form shaking slightly as I quickly jogged over towards her, my feet melting the snow slightly as I went."Huh, Adrian?" she asked when she caught sight of me, my arms quickly encircling her as I tugged her back inside. I could tell by her expression that she was confused with my actions, but thankfully she went willingly."What are you doing?" I asked her as I got her inside, quickly shutting the door before running my hands up and down her cool arms to try and get some heat into her system."I wanted some fresh air—" she started but I cut her off, gently pushing her into the kitchen to get something warm into her.


Chapter 46


I may have been overreacting but it was early in the morning, my mate was freezing and the fact I couldn't help but remember the last time I had found her in the snow only made my protective instincts flare."You could have frozen to death!" I snapped at her as I sat her on a chair, instantly regretting my tone when her eyes seemed to get a faraway look in them before her form stiffened almost immediately. Shit, great going idiot I thought to myself as I looked into her misty eyes. Oh god…"I'm sorry…I…urm…" she stuttered out and I instantly felt like a jerk. Cupping her cheek soothingly I internally slapped myself, my mate was timid enough as it was without me making it worse."No you don't need to be sorry sweetheart, I'm sorry it's just…" I started, not releasing how difficult it was for me to let her out of my sight until now. Shit, I was so whipped it was unbelievable. "I'm being overprotective aren't I?" I smiled at her, hoping to lighten the mood. Thankfully it worked; her form relaxing as she looked at me with those big amber eyes of hers making my heart skip a beat."I'm sorry, I'll wake you next time" she smiled sheepishly. I knew I sounded like a controlling bastard but I couldn't find it in me to care, my mate needed protecting and my wolf wasn't helping matters either."I sound like a jerk don't I?" I couldn't help but ask, trying to keep my tone light but it would be obvious to anybody that I was terrified that she would leave me because of it. I wouldn't let her, but I wouldn't like forcing her to stay either."You sound like you care," she told me before hesitantly climbing onto my lap, my hands rising in silent surrender as I watched what she was about to do. It turned out that as she straddled me, her arms wrapping themselves gently around my neck I couldn't help but freeze to the spot as I watched her actions with wide eyes. I could tell her movements were hesitant, her soft and nervous eyes locking with mine as I finally snapped out of it long enough to rest my hands on her bare thighs."I do" I instantly agreed even though she hadn't asked a question, a smile forming on her lips as she shifted forward slightly to press her chest against mine. Unfortunately it didn't help with tampering down my sudden lust, the fact that the chill that she had been in the air when she had been outside causing those pink buds of hers to stiffen meaning that I couldn't help but feel them on my bare chest through the thin fabric of her vest top. Hell…"I know" she breathed before gently pressing her lips against mine, both of our eyes closing as I felt her sweet mouth touch mine hesitantly before she became bolder with her decision when I instantly responded eagerly. I couldn't help but purr deeply within my chest, my arms wrapping around her waist as I pulled her further against me. I felt a purr vibrate in my chest when I felt her relax completely against me. Wanting to know if I could take it any further I cautiously ran my tongue along her bottom lip, feeling her shudder against me slightly as she tilted her head to the side slightly before hesitantly opening her mouth.I made sure to keep my movements slow as not to rush her, knowing that as well as the fact she was utterly new to this I didn't want to get carried away and end up regretting it when she got too uncomfortable.Letting my tongue pass through her lips I gently encouraged her to caress it against mine, my hand rising from where I had it on her waist up cup the back of her neck gently as I couldn't help but groan at her taste. The shivers of pleasure rocketed through my form making it the most pleasurable thing I had experienced, I had been with a few girls and yet just simply kissing my mate brought me more pleasure than I would have ever imagined. Knowing that we both needed to breathe I reluctantly pulled away breathing heavily as I did so, though I couldn't help myself as I continued to plant soft and quick kisses her lips while she caught her breath."Mm," she moaned softly, her eyes slightly lidded making me have to fight back a groan. I couldn't resist not pressing my lips against hers, claiming them once again as this time I let her own tongue explore my mouth. It was clear she was inexperienced, but rather than annoy me it only served to further please and turn on my wolf due to the fact that I would be the first and last to touch my mate in this manner. It made my wolf purr in delight at the thought, well that was before her tongue ran along the roof of my mouth and all thought left my mind for the next few minutes until the need to breathe caught up with us again.

Chapter 47


Adrian's Pov

it was a few days later when Holly seemed to get less timid and more confident in her actions, she wasn't completely comfortable by any means but she was steadily getting them and for that reason I was as proud as hell of her.Currently I was lying in bed with my mates' head on my chest, my fingers lazily running through her curls as we had the TV on low in the background. It was the weekend so the pack was still half asleep other than the few that were patrolling. Normally when I wasn't doing paperwork I tended to go with them to try and relax, but Holly was my main priority and I would always choose her first over everything else."What do you want to do today, sweetheart?" I asked her casually as she drew invisible patterns on my chest with her fingertips, her legs entwined with mine as we were practically pressed firmly against each other. I loved it, I craved her touch and it made my wolf purr in delight at having her so relaxed around us."Can we go for a walk?" she asked curiously as she rested her chin on my chest, her bright eyes finding mine and I couldn't help but caress her soft skin when I took in how she didn't seem to look as if she was starved anymore. She had gotten some color back into her skin and while she still needed some more meat on her bones she wasn't as fragile as she was before and for that I was more than a little thankful."If you like" I smiled, watching as she rose to press her lips against mine which was luckily becoming more and more frequently as the days passed on. I loved that she felt comfortable enough around me to show me her affection; I was more than happy to return it after all.The soft kiss soon turned more heated though much to my surprise and enjoyment, her own tongue eagerly running along the seam of my lips making me instantly open up to let my tongue caress hers in a dance older than time.Hearing her moan softly I couldn't help but move my hands up to cup her cheeks, pulling her closer against me as I moved her to straddle my waist. I held my breath when I felt her freeze for a brief second before relaxing back into the kiss, her fingers running through my hair before she gently tugged at it drawing a lustful groan from my lips.We hadn't gone anywhere past kissing and I wasn't going to push her, but as I felt her hands hesitantly run along my chest and lower abs I couldn't help but take the opportunity to let my fingers lightly graze her waist and sides."Adrian" she whimpered out causing my wolf to howl in pleasure, my hands softly moving to her lower back as I brushed them along the exposed skin there. I felt a shudder run through her, a smirk appearing on my lips as we broke apart from the kiss to breathe. My lips moved to her neck, not wanting the contact to end as I let my fingers run up and down her spine as she moaned softly. Fuck…she wasn't making this easy."Mm" she moaned quietly, so softly that I barely heard it. I did though and it went instantly to my groin, my hips bucking up before I could help myself as I couldn't help but freeze as I silently wondered if I had gone too far. Shit. I held my breath for exactly five seconds before I felt her fingers resume their movements on my chest, a gentle blush on her features as I was then hit with something that made my whole body shiver in pleasure. It was the most edible and addicting thing I had ever had the pleasure of smelling, but as soon as I determined it as my mates' arousal I couldn't help the purely lustful growl that rose from my throat as my arms tightened around her waist significantly. I couldn't help it, the fact that this was the first time I had smelt her liquid lust for me making me have to fight for control of my wolf when all that was running through his head was to claim her right there and then as quickly as possible.It was due to the fact that if we were in the wild and were true wolves then my mate would still be considered to be up for grabs due to the fact I haven't technically marked her as mine, yet. The only reason I could hold myself back right now was not only I knew my mate wasn't ready for that but the fact that none of my pack mates were foolish or suicidal enough to dare make a move on my mate. If they did they would be painfully and severely punished, if I was feeling lenient that was since I could decide to do a hell of a lot worse.Letting my arms tighten around her I was careful to monitor her emotions as I stared at her hungrily, not wanting to overstep what she was comfortable with and risk losing the contact and affection that she had allowed me. I knew that she had already come a long way since joining the pack; I didn't want to lose that thanks to a stupid move on my part."Holly?" I growled out. I meant for it to sound soft but with the amount of lust I was feeling for my tiny little mate and the fact I could still detect the faint hints of her arousal it was clear my wolf had other things on his mind."Urm…" my mate replied clearly embarrassed."Why are you embarrassed, sweetheart?" I asked her with a frown, letting my grip loosen slightly as I cupped her burning cheek with my hand.




Chapter 48


"No reason" she mumbled, clearly not wanting to let me in on her sudden mood change. I didn't push her, rather propping myself up on my elbow as I brought my lips softly against hers again, wanting the contact and pleasure she brought me. Call me selfish and I would agree wholeheartedly with you in that exact moment as I claimed her lips with mine.Thankfully it seemed to be the right thing to do, her response eager and I couldn't help but grin against her lips as my other hand wound itself into her hair as my fingers playing with her long curls. Never had a felt so whole, so at peace with everything and I loved it.Feeling her start to respond more heatedly again, both of us back in the previous lustful mood I gently rolled us over so I was on top of her, her body flushed with mine. I made sure that my weight didn't crush her, not wanting to bring her any pain while looking into her bright amber eyes to make sure she didn't feel cornered with me on top of her. She didn't."You're so beautiful" I found myself breathing as I trailed my fingers over her cheek, her already deeply flushed face becoming a more vibrant shade of red making me smile at how easy it was to get a reaction out of her."I'm not" I heard her mutter under her breath making me frown."Look at me. Holly, look at me" I told her, grabbing her chin slightly to make her look at me. I didn't like what I saw when looking at her, her eyes misting over as the previous mood was shattered as she looked so vulnerable under me it actually broke my heart."Sweetheart, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I am so glad that you're my mate, that you've been destined to me to love and protect" I said so honestly and sincerely that I mentally pleaded that she would believe me. After having a life of her being told she was useless and worthless I knew it would be hard for her to accept, but I spoke the complete and utter truth and always would.I watched as her eyes seemed to go even glossier before her tears dripped down the cheeks, it would have been painful for me to watch if it wasn't for the smile on her lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my shoulder. I instantly had her wrapped in my arms, pulling us into a sitting position as she wrapped her legs around my waist and pressed her face against my bare chest.We didn't say anything for the next few minutes, simply enjoying each other's company until the sound of everyone getting up for the day could be heard causing Holly to stir. It wasn't until then that I realized she must have fallen asleep again, her hands forming into fists as she wiped the sleep from her eyes in the most adorable manner."How about we go for that walk?" I asked her, seeing her eyes lighten up as she nodded eagerly before practically running to grab some clothes and heading into the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness, though I could hardly talk since I was already up and getting ready by the time the door had shut with a click.Holly only seemed to take about ten minutes before appearing out the door, a red wool dress on and a pair of thick tights. I didn't like her wearing clothes with such little protection from the cold wind but practically everything else fell off her skinny frame so it was the best I could do to wrap her up warm while making sure she was still comfortable. She didn't seem to mind, a bright smile on her face making my heart skip a beat."Here" I smiled as I passed her a pea—green coat that I brought her, knowing it would help to keep her warm even though I wouldn't be letting her out of my sights. It would also make her easier to see, just in case."Thank you" she smiled as she slipped it on. Stepping forward I helped her do it up, just wanting the excuse to touch her as I ran my hands over her now slight curves making my wolf purr."Come on" I told her as I tugged her downstairs and into the living room where a few of the pack sat watching some humorous show on the screen. Turning to face her I cupped her cheeks slightly before speaking, "I'll be back in a few minutes ok sweetheart, I just need to get something" I told her.Getting a nod in return I pressed my lips against hers briefly before quickly heading out the room and into the kitchen where Paul sat with Lily. Good, just who I needed to see."Morning—" he started to greet but I cut him off, already wanting to get back to Holly as quickly as possible."I need you to get me the packs updated finances, the previous numbers don't add," I told him, keeping an ear out so I could keep an eye on Holly who was in the other room. It seemed Jake was filling her in on his meeting with Annie, his tone full of excitement and gratefulness when he told her about how well her cakes had worked as an icebreaker and that he has a date with her next week."Are you sure, I gave them to you straight from the mail?" Paul asked with a frown, my own adding to the mix as I continued to stare at him."I'm taking Holly out, have them here when I get back" I stated, gaining a nod in return before I turned on my heel and headed into the living room to find my mate.




sorry for the wait if anyone is reading my book  I do work and also I'm busy please just be patient and enjoy my others books and more books are coming if I'm not working on this book I'm working on a new one. 



Chapter 49

 Walking into the living room I instantly caught sight of my mate as she sat by herself on the sofa, her hands delicately in her lap as she listened to Jake with amusement and interest. While I didn't want to interrupt them when she looked so at peace I knew that if she wanted to go for a walk then now would be the best time, the snow was light which was a change considering we were in the winter season and it was normally a lot heavier."Ready to go, sweetheart?" I asked her with a smile, seeing her eagerly nod as she quickly walked towards me only to find herself with a hat on her head. It was Lily's but she wouldn't mind, hell she had practically thrust it in my direction when I made a move to leave the kitchen and I was thankful that she had thought of it."Yep," she replied with a bright smile, my arms wrapping themselves around her waist as we headed outside.The snow was a lot thicker than I first thought it would be, our boots practically sinking into it as Holly held my hand tightly as not to slip over. Why she wanted to go for a walk when it was so cold was beyond me, but I wasn't about to refuse a request of hers when it meant being in her company when she had a smile on her face."When's your birthday?" I asked suddenly as we walked towards the woods, it would be safe since I had wolves patrolling like usual so I didn't need to worry so much about anything jumping out on us."Huh?" she replied confused, but then again my question was slightly random but it was only just then that while I knew some of her past I didn't know the basic things about her, such as her birthday.  "I want to know when your birthday is" I smirked down at her, watching as her eyes seemed to be trained onto the floor as she struggled to walk in the snow. I was tempted just to scoop her up into my arms and carry her, but I knew that she would enjoy it more if she stretched her legs so I let her be."I don't know, I was never told so…" she trailed off with a shrug, my brows pulling together into a frown as my grip on her tightened when she lost her footing in the snow. I couldn't help the urge I felt to sweep her into my arms and take her back inside, but her toothy grin soon had me relaxing enough to let her enjoy herself."Are you serious?" I couldn't help but ask her, feeling sickened that she didn't even know when she was born."They didn't think I was worthy of having a birthday so I never got one" she stated with a shrug, not seemingly caring that she had been treated in such a way. How dare they think that my mate wasn't worthy!"Doesn't that bother you?" I asked her with a frown, wrapping an arm around her waist to lift her up slightly when we went through a particularly thick piece of snow."Not really, I mean I can't miss what I've never had" was her reply causing me to growl softly, my arms wrapping around her tightly as I leaned my chin on her hat—clad head."You know you're worth it though right?" I asked her, wanting her to know how special she was to me. Luckily she nodded with a smile in return, her face flushed with the cold and I soon found myself pulling off my scarf to wrap it around her neck to give her some more warmth since it wasn't like I needed it myself."Thank you, I didn't realize how cold it was" she smiled as I tucked the end of the scarf in her coat before doing it back up, giving her a wink before looking at her with concern.  "You want to go back inside?" I asked, not being able to help myself as I did so."Can we go a little further first?" she asked hopefully causing me to nod. Like I could say no to her when she seemed to be getting so much joy out of it.For another hour we walked around the woods hand in hand, her form pressed closely against mine to absorb some of my body heat as I asked her question after question much to my amusement. I couldn't help it, I wanted to know everything about her. In turn she asked me some as well, hugging me when I told her about my parents and kissing away the hurt that had risen inside of me while I was telling her my story. She was amazing.Heading back I told her that everyone should have a birthday, a day to celebrate and that she wasn't any different. In the end we decided that her special day should be the day that I found her; she happily agreed."So, did you sleep well sweetheart?" I asked her, wanting to keep the conversation flowing as we made our way back towards the packhouse when I took note that we had been out for hours. I knew that the later we were out the heavier the snow got and I didn't want Holly to be caught in the dreadful weather. She may have been getting some more meat on her bones but I wasn't going to push her body to the limit when I knew it wouldn't be able to cope with the strain of it."Yep, I like your bed" she smiled as she continued to take in her surroundings with bright eyes. I couldn't help but tease her after her confession; I was still a bloke after all."I'm hurt, you like my bed more than me?" I teased causing her to flush, her eyes getting a slightly glazed—over look making me grin at the fact that she was most likely remembering this morning. I couldn't help but feel my own arousal stirring as my own thoughts were drawn to the exact same thing; her lips were so soft…. 

Chapter 50

Hearing my mate giggle snapped me out of my lustful thoughts, my brows pulling together into a frown when I took note that her hand was no longer in mine as she seemed to have trailed away from me slightly much to my displeasure."What's so funny?" I asked with a smile, swallowing my dislike for her wandering off as my tone took on a teasing quality to it as I hurriedly walked over towards her."Just this guy I like" she smiled causing me to grin widely as I wrapped my arms around her waist."Really now, and should I be tracking down this guy to tell him to scare him away from my girl?" I teased causing her to giggle. I found I loved the sound; it was more than a little adorable to me."I don't think you would get very far, he is very protective" she smiled and I found I loved this playful side of her."Really now? So I have some competition do I?" I grinned, knowing that if there ever was another male who was after her I would have him in pain before he knew what had hit him. My wolf would accept nothing else, and to be honest neither would I."No, I like you best" she beamed as she pressed her back more firmly against me. I couldn't help but purr, the packhouse in view in front of us making me sweep her into my arms causing her to squeal and wrap her arms around my neck to keep herself balanced. I would never let her fall though, I wouldn't risk hurting her."Good to know" I winked as I jogged us towards the house, planning to get a hot chocolate in her and some good steaming food before she would start shaking. She seemed fine but I wasn't taking any chances. Kicking the door open, not wanting to let her go I reluctantly placed her on her feet as she made a move to undo the boots she was wearing. It didn't take us long to strip off our winter clothes as the house remained nice and toasty for her benefit. None of the pack minded the extra heat; I mean one look at Holly shaking was all it took for them to make sure it was on constantly when she was home."That you, Adrian?" I heard Paul shout from the living room, my eyes rolling as I helped Holly out of her scarf and coat while answering him at the same time."Of course" was my reply as I hung up her things, feeling her hand move towards mine making me smile as I entwined our fingers together and tugged her along. Walking into the living room I was instantly drawn to the comfortable love seat in the corner as I pulled Holly along with me. Taking a seat I let her choose if she wanted to sit on my lap or the sofa and unfortunately it was the latter, but my mood quickly changed when she curled up against me and I sipped my arm around her. I sighed, now this was the life I had always craved for."Nice walk?" Laura asked without taking her eyes off whatever she seemed to be struggling to be doing with a shirt of hers, Laura being a confident but quiet member of our pack."Yep," Holly answered with a bright smile, clearly oblivious to the fact that her mood was incredibly contagious as everyone seemed to be smiling in her direction or just in general."That's good, bloody hell—" Laura swore before the brief scent of blood hit us, her mate instantly appearing in the living room with a panicked look on his face before sighing in relief when he saw she was fine."Don't scare me like that" he scolded as he walked towards her, seeing her smile brightly at him as his body relaxed. Before I met Holly I thought it was an overreaction when the males acted like they did when it came to their mates, but now I knew better. Hell, if I was being honest with myself I knew I was a hell of a lot more protective over Holly than most males were over their mates and I wondered if it was due to me being an alpha or the fact that it was about her upbringing. Either way I knew that it was never going to change, and for some reason I couldn't bring it in myself to care either way."Sorry, I just can't get the hang of this" she gritted out frustrated, both me and Holly seemingly leaning forward to try and cure our curiosity only to see that she was trying to sew up a top of hers. It would have been an understatement to say that she wasn't having any luck in doing just that."Would you like me to have a go?" my generous mate asked nervously, Laura looking up with a hopeful expression on her face before nodding eagerly."If you wouldn't mind, do you know how to sew?" she asked as she held out her shirt and the sewing box, my body tensing slightly at the thought of her getting even the slightest pinprick on her skin but I passed them along to her without complaint."Yep" was my mates only reply as she seemed to look over the tear in the shirt before getting to work, her body still curled against me making me purr in delight as I kept her eye on her before asking Paul whether he had got the finance sheets I had asked him for a few hours back.



chapter 51


"Yea I went to the main office as soon as you left, if there's something off about these then it isn't just a paper error" he stated as he got up to get them for me, my nod telling him that I knew it wasn't his fault if something was wrong again. It was roughly a half hour later that Holly had finally finished, it had taken longer than expected but by looking at it I couldn't even see where she had fixed it she was that good. It was clear that it was yet another talent of hers and I had a feeling that if she had wanted to she could have had it finished a hell of a lot quicker but she had wanted to do a good job."Here" she smiled as she handed it back to Laura who had a megawatt smile on her face as her eyes assessed my mate’s work, her mate smiling at Holly thankfully as Laura seemed to restrain herself from giving her a hug. I didn't know if Holly was quite there yet, I mean she was still tense when I wasn't around with the pack so hugs from them were pushing it I thought."Thanks so much" Laura gushed before showing everyone around her, Holly blushing brightly before burying her head in my chest making me chuckle. I couldn't help but press my lips against the crown of her head as I thought about how much my life had changed since I had met her. I found I couldn't help but be more than a little excited about the future.***   Adrian's Pov I  groaned as I twitched my nose in annoyance, wondering what on earth had my nose tickling like it was but not wanting to open my eyes to find out. I had gotten to sleep late last night since Holly had wanted to watch this film which had been on a later show on the TV, I had told her we could just get it on DVD but she had hushed me while muttering something akin to the fact it was a waste of money. I would have rolled my eyes if I didn't know that she was completely serious, I mean she had told me before that she had nothing to her name so I didn't push it. Holly had officially been staying here for a few weeks much to my pleasure, she may still be slightly skittish around the pack when left along with them but she was doing a hell of a lot better than when she had first arrived here when I had found her in the snow. Her confidence was slowly growing and I made sure I was there every step of the way. I couldn't help but smile in my still sleep—filled state when I thought about her, the fact she was constantly on my mind not bothering me as much as it probably should have. The reason why I didn't mind was down to the fact she was absolutely perfect for me in every way possible, I loved her and I didn't bother to hide it. I was brought back to the present when the annoying sensation on my nose continued causing me to shift slightly to try and get rid of it. Any normal person would have simply scratched the itch but that would mean removing one of my arms from my mate and that was just unacceptable on my part. I managed to try and ignore it for a few minutes until I knew getting back to sleep was pointless, my eyes snapping open only to find my own brown eyes staring into my mate’s bright amber ones. I grinned, giving her blushing form a wink when I realized she had been the one behind my incessant need to scratch as she had been flicking my nose playfully until I woke up."Morning" I grinned, loving it when she did the same."Morning" she greeted before trying to wiggle out of my arms, the fact I had unintentionally tightened them around her while I slept only then becoming aware to me. "Adrian" she whined slightly, it was utterly adorable."What's wrong?" I asked as I instinctively tightened my grasp making her squirm."I need to pee and you won't let go" was my mate’s blushing reply causing me to quickly let her go with an amused smile, though it soon turned into a frown when I panicked that my incessant cuddling of her may put her off sleeping next to me. I was quickly reassured when she sent me a killer watt smile though before she hurried into the bathroom, the fact she didn't bother to lock the door when she was in their making it impossible for me to keep my smile hidden. I doubt she even realized how must trust she was actually putting in me; I loved it! While she was in there I flicked on the TV, not bothering to get out of bed as I folded my arm beneath my head before relaxing against the pillow. It was the weekend and while I didn't go to school anymore that didn't mean I turned down the opportunity to be lazy and literally just slouch about all day. It didn't take long for me to hear the flush of the toilet and for Holly to come back into the room, her small pajamas again having a reaction on me as I swallowed harshly at the delicious sight of her as she plodded back over towards the bed before sliding under the sheets.



Chapter 52


"Feel better?" I asked causing her to flush a bright red."Uh huh" was all I got as a reply, my arm moving to stretch out on the bed as she curled up against my side. My arm went around her as she leaned her head on my chest, glancing at the tell as she breathed in deeply. I smiled as she took in my scent. It was only a few minutes later that I could hear footsteps up the stairs, my brows pulling together into a frown as there was a sudden knock at the door."What?" I snapped, slightly annoyed that the quality time I was spending with my mate was being interrupted."Sorry Alpha, it's Paul," my beta replied. "We have a problem" he continued causing me to frown before sighing."Is it urgent?" I asked with a groan."It's to do with the elder’s packhouse" Paul continued causing me to sigh."Give me ten minutes" I scowled back, hearing his retreating steps as he headed back down the stairs. The elder's packhouse was where the older members of the pack lived. It worked better that way, having a packhouse for us while they had their own. It wasn't that they were excluded or treated differently since they were highly respected by all of us, but having an entire pack living under one roof was a problem just waiting to happen. Looking down with a sigh I took note of how Holly was looking up at me with those amazingly rare eyes of hers, her chin resting on my bare chest as she stared at me. I couldn't help but smile, my fingers running over her soft cheek making her mirror my expression."I won't be long" I promised her causing her to nod before she pulled herself out of my arms, sitting up on the bed as she looked down at me. I couldn't help but take in how her rich raven locks fell over her barely covered chest, how they ran in thick curls as they brushed against her still slightly pale cheeks. It had been a few weeks since I had found her and while they had been the best of my life Holly still had a long way to go before she would be completely healthy. Her body was still a fragile little thing so we hadn't even tried asking her to shift, Lisa having mentioned that much like before if she even tried to it would not only be an incredibly painful experience for her but it could have life—damaging consequences. Neither was worth the risk as far as I was concerned. She was a lot more stable though. She could now walk a lot more gracefully and her body no longer shook when she moved which was a relief, it had been deeply unsettling for me to have to watch my mate's hands and legs shake with the strain of even the smallest of movements. Shaking my head to clear those types of thoughts from my mind I gazed up at her, propping myself up on an elbow as my hand rose to cup her cheek. I let my thumb brush against her lower lip, it puckering deliciously at the action much to my delight."Kiss me" I heard her breath just under her breath causing me to instantly capture her lips with my own. Like I would turn down the opportunity to lay one on my temping little mate. The soft but caring kiss lasted for approximately two minutes before we broke apart, my tongue darting out to lick my lips as I stared deeply into her slightly dilated eyes. The delicate aroma of her arousal hit my senses causing a rumbled—like purr to erupt from my upper chest, my arms moving to encircle her waist as I soon pressed my lips back against hers. I groaned. I couldn't help it when I felt her smaller form mold against mine, her hands pressing against my bare chest as the contact only ignited the flame of desire in me as I soon found myself looming over her fragile form. I let my eyes greedily rake over her, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took as she stared back at me through half—lidded eyes. I licked my lips, taking in her own swollen ones as her fingers danced over my biceps almost hesitantly as she tilted her head slightly to the right."You look so beautiful" I told her honestly, collapsing on my elbows but making sure to keep my weight off her. I knew my form would crush her if I let her feel my weight completely; something that was completely unacceptable to me. Holly didn't say anything, rather tilting her head further to the side as a blush rose up her neck to her cheeks. I couldn't help but wonder how far that blush went down, my knees shifting slightly so they knelt in—between her legs as her creamy skinned limbs parted to allow me to do so."It's true" I continued, my tone soft. "You are so, so beautiful" I breathed, lowing my mouth until my lips found hers yet again. I would never grow tired of this."Mm"Her moan of delight only further flamed my lust but I was careful not to overstep my mark, not wanting to startle her like a frightened animal.




Chapter 53


The simple thought of mating with her, of making love and allowing our bodies to slide together in a dance older than time was enough to have me hard and wanting, to have my wolf panting at the mental image and the thought alone.I tried to calm my urges, the fact I was an alpha not helping in the matter since my instincts were more sensitive and aggressive to that of another wolf. I was the leader of the pack after all, my wolf was bound to be more hostile because of it."Adrian" I heard her breathe, it being like music to my fucking ears as I growled lowly in my throat. She shivered at the sound, my lips pulling reluctantly off hers which elicited a whimper from her swollen lips. I smirked.Moving my lips to her neck I let my tongue dart out to taste her skin, my eyes rolling back into my head at her essence. She tasted so sweet, so fresh…Moaning under me my mate tilted her head to the side, my hand rising as my fingers brushed her hair to the side as I cupped her cheek. My mouth continued to taste her, my tongue licking at the flesh of her neck as I made sure to keep my teeth at bay. Even playfully nipping at her skin could cause the alpha in me to gain control enough to bite into her, to mark her as ours forever. Holly may be letting me touch her, but I would never bite her without her permission first."Adrian" she whimpered, her arousal almost suffocating as I breathed it in thickly. I growled at her aroma, the fact she smelt so bloody good only making me gladder that I had found her and had her in my life."So beautiful" I purred as I kissed the curve of her jaw, working my way up to those delicious  lips of hers as I did so. "So fucking beautiful" I couldn't help but growl, because she was. She was the most beautiful little creature I had ever set my eyes on and always would be.I moaned lowly against her neck when I felt her hands hesitantly explore my body, her nails raking softly down my back making my muscles roll and clench with each movement I took. I could feel the lust beginning to creep over me, her hands moving to the small of my back making me pause in my actions as she seemed to trace the edge of my pajama pants making the appendix between my thighs twitch as if seeking out its home.Licking my lips I pulled back enough to look down on her, her hair splayed out over the pillow as her flushed and panting state only made my love and desire continue to grow for the girl beneath me. It took all of my willpower not to tell her I loved her right there and then, to confess my unwavering love for her as she withered underneath me. I didn't want to push her though, for her to think she was expected to say it back. For that reason I stayed silent, basking in the touches and attention she was giving me.I was brought out of my dream—like state though when I heard the rapid knocking on my door, my eyes flashing with my wolf as my growl rumbled through the room in warning. How dare they disrupt me when I was with my mate like this? Did they have a death wish?"What!" I snarled, it rumbling off the walls causing a number of fearful gasps to erupt in the living room downstairs. I didn't care; still pissed that the rare opportunity of being with my mate like this was being interrupted. It wasn't that I blamed her for not being as open; I mean she came from a pack that singled her out and picked on her to the extreme. But when she did open up to me like this, let me touch her and kiss her I wanted to make the most of it. Whoever interrupted me better have a fucking good reason or bones were about to be broken.  "It's Paul, again" my betas hesitant voice filtered into my hearing. My hands clenched the bed sheets either side of my startled mate as I tried to calm my anger, my nails digging into the fabric that was so close to tearing under my harsh hold on it. I wasn't angry at my mate of course, I could never be angry at Holly, but I was fuming at Paul for interrupting me."This had better be a good reason for interrupting me Paul, I said I would be down in a few minutes!" I growled out threateningly, relieved beyond belief that I smelt nor felt any fear coming from my mate. Thank god, I couldn't help but think. I didn't know if I could take it if she feared me after all the time we had spent together."Sorry alpha" Paul squeaked out causing me to roll my eyes, "but that was a half hour ago" he muttered causing my eyes to widen as I looked down at my wide—eyed made who shrugged. A quick glance at the time told me that my beta was in fact correct, unfortunately."I'm now coming" I snapped back, my tone no longer as angry but that didn't stop Paul from basically sprinting back down the stairs. I sighed, rolling my eyes as I turned back to my mate.Leaning down I pressed a soft kiss to her puckered lips, her hands slowly dropping from my form as my hands cupped her cheeks before I reluctantly separated. Both of us were breathing deeply, out of breath from the hot make—out session.




