
Chapter 1



The crowd roars as I make my way to the center of the village of my Warriors as the sun beats down upon my back. The dryness of summer burns the sensitive flesh inside my nose as I take deep breaths trying to control my anger and nerves. Rows upon rows of warriors pumping their fists viciously into the sky and for just cause. The rage I feel inside is shared by my warriors and it electrifies the air tingling the hairs on the back of my neck making them stand on end. The wind is heavy with scents the town often produced: roasting meats, horse dung and flowers that grew from flower beads perched below windows. My men stare at me with confidence in their eyes, something that I have spent years trying to achieve, I nod and they return the gesture of respect. It has take years to get where I am. Fighting against brother and sister to acquire my status. I have earned my role as General of the Shadows of Night, the youngest and first female in Centuries being just shy of 200 years old, and yet the new Queen is given hers at the drop of a hat at the meger age of eighteen. That may be an age that humans consider adulthood, but here, in the Realm she is just a child. Raised by humans and with no knowledge of our world, it is truly insulting that she has acquired her position with no trial or test. Every warrior in my Army had to fight, train and bleed to be apart of the Shadows of Night, to protect our world and I will see to that the Young Queen will bleed for her ignorance. She knows nothing of our world and she will lead us into the ground. Everything that I have done is all for not. All the battles I have fought men I have cut down...worthless if a child will rule the Realm. There is in way I will to bow to her, she will bow to me.


Khan was a fool to venture into the human world to end her life. Vengeance and rage clouded his judgment after the loss of his daughter and Queen Renee. Even since his daughter was taken by the humans he changed and his decision became irrational. His grief ate away at his brain and soul like a virus until there was nothing left but rage and ignorance. Ares his trusted second in command was the one to betray his King...swine. My nails bite into the calloused flesh of my hand from clenching them so tightly. The sting of pain is nothing compared to what I have lived through.


“Enyo! Enyo!” The crowd roars my name as I reach the small wooden stage stairs surrounded by warriors all dressed in their uniforms. Black as the night, their armor shines menacingly back at me and I feel a jolt of pride. Their black cloaks hang down their back and fine silver swords hang from their hips swinging from side to side as they beat the sky with their pumping arms. My red hair catches under the wind and blowing it back from my chest joining my gold embroidered black cloak dancing in the breeze. Black leather in this punishing heat is exactly why we normally meet at night. My boots clunk on the wooden stairs as I make my way to center stage. The sword sheathed upon my back sends a reminder to all that cross me, I have earned my status and earned the blade of leaders before us. Tis a great honor to dawn the Blade of Night across my back and I wear it with pride.


    I look out across the sea of faces and take a deep breath in through my nose and get the scent of dust as it swirls in the air. I raise my arms into the air and silence falls across the crowd. I lower my arms slowly, “Warriors, brother and sisters, there has been a great injustice committed.” I look across all the array of breeds staring back at me all yearning for blood. “Queen Renee made a grave mistake bringing a human raised wolf to rule over the Realm. Our true King, Khan has been betrayed by his own men and now it is time to avenge his death!” The crowd erupted with cheers and begins to chant, “War, War, War!” I raise my hand and silence again encases the audience.


    “The Queen is young, not more than 18 years” whispering breaks out between the warriors, “and she expects us all to bow to her!” Hisses pour from them left and right as they shake their heads in disgust. A girl of 18 is just a child  in our eyes. I myself am dawning 200 years of age, although still looking 25 years of age and will for the remainder of my days, I have enough life to take over the Realm and rule the way that Khan would have wanted. A united Realm! A human free world!” Cheers erupt and with clapping and hooting. “Today we build the revolution! The Shadows of Night need to reclaim our Realm!” I take a step back and they stare at me with anticipation waiting for my next word. For the command of war. “We ALL have taken an oath to protect the Queen and King with our lives, but on this day I ask you to break your voe and follow me into the NEW world, our world! No longer having to hide from humans! They will bow to us or die!” Without another world...I wait in dead silence.


At first they all look back and forth between them. I don’t blame them for their hesitation. I am asking them to break the oath that so many years ago they all made and have upheld. The seconds feel like hours as a small bead of sweat rolls from my temple and down my cheek. I take a breath and shift my weight from side to side, then it fist after another is lifted into the air. Soon the entire crowd is silent with arms raised showing support and loyalty to a true leader. I raise my hands in the arm is a violent thrust, “Brothers and sisters! We will reclaim what is ours! Death to the Queen!” They chant after me without an instance of doubt. I turn back towards the stairs and start towards them with a new feeling a pride and confidence welling in my chest. A young child in a white tunic and brown pants stand nears the bottom of the stairs and stares at me until I make my descent. I stand in front of her as her eyes grow wide. She bows her head and dirty brown hair falls on either side of her neck, “General, My master must speak with you.” I raise my eyebrow. This child must have great courage, most of the children in this town feared my shadow and would never approach me. I give her credit for her bravery and decide to indulge her master, “Who is you master child, no one summons me.” She raised her head slightly with a confused look on her face as if she is surprised that I don't know. “G-General the Oracle is my master.” She studders her words in a small meek voice. My throat dries and my heartbeat quickens. Although I have known many victories in battle and wars, I have fought every breed and never faltered but the Oracle is a true immortal that could never be destroyed. He take no sides and is respected by all. If he is summoning me than it must mean am I doomed to fail...I push the thoughts out of my head and nod my head to the young girl.


    I follow the small child through the village dust pooling behind me as my cape drags across the ground. Past bread and fruit vendors and finally to the edge where the last homes stand on either side of me. She stops and looks up to me. “Please take my tunic.” I looked down at the dirty material and reach out reluctantly as the little girl stares up at me without a worry in her eyes. There is something about this child that isn’t...right.


The moment my finger tips touch the child's tunic, we are ripped into darkness and I feel as if I am floating in mid air. Moments pass and we are no longer at the village but standing in front of white columns of a magnificent home...maybe palace is a better word for this monstrous structure. The outer walls are all plaster with no color to be seen. The house looked deserted at the peak of its glory and untouched by time. I scan my surroundings to see the entire mansion is engulfed by lush green grass and towering trees and every kind. A cool breeze blows through my hair and the scent of roses catches my attention. I look to the right and large bushes of black roses are scattered across the lawn. My eyes widen at the sight of them. A flower that has been long lost in our Realm meant to show nobility and power grows freely in this place. Many centuries ago they lined the Castle and were a warning to all that stepped inside of the power that loomed behind the doors. Until Renee removed them from existence saying it was not the image she wanted her subjects to have. I never had the chance to see one in real life and I can’t help but marvel at their beauty. Renee chose to rule with love and though some did encouraged her...I did not. Love doesn't earn you respect, love doesn't urge the breed warriors to follow you into battle,… is a demon.


The small child walks before me and no longer is in rags...and no longer a child. My breath catches to see the back of a young slender woman with raven hair to the middle of her back and a long white dress that reaches the ground with a small brown belt around her waist. She turns to face me with her hands folded and my breath catches. Her skin is white as milk with eyes of emerald green and lips the lightest shade of pink. She is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen and I wonder if this is the Oracles companion. With her beauty I wouldn't doubt it. Her arms are strong and defined along with her back that peaks through her backless dress. She looks regal as she stare down at me from the steps of the mansion.


She opens her mouth and her voice is warm like honey invading my soul and relaxing me completely. Her accent showing deep french roots, “General Enyo, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I take a step forward with my arm draping across my stomach and bowing slightly at the waist letting my eyes fall to the floor a show of trust. I know not what rank she holds in this house and the last thing I want to do is offend someone of the Oracles home. I raise my head and straighten up. She stares at me for a moment her green eyes cutting into my soul. “General Enoy, you know me not?” My throat dries. Should I know this woman? Have I missed some detail? She keeps her hands folded and waits patiently for me to respond. My skin begins to crawl as a small grin cracks her lips. I clear my throat hoping that my answer doesn't offend her, “I don’t mean to offend you, but no I do not.” She release her hands and lets them hang to her sides and takes soft calculated steps down the stairs until she is before me. “I am the Oracle.”


I take a step back and bow my head, “Oracle I did not mean.” She cuts me off before I can finish, “No need for that Enyo.” I look up to her and she is already walking up the enormous white stairs to the front door. With a wave of her hand the double doors ease open with a small creak. She turns to me and without words beckoning me to follow. I slowly follow her command and cautiously taking one step at a time. She turns her back to me and walks into the bright home.


Once I make it to the top of the perfectly white stairs I look behind me across that vast green grass trying to find an escape route in case this turns for the worst. There is nothing to be seen for miles. No mountains, rivers, rolling hills...nothing and nowhere to hide...just vast green grass as far as the eye can see. I don’t know what I was expecting to find since I was teleported to the Oracle’s home. She turns to face me her flowing dress spinning with her, “General I mean you no harm, no need looking for a way to escape. There isn't one.” My chest tightens and I turn back to her. She stands in the entryway waiting for me to follow her into the house. I take a step forward my heavy boots stomping on the stone stairs. I follow her into the house and in the middle of the floor is a large circular pool of water. The water is completely still and crystal blue. It is set low in the floor with a large white lip step for sitting. All is white and clean and I almost feel afraid to sit on anything. There are columns at every corner of the vast room with twenty foot ceilings and a large chandelier hanging from the center made of crystal and is the most gorgeous one I have seen. It reflects the sun into gentle rainbows all around the room.


“Oracle, Please forgive me for not knowing you but we have been told for years..” she cuts in, “That I was a man.” I nod my head trying not to grin at her bluntness. She lets out a huff and starts towards the pool of water and sitting on the large white step with perfect posture folding her hands on her lap. “Let me guess, a man more specifically Khan told you that I was a man, yes?” I follower her to the step and take a seat across from her with the pool sitting still as glass between us. “Yes he did.” She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed breath, “Men do not like being weaker than a woman, so he started telling all that I was a man.”

“Why did you not come to the Realm and prove him wrong?” She let out a small laugh, “If I came to the Realm every time someone did something I disapproved of, I would have a summer home there.” She flicks her raven hair over her shoulder and adjusts her position.


She looks down to the crystal blue pool of water and without any movement from her the pool begins to ripple at her glare. “Enyo, I have brought you here to give you a message.” A seed of fear nestles itself in my core and I grip my sword. “Look down into the water Enyo.” I hesitate for a moment and then lean forward my eyes locked on her and then slowly I look into the water. It swirls and splashes and there it is, me and my men rushing the castle swords in hand and mouth wide screaming our battle cries. I look back up to her with excitement in my eyes. She motions back to the pool. I look back down and see a woman standing alone with a long white dress and a crown of diamonds. “Renee?” I stare down in awe. She is dead though, this is impossible… “No Enyo. That is Queen Niki.” Rage courses through my veins and pulsing beneath my skin aching to burst through me. “She stands alone as an insult! An ambush?” I look back to her and she shakes her head. “Enyo you are a great warrior stronger than any General before you but Queen Niki is the strongest of all the breeds. She holds more than one gift.” I jump to my feet, “HOW is that possible?! She is a Mystic yes and a inherited wolf from Renee, but there is more?” My blood is boiling and pounding in my ears as I stare at the Oracle waiting for an explanation. I look down to the pool of water and the images have stopped. “Oracle please show me more, what will happen!?” With a wave of her hand the water turns to solid ice and she looks to me, “I do not show the future to anyone. I only warn.”


She walks around the pool and heads to the large glass doors on the other side of room, rainbows caress her back as they float down from the chandeliers dangling crystals. She waves the large doors open and walks out onto the grass and stares at the vast scenery. I follow her out my sword and armor clinking with every step. “Oracle, I am sorry for my outburst. Please tell me what I am up against. I have thousands that will ride with me against the Queen and I need to know what I am to prepare for.” She turns to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “The young Queen may have been raised by humans but she is no fool.” I listen closely and try to get as much information from her as I can. The wind blows and my hair catches it blows around me. “She was born Mystic, passed down Wolf by Renee but she also is Pyros.” My breath catches and a nugget of fear lodges itself in my core. Pyros is one of the true enemies of Wolves. Their fire can destroy us, “How can she be Pyros?”

