
Chapter one –Good Riddance-




“I know that it’s stupid.” I say to my training partner, Edward Penn, as I sip from my whiskey.“It’s more than stupid. It’s idiotic.” Edward says laughing. “Lovely that you can find something about my situation to chuckle about.” I say to him, finishing my bottle. “You know I care for you, Mary. You are like my own flesh and blood. But telling Dr. Watson who you are, an agent, would be putting us all in danger.” He says digging underneath the bar behind the bartender’s back and fishing out another bottle of their finest whiskey for me.

I take off the top and take a swig, feeling it burn all the way down my throat. One of the only comforts I have nowadays. Yes, I am aware. I’m an alcoholic.


“I envy you, Edward. You are engaged to someone who actually knows who you are. John doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t even know what my birth name is!” I feel on the verge of tears, but I carry on.

“Do you know what that is like, Edward? Having someone you love being in the dark of who you truly are? It’s terrible! I hate lying to him. I hate playing this game of shadows. I hate living two different lives. Most of all, I hate wearing trousers!” I yell. Oops.

I grab the whiskey and head toward the door as I feel the curious faces look toward the source of that last sentence. Right as I’m at the door I feel a hand on my arm.

I turn on my heels and slap Edward, making his head snap sideways.

I leave with the unpaid whiskey bottle in my hand, muttering under my breath ‘Good riddance’.



I navigate the foggy streets of London, England. Winding through the endless streets toward the house I share with my best friend, tipping back the rest of the whiskey.

I throw the bottle aside and I hear it shatter.

Then as I continue down an alley I hear someone breathing right behind me.

I sigh. I really just want to get home.

Someone grabs my arm and spins me around to face them.

“Well, look at we have here boys. A red haired lady.” The leader says snaking his arm around my waist as three more men come out of the fog.

I grab his arm and snap it backwards, breaking the bone. Then I shove my palm into his shoulder and hook my foot behind his knee, making him slam to the ground.

I turn toward the group and say, ‘Boo’.





I awake to the sound of someone knocking on the door. My door? No. Mercy, my best friend, knows never to wake me until I get up myself after I’ve been drinking. But the knocking continues.

I finally climb out of bed and get dressed.

I head downstairs, silently wishing for another whiskey. But I guess tea will have to do.

I head into the parlor. And stop in my tracks.

It’s Sherlock Holmes.

A smile appears on my face, even at the looming of a headache.


“Good Morning. How are you?” Sherlock says standing.

“I’m well. What do I owe the pleasure of your company this Morning?” I ask.

It’s not that I don’t mind you around, but not this early. It’s too early for anyone, and I really mean me, to behave. I think to myself as I sit down in the chair across from him.

“Miss Morsin. I have received a letter-“Sherlock begins but I cut him off.

“Mr. Holmes, may I ask how this is any of my concern?”

“It had your name on it, Miss Morsin.” he says.


“Impossible. I did not send any letter to you.” I say. I knew this for sure.

Sherlock unfolds a piece of paper and sets it in front of me.

I quickly read it over. He was right, it was signed by me. I was more horrified at what the letter contained.


I am an Agent for the company British London Private Investigators.


No! Who could have betrayed me like this?

“One thing you have missed, Mr. Holmes. I do not work at all. If I did work for-for this company, I surely would not tell you.” I lie. One thing was true. I would not tell him that I work for the British London.

“Why ever not?” he demands.

I stand. Even though a headache was pounding on my brain, I am not about to be messed with or tricked into confessing. I am much smarter than that.


“Because, Mr. Holmes, you are a complete fool! You think that an agent would ever confess to being one? That would put them in danger! The only way an agent would tell is if they are tortured into it.” I say, my fists clenching ready to hit something.



“You have offended me, Mr. Holmes. I must ask you to leave.” I say.


I glare at him.

“You may see yourself out. Good day.” I say exiting the room, telling a servant to make sure that Sherlock gets out.

I pinch the bridge of my nose wishing I didn’t have a headache.


