
Prologue: Riki Woods is not your typical teen worker; he works at Bryfly, an organization that tracks down the unusual. You know when you get the feeling that something is watching you, or hiding in your closet? Ya, monsters… yup, they exists. So does all the other lies you have heard. The legends are true, the UFO’s are true, mostly everything is true. But, the biggest lie ever is that the monster in your closet won’t come out, but he will and he will come and attack. So Riki does what he must, he goes down and hunts them, protecting mankind from the world of lies.
Enya lavender is what would seem like a normal teenage girl, but she holds dark secrets and is anything but normal.
So what happens when one might find the truth about the other, what happens when secrets are dug up? When one is the predator and the other the prey. A world you would never imagine, people with powers you thought were lies and undercover agents watching the monsters inside your closet.

Chapter 1
Point of view-Enya

I’m dancing in the water, the water glides over my arm when I push it out towards me. A mini tornado appears when I spin rapidly under the water. My long brunette hair glides behind me, not heavy with the weight of the water but not dry. I smile for under the depths of the lake I can see the shimmers of light reflect upon the surface. In the cool water the heat soaks in my skin, and I absorb it. The water should be pouring into me. For I should look like a sponge but my skin breathes in the water but does not catch and soak it in, even though a normal person’s skin would have. But me, normal? Only in your dreams. There something different about me, I have been swimming and dancing on the lakes floor for about 3 days now. Not coming up for air once. Oh, I can breathe yes, but I can also breathe underwater as well. Water, just the thought of water can get me in high spirits. I dance and bend with this fabulous liquid. I love to control it and move with it. Water is powerful and can transform into wondrous creations. I start to concentrate though with my practice I have had, it’s not hard and I easily create a water orb and toss it between each hand as if it was a water balloon so light yet it pulled down with gravity. But there is no gravity. Not for me, and I toss the orb, from one hand to the other, still consternating in the back of my mind so the water is contained moving rapidly in circular motions.
A shrilling scream starts to get louder and louder, it disrupts me and I get startled. The water orb then breaks and water rushes out and blend in with its surroundings. Startled, all I can do is just float in the middle of the lake’s water and listen. The shrill of the yelling is getting closer, and then a huge splash of bubbles appears blurring an object that has approached into the water. The bubbles head for the surface and disappear, clearing the objects its hiding. A man is slowly sinking down in the lake.
He then opens his eyes. He seems to be staring at his hands he then opens his mouth and screams. His eyes clenched tight together. He does not choke but just screams into the water, muffled through the thickness of water. The man then gazes in front of him; a good 35 feet away from him… was me. He gazes at me, turning his head slightly as if he was seeing what he thought he saw. As If he was imagining a girl in the water. I gaze at him, then turn around and start to swim away. I’m a fast swimmer since I spend most of the days in water. He is amused and swims after me.
What is wrong with this man? Is he really thinking he can out swim me? I gave a small laugh, but then I found something strange bothering me, this man was chasing me, I needed to hide. I came to a quick stop, just as I was 10 feet in front of him. I then take form of the water. Call it becoming one with the water if you wish, it’s almost like being invisible. The man halts. He looks off into the distance and stares, concentrating as if he might be able to spot me if he were to look harder. Being hidden with the water, I slowly move towards him. It’s not hard moving in water it’s just like air. I walk towards him and get face to face with this man. He still is staring off into the distance. He can’t see me, yet I see him crystal clear. It gives the feeling when one looks through a dark glass window and can see everything while the other one is blinded. I glare into his hazel eyes. Light chocolate with flecks of yellow. They mirror the shade of a forest. I start to get lost in them drowning in their depth. Then the man shakes his head. He breathes out his nose and wrinkles form on his temples. He is thinking hard. I then swiftly move around him and examine him. His legs were average but strong. Legs like that are good for running. He had the perfect body he wasn’t fat or skinny. He must work out to keep a figure like that. His hair was raven black which glimmered under the water. He had some thick bangs that moved across his face. Almost on cue, the man then took his soft but strong hand and swept the wet bangs to his right side. His hair was fine but it was also thick like. He had medium size side burns and his hair ended on his collar of his polo shirt. It was almost shaggy looking but under the water it was hard to tell. The man then turned around and swam back to the edge of the dock. I just stood there, floating under the water, hidden. But that’s me, always hiding and running, watching everything happen around me while I stay hidden away under the water. I take in a deep breath and sigh. The water comes in my nose but turns into oxygen. I always call myself the little fish girl. But I don’t think the animal that is like me is a fish, because fish are little creatures who play a big part in the food chain, but they have no personality. If I were to choose the animal that best characterizes me: it would be the fox. They are sly cunning creatures who hide and wait for the right moment to strike, they are clever creatures and so beautiful; always blending in with their surroundings yet they stand out like no other.