Chapter 54


"Sorry" I told her, giving her a few more quick kisses before pulling away with a scowl. The last thing I wanted was to leave my mate when she smelt so delectable but Paul wouldn't have disturbed me if it wasn't necessary. I sighed again, dramatically this time."It's ok" Holly breathed softly, her hands moving to my face as her fingers pressed against my cheeks as she smiled softly."I'll only take a few minutes" I told her, adding 'hopefully' in my head as I smiled in her direction.Giving her one more kiss on the lips, not being able to help myself I reluctantly got out of bed before stretching. Feeling my back muscles pull with the strain I didn't bother to get dressed as I headed towards the door, looking back to see my mate curled up in the sheets as she watched me leave with those big eyes of hers.I so hated Paul right now.Walking down the stairs after shutting my bedroom door lightly I ignored the curiously faces of some of the pack who looked out of their own rooms, giving them a glare which had them instantly diverting their attention. I was not in the mood."Paul!" I called as I reached the ground floor, the flustered sight of my beta quickly coming into view with my call. To say he looked nervous would be an understatement."Look alpha—" he started but I cut him off."Just tell me what the problem is" I scowled as I leaned against the door frame, crossing my arms across my chest in what I guessed to be a threatening pose."Apparently, urm…" Paul stuttered causing me to raise a brow. "Look it's not my fault you've suddenly gone back to scaring the shit  

out of me when you look at me like that" Paul rambled nervously."Paul" I warned, not in the mood for his stalling."Ok, ok" he sighed, running a hand through his hair before facing me. "There's a nearby pack that's collapsing rapidly, as in like the alpha doesn't have a clue in what he's doing" Paul explained causing me to frown.It wouldn't be the first time it happened, an alpha not being up for the job of leading a pack and it falling apart. The only way in which it can be saved is for another alpha to take over, to lead it back to its old self. Only then would the alpha decided whether to return control or not to the previous pack leader. It was a long process that most would shield away from if need be."So?" I asked with a shrug, not wanting to bother with some other pack. Call me heartless but I didn't want the fuss, I had enough on my plate at the moment as well as not wanting to put Holly in a stressful situation. She had been through enough already, introducing her to another pack while she was still so edgy around mine wasn't on my to—do list."Look I know now might not be the right time to—" he started but I cut him off."It isn't" I scowled."I know but—""Why are you pushing this?" I asked him curiously. It wasn't like he knew many people from other packs, I mean we tended to keep to ourselves so why he was telling me this was beyond me. "And why didn't I hear about it first?" I added with a scowl, I was the god damn alpha after all."I heard about it from the elders, apparently it's well—known news that the pack isn't doing well. Come on Adrian, you know that you would have it whipped into shape in no time" he continued to try and convince me causing me to frown."Again, why are you pushing this?" I asked with a scowl. Why would he want the extra responsibility that it would bring on him as well as myself. He was my beta after all."My mother asked me to have a word with you, you know how she feels about pack’s struggling" he confessed, flushing with embarrassment with his comment. I knew he was telling the truth, his mother hated to see people suffer and I thanked God that she didn't how bad Holly's life had been since we would have never gotten rid of the woman. She was nice, but enough was enough."Look Paul, Holly…" I trailed off. It wasn't that I wouldn't be able to help out another pack, but Holly was my main concern at the minute and that would never change.Looking at Paul's expression I could tell he hadn't even considered the delicateness of my mate when he agreed to his mother's strange but not surprising request, his eyes widening before flashing with shame."I am so sorry Adrian, I didn't even—" he sighed. Like a lot of the packmates they had grown incredibly fond of Holly even when she acted edgy around them at times. "Forget I even asked" he continued, though I could tell he felt bad about failing to achieve his mother's wish. At this I sighed."I'll think it over" I caved, seeing him shoot me a relieved and thankful look before nodding quickly."Thanks mate; seriously just that will get my mum off my back" he stated before heading out the door, clearing leaving to tell his mother the good news.With a sigh on my lips I quickly made my way back up the steps of the stairs, taking them two at a time in my hurry. I couldn't help it, the sooner I got back to my mate the better was all I could think as I headed back towards my room where Holly was waiting. I grinned, looking forward to finishing what we had started this morning.


Chapter 55


You Adrian's Pov

Leaning up against my pillows, Holly head resting on my chest I couldn't help but watch her closely. She had asked if we could watch a film and since I couldn't deny her anything here I was sitting on my bed with the movie 'Finding Nemo' playing. At first I couldn't believe she hadn't seen such a classic film, but then again it wasn't like she had much of a childhood with that dreadful pack she was brought up in.Fighting back a sigh I had taken to simply watching her, her lips still swollen from our heavy kisses as a light sheen of sweat covered both her form and mine. We hadn't gone past making out but it was more than enough to get my heart racing, my back arching and my toes curling in delight. If that was how much pleasure I managed to feel from simply kissing my mate, then when I did finally claim her I knew it was going to be utterly explosive.Letting a smile cross my features I played with a strand of her dark hair as I rolled it between my fingertips, my attention solely on her as her bright amber eyes were captured on the screen of my widescreen TV. My room may be pretty simplistic when compared to the other pack members, but it did have a few high—tech items that helped me relax when I needed to chill out.I let my mind draw back to what I had discussed with Paul about the pack in trouble, my brows pulling together into a frown as I leaned further back against the pillow to get comfortable. I still hadn't decided on what I was going to do about that situation, Paul had the task to get me the pack’s paperwork so I can look over just how bad they have it.I knew I wouldn't feel right just saying no if it was in really bad shape, I mean there were children in that pack and I wasn't that heartless. If I was being honest with myself the only reason I wasn't more involved already was because of Holly, not that it was her fault but I didn't want to stress her out when she had finally seemed to get comfortable being in the packhouse.Not wanting to dwell on it right now I glanced over towards the clock, taking note that it was nearly lunch time. We had missed breakfast, something I regretted when I took in Holly's still fragile state but we had just gotten carried away that it had simply slipped my mind."You hungry, baby?" I asked her, blinking in her direction as she briefly glanced up at me before returning her eyes to the film."I'm fine" she mumbled, a frown forming on my features at her reply."Will you please eat something, for me?" I asked her, brushing a few strands from her face so I could see her features clearly.At this Holly seemed to daze off slightly before nodding, a small pout on her features making my lips pull together into a straight line. It wasn't until I realized that she didn't want to miss any of the film that I couldn't help but smile, leaning over to grab the remote to pause it making her sigh in relief."I take it you like" I grinned as I slipped out of bed, again not bothering with a shirt as I grabbed her hands and gently tugged her onto her feet as well. The house was nice and toasty for her benefit but I still grabbed a small dressing gown I had gotten her and slipped it over her small form, seeing her smile as I held it while she stuck her arms through it."Thank you" she smiled as I tied it around her waist."You are very much welcome, now about the film" I replied with a wink, wrapped an arm around her waist as we headed downstairs with the rest of the pack. Some, well most, were still half asleep but there were a few others scattered around the rooms as they talked quietly among themselves."I like it so far" Holly grinned, looking up at me with bright eyes that made the wolf in me purr with delight."Good to know, I have plenty of others" I told her causing her to brighten up more so if that was possible.Leading her into the kitchen I took note that it was empty, the pack members that were still in the house either in the living room or games room instead. I was thankful for the privacy, loving the sole time that I could share with my perfect mate."What do you fancy?" I asked her as I gestured for her to take a seat, surprised slightly with her reply."Can I cook, it's just I kind of miss it?" Holly asked sheepishly causing me to nod; she was an incredible cook after all. Jake was still utterly grateful for when she had helped him break the ice with his mate with the whole cake sale thing, the cakes apparently having sold instantly once the positive comments started."Sure, I'll help" I told her causing her to beam.Pushing up onto her tip toes she briefly pressed her lips against mine, my hands instantly wrapping around her waist to pull her closer as I deepened it before reluctantly letting her go."Anything you want in particular?" she asked causing me to shrug as I leaned against the counter, watching her poke around the cupboards with a thoughtful expression."I don't mind" I shrugged; "If there's enough we might as well cook enough for the pack" I told her causing her to nod. She didn't seem to have a problem with cooking for a large group of people so I didn't feel bad about asking.



Chapter 56

"Urm…spaghetti bolognaise? Lasagne? Pizzaghetti?" she listed things off on the top of her head as she continued to look through the cupboards, her last suggestion having me intrigued."What on earth is pizzaghetti?" I asked, never having heard of it before but curious none—the—less."It's like a mixture of pasta and pizza toppings" she explained causing my mouth to water, god that didn't sound half bad."Sounds good" I hinted causing her to giggle, the sound making my body warm in pleasure at making my mate happy."Pizzaghetti it is then" she smiled before getting out the things that she needed. I watched her curiously, wondering what she would use as she took out the ingredients and placed them on the granite counter top. She took out pasta, a jar of sauce I remembered her making a few days back, sliced pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, spicy chicken and whole tomatoes."So" I started, "what can I do?""Urm…grate the cheese or dice the tomatoes" she shrugged making me pleased that she was letting me do the cutting, not wanting to risk her hurting her delicate fingers. Call me overprotective but I think I had a right to be, what with how I had found her and all."Sure" was all I said as I got cutting, my eyes glancing at her ever so often to take in what she was doing.I watched as she added a pinch of salt to the boiling water before tipping in the pasta, another saucepan having the jar of sauce already simmering as she stirred it with a wooden spoon before grabbing a large tray that was definitely big enough for the entire pack. Thank god we had big ovens.Finishing with the grating I went on with dicing the tomatoes, watching her as she added the peeled and chopped red fruit into the sauce before mixing it in."What now?" I asked her curiously as I washed my hands, reaching out for the tray when she seemed to struggle with it."Thanks" she smiled relieved. I watched as she drained the pasta before pouring it into the tray, adding the simmering sauce before mixing it in and evening it out. The cheese was next, the grated mozzarella being layered on the top before it was decorated with the slices of pepperoni and spicy chicken. I had to admit, it smelt and looked incredible."Done" she smiled as she wrapped tin foil over the top, gesturing for me to put it in the oven before she set the timer for 20 minutes on a low heat as not to burn the cheese."Where did you learn to make that?" I asked her curiously as we washed up, me washing while Holly dried."Experimenting with recipes" she shrugged, "I've only tried small bits though since I wasn't allowed full meals" she continued causing my hands to shake with the effort it was taking me to reign in my anger. How could she speak about this so casually?"I wish you would tell me who they were" I gritted out through my teeth; they deserved to suffer for what they had done."Violence isn't always the answer" was all she said in reply."No, but it helps you feel better" I muttered, rolling my eyes when only a few minutes later the pack members filed into the kitchen as soon as the delicious scent of my mate’s cooking hit their senses."God, what smells so bloody good?" Ryan asked as he walked in with his own mate, Jenny.   "You cooked enough for us right?" Paul asked as he followed in behind with Lily holding his hand."Unfortunately" I teased in a gruff tone before thrusting a pile of plates and cutlery at them. "Here, make yourselves useful"It didn't take long for the rest of the pack to squeeze in around the table, Holly sorting out drinks while I grabbed the hot tray from the oven since I didn't want Holly to risk burning herself on it. I healed quicker, not to mention the thought of her in pain was just unacceptable. Placing it on the metal grate that sat in the centre of the table it didn't take long for everyone to help themselves, Holly flushing delicately with the compliments that seemed to make her incredibly flustered and embarrassed. I had to admit, it did taste incredibly good but her flushed cheeks smelt even better. After lunch was finished I hurriedly followed Holly up the stairs, my excited mate bouncing up the steps in front of me as she was clearly eager to finish watching the rest of her film. I laughed at her eagerness, watching the firm rump of her behind as she took each step one at a time."The films not going anywhere, Holly" I chuckled, watching as she quickly untied the rope around her waist making me stutter. My eyes raked over her form as the material slipped to the floor, her excited bouncing making the curves of her chest move in a delicious way that had me growling in utter desire."Adrian?" Holly's concerned voice hit me, my head snapping in her direction as I felt my nostrils flare as I was hit with the soft scent of her arousal. I  growled, not being able to help myself as I strode confidently towards her form, watching as she backed her little body up against my wall without taking her bright eyes off my almost rapid approach.  I could practically taste how nervous she was as I stopped in front of her, my hands pressing either side of her head against the wall as I stared down at her with matching amber eyes only this time I knew it was my wolf coming to the surface, the alpha."Adrian?"Her voice shook as she pressed herself as far back as she possibly could, my wolf snarling inside of me when even through her nerves it was clear that she was still aroused by my actions and presence. It wasn't a surprise; a female's inner wolf instantly grew lustful when the male of the mated couple grew dominant and possessive."Adrian?" she tried again, but my mind was hazy with the desire I felt for her as I lowered my head to capture her slightly parted lips with my own, forcing my tongue into her mouth before she knew what was happening."So, good" I growled against her, my body and hands caging her in as I pressed myself firmly against her. I didn't know what I was doing exactly, only that both I and my wolf wanted her. NOW!



Chapter 57


Adrian's Pov

I could feel my blood pumping through my veins as I caged in my petite mate, her small form pressing firmly against the wall as I felt my nostrils flare at the light aroma of her arousal as it hit my senses. It smelt so sweet, so tempting that the growl that bubbled up from my throat escaped before I could even think about preventing it. She just smelt so damn good!I felt my eyes flash to a bright amber, the same color as her natural eye color as I leaned towards her, letting the tip of my nose drag along her throat as I heard her swallow harshly, as if she had something stuck in her throat. I smirked at her reaction.I felt the all—too—familiar feeling of the pleasurable warmth I always seemed to feel when I touched her, our skin connecting as I pressed myself flush against her smaller body. She fit against me perfectly, like two pieces in a puzzle.My mind was hazy with lust, the feeling of her against me was almost too much to resist as I felt my canines ache with the need, the want to bite into the flesh of her throat to mark her as mine. It was hard, hard to deny my urges when she was constantly around so many wolves of the pack. I was relieved that most of them were mated. I didn't speak as I leaned down, letting my lips part as I ran my tongue over her neck, knowing that I might be pushing things with her but not wanting to stop. I would never force myself on her though, not even in the aroused state I was in would I take her against her will.That thought was like a bucket of cold water getting thrown over me, my whole form tensing before I blinked rapidly to try and clear my lust—filled thoughts. Glancing down at her I took in her flushed form, her previously pale cheeks painted with color as her breathing came out in soft but fast pants that had me licking my lips at the delectable sight that she presented me with."Sorry" I spoke huskily, smirking at her dazed expression as I did so."Urm…" was all she could seemingly get out, giving me the impression that she was still out of it."You ok?" I asked her nervously, hoping against hope that I hadn't pushed her too far with practically mounting her up against the wall. While the thought was incredibly tempting, I knew she wasn't ready for that kind of intimacy yet and I was fine with that, even if I was a little sexually frustrated with myself."Yea…" Holly mumbled.It was only then that I took note of how she seemed to be squirming, her arousal thick in the air as she shifted from foot to foot in front of me. I couldn't help but grin, pleased with myself that I had managed to draw such a reaction out of her."Holly?""I feel….frustrated" I heard her mumble causing me to chuckle at how confused she sounded with what she was feeling, it pleasing me no end that it was clear she had never been touched in any way before. She was pure, innocent and mine."Oh no, come on sweetheart I didn't mean it like that" I hastily soothed her when I took note of the embarrassment and shame in her eyes as she looked away, trying to step around my form before I blocked her by gently taking hold of her bony wrist. I instantly felt guilty for teasing her, I should have known that all this was still new to her but I hadn't realized how innocent she actually was when it came to matters of sex and intimacy. I had to admit I liked it, I liked it a lot.  "I'm sorry—" she started but I cut her off."You have nothing to apologize for sweetheart, I just hadn't realized how…innocent you still were" I told her softly with a smile, watching as her blush seemed to deepen."Sorry?" she repeated again."You shouldn't be sorry, sweetheart" I breathed as I raised by hand to cup her hot cheek, "I like how innocent you are" I told her honestly, my inner wolf purring at the thought of being the only one to touch her. Us Alphas were extremely territorial after all, hell even a male touching her would be enough to elicit a growl from me in warning."Really?" she asked, making me curse myself internally for making her feel so self—conscious."Really" I agreed with a grin.What happened next I couldn't help but smile at, the way she took a hesitant step in my direction before throwing her arms around my neck, standing up on her tip toes before pressing her lips against mine in a way that had a growl of approval rumbling in my chest.I couldn't help but gently run my hands down her body, hesitating when my hands skimmed the swell of her breasts as I was reminded that she wasn't wearing anything under the small tank top. I felt my sleeping pants instantly become tight, my own cheeks flushing with embarrassment when I knew there was no hope in hell of me hiding my reaction to her advances from her.I felt my embarrassment deepen when I felt her jump slightly when she pressed herself more firmly against me, clearly feeling the bulge of my pants pressing into her stomach. I had never felt more mortified when she broke apart to look down my body curiously, obviously slightly confused with my reaction.



Chapter 58


Clearly having worked out quickly what effect she had on me I felt her shudder, my hands sliding down her form as my fingers danced soothingly along the backs of her bare and smooth thighs. What she said next however had both the man and wolf in my coming alive with lust."Adrian?" she asked shyly."Umm?""Can I…can I touch you?" she blurted out causing me to tense, snapping my head down in her direction as I felt my pupils dilate with lust. Fuck…"Wha—what?" I stuttered, she couldn't mean what I thought she meant right?"I was wondering, if I could touch you" she repeated, "here" she continued as she ran her fingers lightly over my chest before stopping just above the waist band of my sleep pants.I swallowed, hard."Are you, are you sure?" I asked, trying to keep the eagerness out of my tone as I blinked down at her flushed state."Is that a yes?" Holly asked me with such eagerness that I couldn't help but release a deep, lust—filled growl that filled the room. Did she even know how hot she sounded right now, how much effort on my part it was taking me not to pounce on her right there and then?I found I couldn't speak, my lust for my mate making me speechless so all I could do was nod as I took her hand and led her towards the unmade bed. The next thing I knew I was laid out on my back as my mate straddled my waist, her fingers dancing over my chest before she bent down to press her lips lightly against mine. I couldn't help but arch up to her touch, already panting and she hadn't barely touched me."Holly" I couldn't help but moan softly when I felt her lips brush over my neck, my head instantly moving to the side to allow her more access as my hands clenched in the sheets as to try and resist the urge to touch her as well. I didn't want to push her, we were making progress and I didn't want to ruin that.It was when I felt her tongue dart out teasingly against my nipple that a bolt of pleasure flashed through my system, a growl tearing itself from my lips making me tighten my grip on the sheets. Fuck…she was making this incredibly difficult to remain still.Slowly, oh so slowly she made her way towards my arousal which was currently still straining in my pants, her lips were just about to teasingly touch for the first time me through the fabric when there was a knock at the door that had a vicious snarl rising from my chest in warning that had the smell of fear instantly hitting my senses."Ow" I heard Holly cry as she fell off the side of the bed, my growl clearly having startled her as she hit the ground with a harsh thud that had her crying out in both surprise and pain.I was instantly at her side, crouching down as I quickly assessed the situation in front of me. I felt my heart clench when I took note of how she was holding her arm, clearly having fallen on it in her surprise."Let me have a look, sweetheart" I told her gently, reaching out to touch her arm only to have her shielding away from me. I wanted to cry."It hurts" she whimpered, curling into herself and I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to prevent her from hastily rebuilding her inner walls to keep me out. I had tasted what it was like to be with her, and now I had there was no way in hell I was giving it up without one hell of a fight on my part.  "I know sweetheart, I'll make it better but I have to have a look" I told her gently but firmly, seeing her emotions flash through her amber—colored eyes before she seemed to hesitantly nod. Tears were pooling down her cheeks as she gently held her arm out, not looking at me as she did so and I hated that she seemed to be in pain. I wanted to kill whoever was at the door right now, fine they knocked but they knew how startled she got so it would have been common sense to at least make some noise before startling her. Sure I normally would have heard them approach, but you couldn't exactly blame me for betting a tad distracted.When I saw her arm I definitely wanted to kill whoever it was, taking note of the large four—inch cut that ran from her wrist upwards which made it clear that she had caught it on my bedside table on her way down. Why hadn't I smelt her blood until now? I really needed to start paying attention more, especially when Holly was concerned."Oh, sweetheart" I soothed, quickly sprinting into the bathroom before coming back with a damp cloth. I wanted to cry when I heard her hiss of pain when I pressed the cool damp cloth on her arm, but when she tried to pull her arm away I held on gently but firmly, knowing it needed to be kept still as I tended to it."Let go" she whimpered, and while I normally would have done so instantly I knew she needed to have it looked at. She wasn't at a point in her health when she healed as quickly as she was meant to, it would need cleaning up and bandaged.




Chapter 59


"I'm sorry sweetheart, but we need to get this cleaned up" I told her before I swept her into my arms and headed downstairs, telling her to keep pressure on the cloth on her arm. Thankfully she obeyed without any further fault, holding it to her arm as I dashed downstairs and into the kitchen. Sitting on the table I frowned when I saw how much of her blood was running down her arm, shouldn't she be in more pain?Looking in her eyes I couldn't help but take note of how dark her eyes were, clearly she was suppressing the pain and I hated that she had experience with these types of injuries due to the treatment of her previous pack."Keep that right there" I told her before I went to grab the first aid kit under the sink, placing it on the table in front of me before grabbing some antiseptic wipes and some bandages. I was gently cleaning up her wound when Ryan walked in, his eyes widening as he took in the situation."Damn, you alright there Holly?" he asked as he stood by the doorway, my mate glancing in his direction with her watery eyes and I saw him flinch at the pain that must have been present there."I'm fine, just a scratch" she told him, her voice gravelly."Just a scratch, shit" I heard him curse when he caught sight of her arm. Yea, it wasn't just a scratch. "You sure you're alright?" he asked, clearly concerned for his alpha female.I watched as Holly gave him a nod before staring blankly at me, watching me curiously as I wrapped a bandage around her arm before tying it in place."There" I smiled.  "Thank you" she replied softly, running her fingers across the bandage as she looked at me with adoration. I felt my heart skip a beat, finding I absolutely loved her looking at me like that."You're very much welcome" I smiled, cupping her cheeks as I used my thumbs to wipe away the tears which had stained her cheeks. "Much better"I didn't know how long we sat there before Jake pondered into the kitchen with a guilty look on his features, my body instinctively moving in front of Holly's when I realized he must have been the wolf who startled her in the first place."I am so, so sorry Holly" he told her, my form relaxing when I took note of how sincere he was being. "I promise to make more noise next time" he promised with a cheeky grin, but it was clear it was forced."I'm fine, Jake" my forgiving mate smiled, resting her forehead on my back between my shoulder blades as I felt her breath in my scent. I grinned."Again though, I'm really sorry" he told her, shifting uneasily from foot to foot as he eyed me cautiously."It was an accident, just don't do it again" I told him, getting a nod in return as I could practically feel the relief rolling off his form. I rolled my eyes, but didn't comment. "What did you want anyway?" I asked curiously, wondering what he was after in the first place and what his reason for knocking was."I urm…I actually wanted to talk to Holly" he confessed, looking incredibly sheepish.At that I watched as Holly seemed to perk up, her chin resting on my shoulder as she stared at Jake with an intrigued expression on her soft features. God, she was so beautiful."About what?" she asked curiously, her soft tone like chime bells."I know it's probably not the best time to ask, since I scared you and all but I was sort of wondering…if you would kind of…help me bake again?" he winced, my brows raising at the favour he was asking from her.I was just about to speak, not wanting her to feel pressured when I felt how much pleasure she got from it. Clearly baking was her escape from the world, and not only was she a great cook but she seemed to enjoy it a lot more than most did. I couldn't and wouldn't take that away from her I decided, she was her own person and if cooking is what she wanted to do then she could cook to her heart’s content."I would love to" she smiled brightly, her injury forgotten."Really?""Yep, what you wanting?" she asked with bright eyes, my eyes rolling when I took in how Jake’s chest puffed out with pride at making her happy. I sighed and shook her head, idiot."It's for Annie; she's coming around tonight and asked whether there would be cake. I don't want to disappoint her" he admitted."Ok, what kind of cake?" Holly asked, clearly in her element."Urm…" at this I couldn't help but chuckle along with Ryan at how lost he seemed at her question. "Lemon?" he told her, though it came out more like a question than anything else."Lemon? Sure" she smiled, her arms wrapping around my neck as she used me to help her down. I couldn't help but grin, making a move to clear up the first aid kit before wiping it down the table. Looks like we were all meeting Jake’s mate tonight, I just hoped for her sake that she didn't upset Holly since it was a well—known fact that Holly came first and the pack came second. It was just how it was. I could find another pack, what I couldn't find was another mate.




Chapter 60


Adrian's Pov

"Holly, sweetheart" I smiled as I tried to get her attention as she finished placing the finishing touches on the lemon and cream cake she had just spent the last hour making. I had a feeling it had taken longer than usual due to Jake’s apologies for startling her every time he caught sight of the bandage on her arm, not to mention his continuous questions on what she was doing and how she was doing it. It was incredibly amusing.The finished cake though I had to admit looked and smelled amazing, it being made up of two layers with a creamy filling before Holly had taken her time with covering the whole surface and sides of the cake with a lemony buttercream.In addition to that she had decorated it with deep swirls and she had even gone as far as to make delicate hand—made yellow roses which she positioned on the cake making it look as if it had been made by a chief who had years of experience. I had to admit I was more than a little proud of her.Glancing at the clock I took note that it was in fact quite late, Holly as well as myself still in our sleepwear while everyone else had gone to get ready. Due to us meeting Jake’s mate for the first time first impressions always count, and the fact Annie was a human meant that it was up Jake to decide when to break it to her about the whole wolf thing. I could order him to of course, but I would only do so if I thought there was no other choice. I had no need to do so though, so he could take as long as he needed and wanted before spilling the beans to the red—head.The fact she was a human didn't bother any of the pack, I mean why should it when he had found his own happily ever after? It didn't  change the fact that when she had a child with Jake it would inherit the gene since it would, the pack generally didn't care either way that both of its parents wouldn't be werewolves and only one would.Shaking my head I tried to get Holly's attention again, this time getting it instantly as she placed the last yellow rose in the centre of the cake before grinning in triumph. "Yes, Adrian?""Come on sweetheart, we need to get dressed" I told her as I got out of my seat, holding my hand out which she instantly took hold of."Ok. You may want to put that in the fridge, Jake" she told him with a smile as I wrapped my arms around her waist, hearing her giggle as I nipped at her neck."Alright, thanks Holly" Jake grinned as he did just that, growling at anyone who came within an inch of him as they laughed at his careful actions. I had to admit it would be a shame if he ended up dropping the cake, especially when Holly had gone to the effort to make it for him.With that I swept Holly's giggling form into my arms before heading upstairs, simply loving the feel of her wrapped around me as I lead her towards my bedroom before reluctantly placing her on her feet while making sure to hold her waist so she didn't lose her balance."Thanks" she beamed widely."You're welcome" I winked before heading to my closet, grabbing out a red button—down shirt and a pair of black jeans.I was brought of out my musings when I took note of Holly standing there awkwardly, her hands clasped in front of her as she bit her lip in a gesture which I knew meant she was nervous. "You alright?""Urm…what am I meant to wear?" she asked me curiously, making me smile in relief that it was a problem I could so simply solve. Due to us sharing a closet, my idea, I glanced at her clothes while making a note that she needed more of them. I wanted to spoil her, but she seemed to be really uncomfortable when it came to accepting gifts so I decided to simply buy her some without her knowing. I knew her sizes after all; hell I wanted to know everything about her."What about this?" I asked her as I held up a red dress which matched the color of my shirt.The dress I had to admit made her look adorable, especially since it flared out heavily at the waist making her look incredibly cute. The bottom of the dress had a black border around it and the waist was also decorated with delicate black flowers which wrapped the whole way round. It suited her personality perfectly."OK" she said softly, reaching forward to grab it before still standing in front of me.With a grin on my lips I grabbed a black cardigan for her before gesturing to where her undergarments were, knowing that if I picked them out as well I would have trouble not jumping her right there and then. I may have excellent control, but there was only so much I could take before I snapped.With that Holly grabbed her clothes before slipping into the bathroom, the shower turning on a few moments later giving me the chance to quickly shrug on my clothes before grabbing my phone and slipping it into my pocket. It reminded me that I needed to get Holly one; I didn't like the idea of not being able to contact her. With that on the forefront of my mind I heard a knock at the door, already knowing it was Lilly and Jenny who were most likely here to help get Holly ready.



Chapter 61

 "You look nice, the both of you" I told them honestly when I opened my bedroom door, seeing Lily in a soft blue dress while Jenny was in a red pants suit which I had to admit she pulled off amazingly. Still, they paled in comparison when it came to my own mate."Thank you, Adrian" they both said in unison, leaning around me as they tried to see where Holly was."She's in the bathroom" I told them, seeing them nod before they looked slightly nervous. "What?""Are you sure she won't mind, I mean I don't want to offend her by making her think there's something wrong with the way she looks" Lily whispered, and for the first time I found myself panicking concerning this night. Shit, I hadn't even thought about that.Truthfully I saw nothing wrong with the way she looked, she was the most beautiful thing in the world to me and yet here I was trying to change that. I was just thankful Lily had pointed it out, maybe it would be best to wait until my mate asked to do such girly things.With that both Lily and Jenny left with bright smiles and I turned around only for my breath to catch in my throat when I caught sight of my nervous mate, right there and then I realized that she didn't need to make—up or her hair done up in a special way to have my heart thumping and my wolf purring in both delight and want.She was perfect.She had tied her hair into two low ponytails which brushed against the swell of her breasts slightly, only adding to how cute she looked. Because she was, she was absolutely adorable."You look beautiful" I told her sincerely, licking my lips as I took in her appearance making her blush."Thank you"Smiling, she quickly hurried over to me, smiling wide as she seemed to bounce on my feet with her excitement. I couldn't help but soak it up, loving the feel of her emotions which only made me look forward to after we had mated as I would be able to feel them so much stronger."Come one" I told her, throwing an arm around her shoulders after I checked her bandages. At least she wasn't bleeding anymore I thought, trying to calm my wolf from the sight of his injured mate.Heading downstairs we were greeted with the rest of the pack sloughing around the house, Jake not being present making it clear that he had gone to pick up his mate from her home.Walking into the kitchen we were instantly greeted by Lily and Jenny who rushed to compliment Holly on her dress much to the shock on my mate who was looking more than a little startled. She continued to surprise me how innocent she was, especially since she came from such an abusive pack."Drink, Adrian? Holly?" Paul asked, causing me to shrug."Sure, Holly?" I asked, looking down at my mate who nodded eagerly.It wasn't long until everyone was slouched in the kitchen, me being thankful that it was actually big enough to contain us all. Roughly an hour had passed when I picked up the sound of Jake’s truck pulling onto the gravel at the front of the house, his excitement practically rolling off him in waves."Are you sure this is a good idea, Jake?" I heard Annie ask Jack, clearly nervous. I mean who wouldn't be, she was walking into a mansion—like house which was home to not only a vast amount of females but nearly each and every male looked as if they stepped out of a model catalog. Yea, gotta love those wolf genes."They'll love you, Annie. They’re like family, you'll get on like a house of fire" he encouraged her, all of us hearing the door open as he gestured for her to step inside.Her heartbeat filled the room heavily as it thumped rapidly, Holly squirming in my lap as she made a sound of nervousness before saying she needed to use the bathroom. I reluctantly let her go before getting up to follow her, not having realized until now that she may not be confident with meeting new people.Why hadn't I thought of that until now? What was wrong with me? As I went after my mate, bypassing both Jake and Annie who looked startled to see me hurrying by I made a mental note to apologize when I saw them next, however right now I knew my mate needed me and she would always be my first priority.I found her huddled in the corner of my room, her form shaking and I was instantly on my knees as I wrapped my arms around her. Neither of us saying anything as I held her tight, soothing her with my presence alone as I purred for my mate.When her answering purr hit my ears I couldn't help but pull back to grin down at her widely, seeing her staring at me with adoration and I couldn't resist pulling her into a kiss as I pressed myself further against her.We stared there silently, me having pulled her almost instantly in my lap as I rubbed her arms soothingly and breathed in her scent."Want to talk about it?" I asked her, nuzzling her neck when I felt her tense slightly."I'm sorry""You need to stop apologising, Holly. I know you've had a tough upbringing, I should have known this may be hard for you—" I started but she cut me off, shaking her head as she gazed into my eyes with her own golden amber ones."It's not that" she told me, making me raise a brow in question."What's wrong then?"

