

I do not own anything in this book! The pics and stories all belong to their rightful owners! I hope you enjoy these stories and stay awesome! Also please do not judge me too hard for being slow and all my mistakes. With school and not having Wi-Fi all the time I'm going to be a bit slow but I do write my stories in a doc and put the Chapters in my books. Thank you for reading and again stay awesome!

BEN Drowned


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I see you have come here to find out the real truth of how I got like this, am I correct?

Well here is my story. My name was…

Can’t believe I’m about to say my true name even though the last name reminds me of my damn dad!

I’m sorry, did I scare you? I’m sorry. I tend to get like that whenever someone wants to hear my story. Anyway, my name was Benjamin Blake. I was just a normal kid with a perfect family.

It all started way before I was “drowned” and before my dad lost his job. I love to play Legend of Zelda games. The characters in that game were like friends to me since I couldn’t make any friends for some reason. People wouldn’t come near our house cause every time my dad lost a job, he sometimes takes his damn anger out at us and most of the time, he would beat me up and wishing that I was born a girl and not a boy. The job that he had currently paid him a lot.

While I like to stay in my room and play my games, I already have my future planned out. When I grew up, I wanted to be a video game creator.

One day, my little sister, Molly, disappeared. Both of my parents were upset wanting her to come back home. Then my mom got very sick so she had to stay in bed to get better.

When my dad came home, he was drunk again cause he lost another job. So he came up to my room opening the door. I was playing the new game Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. I was almost done with it yet my dad grabbed my left arm saying that were gonna go for a walk so I put the game on pause and went with him.

After walking for an hour, we came up to a lake. There were men there dressed in dark cloaks, I couldn’t see their faces. I got both confused and scared. I wanted to run away but my dad grabbed my arms and held me under water saying that I have met with a terrible fate. I opened my mouth to let the bubbles out which was a huge mistake cause the water went into my mouth then into my lungs causing them to start burning my eyes and they popped out of my head.

After I stopped breathing and sank to the bottom of the lake, I heard chanting. When I woke up, my soul was trapped in the game I had on pause. I couldn’t get out. My eye socket was pitch black with red pupils blood pouring out where my eyes used to be.

I looked around, noticing that I was wearing Link’s outfit but I was different. I moved my head around my body to check for any scars until I flinched badly feeling three sixes on the top part of my back. I tried to get out but failed.

So now, whenever you play the game, if you drown the character or delete the file Ben, I hope you are prepared to see me coming out of the game and pulling you into the water drowning you. After you die, I will take your heart out of your chest and eat it right in front of your dead corpse for all eternity. You will always remember my eyes that will forever haunt your soul.


Jeff The Killer

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Jeff started out as a normal suburban teenager, living with his Mother Margaret, Father Peter and Brother Liu.

At some point in Jeff's life when he reached the age of 13, he and his family moved into a new neighborhood after his father got a promotion. Jeff and his brother were happy about the idea. Not long after settling into the neighborhood, Jeff obtains an odd feeling in his mind, but does not think too much of it.

A day later Jeff and Liu go to a bus stop void of people, while waiting for the school bus three kids named Randy, Troy and Keith approach the brothers and mug them at knife point, taking Liu's wallet in the process, Jeff gets the feeling in his head again and gets into a fight with the three bullies, incapacitating all three of them, shocking Liu. Jeff and Liu leave the scene after the school bus nears in and go to school, believing they are in the clear.

The next morning however, police arrive at Jeff's house and both Jeff and Liu are accused of attacking the trio with no apparent motivation, even after Jeff tries to explain that they were being mugged, the police don't believe him. Jeff rightly takes the blame for the whole thing and is about to be taken away by the police to a Correctional Facility for a whole year, but Liu steps in with a knife in hand and takes the blame for the whole incident, showing cuts and bruises on his arm to prove it, Liu is then taken away in Jeff's place, leaving Jeff into a depression.

After 2 days, Jeff becomes more and more debilitated with guilt and loneliness. However on a Saturday morning, Jeff's mother insists that he goes to a neighbors birthday party as she believes it will make him happy. Jeff reluctantly goes to the party, which shortly takes his mind off of Liu, making him feel slightly better. However things take a turn for the worse when Randy, Troy & Keith track Jeff at the party and confront him, with anger in their eyes showing that they are wanting an obvious fight, Jeff tries to reason with Randy believing that the odds are even between the two as he got to beat them and they got his brother sent to the Juvenile Detention Center, but Randy dismisses this as he claims "I don’t go for even, I go for winning".

Randy then proceeds to brutally attack Jeff whilst Troy and Keith hold the parents and children at gunpoint to prevent them from stopping the fight, during the fight Randy smashes a bottle of Vodka over Jeff's head, drenching him in alcohol. After Randy incapacitates Jeff, he constantly yells at Jeff to fight back, but after struggling to stand, Randy finally insults Jeff, telling him that Liu will rot in prison and that he should be ashamed of himself that he won't do anything about it.

This infuriates Jeff to stand up and knock Randy to the ground, striking a vicious punch to Randy's chest, causing Arrhythmia to his heart, which results in his death. Troy and Keith, enraged by Randy's death, begin to shoot Jeff with their guns, they fail to hit him. After the two run out of ammunition, Jeff lures them to the bathroom where he mortally wounds them.

During the struggle with Keith, a tub of bleach drenches Jeff, and so Keith takes this opportunity to set Jeff on fire by throwing his lighter at him. With the combination of alcohol and bleach drenched on Jeff, it sets him ablaze, making it practically impossible for him to put out the flames himself, Jeff then falls down the stairs of the house and passes out as the flames engulf him.

Jeff wakes up in a hospital room with bandages covering his face and body and is informed by his mother that Liu is being released from jail after witnesses overheard Randy mention that he was responsible for getting Liu in prison. Several weeks later, Jeff's bandages are removed, revealing his face to be deformed, Jeff takes a liking to his face, and when his family notices the behavior, the doctors mistakenly assure them that it is a result of the painkillers.

When taken home that day, during the night, Jeff's mother wakes up to find Jeff in the bathroom burning out his own eyelids and carving a Glasgow smile up to his cheeks, she realizes that Jeff has gone insane and knows he needs to be killed, when informing Jeff's father, Jeff overhears this and proceeds to butcher his parents. Liu wakes up from the noise and tries to avoid it by trying to go back to sleep, however, Jeff creeps into the room and tells Liu to "Go To Sleep", before plunging the knife into his chest, Liu's fate is then left uncertain.

Jeff then goes on a serial killing rampage, killing those who refuse to sleep at night, Jeff becomes infamously known as the "Ominous Unknown Killer".



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Sally was a young happy 12-year-old girl living with her parents in a small town. One day, Sally's uncle, Johnny, came to her home and befriended Sally at first. After tucking Sally in bed, Johnny raped Sally and told her not to tell anyone what he did since it was only a "game".

Sally stayed quiet about this as this sexual abuse went on, and one day, when Sally's mother and Sally were alone, Sally bursts into tears and tries to tell her mother what happened by saying, "I didn't want to play his game." Her mother didn't understand and just excused her crying as a bad dream.

Johnny then overheard Sally's mother telling Sally's father about what Sally had just told her. Burning with rage, Johnny then told Sally's mother that he was heading to the store and was taking Sally with him, since she allegedly wanted to go too.

Johnny with Sally in his car then traveled to the park instead of the market. He pinned Sally to the ground, beat her up, and raped her again before smashing her head with a rock killing her and leaving her dead on the grass. Sally came back as a poltergeist, and after scaring her uncle to death in his jail cell, she stays back in her old house, playing with the kids and scaring the older people.  