I love this lake; it’s in the middle of everything. There are wooden ledges that are all around the lake for fishermen to sit at and fish, and then some grass patches scattered around. Mostly just wood that is part of the doc that circles the lake. The lake was man made, so it basically a perfect circle in the middle of the small town for people to catch fish or hangout underneath the trees that are placed around the lake. But once you get out of dock and tree shaded area, then you are introduced to the town. Little shops and restaurant that our in front of little parking places, then if you look down the row of shops you can see the street where bikers, and cars drive down.
I’m still floating in the water, lost in my thoughts when I decide to head for shore.
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Man point of view - Riki
Chapter 2
My legs were moving faster than I have ever moved them before. I was running at a speed I never noticed I could run. I ran as if the boogie man was chasing me. It scared me so often when I was little. I screamed and held the note. Still screaming I run on to the side walk and make a rapid right turn and head for the lake. The old wooden dock held a scent of maple and sea salt. But it didn’t matter now. Those were just memories when I knew how to smell. My lungs would burst if they still pumped. My throat would be soar from my continuous screaming. But they weren’t. I ran on the wooden path that led to the dock and jumped in. The water gushed around me and I slowly began to sink down. My eyes popped open. I looked at my hands; a long cut still slashed into my skin was there. It would not heal, and no blood would come out. I realized that.
The truth hurts, I knew that but it just now sunk in. I couldn’t take it. It was too much. It can’t be happening to me. I kept telling myself over and over. I screamed once more. My eyes slowly pulled them apart from looking at my hands. Instead they darted to a figure in front of me. The figure was blurry under the water but in a few minutes it became clear. A girl stood in front of me, floating upon the water. She glares at me then swiftly turns around and swims away. I chuckle, thinking that this girl can out swim me? I run after monsters and creatures of sorts; I have strong built legs that are made for swimming. The girl has a head start, and I can see her legs, they look like a boat propeller, kicking up speed. I yell, though muffled from the water.
“Wait, please!” I gain speed and start to catch up. She is about 10 feet in front of me when she comes to a halt. I too, stop and wait. Watching to see what move she will pull off next. She then vanishes. I gasp. My eyes practically pop out of my head. I stare into the distance. Wondering if it was just my mind that was seeing things. I scan the waters scenery. I still stare off into the distance when I get a feeling that something was close to me. I shake my head, getting the outrages thought erased from my mind. My thick bangs start to hang in front of my eyes. I swiftly move them to my right side. I never liked my jet black hair. I always wished that I born with amber brown hair and sandy highlights. I then slowly turned around, knowing the girl wouldn’t appear again. I swam back towards the dock, gripped the edge of the rough edged wood. I pulled myself over using the muscle I still had. My soggy clothing stuck to my skin when I reached the surface. I gasped for air, when I realized I didn’t need to. It was a feeling as if I was stuck in time. Not dying and yet not living. It was immortality, and it felt like hell. It’s not some blessing that everyone is craving for, it’s a curse. My own prison. I opened my mouth to yell, when instead, I turned my self over on my back and just laid there. I basked in the blinding of the sun for as long as I could. I closed my eyes and played back the cursed memory.

