
chapter 1

=Alexandra POV=

i walk in the schools door's, fixing my glasses. every day when i walk in i hoped that people will leave me alone, but does that happen? no, no it doesn't happen. everyday, when i walk in this school, everyone even my brothers, bully me. and i'm getting tired. last time i stood up for myself, a whole group of people started trowing me food and drinks and calling me name. since that day i never dare to talk to them. i was going to my locker, and already people were calling me names and shoving me, but i ignore them. when i got to my locker, some one shoved me into it, hitting my head and nose. i turn around and saw my brother and the queen bee with her minions.


"hey worthless crap, liking the locker?" Abigail said. i look down at my shoes. then a red drop fell down. i touch my nose and felt liquid coming down my nose. i look at my fingers and see blood.


"ugh, disgusting, she'll probably give us Ebola or some type of infection. she said backing away and laughing. Bryan my oldest brother joined her. i looked down again. Abigail pushed me again.


"did i say you could look down, slave?" i still looked down. then Bryan grab my arm tightly. 


"when my girlfriend tells you something, you do it, you hears fucking bitch?" i looked at him then at Abigail and said "no"


"what did you said bitch?" Abigail said getting closer.


"i said no" 


"well you wish you didn't" she said, then she slapped across the face, a crowd formed around us. 


"i wish you where dead, a useless shit like you shouldn't be alive" Bryan said. when he said that something inside of me snapped.


"you wish i was dead? you wish i was DEAD!! you fucking killed mom, now you want me dead!! your the useless peace of shit. you killed mom!!! you where fighting over phone with her, and because of you shes dead!! WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVER DO TO YOU!! TELL ME, WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS TREATMENT?! you where suppose to me my brother, not a fucking killer that wants to be bullying Just to get the anger out... if you despite me so much then, guess what! you'll never see me again! i hope you carry the guilt of killing our mother for the rest of your life!" i yelled crying my eyeballs out. i saw the guilt in my brothers eyes. good. i started walking away when that bitch of Abigail spoke.


"yeah go run home and start crying like the little bitch you are, die bitch die" i stopped walking and turned around and walked in front of her. then i punched her right in the nose, she stumble back holding her broken nose.


"you bitch!!" she yelled.


"hey worthless crap, liking the broken nose?" i mimicked her tone. i looked back at my brother. pure hate rushed trough my body.


"feel the guilt brother, feel it" and with that i turned around and left school.


 i got home. dad was not home probably working his ass off. i wen to my room and took my back bag. i stuffe'd it with cloth and other things i need. i took my money, and took the emergency savings. i ended with 100,000 dollars. i took my a picture of mom and the necklaces that she gave me. and ran out the house. hours passed and ran out of town. i got at a park i didn't know, it was getting dark so i decided to stay here for the night. i sat on a bench and took my phone out. no text messages. that's how many friends i have. i started to book a hotel when i felt a hand cover my mouth. the person behind me wrapped a hand around me and pulled me off the bench. his hand smelled so weird, then i suddenly felt sleepy. i kept closing my eyes. but i kept opening them. i eventually gave up and blacked out.

chapter 2

=Alexandra POV=

  I woke up in a really nice room. there book shelves, a desk with a computer, some paper, and a lamp. the walls are made out of dark brown wood. and the floor is a nice cream color tile. i have to say, my kidnappers have great sense of style. i look down at myself. i have my cloth on thank god, and i'm tide up in a chair. my glasses fell off. great. i tried moving but my feet were tied up. i tried screaming but my mouth is taped. i kept moving but nothing came out. then the door flew open. 3 big men came in. the two in the back look almost the same, with black hair. blue eyes. and a killer body. the one in the middle is like a model. big and muscular, light brown eyes, tan, black hair. his wearing a black t-shirt that's sticks to his skin so you could see the muscles and his tattoos in his arms and neck. his looks like his in his 20s. he walked up to me and crouch down and piked up my glasses and put them on me. he they took the tape out of my lips. i just looked at him.

"hey little one" he said patting my head, i flinched.

"no need to get scared, were not going to hurt you" he said stepping back.

"w-what do you want from me?" i asked in a low voice.

"recently one of our member's died, she was one of the grater's fighter's, and she looked like you. just a little more grown. anyways we need a replacement and you look like you could be it, of course with training you'll be unstoppable."

"a-are you s-some type of gang or something...?" i asked.

"we are the serpents gang" my eyes got wide. the serpents gang is the most power full gang in the country, they have killed hundredths of people and gangs. their the most richest gang and the most fear full gang. and this gang right here is asking me to join them.

"from the look in your face i guess you know us" he said, i nodded. i started shaking.

"your saying you want me to join your gang"  asked still not looking at him.


"yes" he simply said.


"w-what if i say n-no" i asked.


"then we'll have to kill you" tears formed in my eyes.


"i don't want to die" i said crying.


"if you don't want to die then join the gang" he said


"i-i'm not e-even strong" i said,


"then we will make you stronger" he said. i finally looked up at him.


"what it is, join or die?" he said crossing his enormous arms across his chest. i hesitated a little. i don't have no where to go. my brother's hate me and my dad ins't even home anymore. so why not do something iv'e never done. why not become powerful and feel like i'm going to be someone. why not.


i looked up at him a smirk in my lips. "when do we start?" 

chapter 3

=Alexandra POV=

2 years later(she left when she was 15, so now shes 17)

I take the bag of money and get into my car, and drove off. that was an easy fight, the men was bigger than me, but i knock him out like nothing. in this bag there's 90,000 dollar's , plus the money of the race i won. i got home to Ricardo, the gang leader. he was to one to give me an option join or die, now i'm strong and not that girl i used to be. i kill, race, fight and get money. i'm heartless. I've shut down all of my emotions, the only emotion i have left is hate.

"how was it princessa?" Ricardo said, kissing my fore head.

"hey Ricardo, i won 90,000" i said dropping my bad on the table.

"that's my girl. so a situation came up" he said sitting down in the kitchen island.

"whats the situation?" i went to the cabinet and took some chips out.

"were gonna have to move, some gang found out our location. we have to eliminate them, but for now we have to move. your gonna have to go to school " he said snatching my chips away.

"you know i fucking hate school" i said

"were going to your old town. you'll go to your old school" he said, smirking at me. i smirk back at him.

"this will be interesting" i said 

"Zoey is going we us shell live with us and go to school with you"

"even better, did you found a house yet" i asked

"i found a mansion for us" he said

"nice, when do we leave?" 

"tonight, we cant risk being here for long" he said then added "go pack your stuff"

"OK" i said i kissed him in the cheek and left upstairs to pack. later at night we went and picked Zoey up and left to my old town.

                                                                                 *next day*

"Alex wake up, its time to go to school!" Ricardo yelled from downstairs.

"uuuugghhhhh" i said standing up. i went to my bathroom and took a shower. last night we spent hours fixing everything and putting things into place. i got out of the shower and  wrapped and towel around my body. then i brushed my teeth.  i look in the mirror and saw all my tattoos in my left arm. then i turned around and saw the back tattoo. i'm planning on getting some more.

                                                                                         *left arm *

                                                                                         *left arm *


when i finished i went back to my room and took a lace bra and lace panties, i put them on and the went to the closet to look for an outfit

when i finished i went back to my room and took a lace bra and lace panties, i put them on and the went to the closet to look for an outfit. i took my leather jacket and black Ankle heel boots.

 i took my leather jacket and black Ankle heel boots

i took my moms necklaces and a silver cross

i took my moms necklaces and a silver cross. some rings. then i let my long black hair down and curled the ends. then i did my makeup.

                                                                                   (Alex makeup)

                                                                                   (Alex makeup)

i took my phone, and my Gucci bag, then went downstairs.

"morning Ricardo" i said kissing him in the cheek.

"morning princessa" he looked at me up and down. "shit mami, looking like a snack"

"shut up, wheres Zoey?" i said shoving him.

"right here" i turned around and saw zoey. 

"ready?" i asked. 

"yeah come on, lets go kick ass" she said.

"bye Ricardo" i kissed him one more time.

"i  swear if you weren't like a sister to me, i be fucking you right now" he hugged me.

"God Ricardo, shut up" i said pulling away. he chuckle.

"see you after school"he said. me and Zoey went to the garage and open it revealing multiple cars.

"witch one?" Zoey asked.

"gold ferrari" i said. 

we got in and drove off

we got in and drove off. when we got there, imitatively we revised stares. we park on the parking lot and got out.  i took my phone and left my bag inside. then zoey got out. 

"if they keep staring i'm kill them all" i said

"honey, their just staring at our beauty. let them" she said sarcastically flipping her hair. she then scowl."we should kill them" we both chucked. then a girl came up to us. and i knew immediately who it was.

"hey girls, would you like to hang out with us?" she said in a high pitch voice.

"Abigail, don't you remember me?" i said smirking at her. she looked closely at me.

"am i suppose to know you?" she said putting her manicure nails in her hips. i chuckled and pushed her aside by her head. then started walking. i heard her gasp and screech. me and Zoey laughed. boys kept winking at me and zoey, and we returned it back. we went to the main office, and got our lockers and schedule. i had math first and Zoey had chemistry. we went our separate ways. i went to the bathroom. then went to class. i slam the door open. everyone snapped their head towards me. i look around and found my twin brothers jack and wade sitting down in the back. no sigh of Bryan.

"oops sorry" i said.

"are you the new?" the teacher asked, i rolled my eyes.

"yes" i just said.

"Ok next time come in early. go take a sit" the teacher said.

i went and sat next to my brothers. they just drooled at me. that's kind of disturbing because i'm their sister but i'm not going to say nothing, yet. the class was freaking boring, people kept staring at me especially boys. i kept going to classes but never did work or nothing. i just sat down in my phone. i was even texting Ricardo. then lunch came. i was waiting for Zoey outside her classroom. when she got out we went to the bathroom cuz her teacher was being a bitch and not letting her go. then she got out and we walked tot the lunch room. we pushed open the doors and walked in. everyone's attention was on us.

