
Chapter 1

Despite the things we say, we end up living life trying to prove ourselves. Think about it, everything that you’ve done so far, you’ve don’t it to prove someone wrong or to impress them. It’s a natural tendency. We do that because we want people to know who we are and what we’re capable of. Leave them shocked and they want more. Wide eyes and open mouths tend to boost our ego. So that day I guess I did what I did to prove everyone wrong and not to help the poor girl. Well okay, I really did want to help Claire but proving myself was what really drove me to do what I did that day.


Being underestimated and bullied all my life really hurt my confidence. This did lead me to being friendless, well that, and the rumours that certain horrible people spread to entertain themselves. But I had learnt to live with it because honestly it wasn’t going to miraculously change. Even if I did make an effort to make it better for myself I’m only going to end up making it worse because that was always what happened. So living with it, taking it day by day, week by week seemed a whole lot easier.


It was Saturday and that was the only thing keeping me from dragging my feet along the school hallways. And the fact the Naomi and Janice, the certain horrible people, were not there at school. It did make me move around on my toes because if the both of them were missing from school on the same day there was a possibility that they were planning something. Something terrible, for me. 


I walked down the hallways, being tiny and inconspicuous as always. I liked it that way because there was no drama, no unnecessary energy wasted and more free time. “Watch where you’re going!” someone yelled when I bumped into them. “Oh sorry,” he said looking down at me.


“Sorry, it was my fault.” I mumbled and looked up to see the greenest eyes. They were a mucky green that would only look good on an army camouflage uniform. But they looked so interesting right then, as this person’s eyes. They had these little black flecks at the corners that made them look darker than they actually were. I looked at the rest of his face and recognised the person. Alex. He brown hair was cut short and for some reason that made his jaw look stronger. Or maybe it just looked stronger from where I was standing. I realised I was staring and I blinked with embarrassment. “Sorry,” I mumbled again and walked past. I heard him chuckle behind and I cringed.


 I usually didn’t make a fool of myself but when I did, there was no one to see. There were a few occasions that there were people but they took no notice. Except for Alex. Alex noticed everything and was the only person of my entire school’s student body who regarded me as a human being. A homo sapien, just like everyone else. But the thing was, he was on the on the other side of the social hierarchy of our school. Yes, it did have a social hierarchy which I found completely absurd because we’re in the twenty first century for one thing. We also promote equality and things like that but when it comes to accepting people for who they are in our own lives it just isn’t possible. Thus, I couldn’t just march up and talk to him. That and my lack of confidence wouldn’t allow me. Oh also that I’ve liked him for a very long time now. Very long time. So if I did manage to walk up to him, and make my voice work, I would end up speaking a whole load of rubbish because I would be so nervous.


By the time it was time to go home I was exhausted and just wanted a shower. There’s only so much or psychology you can handle. I loved the subject but not when the teacher is a man who doesn’t know what excitement is. Of course, I couldn’t get what I wanted. Not even once. I had to go to down to dad’s book store and help out.  I loved books and on any other day I would look forward to helping out but it was the end of the week and I was very tired. I would probably be more motivated if I got paid, but I didn’t. My dad claimed it was like community service and even had my younger brother come in occasionally. It was walking distance from school so I had to drag my feet down the street in the hot sun.


“Rach! Thank god you’re here!” Keith yelled when I entered. Keith did the morning shift with Victoria and they were easily two of the most interesting people in this place. Working at the bookstore was their part time job to help them survive since their real job didn’t really help. They were dancers, excellent dancers, without work most of the time. So they needed an additional job to help them get by.


“Why? What happened?” I asked suddenly panicking. I was ready to handle any catastrophe right then. I was still in my school uniform, I hadn’t eaten lunch and I was very tired.


“You need to finish sorting these out before your dad gets back,” he replied and tapped a big stack of books. “And these,” another pike was tapped. “Oh and someone messed up the romance section.” He finished quickly as he gathered his stuff. “I’m in a hurry because I have an audition!” He yelled excitedly.


“Oh!” I smiled. Even though he had left me heaps of work I was happy for him. “Good luck!” I called as he ran out the door. It was fun hanging out with Keith and Victoria even though they were six or 7 years older than me. They were probably the only two people who made an effort to like me and they wouldn’t be around for very long.  I quickly changed into comfortable clothes, a pair of shorts and a button down shirt whose sleeves reached my elbows, and went into the back of the shop to warm up one of the microwavable lunch packets from the refrigerator. Once they were warmed up I can back to the front of the store, settled down at the table and got to sorting the two huge stacks of books that surrounded me.


“Rachel!” Someone called from the doorway.


“Hi,” I replied without looking up. I knew who it was. Ian, my younger brother, came up to the desk panting. I looked up to him sweating and red like a tomato. “Dad isn’t in, you’re safe.” I said answering his unasked question.  He let out a long breath and went to the back. “It’s in the microwave.” I yelled and got back to sorting the books out.


Ian was always late to the store, whenever he did manage to make it, that is. And when dad happened to be there he got in trouble. Otherwise we would cover for him. We being, Victoria, Keith and I. For every cover we did he’s buy us packet of m&m’s each. We even kept a tally on one of the shelves that dad never checked. It was nice to have a system.


“Any work?” he asked and sat down next to me.


I nodded and pointed to the stack that I hadn’t started yet, “new shipment.” Was the last thing said for the next couple of hours. It was easier for the both of us to work in silence because of the short attention spans we had inherited from out mother. Ian and I were in more like twins when it came to many things like our attention spans, our music interests, oh and even our movie likes. Actually, I think it was just me with the geeky man likes.  But we were more alike than we would like people to know.


