

My name is Natalia Tylers my boyfriend’s name is Declan Don, we’ve been going out since the day before summer. It’ll be our 3 year anniversary in two weeks. He has a twin brother, they look exactly alike. His twin brother’s name is Deacon; he is the player out of him and his brother. Declan and I are absolutely, uncontrollably in love with each other, but his brother has other plans. Everything changed right before our last year of boarding school. 

Music, Soccer, Love, and summer

 I wake up to the sound of music playing of course I knew who it was.
“Dec, can you please turn it down?” I yelled.
“Sure, but you didn’t have to yell I am right next to you.” Declan said turning down the music. I laughed, and started to dance and sing to the song. I turned to Declan and he started to laugh. Declan he has the sweetest smile and laughter, he has the greenest eyes ever, he’s 6’3’’, has a six pack (which if it were up to me no one would EVER see!), dirty blonde hair (which reminds me of Cody Simpsons hair but darker), and he’s really sweet. He starts to clap when the song ends and I bowed.
“I love you.” He said grabbing me from behind and hugging me.
“I love you, too.” I said kissing his cheek. He pointed to his lips, and I shake my head.
”Fine then I won’t let you go.” He said tightening his grip on me.
“I’m fine with that.” I said smiling.
“Fine guess you’ll have to miss your summer soccer game with your, soccer friends.” He said smiling. Wait that’s today? No way, I can’t be late. I have been waiting all summer for this game.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“9:30 AM , if you kiss me now, you’ll have exactly 1 hour to get ready.” He said smiling.
“Fine.” I said giving him a quick kiss then getting ready for the summer soccer game. They have one during the summer and that’s it. I take a quick shower, then dry off, dry my hair, put on my panties and exercise bra, then my soccer shorts, and my soccer jersey. I put my hair in a messy ponytail, open up my bathroom door. I grab my knee high socks, where are my cleats?
“By the bedside table.” Declan said. I went and got them and put them on.
“Thank you.” I said.
“I think I deserve one more kiss before we go.” He said smiling and pointing at his lips. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then he grabbed the keys to his car, and we left down the stairs to his car. Did I tell you I play soccer and so does Declan. We both love it, his brother on the other hand hates it. We get in the car he starts it and gets me to the soccer field in record time.
“Yes, you deserve another kiss, and I need my good luck one.” I said kissing him gentle on is lips once, and then he kisses me a little more than expected.
“Good luck. Love you. Bye.” He says as soon as he finished kissing me.
“Love you, too. Thanks.” I said running to get to my team. Declan went and sat in the stands with the rest of the girls boyfriends or family members. He supports me 100 % about my soccer playing because I really want a scholarship. Plus, he loves soccer as much as I do maybe even more (if that was possible).
“Y’all ready to kick some butt?” I asked my team.
“Yeah.” They all shouted. I smiled and put my hand in the middle.
“On three…one…two…three. Let’s go.” We all shouted. We had won the game by a good bit of points. I and Declan we went to celebrate but when we got to the apartment that him and his brother share, there was a huge mess.
“Not again. I know your not going to let him get away with this again?” I said to Declan.
“I can’t do anything about it.” He said.
“You can stand up to him. I am sick of him taking advantage of you. I understand that he’s your brother but really I can’t take it okay?” I said to him. “And I don’t like it.” I said again.
“Okay, okay, I will talk to him.” He said. I gave him I-am-not-playing-about-this look.
“I promise.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Your always welcome.” He said.
“I’m going to take a shower, okay?” I said.
“Okay.” He said. I went and turned the shower on but I didn’t get in I went and spied on the conversation that Declan was having with Deacon.
“Why do you keep doing this?” I heard Declan ask.
“I don’t have to answer to you.” Deacon said.
“Well, I think your doing this to run her off and I am not going to have it. So stop doing this.” Dec said. At least he was standing up for me. I don’t come over often. I and Declan usually stay at my house like we did last night but I wanted to go to his place so we could celebrate. Watch a movie and sit on the couch and eat popcorn. But every time I come over here Deacon has done something wrong where we can’t do anything.
“I don’t care about that stupid soccer playing girlfriend of yours.” Deacon said. I knew that made Declan mad.
“Well, you better start to because she isn’t going anywhere for a very long time.” He said. See that is why I love Declan, he is so sweet.
“I give it to school starts she’ll be history.” Deacon said.
“No she won’t.” Declan said.
“Yeah she will, because one she’s way out of your league and she doesn’t seem like the type to stay with someone like you.” Deacon said.
“You don’t know that.” He said. I decided to not listen in anymore and get a shower real quick.


After my shower I got dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt. When I got out of the shower and was dressed Declan was waiting on me.
“Hey.” He said.
“I listened in on you and Deacon.” I said to him.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that stuff he said about you.” He said.
“He doesn’t bother me and anyways I love the way you stood up for me. You definitely deserve a real good kiss.” I said to him. I kissed him too I didn’t give no mwah kiss I gave him a full on mouth to mouth tongue kiss.
“That was wow.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said smiling and blushing.
“I love it when you blush it is so cute.”He said
“Your just saying that to make me feel better.” I said.
"Is it working?" he asked smiling at me.
"Kind of." i said. He laughed, said okay maybe this'll make you feel better and then he kissed me, oh how i love him. All of a sudden someone was banging on our door. And yes it was his brother ughhhh i wish he would just leave us alone.
"Open up I know you two are in there." Declan's brother yelled. Gawsh why can't he shut the front door? Ughhhh he get's on my last living nerve. Declan got up and went to open the door to see what he wanted. When he opened the door Deacon looked straight at me I thought he was trying to tell me something. Before I know it I got a pair of jeans on and a small hoodie and left without even thinking. I did grab my purse which had my keys and phone in. I got into my black truck have no clue what type truck it is or how big the tires are i just know its a truck. When i got in the truck and turned it on i just drove i didn't know where i was going and i had no clue why i was going there anyways.