"what ya'll looking at" i said loud.  they turned around quickly. we walked to the line for food. i bought a chocolate bar and Zoey bought a salad. we where walking to a clean table when the bitch herself stepped in front of us with her minions.

"you think you could come here and act like you own this, bitch know your place, i'm the one that tells them what to do bitch" she said with her high pitch voice with made the whole lunch room look at us and quiet down. perfect timing.

"well guess what, I'm here and I'm back to make your life miserable" i said stepping up face to face.

"your going to pay for what you and this school did to me"  i said loud and clear for the whole lunch room to hear me.

"who the fuck are you?" someone said behind Abigail, i look up and see Bryan my brother. i scoff.

"oh, don't you remember me?" i said looking at him dead in the eyes.

"no who are you bitch?" Abigail said. i step back and look around.

"i'm Alexandra Dale, the girl all of you bullied" almost all of them gasped.  i looked back at Abigail and my brother, both of them had shocked faces.

"what happen brother?, you thought i was dead, huh?" i said getting close to him.

"you thought i was dead like mom?" i said in his face. then jack and wade came.

"hello brothers' i said looking at them.

"Alex your back" jack said, he then came and hugged me, but i didn't do anything. he backed away.

"where were you, dad was killing himself when you left" jack said. before i can answer Bryan came and holded my arm.

"where the fuck were you? do you know how much dad was blaming himself because you left'

he said.

"your the one to blame fucking asshole, you and this school bullied me for years, do you think i was fine?, did you think seeing my own fucking brother fucking bully me was fine?, do you think mom would be proud of you? huh?" i said.

"come on were going home" he said pulling me.

"fuck no, I'm not going no where" i said snatching my arm away from him.

"yes you are" he said

"bitch go back from where you came" Abigail said. i had enough of this bitch. i took her by the throat and slammed her on the table.

"do you like that bitch, you think you can still talk shit to me, I'm not that girl i used to be, so get it in your stupid ass brain, DON'T MESS WITH ME" i said, then i punched her in the face. then i left her there whimpering. i looked back at my brothers to see their shock faces.

"this is what all of ya'll turned me into, specially you brother" i said, then i punched him in the jaw, making him fall back. i got on top of him and started punching him over and over again.

"i. fucking. hate. you" i said with each punch i threw. then arms tangles around my arms trying to push me away. i pushed them off me and got up. i kicked Bryan on the ribs. then i stopped i look down and see his bloody face. looked around the cafeteria. 

"if any of you mess with me or my friend or jack and wade, you'll look just like my stupid brother" i said pointing a Bryan.

"tell dad that I'm back and not to worry in fine." with that i kicked Bryan again in the ribs. i looked down at hands, and see my knuckles covered in blood. i look at the table next to me and took the tissue from the boy. i clean my knuckles then threw the tissue away. i look up and see people still staring at me. i smiled sweetly at them and said,

"enjoy your lunch" me and Zoey turn around and left the lunchroom. i heard some laughing saying Bryans name.

"fucking bad ass you are" Zoey said.




chapter 4

=Alexandra POV=

When we got home, Zoey decided she'll go shopping while i went stay home. Ricardo isn't here so I have to whole house for my self. I took a shower and changed into some silk red shorts short and Tank top, with spaghetti straps.

I spent the whole day watching movies, Zoey came around 6, and sat with me to watch. I called Ricardo to see where he was, he told us he was in the gang house. he came around 10. i decided to go out on a race cuz I was bored and of course I won, and a lot of money. on my way back i bought some food for us, and spent the night watching movies. 


Next day I woke up unexpectedly early, I took a shower and put my outfit on. a black skirt, with a black crop top, and a high knee black heels, and a cropped hoodie. I decided to let my long wavy brown hair down. i did my makeup. then i took my bag, phone, money and went downstairs.

     I saw Zoey and Ricardo sitting in the stools eating breakfast

     I saw Zoey and Ricardo sitting in the stools eating breakfast.

"morning sleepy head" Zoey said, passing me a plate.

"thanks babe" i said starting eating.

"what's your schedule today, Ricardo?" i asked.

"well ima have to leave for a couple of weeks" he said.


"we have to eliminate the gang that knows our hideout"

"oh, when will you come back?"

"I don't know, depends on the situation"

"when are you leaving?"


"ok then, Zoey we need to plan a party" i said. she nodded

"just be careful, I don't want them to know our new location"

"I know but, think about it, all this student party like every night so this will be just another random party" Zoey said, i nodded this time.

"ok, but still be careful, and don't let those fucker touched my stuff or else ill kill them all"

"sure" I look at the clock.

"Zoey lets go" i got up and put my plate in the sick, same as Zoey.

"call me when you get there, and update me on everything" i said standing in front of Ricardo.

"sure thing babe" I kissed him in the cheek. he said bye to Zoey. we went to the garage and go in a Lamborghini.

we took of to hell again, stopping only to get coffee

we took of to hell again, stopping only to get coffee. when we got there, we got stares again.

"I swear ima kill all this fuckers" I said. Zoey just laughed.

"let them, they know this is their dream car, but they cant afford it" she said opening the door. I just chuckled. I left my bag inside, took my coffee and phone, and got out. I closed the door and fixed my skirt and crop top. I sipped my coffee as me and Zoey walked inside.  we went straight the the lunch room, we open the door's and everyone quiet down, and looked at me. 

"what the fuck are ya'll looking at?" I said loud enough for them to hear. they turned away quickly. some boys just checked us out, and I let them. me and Zoey sat in the middle of the lunchroom.

"what do you have first period?" she asked

"I think gym"

"I had gym yesterday second period, and girl those gym clothe are fucking short and tight"

she said sipping on her coffee.

"the teacher is a man right?" i said she nodded

"I bet his a pedophile" I said laughing, she joined.

"now watch today with you, all the boy's are going to be drooling all over you"

"sure its not like i have a good body anyway" i said looking down at my phone.

"bitch!, Tf! your body is like a model. big boobs, perfect ass curves, round ass, perfect skin, girl I wish I had your body"  

"what you mean my body, your body is perfect" I said slapping her softly on her shoulder.

"whatever, any boy your interested in" 

"nope, I haven't even looked at on in the face"

"in bet in the party you'll find a hottie"

"talking about party" I said standing up. I smacked my hand down on the table hard, earning everyone's attention.

"Alright listen up everyone, I'm having a pool party at my house on Friday, all of ya'll are invited"

they all started to cheer, I smacked my hand on the table again.

"I'll tell ya'll where I live on Friday, remember bring ya'll swimsuits" they all cheered again. i sat back down;.

" A pool party, great idea" Zoey said.

I was about to say something when the twins came up to me.

"can we sit with you sis" Jack asked. I looked at Zoey, She nodded

"sure" they both sat down next to me. they both gave me a hug. I kissed them both in their cheeks.

"how are you two doing?" I asked them.

"I'm happy you came back, me and wade kept looking for you" jack said, I chuckle.

"of course you would, but I'm fine, how's dad?" I asked them.

"we told him you came back, he is desperate to see you" wade said taking my hand in his.

"will you come and see him?" Jake asked taking my other hand.

"yeah, at the right time" I said.

"anyway, guys this right here is Zoey, my best friend, Zoey this are Jack and wade" I said, she extended her hand out at Jack and Wade, they shook it.

"they didn't do anything to you right?" she asked, looking at them then at me.

"nah they were always there for me, I'm sorry guys that I left, but i the same time I'm not sorry" I said.

"Your our little sis, we should be sorry for not doing anything, I never thought our brother as doing that to you, when you left he didn't say anything, he convinced us that you left because of mom death, we now knew he bullied you" Wade said.

"I swear I'm going to kill him, I don't care if his my brother." I said, anger flowing into me.

"relax, Alex" Zoey said. I took my coffee and drink it in a gulp. then the bell rang. we got up and left the lunch room and headed to our classes. I had to take Zoey to hers cuz she still doesn't know the school. I got to gym late, witch I didn't give a fuck. I opened the door's and saw the student in s straight line..

"why are you late?" Mr. Rivera's asked me, I still remember him, and he still looked the same.

"man you still look the same" I said to him. he had a confused face.

"ima go change" I said he was just looking at me from behind. I got to the girls locker room and changed into shorts that almost show my butt cheeks and a tight shirt that shows off my chest and tattoos in my arm's. I changed into some shoes. and went back out, I saw everyone waiting for me. and like Zoey said, the boys started drooling by just looking at me. I got in line with a hand on my waist.

"ok lets take, attendance" Rivera's said. i saw him check me out too. I felt like throwing up.

"Chris, Carson, Mason, Cristopher,  Aliyah, Natalia, Jenifer, Zack,  Amparo, Angelis, Anaya, Damion" he checked all of the ones that where here, he checked some more,

"and lastly Alexandra... who's Alexandra?" he asked, everyone looked at me. he turned his towards me.

"Alexandra Dale?" he said.

"sup" its all I said.

"where you've been?" he asked me.

"Up the presidents ass" i said. some laughed. he looked at me with a smile but shook his head.

"well its good to see you again, ok lets get started, we will start with the warmup then we will play doge ball" all the boys cheered.

"ok lets get started, give me 15 pushup's" he said. we got down and started doing push. by the time i was at 10 push ups all the girls gave up, me being the only girl still doing it, with the boys. I've done 400 push ups before, so its easy doing this. Rivera's saw how I was taking it that he said to do 20, I continued doing it, and the boys, he went higher up to 25 push up, I still did it. some boys gave up, he kept going higher to 30. I did them easily, then he went up, 35,40,45,50,55. i still was fine, but all the boys were gone except 2 boys. Rivera's looked like he was enjoying this, the boys started chanting the two boys name. Zack and Damion. and the girls started chanting my name. Rivera's when up more. 60,65,70,75,80, 85, 90,95 at this point Damion gave up, now it was me and Zack. I haven't sweat yet but I was hot. the numbers went up. 100, 105, 110, 115,200,205,215,300. I started sweating at this point but I still was doing the push up. then I saw in the corner of my eyes Zack give up. finally I won. I stopped and sat on my ass. people where cheering, even Rivera's.

