

I was finally happy. Happy to get out of the city I grew to hate. I always wanted to live in a small town. I have never been the one to be known as a people person. My name is Rosalina but as far as everyone in this town will come to know me as Rosa. I moved to get away from my mother who fantasized about being a teenager. I practically raised myself and as far as my father, I never met him. He died when I was one. I have little to no memory of him and that is how I wish to keep it. My mother had told me stories about him, about how he used to beat her until one day she took me and ran. She said she could never Escape his dangerous eyes. It wasn't until I was four that someone in his family had reached out to my mother to tell her he had passed on. Dad said that he died from a broken heart but me and my mother knew best and we knew that he died for alcoholism. I never wanted to meet my father I never wanted to get to know him. I told my mother I no longer wanted to live in the city she had then told me if i wanted to I could stay in our families home in the mountains. She allowed me to move and break free from her. She had always known that I can take care of myself and much better than she could ever. I enrolled myself in a school being only 17 living on my own life seemed perfect. That was until I met him. 

The first Night

 The house I was living in was quite large, with six bedrooms and three bathrooms the house stood strong. It was a three floor paradise left all to myself. My mother ran a company that produced environmental safe outfits. Surprisingly the business did amazingly well considering she didn't have a professional bone in her body. This was the reason we had lived in New York. Mu mom sent money every month for me to live off, like an allowance for food, school supplies, and whatever I needed. As far as the bills they got sent to her apartment in New York to pay. I always knew my mother loved me but I always knew she also saw me as someone who just stood in the way of her dreams. I didn't think about it to much because I knew it would bring up old feelings of sadness I had long sence gotten over. When I arrived to the house I seen a beautiful dinning room set along with cabnets of food picked out for me. All my things were placed in the master bedroom. When I entered the master bedroom I could see long windows that show the entire Forrest from a third-story view. It eas honesty breathtaking. A large bed layed in the middle of the room with a note on the fluffy comforter. 

Dear, My precious Rosa,

Im sorry the city was not for you. I have trust in you that you will take care of yourself better than I could ever. But that does not mean I will not be checking up on you every couple months. Please know that I love you. And I will talk to you soon if you ever need anything to call and I will forward money into you checking account. Love you.



My mom always felt like she could never provide the life I've always wanted for myself. Mainly because the life I wanted was not the life she wanted and she refused to give up her perfect dream and I refused to let her. 

I begin to start putting away most of my things that I had brought from New York. The house was fully decorated in modern art and as far as appliances. I began to soak it all in. I felt finally at peace like I was living the life I was meant to be. A new school started tomorrow for me, it was already the second semester. I laid out my clothes and made sure all my forms were in order. This was my new beginning

At night I layed in my large bed, I did not feel scared of living alone in this grest big house. When I lived with my mom most nights i was by myself in the apartment, she was to busy at clubs or spending then night at some strangers appartment. But I layed there and it all just felt right. Accept this feeling I knew all to well. The feeling of something missing. But the feeling slowly fell to the floor as I was beginning to fall asleep.

The sound of nothing filler my ears as i drifted off. It was amazing to not hear constant horns and music for living in a city that never sleeps was tiring. But not to long after falling asleep was I awoken by rustling of branches against my window. I looked at the time and saw it was only twelve o'clock in the morning. I opened the large window that droped from the ceiling to the floor. When it opened it revealed a balcony. And I saw the branches of a nearby tree that was scraping against the glass. I broke the branch of the tree and threw it down in hopes of peace and no more noise to wake me up. Before I went back to bed I looked over to the forest. I then saw a glimmer of gowing blue eyes. And just as I seen them they vanished Into the Night. I then closed the glass door and locked it. I nosaled back into bed knowing that whatever was there eis gone.


