
Chapter one plus all the rest

The Smith Family

By Jessie M




Here this story about the Smith family was moving to High Street from Alabama and there will be going to a new school And there mother name is Brittney Smith and dad is John Smith and I am Cloe Smith but I am a twin and my brother name is Sam Smith we are twins I’m a short girl but is very skinny and long brown hair and brown eyes and my twin brother is handsome he’s a little belt he has brown eyes and brown hair and he flirts with all the girls but we never dated anyone and we are both 15 years old we are moving to High Street and we are happy because we were not popular or anything we have no pets because we can’t have any mom can’t do any anyways we got to High Street we had no friends were we live now on 32 High Street we got out and got all set up and then we saw people outside but they all didn’t care we started 10th grade tomorrow we will be at Miller dill high School. Cloe then she got up took a shower and put on a pink underwear and bra that’s pink and black skirt and black tank top and I brushed my hair made it very pretty got my bag put stuff in it and then my bro got up put his pants and shirt and shoes on and his stuff and we off to school and we both got there went to the office and they told us they were in the same classes and something our classes are 1.Advisory 2.Math 3.Science 4.lunch 5.history 6.English 7.Language 8.gym not in order for some way we got to advisory and the teacher said class we have two new students Cloe and Sam Smith welcome them and all the girls stared at Sam and all the boys stare at Cloe they think she was hot sexy take your seat Cloe you go sit with Josh Parker and Sam go sit with Rose Brown they did that Josh wrote a note to Cloe saying hi can we chat after class she said sure the teachers say get in groups So they all got into groups with their seat buddies here they were Cloe and Josh /Sam and Rose/Sasha and Jack/ Bella and Larry but then Josh said want to hang out after school Idk it’s okay we can text if you want to sure what’s your number Josh 413-687-0112 Cloe mine 413-687-4140 okay text she got a text hi Cloe it’s Josh what’s up nothing yet they all went to class then Josh and Cloe text the rest of the day and lunch hit and they headed to lunch there had cheeseburgers and fries and apples yummy Cloe saw her bro and went over to him sat with him and his new friends Larry, Jack, Rose and Bella came over to say hi to Cloe and ask she want to be bestie friends sure said Cloe cool said Rose and Bella they said want to come over later sure to her new friends let me tell my mom and okay any one like anyone or have boyfriends no said Cloe, Bella, Rose but we have crushes who Bella said Jack and Rose said your bro you Josh oh he never talked to anyone but you or Sasha his ex what yeah they dated in kindergarten and but she told everyone about it okay Josh saw Cloe and he sat next to her and said hey she said hi Cloe got up to throw her trash away then Sasha got so mad at Cloe and through food at her and it got in her hair and face fell on the ground Bella Rose and Sam and his BFF and Josh went and see if she was okay she wasn’t she got up and run away to the Girls room everyone was laughing her friend ran after her Cloe and Bella and Rose into the girls room to see if she was ok the boys stayed out of the way and the girls room and Cloe was crying and her friend said it’s okay we all go to the principal’s office after no she said I don’t want any more trouble with her then they helped her clean her hair and face and it was clean she wasn’t really dirty it came out and they came out of the lady room and Josh ask if she was okay he gave her a hug she said thanks you guys then Sam gave her a hug everyone ask why she do that I’m sorry Cloe said Josh she still wants me and we didn’t even do anything but kiss and hold hands I didn’t even want to sleep with her she mad that I wont sleep with her after she cheated on me with one of my old friends and she thinks we did it I’m sorry Josh it’s fine she needs move on we are in the same gym wish you were in my class okay let’s go to the office K they did Bella and Rose asked to change gym glasses and they said okay we are back let’s go to gym Cloe said what do you mean we are in the same gym class with you now yay Cloe said let texts only Josh okay so they went to gym and she saw the gym teacher she didn’t say anything about my clothes so I sat and watched and got a text from Josh saying hey what’s up Nothing sitting watching gym tomorrow I will be bringing in my gym clothes cool what you doing bored study hall can’t wait to see you in the next 2 classes really why because you’re very pretty oh really yes want to hang out sometimes sure okay the bell rang and Bella Rose Cloe went to math class Josh was there Sasha went to see him and talk to him sat with him and the teacher saw Cloe and Sam we are the new students and I’m Miss Gray miss hale that not your seat go back to your seat why I said go fine your sit where you want to sit because that will be your sign seat for the rest of the year Cloe went and seat with Josh and my bro had to sit with Sasha but Bella and Rose sat next to each other already another we are going to have news kid next week Billy Ray my nephew okay Josh ask want to hang out after school I can’t but if you want to hang out after them or next day sure I’ll get the day was over and I went to my new best friend house and Josh asked me I want to hang out after them or next day sure okay the day was over that I went to my friend’s house and me hang for a while it was 2 Josh came and met my parents say sorry to bother you can I talk to Cloe sure Cloe’s someone here for you okay I’m in the shower and he was waiting with my brother and he said you can go in her room okay when Josh walked in her room her pictures are different it was black and pink and blue and she just came out of the shower I saw Josh and he turned around and realize I was only in a towel want me to leave so you can let you get clothes on please okay and put on my nice striped bra and underwear and my nightgown and shorts did my hair and hang up my towel went to my door let him in I’m not a pervert I know what do you want to tell me or Something you forgot this oh my lucky pen thanks you and she was like that it and I tell you something sure I know we just met I really like you really awww I think you were handsome wanted to stay the night and stay with my brother sure let me just ask my parents is that okay let’s go see what my brother is doing nothing really can Josh sleep in here with you sure can I hang with you guys sure want to watch a movie I guess I am laid down on the bed and then I fell asleep hey Sam yes your sister fell asleep next to me okay I will go get her bed and brought it in for her so its easy Josh put her on the bed and then Josh fell asleep then Sam than Josh woke up he went out and went to the bathroom then came back then laid back down then I wake up wondering where I was then I saw Josh looking at me saying morning beautiful I smile morning have a question Josh yes what is it how much do you like me Josh said a lot and Josh ask can I ask you something sure Cloe said sure you want be my girlfriend/wife someday maybe to the wife part but are you sure you want me to be your girlfriend yes I am the first time I saw you I know you were the one for me aww yes oh will love to be your girlfriend he came and his new girl but didn’t tell anyone but Sam when he got up they told him he like cool you guys they got together November 15, 2018 at 10:01 am and Cloe put her new 2 bestie friends in the group chat and said got to tell you something what they said guess who ask me out Josh yes Oh My God So happy for you Cloe said you are my friends ok please don’t say anything promise said Bella and Rose we will talk more later ok we have to get ready for school yeah ok let me go handsome ok see you soon ok beautiful ok I left my bros room and got in a the shower because i wanted to feel clean for my new bf so I got in the shower I did my hair I use my dove shampoo and conditioner I watched it out and then I got my Dove soap wash my body and then I got out of the shower I realize that I forgot my towel so I opened the bathroom door and scream Sam can you grab me my towel please and kind of busy I am not going to walk around naked so Sam asked Josh to grab me my towel and he handed me my towel and I wrapped myself in it and I walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom and I saw my boyfriend in my room waiting for me yes handsome oh your out can we cuddle or something sure but I’m only in a towel I know after you get dress yes ok so can I take a shower yes but my bro have guys stuff in it I know you can go ask my bro he in his shower oh ok one min hey bro yes in the shower can you put some of your guy shower on to your sink or toilet so I can grab it okay one minute okay so you can come in ok Cloe did and grabbed it here handsome ok here this is how you turn it on and stuff ok thanks beautiful you’re welcome handsome I got him towel got in the shower and went in my room and I put some clothes on I put my baby blue bra and the underwear that matched and I put my short skirt on and my baby blue tank top I got my blue shoes in case I brushed my hair make my hair look pretty and I knocked on my bathroom door so who is it just me you could come okay I came in to hung up my towel and I turned around about to open door so I can go to my room and wait on my boyfriend until he called my name and I said yes he said turn around and then I did he said what do you think I was so confused cause he was in a towel he asked me to smell his hair smells good I left the bathroom so he can get dressed so we can hang out with my bro he then he put on his boxers then his shorts then his tank top and he comb his hair hang up his towel He Walked out of my bathroom and he came to my door he knocked on it and I said yes he said it’s was him I was like you can come in then he did ok then he saw me in all blue and thought I looked all pretty then I said yes handsome he’s like I’m just looking at the most beautiful girl I see aww you can come and sit on my bed ok he came in and sat on my bed oh um yes Josh um your bra strap came loss oh please don’t look I wasn’t trying to have that happened it ok want me to fix it sure ok then Josh fix it then he said there you go its fix thanks so glad my parents didn’t see that because l think they would think you trying to undress me no never Cloe thank you Josh I got so emotional I jumped in his arms I gave him this big hug Josh wasn’t expecting that he's very shocked he put his arms around me and was smiling then Sam walk in plus what we were doing I told him that he’s being sweet and I jumped in his arms oh ok Sam said let hang out in my room before mom and dad see you too ok we got off my bed I’m walking to my brother room on his bed I sat on his bed and was bored out of his mind Josh ask what’s wrong bored I said to Josh he text me and ask me a question because he didn’t want ask in front of my brother so I look at my phone and saw he ask me if I ever kiss anyone I said never kiss anyone because no one thought I was pretty or anything you are said Josh thanks handsome your welcome can