Chapter 62


"Urm…I just had a flashback I guess" she mumbled as if she would be able to get away without me hearing it. Fair to say, she didn't."About what?" I asked curiously, knowing the best way to get her to open up to me was not to push her. She seemed to close up even more if I pushed which of course was the last thing I wanted for us."Do you really want to hear about this now?" she asked softly, obviously hinting at Annie being introduced to the packed downstairs. So far from what I could gather, she was both extremely shy in addition to being nervous, but so far I didn't scent any fear coming off her which was a plus."Yes" I told her, knowing that if she didn't get it off her chest now and confide in me she probably never would. I didn't want to push her, but I wanted, no needed to know."I was just thinking about my old pack, how different you are to them" she sighed. Clearly thinking about her past hurt her, but I knew it would be better for the both of us in the long run if she got out these memories now better than later. Not to mention my wolf was practically climbing my inner walls with need, wanting to know as much about her as possible."What were they like?" I asked her gently, pulling her so her back was against my chest as I leaned my chin on the top of her head. I couldn't help but sigh in relief, god she felt so good to me."What, my old pack?" "Yeah" I told her, pressing my lips against her temple as she seemed to take a few moments to compose herself."Can you ask me questions? I mean I don't know where to start…" she trailed off nervously, playing with her hands on her lap as I gave her a small nod before thinking it over. Hell, I wanted to know everything about her, but where should I start? "What pack was it?" I asked, wanting the lot of them slaughtered for treating my mate with such disrespect. At this she smiled teasingly, it shocking me slightly to see such a sensual expression on her usually innocent face. "I'm not telling"  "Why?" I growled out, not wanting to know why she didn't want to see them dead after everything they had subjected her to. As if she read my thoughts she smiled softly, caressing my cheek in an intimate gesture that had me grinning. "Karma, they'll get what they deserve" she smiled. "Anything else you want to know?" "Of course" I told her, "how about your parents?" I asked, seeing her frown but she seemed to be fin speaking about it, even if she was speaking in monotone."They weren't nice people; I mean they were all about status and for whatever reason I just didn't seem to make the cut. They adored my brother and his friends, I suppose they both got along with the rest of the pack members as well but they always held the fact they had birthed the alpha over everyone's head, making them constantly aware that they were higher up the pecking order."Since I was a child they had always been violent, nothing changed there. I mean I ran away with the intention to die and I doubt they even noticed, other than the fact I was their personal slave—""Wait, what?" I interrupted her, what did she mean by saying 'personal slave'? "Huh?"  "You said slave?" I hinted at her, seeing her purse her lips slightly before shrugging.  "Would you like to go?" I asked her, seeing her eyes brighten up at the opportunity. I still couldn't get over how easy she was to please, how even the smallest things made her look at me as if I had just given her the sun. I would be lying if I said I didn't get any pleasure from it though."What, to school?" she asked causing me to nod. "I guess I never really thought about it, never having the chance and all. A book would be nice though" she smiled, hope in her eyes that I knew I would never get tired of seeing."That can be arranged" I promised, rubbing my hand up and down her bare thigh as I thought about another question to ask her while she seemed to be opening up, all the while trying to keep a firm reign of control over my wolf who was seething with anger at how the most precious thing in my world had been treated since she was a pup. "How about friends?" "Didn't have any. I was the social outcast of the pack, the freak, the runt, so no one wanted to hang out with me" she shrugged causing me to grit my teeth. I really wanted to know what the name of her old pack was, just so I could make them regret ever laying a single hand on my mate."What about the adults of the pack, the elders? Surely they intervened" I asked her. Elders were highly respected and looked out for the best interest of the pack along with the alpha, they should have said something."They ignored it, I mean they liked my brother being the Alpha even though he was running the pack into the ground" she spoke, muttering the last bit but I managed to catch it in time. I wonder…"What do you mean, he was running the pack into the ground?" I asked curiously, having a suspicion that due to her having the alpha gene as well as may have genetically been passed some traits."He couldn't handle the pack’s finances; it was all fast cars and expensive clothes even though it was unnecessary. He had a taste for expensive food and when I wasn't ordered to cook for them they tended to go out a lot, partying and generally acting like children with no responsibility."Urm…it got worse when he dumped all of the pack’s jobs and chores on me, what with them not being as independent as you would expect a young wolf to be, as well as the fact my brother was all about greed and power. Thankfully he never tried to attack another pack for their territory; he didn't make them train so the fight would have ended in bloodshed almost instantly" She finished with such a triumphant look that I couldn't help but grin widely. If there had been any doubt in my mind that she wasn't the perfect female alpha then it would have gone in that instant, because she was perfect. Not only was she kind and pure at heart, even with all that she had been through, but she was tactical as well as having so much love and care to give out to the pack that they all instantly loved her. She was selfless, and she was mine."You are so special, Holly" I muttered as I leaned my head back against the wall. "You are so, so special"




Chapter 63

Adrian's Pov

I couldn't help but moan as I felt her petite but curvaceous form brush against mine, the feeling of her soft skin pressed against my own was enough to draw a growl from my lips as I stared down at my blushing and flustered mate as she looked up at me with hungry eyes.I licked my lips, enjoying the view very much as I felt my eyes switch to the amber of my wolve. She wasn't scared; I could feel she wasn't and that fact made me purr deeply within my chest. She was so perfect, so mine that I couldn't help but grind myself against her as she gasped at the friction and pleasure that my action brought. Letting my eyes rake hungrily over her naked form it didn't take me long to reach my release, thrusting deep inside of her as I felt myself fall apart in her arms as she was thrown over into her own bliss with a scream of my name.My canines were in her neck as soon as the both of us had climaxed, drawing out the pleasure and claiming her as mine for the rest of our lives.Jumping awake I felt myself groan out loud when I realized it was a dream, the days having passed by quicker than I would have thought but I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold myself back forever. Holly was slowly becoming more accustomed to the way we do things in a pack such as ours, a family where everyone cared for everyone. I could tell it made her both happy as well as nervous, as if she was terrified to hope that this was the real deal.As for how intimate we were we still hadn't gone past the lustful kisses and on some nights some grinding that I couldn't help but feel myself get lustful over, especially the small moans and gasps which I seemed to elicit from her. I loved it, I loved her.I knew I loved her, hell I hadn't let myself this close to anyone since my parents died and that was years ago. Though I had to admit, it was nice having someone who cared about you as deeply as I knew Holly cared about me. It was why I wasn't going to rush her, even if my wolf was snarling at me to mate with her and my dreams of me claiming her were getting more and more frequent. I couldn't and wouldn't push her, this had to be her decision and on her terms.Since the night when Jake was stupid enough to scare the shit out of Holly she hadn't asked to touch me again, I was terrified that I may have missed my chance. I mean she had to know how much I wanted her, right? I mean I was always touching her; I couldn't seem to help myself! Trying to will away the lustful thoughts I took in a deep breath full of air as I turned over to lay on my front, pressing the tent in my pajama pants into the bed as I tried to will away all thoughts of claiming my mate. It didn't help that I had already seen her naked, what with carrying her to my bed when I found her in the woods the first time we met, and the fact that I knew thanks to her having some more meat on her bones she would only look more and more enticing to me.Growling I buried my head in my pillow, enjoying the feel of Holly pressed against me as her heartbeat thumped in sync with my own.I really needed to try and approach the subject, I thought. Perhaps she was waiting for me to make a move; I mean I knew she wasn't the type of girl to jump me so maybe I should seduce her instead. With that in my mind I went over how I could do it, knowing that it wasn't just one night stand since this girl was going to be with me for the rest of my life. She was going to have my pups in her belly; she was going to grow old with me as soon as we stopped phasing. She was mine!Knowing that I needed to get up soon, having been told yesterday that two new pups had shifted for the first time meaning that I needed to accept them into the pack and give them the option of living in the packhouse. We had plenty of room and it helped if they were around kids their own age, even if most of them happened to be slightly older.I think they were roughly sixteen, a little late for a first shift but nothing to worry about. Apparently they had managed to turn into a wolf for the first time in their parents’ kitchen, almost giving the poor woman a heart attack.I couldn't help but think of my own shift, I was a hell of a lot younger but still it had been quite eventful. I had shifted out of anger, my father having been in the middle of an argument with a bloke I couldn't quite remember. What I could recall however was how the man had the nerve to try and strike my father, an action which was considered both foolish as well as disrespectful. I remember how angry I was, how disgusted that that man would dare hit his alpha that I phased mid—stride and nearly took his arm straight off. Sigh…good memories.



Chapter 64


Knowing that I couldn't afford to sleep in much longer I turned on my side to gaze at my mate, her lips slightly parted as I felt her warm breath dancing across my face.Wanting her with me when I went to meet the younger wolves, wanting them to know who their alpha female was, I roused her in the gentlest way possible. If anyone would have told me a month ago that I would ever be so soft to another I would have laughed in their face outright, but now I wouldn't change it for the world."Holly, sweetheart" I soothed, watching as her eyes fluttered open before she stretched out like a cat in front of me. I may have moaned, ok I definitely moaned."What's the time?""About 7:30" I told her. "Remember we have to go introduce the pups into the pack" I reminded her, seeing her frown in confusion for a few moments before nodding in realization.It didn't take us long to get ready, Holly slipping on another one of her dresses but thankfully she had a thick pair of tights on underneath as well as a thick coat. It was still chilly outside; she still had a while to go until I had her at a heath which I felt was acceptable but until then I would make sure she was wrapped uptight."Ready?" I asked amused as I watched her grab out a container of cookies from the fridge which she had baked yesterday for this sole purpose."You laugh but I bet that poor woman is going out of her mind" Holly said smugly causing me to chuckle as I held the door open for her."She already knew about wolves, Holly. Hell, her mates one" I told her with a grin which I still couldn't quite hide. "Still, in one night her babies turned into wolves and the following day they are meeting their alpha, moving into the packhouse as well as having a whole new responsibility when learning to fight and patrolling comes into question" Holly stated in one breath, I looked at her surprised. "What?""Nothing" I grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she leaned into me. "Just thinking about how clever my mate is" I told her, seeing her blush brightly as she buried her face in my chest causing me to chuckle loudly.Reaching the house I instantly took in the scents of the soon—to—be new pack members, imprinting them into my memory as I watched pleased as Holly seemed to instinctively do the same.Shaking my head I took in the house in front of us, the small but well—kept property being surrounded in flower beds which I took note instantly had Holly's attention as she pulled out of my grip to have a look at them.Suddenly having an idea of how I was going to seduce my little mate I headed up the steps to the house and knocked on the door, calling Holly who instantly came jogging up as she appeared at my side with a wide smile as she held the container of cookies in her hands.She looked so cute I couldn't help but smile, pressing my lips to her cheek just as the door opened and a panicked young woman peaked out. I guessed this was the new pup’s mother."Hello, I'm guessing you are Mrs. Pennies" I smiled reassuringly, seemingly shocking her. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, what with my reputation being that I was a harsh but fair alpha."Urm…hello…" she stuttered out a greeting, eyeing Holly in a judging manner that had a snarl ripping from my throat before anyone knew what was happening."Be nice" Holly scolded me playfully as she slapped my arm when the woman nearly jumped out of her skin, her eyes widening when she took in Holly's actions towards me. "I'm Holly"It was clear Mrs. Pennies didn't have a clue how to react to my smiling mate who was holding out a container of double chocolate chip cookies. I had to admit it did look kind of surreal."This is my mate, Holly" I introduced, seeing her eyes widen in realization before she finally seemed to open the door as she gestured us inside. "Thank you""Urm…you're welcome. Sophie and Liam are out at the minute, there be back in a few minutes though I promise" she rushed out, clearly panicked and I was thankful that my smart little mate had thought ahead. I knew it was a good idea to bring her with me; she just seemed to have this soothing effect when it came to matters such as these."Why don't we sit down?" Holly smiled at the woman, watching as Mrs Pennies headed towards the living room before offering us a seat.Taking the loveseat along with Holly I watched as she charmed the young woman instantly, her smile warm and inviting as she offered the shocked lady a cookie which had me chuckling. I didn't refuse one when she offered though, why would I when my mate was an incredible cook?"Thank you" I winked at her, seeing her roll her eyes but blush brightly when I moaned after shoving the whole treat in my mouth in one go. Probably not the best thing to do when making a good first impression, but it was worth it when Holly burst into fits of giggles before calming herself."So, Mrs. Pennies—" I started, wanting to get down to business.

"It's Rebecca, I mean you can call me Rebecca" she rambled on, clearly nervous and not knowing what to make of the both of us."Well, Rebecca…I know this is a lot to take in and if you have any questions before your children arrive then I will happily answer them as honestly as I can for you" I stated as I reached for another cookie, seeing Holly roll her eyes before she jumped in surprise slightly when Rebecca shot to her feet."I am so, so sorry! I forgot to offer you drinks, crap, would you like a drink?" the woman panicked, clearly not knowing how she was meant to act around me. Honestly, it wasn't a rare occurrence, everyone apart from the pack seemed to feel uncomfortable when presented with their alpha.



Chapter 65

"I'll have a tea if you don't mind" I told her with what I hoped to be a relaxing smile, Rebecca looking towards Holly who seemed to be staring at the flower arrangement on the windowsill. "Holly?"Watching as Holly seemed to snap out of it she gave an apologetic look towards our host before shrugging and saying that she was fine. I didn't miss how her eyes seemed to stray towards the bright yellow flowers though, my mind working a mile a minute as I soon found myself grinning.While Rebecca rushed out the living room to the kitchen I couldn't help but find myself staring at my mate again, watching as she surveyed the room before smiling brightly in my direction."What are you grinning about?" I asked her, smirking at her innocent expression."Nothing in general" she shrugged, "want another cookie?"Never denying the opportunity to pig out I grabbed another and finished it just in time for Rebecca to arrive back, the cup trembling on the saucer as her hands shook with her nerves. "Thank you"Taking a seat after I had reached over to take my cup of tea I watched as she played with her hands, Holly thumping me on the shoulder when I realized I must have been staring blankly at her from the moment she sat down."So, did you have any questions?" Holly asked, my head shaking when I took note of how she seemed to relax under my mate’s soothing tone. I wasn't that scary was I?"I'll be able to visit my children, right?" she asked nervously, her eyes wide with panic."Of course, they may reside at the pack  house but in their free time they can do as they wish. As long as they appear for any pack meetings, training sessions and whenever I call they can live their own lives how they like it" I stated, seeing her relax at the realization that she wouldn't be prevented from seeing her children. I frowned; I wasn't that cruel."Good, that's good" I heard her mutter, opening my mouth to comment when she blurted out another question. "Will they ever be, you know punished?" she asked nervously, like most parents incredibly protective over their children. It was understandable."If they step out of line" I spoke bluntly, literally smelling the fear coming off her in waves."Wait…what?" she stuttered, clearly not expecting my honest answer."They step out of line, they get punished" I repeated with a roll of my eyes, seeing Holly frown at me out of the corner of my eye much to my distaste. "What?""Be nice" she frowned before looking over at the almost crying woman who was trying desperately to hold herself together. I managed to hold back a shrug. "Ignore him Rebecca, he is just being crude" Holly smiled causing my eyes to widen."What…?""I know this must be hard for you, I mean your children are growing up and all, but you don't have to worry so much. They are in safe hands" my glorious mate soothed her."How can I be sure?" she asked causing me to roll my eyes, biting my tongue as not to snap back with a sarcastic comment."Well, I would be dead without him, how much more loyal can you get?" Holly shrugged before grabbing another cookie, clearly missing the stunned and taken aback expression on the young woman's face.The room was silent for a few minutes before the back door opened, my eyes rolling  when I heard the two pups enter the room before their eyes widened in unison as they caught sight of me and Holly."Mum?" the girl asked nervously, playing with her hair in a coy manner that had me frowning. "Who's that?" she tried to purr, my eyes trained on Holly who had stiffened as soon as the kid had started looking me over in a manner which I found disturbing on a girl her age."This is Adrian, the alpha—" she stated but was quickly but off before she could introduce Holly. I instantly knew these kids needed some discipline."Really, well shit" the boy grinned before catching sight of my mate. I instantly stiffened. "Who's the brunette?" he spoke cheekily, sending a lustful look in her direction causing a protective growl to ripple from my throat.I watched as a shudder of fear ran through him, the girl on the other hand having a look of pleasure on her features as she gazed at me with unrestrained desire. Even if I wasn't mated, which I was, I wouldn't even give her a second glance even if she was older. They were kids, very stupid and suicidal kids. I repeated it in my mind like a mantra; they were just kids."Watch your tone!" I told them, my tone harsh but it got my point across."I didn't—" the cocky boy interrupted me. This was the bad thing about newly changed wolves, they thought they were invincible when they were actually on the lowest hierarchy of the pack."It wasn't a request" I told him, seeing him swallow harshly. I sighed, please don't do this now."You don't own me!" he snapped, my brows raising as I heard his mother gasp."If you want to be in my pack, technically I do!" I snarled, rising to my high stature. "Now child, do you want to be in my pack?" I snapped, seeing him cower as I leaned threateningly over him."I…I…"




Chapter 66


"Speak up boy!" I growled, not in the mood for this. I had come here in a good mood; he had managed to blow that to smithereens within seconds of him turning up. When I didn't get a reply I gestured for Holly to stand by my side, pleased when she did so without complaint as I narrowed my eyes at the pair of children in front of me. I may sound harsh; but young wolves can be dangerous if they don't have the right kind of discipline."You will not phase without my permission, you will not approach the woods due to patrols and you will NOT dare speak to my mate! Got it?" I snarled out, my alpha order coming through as I watched them both shudder as it locked into their wolves. They couldn't shift until I wanted them to now, whether they were children or not was irrelevant.Without waiting for their reply I grabbed Holly's hand and tugged her out of the house, having had enough of this shit for one day. *** Adrian's PovI felt tremors raking through my form as I tugged Holly gently into the woods, her touch helping but I still couldn't help but have to fight the urge not to go back and rip into that cocky little shit. How dare he look at my mate like that! Did he have a bloody death wish?With a scowl on my features I reluctantly let go of Holly's hand as I felt myself starting to phase, the anger I felt too much for me to keep in human form as I raked a hand through my hair before dashing a few feet away from my mate – not wanting her to get hurt.Shifting into my black wolf mid—stride I quickly calmed those down who were running patrol, knowing it would panic them if I didn't give a reason for my abrupt change of form. Not  that I really cared, but I didn't want a riot on my hands. That was the last thing I needed.When I managed to calm down enough by ripping into a few trees I instantly slumped onto my belly when I took note of Holly's panicked form, her arms wrapped tightly around her as her bright but wide eyes were trained on my wolf. I whimpered. Knowing that, thanks to my sensitive sense of smell she thankfully didn't seem to fear me I approached her slowly. I made sure to keep on my stomach as I whined when she took a few steps back, wanting her to be close to me and not further away. Never further away.I didn't know how long I laid there until she hesitantly approached, her hand shaky reaching out to run through the coat of my muzzle. I eagerly pressed further into her, feeling my wolf purr out in pure pleasure as a bright smile appeared on Holly's lips as she quickly ran her fingers through my fur. I was in heaven."Adrian?" she suddenly spoke, her tone shy but hopeful which meant she instantly had my attention like she always did, like she always would.I whined as a reply."Do you think I could, urm…phase? I miss my wolf" she whispered hopefully, my wolf growling lustfully at the thought but I couldn't help but worry. Was she healthy enough? I didn't want to push her.Knowing that if anything went wrong Lisa lived nearby I slowly nodded my head, seeing her face light up before she hurriedly took off her coat. I doubted she realized that she was stripping off her clothes eagerly right in front of my eyes, my gaze trained on her as I panted lustfully as she revealed more and more of her still slightly pale skin.I couldn't help where my mind took me, thankfully being the alpha meant I could close my thoughts off from others and right now I was incredibly glad of that fact. I would be the only one to see her so bare, I would be the only one to bring her such pleasure and I would make sure that I spent the rest of my life making sure that she was happy to be by my side where she belonged.Never letting my eyes stray from my mate I briefly wondered whether I should look away out of respect, but as soon as her shoes and tights came off as well as her dress I knew that wouldn't be happening. Fuck…she looked so good to me. There she stood in front of me in a pale pink bra and panties and I had never seen anything so enticing, so gorgeous that I couldn't help the lustful growl which left my throat. Jumping she glanced at me as if she only just realized she wasn't alone; I didn't know whether or not to be offended by that. My thoughts however soon turned to excitement when I felt the air around her start to shimmer.Jumping to my feet, my tail wagging excitedly in my good mood I couldn't help but feel my wolf purring in delight as only seconds later a bright white wolf stood in front of me on shakily legs. She was magnificent. Her bright white coat shimmering in the light, her bright amber eyes locked onto my own…she was perfect. I was brought out of my eye—fucking however when a slight whine left her muzzle before her legs seemed to give away underneath her, my lust soon turning to panic and worry as I bolted to her side in an instant as I cursed the fact we needed to be mated before I could hear her thoughts.Whimpering I buried my nose into the thick pelt of her neck, breathing in her musky female scent as I lapped at her face lovingly, wanting to know if she was alright. I couldn't bear her to be in pain, but apart from her slight heavier breathing she didn't seem to be in any agony and for that I was grateful.


Chapter 67

After lying down for a few brief moments I backed up slightly when she made a second attempt to get up, her whimpering increasing in volume for a few seconds before she was shakily on her feet, leaning against me for support.It wasn't long until she attempted to try and walk, obviously her not being able to shift previously meant that she was clearly getting used to the feeling of walking on all fours again. I couldn't blame her; her wolf was still too thin for my likely but at least the condition of her coat seemed to be back to normal thank god. At least there was some kind of improvement in her health.Growling out playfully I couldn't help but internally grin as I took note of my mates' suddenly playful mood, her arse in the air as her thick bush of a tail wagged rapidly before she sprung off further into the woods leaving me to follow her.I was gone in a second, following the flash of white that was my mate as I let my tongue loll out of the side of my mouth as I couldn't help but let my excitement take over me. Playing like this was something I had never done before, but with Holly I couldn't control myself as I caught up with her in no time even though I was shocked at how quickly she managed to push herself as she sprung through the woods. And to think, this was her when she wasn't at her best.I didn't know how long we played for, chasing and ducking away from each other when I joined her panting wolf on the floor, nuzzling my muzzle into her thick coat as I purred in delight. I found I loved being with her in this form; it made me feel closer to her and I had a feeling it was due to my inner wolf being nearer to the surface when I was in this form.  With my chest panting heavily we simply laid together, our coats pressed side by side we petted and nuzzled each other comfortingly. I had no idea how long we were out but when it started to grow dark I knew we needed to start heading back; I was starving and if I was I knew Holly had to be as well. Rising to my paws I gently nudged her up before we trotted back to where our clothes were, my mood soon turning sour when I realized I had phased with my clothes on meaning I would have to walk back naked. I may not care but what I was worried about Holly's reaction, not wanting her to think that I was pushing her for sex even if I wouldn't say no if she offered it. No, I had a whole other plan on how to seduce my little white wolf that was for sure.Shaking my large head I watched as Holly trotted towards where her dress was, scooping it into her mouth before dashing behind a bush and so away from my hungry eyes. I sighed, but didn't make any indication that I was disappointed at not being able to see more of her creamy skin.Watching as Holly plodded out in her human form, her hair a mess and her dress crumbled she looked at me curiously, well that was until she saw the scraps of fabric on the forest floor that was once my clothes."Don't you have any clothes?" she asked with a frown, my large head shaking before I slumped on my belly. "We going home?" she continued to ask, my heart melting when she referred to the packhouse as 'home'. Because it was, it was where she belonged now.Nodding my wolf's head I watched as she approached me without hesitation, her small body looking even more delicate as she stood by my large wolf. "Do you want me to ride you?"With a yip from me I watched as she blushed about ten shades of red before ducking her head, another yip coming from my muzzle  causing her to jump slightly before her small hands gripped at my coat. Lifting my head I pushed my long muzzle near her rear end with the intention to help her up, my eyes widening as a gasp came from her lips as I felt the wetness of my nose connect with something that definitely wasn't the fabric of her panties. Shit, I forget she wasn't wearing any underwear.Not knowing what I should do I froze my whole body, knowing that I was probably taking advantage of the situation but not being able to help but breathe in deeply. I soon felt myself becoming aroused; something I didn't think was possible in wolf form as I was greeted with the wetness of her sex. Shit!I knew I shouldn't, I knew I was taking advantage of the situation but I couldn't help but press my nose further against her heat, feeling her tremble as her small fingers gripped my coat tighter in her hands. What I hadn't expected however was to hear her deep pleasure—filled moan as a growl of lust rumbled in my chest. Nope, definitely hadn't expected that. Not that I was complaining of course, not when the sound alone set my whole body on fire with the desire and want I felt for her. No, the last thing I felt was disappointment at what was occurring right in front of my eyes. Not at all.


Chapter 68

Adrian's Pov

Her scent was thick, swirling around my senses leaving me to feel nothing other than the urge to mark her as mine. The fact I could tell how aroused she was, how turned on I made her didn't help with calming down my wolf now he knew that she felted exactly the same about us as we did about her. We both wanted her; so much it hurt.My growl increased in both length and want as I pressed my nose further into her heat, the fact I was in wolf form meaning my senses were even more sensitive than if I was in my human body. I couldn't help but both bless that fact as well as curse it, it making my control weaken as I felt my whole body ignite with the desire to take her right there and then.I knew I shouldn't be pushing her, that I should respect that she wanted to wait until the time was right, but I also wasn't naïve enough to think that I could hold my wolf back forever. He had been lenient to wait until she was healthy and strong enough, but now she was he couldn't help but want her like anything else on this earth.It was becoming painful to hold him back. I wasn't used to not following my instincts, and every instinct I had was telling me to pin her down and ravish her until she screamed my name as she climaxed with my long canines buried inside of her neck. The thought made me snarl with lust, my whole wolf tensing as I continued to nudge my nose against her wet sex as she shuddered above me as I continued to get her into the mood.My mind was blank other than with the lust that I felt for her, my thoughts on pleasuring her as well as making sure I brought no harm to Her scent was thick, swirling around my senses leaving me to feel nothing other than the urge to mark her as mine. The fact I could tell how aroused she was, how turned on I made her didn't help with calming down my wolf now he knew that she felted exactly the same about us as we did about her. We both wanted her; so much it hurt.My growl increased in both length and want as I pressed my nose further into her heat, the fact I was in wolf form meaning my senses were even more sensitive than if I was in my human body. I couldn't help but both bless that fact as well as curse it, it making my control weaken as I felt my whole body ignite with the desire to take her right there and then. I knew I shouldn't be pushing her, that I should respect that she wanted to wait until the time was right, but I also wasn't naïve enough to think that I could hold my wolf back forever. He had been lenient to wait until she was healthy and strong enough, but now she was he couldn't help but want her like anything else on this earth.It was becoming painful to hold him back. I wasn't used to not following my instincts, and every instinct I had was telling me to pin her down and ravish her until she screamed my name as she climaxed with my long canines buried inside of her neck. The thought made me snarl with lust, my whole wolf tensing as I continued to nudge my nose against her wet sex as she shuddered above me as I continued to get her into the mood.My mind was blank other than with the lust that I felt for her, my thoughts on pleasuring her as well as making sure I brought no harm towards my delicate little mate. It was as if my body knew instinctively how much she could take, how rough or how gentle I needed to be with her without a second thought. I was thankful for it; I would never intend to hurt the one thing that mattered the most to me."Adrian" she moaned as a particularly large shudder ran through her, her small hands still gripping at my thick coat as she held herself against me as not to fall. Not that I would let her anyway, I would always be there to pick her up.With that on my mind I thought about the best way to approach the situation, knowing that I had two choices. I could let her down and the both of us could go unsatisfied, or I could push this as far as I dared and hopefully the both of us would come out of it both satisfied and happy. The latter sounded a hell of a lot more appealing than the former that was for sure.With that on my mind I roughly pressed the rest of my muzzle against her wet heat, loving the scent of her arousal as I continued to draw moans and gasps from my withering mate. I knew that I had gone past the point of no return, especially when I let my large tongue flicker out to brush against her making her cry out in pleasure.If I was in my human form I would be grinning from ear to ear right now, wanting nothing more than to catch a glimpse of her wet heat but knowing that if I put her down to try and capture a glimpse I may unintentionally snap her out of the mood and leave the both of us embarrassed beyond belief. I mean hell; I was practically getting her off while still in my wolf form. That was definitely a first.I personally wasn't a virgin, though I have only had sex with few a girls as it didn't take long for me to work out that they always expected something more from me. Something that I wasn't willing to give them. I mean I had always made sure that they were aware that it was nothing but sex, an emotional escape from the dark parts of my mind, but even though they agreed they always thought I would want them again after we had been intimate.I had also never had sex with a female wolf, especially not from my pack since that would be more than a little awkward and uncomfortable. I never got why some alphas would have sex with a female wolf of their pack, I mean how would their mate feel if they found out that their alpha, the person they were meant to respect and follow had been with his girl first? Exactly, I cared about my pack way too much to act in that manner. I knew they were pleased with that choice of mine, that I only got intimate with a few human girls since it made the men of the pack relax more. I mean it would make sense to you wouldn't it, if you thought the love of your life was at risk of being bedded by your alpha? Pushing those types of thoughts away I continue to lap at my mate, hearing her soft cries but I couldn't help but think that it wasn't enough. I was in my human form before I knew what was happening, my arms instantly cradling my mate as I held her cheeks in my hands before clashing her mouth against mine, the both of us moaning as I invaded her mouth with my tongue. I had waited so long for this, imagined it so many times that I knew I couldn't make a mistake. If Holly was allowing me to be with her like this, to trust me enough to be so intimate with her then I knew I couldn't fail her. One mistake could have her never wanting to touch me again; that thought wasn't acceptable at all.




Chapter 69


I let my hands roam her flushed and panting body, flipping us over gently as I cradled her body with my mine as I laid her on the soft meadow beneath us. I was thankful that we were lying on grass and not sticks and stones, I want her to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible.Never moving my lips from her own I moaned heatedly into her mouth, loving her flavour on my tongue as I hesitantly let my hands move to her chest. I couldn't help but growl lustfully when she didn't make a move to stop me, instead of letting her nails scrape down my back as she wrapped her long legs around my waist as my own groin was so close to hers.Pulling away I looked deeply into her dark emotion—filled eyes, how they looked up at me with so much love and trust that I knew I couldn't do this without knowing she wanted the same. She was my mate; not just some human girl who kept my bed warm for a few hours."Are you sure?" I asked her, trying to keep my lust and hope from my tone as I brushed back some of her messy locks. She had never looked so beautiful, lying beneath me as naked as the day she was born."I trust you" she breathed, her hands roaming my back in soft caresses and I knew I had never felt this happy in my life.Lowering my lips to her own I caressed her tongue with mine softly, drawing a moan from her throat as she wrapped her arms around my neck before tugging at my hair slightly causing me to growl."It'll only hurt for a second, ok?" I told her soothingly, letting her sex connect with my own as she suddenly looked incredibly nervous. The love and trust on her face however stopped me from pulling away; she was letting me have her mind, body and soul and the fact she was giving it to me willingly was enough for me to buck my hips against her own."I trust you" she repeated, her eyes staying connected with mine as I entered her and found heaven within my mate. I knew right that second that she owned me, that I was hers to do as she pleased with for the rest of my life.I loved her. I loved her so very, very much. And with that on my mind I made her mine, for eternity. ***Adrian's PovI couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to, the fact I was breathing heavily as if I had just run miles as I laid on the forest floor with my mate by my side not getting past my attention either.I had never made love to a girl before, never having had the desire to, but when I had thrust into my small and delicate mate I couldn't help but think that I was in fact making love to her. I didn't care, actually preferring it as I remembered how I held her pinned to the ground, my hands encircling her wrists as her back arched against me with each movement of my hips.It had been heaven.I could still recall how perfect she fitted around me, like two pieces in a puzzle as she withered and cried out my name while her lips formed into the perfect 'O' shape. It was incredible, especially when I sank my teeth into her neck and marked her as mine forever.The rush of pleasure that we both seemed to feel as soon as my canines broke through her layers of skin I knew I would never regret my actions towards her, we were now one and I would have it no other way. How she had let me hold her afterwards, both of us soaking up the afterglow of our climaxes as we both tried to catch our breaths. That had been hours ago; yet I hadn't let her out of my arms since.We laid on the forest floor still, my arms wrapped around her as I held her firmly against me as we looked up at the night sky which was covered in bright and twinkling stars. I felt whole for the first time in my life; I felt loved and desired and I couldn't help but adore the feelings my mate brought out in me.Knowing that we needed to get a move on, my hunger getting the better of me I turned my head to face my mate, smiling brightly when I took note of her sleeping form as she curled her naked and sweaty body against my own. I didn't want to wake her so after I had reluctantly slipped out from her I grabbed her dress before gently pulling it over her, not being able to resist drinking in her naked flesh before it was covered by the ripped and crimpled fabric of her dress. She looked like she had just been fucked solid, and in truth she had been.Chuckling to myself I thankfully remembered that spare pairs of shorts were stored around the woods in tree trucks for situations where one of us lost our temper or such, it having been Paul's idea and I made a mental note to give him a good pat on the back.



