
Begin this chapter!

Kon'nichiwa !


I'm Kou,I am 14 and I love to play games,read or just watch Anime.

I am a Otaku so it's rare seeing me do 'fun stuff', well that's what my friends say.

Right now I am in my last week of summer vacation, and I am trying to enjoy every minute I have with my cousin Hatsu.

She's 15 and she's about to start High school and i'm at my last year in middle school, so i'll be with her!

I really trust her when I have something wrong with me and she is always helpful,but can sometimes get mad easily...

Every Friday I have a sleepover at her house and people might think that's for kids and stuff but me and her always say ' me vale'.(Spanish)

 I have a 'son', his name is 'Sandio' he's a squirrel. He is the most importan thing in the world to me and I already have a future what i'm going to do.

I have a happy life, nothing can go wrong!


 'Ey Kou!' said Hatsu coming towards me.


" You ready for school tomorrow?" Hatsu ask while getting everything ready for school.

"No." I say with straight face.


"Cuz' I haven't grown taller and I don't have any friends for 3 of my classes"

"Loser" She says while trying to open her bookbag.

" Ima laugh if you get shoved in lockers!" I say laughing at her.

"True,true then when you turn around you bump into a senior and he/she is like ' watch where your going you piece of sh*t." And I burst out laughing like always and she gets her phone and records me and sends it to her friends like always.

"Oh yeah did you hear our cousin from Mexico are coming here." She says sending the video.

"No,who are they?." I say wipping out the tears from my eyes from laughing to much.

"It's Ryo and Hiroki, they'er both gonna be in middle school with you." "Ryo is the oldest and is 15 like me and Hiroki is 13."

" Hmm, when are they coming?" I asked thinking to myself if they would be mean or nice.

"Like in 2 days or so, IDK i don't really care" She said laughing at the video she recored of me.


Shin gakki



" Well new school year....again..." I say to myself getting ready to leave my house.

As I walk to the bus stop I go over my schedule so I don't have to take it out everytime class is over.

"Kouu, over here!!" Said my little cousin started 6th grade.

"Hey, you ready for your first day in middle school?"

" Nah, it's gonna be the same thing every year" 

"That's what I thought too, but I was wrong, you gonna get in a  lot of drama, friends gonna betray you and other stuff"I say giggling and I try to find my friend 'Aoi'


"Heyyy Aoi, how you been?" I say smiling since i haven't seen her even though we live in the same neighborhood.

"Nothing really, I went to GrandFather Mount."

"cool, all I did for fun is find a baby Squirrel!" I said smiling at her and she smiling back at me.

"So what classes do you have?" I ask her taking out my schedule to show her.

"Looks like we have 2 classes together." She said putting her schedule back inside her pocket.

"Man, ima be a loner in my other classes, I think".

Then the bus shows up to pick us up.

And of couse me and Aoi go all the way to the back of the bus, followed by my little cousin and his friends and we leave. 


 "Hey Aoi, remeber when we first entered this school?"
"Yeah,when Shina was still here with us,and we all sat in the same seat in the front looking nervous to enter".  
"Man, how I hated 6th grade!" I say with a smile on my face.
"Right" She said smiling at me.

As soon as we get inside my little cousin ask"Where am I suppose to go,Kou?"
"Oh yeah, you go to the auditiorium and go there fast so you can find your friends before the seats are taken." I say showing him where to go and then he waves bye to me.
"So where do you want to go Kou?" Ask Aoi looking at the bathroom.
"We should do what we always do,wait in the bathroom until the bell rings." I say heading in the bathroom and taking out my IPod to watch a anime episode while we are waiting.
                                                 *RING RING RING*
"Ey, it's time for us to go then"I say putting away my IPod and walking out of the bathroom.
As we walk together I see my teacher from last year and I say 'Hi' to her, and so does Aoi with her teachers.
"Well at least we have te same homeroom" She says walking up the stairs...again....
"Yup," I say trying to find out where our homeroom is, which took us 4 minutes to find and we walked in.


As soon as we walk in there are only 4 people that are talking to each other, so me and Aoi go and find a good seat,which is next to the window.

"Hey wanna check out my new Manga book?""I bought it last week" I say taking out my book to show her.

"Cool,I heard that Seraph Of the End is cool." She says checking out the book.

"If you want you can borrow it"

"Really,thanks!" She says putting the book inside her bookbag.

Then I was about to say something to her but I saw one of my other friends, 'Amaya'.

"Over here Amaya" I say waving to her, which she listens and comes toward us.

"Hey guys, I thought I was gonna be a loner in the class too" She says putting down her bookbag.

"Same until I saw Aoi and you"

Then we start talking about what we did this summer and then Amaya says " Look,it's 'Huyu'." She says pointing to him.

"Dang he lost some weight" Amaya says still staring at him,which I hate about her...

"He kinda looks cute,TBH" She says still staring at him.

"mm not really" I say turning my attention to one of my manga books.

"Wha-how can you not like any guys I show you?" She ask now looking at me.