Laughing Jack

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It’s Christmas Eve in snowy 1800’s London, England, and in a small house at the edge of town, there lived a lonely, 7-year-old boy named Isaac. Isaac was a sad child with not a friend to his name. While most children were spending time with their families and eagerly looking forward to opening the presents that were placed with care beneath a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, little Isaac spent this most holy of nights alone, in his cold, dusty attic room. Isaac’s parents were very poor, his mother was a strict crow of a woman who stayed at home and schooled Isaac. His father worked long hours down at the London harbour to support his family, although a large portion of his earnings went toward purchasing and consuming copious amounts of alcohol at the end of his shift. Sometimes, he would come home drunk, after being thrown out of every bar in London, and shout at his beloved wife, Isaac’s mother.

Occasionally, it would escalate to violence and he would beat her savagely, then when he was done, he’d force himself upon her in a drunken, sexual rage. As it so happens, this particular night was one of those occasions. Isaac just remained quiet, quivering beneath his soiled bed sheets until the screams and loud bangs subsided. Once poor frightened Isaac was finally able to fall asleep, he’d dream of what it would be like to have a friend to play with, so maybe he could laugh and be happy like the other children of London. Luckily for little Isaac, this Christmas Eve marked a big change, when his abysmal loneliness caught the attention of a guardian angel, who then crafted a very special gift for the sad little London boy.

As the sun rose on that Christmas morning, Isaac opened his eyes to find a strange wooden box sitting at the foot of his bed. With eyes widened in awe, he stared at the colorful, hand crafted box, wondering who had left it. He was not used to receiving gifts, especially toys. What little toys Isaac did have were ones he’d found abandoned in the street or washed up in the gutters. Isaac scooted up to the foot of his bed in front of the mysterious box and picked it up with both hands. The box was beautifully painted in colorful styles, with carvings of happy clown faces on the side. There was a tag on the box that simply read “For Isaac.” On the top of the box was an engraved text.

Isaac squinted his eyes as he sounded out the words, “L-laugh-ing-J-Jack-in-a-b-box…” he paused, “…Laughing Jack-in-a-box?” Isaac had heard of a Jack-in-a-box, but never a Laughing Jack-in-a-box. His mind spun with curiosity as he grasped the box’s metal crank. Isaac tuned the crank and the song Pop Goes The Weasel chimed in rhythm with the crank’s gyrations. As the song came to its climax, Isaac sang along with the final verse, “Pop goes the weasel,” but nothing happened. Isaac let out a sigh, “It’s broken…” He placed the box back down on the edge of the bed, and shuffled across his small dusty room to his dresser where he changed out of his soiled sleepwear and into his usual tattered clothes.

Suddenly, Isaac heard a loud rattling noise coming from the bed behind him. He spun around to witness the wooden box violently shaking. Then, without warning, the top of the box swung open and a parade of colorful smoke and confetti bellowed out. Isaac rubbed his eyes in disbelief of what he was seeing. As the smoke cleared, there stood a tall, thin, multicolored clown man, with bright red hair, a swirly, rainbow colored cone nose, and feathery shoulders that sat atop his raggedy and colorful clown outfit.

The Technicolor clown spread his arms and excitedly announced, “COME ONE, COME ALL! WHETHER BIG OR SMALL! TO SEE THE BEST CLOWN OF THEM ALL!! The one, the only, LAUGHING JACK-IN-A-BOX!!!”

Isaac’s eyes lit up, “W-Who are you?” he asked.

The colorful carnie stepped down off the bed and with a happy grin said, “I’m glad you asked! I am Laughing Jack, your new friend FOR LIFE! I’m magical, I never get tired of playing, I’m a wiz at the accordion, and I adapt and develop with your own changing personality… In other words, whatever you like, I like!”

Isaac looked up at the mysterious clown man, “W-we’re friends?” he stuttered.

Jack looked at the boy while cocking an eyebrow, “FRIENDS? We’re BEST friends! I was specially created to be YOUR not-so-imaginary friend, Isaac.”

Isaac’s jaw dropped, “You know my name?”

Jack let out a whimsical laugh, “Of course I know your name! I know everything about you! So, now that the introductions are out of the way… How would you like to play a game of I Spy?”

Isaac grinned from ear to ear, “REALLY? We can play games? I’d LOVE to! I-… Oh…”

He paused, “I-I can't… I have to go downstairs to see my mother for homeschooling and chores…” his smile faded into a look of disappointment.

Jack placed his hand on Isaac’s shoulder and with a warm smile said, “It’s okay! I’ll be waiting right here for you when you get back.” Isaac’s smile returned as he looked up at his new friend. Just then, he heard his mother’s shrill voice calling him from downstairs.

“Well I gotta go! I’ll see you after I’m done, okay Jack?” He said as he headed toward the door.

Jack smiled, “Absolutely kido! Oh, and Isaac!”

Isaac looked back at Jack, who gave him a wink and said, “You should wear that smile more often. It suits you.”

Isaac grinned happily as he turned and walked out the door.

All day Isaac told his mother about the amazing colorful clown man who came out of a magical box that appeared on the foot of his bed. His mother, however, did not believe a word of it. Finally, he persuaded his mother to follow him up to his room so she could behold Laughing Jack for herself. They walked up the stairs and Isaac swung open the door to his room.

“See mother? He’s right he-…” Isaac paused as he scanned the room that contained neither magical dancing clown man, nor mysterious wooden box. Isaac’s mother was not amused. She gave Isaac a glare so menacing it made his knees weak and his stomach sick.

“B-but mother… he was-“ SMACK! Isaac’s mother delivered onto him a swift, hard smack across his face. His eyes began to tear up, and his lip began to quiver as he could feel himself about to break down.

“YOU STUPID INSOLENT CHILD! How DARE you lie to me about such childish idiocy! Who would want to be friends with a useless worm such as you?! You shall remain in your room for the rest of the evening, and shall receive no dinner… Now what do you say you ungrateful wretch?”

Isaac managed to swallow the knot in his throat in order mutter a reply, “T-thank you m’am.” His mother glared down at him for a moment before leaving the room in disgust.

Isaac kneeled over, burying his face in the side of his bed. Streams of tears ran down his cheeks as he began to weep. “What’s wrong kiddo?” a voice called out. Isaac looked over to the edge of the bed, where Laughing Jack was now suddenly sitting beside him.

“Wh-where were you?” Isaac murmured.

Jack ran his hand through Isaac’s hair to comfort him as he softly replied, “I was hiding… I can’t let your parents see me… Otherwise they won’t let us play anymore.” Isaac wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Look kido, I’m sorry I had to hide, but I’ll make it up to you! Because tonight we can play games and have tons of fun!” Jack said, smiling.

Isaac looked up at his vibrant pal and silently nodded, as a little smile began to form in the corners of his mouth. That night, Laughing Jack and Isaac played so many fun games. With a wave of his hand, Jack made all of Isaac’s tin solders spring to life and march around the room. Isaac was amazed as he watched his toys move around the room on their own. Then, Laughing Jack and Isaac told each other spooky ghost stories. Isaac asked Jack if he was a ghost, but Jack explained that he was more of a cosmic entity, of sorts. At the end of the night, Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out an assortment of delicious candy. Isaac was in ecstasy when he popped the first colorful treat in his mouth, as it was his first time tasting something so sweet. Isaac had so much fun and laughed so hard that night that things seemed to be finally looking up for little Isaac… At least, until the incident that occurred three months later…

It was pleasantly warm and sunny in London that day, which was a bit of a rarity. So, with the help of a certain not-so-imaginary friend, Isaac was able to finish his chores early and was allowed to go outside and play for a bit. Things started simply enough, the duo were back behind the house playing pirates, when Isaac spotted the neighbors cat sneaking into their garden.

“YEARGH! WE GOT AN ENEMY SPY OFF THE STARBOARD BOW!” Isaac yelled, captivated by fantasy and imagination.