Chapter 70

With a pair of disturbingly yellow shorts hanging around my hips I swept my mate into my arms before heading back to the packhouse, knowing that I needed to wake her when we got there since I wanted to get some food into her belly. She was still too thin; hell I had thought I would break her when I took note that I could still see the indentations of her ribs. Shaking my head I smiled down at her as her arms sleepily wrapped around my neck, her face burying itself against my bare skin there as she sighed out my name in sleepy content. It was hard to believe that only a short while ago this innocent angel had been begging me to pound into her harder, to go faster as I brought her to her end. I loved it! With a permanent grin on my lips I approached the packhouse, taking note that everyone seemed to be asleep as I opened the door with the spare key before heading upstairs for both of us to get a quick shower and a change of clothes before I got us some food.Gently sitting her on the bed I reluctantly asked her to wake up, seeing her try to resist which I had to admit was adorable. She needed to eat though; I didn't want her to get into the habit of skipping meals."Holly, wake up sweetie" I purred at her, seeing her slowly open her eyes as I held her upright."I want to sleep" she moaned out, my throat swallowing as her moan brought back memories before I managed to shake myself out of it."I know baby, but do you want a shower first?" I asked her, seeing her shrug much to my amusement before I swept her into my arms and headed towards the bathroom. Trying to tamper down on my renewed lust at the thought of her wet and dripping body under the spray of water I placed her on the toilet seat before switching on the shower, waiting for it to grow hot before I grabbed some thick fluffy towels and placed them on the rail by the glass door."Ready?" I asked her with a smug grin, seeing her dazed expression before I reached out to strip her dress off her. Holding her in the shower after I had taken off my shorts was incredible, her face pressed against my chest as I washed her hair before she returned the favour. I had never been so happy and I found myself wishing that my parents were still here so they could have met her; I knew they would have been proud of my strong little mate.With that on my mind I kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear as I kissed and touched her soothingly, wanting to show her how much I adored her."Here" I told her after I had dried the both of us off, giving her a shirt of mine since I couldn't help but want to see her wearing my clothes. Call me possessive but I wanted her to smell completely of me and me alone."Thanks" she replied with a yawn, slipping it over her small form before heading over to her set of draws to pull on a pair of panties. I saw lace. I growled."Come on" I smiled, trying to prevent myself from jumping her again so soon since I knew she would be sore. The fact she had been a virgin was another thing that made my wolf moan, knowing that we would be the first and the only to ever touch her like that made me shiver to my very core.Sweeping her into my arms, not being able to resist touching her, I headed downstairs before placing her in a chair at the table. Turning around I instantly went to the fridge, grinning in pride when I took note that most of the meals  present inside had been cooked by my mate. She had mentioned that there was nothing wrong with a pre—cooked meal that all you had to do was heat up, mentioning something about it was better to have a quick and filling meal if you were in a rush rather than not have one at all.I only wished that she would take her own advice. Not wishing to dwell on the subject I took a container out at random, opening it only to find it seemed to be some sort of casserole. Yum.While I was heating it I was once again reminded of how good of a cook she was as delicious smells started to filter into the kitchen, the sound of a pair of feet coming down the stairs causing me to growl as I instantly stood in front of a sleeping Holly who had practically face planted the table."What smells so good—" Jake started only to snap his mouth shut when he caught sight of my sleeping mate, shooting me a sheepish look which I shrugged off before heading back towards the now finished microwave as it dinged."What are you doing up so late?" I asked as I grabbed two plates, a glance at a hungry looking Jake making me roll my eyes but I grabbed another anyway."Was waiting for you to get back, you didn't get to meet Annie" Jake pouted.

Chapter 71

"Sorry" I muttered, knowing that it meant a lot for a packmate to introduce their mate to their alpha. I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. "Maybe next time you bring her round, if you haven't scared her off already that is" I grinned, seeing him roll his eyes but reply anyway."I haven't scared her off thank you very much, she was nervous but she seemed to get along with everyone" he admitted, taking a seat at the table before I watched as he took in my sleeping mate. His eyes widened when they caught sight of her neck, or more specifically the bite mark that now graced her previously flawless skin."Well shit, congrats mate" he grinned, sending me a wink before saying thank you when I shoved a plate in his direction. "So how did the meeting go?" he asked curiously, referring to the younger new members of the pack who had yet to move in."Badly, cocky little shits" I muttered. Just thinking about how that boy had looked at Holly was enough for my grip on the plates to tighten, not to mention how uncomfortable the girl made Holly with her disgusting looks of lust pointed in my direction. Just, yuck!At this Jake winced, grabbing the cutlery before digging into his own plate of food with moan. I was again filled with pride that it was my mate’s cooking that had him moaning out in delight. "Really? What did they do?""The bitch eyed me as if I had a 'for sale' sign around my neck, and the boy had enough guts to eye up my mate!" I growled out in anger, Jake jumping at my tone while my mate didn't even stir. "She's mine!" I snapped out in anger."They are only sixteen, Adrian" Jake winced, knowing how stupid the pair had been with making my mate uncomfortable. "Like I give a shit, Holly's not that much older but she didn't piss me off" I muttered, seeing Jake roll his eyes before replying."Technically, when she first ran onto your territory you were pissed off. But to be fair, she's your mate so I doubt you'll find anything she does annoy" he stated bluntly, my own eyes rolling before I gently shook Holly awake."Holly, sweetie" I soothed. "Can you eat something?" I asked her hopefully, watching her closely as she woke herself up before blindly reaching for a fork which I held out for her."Fine" was all she mumbled, eating with her eyes closed as she leaned her cheek on the palm of her hand.While keeping an eye on Holly, making sure that she actually got some food into her system I grabbed my own plate before turning my attention back to Jake who was looking at my mate with amusement."Really tired her out, huh?" he smirked, my eyes rolling but I couldn't help but grin smugly as I wrapped one of my arms around the back of my mates' chair. I found I couldn't resist touching her, the fact she was now permanently mine meaning that I doubted that would ever change. I would always want her around; always want to touch her."Of course" I winked. "So what did Paul think of Annie?" I asked as I dug into my own food, glancing at the clock before my eyes widened briefly when I took note that it had just gone past three in the morning. Shit, didn't expect it to be that late in the night."He liked her""So, are you dating now then?" I asked curiously, swallowing a mouthful of food as I awaited his reply.At my question he grinned broadly, clearly already answering my question with simply a look. "Yep, I asked her if she would be my girlfriend and she said yes" he said proudly.  "You decided on when you're going to tell her, clearly she must feel the pull?" I asked interested, standing up to grab myself a juice from the fridge before hurriedly returning to the table to gently shake Holly awake. "A little bit more, sweetheart" I told her, hearing a groan but she complied much to my relief.Due to me being the alpha Jake would have to come to me first before he told Annie that he was a werewolf, the fact he would be cluing her in on our nature when she wasn't one of us meaning that he had to have my permission to do so. It wasn't like I would deny him, but it was a formality that he couldn't skip without getting into some serious trouble and he knew it."I don't know, I mean I haven't even kissed her yet" he mumbled embarrassed, cupping his face with his hands before he sloughed back into his chair while running a hand through his hair. "I don't want to rush her, you know scare her off" he confessed."There isn't any rush, Jake. Take as long as you need, I mean it's not like you're on a time limit" I told him, effectively making him relax. I may be considered an aggressive and unsocial alpha at times, but that didn't mean I didn't care about my pack. I mean they were my responsibility, it was my duty to care for them and make sure they were safe."Thanks, Alpha" he grinned, turning his attention to Holly before he seemed to frown when he took in how pale she looked. Something that hadn't missed my attention either. "How's she doing?""I'm hoping she's just tired, she seems to be getting better" I told him, brushing away some of her hair from her face as I stared at her adoringly.With that Jake said his goodnight before heading upstairs with a spring in his step. I couldn't help but shake my head, though I didn't take the piss since I knew I was just as whipped  with Holly."Let's get some sleep" I told her, already aware that she had fallen asleep yet again as her breathing had evened out. "We'll take it easy tomorrow," I promised her as I pulled her into my arms and took her upstairs. I meant what I said, I would make tomorrow about just her as to make sure she knew that simply because we had mated didn't mean I would be treating her any differently; she was still my little princess and she always would be as far as I was concerned. The only change would be that I would most likely feel even more protective of her, what with her being my official mate now after all.


Chapter 72


Holly's Pov

It was fair to say that I have never slept so well in my life; literally. Never have I felt safe enough to simply close my eyes and let myself drift off to the land of dreams, where I knew I wouldn't be forced awake like I had been for all of those years beforehand when I was at my other pack. That was if you could even call them that; I certainly had never thought of people who you looked out for since I was singled out all my life.That was what surprised me the most I think when Adrian introduced me to his pack, or should I say his family since that was what they were. They acted and blended together like family, like friends rather than a group of wolves who needed an alpha to follow to stay on the right track and not to turn insane.I liked it here I found. I liked belonging for once in my life and I could only hope that it lasted.I knew that running away from my brothers' pack was the best thing I had ever done in my life, how it had led me to Adrian which was something I would never change. He made me feel loved; an emotion that I used to think was only a fairy—tale and nothing more. He elicited emotions from me which I never thought I would be able to feel, and I loved him for it.Last night in the woods was something that I never thought I would experience, the trust I felt for him should have scared me but it only seemed to make me feel alive. He was so soft, so sweet at the start that I couldn't help but smile every time I recalled it. Sure he got more aggressive in our lovemaking towards the end but he only did so once he made sure I wasn't in any pain, the fact it seemed to cause him just as much discomfort as it caused me was something that I couldn't help but love him for.  Letting out a breath I didn't realize I had I let my eyes drift open, smiling again to myself when I took in how Adrian had his arms protectively around me as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. He was gorgeous, and I could hardly believe that he was mine and mine alone.I had never thought I would find a mate even if it was something I had hoped for, as far back as I could remember I had dreamt and wished for my knight in shining armor to come to my rescue. He didn't disappoint.Shifting in his arms slightly I soon found myself moving so my head rested on his bare chest, the sound of the continuous thumping of his heartbeat soothing me as I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. It was amazing how simply his presence alone could drive away any negative emotions or feelings I had been experiencing, how every time I saw him smile my heart skipped a beat and I felt the pull in my chest encouraging me to stay around him where I belonged.Feeling a smile mold onto my lips I let my eyes drift open before flickering my gaze up to look at my sleeping mate, his strong and rugged appearance never failing to make me feel all warm and gooey inside."You're staring"I squealed in surprise when I heard his husky tone; wasn't he meant to be asleep? Hearing his chuckles I knew that was not the case, my wide eyes finally settling on his grinning expression as his eyes remained closed."Sorry" I muttered, embarrassment running through me as I moved to hide my flaming face in his chest. I still wasn't good with this whole bantering thing, I wasn't used to so many people taking an interest in me, let alone talking to me. It was bizarre almost."Hey now, I didn't say it was a bad thing did I?" he asked grinning, opening his eyes and obviously seeing the embarrassment I felt staining  my deeply flushed cheeks."No" I admitted, he sounded more amused than anything."You see, I like you staring at me like that" he smirked smugly, making me feel confused."How?""Like you want to eat me" he winked causing me to stumble over my words."I…I.." I hadn't been looking at him like that, had I?"I was joking, sweetheart" he smiled, drawing another squeal from me when he pulled me up so I was straddling his waist. I blushed. "I like how you look at me, like you need me" he whispered, so low that if I hadn't been a shifter I probably wouldn't have heard a single word he said."I do need you" I found myself admitting softly, timidly as if I was worried I had said the wrong thing. His lips on mine however told me otherwise.This was a feeling that I knew I would never get sick of, feeling his lips against my own as he wrapped his arms protectively around my much smaller form. He made me feel safe, wanted and protected and I knew that as long as I was with him my life would consist of love and happiness. Something I desperately wanted to keep hold of and not let slip through my finger; I didn't know how long I would last if I lost what we had. I didn't even want to think about it.Pulling apart our foreheads rested against each other, our breaths coming out in light pants due to our sudden lack of breath. It looked like he was about to open his mouth to speak when the sound of footsteps could be heard from the corridor, the heavy stepping sound stopping when they had clearly reached their destination before three quick taps could be heard on my mate’s door.Hearing his sigh in what I guessed to be disapproval I squirmed in his grip, effectively making him lighten his hold slightly as I pulled myself up onto a sitting position on the top of his thighs. I blushed again when I saw the noticeable bulge in his pants, my thoughts flickering back to yesterday when he made love to me on the forest floor.

Chapter 73


"What do you want?" Adrian snapped, his hands sliding down my slim waist before resting on my still bony hips. It made me wonder what he thought of my appearance, he had called me beautiful but I knew I was far from pretty like he was constantly telling me."A Mrs. Pennies is here to speak with you, Alpha" Paul replied, clearly sensing Adrian's less than happy mood and so directing him as alpha."Uh, what does she want?" I heard him mutter in disdain, my hand snapping out and thumping him on the shoulder before I knew what I was doing."Be nice" I muttered, though my eyes narrowed when I remembered how lustfully her daughter had look at my Adrian. Because he was mine, he was my mate and I wouldn't be stepping aside just to let another girl take my place. I may not be the strongest of people, but I knew that if it came down to it I had enough experience in wolf form that I could give her a run for her money. My thoughts shocked me, stunned me even at how possessive I sounded. But then again Adrian was the only good thing that had ever happened in my life, of course I would protect that as much as I could. It made perfect sense, making me relax when I saw the logical side of things."Fine" Adrian sighed out disgruntled, reaching up to play with a strand of my hair before calling out to Paul once again. "Did she tell you what she wished to speak of?" he asked, although even I could take a guess that it was due to her children's actions the previous night."She informed me that you would be aware, do you want me to ask her?" Paul asked from the other side of the door, clearly sounding nervous."No, it's fine. Direct her to the living room, I'll be down in a few minutes" he stated before the sound of Paul heading back downstairs could be heard due to my sensitive hearing. At first it is more of an annoyance, but after getting used to the perks of being a shifter it came in extremely handy.Directing my gaze back to my mate as he lay on his back on the dark sheets I couldn't help but blush when I took note of how lustfully he was staring at me, his hand moving from my hair to cup my flaming red cheek as he brushed his thumb lightly over my bottom lip causing me to shiver in pleasure. Mm…"Come on" he smiled, hopping out of bed with me still in his arms. I had no choice but to throw my arms around his neck, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist since otherwise I would have hit the floor harshly. I knew though that he would have caught me, I trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't let me fall."Careful" he purred smugly, wrapping an arm around my waist as his other settled against my behind causing me to gasp and him to grin. After a quick shower, one which as far as I was concerned, finished all too quickly I plodded into the bedroom in a towel before digging into my clothes and pulling out a simple light blue dress. I knew that the reason that all I had was dresses was due to me simply being too thin to wear anything else, however it didn't bother me; I liked dresses and they were a hell of a lot better than the rags I used to have to wear as clothing."Are you hungry?" Adrian asked me suddenly as he held my hand, tugging me gently downstairs as we walked past the living room. I was stunned slightly that Adrian utterly ignored Rebecca who had made a move to stand to speak to him, only for Adrian to walk straight past her as he headed into the kitchen."A little, but—" I started, weakly trying to protest as he pulled out a chair for me to sit down on. Was he always this polite?"I'll make you something, do you like toast?" he asked me, already pushing past a few other pack members as he shoved some toast in the toaster. He didn't look happy I took note, he looked…tense."I do, but—" I tried again, not wanting to be on his angry side."Good" he grunted, the pack members that had been present quickly dashing out the kitchen causing me to squirm uncomfortably. I trusted him yes, but I had to admit I didn't like seeing him this way."Are you alright?" I asked nervously, watching as his eyes softened as he turned to face me."Sorry" he apologized, running a hand through his hair while my eyes followed the action. "It's just I wanted today to just be about us, you know maybe go for a walk or something. But now I have to deal with the mother of two brats who need some serious discipline, I mean its ruined my plans for the day!" he growled out. Surprisingly I didn't fear him, his anger wasn't directed at me so why should I? He was just upset with the situation, the fact he had planned to take me on a romantic walk making me smile despite myself. Rising from my seat I made my way over towards him, my arms winding themselves around his waist as I pressed my face against his bare chest as I breathed in his scent. I couldn't help but grin when I felt him calm down with a sigh, wrapping his own arms around me as he pulled me against him.




Chapter 74

"We can still go for that walk" I mumbled, actually looking forward to it since the snow looked like it was starting to melt. Hopefully summer wouldn't be that far away; I liked summer.We both stood there until the sound of the bread popping out of the toaster could be heard, Adrian keeping one arm wrapped firmly around me as he used his other to roughly spread them each a slice before pulling me towards the fridge."What do you want on it? Strawberry jam? Blackberry jam? Marmalade…?" he continued to list off ingredients making me smile before reaching for the blackberry jam.Sitting in Adrian's lap I munched on my toast as he ate his, the both of us sitting in silence as I leaned back against his chest. It wasn't long however until he sighed, clearly annoyed beyond belief that our day was being interrupted."Come on" he sighed, helping me to my feet before playfully slapping at my hands when I made a move to clear away our plates. "Leave them.""But, but I need to wash them up" I stated, not understanding what was wrong with me doing so."I'll do it later, we need to get this over with as quickly as possible" he rushed out, making me feel all warm inside when he said 'we' and not I. It was childish, but I couldn't help but grin widely as he took me into the living room where the tension in the room was almost suffocating.Honestly, I felt sorry for the poor woman who I had a feeling was about to get a lecture from Adrian which would leave her feeling more than a little nervous. I mean really it wasn't her fault her children had acted in such disrespect towards their new alpha; hell they only spoke a few words each and had already gotten on his bad side. When you think about it, it was kind of impressive in a suicidal way.***

Holly's Pov

Letting Adrian tug me along into the living room I couldn't resist pressing myself again his side, feeling his arms wrap around my waist as he directed the both of us towards where Rebecca was clearly waiting nervously for my mate’s arrival.I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about her having to be patient for so long, I mean I hadn't rushed with eating my toast but I knew I could have done. Then again it wasn't like Adrian had been in a hurry either, and I had a feeling that even if I hadn't taken my time to eat my breakfast he still would have waited to see her just to calm himself down.I didn't like seeing him so angry.Licking my suddenly dry lips I stayed close to Adrian as we entered the living room, taking note of the fearful—looking woman who was instantly on her feet when we made our appearance. I knew that she was scared because of Adrian though, I mean I hardly looked threatening did I?Not holding it against her I slipped onto the loveseat next to my mate, pulling my legs up underneath me as I rolled my shoulders to try and reduce the tension that suddenly laid there. I had a feeling it was due to how stuffy the room was, and I suddenly hoped that Adrian did in fact get this meeting over with as quickly as possible."Mrs. Pennies" Adrian greeted in a rough tone, clearly no longer on a first name bases with her. From the widening of her eyes it was clear she had worked that out already."Alpha" she almost whimpered out, my brows pulling together into a frown as I took  note of how vulnerable she looked."What can I do for you?" Adrian asked, successfully gaining a peak on the lips from me. I couldn't help but grin when he seemed to soften his tone when talking to the terrified woman; he deserved a little reward in the shape of a kiss for his efforts."It's about my children…" she stuttered out, finally taking a seat when Adrian gestured her to do so."What about them? I spoke to them yesterday" Adrian sighed out, his hands flexing as one was still wrapped around my waist while his other rested on the armrest. It wasn't hard to tell that he was both angered and frustrated where the conversation was heading."I know, and I apologize for their behavior but something's wrong" she whispered with wide eyes, Adrian actually perking up at this since whether he didn't like them at the moment didn't change the fact that they were in his pack. It only made me love him more."Like…?" he trailed off, clearly concerned."There really agitated, both Sophie and Liam. They keep telling me that they feel really uncomfortable, as if they feel as if they're going to burst out of their skin" she whimpered out, Adrian snorting at her description before slouching back down unconcerned."They are overreacting, it is a simple side effect that is occurring due to them being unable to phase" Adrian stated calmly, Rebecca's eyes flashing with anger but she managed to keep it controlled.


Chapter 75

"They are my children, can you please revoke the alpha order?" she stated in a harsh but controlled tone. However, even I could tell that she was still utterly terrified and it made me even gladder that I was Adrian's mate so his anger wasn't directed at me."No" was all Adrian stated flatly, my own features twisting into a cringe when I took note of how suddenly hostile the elder woman looked."How dare you! They are my children and you are causing them pain" she spoke tightly, Adrian's only response a shrug after I had relaxed him from his tense posture by running my hand up and down his thigh soothingly."The answer is still no!" he snapped out as a reply, my hand tightening briefly on his thigh causing the tremors which had shot through his body to calm. I found I loved having such an effect on his emotions."Why?" she shouted; finally losing it.I could understand where she was coming from of course, her children weren't happy so neither was she. I doubted she realized how lenient he had been on the pair though; especially when I had felt how much anger and fury had been directed towards them."I would watch your tone when speaking to me, I am still your alpha!" he growled, his tone tight making her flinch much to my discomfort."And yet you are punishing my children for nothing!" she growled, my form shrinking back into the couch. I had grown up being shouted and screamed at constantly, but after living in such a peaceful packhouse for so long I couldn't help but want to shy away from it. It brought back memories I had been trying desperately to shove back into the back of my mind. Obviously sensing my distress, Adrian's  eyes snapping towards my shunning form I couldn't help but be stunned by the sudden fury displayed there. His pupils blending into his wolfs as he let them lose a growl that caused everyone in the packhouse, except me, to flinch heavily at the deep and threatening sound of it.Snapping his head in Rebecca's direction his eyes narrowed, fear practically suffocating the room as Adrian was hurriedly on his feet as he grabbed her by her upper arm. I could thankfully tell that while his grip was firm he wasn't hurting her; not yet anyway."How dare you come into my packhouse, interrupt my day and then insult my judgment. If you must know your children are insolent, foulmouthed and ill—mannered. You should be relieved that I have only prevented them from phasing, as it is in my right to a hell of a lot more for that girl of yours making my mate uncomfortable and your son for daring to even flirt with her!" Adrian pretty much roared at her, my feet carrying me after them but I kept my distance."But…I…""There are no buts, another alpha would have most likely banished them or at least given them a physical punishment. I had been lenient on them; do I need to change my judgment call?" he snapped at her, his hand reaching for the front door as he opened it and pretty much dragged the woman outside.I think it was at that moment that Rebecca realized just how soft he had been on her children, how even though he was considered a ruthless alpha he was also more than a little fair. I think that was what made her pale, as well as his harsh words and attitude of course."Well…do I?""No, no I'm sorry" she whispered out, Adrian releasing her roughly as he did so.I watched along with my mate as I let my gaze follow the older woman as she dashed back to her car, her cheeks wet with her tears and I knew it wouldn't be long until her mate came after her.Watching her go I couldn't help but feel bad for her, my arms moving to wrap around my form as her car pulled rapidly out of the drive. I didn't know why but I felt my heart clench at the whole experience, how she had acted as a mother should by trying to protect her children. Hell my own mother was nothing of the sort, she had even stabbed me once in the thigh with a knife when I was still a toddler since apparently I wouldn't stop crying. It wasn't hard to be surprised that I was in tears in the first place; not when I had to grow up in a place like that."You alright, sweetheart?" a nervous and concerned Adrian enquired, effectively snapping me out of my thoughts causing m to sigh."Yea" I breathed out, shuffling a few steps closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my nose in his chest. I instantly felt myself relax; breathing in deeply as I let my wolf be purred by the scent of our mate.This is where we belong, I told my wolf. This was where we would be kept safe, be loved and I wanted to be nowhere else but right here, right now. He was my everything.

Chapter 76


Chapter 76—01

Adrian's Pov

I have never been gladder that I had gotten rid of the woman. I knew where she was coming from of course, her children clearly complaining a lot to her, but she had to trust that as their alpha I knew what was best for them. I mean what would happen if they acted like that to the mate of another alpha? They would most likely end up dead or beaten and ripped half to death.Shaking my head I wrapped my arms around my mate, the both of us staring out at the green—covered fields in front of us as we simply enjoyed each other's presence and company.As soon as the woman had gone Holly had dashed eagerly upstairs, grabbing her boots and coat before waiting impatiently by the front door for me. I couldn't help but grin when I saw her, how adorably cute she looked as she waited for me to get ready before we took a long walk hand in hand through the woods.As the both of us took a seat on the floor beneath us, Holly sitting between my legs as her back rested against my chest I took the time to think over what Ryan had proposed to me a while ago, about taking over a new pack for a while. I had a meeting with another alpha in a few days, a simple formality as the alpha wanted some experience which I was more than willing to give it for an alliance between us, but I couldn't help but think about whether the right time to decide would be after that.I didn't want any more stress to be on Holly but I also knew that she didn't like to be coddled too much. Don't get me wrong, she liked to feel loved and protected as she should, but I knew she didn't want to be treated like a child. Even if I wanted nothing more than to wrap her up nice and warm and never let her out of my sight.  If I did help out this pack it would be the first time I had done something like this on such a large scale, I mean the alpha would have to give me full power over his pack which was a very risky move on his part. While I had no interest in staying in control when I got it sorted out, that didn't mean that another alpha would have had the same view on the matter.I liked my pack; my pack in my eyes was perfect. Of course we had our faults, but I also had a mate by my side as well as a very loyal beta and sub—beta so I liked where I was. They didn't seem to have an issues with me which I was thankful of, I mean I wasn't power hungry like some alphas meaning that the territory which I had already claimed was more than enough for my pack. Anymore and I would have to step up training and guarding and to be honest it just wasn't worth the effort or the increased risk that it would end up bringing down on us.Leaning my chin on the top of Holly's head I continued to think about it. If I agreed I would have to move me and some of the pack into their territory while I left Paul in charge here, which as far as I was concerned wasn't a problem. It would only be a few weeks for me to get it back on track, give them some tips and advice and then force them to follow it if they were being difficult. I mean these wolves weren't my friends, not by a long shot so I would be there strictly as an alpha and nothing more.The only other option was to say no to them, but while I wouldn't mind letting them sort out their own mess there would be children in that pack and I simply wasn't that heartless. I may have been before I met Holly, but now all I could think about was how horrid her pack had been and me not wanting anyone, especially young and innocent children to have to suffer through that.I knew as soon as that thought crossed my mind I didn't have a choice in the matter; I would help them as efficiently as possible before returning to my own pack with my mate. Because she would be coming with me, there was no doubt about that."Beautiful isn't it?" I whispered in her ear, smiling as she shuddered against me slightly."Yea" she breathed, both of us taking in the sight of the forest as wildlife ran around the both of us as they went on with their day. I knew she would like it here; it was the perfect spot to take her. "I love it.""I thought you loved me" I teased, pinching her slides lightly causing her to squeak out in surprise before turning around on her knees so she could face me."You know I do, perhaps too much" she smiled, it lighting up her features as she did so. It was a look I knew I would never get tired of seeing; she was just too perfect."Now I don't think that's possible, the more the better" I told her honestly, pulling her against me as she wrapped her legs around my waist as she sat her perk little behind on my lap. I grinned.


Charter 77


"So, what were you thinking so hard about?" she asked me curiously, tapping on the side of my head slightly causing me to chuckle."What makes you think that?" I asked her with a raised brow, grinning when I saw her roll her eyes."You were away with the fairies, I could practically hear the gears going in that brain of yours" she told me smugly. I laughed."If you must know I'm just thinking about something Paul was talking about, it's not important right now but I'll tell you later if you would like?" I asked her, wanting to know what her thoughts on the matter were as well as having my own. She would be coming with me after all, I mean it wasn't worth it if she would either hate me for it or spend our stay there unhappy. She was more important than anything else in my world; especially over some pack I hadn't even met yet."Ok" she smiled, pressing her lips to my cheek as I felt her breath in my scent. "I love the way you smell" she muttered making me laugh."Really?" I teased, "and what do I smell like?""Musky. Masculine. You smell like home, like where I belong" she told me, shocking me slightly with her honesty."Well, you, my darling mate smell like spicy citrus, a very seductive scent" I purred at her, beaming when she giggled adorably at me before pressing her lips against my own. Her taste instantly exploded into my mouth.Kissing my mate was like nothing I had ever experienced before; being with her so fully was something that I wouldn't trade in for the world.  To know that she had so much faith in me made both me and the alpha wolf inside of me purr and howl out in pure delight. She made me feel whole, a feeling I hadn't felt since my parents had died all those years ago."Really?" she asked innocently, looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes."Yep" I smiled, leaning forward to peck her on the lips softly. "You. Smell. Delicious." I continued, puncturing each word with a quick but passionate kiss.It was then that Holly suddenly looked nervous, my eyes searching hers as I wrapped my arms tighter around her as she leaned back against them while looking at me with her bottom lip between her pearly white teeth.She was so much smaller than me that even sitting on my thighs only just brought her face to face with me, but I found I loved how much more dominant I looked over her. My inner wolf loved it too."What's wrong?" I couldn't help but ask, concern dripping from my tone."Can I ask you something?" she asked nervously, my lips already forming my reply before I even knew what I was saying. Not that I would have had anything different to say anyway."Of course.""I don't want to pry" she muttered, clearly uncomfortable."You are my mate Holly, you have trusted me with your past so whatever you wish to know about me I have no problem telling you" I told her honestly.I found that even the thought of us hiding something from each other was painful to think about, I didn't want there to be any secrets or uncomfortable feelings between us and there would be if we kept things to ourselves."What happened to your parents, I mean you've never talked about them and…" "Oh" I found myself saying stunned, instantly regretting it when the color seemed to have drained from her face."I'm sorry" she panicked, her eyes wide as she tore her gaze from my own. "I didn't mean it…I knew I shouldn't have asked…I should have kept it to myself—" she panicked, her breathing coming out in sharp and painful—looking pants as her heart thumped at an alarming rate.Shit."Holly, Holly" I soothed, trying to get her attention as I gently ran my hands up and down her forearms. "I don't mind talking about it, but you're going to have to calm down" I told her slowly, worried about how fast her heart rate was going. That couldn't be good. Thankfully I seemed to get through her, her eyes no longer wide with panic and regret as she bited her lip while her breathing was still hard and sharp. She sounded as if she had just burst one of her lungs and it didn't sound at all healthy; I was instantly filled with concern.Quickly scooping her up into my arms I jogged us wordlessly towards the packhouse, knowing I needed to get Lisa to look at her as quickly as possible. I was worried about her, she wasn't at her healthiest right now and I would rather be safe than sorry. She was my life and I had only just found her; I couldn't lose her, I just couldn't.So with that on my mind I took us back to the packhouse as quickly as I could with her in my arms, knowing that I was most likely over—reacting but not wanting to take the risk.If anything happened to her, I didn't know what I would do.