A Walk In The Park

 I awoke to my alarm blaring. I I stretched out my muscles and slowly got out of bed. I will admit I'm not a morning person but I've gotten up two hours earlier than I expected. As lame as it sounds I was excited for my first day of school. I began to warm up my car, before moving my mom gave me her silver 2010 Dodge Charger. This is also the car that I drove nine hours to get here in. As the car warmed up I made myself breakfast and begin to get ready. It did not seem that long to get ready. I let my hair fall down like i normally did. I then threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a maroon shirt that flared out by my hips the top half was fitted to my curvy body. My mother always told me that peplum shirts made my skinny body look more "fluomucios" what ever that ment. I then slid on my old pair of black vans, grab my breakfast egg burrito and was out the door. When I got to my car I plugged in the GPS to go to Woodburn Highschool. 

It was not a far drive it probably took ten to fifteen minutes. The whole drive with straight through the woods only to see a house every couple miles. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach but instead of butterflies give her more like boulders, thrashing themselves up and down my stomach excitement. When I finally arrived to the school there was a large bear statue carved out of wood by the main entrance. I parked my car in the senior parking lot as close to the sidewalk as I could get it. I wouldn't say I was a bad driver or inexperienced to drive her but I was not the best. I gently slit on the curb a little bit no damage to the car no damage to the curb just a little embarrassing noise that caused a couple of stray looks. As I looked around I noticed that I was a little out of place. Most of the kids driving beat up old trucks with the paint chipping off them. I thought to myself 'well if I dinged the e car up a little when I hit the curb maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing, maybe then I would fit in more with the other cars'. I then began to smile at the thought. I grabed my bag from the back seat and open the car door. I could see only a few kids piling into the school but didn't look big but it was certainly not small. As I walk the halls I realized that maybe I was overdressed, it might have been my first day but to everyone else it was only the second semester. I found a teacher and ask her which way was to the office she pointed down a long hallway that almost seems never-ending. As I entered the whole day I was greeted by a lady who looked about sixty years old. Her gray and silver hair Sparkles under the light. She wore purple large framed glasses that covered most of her face. It looked like the glasses magnified her eyes and I could tell that she was nearly blind. " excuse me do you have my schedule but I didn't receive it through the mail like I was supposed to supposed to?" I asked her nicely. She turned her head up and looked at me as if very confused. I looked at her with a blank stare and she returned the blank stare back at me. I began to say the question again maybe she just didn't hear me I thought. As I was halfway through saying the question again someone interrupted me. "She can't hear. She must not have her hearing aid up all the way." A low pitched voice said to me. I turned to face them. He walked over to the front desk. "Turn the hearing aid up all the way Gretel!" He said loudly with emotion pointing to his ear. The old lady sitting behind the counter must have realized what he was talking about because right then and there she turned up her hearing aid it said "how may I help you child" As she spoke I could hear her voice was old and frail. "Hi, um... do you have my schedule I'm new and don't know what my classes are?" I asked making sure I was heard loud and clear for her old ears. "Oh yes my dear, let me just get your name." she said and she begin to type on the computer with only her index fingers. "Rosalina Marie Veradean, I'm a senior." I stated. I turned to man was still standing by the front desk. "Thank you so much" I said to the man who looked almost like a student if it hadn't been for his teacher ID card. "No promblem, between you and me she was supposed to retire ten years ago but she probably forgot" he said whispering to me still with a smile on his face. " I heard that." The old lady behind the desk said not looking up from her computer. I begin to laugh when I noticed he had started to walk away. " oh here it is child if you just go around to their there's a printer and it's printing out your schedule" she said as she pointed down another long hallway in the office. " thank you so much." I said as I walked away to go get my schedule. 

When I looked at the time I had realized class would be starting in less than 5 minutes. I stood outside the main office looking at my schedule and looking up at map that was duck taped to the wall. My first class was Earth and space studies room E109. Are began walking down the hallway looking for the room. My ears were suddenly filled with a loud ringing noise that must have been the Bell. I saw all the students run to their classes leaving me not knowing where to go. I've been finally found a room and walked in the teacher had already started their lesson. I walked in quietly and awkwardly as the rest of the class stared. I was surprised to see the same man from the office in the front of the classroom. "Just please take a seat Rosalina" he said gesturing to a seat in the back. I gave him a weak smile and be going to take my seat. Earth and space studies flew by and surprisingly I knew some of the lesson already from my previous School. 