I Can't Believe What I Just Did

 Why did i leave? I can't explain it, it was like someone took over my body and made me do it. After a little bit i gained control and went back. It took about 30 minutes to get there though. When i did i knocked on the door and i knew it was Declan because his eyes were watery still like he was upset. As soon as he saw me though he shut the door.
"Dec, please open the door." i said almost ready to bust into tears. He opened the door and when he did he walked away into his bedroom. I walk in and i know he was upset because he had the music up high. He turned it down a little before i said something.
"Dec baby, please talk to me." i said crying then. He came walked over to me got in front of me to where we were face to face.
"Why did you leave me?" he said trying to hold back the sadness.
"I don't know what happen. It was like someone else was controlling me. I am so sorry. I promise i will make it up to you." I said trying to see what he was feeling. I guess he forgave me as soon as i said those words he kissed me long and hard. Before i knew it i was laying on the bed, with my arms around his neck, and my hands tangled in his hair. This was Dec right? I pushed away and looked him in his eyes.
"Why did you push away?" he asked.
"Are you Declan?" i asked.
"Yes, why would you ask me that silly question baby?" he said.
"Because just what you let happen you usually don't let us get that well deep." i said.
"I'm sorry i shouldn't have done that anyways." he said.
"No you should have." i said putting my arms around him again.
"You sure? Because i don't want us to go to far." he said. I knew this was Declan then.
"Yes, and we won't because i trust you will stop if we were." i said. He kissed me lightly on the lips this time and i felt those wonderful butterflies again. I wrapped my arms around him again and tangled my hands back in his hair. Gawsh, i love him. I just can't explain the way i feel about him when i am around him. Before i knew it we were on the bed agian wrapped together. We have never gotten really physical like you know what i mean, yes we kiss and stuff but like i haven't been able to get really close to a guy since Dimitri. And don't get me started about him. Then Declan all of a sudden pulled away.
"What's wrong baby?" i asked.
"We were going to far." he said.
"No we weren't." i said confused. Dimitri acted like this right before he told me he was a wolf.
"Yeah we were." he said.
"Are you a werewolf?" i blurted out. He looked at me like i just done something that killed him.
"Baby, if you are tell me i already been with one i don't need to be with one that has not found his mate and wants to dump me when he does because this is exactly what happened last time and i don't want to get hurt again." i said.
"I have found my mate though." he blurted out. So, he is one and he has found his mate that's just great i hate this.
"Oh okay. Well, ummmmm it was......" before i could finish he started kissing me. I pulled away a little and asked with my eyes who.
"It's you." he said.
"Really?" i said shocked. I love him so this would explain the butterflies in my stomach everytime i kiss him.
"Yes." he said nodding his head. I was so relieved and happy I couldn't explain it. Then, the moment was all ruined by a cell phone. The phone kept ringing so eventually I stopped gazing into Dec's eyes and picked up his phone and saw who it was it was some girl named Rosie.
"Who is Rosie?" I asked.
"One of the wolves in my pack and she just probably saw me tell you I am a wolf." he said.
"Oh Thank God." I said. He laughed, I really didn't mean to say that out loud, and I started blushing just then.
"I will just text her and tell her what's going on." he said and so he did text her.
" why does your brother hate me so much?" i asked.
"I don't think it's that he hates you i think it's that he is jealous that i have such an amazing girl and he just has flings." he said truthfully.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes." he said. I kissed him on his lips and then he started kissing me back. I wanted to keep going but we really needed to stop.
"I want to know something." I said.
"What?" he asked.
"Why you take so long to tell me?" i asked.
"Well I didn't want to freak you out." he said.
"Maybe I would have been okay with it." i said.
"Yeah but i needed to make sure that you were the one." he said.
"Ohhh." i said. He kissed me on my lips, down my neck, and i started to get worried if we were going to far. As we kissed I know he wasn't going to let it go any farther because he could control himself I should know.
"Baby, I want to know something." He said kissing my lips softly.
"What is it?" I asked sweetly.
"If I asked you to marry me one day really soon what would you say?" He asked me.
"I'd say yes a millions times." I said kissing his lips gently. Then he continued to kiss me. I love this boy I would marry him any day anywhere.

His Brother is so Ughh.

We fell asleep at his house that night. And what woke us up was Deacon banging on the door. Declan opened it and I was faintly awake so I could hear some of the conversation.
"Stop your going to wake her up." Declan said.
"I don't care. Anyways why did you tell her about us being werewolfs, she's a human." Deacon said.
"No she's not I can feel it, she has to be something or I don't think me as alpha wolf would mate with a human. And I wouldn't care either way, she's amazingly perfect girl who I love so much. You just need to stop trying to run her away from me." Declan said.
"Dec, she's human. How can you love them? I only have flings with them and half of them can't even take that." Deacon said laughing.
"Deac, I waited all my life to find her. I'm not going to lose her. And so that doesn't mean she couldn't take it. She's a strong girl and I can control myself." Dec said.
"She doesn't know y'all really have to mate, does she?" Deacon asked.
"She will soon enough. I can't let my wolf hurt and I can't push her into this either. She can have a choice we can not do it and I lose her, or she doesn't do it but I still have her but my wolf would hurt her." Declan said.
"You need to talk to her about it soon. You know our parents doesn't want us marrying old or having children old." Deacon said.
"Well, I got this covered Deac. You can go." Declan said. I think after that Deacon left and Dec got back in bed with me wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

"Tell me what we have to do." I whispered.

"We have to have sex. In the next month or I lose you for good or my wolf in me takes it from you." He said kissing my cheek.

"What do you mean take it from me?" I asked.

"Rape." He said squeezing my side a little. "I don't think you would do that to me." I said.

"It wouldn't be me." He said.

"Well, maybe we will do it soon. I just don't know about the kid thing." I said.

"We have plenty of time for that." He said kissing me.

"I can still go to college right?" I asked him questioningly. 

"Well baby I don't know, we could obiviously go to the wolf college if you really wanted to." He said.

"But I am not strong enough to go against wolf soccer girls." I said to him.

"Baby, no one has told you have they." He said looking at me concerned.

"Told me what?" I said to him.

"Your not human." He said looking at me.

"Yes I am. I don't have any special powers." I told him.

"Your powers wouldn't come in till you were 18. Which is in 6 days I might add." He said to me.

"What am I then?" I asked him. 

"Your a hybrid. Half wolf, half angel." He said smiling a little to himself.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked him.

"You're really powerful." He said to him.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said to him feeling a little awkward.

"You'll see soon baby, don't be scared. I promise nothing bad will happen to you." He said.

"I guess it'll get me ready for all the crazy stuff to come." I said to him.

"You got a point there." He said laughing.