I invite one of my friend sure I text my besties in a group chat Bella said she can’t busy with family and Rose said yes I can bored let me ask my dad to bring me over ok my Addresses 32 high st mass ok rose said and then she was here I went outside and get her and we went in my house and I said let to see my bro ok we went upstairs and knocked on his door and he said come in and josh was still with him and when I walk in Rose was like hello Sam and then he turned around and saw Rose he turned bright red because he has a super crush on her and she has a super crush on him Josh knows that he has a crush on her and his twin sister knows she has a crush on him but they both don’t know that they have a crush on each other so Cloe sat next to her man and Rose sat next to Sam and they got back to playing some games then Cloe text Josh asking why he ask her that question then he saw it then he text back because I kinda want to give you a kiss if that’s ok with you then her phone went off then her face turned bright red and Josh notice and he smiled then she got up and walk out of her brother room and went down stairs and then Josh went after her and ask her what happened nothing said Cloe Josh said no tell me what’s wrong Cloe said umm I’m never been kissed and I don’t want it to be weird for you because you kiss someone before and I didn’t and yeah then Cloe look down and Josh came close and grabbed her chin and made her look at him and Josh have baby blue eyes and he said no it wont be weird for me to kiss you and Cloe just didn’t say anything and up stairs Rose and Sam are still sitting next each other and nothing happening and then Rose got a text from her parents asking are you staying the night or coming home now let me ask my friend Rose got up and yelled down where Cloe and Josh is yes can we talk yes we can we are coming back up stairs ok they walk up stairs and Cloe went in her room with her bestie and Rose said her mom and dad ask if she going home or staying the night I don’t know my parents aren’t home there working in till 11:30pm I might just go home said Rose ok Friday and we didn’t go to school I think it was a teacher day ok Rose text her parents saying my friends parents are at work ok we come get you in like 5 mins ok we all went to Sam room and she told him she leaving to go home ok he said see you at school ok when Rose left hey bro can I ask you something in my room sure brb Josh ok do you care me and Josh date right not at all I see you are happy am bro she hug him and they went back into his room ok can we all play a game or something in a min ok Cloe laid beside Josh and he stop playing the game and lay behind her and yanked her tank top and she turned around yes handsome can we please cuddle now sure Josh put his arms around his girl and pulled her close and she can feel his warm belt body on her and she was turning red and Josh ask what never did this before oh I’m sorry want me to stop no I feel safe ok oh my phone going off its my mother yes mom you coming home no but I might need you to bring me a bag please of clothes and guy stuff please yes son be there soon what the addresses 32 high st mass ok on my way want to meet my mom sure I’m here son coming I put on my flip flop and went outside to meet his mom they see his mom and she saw a girl with him and she was like who is this beautiful girl mom want you to meet my future wife/girlfriend his mom laugh what your so cute bug mom don’t say that she like my mom my name is Cloe smith I’m Jessica parker nice to meet you also mom she my girlfriend his mom was shocked she not friends with your ex Sasha Hell no mom she bulled her when she just got here oh that’s not good want me to tell her mom no mom she only did it one time if she does it again I will tell you ok bug mom stop it ok my mom call me ladybug oh that cute Cloe ok I don’t need to see you guys flirt don’t do anything you guys don’t want to do anything other people are making you do ok we wont mom how old are you 15 ok same age as my son ok when your birthday March 22, 2003 same year too mom stop asking her questions ok I will stop ok let go back in side Josh can I talk to my mom sure I will meet you inside ok yes mom she pretty what be good to her I will mom and I will never make her do anything she not comfortable wait she never been with anyone no mom and I haven’t either I know mom but don’t worry I want to wait I know you but you’re a guy it my changed if you see her naked or any woman stop mom don’t need talk about this with you I know but your dad would tell you the same I might just ask dad if you are ok with that yes son kiss love you bug love you too mom thanks is her mom and dad there no but her twin brother is there he making sure we don’t do anything lol wait she a twin yes mom I’m his friend too cool behave I will bye see you Sunday see then bye Josh walk inside and saw Cloe sitting in the couch watching tv and he said hey oh hey just wanted to watch some tv that’s fine its your house yes no ask my mom was talking to me about weird stuff like I told her I will never make you feel uncomfortable oh she got you never be with anyone with anyone oh your mom knows yeah sorry its fine she can know I’m not a slut or anything can I tell you something about one of are teacher sure remember one of them said we will get a new person in are class yes I think I know him how my old school he always tried getting with me because he been with every girl but me I told him sorry cant not alone were you yes sorry cant do anything unless we are married but we can kiss and hold hands handsome fine with me cool I’m just afraid he might rape me or something he almost did one time but I got away from him because had to go to the lady room and the bell rang so he went to class and a girl was there and saw what happened she help me saying he not out here I told her thanks and he got caught with a 14 year old she was yelling help and he was raping her he went to jail or the kid one I didn’t realize I was crying and Josh was hugging me telling everything ok he wont touch you thanks I didn’t know I kiss him on his cheek and he was shocked and Cloe was too and he ask to kiss her on the cheek she said sure and kiss her on the cheek then Cloe ask want to want to watch a movie sure what about sound of music I haven’t see that woman in a while cool let me ask same hey bro yes want to come watch a movie with us what is it this movie no thanks maybe if you watch another one I will ok making pop corn I text my mom and dad what for dinner they said they will order pizza for us I told them they you are here they say its fine I told my mom about us she said be careful I told her I will ok let me take off my slippers and you take off your shoes and socks ok Cloe ok before we put the movie on do you want to put some comfortable clothes nah said Josh on I’m going too ok I went up stairs and went to bro room told him mom and dad order pizza and he said ok just tell when its here I will ok then I went to my room and took of my short skirt and put my booty shorts and stuff under my arms and perfume and brush my hair and teeth and went downstairs didn’t know Josh was waiting for Cloe then he saw her with her shorts on and she notice yes nothing your just beautiful thanks she was blushing and turning really red and he notice she was trying to cover her face with her hands and he said don’t do that its just compliment I know but never got 2 before its just normal for a guy to say these thing to his girlfriend ok lets watch the movie on we put it on and me and Josh was sitting and then I laid down then didn’t realize my feet was on his and he didn’t care and there was a knocked on the door and I got up and look out it’s the pizza guy and I opened the door and he said hey sexy want me to come in there and make you scream my name and you will be very happy in the end she was very uncomfortable and Josh heard it and he was very mad what the hell is your problem nothing she hot and I want that now you cant she mine back off he grabbed her and pull her back and grabbed the pizza and said bye fine but I will be back sexy at 11:00pm then he smiled and walk away then Cloe was very scared and crying he called Sam down and he ask what happened Josh explained and was pissed he call his dad and mom at work and told them what happened to Cloe they said tell her don’t worry we will be home early at 10:50pm ok mom and dad they hang up and told there boss they need to get home and he was ok with that there boss know there kids are important and they were on there way home they work along way from home so took them 2 hours its was 10:50 when they got home but Cloe was crying and Josh gave her a hug and she hug him back and he bring her to the couch and gave her a pizza and she ate it because they were hungry and she laid on Josh and fell asleep and he didn’t want to get in trouble and he wake her up and she said I’m sorry ok I don’t want to get in trouble by your dad its fine it was 10:50 and there parents came home and walk to Cloe and ask her are you ok yes Josh and bro help me ok who Josh I am sir oh I’m John and I am Brittany there parents I know can I ask you question sir sure what do you want to ask me I don want to be weird I was wondering maybe later in life you would give me ok to marry your daughter oh how old are you son I’m 15 oh ok ask then son ok also was wondering if I can date your daughter why son your daughter is beautiful and pretty and I will never make her do anything she doesn’t want and I just want to protect her from harm and weird guys like the pizza guy oh yeah him its up to my daughter but I like that you ask me first thanks sir ok let talk more later ok there was a knock on door Cloe open it and he saw her again and smiled and he came in and was like come over here no thanks her dad, bro and boyfriend was staring at him how old are you 17 wow you like little girls what you mean little girl she only 15years old no way yes way with that body why the hell is wrong with you leave my girlfriend alone John look at him and was shocked what happening and he left don’t ever talk to my daughter that way or I will tell your work and call the cops understand now leave ok Cloe was crying and hug Josh and he look at her dad sir was going to tell you I ask her out yesterday and still wanted to ask ok son its fine you all are fine we got to go back to work see you guys tomorrow ok mom and dad son yes to that question but treat my daughter good I will sir I trust her with you thanks sir night behave we will then they left we locked all doors and windows and we started are movie and we watch it and then Cloe fell asleep and was having a bad dream that someone raping her no no no no then Josh hear and told her to wake up and she wont and he was going to pick her up and she had no clothes on and he didn’t look and walk away she wake up freaking out and she was naked she called Josh we didn’t do anything I just tried to wake you up that all ok please look away I did here is a blanket thanks your welcome she put her clothes back on and told him its fine to look then he said ok he came over to her and ask her what happened she said just had a dream that was being rape by the pizza guy ok want me to tell your family yes ok let go see your brother ok she grabbed