Just as we finished setting up the messed romance section someone walked in and Ian got up to help them while I stay lying on the hardwood floor staring at the ceiling. The customer couldn’t see me because of the tables all over the shop with books on them, so unless they walked up right next to me they wouldn’t  be able to see me from anywhere in the store. The ceiling seemed so interesting at that point of the day. The orange and red lights of the setting sun made the extremely ordinary ceiling look like it was painted with water colours. No shapes, nothing, just colour and shadows everywhere.  I heard footsteps come closer to me but I didn’t bother looking because I assumed it was Ian. “You know, the ceiling looks intriguing at this time of the day. Way more interesting that some of the books here and you know how much I love all of them.” I said.


“That’s the first time I’ve heard your voice properly,” a voice that did not belong to Ian said. I sat up and was face-to-face with Alex.


I looked at him with wide eyes and warm cheeks. I was probably red from embarrassment. The first time he heard me and I was talking about the ceiling. The goddamn ceiling. Great. I felt something vibrate in my pant pocket . I pulled out my phone and excused myself from the conversation that was about to take place. In fact, I wouldn’t even call in a conversation. It would be him talking and me trying to talk. I don’t know why but I could never talk to people I didn’t know. I answered the phone as Alex continued browsing the shelves.


“N?” I heard some girl say.


I was about to answer when another girl said, “Yes.” It was one of those weird calls where they didn’t actually call me but I somehow got patched through to the call. I was going to disconnect but the eavesdropper in me wanted to see where this was going. I know I know, curiosity killed the cat.


“Should I get anything?” the first girl asked.


“Nothing. Just be there. The Plaza, Room 7, midnight.” She answered.


“Okay,” I heard the evil smile in her voice. “Poor Clair Brent.” Was all that was said before the line went dead. Claire Brent. I knew her; she was in my history class. I had never spoken to her but I knew her. She was the nice Japanese girl that was our school musical prodigy.  What was going to happen to her?


I turned to face my brother and Alex who were talking near the desk. Ian caught my eye, “what happened?” he asked.


I swallowed and shook my head, “need some air.” I cast a nervous glance towards Alex and walked out the store. I didn’t need any extra. The air in the store was fine but if I stayed in there I would told Ian everything and Alex was there. I didn’t need them thinking I was crazy.  But something inside me made me go back inside. I didn’t know what was controlling me right then but whatever it was, it was good. Weird but good.


“So I just...” I glanced at Alex again. I need to stop doing that. “So I got the weird call again. You know the one where I’m not the one they’re calling?” I asked looking at Ian and ten and Alex.


They both nodded.


“So I got that and I heard something about a poor Claire Brent.” I said and looked down at floor.


“What?” Ian asked clearly confused.


“Claire Brent, the violin chick?” I asked and the both of them nodded again. “Something’s going to happen to her. At The Plaza, Room 7. Midnight.” I said and looked at them expectantly.


“Okay.” Alex said very slowly. That was the crazy ‘okay’. He would be out of the door in a couple of minutes. I just knew it.


“Tell me the entire conversation.” Ian said calmly. Sometimes he seems more like an older brother more than a younger one.


“So one girl asked for N,” I said making air-quotations for N. “And the other girl, I’m guessing she’s N. Said she didn’t need to get anything just be at The Plaza, Room 7 midnight.” I said. ‘Then the first girl was like, ‘Okay. Poor Claire Brent.’” I said mimicking her tone poorly. I was never meant to act... or mime.


“So something bad is happening.” Alex said in a duh tone.


Ian shot him a look and I couldn’t help but smile.


“We need to help her.” I said before thinking. My hands flew to my mouth when both the boys looked at me with wide eyes. It made me feel good but completely stupid for saying something like that. Totally unpredictable and I sort of liked it. “Yes! We need to help her!” I said confidently to assure them and myself.


“I’ll call dad.” Ian said not missing a beat.


“And you’re coming with me.” Alex said and dragged me by my wrist as Ian called dad.


“Why?” I asked suddenly scared. I didn’t expect them to agree so quickly. This was not what I planned. I hoped they would talk me out of it.


“We’re getting in the car.” He replied.


“Why?” I asked again. I knew the answer; I just didn’t want it to be true.


“We’re going to The Plaza before you become a scaredy-cat again.” Alex said and smiled as he held the passenger door open.


I had hoped they wouldn’t take me seriously. Oh god! What had I gotten myself into?

Chapter 2

 “So we’re just going to go to The Plaza. Assuming we get to the right Plaza and we just walk up to Room 7. If it’s a hotel, let’s see how we get past the lobby without checking in. And save Claire?” I asked looking at both the boys.  We were driving down the highway and into the city. It was a ridiculous plan, it wasn’t even a plan I had no idea what had gotten into me when I said let’s save her. I also two of the world’s most encouraging idiots to back me up and I didn’t need that at that moment. It wasn’t the right time to encourage me.


“First of all Rach,” Alex said from behind the wheel. He called me Rach. Did I like that? I mean I didn’t mind people calling me Rach but it sounded different coming from him . Don’t get me wrong, it was good different but did I like it? “It’s obviously The Plaza, as in, the hotel in the city. Second of all, we check in for the night.” He shrugged like checking into The Plaza for the night was no big deal. Yeah checking into one of the most expensive hotels was never a big deal.


“Okay there is a third of all.” I said. “Which is sort of connected to the first of all.”


“What?” Ian groaned from the back seat.


“Have you stayed at The Plaza?” I asked.


Alex nodded.                  


