
A Little Suggestion

“Quarrels would not last so long if the fault were only on one side”—anon—




Zormna practiced in the Pronuk room, hitting the small rubber ball with her gloved hand, pushing off the walls with a brisk forcible shove as she dived again for the hit. The ball ricocheted off the wall then flew to the ceiling. It struck a lit circle and bounced towards the floor. Flipping, she dived at the ball, slamming into the firm stone where she skidding nearly a foot. She struck the ball again, sending it back at the wall. She scrambled to her feet and slid again, waiting for the flying ball to bounce off the wall back at her.

The door behind her opened. Inside stepped a blond cadet three years older than Zormna, smirking as he watched her game.

“Frustrated at your loss today?” he asked with a simpering grin.

Zormna tipped and watched the ball fly over her head toward the boy behind her. He jumped to the side, letting the ball hit the wall behind him and fly back toward the Pronuk game wall. Zormna reached up, snatching the ball just as it flew over her.

“What do you want Cadet Lenn? You want to gloat? You aren’t the one who won.” Zormna folded her arms with a scowl just for him.

He smirked. “Yes, but you didn’t win, and that is all that matters. The perfect little Zormna Clendar, the Kevin’s favorite is beatable.”

Zormna shook her head with a roll of her dark green eyes and started to play again. “Cadet Kurtz isn’t gloating, and he’s the one that beat me. You just like to rub it in.”

Cadet Lenn stepped forward, still smirking. “Oh, come on. Doesn’t it hurt a little, knowing you aren’t the best at everything, Zormna? The best fighter, the best pilot, the best student…. Scrapes, they were going to hand you that award before the match. They expected you to win at Pronuk too.”

Zormna scowled. She stopped her game again, clenching the ball in her fist. “They expected nothing of the sort. What are you jealous of, Lenn? I work hard for what I do. Why don’t you try it?”

The cadet still smirked as he said, “That’s for imbeciles and cocky jerks like you to do. No point in wasting my time.”

Zormna growled and started to walk from the room. Cadet Lenn stepped in her


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.02.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7554-7872-0

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