
Black Crows

′A crow caws.

It’s dark.

I’m alone.

I can’t help but wonder
Is this a foreshadow

of death .

There’s a cold dark corner
in the back of my room,

it speaks to me
and says I’m coming for you.'


“Morning Grams”, Blair shouted from the steps as she made her way down into the kitchen.

Grams was standing over the stove cooking breakfast. She was a feisty antique lady, fine-boned with long gray dandelion hair. Her caramel skin was glowing from the little sunlight that was shining through the kitchen window.

Her heart-shaped face covered with light brown spots wrinkled and wise lined with experience and wisdom that curved into a smile as she turned to face Blair.

“Good morning B”, Grams smiled warmly.

Ever since Blair was a little girl, Grams called her B. When she was seven years old she was involved in a tragic accident that took the lives of her parents. Blair was also in the car but only suffered a memory loss of her previous life. As far as she could remember she has always lived with her Grams.

B grabbed a bruised red apple out of the fruit basket on the kitchen table and approached her grandmother from behind hugging her tightly and kissing her on the cheek.“The food smells amazing Grams, but you know I can’t eat anything this morning, I’m already running late to school.”

Throwing her backpack across her shoulder “This apple should be enough” she said walking out the door.

B got halfway out the kitchen when Grams grab a hold of her hand “Remember to come straight home!....Where is your necklace?” she whispered concernedly.

Grams had given B a necklace with a Cat’s-Eye stone when she was seven and told her to never, under any circumstances take it off.B did as she was told and over the years she never removed the necklace. She cherished it because it belonged to her mother. Although she didn’t remember her parents, it felt good to have something so personal that belonged to her mother.“I’m always wearing my necklace don’t worry, ” B winked her eye at Grams and left for school.

Grams sighed relief as she let go of B’s hand. Grams was standing in the doorway way and noticed a black crow sitting on the mailbox and two other ones in the yard, cawing away. The wind picked up and an uneasy feeling went through her body, giving her chills she quickly closed the door.

Grams knew seeing the crows in the yard meant death was near. With a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms, she hurried to her bedroom reaching under her bed pulling out a large black book.

The cover of the book read The Blackwell Grimoire. She grabbed the book and hastened back downstairs. The number of crows in the yard had doubled. Grams clenched her chest as it filled with heaviness. Tingling sensations went through her hands, feet, legs, and arms. The uneasy feeling she had was urging her to get the book to safety because of unknown events that may take place.

The Cat's Eye Stone

'Something sinister this way comes

Ominous clouds have gathered overhead

Un-kept rhythm of beating drums

Relentless feeling of unnerving dread

A sense of evil lurking around

The air filled with violent vibrationsVicious vortex with an evil eye'

Blair arrived at school and waited at her locker for her best friend Maeve. As she waited she opened her locker to gather her books for first period when she caught her reflection in the small mirror hanging on the door of her locker. Her curls dark as midnight fell into her face. She ran her finger across her face to tuck the hair behind her ear. Her hands ran from her face down to her neck against her soft sun-kissed skin, as she gazed into her deep cinnamon brown eyes all she could see was mystery and wonder.

Blair suddenly came to with a waving hand in her face and a familiar voice “Blairrrr...Hey, Blair” Maeve laughed. Maeve was a petite slender girl with blonde straw-like hair that dropped around pale cheeks stopping at her shoulders. Her icy blue eyes and brown freckles along her cheeks uniquely placed made her one of kind.

When Maeve approached Blair, She was overly excited about something her lips spread wide across her face exposing all of her perfectly aligned teeth.“Omg, I just saw Matt Durham and he is looking hotter than he was yesterday, is that even possible? Maeve said as she looped her arm around Blair’s arm and they began to walk down the hallway.

" Your obsession with this guy is a bit alarming” Blair laughed.

" It’s more than an obsession, it’s love, Blair. I think I love him” Maeve said with a straight face.

Matt Durham was one of the popular boys in school. He was captain of the football team and Maeve had been obsessed with him since the fifth grade. She never had any courage to say anything to him because he was already in a relationship with the biggest bitch in the school Heather Stonewall. Just then Matt and Heather were hugged up coming down the hallway.“What does he see in her? Maeve said with a sullen look on her face. ”

Maybe he likes the evil bitch that she is, everybody has a type you know,” Blair said in a sarcastic tone.

“One of these days he is going to realize he belongs with me until then I have to suffer the immediate stomach sickness I get at the sight of them together.”Maeve grabbed her stomach and placed a hand over her mouth as if she was going to vomit. She ran into the girl’s bathroom.

Blair was approached from behind by her longtime friend and next-door neighbor Liam Edge. “I waited as long as I could for you this morning, but as usual you never come out on time,” Liam said leaned up against the wall.

“I overslept again, sorry”. Blair said shrugging her shoulders.

“Let me guess you’re standing outside the girl’s bathroom because the royal couple strikes again and sent Maeve puking at the sight of them.” Liam Laughed.

Blair laughs and pushes the bathroom door open to check on Maeve ” Hey Maeve, are you ok?”

Liam steps in front of Blair pushes the bathroom down ajar and teases Maeve “Hey Maeve, you need help. I know a great psychiatrist that will do wonders for your mental state.”

They both laugh and await Maeve to come from the bathroom. When she finally does they all head to class.

While sitting in class Blair was trying her hardest to stay focus but she couldn’t help but stare out the window lost in thought. She looked out the window black crows were filling the schoolyard. Blair suddenly got hazy and her eyes began to roll to the back of her head.

She was twirling her necklace with the cat’s eye stone between her fingers. Something was urging her to remove the necklace. She could hear a low and deep growl, that sent a cold chill down her spine.

“BLAIR! , BLAIR!, BLAIR!” she immediately snapped back into reality to see that class was over and everyone except her and her friends were left in the classroom.

Maeve had her hands on Blair shoulder’s “You ok, I’ve been trying to wake you for about five minutes now”.

Five minutes, Blair couldn’t explain to Maeve what had just happened or the chilling feeling that had come over her. She stood up in an awkward rush dropping her books and when she bent down to pick the books up her necklace was caught on the edge of the desk, it ripped off as she stood back up.“Oh, shit” Blair caught the necklace in her hands as it fell from her neck.

Liam grabbed it from her hands ” Your mother’s necklace, I always thought this thing was indestructible ” he gave it back to Blair.No biggie, just buy a new chain from the jewelry store or replace the whole necklace all together problem solved.” Liam said picking up the rest of Blair books from the floor.

Blair clinched the necklace in her hands “This is a Cat’s Eye Stone, it’s not easily found Liam” she snapped. “Besides even if I could replace it this is the one my mother owned it wouldn’t hold the same value.” Blair stuck the necklace in her pocket and walked away. As soon as the necklace broke Blair had such an overwhelming feeling of uneasiness. She just wanted to go home.

Dark Shadow

'The night creeps to me in my darkest of dreams

Death waits at the door

The Dark Shadow of life

Of the present and the past

Haunting your dreams
Your future is cast'


Blair arrived back home and she was so upset about her necklace she was almost afraid to tell her Grams about it because she didn’t want her to be disappointed.

All she could hear was her Grams saying to never under any circumstances remove the necklace. Only she didn’t remove it, it broke. Which was weird because the necklace had withstood other incidents where it should have broken or come off and it didn’t. What was so different about today.“Hey Grams, I’m home.” Blair dropped her bag in the living room on the sofa and continued to call out for her Grams.

She checked in the kitchen, the bathroom, the basement and lastly upstairs. Grams wasn’t anywhere in the house to be found. Blair didn’t think anything of it she decided to tell her Grams about the necklace later and just head upstairs to do her homework. As time went by it was approaching 9:00 pm and Grams still wasn’t home yet.

“Grams, Where are you?” Blair whispered as she looked out her bedroom window.

The sky was an eerie black and the wind was blowing ferociously. Just than looking out her windowpane she saw what looked like a person standing in front of her house. She couldn’t tell if she was seeing things or if someone was there.

She wiped her eyes and looked with a slight squint. The person was gone. Blair was completely freaked out and decided to call her Grams cell to see when she would be coming home.

Grams cell phone rang and rung with no answer. Blair left her a voicemail urging her to call her as soon as possible, she was beginning to worry. It was 10:30 pm and Blair couldn’t stay up any longer. She decided to go to bed and hopefully Grams would be there when she woke up in the morning.

“Wake up”, Grams whispered as she shook Blair in an attempt to wake her.“Wake up, Blair” She said with much more intent and a firm tone.

Blair glanced over at the clock to see that it was 3:00 am. She jumped up from her bed and could hear the panic in her grandmother’s voice and sense the fear in her eyes.“What is it, Grams?”What’s going on?“Are you okay?”

Blair asked so many questions in confusion, Grams grabbed and pushed her down into a corner and placed a finger over her lips gesturing for her to be quiet.

Blair just couldn’t understand what caused her grandmother to be so fearful and why they couldn’t speak aloud.“Grams, talk to me, you’re scaring me!” Blair screamed out to her grandmother.

Grams hurriedly placed her hands over Blair’s mouth “B, I hoped they would never find you. I thought I could protect you from your past. Whatever you do, don’t trust the society.”

I should have told you about who you truly are and prepare you for this day. I’m so sorry my sweet B.”Grams hugged and kissed Blair on the forehead.

Blair looked into her grandmother’s eyes and couldn’t help but feel like this would be the last time she would ever see her again.

The bedroom door flew open and a dark shadow filled the room as if they were being swallowed whole by the darkness. Grams stood before Blair with her arms open wide facing the shadow and yelled: “You can’t have her, evil shall not win”.

The shadow began to swirl and a big gust of wind engulfed the room. Blair continued looking at her grandmother still in confusion and with so much fear. She couldn’t move and the room grew silent and cold.

A low and deep growl echoed through the room, it was the same gruesome sound she heard earlier from school. Something was present in the shadow and it spoke in a smokey and malicious tone.

“Finally, I have searched for many years for you and finally you will be mine” A low and dry laugh followed his words, a voice so dark and fearful that tears began to run down Blair’s cheek.

“B, B!” Grams yelled placing her hands on Blairs face.

" Focus on me baby, look at Grams.” She was kneeling over Blair wiping the tears from her cheeks.

Blair could see her grandmother’s lips moving, but she could not hear anything she was saying.

Grams leaned over and whispered something into Blair’s ear and looked at Blair one last time and smiled at her.

Grams stood up and her lips were moving again but still, Blair could not hear. A bright light shined around Grams and suddenly she was gone along with the dark shadow.

Blair passed out and fell to the floor.

The In-Between

'I travel the Earth and the astral plains,

I’ve lived most my life in guilt and shame,

Shame for the life bestowed on to me,

Guilt for the demons I couldn’t set free.

This wandering soul, how far will you go.'


Blair was standing in a forest filled with a misty grey fog. Everything was silent and she began to spin frantically looking for anything familiar that would suggest to her whereabouts. Just then she heard a faint voice calling out to her.