"wow your the first girl in this whole school, to do 300 push up's" Rivera's said handing me a water bottle.

"good to know" I said drinking the whole bottle. I stood up and stretching my arms. 

"we don't have enough time to play doge ball, but ya'll can rest, next class we will play doge ball." Rivera's said, he pat me in the back. I went to the bleachers and sat down. some boys came and gave me another water bottle, I said thank you and drank the whole thing, some water dripping down my chin and chest. the boys were staring at me and my chest the whole time. i thanked them again.

"you welcome, how the fuck did you do 300 push ups, the girls barely did 5" a hot blond boy asked me.

"I always work out, I can do more than 300" I said, taking my shirt and and cleaning my chin and chest, showing off my belly. all of them looked at me, hunger showing in their eyes. i pulled my shirt down.

"I like your tattoos" on of them said, i thank him.

"what's more shocking is that, she beat Zack and Damion, no one has ever beat them on push ups, or any other games" the blondie said.

"so what?" I asked.

"well there like the 'bad boy's' Zack and Damion are always together, their like brothers" he said. then another boy added. "there's rumors that he fights and kill's people, and that his on a gang, or something like that" I laughed.

"don't tell me ya'll scared of him" I said looking at all of them.

"well no but no, but people are scared of him" the blondie said again.

"whatever, people here are fucking pussy" I said leaning down on the bleachers.

"you are something else Alexandra" the blondie said, smirking at me.

"what's your name?" I asked him.

"Chris" he said. I leaned towards him, my face right in front of him, I looked at him, then I went to whisper in his ear.

"well Chris, try and figure out the new me " I said, biting his earlobe. I stand up wave a good bye to the boys and left to the closet to take a bath

chapter 5

=Alexandra POV=

I'm walking to the lunch room alone. Zoey disappear I don't know where. but I know she can defend herself so I don't worry. I open the doors and like yesterday they got quiet and looked at me. then the queen bee herself came in front of me, with a broken nose.

"Omg what happen to your nose? does it hurt?" I asked with a smirk. she looked at me with hate.

"who do you think you are? you came here acting like your the boss of this school, bitch your fucking nothing, so get the hell out of here" she said getting closer to my face.

"if you don't get out of my face I swear ima mess you up really bad" the twins came up behind me.

"Alex she's not worthy, come on" Jake said putting a hand on my shoulder. i was about to leave, but she had to open her mouth.

"you know Bryan is still home recovering from what you did, how can you do something like that? his your brother bitch."

"oh so he can, push me, hit me, stomp on me, bully me, but I cant defend myself?" I said getting on her face again. she was about to say something, but the lunch doors slammed open. men's with guns came in. the whole cafeteria started screaming. 

"EVERY ONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, they did as i said. the gun mans pointed their guns at me.

"get on the walls, at the back!" I said to all of them.

"Alex come" wade took my arm and tried to pull me. but i didn't move.

"just go" he was about to say something but someone cleared they throat. 

"well, well, well, Alexandra Dale Valentino, the most feared girl in the state, the one I love" I look up at the person, and it had to be the one and only, my ex. I pushed Jack and Wade to the wall. i turn around facing Sam.

"what do you want Sam?" I said, he had a whole black outfit, With his white dyed hair, and his grey eyes. the ones I used to love.

"I want you, and your gang" he said walking in front of me. his hand came up and softly touched my cheeks. I look up in his eyes, and he looks down at me. memories came in my brain. I quickly snatched his hands away, and took a step back. I smirked up at him.

"what makes you think that I'll go with you and give you the gang?" 

"I know you still love me, Ali, you'll give everything for me" he said, i scoff.

"bro, you think to much of your self, that's something i hate about you" I said.

" well if you don't come with me, then ill kill every little one of this little rats, including you, i can see you don't have back up, your Armless, without weapons. so I have the lead" he said with a smirk on his face. I smirked back. in a swift move I took both of my gold guns. and pointed it at him.

he took a step back, one of his man came and dragged him in the back, all of them pointing a gun At me

he took a step back, one of his man came and dragged him in the back, all of them pointing a gun At me. I didn't waste time. I ran to the other side of the lunch so no one gets shot. pointing my guns at them I shot one by one. I got on top of a table and dodged Every bullet. there's 10 more men's left. thank fully Zoey came from behind, taking her gun out and shooting the back ones. I jumped to next tabled, still shooting them. one of my guns were out of bullets, and I'm out of ammo, I throw one of the guns out.  I continued shooting them. leaving 6. my other gun ran out. i got shot in the leg but I don't pay attention to the pain. I took my knife out.

 I took my knife out

I jump toward them. slashing their throats open, killing all of them. me and Zoey stood around the bodies looking straight at Sam. he was angry.

"you, fucking bitch, I swear ima kill you and your little friend" he said pointing his gun at me. but before he could pull the trigger some one shot him in the chest. Sam dropped his gun and felled to his knees. he looked up at me.

"I just wanted to be with you, I love you" he said before falling to the ground. I just stood there looking at him, memories flowing back of when we used to be together. but the Sam i used to love is gone. pain shot throughout my leg. I didn't even winced. Zoey took my arm and sat me down on a table. 

"give me your phone" I  said, she passed me her phone before going out. I stand back up holding myself on the table, I turn around. 

"who shot him?" i asked looking at everyone's shocked face. one one answer.

"WHO SHOT HIM?!" I yelled. some people jumped. 

"me" some one said, I turn to the voice. Zack.

"thank you, Zack" I said, giving him a nod with an emotionless face. he nodded back.

"no ones is living this room, until I say so, sit down." I  said at them. at first they didn't move but then they did. Jack and Wade came toward me. but i stopped them.

"give me space please." they nodded and went and sat down, people were whispering and some girls where whimpering. I sat back down facing them. Zoey came back with a first aid kit and sat down on the sit next to me taking my leg cleaning it and taking the bullet out, I didn't move or made a sound, people where looking some even threw up. i dial a number on Zoey's phone, on the third ring they picked up.

"Jesus, bring your men's to the school"

"did something happen?" 

"yeah Sam came in and tried to kill me"

"alright be there in 6 minutes" he hanged up. I sat there looking at Zoey doing her work. i move to sitting on top of the table so she could stich the wound. I lay down on it. i look at the students. they were all looking at me, quietly. I sighed heavily. 

"ya'll alright? any one hurt?"i asked looking at them. they all shook their heads.

"who were they?" Zack asked me. I sighed, they deserve an explanation.

"Sam's my ex, he wanted me and my gang" I said.

"your in a gang?" a girl asked.

"yeah, ever heard of the serpents?" there was some gasps.

"I'm guessing you heard of it" i said.

"your lying, he was probably a crazy freak trying to kill you, your in no gang" the queen bee said. i scoff. Zoey finished. i puled my skit down and stood up.

"yeah I'm not in a gang, i was playing with you guys" i said sarcastically. 

"told ya'll" she said. I looked at her.

"do you know what sarcasm is?" I said to her. people laughed. then the doors burst open. Jesus walked in ordering there mans to take the bodies.

"they all saw you?" he asked 

"yeah, but don't worry id they say something, they'll probably get killed. and you know the police is scared of us." I said loud enough for them to hear. Jesus looked at all of them ad stopped at Zack and Damion. a smile creeping in his face. 

"Zack, my man, you study here?" Jesus asked, walking up to Zack and bro hugging him. i look at both of them confused.

"oh you didn't know, this right here is Zack jones, his father is the leader of the 'no name' mafia"


chapter 6

= Alexandra POV=


"yeah this right here is Zack, the son of the mafia leader "no name" Jesus said. i saw Zack smirking at me.

"well, my respects to your gang, Zack. i am honor to meet, the son of the most powerful men in this state" I said, looking at Zack.

"the honors are mine, we wanted to meet the serpents, but never had a chance to" he said.

"well you officially met-" I got caught off by Zoey.

"its boss" she said, handing me the phone. i excuse myself and went to the corner.

"what sup?"

"you good, I heard what happen"

"yeah Sam came here, with his stupid plan"

"did anyone get hurt?"

I got shot in the leg, nothing big, his dead now and his crew. no one got hurt "

"good handling, i have work to do, make sure everything is clean, and be carful ok princessa?"

"k, talk to you later, Adios" he said bye, and i hanged up. I walked over to my crew.

"everything good? any help?" I asked them

"we got it, thank though" said Richard.

"you guys doing a great job" I said patting Richards back. I walked back to the group of student who where talking.

"anyone need medical assistances or something?" no one said anything.

"good, the day will Continue as normal, when the bodies are gone I want all of you in class, ok?" they nodded.

"you'll be spectating more of this, in this school, so get used to it." i said.

"and remember the pool party still going, don't be late!" I said. they all started cheering. 

"boss were done" Richard.

"good, were going to be heading out now." Jesus said. he looked at Zack.

"great meeting you, Zack. hope we'll meet again" Jesus said, shaking Zack's hand.

"same, we'll meet again" Zack said.

"Alex, if anything happens please call us, ok" Jesus.

"ok, Take the crew to get a drink or the club, Ya'll deserve it" i said.

"here's your guns, and knife." he gave me my weapons, the turn toward the crow.

"if I hear someone did something to her..." he said walking backwards to the door.

"I'll kill you" he said pointing the gun at them before doing through the double doors and disappearing.  we just stood there looking at where he was standing. I turn around and see their terrified faces. except for Zack and Damion, of course. they had smirks on their faces.