Chapter 78

Adrian's Pov

Panicked I quickly dashed my confused mate into the house, and while her breathing had calmed down I didn't like how quickly her heart was still thumping away in that chest of hers. It didn't sound right. I knew I wasn't a doctor, but I also knew that something was wrong.Placing her gently on the bed as soon as I entered my bedroom I grabbed my phone out of my pocket before fumbling with the keys, quickly dialing Lisa's number as I stared at Holly while she looked at me strangely. It was clear she had no idea that something was clearly wrong with her heartbeat, it was still too fast and that was when she was calm."Hello—" was all I let Lisa get out before I was cutting her off."Come over, now" I demanded before hanging up, running a hand through my hair before walking into the bathroom. I needed to get a grip."Adrian?" Are you alright?"Sighing I splashed some water on my face, glancing up towards the mirror before I saw Holly in the reflection. She still looked pale, but the concern on her features made my insides melt at how innocent and fragile she looked. She was too delicate."I'm fine," I told her with strained grin."Why did you call Lisa, are you feeling unwell?" She asked me concerned, my smile fading as I dried my face before walking over towards her. Wrapping my arms around her waist I breathed in her scent, taking note that something else wasn't quite right with it. She normally smelt sweet I'll give her that, but the sharpness of it was new. She smelled…better, more potent almost.Fighting down how her new scent was making me react I tried to calm myself, taking deep breathes only to regret the action instantly. It had only furthered my suddenly lustful mood, my mouth salivating as I clenched my fists behind her back as I tried to get a grip.What was wrong with me?Shaking my head I reluctantly pulled away from her, still startled at how fast her heart was beating as I tugged her back into the bedroom before sitting her back on the bed. She shouldn't be walking around; it wasn't good for her when she was clearly unwell."How do you feel, Holly? Be honest with me" I pleaded with her, crouching down to my knees so I was her level as she sat on the edge of our bed. She looked nervous, confused."I don't know what you mean?"Running a hand through my hair in worry I wondered how long it would take for Lisa to get here. She had better hurry up if she knew what was good for her."Health wise, how do you feel?" I asked her again, seeing her think about it for a few minutes before she shrugged."I've felt kinda tired lately" she confessed, only making me more panicked that something was wrong."Is that it?" I asked weakly, forcing the small smile to remain on my face as I did so.Again she shrugged. "I sometimes have trouble breathing, but only for a few seconds before I catch my breath again" she hurriedly rushed after seeing my wide eyes looked."Since when?" I demanded of her, seeing her bite her lip nervously as she played with her hands in a gesture which told me she was uncomfortable. I didn't relent, I needed to know how long she had been feeling unwell and why she hadn't told me about it."Since the night in the woods" she mumbled, looking at me pleadingly as I fell back on my arse. Was this my fault? Had I been too rough? Hurt her?"Oh god…" I mumbled in my hands, not wanting to believe that it was my fault. I was drawn out of my self—pity however when there was a knock at my door, Lisa's scent filtering into my senses causing me to be instantly on my feet as I opened the door for her. "About time you got here!" I snapped, seeing her flinch before she hurried inside."What's wrong?" she asked concerned, taking note of Holly sitting on the bed confused."Listen to her heartbeat," I demanded as I pointed to my mate, not noticing how it was making her uncomfortable as Lisa did just that before her eyes widened."That's not right," she muttered before making her way over Holly. "Hello dear, how are you feeling today?"Taking a seat at my desk chair I watched as Lisa approached my mate, taking note of how Holly looked to me pleadingly but I didn't comment. I needed to know that she was safe, that she was healthy."Fine," she replied weakly, looking at me for help."Really?" Lisa asked skeptically, clearly not believing her."Tell her the truth Holly, she'll help" I told my mate, seeing her look at me with those wide eyes of hers. I looked away, repeating in my mind that this was for her own good."I feel tired sometimes, having trouble breathing" she mumbled, Lisa nodding before she grabbed her bag and pulled out a much smaller case."Right, this is medical syringe, it's to take blood" Lisa told my mate, holding up the needle causing Holly to pale. "Your heart rate is too fast, especially when you are only sitting down so I'll need to draw a small amount of—""No" Holly instantly protested, her face drained of all color. I swallowed."Holly—" I started."No, I don't want to" she continued to protest, making a move to rise from the bed only for Lisa to grip her wrist loosely to prevent her from doing so. I didn't know why but the action made me have to fight back a growl which wanted to rise from my throat. What was wrong with me? She was a doctor, a good doctor and I didn't want her touching my mate when it was necessary?




Chapter 79


"I'm sorry dear, I know this is hard but I need to get a blood sample. Something could be wrong—""No!" Holly yelped, my hands flying to grip the arm rests of my chair as I tried to calm myself. I could see Lisa increase her grip on my mates' wrist slightly, the action alone making my wolf come alive with a snarl but I fought him away. I couldn't lose her, if something was wrong then Lisa would know and if blood was what she needed then so be it.Glancing in their direction I could both see and smell the nervousness coming off Lisa, her eyes looking at me with question. Hating myself I nodded, looking away with my jaw clenched as Lisa nodded with confirmation."Calm down sweetie, I'll only take a second I promise" she tried to soothe, my wolf snarling inside me as I heard my mates’ pleading tone."No, I don't want to…Please…Adrian, Adrian I don't want to" she begged, the scent of her tears hitting my senses causing me to clamp my teeth together as I tried to suppress my rage.I knew something was wrong though, the worry and panic I felt at something happening to her clouding my judgment as I tried to fight against my instincts to protect my mate even though the sane part of my mind didn't recognize that it was for her own good.It was for her own good, right?"Please Holly, do this for me" I told her, knowing that I was a bastard for telling her this. "If you love me, you'll do this for me."As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them instantly, her begging and pleading turning into silence almost instantly. It wasn't that what worried me though, it was the fact her previous negative emotions seemed to dull before I could barely feel anything from her.Startled I snapped my head in her direction as soon as I smelt her blood in the air, my face paling when I took note of how Holly was holding herself.Her face was pale and she was trembling as Lisa held onto her arm, my mates other clenched tightly at her side as I smelt the blood as her nails dug into the palm of her hand hard enough to draw blood. It wasn't that though that had my heart pounding though, rather the blank look in her eyes that reminded me so much of when I had first met her.Shit, I had made a mistake. I knew that as soon as I caught side of her, the fact I had told her to do something which she clearly didn't want to simply because I asked her to if she loved me was enough to have me feeling sick to the bone with myself. I was disgusted."Leave," I told Lisa, never taking my eyes off my mate.Startled Lisa looked up, staring at me only to pale herself. I had no idea what my expression must have looked like but she instantly let go of my mate with a startled expression."Leave!" I told her again, not messing around. Clearly sensing this she left rapidly collecting her things before dashing from the room quick enough to nearly trip over as she fled as quickly as she could.Turning back to my mate I didn't know what to do, taking note that even though I had sent Lisa away she didn't seem to even notice.What the hell had I been thinking?Cautiously approaching her I was once again reminded of the first time I had brought her back with me, how timid and skittish she had been that she would do something wrong. It had taken her months to get used to how things worked, how she wouldn't be beaten if she did something she thought was inappropriate and I had managed to fuck all that up with one bad decision on my part.Moving to sit on the edge of the bed I gently took her into my arms, my wolf finally calming as his growls and snarls turned into light purrs."I'm sorry," I told her as I breathed in her scent.When I didn't get a reply I looked down only to see her simply staring into space, her eyes simply staring at nothing. I was thankful she let me hold her, even if it was a few hours later until she seemed to snap out of it.Tensing I forced myself to relax, feeling her do the same as she curled her form hesitantly against my own. When she realized I wasn't going to stop her she let her whole body relax, her fingers clenching around my shirt as she buried her face against my chest. Her next words broke my heart."Are you happy with me?" she asked softly, my face falling as I fought back at how much her question affected me. My eyes grew watery as I tried to fight back tears, I hadn't cried since my parents died and I didn't want to start now."I am so, so sorry" I told her, my tone trembling. "I shouldn't have forced you to…I made a mistake" I pleaded with her, blinking rapidly as not to cry. I didn't cry!When she didn't say anything I gripped her tightly against me, simply holding her in my arms as I laid us down before burying my face in her hair. I hoped against hope that I hadn't messed this up; I couldn't live without her…




Chapter 80

Adrian's Pov

Waking up in the morning I couldn't help but feel my wolf rise to the surface with concern for its mate, my eyes snapping open as I recalled my harsh and regretful treatment of her last night. I had no idea what I had been thinking, I had made a mistake and I hoped to god I could make it up to her.Opening my eyes I was relieved when I saw the soft features of my mate greet me, her amber eyes looking into my own and I breathed a sigh of relief when I took note that she was looking at me with concern. Why I had no idea, shouldn't she hate me right now? I knew if I was me I would be."Morning" I smiled, though I knew it probably looked forced."You look tired" she informed me, her fingers running down the side of my face as I closed my eyes and soaked up her touch. I didn't deserve her; she was too good to me."I didn't sleep well, I was worried about you" I told her, keeping my eyes closed. I didn't want to ruin the moment, I knew we needed to talk but I was terrified that she would ask for space. Space I knew I wouldn't be able to give her. She was my mate meaning unless she was by my side I didn't feel whole. Hell if it was possible I would have her near me 24/7 but I knew it wasn't exactly realistic."Why?"I winced at her confusion, turning to shift onto my side before I opened my eyes to look down at her much smaller form.How was it possible for her to look as innocent as she did?"Do you hate me?" I asked, hating how pathetic I sounded but I needed to know. I needed to know how to make this right, how to fix this. Holly seemed to tilt her head to the side, as if she was thinking back to something which had happened to make her hate me. Hate was a strong word, I knew that and I found myself praying to god that I hadn't lost my chance with her. I didn't know what I would do if I had."Why would I hate you?" she asked after a few minutes of silence, silence which seemed to feel as if it had gone on for hours rather than mere minutes."About last night…" I trailed off."I know you were only looking out of me," Holly cut me off. I was pained to see tears in her bright eyes. "But, I urm…."When she seemed to stall I didn't hesitate to pull her into my arms, my leg moving to entwine in the middle of hers as I pulled her close. I breathed in her scent, savoring it.Neither of us said anything after that, simply enjoying the feeling that being in each other's company seemed to bring.After what seemed like days had passed I heard a knock at my door, the sound hesitant and I knew it had gotten around to the pack of how I wasn't in the mood for any other company than the girl that laid currently in my arms. Being their alpha at times I knew they could sense it, sense how it would suit them better if at times they simply backed away and waited until I approached them.It was the safest option."What do you want, Ryan?" I asked my sub—beta, already having identified his scent."Urm..." he stuttered through the door."We have a problem, alpha" he confessed."Go on.""Mrs. Pennies is here, you know the mother of the two—""Yes" I cut him off, already knowing he meant Sophie and Liam. What the hell that those two done now?   "Good, well…""Spit it out, Ryan" I snarled, both pleased as well as relieved when Holly didn't so much as even stir at my harsh tone.Maybe I hadn't ruined things as I had first thought?"She wishes to apologize to you, about her last visit" he rushed out. I rolled my eyes."No.""But—""I said no" I snapped. "It does not bother me if she is present. Tell her I am busy, if she wishes to speak inform her I will visit at a more appropriate time" I ordered."If you say so, mate" Ryan agreed, and I could picture him shrugging behind the door before I heard him make his way downstairs.Shaking my head, happy that I no longer had to deal with pathetic problems, I soon found myself relaxing. If it had been serious on the other hand I would have had no choice but to step up to my alpha duties, I cared and looked out for my pack after all, but it was clear it was simply a mother who was worried about her children when there was no need to be. I rolled my eyes at the thought, knowing that even though they would be in some discomfort from not being able to shift, it was for the best. They needed to realize that if they wanted to be in my pack then they had to obey, no matter what.Plus, the fact the boy had dared to try and flirt with my mate was just out of the question! I mean seriously, did he have some kind of death wish?Holly's belly rumbling brought my back to the present. "You hungry, sweetheart?""Oomph."Hearing her huff I couldn't help but chuckle, her face buried in the corner of my shoulder as she pressed herself further against me.  I soon found myself flushing as I remembered the other night, how I remembered having her pressed against the grass—covered forest floor as I made love to her.I smiled at the thought.



Chapter 81

With that on my mind I gently swept her into my arms before I slipped out of bed, sniggering at her slight yelp of surprise before she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly."Adrian!""I need to get some food into you" I told her, ignoring her with amusement as she playfully pouted. I knew I still needed to make it up to her about my behaviour last night, but I also knew that there was hope and that was what I was concentrating on."I'm fine."I snorted at her comment before heading downstairs, keeping her secure in my grasp as we made our way into the kitchen. I was displeased when I found Ryan had seemingly failed to escort Mrs Pennies out, I was even more so when she seemed to brighten up when she caught sight of me."Oh, Alpha—"Ignoring her I gently sat Holly in what had slowly become her own seat before turning back to the fridge, smiling when I saw all of the containers of premade food. My mate loved to cook, it came in handy since most of the pack didn't even know how to turn an oven on or they somehow managed to burn water."What would you like, sweetheart?" I asked gently, seemingly surprising our so—called guest with my soft tone. I stifled the urge to roll my eyes, how I spoke to my mate was my business and not hers."Urm…" she trailed off. I turned around only to take note of how curiously Holly was staring at Rebecca, her head tilted to the side in an adorable manner I couldn't help but grin at. "Holly?" I snapped her out of it. When she looked at me her smile was breathless."Hi," she bit her lip. Chuckling at how innocent she looked, knowing that in her past she had had anything but a nice upbringing, I walked over to give her a kiss."Hi," I replied just as cheekily.Hearing her giggle I knew any tension was broken, her fingers running down my bare chest before she lightly scratched the trail of hair which started at my belly button and headed towards my groin. I flinched slightly at the sensation, trying hard not to ravish her right there and then. I could tell her heartbeat was still slightly off. It was faster, though it seemed constant which I knew to be safer than if it was irregular. Hopefully Lisa would come up with something."Can I cook?" she suddenly asked hopefully.I was about to decline, wanting to do this for her, when I realized that cooking helped her think. I remembered when she had confessed it to me; it also helped that she was an amazingly talented cook. Jake was still thankful to her after the whole baking for the sale thing where he met his mate."Sure."Patting her playfully on her rear as she jumped up from her seat I grinned when I saw her blush, her cheeks flushed a bright red. Grinning widely I watched as she spun around before she got to work on breakfast, my grin fading into a stern look when I turned to face Mrs. Pennies, or Rebecca as she had asked me to call her.I watched her shift uncomfortably under my gaze."Alpha" she nodded respectively, nervously When I didn't say anything she continued. "Uh, I know that you didn't want to speak to me, but I really do wish to apologize for questioning your treatment of my son and daughter—"I blanked the majority of her apologizes out, and while I was pleased Ryan had in fact told her to leave I did wish he had taken the time to escort her out. I really didn't want to deal with this right now.I was drawn out of my sulking when I heard the clatter of pans, my head snapping to the right before I couldn't help but shake my head when I saw Holly on her tiptoes as she tried to reach for the very top of the cooking utensils. I had, in the thought of her, moved everything onto a lower shift but it seems as if I didn't quite get them all. Rising to my impressive height, watching as Rebecca shunned back as if I was coming after her, I headed over to Holly. Pressing my chest up against her back I made sure to lean myself against her as I reached for the item she was after, grinning when I felt her shudder."Thank you."Smiling at her light and thankful tone I bent down to press my lips against her cheek, feeling her heat up under my touch. I loved that even after everything she had obviously been through she was still so innocent. It made me incredibly thankful *** Adrian's POV  With a soft huff I turned over the pages on my desk, the endless amount of documents surrounding me as they related to the troubled pack I was considering helping out. Generally, if I was being completely honest with myself, I wouldn't have bothered. It wasn't my fault the Alpha couldn't control his own pack, that his father hadn't done a good enough job of guiding him so he could become what had basically been predicted and designed since his birth. Not to mention his father was still alive apparently, so why wasn't he helping out? It was as if he wanted his own flesh and blood to fail.

Chapter 82


It had crossed my mind that his father was purposely wanting his son to collapse under the pressure and responsibility, but I was soon corrected when in the files it was clear the father had turned over the position voluntarily and his son hadn't taken it from him by force. So, that pretty much cleared that thought up.Shaking my head I leaned my elbows on the wooden desk, my hands cupping my face before I ran my fingers through my hair in a frustrated manner. I still didn't have a clue what was going on. I mean should I take it or not? Help them out or leave them? It wasn't an easy choice by far, not when I would have to up route some of my pack, as well as my mate which was my biggest concern, to lend a hand. I would get an alliance out of it, but then again it would be an alliance I could do without.To be honest, I was completely and utterly lost.With that on my mind I shoved everything to the side, not in the mood to deal with it anymore. My decision could wait another day or two, I wasn't in any rush.Glancing upwards I couldn't help but smile when I caught sight of my mate still fast asleep under the sheets of my covers. I didn't blame her, it was still early in the morning and I hadn't wanted to wake her.Making a mental note to speak to Lisa, wanting to find out if she had found anything wrong with my angel, I rested my feet on my desk as I leaned back in my leather chair as I went over my mental plan for the day.I knew I needed to speak with the pups today, both Sophie and Liam having been banned from shifting for the past several days since we had last spoken. Ever since their mother had complained that my punishment for them had been too harsh and I had, to put it in blunt terms, put an end to that train of thought, I hadn't seen any of them.It was time to go over the rules. Make them submit.Pulling my feet off my desk I rose to my full height. Stretching, I winced when my back clicked before I strode over to my bed so I could sit on the edge of it. I hated to rouse my mate, but I wasn't going to up and leave her without telling her where I was going first.I would also admit, I was kind of hoping she would want to come with me.Knowing how whipped that sounded and not caring in the slightest I gently shook her awake, smiling when I heard her soft grunt before she rolled over and snuggled back under my covers. I fought back a snort of amusement."Holly."Saying her name softly didn't seem to have much effect on her either. Knowing that I had to be careful, and while most blokes would probably play some sort of prank to wake up their girl I knew I couldn't and wouldn't. She had told me about how her old pack had used to wake her up, and when I had heard that they used to throw freezing water over her I had wanted to do nothing more than to rip into each and every one of them. People like that didn't deserve to walk on the same ground as her, let alone treat her, or anyone, in such a manner.They made me sick, and they had better hope in their lives that I never come across them. If I did, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions and my wolf agreed fully."Holly," I sang but still got no response.I decided to tickle her, my fingers working her sides making her fidget before she was lightly slapping me away all without opening her eyes."Holly, wake up" I grinned. She reminded me of a cat who didn't want to be roused, stretching out her body while making light protests."Go away" she mumbled causing my grin to only widen."I just need to ask you something, then you can go back to sleep if you want" I promised her, internally hoping that she would want to stay by my side. Call me clingy or selfish and I would fully agree with you. But, I wanted my mate!This seemed to satisfy her, her body pausing mid—stretch before she rolled over onto her back and opened her bright amber eyes to look at me through a sleepy gaze."What?""I have to go see the brats in an hour or two, you can sleep some more or come?" I offered, my legs stretched out in front of me as I stared down at her still half—dazed form.I watched her frown. "You really shouldn't call them that" she scolded almost playfully. I shrugged."I give them respect when they give it to me. It goes both ways you know" I winked, seeing her roll her eyes which pleased me a hell of a lot. To know that she was getting more and more comfortable in her new and permanent home was just….it was amazing. It made being her mate all the more special to me."Just mind you don't say that in front of their mum" she continued to frown as she pulled herself upright."I already have," I admitted."When?""When she came around accusing me of hurting them," I scoffed. "They wouldn't know hurt if it bit them in the arse.""When did she come around?" Holly asked confused. "You were still sleeping," I thought back. "It was a short visit, nothing too lengthy.""Oh.""So what do you want to do? It's up to you" I told her, pulling myself upright before moving to my wardrobe to pull a shirt over my head. I smirked when I saw her frown at my action from the corner of my eye, a flush on her features as her gaze seemed to rake over my shiftless form before the fabric covered my skin from her greedy little eyes.I loved it when she did that!She seemed to think it over for a few minutes before holding out her hands, hinting at me to pull her up. I grinned."I'll come if that's alright?" she asked nervously, my nodding instant."Oh thank god" I murmured, pulling her against me as I nuzzled my face in her neck. I didn't know what I would have done if she had wanted to stay. Mope most probably. Be in an even grumpier mood, most definitely."I don't like being away from you," I heard her mutter, almost to herself. "You make me feel safe."I didn't think she realized just how much it pulled at my heart strings when she spoke in sentences like that one. How was it possible that she put so much love, so much adoration and hope, into her tone?"I love you" I told her, realizing that I hadn't actually said it enough. I frowned at the thought; she needed to hear it daily as far as I was concerned.It was quiet for a few moments I felt my breath catch in my throat. I was just about to tell her that she didn't have to say it back, that it wasn't necessary since I loved her all the same, when she cut me off before I could."I…I love you too" she murmured in that soft tone of hers.  I felt my whole face light up at her words, my arms tightening around her much smaller form as I pulled her close."I love you" I repeated in a grin.Hearing her giggle I bent down to press my lips against her own, lowering her so her back was against the sheets of my bed as I hovered over her.Making sure that I didn't put too much weight on her delicate little body I rested my elbows either side of her head, my lips moving against hers in a rhythmic manner. Even so I couldn't help but grin; even if I tried to I couldn't wipe it from my lips."Make love to me" I heard her murmur against my lips as her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers playing with the hair on the nape of my neck.With that request I knew everything in my life was perfect. She was perfect. I had certainly been blessed by the mating spirits that were for sure.


Chapter 83


Holly's POV

"You look fine" Adrian told me for the third time in the past five minutes as I tugged at the bottom of my dress. It was a pretty dress I thought, a light peachy pink that came to just the tops of my thighs and flared out slightly at the waist."Is it cold out?" I asked nervously, pulling on a pair of thermal tights as I sat on the edge of the already made bed. I flushed as I remembered what my mate had done to me only a few moments ago.Clearly knowing what had caused my blush he smirked, shooting me a wink causing me to huff."Cheer up sweetheart" was all he sniggered. "But what your wearing should be ok, we'll be inside and the snows already starting to melt" he told me in all seriousness causing me to nod. I trusted his judgement completely."If you say so,"With that I tugged on my pea—green coat before grabbing his hand as he held it outstretched for me, my fingers curling around his own as he tugged me close gently.It didn't take us long to arrive at the familiar—looking house, Adrian turning off the car as he parked in the drive before a small growl rumbled out of his throat from his chest. I turned to face him, confused."What's wrong?" I asked nervously, thinking something was up."They had better no start anything, I am not in the mood" he grunted out.At that I frowned. "I thought you would be happy after this morning?" I tilted my head to the side before flushing at my boldness. "I mean…" I stopped when he suddenly burst out in a throaty chuckle, the fact my wolf purred deliciously at the sound the only reason I wasn't bright with embarrassment."You made me very happy this morning," he grinned broadly making me squirm under his bright—eyed gaze. "It's just, I don't want it to be ruined by two pathetic pups who don't know how to obey!" he scowled."But you're meant to teach them, yes?""I am, and I will. But they have to want to be taught, sweetie" he explained, though not in a patronising manner which I was thankful for. "When it comes to pups likes these, over arrogant and cocky it isn't safe to have them running wild" he added.Chewing on my bottom lip I nodded, thinking it over before realizing that it made sense. I pecked him on the cheek in thanks, for not only sharing his thoughts on the matter at hand but for being patient with me."Shall we go in?" he asked causing me to nod.Adrian ran around to open my door, me not having time to do so myself before he was standing next to me. I grabbed his hand as he helped me out. I wasn't as shaky on my legs any more, hadn't been for a while now, but that didn't mean my legs could give out on me all of a sudden out of nowhere. Not to mention since Adrian's panic that something was wrong with me he was being incredibly cautious. I found it sweet, but I wasn't worried. I felt fine really.Heading to the door Adrian firmly knocked, it only being a few seconds before the door opened revealing Rebecca who looked incredibly nervous. She must have been staring at the car outside from the moment we arrived; I wouldn't have put it past her when I caught sight of her expression.I smiled, trying to ease her nerves but I did didn't think it worked."Alpha" Rebecca nodded, quickly fully opening the door. "Please come in."Nodding I watched intrigued as Adrian had schooled his features into a stern expression, though as soon as she turned to head back inside he turned to shoot me a wink. I was fascinated by how easily his features lapsed into a soft expression, his eyes full of enough adoration that I couldn't help but press my face into his chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist."I love you" I whispered, still shocked at how the words sounded coming from my mouth. It was strange, but a good strange.I felt his emotional reaction through our bond, how much he felt about me making me almost tear up."I love you too, sweetheart" he murmured, his lips pressing against the crown of my head causing me to sigh in content.I didn't know how long we stood there until I felt Adrian wrap his arm around my waist and pull me close to his side, leading us into the familiar house before shutting the door gently behind us.Back to business then I guess. I didn't mind, I found it all interesting since my old pack – if you could even call them that – had never let me get involved in any of the mechanics of how to run a pack. I was learning so much already. It was nice.Walking into the living room I immediately felt Adrian stiffen at the sight of both Sophie and Liam sitting on the couch, both frustrated and nervous expressions on their faces. I also felt it as Adrian pulled me closer against him almost protectively, possessively.It was tense for exactly twelve seconds before Rebecca seemed to nervously break the tension.




Chapter 84


"Liam, Sophie, this is Adrian" she introduced nervously. It was clear she had previously remembered that our last visit hadn't even gotten to introductions before they had successfully pissed him off. "This is our alpha, and this is…oh god, I am so sorry I forgot your name" she blurted out trembling.I felt Adrian's hand clench against where it was resting against my thigh, us having finally taken a seat. "It's Holly" I quickly cut in before Adrian could come up with some crass comment. I could tell it annoyed him that she had forgotten, and once again I found it sweet how willing he was to stand up for me."Of course, and this is Holly, his mate" she stated in a clear, warning tone towards both her son and daughter. They looked like a pair of kids caught with their hand stuck in a cookie jar."It's nice to meet you, sir" the female spoke in a polite but forced tone."And you ma'am" the boy cut in, making me shift uncomfortably at how his eyes focused on my legs.I didn't like it. I didn't like attention, never had and never will and unless it was Adrian, my mate who I loved and trusted, who looked at me in such a way it made me want to do nothing more but to run and hide. It seemed Adrian noticed this as well if the snarl escaping his mouth was anything to go by.Rubbing his hand soothingly, staying calm while the Pennies family seemed to flinch at the sound, I stayed quiet and let Adrian deal with it. I had to admit I was curious about how things would go from here on out."I will give you one more warning, divert your eyes now!"His tone really shouldn't have given me delectable shivers, right? Not when the three other occupants of the room were trembling at his tone…and I don't think it was from pleasure.It was quiet after that, uncomfortably quiet. That was until Adrian broke it again, his voice firm but it was less harsh than it had been before."I want you to tell me why I have prevented you from phasing. I warn you now, it would not serve you well to lie to me" he stated bluntly.It was the girl who spoke first. "I…urm, made your girlfriend uncomfortable because I flirted with you?" she asked with a shrug.I frowned at the term, 'girlfriend' seemed to, I don't know, vague as a way to describe mates.Turned out Adrian must have thought so too."Do you to understand what a mate means?" he asked curiously, though his tone was still like steel. I liked it. Made me feel protected, safe."It's like a long—term partner?" Sophie smirked, clearly happy with herself."It's permanent. It means that if you offend her, hurt her, lust after her, then you're dead" he stated bluntly, causing me to flush when I realized he was no longer talking about in general but about me specifically."Isn't that a bit of an overreaction?" Liam asked with a snort. I could tell he was really testing Adrian's patience; he wasn't the most patient of alphas. My mate’s next comment surprised me somewhat however."I would consider it an understatement. You see I wouldn't just kill you, oh no that would be far too easy. I would let you run, taunt you so that you would have the false hope of getting away. Then if you so much as hurt her, I would make sure what I would inflict on you was enough to have you in so much pain you could n't remember your own name" he spoke so icily that even I shivered at his tone. Feeling my reaction I felt his hand run soothingly up and down my thigh, his lips pressing against my forehead but he never took his gaze off the two pale children sitting in front of him. I had heard he was a harsh but fair alpha, but this was nothing like I had ever seen before. Did it really work?I almost snorted at the thought. Of course it must work, he was one of the most successful packs known after all and he had to have gotten there somehow. It was impressive to say the least."You ok?" I heard him murmur, his concern leaking through our joint bond."Yea," I replied softly. Because I was ok, more than ok.When neither Sophie nor Liam seemed to have anything to say I once again fidgeted under the awkwardness of the situation before I turned back towards Rebecca who was standing next to her children nervously."Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" I asked softly, hoping that she would be fine with it. It seemed to snap her out of whatever mental haze she had been trapped in as she hurriedly nodded. "Yes, of course. It's the second door on the left."Nodding I turned my head to peck Adrian on the lips quickly before flushing at my action, quickly pushing his hand away as I stood up when I felt it creep down my back before moving to settle on my arse. I knew I must have been bright red as I hurried to the bathroom, leaving his breathy chuckles behind me. He could be such a pervert at times. I was surprised how much I liked it.




