
Chapter 1




 Jessie’s P.O.V.

“Why do we have to move mom!” I complained as i was looking at my mom and her boyfriend.”Jessie as I was trying to tell you before you freaked out, is because me and John are moving in together.” My mom was a very beautiful woman with dark auburn hair that fell down to her waist. She had brown eyes with a slender figure. Her boyfriend on the other hand had black hair, dark blue eyes, and was starting to get a gut.

"If you don’t want to live with us you can go live with your father.” She told me. I always was fond of my dad, but scince he left we have been drifting further apart, so with an opportunity like this I took it. “Fine I will!” I stormed up to my room and started to pack.

After another long argument with my mother, I finally got out of that horrid place they call home. I got a plane ticket to California. My dad lives in a small town outside of Los Angeles. He had brown hair and grey eyes, he is also of Cherokee blood. I don’t look alot like my parents. I have a light colored auburn hair that fell slightly below my shoulders, sky blue eyes, curvy body with breasts a size too big ( which makes guys look a lot, not that I mind but it does get annoying after a while). I have the high Cherokee cheekbones. I’m not so tall but not so short either. I’m 5’6” at the age of 17. I boarded the plane and sat down next to a woman who was too into her book. I put my headphones on and laid back dozing off into a sleep.

By the time I awoke we we’re arriving at the airport and about to land. I buckled up till we landed. I got off the plane and that was when I saw my dad. “Papa!” I yelled. He looked around until his eyes met mine and he smiled, then i was seized into a hug. “ I missed you,” he said, “how is my little flower.”(Flower is my nickname).” I missed you too and I’m good.” He smiled again and lead me outside to his truck.

We started driving as his face go more serious. :Flower we need to have a talk, you’re birthday is coming up and I need to yell you so-...” I stopped him right there. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say...yet. “Papa, we can talk about it later right now I need to get registered at the school it’s the middle of the year and I still have to unpack.” He smiled with relief and sadness hanging in his eyes. I really don’t like it when i have to stop him, but there are more important things.

Chpater 2




Jessie’s P.O.V.

We pulled up to the school and got my registration and transfer papers. The secretary smiled and handed me a schedule and said, ”You will start next week and welcome to Arcata.” Me and dad say thank you right when I walk out a boy walked in. He had black shaggy hair that fell just above his eyes which were a dark brown. His shirt was tight across his upper torso showing his large build. He had tan skin, he is about 6’3” and around my age. Before i realized it me and my dad walked out right when he smiled and winked! I felt my cheeks turning a light pink.

We arrived at dad’s farm around 6 p.m. I always loved the farm.

“Papa?” I asked,

“Yes my flower?”

“Why did mom allow me to come?”

As soon as i asked this his face grew hard with anger and sadness, “We will talk about this later,” he got out of the truck, “ your room is still the same as you left it, you can unpack after you clean the stables.” With that he left me alone in the truck

I got out of the truck and walked over to the stable. I went and got the stuff I needed from the supply closet. I put my hair into a messy braid and started to clean the stables out.

I was just about done when I heard a voice. “Mr. rob Evans are you in here?” I walk out brushing off my clothes, “ No he isn’t, but I am his daughter, how can I help yo…” I look up and see a guy with dirty blonde hair that hangs halfway over his eyes, which are hazel. He is shirtless showing off his medium build, he also looked tan from working outside for long periods of time. He gave me a soft small smile, “ Oh? I didn’t know he even had a daughter.” He walked a little closer wiping his hand on his pants and stuck it out, “ Name’s Erik, Erik Wilson.” I grasped his hand. “ I’m Jessie,” I gave him a smile then I say, “ I look like a mess I’m sorry.” I begin to feel the heat go to my cheeks when he says, “ It’s fine it doesn’t matter too much we both look like a mess!” We both break out laughing.

Chapter 3




  Erik’s P.O.V.

“Mr. rob Evans are you in here?” I asked hearing someone. Then she walked out brushing off her clothes. She looked stunning. “ No he isn’t, but I am his daughter, how can I help yo…” She was checking me out so I said, “Oh, I didn’t know he even had a daughter.” I wiped my hand off on my pants and reached out, “Name’s Erik, Erik Wilson.” She grasped my hand. “ I’m Jessie,” She gave me a shy smile,“ I look like a mess I’m sorry.”  She started to blush and what was she saying, she doesn’t look at all like a mess. Then I said the dumbest thing. “It’s fine it doesn’t matter too much we both look like a mess.”

