
The Day My Dad Left're really reading this book. I didn't think you would. Well, I guess I better start from the beginning. It all started when I was 2 years old.


My mother and Father were fighting again. I was in the living room holding my teddy bear Mr. Snuggles. My Mom walks in the room and past me into her bedroom. My Dad walked after her yelling. She came out of the room with my Dad's cloths. She opened the front door and threw them out. My Father begged my Mother to forgive him but she threw him out and closed the door in his face. At the time I didn't know what was going on but now I understand. I remember seeing my Mother cry alone in her room, screaming cuss words at my Father who wasn't there anymore. I remember waking up to her and trying to make her feel better. She stopped screaming after a while as she hugged me, crying her eyes out.


Uncle Tom

I was 5 or 6 years old when my uncle started hanging out. He wasn't too bad all though he was a bit clingy. My Mother would smile every time he came over, it wasn't the same smile she smiled when I was smaller though. Soon after my Mom told me she and my uncle were going out and could possibly get married. I didn't really know what that meant but I kept thinking about one thing. "What about Daddy?"


I guess I better give my uncle a name. I guess we will call him Tom since he is a peeping tom....We will get to that part later. Tom was a kind guy. He never yelled or raised his hand at me. He was pretty fun to be around. He didn't drink but he did smoke a lot, though I didn't think it was bad. I remember one time though he showed his real self but only for a little while. He was sitting on the sofa with a glass of tea in his hand, watching T.V. I ran over to him in a cute pink dress and yelled. "Look Tom! Look! I got a new dress today!"


He smiled and set down his tea as he looked at me with his brown eyes. "Eh, I don't think that dress fits you well. I think it's too big for you."

I looked at him confused. "But I think it fits nicely. I isn't to tight as my other clothes."

"Ah, but that's the thing." He got up and walked behind me, grabbing the zipper on the back of my dress. "It's loose in the back and it doesn't fit your shape well." As he started to unzip my dress my Mom walked in.


"Ok Rose! It's time for bed." She looked over at Tom and a look of fear came over her but it went away as fast as it came. "Tom, could you help me with the dishes?"

He smiled and zipped up my dress. "Sure sweety, just let me fix her dress. It's a bit too big for her." He made a big act of fixing up my dress. After my Mom walked me to my room and whispered in my ear. "Don't let him do that anymore. Ok Katherine?" She never used my middle name unless she meant it. I nodded my head. "Ok Mom." She smiled and sang me to sleep.



A year later after Tom came into my life, my Mother got married to him. I was really happy at first but I wanted my Dad more than anything. It was a small wedding, nobody really came. My Grandmother, Cousins, and many other family members came but my Father never did. I was wearing a cute white dress with pink flowers on it. It was one of my favorite dresses until June 31....


I just turned 8 years old when Tom came into my room to get me ready for bed. My Mother was behind him wearing her makeup as always. She looked guilty about something as well as sad. I didn't understand why she looked at me like that until it happened. Tom closed the door behind him and locked it.

He smiled a smile i've never seen him smile before. "Rose dear, how about we play a game?"

I looked at him a bit nervous. "What kind of game?"

"It's where you let me do whatever I want to you and I give you a prize!" He smiled that scary smile again as he sat beside me on my bed.

I moved away from him. "No, I'll be ok Tom. I'm really sleepy right now. I hope you understand...." I looked at him a bit scared now.

He shoved me on the bed and chuckled a bit. "But I want to play! It might hurt in the beginning but you will get used to it!" 

I started to scream but he covered my mouth with his hand. He undid his pants and took them off. I kicked and screamed! I started crying, yelling for my Mother but, nobody came. I kept on screaming! I started crying for my Father, for anyone to help me but I was alone with him. No one could save me but myself. He took it out and shoved it in me.....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2020

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This is a true story. I didn't change the main charters name but I did change everyone else. thank you for all for everything Rosalee. I will love you with all my heart. stay awesome everyone!

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