“Yo ho! I’ll get him Captain Isaac.” Exclaimed first mate Jack, in his best hearty pirate accent. Laughing Jack’s arm stretched out across the garden and snatched the unsuspecting feline, who began to struggle quite vigorously.


Jack’s grip on the cat tightened, and his arms grew and expanded like anacondas wrapping themselves around the wily feline as it struggled for dear life. Jack’s arms just kept squeezing the animal, pressing the air out of its lungs. As the once dear house pet’s eyes began to bulge out of their sockets, there came a loud SNAP! Jack quickly released the creature from his grasp as its lifeless furry husk thudded against the ground. There was hush silence as the two observed the cat’s now twisted and mangled corpse. The silence was finally broken by an uproarious laughter… coming from Isaac…

“AHAHAHAHA Wow! I guess cats really DON’T have nine lives! AHAHAHA!” Isaac exclaimed nearly teary eyed from laughter.

Laughing Jack began to chuckle as well, “Heh heh. Yeah… But won’t you get in trouble if your mother finds your neighbor’s cat dead in her garden?” Isaac’s laughter quickly subsided.

“Oh no! You’re right! Um… I’ll just… throw it back into the neighbor’s yard?!” Isaac panicked as he grabbed a nearby shovel and scooped up the broken cat cadaver before lobbing it over the fence back into the neighbors yard. They quickly went back inside and up into Isaac’s room.

About an hour later, it came. The ear piercing squawk of Isaac’s mother shrieking his name from downstairs. Neither Jack nor Isaac said a word as he crept down the stairs alone to face whatever horrible fate was coming to him. Jack could hear much yelling from downstairs but couldn’t make out what was being said. After about thirty minutes, a teary eyed Isaac ascended the stairs back up into the room.

“Well?” Jack asked nervously. Isaac just stared at the ground as he spoke, “I… Tried to tell her it was you who hurt the cat… She didn’t believe me… Said you weren’t real…” Jack frowned, knowing this was all his fault.

Isaac used his sleeve to wipe away his tears, “I’m being sent off to a boarding school… I’m leaving tonight… and you can’t come with me…”

Laughing Jack’s face turned to shock, “What?! I-I can’t come? Where will I go?” Isaac said nothing but pointed over at the beautiful colored box from where his friend had originated.

“Back in there? But I won’t be able to get out until…” Jack paused.

Isaac looked up as his only friend with tears streaming down his face, “Jack… I promise I’ll come back for you as soon as I can!” Jack looked at the box, then back at Isaac.

“And I’ll be right here waiting for you kido.” Jack smiled, as a single tear ran down his cheek. He walked over to the box and, with a puff of smoke, was sucked back in, unable to be free until once again opened.

That night, Isaac was sent off to boarding school. For the first time, Laughing Jack felt what it was like to be lonely. Even when trapped in his box, Jack was able to see the things going on around it, so each day, he waited for his friend to return, and each day the room grew older and dustier. Laughing Jack’s one purpose was to be Isaac’s best friend for life, and now he had to wait day after day, month after month, to reunite with his special friend. Isaac’s parents still lived in the house, but never came to the upstairs room. The only time they made their presence known was when Jack would hear them fighting. Still Jack’s life became one of solitude, loneliness, and disappointment. As years went by, Jack’s once bright vibrant colors began to fade into a monochrome blur of pitch-black void and stark white emptiness. Trapped all alone… eternal and hopeless.

Thirteen years passed until the night Isaac’s father came home particularly drunk, and got into an argument with his wife, as per usual. Things escalated to physical violence once again, however this time, she didn’t get back up. Isaac’s father had beaten his wife to a dead, bloody pulp and was sentenced to hang at the gallows the next day. With both his parents dead, this meant that the now twenty-year-old Isaac inherited the dusty old house he spent the earlier half of his childhood in. Laughing Jack was quite surprised when he heard his old friend’s footsteps walking up the stairs to the attic room for the first time in thirteen years, however it was not the reunion Jack had hoped for.

Isaac looked… different. Not only was he older, but he also seemed to possess this odd grim look on his face. No longer was he the hopeful and curious young boy Jack first met all those years ago. Jack eagerly awaited Isaac’s releasing him from the prison he had waited in for so many years, but still Jack’s box sat there, untouched and unnoticed on a shelf in the corner of the room with all the other dusty, unwanted knick-knacks. Isaac had completely forgotten about his old friend, dismissed as some sort of early childhood fabrication. Surprisingly, this made Laughing Jack feel… nothing. He was hollow, thirteen years of waiting and disappointment left the monochrome clown void of sorrow and self-pity. Jack remained in his box, colorless and without emotion.

The next day, Isaac went off to work at his job as an upholsterer, doing furniture repairs for the good people of London. Jack waited in captivity. Hours later, a drunken Isaac returned home and stumbled up the stairs to his room, but this time he had a friend with him. It was a lady friend Isaac had picked up at the bar earlier that evening. She was beautiful, with flowing blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a smile that could make hearts melt. Laughing Jack’s attention was drawn to Isaac’s guest, “Who is this? A new friend? Why does Isaac need new friends? I thought I was Isaac’s only friend?” Jack thought to himself from within his hellish confinement. Isaac and his lady friend sat down on the bed and chatted about life in London. Isaac made a joke about the weather and they both laughed.

Laughing Jack hissed with envy over Isaac’s new friend. Isaac and the girl looked deeply into each other’s eyes as they leaned in for a kiss, locking lips with a passionate swirling of tongues in one another’s mouth. Jack was perplexed by this strange display of affection, for he had never seen kissing before. As the kissing grew more intense, Isaac ran his hand along the girl’s smooth thigh and up her dress, however his guest just brushed his hand away. Isaac was persistent though, and once again ran his hand along her smooth thigh and up her skirt, this time placing his hand upon her silky undergarments. The woman took great displeasure with Isaac’s sexual advancements and pushed Isaac away before delivering a hard smack across his face. Isaac’s eyes darkened as he glared at the woman, his once drunken passion turned into booze-fueled anger. The woman’s heart sped up as she saw Isaac’s face boil with rage.

“STUPID WHORE!” Isaac yelled as he smashed his fist into the girl’s face.

Laughing Jack’s eyes widened as he witnessed the long streaks of red liquid gushing from the girl’s nose, “What game is this?” he thought, his eyes a virgin to such violent sights. Isaac firmly clutched the girl’s wrist with one hand as he tore her panties off with the other.

The terrified girl tried to fight back, but Isaac was overpowering her. He roughly fondled her breasts, before savagely grabbing her hair and forcing his tongue down the sobbing young woman’s throat, who responded by chomping down as hard as she could on Isaac’s tongue. Jack watched with wide and curious eyes as his old friend released his new playmate and clutched his mouth as it filled with warm, red blood. The frightened girl fell off the bed and dropped down on the floor as she scurried toward the exit. Isaac quickly lurched forward and was able to catch his fleeing plaything by the end of her dress.

Reaching back, he wielded a lead candlestick off the nightstand beside him, and with all of his might bashed in the back of the young woman’s head, which burst open like a ripe watermelon. Thick blood splattered across the room as the girl’s body convulsed on the ground for several seconds, before going completely still. Blood was everywhere, some droplets even managed to get on Laughing Jack’s box, who was very much enjoying the show. For the first time in thirteen long years, a smile began to creep across Laughing Jack’s face, and all of a sudden a chuckle escaped his cold lips, then another, and another, until Jack was cackling and howling with laughter from inside his sealed box.

“What a wonderfully fascinating game!” Jack thought, as he watched the motionless girl’s golden blonde hair flow red with blood.

