
The Moon`s Shadows:Chapter One

I awoke screaming in my bed with strains of long burgundy hair sticking to my forehead at four in the morning. I felt the presence of someone there staring at me and watching me carefully. I sat straight up and took in my surroundings. There in the dark corner of my room stood a guy maybe about eighteen years old. He had short black hair that was styled to look messy.
“Danny, what the hell are you doing here,” I had little bursts of chills run down my body,” you know I can`t handle the feeling of someone watching me sleep I freak out,”
He smiled and walked closer to me,” that’s what I hoped for,”
When he was close enough to hit I punched his arm. He laughed and rolled his eyes at me.
“You shouldn`t be here what if you get caught,” I glanced around the room out of habit.
He shook his head,” I won`t get caught all the monitors for your hall are busy with the head honcho,”
I gave him a look of distaste. I slid out of my bed and hugged him. He laughed silently to himself.
“What?” I asked
“Nothing, I just thought you were mad at me,” he had a huge sarcastic grin spreading across his face. That smile only made him look dead sexy in the darkness. I rolled my eyes at him.
“You know I can`t stay mad at you,” I was becoming irritated with his joking tone. His smile stayed there and he returned the hug.
There was a sudden knock on my room’s door,” Elizabeth, we would like to speak to you,” a woman with a slight Russian accent spoke through the door.
I signaled Danny out of my room but he just concealed himself and became silent. I rolled my eyes then spoke,” just a moment,”
I slipped a pair of lose shorts on and pulled a sweat shirt on over my tank top. I walked over to the door of my room. I opened it and looked out. A dorm monitor and a few of the schools protectors were there.
“What`s wrong?” I asked. Their faces seemed as if they had seen a ghost. None of them answered me right away. They all looked nervous to tell me,” What is it?” I almost yelled.
One of the protectors, I think here name was Lily, calmed down enough and made eye contact with me,” We’re sorry to have to tell you this,” she said fear glinted in her eyes,” but Johnny Salazar has been let out of juvenile hall and is enrolled back at the academy he is starting back here next week,”
I froze, it was as if Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat had just swooped down and froze me with his ice. Even my breathing stopped, I think I also felt my heart skip a beat. The last time I saw Johnny was when he tried to rape me. I `bruised` him and that stopped him from doing it but the cops still took him for attempt.
I fainted and Danny, being the good boyfriend, caught me before I hit the floor. The others we relieved that I wasn`t hurt but immediately surprised to see Danny there. The dorm hall monitor began to grow angry. Danny stood me up and took a few steps back and smiled like a teacher’s pet.
“Mr. Salvatore you know that you are not allowed up here,” the hall monitor said an angry look crossing her face. She slipped her slim arms down her black silk t-shirt so her hands were on her hips. She slowly started to tap her foot in an angry motion. Danny stood there silently trying to find an excuse but he knew he was caught.
He just gave up and said,” I’m sorry I wasn`t thinking, Mrs. Davon,”
I saw her eyes grow a little bigger at the thought of a student remembering her name. Mrs. Davon was one of those staff members that you just would say miss or hey to everyone forgot her name. I don`t know why it`s not that hard to remember.
She let her big black eyes refocus on what the problem was. When she came back to us out of her train of thought, she seemed terrifying with those huge black eyes, long red hair, emo makeup and clothes(not over board like teens but just enough so people no you’re out there), and striking features.
She cleared her throat and made eye contact with the male protector that had been standing there the whole time being silent like he was supposed to be. He nodded and moved past me and stood before Danny.
“You know the drill, kid,” when the guy spoke it sounded like the angels of sexy hotness had landed. I felt my eyes widen slightly and I saw jealously flash in Danny`s beautiful black eyes. I flashed an apologetic look his way before they left, then I asked:
“Why were there three people?” my voice was a little shaky still. My eyes became shifty and my stance became protective. In the back of my mind I knew that everything was okay but the rest of my mind was off the hook.
Mrs. Davon and Lily look concerned has I became more and more hyper aware. Lily stretched her arm out offering a hug for support and I took the hug only to become claustrophobic. I pulled away instantly and they both gave me shocked looks.
“Please, I need some time to think,” I smiled and they returned it with apologetic smiles. They then both said goodnight and walked away.
I closed the door to my dark room then with my heighted senses found my way to the bathroom and went pee. Then I took off the shorts and sweatshirt and I flopped down on to my bed and grabbed my IPod. I was not having any more interruptions; I put my IPod on shuffle and turned it all the way up. I then let my eyes slip shut.
Just when I was calm and had almost fallen asleep there was a loud rapped knock on my door. I instantly sat up and my senses went into hyper awareness. I jumped out of bed throw on my jeans, jacket, and shoes. Then I opened the door.
Standing in the door way was my best friend, Max. I was glad to see her but then shocked, because she was covered in blood. Well just her shirt, face, and hands. Seeing the frightened look on her face I pulled her into my room and locked the door.
Her hands were shaking as I lead her into my bathroom. Her black her was pulled up into a perfect bun as usual and her lips were the normal luscious red and she had the same look about her but I needed to get rid of the blood. I reached for a rag but her arm flashed out to stop me.
“It won’t work I’ve tried it already,” her voice was super shaky.

