
Happy Birthday, Missy

*Missy's P.O.V*

Waking up on my birthday, my 18th birthday. Yeah, I am excited! I am 18 fucking years old. Oops excuse my french, . Well it's two o'clock and I really need to get ready because Dallas will be here soon to pick me up, then at about 7pm my friends are going to make me over and were going to my birthday party which Dallas insisted be at his house. I get up get in the shower wash up, I get out brush my teeth, brush my hair out and put on my robe along with my bra and undies. (Hahaha Undies) I blow dry my hair, get out what I am going to wear which was a black skirt that comes mid thigh with a white tank top and blue loose over the shoulder shirt that says 'Party Rock' in black letters, with my black stilletos. It took an hour or so to get all this and more done. In the end I was dressed in my outfit, with some clear rasberry lipgloss, black eyeliner, and some mascara on both bottom and top. I looked good if I do say so myself. I hear somebody knock at the door as soon as I was grabbing my phone to call Dallas I ran downstairs and brought my phone with me, I opened the door to find Dallas. "I was just fixing to call you, baby." I said. "Happy Birthday, again." He said winking at me. "Thank you." I said wrapping my arms around him pulling him inside and closing the door behind him. "I love you." He said grabbing me by my waist and kissing me. "I love you too." I said. "Let's go get something to eat." He said.  "Maybe, I don't wanna leave yet." I said kissing him."We should though. I want you to party at your party not eat." He said laughing a little. "But I don't wanna." I said giving him my best puppy dog face. "Awww, don't do that to me. You know I am horrible at saying no to your puppy dog face." He said. "Fine I will eat but tonight after the party if your not totally being a meanie and wanting to hang out with your friends then your going to be all mine." I said. "You know I don't mean to be mean, babe." He said. "Well, then don't try and be that way. For tonight I don't want you drinking at all." I said. Dallas doesn't drink like any other teen would because last time and his first time ever he ever dranked he got sent to jail. Which scared him enough to listen to me sometimes. I hate being like the controling girlfriend and all but if he gets around his friends they're going to persuade him to drank and I know it. "Okay, I promise I won't drink no more then 1 beer." He says."Please, don't drink tonight." I said giving him that puppy dog face again."Ok." He said kissing me."Thank you." I said. "Anything for my birthday girl." He said pulling me closer to him. "Anything?" I questioned that."Anything." He whispered in my ear."Let's go eat now." I said. And so we were off to eat. He ran to open my door for me on his truck making sure I was in he shut the door lightly but firm. Then he ran to his door in got in, as he was doing that I buckled up and turned on some music. I didn't know where he was taking me most likely one of my favorite places to eat. I turned on some music while we headed to the place I didn't want the ride to be too quiet or there most likely going to be a weird question popping up. Sorry, I am one of those people that try her hardest to avoid awkward situations. "Baby where did you want to go?" Dallas asked me turning down the music."You should already know where I want to go." I said teasing him. He smirked and just shook his head driving exactly where I wanted to go. "Outback it is then." He said driving into the entrance. I smiled and thought to myself I bet he knows exactly what to order too. "Yay." I said. He killed the engine taking his keys and putting them in his pocket. He got out and came and opened the door for me. "Thanks Baby." I said as I got out the truck giving him a small smile. He wrapped his arm around my waist as soon as I got out. He was very protective of me always thinking a guy was going to swoop in and steal me away from him. He was so adorable about that, I loved my protective boyfriend. "No problem." He said kissing my forehead. We walked in and the hostess was a girl, Dallas was completely clueless about the fact that she was flirting with him I just shook my head at the thought. She sat us down and we gave her our drink orders and she was just waiting there. "That's all we need for now." I said looking dead at her. She stalked away with a angry expression which was hilarious. Dallas chuckled making me laugh a little then he pulled me close to him in the booth which was sweet. "We could have just ordered you know. I know exactly what you want and I usually eat the same thing." He said. "Okay smarty lets put your knowledge to the test. Waitress." I yelled. She looked away which made me think yeah real mature lady your definitely not getting a tip. "Waitress." Dallas yelled which made her come straight over there. I just rolled my eyes. "We need some bread with two side ranches, a 12 piece mild hot wing basket with a bake potato that has nothing but cheese ranch and butter with bacon bits too. And just double that order." He said smiling a victory smile for getting the order right. "Is that all?" The waitress asked all flirty like. "Yeah that's all right, babe?" He turned to me asking."Yeah baby you got the order perfectly." I said smiling."Oh-kay then." She said carrying out the okay and then walked away.