As the adrenaline began to mellow, Isaac realized he had to dispose of the body. He picked up the girl’s lifeless corpse and plopped it on the bed, he then left the room closing the door behind him and locking it before leaving the house. He returned almost a full day later and re-entered the room bringing with him a metal garbage can and his bag of upholstery tools from work. He then cleared everything off the wooden desk on the wall opposite to the door, and then dragged the bed with bloody corpse into the middle of the room. This not only gave Isaac room to work, but it also gave Laughing Jack a front row seat to the whole spectacle. Jack watched with a big, unfading grin as Isaac played his new game with the soiled corpse. Once Isaac was all set up, he got to work.

First, he dumped out the contents of his big black tool bag onto the worktable behind him. An assortment of knives, hammers, pliers, and other tools was now laid out before him. His first pick was a curved upholstery knife, which he used to carefully skin the body. That skin was then placed on racks to be stretched and turned into leather. Once that was put in place, Isaac then used a handsaw to saw off the arms, legs, and head, disturbing the home of several families of maggots in the process. After filling the garbage can with bleach and other vile chemicals, he submerged the limbs until the meat was stripped from the bones. Isaac fished the bones out of the soupy corpse juice and placed them on the worktable, then in the cover of night, he brought the trash can outside and dumped the rotten remains into the London sewers to be swept away into the harbour.

For the next three days, Laughing Jack watched with wonderment as the inspired Isaac crafted the once human anatomy into a grotesque armchair abomination. The femur was made into the back legs of the chair, while the tibia, with the feet still attached of course, was made into the front chair legs. A wooden frame was used for the base and backing of the chair, however the rim of the backing was crafted using the spinal column. The arm bones were used as the arms of the chair, and were fastened in place by some ribs.

The now leathery flesh was sewn onto the seat and backing of the chair, and the golden blonde hair was braided into a lining for the base. Atop this armchair from hell sat the skull that once belonged to the girl who had the golden blonde hair, the sapphire eyes, and the smile that could melt hearts. Isaac was quite pleased with his work, and Laughing Jack too was impressed by his old playmate’s profound creativity. After that night, Isaac never touched another drop of alcohol again, for he now possessed a much more macabre thirst.

In the following weeks, Isaac made several improvements to his little workshop of horrors. He removed the mattress from the bed and put a row of thick wooden planks in its place, and then he fastened arm and leg restraints to the bottom and sides. This would mean he would be able to entertain his guests for a longer period without them trying any rude escape attempts. Isaac needed only one, final thing before planning another grotesque party. He worked on it for a week straight, hand carving it out of wood.

After a coat of white paint was applied, Isaac’s creation was complete. It was a wooden mask, resembling something one would wear at a Venetian masquerade ball. It had a furrowed brow and a long, troll-like nose, and would allow him to strike fear in the hearts of his beloved guests. With his new face complete and the room transformed into a bloody murder nest, it was finally time for Isaac Lee Grossman to bring home a new playmate.

That following night, Laughing Jack watched as the masked Isaac Grossman stomped up the stairs, carrying with him a large burlap sack with his newest guest writing within. He dumped the bag out on his torture bed, and out plopped a bound, gagged, and very frightened young boy, probably only five or six years old. Isaac quickly undid the boy’s bindings and held him down as he restrained his hands and feet to the steel bed frame. Tears streamed endlessly down the boy’s helpless little face, as Isaac laid out his tools on the workbench. Isaac returned wielding a pair of rusty pliers, and wasting no time he slid the bottom jaw of the pliers under the boy’s fingernail on his right index finger and clamped it tightly. The child’s eyes quivered as he began muttering through his gag, begging Isaac to let him go. Isaac smirked as he slowly bent the pliers backward, painfully prying off the first fingernail.

The boy screamed through his gag as he writhed in agony on the wooden boards, his finger beginning to gush with blood. Isaac then moved on to the boy’s middle finger, firmly grasping the nail with the rusty pliers. Once again, he jerked the pliers back, but this time the nail only tore off half way. The boy yelped in pain as his fingers twitched and shot with blood. Clamping the half pried off nail, Isaac gave it another yank. The nail tore off, but not without taking a good deal of skin tissue with it. Even Isaac was a bit rebuffed by this painful sight, unlike the spying Laughing Jack who was cackling with joy at the disturbing action as he watched from within his old dusty box.

Isaac returned to the workbench and swapped the pliers for a large iron hammer. He then made his way to the foot of the torture bed, where with one hand he held down the boy’s left leg. He raised the hammer high above his head as the boy cried and pleaded for mercy through his dirty gag, then with all his might, Isaac slammed the hammer down on to the boy’s bare kneecap, shattering the bone into gravel with a loud CRACK! The child convulsed in pain with shrill screams muffling through the cloth gag tied tightly to his face.

As the child struggled with intense pain, Isaac placed the hammer down on the wooden bed and returned once more to the workbench where he equipped himself with a long sharp knife. Without delay he began carving the words “Useless Worm” into the child’s quivering chest. When he finished the boy was barely conscious. Isaac knelt down and whispered into the boy’s ear, “This is what happens to rotten children who make nasty faces at people…”

The child’s eyes filled with tears one final time as Isaac began to carve the skin off the boy’s face, but to Isaac’s surprise the boy still clung to life. The mutilated child just stared up at Isaac with his big round eyes, which filled Isaac’s black heart with rage and hatred.

“EVEN WITHOUT A FACE YOU’RE STILL AN UGLY LITTLE SHIT!!” Isaac shouted as he picked up the hammer from the foot of the bed and began to bash the poor boy’s skull in.

He smashed it over and over, until it was nothing but a bloody caved in mass of flesh, pouring with thick, red blood and oozing out chunks of brain matter. From across the room, Laughing Jack gleefully observed the grand finale, which had lived up to his expectations quite wonderfully.

Isaac’s next guest was a blind old woman whom he had invited over for some tea. It took her almost five minutes to realize the chair she was sitting on was crafted using human remains, and another 6 minutes to find the stairs, only to topple down them flailing and screaming like a loon. Isaac decided to end the cruel joke there with a simple ice pick through her eye socket.

After that, he brought over a little girl whom he force-fed broken glass before using her stomach as a punching bag. As the weeks went by, more and more unlucky souls met their end in Isaac Grossman’s attic, and as the mad Grossman’s personality became more dark and sadistic, Laughing Jack’s personality followed suit while he rotted within his dusty box… until one very cold December night.

The rusty nails that were holding up the shelf of forgotten knick-knacks finally gave way and the whole thing plummeted to the ground. Isaac heard the loud thud from downstairs, and decided to climb up to the attic to investigate. He walked across the blood stained wood floor of the attic, over toward the fallen shelf. Isaac brushed aside some of the trinkets that broke in the crash, when he finally came across the Jack-in-a-box from his childhood. Isaac barely recognized the old, tattered box as he picked it up and blew off some of the dust. Then, for whatever nostalgic reason, he decided to grasp the box’s rusty clank and begin turning it.

A horribly off key Pop Goes The Weasel clanked from the worn out old box, and as it reached its climax, Isaac sung along with the final verse, “Pop goes the weasel…” The top of the box swung open, but nothing happened, it was empty. Isaac expected as much, and he tossed the old box in the garbage with the other broken knick-knacks. After the mess was cleaned up, he went to open the door to go back downstairs, but it was stuck. Isaac pulled hard but the door wouldn’t budge. Just then he heard the most horrible raspy voice call out from behind him.

“IsAac…” A cold jolt ran down Isaac’s spine and the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up as he slowly turned around… All the way across the room by the garbage can stood the nightmarish Laughing Jack. He was completely monochrome, his mangled black hair hung down in twisted locks, sharp jagged teeth decorated his twisted grin, and his arms hung down like a ragdoll with his grotesquely long fingers nearly scraping the floor.

Then, with a bone chilling, raspy voice, the fiendish clown spoke, “How nice it is to finally be free!… Did you miss me Isaac?”