his hand and he look at her she saw he was shocked and didn’t do anything so they went upstairs and told her brother and he was mad that the pizza guys scared her that much and they told him he kinda found her naked and he said that’s normal for her when she scared ok I didn’t do anything to her I just told she had no clothes on and she freak out I know she does all the time Sam call there parents explained everything and the dad wasn’t mad because Josh didn’t do anything but worry her and he was happy that he can trust him and nothing will happened he say for Josh hello sir call me John ok thanks you for being there for my daughter your welcome sir I don’t plan on anything like that just didn’t know if you will think I did something bad no this happens ok John do you want to talk to your daughter yes here Cloe yes dad are you ok no scared he will come back I don’t know what to do see if you can go stay with your friends I cant they are busy oh what about Josh house not right now ok we just have your boyfriend stay with you for this weekend ok dad here Sam I know dad nothing will happened to Cloe she has me and Josh ok bye dad and tell mom same I will and they hang up ok what you want to do stay with both of you let go to your room ok they turn off the tv and went upstairs and they went to her room and Josh sat with Cloe and her bro got his bed and set it up and Cloe was sleeping and Sam said just stay up there I will be down here ok he laid down and fell asleep and Cloe laid on Josh chest and she felt very safe and they were sleeping and there parents got up and saw the kids and didn’t do anything but cover them and John saw what Cloe was doing but he will talk to her in the morning they went to bed and it was morning and mom was making breakfast for the kids and John came in to wake them up to eat Sam got up and saw his sister and her bf and he left to go downstairs to eat and Josh wake up and saw her dad and then saw his daughter laying on him then she wake up and saw her dad and realize what she was doing I’m sorry dad we were just sleeping that all I know sweet its ok I know you guys didn’t anything sir can I tell you something sure this is weird for me to talk about but me and your daughter aren’t planning on doing anything like that and I’m like that sir and anyways my family wouldn’t be happy if I did I would get kick out oh and I know your daughter is scared of the pizza guy so why would I do that to her after that I’m waiting to get married first that’s a good thing to know my family is like that Josh but I wouldn’t make my kids do that but if my daughter want to that’s fine with me yeah dad I do I want Josh to be my husband first ok sweet let go downstairs to have breakfast ok dad can I talk to Josh first ok I will be down stairs ok the door was shut she got up and ask him a weird question should I get these clothes she show him really sexy underwear and bra I don’t know he was feeling really weird down there and she said she wants to get them so when they are married she will wear them on there honeymoon sure if you want to I don’t know sorry never had sex I know would you if I ask for it wait what you know I can’t Cloe I know but I kinda want you now I can’t Cloe my parents ask me questions about it I can’t then can I do this she turn around and took of her tank top and turn back around and showed her boobs to Josh and he just stared at her and then he wake up it was a dream but her dad was there saying its time to wake up ok sir and his daughter was still laying on him and when you are ready come downstairs and have breakfast ok Cloe wake up and saw Josh yes just had a weird dream and she said what he told her it and said what I’m sorry its ok I have a question yes Cloe why would you dream that I don’t know I never dream about that I’m sorry do you want to them no Cloe I don’t want to make them ok let go downstairs they hold hands going downstairs and her parents saw didn’t care they gave them food and then ask her mom a question she said yes baby girl is it normal to show guys your body parts no if you are married why just a question mom ok no one asking you that no mom just wondering why some girls do they don’t respect there body’s ok mom that’s all ok mom can I go to Josh house at all I don’t know ok going to work bye there parents left ok hey bro what do you want to do I don’t know Sam said what about you Josh I know what to do but I don’t think you guys want to what you guys know true or dare yeah but I don’t know there only 3 of us we can ask if are friends want to play let me text my besties I text them hey want to come over and play a game true and dare sure they both came over my friends are do coming let me call jack and Larry want to come over bros and play true and dare there girls going to be here sure if there ladies coming yes why would I ask you guys I like woman on are way bud ok Cloe friends said there she open the door and let them in and Sam friends were there brb said Cloe and Sam they both went to there rooms and changed there clothes and put on stuff for there under arms and Cloe but on a skirt with shorts and a better tank top that matched and went to bros room one min he put on shorts and shirt and they went downstairs when the guys saw Cloe they stared and the ladies stared at him this a one time Josh said ok there only 3 girls and 4 guys we need another girl what about Sasha no said Cloe she bulled me oh yeah one guy cant play Larry said I wont Sasha I like she not here sorry bro its fine I can make sure no one cheating yeah they spin the bottle it landed on Jack Larry said true or dare he said dare we all dare you to kiss your crush the guys know its Bella so he got up and he went over to Bella and kiss her on the lips she turned really red and he walk away and Bella spin it and it landed on her crush true or dare she pick true Rose ask tell us your true she tell everyone she like Jack he was shocked and Rose spin it landed on Sam Jack ask true or dare Rose said dare Jack said to kiss Sam then she went over to Sam and sat on his lap and kiss Sam and he was new at this and they stop she walk away Sam was shocked and spin it landed on Rose true or dare said Josh true tell us who you like Sam said Rose she was shocked and smiling now it was Josh turn he spin it landed on Cloe Sam said true or dare he said dare I dare you to kiss my sister she was turning red he come over to her and kiss her on the lips and no one know its her first and it was over then it was Cloe turn true or dare true tell something truth me and Josh are dating everyone look at them her friends already knew but her bro friends were shocked when 2 days ago wow please don’t say anything we wont bestie thanks we won’t Sam ok Larry true or dare true tell us something truth I like Bella also she was shocked Bella true dare I dare you to kiss Larry and she did then it was Rose true I like Sam he was happy then it was Sam dare we all dare you kiss Rose he did then it was Josh true he told we are dating he said I love you Cloe then it was Cloe dare Jack said dare you to kiss or flash your boobs to everyone here no I will kiss Josh she did and it felt right then everyone had t leave on bye they said bye no one talk about it and Cloe went outside to check the mail and she didn’t know the pizza guy was out there and he came close to her and said hey sexy she turned around and saw he wasn’t alone and he said come hang with us we will have so much fun no thanks she started to turn around until he grabbed her and then she scream and then Josh heard Cloe and he came outside and saw the pizza guy pulling her into his buddy car and he saw that he was feeling her all around she told him to stop then he realize she was never touch then he was very happy now we are going to so much fun going to make you happy woman not girl stop I’m 15 year old his friend was no your not yes I am why would I lie I don’t know dude stop we are 17 years old we could go to jail so I want her to have my big dick in her tight ass pussy and her ass and mouth and everything she never did I cant Cloe said why not my parents wont let me please leave me alone I don’t know or like you that way please your really screaming me he didn’t care he tried to touch her pussy and Josh told him don’t you dare touch her there why you will never get it yes I will when we get married we are plan on when we are older her father already got it ready you touch her at all you will hear it from him yeah right his friends told him to let her go don’t believe this girl is 15 years old see this it says she is you been stalking a girl who could be your lil sis no way I want her in me no please he touch her breast and said she was crying feeling uncomfortable then it pissed off Josh and he grabbed his guy and punch him in the face then Cloe got free and she ran inside and was crying and her brother notice her clothes was messes and her breast where showing and he grabbed a towel and the guys left and Josh came in and call there parents and explain what happened and the father said what yup your daughter was getting the mail and the pizza guy was there and his friends then your daughter told them she only 15 his friend didn’t believes her age but then did told him to stop and he didn’t listen to his friend told him they could go to jail if he doesn’t stop he still didn’t listen then he told more then he got to the weird parted that he found out she was never touched and then he wanted she to have his big dick in her tight pussy ass and mouth everything she never had done what and he touched her breast and made her really uncomfortable that pissed her father off I told him don’t he wont before he did that he wanted to touch her pussy and I heard her screaming and I him don’t touch her he said why you will never will I told him yes I will when we get married we are plan on when we are older her father already got it ready you touch her at all you will hear it from him yeah right his friends told him to let her go so yeah then he was at there house and he saw his lil girl and no one touch her they call the cops and they had a woman check her and hey found his hand print and found him and he went to jail his friend didn’t because he told them he told his friend to stop and his friends didn’t leave her alone I’m sorry I’m staying away from him I don’t need a friend like that who like little girls yup ok when Josh asked are you ok Cloe no she ran to her room and he ran after her and knocked on the door and she wouldn’t open the door for him and he told her mom and dad then her mother knocked and she open the door what’s wrong ladybug why wont you open the door for your boyfriend I feel like I’m been touch and he wont want to marry me still or anything yes he will ladybug he like you for you not because your not been touch how you know that mom because he didn’t like you he wont be protected you from that guy let him in I get him in ok mom she went under her cover and her mom said Josh can you come back up here yes I can he come upstairs and he knocked on the door and she said you can come in he did want to door open or closed she said closed and he sat on her bed so what do you want to tell me she turn around tears in her eyes what wrong I feel like you wont touched me after that guy did no that’s not true