

“A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men.”—Carlyle—




Anzer Zormna Clendar stared at her glass of tsilk and stirred it as Aver Mersesk talked to her. The blond freckled soldier boy had been giving her advice that entire hour, and all she wanted to do was go back to the flight hall to work on her ship. They were former cadet ‘friends’—though the word friend for her usually meant those people who went out of their way to talk to her rather than avoid her. Bullies learned long ago not to stick around. Real friends were rare—and very busy with other things.

“Zormna, it is really simple. You can’t be Zeta until Alea Tenngar is out of his spot, and he isn’t leaving it anytime soon. Your career is basically in the scraps,” he said with a smirk.

“I don’t really care,” she replied, brushing her fiery gold curls away from her face. It was getting a little too long again. She would need to get a trim soon.

The Anzer next to her laughed. He was a tiresome redhead, a friend of Mersesk that Zormna hardly knew though of course he knew all about her. She thought his name was something like Bren, but she wasn’t sure. He said, “What do you mean you don’t really care? Of course you care. Alea Tenngar talks of nothing else but of the Kevin’s efforts to get you into the Zeta District.”

Zormna smirked. “All the Kevin cares about is that he gets the right officers in the right places. And right now I belong in Alpha.”

Aver Mersesk laughed. “What, with that undercity recruit Dzhon? I saw how Alea Arden has you training him.”

She smiled. “So?”

“So, the Kevin also has an eye for him to go to Zeta. Don’t you think that is a little sad? Your trainee will make it to Zeta before you.” The blonde took a nice swig of his drink then cackled again. “Alea Tenngar has been laughing about it for weeks.”

Zormna rolled her eyes. “I really don’t care what Alea Tenngar thinks.”

The other two smirked at each other and glanced at Anzer Zormna Clendar, the fastest, craziest pilot of the entire Surface Patrol. A natural, striking beauty, everyone also knew now that she was a better pilot than Alea Tenngar. She had earned that well enough from reputation. The only thing that kept her from the Alpha District was Alea Tenngar himself (who hated her), and her rank. She was still an Anzer and there was no way she could enter the Zeta District as an officer ranking below


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7554-7891-1

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