Dammit I really need a whiskey.




“Mercy?” I open the door to the library to find her staring out the window. “Mercy, whatever is the matter?” I ask her stepping into the room and closing the door behind me.

She turns to me and smiles, ignoring my question.

“Mary. How are you?” she asks, seeing my face she frowns.

“He is on to me, Mercy.” I say running a hand through my hair, making the pins come out.

“Who is?” she hands me a mirror an obvious hint to how I look.

“Sherlock Holmes! He received a letter from someone trying to blow my cover.”

I sigh and drop into a chair setting the mirror aside.

“Who would do that?” Mercy ponders this news.

“I don’t know, but what I do know, is that this person knows who I am, and will do whatever it takes to ruin my life.” I say.


I pick up the mirror and peer at my reflection. What I see is a pale lady with long flowing auburn hair, looking very scared.

I shake my head and hand the mirror back to Mercy.

“What’s going to happen, Mary?” Mercy asks.

I bury my face in my hands.

“It’s going to be bad, Mercy. Very, very bad.” I say.


Later that day, I receive a note from John Watson, inviting me to dine with Sherlock and him. And to invite Mercy along.

I show the card to Mary and she agrees that we should go.

With that, I am off.



I arrive at the restaurant, with Mercy by my side.

“Be careful, Mercy. Sherlock will try to get the truth out of you.” I whisper in her ear as we enter.


John helps me into my seat while Sherlock does the same for Mercy.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Swayne.” John says to my best friend.

I could tell that she was nervous, but I had faith in her.

“Yes, a pleasure. Tell me, Mercy Swayne, how you know Mary Morsin.”

I silently curse. He is going to make her break down and tell him. Either that or she’ll faint.

“Well, Mary and I grew up together.” She says smoothly. I was proud of her.

“Fascinating since underneath your dress-“Sherlock begins, but I cut him off.

“You better stop that sentence, Mr. Holmes.”

“You have a gun hidden in a holster tied to your ankle.” He finishes.

Mercy blushes, but now I’m furious.

“Mr. Holmes. Stop.” I say.

“Shush Mary.” He says.

And do you know what I do next?

I hit Sherlock in the nose.


I grab Mercy’s hand and we leave a shocked John and Sherlock to their dinner.

And in the carriage I cry.















































Chapter two –Quite Contrary-




It’s afternoon and I’m on my way to the agency with Mercy and Jasper.

Jasper is Mercy’s fiancé. Also he’s part of the Gentleman’s division of the company.

He used to work for the Scotland Yard until he was transferred to the Bristish London Agency.

Mercy is talking to him and repeatedly looks at me. But I don’t want to talk.

I ignore the two lovebirds and focus on watching the streets that we pass.

We pass 221B Baker Street and I see John in the top window with his back turned toward the street.

As if he can feel me staring he turns his head and peers straight down at me.

I turn my face away from the carriage window so he doesn’t see me.

Finally we turn off Baker Street and I start to breathe regularly again.

I turn to Mercy and I throw my arms around her.

She strokes my hair that is coming loose from their pins.

“It will be alright Mary. You’ll see.” She keeps saying.




I open the door to the Director’s office.

I step inside shutting the door softly behind me; my heart is beating so quickly it almost hurts.

The Director is sitting in her chair facing me.

"Welcome, Agent Mary Morsin. I trust you are in good health?" she says. And I smile back as I reply,
"Yes, Director. You as well?" I had to be on my guard around this lady, for the first time I ever met her she through a knife at me. She told me it was to test to see if I had quick enough movement. And I'm still alive to tell about it.


“Mary Morsin, you have come a long way since I first met you when you were sixteen years of age. How many years has it been now? Seven?” she asks. I nod.

“Director, may I ask what it is that you would like to talk to me about?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.


“I have a mission for you, Mary.” She says.

I frown. Usually my missions come on parchment. Not in person.

“Yes, Director. Anything.”

She smiles even broader.

“I need you to kill Lord Blackwood.”