"Can you explain more about this mate thing?" I asked him.

"Well, I should really bite you soon. So all the wolfs know that your claimed and your mines. The sex thing well that happens a month after the bite. Then eventually we will hopefully get married and have kids." He said.

 "About the bite, where are you going to bite me at?" I asked him looking concerned.

"I am hoping you'll let me bite you here." He said pointing at my thigh really close to my private part.

"Why do you wanna bite me there, wait so the bite can be anywhere?" I asked him, I was really interested in learning this stuff. I mean who gets the chance to learn about wolfs, who also ever gets to find out that they might be more than just human.

"Because it'll keep the wolf's off during heat next week. They'll know your mines, and if they hurt you in any way I will kill them." He said seriously.

"What's heat?" I asked him. 

"All the wolf's who are mateless start being a little too friendly with girls, they have some self control when it comes to humans but the girl wolf's stay completely out of site during that time, it happens every first week of school." He was explaining it all to me.

"So how have you kept yourself in check and stayed a virgin?" I asked him smiling a little.

"Because I have had the best girlfriend ever for the last 2 and a half years." He said smiling and kissing my cheek.

"Aww, so when do you have to bite me?" I asked him.

"Before school starts so we will be able to be in the same dorm room. We won't have to worry about curfew this year either because of being a senior finally and having an off campus pass and you being in my dorm I won't ever get in trouble about trying to leave my dorm at night." He said laughing a little, I laughed too. The funny story about that was I was on my period and I really wanted some chocolate and I left my chocolate stash at his dorm that night after studying and so he tried to bring it to me like the great boyfriend he is but they wouldn't let him and they almost gave him detention.

"So in a week?" I asked.

"Nope, 3 days baby because they start assigning dorms soon." He said.

"Ughh..." I said laying in his bed. I was really exhausted for some reason.

Bite Me XD

I must've fallen asleep in Declan's bed because I was covered up in his bed, I looked beside me and Declan wasn't there sadly. I heard some yelling so I hoped up and went to see what all the fuss was about. All it was, was Deacon and this girl he's been seeing actually for almost a month now arguing because Deacon doesn't want to commit.

"Can y'all keep it down I was sleeping." I told them.

"Sorry." Said the girl umm her name started with a B or maybe it was an S. I don't remember Deacon is usually with a different girl each with he's only slept with 3 people supposedly, but this girl he's been with he hasn't had sex with her or even left her yet but she is definitely wanting a DTR, define the relationship, but of course Deacon doesn't want that. I feel bad for that girl he dated before him what was her name? Ummm Bethany or maybe this was Bethany I don't know but before her she said slept over but they didn't do nothing, Deacon left before she woke up that morning left a note telling her sorry it wouldn't work out to please leave his apartment. He better be lucky she left the apartment in one piece.

"I thought you left with Declan." Deacon said to me.

"Nope, I must've fallen asleep and he had to go do something I don't know." I said to him. I went to the kitchen and grabbed me a blue gatorade and a apple. I walked into the living room and turned on the tv to the Soccer game that was on, it was Puerto Rico against New England.

"Do you mind?" Deacon said looking quite angry.

"That's what your rooms for." I said back to him. I didn't care that he was fighting with that girl.

"Can you just go to watch your stupid Soccer game in Declan's room." He said. I got up and looked at him dead in the face.

"Don't you ever call soccer stupid, it's not my fault you can't tell this girl that you don't commit to nothing more than your own name," I turned to her and said. "I am sorry girl, he has been with you much longer than all the other ones. But honestly, he usually has a new girl each week most of them he doesn't even sleep with he just stops calling them, he has been with you the longest I have ever seen him with a girl." Then I turned back to Deacon and said. "Deacon you need to either learn how to explain to these girls you don't know how to commit so they don't get attached, also will you please stop looking at me like you hate my guts, I am not leaving, I am not scared of you, so just stop." I said when I finished I felt so much better. Deacon had his mouth wide open, and the girl was just like wow.

"Well, why couldn't you just say that?" the girl said to Deacon.

"It's different for a guy to put himself on his sleeve." He said to the girl.

"Thank you." She said to me. "No problem." I said back to her watching the game once again.

"I was wrong about you." Deacon said to me. I think that was meaning that he got a newfound respect for me. I don't know really but for some reason he was looking kind of cute, but then again him and Declan look exactly alike its like looking at Declan I guess. They went back into Deacon's room doing God only knows what. I watched the game again thinking about how cute those soccer players were and then remembering it was a game so I looked at the score and I was mad because Puerto Rico was losing.

"Shot the dang goal rookie!" I was yelling at the tv when Declan came behind me and kissed my cheek. "They can't hear you, you know that right?" He said with his cocky smile.

"Well maybe I should coach the team they suck." I said to him.

"Yet its your favorite team, why?" He asked me.

"Because even though they suck so bad they still face each team with more pride than the game before." I said to him, he laughed and shaked his head.

“Baby, why didn’t you wake me before you left?” I asked him.

“Becasue you looked so cute sleeping like a little angel.” He said smiling. I blushed so hard.

“So, what are we having for dinner?” I asked him.

“How about we order some pizza and watch some movies?” He said.

“Can we go bring my grandma something to eat and spend some time with her?” I asked him.

“Of course, hun.” He said kissing me. I kissed him back deeply while he laid me down on the couch. He kept kissing me agressively and I was moaning slightly.

“We have to stop.” I said in between kisses. “We’ll finish this tonight.” He said.

“You better get your brother out the house or we aren’t finishing anything.” I said to him.

“Okay baby.” He said kissing me one more time before getting up.

“So let’s go get my grandma’s food, spend some time with her, then pick up a pizza on the way back to your place, and stay in and cuddle tonight.” I said smiling at him.

“Okay, sounds like a perfect plan. Just let me go talk to Deacon real quick.” He said getting up knocking on Deacon’s door. He came to the door shirtless looking like are you serious.

“Hey man, can you take your girl somewhere else tonight I would like the place to myself.” He said to Deacon.

“Yeah man.” Deacon said shutting the door.

“Let’s go.” Declan says to me with a smile. We leave out in my truck but he drives because I really don’t feel like driving really. We go to my grandmother’s favorite chinese resturant. I go in and get her some Lo Mein and fried wontons with sweet and sour sauce. When I get the food I go back to the truck and put the food in the back and buckled up.

