

"What are you doin' Lily," he said to me. I froze when reaching for the door handle to the fridge. It was 11 o'clock at night and everyone in the house was asleep. "Come on don't be shy. i won't hurt you alot.

"What do you want," I asked. My bottom lip was quivering in fear and tears were forming in my eyes.

"No need to cry everything will be all right," he said. He moved my hair away from my neck and put his lips to my neck. He moved a bit and his lips were touching my hair. "I am not here to kill you, I am here to make you one of us." I whimpered. His other hand shot out and covered my mouth. "Don't cry, this won't hurt alot."

Then he took away my life, my human one at least.

Chapter 1

"Please leave me alone," I screamed at him. I was in a black room and I couldn't see a thing.

A dark laughter sounded around the walls of the room. "You know I thought you would be more powerful then this, but it seems that your power is very little," the vioce reasoned.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I cried to no one.

"I will come back with something and maybe then you would get your power. All you been eating is stuff taken from them, you need a living host." With that the vioce gone with a slam of a door.



The next time I heard sound it was a scream of a girl. She was crying and i eard them come closer and they stopped in front of my door.

 I heard it open, but still couldn't see anything then I felt the persence of a girl at my feet.

"Feed," the dark vioce spoke.

"But its a girl," i said i knelt down to her and she clung to me. he neck was near my mouth. i felt her heart beet and for some reason i was drawn to it. I wanted to bite and suck. i shook my thoughts from my mind.

"Don't resist. Just follow your instincts," he siad in a persusive way. "Then everything will become clear and you can come out of this room and be with your brothers in arm."

That's when I felt the temptation again stronger. I wanted to do it even though I knew it was wrong of me. I put my mouth to her neck and sniffed. She smelled of fruit and wondered if she tastes like that. Without knowing what I was doing i opened my mouth and let my tounge flick out and meet her skin. That's when she fought to get out of my hold and held on to her. It didn't take much it felt like I was holding her in arms. i smiled a bit to myself and bit down a little. Blood poured into my mouth. It was sweet and warm.

"Yess,"he purred to himself. "Drink it's all yours."

I bit down harder and sucked. My body was coursing with energy. I felt like I can take on the whole world all by myself. i felt like i can run forever. After a couple of seconds the girl stopped sqruiming and was clutching onto me harder this time. I heard a pleasureable moun escape from her mouth. Then she died and the energy stopped coming. i dropped the body and it fell into my lap. Then light was coming into the room very slowly, then I relized it wasn't light it was my vision. Then everything was sharper, clearer.

The room was a small brick lace to hold someone in. A huge iron door was the only entrance to the room. the door was wide open that led to a hallway. I couldn't see beyond that because a man was standing in the way. The man held power around him, and I felt like I had to satify him in anyway that he wants. That I have listen to his every word.

"Ahhh now I feel the power within you. I see it in your eyes little one. Come now," he purred at me. I saw pride in his eyes but under neath I saw a slice of something else go through his eyes. He extended a hand to me and I reached up to take it. Then stopped before my fingers touched his, then i slid my fingers into his hands. He pulled me up off the floor. The body of the girl slid to the floor with a thump. I walked towards him keeping my hand into his. I pressed my body into his and the word "master" slipped out of my mouth.

Chapter 2

 He chuckled deeply and siad "Yes child. I am to you, your master. To me you are a child, I made you into this world that is new to you. Come child it is time to meet your new immortal family."

He let go of my hand, but I felt the need be by him. I followed him closely almost touching his back. We walked down the hall of nothingness there was more doors, nothing but brick wall and floor. A door was open at the end of the hall letting in moonlight. The sent of fresh air hit me well and i wanted to rum into the moonlight. We walked out there together. I felt free and powerful with the moon on my back. There was a huge mansion in front of me, but the woods is what fasinated me. I felt life pulsing throught the woods I heard the wildlife goinrCg through the woods.