“Because Enyo, her mother is Pyros.”

“But that doesn't make sense she has never shown that power in battle before.”

“Of course not, she doesn't know she has it.” A weakness at last! Oracle continues, “It will not be long till she finds out she has this ability, but there is another thing that will stand in your way. Her first change was under the Blood Moon.” My stomach clenches and anger over takes me. I turn away from the Oracle with clenched fists and throw my head back screaming into the air. It’s silent for a moment after my our burst and I feel embarrassed at my childish reaction.  “Oracle forgive me.” I turn back to her and she is smiling, “Enyo, why do you feel that this war is necessary?” I take a breath and let it out, “Because this world is not meant for the weak and humble. She was raised by humans and given the highest honor our world can bestow without having to earn it.” She tilts her head, “Is it because of what you had to do to get your status?” My heart could she know. There was no one I told.


“Enoy I know everything that happens in our world. All the choices that are made in every mind. I know what you...let go to pursue what you wanted. I have never seen anyone leave their..” I stop her, “Please Oracle, I do not wish it relive the past. I have made my decisions and that is all.” She nods her head. “What do I do now, since defeat is almost guaranteed.” Her eyes hood, “I said nothing of defeat Enyo.” I turn my head on its side, “Oh?”


She turns back to the vast green lawn and lifts her arms into the air black smoke begins streaming from her finger tips and swirling before her. “Long ago there was murders, robbers and rapist running rampant through the Realm. Criminals ruled this world and hatred and despair was all our breeds were accustomed to.” Images began to flicker in the center of the black smoke of men and woman begin torn apart by one another the sky was dark and my stomach turned at the sight. Children sobbed over their cold lifeless mothers, fathers and other young children. So much much fear. Now we are united as one and stand together against all evil. She continued, “When Renee became Queen she changed our world for the better. She ruled with love instead of fear. She knew that fear already had a grip on our world and she would not let it control her actions. Khan, at the time, had yet to lose his mind and he helped gather all the criminals and sentence them to exile. He agreed with Renee’s decree and followed her proudly into battle.”


As she spoke the images in the smoke portrayed her story. Renee in her silver battle armor stained with splatters of blood; arresting, fighting, and killing those who would not submit. I once thought that woman was to soft to rule and now I see that I couldn't be more wrong. What else could I be wrong about? What other breeds have a doubted that could have been more than they were rumored to be? What a fool I have been… I don’t take my eyes off the bloody battle that rages in the smoke mirror linked to the past. Then there is one man that stands before Khan and he triggers a painful memory in my heart that tears through me like hot iron. “Ares…” I feel the Oracles eyes on me as the images play in front of us. Ares stands in front of Khan his sword drawn and blood covered his armor, face and clothes. They exchange words but there are no sound to hear. “What is happening?” I ask the Oracle as my voice cracks. For a moment she is silent. If she truly knows why I worked to become General than she knows why my heart aches at seeing these images. “Ares and Khan are in a standoff. This is the end of the war that Ares started and is about to lose. Most have been captured, surrender or fallen to the mud. Khan offered Ares a position as his second in command to end the blood shed. He believed that Ares had potential to become more than a rebel but a great warrior and he was right. Ares agreed to his terms.” The smoke disappears as she drops her hands and turns to face me. I keep my eyes locked to my black boots and try to suppress the pain radiating in my chest.


“Why have you shown me this Oracle?” She waves her hands and two white wooden chairs appear and she sits motioning me to follow. I sit across from her with my hand on my sword. Habbit. “Enyo those criminals, blood thirsty men and woman would love nothing more than to take down the thrown and have the Realm back in the grasp to do as they please. For centuries they have contained by magic in the Forgotten Forest and they are begging to be released. If you desire victory they are the only ones that can bring you any hope of attaining it.”


This information brings hope but discourages me at the same time. I either release these monsters from the centuries of imprisonment to overthrow the Queen and King but that would unleash an evil on the Realm that is unstoppable. Or I can abandoned my cause and obey a child who knows nothing of this world. My pride is hurt most of all after this visit. “Oracle, I fear that you knew exactly what I would do after showing me this. You know that I would never do anything to endanger all of the Realm and yet you show me a way to victory. Why?”

She looks across her land and then back to me, “You need to know the consequences of your actions. Would you rather have stormed the castle and lost your life along with all your men?” My eyes fell to the floor. She told me this to save me, to save all my warriors. “Thank you Oracle.” She nods her head in my direction and stands, “You have much to think about General. I will return you home. Please take my shoulder.” Within second we are back into darkness floating through time and space. This time it doesn't feel as fast as it once did. I am stuck inside my own head battling with my own morals. Do I condemn my whole world just to bring down a child Queen or do I take it lying down and follow orders like a lost puppy.


Light breaks through the darkness and we are back at the edge of the village with sun beginning to set on the Horizon. Pink and purple cover the sky painting and entrancing sight. I look down to see the dirty little girl under my hand. She nods her head and in an instant she disappears again. I take a step back and turn looking into the villages. Men and woman bustling around getting ready for a Rebellion I no longer knew was right. The reason for war is still burning in my brain but at what cost? At what point is it...not worth fighting for?


I walk slowly through the crowds with men and woman moving from my path letting me get through without one person bumping into me or touching me. Ares flashes into my mind and my heart aches. It has been many years since I let myself feel anything for him. It’s easy to ignore a memory, but watching him in front of my eyes is something that I was not prepared for. I had no idea that he once a criminal trying to overthrow the crown. He seemed to be so loyal, until of course the day he killed Khan, but that was centuries after he swore his allegiance to Khan. When I...knew him… he was always loyal. What must of happened?

Chapter 2


The dawn has yet to come and I lie awake in my bed tossing and turning over the decision I have made. I know what I must do now that I have had a week to think it over. The rebellion that we all crave is now off the table. There is no way that I am going release those murders just to satisfy my own pride. I am the General and I need to do what is best for my men and the people I protect. This has been the hardest decision and yet the easiest at the same time.



Today is the day I call in my men and explain that the rebellion is to be stopped. Dawn is starting to peek over the Northern Mountains where the heart and soul of the Shadows of Night reside. This village is where their families reside and when they are not training in the North Mountains or when they are on leave in the village. I sit up in my bed and throw my legs over the side of the letting them rest against the cold stone floors. I rise and let my white cotton nightgown all to the floor. This is the only place where I do not sleep in my leathers, the only place I feel comfortable enough to sleep soundly without one eye open. After I tell the men what our new plan is, I don't know how comfortable I will be. I make my way across my darkened room and to the bathroom. I fick on the light and listen to the hum of electricity push from the blubs. I rest my hands on the sink and lean forward taking in a deep breath and slowly looking into the mirror. Dark circle lay under my crystal blue eyes, though today they don't shine like they normally do.



Red tangled hair falls down my shoulders past chest. I grab the black brush from the marble counter and start at the bottom of my thick hair working out the tangles. I have no idea how I am going to explain this to my men. After everything I said to grow the rebellion now I have trying to take it down. How will they respect me after something like this.


I finish my morning routine and put on my leather pants, long sleeve top, cape and dawn the Blade of Night on my back. I sheathe another sword on my hip and two daggers in the holster at my sides. One last deep breath before walking out my bedroom door and down the wooden stairs and straight out the front door.


The sun warms my face as I make my way across the dirt path to the stables.  The air is cool against my face, the only skin that I allow to show other than my hands and even those are covered in black leather a majority of the time. The leather makes a brushing sound as my arms and legs rub together. I hear the whining of my stud Dex. He is a large black Friesian stallion standing 17 hands. He is a glorious animal, one I have rode into many battles. I make it to the stables and I hear him pawing at the stall door. “Dex, stop before you break the door.” He hollers at me to hurry up. He loves a good hard ride and gets very restless when I fail to take him out everyday. All have told me that Stallions are no good for riding due to their irrational behavior but Dex is just a huge colt. He loves me and has carried me wounded many a time.  


I peer into the stall and he shakes his long pitch black mane from side to side, “Good morning Dex are you ready to ride?.”  As if understanding me he paws the ground with his head lowered. I pull open the sliding door to his stall and grab the rope next to his name plate and click the sliver link onto the bottom of his halter. I lead him out to the hitching post and tie him to the metal pole nerves building with every passing moment. Walking back into the barn the smell of the black roses invades me and I think of the Oracle. This is a must be, that I am taking the right path. My nerves lesson as I grab the bucket and brushes and begin to brush his soft hair.


Small black hairs fly in the air and he waits patiently for me to finish. His stattle is my greatest pride. Genuine leather, black, the Royal Crest on one side and the Crest of the Shadows of night on the other. The air is filled with the smell of hay and horse manure. Not a smell that I have ever disliked. I pick up the western saddle by the horne and lift it atop his back over his red riding pad. Quickly I secure the girth and breast collar. His bridle is a brilliant silver and I slip the bit into his mouth and the top over his ears securing the long leather strap from the bottom of his chin strap to the round ring in the breast collar.


I secure the ball of my boot in stirrup and pull myself up onto his back taking the split reins in my hands and steadying him as he moves from side to side.  He loves to bolt out of the yard but it has been a few days since I last rode him and we trot out of the large green steel gates. I can feel Dex’s tension wanting to bolt but I hold him back. This is not the time for a speedy arrival. I am dreading this speech and I have no idea how this is going to go over. I am the General and I will not tolerate insubordination but the men to deserve an explanation.  


I loosen the reins and before I que him, Dex is off through the forest. He knows exactly where we are going and I don't need to lead him. His hoofs pound against the ground matching the beating of my heart and he speed towards the base in the Northern Mountains. The wind blows back my long red braid and I lean into the speed urging Dex to move faster. A horrible pain aches in my stomach as I see smoke rising in the distance where the base is located. I drive my heels into Dex and he lurches forward his ears perked and I assume he can smell the smoke. Dex has been trained since birth to become a war horse and he is loyal to no end. He knows something is wrong and he runs faster and faster with every passing moment.


Dex slides to a stop and I see the base...destroyed. My stomach lurches as I see my warriors laying on the ground bloodied and torn to pieces. Anger files me and I scream out to those who have survived whatever attack has come through. “What happened here! Report! NOW!” They must not have realized that I was there because they all looked at me shocked and one man rushed to me saluting. I return the gesture, “Bryce what happened?” Bryce was a young wolf and low in rank but somehow he was able to survive this attack with only a large gash across his face that was already starting to heal.  His voice was shaking as he began to explain, “It all happened so quickly. Men and women, they came in swords draw, no words and began murdering everyone. We fought for our lives but they were stronger, faster...I don't know how but they were.” He lowered his eyes ashamed that the Shadows of Night fell at the hands at the group of unknown murders. Place my hand on his shoulder and look down to him, “You fought well, Where is Hilde?” He points towards one of the training barracks, “She is wounded badly General.” Hilde was my second in command. She was a fierce warrior and never failed me. This is the first time that she was wounded enough not to meet me when I arrived and fear was spreading through me that she would not return from this wound. We are immortal in a sense that we do not age and it is terribly hard to kill us, but losing too much blood can kill.


I run over to where Bryce pointed and swing open the wooden door to see Hilde lying on a bed with her sword still in her hand. She tries to stand, “G-g-general” She stutters to speak and I rush to her placing my hands on her shoulders, “Stay down Hilde, that's an order.” She smiles faintly and closes her eyes pain painting her face.


I sit next to her trying to keep myself together. I grew up with Hilde she has been my friend since I can remember and now she lies in front of me bleeding to death. We used to play for hours at the creeks pretending to sword fight and that is when our love for warfare blossomed.  We trained in Khans’ Army and then later, once our talents were noticed, by Ares, he moved us up to the Shadows of Night. He believed that there was something special about us. We were the first women to be inducted into the Shadows of Night. It was hard training, made harder for us because we were women and Wolves. During our training days we hated our instructors for their cruel nature but now that we are older I am thankful they trained us the way they did. They prepared us for times like this.