We both broke out laughing. Then her father came in, “Jessie are you done, oh, hi Erik, what is so funny?”  He gave mth that look and I went silent. He is the alpha and I don’t want to be punished or kicked out of the pack. “ Oh, um nothing really sir we we’re just laughing how we both look messy.”

    Jessie’s P.O.V.

“ Oh, um nothing really sir we we’re just laughing how we both look messy.” He said and i never seen the fear he had in his eyes in anyone else. Why was he so afraid of my father? What was that in my father's eyes… was that… anger and aggression in his eyes? Was it just my imagination or did his eyes glow slightly. “Papa?” He looked at me and the look was gone… or was is just hidden? “Yes flower?” He looked at me tenderly. “Why are you uneasy? I don’t understand?” Then there was something that  looked like realization and shock in Erik’s eyes.

     Erik’s P.O.V.

“Why are you uneasy? I don’t understand?” She sounded confused? Then I understood she doesn’t know we are werewolves. Does this mean she doesn’t know anything about us? Is this why her father never told us, because he was trying to protect her? Or is it something else? I look at Rob looking for answers in his eyes. “ I’ll answer your questions later my little flower, for now go to your room and unpack.” She looked at him sadly, “Ok papa.” She got up and left. As soon as we we’re sure she was in the house Rob looked at me and said, “ I will explain everything, lets go for a drive.” With that he pulled out his keys.

Chapter 4




Erik’s P.O.V.

“So as you see this is why things had to be this way.” Rob said. I still couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “So what you are saying ts the your mate is a human and she didn’t know you were a werewolf until 8 years after Jessie was born. So when she figured this out she was mad at you. She said that she wished you told her sooner. Then she got upset to find out that her daughter is a werewolf. Then you say Jessie is a unique one because her mother’s father was a vampire that couldn’t pass down his vampire genes only as a carrier like with colorblind carriers in women. Then later you find out that your great aunt was cursed by a vampire witch cursed so the first girl born carrying this curse would have a choice to become a vampire or a werewolf. Am I correct?”

“Yes you are.” he said calmly and looking very gloomy, “What will happen to her when she becomes either one?” He looked at me with horror, “ If she chooses to become a vampire then she will be the most powerful one of all time, but not for the one we ally with… the ones after bloodlust, murder, and the hunger for evil power,” I was shocked, “ but if she picks the werewolf one then once again she will be the most powerful and she will be most valued being able to transform at will even on the full moon. She will have magical healing powers and many other abilities that defy the normal werewolf like speed and strength, with powers like hers we will be able to get rid of the evil vampires.” With this i said I say, “I understand why you wouldn’t tell her she would fear her 18th birthday, but shill she should have the right to know!” I shouted. He replied mildly, “ I know I’m just waiting for the right time.” After the conversation he dropped me off at my small apartment and then away he went to his beautiful daughter. I adjust my pants at the thought because she has that effect on me.

  Mark’s P.O.V.

It’s Friday night. I should be hanging out or partying. Instead I’m thinking about that girl I saw. She was so beautiful and her blood smelled wonderful. My fangs tingle and show slightly at the thought. Who was she? Why was she hanging around that old worn down wolf? Could she be his daughter? That seemed very unlikely her blood didn’t reek of that wolf smell. Still, I never felt so attracted to a girl before, but what got me most were her eyes… they were just so blue. I could’ve been lost forever in them. I’m not saying she is hot because she definitely is… with those curves and those breasts. MMM… Oh God. I  undo my pants revealing my now rock hard cock. I better take care of this…. grabbing my cock in one hand to relieve myself, but that doesn’t work….ugh...time to take a cold shower. I get up grab a pair of boxers and into the bathroom I go.

Chapter 5




  Jessie’s P.O.V.

Dad didn’t get home till late. I wonder what was so important that I couldn’t know about? ANyways he got home about midnight and he probably expected me to be asleep… wrong. I had to clean my room and unpack everything. I barely laid down to go to sleep when my dad drove up. So instead of letting him know I was up I pretended to be sleeping. Then, I actually fell to sleep not realizing how tired I actually was.