“Baby, is there anything else you wanna know about wolves?” He asked me.

“I don’t know right now. I just I have a lot on my mind. I feel like you can tell that but you try and act like you don’t.” I said bluntly.

“I can’t read your mind if that’s what your trying to say. I can feel your emotions though because your my mate. I won’t be able to read your mind till I imprint on you.” He said while pulling into my drive way.

“We can talk about it later okay. I just wanna have a normal night with my grandmother.” I said to him. He nodded his somewhat telling me okay that’s fine. I walk into the house and my grandmother is watching wheel of fortune. I kiss her cheek getting a eating tray ready for her. Sitting her food and stuff on it I grab her a drink and some napkins and hand it to her. No my grandmother isn’t really old or something I just do it to be nice.

“Hey grandmother, how’s life?” I asked her.

“I am doing pretty good. I finally got over that cold. How’ve you been?” She asked me.

“That’s good. And I been good.” I said smiling at her to prove it to her. Pretty much we watch tv for awhile catch up and talk about life and how close school is and stuff. When it’s time to go we are at the kitchen table talking.

“So Declan, have you been taking care of my only granddaughter?” She asked him skeptical like.

“Yes ma’am I have.” He said smiling at her.

“Good. Now will you give me some time alone with her. You can wait in the truck for her.” She told him.

“Yes ma’am.” He said walking outside to my truck I am guessing.

“What is it grandmother?” I asked her.

“Listen closely, because I am only going to tell you everything at once and I may never repeat it again. You can’t tell anyone what I tell you, you got to let them find out on their own, or till the time is right. You’ll know when the time is right trust me. Okay are you ready?” She says to me. I just shake my head yes. Too intrigued to really answer with words.

“You’re not human, your more than just a wolf though, your an angel, witch, vampire, and shapeshifter. Your father was a very very powerful angel, more powerful than any person on this planet. You’re that many things because your parents played around with genetics way too much. You ended up getting a lot of stuff, no one knows about you because I gave up being a witch to protect you from people from finding out about you. Now your scent isn’t really human many smell that but some feel like your something else. Which is true but they just over look it because you look flawless and innocent. Never trust anyone except the ones who can be trusted. You will know who they are when the time is right.” She told me this and it took a lot not to tell her she’s lost it but she was serious.

“I-I don’t think I am anything.” I said to her.

“It’s because you haven’t found your mate well you haven’t been imprinted by your mate yet. And also because you haven’t had anything or anyone to protect yet. But you soon will and you soon will understand it all.” She said looking at me serious.

“What’s going to happen?” I asked her.

“You’ll first start experiencing your angel side since it’s the strongest you’ll have various of powers mostly that pertain to earth, wind, fire and spirit if your lucky you’ll get your fathers healing powers, then you’ll get the witch side that’ll come with various things you’ll be able to finally understand that big book I gave you everything you’ll need to know about being a witch is in there along with the many enimeies weaknesses, and the rest will come little at the time. I am not too sure what will come first the vampire or werewolf first. But I think you know the werewolf will be a transformation you won’t understand when but your mate will help you out with that. The vampire thing when it need to come straight here so I can make sure you won’t hurt anyone.Now after you’ve been taught and after all is done things will change rapidly. Go and have a few more days of normal-ish activities. I love you.” She said while getting up opening the door. “I love you too.” I say as I walk out the door into the truck. I really didn’t know how I felt about all that. I got in the truck and buckled up.

“Let’s go get some pizza and go home.” He said driving off from my grandmother’s house. He got out and got the pizza that time. I didn’t know what to think about really so I kind of just went numb about the situation. I had so many questions but at the same time I didn’t even wanna believe what I was told was true. I tried to just stop thinking about it because I know Declan wants to have a romantic night together and that’s fine with me. I waited for him to get out of the pizza parlor but it seems like he mad a pit stop at the store. When we got home I got the pizzas out and took them upstairs, got us two glasses out of the kitchen, and went into our room. I laid the pizza and cups on the bed and went into the bathroom to change. I put on a pair of silky shorts and a tank top and went back outside of the bathroom to the room and Declan had this whole romantic, candles, and rose pedal scene going on and I thought it was adorable. I sat on the bed smiling at him I picked up a piece of pizza and started eating it.

“Someone was hungry?” He asked me chuckling a little bit.

“Yes very.” I said to him. I ate about two more pieces of pizza while he ate like 5 and then he put on ‘A Walk To Remember’ which by the way I believe is like the best romantic movie ever. We laid back and watched it together till he leaned over and started kissing on my neck which made me slightly moan. Which made him kiss me deeply, it made me moan more and that’s when he lost it and he pulled me on top of him in his lap and started kissing me agressively. The fact he did all this for me and the fact he does a lot for me and treats me with so much respect it just makes me want to give myself to him fully.

“Bite me.” I said to him through kisses.

“Are you sure?” He said looking at me seriously.

“Yes.” I said a little breathless. So he took my shirt off then slid my pants off and started trailing kisses down my body to the spot right near my private. He sucked on it a little and kissed it some, but when he bit into me it felt like a bolt of pain and then full on pleasure. I moaned really loud and he licked the wound to close it and kissed back up my body to my lips and started kissing me deeply.

“Baby are you okay?” He asked me while still kissing on my neck slightly nibbling sometimes.

“Yes just don’t stop baby.” I say to him moaning slightly.

“Trust me I won’t.” He said sucking on my neck a little then kissing up my neck back to my lips kissing me deeply I began to push my body up against his closer not wanting to have any space between us. He begans pushing his body up against mine bascially grinding against me while I am grinding back. It was making both of us moan in pleasure, while both deep in the kiss. I wanted him so badly but I knew this wasn’t the right time. I wasn’t ready for this, no matter how long me and him have been together I don’t think I wanted to do it yet. The next thing I know it something came out of me that I wasn’t expecting.

 “I want you.” I said to him in a seductive voice I didn’t think I had.

“I want you too. But not like this, not right now.” He said kissing me once more then he pulled me to his chest and held me.

“Baby...” I said feeling kind of rejected.

“I’m not rejecting you. I want you just as much as you want me, maybe even more but I don’t want it to be like this. I want to make it special for you. Your first time is a big deal for me.” He said looking me in my eyes. I smiled and nodded my head I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest. 