Isaac was paralyzed in fear, “b-but I thought you weren’t real… IMAGINARY?!” Isaac stuttered. Jack replied with a long horrifying cackle.

“HAHAHAHA! Oh I’m quite a real kiddo… In fact, I’ve been waiting such a long time for this day to finally come… When I can play with my best friend for life… One. Lastly, Time!” Before Isaac could reply, Jack’s long arms stretched across the room and wrapped around Isaac’s legs.

The twisted clown began pulling him closer, dragging him onto his own wooden torture bed as Isaac’s fingernails scraped along the floor. Ignoring the restraints, Jack swiftly grabbed 4 three-inch long iron nails from the workbench and pressed them straight through of Isaac’s hands and feet, nailing him to the wooden torture bed. Isaac growled in pain as he shouted at his captor, “AAAH! FUCK YOU! GOD DAMN CLOWN NOSED FREAK!!”

Laughing Jack just chuckled, as he forcefully held Isaac’s head in place stating, “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all!” Jack reached his long crooked fingers into Isaac’s mouth, firmly grasping his tongue and stretching it out as far as it could go. The clown then reached back and grabbed a long sharp knife from the table and slowly began to slice through the meat of Isaac’s tongue. Once lobbed off, Isaac’s mouth began to overflow with blood. Jack responded by shoving a small cylindrical metal tube through Isaac’s throat to act as a temporary breathing hole. At this point Isaac was already in great pain, and had his eyes clenched shut to avoid seeing the sickening horrors that were being performed upon his body.

“Come on, it’s no fun if you don’t watch!” Laughing Jack said playfully, but Isaac kept his eyes tightly shut. Laughing Jack sighed, “Suit yourself.” Jack then forcibly held open one of Isaac’s eyes. He reached back with his big arm and took out some long pointy fishing hooks from the workbench. Slowly Jack pushed the sharp end of the hook through the top eyelid straight through the bottom of the eyebrow and out the top, permanently pinning it open. Then, he took out a second hook pushing it through the bottom eyelid and pinning it to the cheek. Jack repeated the process to the other eye, and before long, a series of sharp metal hooks made sure Isaac didn’t miss out on any of the action. Laughing Jack then took the same knife he had used to lob off Isaac’s tongue and began to focus on the removal of Isaac’s lips. Jack carefully sliced two long strips of flesh off of Isaac’s upper and lower mouth, causing his teeth and gums to be completely exposed.

“Hmm… looks like someone hasn’t been flossing regularly…” Laughing Jack cackled under his breath, as he reached back and grabbed the hammer. Isaac attempted to mutter some kind of beg for mercy, however only gurgled moans escaped his throat. Jack raised that hammer into the air and, with a twisted grin, he slammed it down, giving off a loud CRACK as the iron hammer shattered Isaac’s teeth like brittle clay. Jack dropped the hammer and began to howl with laughter as he tore open Isaac’s shirt. Taking the sharpest knife, Jack cut straight down Isaac’s chest all the way down past the stomach. Isaac groaned with sharp stinging pain as the monochrome monster wormed his wretched fingers underneath the skin on Isaac’s chest, peeling it back as he was about to perform his horrible live autopsy.

First, Jack began to pull out Isaac’s intestines in the same manner a magician would pull a series of colorful cloths out of his pocket. Then, after snipping off a small length of intestines, Jack pressed one end against his cold black lips and began blowing air into the foul organ. Once inflated, he twisted it up into the shape of a poodle, and with a loud chuckle exclaimed, “I can do giraffes too!” Isaac remained still in pain and shock, as the clown creature gently placed the macabre balloon animal beside Isaac’s head.

For his next trick, Laughing Jack reached deep into Isaac’s open stomach cavity and yanked out one of his kidneys. Holding it in his hand, Jack turned to his captive friend and shrugged stating that, “kidneys really aren’t my thing…” Tossing the organ aside Laughing Jack noticed that Isaac was beginning to drift into death.

“Feeling tired already? Why, we’re nearly at the grand finale!” Laughing Jack exclaimed as he reached into his sleeve and pulled out a long adrenaline needle. “This ought to perk you RIGHT up!” Jack shouted as he slammed the needle into Isaac’s retina and injected the liquid into his right eye socket. Jack wiggled and twisted the needle further into his old playmate’s eyeball, as Isaac was reeled back into life to the feeling of a sharp needle scraping the back of his eye socket. With a sinister chuckle, Jack yanked the needle out, pulling the eyeball out with it. Isaac’s right eye now hung out of its socket by the eyestalk as it dribbled down the side of his face.

Jack smirked, “Well, now that I have your full attention…” The insidious clown then took his long, crooked index finger and poked a hole in Isaac’s stomach. Jack lowered his head down toward the open chest cavity and stretched his mouth open wide. Within seconds, a torrent of filthy cockroaches started crawling out of the clown’s gullet, spilling onto Isaac’s open chest. Each vile roach crawled and pushed its way into the small opening in Isaac’s stomach, filling it from within full of disgusting writhing bugs. As his stomach became bloated with bugs, the roaches began to scurry up his throat, squeezing their way out of his mouth and nasal cavity.

Isaac was inches from death when his captor kneeled beside him and spoke into his ear, “It’s been a blast kido, but it looks like our time together is about up. No need for tears though, because I plan to spread my friendship to all the lonely kids of the world!” and with that said, Laughing Jack reached into Isaac’s chest and yanked out his still beating heart.

As his life bled out on that cold wooden bed, Isaac’s life flashed before his eyes. He saw his mother, his father, the boarding school, his victims, and the last thought that fluttered through his mind, was of that very special Christmas where he woke up to find the beautifully hand carved wooden box that contained his very first friend…

There are rumors that, when the police finally found Isaac Grossman’s rotten, maggot infested corpse weeks later on Christmas Eve, that even though his face had been bashed and torn to bits… He almost looked… Happy.


Eyeless Jack



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In the original story, a man named Mitch moves in with his brother Edwin after his house is foreclosed. A week later, Mitch wakes up with a large gash on his cheek. After going to the hospital, the doctor reveals that Mitch's left kidney had been surgically removed overnight.

Around midnight that night, Mitch wakes to see Eyeless Jack over his bed, wearing a blue mask with black liquid dripping from empty eye sockets behind the mask. Mitch manages to grab his camera and take a picture before Jack attacks, clawing at his chest. Mitch escapes and flees into the woods, where he trips and is knocked unconscious.

When Mitch awakens in the hospital, it is revealed to him that Edwin had been killed the previous night. His parents drive him to the house to collect his belongings. When he enters, Mitch sees Edwin's corpse and a small object lying next to it. He observes it find that it is his kidney with a bite taken out of it, covered in a black substance.




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Zalgo, taking the form of a human named Evan Harrison, tricked a human woman named Loretta Swan (a religious zealot who was part of a cult that did unspeakable things for "the graces of God") into thinking he was a divine being who could finally give her the child she always wanted (she was barren). They conceived (with Zalgo abandoning Loretta shortly thereafter) and Loretta gave birth to a completely normal baby girl named Lazari. Lazari exhibited no demonic traits at all until she was 4 years old, where she involuntarily went into her demon form and killed and ate a demonically possessed neighbor (this is when she gained red eyes, jagged teeth and lost the ability to see any other colors besides red).

Lazari's mother then chained her up to the basement walls, completely isolated her from the outside world and beat and tortured her on a constant basis in order to `purge the demon". This continued for 4 more years until Loretta finally had enough, took her daughter out into the woods with her and hung herself right in front of Lazari.