The rest of the day dragged on. The same awkward tension when I walk into a room filled with kids I did not know. It was finally 6th period which happen to be my favorit class, lunch. I got my tray and put a salad and water on it. I walked around the large cafeteria as it began to fill up not knowing where to sit. I felt a tug on my arm and suddenly I was sitting down at a table where I knew no one. "Just here and stop wandering around like a lost puppy" a girl said with a smile. She had long blonde hair that flowed like a waterfall. She had on  tight grey sweatshirt  and was wearing light blue skinny jeans. I smiled and looked around at the table that was filled with people. "Im Jessie and this is Ryan, Brice, Kyle and Autumn. And you are Rosalina right?" "Just Rosa" I said happy that someone finally talked to me. Lunch was just about the only thing that happened that was good so far today. Me and Jesse swap schedules. Comes to find out she's in most of my classes. I felt relieved knowing that I finally had someone to talk to someone that didn't make me feel so alone. After lunch I was free to go home. 

I played with my car keys as I begain to walk out of the School. I had then realized all the cars except mine and three others hadnt left the parking lot. When I walked up to my car I went to put my keys in the Keyhole missing and making my keys fell to the ground. As I leaned down to pick him up I saw someone walking up to my car. As i stood up I came into contact with a beautiful man. He had dark brown hair that wasnt to long but scoffy looking. His eyes a sea blue that made me want to go for a swim even though it was November. He work a dark gray plain short sleeve shirt  that cuffed his strong muscled arms. He had on dark blue jeans and black worker boots that completed his look. He sored over me at a height of at least 6'10 making him appear enormous compared to me being only 5'3. Our eyes met and I felt an instant haze come over me. I'm not the type of gjrl to swoon over every guy that comes into contact with, but there was something about him. As he got closer I brelized his eyes had changed to dark dark black almost. I most of looked pretty stupid when he walked right past me and into his car.

I jumped in the car and slumped down in my seat in embarrassment. I put the key into ignition that brought my car to life. I then begin to drive away from the school when I heard a weird noise coming from my car engine. It wasn't that long of a car ride but I knew it would be a far walk my car on the side of the road broken down. I felt so helpless phone was dead my car was dead and I knew no one would be around these back streets anytime soon.


Why Me

 The smoke from my car flew into the air. I could feel the breeze and it's cold grip. I know the sun will be down soon. I know I did not want to be alone in the Woods by myself at night. My only option was to go down the street and see if I could spot any houses. The Sun set quickly and the night air filled my lungs. Walking down the street pass I spotted a set of headlights in the distance. 'finally' I thought to myself. I began to wave my arms above my head to get the cars attention. But the car continued on driving past me past my broken down Dodge. I felt steam coming out of my nose and ears. 'I cannot believe what kind of fucken asshole just keeps on driving leaving me all alone. What a dick.' l thought. 

I continued on walking hoping that someone else will pass by and some would have the decency to stop. I could hear rustling and cracking in the woods near me. I knew I wasn't alone.

Out of the shadows of the dark forest leeped a large creature. What ever it was, was bigger then any bear I had seen. It growled a low deep growl from the back of its throat. I felt the cold chill come over by body looking into its yellow eyes. It almost reassembled a dog. It showed all its teeth and I instantly felt warm as on fire by its bright yellow eyes. I felt every muscle i had tense up I stared through me. I felt it's large paw swat me to the other side of the road. My back against a tree as I layed on my side ways in the street. I could feel the thing come closer as with every step I saw pebbles fly up from the ground. I felt the warms of my blood come rushing down my head. I closed my eyes if ready to die. 'Is this what i deserved for abandoning my mother in the city?' I thought as I knew I was going to die. I felt the warm breath of the creature on my face. I took a deep breath waiting for what ever this thing is to devour me. I heard a swift sound. As if a small plane had landed next to me. I felt my eyes grow heavy with every blank it grew harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I saw a large brown figure just like the creature that had spatted me across the road. I felt as if I was seeing double. They were fighting eachother going back and forth biting at each others legs. Everything begin to get hazy and fuzzy I was drifting off. 