"Your so cute." Dallas said to me kissing my cheek. I slightly blushed and turned away."Even cuter when you blush like that." He said chuckling."Thanks baby. Your not too bad looking either." I said teasing him. He smiled and his cheeks got a little pink which was so cute, but I wasn't going to call him on it because he would get really embarrassed. "I cannot wait for tonight." He said. "Me either. I'm so excited to see what you got planned for my party." I said to him."Well, only the best for my everything." He said kissing me gently on my lips. "Awe baby, you're the best." I told him. The girl came up with our food at the time and put it down. She then left. We ate and talked some more and eventually though we had to leave and go home because he had to get the house ready still with the party. Which was fine by me, but I was going to miss him.


Party Time

Home again. Friends coming over soon. I can't wait until then, I am so excited. Dallas isn't going to drink so maybe tonight is the 'the night'. I love Dallas and he's been very very understanding. I just love him. The only thing though that was really the problem in the beginning is that his brother Austin kissed me before well he left to boarding school. Yes I had a thing for Austin but he left and well what was I suppose to do? I wasn't going to do that, I couldn't. Dallas was there to comfort me and I guess one thing lead to another and we ended up falling in love with each other is wasn't my fault. Well I am going to take a nap before the party so yeah.  I heard knocking and yelling downstairs to find my three bestfriends Lanna, Tara, and Charlie. They push me upstair giggling no talking just giggling. The only thing they did was show me what I was going to wear which was this :                                                             

As I came out the bathroom with my hair done by Tara, make-up done by Lanna and my personal designer Char a.k.a Charlie had made me I was shocked at who looked at me in the mirror. The girl had my features but she made them so much mature. I looked amazing. 

"You're so beautiful." They said in unison. I was freaking out at first but who cares I am 18 years old. I am going to live a little. The girls had rush to  get ready and as soon as they were done I we all looked picture perfect. My friends hurried to get ready and rushed me over to Dallas's. When we get there they run in with presents they got me while Dallas welcomes me with a kiss. 

"I missedyou." He said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me inside and shutting the door in one swift movement. "I missed you too." I said wrapping my arms around him and kissing him. "Wanna go up to my room?" He asked. "Sure." I said following him up the stairs. We get to his room you won't believe it but it was clean. He planned this and I know it. He shut the door and turned to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I went along with it and wrapped my arms around his neck. He started kissing me and I just went along with it. He starts to kiss down my neck, which I know he's trying to find my sweet spot again. He found it before but really didn't notice. "Baby, what are you doing?" I asked."I was just giving my girlfriend some loving." He said innocently. "Oh, really now?" I said saracastically. "Yes. I know you don't want to do that." He said. "Thank you for understanding that too." I said kissing him. "I..." He was going to say something but he was cute short when someone knocked at the door. "Who is it?" He yelled. "Austin." Austin said. I know that voice from anywhere. It gave me chills everytime I heard it. Even though I use to have deep feelings for him now I can't stand sometimes how he looks at me or at Dallas. It just suck. They were never close so Dallas swears up and down that I wasn't the cause of them not being close. "What you want I am busy?" Dallas yelled through the door. 

"Your guest are arriving." Austin said through the door. "Okay." Dallas yelled back. When Dallas knew Austin was gone he kissed me. "I'm sorry. Mom and Dad said that he has to be here." Dallas said to me. "It's okay." I said. "Let's go party." He said kissing me. I smiled and looked at him and just nodded my head okay. As I did that we left out his room, when I saw Austin I wasn't expecting to feel like I did, of course I missed him. Bu he had left it wasn't my fault I moved on especially with his brother. I mean I hate that I fell in love with brothers but that's just how it happened. 

Mistakes Happen

I get downstair like 50 people all said 'Happy Birthday' and I just yelled thank you. I didn't feel like saying thank you to every single one of them. I get all the way down the stairs and I get pulled to the dance floor by my bestfriends. They are such crazies but I love them. We dance to the song I Just Came To Say Hello. Yeah, we love that song. I dance with them for three songs and thought maybe it was time to dance with my boyfriend especially when he walks up behind me kissing my neck and hugging me from behind. Then all of a sudden you know that song my Usher Oh My God yeah it came on and I went crazy, he had to dance with me. We had so much fun. Until someone came and got him and made him go to the kitchen. I needed to make sure he wasn't drinking. I saw someone offer him a beer he took it. I was mad, I told him no drinking. I walked up behind him. 

"What are you doing?" I asked starring the beer down. "I swear I was not going to drink it. I was just holding it while one of my friends dance with their girlfriend. Baby, I promised you I am not going to go back on my promise." He said. "I believe you." I said. "Here he is now." Dallas said handing this tall blonde hair guy. "Thanks, man." the dude said. "No problem." He said to the guy. The guy walked off and when he did it just left me and Dallas. "I'm sorry." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's okay. I know you were just trying to protect me and I know this is your birthday party and I promised that I wouldn't drink so I am not." He said wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you, Dallas." I said to him. "And I love you, Missy." He said kissing me gently on the lips. You know the song by Usher 'Climax' (A/N yeah I wouldn't recommend letting your young kids to listen to it Missy loves the song so yeah back to the story) it came on and me and Dallas were just all on each other we were literally were not going to let go of each other. When I was dancing with him something vibrated in his pants I think it was his phone. I reached in his pocket and got his phone out I was shocked to see who it was.