I clapped my hands  and said. "whelp who ready to eat, take what ya'll want I'll pay for everything." they cheered and went to the line and order. I went and sat down on the back table, putting my numbed leg on the sit next to me, pulling my skirt down. I close my eyes and lean against the wall. recapping the moment Sam fell on the floor, and saying those last words. Sam was the only boy I "loved" and "trust". both those feelings ended when he tried to kill Ricardo, cuz he wanted the gang. he only used me to get to the gang. I thought I could actually love, and trust someone. but he proved me wrong. now I only trust my gang, and my brothers, except Bryan. I was in deep thought's, but then I got broken away from them, when I felt some one lifting my shot leg. I open my eyes and see Zack seating down on the seat my leg was. he then putted my leg on his lap.

"what are you doing?" I question his actions. he softly started, running his fingers up and down from my foot to my knee. I felt tingles rush all over my body.

"you look tense, thought I might help" he said giving me a small smile. i return it back.

"thanks'" was all I said, before closing my eyes. 

"your pretty good, at fighting." he said.

"yeah I always train." I said.

"thank again for shooting him, i would be dead to by now, i own you" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"hmm...what about a date on Saturday?" he said.

I don't date" i said

"you own me" he said with a smirk. I look at him in the eyes.

"fine give me your phone" i said extending my hand. he smirked and gave me his phone, i turn it on and see mad messages of unknown people. they say "omg Zack, your so hot wanna go on a date?" or "if your looking for fun, here's my phone number ##########". i look at him.

"you got mad bitches trying to Fuck you in your phone" I said, he rolled his eyes.

"this girl are dying for me, but I don't give a fuck" he said still caressing my legs. then he added

"by the way, you have smooth legs" I laugh a little. he looked at me for a minute then smiled.

"you have a foot fetish or something?" I  said typing in my phone number

"after this leg, I might" he said smirking, I rolled my eyes at him, but laughed. again he looked at me. I put my name as "Lucifer wife" then passed it back to him. he checked it and smirked.

"you know people call me Lucifer, wife?" he said. i look at him for a minute and tried to snatch his phone. key word; tried. this dude was strong.

"give me the phone, Lucifer, I mean Zack" I said 

"Na-ah, that's how its going to stay, wife" he said, I tried reaching for the phone but couldn't, I almost lost my balance, but  Zack hold me by the waist. I stop and saw the position we where on. I was sitting in his lap, each leg on each of his side, he had his free arm around my waist,  while the other one was holding the hone high. we looked at each other in the eyes, for who knows how long. I was drowning myself in his eyes. until Zoey, Damion, Jack and Wade came. I quickly moved myself from Zack's lap and sat myself in my original sit, fixing my skirt. 

"Alex is your leg ok?" Jack asked me.

"yeah its fine, Zoey did a good job stitching it up" i said sending Zoey a smile. she smile back. Jack sat on my right and wade on the left, separating me and Zack. Zoey sat in front of me, while Damion sat Next to her. Zack moved and sat next to Damion. I lean against the wall again.

"so my little sister is in a gang?" wade said with an a worried expression.

"don't worry she's  of the best fighters in our gang" Zoey said.

"yeah bro i know how to handle myself, ima be fine" I said looking at him.

"still something really bad can happen to you, your only 17" wade said again.

"ima be fine, I've been doing this for the past 2 years, don't worry" i said.

"ok but that I'm still gonna be worried." wade said.

"you eat something sis?" Jack asked me.

"nah I'm not hungry" i said.

"she's laying, get her food" Zoey said.

"seriously I'm not hungry" 

"she always say that, but I find her eating mad shit at 2 in the morning" Zoey said

" I get hungry at 2 in the morning." 

"because you don't eat in the morning, evening, or night"

"I'm not hungry at that time" 

"enough Jack go get a peace of cake ima shove it down her throat" Zoey said

"bet" jack said getting up and and skipping the line.

"I'm gonna make you suffer" Zoey said standing up and coming my way. i look at her carefully.

"wade hold her arm, Damion come and holed her other arm" i was abut to jump up, but wade hold my arm. Damion came and took my other arm.

"guys i can eat for myself" I said, trying to get out of their grip.

"na ah ah, your going to suffer, for not eating" jack came with a slice of chocolate cake. Zoey looked at me in evilly. 

"who are you? and what have done with the Zoey I love?" I said. the boys laughed.

"she's fucking channing Tatum in the back of my head, now I'm here, now open up!"

"please no, you did this before, you where shoving the spoon down my throat"

"good, you know learn and know how it feels to suck dick, now come and suck this cake" she said, the boys where laughing. she took a peace of the cake. aiming it towards my mouth.

"Zoey please have merci on me!"

"oh hell no, now open up, the chu chu trains coming" she said in a baby voice. she said putting the spoon of cake in my mouth. but I didn't open.

"if you don't open up, I swear ima burn all the teddy bears." she said. at this point I give up, i open my mouth and se fed me. i eat it with a frown. the guys where dying laughing.

"poor Alex" Zack said in between laughs.

"oh shut up Zack, I beat you in gym, I can beat you physically" I said.

"sure you can, wife"

"shut up with that"

"what are you guys talking about" Zoey said feeding me the last peace.

"ah I'll tell you later" I said.

"ok done, you see it was that easy to eat a delicious peace of cake."

"I could have eaten it myself" I said, then the bell rang. we stood up. I went to the front of the cafeteria so i could pay what this people bought. when I finished I stood there waiting for the guys. people kept saying thank you to me, I just nodded to them. when the guys came i asked them.

"do you guys want to go to my house after school?" a chant of sure and okay came from them, i gave them my address, then we went to class.

chapter 7

=Alexandra POV=

  Were currently on the last period, I have art with Wade. people were suppose to be drawing stuff but, I was only drawing penises. I know I'm fucking weird. people are still talking about today. I find it weird that they don't react crazy. people where patting me on the back, and saying good job, and shit like that. I made Jesus go to the main office and threat everyone so they don't talk to the police. we aren't scared of them, actually the police is scared of us. but we don't want to get attention, or else our location will be reveal to the other gangs that want to kill us. 

"So my little sister, is in a gang. I admit is cool, but I'm scared for your life" Wade.

"don't worry, if I die, no one will miss me so" I said playing taking out my gun. people immediately backed away or gasped. 

"Sis, don't say that, your know dad, me and jack love you" 

"true, I should be grateful, for having at least some people who actually care for me, so thank you"

"no need to thank, It's been hard for you. men I wish I could have know what was going on, i wish I was at this school back then."

"Wade don't kill yourself, that was back then, now I'm here, and alive."

"thank god"

the bell rang.

"ready to go?" I said standing up.

"yup, lets go get the other guys" we walked to the front of the class. I stopped at the teachers desk. then I pointed my gun at him. is face turned into fear. people around me froze.

"your class is fucking boring, update it, its fucking 2020" I said putting my hand down. I smiled at him then left with wade. I heard the class bust into laughter.

"your gonna get in trouble one day" he said, laughing.

"whatever fuck it."

"your a way different person, I love it, but I still miss the old Alexandra."

I looked up at him, but said nothing. we went outside to the parking lot. and saw Zoe, Jack, Zack, and Damion, around my car.

"sup guys ready to go?" I said. I open the door and dropped both guns .

"yeah, can Damion come" Zack asked.

"yeah sure, sup Damion." I said, extending my hand towards him. he took it.

'what a pleasure to meet, the one and only, Alexandra Dale Valentino" 

"my pleasure, your in the top one gang, in this country, were just second" Wade and jacks eye got wide.

"but still, your gang grew up really fast."

"and that's exactly why almost every gang wants to kill us" I said.

"we had to move location, so we came back here" I added. 

"if you want our help, were sure happy to help yall" Zack said.

"yeah that's what Ricardo it trying to get to"

"who's Ricardo?" Jack asked.

"the leader of my gang. you'll probably meet him, idk"

"ok enough Chit Chatting, lets get going, ya'll know my location"

"we'll be there, we just have to go home, and get some stuff"' Wade said.

"k ill wait for ya'll, for now, Zack, Damion, let's go" I saw both of them leave to their cars.

"Wade, and jack. tell dad I said, hi and that I love hi, I'll meet him soon."

"he will be happy yo hear form you." Jack said.

"Actually here's my phone number give it to him and tell him to call me." I wrote the phone number in Jacks phone and they left. me and Zoey, got into the  car and left home.

When we got there, I went to take a shower , and start to prepare snack with Zoey. (just imagine it without the beanie)

BY the time we finished the guys got here

BY the time we finished the guys got here. I went to open the door. I froze, I started to get angry.

"what is he doing here?"

chapter 8

=Alexandra POV=

"What is he doing here?" I said, in a growl.

Jack and wade took me inside away from the rest and him.

"We were coming, but dad said to take Bryan too, cuz he was home stuck only playing games, eating, and sleeping. please let him be here dad doesn't know what he did. let him stay just for today." Jack said.

"hell Nah, take that fucking piece of shit out of here," I said, low and slowly.

"Please, sis, for today then you'll not see him. do it for dad" Wade said this time.

"No" I hesitated.

"sis please, for dad," Wade said. I groan.

"fine, but if that piece of shit does something. I won't hesitate to kill him." I said. they both gave me a small smile, hugged, and kissed me. we walked to the leaving room. where they all at, sitting on the couch, Zoey and Damion were bringing the Snack. Jack and wade went and sat on the couch. I was glaring at Bryan's head. I went to the front. took the control and turned the TV on.

"Nice mansion, Alex," Damion said, I just growl. I'm too mad to talk to people right now, I need to take my madness out. I put Netflix on the Big TV. then I passed the control to Zack. I started walking way.

"where you going?" Jack asked. I turned around, all f them were looking at me. I glare at Bryan.

"to the backyard, I'm too mad," I said still glaring at Bryan who looked down. I turned to Zoey.

"If I get loca (crazy), stop me" she nodded and sat down at the couch next to Damion and Jack.

"what you mean," Wade asks, but I ignore it and turned around. I took my guns from a cabinet.

"Alex, stop," Zoey said. she stood up. she knows when I get mad, I get crazy. I don't know who I am, and I don't think what I do.