Five Days Later

Since Declan bit me, things have been great, we are all over each other almost all the time. But it was honestly starting to feel wrong which was weird because I am suppose to be his mate. But I didn't feel like he was my mate. I talked to my grandma about it and she said that if I didn't feel like he was my mate then he isn't my mate. 

"You should just be with her then!" I heard someone yelling outside Declan's door. Declan probably had to go to some meeting or something for his dad this afternoon. I got up trying not to eavesdrop on what was going on. 

"You and I both know I can't be with her, so I don't know why you keep throwing that in my face!" I heard Declan yelled. Well he must be fighting with that girl again. 

"I'm done." She said I am guessing walking out the door and slamming it. The girl knew she wouldn't have lasted much longer with Deacon, I don't think he'll ever be able to settle down. I looked at the time, it was nine o'clock.

"Crap." I whispered. I jumped up out of bed, brushed through my hair got on a pair of blue jean shorts and a button down shirt. I applied some sudtle make up with it then pulled on a pair of high heeled converse, I needed to meet with Declan at the bar in 10 minutes. Don't worry it's not a fake ID situation, where I have to fake a age to get into the bar, it's a teen club type thing that's literally called Bar. I grabbed my phone and keys and went out the door down the stairs to my truck. I put the key in the ignition and started the truck while buckling myself in. I drove for about 15 minutes to get to the bar. When I got there I went in and tried hard to find Declan. Let's get something straight this bar is mostly meant for either couples who really want to set the mood or singles who are basically trying to find someone to hook up with. The color scheme was black and red and the lighting was very dim. I eventually found Declan sitting at a table. I scooted in next to him. 

"Sorry for being a little late hun." I said looking at him. 

"It's okay baby." He said smiling at me kissing my cheek. 

We talk about the fact that I thought it was best if we stayed in different dorms for awhile until we both figured out that we both wanted to make compromises. He agreed with me mostly. Things had been great yeah but they were really moving way too fast for me. 

"I'll be right back." I said to him. I headed for the bathrooms that were in the back before I knew it I was ambushed against the wall by who I thought was Declan. He kissed my lips softly caressing my cheek in his hand. The kiss had made me breathless, something that Declan has never done to me. 

"Deacon..." I whispered on his lips. 

"You're not Declan's mate. You're mine." He said in a very low, deep, husky voice. 

"How do you know that?" I asked him. 

"Here, I will prove it." He said leaning into me more kissing me again gently but in such a passionate way that I literally wanted to melt and I almost did fall if it wasn't for Deacon holding my back making sure I didn't fall. 

 "Has he ever made you feel like that?" He asked in a whisper. 

"No.." Is all I could get out my mouth. 

"Leave him, you need to do it soon, I have to know soon. Because when the month comes and I am not able to claim you his wolf will rape you." He said kissing me softly. 

"I can't be with you. You've already been with so many..." I said trailing on until he stopped me. 

"I haven't been with anyone. It was all an act to keep you away. We don't have much time. You need to do it tonight and meet me at your house at midnight. I know you'll make the right choice." He said walking off. He was right we didn't have long because Declan came and found me. 

"Baby, where have you been?" Declan asked me. 

"Declan..." I said. 

"What?" He asked raising his eyebrow. 

"I can't be with you." I said walking away. I ran out the door to my truck before Declan could make it back. I drove straight to my house. It was 11:45 pm when I got there. I went inside and I found my grandma and Deacon in the kitchen talking and laughing. 

"Grandma." I said. 

"There you are. I knew you would find your right mate." She said smiling at me. 

"Wait, you knew that Declan wasn't my right mate?" I asked her. 

"Honey, I know you knew deep down inside things weren't feeling right between you too especially since tomorrow is your birthday. Well technically in exactly 13 minutes it'll be your birthday." She said smiling. 

"Talia, please accept me as your mate. I want to be there for you and protect you through everything." Deacon said looking me right in the eyes. 

"I can't hurt your brother." I said to him. 

"Even though he kept me away from you." He said still looking at me. 

"You're the one whose tough." I said to him. 

"No my brother made me seem like that. My brother has never really gotten what he wanted because he's always been the youngest even if it was by 3 minutes. Our parents always favored me and he hated it. The day he first brought you to the house and I met you when I first saw you I knew you were my mate. But he swore up and down you were his and threatened to tell our parents that I stole you away from him. So I left it alone, but I know he isn't your mate." He said to me. 

"How do you know?" I asked him. 

"Because since he's bitten you, you haven't gotten more attracted to him like you should have. Y'all have only became closer physically not emotionally." He said looking at. 

"How did you know that?" I asked him. 

"I can feel it. My wolf can really feel it. It sucks knowing your with him every night. You're suppose to be mines and I know it. I am not a man-whore either by the way. All those girls you've ever seen me with never lasted long because I didn't want to have sex with them or I made them think we did and they'd get pissed off at me the next morning. It was all an act that my brother made me put on to keep you from getting attracted to me." He said still locking eyes with me to make sure I knew he was telling the truth. 

"You have to hurry and choose honey, once the clock hits 12 your stuck with Declan and your changes will began." My grandma said looking at me. It was 11:56 pm.
    "He's been cheating on you with Rosie for the past 6 months, when you first had a feeling that he and you weren't meant to be." He said looking at me knowing that would get to me. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked him. 

"Because I didn't want to hurt you but I need you to see he's the monster not me. So, please, don't reject me and let me claim you as mines." He said looking at me with pleading eyes. 

"Okay..." I said in barely a whisper. 

"I'll be upstairs until 12." Grandma said leaving the room instantly. It was like she teleported. 

"I can claim you." He said. 

"Yes just hurry." I said. He came up to me slowly kissing me gently on the lips then kissed down my neck right where my sweet spot was. 

"Are you ready?" He whispered on my skin. 

"Yes." I said. He bit down on my neck and the pain and pleasure mix was so much more intense then it was with Declan it felt like everything just melted away and it was just me and Deacon nothing else. He licked the wound shut making it instantly just a small mark. 

"Now bite me." He said. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You have to bite me." He said looking at me. 

"I don't think I can do it." I said. 