“Okay how many floors does it have?” I asked.


“What does that have to with anything?” Ian asked.


“Nothing.... but I’m getting to it.” I responded impatiently.


“Twenty floors if you include the pent-house suite.” He replied glancing at me.


“Wow.” Ian said in his impressed voice. He always used that tone when something, totally ordinary to the rest of us amazing him. I don’t know how such things intrigued him but it was fun seeing him get excited over such trivial things.


“Yeah whatever.” I dismissed it. “How many rooms are there on each floor?” I asked.


“Ten rooms.” He replied after thinking about it.


“So each room on each floor would have a different number, right?” I suggested.


“Right,” He replied and I waited for them to realise what I was trying to tell them.


“Okay so?” Ian asked after a minute of silence.


“Each room would be 101, 102 and so on.” I said and smiled.


“Right,” Both of them said, completely unfazed.


“Oh god you mofos! There is no Room 7 at The Plaza! It’s 701 to 710!” I yelled exasperatedly and my hand flew to cover my mouth when I was aware I shouted. I glanced nervously at Alex. He probably thought I was so weird. But then again so did everyone so it didn’t really matter. But it was Alex and his opinions of me did matter. I really have to stop having these discussions with myself.


“You’re really smart.” Alex stated looking at me with a smile and not on the road.


I smiled shyly and pointed to the road. He chuckled and turned his attention back the road. “So which Plaza and where?” he asked.


“Okay pull over.” Ian said and I watched him pull out his phone. “How much time to do we have?” he asked


“Till midnight.” I replied.


“That means we have five hours to find the right Plaza out of 10 Plazas.” Ian said with fake enthusiasm.


Alex and I groaned in unison.  This was going to take a long time and we wouldn’t be able to stop the people from doing the awful thing they were going to do to Claire. But if we did manage to help Claire and stop those terrible people from doing whatever they were going to do we’d be famous. However, that would depend on who those girls were and what they were going to do. If they were really tough criminals that had just been released from prison and if they were going to murder Claire, or something along those lines, we’d be famous. Then everyone would know how truly astounding I am. And Naomi and Janice would know not to mess with me.

The movement of the car got me out of dreaminess, “where are we going?” I asked. I made sure my voice was soft and I kept reminding myself not to yell. I didn’t want Alex looking at me like that again. It was strange, no one’s given me that look before and I had no idea what it was.



“We’re going to one of the eight Plazas.” Alex answered and reached over to open the glove box. He pulled out a huge CD case and tossed it on my lap, “the nearest one is half an hour away, so pick one.”


I nodded and went through the music CD’s. He had pretty good taste in music and I was surprised because I never pinned him for a person who would listen to the bands and people I listen to. In fact, I never pinned anyone except Ian and I. I thought we were the only ones.”You listen to Vampire Weekend?” I asked. I was astounded that I found a Vampire Weekend album. They weren’t my favourite but they were definitely good.


“It’s my brother’s old collection. I don’t listen to that stuff. I must have passed you the wrong CD case.” He replied sheepishly. So I was right, he didn’t listen to this stuff. Not that his music taste mattered. I wouldn’t matter because it was never going to happen!  I mean it was Alex, the nice popular guy with the pretty girlfriend. It was rather predictable that nothing could ever happen between the both of us.


I pulled out the other case and my mouth was open. “Nirvana,” I whispered because I couldn’t actually speak. I was just left more stunned as I flipped through the album. He had every artist I adored and albums and songs I only dreamed of having. “Ian! Look! The one you wanted!” I yelled and showed him the CD case hoping to get the same reaction he had when we were talking about the hotel.


“I need that on vinyl.” He said and continued looking out of the window. A normal person would have still gotten excited but my brother didn’t. I sighed and continued flipping through. My eyes went wide every time I came across something I had been hunting down. And every time I gasped I saw Alex glance at me and chuckle from the corner of my eye. It felt nice that he was paying attention to me but at the same time I felt uncomfortable because I never really knew how to deal with attention. Attention of any kind for that matter. The bottom line was I was very secure not socialising with people. The only people I could comfortably talk to and be myself with were Ian, Keith and Victoria. That was because I’ve spent so much time with them and they genuinely like me. I think.


“Are you going to play anything?” Alex asked once I was about half way through. Right, I forgot about that.


 I giggled nervously and pulled out the CD that I was looking at. I looked back at Ian because he was suspiciously quiet and found that he was fast asleep. Now this was going to get awkward and I wouldn’t have anyone to help pull me out of those situations that I always so easily manage to put myself into. “How far are we from the Plaza we’re going to first?” I asked.


He looked at his watch, “another fifteen minutes,” he said.


I groaned and tried to come up with something else to say because once you start a conversation you’ve got to finish it. Otherwise, it’s just plain awkward. Like now. Why did I even ask how long it was going to be? By the time we reached a run-down Plaza I had changed three CD’s while it was halfway through the list only because I really wanted to as many I could.


“Okay it’s a hotel.” I said once we were at the door. “Let’s see if they have a Room 7.” I finished and walked through the door with coolness in every step. Then I became conscious of how incredibly stupid I would look if I continued walking like that right up to the reception desk and not have anything to say. I would have plenty to say, I just wouldn’t be able to say them.


“What happened?” Ian asked stopping next to me.


“Nothing,” I replied and motioned for him to walk ahead of me. I slowly followed the boys and took in the place. The walls were painted a pale blue with one long green stripe running along the centre of all of them. The furniture was very homely and flowery. The room wasn’t lit very well and that gave the whole room a very sinister look. There was a porter sitting near the door reading a very old issue of a sports magazine instead of doing his job. If he was I wouldn’t have had to push the door open myself. The stout man at the reception didn’t look helpful either. He sat behind the desk writing something and looking straight at us. How did he do that? Not look at what he was writing.


