
After a Month

“Nearly all black and brown skins are beautiful, but a beautiful white skin is rare.”—Mark Twain—




Alea Arden came to pick up Zormna Clendar from the uppercity workers’ apartment the evening of her release. With her month in exile up, he was anxious to see her, especially considering the method of her removal when she had been sent out into the world. He rode up on his flight scooter to the tall pristine looking building, glancing up at the clear uppercity sky panels before landing on the curb across from where he spotted the petite, banished Surface Patrol officer outside the building, accompanied by three People’s Military officers. Looking at her posture, he could tell that she was in one of her moods; sulking, rolling her eyes, and all around irritated at what they seemed to be saying to her. But the moment she spotted him, her eyes brightened, a relieved smile spreading her flushed lips apart.

“Alea Arden!” She hopped out from the cluster of P.M.s, rushing over to him.

Their eyes settling on him also, the People’s Military officers scowled. Alea Arden spotted Dural Hendron among them and gave a nod. The man frowned.

“Ready to go?” Arden said to Zormna, ignoring her escorts.

Zormna nodded while placing her duffle bag onto the back carry-all rack. As she did this, Dural Hendron stepped over to her and placed his arm on her shoulder, holding her back. Alea Arden saw Zormna clench her teeth and drop her head with a shiver down her arms.

“Remember what I said, Zormna,” Dural Hendron said, still gripping her shoulder.

Zormna jerked away from and climbed on the flight scooter right behind Alea Arden, wrapping her arms around his waist somewhat tightly. Without looking back, Zormna whispered in his ear. “Let’s go.”

“Keep her out of trouble, Alea!” Dural Hendron said just as the Alpha Alea lifted off the curb to go back into the uppercity traffic. Arden looked back only once, wondering at the P.M.’s intent stare on his subordinate.

They rode on towards the Surface Gate for just a few minutes before Arden gave up waiting for Zormna to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7554-7881-2

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