"I need to get out of here, or else I'll kill him" I growl. not looking back.

"ok but first think what you're doing," she said.

" ima be in the backyard" with that I left outside.

outside we have a shooting range, to practice. without even hesitating, I started shooting the targets, perfectly. when I got out of ammo, I reloaded. I heard multiple footsteps behind me. I'm guessing tall of them are watching. then I heard one more footsteps getting closer. Zoey came and took one gun from me. she aims the target and shoots it. she looked at me. and said "ready" I smirked. we always do it when we're bored or when I'm mad. It's like a game. we shoot all the targets, when we're out of ammo we take all of our cloth off, leaving on the underwear, then we jump in the pool, whoever goes in first wins. we got ready I counted down.

"in 3..2...1, go!" we started shooting all the targets, perfectly. we both got out of ammo, we drop the guns and start undressing. she fell and started laughing, I join her. forgetting my madness. I kicked my sandals off, then I took my socks off. I slip down my sweat pants leaving me in my black panties. then I took my shirt off, leaving me in my black bra. I look down at Zoey who was struggling to take her pants off. I laughed at her.

"Oh shut up, I fell," she said taking it off. then she continued with her shirt.

"ha, your too slow," I said walking backwards to the pool. she got up and started to run towards me. I turn around, almost making it into the pool, but she held me from behind.

"where you think you're going?" she said, she turned me around. now I was facing the boys. all of them were watching, including Zayn. I started laughing. she was about to let go but I held her arms around me.

"where do You think you're going?" in a swift move, I untangled my arms from her, turn around, and picked her over my shoulder.


"Nope," I turn around to the boys, showing her ass off. they had a smirk on their faces.

"hey, boys want some ass?"

"ALEXANDRA MALDITA PERRA (Alexandra you fucking bitch)she said in Spanish.

"you always win, that's unfair," she said.

"you want to win?" I asked her.

"HELL YEAH! what type of question is that?" she said smacking my butt. I smacked hers.

"do that again and you'll see," I said. she smacked it again.

" told you" without waiting for a response I turn around and walked to the pool.

", no, no, no I'm sorry please No-" I throw her in. the boys started laughing. she sank then came back up, gasping for air. I laughed at her.


"ok ok give me a minute"

"do a backflip," she said giving me space.

"bet" I turned around and prepared myself for the backflip. I looked at the boy's, and see Damion getting undressed, followed by Jack and Wade, then Zack, he took his shirt off showing off the tan skin and six-packs. his left arm was all tattooed. and his left men tit, then he took off his pant, shoes, socks, leaving him in underwear. men, he looks like a god. he looked at me and winked at me. he walked towards me.

"like what you see?" he said. I looked down t his chest. then back up at him.

"Nah I've seen better," I said.

"sure" he just said, before picking me up over his shoulder just like I did with Zoey.

"Zack, my ass sticking out to my brothers that's kind of disturbing"

"their your siblings, nothing wrong with that," he said

"well, your ass is a bad view," I said.

"Stop lying, you know you like my ass"

"Fuck you"

"any time, baby," he said. I groan. I look up at Bryan and mouthed ' help me'. he nodded and quietly came toward me and Zack. the guys in the pool where play fighting, so they weren't seeing this. Zack started moving towards the pool.

"wait for Zack"

"what" I gave both hands of my hand to Bryan so he can pull me.

"Always watch your back, Now!" Bryan pulled me. with my legs I pushed Zack, he fell in the pool with a big splash. Bryan pulled me up, wrapping my arms around his neck. he then wrapped his arms strongly around my waist. my eyes got wide in shock. he turned around and started walking inside the house. I saw the others looking at us. he walked inside to the living room. then he stopped walking. and buried his head in my neck.

"what are you doing?" I said, trying to get out of his hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he said. I stopped moving.

"what the fuck are you doing, let me go," I said.

"I'm sorry, Lex," he said, using the nickname he used to give me. I felt liquid falling down my neck. is he crying?

"are you crying?" I asked.

"I didn't know how to deal with moms death, I decided to take my anger, and guilt on someone, you were so close to her, I decided to take it out on you. all this time I've been destroying the family apart." a sob came out f him.

"When you said you were going to leave, I thought you were playing. but when you left, I felt empty. you where the only one that reminded me of mom, you look exactly like mom. when I saw you the other day, I didn't recognize you, you've changed. but when you said who you where I saw you, and mom. I was so grateful that your back. I promised myself that if you came I'll treat you like my sister, like how you deserve to be treated. I-I'm so sorry, baby sister. I'm a fucking dick, that deserves to die. I was the one that should have died not mom, I hate myself for what I did, I hate myself for calling mom when she was driving, I hate myself for fighting with her, I hate myself for bullying you, I hate myself. I hate myself for everything I did, I just fucking hate me," he broke down crying.  he let me go and sat down on the couch. his head on his hands.


He felt this way and I never knew it. I made him feel worst by leaving, telling him it was his fault. he was broken inside, he didn't know how to deal with the guilt. he was the one that was hurting more. and I just made it worst. I was only thinking about me, and how bad he treated me, I never thought how he felt, or why he was treating me. I was selfish. I felt a tear run down my cheek. then more came out. I crouch down to his level.

"I'm sorry, I was selfish, I was only thinking about me. in never thought how you felt. I blame it all on you, when it wasn't you're fault. I just made you feel worst"

"no, it is my fault, I killed her, I killed Mom," he said. I sat next to him.

"no you didn't, it was an accident, you never knew it was going to happen," I said.

"Still, I treated you like shit"

"you said it that's because you didn't know what to do. I mean yeah it was wrong to do that, but you were and are hurting" he was silent.

"I don't have to forgive you," I said then added "I'm the one that has to say I'm sorry, I was fucking selfish, I left instead of being there for you, I blamed you, I also took it out on you, I'm the one that made everything worst for you, my brothers and dad"

"I made you feel that way," he said,

"and i made you feel worst"

"We made each other feel bad" I added.

"were so messed up," he said, I laughed.

"bad," I said, he laughed.

"I'm sorry," he said looking up at me.

"I'm sorry," I said to him. he leans in and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"no I'm sorry," he said,

"no, I am"

"no me"


"ok were both sorry" he finished. we both laughed.

"I love you, baby sister," he said kissing my cheek.

"I love you, not baby brother," I said kissing his cheek. we both laughed. then I yawn.

"tired?" he said.

"a little," I said.

he stood up and picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"where's your bedroom?" he asked walking up the stairs.

"walk all the down, the right one," I said. he did as I told him. he dropped me down on the bed, then went to my closet and took out a pair of sweat pants from the top and a shirt. he gave them to me. I put them on. he took tuck me inside the blanket and kissed me in the forehead.

"sleep ok"

"lay down with me, like the old days," I said. he smiled and nodded. he took his shoes off, I took the blanket away so he can lay down. when he did I cover him and turn around. he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me in the cheek.

"I love you, Bry," I said

"I love you, Lex," he said then the sleepiness took over me, I closed my eyes and started sleeping away.

"I'm sorry" that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


chapter 9

=Alexandra POV=


I woke up by someone shaking me. I open my eyes and Jack and Wade standing in front of me. I tried to move but couldn't, there was and heavy arm around my waist. I look back and see Bryan sleeping. I smile, which I barely do. I look back at Jack and Wade.

"what happened?"

"you've been sleeping for half an hour, already, were going to watch a movie"

"oh shit sorry"

"did you too made up" Jack Asked

"we're getting there," I said Bryan groan. I turn around and see him waking up. he opens his eyes and looking around, then landing on me. his arm around my waist tighten, bringing me closer to him.

"hey," he said.

"sup, sleepyhead. we're going to watch a movie, you ready?" I asked.

"yeah ok," he looks up to the twins.

"sup bro," jack said. 


Bryan unwrapped his arm around my waist and stood up. he started to put his shoes on. I stood up and looked for my sandals.

"well wait for you 2 downstairs," jack said walking out, Wade followed him.

"How have both of them been?" I asked putting my sandals and brushing my long brown hair.

"like always, there always together doing who knows what," he said standing up. I took my phone.

"they were the ones that kept dad occupied, and helped him," he said.

" did they bugged you out, like always?" I asked laughing a little.

"those 2 little demons are my fucking age but they act like 3-year-olds" he said laughing. I laughed with him. we walked downstairs, talking about the twin's childish behavior. we got downstairs to see jack and Wade fighting over a cookie.

"you always eat all the cookies, and never leave me some!" Jack said to Wade

"it's because you eat to slow!" wade said

"I'm trying to enjoy the flavor!"

"your fucking weird, its-" I cut them off.

"guys how old are you again?"

"18" they both said. I dramatically gasped. "What?! I thought you too were 3?" they both frown. and we burst out laughing. I snatch the cookie from Wade and eat it. we all went to sit down on the couch I was in the middle of the twins.

"what we watching?" I said.

"scary movies, a whole Marathon" Damion said sounding excited. the twins and Zoey started complaining.

"oh come on, watching a scary movie is fun, or do you want to watch, a clingy romance movie?" Damion said.

"YES!" both of them three yelled I scoffed.

"were sticking with the scary movies," I said.

"but you hate scary movies?" Wade said.

"That was before," I said. then my phone rang. it was Ricardo.

"what sup"

"hola, Princessa, how's everything?"

"good, as you may hear the fucker of my ex came to school to kill me," I said, everyone, quieted down, listening to me.

"I told you that fucker was bad for you"

"well i wasn't thinking at that time"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I called to tell you I'm going back tonight"

"did you finished the job?"

"of course baby girl"

"good, are you almost here?"

"I'm entering town"

"well, some friend and my brother's are here"

"exactly what friends?"

"well the son of the leader, 'no-name' gang, Zack is here," I said.

"and his right hand, Damion" I added.

"wow, I thought ill never meet them. that's it?"

"My brothers are here, Wade, Bryan, and Jack."