I woke up the next morning feeling energized so I change into myy running shorts and sports bra cover with a tank. I leave a not so dad knows where I’m at, then I leave. I start out by sprinting and slow down to a steady jog, when all of the sudden I see Erik driving towards my dad’s cattle pasture. He gets out of his truck and while he wasn’t looking I quietly sneek up behind him and shout, “Boo!” He jumped slightly and growled. Growled? Why? When he saw me he relaxed and laughed. He has an amazing laugh it’s so rich. “Hey Jessie, that’s quite a talent you go there No one is ever able to sneak up on me.” We both laugh. “Yeah I might be a wolf. Rawr!” He froze. Did I say something that upset him? “Did I say something to offend you?” I ask. “No, you didn’t. Don’t worry.” He smiled that carefree smile.I bite my lip softly and blush remembering the time about yesterday when he was shirtless. “What are you thinking about?” He asked snapping me out of it. “Oh, nothing” I say.

     Erik’s P.O.V.

Oh. My. God. She was biting her lip and blushing. What is she thinking about. I adjust my pants and try to hide my hardening cock. “What are you thinking about?” I ask wondering what’s going on in her cute little head. “Oh, nothing.” She said. Oh hell not it’s nothing. It must be something. “Are you sure?” I move closer to her till our bodies are only inches apart. She gulps. “No, I’m not sure,”she says, “but can you help me figure it out?” Oh. My. God. She is flirting back. I press her up against my truck making it so our lips are so close they could touch. I lower mine onto hers and she kisses me back. What am I doing. This is the alpha’s daughter. I could get in massive trouble, the worst possible punishment is death. I pull away quickly and saying, “I’m sorry.” before I hopped into my truck, adjusting my pants, and driving off.

     Jessie’s P.O.V

One minute we we’re kissing the next he was gone. I wonder if it was something I done? No. He said sorry he must’ve thought he did something wrong. I continue walking back to my house still tasting his lips on mine. I put my finger to my lips which were still slightly swollen.

I went into the house a half hour later finding dad was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee with eggs and a side of bacon. He looks up and says, “There  is some more on the stove, help yourself.” As I begin to pile food on my plate I ask, “ Papa. What was so important yesterday that you couldn’t tell me?” He looks up at me and says, “ Because you don’t need to be involved yet.” Confused, we continued eating in silence.

     Mark’s P.O.V.

I was dreaming about that girl. SHe was so perfect, wearing a revealing red dress. Then I woke up.... with y cock aching. I begin to pleasure myself. Relieving myself. I go take a quick shower and go for a ride, wondering if I”ll run into that tasty girl I love.

     Erik’s P.O.V.

Why did I do that? I can’t believe I actually kissed the daughter of the alpha. Can I be anymore stupid. I just hope she won’t say anything to her father… or I’m going to be the next meal for the pack.

I meet up with Austin at the par. He is not the best looking guy in town, but he is still able to attract female attention with his 6’1”, small build, brown curly hair and don’t forget his adorable brown puppy dog eyes and dimples chicks go crazy for. “Have you heard. the alpha has a daughter and she lives with him, I hear she is a real babe.” He says. “She sure is,” I say without realizing it. “Wait , dude are you saying you met her?” I mumbled. “Spit it out tell me everything!” Austin demands. “Well first off she is really hot she has light auburn hair, sky blue eyes, and amazing curves, and really great breasts!” He looks at me in awe. “Is that all?” he asks. “No, but I dissed her but, you can’t say anything to the pack.” His mouth drops open, then he closes it taking the oath of the wolf. “But dude how was the kiss?” I smile and smirk slightly, “It was amazing.” Then we get up and head off into the forest transforming into our wolf forms.

Chapter 6




Jessie’s P.O.V.

It’s monday morning So I get up, grab my black skinny jeans, a tank top, and matching bra and underwear. I go into the bather and take a shower for ten minutes. I get out and get dressed. I blow dry my hair and put on some mascara and lipgloss because I already have an almost perfect complexion. I grab my red hoodie and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where dad was. Sitting at the table.

