
Chapter One
It was a cold, windy night. I was lost in the middle of nowhere. The trees were shaking left to right. I was beginning to get scared and panic so I ran and ran, I tripped over a few times but I still got up and started to run again until I found a safe place to hide. After a while of running I saw a huge hill and on top of that hill was a hill which old and damaged on the outside, I don’t want to see the inside of the house if the outside was like this but I had a strange feeling that this house was safe. I knocked on the door to check if anybody was living inside. I touched the door handle and as soon as I did, the door opened wide.
“Hello, Is anybody here?” I shouted as soon as I stepped inside.
There was no reply. I was scared, I walked inside. My legs were shivering from fear. I walked towards a chair and sat down; the chair and the cabin were very dirty and old in the inside as well as the outside. After a while later I heard a strange voice.
“Hello and welcome Alex” a voice said appearing from nowhere.
“Where are you? Who are you? What are you? How do you know my name?” I shouted and spoke too fast from fear that I didn’t even know if I made sense.
“I am your destiny, you are closer to me then you think. My name is Light and I am inside of you” the voice said.
This was all so confusing to me. I couldn’t stay here any minute longer, I turned towards the door to leave but something strange made me stop, I couldn’t control myself.
“Alex you forgot these” Light said.
On the chair where I sat were a big thick book and a black stick with white stripes on it.
“What? Those don’t belong to me” I said in a confused voice.
“Oh yes they do, they belong to you, without these you would suffer on earth” Light said.
“Do they really belong to me?” I asked.
“Yes they do, go and collect them” Light said in a polite voice
“Ok, whatever” I said.
I walked towards the chair and I grabbed the black and white striped stick and the thick book, all of a sudden the thick book started to glow. The glow was so bright I couldn’t see anything. I closed my eyes so tight, a minute later I opened my eyes and the glow was gone but I was somewhere else. I looked around; the place I was in seemed familiar, the familiar place was actually my bedroom. I was so confused, was this all a dream or was it real? I sat on my bed, stretched my hand to the table next to my bed to grab the cup of water but when I reached out, I felt something strange. There was a desk lamp next to my bed so I turned the light on to see what I touched. This was impossible and strange, the thick book and the black and white striped stick was here in my bedroom, I screamed as loudly as I can and threw the stick to the floor. I heard footsteps in front of my bedroom door,
“Alex sweetie, what happened?” my mother asked as she looked very worried. I didn’t know what to say, this was so weird.
“Oh mother, I just had a nightmare” I said and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.
“Everything is ok darling, close your eyes and I would sing you a song. Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star” my mother said and I felt my eyes close, I couldn’t open them, they were very heavy. The next morning I woke up at seven o’clock and got dressed for school. I wore my blue skinny jeans, a random plain nice top, I brushed my hair and put on some lip gloss and eyeliner, I went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice, my mother was still asleep so I was being quiet not to wake her up, I eat my breakfast and left the dishes in the sink. I wore my black boots and left the house at seven forty five. I walked towards the 144 bus stop; I waited for five minutes before my bus arrived. I got on it; I punched my oyster card (travel card) to the oyster reader. This is how people who live in London access the buses. After I punched my oyster card I walked by, there were no seats available downstairs so I went to the upper deck and found a seat available next to a window in the middle row and sat down. The floors, windows and seats were very dirty, there were litters on the floor and seats; there was mud and dirt on the window, to be honest I do not think anybody cares about the environment. Fifteen minutes later I got to school, I walked to my locker to put my bag and coat. I walked towards my registration class so my tutor could do the morning register. I walked pass the canteen and stopped, I checked the time and there was still five minutes so I walked into the canteen and brought myself a cup of tea. I continued walking towards my registration class which was two doors away from the canteen. When I got to my registration class I sat down on the second row and started drinking my tea, after a few minutes, the bell rang and everybody came inside and sat down. My tutor arrived and started the register; I was the sixth person on the list, the register was done so everybody started to talk to each other. I don’t have many friends in Greig City Academy; to be honest I have no friends. The lesson bell rang so I got up and walked to my locker, I took out my bag, checked my lessons, my first lesson was History. I grabbed my history textbook and exercise book (writing book) and walked towards my history class. The subjects I study are History and English. I walked through a narrow corridor. The walls of the corridor were made from thick red bricks, the floor of the corridor were made out of laminated woods. There were only three windows along the narrow corridor, the windows were framed white and the curtains that were hanging from the window were dark navy blue. My history class was located at the far end of the corridor. The classroom was not too big but not too small, it was a normal sized classroom. The walls of the classroom was white and on the walls there was all sorts of posters hanging for example there were posters of King Arthur, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary and etc. I entered my history classroom and sat down. As soon as everybody sat down Mr. Greenhill, my history teacher began to teach.
“Henry VI was just eight months old when he became King on 1st September 1422, when his grandfather Charles VI died, fifty years later he also became king of France” Mr. Greenhill said.
Ten minutes later he stopped and gave us our homework assignment which was due next week Tuesday. The homework assignment was to research and gather information about Henry VI and his life. The bell rang so I packed my books and got up to leave the classroom and get to my next lesson but to be honest my mind was still thinking about the dream I saw. My next lesson was English so I went to my locker dropped my history books inside and collected my English textbook and my English exercise book. I walked to my English classroom and sat down. Ms. Blue started to teach. Ms. Blue spoke and spoke and spoke but I didn’t understand a word she was saying. I was too busy thinking about the dream; I couldn’t concentrate on the work. Later on that day I walked home. I got home in ten minutes as usual, as soon as I got to my road I felt something strange but I didn’t know what it was, so I continued walking to my house, ignoring the feeling. I got to my front door, the feeling was a bit strong then five minutes ago, I took the key out of my bag and opened the door, as soon as I did, the feeling disappeared, I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother, I poured some water into the kettle, I took out my favorite mug and a tea bag from the tea bag tin, I took out the milk from the fridge and made myself a warm cup of tea. I turned towards my mum and looked at her, she looked worried about something.
“Alex sweetie, we have to speak about something very important” my mother said after making herself a cup of coffee.
“Ok mummy” I said and sipped my tea.
“When you went school, I went to the Grocery store to do some shopping, anyways when I got home I saw the phone light go on and off so I pressed the listen button to hear who left the message. A lady named Mary left a message saying that she was your mum’s friend, they were like sisters. She found our address and would like to visit us tomorrow morning. She didn’t really give a time, she only said tomorrow morning, so Alex you have to be at home, do not go anywhere” my mother said
“Where has she been all this time? I don’t want to speak to her” I said to my mother.
“Alex, give her a chance, remember do not judge a book by its cover” my mother said and looked at me.
There was all tears falling down from my eyes towards my pink cheeks, it was like a huge waterfall, my mum passed me the box of tissue and left the kitchen. The last time I cried like this was when I was four years old and I fell down from the tree in my back garden and seriously injured my leg. The next day I woke up at seven thirty and got dressed; I wore my clothes that I wore yesterday. I walked towards my bedroom window and looked outside, the weather was warm but a bit windy, I opened the window so the room could have some fresh air. I went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice after I eat my breakfast I washed the dishes and went back to my bedroom to go on the laptop. Half an hour later, I heard the door bell ring. It was time, the lady who called and left the message arrived. I ran towards the door before my mum got there. I opened the door, there was a lady, she had light brown hair, ocean
Blue eyes, she wore jeans, a black top with flat shoes.
“Hello, my name is Mary” the lady said
“Hi, I’m Alex Sparks and why are you looking for me?” I asked when my mum walked behind me to see who rang the door bell.
“Alex, I have some important news to tell you” Mary replied
“Ok, would you like to come inside?” I asked to be polite
“Thank you” Mary said, my mum, Mary and I walked inside to the sitting room and sat down.
“Alex, could we speak alone?” Mary asked
“Oh, sure, mum could you offer our guest some tea and biscuit” I told my mother.
As soon as my mother left the room, Mary started to speak.
“I have some, big important news to tell you” Mary said
“What is the important news?” I asked
“Long ago many centuries ago, there used to be two planets, which were star water planet and Dragon fire planet, these two planets hated each other, they were enemies. Star water planet and Dragon fire planet had a huge battle, they kidnapped your parents but we have finally found your parents location, they are trapped in the arms of our enemy. So we need your help to rescue” Mary said.
“Who are you? Why are you speaking to me like this?” I asked Mary in a confused voice.
“You are a Werewolf and I need your help to save Dragon fire planet which is in danger, you need to come with me and help save the planet and rescue your parents” Mary replied.
“I can’t just leave my mum here and come with you, how about my school?” I asked Mary.
“You will be able to see this mum during the weekends and holidays, you could also call her and email her during your free time and for your school problem you would need to start going to a werewolf school in Monster high to learn what you need to know as a student.” Mary said
“Monster High?” I asked wondering what she meant,
“This school is very important for you, it is a campus school, and it would help you with your werewolf lessons” Mary said
My mum came back from the kitchen to the sitting room where me and Mary was sitting down, my mum was holding a tray that had three cups of tea and three small plates that had biscuits, I looked at my mum and then back to Mary and back to my mum and then back to Mary, the room was quiet.
“I need to think about this, could you give me time? Please” I asked and Mary gave her card to me.
“Sure you could have a few days, I would like to hear from you as soon as possible” Mary said
“I would call you when I make up my mind” I said and held the card,
“Ok, I should go now” Mary said and got up; I got up as well and showed Mary the door. I came back to the sitting room,
“Alex what happened? What did she say?” my mother asked in a worried voice
“Mummy, Mary wants me to leave home and school and go on a mission to save this dragon fire planet, during this mission I would have to study at Monster High to study werewolf lessons and I would get to see you at the weekends and call you when I am free but I don’t know what to do, it sounds like a fun adventure but I just don’t know what to do” I said,
I closed my eyes and put both of my hands on my face.
“Alex, I know you would make the right choice” my mother said
“I would sleep on it” I said
I went to bed; I wore my pajamas, brushed my teeth and got into my bed. I couldn’t sleep, I turned right and left and left and right again. I drank some water and went back to bed, I was so confused.
“Should I go to this mission or not” I said to myself.
“Alex you have to go” a voice in my mind said
“And who are you?” I asked, I knew I wasn’t really going to get a reply
“I am Light, I spoke to you in your dreams and gave you that wand and book” the voice replied which really freaked me out,
The next morning I woke up and got dressed, I went downstairs to tell my mum I made my mind up from last night, I am going with Mary to save the planet and save them people who are trapped.
“Good morning mummy” I said when I saw her in the kitchen.
“Good morning Alex” My mother said in a happy voice
“Mummy, I made up my mind and I am going with Mary. Those people who are trapped needs my help and that poor planet” I said and my mother smiled but her smile was fake.
“Ok, I believe you made the right choice and I am going to support you to the end” My mother said and looked at me for a minute.
“I need to call Mary “I told my mother and left the kitchen and walked towards the phone. I dialed the number, after the phone rang twice somebody picked up the phone.
“Hello, this is Mary’s phone” a voice said
“Hello my name is Alex Sparks; can I speak to Mary please?” I asked
“Miss Sparks could you please hold on” the lady replied and put me on hold, there was a very catchy song in the background. After a minute somebody stopped the music and spoke.
“Hello Alex, did you make up your mind?” Mary asked as soon as she grabbed the phone.
“Hello, yeah Mary I made my mind, I am coming with you” I replied hesitating.
“Oh Alex, I knew you would make the right choice” Mary said
“It was a hard choice for me but I thought about those people who are trapped and needs help” I said
“Ok, so I would come and pick you up tomorrow morning and leave, have a good night sleep tonight” Mary said and closed the phone and walked back into the kitchen to see if my mum was still there, like I figured, she was still in the kitchen.
“Mummy, I called Mary and told her that I am going to go with her and she said we would be leaving tomorrow morning” I told my mother.
“Tomorrow morning? But that’s so soon” my mother said and looked at me,
“Mummy, I would come to visit you at the weekends and call you or email you as soon as I can” I told my mother and she gave me that fake smile again.
“What do you want for lunch?” My mother asked
“Whatever you want” I replied and smiled at her, I didn’t really care what my mother cooked for lunch; I was so busy thinking about my new school and the good friends I am going to make.
“Mummy I am in my room, I am going to pack my thing that I would need” I said and ran upstairs to my room.