Chapter 85


Holly's POV

I found the bathroom with relative ease, walking down the thin corridor before peaking into the room when I thought I had located it. I was correct thankfully. After closing the door and locking it behind me I leaned against it in relief, running my hands over my face before slumping my entire weight on it. I didn't realize how much of a relief it would seem when I got away from the tenseness for a few moments.It was nice. After doing my business I took my time washing my hands, knowing that the time I had spent here would most likely seem like a tad longer than appropriate. I didn't mind, not when it was a welcomed calm atmosphere for a few minutes. When I finally thought I had no choice but to head back I glanced at my reflection before frowning when I noticed how pale I looked. Had I always looked so…washed out? Shaking my head, thinking it was probably nothing, I headed back down the small corridor before taking in the scene in front of me as I entered the living room. What in god's name had I missed? There in front of me was Adrian baring his teeth at Liam while Sophie was huddled in the corner behind her mother, acting as if the older woman could protect her if the situation aroused. I knew she didn't have a chance if Adrian attacked, my mate didn't get to be Alpha simply due to a birthright that was for sure."What's going on?"My soft tone seemed to draw Adrian's immediate attention, his expression softening into what seemed like concern before he held his arms out as a hint for me to go over to him. I did n't hesitate before I was pulled onto his lap while his nose brushed against the column of my neck."I have decided that Liam and Sophie will be spending a day or two at the pack house, hopefully it will teach them respect. If that does not work, I will have to take a more…rough approach."I saw the two teens flinch at his tone before they nodded in agreement. I think they were surprised and somewhat shocked to watch how even when his tone was harsh enough to send shivers down a wolf's spine, that his actions towards my were only soft and gentle. Did they really not know of what a mate consisted of?"Go get your things" he demanded causing them to rush to obey before he even had to comment further. I turned towards him, raising a brow but only got a shrug in return. What else had he told them?"You ok?" he asked gently, a huge contrast to his previous tone as he brushed his fingers against my cheek. I nodded. "You sure? You look pale" he continued worriedly."I feel fine" I shrugged honestly. "Maybe it's the weather."Only getting a 'hmm' in return he pulled me to my feet, the rushed sounds of Sophie and Liam hurriedly collecting their belongings the only disturbance present before Rebecca seemed to gather up her nerves enough to ask my mate a question."You will take care of them, won't you?" she asked as a concerned woman would. Adrian seemed to sense this as well, calming down somewhat."They will be under the supervision of my pack mates as well as myself," he confirmed before bending down to nip at my ear lobe. I shivered, playfully pushing him away much to his amusement as he shot me a grin. When it came to leaving I thanked Adrian when he held open my door for me. He smiled, but his eyes were focused on the two other teens as they slipped into the back seats after pulling their luggage in the car's trunk. They hadn't so much as complained which had me stunned, especially when I compared it to what they had been like the last time I had met them with Adrian. They had been, as Adrian had bluntly put it, brats. But now…they seemed almost eager to please. It was confusing."Put your seatbelts on" he demanded offhandedly as he got into the driver's seat, both Sophie and Liam both hurriedly doing as they were told.Where was the previous attitude?Shaking my head, deciding not to comment on it further, I turned in my seat so I could face my mate. "Can I have the radio on?" I asked, trying to dissolve the still tense atmosphere."You don't have to ask every time, sweetheart" he rolled his eyes with a grin.I shrugged. "It's polite" was all I said in return."You want to stop somewhere to eat?" he asked a few minutes later, glancing at the clock only to find it was already half twelve. How long were we at Rebecca's?Thinking about it I nodded. "If you don't mind," I agreed. "Where we going?""Uh, there's a small café on the next right" Adrian spoke aloud, his brows pinched in thought.It wasn't long until Adrian was pulling into a parking space, the engine running to a stop before he shut it off."Can we get something to eat as well?" Sophie asked surprisingly politely. Seriously, what had Adrian said to them?When Adrian nodded his consent the two hurried to get out of the car, my hand immediately going to hold onto my mates as he pulled me against his side before dipping his head to kiss my lips. I smiled.We managed to find a nice corner booth which was out of the way from everyone thankfully, Liam and Sophie sitting on one side while I and Adrian sat on the other. It was when Adrian passed me a menu that I felt his warm hand press against my thigh, my smile only growing as I fingered the laminated menu while I tried to hide my blush."What can I get you this afternoon?"We were broken out of our thoughts when a waitress arrived at our table, my head no longer pressing against the coolness of the window as I moved to glance in her direction. It was fair to say I didn't like how she was looking at Adrian, but then again I knew he was something to look at.That didn't mean I had to like it, because I didn't. Adrian looked in my direction before jolting my shoulder lightly to get my attention, my own shoulders shrugging gently as turned my attention back towards the window. I didn't feel right; it was strange. Adrian must have gestured for Liam and Sophie to order since I heard them put in their requests for hamburgers and a pasta bake, but I could feel the way my mate’s eyes burned into the side of my head.Why did I feel so tired? So…drained?"What would you like to eat, sweetheart? Do you want something light, soup maybe?" he offered which I did admit sounded good."Please," I nodded before closing my eyes for a moment.I was surprised that I hadn't fallen asleep by the time the scent of our food came around, Adrian's hand still on my thigh and I placed mine over his own as I enlaced our fingers together. It was nice. It turned out Adrian had ordered me what I guessed to be vegetable soup, something I hadn't tried before. Then again I had only really eaten full meals, or even decent food, since I had been at Adrian's. He looked after me, I knew that.While the teens in front of me scoffed down their food as if they were starving, a feeling I knew they didn't have a clue how it felt to truly be so hungry that your stomach would spasm in agony, I took my time eating my soup which turned out to be surprisingly good."I'll be back in a few minutes sweetheart; I'm just going to the loo, ok?" Adrian interrupted my mind—daze with his comment. I nodded, turning my head in his direction before closing my eyes in pleasure when I felt his large hand cup my cheek before he pressed his lips against mine.Part of me wasn't surprised when as soon as he had disappeared from sight both Sophie and Liam snapped their heads in my direction. I wanted to shrink away under their piecing gazes but I had long ago learnd how to mask my emotions. I looked at them blankly, my spoon resting on the side of my bowl as I waited for them to comment. It didn't take them long.




hope you are enjoying my book 




Chapter 86

Holly's POV

I didn't know quite what I expected to be subjected to when Adrian had left, but when the politeness and happy smiles instantly turned into scowls I knew exactly what they were playing at. I wouldn't be surprised if Adrian didn't either, he was too good of a judge of character not to know what they were trying to pull off and the fact this explained his short temper with them was enough to tell me exactly that.I didn't say anything though, nor did I mention that they were severely underestimating their alpha if they thought he couldn't hear every word they were about to say. I didn't want to bring harm to them, but I didn't want to disrupt Adrian's way to teach either. It was his duty, as it was mine to stand by his side, and if he was testing them by leaving them alone with me then so be it. I severely doubted it though; I knew Adrian's concern and care for me went above and beyond."So," Sophie started with a click of her tongue, her mouth still churning food which was slightly off—putting. Did they have no manners? "You're his mate, huh?" she asked with a snort. I didn't reply, rather picking up my spoon again. I was intent on ignoring them, but when a foot suddenly connected with my lower leg I couldn't help but drop the utensil and release a pain—filled gasp before I managed to cut it off mid breath.I could see that Liam was stunned by my reaction, his light kick would have felt like nothing to another shifter of my size and age, but the fact I was just as delicate as I looked didn't help matters.He seemed to realize his mistake, Sophie on the other hand didn't do much."Such a drama queen," she muttered under  her breath. Pulling my napkin off my lap I slowly slid out of the booth, my wolf snarling so angrily that I was worried I would shift right there and then. Why she was so intent on killing Sophie I didn't know, but I didn't want to stick around to find out. Turns out I didn't have the time to head outside for a breather since a concerned Adrian bolted out of the toilets, my fingers gripping the red leather of the booth as he was in front of me in an instant.I was amazed at how quickly and efficiently his eyes were drawn to my leg even though my tights would cover any mark, though I doubted one would be present. Maybe it would a few weeks ago, but I healed slightly faster now and I figured a bruise would heal in a matter of minutes at least.Even so I saw his eyes flash, fear rushing into my senses as I wrapped my arms around his waist only to be pulled into his embrace."Get your things, we're leaving, now!" Adrian growled through gritted teeth, the fear even thicker in the air as it was coming off the pair in waves. What had I done to make them hate me?It must seem strange for the humans, to see an eighteen—year—old act so mature for his age, or too suddenly burst from another room with an anger—filled expression from what they believed had come from nowhere. But they didn't know our life, and that was how it was always going to be.As soon as everyone was in the car the atmosphere was even thicker, the fear coming from the backseats almost enough to chock on and as soon as we arrived at the pack house I was for once the first one out the car as I tried to get away from how uncomfortable everything felt.How was I going to be able to live with them? Adrian surprised me when he wrapped his arms gently around my waist, my wolf purring even though I jumped slightly at the action. I hadn't realized how deeply in my thoughts I had been."Your heart rates too fast" he mumbled against my ear, the worry in his tone thick and heavy."Can I go lay down?" I asked softly. "I feel funny."The next thing I knew I was swept into his arms, a squeal falling from my lips before the next thing I knew I was laying on his thick, plush bed surrounded my pillows in every direction possible. It felt like pure heaven."What about—""They are downstairs in the living room, Paul and Ryan are keeping an eye on the both of them. They aren't happy to say the least" Adrian cut me off, already knowing what I was about to ask."Are you sure you shouldn't be—""Here with you?" he asked with a grin, finishing my sentence for me yet again. "Of course," he winked causing me to giggle. I laid back amused as he went to work undoing my shoes for me, my mild protest going unheard until I hushed when I heard his purr. He always managed to make me too relaxed to argue when he made that delicious sound. Feeling him tug off my shoes and set them on the floor I shivered when I felt his large, meaty hands creep up my legs before gripping the waistband of my tights. It was impossible for me not to get aroused as I felt his delicate touch, saw the way his eyes darkened as he picked up on my scent and the way his eyes seemed to burn into my flesh as he slowly uncovered more of my tanned creamy skin. I was naturally a tanned color, but not quite as dark as Adrian who looked incredibly exotic.




Chapter 87


"You want me to take your dress off for you?" he asked with a cheeky grin once my tights were off, my coat already on the floor as I stared up at him with wide amber eyes. I nodded.He must have sensed how I was nearly out of it with sleep since he didn't try anything, not that I would have protested mind you, but I was partly relieved that I would just get some sleep. I knew I shouldn't be as tired as I was but I passed it off as me still recovering from my childhood.I found myself asleep in seconds, vaguely away of Adrian putting me under the covers before he pressed a light kiss to my temple. I moaned in content, burying myself further into the blankets before I was out like a light. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Holly's Pov   I didn't know how long I had slept for, but what I did know was that I felt a whole lot better once I had woken up. I had no idea what—so—ever what was wrong with me but I couldn't help but think that it must have been related to my lack of energy and strength. I was getting better, I could already feel the difference, and I could only hope that my immune system soon got to the level that I knew was healthy for a werewolf my age. Feeling my eye—lids begin to flutter as I started to rouse from my sleep. I whimpered in discontent as I stretched out my form under the covers, my wolf instantly purring as I took note of the arm that was wrapped around my waist. Smiling, I turned around only to come face to face with Adrian's still sleeping appearance, his expression soft and calm and it was clear he was still in dreamland.Not wanting to wake him up or disturb him I gently shifted next to him, moving so I could carefully slip out of his grasp before making a move to swing my legs over the side of the bed so I could stretch my legs, already feeling my legs begin to cramp. I couldn't remember the last time I had slept so well.Due to not feeling ill I didn't take care as I threw my legs over, my limbs dangling from the side of the bed as I sighed when I noticed my feet didn't even touch the ground. I always tended to forget how tiny I was which was ironic considering how Adrian always seemed to tower over me whenever I was with him, which happened to be the majority of the time. I didn't mind, I loved it.Shaking my head I hopped down from the bed, not expecting in the slightest for my legs to give—way under me as soon as my feet touched the plush carpet. What I also didn't predict or expect was how harshly I hit the floor, the sound of my head hitting the frame of the side table enough to send a bolt of pain crashing through my head as I felt my face begin to grow wet with what I knew was the familiar feeling of blood.I cried out."Holly?"Whimpering I tried to pull myself up, my form leaning against the side of the cabinet as I tried to blink back the haziness which was stunning my vision."Holly?"This time my mate seemed even more alarmed as I heard the sheets get thrown back before a pair of warm hands were cupping my cheeks, gently encouraging me to look up at him."Oh Holly," he sighed as he took note of my pain—filled gaze. Trying to fight the urge to cry I felt how much concern and worry he felt for me, but luckily his knowledge of battle wounds, even if it wasn't a result of a fight, made it clear that it was only a scrap. Even so I could sense how scared he was that something was wrong, and to be honest so was I."I don't feel right," I murmured, still in a haze from both pain and sleep.It was strange how only a few minutes ago I had felt perfectly fine, exhausted still yes, but other than that I felt on top of the world. But as soon as I had tried to get off the bed I felt as if my own legs couldn't hold my weight, resulting in me crashing to the group and a number of various emotions running through me as I tried to rationalise what was happening. It wasn't doing much good."What hurts?" Adrian asked alarmed, his meaty hand on my forehead as he tried to feel if I had a temperature or not. I didn't feel hot, but his deeper frown told me that I was clearly running higher than usual, even if it was probably normal for a werewolf. It was clear if I wasn't as weak as I was that it would be a hell of a lot easier. Werewolves didn't get sick, it was clear I seemed to be the exception."I feel sick," was all I managed to get out before I felt the bile begin to rise up my throat. I hurriedly swallowed it back down, struggling to remain calm as I gasped for breath even though I knew I wasn't suffocating.



Chapter 88


"Want me to call Lisa?" he asked as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I was sure I looked a mess. "Please?" he spoke softly when he caught sight of my attempt to say no. It wasn't that I didn't like Lisa, but it was her being so touchy with me that I didn't like."Ok,"Hearing my agreement Adrian wrapped his arms around me before placing me gently on the bed, feeling around for his phone on the cabinet before grasping it in his right hand. It took him minutes before Lisa agreed to come over, even though I could still see it was dark outside. Feeling my vision begin to blur even more I closed my eyes, knowing if I tried to focus it would only bring about a headache. Why was this happening to me? I thought I was getting better. No, I knew I was getting better! So why was I feeling like I was? The next thing I knew I was back asleep, a strange sensation in my stomach and upper chest making it uncomfortable to lay like I was. Even so I managed to doze off into a slightly peaceful sleep, vaguely away of the hands caressing my skin in a soothing manner as I did so. I was also aware of low whispers, a conversation I wasn't awake enough to hear properly nor understand. I couldn't bring myself to really care if I was being honest. The next time I woke up a few hours later Adrian was by my side, the concern radiating off him in waves as he watched me with pain—filled eyes."What?" I mumbled as I shifted to press myself against him. I wanted, no needed his touch.Adrian smiled gently as he cupped my cheek. "We're going to Lisa's office in an hour or two to get you checked out properly, why don't you try and get some more sleep?" he spoke softly. Only half paying attention I mumbled that I loved him under my breath before I was once again no longer aware of what was happening around me, my head feeling as if it was filled with cotton wool as I snuggled against my caring mate while drifting off into the darkness yet again. While it was worrying me slightly that I seemed to be so tired over the past few days I pushed it to the back of my mind, knowing that if there was something wrong then Lisa would figure it out, and if not I knew I would have Adrian to fall back on. What I didn't like however was how much my being in this state was affecting him, his pain and worry filling me along with his frustration over not being able to help. I had never met someone who had cared as much as Adrian did for me. I loved him for it, I really did.I once again fell asleep in the car as Adrian drove the both of us to Lisa's office, I had no idea where it was but I had complete and utter faith that my mate would look after me. I knew he would never let me down, ever. It must have taken us a good twenty minutes until I felt the car slow to a stop, Adrian not taking his time in the least as he was soon by my side as he helped me out of the car, and by helped I mean I was in his arms before I had even attempted to walk. I didn't complain, knowing it made him feel more in control when I was in his arms. It made me feel safe to be in them. Once we were sitting in Lisa's office I leaned my head against Adrian's shoulder as Lisa took blood tests, my reaction not quite as dramatic as it was the last time she had tried such a thing. I knew Lisa enough now to trust her judgment, well I trusted Adrian's judgment and he clearly trusted hers.It was when Lisa came back with the results trying not to look as surprised as she was that I knew something had to be wrong, surprised didn't seem good."Your blood tests showed you have a low sugar level, Holly. Why don't you go see if you can get something from the vending machine?" she offered to cause me to look at her strangely. What a strange request."I'll go—" Adrian started before cutting himself off, my head rising from his shoulder only to just miss whatever expression had been on both of their faces. Turning towards me Adrian pressed his lips to mine softly. "Why don't you see how to feel? I'll be there if you need me in a split second, alright sweetheart?"Knowing that he clearly wanted to speak to Lisa in private I was only slightly miffed that I knew it would be about me, but then again if it was bad news I would want Adrian to know first anyway. The last thing I needed to do was work myself into a panic and become even worse.So with that on my mind I simply nodded before pulling myself to my feet, my hand squeezing his shoulder before I followed his direction and headed out the door. I felt something slip into my hand and I looked down only to see a crisp note in my palm. I sighed, that thought hadn't even crossed my mind.Was I really that out of it?



Chapter 89


Adrian's Pov

"You had better having a bloody good reason for me sending her away like that!" I snapped as soon as Holly was out of hearing range, my wolf snarling at the thought of her being in the state that she was and me not being with her. I didn't like it, I didn't like it one bit.Narrowing my eyes at Lisa I took in her nervous attitude, but it was the excitement that was mixed with the worry that had me frowning. Why would she be excited about my mate being ill? What the hell was wrong with her? Clearly sensing that I was about to snap Lisa hurriedly started speaking, her sentences coming out in a stutter as she tried to speak too quickly for her lips to form the words."I didn't think it would be best for her to be present, Alpha" she rushed out. "I know you're worried, but as for her health I can tell you that it is nothing serious."Breathing a sigh of relief I couldn't help but rub my hands over my face in relief. "Thank god," I breathed. My relief was cut show however when she started speaking again. "But—"Crap, I knew anything starting with a 'but' didn't end well."What?" I demanded, wanting her to get straight to the point. I needed to know how my mate was, what I could do to make her better again. I had to know.Lisa took a deep breath. "She's pregnant."The next several minutes neither of us said anything, the words 'she's pregnant' running through my head over and over again. My head was blank, and while my wolf was literally purring and howling with joy and content I was still having difficulty catching up to what she had said.She's pregnantShe's pregnantShe's pregnantShe's pregnant"Are you sure?" was all I could say.Lisa nodded, trying hard not to smile. I knew what she was feeling, her own wolf humming at the thought of her female alpha being pregnant with my pup—My pup; that sounded so good.As a race we tended to breed young, what with the fact we were mated for life we could skip the whole issue of the fear of ending up alone. Once mated we were sorted for life; we only had one mate and they would be perfectly suited. Holly wasn't what I expected when I thought about the off chance that I would find my other half; but she was a million times better. She was quiet and controlled, yet when passion she would speak out. She was eager to learn, her lack of childhood education making her a delight to teach new things to. Even though I loathed, hated how she had been brought up she savoured even the smallest thing she was given. Unfortunately, it made it hard to spoil her.But all in all, she was absolutely perfect for me.The thought of her carrying my young, my child, was enough to bring visions to my mind. Of her pregnant. Of her feeding our pup, caring for our young. Of spending time with a child that I knew was mine.It only made me want it more."She's pregnant?" my words croaked, begging that I hadn't heard her wrong.Near in tears Lisa nodded, biting her lip as she tried to reign in her own emotions. "Then why has she been so ill?"My question seemed to sober her up, my emotions still in tuned my mates and I could feel that she was fine. My wolf, now knowing that she carried my young, wouldn't be letting her out of his sight as soon as she returned. I fully agreed with him.Lisa took a shaky breath before getting down to the serious stuff. I braced myself fully for what I was about to hear, knowing that it wouldn't be good. I was still thriving over the happiness of my mate being pregnant that I knew whatever Lisa told me was only going to bring my elevated mood down a few notches. I was right."In the heath state that your mate is in now you need to be careful, the last thing you need is for her to be under any stress which could cause her to miscarry. Make sure to give her only soft foods, yogurt, soup and such…and make sure she rests as much as possible. I don't want to give her any medication, what with her being a shifter and not a human, but her phasing into her wolf form once ever—so—often will also do her some good. She will be more in tune with her wolf who will tell her instinctively what she will need to do to help out her pup."I simply stared at her, processing everything she had just told me."If you do that I see no reason as to why she wouldn't be able to carry her pup under full term," she continued.Now that was the news that I wanted to hear, that everything would be alright. I didn't want my mate to be in any more discomfort than she already was, but I knew as soon as I heard Lisa say to keep her away from anything stress like that I would be speaking to the brats as soon as possible. It turned out their training was about to be stepped up a few notches since I was no longer going to put up with their shit. Not when my mate’s life and my pup were in danger.  Licking my lips my head snapped behind me when I heard a small knock at the door. I smiled."You can come in, Holly" I grinned.Having her standing in front of me was enough to my eyes to be drawn to her flat stomach, the fact that she needed to gain weight present on my mind at that exact moment."You get anything, sweetheart?" I asked when I took note that I couldn't smell any food on her.Holly shook her head, biting her lip as she moved to stand near where I was sitting. "The machine's broken."I frowned at that. "You want to stop somewhere on the way home?"

Chapter 90

"I'm fine" she shook her head as she handed me back my money. Glancing towards Lisa I saw her give me a look which I knew meant it was up to me when to tell Holly about the fact she was carrying my young. "Is everything alright?"Taking a deep breath I nodded. "Let's go home, sweetheart" I told her as I rose to my feet and wrapped my arms around her. I knew that as she leaned her head against me everything was going to be just fine.On the way home my head was filled with thoughts on whether or not I should tell her. I knew I couldn't really keep this sort of thing from my mate, I mean technically it was going to affect Holly a lot more than it would affect me body—wise, but I was still having trouble grasping it myself. My mate was pregnant. I grinned at the thought."What has you so happy?" my darling little mate asked as she glanced in my direction, her fingers playing with the bottom of her dress in a nervous gesture."Everything's all good" I told her."Really?"I nodded. "We just need to get you to eat some more," I winked at her causing her to shrug. I knew food didn't really bother her and I hated that the previous pack had starved her like they had. If I ever saw them I would slaughter them all. Arriving back at the pack house I held her hand as we headed inside, laughter greeting us after I had picked up a human scent. I shook my head, knowing that Jake's mate had decided to visit. I was happy for him, I really was.Heading into the living room I spotted Annie standing next to Jake, her hair a bright red and she wasn't actually that much shorter than him. She was clearly tall for age. Personally I loved that Holly was so much smaller than myself, making it easy for me to dominate her without pushing her too far. I may want to protect her, keep her safe for her to stand so innocently by my side. I loved it. Clearly my throat I managed to gain their attention easily, Jake immediately snapping his head in my direction before he ran his fingers through his hair. I knew he was nervous, he was about to officially introduce his mate to his alpha after all. It meant a lot for a wolf to have their other half accepted."Adrian," he nodded, using my first name and not 'alpha.' He had clearly yet to tell her about his heritage. "I want you to meet Annie, my m—girlfriend" he stumbled over his words, nearly introducing her as his mate. I smirked at him almost slip up. I stared at the young girl who I guessed to be able a year younger than him, my head tilting to the side as I took her in. She had nothing of Holly but she was cute, pretty even."Hi,"I smiled when I saw Holy wave from my side, clearly trying to break the tension. Since it was making her uncomfortable I decided to go easy on Jake."Nice to meet you Holly, welcome to our home" I waved my hand around to gesture around me.I watched her eyes widen, her head shaking in a nod. "Thank you," she stuttered. "I still find it hard to believe that so many people live here, it's massive.""That's what she said," I heard Paul snort under his breath causing my mate to burst into giggles, stunning Annie it seemed since her human hearing hadn't picked up on Paul’s comment.Grinning smugly at managing to get such a reaction out of his alpha female Paul smirked before moving over to through his arms over my mate's shoulders. "So Holly, how 'bout we bake Annie a cake huh? Welcome her to the family" he suggested."Paul," I rolled my eyes at his lame hint. It wasn't a secret that everyone liked her cooking, and thanks to the fact shifting burnt off so many calories we didn't have to worry about eating too much of it. Technically, the more the better."Ok," my mate agreed before I could say anything. If it hadn't been for the fact that I knew cooking calmed my mate I would have spoken out about her keeping herself relaxed."Oh god," Paul moaned happily. "You are in for a treat Annie, Holly here is a diamond in the kitchen" he boasted causing me to grin. Once Paul, my mate and Annie had left for the kitchen I turned seriously, glancing at everyone else in the room. "Where the brats?" I clipped. Ryan was the one to answer. "In their new room, I and Paul put them on the guest floor but told them not to unpack yet" he explained causing me to nod."Good," I praised causing him to grin. "How were they?"At this there were grumbles and mutterings around the room. "Lily may have slapped the girl," Ryan tried to hide his amusement at Paul’s mate’s actions.I raised my brows. "Can I ask why? "This seemed to sober him up. "We heard them talking, apparently they thought they were better than the lot of us and that they were going to play nice until they were able to shift again. I didn't think they realized that we could hear every word they were saying."  I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands. Great, this was going to be one hell of an annoyance training them that was for sure. It was clear I was going to do this the hard way. I knew that unless they feared me, really feared me, they weren't going to learn respect.It seemed I was going to have play dirty just as they were.


Chapter 91


Holly's Pov

 Mixing  the already beaten eggs into the batter I was surprised when Annie suddenly started talking to me, her tone soft and I could hear how nervous she was. I frowned; since when was I off—putting to people?"Jake told me that you're the one who baked the cakes for the fundraiser."I nodded, still trying to ask myself why she seemed so nervous. I mean she was taller than me, and while she wasn't big by any means I knew if I wasn't a werewolf she would be able to take me no problem. Again I frowned at where my thoughts were taking me, since when did it bother me?I shrugged, deciding just to change the pattern of my thoughts. I grinned when it worked and it no longer seemed to bother me."So…"Feeling guilty for making her uncomfortable I scooped my batter in the separate cooking trays before popping it in the oven. I turned around, facing her."Jake said that they went down well, yes?" I spoke softly.Her eyes widened and she nodded happily. "Yep, we decided to cut one up and have it as a taster of sorts and it seemed to be a good idea. We sold all of them," she gushed.I bit my lip, blushing."So," Annie cleared her throat. "Is Adrian your boyfriend then?" she asked nervously, as if she worried she was overstepping her mark.I played with my hands nervously, but couldn't help but get a sappy grin on my lips. "Yea," I smiled. "Adrian's perfect."Hearing gruff laughter I flushed from head to toe when I saw my mate standing in the door

way, a wide grin at his lips causing me to look down at my feet."Now, now sweetheart" he cupped my cheek as he made me look up to face him. "I'm glad you think I'm gorgeous" he spoke smugly. Slapping him on the shoulder I walked over to the fridge, pulling out several bars of chocolate. "I didn't say you were gorgeous, but said you were perfect" I muttered, knowing I was kidding myself. His laughter told me just as much."If you say so sweetheart," he winked before glancing over towards a nervous Annie. He shrugged, turning his attention back to me as I ripped open the chocolate and snapped it into little pieces so I could easily melt it. "What you making?""Paul wanted chocolate cake," was my reply.Adrian rolled his eyes, but I could tell he wouldn't be passing up a piece. I loved that my mate liked my cooking, it was a relief as well as a weight off my shoulders. It helped me try and realize that I was worth him, that I could make him happy."You like to bake?"Looking back over towards Annie I could tell she wanted nothing more than for Jake to be by her side, calming her nerves. I wondered where he had gone but didn't bring it up."I love it," I admitted to her. "It helps me think."When the timer went off I grabbed some oven gloves before pulling out the three circular shaped tin cakes I had baked, pleased with the golden brown color meaning they had been cooked to perfection. I may be covering it in chocolate, but I didn't want it to be sickly so I had done the base of the cake a simple vanilla."They smell good," Jake grinned as he walked into the kitchen and headed over to a relieved Annie. I could tell that my mate’s presence made her nervous, but then again he was an alpha, a powerful man. I couldn't exactly blame her, he had scared the crap outta me the first time we had met."Thank you," I flushed.Setting the cakes on top of each other once they had completely cooled I went about melting the chocolate, mixing it with some milk to make it smoother for me to cover the cake. I didn't want it to look dreadful, even if the taste would be the same. It made me happy when I was proud of my work.It didn't take long until I had the three—tiered caked decorated, the fact I knew it wouldn't take long for the pack to demolish it making me smile despite myself. It made me happy that it always goes down so well."So how were the doctors, mate?" Paul asked Adrian as I sat on a stool, my fingers working with the fondant Adrian had brought me a few days ago as I made bright red roses out of it. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't look up, feeling flustered under his gaze."Everything went fine," he grunted. I looked up at him, feeling his excitement which had me confused. What did he have to be excited over?"Thank god," I heard most of the pack mutter causing me to frown. Were they really that worried? Why? Shrugging I grinned once I had completed my fifth rose, feeling a pair of lips press against my cheek. Looking up I saw Adrian grinning down at me."They look lovely," he praised."Thank you," I blushed before getting the cake back out of the fridge and decorating it with them. "Done," I announced proudly once the last one was in place."Wow,"Glancing over at Annie I could see how shocked she was. Passing it off I jumped up and washed my hands, nearly slipping at the last moment but of course my mate was there to catch me in his arms."Clumsy," he mumbled causing me to feel my face flush even redder. It was later in the day when I found myself lying in bed with my mate, Adrian's hair wet from a fresh shower as I laid my head on his chest. It was soothing, listening to his heart beat as it thumped away in his chest."Can I ask you something, sweetheart?"


Chapter 92


Glancing up at Adrian I nodded. "Ask me what?"He seemed nervous as he spoke. "Would you ever consider having kids?" he finally got out.That I had to admit stumped me, what with the randomness of it and all. But when I really thought about it, letting the idea of having pups cross my mind I was surprised with how appealing that option seemed to me. I had never even fantastic about the idea in my past, it never having crossed my mind, but now as I laid with Adrian I found myself wondering…Would I make a good mother?Could I look after my young? Was I good enough?I must have been quiet for some time since I soon felt Adrian's worried emotions flood into my own like a soft wave of feeling. Looking up I saw him staring down at me nervously."I would like to," I finally admitted quietly. "The idea doesn't seem as terrifying with you."What I had said was clearly the right thing since the smile which lit up my mate’s features was earth—shattering; he looked happier than I had ever seen him. It didn't take a genius to work out that he was extremely pleased with my admission and I found myself relieved that I had worded it how I had. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint him and I thankfully hadn't."That makes me very happy my little mate," he grinned before he was hovering on top of me. Flushing I wrapped my arms around his neck, my forehead pressed against his collar bone as I breathed in his scent. I loved the way he smelled. I didn't know quite how to ask him what his thoughts were but I had gathered that he definitely wanted children."I love you," he mumbled as he ran his nose up against my neck. I smiled. "I love you too."  *** Adrian's Pov  Waking up to my mate would never get old I thought with a smile. I liked it when she was the first thing I smelled, touched and felt as I opened my eyes in the morning. It brightened up my day and put me in a good mood which only seemed to continue throughout. Like I said, loved it. Curling myself around her I pulled her tighter against me, my hand around her small waist as I spooned up behind her. I could sense that she was still asleep, curled under the covers as she tried to keep herself cozy and warm. I smiled at her despite myself. It wasn't until I realized I was circling the skin of her stomach with my fingertips however that I realized it wouldn't be long until I would have the perfect family, my mate at my side and a pup who I would spoil rotten and protect until my last breathe. The thought was appealing enough that I couldn't help but continue to lightly touch the soft skin of her stomach. I couldn't wait. Being werewolves our females did not carry the pup for as long of a time as humans did, honestly the whole nine months seemed like far too long to wait until a child had grown enough to be born. I scowled at the thought. Our species were different in that pups grew at a speedier rate in the womb, and while each female was slightly different it was nowhere near nine months. Only the female carrying the child would know when the time would be soon. I knew because of that I couldn't hold off telling her. When I had asked her last night on her thoughts of having children with me it had been a big relief to find that while she hadn't thought about it she didn't seem put off at the idea in the slightest. But, how would she react when I told her? It wouldn't be long until she figured it out on her own and I knew if she did she would panic which was the last thing I wanted. She couldn't be under any extra stress and I definitely did not want to be the cause. Pressing a kiss to the side of her neck, her skin smooth to the touch, I reluctantly pulled myself away from her. Smiling as I watched her roll over as if reaching for me I pulled the covers up further around her before hurriedly shrugging on a pair of loose pajama pants. There was no need to wake her when I had to sort some things out, she needed her rest and she was not a morning person in the slightest.Running fingers through my hair I gave her one last longing look before heading down the stairs, making sure to close the bedroom door behind me. She did not need to be disturbed. Heading towards the kitchen I was instantly hit with the smell of my mate’s cooking. It was distinctive, she was talented after all."What are you doing?" I asked amused when I caught sight of Jake in the kitchen. I smirked when I saw he wasn't alone. "I did not realize you had spent the night, Annie."I knew before I spoke that it would make her uncomfortable, and I was right, but it was more than a tad amusing to say the least. As predicted she flushed brightly, shifting closer to Jake who looked sheepish. "I—I,…" she stuttered. "I didn't think it would be a problem—I mean Jake—""Adrian's joking, babe" Jake took pity on his mate.  Glancing up at Adrian I nodded. "Ask me what?"He seemed nervous as he spoke. "Would you ever consider having kids?" he finally got out.That I had to admit stumped me, what with the randomness of it and all. But when I really thought about it, letting the idea of having pups cross my mind I was surprised with how appealing that option seemed to me. I had never even fantastic about the idea in my past, it never having crossed my mind, but now as I laid with Adrian I found myself wondering…Would I make a good mother? Could I look after my young? Was I good enough?I must have been quiet for some time since I soon felt Adrian's worried emotions flood into my own like a soft wave of feeling. Looking up I saw him staring down at me nervously."I would like to," I finally admitted quietly. "The idea doesn't seem as terrifying with you."What I had said was clearly the right thing since the smile which lit up my mate’s features was earth—shattering; he looked happier than I had ever seen him. It didn't take a genius to work out that he was extremely pleased with my admission and I found myself relieved that I had worded it how I had. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint him and I thankfully hadn't."That makes me very happy my little mate," he grinned before he was hovering on top of me. Flushing I wrapped my arms around his neck, my forehead pressed against his collar bone as I breathed in his scent. I loved the way he smelled. I didn't know quite how to ask him what his thoughts were but I had gathered that he definitely wanted children."I love you," he mumbled as he ran his nose up against my neck. I smiled. "I love you too."  *** Adrian's Pov  Waking up to my mate would never get old I thought with a smile. I liked it when she was the first thing I smelled, touched and felt as I opened my eyes in the morning. It brightened up my day and put me in a good mood which only seemed to continue throughout. Like I said, loved it. Curling myself around her I pulled her tighter against me, my hand around her small waist as I spooned up behind her. I could sense that she was still asleep, curled under the covers as she tried to keep herself cozy and warm. I smiled at her despite myself. It wasn't until I realized I was circling the skin of her stomach with my fingertips however that I realized it wouldn't be long until I would have the perfect family, my mate at my side and a pup who I would spoil rotten and protect until my last breathe. The thought was appealing enough that I couldn't help but continue to lightly touch the soft skin of her stomach. I couldn't wait. Being werewolves our females did not carry the pup for as long of a time as humans did, honestly the whole nine months seemed like far too long to wait until a child had grown enough to be born. I scowled at the thought. Our species were different in that pups grew at a speedier rate in the womb, and while each female was slightly different it was nowhere near nine months. Only the female carrying the child would know when the time would be soon. I knew because of that I couldn't hold off telling her. When I had asked her last night on her thoughts of having children with me it had been a big relief to find that while she hadn't thought about it she didn't seem put off at the idea in the slightest. But, how would she react when I told her? It wouldn't be long until she figured it out on her own and I knew if she did she would panic which was the last thing I wanted. She couldn't be under any extra stress and I definitely did not want to be the cause. Pressing a kiss to the side of her neck, her skin smooth to the touch, I reluctantly pulled myself away from her. Smiling as I watched her roll over as if reaching for me I pulled the covers up further around her before hurriedly shrugging on a pair of loose pajama pants. There was no need to wake her when I had to sort some things out, she needed her rest and she was not a morning person in the slightest.Running fingers through my hair I gave her one last longing look before heading down the stairs, making sure to close the bedroom door behind me. She did not need to be disturbed. Heading towards the kitchen I was instantly hit with the smell of my mate’s cooking. It was distinctive, she was talented after all."What are you doing?" I asked amused when I caught sight of Jake in the kitchen. I smirked when I saw he wasn't alone. "I did not realize you had spent the night, Annie."I knew before I spoke that it would make her uncomfortable, and I was right, but it was more than a tad amusing to say the least. As predicted she flushed brightly, shifting closer to Jake who looked sheepish. "I—I,…" she stuttered. "I didn't think it would be a problem—I mean Jake—""Adrian's joking, babe" Jake took pity on his mate.