I don want you to feel weird around me because I’m a guy no I’m just don’t want you to think I wanted him to do that I don’t I want you to be my first ok Cloe want me to leave or stay she said stay want to watch a movie sure they wanted a funny movie and she was crying and then he come over and hug her and she hug him back then laid there and fell asleep and she felt safe her parents came up and saw they were sleeping and let them be then Cloe got up and felt very smell she got up and took her shirt off and bra and underwear and skirt and put a towel around her and went to the shower and wash her self really well she felt comfortable now she got out and walk in to her room and saw he was sleeping still she put her black underwear and bra she hung up her towel and Josh woke up and saw her and said um Cloe I can see you ah she said want me to close my eyes please he did and she put on her black dress and did her hair and smell good and she said you can look I’m sorry Cloe its ok thought you will be sleeping the whole time please don’t tell my parents you saw me I will get in trouble don’t worry I wont can I ask you something sure can I see your leg where the handprint is yes she sat on her bed and kinda move her dress so he can see it and it was really big and it will go away Cloe I know he hold her hand and she smiled and he ask to kiss her she said ok he lean in for a kiss and there was a knocked on door yes one min can I take a shower in your shower sure want me to grabbed your bag yes please he came out of her room went to her bathroom and got in and her mom was wondering going on he taking a shower in my bathroom and he want me to grabbed his bag from bro room and she did knocked on the door and he said yes I got you a towel and your bag ok just bring it in then leave ok she bring it in and put on her sink ok leaving ok then her mom ask are you ok yes kinda weird doing that but I wish I can marry him now mom why I think I love him and my body want him to see it and It weird mom is it bad no your just realize you want him to see you now but you cant I know what if he mistake see it what you mean she told her mom what happened oh that’s was mistake I thought he will be sleeping I don’t want you or dad to think I wanted him to see my body I didn’t but I do want him to so that pizza guy will leave me alone and he will know I’m been touched oh ladybug don’t do it ok mom going in my room ok making lunch soon so yeah ok mom Cloe was in her room and fell asleep and Josh came in to get dress and was in his boxer and towel then Cloe wake up and saw Josh and said um can see oh do you want me to turn around yeah she did and he put his shirt on and shorts and she looked at him then she wont stop staring what I’m sorry I want to have sex with you but we cant I know we have school tomorrow I know it lunch time lets go eat we did we both had heathy sandwich and water and fruit and Sam had sandwich and milk and apple and Cloe dad called Josh over yes question yes sir are you putting in my daughter head sex no I think she ready for it I’m been ready for it but we have to married first I don’t want to make my parents mad what’s your parent number here he call them and talk to them about this and he went back to lunch my daughter really like your son and she want to sleep with him and he doesn’t want too it because you told him not to yes we did to be honest I would love my daughter to wait but she a woman and I’m see will do it with some one bad yeah they agree they are alone to sleep together one time and if she gets pregnant they will have to get married so he hung up his wife was fine with it his family was ok with it then they sat done with Josh and Cloe yes dad so me and your mother talk to his parents we agree you guys can sleep together one time but no more in till married but if you get pregnant you will have to marry him that day ok his parents called him and ask if he want to leave town go on vacation and he will miss 4 days of school and he ask if his girlfriend can go they said we don’t care what about her brother sure he can bring Rose ok he call her she said sure there parents said ok but they cant miss 4 only 2 do Thursday and Friday k mom and dad his parents like that ok maybe all 4 of you kids can stay at are house on Wednesday ok he hang up and yeah they stayed in the living room and hang out in till her parents left to work then Cloe ask Josh if he wants to go to her room sure they walk upstairs and she ask want to fake to have sex sure lol so she took off her dress and he took off his shirt then he took off his shorts then he saw her perfect body and she saw his belt body and he took off her bra and he saw her breast for the first time and she took off her underwear and he took off his boxer and they saw each other naked and she laid down on her bed and he did to and fell asleep she was on him cover up and he was cover too then her parents went upstairs open her door and saw there clothes everywhere and notice they are naked still and Cloe wake up saw her parents and freak out we are naked do you mine then Josh wake up oh hi sir and lady you guys getting dress yes when you leave yes we will they went to bed ok they were laughing and like being naked together her body wasn’t want sex now she just wants to see him naked that’s all he was a very belt guy and when Josh saw Cloe her breast were so perfect and her butt was nice and he didn’t see her lady part she was yes sorry kinda want to see that he point at she said sure she lay down and open her legs and he just stared it was nice to can I try something what just put my finger in you I don’t know just asking your very pretty in and out she turn red and she told him only one time so he put a finger in and out it make her little wet oh please don’t stop it feel good so he kept going and then she wet all over her bed going to stop now ok you like that baby girl she look at him sorry no I like it really yeah she said and I really like you baby boy he smiled at her and hug her and realized all her wetness went on him I’m sorry its ok I will get use to it when we first do it and get married can I tell you something what I’m afraid if we do have sex and then maybe if I get pregnant you will have to marry me then later in life you will leave me because we got married very young no never baby girl let get dress before your parents come in ok she make sure her lady part was stop being wet then put her underwear and bra back on and put a nightgown and he put his boxers on and shorts on and ask you don’t air your self out what you don’t take off your and underwear off and sleep only in your nightgown no I live with 2 guys and my mom oh ok let just sleep we gave school tomorrow ok said Cloe they got in her bed and she laying on his warm chest and fell asleep and it was morning it was time to go to school Cloe woke up put her black and blue dress on and shorts and shoes did her hair and got her backpack and she wake up Sam he hug her very tight and he realize he was hugging her and he let her go and got dress and was ready for school he ask to kiss her on the cheek sure she said and he came close and grabbed her and he was about to kiss him and she moved her had and they kissed on the lips and he was shocked and happy then her bro was ready she went and brush her teeth and he did too and they came downstairs and went outside to wait for the bus and he came everyone was on it and Sasha saw Cloe and Josh they were holding hands it was weird they were doing that and bug her and she walk over to them and hey love bears and she was what do you want just want to know why were you holding hands unless you want to tell them but that Josh parker have sex with the new girl and they are dating you know what its not your business what Josh does and not dating you and he will never will again your just so needed and you cheated on Josh and now you obsessed of Josh because he will never have sex with you nasty ass slut so stay out of his business and do you really want to go there she lean over and kissed Josh on the kisses and they went for a while and then said we will do more later he smiled and love the way she was talking and Sasha shut up and walk away and she didn’t say anything the rest of the day we went to all are classes had lunch had more class then it was time to leave then the rest of the week went fast then Wednesday came went school then Cloe, Rose, Josh, and Sam was drop off at his house Cloe saw his house wow she said what your house is big I know I don’t like people know so yeah let go inside ok When Cloe walk in is was like a dream she felt like famous person or a princess let me bring you guys to your room ok we went upstairs and here Rose a room that will fit you well its red my favorite color she went in put her bag on the bed and come out and stayed with them then here bro here is a room will be great for you he walk in and it was a game room what the heck he loved he put his stuff on the bed come out we going to my room they all walk in it was very blue and big it had a very big bed that can fit 4 people on it and Cloe there a room for you if you want to sleep there but its not set up because didn’t know if you want to lay in here so your safe or you want your own bed I don’t know right now I want to go play games ok go yeah Rose want to come sure they let to play games and Josh and Cloe was alone ok Cloe felt sharp pain in her side ow you ok yeah he laid her down he press her side and it was hurting really bad then it stop I’m fine you might just need a bubble bath really yeah let me ask server Helen yes Josh can you help my Girlfriend with her bubble bath yes thanks miss Helen let go this way Cloe ok she took off her clothes and got in and Halen said how is the water good thanks Cloe said your welcome just call me when you need to get out then Josh walk in and saw his girl in the water and said hey she scream because he scared her and he said its ok Cloe its just me and she open her eyes and Halen came in and said what’s going on he said I said hey and she got scared ok don’t do that I want to get out ok leave Josh he left and she got out and gave her clothes and put them on and she like them ok go see your bf ok hey Josh yes he turned around and saw she was in a very pretty nightgown and he hug her and kissed her and she smiled and Halen came in dinner time ok come one Cloe all went downstairs to eat and it was good they went back to there rooms and Cloe and Josh walk around his house and he talk about the pictures and stuff and she really like it and they went to a room he use to be in as a baby and he said this where we stay and get take care as baby Oh ok they left and went to his room and he ask what do you want to do I don’t know lay on your bed ok let got in and lay down and Halen came in said what you doing nothing bored watch a movie ok they put on a movie and Cloe fell asleep and he did too and Halen saw them and got the girl room ready and put Cloe in the girl room so she didn’t get in trouble and went and check the other kids and they were sleeping and turn off the light and close the door walk away and went back to work making sure all the door and windows and went to bed and Cloe was having a bad dream and she was yelling and Josh heard it and look over and she wasn’t there