Big Mistakes Start

I was hurt even though I didn't know if it was like that. I looked at Dallas.  "Why is your ex-girlfriend calling you?" I asked him. "I don't know." He said. I could tell he was lying, so I answered the phone after going down stair in the basement where there is a chill out room. "Hello." I said. "Um, Hi. Is Dallas there?" His ex asked. "Yeah." I said. "Can I speak with him?" She asked.  "Why do you want to speak with him?" I asked.  "Because we didn't finish our conversation before." She said. I was getting really mad at that point.  "What conversation?" I asked.  "Then one about him breaking up with his girlfriend to be with me." She said flatly. "He's not going to leave me for you. Bye." I said hanging up on her. Dallas came and found me down there and the phone was sitting far away from me. I was too mad to cry.  "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked.  "Have you cheated on me?" I asked.  "No never." He said getting down on his knees in front of me.  "Why were you discussing about us breaking up with your ex-girlfriend?" I asked.  "I told her no. I would never leave you for her." He sighed and kept talking. "She won't stop calling me. I love you and I am not going to hurt you." He finished by taking my hands in his and kissed them. He got up and sat next to me.  "Did you ever kissed or messed around with her in the beginning of our relationship?" I asked I felt he has before.  "Yes.." He said while pulling me into his lap.  "Why?" I asked.  "It was when I found out you had a thing with my brother and I just was mad and I wanted to get back at you some how. I was jealous you could say." He said. I jumped out of his lap.  "That was way before us though. That was during the time we were together Dallas. We were a couple. We weren't when me and Austin had a thing. I can't believe this. Is that why the next day you came back and was okay with it? Because you got back at me and felt better about it." I asked.  "It still hurt. You were with my brother. I didn't do it because of that." He said. "No I will tell you why you did it. Because you felt guilty. You felt that maybe you forgive me that I would forgive you for what you did, but it doesn't work that way. You know I feel so bad still to this day that I was with your brother before you. And you know what I still have issues with people calling me weird mean words because of it. I loved you and trusted you. I don't think about the trust part at this moment." I said walking back upstairs. I went somewhere in one of the upstairs halls and fell to the floor and started to cry. No one was aloud up there unless they lived here and me of course. I heard someone coming upstairs I didn't care at the moment, I didn't care about any of it.  "Are you okay, Missy?" It was Austin.  "No, no I am not." I said.  "You wanna go talk about it?" He asked.  "Sure." I said. He held out his hand for me and when I took it it felt perfect with mine. What am I saying his brother is my boyfriend? We got to his room he came in and locked the door. I really didn't notice at first he sat in his huge chair and I sat on his bed.  "What happened?" He asked.  "I had a fight with Dallas." I said.  "You found out." He said looking down.  "You knew." I said more like a statement.  "Yeah, I was trying to tell you but you wouldn't return my text or calls." He said.  "Ugh..." I said.  "I want to kiss you." He said.  "What?" I asked shocked.  "I really want to kiss you right now." He said again.  "What about the fact your brother is my boyfriend?" I asked.  "I am drunk, that's my excuse. Yours, you were upset and you thought I was Dallas because it was dark." He said coming really close to me. I was standing up at that time.  "I don't know." I said.  "Don't think about it just go with it. If your heart tells you to stop then stop but if your head says stop then you don't stop." He said whispering it in my ear. He kissed me on my lips and my head was telling me to stop but not my heart. He kissed me down my jawline.  "What is it?" he asked. "This is going to be one stupid mistake I can see it now." i said.  "Maybe." he smirked and returned kissing me again. He kept kissing me and I kept kissing back, I can't believe I missed him. I still loved Austin I knew that somewhere in the bottom of my heart. Austin was my first love and I am not ashamed to admit that. 