I took out a small suitcase from under my bed, I opened my closet and neatly grabbed all my clothes, I put my under wears at the bottom, my pants in the middle and my shirts at the top and zipped my suitcase. I grabbed my laptop which was on top of my bed and put it inside its bag. I got my handbag and put my tooth brush and tooth paste, my hair brush, pink lip gloss, light black eyeliner, a reading book for the journey, a notebook, the black and white striped stick and the thick book. I looked at my room for the last time and closed the door. I left my suitcase in the hall way. It was almost lunch time so I went downstairs to help my mum with lunch. For lunch my mum made sandwiches, I had cheese salad sandwich with tea and my mum had chicken salad sandwich with coffee. It was our last lunch time together. I set the table and took out two plates, I got two cups. During lunch time we didn’t speak with each other, it was very quiet. After lunch we went to the sitting room with our drinks in our hand.
“Mummy, are you ok? I could stay and not go” I asked my mother
“No, Alex you have to go and save your mother” my mother said
“You are my mother too” I told her
“You have to go, I would be fine, promise me you would come for a visit” my mother said
“I promise mummy” I said
We finished our drinks; I washed the dishes and them in the dish washer. It was my last night in this house; I just wanted to spend as much time as I could here since it was my last night. It was ten o’clock in the evening, so I went next to my mother; she was still sitting in the sitting room. I gave my mother a big hug and kissed her pink cheeks twice on each side.
“Good night mother” I said
“Good night, sweet dreams” my mother said and smiled at me, my mother had a beautiful smile; I liked it when she smiled.
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite” my mother and I said at the same time
I left the sitting room and walked upstairs to my room, I got my tooth brush and tooth paste out of my bag and brushed my teeth, after I brushed my teeth I left my tooth brush and tooth paste on top of my working desk so I can brush my teeth in the morning. I got ready for bed; I wore my old pajamas because I put my new ones in my suitcase. I got into bed and fell fast asleep, I was very exhausted.

Chapter Two
The next morning I woke up at seven o’clock and washed my face with soap, brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. It was a lovely windy morning, I wore my blue short jeans and my vest top, I put on some lip gloss. It was nine o’clock the door bell rang; I put everything in my bag and ran downstairs to open the door to Mary.
“Good morning Alex, are you ready?” Mary asked
“Yeah but I need to run upstairs and grab my bags” I replied
I ran upstairs and got my suitcase, my laptop bag and handbag and carried my bags downstairs, when I got to the bottom of the staircase I saw my mother standing at the door. I wore my plain black boots while my mother was looking at me.
“Alex, don’t forget these, I made it for you” my mother said giving me a bag that had all sorts of food.
“Thank you mummy” I said and turned around but my mother stopped me,
“I almost forgot to give you this, keep it next to you in case you need it for emergency matters.” My mother said giving me a big envelope
“Thank you mummy, but I don’t think I would need it, I got my own” I said and gave the envelope back
“No, just take it and take care” my mother said and gave me a big hug and a few kisses on my pink and red cheeks.
“Ok mother I would, you take care of yourself too” I said and gave her a big hug.
Mary and I left the house, we walked for five minutes down the road and then we went under a tunnel that I never saw before.
“Alex, hold my hand tight and never let go until it’s over, do you hear me?” Mary asked in a different voice.
“What is going on?” I asked in a scared voice.
“Don’t be scared, everything fine, I just need to teleport ourselves to school, Are you ready?” Mary asked looking at me.
“Yeah I think I am” I replied trying to gain my confidence.
Mary said these two strange words I never heard before, I guess she said something in Latin that rhymed with each other, she was holding the same stick shaped wand I had in my bag, anyways something odd happened, there was a bright light appearing from the wall we were standing in front of. There was a big wind, I held Mary’s hand very tight and closed my eyes, a minute later the wind was gone. I opened my eyes and I was in a different world, it was so beautiful. There was a bright sun, trees with green leaves, green grass and a fabulous blue, sparkly lake; everything was so bright and colourful. I have never seen a place like this before. I was admiring this beautiful place that I never saw a lady approach next to me.
“Hello young lady, we were expecting you” the lady said which she made me jump one centimeter backwards.
“Hello” I said looking confused
“My name is Ms. Zelda and I am the principal of this school” Ms. Zelda said
“Oh ok, my name is Alex Sparks and it was very nice meeting you Ms. Zelda” I said
“Nice to meet you too, Mary why don’t you give Alex a short tour of the school and which room she is going to stay and then come and see me” Ms. Zelda said looking at me and then to Mary and smiled.
We walked into a big building which turned out to be the school, it was big, and there were a lot of doors.
“Where is everybody?” I asked looking around
“They got a lesson right now” Mary replied and smiled at me
“Oh ok” I said and looked at Mary,
“This is the toilets but there would be one in your room so you don’t have to use this” Mary said pointing at a door.
“This is the canteen” Mary said pointing at a big hall that had tables and benches, in Greig City Academy, the canteen hall was small and there was no tables or benches we had to eat outside. After a while we stopped.
“And here we are, this is your room by the way you are going to share with a girl named Stella, she is a very nice girl, you would like her” Mary said and opened the door.
My room was big; it had two small toilets, two single beds, one big working desks and a not too big desk lamp. Mary left the room; I was looking around, half an hour later, there was a strange noise and then people were speaking loudly and walking, I guess that was the lesson bell. A girl came in, she looked confused,
“Hello, my name is Alex Sparks and I am your new roommate” I said
“Oh hello, Mary said I was going to have a roommate but she never told me when, anyways welcome to Werewolf monster high, don’t let the name scare you and I hope we would be good friends” Stella said and smiled.
“I would like that” I said
“Hey, did Mary give you a time table?” Stella asked
“No, she didn’t” I replied
“Ok, no worries, I would get it for you” Stella said
“Are you sure?” I asked
“Yeah I was going to see Mary anyway, so while I am there I could get your time table, oh by the way that bed on the wall side can be your, this one is mine by the window” Stella replied
“Thank you” I said and grabbed my suitcase and unzipped it. I took out all my clothes and put them in the empty closet that was next to my bed. On my closet door there was a piece of paper hanging that had the rules and the dress code which was simple, students could wear what they want a part from sports clothes. I took out my laptop to see if I got any emails which I didn’t, I closed the laptop and a second later I saw Stella with a few girl next to her standing at the door.
“Here Alex, this is your time table, you have to wake up at seven o’clock” Stella said
“Thank you” I said smiling at her
“Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my friends, Alex this is Lime and Daisy. Girls this is Alex,” Stella said pointing at me and the girl.
Lime had green eyes, wavy brown hair and she had pink cheeks like me. Daisy had pale white skin like a ghost, dark brown hair, and blue eyes like the lake I saw outside. Stella had light brown wavy hair, brown eyes and she had this great fashion statement.
“Welcome Alex to Werewolf Monster High” the girls said one at a time, they looked very friendly and kind, I think I just made myself three new friends.
“Thank you” I said
“Can I see your time table please?” Stella asked
“Ok here” I replied and gave her my timetable,
Stella took out her timetable and then she looked at them together.
“Hey, were in the same lessons” Stella said looking at the time tables. I got my time table from Stella to check which lessons I have to study.
First hour: History at 9am - 10am
Second hour: Spells at 10am - 11am
Break time at 11am - 12pm
Third hour: Shape shifting at 12pm - 1pm
Lunch time at 1pm - 2pm
Fourth hour: Art/music/Drama (optional) at 2pm - 3pm
Dinner time at 6pm
Everybody should be in their rooms by 9pm max.
“What do they mean by fifth lesson optional?” I asked Stella looking confused
“We could study Art, Music or Drama, it is an optional choice to study” Stella said explaining the lessons.
“Which subject did you guys choose?” I asked
“I choose music” Lime replied
“I choose drama” Daisy said
“I choose Art, so what do you want to do?” Stella asked,
“I want to do Art” I replied looking at the girls, I am not good with music or acting, I am kind of good with drawing and all,
“Today we are finishing early because there is year four parents evening, we were thinking of going to the beach, do you want to come?” Stella asked interrupting my thoughts,
“Are we allowed?” I replied as a question in a nerd way
“Sure but we have to be back before 8pm, we are leaving after dinner until then you can do whatever you want, Lime and Daisy would be in their rooms and I would be here, if you need anything, just tell me” Stella said and the girls left the room.
I stayed in my room, like Stella said she was in the room with me; I took out my laptop and opened it to my hotmail page and typed an email to my mother.
“Hey mummy, I just arrived to werewolf monster high, I am sharing a room with a girl named Stella, she seems to be pretty nice to me, and I just wanted to inform you I arrived”
I checked the time which was five-fifty five, I looked at Stella, and she just came out of the showers.
“What time do we have to go?” I asked looking at Stella, who was putting on some lip gloss.
“We would be leaving very soon, I just need to put on some eyeliner” Stella replied which remaindered me I had to re-touch my make up; I put on some pink lip gloss and a very black eyeliner.
“Are you ready?” Stella asked
“Yeah, and you?” I asked
“Yeah, let’s leave then” Stella replied
“Ok” I said and grabbed my handbag which had my money and my blackberry mobile phone.
“By the way, don’t forget to bring your wand, you might be needing it” Stella said
“My, what?” I asked looking completely lost
“Your wand, it is a stick shaped thing, you were supposed to have it with you all times, and do you have it?” Stella explained looking worried
“Oh yeah, I do, but I didn’t know it was called a wand” I said and checked my bag if my wand was still in it,
“Have you got it?” Stella asked
“Yeah I do, we can go” I replied and we both left the room and started walking towards the canteen and then I remembered that we never got the girls,
“Lime and Daisy would be in the canteen” Stella said like she was reading my mind,
“How did you know I was thinking about that?” I asked looking confused,
“Every werewolf discovers a few powers while they are here, you would learn more in history, anyways right now my one is reading people’s mind if they don’t cover their though, you would also learn how to cover your thoughts, have you got any special powers so far? ” Stella asked
“I don’t think so” I replied
“Don’t worry, soon you would gain your special powers” Stella said,
“What kind of powers are there?” I asked
“Mind reading, supernatural strength, future seer and other powers like these” Stella replied.
We got to the canteen and started walking towards the table Lime and Daisy was sitting. We queued up and got our dinner and sat back down, for dinner, we all got rice and curry with salad, for drink Stella and I got coke, Lime got orange juice, Daisy got water. We started eating our dinner, the girls started talking about what outfits they wanted to wear, apparently there were going to be cute guys, to be honest I didn’t really care what I was planning on wearing, I had a brief idea which was the clothes I am wearing now. Well, I am not one of those people who have a fashion statement, I just wear random things. After we finished eating, we took our plates to the tray rack and left it there and threw our drink litter in the bin, I still had some drink left in my can of coke so I took it with me to my room. When I got to my room, Stella ran towards her closet and took out all her pretty outfits. I just changed my top and retouched my make up; I put on some lip gloss. I was ready; I wore my black boots and waited for Stella to get dressed. Stella wore a black mini skirt, pink t-shirt and her cream coloured boots
“Are you ready?” I asked Stella
“yeah, we could go, by the way we are meeting the girls at the beach, they are saving us a bench, the beach is going to be very crowded because everybody from this school is going to be there, by the way bring your wand” Stella replied,
“My wand?” I asked as I was confused
“Yeah, it is a stick shaped thing, we have to use these until we are a full werewolf, and do you have one?” Stella asked
“Well, I do have a stick shaped thing but I didn’t know it was a wand” I replied
I got my bag, which had my blackberry mobile phone and my money and left the room,
“We don’t use those metals anymore, like those mortal use, we use our wands buy things, our wands have five hundred points, each time you buy something, they take out two point or more or less depends, so far I have four hundred points left” Lime explained as the girls went to get our drinks, I ordered a can of coke, Lime ordered KA. “I am going to the toilets, do you need to come?” Lime asked in a kind, friendly voice
“Nope” I replied
It didn’t take long for my friends to come back
“Hey girls, should we dance?” Lime asked
“Sure” Daisy replied
“Hey Alex, we are going to dance, do you want to come?” Stella asked.
“No thank you, I’m good like this” I replied.
The girls ran towards the group of people who were dancing.
“Excuse me,” somebody said out of nowhere, I ignored the voice, and I didn’t know if the voice was speaking to me.
“Excuse me, Hello” the voice said again and I felt the voice next to me
“Oh sorry,” I said as an excuse.
“Hey, are you a new student?” the voice said and I looked around.
“Hey, yes I am a new student, I arrived today and my name is Alex Sparks” I said.
“Oh, nice to meet you, my name is Jacob Drake” Jacob said smiling at me.
Jacob was cute, he had brown messy hair, and he was wearing navy blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. Ok to be honest he wasn’t just cute, he was HOT!
“Nice to meet you too” I said.
“Do you want to dance?” Jacob asked.
“No thank you, why don’t you sit down” I replied pointing at a chair opposite me.
“Ok, so did you like the school so far?” Jacob said and sat down
“Yeah I did” I said.