“What happened?” I asked concerned now.
She looked around the room as if she felt that someone was there.
“What!?”I asked.
She looked me in the eyes,” I killed someone,” her voice was a faint whisper.
I stared at her in disbelief, what she said couldn’t be true. It wasn`t her at all it just wasn’t. She saw the disbelief in my eyes.
“I know you can’t believe it but I did and I have my reason of why I killed him or it or whatever you want to call it,” she looked scared to tell me what she killed.
“What was it, Max?” I asked
“It was a vampire werewolf,” she said.
No way was I going to cry, the last person I knew that was both a vampire and a werewolf was my brother. I felt a tear go down my cheek. I saw in the corner of my eye that Max regretted telling me this.
“When it died did it shifted back into my brother?” I asked shaking.
Max nodded slowly and I felt another tear ran down my cheek. I closed my eyes as the silent tears continued to fall down. I felt Max pull me into a hug and whispered in my ear,” I’m sorry, Lizy-Liz I didn’t know who it was at the time and he had just randomly came into my room in that form, afterwards I thought that he came to me to tell me something or whatever but it was the moment, I am sooo sorry, Elizabeth I didn’t mean to,” Max said her apology without taking a break.
I looked back at her anger growing inside me. I was starting to have `I want to kill her` thoughts. I stared to bare my teeth at her and I saw fear glint in those `pretty little baby blue` eyes of hers.
“What’s wrong, Lizy-Liz?” she asked with a hint of fear in her voice.
That set me off the deep end and I totally lost it,” STOP CALLING ME THAT! I HATE THAT NICKNAME! AND HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS MY BROTHER, HE IS THE ONLY FUCKING HALF VAMPIRE-HALF WEREWOLF WITHIN STATES! STATES! OF HERE I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK!,” I screamed my lungs out. Then said,” Was the only half vampire-half werewolf within states of here,” with less anger and more sadness.
Max stood there shaking with fear showing strongly in her eyes. Then surprise when there was a knock on the door. I froze at the sound then relaxed and walked over to the door. When I just barely started to pull the door back it was pushed the rest of the way open in less than a second. Then a guy maybe 19,20 years old walked in straight past me. And get this there where two reasons why I couldn’t take my eyes off him:
1. He just barged in my room for no apparent reason
2. He was burning the surface H-O-T hot!
Eek I was screaming on the inside as I spoke,” I apologize if this is rude but, damn dude let me take you shopping so I can buy you a `warning: flammable` T-shirt,”
His attention was immediately drawn to me and his natural instincts to be alert and hyper aware of his surroundings went in action towards me as he smiled back at me and I giggled liking the way he looked at me. Max cleared her throat and that drew my attention back to her and I gave her a very evil smile and she flinched.
I looked back at the man still smiling and asked,” Um, who are you and why are you here?”
“Oh yeah you distracted me, my name is Samuel Davidson and I am here to take Ms. Turner to Mr. Salazar then I will be your Guardian for the remainder of the time you are going to Marilyn Manson`s Academy or longer as long as Mr. Salazar is in the picture,” he spoke with a husky voice.
I turned without another word and ran to my bed and grabbed my pillow, I had known that this was going to happen has soon has I heard he was back, then I turned back to Samuel and spoke again,” I’m sorry but I have to do this before I go see that horrible thing that calls its self a man,” I was starting to see red the more he was brought up.
Samuel smiled and nodded his head,” whatever you need to do to help your self is fine by me,” he gestured his hand in a `go ahead` manner.
I smiled at him and then looked over at Max and she nodded she knew what I needed to do I have been doing it for years to calm down and not rip someone’s head off. I held the pillow with both hands the held onto it for dear life as I pulled my arms away ripping the pillow in half in the processes. When I finished ripping it I tossed it in the trash. Looking up at them I noticed a smile form on Samuel’s face.
“What?” I asked looking at the amused look on his face.
“I love your way of controlling your anger, it reminds me of how I acted when I was your age,” he smiled a genuine smile like it was made for her. She blushed at her own thought and looked down when she spoke,” well now I can go see Mr. Salazar, but if I become angry there just walk me away so I don`t have to see him, okay?” I was curious to know more about this Samuel guy he was hot—just then my phone rang I ran and grabbed it off my desk. I recognized the number instantly and answer.
“Hey baby what was your punishment,” I said to Danny who was on the other line. I had almost forgotten about him for a moment seeing as um Samuel, and my brother being killed by my best friend.
“Um no punishment just a warning,” he sounded sad.
“What’s wrong baby you sound upset,” I felt like I knew the answer, because if he had found out Justin, my brother, had died he would be devastated. Justin and he became real good friends after they meet through me.
“Justin`s body was found in my room,” he stuttered the words `my room`. I stared at him in shock.
“How in the hell did his body end up in your room?” I asked him looking back at Max with an eyebrow raised in question. She just shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know! How the hell would I know!” he shouted.
“Hey calm do you’re just upset don’t chew me out because of what happened,” I said.
Max laughed at what I said.
“What?” I asked.