"Yes you can just do it." He said. And he unbuttoned his shirt showing me the exact spot I was suppose to bite. I kissed on his neck down a little further and bit down as hard as I could it felt like a wave of intense pleasure, passion, lust, and love just hit me instantly. When I was done I licked his wound but it didn't work out like when he licked mines. 

"It's okay, you can fix it later." He said looking at me. 

"Okay." I said. The clock hit 12 and my grandma's old grandfather clock chimmed loudly throughout the house. 





 When the clock hit midnight something in me changed. I fell to the floor and felt like I was having a seziure. My heart was racing and my body would not stop shaking. Then all of a sudden I saw this bright white light. 

"Oh, my beautiful daughter." I heard a deep males voice say. 

"Who's there?" I ask looking up seeing this man. Who was about six foot five, he had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and he was very very muscular. Then there was the fact he had these magnificant white wings. 

"Hello there daughter of mine, I am your father. I am the king of all angels and you my girl are about to go through a lot of changes in the next few months. Some are going to be easier then others and some you'll barely even notice. Your grandma knows what to do though. Be safe." He said this and walked into the other direction disappearing forever. 

I woke up in I am guessing Deacon's bed at the apartment. It felt weird to be there and honestly I was scared to walk out that door. 

"You're going to let me see her!" I heard Declan yell. 

"No, she needs time to rest. She went through a lot last night." Deacon said calmly. 

"SHE, went through a lot last night. I'm the one who got their mate stolen from him." Declan said emphasizing on the she part. 

"You wouldn't have lost her if you were just honest with her in the beginning." Deacon said still trying to stay calm and I could feel it too. Deacon was trying not to get upset and he was doing it for me because he knew if he got upset it would startle me in my sleep. I got out the bed and went to face what I knew was going to come eventually. I walked out the door to where Deacon was trying to not kill Declan and Declan getting pissed. I stood close to Deacon just in case I needed him to get me out of there and quickly. 

 "Declan, you done the one thing I never thought you would do to me. You lied to me. You lied to me for the majority of our relationships. You made me go through all of this and also almost made me miss out on my true mate. You broke my heart in so many different ways possible and I don't want you any where near me. Right now I know your hurting but which one hurts more me leaving you or you losing me to your brother." I said to him staring him straight in the eyes.
"When did you become so heartless?" He asked me.
"When you cheated on me with Rosie for a third of our relationship." I said to him knowing he would be shocked that I knew.
"You told her! It's bad enough you took her from me but you also told her I was cheating on her." Declan said towards Deacon.
"You tried to hide her from me! You tried to make sure she didn't even look at me. Because you knew if she looked at me enough she would realize she was with the wrong twin!" Deacon said looking at him getting really upset this time. I put my hand on Deacon's and it instantly relaxed him.
"Declan, you acted like someone you weren't for two years. You lied to me about a lot. You cheated on me and still tried to claim me as your mate. I want nothing to do with you ever again. So do yourself a favor and stay away from me forever." I said to him and you could tell he felt the pain that radiated from me. He looked like he just got slapped in the face. He knew that I didn't want to be with him that I found the person I was meant to be with. It was weird that after all these years that I finally found what I had been looking for and it was in my face for so long. I turned to Deacon knowing he knew what I was feeling at that moment. Declan left out the house slamming the door behind him.
"Baby, I think I am going to faint again so if you don't mind could you catch me." I said looking at him. And that was the last thing I could get out before I fainted again. I woke up again in Deacon's bed this time I sat up slowly. And tried not to move for a minute. His room was surprisingly very clean and organized. He had a book shelf with many different series on it, some movies were on there too, and he had a desk with a laptop on it that matched the rest of his fruniture. There was a nice sized TV in his room too.
"Are you awake?" Deacon asked walking into his room.
"Yeah, but my head is killing me. Did you catch me?" I asked him.
"Yeah I did but your grandma said your head is going to hurt for a little bit. She also told me to make sure you drink this." He said bringing me a cup of tea that smelled like there was so many different herbs in it it wasn't even funny. There was also a hint of peppermint in it which made it smell even better. I took a sip of it and it tasted amazing. I finished it up and handed the cup back to Deacon. Deacon sat the cup on the coster on his night stand.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"Like a truck ran me over and a knife stabbed me in the heart." I said to him.
"At least you were completely honest." He said smiling at me.
"You know what would be great right now?" I asked him.
"What?" He asked me.
"If you would get up here and hold me." I said to him.
"I have waited for so long to hear you say that." He said looking at me. 


The First of Many Changes

The next morning I woke up in Deacon's arms not wanting to wake him I stayed relaxes in his embrace. He was shirtless, which gave me the view of his perfectly chisled body. I know I sound like a 13 year old girl describing Jacob's body from Twilight, but I mean Jacob has nothing on Deacon. Deacon's body was amazing, but it's his eyes that get me, I never really noticed how beautiful his eyes were until last night. His eyes look like the freaking universe to me, he has blue, green, yellow, brown, and a hint of violet in them. I don't really know how to explain them anymore than that. 

"Baby, why are you staring at my face?" Deacon said opening his eyes smirking slightly. 

"I was thinking about your eyes." I said honestly to him smiling at him. 

"You have a thing for my eyes?" He said questioning me. 

"Of course I do, they are amazing." I said smiling. 

"I have a thing for that beautiful smile of yours." He said leaning down closer to me smiling. 

"Is that right?" I asked messing with him.

"Mhm." He said kissing me softly on lips. As soon as his lips touched mines I melted into his arms. Kissing him was like nothing I have ever experenced before. Before I know it we were in a full on make out session his hands were on my waist tightly and his lips were traveling down my neck and before I knew it my body was reacting like it knew what it was suppose to do. Then this sharp pain went through my head and it made me want to scream but I didn't scream, I moaned really loudly not knowing it. 

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked me.

"I-I do-don't k-know." I said stuttering. He picked his phone up and called someone. I wasn't sure who it was exactly I just knew that he called them to help me. I laid back, I felt really dizzy, and the last thing I remember is Deacon calling my name. 

When I woke up I was in a room and on a bed I didn't recognize. I sat up way too fast, I started to get scared and frantic, I had the weirdest dream, I was in the woods running and doging trees like it was nothing. Before I knew Deacon busted through the door. 

"Baby are you okay?" He asked looking around the room. 

"Yeah, where are we?" I asked him. 

"Oh, we are at my packs house. Your in my old bed, well what I call my get away bed." He said sitting down in this computer chair. I looked down and saw that I was naked. 