“Can I help you?” He asked with a condescending tone.


“I need to know if you’ll have a Room 7 available.” Alex said without a trace of nervousness in his voice. I would have never been able to do that. Not in a million years.


“It is available.” The fat man looking down for the first time since we entered.


“Could we check it out?” Ian asked in a sweet pleading tone.


The man gave us a once-over, took the keys from the holder and beckoned us to follow him. Both the boys smiled with pride and followed him.


“Guys?” I called and waited for them to come back. “Why are we going to check it out?” I asked once they turned to me.


“Claire.” Ian replied and looked at me like I was the brainless one.


“If she was there the room would have been booked. No one’s going to kidnap a girl and put her in an available hotel room.” I said. I was losing it with these two. This was common sense. Either they weren’t thinking properly or this was the limit of their intelligence.


“I knew that.”Alex scoffed when Ian went to apologize to the fat receptionist.


“I know,” I assured him softly and looked at my feet. I saw him smiling from the corner of my eye and I couldn’t help but smile too.


We walked out around the town looking for the next Plaza. According Ian’s phone it was only a ten minute walk from the one we were at. As we walked down a busy road, I thought about where Claire could have been. If these ruthless prison women were going to murder her, I had no idea why though, they would want to do it in a noisy place so that could no one could hear her scream. But that’s only if she was going to be murdered by ruthless prison women. I was only thinking it was ruthless prison women because I honestly couldn’t think of anyone who would want to hurt Claire. Wait. Alex was in the same friend circle as Claire. “Hey Alex?” I called as I caught up with them.


“Yes?” He asked back with a big smile on his face.


“Why are you so excited?” I asked confused.


“You started this conversation.” He replied, still with that goofy smile.


“I started the very small one in the car as well.” I pointed out and he shrugged in response. “Anyway, you and Claire are friends right?” I asked.


“Yup,” he answered popping the ‘p’.


“So who do you think would want to do whatever they’re going to do to her?” I asked and shoved my hands into my pant pockets. It had suddenly become colder and I didn’t have jacket.

“No one at school. Everyone loves her.” He said and smiled.


“Oh there it is!” Ian exclaimed pointing at a very lit up Plaza. It was a four storey brick building that had a light bordering every window and right in the middle The Plaza was writing in a cursive yellow light. “Let me do the talking this time, okay?” Ian asked and walked ahead without an answer.


I shook my head and followed him. I was bored of arguing with him and it was of no use because he always got his way. Plus, it’s not like I was the one who was going to do the talking. Once we entered I realised that there was no way Claire would be there. Unless, the ruthless prison women who kidnapped her liked keeping all their hostages at strip clubs. 

Chapter 3

 “So are you sure she won’t be here?” Ian asked trying to look past the curtain that separated the lobby from the actual strip club.


“Yes. Now, let’s leave.” I said and tried dragging him out.


“Hold on,” Alex said as he walked up to the black wooden desk that was near the curtain.


“What?” Ian asked and was instantly by his side. Boys will always be boys and it was really annoying at that time. We were on a mission and they had to concentrate on saving poor Claire Brent.


“We don’t have time for this.” I said with all the anger I could muster.


“I think there’s a hotel upstairs.” Alex explained and hit the tiny bell on the table. Ian was grinning from ear to ear the whole time they spoke to the pretty lady who came to the call. I stood a few feet away totally uncomfortable and waited for them to finish.


“So?” I asked and rubbed my arms. The air conditioning in there was unnecessary and the fact that I was wearing shorts didn’t help.


“So there isn’t a hotel, it’s more of renting sort of thing going on.” Alex said softly.


“And?” I probed with equally quiet voice.


“Some brown-haired girl paid for Room 7 a week ago. She paid for two weeks but never came back till this morning.” Alex answered with an evil smile.


“Can we go check it out?” I asked suddenly excited. If we did find Claire strapped and tapped to a chair our mission would be over. We would have rescued a kidnapped girl and become famous. I could feel the adrenalin flowing through me and I had the urge to jump up and down but I stopped myself. Thank god for that.


“No she isn’t letting us.” Ian said, obviously in a bad mood.


“But she can convinced,” Alex replied in a hopeful voice.


“What do you plan on doing?” I asked suddenly suspicious. I didn’t know Alex really well that means I didn’t know how he worked. How he thought. I certainly didn’t know what he was thinking of doing right then.


“I was going to tell her the truth.” He responded with a shrug.


“Oh,” was all I could come up with because I had never thought of that. I was thinking along the lines of something utterly and I partly blamed our surroundings for that.


“Actually you should do it.” Alex proposed. “You know? Because of the womanly trust thing.” He said when he looked at my questioning face.


I narrowed my eyes, “Womanly trust thing?”


“Yeah!” Ian backed him up. “She isn’t your enemy or anything so you guys will get along.” He finished a smile on his face and two thumbs-up.


I continued looking at them with narrowed eyes. Were they out of their minds? Maybe, after all, we were at a strip club looking for a kidnapped girl. But I don’t talk to people I don’t know, Ian knew that! Alex did too, to some degree. I hated talking to strangers and I would make a fool of myself rather than convince her to show us the room. So I continued looking at them and kept thinking of a way to get out of this. “What exactly did she tell you?” I asked even though I had no clue as to what I was trying to achieve.