"wait, wasn't Bryan the one that bullied you?"

"ill tell you about that later"

"ima kill him" 

"no your not, he's fine, ok?"

"If he hurts you, again, I swear I'll kill him"

"you sound like a jealous boyfriend"

"that doesn't sound bad" I can hear his smirk.

"bruh" was all i said

"ill see you in a little bit"

"k, see you" I hanged up, and looked up. all of them were looking at me.

"Ricardo is coming back"

"right now?" Zoey asked. I nodded.

"who's he?" Bryan asked me.

"me and Zoey boss"

"so it is true, your in Gang?" he asked I nodded. "wow" was all he said.

"anyways he's coming, now let's watch the movies," I said. they all got comfy. Zoey went and got the popcorn, from the kitchen, then we just sat there watching movies. Jack and Wade kept clutching on both of my arms, jumping when a jumpscare pop up. we were getting at the scariest part. when the door flew open and Ricardo entered screaming. we all jumped up screaming and falling off the big couch. he came over to me and Zoey and picked us up over his shoulder and started spinning around.

"Ricardo sueltame Ahora Mismo oh si no te mato!!" (put me down or else I'll kill you) I said slapping his back. 

"RICARDO!!!" Zoey scream. he finally stopped and put us down. never taking his hands from our waist. he gave us both kiss on the cheeks like he always does.

"How are my two favorites killers?" he said let us go.

"good, did you finish the assignment," Zoey asked him.

"am I in school now? yeah did it," he said, dropping his bags on the ground. he went up to Zack and Damion.

"its a pleasure meeting you Zack and Damion, I've been meaning to ally with your father," Ricardo said shacking Zack's hand then Damion.

"I heard, Dad wants to also ally with you, but he been working"

"I get that, actually I made an appointment to meet up, to see if an alliance is on," Ricardo said, getting a drink.

"he'll accept it," Zack said sitting down. my brothers got up from the floor. Ricardo immediately looked at Bryan.

"Ricardo" I warned.

chapter 10

=Bryan POV=

I  stood up from the fall. I look at everyone but stopped at the big dude that was glaring at me. I'm guessing this is the Ricardo, Alex is talking about.

"Ricardo" Alex warned. he kept glaring at me. then he came to me and dragged me by the shirt face to face. Alex came to him to try to stop him. but he was to strong. I looked at him, not breaking eye contact showing him how much he doesn't intimidate me.

"Ricardo stop" Alex said again.

"if hear the you messed with Alex, I wont hesitate to kill you, she's giving you a chance don't waste, u hear me?" he said slowly. 

"I'm not losing this chance, if I messed up ill kill myself before you do" I said I looked Alex, and saw a small smile. he dropped me down. and turn around and threw Alex over his should. she grunt but didn't say anything. he took her somewhere. I turn to look at the others. they were all looking at me. 

"Uh we still watching the movie?" I Asked.

=Alexandra POV=

I watched as Riccardo grabbed Bryan by the shirt. I went to stop him.

"Ricardo stop" I said holding his arm but he doesn't move.

"if hear the you messed with Alex, I wont hesitate to kill you, she's giving you a chance don't waste, u hear me?" Ricardo warned.

"I'm not losing this chance, if I messed up ill kill myself before you do" Bryan said looking at me, a small smile came into my face.

Ricardo dropped him and turn to me. he picked me up over his should. I grunted but didn't do anything. we went to his room. 

"alright put me down" he flop me in the bed. the threw himself on top of me. his head on my stomach. I started playing with his hair.

"Estoy Cansado(I'm tired)" he said in a sleepy voice.

"then sleep," I said.

"Nah I have work to do"

"Ricardo take a nap, you work too hard," I said

"you know I can't sleep, with these nightmares, I can't," he said closing his eyes. since his sister died, he has a nightmare. I and Zoey always help him when he has nightmares, that's why we're so close we each other.

"then come and watch movies with us," I said.

"ok" he just said. we stayed like that for a couple of minutes before getting up and giving me a piggyback ride. we went to the kitchen and got some more snacks. then we went to the living room. the others were watching Chucky seeds. my favorite movie. Ricardo put me down, and sat down on the couch, he dragged me with him, sitting in between his legs. I lay back in his chest he kissed me in the cheek and hugged me tightly around the waist.

=Zack POV finally=

We were watching Chucky when Ricardo and Alexandra Came in. we stare at them until they left for the kitchen.

"How old is Ricardo?" Jack asked Zoey.

"20," Zoey said, eating her ice cream.

" Is my sister with him!?" Wade asked with wide eyes. Zoey choked on her ice cream then started laughing.

"that's what I thought when I first saw them, they're always together like brother and sister. I'm guessing with what happens over here-" she pointed at Bryan "- she shut people out, but when Ricardo took her, he treated her like a sister. but there are more reasons why they're like that"

"what are those reasons?" I asked eager to know. but before she can answer Alex and Ricardo came back. they sat next to me, her in between his legs, him hugging her and planting a kiss on her cheeks. I think this is something more than a "sister and brother" thing. I can help but feel a hint of jealousy. I ignore it and continue watching the movie and eating almost all the snacks.

"Zack you ate all the snacks!" jack yelled.

"I'm a growing boy, I need it," I said shrugging.

"What am I?" Jack said pointing at his private part. before I could say anything Damion who has been quiet finally talked.

"not a boy" Jack Dramatically gasped and threw a chip at Damion. we laughed. Damion and Jack started arguing. someone called Ricardo on the phone. he answers after a minute, he put  the phone away. he told something to Alex and she nodded. he kissed Alex again in the cheek before getting up kissing Zoey too and left to his office I'm guessing. she sat there watching Damion and Jack fight.

 I took the moment to take in her beauty, her long black hair, the blue diamond eye's that shine even in the dark, her long eyelashes, her perfect skin, and the pink soft lips that I wish I could be kissing right now. I'm attracted to her, this is the first time I feel this way. and I don't like it, I don't feeling like this. I know Alex is the end of me, she's going to be the one that will make me melt, bring down my walls. I'll eventually break character and be the sweet old Zack. and I don't want that. I'll need a distraction.


chapter 11

=Alexandra POV= 

I woke up in the hard floor, in the living room, I saw all of them sleeping. and idea creeped up on my brain. I quietly stood up and went to the middle of the room, then I fake fell, and started screaming.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! IT HURTS, IT HURTS!!" I grab my stomach acting like I'm in pain. I saw them stand up immediately and run towards me.

"what hurts?!" Zack asked me.

"MY STOMACH IT HURTS REALLY BAD!!!" I said fake crying, i even let tears run down. Zoey saw that and her face turned pale. she knows I don't cry, she's never seen me cry. Ricardo Burst in with a gun in his hand. he looked down and saw me, he dropped on the floor besides me.

"Alex que te pasa? (Alex what's wrong with you?)" he said holding my face. I stopped moving and looked up at the ceiling

"Alex? ALEX!?" Zack said moving my face. then i started singing 'party girl'(song above)

"Lil mama a party girlShe just wanna have fun tooThey say you ain't wifey type but I don't care I want youShe like to do drugs tooShe in love wit guns tooThey say you too piped up but I think that I love you" Zoey started laughing then she join on dancing and singing, twerking on me.

"She don't want nobodyShe don't need somebodyI'm tryna be with you so you don't be without meShe told em just like me no we can't leave without itShe boo'd up off the meth like she can't breathe without itShe drinkin four lokos, I can't get with thoseShe wan gimme throat throat, I tell her come close" we sang. I looked at the guy's, lust in their eyes. then Zoey yelled.


"I PRANKED YA" i said pointing a finger at them, then the boys started laughing and yelling at me.

"you fucking scared me Alex!" Ricardo yelled, with a smirk in his face the boys started chasing me and Zoey, until we got tired. the boys left to get ready for school. and me and Zoey got ready. I took a shower and took my outfit for the day out.

 I took a shower and took my outfit for the day out

when I finished I got downstairs and eat waffles. Zoey already left cuz she had to stop to get something for the party. i said my goodbyes to Ricardo who said he was going to stay in the gang house for the day, cuz of the party.

I went to the garage. I don't feel like driving a car today so I decided to ride my motorcycle.

 I don't feel like driving a car today so I decided to ride my motorcycle

I took my jacket off and wrapped it around my waist, to cover my butt. I got on and put my helmet on. then I drove off to school. I passed every car, feeling the wind blowing on my hair. i stopped at a red light and looked down and a dude maybe in his 20, looking at my bare thighs. I took my helmet off and looked at him, he was Shocked. I smile and winked at him, before putting back my helmet, I looked at him again, and send the middle finger at him, before driving off.

when I got to school, shocked stares where already on me. I parked next to Zoey's cat and got out, taking my helmet and fixing my hair. I nocked on the window and she open the door. i got in and put the helmet on the back seat of the Ferrari. 

"you got the last things?" I asked her. she nodded.

"I'm so cant wait, I want to meet hot boys" she said, opening her door and getting out. I took both my golden guns, and got out. people stared at the guns with fear in there faces. I took a Gucci bag from the back sit, and dropped them inside. I unwrapped the jacket and put it back on. then i went with Zoey inside. 

*skip time to lunch*

Zoey left home early preparing the Party, I stayed so I can give the news. right now I'm walking with my Jake, Wade, and Bryan inside the cafeteria, when we open the door, the queen slut came rushing to Bryans arms.

"oh babe your back, I missed you!!" she said hugging him. he pushed her off him.

"get off me slut" he said, giving her a disgusted face. people around us started chanting "oooo" and "burn". she gasp.

"babe, why are you treating me like this?"

"cuz you are a slut, you sleep with every dude, you see." he said crossing his arms around his chest.

"no I haven't slept with anyone only with you!" she said, with a gasp.

"Bitch, you fucking cheated on me like 15 times already" he said.

"No I didn't, i never cheated on you!" she said.

"you sure? guys if she has fucked you this month and last month raise your hand" he said. almost all the boys raised their, hand. she started crying.