Who could have been so powerful and swift that they could take down almost our entire fleet of Warriors in a matter of hours. This just doesn't make sense. “Enyo..”a small weak voice seeps from Hilde, “They were...different.” I look to her hoping that she can hold on just a little bit longer until her body can heal, “they were...huge. Taller than I have ever seen before. Their strength far surpassed ours. They came quickly, laughing and screaming for Khan. When one of our warriors screamed he was dead, they cackled.” she coughs up some blood sitting on the floor, “They screamed that they would have revenge on the ones who trapped them in the Forgotten Forest.” The heat drained from my body as nausea creeps up my throat. The murders that Renee had exiled have escaped from the Forgotten Forest, the ones that almost destroyed the Realm. How could this have happened? The Oracle knew this would happen and she didn’t warn me! “General!” Bryce yells from outside. “General the Queen and King!” My blood boils at just the sound of their names being yelled. I stand slowly and turn away from Hilde as she bleeds to death, “Be nice my friend” Hildes struggles to speak, “We need their help.” I look back to her and wink, “Don’t worry my old friend we will burn the men who did this to you.” Before I make it to the door, it rips open with a girl staring back at me. “Asclepius!” I gasp, “What are you doing here!” Asclepius used to play with us when we were children. She wasn't into swords but she was a fun companion and we enjoyed her company. She ran to my grabbing my shoulders, “Where is Hilde?!” I grunt sounded from behind me and she rushed past me and kneeled at Hilde’s side. “Oh my god! What have they done to you!?” She wasted no time waiting for an answer and she held her hands over the top of her bleeding torso. Green mist began to pour for her hands and seeped into her body. I could see the wounds healing and sealing themselves as she concentrated hard.


She looked to me with fire in her eyes, “Have your men line up the wounded outside. Have the most injured in the front and least in the back.” I nodded to her and walked towards the door. How could she have known what happened here? I screamed the orders to collect the wounded and the men that were able, jumped into action moving men and woman on by one getting them lined up for Asclepius to work her magic on, no pun intended. The King and Queen sat upon 2 large white mares. Their manes were a silver white with a slight wave all the way down. The Queen dismounted her horse and started towards me. She doesn't look how I thought she would. She walks with confidence and the closer she gets the more I can feel her power radiating off of her. My stomach turns, her power is so... immense and I don't even know if she understands what she has inside her.


I bow at the waist but keep my eyes locked on hers. “General Enyo, What has happened here?” Her voice is relaxed and dripping with concern. It almost seems that she really cares what is going on here. She surprisingly doesn't wear a gown, but the same type of leather attire I dawn. Maybe she is not what I thought. The smell of death is heaving in the air and I wrinkle my nose to the smell of corpses in the hot sun. “We were ambushed. I was not here when it occurred. The men say that it was a group of large men and women, breed, but I know exactly where they came from.” She tilts her head to the side and then looks back to her King in confusion. A man that was raised breed and I have to say that he is rather dashing. Hair the color of fresh wheat and eyes greener than any emerald. He stalks towards me and I feel that his power if far less than his mate, although he is quite strong himself. “General, Who are the attackers?” I stand for a moment wondering how to explain this. All I can do is think of the Oracle's words and the explanation she gave, but would they even know who the Oracle is or think me mad. “My Queen and King these were prisoners from the Forgotten Forest.” She looks to the King and his face drains of all color. He must know of the prison. The Queen looks between us, “Forgive me General but I have not been here long and I don’t know what the Forgotten Forest is.”


I take a breath and realize that she really doesn't know what is needed to rule over the Realm, but there are bigger problems that need to be dealt with. Putting my anger and loathing aside I respond with an even tone. “Many centuries ago when Renee and Khan first began their rule, the Realm was in a terrible state. Murderers, rapist and criminals where on the loose. They destroyed towns, small villages and Renee had enough. There was a great war. Renee and Khan rounded up everyone that surrendered and sentence them to exile in the Forgotten Forest, it's a prison and that is where they have been ever since, for centuries. It seems that they have managed a way to break free.” The Queen lets out a sigh of frustration and looks to the King, “We need Ares.” I cross my arms and scoff. She looks to me with confusion and places her arms on her hips, “Do you have something to say about Ares?” Her tone surprises me, as if she cares for that pig. “You think that Ares will hunt down his own Army.” She stomps towards me, “You know nothing of Ares!” If she only knew. I knew everything about Ares. He is a cruel man that cares for nothing expect the glory of war. He is loyal to his Queen and King, but something made him break his allegiance to Khan and I am dying to know what it is. It’s only a matter of time before he breaks his vow to the Child Queen.


I can tell that I have angered the Queen and even though I do not like her, I still must obey, “Sorry my Queen, but it’s true. I spoke with the Oracle once about this story and Ares was leading the Army when they first attacked all those years ago, he surrendered to Khan and swore his allegiance that is why he was spared. This was centuries ago, even before I was born.” The Queen looks to her King and rubs her hand over her forehead. She seems to care for Ares, I am not sure why. He is a pigheaded man and he cares for no one. “Travis, we need to ride back.” She looks to me, “You are coming with us. Asclepius has it from here.” I bow my head to her, “Respectfully my Queen, I need to stay here and tend to my wounded and get a body count of my dead.” She turn her horse and a fit of dust flies into the air. She looks back to me over her shoulder, “That is not a request it’s an order.” She drives her heels into the sides of her mare and she bolts to life galloping back towards the castle. The King mounts and follows her.


“General.” A voice from behind me calls. I turn around to see Hilde fully recovered walking towards me from the barracks. I rush towards her, “Hilde you're alive!” She smiles and winks, “Going to take more than a few stabs to kill me.” She smiles brightly and I want so much to huge my old friend but it will show weakness to the other men and that is the last thing that we need. Asclepius ignore my presence and begins working on the long line of men and women lying on their backs staring up vacantly into the smoky air waiting for their pain to be erased by her soothing green mist.


She calls over her shoulder as the green mist floats from her palms and into another victim of the raid. Beads of sweat begin to form on her forehead and I can tell that Hilde took a lot of out her. She has changed so much since the last time I saw her but at the same time she still looks like the girl well played with for hours on end. The sun breaks through the smoke that hovers above us and warms my face. “You better leave Enyo, the Queen is not as patient as she once was.” She doesn't look in my direction and continues working on the bloodied mass of man before her. Hilde runs to Dex, grabs his bridle and leads him by the reins to my side. “Ride hard General.” I look her and nod. She knows I care for her deeply as my friend and she returns the gesture whispering, “I’m fine, go please.”  I secure my foot in the stirrup and throw my other leg over Dex’s back and pull myself unto the saddle. “He isn't the man he once was Enyo.” Asclepius says to me not looking away from her work. “No one ever really changes.” Anger burning from every word. I slam my heels into Dex and he galloped off towards the castle. My minds reals with her words. He isn't the man he once was. I push the thought from my mind. Even if he was different, I want nothing to do with him any longer. That chance died many years ago.


It doesn't take much time to catch up to the King and Queen riding towards the Castle. Dex’s hooves beat the ground as he increases his speed to catch up to the white mares, he hates to be at the back of the pack. We grow close so I pull back on the reins and sit back a little in the saddle to slow him down to a gentle lop. I come up besides the Queen and she looks over to me and yells over the wind whipping past us, “Is there a reason you gave such a sour face when Ares name was brought up?” I look away from her and try to ignore the question. She prys, “General?” I look to her with disgust, “I prefer not to discuss Ares if you don’t mind.” Her brows arch and she looks to the King letting her shoulders rise and fall. He lets out a chuckle and speeds ahead. I join him Dex lurching forward with every step. The Queen yells from behind, “Travis! You ass!” I hear her cue her mare to speed up and she is blasting past both of us in a flash hooves beating the ground. I have never heard a Queen speak like that before it was almost, refreshing. “It’s on woman!” He yells back to her and he is off. Dex wines and I release the reins letting him go as fast as his legs will carry him. Wind wipes past my face tangling my long hair behind me.


The ground seems to shake as we barrel down the golden brown fields of dried grass the wind blowing so hard against my face my eyes dry as liquid runs from the corners of my eyes and flies back into my hair. Dex is neck in neck with the Queen’s mare and we both rise from our saddles and I can’t help but smile. This is the first time that I have ever raced Dex...for fun at least and I have to say that it is rather invigorating. As we speed up a small hill covered in wildflowers of every color the wind blowing through my hair, the castle comes into view and I can smell the delicious aroma wafting from its direction. The cooks must be hard at work.


It has been years since I returned to this place. Years and years of training and war have changed me immensely. My heart was once open and looking for love like any woman does, but now I have seen the horror this world has to offer and love is the one thing I avoid. Love is a virus that attacks the heart and decision making. I have no room for that sort of disease in my life. Love is for the weak minded.

Once I believed that I was leaving to become a soldier for love, to show my worth and devotion to a cause that we both held close to our hearts, but it just showed me how unworthy he really was of me. I will never regret the decision to join Khan’s Army because it has lead me to where I am now, and where I am now is much better than falling over some man that never deserved me in the first place. Now that I know his past I have no desire to be in his presence let alone at his side as his mate. My heart sinks just thinking the word...mate.


We start slow as we reach the stables around the back of the Castle. Our horses panting and out of breath. I continue to walk Dex until his breathing settles and he is relaxed again. We all dismount and hand over the reins to the stable hands and continue to the rear entrance to the Castle. The smell of nature seeps into my soul and I remember a time when I lived in this castle with my younger sister Grizel. My heart aches to see her as we draw closer and closer. I haven't seen her face in years and I miss her glittering green eyes. She was always so different from me, happy, outgoing and beloved all. There was nothing that she wouldn't do for me or anyone that she loved.


The Queen and King walk before me and open the large wooden carved door and I await the darkness of the castle but it never comes. Light pours from the door and we take a step inside. The feeling is… different. No longer does fear roam the halls, it’s warm and welcoming and it makes my heart feel strange. Something that I have not felt in quite sometime. The Queen and King stroll ahead of me talking amongst themselves and laughing. It makes my blood boil, how can they laugh after so many of their Soldiers, my brothers and sisters have been slaughtered. Suddenly The King turns to me and stomps towards me, “You know nothing of the pain that Niki feels for the soldiers that have been murdered. Do not take her demeanor so lightly.” Before I can respond the Queen’s hand appears on The King’s shoulder whispering into his ear, “Please Travis. She has a right to be upset.” I can feel the anger radiating from the King dissipate and he takes a step back and turns away from me walking down the hall his boots echoing with every step. The Queen watches him walk down the hall and turns back to me once he is out of sight, “General Enyo, we need to consult with Ares about the recent attack will you please accompany me to the Great Hall?” This was a request...not a command. It catches me off guard and I nod. She smiles and turns from me walking down the hall. They know that they do not have to request anything from their subjects and yet she makes me feel like I have a choice in the matter. A head game?   


The Great Hall… what a sight to behold. Stain glass window with images of every breed, wolves, mystic, Pyros...everything. They stretched from the floor to the ceilings. Book shelves lined every inch of the walls with books that seemed to be as old as time itself with withered leather spines. The throne sat vacant as the Queen stood before it he hands clasped in front of her delicately. The lights in the room had all been turned off but the sun brought through the window and illuminated the room in a comforting glow. I made my way down the long room and stood before her staring waiting for her command. She motioned to the long table with red velvet cover chairs all around. “Please sit.” I turn to my left and make my way to the table pulling out one of the chairs and sitting down. She joins me and sit directly across from me with the King at her side. The King stares me down and I return the glare until Queen Niki places her hand on his forearm making him break eye contact and look to her. She gives him a gentle smile and he leans in kissing her gently on the lips.