“Blair.....Blair...Blair” the voice sounded desperate and it was getting closer.

Blair began to panic, she asked herself questions like what was going on? where was she? and what happened to her grams? She walked off in an unknown direction hoping to get through the smokey fog and reach some clarity.

As she was walking she began to shiver, it was getting colder. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed her by the shoulder with a firm grip that caused her to let out a frantic scream.

Blair fell to the ground and covered her face, too fearful to look at whatever had grabbed her.

“Blair, don’t be afraid my child” the voice that spoke was soft and comforting.

Blair stood up slowly and then took a deep breath before she turned to face the person behind her. It was her Mom.” Omg, Mom!”

“Mom it’s you!”Blair hugged her mom tightly with tears running down her cheeks.

Grabbing hold of Blair “Listen to me Blair, do not be afraid, no matter what you face, never give in to your fear.” her mom warned.” I’m so sorry about the things you’re about to face, but this path you’re on will not be easy.” She spoke fast and clear because she knew their reunion wouldn’t last long.

Blair was still hugging her mother in disbelief, she was so happy to see her mom’s face, a face she had only seen in pictures. The emotions that were flooding through Blair were overwhelming.

Her mother didn’t have much time so she needed Blair to focus and listen and heed her warnings. She pushed Blair away from her and placed her hands alongside Blair’s arms.“Blair, you must strengthen your powers to protect yourself and defeat the malignant spirit that is after you.”

A loud screeching sound was coming from the skies, Blair’s mother pushed her down and they hid behind a tree.

“What is that Mom?” Blair’s mom had an alarming look upon her face.

" That is a Ghoul, we call them pickers. They pick off wandering souls and feed off them.” Blair’s Mom said.

Blair was scared “Where are we,” she asked with distress in her voice.

“We’re in the “in-between”, this is where lost and corrupted souls are banished to by the Necromancers.”

Blair looked at her baffled “What are” she asked as she looked above her head in a panic trying to catch a glimpse of the creature that was making that vile sound.

Blair felt her mom’s hands on each side of her cheeks ” This place is where evil spirits or spirits that refuse to cross over go.”

" They are left here “in-between” for the pickers to feed on.”

" We have to get out of here mom!”

“Please, let’s go!” Blair said desperately urging her mom.

Blair’s mom hugged her tight and explained to her she could never leave.“I am a spirit who refused to cross over.”

" I waited on this day for so long.”Blair’s mom could see this apprehensive look on her daughter’s face.” Blair, do not worry about me. I’m more worried about you. I know what happened to your grandmother but there are more tragic things to come if you do not prepare yourself to handle them. Remember, my child, trust no one and whatever you do always believe in yourself and believe in your powers.”

Blair’s mom was a wandering soul by choice. She knew the day would come where she would have to warn Blair of her ill fate. She made it her mission to fight off the ghouls and stay a wandering soul to protect her child when the time came.

“Mom, please tell me, what is all of this? I’m so lost.”

" Grams is gone, there was this shadow in the house and...”

Blair looked at her mom and saw her eyes get bigger and her voice got firmer.” Listen to me, that voice belongs to a very evil spirit, you must not ever give into it. You will soon learn the truth about your powers, your family and who you are”

Blair began to sob again, “What powers? what are you talking about? Evil Spirits this is insane!”Where did Grams go? Mom please I need to know!

Blair’s mom gave a remorseful look at her pitiful daughter she felt so bad for the situation her child was forced in.

“Where is the cat’s eye stone Grams left you?” Her mom said as she searched Blair’s neck with her eyes for the stone.

Blair moved her hands around her neck frantically searching for her necklace then she remembered it was at home on the kitchen table.” It’s not on me but it’s at Grams house. ” Blair reassured her mom.

They both stood up and the screeching sound was getting closer.

" OK! once you wake up, get your necklace and recite these words “-Mare nanm a Cape aura la- ” three times and your necklace should restore itself.

Blair began to repeat the words in her head over and over so she wouldn’t forget.

“Blair it’s time” Her mom leaned in and kissed Blair on the cheek.

“My beautiful baby girl, you’ve grown up well, I’m so proud of you and I can sense a lot of myself in you. So I know you will be brave through this journey”

“I love you” Were the last words she heard from her mom.

Necromancer Bloodline


'Of a life once cherished But now broken to hell
I can’t seem to escape from this imprisoning cellI grasped at straws, reaching for truth, but finding none.'


Blair jumped up from her sleep. She was gasping for air as if she couldn’t breathe. Her body was weak and her head was dizzy.

She took deep breaths to calm herself, she looked around and she was in a room unfamiliar to her.

The room was dark and dusty. There were old antiques on the shelves and pictures of people she didn’t know. She removed the covers from over her and attempted to stand. She had no feeling in her legs and fell to the floor. A loud thud sound echoed in the little room.

A voice that was deep and gruff spoke with a hiss “careful child, you haven’t used those things called legs in a little over a month.”

Blair slowly searched the room with her eyes for the person who spoke. She did not see anyone.

She tried to speak but her mouth was dry, when she finally got a sound out, her voice cracked and was raspy.“A month? wait I’ve been asleep for an entire month? that can’t be right!” Blair searched the room again trying to find the voice.

“An entire month has passed and you have been here sleeping soundly as the world kept going on without you.” the voice hissed.

" Who are you? ”

” Why can’t I see you?” Blair questioned

Blair rubbed her eyes because they were still blurry.“I can not show you who I am, for I fear it will frighten you”

The voice jumped around the room never staying in one place.

“You’re freaking me the hell out, just show yourself ” Blair yelled out as she struggled to lift herself from the floor.

The floor began to make a creaking sound as someone began to come across from the other side of the room.“Alright, little one but do not be alarmed, I will not harm you”

The light coming through the cracks in the torn blinds revealed a figure standing across in the room.

Blair lifted her head to see a green scaly creature standing in front of her. He had yellow eyes and hissed when he spoke. He was human by the face but had skin like a snake. She closed her eyes in fear but then she remembered her mother’s words. “Don’t be afraid, never show fear.”

She looked at the creature standing before her and she let out a sigh.” Why am I in this dusty old room with a creepy snake guy who looks like he could swallow me whole but says he will not harm me?” Blair said in a grating tone.

The creature hissed and then came further into the light to show he had no legs just a long green tail that split at the end into two.“Trust me, if I wanted to eat you, I would have done it while you slept idly” he slithered up close to Blair, so close she could smell his scent and his hissing sent chills down her spine

" Can you back up please?” Blair said swinging her arms at him and jumping up from the bed.

The creature backed away to avoid her aim at him. The slight feeling had come back to her legs, but not enough to hold her up for long because she tumbled right to the floor.” I’m so over this shit” Blair began to hit her fist at the ground. She then looked up glaring at the creature ” What are you?“.

He hissed around the room again then abruptly stopped to face Blair. He had a look upon his face as if he was trying to figure out a way to sufficiently explain what he was to Blair.” To simply put it I am a Serpent. A humanoid serpent. I can take the form of a human needed but in the comfort of my own home I wear my skin.”

Blair sat back up on the floor before she spoke: “OK, serpent freak, explain to me where I am exactly, and how did I get here?”

The Serpent moved quickly and stood before Blair facing her eye to eye ” You should watch your tone with me, little girl. “I am your savior if it wasn’t for me the dark shadow would already have you!” He hissed around her wrapping his body around hers.“Show me some respect or we can simply cut ties and you will be left to fend for yourself. All this spunk tells me you should be just fine on your own” He said as he released her, slithering back to the other side of the room toward the door.

The door slowly creaked open and he slithered out. Blair sat on the floor trying to hide the overwhelming fear she had from the thought of being left alone, without understanding what was going on around her. She cried out to the serpent to come back.

Instead, a familiar face walked through the doorway, it was Matt Durham.

“OMG, MATT” Blair was shocked to see him come into the room.

“What are you doing here?” she said as Matt approached her and lifted her off the floor.

" Hey sleeping beauty, let’s get you up off this dirty floor,” he said lifting her.

Blair, felt some relief of comfort seeing a familiar face, even though she and Matt never had any real interactions at school she knew him, he was a sight for sore eyes. He carried her through the doorway and into a dark and eerie hallway that seemed to stretch out to no end.

Suddenly, the floor and walls began to move and form into a different room. This new room was a sitting room with large shelves full of books and antique furniture with dim lighting from a large fireplace. In front of the fireplace stood a man in a brown suit and a pipe to his mouth blowing smoke that danced in the air.

Matt sat Blair down on an old vintage sofa and sat next to her. He kept staring at her which was making an already weird situation even weirder. She was so confused and curious about the things that were happening to her. Matt sat up on the sofa and scooted closer to Blair.

“Blair this is Mr. Crane, he’s the one that saved you the night you and your grandmother were attacked,” Matt said very calmly.

" Wait so you know about that? How?” Blair was anxious as ever to get some answers to what happened that night.

“I was assigned to look after you by Mr. Crane and your grandmother......”

Blair interrupted “My grandmother?”

“You two knew my grandmother?”

" Where is she?”

“What happened that night?”

Mr. Crane still standing in front of the fire never making a move began to speak in a gravelly voice that sounded familiar.

“Your grandmother did the only thing she knew to do to save her beloved granddaughter. She sacrificed herself and used all of her power to banish the spirit that attacked you that night.”

Mr. Crane dumped his piped into the fireplace and turned to face Blair and Matt.

" Before we get into that, I must tell you who you are. You are the daughter of Robert Blackwell and Monica Blackwell two of the most powerful Necromancers in history. They were widely respected among our kind. So respected they sat at the head of the table of the Society. They were respected because they worked their way from the bottom to the top and a lot of jealous eyes didn’t like that.

Blair interrupted “I’m sorry, Necromancer? Our kind? Society? what does all of that mean?”

Matt turned to Blair “Necromancer are magic users who are devoted to the study of life and death. They specialize in spells and incantations with people both alive and dead. The society uses Necromancers to bind lost or corrupted souls away. Blair your mother was a witch and your father was a warlock.

Blair had this confusing look on her face, “so you’re saying that my parents were Necro...Necromancers? Witches and Warlock aren’t real? Matt, are you saying that I am one as well?”

Mr.Crane walked closer to Blair and Matt. “Yes, you are true of Necromancy bloodline, A witch to be exact. That means you possess the ability to master all sorts of powerful magic, dark magic. ”

Mr. Crane went on to further explain to Blair about the Society’s role in everything. “The Society of Magic is a group of higher-level magical users who have political control over how magic is used. They Impose Penalties on those who violate the laws. At the head of the society sits five elders, who promote and advance the art of magic.”

“Your Grandmother was one of the Five elders, after the death of your parents she gave up her seat and put this life behind her. Now only Four elders sit at the head of the society”

“This is too much. My Grams was a witch! f I was this powerful necro whatever why didn’t my grams tell me any of this?” Blair proclaimed.