I awoke laying in a large bed that had no way reassembled mine. I became confused and glimpses of last nights attack replayed in my head. I could hear voices outside the great big wooden door. 

"You weren't there, you have no idea what happened. It wasn't her fault that she was attacked." A low voice growled. "Are you telling the truth or are you protecting something not yet claimed?!" another voice hissed. "You want me to give you a better reason as to why I stopped you from killing her fine. I claim her as mine!" the man yelled. I listened not quite understanding what was going on yet. "You can't claim her with out her feeling the same way. Clean this mess up or I will." the other voice commanded. "No. Please. I think I might love her. I think she is my mate. Please don't take her away!" the voice pleaded. "Jay your my brother and if you really think you love her I will spare her. But this better not come back and bite me on the ass." I could hear a set of footsteps walk away. The door knob began to rattled and move side to side as if someone were coming inside the room. I quickly ducked underneath the covers and pretended like I was sleeping in fear of who was coming in the room. As the door shut I could hear the heavy foot steps come closer and closer to the bed. 

I knew my chance was coming so I sprang up from the bed not wasting any time. I flung the door open and ran down the stairs to the front door. I began to run through the woods running while tears flow down my face. I stopped about five minutes into my run to catch my breath and look back. Believing I had created some distance between me and the House of Horrors I had escaped from. Before I knew it I was about to get back to running when I felt a pull at my waist. I let out a scream hoping that someone could hear me and save me this. I felt a hand over my mouth. "Shhhh please, you'll wake the rest of my pack!" The deep voice commanded. I did as he asked in hopes he would let me go. He moved his hand from my mouth to better hold me by my waist. I began to thrash myself in hopes he would lose his grip on me but it only tightened. "Please stop! Your okay I promise Im not going to hurt you or let anyone else hurt you." As strange as it was I believe him. I began to settle in his arms. But he did not let me go. "Im going to take you back to my house and we're going to talk about what happened on the road. Okay?" he said trying to settle me down. I shook my head. But he still did not let me go. Instead he flipped me around to face him and carried me bridal style. I couldn't make out much of his face through the darkness but what i coule make out was his bright glowing blue eyes. 

His Hold On Me

 As we got closer to the house I could make out more of his face. His sharp features stunned me. His strong chiseled jaw. His beautiful dark brown hair that fell so perfectly. But his eyes confused me. When I had seen him in the woods they glowed up bright sea blue, but as we became closer to the house his eyes changed almost to a black color, reminding me of the night. ' what am I thinking this man kidnapped me how could I be thinking of him this way. Snap out of it.' I thought to myself. As the light from the small village in the woods started to illuminate his face I could tell that he was the same man from the senior parking lot at school. As we came across the front porch he'd let me down. All of the sudden my legs felt tired and my head felt heavy. I put my hand on my head to try to make out where the pain was coming from. As I felt my head I saw it a bandage wrapped around my hair.' This must have been where I've fallen. I thought. He opened the front door of the house to let me in. He gestured for me to come inside. Before taking the first step I looked through the forest. "There's no where to run to. I promise you'll be safe." He spoke quietly. I walked up to the house. He led me through a maze of doors and hallways. I didn't recognize anything from when I had ran out of the room. I tried to speak as we were walking to his room but he only shushed me. Suddenly a big wooden door appeared at the end of the hall. He pushed it open and gestured for me to walk in. I took a step in this room and began to look around. I seen details that I did not recognize from before. " please have a seat wherever you would like." He said with a warm smile. I've flopped myself on the end of his bed. 

"Please let me explain myself." he spoke. " I'm so sorry about what happened earlier. My brother thought you are trespassing and..."

" that thing was your brother!" I interrupted. "Please let me explain." he continued. "Normally we don't get people crossing in these Woods. My brother saw you he didn't think you were human. His instinct to protect his home overwhelmed him. It was all just one big mistake. One big horrible mistake."