Chapter 93

Barking out a laugh I soon discovered the reason it smelled of my mates cooking even though she was still in bed. Holly tended to make things before either freezing them or putting them in the fridge so they could simply be heated up. Most of the male members of the pack didn't really have time to put in the time and effort if they were between patrols or had one before or after school. There just wasn't time and it worked out perfectly since it took a matter of minutes to make before they could eat and head out. They all took advantage of it."Jake is aware of the rules," I spoke calmly as I headed over towards the fridge to find something for Holly when she woke up. She needed to eat more Lisa had said and I intended to make sure she did. "He is allowed his girlfriend over."Really the males of the pack were only allowed their mates over, even if they were not aware of how they were bonded to them yet. I did not want a bunch of humans cluttering up my home nor poking their noses in our business. What if a pack member was angered and phased? It was simply not worth the risk."Urm…."Ignoring the human for the minute I decided that the best thing for Holly would be simple oats of some sort. I knew she wasn't fussy and it pained me that she wouldn't say something even if she didn't like it, but I would be able to judge her reaction if she didn't."How's Holly feeling?"Hearing Jake’s question I smiled at his concern. "She is as well as can be," I told him before lowering my tone so only he could pick up on my words. "There will be a pack meeting tomorrow night, do not make any plans.""Ok Alpha," he spoke in a tone just as low before turning back to his mate. I decided that I needed to come clean to Holly as soon as possible before telling the pack that they needed to be even more careful around her, that her delicate state was about to get even more vulnerable. It needed to be said. I was broken out of my thoughts when a familiar scent hit my senses, instantly igniting my wolf. I had not forgotten how they had dared to not only insult my mate, but to kick her when they thought I would not know. Where they really that stupid? That foolish? That suicidal? What was wrong with them? Sensing that things were about to get bad Jake hurriedly asked if he could leave, which I nodded to without a second thought. He needed to get his mate out of here before she saw something Jake wasn't ready for her to see. Hearing him make his excuses he tugged her girl towards the door before he was cut short when the two brats made an appearance., snorting and laughing with either other making me scowl. It was when they caught sight of a suddenly nervous Annie that I saw their minds whirling, Jake shooting me a panicked look since it was as clear as day what they were about to do."Liam! Sophie! You will not open your traps!" I boomed out, starling the human as I narrowed my eyes at the two twins in front of me. "You and I are going to have a very long, very stern talk and you will sit down and you will listen!"Having realized Annie was more than a tad scared Jake muttered a thank you before slipping past the suddenly nervous—looking twins. Good, they should be worried."Sit!" Watching them I made sure they did just that before I moved to lean against the counter opposite them, arms across my chest as I narrowed my eyes at them.  "Adrian—""Alpha" I cut off Sophie as she began to speak. "I am your alpha and you will address me as such.""But they don't" she protested like a fool. I knew what she was speaking of, the fact that only on rare occasions that the rest of the pack did in fact called me by my given title. I did not mind, I didn't really have a preference but it seemed I would need to go back to basics with these two which was something I hadn't had to do in a while."They have earned the right to have some freedom, you two however, have not."Feeling warmth run through me I smiled briefly as I felt my mate stir slightly in her sleep, waking up for a matter of seconds before she was nodding off again with a mutter of my name on her lips. It was adorable.I turned my attention back to the cubs, suddenly serious again. "What you did to my mate is an offense I could have your throat for.""What—""You not only insulted my mate, but you dared to lay a hand on her!" I practically snarled out through clenched teeth. "Do you seriously think that there would be no consequences for your actions?"I knew instantly from their expressions that they had not. I rolled my eyes at their naïve natures."You will no longer be able to phase, you do not have the right to. The only reason you are not laying at my feet soaked in blood is that my father always believed when it came to children of the pack they deserved a second chance. Do not waste it! For now you will be escorted to and from school by one of the pack, you will be grounded and banned from leaving the pack home unless it has been cleared by myself."I finished with narrowed eyes. It was about time they finally realized just how serious I was. If they stepped out of line one more time than that was it. I was done with them.



Chapter 94


Adrian's Pov

I didn't let up as I continued to stare down the two brats as the pair of them shivered in fear. I didn't care, not in the slightest. They had brought this on themselves. It was fair to say that I hadn't had such an issue with the rest of my pack. I mean sure at the beginning some of them tested my patience and authority, but their attitude didn't last long when I had reminded them of my superiority over them. When it came to the two teens in front of me however I knew I could no longer be so soft on them. It clearly wasn't working and at the moment they were a danger to my mate which was completely unacceptable. They would be lucky if I didn't simply kick them out. But it turned out to be the memory of my father telling me that everyone deserved somewhat of a second change that I was prepared to offer it to them, even if I thought it would end up coming to bite me in the arse later on if I wasn't careful.I continued to scan them over before sighing, running a hand through my hair. "Both of you get dressed." I continued speaking when they hurriedly tried to flee my presence. "And if you ever even think of outing a wolf to their mate again then I will have your throats, the fact you are mere infants does not affect my decision in the slightest."They didn't stick around, rushing and scrambling to get out of the kitchen with the scent of fear flowing after them. My lips twitched in an amused smirk. Turning back to the counter I set back to work heating up some breakfast for my mate, thoughts of her rewarding me on my mind causing me to smile when Paul walked into the  kitchen. Perfect."I need you to escort Sophie and Liam to and from school today," I told him.I didn't turn around but I heard him pause momentarily. "Why?""They were about to out Jake to his mate."I heard him growl lowly and I knew exactly how he felt. My mind was already swirling with ideas of an appropriate punishment. I had already stopped them from shifting, had them completely grounded but I knew it wasn't enough. Perhaps separating them was a good idea…hum..."On second thought, get Ryan to drive them" I shot over my shoulder as I kept an eye on the microwave. "I have another job for you."Heading upstairs I quietly opened my bedroom door before my wolf purred at the sight of our mate buried under our sheets, my scent covering her small form from head to toe as it would be obvious to even a new wolf that she was claimed and taken. That realization pleased me no end.Placing down the bowl of soft oatmeal I had brought her, it being high in fibre, I quietly approached my other half. I was going to take what Lisa said to heart, my mate wasn't going to be skipping any more meals from now on that was for sure.Sitting on the edge of the bed I gently brushed the back of my hand over her forehead, smiling when she shifted as she moved closer to my touch."Holly, sweetheart…" I spoke gently, softly. "Can you wake up for me?"While I didn't want to wake her up I knew she needed to eat, if sleeping was what she needed after she had finished then I was more than happy to watch over her while she got some more rest. I had paper work to sort out from the pack Paul wanted me to help out and I  felt more relaxed when I was in the presence of my mate so as far as I was concerned it was a win, win situation."Adrian?"Smiling I brushed back her hair as she started to stir. "Yea it's me baby, are you hungry?" I asked only for her to close her eyes again. "No, no baby" I chuckled. "Please eat something."She must have realized that I wasn't about to let up as she dragged herself into a sitting upright position before rubbing her eyes in an extremely adorable manner. I actually fought back the urge to 'aw.'Looking up at me she smiled brightly, my heart melting at the sight of her sleepy expression. "Morning.""Morning," I returned her with a grin before reaching over to grab her breakfast. "You want to eat in in bed or sit up the table?" I asked her.She chose the small table I had in my bedroom, her feet curled up on the couch as I sat next to her, a newspaper in my hands as I skimmed through the news for anything of relevance to my life. There wasn't anything, but I had never felt so content as I had at that moment."Thank you for breakfast, Adrian" Holly's shy tone broke me out of her thoughts as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug that left me grinning."You're welcome," I replied honestly. I would do anything and everything for her if I could. Glancing at my watch I saw that the brats would be leaving for school in a few minutes and I wanted to have a word with them before they left. Grabbing my mate by her delicate hand I brought it to my lips, kissing her soft skin."You want to go back to bed or come downstairs with me for a while?" Holly seemed to think about it before grabbing her bowl and making a move to stand. Downstairs it was it seemed.With my hand firmly in my mates I led her into the living room where Laura was sitting with a bored expression on her face. I rolled my eyes, already having a feeling what she was about to complain about."I'll be back in a minute," I kissed Holly on the cheek as she made a move to sit down on the loveseat which had become our own. Walking into the kitchen I caught sight of Ryan sitting at the table with Jenny, "did Paul tell you I need you to escort Sophie and Liam to school and back?"I got a grunt in return so I took that as a confirmation that he did. Jenny frowned. "What if they refuse when it's time to head off?" she asked causing Ryan to look up as well. It was pretty obvious that with me getting them into the car they would have no choice, but I could see where they were coming from.I thought about it before shrugging. "If they don't they can walk. If they come back late because they walked they will be punished severely. If I find out that they have disobeyed me intentionally I will take them into the woods and beat my orders into them" I stated in a flat tone since I knew they were listening just outside of the kitchen door. Ryan sensing this as well rolled his eyes at their pathetic attempt to eavesdrop."You can't do that," Sophie nervously walked into the room. "We're teenagers and I'm a girl" she stated as if that would change anything. Jenny snorted at that. "So what if you're a girl? What is this, Victorian times?" she huffed. Sophie looked confused. "Huh?""You seem to be under the impression that I would not lay a hand on a female," I quirked a brow before grinning when I heard Holly's light giggles from the living room. Well there was at least one female who I would never even think of laying a hand on that didn't bring her pleasure but she was safely in the other room."You're a woman beater?" her brother spat by her side. I rolled my eyes.



Chapter 95


"I would never harm a female if I did not feel it appropriate, and I would watch myself, but just because you weren't born with a certain anatomy doesn't mean I will let you walk around as if you are invisible."Sophie seemed to get angrier. She was seriously pushing my buttons and needed to watch herself, I only had so much patience."What about Holly?"I was instantly on guard when she mentioned my angel, my posture changing in an instant as I stood up rod straight and narrowed my eyes in her direction. Even her brother seemed to take note and raise his hands silently in a submissive gesture, clearly not wishing to make things any worse on himself than it already was."Careful…" I warned, catching sight of Jake and Annie about to make an appearance before he stiffened at the tension."You want to watch some TV before school?" he asked his mate, already tugging her in another direction. It was probably for the best."What about my mate?" I returned my attention to Sophie."Would you 'punish' her if she stepped out of line?" she sneered, air—quoting around the word punishment. I felt my jaw clench along with my fists.I took a deep breath but I knew my eyes must have been black, her suddenly startled expression told me as much. Just as I was about to speak I snapped my head in the direction to the door, Holly's dark hair having been pulled up into a high ponytail making me stare at her displayed and bare neck.Was she trying to kill me or tempt me?If she felt something off with the atmosphere she didn't say anything, rather smiling brightly as she moved over towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Sophie looked surprised that my mate didn't even react when she saw my wolfed—out eyes; I smiled at how comfortable and trusting my little Holly must feel for me.I loved it."What's wrong?" she mumbled into my chest as my expression softened significantly. I thought about brushing off her question before thinking better of it and answering honestly."Sophie and Liam here don't seem to know how to obey," I told her gently, brushing my fingers through the silky strands of her ponytail. It was soothing.Holly frowned at that, turning around in my arms as she stared at the young members of the pack. "Don't you like it here?" she asked adorably confused.Liam frowned. "Huh?""I like it here," Holly admitted causing me to smile, though I had to admit I was curious about where she was going with this. I let her continue though, my chin resting on the top of her head and my arms wrapped loosely around her waist."I don't get where you're going with this?" Liam frowned."You know that if you get kicked out or rejected by a pack alpha you have to find another, right?" she asked making me impressed with how much she knew of our political system.Liam shrugged at that. "Any pack would be better than this," he snipped causing everyone present to growl at him.Holly frowned. "My old pack treated me like I was nothing," she started. "Why can't you see that you have it good here?"Sophie snorted at that. "Good? This is what you call good? I'm already grounded, I can't see my mum, I'm not allowed to shift and now I have to be followed around 24/7. How can it get any worse?"I rolled at eyes at that, talk about overdramatic. Holly seemed to be getting ticked off though, and while a part of me wanted to calm her down I would admit I liked this side of her. Strong, confident."You say that you have it bad, but you are safe here and if you gave everyone a chance you might like it. You say that you are grounded but until I met Adrian I was barely allowed to leave the house. You say that you can't see your mum; my parents loathed my presence enough to try and break me until I was broken. And you're not allowed to shift? I was scared out of my mind too, because you know what they did when I wolfed out?" she narrowed her eyes. "They would challenge me until bones broke."It was silent. Holly didn't go into her past often however much I still wanted to know so this sort of specific detail was just as new to me as it was the rest of the pack. I knew she was treated like dirt, but the extent of it made a growl rumble from my chest. When I found out who had hurt her in such a way, they were as good as dead. I think it was safe to say the rest of the pack had the same train of thought completely. Unfortunately for Sophie she didn't seem to grasp onto just how protective everyone was of their alpha female."Do you really expect me to believe that?" she scoffed."Adrian," Holly whispered pleadingly when I made a move to lunge for the throat. Turning to Sophie she simply stared at her. "Do you want me to show you?"My eyes widened at that, my mouth opening to protest before I thought about how Lisa had mentioned phasing would be good for my mate. But would the stress of those memories being pushed to the forefront of her mind be too much stress?  For once in my life, I doubted my thoughts but then again it was only now that I had something worth protecting to furiously. She was my everything, and I couldn't afford to make any mistakes concerning her.



Chapter 96


Holly's Pov

"Ah!" Cries left her throat, her attempt at keeping them quiet as not to give them the satisfaction of an effort which wasn't working in the slightest. Pain filled her, drowning out her other emotions as she squirmed and whined while trying to escape the painfully tight grasp her own brother held on her wrist.Faces blended together, features not identifiable but she knew who it was, the person who was causing her to feel such red hot agony. The fact it was her own kin, her bloodline who was torturing her like they were was enough to make her want to gag at the thought. It wasn't new to her which made it worse. She should have been used to being treated in such a manner, and yet it still hurt to that very day."Pathetic. Not worthy to carry our name. Disgusting."Over and over again it was repeated, flooding her mind with facts she already knew were true. She had been told it enough to have it hammered into her head after all.A kick to the side was next, harsh and sharp against her fragile ribs that bore the brunt of the force.A smack in the face followed afterwards, nails scratching at her skin before they forced her onto her knees in a forcefully submissive pose. She would never do it voluntarily, not when she held no trust for any of her pack. Fingers roughly gripped at the strands of her hair, pulling it at the roots as she tried not to cry out at the sharp stab of pain. It was familiar, but not a sensation that someone ever got used to. She had managed to learn to close off her mind, to muffle the emotional agony but when it came to the rough treatment she had to endure  it as a human would, as another wolf would have to."Aren't you going to beg?" he snarled. "Open that sinful mouth and beg me to let you go, go on."Fire spread through her scalp but it soon seemed like a mere inconvenience when she felt his nail’s length in her shoulder, her scream ripping through the air as he dragged it deeply through her skin causing it to tear terribly.The sad thing was, she knew this was only the beginning of a day from hell. Memories after memories flooded through my head as I remembered how my new pack was so drastically different when compared to my old one, if I could even call them a pack. The relief I felt was clear, how loved and cared for Adrian made me feel as he showed me daily how much he desired and wanted me. He was my everything and I knew he would only continue to prove that to me for the years to come. I would be his for as long as he would have me. The unexpectedness of my past flashing through my head like a motion picture didn't help with my first plans of only showing the young pups a few instances, the less violent ones at that. What I hadn't planned on was getting carried away, lost in my past memories and only being broken out of it by their loud keens of what I guessed to be fear. Perhaps this had not been the best idea.I wouldn't have stepped in had it not been for my wolves’ insistence that as his mate I should stand by his side, and clearly Adrian was having difficulty with getting the kids to understand. I didn't fault his leading skills, not at all, but if my wolf wanted to help then I would not deny her.Slumping on my belly in my wolf form I was startled when I heard the low keening from my mate, my large head snapping around only to see him shift mid—air before he pranced over towards me with concern clearly present in his dark eyes."You ok, baby?" he spoke through the mind link, his inner voice making my wolf purr in pure delight at the soft and husky tone directed towards her. It was delicious.I tilted my head to the side, curious as to why his eyes seemed to flicker towards my stomach. It confused me, but not enough for me to dwell on it for long."You didn't have to do that, sweetheart."His muzzle brushed against mine as he ignored the trembling kids who were hugging Laura and Lilly as if their lives depended on it. I didn't deny the fact they needed comforting because they probably did. It wasn't every day you saw the past of such a damaged wolf such as myself."I'm tired," I found myself yawning, unintentionally displacing my full set of sharp canines. I didn't know the reason why I seemed to be so drowsy lately, especially since I thought I was meant to be getting better.What did Lisa say to Adrian exactly? I knew that if it was serious he would have told me. I didn't trust nor have a lot of faith in many people but I trusted Adrian with everything I held dear to me. If he thought it was best to keep it from me then I trusted his judgment.I only hoped once I found out I wouldn't resent him for it.It was unlikely but possible, but wanting to put those types of thoughts out of my head I concentrated on the way my mate’s fur felt against my own as he pressed his much larger form flush against me.Feeling his heartbeat pumping against me like the repetitive beating of a drum I allowed myself to be lulled into a gentle sleep. The pack house was located in such a way that if you didn't know where it was exactly, then the likelihood of someone finding it, especially a human, was extremely low.



Chapter 97


Someone would wake me up if it was necessary. Slowly letting my eyelids droop I was vaguely aware of Adrian very gently pressing his nose against my side, giving me the slightest of pushes. I got the hit, rolling over onto my side as I lazily stretched out before I was out like a light.When I woke up I smiled when I felt the familiar brush of fur pressed firmly against me. He hadn't left I thought with a loving sense of being protected as I shifted to alert him to the fact I was no longer asleep, even if I did feel a tad on the sleepy side still."You feel better?" he huffed happily, his large tongue lolling out of his mouth in a playful way that had me giggling. Nodding I made a move to rise onto my four legs, shaking slightly as I tried to gain my balance. I would have fallen if it hadn't been for my concerned mate having his nose pressed firmly against my side, keeping me upright. What was wrong with me? Locating a soft yellow dress which I recognized as one of the items Adrian had brought me I cautiously took a few steps, my mate by my side, before I totted over to the clothes someone had clearly laid out for us as soon as I realized I was stable. It was a nice thought, one I appreciated."You hungry, baby?" I heard Adrian murmur as he wrapped his arms loosely around my lower waist, smiling against me as I tied the soft wrap around my waist to keep the dress intact. Thinking about it I nodded, "a little."As soon as the words had left my mouth he had me swept into his arms, carrying me into the pack house before he had me sitting on a cushioned chair before I could even think to open my mouth. I blushed. "I could have walked," I felt the need to point out. Adrian shrugged. "I know, but I like doing things for you" he winked causing me to smile wider. While I allowed my mate to tend to my needs, secretly liking the attention, I let myself get lost in my thoughts. I knew something had to be seriously wrong, or at least different, due to the exhaustion I had been experiencing all of a sudden. It was even more concerning since I had thought I had already gotten past this."Adrian?"Catching his attention I focused on his wide smile and twinkling eyes as he turned to face me, not liking the way his mood seemed to lesson when he caught sight of my expression. I had to look concerned, or at least worried."What is it sweetheart?"Fiddling with my fingers I fought the urge to shy aware from him as I managed to build up the courage to ask him what had been on my mind since we had gone to see Lisa."What's wrong with me?" *** Adrian's Pov  'What's wrong with me?'My mate’s question caught me off guard, the soup I had planned on making her no longer on my mind as I felt my eyes widen dramatically as I thought about what the hell I was going to say. On one hand the last thing I wanted to do was lie to my mate, not when I had spent as long as I had gained her trust, but to tell her that she was pregnant, with my child was something that had my wolf both purring in delight and whimpering at the thought of how our mate would react to the news. Perhaps I should have told her right away, rather than hidden it for her even if I believed it had been the right thing to do at the time. Knowing it was too late to ask 'what if' I swallowed thickly, knowing without a doubt that I had no other choice but to come clean. I just hoped that she reacted in a positive light rather than a negative one. Taking a deep breath, I mentally sent off an order for everyone to flee the house. They did so instantly. Sweeping my angel into my arms I made sure the stove was off before taking her into the living room, gently placing her on what had become known as our loveseat as I braced myself for what was to come. I think it gave her an even firmer sense of belonging, to have a specific place she can call her own. Kneeling down on the floor in front of her I looked into her rare amber eyes, adoring the uniqueness that was my mate. I loved the fact she was different, that she was special."You remember when we went to see Lisa," I started before continuing when she nodded. "Well, when you left the room she told me some things, about why you have been feeling as tired as you have lately."Looking at me with bright and curious eyes I hoped to God that she took this well."She told me t—that the reason for it is because you're carrying my pup, our pup."She was silent; her lack of reaction leading me to believe that she was in shock as she simply stared at me with those wide eyes of hers. She looked utterly confused, and I could practically see her mind whirling as she tried to process what I had just told her."Is she sure?"

Chapter 98

I jumped slightly when she spoke, her tone laced with nervousness and fear as she curled her hands in her lap where I was still kneeling in front of her. She hadn't said a word for what had to be at least ten minutes, her sudden question making me breathe a sigh in relief that at least she didn't look disgusted with the idea of carrying my young. I hadn't thought she would have been, but it was still insecurity I couldn't help but worry over.I nodded. "I wanted to tell you before, but I didn't want you to worry or stress, especially with everything that's happened these last few months and…" I rushed out, needing her to hear why I had kept it from her in the first place.I hoped she could hear how sincere I felt."I—"she started before cutting herself off, looking down at her lap as she played with her hands. "I know you were trying to protect me" she whispered slowly under her breath before looking up at me with pleading and hopeful eyes. "Are you happy?"I grinned widely at that, my smile large and honest as I cupped her cheeks in my hands gently, encouraging her to look me in the eyes so she could see how honest I was being with her."Of course I'm happy, sweetheart" I spoke eagerly. "I know it wasn't planned, but I'm far from disappointed or unhappy that you are carrying my pup."The smile she gave me was blinding, her eyes twinkling and even though it was clear she was nervous she was clearly relieved that it wasn't anything more serious to do with her health. I frowned at the thought, not having realized or considered how her not being told what was the issue was seemed to cause her to worry.  I had her in my arms in an instant, pulling her to straddle my legs as I moved to sit on the sofa I had just pulled her off. Tugging her close I buried my nose in her neck, breathing in her scent which had changed slightly due to her aroma having altered ever so slightly as she smelt more like me than what she used to. It made my wolf purr in delight that she reeked of the both of us. It told others to back off or end up in a bloody mess of torn limbs and ripped flesh. It made a part of me selfishly happy that Holly was so nervous around others, especially if she didn't trust them since it made it even easier for me to protect her when I felt her unsettling emotions. Having her in my arms calmed my inner wolf as the realization that she was just as happy, if a little worried, that she had been tied even closer to me in such a personal way that I couldn't help but find our souls clicking together more than before.It was an incredible feeling. I was brought out of my purring when I heard my mate’s rumbling stomach, feeling my wolf instantly become on high alert as I pulled back only to see my angel flushing brightly in embarrassment. I smiled. "Hungry?"Seeing her shyly nod I picked her up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around my waist as I carried her into the kitchen, keeping her close. I wasn't ready to put her down just yet.After we had eaten I tugged her into the living room where I stuck the football on, deciding to spend the rest of the day relaxing with my mate. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I tried to, especially when I saw Holly reach over to grab her knitting and begin her new hobby she had developed an interest in. I thought it was adorable, and it made her feel content which as far as I was concerned an added bonus. The pack had found it incredibly amusing that's he had picked up such an old  fashioned hobby, but none of them were as cruel as to make her feel self—conscious about it.I would have inflicted a world of pain on them if the thought had even crossed their minds, and they knew it. Hearing the pack return a few hours later I glanced down at where Holly was still deeply engrossed in her new hobby, rolling my eyes when I heard some of the pack head straight to the kitchen to see if my mate had made any more delicious delights. Their sighs of disappointment when they realized she hadn't been amusing to say the least. Pulling my gaze away from the football match I had been watching I looked over my shoulder when I saw Sophie and Liam cautiously enter the living room, nervously looking towards my mate who hadn't paid them any attention even though I knew she was aware of their presence. Clearly she had decided that she had socialised with them enough for one day, and to be honest I didn't blame her in the slightest."I hope you didn't give Ryan any trouble" I raised a brow, watching amused as they shook their heads quickly."N—no" the young female stuttered, shifting on her feet as the scent of fear seemed to flow off her in waves. I fought back a snigger.



Chapter 99

So if I speak to Ryan he is going to say the exact same?" I questioned further, only to get nods in return. "Good, perhaps I won't have to split you up then."Their eyes widened at that, "w—what?"Feeling my mate shift next to me I paused momentarily, watching as she pulled her feet underneath her before curling further into my side with a slight purr of her own. I grinned before returning my attention to the young brats."I've decided if you don't start obeying and showing each member of the pack some much deserved respect then you will no longer be able to spend as much time together.""You can't do that!"I narrowed my eyes at their raised tone, watching them shun back almost instantly at my less than amused expression. "Do I need to remind you that you don't actually have to be in my pack, that there are others available?" I raised a brow, watching them glanced over towards my still busy mate before paling. It didn't take a genius to work out that they were finally realizing just how easy they had it, especially with their family living as close as she did. Shaking their heads slowly I dismissed them, rolling my eyes at the look of relief on their features as I did so. They really needed to grow up and learn that now they had reached the age at which shifting took place that they were technically adults, even if they seemed to have the mental age of a two—year—old. Returning my attention to Holly again I took note that she seemed to have drifted off, her face buried in my neck as her hand rested on my chest, her blunt nails digging into my skin causing me to smile. I knew I wouldn't take it for granted how  well she had taken the news, the fact I had felt her slight excitement even over her nerves making my wolf practically howl in pure delight at the realization that while it was unexpected it wasn't going to cause any problems between us as long as I made sure to look after my mate as best to my capability. I had already started to make a mental list of what changes there would be so I could provide Holly with enough care that she would be able to carry our pup with no ramifications to her health. I couldn't afford to lose her, not now, not ever…Brushing those types of thoughts from my mind, not liking how depressed they were making me feel, I swept Holly up into my arms before heading back towards our bedroom. It was time to make some changes, starting with deciding whether to help the struggling pack or to leave them to their own troubles.*** Adrian's Pov  I leaned back on my study chair as I looked over the proposals for the fourth time within the past hour, rubbing my face with my hands as I tried to wake myself up. It was late, my mate was already tucked up in bed and by her slight squirming I could tell she was missing my presence, or at least her wolf was. While I smiled at the thought I knew I had to make a decision and fast, debating on whether or not to help out the pack proving to be more difficult than I had first thought. It wasn't that I didn't have a conscience, because I did, and just the thought of what could happen if the pack continued to go downhill was enough to have the mental picture of my father swarming my vision. He would want this, I figured.I had helped out a few packs in the past, years ago in fact, but that was before I had a mate and a future pup to look after. I didn't see myself as a bad alpha, not at all, but the fact I was debating not helping them was making me wonder what my father would have thought.Would he have been disappointed in me? Or would he understand? Hating the fact that he wasn't here to guide me, something I hadn't admitted in the first few months when I took over the alpha role at such a young age, I closed my eyes. For the first time since I could remember I felt at a complete loss of what to do.I must have been lost in my thoughts for a while since I jumped slightly when I felt a soft hand cup my right cheek, the other running gentle fingers through my hair in a soothing manner. I fought back a purr of delight at her touch. Opening my eyes I felt the corners of my lips curve into a smile when I caught sight of my sleepy mate."I didn't wake you did I, sweetheart?"Shaking her head softly, her messy hair made me look at her with even more fondness. I both saw and felt her concern and worry as it washed over me. It made my wolf purr over how much she seemed to care for the both of us."Don't you want to come to bed?" she asked sweetly, innocently.It was the fact that she had no idea of the sexual innuendo she had spoken aloud which made my woof drool over her innocent nature. Too many girls now—a—days were far too casual about sex in my opinion, it wasn't a turn—on in the slightest that they probably thought it was.

Chapter 100


Rubbing another hand over my face I turned in my chair slightly, running a hand down her side as I took her in. She looked amazing in my shirt, it practically dwarfing her small but curvaceous figure."Come here," I spoke softly, gesturing for her to sit on my lap. She did so willingly. "I have a lot on my mind," I confessed. Too much to allow me to sleep."You want to talk about it? I don't mind. I may be able to help."At that I couldn't help but pause, letting the thought roll over in my mind for a few moments as I considered it. While I didn't want to put my mate under the stress of my alpha duties, I was not only extremely curious about what her opinion would be on the matter but I also didn't want to discourage her from offering her help in the future. My mate was still nervous enough not to have fully come into her alpha female position, especially when it came to giving orders to others, and I didn't want to hinder any progress she had made. She was my equal after all.With that on the forefront of my mind I instinctively felt my grip on her tighten as I held her close, letting her ground me as I pulled out of my thoughts. Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask her what her opinions were, my inner wolf purring in encouragement as he enjoyed the thought of my mate seeing us as even more of an equal in the relationship. I certainly didn't see her as my lesser, not at all.Grabbing the crisp sheet of paper I gave it to her, monitoring her emotions carefully as her eyes scanned the page before she looked at me frowning. I was immediately on high alert."What's wrong?" I asked gently, worriedly.Holly shook her head, her fingers running down my bare chest before she shook her head after getting momentarily distracted by the sight of my inner muscles twitching and rolling under my skin. Her glazed look made me leer at her hungrily, debating on whether attempting to seduce her would be a good idea on my part. Sex was meant to be good for pregnant women, right? If my mate was going to be horny then it was my duty as her other half to help her out, I wasn't going to let her suffer and squirm.It wasn't like it was going to be a duty I wasn't going to enjoy, rather I was going to be enjoying it a hell of a lot."What?" I grinned cheekily, running the pad of my thumb against her bottom lip."I don't understand," she spoke softly as she stared at the sheet of paper. "This pack, they are in trouble, yes?"Sensing the seriousness of the situation I nodded, wiping away my previously playful expression as I pulled her tightly against me. "The alpha by the sounds of it is incredibly lazy, caring for himself above the rest of the pack and now they are all paying for it.""So…they want you to help them?"I sighed, nodding."Are you going to?"I shrugged. If I was being honest with myself I just didn't know. While I didn't want them to suffer, my mate was more important and always would be. She came, and would continue to come, first. Curious about her opinion I asked her outright what she thought I should do. While it wasn't often I asked for another's opinion on something that could affect the pack so greatly, I couldn't help my curiosity.She shrugged gently. "I don't know, but if they need your help surely it wouldn't take long if you gave them a few pointers.""It would be more than a few pointers, sweetheart" I told her gently. "I would have to take a few pack—mates with me and 'whip them into shape' as I have heard the phrase. We would probably have to stay for a week or two as well."I watched as she visibly brightened. "We?"I grinned. "Of course. You didn't expect me to leave you behind, did you? Because you are not leaving my sight!"She giggled, leaning down to kiss me sweetly on the lips. "I wouldn't have it any other way."Good," I nodded. "So if I agreed to this," I gestured to the sheets of paper scattered on my desk. "You would not object to coming with me?"She shook her head. "Of course not."I took a deep breath, burying my face in her neck. "If there is any moment it gets too much for you, you will tell me, right?"She nodded."No, tell me out loud, baby! Promise me!" I had to hear her say it. She smiled. "I promise."Well, I guessed that was my decision made then.