“She said the room was booked by a brunette a week ago. She paid for two weeks. She wasn’t seen here again till this morning.” Ian said quickly.


“Claire isn’t here. If she was the lady would have said two girls came in this morning.” I said and folded my arms across my chest. I was proud of myself from getting myself out of that one and I did find out something helpful.


“Right. Once again you think of something we didn’t. How are you doing that? I’m supposed to be the quick one.” Ian asked with his hand on his hips. He wasn’t enjoying this and the fact that he wasn’t made me like it even more.


“But it isn’t midnight yet, they could bring her here anytime.” Alex pointed out as he stroked his non-existent beard. My lips twitched with a smile.


“Just leave one of our numbers here and tell her to give us a call is she sees Claire.” Ian said and pointed the pretty lady at the desk.


“That was a quick one.” I said and patted him on his shoulder to make him feel better.


“It was a simple one.” He replied blatantly.


I shrugged and motioned for them to give them one of our numbers so we could get out of there. It was getting so cold that I could feel my toes going numb in my shoes. They were supposed to be warm and protected in my shoes but they weren’t. Guess my shoes were useless.


“So where’s the next one?” I asked as we made our way back to Alex’s car.


Ian pulled out his phone and took his time figuring out where were going next. “The rest of them are in the city.” He finally said.


“How far away are we from the city?” I asked and moved closer to Ian. I needed a jacket. Or longer pants. It was awfully cold and my lack of covering was making it worse. We walked a couple of feet further with me stuck to Ian for his body warmth till Ian suddenly stopped.


“You need a jacket.” Ian said and walked into one of the stores. He came out a minute later with a thick, soft woolly one and handed it to me. “You owe me.”


I owed him as ice cream nothing else. It was a system, if I did him a favour which involved me spending money; he owed me one of those giant Toblerones that are only usually available at Duty Free at the airport and this other shop that only he knows of. If he did me a favour in which I spent money I repaid him with a cone of Baskin Robins. That was it.


“So how far is the city?” I asked again.


“An hour.” Alex replied.


“That would leave us,” I looked at my watch and calculated, “about three hours in the city.”


“Okay Ian order up all The Plazas so that we won’t waste time later deciding which one to go to.” Ian said and started speed-walking towards the car. Ian was quick to follow and kept up with such ease. But I couldn’t do that because the sports gene had skipped me and it really wasn’t fair. I walked the fastest I could and managed to be right behind them, which was good enough.


By the time we arrived where we had parked the car, the boys were talking about something that had nothing to do with The Plazas or Claire. And there was no way I could but into the conversation so I just went into the back seat of the car and lay down for a small nap. Looking for a Room 7 at a Plaza was not how I planned to spend my Saturday night.

Chapter 4

 I woke up to yelling and bangs. I sat up startled because I had no idea where I was. I was in a car. Why was I in a car? Suddenly everything came back to me and I looked straight and saw Alex and Ian arguing about Pokémon or something. Alex kept yelling, “No!” and Ian was jumping in his seat. Boys will always be boys.


“Both of you please shut up!” I yelled and lay back down. I wasn’t a very nice person to when I woke up. Not just in the morning but at any time of the day. The car was silent for the rest of the fifteen minutes but it was an uncomfortable silence so I couldn’t fall back asleep.


“We’re here.” Alex said quietly. As I got out of the car I realised I had an extra jacket on me. I was wearing mine and another one was covering the front of me. “You were feeling cold,” he said but made no effort to take it from me.


“Thanks,” I blushed and handed it back to him.


“Okay love birds, let’s go.” Ian said and that made my cheeks get even redder.


“I was being a gentleman. Stop taking things the wrong way Ian.” Alex said and caught up with Ian.


I knew that. I rolled my eyes. There was no way Alex liked me, he was just being nice. That’s why everyone liked Alex, because he was nice. He was polite and usually went out of his way to help people. Helping us find Claire. He could have just ignored us, regarded me as crazy and walked out of the store that instant. But he didn’t, he had been helping us all along. I liked Alex for that.


I bumped into someone, “sorry!” I automatically said before I even knew who it was. I looked up to see Alex standing there with his arms stretched out in case I had fallen. He had an amused smile playing on his lips and that look in his eye. This had to stop happening.


“Are you okay?” he asked slowly. That smile was still there and I couldn’t concentrate on much of anything else. It was weird smile that just seemed to work with him. The left corner of his lips we pulled up slightly higher than the right. You wouldn’t be able to notice from a distance, I could see it from where I was standing.

I smiled weakly and nodded.


“How did you not see him?” Ian asked. “He was standing right there,” he said and shook his head. Thank god I never told him about my little crush. If I did I would have been in hell right then and it wouldn’t have stopped till... well, never. In ways like that he was still my little brother and I was happy because that stopped from telling everything that happened in my life.


“I was dreaming.”  I said and looked down.


“We’re here,” Alex said and I looked up to see the smile still there. Stupid smile. “It’s around the corner.”

Around the corner was a ten story building that was one of those all-glass buildings. It had The Plaza writing in the boring block format that the newspaper headlines came in, on a plaque right near the glass doors. If they had a Room 7 that means they probably had one room on each floor. The rooms had to be enormous! We entered the quiet building and looked around for someone who could help us. At least I did, the boys were the just pointing at the ceiling and whispering.  It would be difficult to get into Room 7 if it was a residential building. If it was an office we could just lie and get it. Like, our mom or dad left something and we came to collect it. There was no one around the lobby so I moved towards the elevator and waited for the boys.


Without a word we went up to the seventh floor. “What?” I asked no one in particular when I saw the numbers on the doors. There were three doors with 19, 20, and 21 on them.