Mr. Crane walked over to where Blair and Matt was and sat in the large chair across from them.“Your grandmother was dead set on keeping you away from the life that got your parents killed.”

Blair’s eyes grew wide and she spoke with a shaky voice ” Did you say killed? My parents died in a car accident!”.

“That’s just the normal version your grandmother came up with to protect you from the truth and your necromancer heritage. Rumors were going around that a Necromancer had linked up with a fiend” Mr. Crane sighed shaking his head and dumping the ashes from his cigar.

“Fiend” Blair said confusingly

“They’re demons set on reviving the evil spirit of Alastor, a tormenting demon. He once took rising over the lands of Arcania, hoping to siege the control of the entire Magic Realm. If not for your parent’s bravery we would have all felt the wrath of Alastor. Your mom and dad faced him head-on and destroyed his body. His spirit was said to be captured and hidden away for all eternity. Alastor was an immortal being and the Society didn’t have what they needed to kill an immortal being.”Matt took a deep breath and placed his hand on top of Blair’s ” Alastor has been after you since the day you were born. It was prophesied that the one born under the red moon will destroy his immoral Shadow.”

“When the moment comes that the mark of the one becomes the mark of many, a child born in red shall bring forth a rise of a new era and an end to enemies.”

" If thou should fail, as soon as the prey kills its predator, a suspicious death shall mark the rise of a new evil and an age of fury.”

Blair snatched her hand away from Matt’s and stood up on her own, “So you’re saying I’m the child from the prophecy, but what is it about me that he wants exactly, What is it that I’m supposed to do? How do you all even know that I’m the child in speaking?”

Mr. Crane sighed “When the prophecy got out and a child was indeed born under the red moon, there were several babies born that year and all were stillborn all except you. Alastor was dead set on ending your life. He attacked all those who stood behind the society in protecting you. So enough was enough your parents couldn’t keep letting innocent people die in protecting you so they took a stand to bind him away until you were of age to face and kill him yourself as prophesied.”

“What is binding? if my parents bound him shouldn’t he still be locked away, how did he get free? ” Blair questioned.

Matt began to explain as best he could “Binding is like a temporary spiritual handcuffing. You can bind a demon spirit, much like tying something up with rope or chains. You cannot bind a person’s free will. Binding is NOT the same as casting out demons, casting out demons brings forth lasting results, whereas binding is only to tie them down for some time.”

Blair stood up and began to pace the floor biting her nails going over everything Mr. Crane and Matt were telling her.

Mr.Crane began to choke on his smoke from his pipe so he dismissed himself.

Matt stood up and approached Blair placing arms around her in an attempt to calm her.“Don’t worry, we are here to help you through this, it’s a lot to take in but with some training, we believe you can and will succeed.”

Blair took a deep breath and embraced the hug from Matt. It was nice and warm and his words were of comfort. She took a deep breath and stood back facing Matt “Matt, I’ve been knowing you since we were kids, have you been watching over me ever since then?”

Matt hesitated to look for the right words to explain exactly what he was. “I was an orphan, taken in by Mr. Crane around the time we first met. He found me back in Arcania when I was a pup.” Matt let out an awkward chuckle and was scratching the back of his head.

" A pup,” Blair said with a confusing look and giggle.

“I’m a Dire wolf, set with the task of protecting you. I’m your familiar, the main purpose of familiars is to serve the witch or young witch, protecting them as they come into their new powers”.

Blair began to laugh hysterically “Seriously, a wolf, like the cute little wolf from Bolt, awww” she began to pat his head.

Matt pushed her hand away “Not so little and not cute, try fierce and enormous”.

They laughed and continued to talk more. Matt was just glad he could get her to laugh and relax because he knew thus far how frightening everything had been for her and that going forward things were destined to get more frightening.


'What once was will never be,

What is now few will ever see,

Nor will it always be.

I watch over her

She will be saved.'


Mr. Crane walked back into the room and he had someone following behind him. It was a woman, tall, slim, pale skin and long black hair, She had red eyes and wore lipstick the color of blood on her round full lips. She was gorgeous.

“This is my dear friend Allure, she has come to help us in training you to use your powers.“Allure walked up to Blair and leaned into her, so close they could kiss.

" Little Lost Girl, how do you do, It is my pleasure to finally meet the savior of all man and creature alike. ” She ran her long fancy nails through Blair’s hair and then kissed her on her cheek. ”

“We don’t have time to waste a month has already gone by and the town of Bellake was attacked last night. I can assume you have already caught her up on things?” Allure said as she walked back toward the entrance of the room and took a pose looking at Mr. Crane.

“Yes we have given her a brief rundown on things, we can fill her in one more as we go, I’m sure the child has more questions,” said Mr. Crane.

They all head out the door following behind Allure once they were all in the hallway the walls and floor began to transform again.

This time they were outside in the middle of the woods. The light from the brightly shining moon in the sky gave off a comforting atmosphere.

“Where are we?” Blair asked as she placed her arms around herself do to the cold air.

“We are nowhere, this is where we will train you to use those powers of yours and where we can be free to transform into our truest selves. Before we begin, I believe this belongs to you” Allure pulled out Blair’s ruby necklace from her chest and it shined a bright red.

" That’s my necklace my grams gave me, how did you get it?” Blair said in excitement.

Allure smirked a little and then turned back around facing the cold night air ” Never mind that, just hurry up and place it back on immediately, we don’t need anything finding you before our training is complete.”

Blair placed the necklace in her hands and remembered the words her mom told her to recite. ” -Mare nanm a Cape aura la- ” the necklace sparked three times and then went back to normal. She placed the necklace on and hurried to catch up with everyone else.

“This is where we will come once it is time to start testing your skills out,” Allure said standing on a hilltop while they listened below.

“When we get to this part of your lessons we will not spare you, you must battle us each here and defeat us before we move on to the final stages of your training. The room began to move again and they were in a library.

Matt walked over to a table and dropped a large dusty book on the table. Mr. Crane walked over and blew the dust off the book.

“You must first study your craft.”

′ Read this entire book’

’It has everything you need to know about Necromancers, Magic, the society, and Alastor. You will also learn about our world and how it works and the different species of creatures and magical beings that reside here in Arcania.”

Allure began to flip through the pages “You have all of two days to finish this entire book.”

Blair gasped in shock. “Two days! are you out of your mind!”

Blair slammed her hands down on the table “Out of all the obscured things I’ve seen and heard tonight this is by far the most ridiculous, You can’t honestly think I will finish this huge book in two days?”.

Matt let out a chuckle then cough to hide his humor in the situation.

“Blair, your wasting time, I suggest you get started and stop complaining,” Allure said as she exited the room.

Mr. Crane gave Blair a plain look and then a shrug of the shoulders as he followed Allure out.

Blair directed her focus toward Matt “Help me?”

Matt walked over to her looked around the room and then whispered in her ears “Anything is possible with magic” he then turned to exit the library.

Blair was left confused and frustrated. She opened up the book and began to read the pages.

Four hours went by and Blair was still on the first few pages of the book. She was getting frustrated as she read and couldn’t understand some of the contents of the book. It was in a language she didn’t speak and kept finding herself getting more and more uninterested and she began to doze off.

The book fell over and made a loud noise that caused Blair to jump in a panic and fall to the floor.

“Oh, shit” she shouted.

She was rubbing the top of her head when she heard a high pitched little voice speak

" You’re such a silly little girl ” then a squeaky laugh followed. ”

“If you were smart you would use that book of magic and cast a memory spell for wisdom” the voice faded out.

Blair stood up looking around the room “Who is there” all she heard was the squeaky laughter echo throughout the library

“I am no one, I am neither here nor there, I am everywhere but never seen ”

Blair saw something moving between the books on the bookshelf. She walked over to get a closer look. There little small wings sticking out from the book, she grabbed it and snatched it into the air ” Got you” she yelled.

The little fairy screamed in fear “Put me down, you big dummy”

Blair began to laugh she couldn’t believe she was holding a fairy. ” So fairies are real too huh”

I’m no fairy, you idiot, let me go or I’ll”...

Blair began to tickle the little fairy and the fairy began to laugh “hey stop that, what are you doing, you big dummy.”

Blair placed the fairy down on the table and leaned in ” Now you rude little thing, what was that about a spell that could help?”.

The fairy was upset that he’d been caught and folded his arms and stuck out his tongue refusing to speak to Blair. He turned away from her and tried to fly away.

She caught him mid-air bringing him back to the table. ” oh no you don’t” she pleaded with the fairy to help her.

“Please little fairy, I have an important mission to do and I can’t waste time trying to read this book in two days. If you help me I’ll give you something yummy to eat.”

The fairy cut his eyes looking back at Blair with a pouty face. “Again, I’m no fairy, I’m a pixie.”

“Do you have any chocolate?” the Pixie said fluttering around in the air in excitement.

Blair fidgeted around looking for chocolate, she didn’t have any on her but promised to give him loads of chocolate if he would help her out. At first, the little fairy was reluctant but he decided to trust in her words and help her out.

“Open the book to the very back, there you will see the secrets they hide.”

Blair grabbed the book flipped it over to the back and opened it up. She scanned the book and saw a little tear in the corner of the book. She pulled on it and there were secret messages from other people who have used the book.

There was a memory spell that would allow her to absorb all the information inside the book. -Grant m’ konpweyansyon ancêtres, grant m’ direction, dirije m’ pou gwo basen byen fon konprann sa inondations tèt nan bondans.-

“The incantation is quite simple and all it requires is a small drop of blood. ” The pixie said fluttering over the book.

Blair thought hard as she went over the spell, she was a bit hesitant because she had never done an actual spell. She thought if she was this powerful Necromancer then doing magic should come easily to her. She stood back searching for something to cut her finger. She found a letter opener, poked her finger and placed her hands together.

She took a deep breath and then proceeded to recite the incantation. A gust of wind blew through the room and the pages from the book began to flip rapidly. Then words lifted from the book and circled her. Then all at once, the words flowed through her mind. Blair couldn’t believe the spell was working. Everything that was in the book was suddenly known to her. Once the spell ended the book dropped to the table.

The doors creaked opened and in walked Mr. Crane and Allure.

“So little one how far have we gotten?” Allure asked.

Blair with a straight face replied “I have finished the entire book, easy ”

Mr. Crane laughed and then side-eyed Allure. “Oh have you, well we shall see just how much you know” Allure took a seat next to Blair and begin to question her ” What is our world called ?”

Blair took a deep breath and then condescendingly folded her arms.” We are from a world of magical beasts, different types, and forms of beasts called Arcania.

" We also have a little village to the east that is a human village. My father was one of the warlocks who sat the table of higher-level magic-users with the Society of Magic. He favored humans and was the link that brought the human world and the world of magic together. ”

“There were some who despised my father and mother for their beliefs and that led to rebellion.”

Matt begins to walk over to the book, he flips the pages to the back then laugh “I see you found the spell”

Allure folds her arms and stands in an idle pose “You seem to have succeeded in doing your first spell, I’m impressed. That spell never goes right for beginners.”.