I took a deep breath as his words filled my ears. Normally I would think to myself to run to hide to get away from him this crazy mad man that has stolen me. But for some strange reason I believed him. And I stayed put listening to his story.His eyes never left mine, and it was at that moment I realized how close he had been from me. That his hands were touching mine. Caressing my hand as if he was trying to comfort me. I wanted to pull my hands away. This hole thing seemed so far out there but I had seen it for myself. So I know it is true. 

"Rosalina, please for this next part I'm going to need you to keep an open mind about." He said preparing me for what he is going to say next. "That was no bear out in the woods, Rosa. Me and my family were different. We were born the same but come our twelfth birthday we change. Im a werewolf." My heart pounded a million beats per secound through my chest. Every thought in my head telling me to get away from him. But I froze taking all this in. Hoping it'd be a lie but knowing it's true for I seen it myself. 'Please please just be crazy please let this be a lie.' I thought to myself. "Please say something Rosa." he broke the silence. A million questions popped in my head at the same time. All of which I did not want to know the answers to. 

"How do you know my name?" I asked. He let out a chuckle under his breath breaking the tension. "Someone tells you there not human and all you wanna know is how I know your name?" he said sarcastically. I knodded. He looked at how serious I was. "I went to your car and found you driver's license. And I'm also in three of your classes." My face turned bright red. Because how could I not of noticed him. 

"I want you to stay here for the night to make sure you don't have any further injuries. You can stay in my room and I will make sure your not late for school tomorrow." He said handing me clothes that looked like they'll fit me. "Here there my sisters, she looks to be about your size. Theres a bath room rignt there you can change there."

Normally I would be protesting this idea while kicking and screaming but for some reason there was this commanding tone in his voice that made me not only feel like I can trust him but also feel a need to do as he commanded.

I walked to the bathroom and got changed but before I left I took a second looking at my self in the mirror. Evaluating my injuries. To my surprise they weren't all that bad. My legs were cut up and bruised and ultimately I felt like shit but my head only had a small bruise om my forehead l could easily cover up with makeup and a cut that had almost healed. I couldn't understand why there had been so much blood. 

I opened the door of the bedroom to find fresh sheets on the bed and a small set up of pillows and blankets on the floor. "Here you'll take the bed and I'll take the floor." he said. I didn't question or hesitate. I crawled into the pile of blankets. And layed my head to rest.

'My life seemed so simple yesterday.' I thought as started to drift off.

Just the Beginning

I awoke to the sound of an alarm. Buzz buzz buzz. Buzz buzz buzz. Jay quickly jumped up and hit the alarm. Items forgotten where I was. I stretched and throw blankets over my body. Jay ran into a room that connected to his bedroom. When he opened the door I could see clothes piled high to the ceiling. ' my house is big but I don't have a separate room for a closet.' I thought to myself. He came out with a pair of skinny jeans and a plaid button-up shirt. "Here these are my sisters I'm sure they'll fit you. I'm going to get ready downstairs. You can get ready here. Call if you need anything." And just like that he was out of the room. I threw the skinny jeans over my slender body they had just fit although they did slide down at my waist. My hips were obviously not as big as his sisters sadly. I threw the button-up plaid shirt over my tank top and buttoned it up leaving two of the top bottons out. I through on my shoes that haf been set by the door of his room. I then walk to the Mirror by his mantle and look myself up and down. My hair was an absolute mess. I then tried to stroke my hair to fall into the right place. ' maybe now I'll fit in more with this little bit of lean back kind of style' I thought to myself. I open the great big wooden door of his bedroom to find myself in a long hallway. Finally finding the stairs I walk down would seem to be three flights of stairs. The stairs lead to the living room. I wandered around looking for a way out of must've wandered off to. The house was so large I felt like if I did not find him soon I would get lost. Just that I'd almost given up trying to find him I found him in the kitchen cooking breakfast. 'Wow all I had to do was try to find the scent of food and there he is.' I chuckle to myself.

"There you are I was wondering when you would find me." He said with a smile on his face that stretched ear to ear. I sat at a granite marble table. 