and went to the girl room and saw her crying and he wake her up babygirl you need to wake up she wake up scared where I’m in the room I didn’t set this room up please take me to your room ok Josh pick up Cloe and bring her to his room laid her down got in bed and she laid her head on him and he cover them and went back to bed it was morning Halen wake up and wake up Sam and he got in shower and got ready for the trip and she wake up Rose she got ready too taking shower and then she went to the girl room and Cloe wasn’t there then she look in Josh room she find them just sleeping and wake him up he got up and talk to her why was Cloe in the other room I didn’t want to get in trouble you wouldn’t of she gets very scared she had a something happened to her she trust me and her parents does so they didn’t want me to leave her alone ok Josh didn’t know that. Its fine you didn’t know now you do please watch her I’m going take a shower yes Josh ok he went to his big bathroom and took a shower and got out came in his room she left and she fine she sleeping and he got dress and sat on the bed and said baby girl wake up and she did and morning she said Halen left a outfit for her and he let her get dress he brush his teeth and hair then she was dress in a nice dress and her hair was done and teeth and she was ready for breakfast and they all ate and got ready to leave for there vacation and his parents were ready and they saw his son and his beautiful girlfriend holding hands and they got in the vehicle then Sam and Rose got in and they were ready for the trip off to vacation all of them belt up and talk and yeah then he got to the place they were staying and Cloe was like wow and let me show you something baby girl ok he took her hand and they went somewhere and she saw the view and she was like wow this is beautiful I know it is let go downstairs ok they did and they un packed and hang out the 2 days but before they went home Cloe saw something and she got bite by it and she passed out and didn’t wake up Josh saw Cloe and tried to wake her up then saw her hand and she got bite and he called him parents they came what happened don’t know they called the cops they bring her the hospital and they had to call her parents so they can fill out her stuff and they did and the doctor checked everything and find out she was allergic to what she was bite from and had to be put in a coma to save her life and they didn’t know how long she will be in it so Josh didn’t want to leave and he didn’t his parents let them stay for 2 more days and then Rose and Sam had to be sent home for school and they all just stayed and hang out and Cloe other best friend found out and her parents had to tell her school she wont be coming in till she wake up and stuff the school know what happened she got hurt and fell in coma and the school had to tell everyone and they will on Monday it was Sunday they were sent home and Sam can feel Cloe hurting there twin bond is very strong and he was sad and then it was Monday he got up and got ready for school and got on bus and Sasha was happy where is your sister is she afraid and Rose and Bella got up and said shut up they said and she was like why because she in a coma then everyone look at them and Sam got up yes my twin sister is in a coma because she got hurt and now she not here she in a hospital just be nice and shut up and everyone did and they went to school and everyone did and the days went passed from November 26,27,28,29,30 and Josh was sad his gf was laying there and mom and dad come eat something she still didn’t wake up and it was December 1st 2018 and still she laid there in till it was December 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 then the days still went on in-till it was December 21, 2018 then everyone said she might never wake up and her parents are sad and her twin is to then Josh said I’m sorry this happening Cloe I really miss you wish you will wake up please wake up Christmas he went back to the hotel and did all his make up work so he not be hide it was vacation she his parents and friends and brother was here and then they all went hotel they went to bed and it December 23, 2018 and it was the next day then it was Christmas day then something happened Cloe woke up asking where I’m I Josh look at and said you been in the hospital for like 32 days and do you know who we are yes your my boyfriend and he’s my twin and they are my parents and they are yours and they are my besties they all hug her let us get the nurse she came in and said wow you are up she did all kind of test and said you are fine now we are going to keep longer ok they check on her everyday then its was January 19,2019 when she was let to go home and she got up and hug everyone then they was home and they can go to school when she ready and she was on Feb 19,2019 she got up and got dress and was ready to go school her parents bring her and everyone was happy she had to be put in a class to make up everything and she finally did on March 17,2019 and realized that her and her brother birthdays is really close and she was shocked she will be 16 soon and she can start working on her driving Ed and stuff and it was time to go home and it was dinner time her bro and parents and boyfriend was there yes we are happy you are out of coma me too I’m done with all my work and can we eat yes we are having Salad and pasta ok yummy going up stairs to take shower it will be done when you get down here ok Cloe went up stairs and went to her room and got her towel and went in her shower and wash her body and hair and made sure she was clean when she was done she got out and didn’t realize there was something on her bed and she saw it it said to Cloe from Josh and she opened it and it was a nice dress and she loved it she going to wear some time and she but on your green bra and underwear and shirts and tank top that’s matches and went downstairs and her boyfriend hug her and she said love the gift you gave me your welcome it when we go on are first date ok she kiss him and he was turning red and was dinner time they all sat down and ate and was done and Josh said want to watch a movie sure she sat down on the couch and Josh put a random movie on and she laid down on him and fell asleep and he did too and was cuddling and her parents let them and they went to bed and her bro did too and she fell off the couch and Josh ask if she was ok And she said yes then she ask him to get up so she can pull out the pull out couch ok then he took off his pants and he was in shorts and no shirt and she went and put on a nightgown no bra and underwear and she came back and Josh saw her and she lay down and cover her self and he did too and he he pull her close and she was happy and he realized that she kinda naked and she smiled he was what nothing I’m naked I know want to have sex I don’t know I want you so much again I know what if we do it on your birthday ok they went to bed and he wanted to have sex with her too but he will do it on her birthday that’s this Friday then it was Monday then Tuesday now it’s Wednesday She text her man saying hey baby boy question he saw it and he hey baby girl can we go on a date and stay at your house or somewhere private sure ok then they both ready for school and they wanted to tell everyone there are dating but they will wait In till they been together for like almost a year so day was over Josh came over after school and her mom wasn’t over and her bro wasn’t he was hanging with his friends and won’t be home in till later ok I’m going to take a bubble bath if you want to join sure they went to her parents tube it was huge and she put bubbles and warm water and she took off her blue dress and blue bra and underwear and shoes and sock and took her hair down and naked sure she had a towel and her bf had one and he was naked and in the tube and she came in and took off her towel and drop it and got it and she was laying on him and he just relax and she wash his back and he did that same thing and was looking at her boobs and she said you can look but touch in till Friday and they were done got out and went to her room and she put on a green bra and underwear and didn’t know what to wear he was what about this and she put on and it was outfit she forgot about it and I was Shorts and a short and sat on her bed and he was dress and can I tell you something sure I like that you can look at me and not make me do anything and don’t push me to do anything like have sex or get naked so you can touch me lol why would I do that I wouldn’t want that to happen to me so why do it to a woman and I like that you are not like Sasha aww she kiss him and they went to clean there mess in the bathroom and did laundry and lock the front door or and windows and want any food no I’m find ok and they went up to her room and laid on her bed and he stared at her yes I wanted to lick you down there ok but that’s it ok she took her shirts off and underwear and he took off his pants it was hot and he was ready yes and he started licking her and didn’t stop in till she cum on him and she felt so much better and she wash her self and put her clothes on and thanks your welcome she was can I try you sure he took his dick out and she grabbed it and lick it and started to suck it and he really like it he cum in her mouth and she got sick and she was done wow that felt great really my first time I know I never had that happened ok he put it away and she want to have sex she said no Friday ok they laid down and fell asleep and he was cuddling her and she loved it and her bro came upstairs and knocked on it they wake up yes dinner time ok they got up and brush there teeth and faces and smell good and they come downstairs and had Mac& cheese and hot dogs and Fruit and water and they ate Hey bro yes when you going to ask my bestie out she like you and you like her I don’t know how to just text her I don’t have her number let me ask her I text Rose hey girl question want to come over sure Rose said she came over and San saw her and he ask her if they can go in his room sure and he ask her want to be my girlfriend she didn’t know what to say but she said yes I will be your girlfriend and she hug him and was happy she put on Facebook in relationships March 20, 2019 at 7:00pm and we could hear her being happy she sat down and can I talk to you about something sure anything I have had sex but didn’t really wanted it but it happened in a party and he look at her you were rape I don’t know I was drinking and partying and I was lending a guy and I don’t remember anything in till I wake up naked with a dick my lady part it was suck and it was hurting I told him stop and he said sorry can’t move we are suck and I told him your fuck why I never had sex and you just took it and my father is going to fucking kill you why he this person his boss oh shit and got out of me and saw the blood and he was hoping didn’t get pregnant and also I’m on 14 years old and he was 16 so yup when she stop telling the story she did realized she was rape and crying come hear he hug her that was 1 year ago and my father doesn’t know and I need to tell him and the guy still work there did you have a baby i don’t know I was stuck in the hospital and my mom was there and she said you was only sick I think