"Cuz' the guys I like are not real." I say reading my book with a smile on my face,then Aoi giggles to what I just said because ,she also gets me.

Gakkō no hajimari

"Okay class quiet,now I am your Math teacher for this year and I hope we can get along well" Says Sensei taking out a paper from her dest.

"Now I will assign your seats" and everybody starts getting kinda mad.I don't mind that she gives us assigh seats it's just that I don't want to sit next to someone that is smarter then me or that I have to sit next to a boy.....


"Now Kou Hoshi and Huyu Hata, you will both sit next to the book shelf " Sensei says pointing where we need to seat and I grab my stuff and say bye to Aoi and Amaya and move to my new seat..

Great I need to sit next to a boy and to make it worst..he's probably smart....


"After school is over, we can finally go back home!"I say to Aoi and we start talking about who we have to sit next to and I tell her that I sit next to Huyu in all my class,which I don't like.

"So what are you going to do when you get home?" asked Aoi putting on her bookbag since we are about to get off from the bus.

"Uh I dunno maybe try to get taller like everyday" I say giggling ."What about you?"

"I have to do homework...and it's the first day of school" She says getting off the bus and waving me bye and so do I .


Watashi no itoko?!

As I walk home I think to myself how my cousins look like and if they will be mean or not or if they want to play any outside games with me.

'Oi, Onee-chan!" Said my little brother coming towards me.


"Did you hear that are cousins are coming today!!" He said grabbing my hand to hurry up to come inside the house.

"So,what time are they coming?" I asked going to my room to only lay down for 2.03 seconds before my mom comes in...

"Me and your dad are going to pick them up and it's a 3 hour drive, so do you want to come with us?" She asked getting her purse.

"Nah, i'm good." I say laying in my bed.

"Okay then, if you don't have any homework then clean the house before i come back" 

Noooo,ugh I hate when she says that!!!

"Wait,so can I go to Hatsu's house later?" I asked.

"Sure, and you can wait for us there,well bye see you later!" She's says leaving me behind... with my little brother.

Well I better clean up........I'm just gonna pick up this trash and leave....


" Hey sis, ima be with Nori, sooo if you need anything you know where to find meh" My little brother said leaving me,by myself.

Well I'm going to Hatsu, wonder what she's doing.........probably sleeping like always.

I look outside of her house to see if her parents are home,which they are not so I go in her house.

"Ey yo b*tch,where you at tho?!" I say to Hatsu.

"In my room!"

"Where yours parents?" 

"They went to get beds for our cousins" 

"So what are you doing?" I asked getting her little dog to bit always...

" Nothing,I just woke up,but what are you doing here?"

"I'm bored and I want to see how our cousins look like" I say.


As the hour(s) past... we get bored and we go outside,which we didn't do anything just get on our phones so we plan to have a sleepover.

 "Are you happy that our cousins are coming?" I say to Hatsu.

"I guess" she says with a sigh.

Oh gosh this is soooo boringgg I want to do something fun.

"Hey,wanna watch Netflix?" Hatsu said finally putting her phone down and grabbing the remote control.



After some time again Hatsu's Parents come and they set up my cousins bed then by whole family comes to Hatsu's house....


"Ima get the door" I say and I see my mom with two small kids about my size.

"Oh,hey mom," I say getting out of her way so she can come in the house.

"Meet your cousins Ryo and Hiroki" My mom said going to say 'Hi' to all her sisters and brother.

As I look at Ryo my heart starts beating..and I wonder what's going on and so I left before I could say anything to them.

"Hatsu our cousins came,you should say Hi to them " I say going to her room so I don't have to look at them.

"Yeah yeah i'm coming,but only if you come with me" She say's getting out of her bed an pulling my hand to get up.

"uhhh I think you should go by yourself cuz' I already said Hi to them" I say getting nervous.

"I don't care" She says pulling me hard to get out of bed and comig with her.

As I see Ryo and his brother saying hi to our family members I see that they give a kiss on the cheak and a handshake. 

My heart starts beating faster .

 "Hey I'm your cousin Hatsu,your under my rule since ya'll are living in my house" She says giving them a handshake and a kiss on the cheak.

I didn't get to say Hi to them which is good for me,since I don't want him to know I'm some freak who's in love with her relative...


After sometime we all leave and say bye to everybody and we went home and slept...but i couldn't.






Chapter 7

 It's been a week since i've been in school and I hate it.

Why? You ask?

Well because I have more homework to do, I hate it when the teacher says 'find a partner to work with' and because Huyu is so annoying! 

I wonder when my cousins are coming to school? I say waiting for the bell to ring so I can get the f*ck out of this school and go home and stuff my face with food.

'Hey Kou" said Huyu grabbing my shoulder.

"what?" I say glaring at him.

"Hey did you know that Kanji likes you?" He said finally letting go and me trying no to care.

"No I didn't and besides I don't care" I say turning away to look at something else.

As the bell rings I go and wait for Aoi since her class is always the last to get out.