She turns her head towards the back of the room and hollers, “Ares!” The door at the back of the room creaks open and I don’t dare look in his direction. My heart begins pounding in my chest and my cheeks flush. I hear the heavy footsteps of his boots grow near and my anxiety climbs with every step as my breath quickens. I can feel my wolf scratching at me. She does not understand my distaste for Ares, because she only knows what she feels for him as his mate. Her instincts are primal and she often has a one track mind. Sweat builds on my upper lip and I wipe it away before anyone can notice it. I straighten my back as I see him come into view from the corner of my eye. There is a moment of silence and I can tell that he is staring at me waiting for my reaction his boot no longer echoing in the awkward silence..


“Enyo?” His voice is shaky and confused. I refuse to look at him and keep my eyes locked on the Queen, “If we could proceed discussing the attack.” She looks to Ares and then back to me, “Is there something that I should know about you two?” her voice riddled with curiosity. Ares takes a seat next to the Queen and lowers his eyes to the table. I have never seen him act this way before. He has always held himself with such confidence and almost arrogance. I finally look at Ares. His face is just how I remember it. Dark hair, soft features, square chin and deep brown eyes. “Is there anything that the Queen must know Ares?” He stares at me for a moment and then swallows deeply, “No my Queen.” She looks between us and then squints her eyes, “Why do you look so familiar Enyo, I know that I have not met you before. Your eyes, so green, they remind me of someone.” All I can think about is Grizel, she must know her since she works in the castle as her chamber maid. “My sister is a servant here. Your chamber maid actually.” She looks to the King and Ares shifts uncomfortably in his chair. There is a moment of pregnant silence and she clears her throat, “Do you mean Grizel?” I nod my head yes. She looks down and places her hand atop the table, “I am sorry to inform you of this General, but your sister was murdered.”


A hot blade runs through my heart and tears begin to well in my eyes. I blink them away and try to gain my composure. “By Whom?” I say behind gritted teeth anger radiating from me heating every part of my body. My wolf lashes at the surface threatening to break free. Her grief intensifies my own. She wines and claws at me desperate for relief. She looks to Ares and then back to me. I can tell that this pains Niki to speak of. “Khan. I never had the pleasure of meeting her but there is a large portrait of her in the Castle to remember her.” All the loyalty that I ever felt for Khan melted away like butter on hot toast. All the anger and hatred for the Queen was replaced by understanding and slight acceptance. She never knew my sister and yet she had a portrait made in remembrance of her to hang for all to see.


The one thing that I was fighting to keep safe, was taken from me by the one person I followed without question and blind loyalty. I deserve vengeance...something that I could never acquire, Ares took that chance away from me the day he murdered Khan. I look to Ares with hatred burning in my eyes, “You knew this and did not contact me? After everything, you still are too pigheaded to alert me of my sister death!” My anger was pouring out of me pulsing with every breath I took. Grizel was the only ray of sunshine in my life. She kept me grounded and sane. Although I had not seen her in many years she wrote to me often. I should have noticed that the letters stopped, tired harder to contact her, but no. I was so engulfed in my own rage I totally disregarded the signs of her absence. How could I have been so ignorant and blind. I feel hot tears begin to rise and I blink them away again refusing to show weakness in from of Ares. Ares looks at me with confusion and guilt. He places his hands on the table and laces his fingers, “Enyo, I didn’t know you were alive, if I had I would have contacted you.” My mouth drops open and I feel like reaching over the table and slapping him across his stupid fucking face. “How could you say that!? Khan knew I was alive. He sent me orders constantly and you being his second in command makes is hard to believe that you didn't know I was still living.” Rage and betrayal is seeping from me and polluting the air around me. Grizel was nothing but loyal and pleasant. She was kind to everyone that she met and did all she could to serve the King and Queen. The Queen looks between Ares and I as we stare each other down. Ares finally responds, “Just because I was Khan’s second doesn't mean he told me everything. He told me you were dead.”


I shake my head from side to side, “And where were you while my sister was murdered?” His lip quivers for a moment, “I watched it happen.” He looks to the ground and runs one of his hands through his short hair. No longer being able to contain my anger I lunge across the table wrapping my hands around his throat and squeezing as tightly as I can, “You watched her die you fucking Monster! How could you do that!? After everything we have been through you could not do me the one courtesy of taking care of her!? I HATE YOU ARES!” Two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me from Ares with a forceful tug. I turn to fight against the man who dare put his hands on me to see the Queen. Shocked at her strength I stare at her for a moment and then she pulls me into her arms in an embrace. Grief coursing through me all rational thinking has gone out the window. I wrap my arms around her and sob into her chest. She screams and everyone in the room, “Leave, NOW!” The sounds of shoes scurrying across the floors echo until there is completed silence except for my sobs muffled the in Queens clothing.


I feel her hand run down the back of my tangled hair as she speak softly to me, “General, Ares was destroyed when Grizel was murdered. He carried her body out into the East Garden and sobbed for hours. He buried her himself and refused to let anyone assist him.” I look up to her with my face reddened and tears staining my it. I try to fight back the tears and embarrassment. I am supposed to be the General of the Shadows of NIght and yet I am crying like a child into the chest of the Queen. “She was the only family that I had left.” The Queen tooks down to me with her eyebrows furrowed, “Are we not your family?” My heart breaks at hearing this. Only a week ago I had plans on rebelling again this woman and making her head from her shoulders myself and now she is asking me why I don’t consider her family. Should I lie and say yes or tell her the truth and risk banishment or execution. I push away from her and her grip around me lessens. “My Queen, I must be honest…” She takes a step back from me and folds her arms, “Yes.” She says with a questioning glare. I take a deep breath and try to keep eye contact with her piercing glare. I cannot believe that I am going to tell all, “A week ago I was assembling my warriors to...relieve you from duty.” Her arms fall to her side and sadness covers her face. This is not the reaction I was expecting. Yelling screaming, something to show her emotion but she stands...just staring at me. She lets out a sigh and take a step forward, “Is there a reason that you were planning this?” The long pause sat between us both of our eyes locked together. “Yes, There is.” She pulls one of the red chairs out and takes a seat motioning for me to follow. Slowly I pull the chair out and take a seat. My heart racing out of control as I try to find the words to explain myself. I take a deep breath, “Permission to speak freely” She nods her head and I continue, “I do not feel that you are capable to rule over the Realm. You are but 18 years of age and before you came here, you knew nothing of our world. I do not see how you can keep the subject safe when you have no knowledge to guide you.” She folds her hands and listens without interrupting as I go on about my feelings and the visit with the Oracle and her visions.


A pregnant pause fills the silent Hall as she mulls over my words. She looks to me with a vacant expression and finally responds, “The Oracle is a woman?” I cannot help but he shocked by her question. After everything that I have told her. How I planned to betray them and possibly kill them the only thing she has questions about is the gender of the Oracle. I am too shocked to speak and just stare back at her, “Did you not hear everything I just explained to you.” She nods her head, “Yes and I also heard that you no longer wish to follow through with this plan. Did I miss anything?” I shake my head no and she continues, “Look General, I do not blame you for the feelings that you have towards my competence as a ruler. I too did not want to be in this position. When Renee came to me this was the last thing that i wanted. I fought it at every turn but when I was told that the entire human race would be extinct if I didn't it left me with little choice. You’re right, I do not have the knowledge of this world as I should but I am learning every day and that is all that I can do.” I can’t but feeling like a fool for feeling the way I do towards Niki. Instead of hating her I can help her learn all she can and train her to be a warrior as the Queens before her all were. Looking to the ground I respond with embarrassment, “I am sorry my Queen. I shouldn't have acted the way I have and I am happy to have finally met you.” She leans forward and places a hand on mine, she opens her mouth to speak with a voice echos from the large double wooden doors at the entrance of the hall, “Niki?” A woman that looks to be in her mid late thirties or early forties that bares a striking resemblance to the Queen, “NIki is everything alright?” Niki looks over her shoulder and responds, “yes mom everything is fine. Please come here I have someone I want you to meet.”


This must be the Pyros that the Oracle spoke of. She walks through the opening in the door and makes her way over to us. I bow my head as she approaches. She begins to giggle, “You do not have to bow to me.” I look back to Niki and she shakes her head whispering to me, “Don’t listen to her, she loves it secretly.” A small smile cracks my lips and I rise to meet the woman in front of me. Niki stands, “Mom this is the General of the Shadow of Night, her name is Enyo.” She extends her hand to me and I take it shaking it firmly. “Its nice to meet you Enyo, will you be staying with us?” I shake my head, “No there is an issue unfolding that I have been discussing with the Queen.” She looks to Niki with dread on her face, “I knew there was something wrong you lied to me!” NIki takes a step back and sighs in frustration, “Mom there are some things that you don't want to know about.” She shakes her head and crosses her arms, “Nonscience tell me.” The Queens shoulders rise and fall, “Alright fine. There was an attack on Enyo’s warriors and most of them were murdered. Asclepius is there now healing the ones that survived.” Her eyes widened and she takes a step back sparks shooting from her fingertips. Niki leans forward, “Mom calm yourself before you set the place on fire.” She closes her hands and the sparks stop shooting from her. She looks to me, “I am sorry for your lose.” I nod my thanks to her caught off guard by her sincerity. I have been with war and bloodshed for so long that it is difficult to accept the support I am being given so freely. “My name is Michelle by the way. Niki is terrible at introducing people.” Niki rolls her eyes in annoyance. I am surprised at the relationship that they still hold even though Niki is Queen of all, she still seems to take orders from her mother or at least still gets under her skin like most moms do. I can’t help but smile. Michelle turns away from us and walks towards the door yelling back over her shoulder, “Enyo I hope you plan on staying with us for a few days.” Niki looks to me and nods her head, “Yes, I insist. I need you here for the time, we have much to discuss and plan.” Reluctantly I nod my head. The last thing that I want is to be stuck in a Castle where Ares resides. “I need to attend to my men.” She waves her hand, “It has been taken care of. At this time they are being healed, which you know of and they will be moved to the West Wing along with their families. I do not want anymore deaths to occur from whom ever attacked your camp.” My eyes widen and heart sinks. No Queen or King has ever opened their home to warriors let alone their families. Granted the Castle has plenty of room and she would never even see them unless she went out of her way.

“Why my Queen?” She looks to me confused, “What do you mean?” I pace forward, “Why bring all of them here?”

“Would you rather them subjected to more attacks and possibly attacks on their families?” I shake my head no, “Well neither would I.” She said cooly. As she makes her way towards to double doors she turns back, “Whatever Ares has done to you needs to be resolved. I will not have another confrontation like that in my home again.” Before I can respond she turns away from me and walks out the door closing it behind her.


As I sit in the plush red velvet chairs of the Great Hall I try to think of memories of Grizel. Playing as children on a hot summer days near the river, skipping stones on the clear blue water, memories that I hold very close to my heart. The day that I left to join the ranks of soldiers Grizel begged me not to go. I remember her words as if it were yesterday, “Enyo you have nothing to prove to him, If he doesn't want you the way you are he will never want you.” Although at the time those words angered me, now I understand what she meant. Never change yourself to impress a man. Although the path I chose ended up being the best one for me, I started the journey for the wrong reasons and vowed that I would never let a silly emotion like love make my decisions for me. I wish that I could have seen her one last time before she was ripped from this world. There is a part of me that wants to know how it happened, what Khan did to her, but there is no need to know the details. What good would it bring me? So I can replay the images of her demise over and over in my head. That is not how I want to remember her. My eyes begin to burn as tears fight their way to the surface and spill down my cheeks. I have not allowed myself to cry for so many years. Crossing my arms the leather long sleeve tightens around them as I place them atop the Cherry Wood table and lay my head atop my forearms and sob. My breaths become choppy and quick as I try to gain composure and process the heavy feeling of guilt and grief.


The hushed sounds of voices reaches my ears and immediately I stop crying and strain to hear the words sobs threatening to break through. Being a Wolf my hearing is extremely sensitive and hearing conversation from other rooms has aided in more than one endeavor. It seems to be two women, probably servants, gossiping in the hall

“Did you hear that General Enyo is here” My interest peaks at hearing my name brought up in conversation.

