

The fly that buzzes loudest gets swatted first




Their flight scooters shifted down from higher gears and settled in front of the undercity apartment building. Dural Korad and Dural Mezela simultaneously kicked on the resting foot of their vehicles and swung their legs over the seats, stepping onto the hard concrete of the darkening neighborhood. The sky panels were turning to the late evening setting. The undercity was colder than usual.

Dural Korad kicked the trash that lay at his feet and straightened his collar. Filthy city. The rats never took care of it. Korad turned to his partner and motioned for them to go inside. They had a job to do.

Undercity dwellers in the neighborhood watched the two People’s Military officers enter the rundown building and shuddered. Someone was in trouble.

The two officers walked with distaste through the littered hallway that led to the lifts that would take them upward. Dural Mezela breathed hard in his helmet, panting like a tired dog, knowing the outside air had a stench that was unfavorable. Korad led the way, marching briskly toward the doors of the elevator. They passed several pale-face children, staring at them with wide eyes. The children ran away in fear, whispering those terrified sounds to each other.


Korad and Mezela ignored them.

The elevator settled on the bottom floor and the doors opened. The ride upward in it was swift, but the helmets could not mask the stench that pervaded the box that carried them. Mezela had to hold his breath.

The elevator stopped sharply. Floor 32.

Dural Korad stepped off the elevator and Mezela eagerly followed him. Korad immediately marched to apartment 5563ax and inserted his all-access card into the code slot. The door popped open quietly, and Korad pushed it further stepping into the room. “You can take your helmet off, Mezela. You can be assured Zeldar keeps his place clean.”

Dural Korad walked about the room, unstrapping his helmet and lifting it off, revealing his white mop of hair that fell about his pale face. The apartment was dark. Only the dim night-lights glowed


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7554-7884-3

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