Hey, flower.” he said

“Hi, papa.” I gave him a smile

He held up a pair of key and said, “ I got a gift for you, here,” he tosses the keys and I barely catch them, “go look in the driveway.” Confused and excited I go outside and see the cutest vintage VW (or a bug). It was a baby blue. I ran back inside and gave dad the biggest hug ever. “Thankyou,” I love you, papa.” He smiled and said, “And I you, my little flower.” As I went outside to my cute little bug I believe I actually saw my dad cry.

I park my little bug and start walking to the into the school. Man, this is awkward I keep getting stares. I put my hoodie on trying to attract less attention then what i was actually getting. I look at my schedule to see what I have.

1st hour

Room 102       College Algebra     Prof. Williams

Room 304       U.S. History & Government   Prof. Ward

3rd hour

Room 206       Chemistry         Prof. Pope

4th hour

Room 303       Drama 101 Performing Arts     Prof. Nolan

5th hour

Room 110       Lit. 101         Prof. Burton

6th hour

Room 203         Economics         Prof. Cockett

I look around going threw groups of giggling freshmen girls and cocky football players and many other groups that go on in high school. I finally find my class. I walk in only seeing a few students  because the bell hasn’t rung yet. I take a seat in the back just as the bell rang. Small groups of students flocks into the room

“Ahem.” I look up seeing a girl with curly hair the color of red fire, dark blue eyes, she has almost the same curves as me but hers don’t show off much as mine. SHe was wearing a mini skirt with a very low cut black shirt (Slut! It shouts). “You know you are sitting in my seat.” She snarls. Great, I already dislike her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know we had assigned seats.” I said making myself sound confused. “We don’t. That’s just where I always sit.” She game me a evil smirk. God I hated her more than before.”Well, I guess you will have to find a new favorite seat.” I said with a smirk. She flashed me a “I will destroy social life here” with that she stormed off. Then I said under my breath “Bitch.”

First hour went by fast, and so did second. I walked into chemistry seeing Erik. I smiled at him and he smiled back pointing to the chair next to him. I sit down next to him and whisper, “hey” and he replies with a, “Yeh long time no see.” I’m glad I know someone. On the other side of me was a girl with wavy brown hair that fell slightly past her shoulders. She had big brown eyes that almost give of a puppy dog look, she also had a great tan. “hey,” I said to her, “names Jessie what’s yours?” She gave me a small smile saying “Ambry.”

“Hey Ambry looks like we’ll get to know each other alot better.” I smiled and then she said, “Yeah I think your right. It seems you already met Erik.” I was a little confused so I asked, “Oh, how do you know Erik?” With a smile that spread across her face she said, “Oh he is my boyfriend.” Then it hit me. Erik kissed me when he was dating someone else. “Nice.” I said quietly staring down at my book the entire class period feeling Erik’s and Ambry’s stares burning into the side of my head. I put my hoodie on hinding my now flushed cheeks. 

Chapter 7




     Jessie’s P.O.V.

Third hour went so slow with the stare-downs of Erik and Ambry I couldn’t keep myself focused. As I walked I looked down the hall to the drama room. It was easy to find since it was next to my history class. As  I walked in my jaw dropped because standing right in front of me was the guy from the office. Yes, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. I looked away from him not because I wanted to, but because I was getting stares at from gawking little freshman. I took a seat in the back trying to make myself invisible when the teacher asked me to do something I was hoping to avoid and she said it in front of the class! “Class we have a new student with us,” she wiggled her finger telling me to come to her,” come introduce yourself and tell us who you are!” I stood up and walked to the front of the class. Taking a deep breath and removing my goodie so people could see my face I began.

     Mark’s P.O.V.

I was laughing at a joke someone made about the new girl, but then she removed her hood and started telling us about her. Holy Shit! It was the girl from Friday. “My name is Jessie Evans., I’m 17, I came from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I was living with my mom, but now I’m living with my father, Rob Evans.” As soon as she said that, there were gaps and whisperings like “I didn’t know he had a daughter.” and Why would anyone leave him, he is like perfect guy material.” I personally was staring. I didn’t realize my jaw dropped till I closed it. She didn’t smell like a wolf. Maybe she is a fluke. Maybe she got skipped and is a normal human. Just as I was thinking this she cut her finger. God she smells so good. Yup she definitely isn’t a wolf. Not that the werewolves aren’t bad it just we can’t carss mix. It could end up killing either one of us or the child.”Class we are going to be practicing on monologues. Pick a partner of the opposite sex?” Perfect. I can pick her and get to know her better. Then I look around, other guys wanted her as well. I’m not going to let that happen. “Okay, you may now pick your partners.” Professor Nolan said. I stood up walking back towards Jessie. When the other guys saw what I was doing they retreated back silently. Some we’re more resilient, but other then that it was easy. When she saw me coming she froze. What was she thinking in that mind of hers.