“Kill Lord Blackwood? But I can’t!” I say.

She stands. “And why ever not?” she demands.

“Because killing someone would be wrong.” I say.

“Mary, I like you. You are a very good agent and you have always done what was asked of you, without question. Why begin now?”

I set my badge on her desk. “I quit.” I say.

I turn to leave and have my hand on the door knob when I hear her say,



I freeze. I turn to her, taking my hand from the knob.

“What about my contract?” I ask.

She pulls out a piece of paper from her desk drawer and sets it on top facing me.

“You are bound to the company for another three months, Mary.”

When you join with this company you have to sign a contract that binds you to them for an amount of time. For me, I had eight years in my original pact.


“Mary, if you break any part of your contract, it is means for you to be arrested.” She says, even though I already knew this.

Angry, I turn toward the door again. “Fine, I’ll do it.” I say.


I turn my head to look at her.

"One last thing before you go..."


I open the door to the living quarters of a late scientist I knew.

Strange, it is unlatched. I take a few steps into the first room.

And that is when I hear voices come from somewhere inside the apartment.

I hide in the shadows as the voices come closer.

Familiar voices. As they pass me by I hold my breath, afraid to make the tiniest of sounds. It’s Sherlock and John.

I could definitely tell that it was the two, for the moonlight outlined their faces very brightly.

Then I cough from all of the dust in the air.

“Who’s there?” John calls as I silently curse myself. Edward would be very disappointed in me right about now.


I lift my gun and hold it right up to Sherlock’s head, surprising him.

But then again it is truly impossible to surprise him.

He turns to me and grabs my arm twisting it. I’m ready for him, though.

I turn my whole body around so that I’m facing in the moonlight but I duck out of sight as quick as possible. This takes Sherlock down, but I feel a cord wrap around my throat, choking me. I have a moment of struggle but I pitch all of my strength and weight forward, flipping John over my shoulder. Making him land on the ground with a loud sound.

A hand on my arm doesn’t even startle me. I take my left foot; hook it around Sherlock’s left knee while I press my right hand to his shoulder I pull my foot back to me, shoving my whole weight into his shoulder making him land next to John.

Then as I’m leaving through the door, thinking that it was over…I hear someone trying to get up.

I curl my hand around my gun handle ready to shoot it.

My gun is a custom pistol that shoots miniscule darts. Made by yours truly.

Since I don’t believe in killing people I made a sleeping elixir so powerful that it knocks a person out long enough for one to get safely away.


I pull out my gun and turn my whole body around and shoot down into the leg of…John! And Sherlock is right behind him. As John goes tumbling to the ground I try to shoot Sherlock but he grabs my arm and a dart fires into the celling.

I guess Sherlock is not easily beat.

Everything happens to go in slow motion.

You see, I have this strange ability to predict what a person is going to do in a fight. It is very useful at times like this.


First, right fist comes in wide swing. Block with left arm.

Second, elbow jab aimed at face. Crouch down, leg swing.

Lastly, Place boot over throat, allowing minimal air.


I say down to him right as I shoot him with a dart, “Bloody Mary, quite contrary…..”

Chapter three –A new member-




I, Mary Rose Morsin, pledge my service to the company, British London Private Investigators, for the amount of time given to me, eight years.

If I break this pact, I shall be arrested. I will be given the choice to continue working or be executed by hanging.



I walk past a gambling table, feeling a tiny bit out of place wearing men’s clothes in public like this.

Someone grabs my arm and I turn toward them, resisting the urge to pull out my gun. I have to remember that I’m working at this pub tonight, and I need to gain knowledge about Blackwood. So I can’t go pulling out my gun, unless it is a dire situation.


Great, it’s a drunken man. Just what I needed. I begin to unclench his fingers from around my arm. But he just tightens his grip.

He stands up and says to his group. “Lookie here boys, got ourselves a nice pretty lady.”

He then turns to me and gives me a kiss. I push him away and raise my foot and shove my heel down on his foot, hearing a sickening crack.