"Why am I naked?" I asked him. 

"Because you shifted into a wolf. I promise I didn't look I put a sheet over you and carried you here." He said looking away. 

"I shifted! Wait, why don't I remember it?" I asked him. 

"It's normal. I don't remember my first time shifting either." He said. 

"Well, umm, can I get some clothes?" I asked him. 

"Yeah there's some in the bathroom through that door. I'll come back in when your done." He said walking out the door shutting it behind him. Once he left I went in the bathroom and slip on a pair of I am guessing new underwear and bra because it still had tags on it then some skinny jeans that seemed way too tight, a tank top and a cut off jersey for the patriots. I kept wondering where these clothes came from but then again I didn't want to think about it, I just wanted to go home and sleep. Plus, I was starving. 

"Baby?" I said peeking out the door. 

"I'm right here baby." He said looking at me. I smiled at him thinking I am so lucky to have him. 

"Can we go get something to eat then go home?" I asked him. 

"Of course we can baby." He said smiling back at me. 

We left the house surprisingly unseen and went through a drive thru got some food and went back to the apartment. When we got to the apartment it didn't look terrible but we also could tell Declan was home because of all the loud giggling noises coming from his room. We went into Deacon's room and ate in there. We ate in silence while watching some game show and fell asleep cuddling. 

I woke up the next morning remembering that we moved into dorms that day. Everything was already packed up and at the dorm most likely. Knowing my grandma she probably had most my things sent to my dorm almost a week ago. I got up went to take a shower forgetting that I didn't have any clothes in Deacon's room. I got out the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I went into Deacon's room again forgetting it was Deacon's room. 

"Baby?" Deacon said with a smirk on his face. My face was as red as it could get. 

"Ummm...I forgot I didn't have any clothes in here." I said pulling the towel around my tighter. 

"You realize you don't have to hide away from me right?" He said still smirking coming closer to me. 

"Yes, but you also know that I am not ready to do 'that'." I said emphasizing the fact I wasn't ready to have sex. 

"I know but still. You don't have to be shy around me." He said kissing my now really red cheeks. 

"I can't help it." I said smiling. 

"I'll be right back with your clothes." He said going out the door shutting it behind him. I sat on the bed to wait for him. He was back before I knew it with a box full of stuff. I looked at most of it realizing where he got it from. I took a pair of underwear, a bra, a pair of jean shorts, and a t-shirt out of the box and threw it on. I went back into the bathroom, blow dryed my hair brushed through it and put on just a little bit of make-up. When I came out I saw Deacon sitting on the bed. I smiled and sat in his lap. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him. 

"We forgot to tell the dorm assignment person you weren't with Declan anymore." He said with a serious face. 

"What does that mean?" I asked him. 

"That means you have to share a dorm room with Declan at least for a few weeks, until I can find a way to switch around our room assignments." He said hiding his face in my neck.

"Why don't you just ask Declan to switch with you?" I asked him. 

"Because he wants to see me in pain." He said.

"You could just stay in my room." I said smiling at him.

"We have a curfew." He said smiling.

"But your my mate, isn't there some rule for that?" I asked him looking really upset.

"Actually there is." He said smiling.

"What is it?" I asked him. 

"It's against the rules for someone's mate to be rooming with a non-mated wolf. Meaning Declan has to give up his room." He said smiling at me. 

"Yay, see we figured it out." I said smiling at him.

"Yes, we did." He said smiling kissing me softly on the lips. I kissed him back deeply, I really wanted him. He had his hands on my waist pulling me as close as he could to his body I wrapped my arms around him tangling my hands in his hair. I've only had this happen to me once in the last month but this time it felt different, it felt so much more natural with Deacon. He kissed along my neck I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him but I also trusted him to know when to stop. 

"We have to...stop." He said a little breathless against my neck. 

"I knew I could trust you." I said smiling a little.

"Is that why your straddling me right now." He said looking up at me. I hadn't noticed that he was laying on the bed and I was on top of him until he said something. 

"Yeah, plus it gives me more power to do this." I said pinning his arms down playfully and kissing him deeply. He groaned, mostly out of frustration, knowing that he wasn't able to have me right there and then. 

"Natty, you have to stop." He said groaning again.

"But Deacon, it's really fun." I said biting my lip looking at him.

"But I have to go talk to the dorm room assignment place to see if that rule is affective for us." He said smiling at me. 

"Fine." I said getting off of him and standing up. He jumped up out of bed and grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. 

"There will be plenty of time to finish what you just started later." He whispered into my ear, which made me shudder but when he laid a small kiss on my neck that's when I slightly moaned. It kind of caught both of us off guard but he loved it. He went to go call the dorm room assignment person and I went to go find some room. When I walked out of the room the first thing I see is some girl wearing my shorts and sports bra. 

"Who the hell are you?! And why do you have my clothes on?" I asked her beyond pissed off. 

"I'm Rosie, I didn't know these clothes were yours Declan gave them to me." She said with an innocent look. She wasn't innocent I could smell the skank on her. Like litterally smell how skanky she smelled. I smelled everything which was really weird but moving on. 

"Yeah, Rosie doesn't have any clothes here so I let her borrow some of yours." Declan said coming up behind her nuzzling her neck. She giggled and my body was on fire. Or at least it felt like it was on fire and before I knew it whatever she was cooking in the pan was on fire. 

"What the hell?" Rosie said jumping away from it. Declan got some water and put it out.

"What the hell Natalia?" He said looking at me. 

"By the way Rosie, until about two days ago he was seeing me and you. Oh and lying about every little thing he was feeding you about not really wanting to be with me but he had to because I was his mate. I was never his mate. Those shorts you have on, yeah he use to try and take them off me all the time because they turn him on sooo much." I said staring him dead in the face. He was mad and I was furious so everything that was coming out my mouth was like a fire ball hurtling at him but not literally thank goodness.

"You're such a bitch." He said looking me in the eyes. 

"Well at least I am not the lying manwhore that kept a girl away from who should really should've been with all along." I said to him. I walked and left the apartment. I was downstairs in my truck when Deacon found me. 

"Baby, did you really burn her food?" Deacon said looking at me.

 "She wore my favorite shorts." I said getting defensive. He just laughed and shook his head. 