Then I felt something crawling underneath everything else. Something dark, but not a threat. "Quite baring your fangs child. It's just your brothers and sister returning from a hunt. No need to fight," Master said with a smirk on his face. I saw people coming out from the trees. They came to master and slighly bowed to him. A total of 5 people came out of the woods. One girl and four boys were lined up in front of the master then i noticed that they didn't now about me yet. "Children welcome home. I want to introduce you to a new member of our family," he said to them.

That seemed to catch there attention.

"Great I love to have another brother," the girl said. She placed both hands together and seemed to dance. She had short blond hair and liht blue eyes. She had rose red lips. She was wearing a red button shrit and black jeans.

"Another guy to train," a boy said. He crosed his arms. His blond hair was in a mess on his head and priecing blue eyes.

"Acutally, it is girl who is joining our family," he siad. The boys peerked up and the girl seemed to get really angry. "I know this is a surpise that we don't have girls very much."

"Come on, don't play a prank. You now I don't like that master," she pleaded.

"Come on out child," Master said. He slightly pushed me into view and I crowered next to him. "This is our new family member. Now Gavin please show her to her room. The one you just cleaned up next to your room."

"Yes Master," he said bowing slightly. All of them were looking at me with mixed expressions. The girl was looking at me with brutal hate. Befor I could linger any longer Gavin was walking away not checking if I was following. I leaped into action and followed after him. I coud hear the soft mumble of them talking, but it was too low for me to hear.

"It's not all bad here. You will get used to it soon," he said. "All of us here will teach you to be a good hunter of the night."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"To control your thrist, to ehance your sences, to learn and control you powers. Many things we could teach you, but they will take time and practice," he said continuing without looking back. "We all have a role to play in this clan. You are new to this clan so we will train untill Master is satified with it."


"There is many other clans out there. You are in this one because the leader, or know as to us the Master, was the one to create you. You will meet some of them when the Master says you can. He is already proud of you so most likely he will throw a ball in you honor," he said.

We came to the door of the house. It was dark oak with a brass knocker on the door. It looked to be two stories high with an attic and a basement. The windows were huge with the whole outside was covered in bricks. It looked old, but in good repair. There was a dark aura around the place as if to scare anyone who cames near.

Chapter 3

 He opened the door to let me in first. Once you entered the house it was seemed a darker mood then the outside. Instead of lightbulbs they actually use lamps and fire. So the room was cast in dark mood. You could see the light moving against the wall.

"You can have your room anyway you want but you can not change the house in anyway unless Master tells you other wise," he said.

"Is your name Gavin? I heard him call you Gavin," I said my vioce was soft but I still heard the echo of the walls.

He chuckled and faced me with a smile. "Yes my name is Gavin. I will be your mentor for a while and I will always be next door to you if you need anything from me." he said and I heard the truth in his words. I don't know how but I felt the truth behind them.

 "The girl back there didn't like me so much," I said out loud before I knew it.

He turned back around to the room I was in. The were two stairs against the wall that led to a small balcony over looking the room. It was cast in a soft glow by the fire lapms. Under the balcony was a set of double doors. A red carpet was leading up to it. I heard him chuckle softly, "she is used to being the favorite in the house. With you around she will lose that tittle. You might be the new favorite in the house now that you are new and a girl."

"What do you mean," I asked. "Why do you keep saying like girls are rare to find so something."

He seemed to pause in what he was saying. He turned away from before saying, "That is for later explaination and not my job when training new recruits. Come follow me." He signled with his hands for me follow him. He went up the stairs to the left and down the hallway near the staircase. He stopped when we passed about six doorways acoss from each other. He pointed to the door that was painted red unlike the others, who were all just plain old brown. "This is my door." He pointed to the door just next to his. "This one will be yours untill you want to move or the master has made you moved. He will call you his children, but you may never call other then master. The one exception is that he will let you call him something else, but that is only when he wants it. Don't get on his bad side, he will make your life a living hell. He has that power within him to do what he wants with us. Whatever he says our bodies do it without hesitation, even if we don't want to do it."