Blair was happy for the praises she was receiving. Just as they were about to get into the next step of things, a loud sound went off, it sounded as if a bomb had exploded.

The entire room shook every one fell to the floor in wincing pain.

Mr. Crane yelled “Intruders” everyone jumped and headed toward the explosion.


'And one day soon

a evil doer will come knocking

from he shadows he was sent

to drag away the hope named savior

we must fight in order to win

a strong enemy we must defeat'


When they all arrived at the explosion site they heard a loud growl that echoed through the halls. All they saw was deep dark smoke and shadows moving among it.

Allure looks back, her eyes were a fire red color and she yells for Matt to get Blair to safety.

“Go now to the woods, the Dryads will protect you. ”

Allure waited until Matt and Blair were no longer in sight and then she focused her attention on the threat at hand.

When the smoke cleared they saw Jhukar the large foul ogre, better known as Jhukar the thirsty ax. He let out a sinister laugh.

“Leave this place at once, Jhukar ” Allure demanded.

“Where is the girl” Growled Jhukar.

“The girl is none of your concern, if you do not leave this place at once here is where you will forever remain buried in peace” yelled Mr. Crane

Jhukar let out a spine-shivering roar and pulled his bloodthirsty ax from his back.

” We shall see, who it is that remains buried here serpent scum”.

Jhukar lifted his huge ax and twirled it over his head, the whole time he was laughing and enjoying the intensity of the moment. He wanted blood and he was ready to strike down anyone who stood in his way.

Locking in on Mr.Crane, Jhukar swung his mighty ax with so much force you could hear it slicing the air.

Mr.Crane barely dodged the attack. He stood tall on his hide tail stretched out two more limbs giving him four arms. He then slithered rapidly toward his target.

Jhukar didn’t even notice Mr. Crane was towering over him from the back, his mouth spread as wide as the ogre’s head and poisonous venom spewed from his mouth, as it hit the ogre’s head you could see his skin peeling away.

Mr.Crane grabbed Jhukar head with brute force and tried to bite his head off.

Jhukar yelled in pain and tried to reach around to grab Mr.Crane with no luck.

Allure saw an opening to strike Jhukar, while Mr.Crane had him distracted, She took a deep breath and let out a shrieking scream, just then eight spindlelegs, long thin legs, grew out from her back.

She climbed the walls to the ceiling just above Jhukar and attacked with a big right overhand punch, slamming him into the wall, where she started landing solid punches into Jhukar’s gut with all eight legs.

Mr.Crane moves quickly releasing his grip on Jhukar right before he hits the wall. He had released so much poison into Jhukar you could see the effects kicking in. He stood up stumbling a bit.

He was breathing heavy and the dust from the impact into the wall clouded the air it reeked of sweat and blood.

Jhukar took a few steps forward stretching his body popping the bones in his neck and back and spat blood on the ground.

“My turn” He laughed as he lifted his ax and charged at Mr.Crane.

“Watch Out’ Allure shouted as she attempted to stop Jhukar with her sticky web.

Web sprung from her fingers and wrapped Jhukar constricting him from moving.

Jhukar enraged began to go berserk and doubled in size which allowed him to break free from the web. He swung his ax hitting Mr. Crane from the right side and sending him flying directly into Allure, they both flew into a wall, the collision was so much that the wall crumbled around them burying them both.

Jhukar walked over and saw blood spilling from the pile of crumbled rocks. He grunted, wiped the blood from his mouth, placed his ax on his back and went to catch up with Blair and Matt.

The rocks began to shift as Allure was digging her way up. When she stood up she searched through the ruins for Mr.Crane.

“CRANE!!!” She shouted

“Over here” a very faint and raspy voice moaned.

“Dammit, hold on Crane, I’ll get you out” Allure rushed over.

Mr.Crane was stuck under a large boulder. He was spewing up blood and could hardly breathe.

“We have to stop him before he reaches the girl” He whispered

“She will be okay for now, Matt will protect her,” Allure said as she thought of a way to lift the boulder.

“We can’t know if Matt will be able to stop him on his own” Mr. Crane began to cough and wince in pain.

“Shhhh, no more talking, let me get you from under this boulder and treat your wounds.” Allure said.

Allure found an iron bar and used it to lift the boulder enough to pull Mr. Crane from underneath it. He was hurt badly and she knew she had to hurry up and get to the Dryads if he was to live.

She used her web to patch him up and slow the bleeding for his external wounds, anything internal would have to wait until they reached the forest. She lifted him and they headed out.

They made their way halfway through the forest but Allure could tell looking at Mr.Crane he wouldn’t make it much longer. He was in and out of consciousness and she had to think fast to save her friend.

She laid him down by a tree and checked his wounds again. She knew on foot it would be a while before they reached their destination.

She needed to find help and fast, but could not do it dragging Mr.Crane along. So she stood up and stepped back placed her hands up and did a cloaking spell to hide him.

“Don’t worry, ill be back with help, just hold on” she stretched out her eight legs again and went into the trees. She hoped to find an old friend of hers who lived nearby.


The Dryads


'A strong stance and unlawful swings,

My guardian to protect me from awful things,

To knock down those who want to be bring you pain

I’ll settle your terrors to a peaceful sleep.'


At the explosion site Allure finally sees he figure in the smoke is Jhukar she knew things were about to get dangerous for Blair.Allure looks back her eyes fire red and yells for Matt to get Blair to safety. “Take her to the woods, the Dryads will protect you. ”

Matt grabbed Blair by her hand and turned to run away. She was looking back worried for Mr.Crane and Allure.

“Will they be OK?” she asked Matt with a shaky voice. He only looked at her firmly never speaking a word. He gripped her hand tighter as they ran toward safety.

They came upon a black door made of steel. Matt burst through the door and took the form of the biggest wolf Blair has ever seen.

She screamed and fell over as the wolf approached her. He walked slowly up to her then kneeled to show her he would not harm her.

Blair reached her hand out to touch the top of its head “Matt, is that you?”

He licked her hands and Blair smiled. “Oh my God, you weren’t kidding about not being so little”.

Matt was alerted of a presence approaching. He jumped over Blair and took a defensive position.

“What is it Matt, is someone there?” Blair hoped it would be either Mr. Crane or Allure but looking on it was this large ogre beast with a huge hammer he carried that dripped in blood.

“Holy shit, What is that thing,” Blair said as she stood safely behind the Dire wolf trying to hide.

Matt lowered his body and gestured for Blair to get on, She climbed up and placed both hands just around his neck and suddenly she could hear Matt’s voice in her head.

“Blair, this is bad, if he has made it this far that must mean the others were taken out.”

Blair gasped in fear “What do we do Matt” she asked worriedly.

“Hold on tight” things could get ugly fast he growled.

She gripped on as tight as she could and took a deep breath.

“I smell fear, a frighten little necro, tasty” the big beast roared.

“How about we cut things short and you don’t put up a fight, ill kill you fast and eat the girl slowly” The ogre took a few steps toward Blair and Matt.

Matt noticed Jhukur grip his hammer firmer as if he was preparing to swing it. He knew he wouldn’t be able to fight this beast and protect Blair and protecting Blair came first so he had to make a run for it.

Blair was fearful of the situation but she knew Matt would do everything to keep her safe. She secured herself on Matt’s back and prepared for the ogre to make his move.

Before Blair knew it Matt had leaped into the air with such force the impact sent the ogre flying off his feet. He jumped up into the trees and began leaping from tree to tree with such speed, Blair felt like she was flying.

Matt kept going deep into the forest, Blair thought to herself where would they go now.

Matt telepathically heard her and responded, “We’re almost there Blair, don’t worry”.

Blair was confused ” Where exactly is this place Matt,” She asked.

Matt explained how there were others out there who were also on their side in this fight against the dark shadow. We have safe zones in place in case any of us are ever compromised like now.”

Blair sighed, there were others out there willing to fight with her. So many people were depending on her and she began to feel bad as she watched Matt frantically fleeing away from a fight he would have probably been able to handle if she wasn’t so much of a liability. She promised herself at that moment to focus and do everything she can to become the strongest necromancer she could be.

“So who exactly are we fleeing to for safety” Blair asked.

" Deep in the forest lives the Dryad, also called hamadryad, a nymph or nature spirit who lives in trees and takes the form of a beautiful young woman,” Matt explained.

Blair had a plain look on her face, ” so we are going to be protected by tree elves, seriously, what can they do, your way more of a threat than they are I’m sure” Blair laughed.

Matt, kinda expected that kind of response from Blair seeing as how everything in his world was new to her.

“As goddesses of forests, Dryads hold strong power over plants, particularly trees and wood. Dryads can make plants grow within seconds and can change a seed into a towering oak. They can turn into trees and hide from predators.

They have a form of telepathy they share with the trees in the forest. Dryads are as strong and as hard as the trees they protect. They can live forever and are natural immortals tied to their forests and if the Dryad dies, the forest will wither and die, if the forest is destroyed, the dryad will perish and fade away. Matt knew after explaining that Blair still wouldn’t see how significant their protection was for them.

Blair still confused about why they were depending on little tree Nymphs for protection, she still had questions.

“Okay, so how are they going to protect us?”

Matt chuckled a little then explained again “Blair, they live deep in the forest, they are connected to every tree in the forest, nothing moves here without them knowing. They can speak to each other, and they are never seen or found unless they want to be.”

“So they know we are coming?” Blair asked

“Yes, look ahead the trees are guiding me, I had to put enough distance between us and the ogre so they could lead the way.”

When Blair looked ahead she could see the trees moving swiftly out of the way to form a path. If she looked hard enough she could even see faces in the trees. She was amazed.

Blair noticed Matt beginning to slow down, they were approaching this huge wall of trees and branches that intertwined forming a wall, the branches began to pull apart and Matt stepped inside.

As they walked through the path it was pitch black, Blair held on to Matt tighter. He reassured her that they were safe. They walked about five minutes before seeing a bright light at the end of the path.

When they came out on the other side, The scenery was breathtaking. Blair was in awe of the Dryads home. The forest was nut-brown and the trees were as tall as fortresses and full of bright green leaves.

Matt trudged along with the soft, damp moss of the forest path. The tree’s whisper against the wind was like a lullaby, soothing and warm. It was so welcoming and calm. The feeling of security was all around.

They kept walking along the path of fallen leaves red and golden brown until they reached a very large tree. This tree had deep roots and wide branches, it felt as though the tree had been there for ages. Something was illuminating about this tree to Blair.

Blair jumped down from Matt’s back and walked up to the tree, it was so beautiful and alluring. She reached her hand out to touch the tree just then a soft voice was heard.

“Welcome, my dear to Quercus. This is our home, we the Dryads are happy to see you arrive safely” the tree swayed and Blair jumped back.

She looked back at Matt who had already turned back into human form. He was kneeling on the ground the battle and journey alone was a lot on him. He was panting from exertion, Blair ran to him to make sure he was okay.