You Are My Girl *Austin's P.O.V.*

I loved this girl I will always love her. I want her to be mine and mine only. It seems like everytime I try thought someone takes her from me. So, I am going to take advantage of this situation. I blame my little brother for cheating on my girl. She was comfortable that I was kissing her she was responding back too."I can't stop. Why can't I stop?" She was getting upset she didn't like the fact she fell in love with brothers."Because you still love me." I said kissing down her neck."Austin you know I will always love you. I just can't do this again." She said trying to stop me but she couldn't and she didn't want to either I knew her."C'mon Baby boo my brother doesn't deserve someone so sweet and beautiful like you." I said sitting down with her in my lap."Austin he might not but I shouldn't do this to him." She said laying her head on my shoulder."You admited it. You still love me. Don't think with your head when you should go with your heart." I said kissing her gently on the lips."Austin please, it least let me go talk to him before I make the decision of just dumping my whole relationship away." She said getting out of my lap, out of my grip, and out of my arms again stollen by my brother. She walked out the door as I followed a little distance away I watched my little brother make the biggest stupidest mistake of his life. He was kissing this girl I think her name was Lucie she was a silent girl at their old high school. "Dallas I can't believe you." Missy was yelling. "You know what go screw my brother that'll make this day complete." Dallas said drunk sounding. "It's my birthday. And all I wanted was you to stay sober and for me and YOU to be together at the end of the night." Missy said. "You know what. We are done I am sick of this wahh wahh. I am sick of being tied down by some controlling chick." Dallas said. He didn't say chick either. Lucie girl already was gone out of the way."Shut up your drunk Dallas." Missy said. "Don't tell me what to do." Dallas said coming towards her.  She looked as if she was about to cry. I came from around the corner where I was hiding."Don't be an ass Dallas. She's trying to help you out." I said to him coming towards them. Dallas head snapped towards my direction."S-see I-I knew s-something was going on between y'all. I-I'm just s-stupid, I am s-so glad I ch-cheated on you." Dallas had said while slurring it. He was so wasted. Before I knew it Dallas had passed out on to the floor falling. I grunted before picking him up and putting him in his room on his bed. Missy had followed behind me without saying a word. When we got in the room I was shocked to see what she was doing. She was changing into another outfit right in front of me.  This is what she had on and she looked so good in it. I was in love with this girl and I won't ever forget what happened next. 

"I love you, Austin. I always have and will." Missy said coming towards me kissing me deeply.

"I love you too. Will you be mine again?" I asked her. She smiled and kissed me again.

"Yes but I got to go dance with the girls and have fun till my birthday is over." She said smiling.

"Okay well  I will be in my room when your ready to come back." I said smiling and walking to my room.

All I could think was I finally got my girl back. 

Dancing Time *Missy's P.O.V*

After what I just did in there I could not smiling about getting Austin back. I missed him honestly and I knew I did. So I went back downstairs to do some dancing number with my friends we all had the same outfit on but there's were white. 

"Ready Missy?" Tara asked me. 

"Yeah let's do this." I said. And we did what we had been learning for the past week. We did the dougie, wop, donk, wobble, and freestyled all in one dance. I was so amazing. I danced for about an hour with all my friends we were just having so much fun. I didn't even notice I was drinking beer. Usually I hated the smell of it. But for some reason I let loose tonight and start to drink it. I danced and had fun while someone took pictures of everything. I was just having a blast. I picked up maybe my 6th beer and started chugging while walking up the stairs running into Charlie.

"Hey, I think you've had enough to drink." Charlie tells me. 

"W-why you say that?" I said stumbling down the upstairs hallway.
"Because your stumbling for one." she said. She started leading me to Dallas's room where he was already passed out on his bed. 

"Here sleep it off." She said putting me on Dallas's bed and leaving the room. I passed out. I forgot about me and Dallas wasn't together right then though to so I curled up next to him and snuggled close to him and fell right asleep. 

Next Morning

Waking up that next morning I couldn't remember a thing. Did I get drunk? No, I wouldn't have. I was in Dallas's bed, I was in another outfit I turned over towards Dallas wondering what in the hell happened last night? Dallas's etes opened when they he smiled seeing I was there. Just then I remembered that we took pictures last night so those should tell me what happened last night. Dallas leaned in and kissed me which I kissed back. Right then when I closed my eyes I had a flash back of last night seeing me and Dallas kissing downstairs in the chill area. I still wanted to know why I couldn't remember what happened last night? 

"You okay?" Dallas asked pulling us closer. 

"I don't know. Do you remember what happened last night?" I said. 

"No, I don't actually that's weird. Do you?" He said with a puzzled look. 

"No. Did you drink last night?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so. I don't remember having one drink." He said. 

"Dallas you don't think I drank last night it least no much?" I asked.

 "No, baby. I doubt you did. You wanted us both sober for last night remember?" He said kissing me. 

"Yeah, but did last night even happen?" I asked looking down seeing both of us are clothed. 

"Honestly I don't remember, but I doubt it because we wouldn't be clothed right now if it did." He said. 

"What if it did and we don't remember? Oh my gawsh what if I can't remember my first time?" I said getting upset. 

"Baby listen I most surely we didn't I would have remmebered that." He said hugging and kissing me. 

"I wish I could remember what happened last night." I said.

"Me too." He said. I got out of his grip and fixed my hair in a side bun. 

"C'mon ger up we got a house to clean and a backyard." I said going downstairs collecting trash on the stairs and on my way to the kitchen. I got to the kitchen my heart skipped a beat seeing Austin shirtless. My heart is just confuses me, I am happy with Dallas, but sometimes I miss Austin. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.07.2013

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