“Yes, I did. Can you believe it! I heard that she tried to kill Ares!” Gasps accompanied that bit of information.

“Well I don’t blame her” The first woman continued, “Grizel was her sister, you know Ares mate, the one that was murdered!” I flung from my seat, “HIS MATE!” There is no way that he had everyone believing that she was his mate. Anger replaced all feelings of grief as a stormed towards the entrance to the Great Hall and pulling the heavy door with such force the hinges screamed in protest, heat pulsing in my face. I raise my nose and take a few quick breaths to try and locate Ares scent. If she had not seen him in the Great Hall prior, she would have not been able to recognize his scent, but luckily for her her memory has been renewed when she tried to strangle the life out of him. Finally I recognize the smell of cedar and fresh rain my eyes ripping open, “There you are you fucking pig!”.


I dart down the hall at blurring speeds I haven't used in years, anger propelling my every step as my leather boots stomp the heavy stone floors echoing down the halls. Dodging servants and the decorative tables that lined the halls the scent I caught bringing me towards the East Garden. The door leading to the Garden comes into view and I stop to mortal speed, slow to a walk and stop at the closed wooden door. I take a deep breath and crack the door letting the afternoon sunlight pour in. Small particle of dust dance in the beam of sunlight as I peek through the crack. The fountain is still as glorious as I remember it, cool blue water cascading down generating a delightful trickling sound. This is where I would visit Grizel for hours. It was her favorite place on the grounds and it carried such fond memories for me. At first I see no sign of Ares but his scent is heavy. Pushing the door slowly open I see he about fifty yard from the fountain kneeling at the tree line. I have never seen him look for vulnerable before. Opening the door, I creep out to get a better look. As I grow closer to his back I stop at the fountain, his words reaching my sensitive hearing.


“Your sister is here you know. She already tried to kill me.” A sad chuckle escapes his throat. Curious to hear more of what he has to say I stay at a distance and keep my ears sharp. “Grizel I am so sorry for what happened to you. I had no idea what Khan was planning to test my loyalty the way he did. It all happened so quickly.” A long pause and a muffled sob, “Please forgive me.” I couldn't help but feel...sorry for Ares. As I shift my weight from side to side my leathers rubbed and inwardly groaned as Ares head picked up recognizing the sound. Should I run away and pretend I never saw him or do I stay and confront him. I hear him take a few short breaths through his nose and I know...he knows I am here and running now would brand me a coward. He turned head slowly his eyes meeting mine, “Must you follow me wherever I go woman?” I cross my arms and bring to mind the conversation I heard between the servants outside the Great Hall. “I hear some interesting news from the Castle and you’re the only one that can...clear it up.” He rises to his feet his expression emotionless. He strolls towards me his eyes locked on mine and a old familiar feeling crawls up my chest. My wolf paws at the surface wanting so much to break free and to run with him, play with him. It has been so many years since she has seen him and her only reaction is complete bliss. Traitor. He stops a few feet from me and crosses his arms. The wind blows from his back and into my face carrying his intoxicating scent. The one that was made just for me. “What could possibly get your panties is such a twist that you would seek ME out.” He says it as he knows how much I hate him. I try to focus on the issue at hand and ignore my body's reaction to him. Heat fills my veins and arousal threatens to break my sanity. The wind shifts and blows from my back and Ares cracks a small sadistic smile. I shake off my feelings and respond to him, “So I was unaware that Grizel and yourself were mated.” His smile falters and she drops his arms to his sides, “I can explain Enyo.” I snarl back at him, “General, Ares.” He takes a step forward and I a step back. Anger blankets his expression, “General” he says sarcastically, “A year after you left Khan was displeased with you, for what I am not sure. He planned on punishing you and in the only way he knew would affect you, through Grizel.” My palms begin to sweat as I wait for him to finish a story that I have already figured out. “He was going to kill her. When I was informed she was already tied to the execution block and he was about to swing his sword down upon her bare neck. I lied and told him that she was my mate so he would spare her life.” He looked to the ground and his voice cracked, “Which in the end was useless.” Guilt racks me for raging the way I did. Even if he did make Grizel his mate, it would have been none of my business. he takes a step towards me, “Enyo, please…” before he can say another word I bolt away towards the forest. I hear him scream after me as I put as much distance as I can between us no listening to the words echoing in the silence of the trees. He is bringing up emotions that I have buried and locked away for so many years. Emotions that I never wanted nor expected to feel again. Trees blurred past me as I rushed through the dense forest missing branches and large bushed by inches.


A small female voice with an english accent stops me in my tracks as it rides on the wind. “Enyo...Enyo, come” The whispering fades almost as soon as it’s heard. I follow the direction it came from turning to my right and taking slow steps. “Enyo…” The further I venture the louder the voice becomes until it’s screaming in my head. I drop to me knees as my head throbs with intense sound and pain beating over and over. “You’re nothing Enyo! You will never defeat me! You’re worthless! The Shadows of Night will me mine!” The voice is so loud, pounding me further and further to the ground. The pain is immense and I am unable to process any thoughts, just the sound of her voice burned into my brain. She repeats herself over and over until a heavy force locks around my waist and lifts me into the air. Wind begins blowing in my face as bushes wipe me in the face making small superficial lacerations that heal in minutes. The further I am taken from the voice the more the pain lessens in my head. My cognitive functions return and the smell of cedar surrounds me. The warmth of the sun envelopes me as I look up and realize that I am out of the forest. Ares has one arm round my waist carrying me on his hip and a sack of potatoes my arms and legs dangling towards the ground below. I look up at him with disgust on my face, “What do you want, put me down now.”  He look down to me and rolled his eyes releasing his arm and letting me hit the ground with all my weight.


The air knocked out of my lungs and I spring to my feet. He circles me, “What is your problem Enyo.” I scoff at him, “How could you possibly not have the answer to that question already.” He stops and crosses his arms, “You are still just as stubborn as you once were. Nothing has changed.” Rage courses through me making my wolf uneasy at the change in my mood. I raise my hand placing it to my chest, “I haven't changed!? You are the one that needs to change! Caring for now one but yourself!” He storms towards me taking both of my upper arms and shaking me slightly, “Enyo tread carefully and chose your words wisely.” I turn my head to the side and mock him, “Or what, you will kill me? You forget Ares, you may be the Queen's second but I am the General.” He releases my arms and I drop to my feet and turns his back to me. My heart breaks at the gesture of annoyance and irritation but I cannot bring myself to be kind to this man. The past runs through my mind and I cannot let it go no matter how many years ago it was, it still hurts.


He turns back to me with his arms crossed. “General, since you will not speak to me in regards to where your anger is springing from, tell me what happened in the woods.” For a moment I forgot all about the incident. All I could focus on was Ares. Turning my head I look back towards the dark dense woods on my right and scan the tree line. “Not here we must get out of earshot of any immortals.” He nods his head in agreeance and takes off towards the castle. I follow close behind his scent still invading me and making my wolf prance with delight. He halts as we reach the East Wing entrance and opens the door and strolls inside. I follow him inside our boots echoing down the hall and I cannot help but stare at his...well his bottom to be completely honest. I haven't seen it for so many years and it has yet to lose its glory.  My wolf howls in agreeance as my heartbeat quickens thinking of the once sultry kiss they shared so many years ago.


Ares stops in front of a large wooden door at the right. He turns and opens the door walking in and flicking on the overhead light. I follow behind and survey the room. The walls are covered with sound proofing material that was discovered in the human world and brought to the Realm. No furniture resided in the empty room and Ares closed the door behind us locking the deadbolt. “Where are we?” I ask Ares curiosity peeking. “Obviously it’s a sound proofed room. The King had it installed to keep any conversation that were private, kept that way.” I nod my head and as Ares delved in, “So what happen in the woods?”

“As I was running in the woods. A heard the voice whispering and I followed it. ONce I got closer it was so loud it incapacitated me in pain and then you found me.” He raises his eyebrows, “That’s what you didn’t want anyone else hearing?” His british accent thick with sarcasm. “I didn’t want whatever was in the forest hearing us speak about the incident. This is pointless i’m leaving.” I turn to walk towards the front door and Ares rushes in front of me cutting me off, “Move Ares.” He stares at me blankly, “No you need to talk to me.”

“We have nothing to talk about.” I huff. He steps towards me and I step back away from him. He keeps walking towards me and I continue to step back. “Why do you insist on acting like a child Enyo!” My back hits the wall and I respond, “What does it matter Ares! Why do you care now after all these years?!” He is so close I can feel his body heat radiating off him something that often happens when he is enraged. He never cared about my feelings in the past and I don't understand what has changed to make him feel compelled to show them now. Too little too late.


My silence further angering him, “Answer me!” He yells. I push myself back from the wall with my foot and shove my hands into his hard chest. Muscle rippling under my touch. “Fine you want to know, I’ll tell you.” He crosses his arms and waits patiently. “We were mates Ares and you denied me that one connection that we all search for, the one purpose for life.” He turned away for a moment, “Oh now you don’t want to hear anymore.” He turns his head back to me, “When Khan brought you here you I didn’t want anything to do with you, you’re right.” Hearing the words drove a hot knife into my heart. I had always thought this but hearing him say it hurt more than I could have ever imagined. He continued the conversation making him more uncomfortable by the minute. “I was a different man then closed off to all emotion and I had no desire to find my mate. I was consumed with the love of war and destruction a woman would slow me down” When breeds emotions are erratic and their judgment clouded they could be standing in front of their mate and not even know even if the other person felt it immediately. You have to be open to the bond or you will miss it. Ares had a one track mind and love was not it. We spent years around each other and no matter what I did he would not see the truth and didn't care too. He continued almost out of breath, “When you left I felt a tear in my soul that I didn't understand. Something that couldn't be repaired. I didn't know what to do or how to fix it.” I cut him off, “So why did you not come after me, send  me a letter while I was training?” He started to pace back and forth, “I still did not believe that you were the cause of the pain. I was to stubborn to realize that you were what you were.” My eyebrow raised, “What am I to you Ares?” He looks to me with a twisted face. “You know what I am talking about Enyo.” I decide to play this out. I have waited so many years to hear him say the words and there is no way that I am going to let him get out of it now. I stare at him patiently and wait. After a pregnant pause he lets out a huff, ‘You’re my mate Enyo and you know it. Khan brought you here for that reason because he already knew but I was not informed that was the purpose of it. I had no idea that you were until Grizel told me.” Grizel told him? Yet she never mentioned it in her letters to me. All the times she could have told me and she didn’t. We were closer than ever, how could she keep something like that from me? I turn away from him the pain of Grizels memory creeping into my heart ripping it apart piece by piece. Tears threaten to break through the barrier I have constructed and my will begins to wither. Arms thread around my waist and warmth presses against my back. The feel of his chest rise and fall against me brings comfort that I was not expecting. I take my hand and ripe one of his arms away from my body almost disappointed at the lose of contact. I turn back to him no longer able to contain my tears, they spill over my lashes and drip down my face, “Ares why now? Why do you even care? You had so many years to make this right!?” My words crack with frustration, anger and hurt as he stares at me blankly. He takes a step forward in a commanding voice, “Do you not recall the fact that I was told you were dead?” I throw my head back, “Did you not feel through the mate link that I was still alive?” He turns to the side and stomps toward the wall throwing his fist into the soundproof material making barely a sound.