“Are you a wizard, werewolf, vampire or a witch?” Jacob asked.
“Apparently I am a werewolf, I didn’t know this until two days ago, and what are you?” I asked.
“I am a werewolf too” Jacob replied.
“Awesome” I said smiling.
I turned around and saw a boy looking at me and then I looked at where the girls were and to my surprise they were staring at me. Why were they looking at me?
After the party ended, we headed back to our rooms, as soon as I got to my room, I changed into my pajamas and opened the front she of my bed, I put my butt on the bed, but before I could my whole body, Stella stopped me,
“What were you and Jacob talking about?” Stella asked
“Oh nothing, he just asked for my name and asked if I was new, what happened, why did you ask?” I asked looking confused.
“Oh, I though he asked you out, since you think he’s cute and he thinks you’re pretty, I though he asked you out, I kind of heard what you lot were thinking, sorry” Stella said,
Oh boy, I really need to learn how to cover my though, there might be other people that I don’t know, might be eavesdropping into my thoughts.
“Oh nothing like that” I yawned and set my alarm clock, as soon as I leaned back, my eyes were closed automatically,
The next morning I woke up and got dressed, I wore my dark navy blue jeans, my grey t-shirt with my black boots, I put my wand, mobile phone, lip gloss, hand cream and my thick spell book I got with the wand. Stella wore her silver top, black/blue skinny jeans and her black boots. We left the room and started to walk towards the canteen to have breakfast, I got a bowl of coco pops cereal and a can of coke, ok I have to admit this, I am a big fan of coke, and I am addicted to it. Stella and Daisy got toast, Lime got a bowl of coco pops cereal as well but she got an orange juice instead of coke. After I eat my first bowl of cereal, I got another one and then drank my coke. We had twenty minutes left to get to my first lesson which was history at nine o’clock until ten o’clock. We left the canteen and started walking towards our history lesson; we all had the same lesson.
I was so happy and excited about my first lesson, when we got to the classroom, I stopped at the door, and I didn’t know where I was going to sit.
“Alex come and sit next to me” Stella said,
“Oh ok” I said and sat down next to Stella.
Lime and Daisy was sitting together and speaking.
“So, what do you think about our school so far?” Stella asked wondering, Stella’s eyes were sparkling.
“Well, so far so great. I like it so much” I replied.
“Good morning class” A lady as soon as she stepped inside, I guess she was the teacher,
“Good morning Ms. Honeybee” everybody said, this so sounded like my primary school,
“Young lady, I don’t think I know you, what is your name?” Ms. Honeybee asked me, when she looked at me.
“My name is Alex Sparks, I am new student, I arrived yesterday” I replied standing up
“Ok, my name is Ms. Honeybee and you may take your seat” Ms. Honey said pointing to my seat.
“Today we are going to learn about the ancient werewolves, during Middle Ages, especially from 15th to 17th century, Europe was under the dark shadow of ignorance and superstitions. Towns were underdeveloped and people lived near woods. The fear of wolves was like a nightmare. Their attacks were so frequent and atrocious in nature that people even feared to travel from one place to another. Every morning, countryside people would find half-eaten human limbs scattered on their fields. The first recorded Werewolf sighting took place around the countryside of German town Colognes and Bed burg in 1591. An age-old pamphlet describes those shivering moments vividly. Few people cornered a large wolf and set their dogs upon it. They started to pierce it with sharp sticks and spears. Surprisingly the ferocious wolf did not run away or tried to protect itself, rather it stood up and turned out to be a middle-aged man he was Peter Stubbed from the same village. Stubbed was put on a torture wheel where he confessed sixteen murders including two pregnant women and thirteen children. The history behind his downfall was rather bizarre. He had started to practice sorcery when he was only 12 and was so obsessed with it that even tried to make a pact with the Devil. Wearing a magic girdle he started to attack his enemies, real or imaginary. After several months, he would take the guise of a wolf and continued with his evil acts with more brutality. In the wolf form he used to tear up victims’ throats and suck warm blood from veins. Gradually his thirst for blood grew and he roamed around fields in search of prey.” Ms Honeybee said
This history class was very interesting; I do not remember myself paying so much attention for history in Greig City Academy. The bell rang; I didn’t realize the time pass by,
“Hold on, I need to give you lot some homework assignment which is due next week Monday, so you have one week to complete the assignment, the homework assignment is to read pages ten and twenty five, it is about The Myths and Truths Surrounding Werewolf Legend. Oh Alex, here this is your history textbook,” Ms. Honeybee said.
“Thank you” I said and left the room to go to my next lesson which was spells.
I got to my spells class and sat down next to Stella again. Everybody sat down and a young man aged around late thirty arrived,
“Good morning class” the man said
“Good morning Mr. Gold” everybody said apart from me
“Hello young lady, what is your name?” Mr. Gold said
“My name is Alex Sparks and I arrived yesterday” I said
“Oh, yes and my name is Mr. Gold” Mr. Gold said
“Ok” I nodded and Mr. Gold looked around
“Today we are going to learn how to transform an object into something else. In front of you there is a basket and inside that basket there is two bananas, one for you and one for the person next to you. I hope everybody has their wands” Mr. Gold asked looking at me. Everybody grabbed their wands and pointed to the ceiling and I did the same, including me.
“Great, now grab a banana and say this spell by pointing your wand at the banana, transfix trans-turn, turn this banana into an apple.” Mr. Gold said and her banana turned into an apple.
“Awesome” I whispered to myself but Stella heard me and giggled
“Yeah it is cool” Stella whispered back
“Everybody focus and concentrate, you would be graded by this spell” Mr. Gold said
I tried the spell but it didn’t work, my banana was still a yellow banana, so I looked at Stella and she tried the spell on her banana and it worked but not perfectly, her banana changed into an orange.
“Good try” I said to Stella and we both giggled
“Thanks” Stella said
I tried the spell again and to my surprise it worked very well, my banana transformed into an apple. Ten minutes later the lesson bell rang and we all got up to leave but Mr. Gold stopped everybody.
“I forgot to give your homework assignment; your assignment is to transform an object, any object you want. And then bring it to class and demonstrate it, you may leave now, oh Alex you stay” Mr. Gold said
“Ok, oh Stella where would you be?” I asked
“I would be in the room with the girls” Stella replied
“Alright, I would see you there” I said and the girls left the room,
“Alex, I would like to welcome you to Werewolves Monster High, give you the list of rules. I hope you would understand the standard we want from you as a student. I would also like to tell you, if you have any sorts of problem I would be more than happy to help you” Mr. Gold said
“Thank you” I said and left the classroom and continued walking to my room to meet Stella and the girls.
When I got to my room, I saw Stella and the girls talking but when they saw me, they stopped and stared at me.
“What happened? Why did he want you? Come on tell us” Lime asked, wondering what happened
“Oh, he just wanted to welcome me and told me that if I need help I can speak with him” I replied looking at Lime and smiling,
Rest of the day went as I suspected, my art teacher was very nice to me, after I meet the girls in the room, we went to the canteen to have something to eat, it was break time, I brought myself a cheese and salad and a can of coke, Stella got orange juice and a chicken salad sandwich, lime got tuna sweet corn and hot chocolate and Daisy got spicy chicken with cheese and water. When I got to my room, I started to read my history textbook to get some information about werewolves. The word werewolf is most likely to derive from two old-Saxon words, wer (meaning man) and wolf. Frequently used Greek terms Lycanthropy refers to the transformation process while Lycanthrope, which is in fact synonymous to werewolf, is the afflicted person. The popular definition of werewolf or lycanthrope is a man who transforms himself or being transformed into a wolf under the influence of full moon. Humans can shape shift into a werewolf in the sunlight but if they do, there should be mortals nearby, any movie about werewolves say that werewolves can't shape shift in the sunlight are stereotype. Humans can shape shift into a werewolf automatically, when the moon is full at night, other than that they can shape shift into a werewolf whenever they want, but no mortals should be nearby. This is the number one rule for all werewolves. The next morning I woke up at seven o’clock and got dressed, I wore my thin, grey long sleeved jumper, my dark navy blue skinny jeans. I brushed my hair, put on some lip gloss and then I put my werewolf history book in my bag with the wand. I still don’t get it, why do we need wands? It’s not like we are a witch or a wizard. Anyways I wore my black boots and saw Stella putting on some black eyeliner, I have to admit that I am no fan of make-up, the only reason I put on lip gloss is because I have a chipped, cracked lip from the cold. Ok we do not really feel the weather but I just started so I haven’t gotten use to it. I wore my cardigan and waited for Stella. After a minute Stella grabbed her bag and we left the room and headed for the canteen to get breakfast. We got to the canteen and as usual Lime and Daisy was sitting down and eating their breakfast. Lime got a toast and a cup of coffee, Daisy got cereal and orange juice, I went and ordered cereal and a cup of tea, Stella got a toast and a cup of coffee. We started eating in silence until I had a familiar voice.
“Hey girls,” Jacob said sitting next to my right, Lime was sitting on my left,
“Hey,” we all said together and continued eating.
I was the first one to finish my breakfast, so I ordered a second bowl of cereal and a can of coke instead of tea. We all left the canteen and started walking towards our first lesson which was history with Ms Honeybee. When we got to the classroom, I sat down next to Stella, Lime and Daisy sat down together. Ms. Honeybee entered the classroom with her morning smile on.
“Good morning class” Ms. Honeybee said
“Good morning” everybody said
“Today we are going to learn about Greek mythology that also testifies the existence of werewolves. God Zeus once disguised himself as a traveler and sought for hospitality to the court of vicious Arcadian King Lycaon. The King recognized the God and tried to kill Him by serving him human flesh. God Zeus caught the terrible trick and did not eat. Outraged, He destroyed the palace and condemned Lycaon to spend rest of his life as a wolf. Most probably this mythology originated the Greek word “Lycanthrope” which is actually synonymous to werewolf. (Greek lykos - wolf, and anthropos - man.)” Ms. Honeybee said and then she transformed herself into a wolf, not the stereotype of wolf, where the human is hairy and has claws but an actually wolf, this my first time seeing a human shape shifting themselves into a wolf. Ms. Honey shape shifted herself back into a human again.
“Wow” I whispered to myself but I knew I was a bit loud when Stella stared at me,
“Didn’t you ever see anybody shape shift themselves before?” Stella asked in her low voice
“No, not really, all I saw was the stereotypes” I whispered back
“Can you shape shift into a werewolf yourself” Stella asked
“No, not yet, I didn’t really try, what, could you shape shift yourself” I replied
“Just getting there, I practiced, I could teach you if you want” Stella asked in her polite friendly voice,
“I would love that, thank you” I replied in excitement.
Chapter Three
The bell rang which told us that our history class was over and our next lesson started.
My next lesson was spells class, it was only a few minutes away from history, when I got to my spells class, I saw my spell teacher Mr. Gold sitting down on his desk. We all entered the classroom and sat down in our usual seat.
“Good Morning class, today we are going to learn about duplication spell, I want you to hold your wand towards yourself and say edge-banno utusis” Mr. Gold said and demonstrated the spell and there was two Mr. Gold’s.
The bell rang so we left the classroom, we walked towards the canteen to have something to drink or eat, it was break time. I got a can of coke, Stella got an orange juice, Lime got an apple juice and Daisy got a cup of coffee. After we drank our drink, we went to our next lesson which was shape shifting.
“Good afternoon class” Mr. Blue said
“Good afternoon” everybody said together
“Today we are going to go outside and shape shift ourselves into a wolf” Mr. Blue said
“But sir, when we go outside wouldn’t we die” a girl said comparing us to the stereotype,
“Good point, we are allowed to go outside with my permission, and no nothing bad would happen to us, oh by the way there is a new rule that when a person from this school goes outside there should never make it oblivious that they are a werewolf or whatever” Mr. Blue said
“Ok” the girl said and we all got up and left the room to go outside with Mr. Blue to do our lessons.
When we got outside, we gather around in pairs, I was with Stella and Lime was with Daisy.
“Now, everybody listen to me, to shape shift into a wolf, you have to feel like a wolf and be brave like a wolf, you should also be confident anyways once you have these and if you focus you would be a wolf just like you wanted” Mr. Blue said
Stella and I did as Mr. Blue, Stella tried first but she struggled,
“Stella concentrate on the shifting, let your mind focus, Alex why don’t you try” Mr. Blue said
“Ok” I said and tried to shape shift into a wolf,
I focused very hard; I deleted whatever was on my mind and tried shifting into a wolf.
“Oh My” Stella gasped as she stared at me
“What?” I asked wondering why Stella was gasping
“Well done Alex” Mr. Blue said walking next to me
What was going on, why was everybody staring at me?