I nodded to what he was saying. I felt the fear behing his words when he was talking about master. It seemed like he had that experince before.

"Now tell me do you want to get the tour frist or do you want to meet everyone," he said with a smile on his face.

"I rather meet everyone frist before I do anything. Other wise I won't know anyone when I run into them," I said. The hallway had a dark red carpet on the floor but the lights in this hallway were electric. They were very dim and some seem to flicker ever so slightly.

"Okay they will be hard to track down, but we can do it. Do you know if you can move at an elctrirated speed yet," he said.

"I don't know i have'nt tested my powers yet," I said.

Chapter 4

 He smiled lightly at me before he put his lips to mine.


I woke with a jolt. The sun was barely going down when I woke. I dragged myself out of my bed. It was large for the size for me and the matress was soft and I sunck into the matress. I pulled the thick blanket off of me. I went into the bathroom attached to the bedrrom.

It was interaly white. Clear glass mirror that showed my reflection perfectly. I cut my hair into a smaller length than before. I could already see that it has gown so much from the last time I cut it. I pulled back my lips to see that my teeth were the same, I tired to push out my teeth but they stay hidden. I growled at my refelction.

"Your a vampire, not a werewolf. Try hissing not growling," a guy said behind me. I heard humor under what he is saying. I didn't show that I was scared.

"You do know that it is rude to barge into a girls' room univited." I turned around to be face to face with Colin. He always seems to be wearing something dark with skulls or spikes. He black hair was spiked with red tips sticking out.

"I know, but my curosity got the better of me," he said with a smirk on his face. His hazel eyes stared into mine. "Plus you ain't that bad looking when you sleep."

"You were here when I was sleeping," I said camly. I raised an eyebrow.

"When you grow older in this new life you got, the better your body will withstand sertain things. I don't tired anymore, don't need to sleep anymore. Once a year is all need. So you will always get tired at sunrise, might even passout since your are so wrong. Wait 3 years and you can stay up to a month. Thats why master keeps hidden for so long, he wants us to be perpared for fights if we have any. Now you should wait to take a shower while we go hunting."

"No, we will not feed her animals for now," Master said coming into the bedroom also. I bowed deeply to him. "You will take her to city and feed her a human."

"Do you really think that she can contain herself master," he asked.

"No, but you will just cover the scene and train her to contain herself," Master said to him. He seemed to be muttering to himself as he walked away from us and out of the room.

"This will be fun," he said with a huge smile. 



"Okay, when we get to the club and into the city you will be overridden with thrust. Try to fight it, try to hold on to yourself. The more you drink the blood of a human, the more you lose yourself. This will be hard for you since it is you first time in a city full of game," he said. 

We were in a limo with very tinted window. I can still see the city coming up and can hear the wheels touching the ground. I hear the engine roar with the power that it holds to push this machine. I hear the wind go by the limo.

He laughed. "This will be fun."

Chapter 5

 When I exited the limo I was overwhelmed with all of my senses. The sounds were loud, I got all kinds of smells everywhere, and I couldn't fouces on one sound. I heard a argument in one place, someone getting mugged in a allyway, sirens across the city, a baby crying, and the suffling of people on the streets.

"Hey calm down," Colin said. "Listen just to my voice. Concentrate on me nothing else." I listened to his voice alowly the others drained away. I heard the deepness of his voice. He didn't seem to breath. His scent was intoxicating. Before I knew it I was pulling him close to me, buried myself into his chest. He just went with it, he wrapped his arms around me. "That's it. Now slowly let out your senses." I frist let out my hearing. I focused on other sounds instead of jumping around, when it didn't overwhelmed me I let out everything else slowly. When I had control of it I let go of Colin. "See there you go. Now here comes the hard part, controling your blodd lust. We go in there you will stick close to me. I will help you through this, but you need to trust and listen to me. Can you do that?" I heard the warning in his voice.

I nodded to him. "I trust you." I grabbed his hand. He smiled to me. He started to walk, pulling me along keeping a grip on my hand.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.02.2015

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