"Hey Aoi" I say walking with her and I notice that Kanji is looking at me.

"Hey" says Aoi reading a book.


In the bus I think to myself 'why does Kanji like me??' I mean I known him since Kindergarten and I always though that he liked my best friend and he hasn't talked to me since 7th grade so how long has he liked me?

I think to myself not even knowing that the bus driver was waiting for me to get off the bus.


This also reminds me about when I lost a friend because of a girl named 'Airi'.

We were once friends in 4th grade. I had made a friend called 'Jouta'. We always played together when it was recess or we were always partners and always sat together in lunch. We had a strong friendsip,but I think Airi got jealous that I was always hanging around him so she bullied me and I always told the teacher on her but she never believe me. So one day she said that she was going to hurt me if I stay friends with Jouta so it was lunch time and of couse he sat next to me and I moved one seat away from him and I ignored him and we never talked again. Sometimes we saw each other but we always lookde away. Until this one time in 7th grade I was walking and he comes rushing and hits my cheast ((which really hurts)) and I let out a small yell and a teacher turned around and said to Jouta to apologize to me and I said that that's okay he doesn't need to and I tried leaving but the teacher grabged my bookbag and waited for him to apologize and he did so when she let go I left running to one of my friends and tried to forget what happened.


Chapter 8

 I wonder when my cousins are starting school,and what grade they're going to be in?

As I feed Sandio, my little brother comes in my room.

"Hey , we're going to the store,wanna come with my and dad?" 

"Oh yeah sure" I say putting Sandio inside his cage and put my shoes on and we leave.


"Soo,what are you going to buy,dad?" I asked looking at the arts and craft place.

"I'm looking for strong glue and your brother needs markers for his project." He says looking at tools.

"well,i'm going to be where the arts and craft things are so..bye" I say leaving him.

Now i'm looking where the sketchbooks are.....ah here they are.

But the big sketchbook cost $4.00 and the small one is $6.00......TF??

Ehh who cares I'll take the big one and go back to where my dad was.


"So are we going to the park?" asked my little brother eating his candy.

"yeah,sure oh and If you want we can take your cousins" My dad said grabbing a soccer ball and putting it inside the car.

As soon as we leave I start drawing a manga boy and so far I only drew his head and neck and it looks good.

"Hey Kaito,go ask them if they want to come to the part." Said my dad to my little brother.

"M-kay" He said opening the car door and running to Hatsu's house and getting them.

I then see Hiroki running to the car and then I see Ryo coming inside the car and my heart starts beating so I put my earphones on and just listen to music so I don't pay attancion to them,which work for some 3 minutes then Ryo said "Oh you draw those kinds of drawings"..."I don't really like them".

What tf? How can you not like them?! I think to myself starting to draw again and ignoring the fact that he doesn't like manga drawings!


We soon arive to the park and the good thing is that there are no people,only us 5.

"Hey want to play tag?" My little brother said running to the field along wit me and my 2 cousins leaving my dad behind.

 'So who's it?" I ask running though the field and the 3 of them following behind.


 After we spent 3 hours playing we finally go back home.

"Hey dad,can I drive back home?" I say getting inside the car and turning it on.

"Umm,Yeah" He said while telling the others so hurry up cuz I'm going to leave them.

"Oh Kou, can drive then?" said Hiroki looing at me while I  drive back home.




Chapter 9

 So I found out that Ryo is going to high school...well it does make sence,because he'll be older then anybody in 8th grade.

But Hiroki will go to 7th,so it's still good...right?


 A month has past and I notice that everytime I look at Ryo, I get so nervus and I usally try to hide.. I know stupid right?

I hate 8th grade, I don't have that many friends in my classes and when the teacher says ' find a partner" I always say to them If I could work by myself .

I am always happy when school ends because I can always talk to Hikroki.

 as the months past I start to notice that I have falling in love with Hikroki and my love for Ryo is fading away slowly.

 ' Hey Kou, what are you going to do for your birthday?" says Shina running towards me to the lunch room. 

   'Oh hey Shina, and I think i'm just going to have a small party at my house" 

'Ey turn up!' Are you going to invite me?" 

  'Nah because then my family members are going to qustion you and other things" 

'Oh true true" She says while we meet up with our other friends outside then I notice that the 7th graders are coming outside with us too!

"Hey Kou, look the 7th graders are coming outside with us too!' So that means that your little cousin is here too!" says Shina looking for Hikroki while I try to hide my face from Hikroki.

"Hey look I see him walking by himself, Kou you should tell him to come over." says Aoi grbbing my hand so I can go to Hikroki. 

But I can't because I love Hikroki. I think to myself but I notice that I am halfway from where he is. 

Well there's no turning back now....I guess as i made myself towards him he notices me and also comes towards.

"Uh-H-hi Hikroki, um what are you up to?" I say as I try not to make eye contact with him...but I fail.

'Nothing really, since all my friends left with their other friends/girlfriends I'm just going to walk by myself."




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.10.2015

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