     Jessie’s P.O.V.

I walk back to my seat, feeling like I was ham surrounded by hungry hyenas because all the guys were drooling over me. i take a deep breath grabbing out a piece of paper. Shit! I cut myself. I grabbed a band-aid and put it on my cut. ”Class we are going to be practicing on monologues. Pick a partner of the opposite sex?” Great. This is just great. Some guy is going to be my partner and will try to get his hands all over me. Girls wouldn’t be any better either because they are all pissed at me because the guys are wanting me. “Okay, you may now pick your partners.” Curse you Professor Nolan. I look up seeing a the guy from the office. I freeze. Is he coming this way? Oh my God he is! What do I do!? I panicked in my head. Shit! I don’t even now his name this is just great. “Hey want to be partners?” he asked. I nodded. He grabbed a chair flipping it around so that the back of the chair is in front of him allowing him to lay his head on his now folded arms. I whisper to myself, “What did I get myself into now?”

     Mark’s P.O.V.

She mumbled something. “Excuse me? What was that you said?” She shoots up and her cheeks start to turn red. “Oh, nothing I was just talking to myself.” She gave me an uneasy smile. SO I decided to change the topic, “ You are the girl I bumped into at the office on Friday.” I winked at her. That just made her face go as read as a tomato. I chuckled. “What are you laughing at!” Man she was feisty. “Oh just you.” I chuckled again because she started to pout. I couldn’t help myself. She was just too cute, she had a pouting lip. Not only that but she was stunningly sexy and very brave. “Oh I’m sorry I upset you. Anyways  let me introduce myself. Name’s Mark Montgomery.” I gave my most friendly smile. I saw her shoulders relax. “I’m Jessie, which you already know…” Then she laughed. She had the most amazing laugh. It was like music to my ears. I smiled and laughed with her.

Chapter 8




     Erik’s P.O.V

It’s lunchtime I need to explain to Jess about Ambry. I don’t want her to have a grudge against me. That was when I saw him. He had his arm around her shoulder. Were they laughing. I growled. She is mine not his! Was he touching her ass!? He can’t hold her or touch her like that! She is mine not his! Oh my God. No that’s not possible. Is it? She can’t be…but she is… she is my mate, and right now I’m pissed. More than I ever have been before. I was going to blow up. How dare the vampire! He has no right. I growled again, my wolf was starting to take control. I walked up to them. “Hey Jessie,” and looked over to him, “and Mark.” Growling I tried to hide the new hate and anger against my nemesis. Mark Montgomery. The war is on. Things just got complicated...

Chapter 9




 Jessie’s P.O.V

I was walking with Mark. He laughs, “Jessie, lets be honest you can’t act at all.” I stared at him, “Oh, like you did any better.” Sticking my tounge out at him we both broke out laughing. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we enter the lunch room. He smiled at me. Then he patted my ass slightly to show where we we’re going to sit. Just as we we’re about to sit, Erik came up to us. “Hey Jessie,” He looked furious, “and Mark.” Did they know each other? It sure seemed like it. Erik looked like he was going to kill Mark. Oh my God The glow that was in my father’s eyes are now in Erik’s. What is going on with my life. All of the sudden I felt a pull to Erik, like I should protect him. What? Why would I have to do that? Am I in love with Erik? “Hey Erik,” Mark said, “mind if I take this lovely girl for a bite?” What does he mean ‘for a bite’? I pull away from Mark. “What do you mean, Mark?” Mark looked the same way Erik did that night at the stables. He smiled. “How about I show you.” With that he pulled me out of the cafeteria. I tried to scream, but he cover my mouth with his hands.