I guess I’m stronger than I thought.

I then begin to run, weaving myself between the tables. I look back for a second and see them running after me.


I lead them out into the alleyway where they surround me.

Time to fight.

My prediction talent is lit inside my mind like a candle.

I put both fists up to guard my face while my mind scans the situation before me.


Left grab to arm. Block with kick to right knee with heel, breaking kneecap. Right jab aimed to stomach. Grab arm and bend backwards snapping the bone. Push backwards to the ground. Hands around neck. Blind jab to face. Turn around, heel kick to stomach. Hands around waist, lean forward, backwards kick to thigh. One more left. Wide left swing, obvious discomfort with right arm. Take arm and twist behind back. 

       As his arm is bent behind his back I whisper in his ear, "Now are you sober?" I take my gun and shoot him straight in the back. When he collapses I take out the dart and throw it into a puddle so no evidence is left behind. Then I head home.

            Back at the town house, I sip my tea, a tired smile stuck on my face. John and Sherlock are here and I just nod when it is necessary. After I arrived home the night before, I fell into a deep sleep. Only to be awoken a few hours after at the break of dawn for training. I don't need to practice! I'm already at the head of the agency, but, alas, they are ruthless beings. I envy Mercy, who is also a great fighter and very good agent, she is allowed to take a leave from the agency to plan her wedding.
             John is sitting next to me when he says, "Mary, are you quite well?" I look up from where I was staring into my teacup, without a word. "Ah yes. Forgive me, I was in deep thought." I reply. I truly was. I was thinking about how to leave this meeting politely. And take Mercy with me. Somehow. I just hope no one asks me what I was..."Might you say what about?" Sherlock asks. Blast. And by etiquette I must answer the question politely. Bloody Hell . I begin to speak only to be interrupted by a servant, telling us that the carriage was here. Did I forget to mention that Mercy and I must go to the agency today? I carefully place my teacup on the plate and stand up as gracefully as I could. I smile sincerely at our two companions and before we could leave the room I hear John stand, saying, "Might I ask where you are going?"  I look over my shoulder and say calmly, "No, you may not."

                  After changing into my trousers, top, vest and shoes, I open the door to the meeting room and all eyes land on me. "Whatever is the matter?" I ask Mercy when I sit down next to her at the table that belonged to our team. Every group of agents has a table that is theirs when we are summoned to a large meeting of this sorts. For us we had Mercy, Jasper, Edward, and myself. 
                   "Apparently, Mary, some teams are getting a new member for the leader to train." Mercy replies.
I turn to Edward and hiss, "Why didn't you warn me?" He smiles and says, "I would have if I knew." I keep quiet, but on the inside I am groaning. I'm the leader, and that means I will have to teach the new member.
                   "Welcome agents. As you all might have been informed, we have a group of new members. And our agent leaders will train them to be their best so that they will qualify to stay with the agency." the Director says to all of us moving across the room to the door that separates us from the hallway. She opens it and in comes a few men and woman. I quickly look them all over, selecting our new member. I pick a man that to me, looks very scared to be here. Not scared as in frightened, more as in he is afraid he won't be selected. He, from where I am sitting, reminds me of my old love. His features are similar to my dear Alexander, who died by a gun shot wound to the stomach. I grip the edge of the table,at the thought of my beloved dying in front of me. But now that I am courting John, I can't be thinking of him as my love. John is my love.
                 "Agent Mary Morsin, please select your trainee." the Director says to me bringing me back to the present. I stand up swiftly and move toward the man with careful concentration in the way that I walk. I come to a stop in front of him and I look him straight in the eyes. I am almost his height, which is saying a lot since I am taller then most of the lady agents here. "What is your name?" I ask him. He begins to smile at me, but thinking better of it, stops. "William, ma'am"  he replies. "Well, William, I will take you into my trust as long as you don't call me ma'am again." I snap at him. "Yes, agent Mary."