The material crumples and cracks at his powerful strike and fear tingles its way up my spine. He turns back to me his eyes glassy, “I never had a chance to link into our bond. I never believed that you were my mate in the first place, but when Grizel told me I knew it was true and I informed Khan that I wanted to retrieve you and bring you back.” My head is spinning from learning all of these new facts. He did want me? He even tried to bring me back to the Castle to be with him. My heart swells with the romantic gesture. He continues on,hands open and reaching for me, “Enyo...I am sorry that I did not accept you when you were first brought to me and I am sorry for all the years that have passed. I have been a coward. When Khan told me that you were dead I should have looked for you myself but I was following him blindly and I regret every moment that we did not spend together and all the events that lead after.” My throat dries and words escape me. He stares at me waiting for a response and I feel like I am staring down my old drill instructor each waiting for the other to blink first. I don't know what to say. This was not something that I expect to happen. One side of me wants to rush into his arms and envelop myself in him accepting his apology but then again why should I? I don't need a man in my life I have proven that to myself time and time again. In battle I have held my own tearing down enemy after enemy and yet this man has me weak in the knees and unsure of my own thoughts. He stares back at me worry painting his expression, “Please Enyo...say something.” I look to the ground and begin to fidget with my hands. Something that I have not done in many years a nervous tick I thought I snubbed out. My voice shakes as I try to keep my composure, “What do you want me to say Ares?” He steps forward, “I want to be forgiven. Now that I know you’re alive I want you by my side, in battle and for the rest of our lives.” Tears again spill over my lashes my face already wet, “I don’t know if I can Ares. I have been living with this pain for so long…” His expression changes and sadness envelopes him. He looks to the ground and my heart breaks. “I will give you some time to think about what I have said. Enyo I am being truthful and you know it. I was a fool but I have seen the error of my ways and I want to make them right.” He lowers his heads turning around and left the soundproof room without another word.


My head begins to spin with everything that just occurred. What am I supposed to think now? He thought that I was dead for all these years and that is why he never tried to find me. An apology I was never expecting...I have no idea how to process this. I lean back against the wall and slide down until I feel the cool stone through my leather pants. My black leather boots scrap against the floor as I extend out my legs letting the backs of my legs cool at the touch of stone. I stare down at my hands and try to decide what I want. Do I want to be with Ares? After all these years of convincing myself that he was a bastard, will I ever be able to feel love for him. My wolf stirs with anger. She doesn't understand why I hesitate and it makes her uneasy, pacing inside me wanting to break free. She hasn’t been out on a run for a while now and this new development with Ares is making her restless. Pulling my legs in and rising from the floor, I decide that a run is not such a bad idea. Leaving the room and closing the door behind me I look down either side of the hall and see no sign of Ares. I rush back towards the East Wing entrance and prepare for a long overdue run. My wolf howls from within knowing what is coming, hopefully she won't make a b-line for Ares. Although we can shift at will and can remain conscious and aware of our actions your wolf has the ability to take over if her will is strong enough and my wolf has been waiting for a shift so she can get back to Ares. Traitorous bitch.

Chapter 3


As I make my way through the East Wing door she suns warms my face calming me slightly. I run out no thinking about who is around and leap into the air and shifting in the blink of an eye. For some the change can be painful but it has been many years since my first shift and I have become accustom to the pain. The first time I did shift is still fresh in my mind. It was a hot summer day and Ares was showing off all the different animals he could change into. He picked on me often because I didn't let my wolf out, but the truth was I didn't know how yet. I had enough of his shit that day and snapped. My wof surfaced without my permission and it was the most painful experience I had ever had. My wolf lunged at Ares sick of his teasing but before she could sink her teeth into him she changed into an Owl and hoovered above her as she jumped into the air chomping her teeth with every leap. The elders told me that the pain from shifting was not only because it was my first time but also because I had not commanded her to rise, she rose on her own accord. That was the last time I let her surface on her own. Even during battle I try to stay in Human form unless it is absolutely necessary to release her. She is a merciless beast and during war, she is a force to be reckoned with and I love every minute of it. We are two different entities but at the same time the same. Neither of us can live without the other. Our actions are one in the same and souls combined. If you do not form that connection with your wolf early on than there is little chance that they will every obey you and controlling them is almost impossible.



As my paws hit the cold ground a sense of belonging takes over. Oh how I’ve missed the feeling of a warm breeze playing across my snow white fur. I lift my snout into the air and take a deep breath through my wet black nose and close my eyes listening to my surroundings. The flapping of wings catches my attentions and my eyes rip open starting into the sky and scanning tree limbs. About 50 feet from me perched on a branch in a tall oak was a large white and grey owl, a gorgeous creature. I turn my body and face the Owl my eyes locked onto his. I throw my head back and let a deafening howl rip from my throat and shatter the silence that blanketed the the East Wing. The owl opens his wings and floats down to me and before he reaches the ground he shifts into Ares. “I knew that was you” I said sarcastically. A single brow raised he crosses his arms and looks down to me, still in wolf form, “Did you now? Are you going for a run?” I nod my head to him and turn away trotting off. I raise my head slightly in the air and throw up my tail. Ares knows that this is a gesture and I hear him chuckle behind me. “Is that how it’s going to be?” I ignore his question and begin to pick up the pace. There is silence behind me for a pregnant pause and then he rips past. A midnight black wolf racing ahead of me jump starts my heart and I chase after him.


I catch up to within seconds. Ares is not match for a true Wolf. He only pretends to be wolf when he wants to be and the only time I have seen the Midnight wolf we have always been alone. It was a secret pleasure I had. He never knew how much it meant to me that he would only show his wolf to me. Although he is Shifter and can change into anything he wants, the Wolf he took on was only ever for my eyes. If Ares consciously made that decision I will never know, but I never saw the Midnight wolf unless it was just him and I.

Our paws beat upon the soil as we race out of the Castles borders and out into the free lands of the Realm. I speed further ahead and Ares struggles to keep up with my pace. I have been wolf my whole life and know my limits and have pushed the boundaries of my power. Ares has not yet scratched the surface of being wolf. I feel him gaining on me and I slow my pace to allow him to reach me and we continue to run shoulder to shoulder. He turns his head and looks to me his green eyes burning into my own. My heart skips a beat at his possessive glare and I speed ahead of him. I hear him laugh as the wind pushes past my ears and float through my soft fur. I haven't had a run like this in ages and I have not ran with Ares since the day we met. The only time I saw his Wolf is when we were training alone before I left to join the ranks. At that time, I thought that we were at least close friends. He was rude and cruel at time but he was an amazing teacher and I learned the basics of war from him.  I was madly in love with him when we meet and I knew that we were meant to be Bonded the moment our eyes locked. Even though it is rare to bond with another species of paranormal but it happens. Ares denied his feelings for me and that is was hurt me the most and was drove me to leave. I was under the impression that he thought I was not good enough for him or I was not what he was looking for. Being the right hand of Khan and his war dog, I thought joining the ranks would show him I was worthy of him but all it proves is how unworthy he is of my time and devotion. Being bonded is the highest honor in my opinion. You have the one person that was created for you in your life until the end of time. A love that cannot be broken and a bond that is everlasting.


My heart begins to tear apart thinking about what could have been. I slow my pace and Ares follows and slows his own. He looks to me as I direct my gaze to the ankle high grass surrounding us. We are utterly alone in the middle of nowhere. He lowers his snout to mine, “Are you alright?” Not wanting him to see my pain I look away from him and turn round to head back to the castle, “That is enough for one day I am going back.” He hurries in front of me and blocks my path, “Enyo…” he looks to the ground for a moment and then raises his eyes back to mine. He looks to be in pain and I feel the stab of pain through my own chest. “Enyo...Please. I cannot take this anymore. Being apart from you is too painful.” Although those are the words that I have desperately been waiting to hear, I cannot just let him back into my life because he is ready now. What about all the years my soul died for him. Being denied by your mate is the most physically painful thing I have ever experienced and I had to go through that pain alone. My eyebrows crease in anger and I stalk towards him my shoulders rising and falling with every step. My tone is harsh and angry, “You expect me to let go of all the years you denied me and take you in wholeheartedly because you accept me now.” He throw my head back in a mock laugh, “’s your turn to feel the pain of denial.”  His eyes sadden and my heart breaks. I speed past him faster than I ever have and I know he cannot keep pace with me. I hear a screech and look into the sky. He shifted back into his favorite form...the grey and white owl and fly past me high in the sky heading back to the castle. I have a feeling that this conversation is far from over. Ares has never wanted something that he did not obtain. If I decide to give him another chance it will be on my terms and not his. I try to focus on the sounds around me to drown out the breaking of my heart.


We must have ran miles from the Castle because it is taking much longer to get home than I anticipated. The sun is making her journey towards to horizon and I have become quite tired. I slow my pace and trot down the long Cobblestone road that leads directly to the castle. These are the time I wish I had Dex. He sleeps lazily in his pasture and I am hoofing it back to the Castle. Ares probably made it back hours ago and I am the idiot that is stuck walking. I let out a huff of annoyance and look to the sprawling fields of wildflowers. The smell is intoxicating and I brings back so many memories of Grizel. Running through the fields as children picking flowers and making crowns from them. The wind begins to pick up throwing the flowers around making the fields look like the waves of the sea. the strong breeze swirls around me and I hear her laugh on the wind. “Grizel...I miss you… I wish you were still here.” A small tear escapes my eye and rolls down my creamy white fur. I need to get home. I increase my pace and begin to sprint the moment I see the Castle in the distance. My paws pound the cobblestone as I inch closer and closer to the front gates. I have much to think about and Ares is burning through my brain making it hard to concentrate. The issue needs to be resolved but I cannot help but want him to feel the pain that I have lived with all these years. He needs to know the consequences of his actions and what I had to go through to disconnect myself from him, just so I could release the pain of the denied bond. I want him to hurt… I want him to feel what I felt but at the same time I want him for myself, I don’t want him to be in pain but there is a part of me that wants him to suffer as I did.

I am stuck between letting him back into my life and possibly letting him hurt me again and feeling like a fool or keep him at a distance and never having my Mate. The Castle is close now and I need to go straight to my room. I need to be alone with my thoughts.


As I step out of the shower after washing the worries and stress of the day away I hear a knock at my bedroom door.  “Just a moment!” I call out. I dry off quickly with throw my black silk robe on and let my wet hair fall down my back. I slowly make my way to the large wooden door my feet padding on the cold stone floors. I open the door only to see Ares standing there. “What do you want?” In mock annoyance. My cheeks heat realizing that I am naked under this robe. Nudity is not something that wolves are ashamed of but for some reason Ares makes me...shy.     He looks me up and down and tried to hide his smile. “May I come in?” I look behind me and try to think of a reason to deny him but I really want to see him and I am curious in what he has to say. I roll my eyes, “I supposed but make it quick.” He nods his head and I move to the side allowing him to enter. My heart rate increases and my nerves are out of control. I have never been this scared in my life. I have rode into battle against thousands of breeds and never have I felt this terrified. This man has affect over me that I cannot control or explain.


He moves into the room smoothly as if he owns the place and motions to the bed. “Please sit.” I walk past the bed and pull out the dark cherry wooden chair from the large gothic Vanity at the opposite side of the room taking a seat. A small wolfish smile spreads across his face. I fear that if i get anywhere close to that bed I am going to lose control of myself. Need begins to build in my core having him so close to me. He takes slow strides towards me and stands before the vanity staring into my eyes. His green eyes scorching me. I swallowed deeply and try to speak with confidence, “What is it Ares, I am very tired.” He kneels down in front of me and his scent washes over me. My need grows and my sex begins to throb. I tighten my thighs together trying to stop the pain. His voice is cool and low, “Enyo, Why do you deny me still knowing the whole story.” My heart begins to quicken and I try to stay calm as I answer, “Do you know what it feels like to be denied by your Mate? Do you know the pain that I suffered trying to break the partial bond I made to you?” He looks to the ground and shakes his head, “No Enyo I don’t and I never will.” I laugh out, “Oh I am not so sure about that. How do you feel now?” He looks to me with pain in his eyes and my heart aches for him. I don’t want to put him through this but there is something selfish inside that makes this borderline enjoyable.