After he dragged me out of the school, he ran faster than I seen any human run. I tried to think of reasons why he had this speed. It was like he was immortal. Then that’s when the thought popped in my head Mark is a vampire. I tried to shake the thought from my head, but it kept coming back as though it was the only possible option. When I get out of my thoughts I notice Mark has stopped. I look around seeing a large lake. Mark put me down. I stood dumbfounded. Then that's when it happened. Mark’s two top canine teeth turned into fangs. That’s when I knew for a fact that Mark was a vampire. I started to cry which faded into a soft plea. I knew what he wanted from me. My blood. He stopped going for my neck to say a harsh “Shush!” Then he continued going for my neck again. Out of nowhere came a wolf. This was not the average wolf either. It was much larger and it’s eyes were not a normal wolf color. In fact they were hazel! Not only did they look like his. They were his! Even his fur matched his dirty blonde hair.

Mark starts to let go of me, but before I realize it he cuts my wrist and licks the blood. His eyes go red. Then without a warning he bites into my neck.I scream. That’s when the wolf sprinted forward jumping onto Mark’s back biting into his neck. That’s when I know for sure that is is him. Erik. The guy I kissed was a werewolf. Mark pushes Erik off his back. He picks Erik up with impeccable strength, then he throws him against a tree. Hard. Hearing a crack and Erik yelping, I did not know if it was the tree breaking or Erik. “Erik!” I scream not knowing what to do, I start crying. After  a minute Erik was still laying on the ground whimpering. That’s when it happened. I felt uncontrollable anger against vampires. How dar Mark hurt Erik. When Mark tried to drink more blood from me I yelled at him, “You think you can drink blood from me and hurt Erik,” I snarled, ”you are wrong.” Looking stunned then pissed Mark said, “You are lucky I have waited this long and you are lucky I haven't told my boss,” he smirked, “I just had to have a taste of you before I turn you into him.” This sick person. Who the hell does he think he is. All of the sudden he tries to drink from me again. Hell no! I push him off making him go flying back into the lake. I run over to Erik, “Erik, talk to me!” I shouted. He didn’t respond. He was too weak to keep his wolf form, so his body changed him back to his human form. “Erik, Wake up!” No response. Short gasps of breath escape his mouth. All of the sudden an idea came into my head. I need to take him to my father. I picked him up, putting him on my back. He is not as heavy as I thought he would be. I run as fast as possible with Erik on my back to my little bug.


     Erik’s P.O.V.

As soon as I tried to get Jessie out of Mark’s grip He took her and ran out the doors. Before I could go after them Ambry showed up, kissing me. “Hey, babe.” She smiled, “I have to go, and I don’t think we should be seeing each other anymore.” She looked stunned, then hurt, and last angry.. SHe opened her mouth to speak, but I stopped her, “We can talk about this later, but right now I gotta go.” She understood I was serious so she let me leave. I ran out of the building. I sniffed the air picking up on Jessie’s sweet scent. I followed her scent as I ran I transformed into my wolf form.

When I arrive at the lake I see the fear in Jessie’s eyes, then I see Mark. He looks back at me I saw realization in her eyes. Shit she knows now! Dam you Mark! Before I notice that mark cut her wrist and started lickint the cut. His eyes have gone red. Dammit he is going to feed. I look away for a second and then I hear her. Jessie screamed. I shot my eyes up seeing Erik take a bit into her. I run up and jumped onto Mark’s back biting into his neck. He pushes me off before I could react, he picks me up throwing me against a tree. Crack. I yel. That asshole he broke something because I’m not able to move. “Erik!” she screamed, then I blacked out. Next thing I can’t see anything, but I hear Jessie’s voice. “Erik talk to me.” I felt my body transform back into my human form. “Erik, wake up!” She need to get her father, and where’s Mark? All of the sudden I get picked up. Who is carrying me? Is it Mark or Jessie? If it’s Mark then all be dead soon. If it’s Jessie how is she carrying me and where did she get the strength? I will find out soon enough. I then black out again.

     Mark’s P.O.V.

“You think you can drink blood from me and hurt Erik,” she snarled, ”you are wrong.” Wow she is feisty. Wait, is that a glow in her eyes? Damn she is the alpha’s daughter. Now I’m pissed off she is trying to tell me how to act! No one tells me what to do. “You are lucky I have waited this long and you are lucky I haven't told my boss,” I smirk, curse blood differance I do like her, “I just had to have a taste of you before I turn you into him.”  Why am I saying this? All of the sudden I see anger in her eyes and they glow more fervently. Ah shit! I never seen this before. All of the sudden she is running towards me pushing me. Making me fly back into the lake. What the hell! How did she do that? I came to the surface realizing I’m in the middle of the lake. Ugh! This is going to take a while.