“Alex, you are a wolf” Lime said
“Oh, wow, I guess I did the shifting right” I said and looked at Stella, Lime and Daisy.
“Yeah Alex you did” Stella said
“Hey, why don’t you try the shifting again?” I asked
After a minute of hesitation Stella tried the shifting again, she focused and concentrated at the same time and then she went to the floor and shifted herself into a wolf.
“Did it work?” Stella asked
“I don’t know, check for yourself” I said and gave her my mirror, so she can check the reflection of herself.
“Oh My, I did do it,” Stella said excitedly
We both can shape shift into a werewolf, first step completed. Stella and I looked at Lime and Daisy who was still trying to do the shifting but miserably failed.
“Don't worry guys, just practice and you would be perfect” I said and smiled, as I walked towards Lime and Daisy.
“Hey, let’s go out and eat, I am starving” Stella said, Lime and Daisy agreed.
“Ok” I said and we left the classroom to go to the canteen, it was lunch time, we got a tray each, for lunch we all got rice and curry with salad, for drink I got coke, Stella got orange juice, Lime got water and Daisy got tropical juice.
“Guess what? We do not have fourth lesson, so Jacob invited us to a party he is throwing, do you want to come?” Stella asked
“Where is it?” I asked
“It is at the beach” Stella replied
“Sounds fun” I said
“Cool, we would go there after we finish our lunch and get dressed” Lime said
After a while, we ate our lunch and started heading towards our room to get ready, I wore my cream coloured top and my blue skinny jeans with my black boot, I put on some make up and waited for Stella to get ready, Stella wore her black and white stripped skirt and white top with light brown boots. While Stella was putting on her makeup, I grabbed my handbag and put my wand, phone and my lip gloss inside it. We left the room and walked towards Lime and Daisy’s room and waited for them, which didn’t take long, they were already ready.
I had this bad feeling as we were walking towards the beach, I stopped for a second to see if the feeling I had was my imagination or was it real, Lime realized that I stopped; she turned around wondering why I stopped all of a sudden.
“What happened?” Lime asked
“Oh nothing” I lied; I didn’t want them to know that I had a bad feeling about something, incase that feeling I had was something stupid like my imagination playing games with me.
When we got to the party, we saw Jacob standing at the door welcoming his guests.
“Hey, welcome, thanks for coming guys” Jacob said looking at me, while I was still trying to figure out the bad feeling I had.
“Alex, are you sure you’re alright?” Lime asked, Stella and Jacob stared at me,
“Yeah, thanks anyways” I lied again; I hated it when I lied to my closes friends.
Half an hour later, Jacob came next to us and sat down. After all his guests arrived,
“Having fun?” Jacob asked us.
“Yeah” the girl replied and I nodded. I had to figure out the bad feeling I had or try to ignore it for now,
“Do you want to dance Alex?” Jacob asked looking at me, which he interrupted my mental thoughts.
“Huh?” I asked looking at him confused,
“Do you want to dance?” Jacob repeated and smiled at me,
“Sure” I said and got up holding his left hand which was warm and he held my right arm.
When we got to the dance floor, the DJ changed the music to slow dance. Jacob held me close to himself and started dancing, I wasn’t really good, I don’t like slow dance moves, anyways we danced and danced until the music was over.
“Hey, I am going to sit down” I said,
“Ok, thanks for the dance” Jacob said
“No, thank you, I was bad at it and you were pretty good” I said and sat down next to Stella.
“No you won’t, you were pretty good yourself” Jacob whispered in my ears.
“Thank you” I whispered back,
Jacob left our table and walked towards his friends, after a while I got up and walked towards the school to go to the toilets, the beach is in front of the school. I saw a shadow standing a few inches away from where I was standing,
“Who’s there?” I asked, I had that bad feeling again
“Hello Alex,” a voice replied stepping out of the shadows and walking towards me
“Who are you?” I asked starting to panic,
“My name is Ray black” Ray black replied
“What do you want? “ I asked him as he was standing right in front of me, Ray black was tall, he had dark brown hair, brown eyes, he was wearing a black t-shirt, and navy blue jeans.
“Don’t be scared, I just want to be friends” Ray black said
“Well, firstly I am not scared and secondly I don’t know you, so why would I want to be your friend” I said and walked away but he held my arm, as I was walking away
“Where are you going, we were just talking?” Ray Black said holding my hand very tight.
I threw my hand down and started to walked but I stopped and turned around towards Ray black and said “You really need to have manners”
“Oh, of course I have manners” Ray black said
“Are you sure? It doesn’t seem like that” I said and walked away,
I got back to the beach and saw my friends sitting down and drinking some weird type of drink, it seems different than fruit punch or any other punch.
“Hey Alex” Stella got up and started to wave towards me
“What’s up?” I asked
“She drank a lot, she would be fine in a few minutes” Jacob replied
“Whatever” I said and sat down,
“Do you want one?” Jacob asked
“Huh? No thank you but could I have a coke please” I replied smiling at him, I was trying to hide away my fear,
“Sure,” Jacob said and walked away to get me a can of coke,
Jacob came back with a can of coke; I snatched the can of coke from him and started to drink it,
“Thank you” I said while I was drinking it
“Are you alright?” Stella asked after she calmed down
“Yeah” I replied
I was quiet for the rest of the evening, I thought about my mother and how much I missed her, so I gave myself a mental note that I would be calling her tomorrow if not I would be emailing her, after dinner or during break or whatever.
“Alex, should we go?” Stella asked
“Ok” I replied
“I hope you guys had fun, Alex, are you sure, you are alright?” Jacob asked wondering why I was quiet,
“Yeah, thanks” I replied
We walked towards our rooms, I went straight to bed and feel fast asleep, I didn’t know I was this tired until I got into my bed.
The next morning I woke up and got dressed, I wore my, grey t-shirt and my blue skinny jeans and my flat heeled black boots, I put on some lip gloss while Stella got dressed I grabbed my bag and left the room. Stella wore her blue skinny jeans and her black t-shirt with dark brown boots. We started walking towards our first lesson which was history, which was pretty good. I liked my history class, it was fun, I learned new things every time I was there. Rest of the day was normal, when I finished my lessons, I ran towards my room, I grabbed my laptop and switched on my blackberry to check if I had any text messages. I signed into my emails and checked my inbox if I had any email. I saw one unread email and opened it, it was from my mother.
“Hey Alex, I miss you too, I hope you are having fun as well as you are studying very hard”
I replied to my mother but I wanted to make sure that I was too emotional,
“Hey mummy, I am having fun, I missed you, I can’t wait for Saturday to visit you, LOVE YOU!”
I grabbed my bag and took out my reading book, I wanted to read my book until dinner was ready, I didn’t see Stella for awhile. When dinner time, I wore my long cardigan and I left my room and headed towards the canteen to have dinner. When I got to the canteen, I didn’t see any of my friends. Where were they? What were they doing?
I got myself rice and curry, and a can of coke and sat down on my usual sit, I was eating slowly while I was waiting for my friends to arrive. Twenty minutes later I saw everybody leaving, I finished my food, drank my coke and started heading outside to find the girl, I thought I should go to Lime’s room. I walked towards Daisy and Lime’s room, when I got to her room, I stood still there was no noise. I knocked on the door, there was no reply. I opened the door, Daisy and Lime’s room was pink, and they had pink bed sheets, Pink wall paper, pink working table, pink folders, and pink fluffy pens. Oh boy, Lime and Daisy was so obsessed with pink. There was no sign of them. I walked back to my room to check if Stella was there, but she wasn't,
“Oh My Earth, where are they?” I asked myself in a low voice
After a while Stella came in with the girls laughing and talking,
“Hey Alex” Stella and the girls said and went back to talking
“Where were you guys, I was looking for you, I thought we might eat together?” I asked
“Well, we were hanging out, we brought food out of campus” Stella replied sounding very mean
“Oh why didn't you tell me?” I asked
“Because we heard that you was with Ray black” Lime replied rolling her eyes at me
“Excuse me, I was here waiting for you guys, then I went to eat food, well after that I went to Lime and Daisy's room to check for you lot, you guys never came, I couldn't find you guys so I came here. By the way who told you I was with Ray black?” I asked
“Ray Black said it himself” Daisy replied
“NO way, so you believe him” I said looking annoyed
“Well, first we didn't and then he showed us a picture of you and him” Lime said
“I just met him, he tricked me, and I didn't even know he took my picture” I said
“Whatever” Lime and Daisy agreed together,
“Alex, by the way I think you should speak to Jacob, he's pretty mad” Stella said
“Why?” I asked
“Oh, you seriously don't know” Stella said
“Know what” I asked
“Oh boy, Alex, Jacob likes you” Stella replied
“What?” I asked in a confused voice
“Yeah, the guy has a crush on you” Lime replied, Stella and Daisy agreed
“Hey guys, I would speak to you guys later, I...erm....need to go, where would you guys be?” I asked as I walked out of the room
As soon as I left the room, I ran down the corridor and towards the boys hang out place to see if Jacob or Ray black, when I got to the boys hang out place, I walked inside looking from left to right, I saw a bunch of girls talking with a bunch of boys, I started to wonder if girls were really allowed here or were they just breaking the boys, I looked at my right when I saw someone familiar, I walked towards him, he was with a cute girl, I recognized her, I was in the same classes as her,
“Excuse me Adam; do you know where Jacob is?” I asked Adam,
“Huh, oh Alex, what are you doing here?” Adam asked
“I am looking for Jacob, did you see him?” I asked
“Well, he was here but he left about five minutes ago, he said he was going to go his room, but I don't think he wants to speak to you” Adam replied
“Thanks” I said and ignored his last words
I left the boys hang out place and started to run towards the boys room department, ok you be honest I had no idea where his room was and I had a bad feeling tell me to get my butt out of there, which I regretted,
“Well, well, let’s see who we got here” a boy said as he walked towards me and grabbed my hand
I turned around to go back but he stopped me, my heart was beating fast, I was pretty sure they could hear it,
“Let her go” a familiar voice said
“Oh, come on Jacob” the boy who was holding my arm said
“Don't make me repeat myself again” Jacob said
“Fine,” he said and threw me towards Jacob, he threw me very hard that I landed on the floor, in front of Jacob's feet
“Take your gang and get out” Jacob shouted
“Let’s go” the boys said talking to his friends
“What are you doing here?” Jacob asked as soon as the boy and his friends left
“I came to speak to you” I replied feeling nervous
“Well, I don't want you listen to you” Jacob said
“Please, I am sorry” I said
“Sorry for what? After all it is your own life” Jacob said
“Well, I found out you like me too, and then Ray black showed you a picture which I didn't even know he was taking a picture” I paused,
“So, what you are trying to say is that he sneaked behind your back and took your picture without you knowing” Jacob said trying to understand me or he was trying to be mean,
“Do you believe me?” I asked
“I need to go, do me a favor, and stop getting yourself into trouble” Jacob replied ignoring my question, and started to walk away,
I stared at him as he walked away. What was wrong with me? My stomach was painful; it was like a thousand of bee's stinging me, all at once. I walked back towards my room, My whole body felt very dizzy, my legs couldn't carry me any longer, they felt like jelly, I was struggling to walk towards my room. I was walking as slowly as a snail, I had a feeling somebody was watching me. I stopped and turned around to see who was following me, but there was nobody there. I continued to walk, as I got to my room, I still had a bad feeling that somebody was watching me, somebody EVIL. I finally got to my room, I walked inside and sat on my bed, Stella was on her bed, listening to some music.
“Stella,” I said but she never looked but I stared at her, after a while she realized that I was staring at her, so she looked at me,
“What?” she asked as she was looking at me
“I just wanted to say that I am very sorry, I would like to continue being your friend and I would like to hang out with Lime, Daisy and you, please forgive me” I replied, I felt really bad.
“Hey, we were already friends, I just kind of got annoyed when you didn't tell me about Ray black” Stella said and got up; she gave me a big hug.
“Hey, there was nothing going on, he asked for my name and said things I just ignored him, and the next thing I know is, he goes around showing my picture with him, I didn't even know he took it” I said and hugged her back.
“Yeah, I believe you but next time if there is something like this, could you please tell me?” Stella said as a question
“Sure, I would like to,” I said.
Finally it was Saturday, I woke up and got dressed, I wore my dark navy blue skinny jeans, my cream coloured t-shirt and my black long boots, after I got dressed I walked towards my mirror and put some lip gloss.
“Good morning Alex, where are you going?” Stella asked as she saw me dressed up.
“I am going back home, for a quick visit with Mary” I replied as I left the room.