“Matt, take it easy, you need to rest” Blair took the jacket she was wearing off and placed it around Matt’s naked body. She hadn’t even realized he was completely naked because she was so worried about his health.

Matt thanked her then motioned for her to turn around and see what was behind her. There was a figure emerging from the tree that took the form of a beautiful female.

She rose in height towering over Blair, her skin was green and her hair was made up of leaves and vines that draped over her shoulders. She was holding a staff made of oak wood and she approached Blair.

“Wow, You’re beautiful” Blair whispered. She reached out and ran her fingers through the Dryad’s hair.

“Well thank you” she smiled. ” My name is Balanos, I am head deity here. We have waited for your arrival for some time now. We swore an oath to your Mother and father that we would do all that we could to protect you and aid you in this fight when the time came. ”

“You knew my parents” a look of curiosity set upon Blair’s face.

“Yes, they were good friends of ours here, very loyal and lovable people. I was sad to hear of their passing, they fought a good fight, but now it is your turn to pick up where they left and finally bring this dark era to an end.”

Blair could feel her eyes tearing up, She held them back and lowered her head “everything’s happening so fast, I feel pressured and overwhelmed. How am I supposed to defeat something I don’t understand, I barely can save myself how am I going to save a world?” tears began to fall.

Lifting her head and wiping away her tears ” My child, this is a burden I know, but it’s not just your burden alone to bear. You have strong and loyal allies in your corner.

We have been fighting the fight since before you were born and many of us have sacrificed and lost loved ones along the way. It will not be easy but you must first decide to face this threat head-on.”

“Meliae, show Matt to the infirmary and take Blair to her living quarters” Balanos commanded.

Once they reach the infirmary it had thick vines that fell from the tree and inside was a lake of water that flowed all around and through the tree. They placed Matt inside the water and said that it was spiritual healing water.

Blair was worried about Matt’s recovery but even more worried about what became of Mr. Crane and Allure.

Meliae called for Blair to follow her to show her to her room. As they were walking Blair noticed the differences in her appearance from Balanos.

“Umm, excuse me Meliae, can I ask you a question,” Blair said very softly as she followed behind the little petite Dryad.

The little Dryad stopped abruptly and the turned to face Blair. She did not speak only smiled and nodded her head.

“Why do you look so different from Balanos?” she asked intriguingly.

The Dryad laughed and then spoke in a very soft and high pitched voice “I am born of an ash tree, we dryads take different forms depending on the tree we are born from.”

Blair nodded her head in understanding ” OK, that makes sense” she said with a serious look on her face.

They began to walk again and arrived at a room where the trees fell away, revealing the luminous sky. The night’s stars were sparkling like silver pinpricks, dazzling and bright. A beautiful gold moon hung quietly in the distance, casting a honeyed sheen over the trees.

As Blair entered her room the enchanted forest beckoned her into its pulsing heart. How could she resist such a lush and mesmerizing forest?

“Are these quarters to your satisfaction Ma’am” Meliae asked.

Blair looked back at Meliae with a huge smile on her face and nodded her head. Meliae then took her to leave.

Blair walked around admiring every detail from the damp earth and fallen leaves that gave off an earthy smell that instinctively calmed her.

Her bed was made of red bark that intertwined together to form a Canopy bed that was layered with leaves and a blanket woven of spider silk.

Blair fell into the bed and exhaled a deep breath of relief and satisfaction. It wasn’t long before she was falling asleep.

The Serpent and The Black Widow


'The darkness creeps

and the light sweeps

the shadows still

at the fallen will.'


Mr. Crane woke up in a daze, he looked around to see Allure was nowhere to be found. He sat himself up as best he could, wincing in pain, the night sky had fallen and the forest was no safe place for someone in his condition.

He wondered where Allure had gone to and worried if something had happened to her.

There were all kinds of things that moved and hunted for food at night in the forest but Mr.Crane wasn’t afraid. He could sense that there was a cloaking spell surrounding him so that gave him little to worry about, he was relieved.

As he sat up watching the night sky he heard a branch snap and some trees ruffle. He didn’t see anything just yet but knew someone or something was there.

He thought maybe Allure was back and just as he was about to call out for her he saw a Wendigo up on a tree branch sniffing out prey.

Wendigo were man-eating monsters that roamed the land near the forests and Lakes hunting prey at night.

Their bodies were emaciated, their ribs stuck out through their thin, pale skin, and their eyes were sunk deep down into their sockets. They looked like men who had died of starvation, walking through the world after a week of decomposing in the grave.

A Wendigo’s appetite could never be filled. It would attack other men and eat their flesh, but every bite would just make them larger and hungrier, until they were massive, flesh-starved giants towering over the trees.

This one wasn’t that big which meant it was blood-thirsty and Mr.Crane would be in trouble once it sniffed him out.

He looked down to see his wound was bleeding through the bandages, the Wendingo was still sitting on the tree branch sniffing the air. Mr.Crane adjusted himself upright and prepared himself to fight off the Wendigo.

They were known to eat human flesh, but Mr.Crane was a humanoid, meaning he was a part serpent part man. The Wendingo looked desperate for a meal and he wouldn’t turn down an easy prey like Mr.Crane.

“Dominus de Rerum natura, ut sint unum, non est facere, et incessable dolor.” ( Lord of Nature, we are One, cease the pain and make their none.)

He chanted over and over. It was a temporary fix to his pain. It was a spell that would allow him to be numb to his pains and move freely.

His timing was impeccable because the Wendingo let out a loud high pitched screech that shook his eardrums. He had caught on to his scent and looked directly over toward him.

The Wendingo moved with incredible speed, leaping from the tree down to where he was, he barely dodged it, tightening his hands into a fist he used great force to punch the Wendingo in the face, blood splattered everywhere knocking the Wendingo back and tumbling across the forest ground.

The impact of the punch brought him to his knees, although he couldn’t feel his pain, he knew his body was in no condition to be using such force. he felt the exhaustion and his body was sweating profusely.

He was so drained he didn’t even notice the Wendingo had already gotten back up and was charging to attack again, the Wendingo tackled him to the ground and began to tear away at his flesh.

He attempted to block the blows as much as he could but the Wendingo bit into his arm.

He let out a loud painful cry ” You filthy beast, you will not get your full of me today” he mustered up the last of his strength and used his tail to split into two and wrestle the Wendingo off of him.

Once he had it pinned down he released his venom onto the Wendingo ultimately killing it. He passed out from exertion.

Allure was moving as fast as she could through the trees to reach the Rocking Lakes, She knew she was close once the fog and misty air set in, She arrived at the lake and the entire lake was a grey ghost color from all the mist and fog. It was noiseless and lifeless, the water sat calmly and the spook grey gave off an eerie vibe.

The waters began to sway, and up from it came the Lady of the Lake, Anahita, The Lady of the Lake was an enchantress with beautiful silver hair. She wore a gown of white samite.

Once she was fully visible floating over the lake Allure could see she was accompanied by small water sprites. She is known to be good nor evil but was a good friend to Allure.

Allure knew of the abilities she had and that only she could assist her with saving Mr.Crane.

Anahita, had the magical ability to create and control water, Conjuring a “water mirror” to show something; an ability is known as hydromancy, She could also use a power called Hydroboration, an ability to magically teleport over short or long distances through liquid water and create and control various creatures, weapons, and objects out of pure water.

“Allure, it’s been centuries since I last laid eyes on you” Anahita spoke without ever opening her mouth, in fact, the water spirits that surrounded her spoke for her, or as if she was speaking through them.

Allure dropped to a knee and bowed her head “It has been some time my lady, but I hear in dire need of your help”.

" Just what kind of help is it you seek ”

“We were attacked, and my friend was injured very badly, I need some assistance with getting him to the Dryads for treatment”

“I cannot leave my lake, Allure you know this, these are dangerous times and I cannot abandon my own to help you” the water spirits spoke.

“Anahita, PLEASE! if you don’t help us he will die. As you know we are at war with the evil that plagues our world. This is not just one man or creature’s fight, this is everyone’s fight. My friend is a strong ally and we cannot lose him when the fight is just beginning. The girl has finally come and we can now make our move against the dark shadow.”

“The girl has finally arrived you say, where is this girl now,” Anahita asked.

“She is protected in one of our safe havens. The last place was attacked and we were separated. I am begging you please, help”

The lady of the lake was known for remaining neutral in all battles and wars only interfering when it benefits her and the greater outcome.

She floated toward Allure and motioned for her to stand up.

" The girl arriving is indeed good news and a factor that changes an existing situation, I will assist you this time Allure, but remember I will require payment for my assistance down the line”

“Whatever it is My lady I promise to see it through”

Anahita then placed her hand out motioning for Allure to grab on. She leads her into the water. “Close your eyes and think of your friend,” Anahita said.

When Allure opened her eyes again they were right where she left Mr.Crane. She removed the cloaking spell revealing him and his new wounds.

He was all cut up and bleeding out. His breathing was shallow and he was barely conscious.

“OH GOD CRANE!!!” Allure shouted as she dropped to her knees lifting him and placing his head in her lap.

“What happened, who did this?” she pleaded for answers.

He could not speak, Allure looked toward Anahita and urged her to please get them to the Dryads as quickly as possible.

Anahita nodded her head and the water spirits she traveled with made a circle around Mr.Crane and Allure and water rain around them Anahita then told them to close their eyes again.

Dark Magic


'I am the truth

I am immortality

watching death and pain

I am your daily woe

I stand coexisting without any containment

For I am the Darkness that follows her.'


“Noooo Grams, don’t leave me”

" Please, don’t go, come back”

Blair tossed and turned in her sleep, she was soaked from sweat and the visuals of what happened to her grams haunted her.

She suddenly jumped up in a panic, she searched the room for her grams forgetting where she was. When she finally remembered everything and that her grams were gone, she began to cry.

Just then she heard movements in the hall, she wiped her tears away and went to see what was going on. She Tiptoed to the door and eased it only a little, enough to peep out.

She saw three nymphs whispering about a man who had shown up in the middle of the night and who was badly injured.

“He was taken to the infirmary, they arrived by the Enchantress Anahita. The man was covered in blood.” The smallest nymph spoke.

’Oh, my, who exactly is he and was he alive” the other nymph inquired.

“I don’t think he was a man, he had green skin and two tails but the face of a man” one nymph explained.

Hearing the conversation Blair, wondered if the man with green skin was whom she thought it was. She burst through the doors scaring the little nymphs they began to scatter and run.

“Wait, no, I’m sorry”

“Please don’t’ be afraid to come back” Blair pleaded.

The nymphs stopped and looked back at Blair “We are sorry ma’am if we disturbed you”

“No, that’s not it at all, the man in the infirmary with the green skin, was he alive?” Blair asked.

“We do not for sure ma’am, only that he was barely breathing and badly hurt. He was rushed to the infirmary as soon she arrived.”

“Was he alone?” Blair questioned

“He was with The Enchantress Anahita, Lady of the lake and a tall woman with black hair and red eyes.”