The moment I see the building of tears the selfishness washes away and just the agony of seeing him hurt remains. “Enyo my heart aches for you. I cannot apologize enough for all the years of torment I put you through due to my own stubbornness and pride.” I cannot stop the tears from coming to my own eyes but I blink them back and keep them from falling. My skin heats and my palms begin to sweat. He continues and his voice begins to break, “I cannot live without you Enyo. Please forgive me and at least let me prove to you that I am willing to wait for you to want to be with me again. I will do whatever it takes to get you back into my life. I will never stop trying. Never.” My mouth drops open and I begin to take quick breaths. I don't know what to say at all. I was not expecting him to be so...submissive. He knows that my Wolf is a female Alpha and that she would need a male who had Alpha qualities, but this is not the behavior of an Alpha, they do not submit. Surprising my Wolf is clawing at me to accept him. I can feel her under my skin and she is becoming almost painful. I reach out to him and he stares at my hand with hope in his eyes and he takes my hand, “Ares. If I let you back into my life, and you hurt me again, I will kill you in the worst ways I know.” His smile fades and is replaced with a devilish grin, “You can try my love” Hearing those words sends me over the edge. I lunge at him our lips connecting for the first time ever in our lives and the pleasure rips through me. He wraps his arms around my back and groans into my mouth. I can feel the bond snapping between us and the moment it connects an electric pain runs up both our spins. Just as quickly as it comes, it fades into a pleasurable warmth. He rips his lips away from mine as we lie motionless on the floor, “You accept me?” I nod my head and the smile that grows on his face is the biggest that I have ever seen on his face. He stands taking me into his arms like a bride and walks the few steps to the bed. He looks down to me and love pouring from him.


Now that our bond is connected I can feel all his emotions and lust is pouring off him as he holds me above the mattress. He looks down to me, “Enyo let me stay with you tonight.” I nod my head unable to speak any words. He drops me onto the bed playfully and a giggle breaks free from my lips. His devilish smile makes my skin tingle as he crawls over my body and lies next to me in bed. He reaches for the silk belt holding my robe together and slowly tugs it free. He knows the only way to solidify the bond is to consummate it. Although this is something that I have always wanted I have never felt no nervous in my life. I grab his hand before he opens my robe, “Ares, are you sure this is what you want? If we do this, it will be forever…” Before I can even doubt his response he smiles, “Enyo you are my forever, you are my life. I will be by your side until the end of time.I will never hurt you again.” He leans forward placing a searing hot kiss to my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. Letting go of all the anger and hatred in a single breath pulling him to me. This is our moment and I can tell this is going to be a long night.

Chapter 4





    Darkness swirls around Niki as she tosses and turns in her bed. Travis lying motionless and deep in sleep at her side. The images come quickly and slam into her mind like a hammer. A woman with hair black as night, a rams skull sitting upon her head and a Crow feather cape is dawning her back. She strides towards her with a blue electricity streaming from her fingers and her eyes filled with hatred. Cold fear pulses through her veins as she stares into the dark soulless eye of the woman in her vision. A cinched black corset lines her stomach and covers her breast with a flowing black torn skirt covers her legs and touches the ground dragging behind her. She twists her hands round and round letting the blue electricity curl up her arms as it snaps and crackles. Her skin is pale as snow with red tribal paint across her eyes. Pressure begins to build in Niki’s head as she grows closer. She begins to speak but the pounding in her ears keeps her from understanding. Niki tried to calm her heart beast, to get control of the vision and how what it has to offer but there is something about this woman that has her snared in fear and unable to concentrate. “Who are you?” Niki screams into the air as the woman approached slowly. Niki backs up in her vision and tries to observe her surroundings. Fire and smoke distort the landscape but just above the flames she see the top of the castle. She rushes forward through the flames knowing that the vision cannot physically harm her. She bursts through the other side and her stomach falls and tears begin to well in her eyes. The smell of rotting corpses smashes into her and almost knocks the breath from her body. Thousands of men and woman lie on the ground unmoving and bloodied. The once beautiful lawn that stretched out in front of the main entrance to the castle was not riddled with death. Niki;s stomach turned at the site and she turned back to see the woman with her hands raised to the sky and lighting shooting into the air she cackle breaking the silence and just like that all the noise that was missing from her vision came. The sounds of swords clashing, metal on metal and the screaming of those who have lost their loved ones or are dying.


    Niki watches to woman in the feather cape walk towards the field of death stepping on the back of those who have fallen and laughing all the way. Niki falls to her knees and screams. Her whole Kingdom was murdered and this woman is at the root of the merciless destruction. Not only did she murder everyone...but she enjoyed it. Niki looks up to the sky and there is no light to be found just pure darkness that the moon can’t even break through. Tears begin to fall and she screams over and over into the darkness as she stares down the mystery woman with rage building inside her every second she is stuck in her vision.


Travis begins to violently shake her, awakened by her blood curdling screams. “Niki wake up!” He can tell that she is fighting to resurface but whatever her vision is showing her must be horrid. He has never her scream this way and he is terrified to find out what it is. Five minutes go by and Travis has no luck in waking Niki and bringing her back to the present. She is sweating, crying and screaming on and off. Travis races to the door ripping it open only to find Asclepius still in her white cotton pajamas and panting for breath. “I...heard...the scream.” She tried to catch her breath between words. Travis turns to the side allowing her to enter their bedroom. She rushes to the huge four post bed and places her hand over the top of Niki’s forehead and closes her eyes. It only takes a few seconds for the green mist to flow from her hands and into Niki. Within a few breaths she is flying awake and backing towards the dark cherry headboard gasping for breath and terror in her eyes. Once she realizes she is back in her room and in present time and crawls quickly to Asclepius grabbing her by her upper arms and shaking her, “Did you see her!” Asclepius removes Niki's hands from her arms, “Yes I did.” She sounds unconcerned and it enrages Niki, “Well did you see all the carnage as well as she laughed atop their bodies.” This catches Travis’s attention, “What do you mean?” She jumps from the bed and begins to pace. “There was this woman I saw she looked demonic and everyone in the Realm was dead, murdered and she was at the center enjoying every moment.” His eyes grow wide and he knows all too well that vision will become the future if they don’t so something to stop it. Panic rises and he looks to the door and rushes to close it.


Asclepius sits motionless on the bed with her back still to Travis and Niki, he head hanging low. They both stare at her for a moment, “Asclepius.” Niki speaks first breaking the silence, “You know her?” Asclepius nods her head slowly but still doesn't respond. Niki tried to be patient with her but the images that she just saw were so terrifying that she cannot stand by and wait for Asclepius to work through whatever emotions that she is dealing with. “Asclepius! Who was that?!  Answer me!” She slowly turns and there are tears falling from her eyes freely and her face is drained of all color, “My twin sister, The Raven.”


The room falls silent at the revelation The Raven is  Asclepius own flesh and blood. Niki’s stomach turns as she stares at  Asclepius. “I didn’t know that you had a sister.” She stares at Niki with worry and sadness blanketing her expression. “I do not wish to be associated with her. Though my gift is to bring life and to heal, she uses her gifts for destruction and death.” Travis takes a step towards her, “What kind of magic does she have.”  Asclepius lets out a breath she seemed to be holding to moment she heard Niki’s vision. She takes another and looks to the King, “She is Mage.” Travis is taken aback. Mage is a race that can harness electricity and manipulate it how they please. They draw from the light and from living things around them.  Asclepius continues, “When she was a child my parents knew that there was about her.” The room stays silent as  Asclepius explains, “She preferred darkness to the light which is strange for a Mage because they fed from sun but she preferred to feed creatures. Mice, rats, birds even insects. It’s a different kind of high they get when draining life from another. It’s addicting and dangerous.”


“Mages are taught from a young age that draining life from a living creature is to be used only in the most extreme circumstances. Raven believed that she was born into the Realm as a death dealer.” Travis scoffed, “What made her believe that was her purpose.” She sounds sarcastic and anger fell over Asclepius and she sprang to her feet stopping over to travis. The movement surprised the King and he took a few steps back. This behavior is far out of her character, if anything she was quiet and loyal. She pointed her finger into his chest face red with rage, “Do not underestimate the Raven, she is loyal to no one but Reaper.”  Asclepius looked to Niki and then remembered her herself she dropped her hand from the King’s chest and fell to her knees bowing her head to the floor, “Please forgive me my King.” Travis kneeled to her placing both hands on either side of her forearms, “ Asclepius please, you don’t need to kneel at at time like this.” She rose to her feet and nodded gratefully at the King. Niki walked towards the bed and patted the seat next to her.  Asclepius joined her on the bed. “ Asclepius I need you to tell me who the Reaper is.”  Asclepius took a shaking breath and her hands began to tremble. Niki knew that this is a person that she prefers not to discuss but she must know the whole story is she is going to make a decision on what to do about the Raven.  Asclepius lets out her ragged breath and tells the Queen the story of the Reaper.


“The Reaper is the ruler of the underworld. He was cast down hundreds of years ago by a jealous King when his wife fell in love with him. The King and Queen were not a mated pair and when she meet the Reaper their bond solidified and their love kept secret. When the King learned of this he couldn't contain his rage and refused to let the Queen leave him for another. He was more concerned of his image and how the Realm would view him after this revelation then the farewell of the Queen.”

Niki’s head spun. She looked to Travis who seemed to know the story. He stood with his arms crossed and paced back and forth across the slate floors. The air in their chambers was stale and still. She stayed silent and focused on Asclepius as she continued with the tale.


“The Reaper stole the life from others to power his Mage abilities as Raven does. Reaper was the most powerful Mage of his time and only stole from those who were sentenced to death by the King, as that was his given duty. He served in the dungeons for most of his life, draining the light from others. It is a unquenchable thirst once the addiction is solidified.” She takes a breath and wipes her hands down her white pajamas. “When the King cast him down to the Underworld, Reaper promised that one day he would return and take the Realm for his own leaving it in darkness until the end of time. The King scoffed at him and refused to believe the threats. He believed that since only a noble can release him from his sentence he would never be able to return.” Niki was slightly relieved at this and let out a breath. At least she doesn't have to worry about the Reaper escaping back to the Realm she would never release him from his bonds. Although she doesn't agree with the reason he was sentenced, it has been too many years for her to rectify the sentence. He's been stewing in his anger and hatred for hundreds of years and there was no way she would have mercy on someone who clearly would have lost his mind.  Asclepius tone turned cold, “Do not be so relieved my Queen. The Reaper is the strongest Mage of all time. The only benefit of the Reaper ruling the underworld is the lack of light and life. He rules over the dead so he cannot steal light from others and the sun isn't present in the Underworld...only darkness. The King banished him there for that exact reason.”


Travis breaks his silence, “This is why the Forgotten Forest was created. Those sentenced to banishment or death were sent there. The King never again trusted anyone to serve in the Dungeons as the Reaper did, so he made a place for criminals to rot away for all eternity, which is where he left his Queen and where she remains to this very day and where Renee and Khan sent those to surrendered during the war. This Forest is filled with hatred, greed, pain and rage. From what you have explained from your vision it seems that they have found a way to escape and that also explains the desolation of the Shadows of Night. Only the ruthless murders from that forest could take out the Shadows of Night.” Asclepius stood and walked to the window and ripped back the curtains letting the burn away the darkness. She turns back slowly and stared at Niki, “There is a war coming...we must be prepared.”

Chapter 5


The Raven

Before desolation of the Shadows of Night


    As Raven stood at the edge of the Forgotten Forest  she stared into the darkness her excitement growing with every beat of her black heart. Her black cloak of crow feathers draped down her back and swayed side to side as the wide caught it. Her corset cinched tight round her waist, hair black as night flowing in long silken waves down her back. She took a step towards the forest and called into the darkness her thick english accent breaking the silence, “I know you are there and I know what you crave.” For a moment she was greated was silence. Anger pulsed inside her, she hated being forced to wait but if she truly wished the prophecy be fulfilled she needed the dark souls locked in the Forgotten Forest to trust and obey her every word. For years and years she has waited for this moment when she would finally free the Reaper from his bonds. Weakened by the lack of light she knew that Reaper would need time to feed and become the all powerful Mage she has worshiped her whole life. Her family never understood her vision for the world. They thought her twisted and damned.