“Fourth floor.”  Ian said and pressed the elevator button.


We found Room 7 as soon as we stepped out of the elevator. The long, wide hallway was empty and I was thankful for that. Ian stuck his ear to the door to try and hear if anyone was there. He shook his head with a cheeky smile.


I asked him warily, “You’re smiling like that because?”


He bent over and pulled out something from his left boot. A black velvet cloth.  He unwrapped it and pulled out some tools. “Ian!” I whispered shouted. He was going to break in! I couldn’t let my little brother break in, let alone break in with him. And where did he get those tools?


“This is the only way.” He whispered back.


“Where did you get those tools?” I asked him.


“I’ll explain everything later. Let’s get in first.” He replied and fiddled with the lock.


I should’ve stopped him, but something was jumping inside me. I had never done anything like this before, and that wasn’t exactly the way to start, but it felt good. Even though it went against everything we were taught, it was something that everyone did at least once. Okay, not breaking into someone’s house, but other things on the tamer side of the line.


There was a click and the door was pushed wide open. Ian stuffed everything back into his shoe and looked at us with a proud smile plastered on his face. “I’ll even teach you.” He told me and walked in.


We inched into the large apartment in utter silence. To say that the apartment was big was an understatement. It was like a palace with ceiling to floor windows that had a beautiful view. We stayed close to each other and moved from one room to the other as slowly as possible. My hear t was beating at the speed of light and I had a feeling that the others could hear it. My throat was dry and I could fee one of those annoying dry coughs developing. I put my hand over my chest because I thought I could calm my heart down. But it was useless so I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water, I could at least get rid of the cough. I knew it was inappropriate but I needed water and I couldn’t wait till we got out.


“It’s empty.” Ian said walking into the kitchen with Alex behind him.


“Dammit” I muttered under my breath as I rinsed the glass I had drunk from. I had really hope Claire would be there because time wasn’t in our favour and I had a really bad feeling.


Alex opened the refrigerator and browsed through it. “Chocolate anyone?” he asked and pulled out a Hershey’s bar.

“What is wrong with you?!” I whisper shouted again.”Put it back!”


“You drank water,” he pointed it.


“They won’t miss it! But they will miss the chocolate. What if it was the kid’s?” I asked and pointed at the child’s room as if he was there.


“Okay okay!” Ian said coming between us. “Let’s take the chocolate and get out.” He said and pulled me with him. This was so wrong. Breaking in wasn’t enough for them? We had to take the chocolate as well? Ian pulled me out and waited for Alex so he could lock the door again. My heart was pounding as we waited for Ian to finish. Now that we had the chocolate I couldn’t help but thinking we were going to get caught. If we did get caught, it would ruin everything, we wouldn’t be able save Claire and we would be criminals. I would have a record!


I heard the elevator and my heart was practically jumping, “Ian hurry up please!” I whispered.


He ignored me and continued working. This was taking longer than before and I wasn’t calmer. No one had come out of the elevator so we were safe for that moment. “Okay where are going after this?” I asked to distract myself.


“The next Plaza.” Ian said.


“No shit. Where is it?” I asked. I was trying to distract myself. If I didn’t I would continue fretting and imagining sounds.


“I don’t know, but Google does. Now can you please be quiet so I can finish this?” He asked infuriately without taking his eyes of the door.


“Google says it’s walking distance from here,” Alex said holding up his phone for me to see. He knew why I was asking all those questions. I wondered how he knew and the only answer I could come up with was that he could read my mind.


“Oh good!” I breathed and gave him a small smile.


“Hey!” Someone yelled from near the elevator. We all turned around to see a big man standing there in a security guard’s uniform. He looked like he was over six feet and his shirt looked very tight. He needed to get a bigger shirt that didn’t highlight his biceps. I think that was the point though.  


“Shit!” Ian muttered and shoved everything into his shoe.


“What are ya‘ll doing over there?” He asked and started walking towards us.


“What do we do?” I whispered and looked straight at the gigantic security guard walking straight towards us. We were going go to jail trying to save someone. That was it.


“Run!” Alex yelled and pulled me in the opposite direction. My legs followed his command even before my brain could process what was happening. Ian was right behind me with a smile on his face. My heart hadn’t stopped hammering in my chest and I could smell the fear coming of me.


“Hey! Ya’ll better stop!” The guard’s voice boomed and I heard him pick up his pace. He was yelling and running behind us.


 I didn’t stop. I ran with Alex in front of me and Ian behind me. We reached the staircase and hurtled down them as fast as we could. By the time we reached the third floor I was already tired and panting but I still kept going. There was no I could stop and slow everyone down. I could still hear the big security guard running with his heavy steps. I had to stop, my breath was coming out scratchy and I desperately needed water. I stopped on the second floor and rested my hands on my knees. Ian ran past me without even looking. He knew how I had very low stamina. I stood up straight with my hands on my hips. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly. I heard someone come up the stairs and I opened my eyes. It was only Alex and before I knew it we were running down the stairs holding hands. That didn’t make me feel any better because my hand were all sweaty and that was not how I wanted them to be. His were sweaty too but it was different because he didn’t have a major crush on me.


Once were out of the building it became easier to breathe. We slowed down to a jog and turned around to see if the security guard had kept up with us. Alex caught my eye and shot me that smile again. I smiled back because I was actually happy. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt good and free. I could have conquered the world with that feeling. Unfortunately, that didn’t last very long. The security guard burst out of the glass doors with his baton held over his head. He was out for blood. At least, that was the thought that kept me going. We picked up our pace again and let go of each other’s hand so it was easier to run.