Chapter 101


Adrian's Pov

So it was decided, we were going. Since I had made the decision, with Holly's support, that I was in fact going to help out with the troubled pack I had given the order to the pack members I was talking with me. I had put Paul in charge for the predicted two weeks we were going to be away due to him being the Beta of my pack, I trusted that he would be able to keep things under control. Though, he was under firm orders that any decision he made was going to go through me first or else. He wasn't completely ready for this sort of control, and while I knew he was still learning and gaining experience from it all, he needed to follow that order to the absolute T. I had no doubts that he would. I trusted him completely.Ryan and his mate Kelly, however, were coming along with me as well as Jake. He may be a lower member of the pack but he was quickly making his way to the top. He was a brilliant fighter and respected me to a whole other level. He would be perfect. While he was slightly annoyed at having to leave Annie I knew the distance would do him good in a small dose. He had yet to tell her about not only being a werewolf but being her mate as well, but I wasn't rushing him. It wasn't down to me when he wanted to come clean, I wasn't the kind of alpha who demanded they spill the beans instantly since that would be cruel on both parties, but I knew the distance would be the slight push in the right direction they needed to make that final step. I also knew that even though Annie was a human she would also feel the lack of his presence even if it wouldn't be as strong as Jake would sense, they had been spending a lot of time after all. I hoped it would make her less stunned when the news came about, and so in result work in Jakes favour. Neither of us wanted her flipping out. I had also chosen to bring Laura and her mate, Jack, along with Simon and Mark who were also a mated couple. It was incredibly rare for two males to be mated, especially since they couldn't produce pups, but getting to know them personally it was clear they didn't need it. They were perfect together, they didn't need a child and that was fine by them. I  knew some packs would have acted incredibly differently, perhaps refusing to allow or accept it, or to go as far as to banish them outright. I would never forget the utter wreak both of them looked when they came to tell me the news.I couldn't have been happy for them. I may be known as a strict and evil bastard around other packs, but I looked and cared for my own. That was how it should be with every pack, it being one of the reasons why hearing about my own mate's bad treatment had infuriated the Alpha inside of me as much as it had. It was an Alpha's duty to protect and care for their pack, the fact hers hadn't, and had gone as far as to abuse her was just outright infuriating. If  I ever met the bastard…I had also chosen not to take any more members other than a few guards who had been trained to perfection. They would scout out the area and make sure all of my orders were followed through by the letter. They also wanted more outside experience so I knew they would jump at the opportunity for a different territory, even if it was only brief. Hopefully this trip wouldn't last long. I hoped it was just a simple case of putting them on the right track."Holly, sweetheart?"Jogging up the stairs I paused momentarily before smiling when I sensed her in the bedroom. Walking inside I grinned amusedly when I saw her simply standing by the side of the bed, staring at the empty suitcase. I could sense something was troubling her. "You ok?"She glanced up at me. "I don't know what I'm meant to pack."I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't anything more serious. "Is that all?"She frowned."You want some help?" I already began to pull out the light dresses she seemed to be so fond of, neatly folding them into the suitcase next to my full one. Smiling brightly she perched on the edge of the bed as she watched me pack for her, her eyes watching me curiously making me smile under her gaze despite myself."When are we leaving?" she finally spoke after a good half hour had passed. I thought about it for a few moments. "As soon as we finish up here. The rest of the pack is in the car already, the girls just making sure they have everything.""Oh," she looked worried. "I'm not keeping everyone up am I?"I shook my head. "They don't mind. I bet they are relieved to have some extra time before the long trip."What I didn't tell her was even if they did complain I would cut that crap out right away. There was no way in hell I would let them make her feel uncomfortable or bad about herself. That was just not ok. Truthfully, however, I knew they probably were glad they didn't have to rush as much as they first thought. They weren't lazy by any means, but it was already quite early in the morning, but Holly had looked so tired what it was time to wake her up I couldn't bring myself to disturb her rest. She was sleeping for two now.It was still surreal to me that she was carrying my pup. I couldn't wait till I saw her around and bursting with my child inside of her, and while she wasn't showing quite yet I knew it wouldn't be long. Werewolves in general didn't carry for the full term as humans did; the growth rate in regards to the child was almost tripled.We were a strong species in general. When it finally came to actually leave the pack mates traveling with me quickly said their goodbyes while I went over with Paul the last—minute orders. I reminded him that nothing should really go wrong but if it did then he was to call me immediately. He wasn't ready to play the hero, and I could see he had the same thoughts as well. Not to mention he really didn't want to mess this up. While I acted like I wasn't aware I knew he wanted more responsibility in the pack, which was probably why he was taking this temporary leadership so seriously. It was a chance to prove himself, something he clearly desired and had been working up to. As  I said, I trusted that he would do just fine."You ready?" I wrapped my arms around Holly's waist, pressing my lips against her neck. I couldn't help it, I just loved touching her.I felt her nod against me. "Yea."With that we all piled into our cars before my pack followed me to our new location. I knew the journey wouldn't take that long, though a huge part of me hoped that this would just be a walk in the park, that nothing would go wrong and it was a simple case of telling them all what they were doing wrong and how to fix it.Though I had a feeling that wasn't going to be the case. My gut told me they were going to be incredibly difficult since I knew this had been a last resort, but when it came down to it they had asked me for my help, not the other way round. If they resisted, I wasn't going to put in the effort if they weren't. My pack was doing fine and there's wasn't, it was as simple as that.

Chapter 102


Holly's Pov

I must have fallen asleep on the journey, my eyes having felt heavy as I squirmed and hummed, trying to get comfortable in cramp space of the car. Adrian if anything was incredibly practical, it being shown by the fact he didn't allow any of the pack to spend outrageous amounts of money on posh cars when it could be spent on more practical things. He thought of the future, not just the present. Waking up I blinked heavily as I tried to clear the sleep from my eyes, yawning widely before turning to face an amused Adrian who was watching me with clear adoration in his eyes. It was still hard for me to believe that I had a mate who loved me so passionately and openly, especially since I had never even allowed myself to dream of this happening.I was incredibly lucky. I knew that."What?" I asked sleepily. He grinned, and it was only then I realized that he was still driving. How far away was this place?"Well Sweetheart, we're almost here but some of the pack wanted to stop off for a loo break," he gestured to the small store just before he turned into the parking lot. "I didn't want to wake you, especially since you need the sleep, but do you need anything?"Staring at the store I tried to remember why it seemed so familiar to me. Had I been here before?"Do you have a drink?" I croaked out, my throat dry. Adrian suddenly seemed to look alarmed, his hand automatically moving off the steering wheel to rest on my stomach as he pulled into a parking space near the front of the entrance. I had a feeling it was just because he didn't want me walking further than I needed to."You're not dehydrated are you?" he moved his other hand to press against my forehead. "I forgot you have been drinking more lately."He was right. For the past few days all I had ever seemed to feel was thirsty, and it seemed to worry Adrian enough that he had called Lisa to come and exam me. It was awkward, and I didn't like it since I couldn't help but remember how she had tried to hold me firmly while taking a blood sample against my will, but I knew it meant a lot to Adrian.Plus, it wasn't like I wanted anything to happen to our pup.Lisa had said it was perfectly normal, and while it only affected a few females there wasn't any cause for alarm. She put it down to the fact since I was still recovering the extra liquid was helping with keeping my energy at a healthy rate.Since then Adrian had taken it upon himself to always have different drinks in the house 24/7 without any exceptions. I didn't think it was necessary but I couldn't deny that I thought it was adorably sweet. I still wasn't used to having someone care for me as much as he did. It was going to take some getting used to even after all this time had passed."I don't have any in the car, I forgot. Do you want to stretch your legs and have a look around the store, I'm sure they must have something?"Nodding, sensing it was a good idea, I waited for him to open my door since I knew he didn't like it when I did it myself, before allowing him to help me out. I hated to admit it but ever since I had gotten pregnant I had felt like my energy was being drained at times. Again, Lisa said it was to be expected considering the circumstances."Thank you," I smiled up at him as he held the door open, the rest of the pack seemingly relieved for the break—in driving as they filtered in after us and immediately seemed to either make a break for the snacks or the toilet."We making a stop or carrying on until we get there?" Ryan made himself known, kissing Kelly on the cheek as she mentioned something about the bathroom.I saw Adrian think for a few moments before glancing down at me. Whatever seemed to be on his mind clearly helped him come to his decision as he turned back to face Ryan."We'll stop. I'll make reservations before we leave. We don't know how they'll take to our appearance so it would be best if we were all fully rested."Obviously in agreement, Ryan nodded before heading off after shooting me a smile I couldn't help but return.As soon as he was out of view Adrian seemed to lead me towards the row of drinks, leaving me standing next to him awkwardly as he told me to get what I wanted. I still wasn't used to being able to choose for myself. I must have come far if it had gone from me eating scraps to being able to have something for myself, that was mine.I couldn't resist putting my arms around my mate's waist, pulling him to me as I buried my face in the black shirt he was wearing. It defined his muscles clearly, not hiding the fact that he was not someone you would want to mess with. I had a feeling he had done it on purpose, for the new packs’ benefit. I still wasn't sure what pack it was, but I knew it wouldn't matter. A pack in need was a pack that needed help."Holly? Sweetheart?"I heard his soft questioning tone but I didn't answer, rather burying my nose deeper against him as I breathed in heavy lungfuls of his scent.He smelled delicious. He smelt like home. He was my home."Are you ok?"I nodded against him."Are you sure? You're worrying me a little, sweetheart."Pulling away I couldn't resist wrapping my arms around his neck, jumping slightly onto my toes as I brought his head down for a kiss. I felt him smile against my lips causing me to want to purr out in delight, but I knew humans could be around and I needed to keep myself in check.It wasn't every day that a human would hear someone purring like a cat so distinctively."I love you," I whispered honestly, because I did. He was my everything, and he always would be.




Chapter 103


Holly's Pov

It didn't take me long to realize why everything about this place seemed so familiar to me. It was the fact that it wasn't new, and that I had in fact been here before that had the alarm bells ringing in my head as we grew nearer and nearer to the pack in need.I felt sick.I should have realized it sooner, but I recalled that Adrian had never told me the packs name, and the fact I hadn't told him about the pack which had made growing up for me hell other than what they had done to me, meant that he probably didn't have any idea either.He was going to kill them all. I didn't doubt it. He was overprotective of me, the majority of the pack having asked me at some time or another how I managed to put up with his behavior as he seemed to push being protective to a whole other level. They didn't seem to understand that to me it showed he cared, that both I and my wolf liked it since after years of neglect there wasn't a single moment when I was with him that I believed myself to be anything but perfect for him. I loved him. I adored him. He was my everything.So why would it bother me if he seemed to want to be in my presence as much as possible? That he didn't like me going anywhere alone or that he tried to dote on my every whim as if I was a princess? I had never had anyone like that in my life before. It only enhanced how he seemed to be perfect for me, knowing exactly what I needed and when. I was never sad because he was there to comfort me before even I knew I was upset. It was nice. I licked my lips nervously as I remembered more and more about the area we were driving through as I looked out of the window. It left me conflicted. Should I or should I not tell him?He would want to know, right? I almost laughed at myself, of course he did. He had given up asking but I could sense that there were times he wanted to do nothing more than get their name out of me and storm them into a war, effectively killing them all. They were a vicious pack after all.But did I want that? The answer was no, I didn't want anyone to die on my name even if they had been incredibly cruel and manipulative when I was with them. Adrian had taught me that a pack was family, and yet my own brother who shared the same blood as me treated me as if I was nothing? A criminal who needed to be taught a lesson when I was nothing other than innocent!I still questioned why the pack had turned on me like they did. Why did my brother treat me like he did? What was wrong with me? Was there even anything wrong with me? Adrian didn't seem to think so."Urm…Adrian," I managed to stutter out after deciding that I couldn't tell him. He trusted me; I wasn't going to risk that for anything.He must have sensed the slight tremor in my tone as in the next second he was pulling up on the curb, the rest of the pack behind slamming on the breaks as not to overtake.Turning to face me he turned his engine off, giving me his undivided attention. "What is it, sweetheart?" he cupped my cheek. "Do you not feel well?"I shook my head at that. I felt fine. "Urm…" "Do you want another drink?" he was already reaching towards the back of the car for the cooler he had brought from the store. I thought it was a little over the top but I wasn't going to complain, it was sweet and I loved that he always made it clear how deeply he cared for me. I once again shook my head, I wasn't thirsty. I had already consumed two bottles of water and an orange juice; if I drank anymore I would burst. Might as well just get out with it, I thought."Urm…what pack are we going to help?" I asked hesitantly. There was still a chance that it wasn't my old one, right?"The Midnight Pack."Or maybe not.Crap."Why?"I shook my head, the fact he seemed to confirm it made it seem all the more real to me. So forcing on a fake smile I replied with "nothing" as I tried to seem as normal as possible. I needed to gather my thoughts and fast, because there was no way I was going into that hell hole without Adrian knowing my past. He needed to protect me, and I needed him there. I knew I wouldn't feel at all safe if he was away from me, not there, and now I had a pup to look after as well I wasn't not going to tell him.I was thinking of two now."You sure?" he stared at me.I nodded. While I knew he was aware that not all was fine I was relieved when he left it and started the car, even if he kept glancing at me with worry tainting his handsome face. A few more minutes and I would be able to reorganise my thoughts. I needed time to pull myself together. It seemed to take longer than I had planned, but just before he made a move to pull into the familiar driveway towards the pack house I told him to stop the car. He did so quickly, his worry and concern soaking into my own emotions because of the link we shared.


Hope you are enjoying my book it's almost done 






Chapter 104


It was another thing about him that I adored. He didn't try and blunt his emotions from me, he let me feel and that was all I asked for. Trust. Love. Affection. Forever. And I knew I had it all with him. I was a very lucky girl, I knew that and I wasn't about to take it for granted."What is it, baby? You're really starting to worry me right now."I didn't want him to worry."The…" I took a deep breath. "The pack—"He nodded slowly. "What about the pack? Our pack?""No, t—the other p—pack—""Have you changed your mind? You say the word, baby, and I will turn this car around and head back home. It's up to you, I told you if this is making you uncomfortable then it isn't worth it."I swallowed loudly. God, this was hard. "T—the pack are—was…uh…mine" I whispered. He stiffened instantly, his eyes narrowing before they softened just slightly as he ran his fingers through my hair. I purred. "What did you say, sweetness?"I knew he had head, but I had a feeling he didn't want to believe the truth just as much as I didn't. It made it real, oh so real."There m—my old pack," I managed to grab hold of his hand before he burst from the car. "Please don't," I pleaded. "Just think about it—" "Think about it!" he snapped. "They are monsters, Holly! And to think I even planned to help them, it makes me sick!""I know," I nodded quickly. "But they don't deserve whatever you have planned," I could practically sense the rage which came off him. "Please.""They abused you, Holly!" he scowled. "Do you have any idea how horrific that is? For a pack to do that to not only another pack member, but to a young and defenceless woman?""I know, I was there—""Exactly!" he slapped his hands against the steering wheel. "And it kills me that I wasn't there," he mumbled.I felt my entire body go slack at his admission. "Is that what has you so sad? That you weren't there for me?" he nodded. "You weren't even there then, Adrian. We didn't even know each other."He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off."And if you were I know that you would look after me. I know that you would have protected me, cared for me and told me that everything would be ok. I trust you completely, I always will, but there are other women and children in that pack. I don't want to go back, but please can we just help them?" I pleaded. I just hoped he listened.  *** Holly's Pov  To say Adrian was tense would have been an understatement. Every single muscle seemed to be clenched tightly under his tanned skin as he helped me out of the car after we pulled into the driveway. It didn't escape my attention that he made sure I was always behind him, that he would be able to protect me if it actually came down to it. It didn't complain.In fact I made sure to tell him that I appreciated the gesture a lot more than he probably thought I was. I wasn't like most girls in the pack who were utterly independent, I liked leaning on my mate as he leaned on me.It was us, and it worked."Are you sure about this, Sweetheart?" He gave me the opportunity to back out.I nodded, shooting the pack a sad look as I saw they looked just as tense as my man did. I didn't blame them, their Alpha wasn't happy so as a result neither were they. While they had no idea of how this pack was linked to my past, that didn't change the fact I knew they would act just as strongly as Adrian had.They were family, and family cared."Fine," I heard him sigh before he headed up the small steps at the front of the porch with the rest of us in toe."They could have started by selling the cars," Ryan grunted as he took in the sports cars and a vast number of highly expensive vehicles. I agreed with him, it was unnecessary. Some of them looked like they had never even been driven, so what was the point in having them? To show off? If so, to who and for what purpose? KnockKnock Knock I jumped slightly when the door quickly opened, my breath catching in my throat as I caught sight of the man I hadn't seen since I had run away from this hell hole.He hadn't changed, his hair and eyes were still dark as his gaze trailed over Adrian while trying to hide the fact he was clearly nervous. My mate's reputation was known throughout our entire species after all. I was proud of him."You must be Adrian," my brother, and I use that term loosely, smiled charmingly as he held out his hand.Adrian reluctantly took the offered gesture, but everyone seemed to cringe when my brother yelped as the sound of crushing bones could be heard.I didn't blame him, but ouch."And your name…""Charlie," he stuttered out, holding his wounded hand to his chest. "Please, come in and meet the rest of the pack."


Chapter 105


I was thankful for Adrian's gentle but firm hand around my waist, keeping my mind in the present. I appreciated the gesture more than he could ever know, it helping to keep me grounded."Thank you," I whispered as we made our way inside.He grinned. "For breaking his hand?" I shrugged. "He deserved it.""I know," I muttered, looking around.I was surprised to find that nothing had changed, but as the rest of the familiar pack came into view and began to introduce themselves they seemed stunned and taken aback when Adrian refused to let them talk to me. Did they really not know it was me?I knew appearance wise I looked completely different. I wasn't so thin that you could see my skin and bones, and I being pregnant with my mate’s child gave me a certain glow according to everyone else. Personally I didn't see it, but I didn't doubt that they were telling the truth.But my scent…they should recognize it shouldn't they?Or did I mate with Adrian alter that? I smelt mostly of him now, my original scent almost non—existent now. Was that the only reason they appeared so friendly, because they didn't know who they were being friendly to?It was almost serial being back here and not being constantly put down. I  must have tensed or breathed too unevenly for Adrian's liking as he pulled me closer against him, burying his nose against my neck and laying one of his large hands against my stomach in what I knew to be a protective manner."Are you ok, Sweetheart?"I nodded. I figured I was doing alright, I hadn't broken down in tears so that had to be something, right?"What's next?" I wondered out loud."Usually, I would go speak with the Alpha on my own, but I am not about to leave you unprotected with these…" he sneered, "…people."Those who heard looked shocked to their core at how he was speaking to them, probably asking themselves what they had done to offend him in such a way. It seemed they had no idea that they were acting as if nothing happened to the male alpha who was my mate, my other half and protector. Of course he wasn't going to like them, they made my life hell!  What did they expect?My brother cleared his throat. "I am sure the girls can keep your mate company. They will take good care of her, of that I can promise you."I stiffened uncomfortable, shifting on my feet as he gestured to a group of highly primed females. Clearly word hadn't got out yet that Adrian was no longer single, but mated with a child on the way, since it looked like all the single females had dolled themselves up for his visit. He was mine!"She will not be leaving my side," Adrian told him bluntly. "I have more than a few words I need to get off my chest, but let us start with the cars in the driveway shall we?"The current alpha cleared his throat uncomfortably. "What about them?""You ask me for help, advice if you will, and yet even with your financial difficulties outwardly you do not appear that hard done by."Charlie frowned. "I—I don't understand."I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying his discomfort just a little bit; it was nothing short of what he deserved. I didn't see myself as a vengeful person by nature, but this was the flesh and blood that had tormented me instead of protected me."The sports cars out—front, they are yours?"He nodded, sighing in understanding. "We don't want to appear weak—""You never came across as strong," Adrian cut him off causing the entire pack to wince. "You have your guard down. You are recklessly spending money. We came in here without being checked or identified and expect me to leave my mate with you unguarded? Do you have no respect, or are you just stupid?""The fact we like nice cars—""Which you can't afford."He got a scoff in return. "And you can? I saw what you came in, second hand?"Were they really arguing about cars? Adrian's nostrils flared and I saw Ryan along with the rest of the pack cringe out of the corner of my eye. Clearly everyone else had caught onto the fact that my mate wasn't one to be taunted, or criticised by how he ran his pack. To say something that could be applied as such to a powerful alpha was a big no. Even I knew that. He would fight back; he had more reason to than anyone in this room right now."My pack isn't struggling to look after themselves. My pack doesn't have financial difficulties. My pack cares for each other enough not to be falling apart at the seams!" he snarled."Hey! We look after our own!" my brother defended and that seemed to be the final straw, since the next thing I knew I was gently pushed into Ryan's and Jake’s arms as he grabbed Charlie by the neck and threw him outside before shifting much to my old packs horror. They didn't stand a chance.


Chapter 106

Holly's Pov

Standing on the side—lines I watched in fascinated horror as Adrian had my so—called brother by the throat, tossing his wolf form back and forth as if he was a rag—doll. I felt conflicted. On one side shouldn't I have felt some kind of sadness or horror for my blood relative? Because I could honestly say I didn't. In fact, I could go as far as to say that I was pleased that Adrian was protecting me, that he cared enough to do so.It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside."You ok?"Hearing Ryan's concern I chewed my bottom lip. Was I ok? I felt fine, apart from the slight worry I felt towards my mate who may get injured, even if it was clear to everyone that my brother wasn't a match in the slightest.  "Why are they just letting their alpha get attacked?" I couldn't help but ask.Shouldn't they be trying to step in instead of just standing there gaping in fear? Ryan shook his head. "It wouldn't be considered a good tactical move on their part considering the circumstances. They are asking us for help, Adrian has every right to attack however he feels like without consequence. The pack may not know the reason why just yet, but their wolves are instinctively telling them not to get involved if they want to survive. Fight or flight instincts."Oh."Will he kill him?"Not that I was concerned for my brothers well—being, but rather the impact it would have if Adrian did in fact kill him. Would that mean someone else would have to step up as alpha and fight, or could it be avoided? Ryan smiled sadly. "I can't get involved, Holly. It's Adrian's decision, but if I was going to put money on what he planned to do I don't think death is his intention. Adrian will beat him up pretty bad, but if he wanted him dead he would have been killed already."Biting my lip I fidgeted around the side, already taking note of the fact the rest of my pack seemed to be positioned around me. They were protecting the alphas mate and unborn child.It was nice."Stop it!"Hearing a screech like cry everyone snapped their heads towards the right where a bleach blonde female stood with her hands clenched into fists, a scowl on her face as she stared at my mate in disgust. I frowned, not liking the way she was looking at my soul—mate."You have no right!"I flushed about ten shades of red when  Adrian suddenly phased as naked as the day he was born and stormed over towards her. She flinched as he got into her face, which I knew must have been threatening on all accounts considering he literally towered over her."And who the hell are you?" he demanded. She whimpered, shaking in fear even as she tried to hold her head up high. I couldn't help but think it was naively stupid of her. "You just come in here and attack our alpha, I thought you were here to help us!" she bravely shouted. Adrian snarled long and low. "That was before it came to my attention what a pathetically vile pack you are, not only abandoning your own but to go as far as to abuse them as well! It's disgusting, and if you think I'll be your knight in shining armour then you have another thing coming!"An unfamiliar face stepped forward nervously, frowning at Adrian's comment. "We haven't abandoned any of our pack. It's frowned upon."My mate quirked a brow. "Does the name Holly Woods mean anything to you?"Silence."Yea, I was told she took off when her brother, the alpha, tried to make a decision for her well—being and she reacted violently. Right, John?" the bloke turned to face who I knew to be the beta of my old pack. He didn't look so cocky now."Right John?" the unknown wolf repeated."Yes," I winced at his lie. You could literally smell the deceit flowing off him in waves. "She was the one to abandon us." I guess they were partly right, I did leave them after all. Adrian's eyes flashed as I shifted uneasily on my feet. "Really now? Because my mate says otherwise, and if you think I'm going to believe your word over hers then you are more naïve and stupid than I first thought." I cringed when everyone looked in my direction, hating to be the centre of attention. Not to mention I was struggling to keep my eyes on Adrian's face while he was standing there in the nude seemingly without a care in the world.I didn't like how the unmated females were staring at him, nor me when they realized he wasn't single but already happily mated and taken. He was mine!"What would she know about it?" I heard my brother cough up blood as he pulled himself painfully up into a sitting position. He looked like crap and I couldn't help but feel good about watching him suffer. So what if that made me a bad person, he had caused me more than enough pain before I had met my soul—mate for me to be able to enjoy his agony with a guilt—free conscience.Adrian's upper lip curved back in a snarl, anger flashing through his already blackening eyes as he stared at the betas of my own pack with barely restrained fury. "This is what is going to happen.


chapter 107

You are all going to accept the fact that you are no longer in any position to make demands. You are no longer a beta.""But—""Enough! You made the mistake of calling me over here for help but if you were under any impression that you would keep any authority then you were sadly mistaken. I own you! That gorgeous woman over there who you cast aside is your superior as far as I am concerned, all of my pack are."I flushed at the compliment, but took a tiny step towards Ryan when I took in the fury on my old packs’ faces along with the shock when it finally clicked that I was the same girl they had abused and mistreated. I wasn't surprised that they had taken this long to recognize me; I looked nothing like I had before.I was happy. I was healthy. And most importantly I wasn't alone.  Holly's Pov  The next few days were uneasy when it came to Adrian setting the boundaries for my old pack, informing them in strict instructions what they could and couldn't do. After the fight with my brother he had immediately checked that both I and his cub were ok, his ear pressed against my stomach and his fingers caressing the barely—there bump.It had been adorable enough that I hadn't been able to help but giggle.He had been worried which was understandable, guilty for bringing me to a place I had struggled so hard with running away from. Things had changed though; I now had a mate, a baby, and a family in a new pack I adored. I had a home.  My old pack had lost all of their privileges, including the parents who had allowed what had happened to occur right under their noses despite the fact they should have known better. Signally out any pack member for any reason never turned out a good thing. There was a reason it was frowned upon. They had tried to claim that they had known nothing, selling their own children down the river in an attempt to keep the life they had grown accustomed to. It hadn't worked, Adrian and Ryan having seen right through it. Now under a new and stricter leadership the pack was already doing better, enough so that the members of the pack that had previously been forced to do the more labourer jobs had quickly become the foundation of a new start. The people who had been most important to keep the pack going for as long as it had been those who were most neglected. That had changed. I hadn't wanted anything to do with it. It was a great opportunity for Adrian to gain not only territorially but financially as well without having to resort to killing the alpha for the right to lay claim, not when it had been gifted to him. I, however, wanted nothing to do with the people who had hurt me. Some had come to seek out my forgiveness but it felt fake, desperate on their part. I hadn't liked it. Much to my relief Adrian also hadn't demanded to move into my previous childhood home which had been the property dedicated to meetings regarding my old pack. I had lived there, it didn't exactly bring back positive memories. He hadn't even suggested it and I loved him all the more because of it. I smiled when I heard the bedroom door open before clicking shut, the bed tipping a few seconds later before warm fingers gently brushed my hair from my face. "Holly? You  awake yet sweetheart?"Rolling over onto my back my face lit up when I caught sight of my handsome mate, his expression a picture of sweetness and gentle love. It was still hard to believe that I had gotten as lucky as I had. He was a strong mate, a good provider, and was gentle enough that my wolf absolutely adored him."Did you make me breakfast?" I could smell eggs. Adrian's smile lit up his face. "I did. The meeting went well and everyone's eager to take you shopping."I wrinkled my nose but didn't object. I did squeal loudly when I was suddenly tugged into Adrian's lap, my smile huge as I immediately moved to nuzzle his neck, breathing in his scent before melting against him all in the space of a few seconds. Feeling his arms move to wrap around my waist I purred, "how is the pack taking the change in leadership?" I murmured curiously."Surprisingly well," Adrian commented. "The only wolves that are objecting are those who have had their rights and positions stripped. It is clear that they are the cause of why the pack was going so downhill. I took a look at their spending – they spent the majority of the packs’ earnings on flash cars and other crap."I winced at his language. "What you're doing is a good thing.""I should be killing them all, not helping them." His grip around me tightened, "They hurt you.""Not all of them. Most turned a blind eye but when my brother was a power—hungry tyrant and had everyone following his orders to the letter it isn't a surprise that they kept their mouths shut.""They didn't just keep their mouths shut though, Holly. They ignored you, ignored the fact one of their pack mates was in pain."



Chapter 108

I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it anymore. The next few hours I adored, Adrian staying in bed with me as kissed and loved me in the most intimate manner that two soul mates could. It was beautiful. Making love to Adrian had always, and would always be a special and rememberable thing. I had waited until I found the man of my dreams and I didn't regret it in the slightest. He was mine as much as I was his. The next time I woke up Adrian was still snoring softly beside me, his eyes closed and face relaxed. He looked so innocent, so incapable of the danger and skill I knew he was capable of. My wolf purred at the reminder, the memory of him attacking my brother something that made me glow inside. I  snuggled closer against him, desperate for the touch. Even in his sleep Adrian must have realized my desire, his arms shifting to pull me tightly against him as he breathed against my neck, the warm puff of air making me giggle before I snuggled in even closer. It felt like heaven. Warm, soft and cosy. I may not have predicted this kind of future for myself when I had first run away, having expected and wanted everything to end right there and then against the freezing snow in the middle of the woods. But as I looked at my life now, looked at what I now couldn't live without, I knew I would forever be thankful for not dying in the snow alone, but belonging to a pack, a family I knew wouldn't mistreat me as I wouldn't mistreat them. Pack was home. TWO YEARS LATER "Mumma! Mumma!"  I smiled brightly as I rushed outside at the sound of my pups excited cry, Adrian having taken him out for his first run in the woods along with Ryan and Paul, the pair coming out grinning as my son barely managed to run towards me without stumbling over his own two feet in his excitement, Adrian keeping close just in case he fell. Bending down I smiled as he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, snorting against my neck. "Hello baby, did you have a nice run?"It had been nerve—wracking letting my prince out of my sight for even a few minutes let alone more than an hour, but Adrian had been eager to see how his son acted in wolf form and I hadn't had the heart to say no, not when I knew my mate would never let anything happen to Sam. Seeing my mate interact around his son was just amazing, my wolf purring in delight at the bonding as it happened in front of me. I would have gone with them but Sam needed some time to be with his father without me near. Sam did worry about me despite his age. It was sweet, but he needed to be able to let go and have fun once and a while."Good!"I smiled brighter, glancing up where a slightly sweaty Adrian was watching with a fond expression. "How was he?""Fast little shit!" Paul laughed before apologising when both I and Adrian shot him a look for his language. "Sorry, but he was!"I looked at my mate as I swept a tired Sam into my arms, "was he?"Running a hand through his hair Adrian nodded. "Caught sight of a rabbit and took off like a bat outta hell. You won't be doing that again will you, son?"Sam immediately looked sheepish, shaking his head rapidly against my shoulder before rubbing his nose against my neck, scenting me. Within minutes he was snoring gently, a sound so familiar to his father that it made my heart melt. Life really was perfect. We had returned home before I had given birth to Sam which had been a relief in itself. Adrian had worked his magic on the pack and made sure to make regular trips in order to double check that each one of his orders and instructions was being obeyed to the letter. He didn't put in all that hard work just to walk away and allow things to go back to the way they had been. What had been a slight shock was when it came about that my brother and the pacts’ previous alpha has deserted them by running away without so much as a word to any of his previous friends, escaping across the borders without looking back. Paul didn't think he would last. He was too cocky to be sympathetically taken in by another pack and stupid enough that he would easily get himself killed by angering the wrong person. Adrian and Ryan agreed. Lying in bed with Adrian as Sam spelled in the middle, occasionally growing and grunting in his sleep as he dreamt of chasing rabbits, it was impossible not to admit how good of a life I had it. I had gotten lucky."Try and gets some sleep, sweetheart," Adrian purred sleepily.Snuggling closer I smiled, breathing in the familiar scents of my cub and mate before finally managing to drift off to sleep, thoughts of a bigger family on my mind before everything else went black.  THE END



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Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: Me
Cover: Me
Lektorat: Me
Korrektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Me
Satz: Me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2021

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