I started to walk towards Mary’s room, on my way to Mary’s room I saw Jacob. I stared at him but he just walked away. Ever since I spoke to Ray (he just asked for my name, the next day, I found out that he took me picture while as asked for my name but I didn’t even know this until Stella and the girls told me, now I hate his guts, but Jacob doesn’t believe me, I told everything to Stella and she believed me.)
When I got to Mary’s room, I knocked on the door and waited for a reply, but there was no reply so I knocked on it again.
“Come on in, Alex” Mary said which really crept me out, how did she know I was knocking on the door, I think it is a werewolf thing.
“Good morning Mary,” I said as I walked towards her
“Good morning, Alex, how can I help?” Mary asked
“It’s Saturday, you said I could visit my mother on Saturday” I replied
“Oh yes, but first I have to tell you something, when you go out of campus, never show a mortal you are a werewolf” Mary said
“Yeah, I know, when could we go?” I said impatiently
“We could go now, but we can’t stay late, I would drop you there and pick you up, when you want something, just say my name out loud and I would come” Mary said
“Ok” I said and stood still next to Mary,
Mary held my hand and opened the same portal she did last time and we both stepped inside. The next second I found myself in the kitchen and my mother cooking something that smelled really deliciously,
“Hi mother” I shouted and my mother got scared, she jumped one foot backwards.
“What? Alex you scared the days out of me” my mother shouted in a scared voice.
“Sorry mother, I didn’t mean to scary you mother” I said and went to hug her.
“Alex, I would come to pick you up later on” Mary said and flashed herself out.
My mother hugged me again and kissed me. I guess she really missed me.
“I missed you so much,” my mother said and smiled like she read my mind,
“I missed you too mummy, so what happened while I was away?” I asked my mother wondering if anybody asked about me.
“Oh yeah, I got a new interior job and that is it” My mother replied like she read my mind.
“Do you want tea?” my mother asked
“Oh, yes please, do you need help mother” I replied
“No, but if you really want to help, you can take out the biscuit tin and pour some on a plate” my mother said and poured some water into the kettle.
“Ok” I said and poured the biscuit into a small round plate
“So, did you make any new friends?” my mother asked, before I could reply the kettle button popped
My mother poured the hot boiled water into two cup and added tea bag and milk with two sugars.
“Yeah mother, I did, one day I would bring them here and you could meet them” I replied smiling
“Any boyfriends?” my mother asked
“No mother, no boy friend” I replied
We drank our tea and my mother started speaking about her jobs. After twenty minutes or less Mary flashed herself in which scared me and my mother, we both jumped one centimeter back on the sofa we were sitting.
“Alex, it is time to go” Mary said.
“Ok” I said and I got up and hugged my mother.
“See you next week Saturday” my mother said and hugged me very tight.
“Good day mother, I would be emailing you soon,” I said and kissed her on her soft, pink cheeks. I stood next to Mary and she flashed us to school.
When we got to school, I stood still and looked at Mary.
“What happened? Did you forget anything?” Mary asked looking confused,
“No I didn’t forget anything but I was wondering if you can teach me that teleporting. I want to go by myself and come back by myself” I asked Mary.
“Sure, when you are free and I am free, come to my room and I would teach you” Mary replied smiling at me.
“Ok, I would like to learn it as soon as possible please” I said and smiled back.
“Monday morning, come to my room” Mary said and told me to go to my room.
Later on that day, Me, Stella and the girls were outside chilling out, I forgot about Jacob until I was rudely interrupted by Ray Black,
“Hey Alex,” Ray Black said
“Do I know you, oh wait I do, you are the trash can person” I said and Stella agreed and the girl laughed,
“Whatever, do you want to hang out” Ray Black said
“Excuse me, who do you think you are asking me to hang out with a trash can, person” I said in a serious voice,
“Ok, if you don’t I would say the opposite Jacob” Ray Black said
“Firstly, good luck trying to find him, after what you did and secondly are you trying to black mail me in front of my friends, which is not cool” I said as I was pointing at my friends.
“Firstly I know where Jacob is and secondly I do not care about your dopey friends” Ray Black said, giving my friends a dirty look,
“Where is he?” I asked Ray Black
“Alex, do not listen to him,” Stella said but I ignored him
“I asked you a question, where is he” I repeated myself
“One condition go out with me, and I would tell you where Jacob Drake is” Ray Black replied
“No, just tell me where he is” I said and gave him a dirty look
“Then my answer is No I won’t tell you where he is” Ray Black said
“Fine, I would find him myself” I said
“Good luck” Ray Black Said and walked away
“Do you guys know where Jacob is” I asked the girls as soon as Ray Black walked away.
“Sorry,” Stella replied and the girls agreed as they were nodding.
“Ok, do you think he knows where Jacob is?” I asked Stella in a whisper,
“No, he doesn’t, he was just tricking you” Stella replied,
“How do you know, did you read his mind?” I asked
“Precisely,” Stella replied
“Got it, thanks” I said,
“Hey, I just found out that there is a party going on and everybody is invited, should we go?” Lime asked
“Sure, why not, and it would get Alex’s mind busy” Stella replied
“Hurray, so were going” Daisy said in her happy voice,
“Seems like it” I said
We walked towards our rooms, we dropped Lime and Daisy off to their rooms and then we got to our rooms, Stella ran towards her cloth closet as usual, to pick out an outfit. Later on that day, we all got dressed and headed towards the place, where the party was, we didn’t know the exact location of the party. It took us twenty five minutes to leave the room. It took Stella forever to get ready, she tried on many, many dresses but finally she decided to wear her black dress with white diamonds on the side and black high heels. I got ready in five minutes, I wore my dark navy blue jeans short, light lime coloured t-shirt and my black boots, I put my wand inside my boots in case I need it, I put on some light pink lip gloss and left my hair out, my hair is wavy but not too wavy. As we were walking towards the location of the party, I felt something was following me, I looked around but there was only thin air. We finally got to the party, It was the far edge of the beach, at the party, there were many people, we walked towards to bench that was on the far end of beach, as soon as we sat down, a voice made me jump and move backwards to see who was speaking,
“Hello, I wasn’t really expecting to see you” the voice said
“Huh?” I said and looked towards the direction the voice was coming from,
“What are you doing, here?” Lime asked
“This is my party” Ray Black replied and sat down beside me
“Girls, I need to go,” I said and got up to leave when Ray Black grabbed my hand,
“Not so fast” Ray Black said
“Let me go,” I shouted and pulled my hand away from him, I left the party and headed towards my room, I felt somebody was following me, so I stood still and concentrated very hard, I felt myself shape shift into a wolf.
“What are you doing?” a familiar voice said which made me happy,
Chapter Four
“Jacob, where were you?” I asked him, I shape shift myself back to a human,
“Answer my question, why were you shifted into a wolf, what happened?” Jacob asked
“I thought you was Ray Black, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I replied
“Listen to me, I am so sorry as well, I didn’t listen to you, I was tricked by Ray Black, he told me don’t to listen to you and that photo was real,” Jacob said
“I tried to explain to you, but you just walked away," I said and he stepped closer to me,
“I am so sorry,” Jacob said and stepped closer to me and wrapped his arm around me and kissed me, all of a sudden I found myself in the air, while he was kissing me, I was floating with him, it was like, he was my angel, carrying me away from all this danger. When the kiss was over, I found myself on the ground again.
“Alex, I like you,” Jacob said and gave me a quick kiss,
“I like you too, it is like, I have met you before,” I said
“May you have,” Jacob said,
“Huh? What are you talking about? “I asked,
Jacob made me really confused, what did he mean?
“I need to go now, don’t forget, I would always be next to you, no matter what” Jacob replied
I continued to walk back to my room, I was smiling as I was walking, but I had a feeling there was somebody still there.
“Well, well, well, that was a short drama” a voice from the shadows said
“Who’s there?” I asked
“Oh, don’t be scared, it’s only me, Alex” Ray Black said appearing from the shadows,
“I am not scared of you and I would never be scared of you” I said
“Jacob doesn’t like you, but I do” Ray Black said
“It is none of your business” I said and walked away
“Maybe it is,” Ray Black said and stepped closer to me, he grabbed my hand very tight and kissed me, I tried to move but he was holding my arm very tight, I closed my eyes very tight wishing that Jacob would appear from nowhere and save me, but I knew this was not going to happen, after a minute, I opened my eyes, still wishing that Jacob would appear from nowhere and save me, Ray Black moved closer towards me, I stepped a few inches backwards, Ray Black moved towards me and I moved backwards but this time Ray Black didn't move towards me, he was standing still looking up towards the ceiling, while he was staring at the ceiling, I pulled my hand as quickly as I can and moved away, I started to wonder what Ray Black was staring at, since it was floating and flapping its wings around me and Ray Black, I looked up into the ceiling and strange was floating and flapping around us. It was a human with wings, but the human looked very familiar to me. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Jacob he was flying but how could he? Jacob landed beside me, he smiled at me but I just looked at him all confused. Jacob neatly folded his wings; I starred at his wings while he was folding them. Jacob’s wings were pure white. Werewolves don’t have wings or do they? Jacob told me he was a werewolf, did he lie to me? After he neatly folded his beautiful wings, he smiled at me. Jacob got his fist and punched Ray Black’s face, there was a bit of blood, his eyes changed colours from brown to dark red with full of hate and anger, Jacob punched him again and then Ray Black punched him and the Jacob punched him again, Ray Black was on the floor, Jacob turned towards me, I saw Ray Black getting up to his feet and staring at a thick piece of wood, the wood started to move,
“Jacob, watch out!” I said,
I had a feeling that Jacob was in danger, I ran towards Jacob and pushed him out of the way, but I was too late to move myself so the wood hit my forehead and I fell on something soft. What was I even thinking about?
I opened my eyes and found Stella, Lime and Daisy beside me,
“Where am I?” I asked
“You hit your head on a piece of wood, gentlemen brought you here,” a lady replied,
“Who are you?” I asked the lady, I have never seen her before,
“I am the nurse of this school, my name is Edna,” Edna replied
“Edna, do you know the name of the person who brought me, here?” I asked Edna,
“Sorry, but I think your friends would know him” Edna replied
“Stella, Who?” I said,
“Jacob” Stella said looking towards the door,
“Where is he?” I asked
“He was here a minute ago, I think he is gone” Stella said
I looked around but Jacob wasn’t there,
“Where did he go? I need to find him” I said as I was getting up to wear my boots,
“Where do you think you are going, young lady?” Edna said pushing me back into bed,
“I need to find him, please let me go” I said but I couldn’t go because Stella and Edna was pushing me back to bed,
I didn’t even have the energy to argue, Edna injected me with something that made me feel dizzy and sleepy.
“What did you do?” Stella asked Edna
“Don’t worry, this would calm her down.” Edna replied
I feel asleep, I found myself after a while I found myself in this magical place, it was glowing and shining but I had a feeling that it wouldn't last gone. All of a sudden I stopped but I didn't want to. The only thing I wanted to do was run around, jump up and down like a little girl.
“Alex, come to me, follow the path and you would find me but be careful, everything is not what it seems to be” a voice from the sky.
“Who are you? Where am I?” I asked looking in the sky for the voice.
“We have met before, my name is Light remember, anyways this is how the planet you were born was but now” Light paused and there was a big flash
“What?” I asked thinking Light would continue explaining this disaster.
“This is how the planet currently looks like; you have to hurry with the training or…” Light stopped, the planet was disgusting, how could of this happened?
“Light help me pleases” I said but there was no reply but I could feel this evil power nearby.
“Alex, I have been waiting for you” a voice said, I was pretty sure it didn't belong to Light.
“Who are you?” I asked in a calm voice
“Don't worry about that, Alex I am here, I want you and your powers, give them to me or…” the voice paused
“Never” I shouted
There was a big mist and there was something shifting into shape, the shadow of it was like a human but taller and thinner but the head it was different, there were all sorts of shapes but when the mist was over I saw it, it was a robot or something.
“This is my temporary body, now give me your powers or you would suffer” the robot shaped thing said.
“Never” I shouted again
The robot shaped thing walked towards me which made me move backwards and trip. Perfect just what I needed, I was trapped, the robot shaped thing stretched his hand towards me and I screamed. I opened my eyes and realized it was a dream more like a nightmare. I looked at the time, I slept all night, it was six thirty in the morning, and I grabbed the cup of water next to my bed and started drinking it slowly. I checked the time, it was six o'clock, I woke up one hour early, and I couldn't go back to sleep after that dream/nightmare. I got out of bed and walked towards the window, I looked outside, the trees were shaking silently and lightly from left to right, there were a few leaves on the ground. It was autumn and my favorite season, I like it when the air hits my face and body, I like to feel the cool breeze, and it tastes like fresh orange juice and also freedom. I like looking outside with the quietness, I don't know how I stood by the way until I heard Stella's voice which made me check the time, that's when I realized how long I stood there, it was five minutes passed seven. I stood by the window for one hour and five minutes.