she got ride of it I’m sorry I’m clean don’t worried I don’t have sex because of that if you don’t want to we don’t have to no your different I want to with you when you want to and I want to maybe marry you and have a family if you want Sam was shocked and didn’t know what to say does anyone know no and Cloe heard that she came in and hug her and I’m sorry didn’t tell you it’s fine she told her about the pizza guy oh I heard that and they didn’t say the girl name ok and tell your dad I am right now she call him he didn’t answer she text him all of it and he saw it and he call her and she was in tears I’m sorry Princess Yeah I don’t know if I got pregnant mom was there and he ask her she said yes and why I didn’t want her to be a mom yet he told his daughter what does mom know what was it no to early she was crying dad I’m sorry it find thanks for being there dad your welcome also someone wants to ask you something ok hello sir sorry to ask but can I date your daughter That’s not up to me that’s up to him and he explained why and he’s like oh Sam said I’ve never been with anyone I wanted to ask you for respect so you know that I’m a true man and I won’t make your daughter do anything she doesn’t want to do wasn’t raised like that I was raised to respect women I like that thanks your welcome and you can marry her if want cool He gave the phone back to Rose and now I have to fire the guy that raped you I’m sorry we both was drink I know but you were 14 he should of ask you your age and sex and so it’s raped ok he call bob in and said your fired what sir you rape my daughter at 14 and you was 16 I’m sorry she looked 16 but I was wrong you should ask her she and stuff she was dancing on me what should I done I didn’t know you had a daughter I don’t tell my worker so they don’t try to look for her and fuck her oh also she was pregnant what but don’t worries my wife got ride of it and my daughter didn’t know they put her to sleep so she didn’t feel it or anything her mom check her for everything and she got nothing I don’t have anything if I did I would of never sleep with your drink daughter oh I wear a condom I think not sure that night still blurry she told me your dick got suck yes it did I was doing her and I fell asleep while doing it didn’t take it out did you make my daughter do anything else not sure she doesn’t remember anything I’m sorry just leave and he left and thanks dad and hung up and now Sam and his Girlfriend started being together ok want my number yes wait let me get my phone ok take a picture of her and she did to and she ask what’s your number it’s 413-555-2589 she text him and her number is 413-456-0678 ok they saved it and started to hang out ok want to stay the night sure let me ask my dad hey dad can I stay the night at my friend Cloe house sure I just need you or mom drop of my bag off clothes and shower stuff ok thanks ok one of her parents drop off to her and she went Inside and put her self in Cloe room and went and hang out with her boyfriend so Rose ask were she going to sleep in my room on the bed Cloe doesn’t have another bed no she doesn’t normally never has sleep over to have an extra bed ok so Josh and Cloe went in to her room and wanted to started licking each other but before they can Rose knocked on the door come in I just want to grab my stuff and then she brought it to her boyfriend room went to bathroom and got dressed in shorts and a shirt and she walk in and he stared and she like what you are beautiful aww thanks she hug him and mean while Cloe and Josh didn’t do what she wanted to they went to bed and Rose ask want to sleep with me Sam was so confused no not that I know your not ready for that I wasn’t saying that I mean want to lay next to me sure they went to bed and then there parents go home went to bed then it was morning it was Thursday day before there birthday they wake up it was time to go to school they all got up and got dress for school they all went downstairs to eat breakfast and Josh ask his girlfriend parents can I take your daughter out for a date for her birthday and then she come home with me for the weekend or something they said yes you can we will be working anyways ok cool the bus was here they went outside and Sam told Rose my birthday is tomorrow cool you don’t have to get me anything just want to stay the night sure can I ask you something sure I was wondering if we can do it like sex yes if not it’s fine I can wait let me think about it ok I’m not making you I just want give it to you and know you will stay with me so I can marry and maybe have kids with you can we get married first sure Sam said ok let go to school ok they all go to bus stop and the bus came they all got on and it was time for lunch and it’s is Mac& cheese and hot dogs and beans and Josh saw his beautiful girlfriend she was wearing a black and blue dress and shoes and she was very pretty and before he can sit next to her one of the football jocks came up to her and say hey sexy wanna be my girlfriend she just look at him and didn’t know what to do he was the hottest guy in school his name is Brent he was 6 ft and he was belt and handsome and he didn’t leave in till she will go sit with him and he grabbed her and walk her away from her table and she was like what are you doing trying to kiss you baby and she moved her face and he got him mad and she was the only girl doesn’t throw her self at him and she was sexy and she doesn’t want him I’m sorry not in to you that why and he notice that how she talk wasn’t like other girls he talk to and he Whispered are you virgin I didn’t say anything and he’s like I do it with whispered are you a virgin I didn’t say anything let me see have sex with me tonight or I will turn around to the whole lunch room then my whole team will know and they will all try to tap that ass and She said I would but I can’t I’m sorry my father found out that I have sex with you he would out you in jail how he would do that I’m younger than you and if you found out that he had to ask me if that’s right he would go to jail for rape how I’m only 15 years old brent what are you talking to you look like you’re my age I’m not goodbye he grabbed her arm and forged his lips on hers it pissed off Josh and he came over and said leave her alone and Brent why she nothing she a sexy thing that I want and I will have no your not why because she mind ass while he just look at him what you mean she my girlfriend are you that dumb no she back off or you will get what getting to you he said no I took her first kiss no you didn’t I did and then I’m getting her tonight or the cafeteria know I haven’t hit that yet how you didn’t know I already did she might be hiding it really well she is then he take his girlfriend and they go get lunch and sat with his friend and her bro and he’s friend and hers and then it was time to go home and hey baby girl you ok yes I’m so done being a virgin all the guys want me what if they do touch me before you or after you I won’t be able to live with my self baby girl I will being taking it from you and if they do rape you they will go to jail ok he hug his girl and they went upstairs and hang out and she wanted to smell good for him tomorrow and she took out the dress he got her and underwear and bra that match and shoes and she putting heels too next it and that’s what she going to wear to school she patch a bag for her boyfriend house and he was happy to have time with her and he get to have sex and he never thought he will do this before marriage and he happy she going to be his first and her first and yeah she was what you think just saw we will be both each first yeah never thought of that yeah what do you want to do I don’t know want to lick me sure before they did that they got in there tank top and skirt no underwear or shorts and he ask her to get on the floor ok he put his head under her skirt and started to lick it and she started to feel really good down there she got really wet and his dick was hard babygirl yes I have to stop why my man part in getting happy oh ok she got up and he was very big and she was about to have her turn them someone can to the door and she got up and put underwear on and put shorts on and got in her bed and he got on her bed too and put shirt on and put a movie on and she like yes her mom said diner time ok let went downstairs and had dinner and thanks for letting Josh stay the night your welcome bug we know you feel safe with him yes I do and let went up stairs watched a movie and fell asleep Meanwhile Sam and Rose were in his room talking and getting to know each other and then I decided to go to bed because it was almost time to go to school And brittany and John went to bed then was gone before The four kids woke up from s

hool so they were off and so I wake up so she got up grab a towel took her out because she got ready yesterday got in the shower pressure her her body put her clothes on put her shoes on put her high heels in her backpack to her stuff in her backpack and went and woke up her best friend she did she got in the shower got dressed and then she went and woke up Sam Sam got in the shower got ready for school and then he went to his room only in a towel Grows with us he was only going to tell her she has to want me to leave so you should address if you were up to I don’t care so she left her downstairs to wait for her boyfriend to get ready for school he got dressed he got his stuff for his breath I collect all the stores in the mall breakfast for him and his girlfriend and meanwhile upstairs Josh woke up got in shower then got dress and then him and his girlfriend went downstairs and made breakfast for them and then it was time to go to school the bus came he got on it and sat where they do and then the days went slow advisory , Science, math lunch then it’s was Gym time Cloe went to the locker room and went and got her gym clothes and put them on and locker her locker and then was ready like everyone else is then the guys saw Cloe in her shorts shorts and tank top and she was looking hot and there’s like hot stuff she annoyed them and everyone did gym and one of the guys came over and point her she turn around and was like yes his name was Tyler and he was a cool guy and he was like you should come over my house no thanks I have plans later and he like no your coming over my house he pined her to the wall and her friends wasn’t around and she heard her scream and they came running what are you doing his friend grabbed them let go and started to feel her and her bf was waiting for her and he noticed she was late and she told him to stop no be kind then her bf came in and said let my girlfriend go and he look at him and know it was Josh oh your his girl he back off and his friend let go of her friends and he ask are you guys ok yes he went and check his girlfriend you ok yes please help me up ok Rose and Bella bring her to the lady room and she put her clothes on and they went to the principals office and reported him and explain what happened and he did get called out and was expelled for doing that out lunch and they were giving a note to the next class history teacher said your late they gave him the note and they seat down in there seat and they got thing done and billy ray saw Cloe and waited her to get up to walk