Blair took off running to the infirmary, It was Allure and Mr.Crane and she had to get to them, she prayed Mr.Crane was OK.

Blair was breathing very hard as she ran to the infirmary. She was scared of what she would find when she got there. Upon entering the room she heard voices. The first voice was unfamiliar and she was explaining the condition Mr. Crane was in.

“He is lucky to be alive. Between the battle with Jhukar and then being attacked by a Wendingo, it is amazing he even survived thus far. His will power to live is just simply incredible.” the voice fades out.

A heavy male voice picks up ” I should have stayed behind and helped you guys out” Matt had his head lowered and his fists balled up in a rage.

Allure placed her hand on Matt’s shoulders ” You did what you were supposed to do, because of you Blair is safe. If you had stayed that might not have been the case. Mr. Crane is very strong and very resourceful, as you can see he is still here with us. He just needs to rest up and heal now.”

Blair listened closer to make out the voice that followed and was ecstatic to hear it was Allure’s before she knew it she busted through the doors and into the infirmary room.

Everyone looked back at her with such intense expressions. In the room was Balanos, Allure, The lady of the lake, two Dryad doctors, Matt and laid out unconscious in bed was Mr. Crane.

“Is he OK?” Blair questioned hesitatingly.

Matt was full of emotion and turned away from Blair so she would not see him in that state.

“He will be,” Matt said taking a deep breath before turning around to face Blair.

" Blair why are you not asleep,” Matt asked.

“I overheard someone speaking of guests arriving and that one of them was a badly hurt serpent,” She said as she slowly walked toward the bed where Mr.Crane lied.

" I couldn’t sleep from worrying if you guys were OK or not,” She said as she looked up at Allure.

Allure gave Blair a reassuring smile ” We are fine, nothing this small will stop us, we fight to finish and nobody is dying until we see it through”.

“So you are the one who will save us all” Anahita said approaching Blair.

“Unfortunately, not sure how I’m supposed to do that” Blair said with an uncertain tone.

A soft sympathetic smile crept across Anahita’s face “You, my dear are more powerful than you think, or should I say more powerful than you have yet to become.”

Blair didn’t feel powerful at all, she honestly felt like she was stuck inside a bad dream. She lowered her head letting all her self doubt make her feel helpless.

Anahita placed two fingers under Blair’s chin and lifted her head” if only you believed in yourself, the way we believe in you. More importantly the way your parents believed in you.”

" You didn’t choose this fight it was put upon you but you’re not in it alone. Once you realize that and start to accept your part in all of this only then can you move forward and do what must be done.” Anahita said stepping back raising her arm and staff.

Everyone started to spread out into a circle leaving Blair in the middle. Anahita tapped her staff on the ground three times and water raised and formed a spear around them. Images were scattered through the water of different events and faces of people.

“These are all current events taken place all over our world and yours.” Anahita water spirits spoke for her.

“Your journey started the day you were born, so many awaited the day of your arrival to finally fight back against the evil that has plagued both worlds for years.”

The pictures began to pick up speed moving in a counterclockwise rotation. Then one image grew larger in the water and it was a small village being attacked.

Blair’s eyes began to water as she watched the people run in fear and there home being invaded and set aflame. They were being killed and brutally beaten.

Allure walked over to Blair and hugged her ” This is why we need you to believe in the cause. This is what we are fighting to stop. We have to all do our part in this fight if we want to see this come to an end.”

Blair knew she had to train, she wanted to train and learn everything she could, she felt this overwhelming feeling of confidence and courage and rage come over her.

She stepped away from Allure, wiped her tears and looked at everyone in the room. She had this determined look on her face, she bawled her fists up looking at the images Anahita was showing her one last time fire burning in her eyes.

“When can we continue our training?” She said aggressively.

Allure gave a sly smile “That’s my girl”

The faint chirping of birds…..golden rays of sunshine…. dewdrops over green grass….all signify a new inning. Shiny morning arrives daily…. after the dark gloomy night rolls on….

Bad times will leave and good times will arrive soon, just hold on. Blair was ready for training.

Balanos had a special place deep in the forest paved out just for training Blair. They each had something to teach her and everyone was excited to begin the process.

In the forest stood Allure, Matt, and Balanos. The lady of the lake had returned home and Mr.Crane was still in recovery.

Balanos began to twirl her oak staff in the air. It was done so swiftly it looked as though it was twirling itself with little effort on her end.

“You must learn to fight physically and with magic” Balanos took a defensive stance.

“When I come at you I want you to dodge my attack”

Blair was so nervous, but she quickly put all negative thoughts and fear in the back of her mind, she had to at least give it a try. She took a defensive stance as well and prepared herself for the attack.

Balanos gave a sly smirk and then charged head-on at Blair. She was twirling her staff and once she was in close range she swung the staff at Blair.

Blair was watching Balanos charge at her thinking of ways to dodge the attack. Nothing came to her fast enough and she was knocked down by the staff.

“Blair, you have to focus, look around you use everything, you have to be quick on your feet.” Allure yelled from the sidelines.

Balanos attacked Blair over and over, she still could not dodge the attacks. She began to get angry and fed up with the beatings. She was tired and frustrated. The angrier she got the more she felt this fire burning in her belly.

The last attack Balanos landed on Blair knocked her to her knees, she was covered in dirt and sweat.

“GET UP” Balanos yelled.

“You have yet to block any of my attacks, you don’t deserve rest” She riled at Blair.

She could see the frustration all over Blair’s face and that was exactly what she wanted. She wanted Blair to get angry because her powers were dark magic and the only way she would tap into that energy was to get Blair to go to a dark place.

Blair was breathing hard, Balanos was pissing her off more and more with every hit of the staff. Balanos was still yelling for her to get back on her feet, suddenly Balanos voice began to fade out.

This massive burst of heat exploded through her body. Her eyes turned black and this sinister aura took over.

Allure ran out to where Blair was, “That’s it, Blair, that is your true power. You have to take control of it. Do not let the darkness control you.” Allure pleaded.

Blair, could hear Allure but the energy she was feeling felt so good, it was begging her to give into it.

The darkness was speaking to her and it wanted her. She began to laugh getting further carried away by the powers.

“Allure, we have to do something this isn’t good,” Balanos yelled.

“She has to fight,” Allure said.

“All of the magic has been lying dormant inside her for years, it’s been waiting to be set free but she has to take control of it,” Allure said as she attempted to reach and plead with Blair again.

Balanos prepared a containment spell that would knock Blair out in case she could not control the dark magic inside her.

The wind picked up and the trees began to sway furiously. The dirt on the ground lifted into the air creating a smoky atmosphere. Dark clouds covered the sky and Blair wasn’t Blair anymore her dark powers had just about consumed her.

“Se mwen menm ki lannwit lan, mwen se fènwa a ki pral devore nanm nou yo, se koripsyon abondans davans. Bay nan pouvwa yo ki dwe e mwen ka montre w kouman pwisan ou ye.“(Translation)I am the night, I am the darkness that will devour your souls, abundant corruption is predestined. Give in to the powers that be and I can show you how powerful you are.

The entity that was trying to consume Blair spoke in a deep dark sinister voice.

“Allure, move away, it’s time, we have to knock her out” Balanos began to chant.

“No, wait there is still time, she is fighting in there I know it” Allure pleaded.

Blair was in a quiet dark space, she looked around and there was nothing and no one. She oddly was not afraid, it was cold there and she felt a presence. She felt she was not alone and that the person or thing that was with her was giving off bad energy.

“Hello, who is there” Blair shouted out into the darkness.

Something flew past her brushing her shoulders, She gasped “What are you, show yourself”

She felt this cold breath on the back of her neck and when she turned to face it, it was her. It was a girl the same as she in every aspect as far as looks but her demeanor was off, she was cold and foreboding.

Blair was so confused and shocked, how could this be me she thought, this must be a trick. The girl stood before her and only stared at her with this sinister smile on her face.

“WHAT ARE YOU” Blair shouted

The Girl began to laugh hysterically ” I am you of course, well the better version of you, I am your truest self.”

“That’s not possible, other than having my face there is nothing about you that is similar to me.”

“I am the version of you, they pushed away and hid deep within you. I am your most powerful self and together, we can cause chaos.”

" No, I don’t want any parts of you, I don’t want to do bad things,” Blair said as she began to take steps back.

Every time Blair took a step back the Girl took one forward, still smiling ever so evil.“You poor little thing, you don’t know anything, that is why you need me, think about it without me you’re nothing.”

Blair refused to listen to the hateful things the girl was saying. She knew deep in her heart that she was nothing like the girl standing before her. Although the magic was dark she was not. She knew she had to gain control of the situation and fast.

The girl moved quickly to attack Blair and was choking her. She couldn’t breathe. The grip the girl had on her was so strong she couldn’t break free. As she began to pass out she thought to herself is this really how she dies? Did she come this far to just do nothing?

Again a burning sensation was felt in her belly and her eyes went grey, the girl looked spooked when she saw Blair change.

Blair wrapped her hands around the girls’ hands that were tightening around her neck and broke them free of her. She knew what she had to do, self-pity and doubt were not going to save her, she had to save herself by being brave and fighting back.

Dark magic started surging through her body just like before only this time it felt different. The power going through her felt warm and it was not sinister. Blair was in more control of it. The girl started to scream “NOOOOO”

“This can’t be happening, how did you...” the girl began to choke, she couldn’t make a sound.

Blair was intensely looking at the girl and then a sly smirk came across her face. ” I am Blair Blackwell and you will never see the light of day if I have anything to do with it. ”

“It is you who is nothing without me and I will harness this power and lock you away deep in solitude and be the savior I was predestined to be.” Blair opened her mouth as wide as she could and inhaled the entity that turned into a smug of black smoke.

The girl vanished and Blair came to and was back in the forest. The winds began to settle and then the sky cleared up.

Allure looked at Balanos and gave her a head nod, Balanos attacked Blair.

Blair without hesitation, jumped up as high as she could then landing on the staff and then round kicked Balanos sending her flying back.

Balanos could see that Blair’s entire aura had changed, she succeeded in harnessing the dark magic that was inside of her. That was exactly what they needed her to do. Now the real fight was set to begin.



'I have been Cursed

By Black magic tonight

It struck me down

Down to Hell

Spells now surround me by day and night

Struck by the force of an evil light

Crushed by the weight of the darkest night

The force of evil light

The weight of the darkest night'


Blair sat in her room feeling whole, She felt complete she sat quietly replaying the events of tonight. She felt this surge of energy flowing through her body. She held her arms out and you could see the black magic pulsating in her veins. She knew things, dark things that she didn’t have any knowledge of before.

Blair began to feel sad as she thought that her accepting the dark magic meant that she had to be evil. She didn’t want to become something she wasn’t.

She stood up walked over to a mirror and saw the physical changes she had gone through. Her hair was midnight black and her eyes appeared to have no emotion in them only coldness...a glaze of blackness...cruelty seems to shoot out of each pupil.