“Alex, what are you doing?” Stella asked and then her alarm started to buzz,
“Oh nothing, I was just looking outside” I replied while Stella got out of bed,
I wore my navy blue jeans, grey long sleeved jumper and my dark, long grey jacket with my black shiny boots. Stella took a quick shower and wore her
Light pink jumper, black skinny jeans and flat black shoe with white jacket. We both left the room and went to the canteen to have breakfast. We meet the girls there; they were having a bowl of cereal, toast and coffee. Stella and I walked to the order counter, Stella got the same thing as the girls but I got a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea, yeah I know it sounds weird but I like it. I was thinking about the dream/nightmare I had last night.
“Hey Alex, are you alright?” Lime asked staring at me.
“Huh?” I said and looked at the girls.
“Alex, are you alright?" Lime repeated.
“Yeah I am, just tired that’s all” I said.
“Hey look whose coming Alex?” Daisy said and pointed at the door
“Who?” I asked and looked where Daisy was pointing and saw Jacob walking towards our table
“Hey” Jacob said and sat down next to me.
“I need to see Mary, why don’t you come with me, after you eat” I said
“Ok,” Jacob said and started to eat,
I finished my second bowl of cereal and drank my tea; we still had five minutes before my first lesson started which was History.
“Sorry guys but I need to go and speak to Mary, I would meet you lot in lesson” I said and got up,
I left the girls in the canteen and started walking to Mary’s room which wasn’t far from the canteen. The weather was windy, after minute we got to Mary’s room.
“Jacob, I wanted to say that are you really a werewolf or did you lie to me” I asked Jacob,
“Ok, to be honest, I am your angel, the only reason I came here is because you are here, I am here to protect you and what you saw yesterday was real, I have wings, so does Ray black but he is Evil, that’s how he tricked me,
“Why didn’t you say this before” I asked Jacob, as we got to Mary’s room,
“I am waiting for the right time, and I thought yesterday was the right time, you were in trouble and I had to protect you but I didn’t protect, I am so sorry” Jacob said
“No, you did protect me, thank you” I said and smiled at him,
“But you got hit by a thick piece of wood, looking at my bruised forehead” Jacob said
“Don’t worry, I’m fine, Thank you for dropping me off and I would catch you in history” I said and gave him a big hug and said good bye,
“No problem” Jacob said and walked back outside.
I knocked on the door again and waited until Mary replied.
“Come in” Mary shouted
“Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could talk to you personally” I said and Mary smiled at me,
“Of course you can, please take a seat Alex” Mary said and pointed to a seat opposite her desk, Mary’s room was big and it had modern designs. I wonder how big Ms. Zelda’s room was? I never been there yet, I recently arrived to Werewolves Monster High, I sat down where Mary was pointing and started speaking,
“Mary I had a dream, it was beautiful, it was like I was in this other world and then I started speaking with Light, Light said that he is my destiny and that’s how I got my book and wand anyways, light told me to ‘that this was my planet and I should hurry up with the training or’ and then he stopped after a while, the place that I was standing changed into something very disgusting and horrible, I heard a different voice who wanted my powers, I could feel his evil powers around me, while he was speaking, a mist appeared and through that mist there was this robot shaped thing, he stretched his hand and I woke up” I paused and took a deep breathe
“Calm down, here have some water” Mary said and poured some water into a cup and passed it to me,
“Thank you” I said and grabbed the cup of water from Mary,
“What can I do for you?” Mary asked looking confused
“I was wondering if you could be my personal trainer, if it is alright with you” I said
“It’s alright with me, are you sure about this?” Mary asked me
“Positive” I said in a serious voice, I was a bit scared but I had to do this, for good.
I left Mary's room and started walking to my history lesson. Mary and I decided that we would meet tomorrow after dinner and start training. I checked the time; I only had two minutes left before my lesson started. When I got to the front door of my history classroom, I stopped and looked around for my roommate who is also my new best friend, I saw her next to Lime and Daisy who are my friends too. Stella saw me and sat down on the same row of the girls and waved at me and I walked towards her and sat down.
“What took you so long?” Stella asked as soon as I sat down on the chair.
“Tell you later” I said and our history teacher entered the classroom
“Good morning class, today we are going to learn about plastics” Mr. Falls,
“Plastic was created by mingle, who was an evil wizard who worked for darken" I whispered to myself but I was surprised when Stella started staring at me,
“What? How did you know that?” Stella asked looking surprise as I felt,
“I don't know, I just heard the word Plastic and these information scrolled through my mind” I whispered to Stella,
“This all started in 1960's, when Mr. Wire put mingle in charge werewolves monster high key keeper, this went on and on until mingle couldn't stand it anymore, mingle cast a strong spell on all the plastics on all planets, he was the only who could undo the spell, he had a sudden illness and died, ever since then plastic was our enemy” Mr. Falls continued and the lesson bell rang and everybody got up to go to their next lesson which was Spells class.
“Oh, I just wanted to say thank you to Jacob and Mary needed to speak to Mary about what happened” I said
“Oh, Ok” Stella said
We got to our Spells class, Mr. Gold was sitting down, writing notes on his notebook, everybody sat down and Mr. Gold started to teach, my spells lesson went well, we learned how to make a stack of pancakes, “Commakus Pancakus.”
My shape shifting lesson went well as well, Mr. Blue taught us how to shape shift into a wolf again since last time, hardly anybody did it right. I got up to leave my shape shifting class, I saw Jacob at the door, looking at me, what was he doing here? I walked towards Stella and we left the room, Jacob started following me.
“Alex, can we speak alone please,” Jacob said
“Sorry I got a lesson,” I said
“Please,” Jacob said
“I would say that you weren’t feeling well, it’s only last lesson” Stella said
“Ok, thanks” I said
“Could we go outside?” Jacob asked
“Ok” I replied and we walked outside, towards the beach
“Thanks for coming” Jacob said
“What happened?” I asked Jacob, the weather was windy, I was cold but I didn't say anything.
“I wanted to stay alone with you, does your head hurt” Jacob asked,
“Nope, thanks” I replied after a couple of minutes later. The wind was getting stronger, my hair was all over my face, Jacob was lucky he had short straight hair.
"Oh my, you are freezing, here wear my jacket” Jacob said and gave his thin jacket to me and I wore it, it was warm and it smelt of Jacob's perfume.
“How about you?” I asked Jacob which I can tell he was cold too.
“No, I am OK” Jacob said which was obviously not the truth, he was shivering, I looked at the wet, cold sand, the water of the ocean was rising and the waves were getting bigger and stronger.
“Thank you for everything, but how did you know I needed your help” I said to Jacob
“You called me” Jacob said
“How?” I asked Jacob
“You called my name” Jacob replied
I was quiet, I was freezing, and I checked the time on my Blackberry mobile phone, ten minutes passed since lesson started,
“Can we go inside? I would buy you a drink” I asked Jacob
“Ok” Jacob replied
I brought Jacob a cup of hot chocolate and got myself a cup of tea; we walked towards my room and started drinking our drinks. After a while, Jacob left my room. When the bell rang, Stella came to my room with a piece of paper her hand.
“Alex, five minutes before the bell rang, Ms. Zelda and Mary came and they announced that there has been a few changes on some of the timetable and they gave us the up to date timetable” Stella said and gave me a piece of paper that said Alex Sparks Timetable.
“Did your timetable have any changes?” I asked Stella who was getting into her bed.
“No, I was going to check your one but I though you would want to check it yourself” Stella replied
“Thank you for the timetable” I said and looked at Stella who was almost asleep.
“No problem” Stella yawned.
I looked at my timetable, which looked the same, so I guess I don't have to worry about it. Everything seems to be the same, I put my new timetable in my bag and went to bed, and I missed lunched so I went to the canteen to get something to eat. I got myself two small pizzas, a bowl of salad and a big bottle of coke and went back to my room; I went to my room and started eating my pizza. After I ate my food, I wore my pajamas and went straight to bed, I closed my eyes, I was very tired but the next second I heard a strange noise so I opened my eyes again.
“Alex, wake up!” Stella said
“What? Why are you waking me up?” I asked Stella
“You got a visitor” Stella replied
“Who in the middle of the night want to see me?” I said and got up
“Alex, this is your werewolf pet” Stella said and smiled at me,
“Excuse me” I said looking confused at the puppy, who was staring at me with those puppy dog eyes,
“Every student in Werewolves Monster High gets a pet,” Stella said
Chapter Five
“Alright, does everybody get a puppy or is it different?” I asked and the dog jumped on top of my bed with a big bark,
“Everybody gets different type of pets” Stella yawned,
I closed my eyes again but this time I slept peacefully. The next morning I got up and got dressed, I felt the dog following me, I decided to name my pet dog Sky, the reason why I wanted to name my pet dog sky is because the colour of my dog was light grey with white patches like clouds, it looked like the autumn sky, my pet dog had a lovely blue eyes. Today after dinner, I had to meet up with Mary and start the training, I didn’t really tell the others because I thought that if I did, they would treat me differently. Stella and I left the room and walked towards the canteen, Sky was following me towards the canteen,
“Stella, do they have puppy food in the canteen” I asked Stella
“I think so” Stella replied looking at Sky,
I looked at Sky, he looked very tired, so I opened my arms for him to jump, Sky was about a few months old, so he wasn’t heavy, in fact he was very light. We got to the canteen and then ordered our breakfast; we sat down in our usual table. Jacob was entering the canteen; all of a sudden he seemed to glow. Was I imagining this or was this real? It seemed so real. Why weren’t Stella and the girls reacting to it? I looked at Sky, he looked very tired, so I opened my arms for him to jump, Sky was about a few months old, so he wasn't heavy, in fact he was very light. We got to the canteen and then ordered our breakfast; we sat down in our usual table. Jacob was entering the canteen; all of a sudden he seemed to glow. Was I imagining this or was this real? It seemed so real. Why weren’t Stella and the girls reacting to it? I ignored the glow; I started to think that it was my imagination playing games with me, which would be very logical. Jacob sat down next to me as usual with his breakfast tray in front of him.
“Hey, guess what” Jacob said as soon as he got his first big bite of his toast.
“What happened?” Stella asked,
“I heard Mary and Ms Zelda talk about clearing up a room and giving it to us, so we can use it as an entertainment room, for example they are going to plug in a plasma, kitchen and some other cool things that we can use” Jacob replied,
“Awesome, so we can watch the X-Factor or East enders or whatever” Lime said and smiled at me and Jacob at the same time,
I didn’t really take part in their conversation, it was the first day of December, there was snow on the ground, it most of snowed last night. But why was everybody so calm about it? Back home, me and my mother would go outside into the snow and make a snowman and play snow ball fight, if we still wanted to play outside, we walk towards the hill, next door and sledge down the hill, at the end of the end, my mother would make two mugs of hot chocolate and we would sit down in front of the fire and slowly drink our hot chocolate.
“Alex,” Lime said, interrupting my inner thoughts, Stella and Jacob stared at me, wondering what was going on,
“Huh?” I asked looking confused,
“Alex, we were saying that the new hang out place is going to be great, what do you think?” Daisy said smiling at me,
“Oh, yeah, it’s going to be great” I replied,
“When could we use it?” Daisy asked
“I don’t know” Jacob replied
“Hey guys, I want to ask something, I was just wondering that, last night it snowed and today nobody is happy about it, what’s going on?” I asked trying to figure out this weird situation going on,
“Well, firstly it is morning, secondly everybody is getting ready for lesson and lastly,” Stella paused and took a big, deep breath,
“Lastly, everybody is excited about it, we were also talking about that since you were day dreaming” Jacob continued,
“We were thinking of going out, after lessons were over and hang outside, do you want to come?” Stella asked
“Yeah. No sorry I can’t” I said remembering that I promised Mary that I would meet her and we would study,
“What’s going on?” Lime asked,
“Oh, uh, nothing, lessons about to start, let’s go” I said but I knew I sounded suspicious.
My first lesson was history, Ms. Honeybee was my teacher, I liked her, and she was very kind to me.
“The legend of the werewolf is one of the most ancient and wide spread. Stories of werewolves can be found as far back as history has been written. These shape-shifter myths can be found all over the word from China to Iceland and Brazil to Haiti. The name Werewolf most likely derives from Old English wer (or were) and wolf. The first part, wer, translates as "man" (in the sense of male human, not the race of humanity). It has cognates in several Germanic languages including Gothic wair, Old High German wer and Old Norse var, as well as in other Indo-European languages, such as Latin vir, Lithuanian vyras and Welsh gwr, which have the same meaning. The second half, wolf, is the ancestor of modern English "wolf"; in some cases it also had the general meaning “beast”. An alternative etymology derives the first part from Old English weri (to wear); the full form in this case would be glossed as wearer of wolf skin” Ms. Honeybee explained.