"we're done, i don't want a slut that fucked all the boys in this school" he said.

"No! you cant end me you love me!"

"actually i don't i only used you for sex" he said. people started laughing , and she started crying.

"and the top new record of fucking the whole school goes too.....ABIGAIL!!"  i said clapping, people started laughing harder, even the twins and Bryan. she looked ay me with hatred.

"this is all your fault!!" she scream then she tried to slap me but I moved back, and swiftly took out my gun from the Gucci bag, and aimed it at her head. the whole room stopped laughing. and she stopped moving, fear covering her eyes. Zack and Damion came behind her.

"lay a finger on me and I'll fucking kill you" i said, sending her a glare.

" y-you w-wouldn't d-d-dare" she said. i pointed to her foot, and shot the floor, she jumped with a scream.

"try me bitch" i said, some people snickered. she started crying again.

"I fucking hate you," she said.

"no you know how it feels to be bullied" 

"you'll regret this" she said before running off. I scoff, and started mimicking her, i went and jumped on Zack wrapping my legs around his waist. he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh BaBe yOur BacK, I mIssEd yoU, WhILE YoU WEre GoNe , I WaS fUcKinG ThE WhOLe ScHooL, OH!" i said in a high pitch voice. everyone laughed.

"fuck her, anyways guys Today is the POOL PARTY!!!" I said, still wrapped around Zack. the lunch room erupted with cheers.

"everyone is invited, at 148 fremon street-(A/N-i invented the name up)- the party starts at 6:30 soooo COME HOT AND SEXY ON THOSE BIKINIS GIRLS, WOOOOO!!!" they cheer again and i laughed, i looked down at Zack, he was already looking up at me. i wrapped my arms around his neck burying my face in his neck. he pulled down my sweater, and jacket covering my butt, his hands stayed there in my butt, never leaving. I smiled.

"can you take us to the table?" I said, it sounded muffled, but he still managed to hear me.

"sure baby girl," he said, walking to the table. I sucked on his skin in his neck. i heard him grunt, and  his hand on my butt tighten. i continued sucking on that spot, making it into a hickey. then i trail kisses on his neck. he got to our table and sat down, me on his lap.

"your going to pay for that," he whispers in my ear. shivers went down my spine. he kissed me on my cheek and turned me around in his lap. i was about to get up but he wrapped his arms around me waist, he open his legs so i was sitting in the middle. goosebumps covered my whole body.

"what are you doing?" I said.

"sitting with you, while hugging you" he said, burying his head on my neck. he inhale my scent. the other guys joined us.

"damn are you two a thing?" Damion asked,

"no" me and Zack said at the same time.

"well shit you two are fucking cute!" Jack said. the rest agreed.

"whatever" i said. we started talking about random  crap, while i still sat in between Zack legs. he kissed me a couple of time in the cheek and neck, sending Waves of shivers, and goosebumps. some girls were sending Daggers at my direction but i ignore them, not wanted to get more drama. the rest of the classes were boring. but i kept zoning off, when Zack kissed me all those times. at the end of the day, i left home and helped Zoey with the snacks and stuff for the party.

chapter 12

=Alexandra POV=

I just got home and already there's music. I see lights outsides and and the gang helping out. 

"ZOEY!!" I yelled when I  went inside.

"what sup girl?" she  came out of the kitchen in her bikini 


"HOLLY SHIT! YOU SEXY " I yelled she laughed     

"HOLLY SHIT! YOU SEXY " I yelled she laughed.

"go change" 

"Damn all the girls are going to be jealous, even me" I said, walking up the stairs.

"you fucking hot, got change"

"ok mom" i said, and went to my room, I took a quick shower and changed.

I let my hair out, and took a button up white shirt just to cover some of my body

I let my hair out, and took a button up white shirt just to cover some of my body. no make up my face looks fine, and I put my sandals on. i went downstairs to help.

"any help in here?" I asked.

"yea come help me with the drinks" Zoey said. while we were doing the drinks, i told Zoey everything that happen today. from Abigail, fighting with Bryan, to me sucking the shit out of Zack's neck. she started screaming, but I told her it didn't mean anything.

an hour later people started to arrive, we welcome all of them and told them the pool is outside and drinks are too. half and hour later the house if full, I still haven't seen my brothers or Zack and Damion.  I went outside to check if everyone is good. I lean my shoulder against the glass doors. then I felt a pair of arms go around my waist. i look up and see Zack.

"hey beautiful" he kissed my cheeks.

"you came"

"of course, I'm not missing this party,"

"good, have you seen my brothers?"

"yeah their outside,"

"ima go see-" right there they came in with a bunch of people. the house if full inside and out, I made sure to lock the bedroom doors and where the weapons are,  just in case. I got out of Zack's back hug and turn the music down, I went to the middle. good thing no one is in the pool yet.

"ok everyone listen up" went they got quiet I began to speak.

"were here to have fun, you can do anything you want, just don't brake anything, or go into any rooms, if your in heat and want to fuck someone, go to the bathroom or in a bush. just make sure to clean up after"

they all laughed.

"now who ready to have FUN?!" I yelled. everyone cheered and started jumping on the pool. I went and turned the music louder.  and went back to my brothers. I hugged them all.

"damn sis you looking hot!" Jack said, even though my body is covered with the shirt. 

"thanks" Zoey came.

"bisshh you ain't going to take that crap off?" 


"ima make you" she said coming towards me.

"fine, fine, Jesus" I unbutton my shirt and took it out. I heard mad people whistling, i turn around and saw boys checking me and Zoey out.

"there's that ass" Zoey said slapping it. she took my hand.

"come on lets dance" I looked at Zack one more time, and saw the lust in his eyes.

"later guys" we went to where the people were dancing and started dancing, the music change, and we started twerking on each other. some boys came and started grinding they front on me, but I just went with it. when the music ended I turned around. Chris was the one grinding on me.

"oh hey Chris' I hugged him.

"hey,, great party"

"thanks i hope your enjoying it,"

"well i got to dance with the most beautiful, and hottets girl,"


"no for real you are beautiful" he said, wrapping and arm around my waist.

"well thanks Chris" I said, he was about to say something went Zack came.

"leave" he told Chris taking my arm.

"nah dude, I was dancing with her" 

"this don't look like you were dancing, now leave" Chris glared at Zack, he kissed me on the cheeks.

"See you later, beautiful," he said and left. Zack pulled me towards him. i felt his chest and abs on my hand. he was only wearing swim short.

"wanna dance?" he asked.

"your already here, why not?"  we started to dance, until the song changed, slow again. and of course i started grinding on him. he started kissing my neck. I turn around and wrapped my arms around his neck, looking at him in the eyes, we stayed like that for minutes until he crashed his lips on mine. I replied immediately. nut the kiss didn't last long, some one ripped me off him, and picked me up and dropped me in his shoulder, I look at the head and see Bryan.

"BRYAN PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled over the music.

"nah ah" he said, and started running towards the pool.

"wet me and your dead!" I warned him.

"then I'm dead" he said before jumping in the pool WITH ME. I open my eyes underwater and saw people cheering, Bryan went up, but I decided to play a prank. I sunk to the end, and let me tell you, this pool is deep. and stayed there, I can hold up to 15 minute, cuz I kept practicing every day. even though it was blurry I still saw them. they were all still. then Bryan Jumped in again. I swam up immediately so he doesn't get me. I took a deep breath and saw everyone's worried face. i started laughing when Bryan came up. 

"I'm sorry i had too," i said, still laughing people realized it was a prank and started laughing. Bryan started playing with me and more people joined. 


chapter 13

=Alexandra POV=

i got out of the pool and went to Zoey.

"Alex you going to play"

"hell yeah"

we gather a couple of people Zack ,Damion, Jack, Wade, Chris, and another boy. Zoey, me, three girls I don't know and unfortunately Abigail. I didn't see her coming in, but she's here. 6 boys and 6 girls. 

we went inside ,people are dancing and making out, but its fine with me. we found a corner and sat down, enough space for everyone. everyone in the group was sending glares and disgust faces at Abigail, she just sat there with a smirk.

"ok lets start, you know, spin the bottle, ask truth or dare, what ever you pick you have to do it or answer it. ok,?" Zoey said. we all nodded an he spin the bottle. it landed on Chris, then Zoey spin it again and it landed on one of the girls. Chris had to ask her.

"Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Dare" she said, he was thinking or a minute.

"I dare you to go and slap a dude in the face really hard,"

"sure, babes" she got up and looked for a guy, when she spot one she went to him and slap him hard, that we could hear it from here. people around him looked and all gasps. he looked at her, but didn't say anything. she broke down laughing and hugged him. he had a confuse face. he then looked at us and smile. they broke the hug, and i saw the girl say I'm sorry. he said, that it was fine. she kissed him were she slap him and came back.

"I think I just found my boyfriend" she said, sitting down we laughed at her. we kept playing. I got a couple of turns, two with Jake, one with Bryan another one with Damion. now it's was Abigail's turn. when Zoey spin the bottle It landed on me. Abigail smirk.

"truth or dare?"


"I was going to dare some one else but I think you wouldn't do it."

"what it is?"

" I dare you To Kiss me for a minute, bet you cant do it," she said with a smirk.

"honey, Alex have kissed girls before, you ain't no different," Zoey said, still giving her a disgusted look.

"then kiss me" she said looking at me. I shrug and went to her. 

"Zoey count" I said, and started kissing Abigail. she wrapped her hands around my neck, deepening the kiss, I wanted to pull away, cuz I don't want to kiss her, but I wanted to show that I am not a pussy. after a minute I broke the kiss and went and sat back down. i drank my cup of vodka, to take the taste away. 

"that's my sis right there," the twins said at the same time. i laughed at them. we continued playing. my round came again and I had to stay in a bedroom with Zack for 8 minutes. ZOEY GAVE ME THAT DARE! I took his hand and dragged him to my room. upstairs were some people making out outside on the hall. I open my door and got inside with him then I locked it. I put a timer on my phone that was on the night stand. I looked at Zack who was standing in the door, leaning on it. 