Ian was way ahead of us yelling his lungs out. He wasn’t shouting out of fear, he was actually enjoying the chase and I hated that. It wasn’t fair that he was having fun and I was the one with the guilty conscience. Ian turned around and waved for the keys and before I could even look over at Alex he threw the keys to Ian. Ian jumped up and caught it. Of course he did, he was on the basketball team.  We were in the car within minutes with Ian in the driver’s seat, Alex in the passenger and me at the back. As we zoomed out of the parking lot I turned around and saw the security guard slowing down. He was still yelling something we couldn’t hear and waving the baton over his head.


All I could hear in the car was heavy breathing. I sat there with a smile because I had just escaped death. Ian met my eye through the rear-view mirror and he had that knowing look. He knew exactly what I was thinking, this was the first dare-devily thing I had done and, even though I wasn’t supposed to, I was feeling really excited. Maybe, it was the adrenaline rush but it felt amazing. I had never tried to do anything new or anything like this for the simple reason that I always thought I was going to fail and the outcome of my failure. But that, what had just happened, had changed everything.

Chapter 5

 We stood outside the next Plaza and I was pretty sure we wouldn’t be able to get in. It was a mansion right in the middle of the city, with a gate and compound walls. There was probably no Room 7 either. It didn’t take very long to reach there with the car since it was only walking distance from the previous one. My hands were shoved deep into my pockets because the cold was unbearable and I needed to find longer pants. “So...” I trailed off.


“My tools can’t get us in there.” Ian stated. I shot him a look but he didn’t see because he was looking at the beautiful house.


“Unless they’ve numbered the rooms, I don’t think there’s a Room 7 there.” I said.


“Unless it’s a boarding house.” Alex suggested.


“Weird place for a boarding house but yes, it could be one.” Ian shrugged.


Before they could stop me, or rather I stop myself; I pushed the intercom button and waited. I couldn’t believe I had just done that. Now all I had to do was come up with an excuse for coming into the house and examine Room 7.



“What are you doing?” Alex whispered.                                                                  


“Buzzing us in?” I guessed. I didn’t have an appropriate answer to that question.


He looked at me, stunned and that scared me. “Okay that was a probably bad idea. Let’s go!” I said and walked away from the gate before the people inside could answer. I heard the buzz from a few feet away.


“Hello?” Ian called. I turned around and saw Ian sticking his mouth near the mouth piece and Alex looking back at me. We were all supposed to walk away not strike up a conversation with the intercom of a boarding house.


“What are you doing?” I whispered.


“Getting us in!” Ian answered and turned his attention back to the lady on the speaker.


“Yes, who is this?” A frail voice came through it.


“This is a boarding house right?” Ian said with confidence. I even heard a hint of a French accent. What was he thinking?


“Yes?” The voice said.


“Oh good! We’re looking for a someone.” Ian went on.


“Ah! Are you looking for Bianca? She was expecting you a little earlier.” The lady asked, suddenly chirpier.  This lady was the worst care-taker ever. If I was her, I wouldn’t send any of my girls out of the house in the middle of the night to meet anyone, especially a boy. She didn’t know we were here, only Ian.


“Yes!” Ian exclaimed.


“Okay, I’ll send her out.” The lady said.


“No no!” Ian yelled, the accent disappearing. “Actually yes, that would be great!” Ian said with the slight accent again. I didn’t know what he was up to and it was freaking me out. I heard another buzz and the gate clicked open. We were in. Ian grabbed Alex by his elbow. “Okay dude, I don’t care how you do it but you have to get the girl to let you check out Room 7. If they have one.” Ian told him and pushed him into the gate.


“What?” Alex said with a panicked voice. “Why me alone?” Where are you guys going to be?” He asked.


“Three people she doesn’t know coming is just going to look weird. And you alone because two guys she doesn’t know will worry her out and Rachel can’t talk to people she doesn’t know.” Ian said in a rush and pushed him again.


“Then why can’t Rachel and I go together?” Alex asked and I shook my head.


“Yeah she’s right. Do you really want a weird girl standing by your side while you talk to the, probably pretty, girl who will show you Room 7?” Ian asked. He was getting irritated with Alex’s questions. However harsh that sounded, it was right. I was just going to ruin it. Ian knew it; I knew it and now, Alex knew it.


“Fine I’ll do it!” Ian replied equally irritated that he would have to do it alone. He walked in and Ian shut the gate behind him.


He came out around fifteen minutes later with a goofy smile on his face and immediately  wiped it off when Ian walked up to him. “So?” Ian asked and moved closer to them.


“There is a Room 7 which was empty. Had been empty for the past couple of months and no one had come to check it out.” Alex replied and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets.


“But they could break in.” Ian said.


“No they can’t but I did leave my number with her and she said she’s give me a call.” He said that goofy smile paying on his lips again. He liked her. Or he was going to get a date. He scored. I was happy for him... I think. Of course I cursed her when he was going in, but that was instinct. As soon as I realised what I was doing I stopped and tried to not let it bother me.


“Okay so next Plaza?” Ian asked and looked at me. I nodded and waited for the answer Google provided.

Alex looked at me and I looked at me shoes because all of a sudden, they seemed a lot more intriguing than what was about to happen. I knew what was going to happen, Alex was going start a conversation about the girl and I was going to say something really humiliating. Ian better hurry up with the directions.


“Hey,” Alex whispered and I realised he was closer than I expected.


“Hi,” I replied without looking up. “So you got a date?” I asked. That was the exact stupid thing I wanted to avoid saying. I didn’t even know I was going to say it. It was like my brain was just spitting out things before it finished the thinking process.