"Let's get on the road." He said smiling at me. 

"Can you drive? I am way too mad to be behind the wheel." I asked him. 

"Yeah baby I can. You just sit back and relax." He said smiling at me. 

I got in the passengers seat laid my head back and fell asleep. The drive doesn't really take long, it's about an hour and half sometimes two hours if there's traffic. 


Dorm Room Assignments

    Before I know Deacon wakes me up telling me we made it to the school. Move in day is on a Friday, which means we get a whole weekend to settle back into the dorms and the get our schedules for class. We walked up to the dorm room listing to see where we were staying, turns out Deacon got to the assigner just before he posted the assignments because we were going to be in the same dorm room together, which excited me so much. 

"Yes, I don't have to kill someone." Deacon said looking dead serious. 

"The question is can you deal with sharing a bed with me?" I asked him smiling. 

"Yeah, I have self control baby. But we only have three weeks, because I am an alpha and alpha's start having the urge before any regular wolf does." He said explaining to me while we walked up to the room we would be staying in for the next 8 to 9 months. We got into the room before I said anything else. The dorm rooms have a kitchenette, a nice size bathroom with a shower tub, and a big room with a king sized bed. It was really nice how they had it all sectioned off. There's even like a small place right outside the kitchenette that can be used as a living room. A pretty big flat screen TV was already mounted to the wall, there was a table under with some cabinets and drawers to put movies and on top of it was a Xbox 360, which I am assuming is Deacon's, a couch, and a coffee table. It was all nice matching fruniture. 

"Deacon, it makes me super nervous to even talk about it. I have never really been open to the idea of having sex." I said looking a way. 

"Natty, look at me." He said coming towards me lifting my face up to look at him. "You will know, your body and wolf will know when your ready. You will feel the most comfortable about being with me. We were literally made for each other. I won't push you into anything you don't want. I will not hurt you, even if it means losing you. When the time comes, if your not ready, I will have my parents lock me in the bomb shelter that was built under our house for some reason." He said looking at me with the most serious face I have ever seen. 

"Deacon...what if I don't want to lose you? What if I just needed time?" I asked him.

"We really don't get that choice." He said looking away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. He picked me up kissed me deeply pushing me up against a wall. I trusted he wouldn't do anything that I didn't want and I wanted to prove that. He kissed down to my neck making me moan and the next thing I know it we are in the bed in a full blown make out session his hands were under my shirt and my hands were tangled in his hair it wasn't till I noticed how excited he really was when we finally pulled away. 

"I'm going to get a shower." He said kissing my cheek. As he went into the bathroom I went into my room and check my email for my schedule this year. As I signed into my email I could hear the shower turn on. I put in the search bar for my email 'class schedule'. I am hoping I only have 4 classes since I took extra classes online. There were no emails about my new schedule so I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I hear a knock at the door as I finished my glass of water. I open it to find a guy that was about six foot something, dark-ish hair, and gray eyes. 

"Is Deacon here?" He asked me. 

"Yeah, he's in the shower though." I said to him. 

"You must be Natalia." He said smiling. 

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm--" He was about to tell me when Deacon walked into the room. 

"Grey, what are you doing here man?" Deacon asked the guy who must be named Grey. 

"I came to meet your girl. You are right though she is very beautiful." Grey said as he came into the dorm Deacon growled at him. 

"Chill dude. I'm not going to take your girl I have my own." Grey said smiling at Deacon. Deacon still didn't relax so I went up to him and laid my hand on his chest. He instantly relxed and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Sorry man." Deacon said looking at Grey. 

"It's okay. Trust me I understand." Grey said. 

"Anyways, Grey this is Natalia my mate and Natalia this is Grey my best friend." Deacon said looking at both of us. We all got situated on the couch. By situated I mean I was sitting on Deacon's lap and Grey was sitting beside us. 

"We should really get a love seat." I said smiling at Deacon. 

"We probably should. Sorry man." Deacon said.

"Dude it's fine. I'm surprised y'alls tongues aren't down each others throats. Remember when Ashley and me first marked each other? You couldn't even stand to be in the same room as us. I'm shocked of how well y'all are restrained." Grey said. 

 "He's restraining himself because the full effect of the bite hasn't kicked in for me and it won't until I turn again." I said looking at Deacon. 

"When it does kick in--" Grey was saying before Deacon elbowed him to tell him to shut up. 

"Deacon why'd you do that?" I asked him angrily. 

"I don't want him freaking you out." Deacon said looking sad. 

"Well, apologize for hurting him." I said to him. 

"I'm sorry." Deacon said to Grey.

"I was just going to say it'll be hard to keep this much restraint. Especially since Deacon's an alpha." Grey said rubbing his side some.

"That was exactly what I didn't want you to say." Deacon said. 

"Dude, I could've told her the full truth." Grey said getting defensive. I looked straight at Grey. 

"Tell me the full truth." I said demanding not realizing it. 

"As soon as your wolf is in full effect, it'll be a instinct to want to finish the mating process no matter how much you don't want to." Grey said in one breath without stopping. Snapping his mouth shut as his eyes got wide. 

"Because he's an alpha?" I questioned. He just nodded his head yes.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" I said getting angry at Deacon.

"How did you do that?" Deacon asked. 

"Do what? And don't change the subject." I said. 

"You made him tell the truth." Deacon said still looking shocked. Grey looked shocked too. 

"I just told him to, why?" I asked. 

"Because-- no offense--b-but I was planning on-n ly-ing about the rest." Grey stammered out. 

"OKAY, but you still haven't answered my question." I said still getting angry. 

"Well first it's a really rare ability. Second, I just didn't want you to worry about it. I have enough restraint for the both of us. And when Grey leaves we can talk more about it." Deacon said. 

"Fine. Until then I will be in our room." I said standing up and going to our room slamming the door behind me. 

I stayed in the room listening to music. I didn't want to think about anything. I just needed to stay from letting Deacon know how I feel. I closed my eyes and concentrated on not letting him in. Before I knew it Deacon had his hand on my face in the bed. I took my headphones out of my ears and sat up in bed. 

"I thought since you were different it wouldn't effect you as much as it does other girls." Deacon said. 

"Deacon I get you think you keep protecting me from this all but you can't. You can't just keep not telling me things." I said looking at him. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2011

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To my family, friends, and my bookrix family.

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