After that... (You can learn more about her adventures in "I Eat Pasta For Breakfast" Creepypasta comic)



Ticci Toby

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Toby wasn't always a normal kid. He grew up with many different mental disorders, making it hard for him to fit in with the 'normal crowd', along with a disease that attacked his nervous system, causing him to be completely numb to pain, and an extreme case of Tourette's syndrome. Which causes Toby to make uncontrollable jerks, 'tics', and other abrupt movements, and is most recognized for cracking his neck uncontrollably. Earning him the demeaning nickname 'Ticci-Toby' from his peers. Toby used to attend public school up until the point he could no longer handle the severe teasing and bullying, and so he was then transferred to homeschooling early on.

He grew up with little - to almost no friends. He lived with his mother, his older sister, Lyra, and his father who later lost himself to drugs, alcohol, and gambling and became abusive towards his family. When Toby was 17 years old his sister and he were involved in a tragic car accident, resulting in Lyra's death. After that Toby grew even more troubled, his symptoms worsening, barely eating, not leaving his bedroom, and growing less and less social. He began to lose some fragments of memory, start seeing hallucinations of his sister's twisted and mutilated corpse, and see a strange figure, standing outside of his bedroom window at night. He would take out his stress and anxiety by chewing the flesh from his fingers. His mother was worried about the state Toby was in and had decided to get into contact with a psychiatrist to help with, but it didn't work.

Toby soon lost all control of his sanity and one night attacked and killed his father, and then fled out of the house. Grabbing two of the hatchets from his father's garage, a box of matches, and a gallon of gasoline, he proceeded to set the neighborhood on fire in an attempt to escape from the police. The fire surrounded him and as he was about to give in to his own death, Slenderman appeared and saved him before he blacked out. When Toby woke up, he had no recollection of what happened and all of his memories of his previous life were erased.

Approximately two weeks later, after Toby's disappearance, Toby's mother listens to a news story about the murders of several teenagers. The main suspect is Toby due to one of his hatchet's being found at the crime scene. This marks the moment Toby had officially become one of the Slender Man's Proxies.