My history lesson went well, I like my history lesson. I always learn something new about the history of werewolves or wolves in general. I looked at Stella, she was staring at me, like I did something wrong.
“What?” I asked Stella, "Nothing, I wanted to ask why you said NO" Stella replied,
“What?” I asked Stella,
“Nothing, I just wanted to ask, why can’t you come with us.” Stella replied
“I…Erm….I have a meeting with…Mary” I said as I was thinking of another excuse if she said the word why.
“Ok” Stella said which really surprised me because I was expecting her to say another question such as why are you going to meet Mary for? What happened?
Well, it wasn’t really a meeting, Mary was going to teach me some major good skills, since I was like no other werewolf, I had a target which was to save some planet and some people (Who I now know that they are my real parents), but come on, if I said all these to Stella and the others, they would treat me differently, they probably wouldn’t really want to speak to me, so I decided to keep my big mouth shut until everything was sorted out. I couldn’t concentrate with my history work, so I stared at Jacob, he was so cute but not just cute, Jacob was the hottest and the cutest guy in Werewolves Monster High. The one thing I was having trouble figuring out about him was the fact that he told me he was a werewolf but it turned out he had wings, how could he have wings when he is a werewolf, there was something fishy about that and I am going to figure it, no matter how hard it is going to be. Jacob realized that I was staring at him, so I quickly moved my head back towards my history textbook and pretend like I was reading my textbook.
“Why were you staring at me?” a familiar voice said in my mind,
“Huh?” I said as I was confused,
Who was speaking in my mind, it wasn't Light and that was the only person or thing that spoke in my mind, Stella could only read minds not speak with them.
“It's Jacob, I can speak in people's mind, and this is the one thing I like about being different” Jacob said
“No offence, but I don't think you are one of us, you have wings I saw them, you said you were going to tell me everything when the time was right and that the time was now, after that you didn't speak with me at all” I said in my mind so that only he could hear me, I stared at him for a while.
After I sent him my mind text, Jacob moved his head to the opposite direction and ignored my mind text.
“What are you doing?” Stella asked, distracting my attention from Jacob,
“Me and Jacob was mind texting” I replied,
“Huh? You did what?” Stella asked looking confused,
“Mind texting, Jacob and I spoke with each other using only our mind” I replied,
“I think you just got a new skill, you could speak to people with your mind” Stella said,
“But Jacob spoke too, so does that mean? Jacob has the skill too?”I asked Stella,
“I guess he does, you and Jacob are so special, hardly anybody gets that kind of skill” Stella said, as she gave smiled to me and then turned her head to Jacob’s direction and gave him a big smile too.
The lesson bell rang for everybody to leave the classroom and move on to their next lesson; I got up and packed my books in my bag. I saw Jacob leaving so I ran as fast as I can, somehow he was faster than a normal human being, I ran and ran until I caught up with him. I pat him on his shoulder and he turned around and pushed me away.
“What was that for?” I asked Jacob, as I was on the floor,
“Oh, it’s you. You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that” Jacob replied holding my hand so I could get back on to my feet.
“I didn’t sneak up on you, I called you but you ignored me so I ran to you and patted your shoulder and you threw me to the floor, what was that for anyway?” I asked Jacob
“Sorry I didn’t hear you, when I looked around you were a wolf, so I pushed you away, I thought you were, anyways next time before when you shape shift and sneak up on people” Jacob said and turned around to leave and I was somehow faster than he was, so I grabbed his arm.
I was surprised when he said I was a wolf, he didn’t do any shape shifting spell and I was a wolf, oh boy was this a bad thing or a good thing?
“Who did you think I was?” I asked Jacob
“Never mind, so why do you need me?” Jacob asked
“I was going to talk to you about the mind text, for about a minute before I am late to my next lesson” I said and let go of Jacob’s arm.
“I am listening, go ahead” Jacob said and looked at me with a strange expression on his face that I couldn’t figure out what it meant,
“Firstly how did we mind text, secondly why didn’t you answer my question, just these two rights now” I said and waited for him to answer the question,
“Firstly I already had the ability to speak in anybody’s mind and I wanted to know if you had it and well as you now know you do, and to do this you have to think of the person and concentrate and then say something and they would hear you, if you want them to reply they have to the same skill or they wouldn’t reply, we both have the ability, so that’s how we spoke in each other’s mind, well secondly I told you I would tell you when the time is right, anything else” Jacob said,
“No,” I said
“Then you must go back to your lesson, you are already late,” Jacob said
“How about you?” I asked Jacob
“I do not have a lesson now” Jacob said,
“But, its second lesson, every student has a lesson,” I explained to Jacob who was totally ignoring my speech,
“So, I don’t have a lesson either” I said,
“Oh, I don’t think so, you have a lesson and I am going to drop you off” Jacob said
“Oh, come on,” I said and stood still,
“Fine, what do you want to do?” Jacob asked me, with a smile on his face,
“I want to have a fun time, what do you want to do?” I asked Jacob
“Let's have fun,” Jacob said and pulled my hand as he ran along the corridor,
I was running with him, where was he going to take me, I thought of a lot of places like, he was going to take me out to watch a movie at the cinemas, he was going to take me out to a cafe, he was going to take me to the beach or whatever.
“Where are we going?” I asked as we headed outside,
“Surprise” Jacob replied
“Come on; tell me” I said excitedly
“But if I tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise would it” Jacob said, he put his arm around my waist and held me very tight.
We walked for a while and then we stopped at this amazing place, I have never seen this place before.
“Where are we?” I asked Jacob happily
“We are on the clouds, I am going to tell you who I am” Jacob said and pulled me closer to him,
“I am listening to you, who are you?” I asked Jacob
“I am your guardian angel, every wolf has an angel and I am yours” Jacob said and moved backwards,
Jacob walked backwards, he was more than five centimeters away from me, I stretched his arm and closed his eyes, and he unfolded his beautiful white fluffy wings and then hesitantly opened his eyes and looked at me,
“What do you think?” Jacob asked
“Oh My Gosh, it's pretty, more like beautiful” I replied moving towards Jacob.
There was a long twenty minutes silence, I stared at his wings, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was beautiful and amazing.
“Are you serious” Jacob asked by breaking the silence,
“Yeah, I am being honest with you” I replied still staring at his wings,
“Are you mad at me?” Jacob asked looking at his wings and then back to me,
“A little bit, you lied to me, why wouldn’t you tell me this before” I said and looked up at his face,
“I know, I am so sorry” Jacob replied,
“On second thought, I think I should get back to my lesson” I said and got ready to leave.
“Huh? Ok, do you want me to drop you off?” Jacob asked,
“No! Thanks for asking but I want to go alone, I don’t want the teachers thinking I am skipping lessons with a boy” I replied and gave him a quick short smile and walked away,
I walked towards my school, I walked for a while and then I got to the beach which was next to the campus, when I got to the school entrance, I had a feeling that somebody was following me but when I turned around there was nobody there. The next thing I remember is that I was attacked by a group of people, I knew this because I saw their shadows, just black plain shadows, and the shadows grabbed a thick sack and threw it over my head. I felt dizzy, I was standing still but the floors were moving, I fell on the floor with the sack bag on my head, the sack bag smelled of sweet jasmine. After that I do not remember anything. I opened my eyes and found myself tied up on a wooden chair, I looked around to see where I am but the place was unfamiliar. What on earth was going on? How did I end up here? The only thing I remember was the conversation with Jacob and then the attack, I started to be suspicious if he had anything to do with it.
“I don’t think so” I whispered to myself,
“Finally you are awake” a voice said,
“Whoa?” I said and looked around to see who was speaking, the voice was familiar and I knew exactly who it is but I played the “I don’t know” game.
“Hello Alex,” the voice said, I heard his footsteps walking towards me,
“Who are you? What are you going to do to me?” I asked the voice, my voice came out all shaky.
“You know who I am and don’t worry I won’t hurt you” Ray Black said and grabbed my face with his hand,
“I am not afraid of you and I know you won’t hurt me because you don’t have the guts” I said and pulled my face away from his hand, my long wavy hair was all over my face.
“Oh, is it?” Ray Black asked and gave me a evil smile,
“What do you want from me?” I asked Ray Black,
“You would soon find out” Ray Black replied,
“Let me, what do you want, please” I said as I was trying to open the ropes, I was tied on.
“After I am finish with you, you could go wherever you want” Ray Black said and turned around and left the room.
What was I going to do? He was thinking of doing something bad but what could it be? How was I involved in it? Oh My God, I had a brief idea of he was planning to do with me and Jacob was involved. I need a way to call him here; I moved my tied hand left and right and repeated this quickly, over and over again. I finally freed my tied hands and got to work before Ray Black came back in. I remembered what happened in my lesson, it hit me like a thunder lightening. Jacob and I mind texted, I checked my mobile phone which was in my pocket, Ray Black forgot to get it, I looked at the time, it was two o’clock in the morning, I checked my phone for any reception but there was only half a bar, I couldn’t really use my mobile phone at the moment. I thought of Jacob, I heard the door knob twist so I threw my mobile phone back into my pocket and ran towards the door, to be honest I was panicking so I couldn’t really concentrate on anything. I grabbed a piece of thick stick which was made out of wood and stood still behind the door.
“Alex,” I heard Ray Black say,
I held the wooden stick very tight and aimed it towards the door, I door knob moved again but this time the door opened and I hit him, he mumbled some bad words and then shouted for his friends to come in, Ray Black was on the floor, he touched his head and looked at his hand, there was a patch of blood on it, he looked at me and tried to get back to his feet but he lost his balance and fell back to the floor. Ray Black looked at me and then his friends came in and looked at Ray Black and then they looked at me, I jumped towards the door and ran outside, I saw a boy and a girl running behind me, they were Ray Black’s friend, I ran and ran without looking where I am going. I ran into a tunnel, there was a label that said DEAD END, I didn’t read it, I just ran and ran until I was on the other end of the tunnel. I stopped and looked around, there was no escape, I was trapped, I heard footsteps, I started to panic, I looked around to find a distraction, I saw some empty barrels and rolled them towards the footsteps, I heard the boy shout, his voice was echoed, the barrel didn’t hit the girl, I was getting ready to roll the next empty barrel but somebody held my arm and I felt a shock of electric and I was down, they were one and I was zero.
When I opened eyes again, I looked around, my head was on somebody’s shoulder, I looked at their face, but I couldn’t really see anything because they were covered in black from head to toe. My gut was shouting at me and telling me to wake up and get out of here, I tried to move but there was another person on the other side of me.
“Stay still and you won’t get hurt” a unfamiliar voice said
“Where are you taking me?” I asked the unfamiliar voice
“No asking questions” the unfamiliar voice said,
I was automatically quiet, something about his voice made my voice disappear. I looked outside, the sun was just rising.
“Call Jacob by mind texting” a voice in my mind said
“Huh?” I replied in my mind
“Mind text Jacob, its light” light said, his voice was scared,
“Oh I am so glad I heard your voice” I said in my mind,
“Call him” Light said and I did what he told me to do, I closed my eyes and called Jacob,
I thought of Jacob and how much I needed him, if he was here right now, he would save me.
“Jacob…help me please… Jacob help me……I need to….its dark and cold…I… trapped” I stopped mind texting him,
I was rudely interrupted when the person who was sitting on my right, pulled my arm and told me to get out of the car, slowly. All of a sudden I felt restless, I stepped out of the car and then I closed my eyes. I felt a very tight hand over my shoulder and waist, the hand was very gentle. It was like I was floating on a feather. I heard people shouting and talking, some of the voices were familiar but some of them were unfamiliar. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't open. I could hear them argue and fight but I couldn't open my eyes, I could feel them around me, each time they moved I felt the wind but I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn’t even speak, the words I thought about disappeared. What was going on? Who was holding me? Was Jacob here? Or Was I dreaming all this? But to be honest when a person dreams, they see everything but at the moment I only felt things and heard the word but they were all jumbled up, I couldn’t really put the words together in my mind to make sense. After a while I tried to open my eyes but at first I could only open my eye halfway but then I tried to open my eye fully again, the second time I tried to open my eyes, I managed to open them fully. The first thing I heard and saw was Sky jumping up and down and also barking, he sure was in a good mood.