              "The first thing you will need to know is how to fire a gun." I tell William. I pull out a real gun from the cabinet in place of my custom. I take my own gun out of it's holster around my waist and set it on the table next to me. I take aim with the real one, and what a surprise-it hits the target dead on. "Firing, takes skill and practice. Do you have the concentration to do this,William?"  I ask him. "Yes, agent Mary." He replies, smiling.
                    "Remember to not make a mistake and call me that in public." I take aim and again it hits the center. "Well, then what should I call you?" I was beginning to hand the gun to him, when I stop at what he says. It couldn't be, is the same thing I said to Alexander when he first taught me how to fire. 
                     I  hand him the gun, and retrieve another one for me to use. I teach him how to quickly take out the gun from his holster and how to aim. I kept track of the time though waiting for the sun to go down so that I can say that we will continue tomorrow. I've been careful not to yawn around William, since it isn't ladylike.
               Everything about him reminds me of Alexander. From his features to the way he moves. Could it be that...he has come back to me? God knows how much he meant to me.



  Finally we find ourselves walking out of the agency and into the carriage that is suppose to take us back to our proper homes. In the carriage, with silence between us, I felt very alone. In the midst of everything that has happened to me, I've never truly shared anything about myself with anyone. My birth name, is really Angelica Morsin. I changed it because I wanted to get away from that name. I am no angel.
                   I've hurt people in the past. And that is why I believe that God has punished me by taking away Alexander. And that is why I must let go of my beloved, John Watson. Or he might find the same fate.

Chapter Four -Memories-

I awaken to a pounding headache. It is odd, since I haven't been drinking for a while now. Very strange.
It could just be the result of my power acting up. I close my eyes to go back to sleep when I remember that I have to train William today. Mercy is probably at the agency I will have to hurry. I crawl out of bed and quickly get dressed in a deep blue dress with matching gloves. I comb and pin up my hair under a hat,  and after I am done I stare at myself in the mirror. This is truly the day. The day that I will leave John.
         The image that stares back at me, is one of a woman that has been through a lot of things by herself. 
Before I had Mercy as my dearest friend, I was all alone. With only my wits and charm to get me through the hardest things. When I met Alexander I felt as if I would never be by myself again. Then his brother, Derek, shot him out of being jealous. That shot was meant for me, but Alexander stepped in and took it for me. And right then starring into my mirror, I have a very vivid memory of that night.



    I open the gate to the graveyard with my left hand, my right clutching a single candle. Even though I am suppose to be brave, I have a fear of the night. A dark shadow is standing underneath the moonlight as I make my way through the headstones. I could see perfectly well, the candle lighting the path before me. 
"Alexander?" I ask when I reach him. He dosen't asnswer. I find it odd since when we are alone he usually greets me with a kiss. He is wearing a cloak ,as to not let me see his face. "Alexander?" I ask again, nearly to the point of being frightened. I reach out and yank off the hood only to find a more sinister face underneath. It is Alexander's brother, Derek. He smiles  and says to me, "Hello, darling. Did you miss me?"

I am pulled out of the memory by a hand on my shoulder. I look up into Mercy's face. Slightly worried face.
"You were thinking about him again...weren't you?" she asks me gently. I nod, tears coming to my eyes. But I had decided long ago not to let them fall. She knows how I struggle to move on without Alexander by my side. And I appreciate how much she cares about me, though she continues to try to get me to talk about what happened. She is my dearest friend and always will be. 

"Mary,whyever do you continue to torment yourself?" Mercy asks me quietly. She is worried, I can tell. I open my mouth to tell her when a knock sounds at my door. We both turn at the same time to find the door open ajar, with no one there. , "This house continues to scare me, especially at night." Mercy says. I can't help it , I chuckle. Mercy joins me in laughter as we leave for the agency. 




We arrive at the agency. Changing our clothes to our uniforms, I pull out my locket from my collar and open it. Inside is a tiny painting of Alexander. His eyes stare right into mine. "I miss you, Alexander." I whisper



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.02.2014

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To my mother, who's love of Sherlock Holmes inspired this story.

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