Chapter 10





     Erik’s P.O.V.

I wake up in pain. “What the hell happened?” I try to move. “Shit!” I don’t move anymore because my body is throbbing with pain. “Well, if you really don’t remember what happened I’ll tell you…” as she started telling me what happened I began to remember. I broke up with Ambry (I still have to tell Jessie), the big throwdown with Mark, and going unconscious, which reminded me to ask something, “What happened to Mark?” She smirked,” Oh just swimming with the fishes at the lake.” What does she mean? “How did he get there in the first place?” She got a bit nervous and said” I, uh, sort of threw him in the middle of the lake.” She laughed awkwardly. I was personally surprised how the fuck did she do that and how did she pick me up? “How did you get me out of there and how did you throw him in the middle of the lake?” She look at me and shrugged her shoulders, “I just remember getting really angry… I felt like I was going to blow up.” Is she already feeling the effect of her changes?  “ I am taking you to my father.” She said with almost the same intense stare as her father's. She definitely is his daughter. “So, anyways, I broke up with Ambry.” She stopped the car with a sharp jerk. “Shit! What the hell was that for?!” I turn my head slightly to only see her cry. “Are you okay?” She shakes her head. “I’m sorry…” Not being able to do anything to comfort her in my condition, we just sit there in silence as she cries. Tears begin to escape my eyes. She see me cry so she comes closer laying her head on my lap as we both cry for a long time.

     Mark’s P.O.V

When I finally get out of the lake an hour has passed since I saw Jessie take Erik over her arm. Whatever caused her to have that much strength must be powerful. It’s time to call the boss. I run all the way to the car. I don’t need to dry off now because the wind did that for me. I grab my phone. I dial the number waiting for him to pick up. Ring. Ring. Ring… “Mark, what is it? You interrupted my feeding time.” He sounded slightly annoyed, but I can deal with it. “Actually I do Cyris, and believe me she is worth the time for you to come and I’ll explain more when you get here, better yet I’ll show you.”

     Jessie’s P.O.V.

I don’t know how long we we’re crying for, but it didn’t seem long. Did Erik break up with Ambry because of me? Even if it wasn’t, I’m still happy. I pull away from Erik his eyes still red and swollen from crying. I look in the mirror…”Dam I look terrible.” I mumble under my breath. “ No you don’t you look as beautiful as ever, don’t ever say you aren’t.” I look over at Erik, he had a stern look in his eyes, but a loving smile. “Thanks,” I look at the time on my phone,”we really need to get to my dad.” He nodded smiling softly, then had a tiny frown almost unnoticeable. “your dad’s going to kill me.” He had an uneasy smile. “I won’t let him.” He smiled, “So, um, what do you know about, um, werewolves.” I started the car and began telling him what I knew about them.” I know from what I read in books and stories people told me, that they have mates and that there's a pull between the two. I also know there very strong, but they aren’t stronger than the pull of the full moon.” I went on a few more minutes about what I know about werewolves. He looked at me with nervousness. “So you know the mate part, um, I think you are, um, my mate, but you are the daughter of the alpha and…” I looked at him shocked, not from us being mates, but the fact about my father, “Wait, my father’s a werewolf?!” I asked with a bit of confusion and a bit of anger at my father. “Uh, yeah he told me not to say anything.” I growled lowly surprising myself,” It’s time for my father to tell me..everything.”

Chapter 11




     Erik’s P.O.V.

She growled lowly looking unsure why she did that, “It’s time for my father to tell me...everything.” She had anger in her eyes which started glowing. I was afraid, but she looked so wonderful using her inner wolf. I think she will be stunning turning into a werewolf. We pull into her driveway. She gets out and comes around to the passenger side. She unbuckles me, touching my cock by accident, but it still goes hard. God no, I can’t hide it or adjust my pants. Why did that turn me on? All of the sudden she kisses me…rough I could feel tears going down her cheeks. She breaks the kiss and pulls me over her shoulder onto her back with the glow still in her eyes. She shoves thru the front door accidently hitting my head on the door frame. She mumbles “sorry” and storms to where her father was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. “Flower what’s wrong you sound angry?” He looks over at us, startled. Not knowing if it was the sight of me or her carrying me on her back with a glow in her eyes, or both. “Well father nothing really besides I get taken by Mark who actually is a vampire and he bites me drinking my blood Erik tried to save me, by the way he is a werewolf, Mark throws him against a tree breaking him. Then I kicked Ass throwing him into the middle of the lake. I then grabbed Erik putting him on my back taking him back to my buck. Then I finally learn you are a alpha wolf. What the hell why did you not tell me? You can answer that later right now fix Erik!”

