
The kidnapping


The darkness just kept coming. “Why couldn’t it just stop?” I wondered aimlessly to myself, though I knew it was pointless, it would never stop. It’s been dark and rainy here my whole life. “Anna, Anna!” My mother I sighed. She came here when she was 5 years old. “Anna!” she yelled again a little bit of panic in her voice. “I’m in here!” I yelled as I came out of the closet that was my makeshift room. When I came out she had a relieved expression on her face. She was always scared, I was too.

“Look what I got” she said a little excited. I tentatively looked inside. Chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans were neatly put inside the bag.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it where did you get it?”

“I used the money I’ve been saving, happy birthday, baby girl.” I had forgotten it was my birthday.

“Thank you mom, I love it. But you shouldn’t have spent that on me, it must have cost a fortune.” I know, just potatoes cost 100 bucks.

“Don’t worry about it Anna. Now let’s eat.”

As I ate my small portion of food, I thought about how it used to be. My mother would tell me about the before life, but she always stopped in the middle of happy story of her child hoods. I guess she was just upset that her happy little life was over. I never got a happy child hood, I spent my whole life under ground in a small dugout. There was only light from the small hole in the side of the wall that was our entrance. Mother never let me out, it was always too dangerous. That reminds me I should ask herfor my birthday to let me go outside and just see it I always wondered what outside looked like. I was instantly terrified of going outside, I was used to the cold dark dugout.

“hey mom, I was wondering something.” I bravely started.

“Yes?” she asked curiously.

“Can I go outside” I blurted out. Just like I thought she froze.

“Just for a few minutes, please, for my 14th birthday. For me.” I added hopeful.

She was still froze. I started to get a little worried.

“I guess I knew this day would come.” She sighed.

“ok, but you have stay low and in my sight at all times.” She told me worriedly and emphasized the word all.

“oh, thank you mom thank you thank you thank you.” I was very excited. Suddenly the chicken I was eating tasted better than I ever tasted before. After supper I wiped the dishes with a fairly clean towel.


I quietly followed Mom outside. I couldn’t believe I was actually going outside this was the most exciting thing in my whole life I thought as I squeezed through the small hole. What I didn’t know was that small movement was going to change my life forever and I didnt even realize it. The sunset was exhilarating and bright it hurt my eyes. It was absolutely beautiful that I had completely forgot everything that mom had told me. I quickly stood up and raced to the grass it was so wonderful I didn’t have any words to explain it. It was everything I ever thought it would be but better much better. I rolled around in the grass for what seemed like two seconds. When I heard some voices yelling and screaming I suddenly sat up. My mother was furiously whispering to me to get back in the dugout. I then realized a moving box was coming towards me it must be a car, it looked like a car that mom had told me about. I stared at it curiously, but when I looked back at my mom, she was silently staring in absolute horror. I immediately sensed the danger. As I got up something smacked me it was now dark it felt like I was sleeping, but at the same time moving. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t I felt so exhausted. I laid there feeling pain a sharp pain. I fought hard trying to wake up but it felt like my arms and legs were tied down. I silently slipped into a deep sleep, letting the darkness wash over me. What else could I do?



The Escape

When I woke, I was in a lighted room on a thick mat with a thin, white blanket on me. It looked like heaven to me. In the dugout I slept on the dirt floor with a thin raggedy blanket that me and my mom shared when it was winter and cold. There was hardly enough food those days. On a little shelf across the room, there was a tray of food sitting there. I was ravenously hungry  that I ate it all, then I   felt aweful that I hadn’t saved any for my mom. I hope shes all right. I gulped down all of the water as well, I was really thirsty. After I ate, I looked all around the little room and found it quite interesting because the walls were not made of dirt; it was this smooth white stuff everywhere. It felt diferent from the rough, brown dirt I was used to. While I was watching this stuff a girl came in.“ oh, sorry, I thought you were still sleeping “ the girl said. I kept staring at her.“my name is Lily, and I’m the room cleaner.” Lilly continued to say“ m-m-m-my n-n-name is Annie” I stammered.“hello Annie, welcome to the palace, I’ll go tell Mrs. Blanche you’re up now.” She said as she walked out.

Later that day I was assigned chores. I was on cleaning rooms with lily, it wasn’t that bad. I also enjoyed the food that was given to us. Mrs. Blanche was real nice and talked about getting me into school, although I’ll have to learn some stuff before I go because I’m ‘sposed to be in the 9th grade and I don’t know how to read yet. I really miss my mother, but they said to not worry about her and that I will get to see her soon. Every day it was washing, ironing, and making the beds, along with sweeping the floor. After a week, I was thouroghly tired of chores, for I never had to do them, when I was living with my mom. I was really missing my mom and couldn’t wait to see her.

“what’s wrong” lily asked me one day.

“ I miss my mom” I told her.

“oh, I miss my mom as well” you have a mom.

“ yes, I was taken from her last year.”

“why do they take us from our mothers”

“because they think they can raise us better” she paused.

“come with me, I’m going tonight, I’m leaving and I’m going to go find my mom” she told me.

“you can come with if you like.” She continued.

“But we’ll get caught” I told her

“I’m going to use a passageway, I found it one day when I was exploring this place”

“yes, I’ll come with you, but meet me in my room when you are ready, and we’ll take some food with us”

“ok then, I’ll see you tonight”

Later on that night I heard a knock at the door and rushed to open it. There she was, she had a backpack on and it was full of food. I was going to carry the clothes. “hurry, we must hurry” we wasted no time gathering our stuff. We rushed quietly to the passageway, and once in we ran to the opening. We burst through the small hole and we were on our way to our mothers.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to dedicate this book to my English 1 teacher, because if she hadn't inspired me to write this book, i never would have.

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