Blair stared at herself unfamiliar, in her heart she still felt like the girl from before but she knew deep down she was something else. Just then her eyes went from this bold black color to a cold grey.

All of her senses were heightened she could hear and smell things vividly. She heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.

A knock at the door caused her to come to attention and Matt was standing there. “Hey, are you OK?” He said in a concerning tone.

Blair walked over toward him and began to sniff him. She placed her hands all over his body moving up toward his hair. He was taller than her so she was on her tiptoes bringing them face to face. He placed his hands around hers bringing them down to the sides of his face. They made eye contact and Blair tilted her head to the side slightly.

“You smell funny,” she said as she continued to sniff.

He laughed it off as he guided her over to the bed where they sat. He could sense her aura changed and he noticed the physical changes. “Do you feel different?” he asked.

“Yes, but I can’t tell if it’s a good different or a bad one” Blair whispered.

“I can feel everything, I can smell everything, hear everything, all of my sense has heightened. I can feel the magic inside me settling deep inside.” Blair explained.

“Matt I can hear something inside of me calling for me. It pulls at me and whispers dark things. I don’t feel like myself Matt” Blair whispered again.

Matt didn’t want to alarm Blair so he attempted to reassure her that everything going to be ok and that she was still truly herself. ” Blair you are in control, the darkness tried to tempt you and you kicked its ass.”

He asked her if he could try to hear what was inside, he also wanted to confirm if they were still linked telepathically. Matt placed two hands over Blairs and closed his eyes to focus.

At first, there was nothing, just dead silence. Then he tried a bit harder and faintly heard something. It was muffled at first but the more he concentrated the clearer the sound got, someone was screaming to be freed. Just then he felt this pressure and a push that knocked his focus and broke the connection.

“Did you hear anything?” Blair asked.

Matt didn’t know what to make of it, but he didn’t want to worry Blair. “No, just silence.” He knew he had to discuss the situation with the others.

Balanos had called a meeting requesting Allure, Crane, Matt, Anahita the lady of the lake, Theon the king of the Centaurs, Turgomri Woldbane the king of the dwarfs, Athos leader of the Gigantes, Arachne, Mother of all spiders, including Allure and Errow elder of the Ents. This was a meeting of all who supported Blair in her cause and it was time to make a move toward defeating the Dark Shadow.

They all were scheduled to meet at sundown in the tropical part of the forest called the Majestic Forest. Balanos purposely kept Blair away because her newfound powers were the main topic of discussion. Balanos knew they had to come up with a plan to make sure Blair maintained her light amid all that darkness circulating through her.

Balanos sat in her quarters as she awaited the meeting. She walked over to her mirror of sight to check the forest for any movements the may be blind to.

She closed her eyes and placed her hands on the mirror. A view of the forest came up and there were big tall trees that had been rooted there for years. An old tree in an old forest can sometimes awaken, gaining a mind of its own and dragging up its roots to gain mobility and a somewhat humanoid form while still looking mostly like a tree.

Such a creature is often called an Ent or Treant, or sometimes an awakened tree or walking tree. Any tree could awaken by itself, but a tree with the potential for it can be nudged into awakening by another Ent.

Just as trees do not have single genders the way humans do, an Ent can be male, female, both or neither, though male Ents are the most common. Ents take it upon themselves to guard their whole forest, or even other forests when necessary, because of the kinship they feel with the trees they came from.

They are big, slow and strong, and can live very long lives. Their powers, besides their great strength, are usually some simple communication with the trees in their forests and sometimes “tree-herding”: making normal trees move around a bit, to go to other places or hinder foes. They were loyal to their kind and Balanos as they followed and served her.

Balanos presences were felt and the Ents began to lift their roots and stretch their branches. These trees had faces, they stood at the border of the forest and were the first shield of protection of anything that aimed to cause them harm.

The head of the Ents was the longest surviving tree of them all call Errow, he was an elder Ent.

“Queen Balanos, it is an honor to serve you” Errow spoke first.

" My dear Errow, you have been a good friend and ally for centuries, It is I who is honored to have such loyalty from you,” Balanos said as she slightly bowed her head.

“Errow, how are things on your end? Any suspicious movement or signs of danger happening in your area. ” Balanos asked.

“Nothing at all, I assure you if anything does come up we are well prepared to handle the situation,” Errow reassured Balanos.

“The girl has been in safekeeping here within our forest for days now and since she has harnessed her powers, I’m quite sure her powers are at a detectable level for the Dark Shadow to find her. I suspect we will have visitors soon so please Errow stay alert at all times.”

Errow nodded and they ended their call with plans of seeing each other later at the meeting.

It was almost sundown and Allure went to check on Blair before she headed out to the meeting. The Nymphs from the infirmary had given her tea earlier that had calming medicine in it, if given enough it could put you out for hours.

Allure reached Blair’s room and crept in, she was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Allure sat beside her and rubbed her fingers through her hair. A few strands rested in Blair’s face.

“Poor girl, you have no clue what is happening or what will happen but you are taking all of this on like a true warrior. ” Allure said caressing the top of Blair’s head.

“We are all here beside you to help you in any way, just don’t forget who you are and what it is you are fighting for. I know its a challenge but you fight...FIGHT...with everything you have.” Allure whispered in her ears.

“Now we must all gather to plan for the best and worst outcome of all of this. Your magic is a blessing and a curse depending on how you battle with it.” Allure stood up kissed Blair on the forehead and exited the room.

A Gathering of Allies

'They stand as one and act as a wall,

To prevent me from taking a fall,

The strongest Storm at my call,

Without a doubt, they will stand tall'


Sun sank lower in the sky, the light of day draining away, giving way to the velvety dark of night, crickets chirping, dusky, colors subdued in the fading light, The shadows were now twice as long as themselves, the air was damp and cool smelling faintly of damp earth combined with old fallen leaves.

Balanos stood center of the forest waiting for her guests to arrive. Standing behind her was Meliae, Kissiae, and Daphnaeae they were her top combatants in the forest.

The first to arrive was the Centaur King Theon and his two brothers Elix and Hector. The Centaurs were humanoids who had the head, arms, and torso of a human and joined at the waist the body and legs of a horse.

These creatures represented barbarism and unbridled chaos. Centaurs possess extraordinary strength and enhanced stamina, reflexes and they can use their front hooves as formidable weapons.

Next to arrive was Turgomri Woldbane the king of the dwarfs and four of his militant, Uzul Flintfoot, Jardrun Bronzehood, Hodour Smeltchin, and Kosac Bristlefinger. They were mountain dwarfs who were organized in tribes, with their chieftains, and armies.

They lived in subterranean halls, believed to be full of gold and precious stones. They were known for their skill in all kinds of metalwork and the forging of magical swords and rings, they were also credited with profound wisdom and secret knowledge, having the power to foresee the future, assume other forms, and make themselves invisible.

Balanos greeted them both as they awaited the arrival of the others.

“Balanos, thank you for having us, it is an honor and a privilege to be of ally with you in this battle,” Theon said.

“We the dwarfs are always on the side of good and we wouldn’t be anywhere else in this fight but on the side of righteousness,” Turgomri said grasping his hammer.

“I thank you both for aiding us here today. We have much to discuss” Balanos said.

“What of the girl, will she be present doing this discussion,” Theon asked.

“Why of course she should be here, we are all here for her why wouldn’t she,” Turgomri said.

“Blair, will not be part of this meeting, I’m afraid there are things we must first discuss without her. She recently harnessed the dark magic and that was not an easy task. As we all know dark magic can consume you and change you in unholy ways. ” Balanos explained.

“Is it true, the girl has the darkness in her, how is she holding up so far?” Theon said with intense curiosity.

“She has fought well, but her fight is just beginning” Balanos reassured.

A spiral of water began to form and wet the forest floor. The lady of the lake appeared with her spirit entities.

“Lady of the Lake, welcome” Theon greeted first.

“Your beauty is one for the tales my lady” Turgomri blushed at her presence.

“I see the years have been pleasant for you Turgomri” Anahita spirit entity spoke.

Far off they heard the ground rumble and the trees shake, it was Anthos leader of the Gigantes. The Gigantes were a race of great strength and aggression, though not necessarily of great size.

They were frightening in appearance, with long hair that swept down from their heads and chins, and scarred skin covering their body.

The Giants were depicted as either spear-wielding warriors in armor or primitives clothed in animal-skins and armed with rocks and flaming brands.

Anthos brought with him Orion and Otis who were known for being very violent and skilled in combat.

Arachne arrived shortly afterward and she crept through the trees heard but not yet seen. She was half woman half spider and stood at a monstrous height. Almost as tall as a Gigantes. Her bottom half was all spider, eight large hairy legs that had poisonous spikes covering them. She had eight red eyes and long black hair. Her skin was dark and her teeth were sharp. She came alone to the meeting because Allure would be by her side.

“Mother you made it,” Allure said.

“Did you think that I wouldn’t have come, despite everything you may think, I do not support the rise of demons,” Arachne spoke in a very soft and low voice. Her voice was the complete opposite of her appearance.

“You foul creature, you expect us to believe that you, Mother of spiders, the dark one herself is not in support of this destruction Alastor has brought upon us” Turgomuri yelled.

Arachne laughed out loud “The evil that Alastor represents surpasses anything you think that I may be cable of. His rise over Arcania negatively affects everyone so yes Turgomri, I am here today to pledge my allegiance to the girl who was prophesied to rid us of this plague.

“Your kind preys on humans, on the fears and the dreams of innocents, Spiders are the earthly manifestation of true evil and should not be misjudged,” Theon said to Arachne.

Allure, stepped up to defend her mother. Although she didn’t necessarily object to what Theon and Turgomri, were saying. She knew the nature of her mother, of her kind. She had spent years trying to be different from that. She wasn’t a saint but she had boundaries she didn’t want to cross morally. Allure knew that despite all of that they needed her mother more than ever in this fight.

" Regardless of how you may feel about us, my kind are crucial to this fight. Mother is needed on our side and with everything you say about her, it's best to have her fight with us rather than against us.” Allure protested.

“Allure the deadly, you are no stranger to your beastly nature and yet you stand before us pretending to be anything but what you truly are!” Turgomri retorted.

Allure hated having her past thrown in her face, a past she had worked years to atone for and put behind her. Her anger fueled at Turgomri, taunt.

Before she could react, Mr. Crane had moved so fast and was face to face with Turgomri, he didn’t have any time to react. “You talk a lot of shit for someone of insignificant size.”

“You had better watch your tone, dwarf! ” Mr. Crane cautioned.

" I do not need the likes of you serpent, to defend us.” Arachne snapped.

“MOTHER” Allure yelled. “You will not disrespect him!”

Mr. Crane hissed in anger and then slithered next to Allure. He held his tongue in response to Arachne out of respect for his friend.

Arachne hated the fact that Allure was traveling around with a serpent. Her kind had been at odds with serpents for years, so it was displeasing to see one of her own being so friendly with one.