"come here" he said. I slowly walked to him stopping in front of him. he pulled me by the waist and caressed my cheeks.

"beautiful" he said kissing me gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pick me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. he took me to the bed, without braking the kiss. he explore my body , with his hands. then he trail kissed down to my neck. sucking on it. I moan and he groan. he trail kisses down my body, before coming back up and kissing me roughly. the timer went off but we ignore it. he went to my neck, and kiss it, and sucking, leaving hickeys. there was a nock on the door.

"8 minutes passes already, lets go" Zoey yelled. Zack groan. then looked at me in the eye.

"your mine" he said then kissed me again. more goosebumps came. he got off me, and pulled me up. he fixed my hair, and peck my lips before opening the doors. he held my hand.

"oooooooooooooooooooooh, i seeeeee, you found you mate, your Alpha, your soulmate. oh thank you Moongodess thank you thank you!! mark her Zack! make sure no other werewolf looks at her!" she said exaggerating. i laughed at her ridiculousness

"you and your fairy tail books," I said 

"what can I say I still haven't found my mate, let me dream my dreams,"

"come the group is waiting,"

"ok jeez" she went down. Zack turn me around and kissed me again.

"I'm addicted to your lip, baby girl" he said.

"same here, baby boy" I smiled and kissed him. we went back downstairs and sat in the group, Zack let go of my hand, I immediately felt cold. we continue playing more games


chapter 14

=Alexandra POV=

We took a break on the game to eat something, then we continue playing. The bottle landed on me. Then it landed on one of the girls.

"I dare you to kiss Zack," she said. I just shrug and went to Zack. I sat on his lap and started kissing him. After a while, I was about to move, but, Zack didn't let go of me. He tighten his hold around my waist.

"You ain't going no where" he said, he turn me around still hugging me. Knowing Zack, he would never let me go so, I didn't try to move. Not realizing the people who were still playing the game staring at us.

"Ok done, spin the bottle Zoey" I said leaning back on Zack. She went to the middle and spin the bottle. It landed on Abigail who was shooting daggers at me and Zack. Maybe she's jealous. Of course she's the, and I air quote "rich, popular, perfect girl that has to date the other perfect boy in school". Zoey spin the bottle again and the game continue on. Unexpectedly, it landed on me and Zack.

"Ok since these two love birds are not separating, ask them both." Zoey said. Abigail smirked, that little evil mother bitch head. 

" Truth or dare?" she asked.

"Truth" me and Zack said at the same time. He kisses my neck and as I glance at Abigail her smirk fell.

"Ugh you two are no fun, is it true you two are virgins?"

"Yes", "No" I look at Zack and he looks at me.

"You're a virgin?" he asked.

"Yeah, I mean I could be a bitch sometimes, but I'm not a slut unlike someone," I said looking at Abigail. She scoff.

"Ok I'm done playing, this shit boring ass fuck" I said.

"Yeah me too" Zack said as we stood up.

"Ya'll continue playing. Bryan and the twins, don't do anything crazy ok?" they nodded. I went and kissed them on their cheeks.

"I thought you hated Bryan?" Abigail spoke up.

" I did, but we talked it out", I said.

"So you just come out of no where, beat me and your own brother up, then suddenly you two become friends and then your here all smooch smooch with Zack and treating me like I'm a bitch. What is wrong with you?" Abigail said, standing up.

"First of all, I'm here cuz of my work and you two deserve my punch. After all those years of bullying and you think I'm just going to forget what ya'll did to me. No. So stop acting like you're the victim here and fucking know your place. My brother and I talked it out and he had his reasons. But you... you were there acting like the bitch that you really are" I said. She looked stunned.

"Why did you kiss Zack, are you two in a relationship?" she asked me getting closer to my face.

"Um well I can kiss whoever I want, I like Zack a lot and I felt like kissing him, so..." I said.

"And It looks like your jealous, I thought you loved Bryan so why are you asking me this? Do you like Zack or something?" I asked stepping towards her  

"No I don't like Zack"

"Then why are acting like your jealous?"

"Because... because I-"

"Just shut up, and get out of here" Bryan said cutting her off and standing next to me.

"Bryan, baby why are you with her, you can be with me, and we could be together again, and teach this people who they really are, please Bryan come back to me," she said, taking his hand. But, he snatch it away.

"You know, now that I think about it, you where the one that kept telling me to bully Alexandra. You were the one that made me believe it was Alex's fault. You were the one that influenced me to keep doing it and that I would feel better at the end" he said.

"Didn't you though? with all the guilt you felt. I help you and you went with it, you kept doing it too. So were both in this, not just me. You said Alexandra was a bitch, a slut, that she was ugly  and that she should have been adopted. That she should have been dead instead of your mom. You said it felt good seeing someone else suffer instead of you. You told me you didn't give a shit about her and now you do?" she said.

"I need to get out of here" I said, I turn around to leave, but Zack held my hand and dragged me outside to his car. I heard footsteps following us and Bryan yelling my name. Zack open the passenger door for me and put me in. I immediately start crying. This is the second time I've cried in 2 years. I look out the window and see Zack punching Bryan. I open the door.

"Zack stop lets just go!" I manage to say as I'm crying. He looked at me and saw me crying. His face softens and he dropped Bryan. He came over and kiss my forehead. 

"Don't cry please it breaks me" he said. He kissed me on my lips this time.

"Alex sis, please hear me out," Bryan yelled.

"Its ok Bryan I just need space. Tell Zoey to end the party and if you want you could stay with the twins. I... I'm just getting away for a bit".

"I'm sorry" he just said, and broke down. It took me everything to not go there and hug him. But, what he said about me hurt a lot. I shut the door and Zack got in the car and we drove off.

chapter 15

=Zack POV= 

Alex passed out on the seat. I gave her a small smile and gently reached for her cheeks and caressed it. An hour passed and I reached my house. I parked in the garage and walked around and took Alex in my arms, She snuggled into me. I open the front door with one hand easily. I took her to my room, and lay her down in it.

 I kiss her forehead before turning around and entering my bathroom. I took all my cloth off before entering the the shower. I took bath for a whole hour. I got out and wrapped my towel around torso. I forgot to bring cloth inside so I went out to the bedroom. i saw Alex sitting up looking confused, when she saw me her eyes widen, checking me out. i smirked.

"done checking me out?" I asked.

"actually I'm not, give me one more minute" she said still checking me out. I laughed and got closer to her. her eyes still looking at my chest. i sat down in the edge of the bed. 

"how are you feeling?" i asked with a small smile. she finally meets my eyes.

"I'm f-fine, thank you for bringing me here, if you want me to leave, then ill leave I don't want to disturb you," she said already getting up. I grab her wrist.

"no don't leave, I want you to rest, you look like shit," I said.

"why thank you I am sure I look like crap, especially wearing a bikini." she said looking down at her self. 

"go take a shower I will get some clothe for you" I said I got up and went to my closet i took out a pair of boxers and grey sweatpants i dropped my towel.

"damn Zack you have a nice ass" I heard Alex say, i chuckle and turned around. she covered her eyes.

"how about my big man?" I said with a smirk.

"well today I don't feel like seeing big mans so.." she said and turned around and ran to the bathroom.

"you'll see it soon, baby girl" I said chuckling. 

"I HEARD THAT!" she yelled. I laughed and slide into my clothe.

=Alexandra POV=

I came out of the bathroom. I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my chest. I went outside to the bedroom and saw some underwear, a white shirt and grey sweat pants. I wonder where he got the underwear? 

i put the clothe on and went downstairs. I saw Zack sitting in a bar stool eating an apple and on his phone. i walk over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. he looks up at me an smiles.

"thanks for letting me stay," I said sitting on the stool next to him. he shook his head and dragged me towards him, in between his leg's he held my hands I look down at him.

"you can stayed here when ever you want" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"thanks" I said I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around his neck. we stood there for a minute before i broke it. 

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep" I said.

"ok you can sleep in my bed ill sleep in on the sofa," he said, i shook my head.

"no its your bed sleep in it ill just sleep in the couch,"

"that will be less gentlemen of me if I let you sleep in the couch."

"fine then sleep with me?" I said.

"damn if your so desperate then lets go," he said with a chuckle. 

"Zack my guy, I'm waiting for the right guy to take my virginity" I said.

"what if I'm that guy that your waiting for?" Zack said getting closer.

"if you where that guy, then we would be fucking right now" i said. he was right in front of me right now, he pushed me against the island and caged, putting both of his hand on both of my sides.

"you said you liked me a lot," he said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"yeah i did"

"what does that mean?" he asked, caressing my left arm. goosebumps ran troughs my arm. he smirked.

"it means i like your personality , your hotness, who you are, what you do, I like you in total," I said. he stop moving his hand, and looked at me seriously.

"like friends?" he asked.


"then what?" he asked.

"like, I really like you , like I would make out with you, and more," I whispered, I felt his hot minty breath.

"well I like you, and I would make out with you and more," he said before grabbing my face and crashing his lips on mine. I took me out if surprise but I immediately gave in.  he picked me up without braking the kiss, and walked up the stairs to his bedroom. he lay me down on the bed and started kissing my neck. I tangle my hand in his hair, pulling it. he continue to give me love bites, and I was moaning softly. I pulled his shirt over his head, leaving his shirt less. i turn him around so now I'm on top of him.  I started to kiss his neck and going down trailing kissing on his abs. I kissed his clothe penis, which was up. I saw him take a deep breath. I smirked and crawled back up to him i wrapped my arms around him. 

"wow, it wasn't even sex, but it felt like it," he said hugging me .

"I don't even know what sex feels like," I said truly. 

"just wait" he said.

"just wait" I repeated. he hugged me and kissed me on my temple. I snuggle into him and immediately fell asleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.07.2020

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