She was banished from their home at the tender age of thirteen and the only one who shed a tear was her sister. Raven hated her most of all. The golden child, the twinkle in her parents eyes and for that she hated her. As a child all Raven wanted was to be accepted for who she was and what she wanted. The dark thoughts and actions Raven carried out never registered as evil, but necessary. Born with a black soul she was unable to see the error of her actions.

Once she was on her own she had no one to teach her how to control her magic no one to guide her and for the first time she felt the bitter stab of loneliness. While she was traveling across the Realm with no money or idea of what she was going to do with the rest of her life she came into contact with Scrios. A woman, a Shifter, that had the ability to teleport. Scrios looked to be in her early twenties when Raven was just a child and she took her in. Once Scrios learned of the darkness that loomed inside of Raven she revealed the story of the Reaper. She explained to her that one day the Reaper would return and destroy the Realm bringing darkness over the land as the past King had done to him. Scrios knew exactly what would happen should she reveal this prophecy to Raven. Scrios had searched for years to find someone to raise and instil her ghastly plan to free the Reaper. He had many followers but none contained the awesome power that Raven did. She knew that Raven has no idea what darkness truly lied within her and she was determined to bring it out and use it to her advantage.

She began grooming Raven and teaching her how to control her lust for the light of others and her Mage abilities. With every passing day she grew stronger and stronger. The day that she surpassed her teacher, Scrios knew that the time to release the Reaper was near and it was time to act on her plan.


Raven waited for what seemed like hours waiting for the evil ones to acknowledge her presence. Scrios always told her that a lack of patience would be her undoing and she kept this in her mind as she waited and waited. The sharp sound of a twig breaking to her right sent her heart into a flutter. “Have you decided to show yourself?” She turned towards the noise and began to walk towards it. A deep booming male voice finally responded, “Who are you woman?” His tone was clipped and annoyed as if she was interrupting his day. Raven still when she saw in the darkness two glowing green eyes staring back at her. “I am The Raven, and I have come to release you.” Mincing laughter broke out and it grew louder with every moment. She closed her eyes and listened and estimated that around 50 men and woman somewhere in the forest were also listening and watching her. She wondered how long they gaped at her standing and waiting for a response. The voice returned and the laughs ceased immediately, “Tell me girl, are you Royalty?” She folded her hands in front of her waist and responded coolly knowing exactly what his next works would be, “No, I am much more.” Her words were promising and dripping with the evil that enveloped her soul. The deep voiced bellowed, “What do you want girl!?” She walked closer to the edge of the forest and the green eyes inched closer she began to see his figure. He was at least six feet tall with wide shoulders. He stepped into the only light that broke through the dense woods and his face was illuminated. She had never seen such a face. Uglier than she had ever seen before with scars covering almost every inch. His hair was a tangled, greasy brown mess falling below his ears. She kept eye contact with him as she spoke, “I am the Raven student of Scrios and it is time my brothers and sister to break free from this prison and release the Reaper onto the Realm.” Hushed whispers broke out through the forest and it seemed to be getting louder and louder. The large man raised his hand the the whispering stopped in an instant. She could clearly see that if she was to get anyone to follow her it was this man. He crossed his large dirt spattered arms over his ripped brown tunic. The leather pants he worn were also ripped and his boots worn so far past repair it seemed they would rip if the wind blew to hard. She stood patiently waiting for his response.

“Scrios was a fool.” Rage immediately ripped through her and her aqua blue electricity began flowing from her fingertips cracking and snapping. He began to laugh, “Anger easily are we, you must be her pupil.” She turned to the side and walk a few feet and stopped again facing the mammoth of a man, “What do I call you Warrior?” At this he straitened his spin and took a breath in puffing out his chest. She laughed inwardly. Scrios told her many years ago that men will do almost anything for woman, you just have to ask correctly. She knew that the prisoners that lingered just behind the forcefield built by the King wanted to be seen as Warriors and not what they truly were. Although in all reality they were rapists, thieves and serial killers she would address them as Warriors just for the simple fact that she needed their lives to complete her mission. She would say whatever they wanted to hear, she needed their strength and swords and that was all.

He cleared his throat, “I am Merikh.” She turned to him and smiled. “You are the one that was second to Ahimoth.” His face turned grim and rage poured off of him in waves. Raven felt the vibrations of his hatred and she reveled in the feel. He gritted his teeth.”Yes. I was. I helped lead the rebellion to the crown all those years ago.” She turned her back to him, “Do you know what he does now?” Most of the criminals that were captured and sentenced to banishment never knew what became of their beloved Ahimoth. They worshiped the ground me walked upon. Merikh turned away from Raven, “He was murdered by the King once we were captured.” She felt the sorrow that Merikh felt for the lose of Ahimoth and it would bring her much joy to shatter this lie they all had been fed and bring the truth to the light. She knew that once she told Meikh the truth he would be at her beckon call.


She began laughing sardonically and Merikh turned to her with balled fists and raged, “You laugh at the passing of our great leader!” She stopped laughing and yelled at him her voice making the leaves shiver, “I laugh at your ignorance!”

“Explain yourself girl.” Merikh bit out behind clenched teeth. She looked down the border of the forest and yelled, “Can you all hear me because I will not repeat myself.” The forest stayed silent. She looked to Merikh and waited, he roared into the air and one by one hundreds of men and women began to show themselves at the border. She continued yelling at them with power behind her words, “Do you know Ares? Khan’s War dog?” A synchronized yes echoed. She turned to Merikh and her eyes went cold and a twisted smile rose her lips. Realization hit Merikh without her even having to explain but she decided to do so anyway. She turned side to side and addressed them all, “Ares is your beloved Ahimoth! Renamed by Khan after Ahimoth surrendered his life to him and sent you all to banishment”

Broken cries of rage broke out many the ground shake. Merikh and Raven held each other's gaze as the forest went wild with anger she smiled and him and he slowly bowed to her. The criminals all saw his gesture and were aware of the power shift. She knew that this moment that Merikh and his band of murders were in her pocket forever and would do what she commanded until their last dying breath. She smiled as a wave of delight washed over her and she raised her hand and all feel silent. She wanted to clap with giddy joy but she knew that this was not the time. She would share her news with Scrios the moment she could and they would revel in the completion of the first step in their plan. She turned away from the roaring beating her back from the forest and laughed into the air. Everything is moving so smoothly and soon they would eliminate their first threat...the Shadows of Night, but first she must find the lost Queen. She turned back to Merikh, “You are my second, now tell me where is the Queen.” He looked back at her puzzled by her request.

“Who?” She rolled her eyes and huffed her annoyance.

“The Reapers Mate the Queen. She was banished hear all those years ago and unless you have killed her she should still be living. She may be old, but she is here.” He looked around and called out, “Jeremy!” A scurry of leaves came from behind him and a small old man stepped into the light. “Yes sir” He bowed to Merikh and you could almost hear his bone cracking. “Do you know who Raven speaks of.” He looks to Raven and squints his eyes at her. She looks back at him surprised at his boldness. She liked him already, “Yes sir I do but she is not known by Queen here. She is known as Sabri.” He ripped his head up to Raven, “She will not help you.” She strides towards to the border and crosses her arms, “Bring her to me Merikh.” He bowed his head turned slowly and rushed off into the forest.


After a few moments Merikh returned with a red wolf in his arms thrashing about. Her teeth gleaming white, her growls feral and vicious. Raven called to her, “Sabri!” The wolf stopped thrashing and look to Raven with her teeth bared ready for a fight. Raven knew exactly how to bring her back to her human form. She looked to Jeremy as she cowered in Merikh shadow. “How long has she been in wolf form?” Jeremy looked up to her sheepishly, “Since she arrived.” She gazed at the wolf and walked closer until they were face to snout with the force field separating. Raven whispered to her, “Sabri, do you want the Reaper?”


    As soon as the words left her lips Sabri’s ear fell back and her eyes filled with sorrow. She left her head fall and she went motionless. “Set her down” Raven commanded Merikh. He released her and she fell to the ground with a loud thud and released a small whimper. Raven snapped her attention to Merikh, “I know you look to be a complete brut but you cannot be so dense as to not see that this wolf is your ticket out of the Forbidden Forest. If you want to be free, I trust you will treat her with more respect.” She stared at him and he tilted his head in a bow, “Yes Raven.”

    Raven kneeled down to the wolf that lie motionless on the forest floor surrounded by dead leaves and weeds breaking through the dense forest floor. Raven whispered to her “Sabri, I can bring back the Reaper, but you must aid me.” Her ears perk up and she raised her head meeting Raven’s gaze. “You must come back to your Human form.” The wolf lowered her head and and stayed motionless for a moment. Raven began to grow impatient but she knew better than to command anything from Sabri. She needed her more than anyone else to complete the prophecy and must be extremely delicate with the situation. Raven hated the dependency that woman placed on their mates. She saw it as a weakness and that is something that Raven has no time for in her life. To her, it was pathetic to depend on anyone but yourself and yet here she is depending on a crying wolf who is probably to broken to continue. How she survived this long she has no idea but she was grateful for it. She cooed at her again, “Sabri, change back so we may discuss.”

The wolf’s chest rose and fell with a deep breath and within an instant sat a beautiful red haired woman with her legs curled under her and her arms braced forward on the forest floor completely nude. Nudity is not something that anyone in the Realm bats an eye at. Its very common to see it. She raises her head and Raven meets her eyes. Her eyes are the brightest blue she had ever seen and the pierced straight into her own, “Why do you want to release the Reaper.” Her voice was meek and beaten. Raven could feel the darkness that had taken her soul over. Since the Reaper is still alive their bond is not broken but it is extremely painful physically to live without them. Having a Mage bond with a Wolf is rare but that makes it all the more powerful. Raven sits down the the ground before her, “Do you not want him back, to hold him once again?”

“I know what will happen to the Realm if he is released.” Raven sits up a little straighter, “And what is that?” Sabri raised from the ground and Raven followed her. Raven look to Merikh, “Clothes, now.” He turned away and ripped the cloak of one of the smaller mens backs placing atop of Sabri’s shoulders. She looked back to him, “Thank you, Merikh” He blushed at her words and Raven rolled her eyes. “If you release Reaper he will end this world and I am assuming at your aid.” Raven was stunned by her bluntness and smiled, “Do you not want to seek revenge on the ones that banished you here and sent your beloved Reaper to the Underworld.” Sabri smiled, “Who would I be getting revenge on? The King that no longer rules or all the innocent that had nothing to with my banishment?” Raven thought about her answer carefully and before she could answer Sabri continued, “I am not going to allow you to destroy the Realm. I may have been banished here for all eternity but I will not damn our race. I was once Queen and I love my people. If I must suffer so others may live so be it.” With that she turned and walked back into the darkness. Raven called after her, “You know that you are the key to the freedom of all these men and women's freedom! They will kill you if you refuse!” She turned back smiling, “If I am the key to their freedom then I doubt they will lie a finger on me.” In an instant she shifted back into her wolf and rushed into the forest.

Raven’s electricity was pulsing around her body her anger beyond containment. She looked to Merikh and he shook his head. Jeremy muttered something under his breath but the words caught the Ravens ear. “What was that Jeremy? Lets share it with everyone.” She swallowed loudly and his voice cracked, “I told you she would not help. She is a good woman who loves her people.” Raven looked down to Jeremy and spoke loud enough so all could hear, “If she loves her people so much why does she keep you caged.” She stood up and addressed them all yelling out her words, “We will have our revenge and the Reaper will be free. I will return in 2 weeks time.” The crowd was silent and a pit of doubt settled in her stomach. This was not something that she anticipated. She thought that Sabri would jump at the chance to have revenge. With so many years in the Forbidden Forest her morals would have cracked and the pain of being separated from Reaper would be too much. But she was wrong, Scrios will not be pleased.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2016

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