The tension was so thick that Balanos could no longer take their pointless bickering. She gave her wooden staff three loud and rumbling taps against the ground and shouted “ENOUGH”

“This is not why we are here. We are here because we are all in danger of Alastor’s tormenting. ”

“Remember this meeting is about more than us, it’s about saving many species here in our world and the human world. We cannot let our differences get in the way of the bigger gain here.” Balanos urged.

Everyone looked around at one another and they each agreed to be civil toward each other. They did not have to like one another but they needed to be on the same page in this great battle to come. They each stepped back to form a unified circle, that would signify the start of the meeting.

“Looks like we are right on time,” Aego said in a humorous tone. He was Elvin, a light elf to be exact. He was 6ft tall very slender with long blonde hair and pale skin. He wore a long flowing white robe. With him were two Elvin soldiers Drelle and Conall, dressed in the finest armor and wielding the finest swords.

“It is good to see you Aego, Welcome, please join the circle so we may begin” Balanos spoke calmly.

“We are all here because of the deteriorating fate of our world and the human world. Alastor the tormenting demon is trying to ascend back into our world through the help of his supporters. ”

Balanos gave a head nod to Anahita, Anahita took a step forward and with the wave of her hand, a vortex of water began to form the ground. Inside the vortex depictions of a battle that was happening East of the Greenlands played out. East of the Greenlands is where the humans had colonized.

The city that was attacked was Grim Coast. A town that developed into an important trading port when the humans settled there. The town is an important trading port for exporting goods like rum, fish, salt, and tobacco.

The villagers were being attacked by Gnolls. Gnolls were savaged creatures who had a blood lust for anything warm-blooded. They especially liked to prey on small villages and bring complete ruin to them. They stood over 7 feet tall and traveled in packs un-loyal to anyone but themselves. They plowed through the city of Grim Coast destroying everything in sight. They killed off the men, women, and children eating their bellies full.

Elix was enraged as he watched the happenings on Grim Coast. ” “SHEERAH!!” he shouted.

“That scoundrel of a beast. Has attacked the largest of the human villages. with Grim Coast gone their trading will be no more.” Uzul said.

“What reason would Sheerah have for attacking the human cities?” he questioned.

“it’s Sheerah his race is known for being feral and aggressive there isn’t any reasoning behind what they do. They attack humans because it’s in their nature.” Balanos said.

Aego stepped forward observing the images up close ” Could he be allied with Alistor, doing his biddings?” Aego addressed the group.

“These murderous beasts are known to fight among one another and only for one another. I doubt Sheerah has pledged any loyalties in this battle. If he has only a fool would trust his intentions.” Mr. Crane laughs.

“I agree” Balanos sighed. “If the human villages are being attacked Sheerah may just be moving on his own accord. However, we must stop him from commencing these sieges.”

“I for one think we should be thanking him for ridding us of those pesky humans” Arachne spoke in a ghoulish tone.

“How dare you say such dispassionate words. They are beings of this realm just as you and I are and they don’t deserve to be looked down upon or the injustice Sheerah has set upon them.” Meliae said as she directed a hateful gaze at Arachne.

“It’s becoming very hard to believe you stand on the side of good, Arachne” Theon grunted.

Anahita’s water vortex rose up and then dropped again depicting a group of fiends at the far west side of the forest. They were forcing their way by the hundreds.

“Damn them all to hell they must be here for the girl!” Kosac gnarled

“We must block them from coming into the forest any further. Daphnae, gather the others and hold them back as much as you can” Balanos urged.

Daphnae gave a nod and headed into battle.

“How did they know the girl was here?” Uzul grunted.

“I’m not yet sure they know she is here, they could just be attacking because we are known supporters of the girl,” Balanos said as she gestured for Meliae and Kissiae to come forward.

“Meliae, Go with Allure, Mr. Crane, and Matt. Show them the back way through the forest. You must immediately take Blair and leave. Meliae will travel with you for guidance.” Balanos said.

“We will head west to assist you with the fight,” King Theon said as he approached Anthos “You giants would be of great assistance as well. Will you join us?” said King Theon.

“Of course, but what of the human villages being attacked?” Anthos inquired

“Allure you must hurry and head east to support the humans, Sheerah must not be left to attack another village,” Balanos said.

“There is also a human in which I know that could be of some help to us. There is a stone called Black Tourmaline Stone. It is a protection stone against negative energy that could help Blair with controlling the darkness inside of her.

Bane was an old friend of Allure one she hadn’t seen in years. They met when they were just young teens. She knew that getting to him and the Stone was imminent. We must get there quickly if we want to find him. If we are to travel on foot, our aid wouldn’t matter. We’d arrive in time to collect the bones of the humans.” Allure sighed.

Mr.Crane slithered to the middle of the circle “I have a faster way to travel if know one is opposed to it.” He hissed.

“We serpents are not bound to just the ground, we thrive in the skies as well” Crane vaguely suggested.

Allure chuckled lowly “You can’t be serious”

“Falak” Mr. Crane shouted

The room went silent. Balanos approached Mr.Crane from the side “Falak the Dragon, will he aid us in our cause? Are you sure?”

“If it is I who call upon him, yes he will come to no doubt” Mr. Crane assured.

“How are we to trust that the vile beast won’t devour us where we stand?” Turgomri stammered.

“I cannot speak for all dragonkin but, Falak is indebted to me and If I call upon him he will serve and you have my word he will not harm you.” Mr. Crane said as he stood up tall on his split tails.

“So what will it be” he hissed.

They all agreed to Mr.Crane calling upon Falak. Aego, Drelle, and Conall agreed to travel west to assist the humans alongside Allure, Mr.Crane, and Matt.

The Keeper of Scrolls



'Burdened with YOUR burdens

I am forced to live vicariously through YOUR hopes and dreams

and suffer YOUR nightmares and fears'


The gloominess filled the streets of the little village and not a sound was heard. The people were in mourning over the news of Grim Coast being attacked so brutally and without cause. Bane was making his way to the local tavern where the village leader had called a town meeting to discuss the attacks happening in human villages. When he arrived he could already see the people were in an uproar about what they should do to protect themselves from the Gnolls. Bane stood in the back of the crowd and observed things quietly.

"What will we do? Our village maybe next" one man shouted.

"We must fight! We can't let Sheerah and his pack of rats run us from our home" another man shouted.

The town leader was a frail old man by the name of Victor. He spoke with a deep raspy voice. " People please stay calm. I know the attack on the other human villages has caused great alarm to all of us but we must stay calm and work together to figure out what we should do." he coughed placing his hand over his chest and taking a deep breath.

"We are not many and we do not have the means to take on Sheerah and his pack. I know this is our home and many of you do not want to abandon all that you know but we must do what we can to survive." Victor placed his arms behind his back and stood up tall. He was all of 5'2 with a face full of grey hair.

"Isn't there anyone we can reach out to for aid?" A woman asked

"As you know we humans don't have many allies here in this world and there are those who would be happy to see us struck down so no my dear I don't think anyone will answer our call for help," Victor said as she began to walk down off the pedal stool.

"We must build up our own saviors and I firmly believe we are capable of doing so with the help of Bane." the crows broke out in whispers of who this Bane person was.

Bane laughed from the back of the crowd. Victor walked through the crowd and directly toward Bane. "Old man you really are something," Bane said lifting his head to meet Victor's eyes.

"The time has come for you to do what you were born to do. You alone possess the power to save us. Tell me Bane will you save us?" Victor asked.

Bane was the scroll keeper and with that title came power. long ago Bane's ancestors were Shamans who were cursed with the mark of the eye. They were to be the protector of all things and knowledgeable in all things. Their sole duty was to keep the secrets of the realm and make sure that the scrolls never ended up in the wrong hands. With that scroll came the ability to do alchemy. The scroll's power combined magic with medicine and Shamanism. The Shaman knew all sorts of magical spells. Bane never wanted to be the scroll keeper after watching the toll it took on his father. He vowed to never live a life dedicated to serving others. He wanted to live for himself and that's what he had been doing since the title was passed down onto him.

"Listen I don't know what you think you know but I am no savior," Bane said attempting to walk past Victor.

"You and I both know that since the passing of your father you have been running from your duties as scroll keeper. You can not outrun fate Bane" Victor said.

Bane side-eyed Victor then pushed past him. The crowd broke out in anger. "Hey, if you can save us you should do it, what the hell is wrong with this guy?" one man shouted.

"So you're just going to sit by while women and children are slaughtered, how cold-hearted can you be?" a woman screamed out.

They pushed and shoved on him as he made his way outside of the tavern. Bane didn't feel any need to help he felt he owed no one anything.

Bane went back home with the intent to pack up and leave before the danger arrived. When he got to his home he noticed someone had broken into his home. He pulled out his sword and proceeded with caution. " You picked the wrong day to mess with me" he urged. Bane kicked his door open further and ran into the house to see Allure and everyone else.

"What the hell Allure? how did you find me?" he sighed as he put away his sword.

"I could smell the cowardness on you," Allure said.

"So you were at the tavern huh, so you already know this place isn't safe." Bane said. "Allure, just who is this merry gang of bandits you have here in breaking into my home?" Bane questioned.

"We came because we know of the threat the human villages have been under and we came to aid the humans." Allure said.

"Aid the humans!" Bane laughed. " Your kind eats humans without a second thought and you mean to tell me you, you Allure are here to protect the humans. You do see how insane you sound right? Bane questioned sarcastically.

" As you know the realm is falling into chaos all over. We have formed a resistance and have allies all over. Bane, you should join us in our cause." Allure insisted.

"if your cause is all of you dying gruesome and imminent deaths then...No thank you! I'll pass." Bane said sarcastically.

"You're such a wise-ass you selfish piece of shit!" Allure snapped.

The rest of the gang stood by watching as Allure and Bane went back and forth. Aego grew tired and annoyed with the human called Bane. "We do not need him Allure. Sheerah and his pack will be here soon we need to be strategizing not entertaining this fool." Aego bellowed.

"Yea that's right, you elven filth. You can just get the hell out of my house. I never invited you here in the first place so just leave and take the rest of your dooms squad with you." Bane snapped back.

Matt and Blair were out back waiting for word from Allure but things were taking longer than expected so they entered in from the back door. "Allure what's going on," Matt asked.

When Blair walked into the room and her eyes met with Bane something locked him still. He went into a dark zone where he heard the screams of the darkness inside of Blair raging to be free. "No, no, no, no, what is this? let me out!" Bane shouted. When he came to the room was silent and everyone was starring at him.

"What just happened Bane?" Allure whispered placing her hand on his shoulders.

"What is she ?" he said snatching away from Allure and frantically pointing at Blair. "There is a darkness inside of her and it wants out" Bane shouted.

"This is the one prophesized Bane, she is this realms savior" Allure explained.

"Savior my ass! That prophecy also said she could be the destruction of this realm and the thing I saw inside of her my money is on her killing us all." Bane said firmly.

Just then screams were heard throughout the village. Sheerah and his pack had arrived.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2019

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