"So just wondering, what's going to happen to me now... Now that I know about you and your family?" I asked with curiosity. After all he never did tell me what's going to happen now. He looked at me puzzled for a moment. But he could see fear in my eyes. I seen his eyes drop down to the floor. " Rosalina (he said with sadness under his breath) I promise nothing will happen to you. Honestly now that you know our secret I feel like I can trust you. Like you're one of my friends. And I hope you feel the same way... tell you what... I'm going to trust you with my secret and you're going to trust me when I tell you that no harm will come to you or your family." I breathed a sigh of relief. I smiled back at him hoping to show him that I did trust him.

"Whatcha cooking?" I said as the smell of food filled my senses and hoping to get off the topic that seems so serious. He turned back and smiled at me. "Now you're speaking my language. I'm whipping up some eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, and sausage. "How many people are in this house?" Is amazed that he was cooking so much food. "Just you me and my brother." He said with s shrug of his shoulders. I looked at the time. "Were going to be late." He glanced at the time. "Shit! We are." Nexr thing I knew he grabed the piece of toast through some egg on it with bacon handed to me grab this bag and then suddenly we're out front and pushing me to his car.  The car he had was a black truck it looks like the paint has been chipped off. I didn't understand if he had so much money and so much wealth why he drove such an old beat-up car. I close the door when the door slammed shut it sounded like I was going to rip it off its hinges. The old bucket of bolts made it all the way to school surprisingly. Me and him ran inside to just make it by the Bell. "I'll see you in between classes meet me at my locker." He said more of a question then statement. I run to the science room as fast as I could. 

Class dragged on and seems like it would never end. All I could think about was last night. I couldn't get Jay out of my head. His muscles and how he grabed me in the woods. How I felt sparks or warmth and passion by his touch. How he was such a gentleman and gave up his bed for me. How all these thoughts came to my mind now in science and not as they were happening. What the fuck is wrong with me. I tried to clear my head and listen to the lesson.

After class ended I couldn't wait to go to his locker and see Jay. I felt so lost with out him. What is wrong with me. Only a day with him and you're thinking of him so much. And like he had said he was there. I looked at him up and down not noticing this morning how his shirt so tight I could see his abs, the sleeves and how they cut off to show his strong arms. My mouth was watering just looking at him but I couldn't let him see me flustered. "You like what you see?" He said so full of himself not even looking at me. "No! Why aren't you so vain and cocky." I said. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red. "You don't have to blush over me darlin. If you honestly wanted me all you would have to do is ask." He said with a smirk on his face. My cheeks begin to glow bright crimson. 'Want him? What a fucken ego I never knew had. Could you read my mind? Was this one of his werewolf tricks?' I thought. I began to think of past secrets only I would know. But he seemed like he didn't pick up on anything. Maybe you couldn't read my mind. Maybe my red rosy cheeks betrayed me and gave away all my secrets. "Oh you act so sure of yourself." I smiled trying to hid my thoughts from being exposed. The bell rang and suddenly the holes became empty leaving me and him standing alone.

How to look me up and down. Caressing my body with his eyes. I looked away hoping he did not see me notice. I felt a hand on my chin. He pulled my face to look at him. Our eyes met and I saw passion and desire in his dark eyes. As I was looking they turned a bright glowing blue. " I ment what I said Rosalina, if you want me all you have to do is say." his words seem so serious and seductive. I didn't know say. I pulled my face away. "I'll talk to you later." I said rushing to get out of there. 

 I was relieved that the day will soon be over as I headed to lunch I felt someone grab my arm. For a second I thought... I'd hoped it was Jay. When I Look to see who grabbed my arm I wasn't too disappointed to see Jessie at the other end. "Tonight me and you are going to a party." I smiled at her thought. Considering it was Friday and I had nothing better to do and no car to go home with I thought why not. "A party sounds just like what I need." I said smiling at her. "Great. I'm throwing it and you can spend the night because I am getting you so trashed." She said with joy and excitement in her voice. I couldn't control my laughter. I wasnt much of a drinker but giving what I've been through and Adam giving such bad anxiety a drink or two sounds heavenly. 