Homicidal Liu

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It all started one night, the murderer Jeffrey Woods murdered his parents and his beloved brother Liu Woods; Jeff stopped being the boy who was kind and became a soulless monster that had a pure desire to kill. But Seriously how did his brother Liu survive after receiving multiple cuts and stab wounds all over his abdomen? Liu survived the attack by his brother, barely, His heart felt like bursting from the effort. but Liu continued with the strength from his desperation to live, and go to Jeff, then everything went black and he fainted.It took a long time for Liu to wake up, he was in a fairly lit room, full of tubes and medicine, he could not speak, could not eat, Liu was fed through a tube, breathing through an artificial lung, he could barely make out who he was; just listening to a nurse talking to a doctor, She said "This patient may not survive, he needs many transplants, his left lung collapsed, his heart is very delicate and kidneys are failing, it is almost impossible for him to survive." Those words, they were the proof that Liu had survived what had happened.Then came the day when the transplants would be needed. Liu could not talk yet and was quite sedated, he could not express his joy at that time, so he saved it for when he recovered. The nurse that came in said "Hi, I'm Susan, I wish you the best of luck, you're very strong, barely survived to this attempted murder, I personally wanted to take care of you, because I admire your strength, I wish you well when you leave the hospital." She kissed his cheek and blushed, Liu could not deny she was a very beautiful girl, but he did not know if he would survive this.It was time, the time which fate would decide whether Liu would live or die. The doctor told him that a young strong boy who survived this long, was most likely to survive, they put the mask on and Liu slept, but would he feel what they did to him? At that moment, Liu then felt a cold blade pierce him in the side of the heart, the first cut was the most painful, then something opened his skin, the pain was more intense with each passing second, each cut was more painful than before, but, most painful was when they started cutting his heart and get it out of his body, that moment was just the beginning of Liu’s torture, hours of excruciating pain, every cut, every part of Liu that replaced, each suture, all the pain through his body destroyed what little sanity he had left, until it shattered.Liu spent days in that bed unable to move, unable to speak, just listening to the voice of the nurse, Susan, she was with him, day and night, talking to him, telling him to resist, she wanted Liu alive, Liu wanted to know the truth and he hoped he could talk to Susan and she could hear his voice. A week passed and she came more often, came and sang, and read, but one day before Liu could move his body Susan said "I want you to wake up." She kissed him after finishing that sentence and Liu started to feel his body, and managed  to open his eyes and saw her, crying with joy to see that he was awake, He then said, "Hi Susan, I'm Liu Woods." She was astonished, and said, "Really your ...your the brother of Jeff Woods? He was here a while, he was very ill, I found out he went crazy and killed his family, How is it that you survived Liu? I also found out that three days ago he kidnapped a girl and burned her alive with bleach and gasoline, then escaped from there and has not been seen, but in the house, or what remains of it, we have not found more than two bodies, they say that she survived but did not know what happened to the body's, In the room where his brother slept, or where you were sleeping, they found written in blood on the wall "go to sleep" and the words "smile" on the bathroom mirror, I very much regret the death of your parents, seriously, and could not imagine that you would ever want to return to that place, "You want to sleep over in my house for a while? Well, when you get out of recovery, I live alone since my parents died in a car accident, so I have a spare room. "Liu accepted the offer from Susan, and said "When I leave here, I want to take you to dinner, wherever you want, alone, I need one day to accompany me to my old home to get my clothes, but I do not think they are still there." She accepted slightly fearful. The following day she visited Liu, they laughed together, Liu and Susan were very close, almost like they were dating, so after a while Liu asked her to be his girlfriend, she said " Liu, I’ve always wanted to be your girlfriend, I was going to ask but I did not know how. " Liu approached her and kissed her. He was so happy, things were getting better for him, he finally had a person who would be his new family.Liu left the hospital, it was his first day out, Susan welcomed him with open arms. She told him where his clothes were at in Liu’s new home, Susan then said "Yes, but you have to bring something to protect us in case your brother is still hanging around. " Liu replied " Okay, a couple of butcher knives, a syringe, a little soothing, also a little emergency kit in case we need suturing, you or me, if a glass can cause a wound that will need stitches, a gallon of water and two glasses, for if we get thirsty. "They went to Liu’s old house and picked everything he needed, plus a bag to carry his stuff. Back in Liu’s old home, Susan gripped his arm, Liu said "Do not be afraid, everything will be fine." He kissed her to calm her down, he opened the door a little, they then walked in and saw that the walls of Liu’s house were full of blood, the blood of his parents, they found in the kitchen a gallon of gasoline, an empty bleach bottle and some matches, still touring the house, they looked into the bathroom and saw the mirror with the word " Smile "written in blood, the sink and floor also covered in blood, his whole house was just full of blood. They walked to the next door that was the fourth and was his parents, they found the sheets stained with blood. They then entered the most disturbing place of his house: Liu’s room. The phrase "go to sleep" was written in blood on the wall, as Susan said. Liu looked in his closet and got his belongings, his laptop, his mp3, his phone and his clothes, but only what was not full of blood. Liu  remembered the disturbing side of Jeff seeing those eyes full of madness and holding a bloody knife in his hand saying "Shhh, just go to sleep." That memory was what caused what little sanity Liu had left to disappear. He told Susan to give him the backpack where they had his things. He then went to the bathroom, took the knife and said:Jeff ... I'll see you in hell."After the sentence, Liu speaked to Susan and kissed her, he said "Goodbye my love, but I want to find Jeff and get back at what he made me, and get revenge for killing my parents and almost killing me, I love you Susan, I'm sorry for this. " Then he would stab her, but no, he did not, he would not become Jeff, She said "Okay, Liu, I love you, and I know that being so close to death can affect people, let's go home." They kiss, ordered a taxi and went home, after they got home Liu went to bathe.While Liu bathed, he remembered every moment spent with his family, Mom, Dad, his childhood with Jeff, the pranks they did, everything they had done together, the joy of having his family around, he then began to mourn, but the sound of falling water drowned his sobs, so it did not matter. The first night was somewhat traumatic for Liu. In his nightmares he could see Jeff as it was before the accident, before being brutally murdered by the new Jeff, then he turned to look at Liu and said "Liu, why did you not go to sleep like I asked you?" Liu then woke up with a terrible fright Susan ran to his room, she said, "What happened Liu? Are you okay? "Liu replied" Yes ... it was just a nightmare, do not worry. "The next day, upon awakening, Liu smelt a scent that he has long not enjoyed, it was the smell of hot-cakes freshly made, he went to the dining room and there was Susan, preparing breakfast, as Mom did, she said good morning go Liu , They sat down and started eating, how long had it been since he did not eaten hot-cakes made with love ?, he didn’t know, but the taste ... it was so nice, he felt loved again, but happiness does not last long, Liu was going crazy, every passing day, Susan reminded him more of his Mom, so he took a kitchen knife, and ran to her room, she was ready to go out with him on a date, she looked so beautiful, he was not able to kill her, not with knowing how much he loved her, not with having feeling love for the last time in his life ... he loved her, but he was getting crazier every day, every time it cost him more to restrain from sticking a knife in her heart, He did not want to kill her, but had no choice, or so he thought.Already leaving the theater, they walked home, he said "I love you Susan, but there's something inside me that I ... it’s killing me and I do not know if I can take it anymore, I want you to know that I love you. "After the phrase, A man came out of an alley and took the bag Susan had but not without wounding her, Liu was angry, he wanted to kill him for hurting Susan, he chased him with the knife he had saved in his jacket pocket, he dragged him into the alley where he stole the bag from his beloved Susan, Liu made the man kneel in front of her and made him apologize, Liu wanted to take his life, but before he did he turned to Susan and said "Run, I do not want you to see this, I love you Susan, and you do not want to see this." Susan ran as far as she could, when he knew it was okay and Susan was gone, he told the guy " I cannot forgive you for hurting Susan, she is good, so pure, hurting someone like her is a very serious crime, so then, I'll take your life, and only then you will pay for hurting her. "Liu Raised his knife and started stabbing the man repeatedly, he could only see suffering in the eyes of the man, but still kept stabbing him until he died of multiple stab wounds, Liu wiped the blood off on his leather jacket, which was a bit stained, luckily only had some spots, so it was easy to hide the fact that he had cornered the thief, he left the alley and met Susan in the corner cafe sipping espresso.Susan was fine, the manager had bandaged her wound, Liu thanked him, Liu carried Susan home carefully, he took her to her room and laid her down on the bed, he said "Susan, I did not want this to happen to you, so for now on, I will not let anyone hurt you, starting today, you'll never be afraid, nobody will hurt, I swear. " Liu kissed her and went to take a shower, he realized he could not kill her, she was all he had in this world, she was the only person he loved, but he enjoyed killing that guy, but he could not kill anyone while he was with Susan, Liu decided to just kill people that hurt the innocent and people who did evil to people that he minded, and above all, he would kill anyone who tried to hurt Susan.Days passed, more and more people were killed, but it was annoying having pants full of blood, so he bought leather pants then killing was less annoying,  he got jackets and shoes, both leather, which he could easily clean with soap and water.Killing became an increasingly boring habit again, killing with simple stabbing was very repetitive, so Liu was using modes more twisted each time, some he burned alive with gasoline, others operated without anesthesia, others were forced to eat his own guts, others cut into pieces and threw them to stray dogs, but never killed any innocent criminals and thugs killed only does that made him a hero, right? he was making criminals suffer in the most horrible ways, every day used most horrible forms and twisted way to kill, came home, cleaned his clothes from the blood of criminals and spent quality time with Susan, until one day, they were going to have dinner, Liu had a job as a cook in a restaurant, earning well, but instead he took her to a beautiful place, in the light of the candles, Liu said "Susan, we've been together for almost a year, you're the love of my life, I do not know how I could live without you, I want to propose something. "Liu knelt down and removed a ring from his bag" Will you marry me? " Susan moved, and with tears in her eyes said" Yes Liu, I will marry you. " They left the restaurant, Liu had not been so happy in his life, but a man appeared with a gun and shot Susan.Liu was filled with anger and hatred, but he could not leave Susan alone there, bleeding, dying, he ran and get to the nearest hospital, the doctors told Liu "This is a very delicate procedure, Susan may not wake up, we expect the worst." Liu went to get the man who shot Susan, he’ll never forget the man’s face, Liu spent hours walking the streets until he found him, he beat him nearly senseless, and said, " you will give me your life bastard, because of you my Susan is at the brink of death, and you will pay with your life. "He died when Liu finished the sentence.Liu arrived at the hospital, the doctor said that Susan had awakened, and to go talk to her, and he did. Now in Susan's room, she saw him and said "Liu? Is that you? I'm glad you came, I hope to resist as you had resisted what happened to you, I love you Liu, I do not want to die, but if I do I don’t want you to kill yourself, I love you too much to die for me, I know what you did, I know you kill criminals, and although not a very noble, mission you have, do not stop doing what you do Liu. "He spent an hour in which they talked, in which he said all he had to say, he did not want to lose it, he did not want to lose the only person left for him in this world. The doctor came in and said "We need to operate Mrs. Woods will recover." She was taken to the operating room, where it lasted for three hours that seemed eternal. Liu wanted to gouge his eyes out of despair, but hope that Susan survived was why Liu was still standing. After the operation, the doctor who took care of everything said "The operation was a success, she is stable, in the morning she will wake and after two weeks she may leave the hospital." Those words touched Liu so much, he felt so calm knowing that Susan would be fine.Liu was in his room all day waiting for Susan to wake, she then woke up and said "Who are you and where my parents are?" Those words filled Liu with sadness, Susan had forgotten him, but he had to do something to remind her when she recovered, he took her to the hospital where they met, she said "Is that you, Liu? you’ve changed. "She began to remember, he took her to his old house, and she remembered that they were there, he kept taking Susan to all the significant places they were at during the week, until they got to the restaurant that Liu had proposed at, she remembered everything, hugged him and said "Liu, now I remember everything, thanks for being with me until I regained my memory." Then Liu said, "You did the same for me, I owe you that much Susan." He kissed her, but when they parted, Susan began to convulse, it scared him a lot and he took her to the hospital.Liu would not leave her alone when she needed him, he stayed there waiting for news from the doctor, and the doctor said "I'm sorry sir, but your girlfriend is dead." That phrase filled Liu with sadness and hatred, he took the doctor by the neck and threw him across the room, there was no reason to hold back, he began to kill everyone in the hospital, men, women, children and sick, he killed them all, he could not bear them to live and his Susan not to, she could not die and he would not let that happened, but it was inevitable, Liu’s clothes were full of blood of the innocents, his hands were drenched in blood and his eyes had changed, so he decided to do something, he went for a knife and started cutting a heart into his chest, the initials of Susan and her time of death, their anniversary and the date when they met, then Liu went for a needle and thread and he sewed the edges of his lips into a smile for anyone to see and suffer inside. When he finished, Liu went home, grabbed his leather clothes and things that he used to kill, and left, never to return, now, Liu lives by killing all those who are happy, but when people die, they will not see it, but killing consoles Liu, if you see him, run and do not show your happiness, for if you do you will die in a very ruthless and twisted way, so twisted you won’t be able to tell your body from what it was like before meeting him.