     Jessie’s P.O.V.

After several long hours of pacing back and forth, watching father work on Erik, he finally finished. “Erik will be fine he will be all better by morning,” he cleaned his hands, “Now let me see where Mark bit you.” I showed him my wrist were two punctures and a slit were. He got a clean rag putting warm water on it. This make it sting. I let out a small gasp. “You will be fine, but if it wasn’t for Erik it could’ve been worse….a lot worse.” His face was worried, but relived. “Just let me put some of our healing powder on.” He told me as he sprinkled something on my wounds and then wrapped it up in a bandage. “Father, I need to know why you didn’t tell me you were a werewolf and why I was able to do what I did back at the lake. also how was I able to carry Erik so easily when it was obviously harder for you to carry him.” With a sad and worried look on his face he began to tell me everything.

Chapter 12




    Erik’s P.O.V.

I wake up feeling great. The work of the alpha save my life once again. As I try to get up I realize there is something or someone on my chest. I look and see jessie asleep. She looked so peaceful as well beautiful. I could watch her all day. I smiled and place my hand on her head, moving the hair that has fallen in her face.That’s when I remembered. I have to tell her father about her being my mate. I slowly move Jessie, trying not to wake her. I sit up and stretch. I start looking for him. After several minutes looking I find him sitting on the porch. “Sir, um, I need to talk to you about something.” He looks up at me and smiles. “ I think I know what this is about, take a seat.” He points to an empty seat next to him. I sit down, “Sir, I don’t believe we have the same talk in mind.” I look down rubbing my leg nervously. “Erik you see I know more than you think,” he smiled sadly, “I know you are my daughter's mate.” I looked at him with shock. How could he know? “I only know this because when you two we’re younger you guys would play with each other and you always told me you guys we’re mates.” I was astonished because I don’t remember ever playing with her. “I erased your guys memory after I found out about the curse.” He sighed, “Still after I erased your memories you still seemed to dream about each other and dept drawing images of each other,” I was shocked, but he still wasn’t finished speaking. “so then I put a curse on you two, that until you we’re appropriate age in mind you would never meet. but you two met and broke the curse and know you are able to make new memories with my daughter. You are the future mate of an alpha, treat her with respect and alway help you protect the pack. She will need you and your support since I won’t be able to.” I know he was doing the right thing. Still what is he saying? It sounds like he is saying he was going to die. I couldn’t help myself I had to ask, “Does Jessie know all this, and what are you saying are you dying?” His face hardend , “She knows most of it, but when she changes it’s going to take all my life energy and I will die. You cannot tell her or she might try something unforgettable.” I understood what he meant, I look over at him and saw tears threatening to fall from his eyes. “Sir you have my word, I will do everything you ask of me and more even if it kills me.” He looked at me with insurance and faith. “Thankyou my future son and I trust you and by what you have shown me in the past I know you will honor your word. Now it sounds like Jessie is stirring go to your mate and make her happy until she is ready to complete the bond.: He smiled. I gave him back a smile and a silent “Thankyou” and then I was off to see my soon to become mate.

     Jessie’s P.O.V.

I wake up noticing Erik is gone. I guess he wanted to get some fresh air or something. Then I remember what my father told me last night. That Erik was my mate and about the curse. I stand up. God it might not of been the best idea to fall asleep next to Erik because now my back is killing me. I begin to walk to the kitchen, I get into the fridge and pull out a package of bacon, several eggs, and some bread. I grab pans and start frying the eggs and bacon. I start putting the toast in the toaster when I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist, “Hey” I her his voice. It’s a bit deeper than normal, “ Hey to you to.” I smiled turning around looking into his big hazel eyes. 

The Rest Is Coming Soon

I'm still writing the rest.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.05.2015

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Shakayla Burton my best friend for over 5 years

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