I found myself at Jesse's house. See through tons and tons of clothes on me asking me 'which one I like best for her which one looks best on me.' I helped her set up for the party laying out and drinks and chips and pizza for her waiting guests. She done me all up in makeup and hairspray. I do not remember the last time I looked so dolled up. As people started to fill in the more drinks I would down. "Do you want to dance?" A voice said behind me. I turned to face a man I had never met before. He looked older maybe hes a collage student I thought but my drunk self went with him. Dancing with him began to sober me up quickly I didn't realise how much his touch began to bother me. He put his hands on my ass and began to squeez. I pulled away to his stuned face. "Its a party what did you expect?" He said in a slimmy vulgar voice that made my stomach turn. "Umm how bout you not act like a pig!" I said as my blood started to boil in anger. "What ever fuck you bitch." he said as he spat on me. I could feel an arm pull me through the krowd. "Why don't you apologize and get the fuck out of this party!" I heard a familiar voice scream. It was Adam. "No, I think you and your little bitch should have a couple more drinks and losen up." the slim ball said as he took his beer and poured it on Jays shoes. Out of now where I seen Jay grab him by his collar of his shirt. Then I see the guy gets thrown across the room and hit the speaker sending the music to stop. I seen Jesse's worried eyes. Just as Jesse came over to me and Jay she had to large guys escort the college man that I have been dancing with out of the house. Next thing I knew I was being pulled down a long hallway into what looked to be Jesse's brother's room.

Jay looked me up and down. "Are you ok did that dick hurt you?" He said with fire in his eyes that I have never seen before. "I'm fine are you?" I asked shocked how easily it was for Jay to throw the other guy across the room. "Are you still drunk?" Jay asked avoiding my question. "No I'm fine now." I said my voice trailing off as he bluntly interrupted me. "Good grab your things I'm taking you home." 

I stood there in shock. How dare he think that he can just rip me away from party because one guy ruined it. I came to this party to try to escape him. But yet at the same time I wanted to go with him. I started to protest. Before second I agreed with him maybe it was best that I leave now the party was starting to get too insane.

The whole drive home the fire in his eyes never seem to fade. "How could that prick say that shit to you? Treat you like that what a disrespected piece of trash." I could feel his anger increasing. I tried to calm him and change the subject. "How did you hear him?" I asked already knowing the answer to that. "I heard him." he said with anger still in his voice. I put my hand on his to try to sooth the beast with in him. When I toached his hand I could see his eyes glowing bright. 



We pulled outside of my house the nightmare was cold and crisp. I could tell from the weather that snow was just about to fall. I did not want to let go of Jays hand and I could tell he felt the same. "Do you want to come in? I can make you something to eat and we can watch movies?" I asked but the truth was I didn't want to be left alone. He nodded. We got up to my door and I took out my keys. My house look dark and empty."Is there no one home?" He asked. "I live on my own my mom lives out in the city."  I said realizing how sad that was. I opened my door to my amazing new home. I still couldn't believe it was all mine. I turned on the tv and threw my keys on the counter. I then made my way to the kitchen. I opened up my fridge and asked him if you wanted something to drink. He shook his head, obviously he was still mad about what had happened at the party. I reached in my fridge and pulled out a cream soda and cracked it open.

"So tell me whats the deal with the whole werewolf thing?" Not sure if I crossed a boundary of some sort.

"Its not that complicated. It's not like I change on every full moon. It's not really that painful. I guess we can change whenever we want to. My eyes glow blue whenever I'm feeling a strong emotion. The only thing about the full moon that's true is the closer it comes to a full moon the stronger I am and I heal faster then the normal person." He said like he rehearsed it.

"So how does one become a werewolf?" I asked curiously.

" Why you're not open to come on right?" 

"No I'm just curious I want to know. Weee you born like this or did you change?" I started to feel like I was asking too many questions.

" My family has a bloodline but it didn't take effect till after 12." he said as me and him made our way to the couch. We ended up talking the hole night. It wasn't until me and him saw the sun come up till we realized it was way past bedtime. I started to yawn and layed my head down on his chest and fall asleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2016

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