Nina The Killer


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She started as a normal fan girl of Jeff. Nina and her two best friends would talk about how much they loved him, and that he was `beautiful". One day, while walking to school with her brother, Chris, she was jumped by a group of bullies lead by Claudia. Nina was furious as they beat her brother. She started to beat the kids till they fled. This made Nina feel great. She walked home with her brother and cleaned his clothes. The next day, she was with her two friends and her brother. The same group of bullies jumped them again but this time, they had knives. They stabbed both of Nina's best friends and slashed Chris's arm. They started to chase Nina, but she hid in an old warehouse. Claudia tried to find her, and started calling out for her. Nina took a crowbar and had the crowbar gripped in her hand. Claudia had spotted her and was charging at her, but Nina slammed the crowbar in her face. That's when Nina snapped. Claudia fell to the ground as Nina beat the crow bar into her face and stomach. "This is what you get for hurting my friends!," she yelled, still beating her face until Claudia took her last breath. This made Nina feel amazing. She thirsted for the urge to kill, then she remembered, her friends. Keeping the bloody crowbar in her hand, she ran back to the spot where her friends were stabbed. There was an ambulance and 3 police cars. One police officer spotted Nina and pointed a gun at her. She dropped the crowbar and fell to the ground. She could see her brother, sitting on the sidewalk, next to two body bags, which contained her friends. The officer alerted another officer and walked towards Nina. She was crying. The officer asked what happened and Nina explained about the bullies, but didn't explain the part about why she was covered in blood, or had a crowbar

The officer escorted Nina and Chris home to their mother, who was terrified at the situation. She brought Chris up to his room and Nina went to change into some fresh clothes. She changed and saw a paper left by one of the two friends. It was a biography of Jeff written in her own words. Nina read over it instead of changing. Then she lost it, She went to the laundry room and grabbed some bleach. She poured the bleach into a water bottle, so it wasn't suspicious. She grabbed a box of matches and walked outside. It was 3:34 PM, and she dumped the bleach all over her body. Then she struck a match. "For Jeff", she said to herself, dropping the match onto her body. She could feel a tingling sensation in her body as she screamed in agony.

She woke up with bandages around her face. She walked to what she thought was a mirror, and started to unwrap the bandages. She finished and saw herself in the mirror. She had almost white skin with a leather-like texture. "I'm beautiful, but not done yet." She punched the mirror corner and picked up a shard of glass. She started to slit the creases of her mouth, just like Jeff. Her mom walked in, horrified by what she had seen. "Aren't I beautiful Mommy?," she asked. Her mom screamed and started to run, but Nina was too fast. She took the mirror shard and slit her mother's throat. A doctor ran in along with 3 police officers. They tranquilized her and took her to an asylum.

She woke up in a white padded room in a straight jacket. A nurse was next to her, stitching up her recent cuts. Nina tugged and moved, but was locked down. It wasn't long before she passed out.

She woke up another time, but in a different room and with no jacket. It was an empty room with a window covered by bars, an iron door, and a small, white bed. Nina had gone fully insane. She ripped apart the mattress getting a spring and calling for help. A doctor came rushing in, and she slit his throat the moment he came in, and ran. She was fast and bolted for the door. People were so scared, the doors got malfunctioned open by the blood on the doctor's tablet which controlled them. and Nina managed to escape the asylum. The first place she went to was her home.

She got there and beat on the door. It was around 3:00 AM so she had an advantage. Her father came to the door and was immediately shocked to see who was at the front door. His daughter, stitched up on one side of her mouth, white and leathery, and standing right in front of him. He tried to shut the door, but Nina pushed him back and he fell on the corner of a table, got cut by it, and bled to death. Then she grabbed a kitchen knife and headed upstairs. She entered Chris's room. "Do you want to join me?" She asked Chris. He woke up and gently shook his head. She nodded and said "good", while plunging the knife deep into Chris' chest, covering his mouth with her hand. Before her brother took his last breath, she whispered, "Go to sleep, my prince" before running out the house in search for her one and true love, Jeff.


Jane The Killer


Image result for jane the killer"


Jane Richardson started off as your typical girl, the talk of the town who's got it all — a lovely girlfriend, a job she enjoys, excellent friends, an amazing family, and a promising future. But in 2002 her world came crashing down when both of her parents, Paula and Bruce Richardson were brutally murdered by the wanted murderer Jeff the Killer. Leaving Jane to have to work more, and earn extra money to support herself and to support her sister.

Flash forward to years later the government chose Jane, after 25 failed attempts (the test subjects died) to hopefully be the one person to survive an injection of 'Liquid Hate'. Liquid Hate is a very risky chemical formula that could, hopefully, power up a human's senses and overall abilities so the number of serial killers could be slowed down. The funding for Liquid Hate cost a total of $6.9 million dollars. Subjects would experience violent episodes and homicidal tendencies for the first minute and thirty seconds but will act and appear normal once the episodes cease. Jane, needing extra money to support her and her sister and believing that she was merely donating blood, agreed. Jane proved to be the first person to survive the injection, which caused her peach skin color to become pale white, and her hair to become black along with her eyes. Now, Jane has decided to use her newfound abilities to dedicate herself to capturing and taking the life of the man who ruined hers: Jeff the killer.




Image result for lulu creepypasta"


Lucy was born of a Vietnamese woman and a Caucasian male. She had a love for books just like her parents and spent most of her childhood listening to stories her mother would read to her. Eventually her mother had fallen ill from cancer and died leaving Lucy with her father. She was very depressed and spent most of her young age consumed in the fantasy world of her father's library. When she turned fourteen her father was worried about her distant attitude and her cold nature. In hopes of bringing light back to his daughter he decided to enroll her in a private academy for girls so she can work on her social skills around other females.

Lucy didn't enjoy her time there at all. She had a more developed body than average girls her age in a time where developed bodies were the sight of ridicule. She did get some backlash from students there but she remained unfazed for the most part. Eventually the girl conducting the bully ring, named Julia, became obsessed with Lucy. The fact that Lucy wouldn't break no matter how many kids would hit her and make fun of her. Julia wanted nothing more than to see Lucy fall off her high horse.

The obsession soon grew ridiculously unhealthy and she wound up drugging Lucy. She figured the only way she hadn't tried breaking her was sexually so she had to give it a try. Despite Lucy trying her hardest to keep herself being taken advantage of by Julia was the last straw. She ran from the school to the nearby woods. There she met a man who promised to make it all stop. To give her the vision she desired to understand. In her weak state she accepted the offer just so it all would stop. Unfortunately as the fog consumed her, her eyes were taken and replaced with an undying urge to remove the vision of others.

Lucy's escape only trapped her in a never ending loop of her own torment and trying to recapture her own eyes. Though years had passed she did find solace in two people just as sad as her. Alex and Rodger (her adoptive brothers) had taken her into a home and fixed her up when they found her beaten and bloody from a human who escaped her grasp. Their relationship was rocky at first but as time went on she found they understood being trapped more than anyone.


The Puppteer

 Image result for the puppeteer"

The Puppeteer is a vengeful spirit who feeds on loneliness and depression. He targets the emotionally fragile, using them for his own gain and power. He will stalk a victim for a certain period of time, slowing twisting them into believing that there is no way from escaping life's torment other than death. Although the Puppeteer works alone his two unwilling proxies, Zachary and Emra, are used on special occasions for when he needs a quick snack. They will seclude the victim in different ways, making the hunt much easier for the Puppeteer.

The demonic poltergeist was once a normal teenage boy by the name of Jonathon Blake who after a horrible break up with the love of his life, secluded himself away from human contact. When he found no reason to continue he locked himself in a room and hung himself leaving his body to be found a few weeks later.

But Blake's spirit awoke once more, filled with wrath and anger as he transformed into the vicious spirit known as the Puppeteer. Seen as his life was filled with decisions others made for him, within the after life the ghost was finally able to take control of his own life and choices. Believing a standard human name wouldn't suit him any longer, he chose to be called The Puppeteer. To work behind the curtains and control humans the same way someone would control a puppet would become his reason to exist.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.01.2020

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Hey guys! So I made this cause there isn't that many books about Creepypastas. I hope you have a great day guys and stay awesome!

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