to the library in there class he follow her and said hey flower and she turned around and he said happy birthday flower and he was like remember me no sorry I was in a coma and don’t know you then he showed her pictures of her and being naked and him just watching her sleeping how do u have thought when we were friends and we had sleep overs we never did Sam heard his twin crying what do u want he saw what he should his sister called the teacher and told him what’s going on and he was sent to the office and Josh saw and he ask why did he have pictures of you I don’t know I do sis he did that when I had him over one time he was my friend and he like you and I didn’t know that and you had one of your bad dream he new you did and he took that picture of you and mom caught him and he was sent away and he wasn’t supposed know where we are be he does now I’m just hoping he didn’t show that picture to anyone he called me flower that was his nickname for you ok let go to are last class and it English then time to go home me and Josh got drop off at his bus stop not by his house and we walk there and we went inside then Halen saw us what you guy doing here for the night ok can you put her stuff in my room we are going out we went to for dinner Cloe had her heels on and we got in a limo and went for dinner then Happy birthday babygirl and she doesn’t know Halen is putting a party together only for us and then she just went to work on rest of the house then went to store and other thing then went to her room in till they came home thanks handsome your welcome are you done yes can we leave yes they were on there way to his house he cover her eyes and they came in and saw everything her bro and bestie and other friends and there like surprise Cloe turn around and was so surprised was starting to cry because her brother was there her friends were there and I had partied and then they all left Josh and Cloe went to the biggest room in his house and took a huge bubble bath together they went to his room in towels and Cloe put on clothes and Josh did too and they laid on he’s bed and they didn’t know how to started having sex so Josh got on top of Cloe and started to kiss her and he took off her tank top and she took of his shirt and he kissed her neck and she started to moan and he was happy and she stop him sorry going to fast no just need to breath ok then she started to kiss him and she un button his pants and they were off and Josh turn his girlfriend her back and started to kiss her arm and then stomach and got to her she shorts and he look at her and she didn’t care he took them off and he got to her underwear and took them off and started to lick her and she got so wet and he put his fingers in it and then he went to here bra and he took it off then lick this beautiful breast and suck them and Noam again and she stop him and she took off his boxer off and she lick his tip and lick down it and like it then he was very happy then he stop and look at her and he said I got these he said condoms want me to put on on that up to you I don’t really care Cloe said she started to suck me again and he drop the condoms but he realized he did he had to pick those up and he put them on his table and then she still sucking me then he put her on her back and sucking her nibbles and he was Cloe ready yes then he put her legs up and spread then and he grabbed his dick and put the tip in and she look at him and he ready yes and he slowly put it in and it started to hurt then it was in and he moved back and forth and he was hurting and she started to bleed and but it was feeling good and he said he got a weird feeling she said let it go and he did and it went inside her and the blood cane out and he slowly came out and he laid next to his girlfriend and she was bleeding and he notice he wash it then it stop and she fell asleep and he made sure no one found out he wash everything and fix everything and he put the condom in his bag and went to bed too and Cloe turn around and saw her man sleeping and she was cold she put some clothes on and went back to bed and it was morning and Cloe wake up and Josh wasn’t there he came upstairs with food and o.j and she set up and said thanks your welcome how do you feel different same and she eat the food he made and she wanted to do it again what Josh lay down she took his dick out and took her shirts off and she got on top of him and was jumping up and down and she cum and he felt it and he was liking this and she moved and moved in till she was so tired and had to get off and he cum in her and she then got off and she was so happy she had sex now she wanted to wash her self she smelled and she made sure she didn’t smell like it he did too then they got dress and walk around and hey can I ask you something yes weird question do u get your period no I don’t slow bloomer oh yeah might get it soon my mom said ok then they don’t get she going to get pregnant April 6,2019 ok then they walk in his room and Halen was there oh hey just doing laundry ok do u need anything wash yes my outfit I’m wearing ok go put on the outfit in bathroom ok she did it was everything she was wearing ok he did the same and she wash them and he told her they will be in his room watching movies and stuff and she said ok she had to go to the store so she will be back and they look up what else they can do and she was no not the butt I know that weird what about doggy style ok we can try that Cloe got on her knee and she took out his big dick and slowly pull it in and move back and forth and she was really liking it and told him not to stop and he didn’t in till he cum 4 time and then she got on top of him and she cum 4 times and they were having funny they went to the bathroom and wash there self and they trying it in the bathroom and it was hard but he got it in and then they got it standing up and she please said stop ok she was hurting sorry wash my lady part wrong one min she clean her self and it got better we should go to the store and she found stuff she need to start using to clean you pussy when they have sex and it felt better when she wash it then they got dress and it was Saturday and it almost Sunday they went to his bed and it was wet and he got up and said crap what that’s not good it was gum on it and he wash it then put them back on and he laid down and it was dinner time and Halen bring it upstairs and it was sandwich and fruit and water and they said thanks she said dessert is ice cream Sundays cool and he ask how is her weekend so far we had sex like 4 times one time on my birthday then one when I wake up then one in the shower then one now is that bad no I don’t want to do to much we won’t it tiring I know we can wait in 2 week ok then it was Sunday they didn’t do anything but then Halen realized Josh and Cloe look sick she a doctor so she test everything and she said oh what you guys being having sex they didn’t say anything what you guys are just sick nothing bad please don’t tell her parents or mine I won’t I don’t need to tell them I didn’t know you guys were doing it and they will think I get you guys you guys won’t be going to school for 7 days oh you will have to stay here ok they were taking care by Halen and she told his parents and hers they got sick and there like what sorry my fault I didn’t clean something and they touch it and got sick and it was the truth and Cloe said she was hot and Halen put her in a tank top and her underwear and he was in shorts better thanks your welcome it Wednesday and then Thursday and then Friday then Saturday they felt better then they cuddled and went back to bed and they told different shower and was better on Sunday then she had to go back to school on Monday she had to caught up on her work and Josh did too and she just wanted to stay here and her mom did she went to school with Josh they went Through Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday went back to his house every day I and watch movies fell asleep until Saturday then they were caught up on their work again and Cloe got up to did nothing she got very tired it was strange so she went back to sleep she ate food watch movies stayed in his back all weekend and Josh had to go help Halen with certain things and she ask were Cloe in bed why she tired why we don’t know ok then it came Monday she felt sick it was fine she but it’s cool everything was fine chair back to his house just fine until I hit Wednesday April 3, 2019 she woke up vomiting actually I can’t go to school I’m sick she stayed at joshes house he was in school and Halen came in to her you OK I don’t think so ok just stay in bed ok Josh got home and is Cloe ok no she been sick all day she need a doctor we going to wait in Friday ok he got his homework done and baby girl yes please come with me he went to bathroom he ran a bath and put her in it then she was washed and stuff and she was dressed and put back in bed and he was with her and then it came Thursday then Friday Josh went to school and Halen came to Cloe yes take this what is it Pregnancy test just pee on it wait a few minutes and she did that she waited minutes and checked she was confused she bring it to Halen is it say you are pregnant and she looked at Halen and didn’t believe it and then she said I will check now pee in the cup ok she test it then it said she pregnant and she said you are having a baby how I’m only in ten grade now I got to tell my parents and my boyfriend and brother and friends wow tell your parents first and boyfriend at the same time ok hey mom and dad can you come to Josh house sure big she text her boyfriend I got to tell you something ok and can you bring my bro too ok school was over and her bro and boyfriend and parents were here I don’t know how to say this I’m going to be having a baby and Josh look at her father and he didn’t say anything and her mom didn’t say anything her bro said congratulations on sis I want to be an uncle yup and how am I supposed to go to school being pregnant you might not get big I didn’t bug I look fat but wasn’t I was big at the time you might say small if you keep walking and Exercising and eating well and drink water and you sure be fine if you don’t do anything you will get big ok your due date is January 11, 2020 and you will find out July 13, 2019 what you are having ok then she drink Ginger ale and relaxing and she work out and walking all weekend then it was Monday nobody knew she was pregnant she kept going to school like a teenager and then it’s next May and the next June and she still didn’t get big and her bestie knew they were so happy to find out what they were having Josh parents didn’t know because they were out on vacation and they don’t have phone they will be back August and her friend know next month she will find out what she having and its June 21, 2019 in 23 days i fine out what I’m having Bella dating Jake and Larry dating Sasha and Sam and Rose are still together and he gave her a promise ring and she happy and now she can relax she will have tell the school soon and her parents talk to Josh you got to marry my daughter I know I’m going to wait ok and relax the rest of the weekend it was Monday And that week went by and So the next Monday came July 1,2019 there are 12 more days until she finds out what she’s having a girl