“I Have not seen you in a while” I said to sky and pat his head,
“Woof” Sky barked and wiggled his tail,
“Where am I? What happened to me? How did I get here? How long have I been here?" I asked looking around,
“Calm down with the questions” Jacob replied smiling at me
“You have to rest, visiting hours are over, plus Alex needs to rest” Edna said
“Ok, we would come back later” Jacob said and the girls agreed,
“Could Sky stay with me, please?” I asked Edna politely,
“Of course, but no barking loudly, please” Edna replied and patted Sky's head,
“Woof” Sky barked quietly and jumped on my bed and made himself comfortable on my pillow.
Sky licked my face a few times and I giggled and he barked again.
“Hey Sky, I wonder how I got here?” I whispered so Edna wouldn't hear me, she was a few feet away from my bed.
Sky gave me a quiet moan and then licks my palm, it tickled a little, I started to giggle harder. Edna turned around, so I quickly closed my eyes, hoping she wouldn't complain. I heard the door close, so I opened my eyes and looked at Sky, I stretched my hand and turned my palm upwards and then Sky stretched his paw on top of my palm, I touched his paw, all of a sudden I saw these crazy strange images of Jacob, Sky, Ray Black and the girls. I moved pulled my hand away and the images disappeared, I touched Sky's paw again and the images came back, I tried to study them, they were in groups, Jacob, Sky and the girls in one bunch, Ray Black and a few unfamiliar people in another bunch. I looked confused, what was going on? What did this mean? Sky looked at me with his sad puppy eyes.
“What did those images mean?” I whispered to Sky,
“Woof Woof” Sky barked and pulled his paw away from me.
“I have to figure this out, and would you please help me?” I asked Sky,
“Woof” Sky barked with a puppy smile,
“Thanks, good night” I said and hugged Sky tightly and then I let go of him and we both closed our eyes.
Sky is literately the best and smart puppy on earth. Ever since I got him, I felt very special and I still feel special. the reason why I feel special is because I am, last month or something I found out that I am a wolf and that the person I lived with is not my mother and that I am training to be a perfect wolf so that I could rescue some planet and some people who apparently are my real parents. I have to admit that I do not have a perfect life but I do have perfect friends, a perfect little puppy and a great boy friend, I think my life is perfect but I do have ups and downs but with my friends and my smart little puppy, I would solve anything when they are by my side. I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep. I found myself outside in the middle of nowhere, the place was plain black, and I couldn't see anything.
“Where am I?” I asked wondering where I was,
“Alex, darling you forgot about me didn't you, it is your mother” I heard my mother say,
“Mummy, where are you?” I asked the mid air,
“What kind of a daughter are you? You don't even visit your mother” a very familiar voice says and laughs, his laugh sounds very evil, worse than a witch, which made me very uncomfortable.
“Who are you?” I shouted at the top of my voice, my voice came out less shaky than my body.
“Don't worry who I am, just give your powers to me” the familiar voice said and stretched his hand,
Chapter Six
I woke up, my whole body was sweating, Nightmares again. I had to stop these nightmares for good because these nightmares are driving me crazy. Which reminds me I didn't attend to my meeting with Mary, I had to see Mary in the morning before school started. I stood still closed my eyes and held in a deep breath, the robot shaped man appeared in front of me, stretching his hand towards me, this time he was glowing in pure blood red colour, I opened my eyes and let the air I was holding out, this took another two deep breathes but this time I didn’t close my eyes so I wouldn’t see him again. I grabbed my alarm clock and set it to six forty-five in the morning, this means I would have extra time to get dress and have more time to think and eat my breakfast, I would leave the canteen twenty or twenty five minutes before my first lesson starts. I closed my eyes but I was scared that I was going to fall asleep and see that nightmare again; it was only one o'clock in the morning so I didn't have much time for the sun rise. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep so I just closed my eyes and told my mind to relax and think of something good. After a short moment of thinking, I had all sorts of good useful memory to remember, the one that made me really happy was a memory of my mother and me, we were washing the dishes, after we washed the dishes, there was some dish washing fairy soap left so me and my mother started splashing it to each other. the whole kitchen was wet, the tiled floors has puddles of wet, soapy water, there was water on the big kitchen window, there was splashes of water on the wall, my mother and I both looked around and started drying the kitchen before the water left stain. I dried the tiled floors and tiled walls, my mother dried the windows, after we were finished, and my mother poured water into the kettle and took out two mugs.
“We did a good job darling, we both deserve a cup of tea, sweetie why don’t you get the milk out of the fridge please” my mother said,
I took out the milk and put it on top of the counter where my mother was standing, the kettle popped which told us that the water is boiled.
“Mummy do you want biscuit?” I asked her
“Sure, you get them ready and bring them into the sitting room sweetie” my mother replied,
My mother went into the sitting room while I got the biscuit tin, I took out a plate and poured the biscuit in it, I mostly got milk chocolate biscuit my favorite. I walked into the sitting down, my mother was sitting down, waiting for me, I sat down next to my mother and put the plate on top of the coffee table my mother placed in front of her, she grabbed a furry, soft blanket and wrapped it around me, we started drinking our tea and eating the milk chocolate biscuit and plain biscuit I brought in. We started to laugh, and remembered what happened in the kitchen, we had a great time. I sip my tea and close my eyes, when I open my eyes, I find myself in reality. I stretched my arm and hit the alarm clack to check what time it was. Oh my goodness, I have been day dreaming throughout the night, it almost time for the alarm to go On, Stella was still asleep, I didn't even hear her walk in last night. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to wash my face, I washed my face with warm water and then walked back into my room and took out my tooth brush, tooth paste, my navy blue skinny jeans and a white thin vest shaped t-shirt. I walked back into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth slowly, after I brushed my teeth, I wore my t-shirt without messing up my hair, I wore my dark navy blue skinny jeans and came back into the room, Stella was waking up, I took out my light pink lip gloss from my bag and applied two layers of lip gloss on top of my top and bottom lips.
“Alex?” Stella said staring at me,
“It's me, sorry, did I wake you up?” I asked Stella,
“No but why are you up, so early?” Stella replied,
“I only woke up five minutes before my usual time” I lied to Stella,
“Good for you” Stella said and smiled as she got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to get ready,
I packed my books and put them into my bag, I wore my black knee high boots and waited for Stella. After about ten minutes, Stella got ready and we left the room and walked towards the canteen. I heard sky barking behind me, so I bent down and grabbed him; I stood back up and continued to walk with Stella. The weather outside was warm, I was wearing my dark navy blue jeans with my grey vest shaped t-shirt and my black boots, I am not really sure of the actual name. We got to the canteen door, Stella was talking about East Enders, to be honest I wasn't even listening to her, I was too busy focusing on what I was going to say to Mary and how the training is going to go.
“Alex, what do you want to eat for breakfast today?” Jacob asked, his voice appeared from nowhere,
“Huh?” I said,
“Breakfast? Earth to Alex, Alex to earth,” Jacob said waving his hand in front of me.
“Oh, cereal and a can of coke” I said
“Huh, you want coke for breakfast?” Stella asked
“Yeah, it's one of those mornings when you want a can of coke” I replied.
“Oh, Ok" Jacob said and walked towards the canteen queue and saving me a space,
“Thanks, what are you getting?” I asked,
“Cereal too” Jacob replied and gave me a small smiled.
“Awesome” I said
It was my turn to order my breakfast, I ordered my favorite cereal, which was chocolate flavored coco pops, I grabbed my bowl of cereal and walked towards the drink section at the canteen, I grabbed a can of coke and continued to walk towards the usual table that me and my friends sit. Stella was right behind me, she got herself a cheese and salad sandwich and a cup of orange juice, Lime got herself the same cereal and a cup of apple juice, Daisy got cheese and toast with a cup of orange and Jacob got the same cereal as mine with an orange juice. As soon as we all sat down at our table, we started eating our breakfast and started drinking our drinks. I eat my breakfast quickly, while the others were taking their time talking and eating slowly. I finished my cereal and drank my can of coke.
“Hey guys, I have to see speak to Mary, she told me to come and see her” I said and got up,
“Uh oh, do you want me to come?” Jacob asked,
“Sorry, she wanted to speak to me alone, so sorry again” I replied
“Oh, alright, see you at lesson” Jacob said and Stella and the girls nodded in an agreement.
I left the canteen and started walking towards Mary’s office, I thought she might be at the staff room, but I had a feeling that she would be in her office alone, I got to Mary’s office and knocked on the door and waited for a response.
“Come on in” Mary shouted in her kind teacher voice,
I pushed the door open and saw Mary sitting at her desk, flipping through some documents. The feeling I had about Mary being in her room was correct.
“Mary, are you busy?” I asked Mary politely
“Of course not, just sorting out old documents, how could I help you Alex?” Mary replied, moving the piled paper away.
“I am going to speak to you about my training lessons and why I couldn’t make it last time, I am very sorry” I said
“Take a seat” Mary said pointing at a seat opposite her desk,
“Thank you” I said and sat down where Mary was pointing,
As soon as I sat explaining what had happened and why I couldn’t come, I explained to her the nightmares I always see when I try to sleep which makes me very crazy. While I was telling her all of this, the look on Mary’s eye automatically changed into a shock and panic,
“Oh my God, what has happened to you, ok I would try my very best to help you on what I can, you have to go to history and I would tell your history teacher why you were late” Mary said
“Excuse me Mary, I was wondering if we could started the lesson now, I promise you I would catch up with my history lesson, please could I do it like this, in my nightmares were like real visions, I know this sound creepy but I think I have the power of visions and this nightmare I see while I am sleeping seems more like a vision. If I don’t train on time, I am scared he is going to take away my powers and completely destroy that planet, he attacked” I said without stopping,
“Firstly take a few deep breathes, secondly calm down and thirdly I would speak with your teacher and make sure she agrees with me that you skip this lesson, hold on and I would make a phone call” Mary said and got up from her seat and walked towards the telephone which was on top of the reception desk.
Speaking about my nightmares and visions to somebody else, really creped me out. I am not one of those ‘I want attention’ girls which speak about these types of things to get attention but of course they are mainly untrue. I would not really tell Mary all this, I would of sorted it myself but the last two nightmares I had were about the robot shaped man threatening me that he was going to get my powers, which really scared me, if a stranger stopped me in the middle of the road and told me that I had some wolf powers and a robot shaped man was after my powers, the only thing that I would do then was probably be rude and laugh into their face, and when I was finished laughing I would tell the stranger that they have got some issues and that they have to see their doctors. Mary ended the phone call with my history teacher Ms. Honeybee and walked towards her chair and sat down.
“Alex, I got Ms. Honeybee’s permission for you but she wants to see you later on today whenever you are free,” Mary said,
"OK, thank you very much, I would see her before dinner" I said and gave Mary a big smile.
“Good, let us start the training and before we start the training do you need anything?” Mary asked me,
“No, I don’t think so” I replied and got up and walked towards Mary,
“Ok, firstly I have to teach you the rules and how to use your powers, you just mention that you have the power of visions, can you remember when this first happened?” Mary asked, she was wearing a long black dress, I didn’t realize this until she made me concentrate on the question she was asking me.
“I am not really sure, but I thinking I started seeing visions after I saw my first nightmare and then I came to you, after that nothing happened and then last night I saw the same nightmare thing but the only difference was that this nightmare happened when I closed my eyes and held in a deep breath, as I was thinking of releasing the air, I saw that robot shaped man again, he was stretching his hand towards me and that’s when I opened my eyes and let out the air I was holding inside me out. I took out a writing note book and a pen and waited for Mary to start.
“Ok, first rule: you should never tell a mortal that you are a wolf, second rule: never expose the other wolves to the mortals. Third rule: when you are casting a spell, you should always focus. So far these rules would be alright.” Mary said,
“Great” I said as I was writing down the rules into my note book,
“Now, I would like to teach you how you can shape shift into a wolf, you might of learned this in shape shifting class but as I am your trainer, I would like to teach everything from the beginning to the end. You are a very special wolf with the power of vision. Are you ready Alex?” Mary asked
“Yes I am ready” I said in a serious voice,
“I know this is going to sound strange but I have to ask you, do you trust me?” Mary asked me
“yes I do trust you” I said, this was not a lie, I somehow did trust Mary, she was very kind and friendly to me, she was like a big sister, a mother to me.
“Good, I need you to go over there by the door, concentrate and focus in your inner wolf” Mary said and I what she told me to do.
I was behind the door, where Mary told me go, I stood still concentrating on my inner wolf.
“Did you ever see yourself as a wolf before?” Mary asked me,
“No” I said simply
“Ok, today you would see yourself as a wolf from the mirror, once you shape shift, I would bring out the mirror and you would see yourself” Mary said and walked a few centimeters backwards, so I could have enough space to shape shift.


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