“It’s funny because we are werewolves and we chew,” max laughed again and I lost it once again.
“ha-ha that is pretty funny but—SHUT THE HELL UP YOU FUCKING BITCH,”I dropped my cell phone and walked to stand in front of her and yell in her face,” YOU KILLED MY F-ING BROTHER NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES OKAY I AM ABOUT ONE SECOND FROM RIPPING YOUR HEAD OFF THAT PREETY LITTLE NECK OF--,”
I was suddenly five feet away from where I was standing and was now on the ground. Samuel had pulled me away from Max. I looked around and saw my phone lying on the ground and Danny’s voice yelling my name on the other side of the phone line. I took a deep breath and crawled over to my phone and picked it up. Danny was yelling asking what happened.
“Danny, Danny, I’m fine it’s okay,” I tried to get through to him as he panicked.
I suddenly smelled the scent of my blood. I looked down as a black liquid began to ooze out of my forearm. I notice that the scratches from Samuel`s nails when he had threw me were dallied because of my immortality.
“Hey Danny I`ll call you back,” I said staring at Samuel with pure hatred as I closed the phone Danny yelling `wait! `. I put the phone back in my pocket and shot daggers at Samuel.
“Well, um, I think I will take you to see Johnny tomorrow, Ms. Turner,” he said as he turned and left the room shooting a worried look back at me before he closed the door.
I looked over at Max, who was now frozen with fear. I then replayed the past few moments and looked back up at her apologetically. I stood up and walked over to her and she took a fear filled step back. I stopped mid step and looked into her fear filled eyes.
I casted my eyes down as I spoke,” Max,” I saw her flinched to the sound of her name out of the corner of my eye,” I’m sorry I was acting out of shock and I was scared, I`m sorry,” I looked back up when I felt her pull me into a hug.
Frozen for a second I returned the hug. She pulled back and looked at me. Her face spread into a huge smile and she started to giggle. I relaxed further and join on in.
Once the laughing stopped I said,” So you’re not mad,”
She smiled and said,” of course I’m not mad I get it Li-Elizabeth,”
I shook my head and laughed again,” you can call me Lizy, okay,”
She just smiled and pulled me into a hug. Then in the next second my phone rang. We pulled apart and I grabbed my phone and answered it.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hello Missy Lizy,” spoke a strange voice on the other end. I froze once again.
The last person that called me that was my ex-boyfriend Ronnie. This was just great, like I didn`t have enough drama in my life right now. I took a deep breath.
“What do you want Ronnie?” I asked as I made eye contact with Max whose eyes grew huge when I said Ronnie`s name. She remembered him and I know Danny would to because the last time they saw him was when I had screamed my lungs out at Ronnie when I found out that he had cheated on me. Then they both comforted me when I cried for hours after I broke up with him. Danny was so sweet to me back then. That’s what I miss the most is the first year or month or whatever it is the guy is always so sweet to you.
Ronnie spoke in his old sweet loving voice,” I wanted to warn you so you wouldn’t try to rip my head off when you saw me,”
“What!?” I asked momentarily confused.
I heard him sigh heavily through the phone. Then it sounded like he ran a hand through his hair. I was getting anxious.
Finally he said,” I enrolled at Marilyn Manson`s Academy. I start there next week with the other day or more late registrations people. I figured I would let you know so you-or anyone else-would try and kill me the second you saw me,”
I thought about that for a moment. I guess when we dated he did pay a little attention to me. He was right, if he hadn’t warned I probably would have tried to kill him the moment I saw him.
“Well I guess you only called to protect yourself, right?” I was becoming bored.
“No,” he spoke the word as if I had offended him.
“Then what is your other reason for calling me at this weird hour?” I asked.
He hesitated. It seemed as though he was afraid to tell me his other motive.
“I missed you,” he said the words like they held all the answers in the world. I was speechless. I locked eyes with Max, she didn`t know what was wrong but read the look on my face and tilted her head to the side like a dog with a question.
“Umm…,” I didn’t know what to say.
He chuckled a low sweet chuckle,” Yea it’s true I missed you and now you don`t know what to say,”


Texte: I umm...own this story. My mind created it--Ashley Kielak
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2011

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