“No, I only gave her my number.” He replied and I could feel him looking at me. “Plus I like someone else.”


“Oooh! Who?” I looked up at him and asked him. I was smiling for some reason. Maybe because I hoped it was me. He didn’t reply instead, he just looked at me with that left-sided smile. I usually never spoke this much, what was happening to me? “Sorry, I should have asked that. I don’t know what happening to me; I usually never say things like that.” I apologised and looked down.


“You usually never say anything,” he pointed out.


I couldn’t help but smile. I let the silence settle because I really didn’t know how to reply to that. “Why did you come with us?” I asked. There it was again, my brain had to stop making my mouth blurt out things before processing it. “I mean, looking for Claire.” I clarified when I saw his puzzled look.


“Because I’m her friend and I want to help her.” He shrugged.


I nodded and continued looking at my feet before rapidly jumping with excitement. “You’re her friend!” I said loudly. Ian looked over and Alex nodded slowly.


“Do you have her number?”I asked.”God! Why didn’t I think of that before?” I muttered to myself.


“Yes! I can’t believe we didn’t think of that!” Alex yelled, equally excited, and pulled out his phone. “I’m going to put in on loud-speaker.” He said and did exactly that. We all stood huddled around the phone and waited for Claire to answer.


“Hello?” Claire’s voice came through the phone and I nearly yelled with joy but I just settled for jumping with excitement.


“Hey Claire, it’s Alex.” Alex said.


“I have your number saved. What’s up?” She giggled. I stopped jumping and listen; it wasn’t very easy to do both at the same time.


“I was wondering what you were doing tonight...” He trailed off


“A couple of us are going to catch a late movie. Want to join us?” She asked casually.


“No sorry. I’m busy. But what are you doing after that?” He enquired.


“Umm... Janice invited me for a sleepover.” She said. “What’s going on?” she asked. But as soon as I heard Naomi’s name I jumped. I knew I recognised the voice on the phone, I just couldn’t place it.


“Oh nothing, I just wanted to get a last minute brush up on trigonometry before Monday’s test.” Alex lied with ease. “When did you guys get so close?” Alex enquired.


“Um... a couple of weeks now. Actually, Therese and Naomi are kinda close so that’s how we... you know... Sorry about the last minute brush up by the way. How about tomorrow?” She asked.


“I’ll call you and let you know,” Alex said as he eyed me jumping up and down. If I stopped I knew I would yell and say something that could ruin this.


As they said good bye I was still jumping because I was so excited and it heated up my body. Ian gave me a weird look and I just smiled because the night was finally looking up. “Okay Rachel. Calm. The. Hell. Down.”  Ian said when Alex finally got off the phone.


“Okay. Right, sorry.” I smiled sheepishly and stopped.


“Why are you so happy?” Alex asked.


“So the voice on the phone in the evening, the one that said where and everything...” I trailed off and the boys nodded. “So the voice sounded familiar but I didn’t bother because... well.... I don’t know! But now that she mentioned Naomi I recognised it! And the other girl was Janice!” I yelled and jumped again. Oh this was great! I think, I wasn’t sure if it helped us right at that moment but at least who wanted to hurt Claire.


“What?” Alex asked and started laughing. “Why would Naomi and Janice want to hurt Claire? They’re harmless.”


“Harmless?” Ian asked. “Are we talking about the same people?”


“From our school.” Alex answered.


“Yes. They’re far from harmless.” Ian said. They never did anything to him. What was he talking about?


“They’re mean sometimes but that’s it.” Alex defended them. Something changed inside me when he said that. I was angry that he was defending them. But it was only natural that he defended them. They were his friends and well, they were nice to him. He didn’t know the hell they had put me through for the past two years


“Sometimes?!” Ian was beyond irritated. “You don’t know the things they do to Rachel!” Ian yelled pointing at me. Both the boys looked at me. Ian with anger burning in his eyes and Alex with confusion. I never wanted to anyone to find out about that, especially Alex. This was not supposed to happen. We were supposed to find Claire.


“What do they do to you?”Alex asked softly. I looked at him and he had that look in his eye. That pitying look I got from people when they found out the bad things that happened to me. Okay not bad, like one of my parents dying. But bad like losing a friend to cancer and things like that. Plus, it made me seem weak to everyone. It was just bullying and I should’ve been able to handle my own problems.


“Nothing.” I replied stubbornly. “It was once a long time ago.” I said and glared at Ian. He had no right saying that. It was my problem, my secret. I was meant to tell that to whoever I wanted to.


“No. I’m not letting you do this again.” Ian replied indignantly and folded his hands across his chest. “You haven’t told mom and dad. Not even the school psychiatrist. No one and it’s been long enough. Telling someone, anyone, might help.”


“I told you and that was because I didn’t want something like this to happen.” I replied and pointed to Alex’s face. “You see that look? That’s what I hate and that’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell anyone. That was the same look, same pity I got when Sarah died. I hated that!” I yelled. Anger was surging through me and I couldn’t help yelling. Ian’s face dropped and all the fury disappeared.  I turned to Alex to see his looking at me with an expression with so many emotions. It was pity, sadness, confusion and rage all wrapped in one. That’s when I became conscious of the fact of what I had just spilt. “Don’t. Let’s just concentrate on what has to be done now.” I said and looked at my feet. I couldn’t keep looking at those eyes. Mirroring everything I was feeling inside. Alex shot me a look when I looked at his face again. This wasn’t over, he wasn’t let it going to end so easily.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2014

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