Josh so does t care what they have as it’s healthy Who is has two names for her charter if it’s a boy a Ricky Adam Parker and if it’s a girl she wants it to be Italia Marie Parker Josh has really care he likes this girl name the boys for this friends who passed and he can’t wait to found what they are having they’re not gonna know until their baby reveal party and her best friends are making that for her August 2 it set up and now they going to have his parents and her parents her friends parents all her parents to here comes their friends and their friends but no one at school know she is pregnant It is July 9, 2019 12 o’clock It was lunchtime and they had lunch and then went home and then Friday came and the next day is when Rose and Bella will be told and then the baby shower will happened it’s July 12, 2019 So her bestie and bf came with her and parents had to bring them because her feet was swollen wasn’t able to drive herself so her mother parked the car everybody got out when inside and lady at the desk may help I’m here do get my ultrasound so find out what gender I’m having a baby your all sent they went to sit down Ms Smith the doctor said here she came to the doctor her mom stayed behind and Bella did only two people was allowed to come in so Rose and her boyfriend so before you start my friend will be the one you’re going to give the envelope so you don’t know the gender also my friend in the waiting room will be having baby shower so I don’t want to know and he doesn’t want tonight ok the nurse found out what there having print it out put it in an envelope and then handed it Rose looked at it and was happy and they went back to her house and I just had to wait for the baby shower days came and went so I was going to be In August 3, 2019 and it finally came so she got dressed she looked nice and her bf did to her bro was going his girlfriend other friend and she walked in with her boyfriend and it was amazing everything was pink and blue some people were wearing pink somebody were faring blue and that it was time to review what they were having so Bella and Rose handed Josh and because she wanted a girl and she now has a little girl doubt cloe a big balloon and they both get gave them a pin and they popped it but nothing came out and they were confused and then her best friends gave them something else to reveal the gender and nothing came out and then they did another one did the same thing nothing came out on the fourth one I did review it was smoke bombs and when Josh through that smoke thing it turned pink and Cloe was so happy it was a little girl she was crying because she wanted a girl and she now has a little girl every one asked what her same going to be Italia Marie Parker and that will be her name in till she get married and changed her name then Her best friend knew this was gonna happen Josh said Chloe don’t go sit down there’s something that I’ve been waiting to ask you and I think this is the perfect time to ask you she was confused he got on one knee and he said Cloe Smith will marry and he took a ring out and she said yes I will marry you he got up put it on her hand and kiss her and baby shower is done went home then it was October 1 and she was little big but not to big to people to notice then she Calorie for school I just kept going to school until it was December 30th, 2019 in 12 days she will be due but realizing it’s her boyfriends birthday it was 2 days ago now he 17 now they will be going to school again after there daughter is born it now The new year and Went back to school and then it was January 9, 2020 her daughter will be born she had to tell her school she going to be out of school for 2 months and will be back March 12 or 13 2020 she told her school and they didn’t even notice she was pregnant I’m in shape ok It was Friday and it was almost time for lunch and she went to the bathroom and she realized her water broken and she called her Fiancé and he said yes my water broke he stared to freak out and he said got to go the teacher got what meant and Rose and Bella only was alone to go in bathroom and they call 911 is it the tumors are my friend just had her water broke in our school bathroom please hurry and then on there way they got there and the woman went in and came out and she was on the bed thing the ambulance people have and the bring her in it and Josh came and her besties told the school they all was excused from school and they drove themselves to the hospital and got there and her parents were called and his was too and they just found out because they were out on a trip and coming to the hospital and ask where is Cloe smith the Never said who are you we are the parents of her boyfriend ok you have to wait she just coming in now ok they did all the rest she not ever ready to give birth and they her friends and family’s came in and her parents ask are you on Princess/Bug yes just in pain ok you will be in till she comes and Her besties were happy we can’t wait to meet are Niece can everyone leave but my friends a ok her man stayed her Rose and Bella did yes I’m having a hard time to Mother of my daughter because you’re both my friends and I don’t want you guys to feel like I’m picking you because you’re both my friends I don’t want you guys to feel like I’m picking you up at over there Rose I’m going to be her aunt when I marry your brother and let Bella be her godmother really yes I want to marry her brother and you will be my sisters-in-law and she going to be my beautiful niece ok I guess Bella you will be her god mom ok then the nurses came in and said you won’t be ready in till 12:00 ok anyone was food I do ok here a list ok Cloe want pizza and water Josh’s wanted hamburgers with fries and water and Rose and Sam wanted grilled cheese and soda and Bella wanted wrap and water and there parents didn’t want anything and everyone went and came and it was 11:00pm and nurses said you are ready to have your baby really yes ok she told Josh and there friends and families stayed in waiting room and it was 11:59 and it’s time to push ok she got a foot out and then it was 12:00 am and she push the rest out and baby was fine and they give her to her then took her to clean her she was born January 11, 2020 at 12:00am and she was 9.8 and she was big and Cloe got a little big not really to show ok Josh went out to waiting room and said anyone want to meet Italia Marie Parker and Rose and Sam and Bella did and she was in a diaper and a pink hat and a blanket and her friends were awww happy 1 year and month and 11 day babygirl and Sam said to Rose happy 9 months and 11 days thanks they both said and Bella been with her man for 7 months or something ok his parents and her said happy being grandparent yeah they were and Cloe was out for 2 months and then Josh went to School and had to bring her work she caught up and she breast feed Italia and she crying but did feed her not too much and she took care of her in-till she was let to go back to school she went back to school and everyone was asking where have you been at home with my daughter and they look at her what you mean I was pregnant for 9 months and I gave birth to her on January 11,2020 ok she show them pictures aww so cute who the dad/father Josh Parker Sasha heard that and said what yes I’m engaged and had a baby with him so you don’t know he will leave you and Josh heard Sasha and said no I won’t leave her I don’t want you I want Cloe and that’s it ok the rest of the year went then Sasha said why not I want you to marry me and we can make better babies and we will get old together and Cloe slap her and said how dare you disrespect me that way and my future husband we have a daughter together why would he don’t leave me for you if you wanna be slut you’re never again having my husband you need to back off or I call the cops for harassment that not going happened the cops know my parents so go ahead but they don’t know all of them Cloe said there new guy and he my uncle Ricky smith he’s my father brother oh ok so I will win him over my way nope slut my Uncle married and have 4 daughters and nothing works and and got her mad bitch really all you have to say bye I have to go see my daughter and Josh went with her oh ok before you leave have a deal for you Cloe what if you want me to leave your man I want your brother to have sex with and he will date me no my brother have a girlfriend and he engaged to her oh ok another thing you will let me show my whole body to your man and if he doesn’t stare at me and he let me sit on his lap then I will leave him alone and we can be friends maybe to friends ok what’s the catch oh yeah that if he does t do all that then he good man he won’t cheat but if he does you have to let me have baby by him anyway I want fine Josh said no why she body is nice but I only want you baby girl go do it ok but they went to her house and Cloe had a camera on her bf to see what they do ok they got to Sasha house went to her room and locked it and said ready no ok she took off her shirt and pants and she was only in your underwear and bra and he saw but didn’t care and she took off her underwear and bra and he saw but didn’t care then she was about to sit on his lap and said your a pretty girl but I’m sorry nothing you can do will make me stare at you so sit and she did nothing happened in till she got really wet what fuck was that for I’m sorry I’m really horny I just want to have you in side me I’m sorry I don’t want to bye he got up and went outside and called his girlfriend and told her everything and she wasn’t mad because he didn’t get her to cum and hoping she doesn’t tell anyone I did baby boy she won’t we can tell the cops she force her self on you and you told her to stop or something like that ok so week went passed Sasha didn’t they anything to anybody about what happened because it was their agreement and Waze meanwhile cloe and Josh went back to school and the daycare took care of their daughter until they got home from school and then summer vacation game and they we about to be 12 Grader last year until they graduate and then they won’t know what to do they might take care of their checked her daughter and get a job and stuff like that they don’t know yet they just finished 11th grade I can’t believe that their daughter is almost 2 years old and they finally realize that they should get married so they planned it for August 4, 2020 and that’s almost close and then eventually that day came they got married and Cloe found her she was pregnant again months with pacified it was a boy they named him I Ricky Adam Parker and they live their life they both got jobs I got a house to live together until the kids grow up and that is the story of Sam and Cloe PS Sam didn’t marry his girlfriend they had two kids there were twins a boy and a girl they named them Sam and Juliet and we’re happy and that her other best friend got married and they had a son name Tim I sought I still hopefully thought Josh would end up being with her and he never dated her or date did anything with her again and she finally found a guy who married him she has a son why him I don’t know his name and they lived happily ever after the end


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2021

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