

I'm the only daughter of my parents. I have two brothers and I'm the second born. Our parents spend less time with us because due to their job,they almost always travel from one country to another.

So I and my brothers are used to staying at home alone without our parents. And being the only girl among two guys is a lot of fun!

As usual,our parents are in another country now and would be back home in two months time,
so I and my brothers are home alone. My elder brother named John is working, 
I'm in the university and my younger brother named Nick is in high school. 
I'm home for vacation and would be going back to school in a week time. 

I'm actually almost done with watching this funny movie on my laptop in my room. 
My brothers and their friend James Edward who usually visits us are playing video game in their room.

(Few minutes later)
Finally! I'm done with watching this movie and it's been fun. "I can't believe they're still playing this video game, they started playing even before I started watching the movie and I'm already done watching the movie but they're still playing,what kind of game are they playing!

Anyways,I'm hungry,I must get something to eat". 
I looked at the time and it's almost lunch time.

"Wow! I guess I should start preparing lunch". So I got to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

(After some few minutes)
"Come on guys,lunch is served!" I then realized that they were hungrier than I was. They immediately ran downstairs to the kitchen to have their lunch. So we sat around our dining table to enjoy our lunch.

"Wow,what a delicious meal." Nick said as he take a bite of the fried chicken. And it's very obvious that John and Edward are seriously enjoying their food. "The food taste really good." John grinned. 
Immediately after lunch Edward caught me by surprise with these words,"thanks Priscy for the wonderful meal,I really enjoyed it."
"You're welcome!" That was weird, he barely talks to me, how come he's suddenly complementing me .

Although he's my brothers' best friend and visit us most of the time,both of us are not that close. He's been acting weird and tries to ignore me whenever he's around.

"Alright guys,I'll be in my room." I said to them.

"Please let's go and play video game." Nick said to me in a usual manner which he uses to lure me into playing with him.
"I'm sorry Nick,I have to go watch some interesting movie. I would like you guys to join me. Alright,let's do it this way,let's watch the movie and afterwards play the game,what do you think?"
"That isn't a bad idea."John said

"Yeah,that's a great idea." Edward said.

"No,please let's play the game first." Nick almost cried.
The guys agreed with Nick's idea so they happily carried me to their room without allowing me alter a word. I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"Besides, we aren't playing this game without you,Priscy."John said

When we reached their room,they respectfully laid me on the bed. I felt like a baby once again. I have no other choice than to play the game because the guys won't allow me to leave without playing the game,so I got up and sat on the bed. We started playing the video game and in fact it's more  fun than I thought! We've played for about an hour now but these guys still want to continue playing. 
"I'm tired guys,aren't you tired?!

Besides we've played for about an hour now and you still want to continue playing." I said to them in a surprised manner.
"We aren't tired,I mean how can we be tired when playing this awesome game." This is John trying to lure me to continue playing.

"Seriously?! Alright,I'm tired,I need to rest. Would you please excuse me." I said this as I walk out of their room.
When I reached the door entrance, Nick asked,"What kind of rest are you talking about this time? Whenever you say you're going to rest,it's either you're going to read or play football. So please which rest are you talking about?"

In a surprised mood James asked,"Really?!"

John immediately responded,"Yeah,to Priscy, resting is either reading or playing soccer."

"Wow,that's super cool!"Edward replied.

"Yeah! The rest I'm talking about right now is playing soccer. 
So I'm going to play football and if anyone want to join, you're gladly welcome!" I said to them as I shut the door. I then went to my room,picked my ball and went out to my football pitch.

I started playing football immediately after I walked as a child. Football is my most loved game. 
A day without playing football is like a day without rest. In fact,I really enjoy playing football but my brothers do not have interest in football,especially John. As for Nick,he has less interest in football,so I sometimes lure him into playing with me,but since they're more engaged in the video game right now,I don't think I can lure him into playing with me this time.

I kicked the ball towards the penalty net with my eyes focused on the ball. Someone suddenly stopped the ball. 
I raised my head to look at this person to find Edward standing with the ball under his right foot.
Surprisingly I said to him,"Hi,what are you doing here,I thought you were playing with them?!"

"I'm tired of playing video game, so I'm also here to rest,may I?" Edward smirked. "Wow, what changed, you're almost always ignoring me, so why do you suddenly want to join me?" Well I'm that open. " I'm sorry for ignoring you,it won't happen again, I promise." " Have I offended you in any way?" "No you haven't, but I just didn't know how to behave around you, It's my fault, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I won't hurt you again,I promise."  " Suit your self, I care less!" I picked up my ball and was about to leave when Edward pulled me towards him.  "Please, forgive me and let's be friends." I felt the sincerity in his words, "Alright, I've forgiven you but will agree to be your friend when you tell me why you ignored me. 'Well,I...I love you." "What, we barely know each other, so how!" "I know, but I love you, please give me a chance." " I Guess this is my chance to ignore you too." "Please don't ignore me,please."


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.03.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4924-0

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