My team and I were on a chase to get this lanon; a monster. We hunt and chase monsters that escape through rifts in space. It was really an ordinary day… for me. So my started out normal, I
woke up at 7:15 in the morning, made some eggs sunny side up and hash browns that were slightly crispy. Still on my sleeping clothes I got dressed in my light blue polo shirt with my jeans that fit rather loosely around my legs, comfortable to work in. I grabbed my ID badge and walked out the door. I was eager to see what this day would hold for me. I walked out the door with my car keys in hand. The sun rays danced on my skin, the wind rustled the trees. It was so nice out; putting the keys back into my pocket I walked to work. My shoes picked up small pebbles that lay on the gravel road. Little dust clouds seemed to be eating at my shoes. I made a small left turn and in front of me was my entry. An old dusty brown and burnt red brick wall. This wall stretched for another mile to two. I pulled out my ID card and pushed in to the darkest brick that was in front of me. The brick pushed out and the section of the wall slid open reveling a stair way. I headed down the stairs and the door closed behind me. I used to be afraid that people would see me entering and I would escape inside looking like a thief. Tall coat, little hat tilted and a head that would constantly look left-right, eyes keeping watch. That was before I knew there was a blend cloak. I stopped worrying; we were in the middle of nowhere yet in the center of it all. It was a puzzle with two sides to it. I walked and walked, going down and down. It was a drag, to walk so many stairs but my legs grew accustomed to it.
I soon entered the HQ lair. The headquarters to my job, I was picked out to be the Saver and monster catcher. It turns out I’m pretty useful with a gun and doctor tools. My friends and workers greeted me. I smiled back.
“So, any new rifts open, odd weather?” I asked with hope in my voice.
“No, not today Riki, but we have something odd going on...” Responded my boss Scott.
Riki was my nick name; my full name was Rikimaro woods. I really hate my real name; I like my pet name that my friends gave me.

“Odd, what type of odd…Strange odd, normal odd. Shall I go on?” I responded with eagerness.
“Were getting calls from the police, there hearing about strange activity down by the redwood forest? They say the people who were on a picnic who saw a small hairy bear walk on its hind legs and was snooping around.”
“Maybe its yogi bear going evil. If there’s a picnic then yogi is sure to be around.” I gave a small laugh and smiled. Scott grinned but responded with a serious tone.
“I don’t think so. It appears to be a lanon.” He smiled and looked at me
Scott knew that my favorite was a lanon. They were fun to hunt. They put up a great fight but fall down hard. Now, we don’t go murdering every living monster that comes and goes. Sometimes we pull the trigger. Not for fun, but if it’s the only thing to do. We stun them and inject a sleeping liquid that knocks them out 3 hours. We then bring back to HQ and hold them in a chamber till the rift opens and we can throw them back over to the side they belong.
“Bryfly! Move out” Scott gave the orders. He was the leader, the one in charge. He was the man that made Bryfly, He made the organization. We all rushed in to places. We grabbed the stun guns, and are normally loaded guns that were meant to kill. We grabbed the health kit, and moved out to the big black Van. We put the cases in, along with the equipment still in the can. A computer, GPS and many other objects. Now normally a big black van might be suspicious but now a days we just blend it with all the other vehicles on the road. We drove off to the red wood forest. Once there we jumped out the doors grabbed our GPS and headed out with guns tucked behind us in our pockets. We reached the scene and heard growling sounds being made. We ran behind a tree. I slowly turned my head and got a view of the lanon. He was a brown hairy beast the size of a dwarf. Don’t let their size miss-lead you. They can move fast and they aim for the legs. They zoom in and out and scratch at your legs and arms with their dagger like claws. Then once weak… they take a big bite out of your leg and they chomp down, Not letting go. The lanon was eating what was left of the food from the earlier picnic. Rebecca, my team mate started to stalk closer. The stun gun needs to be close to its target, so it will have a greater effect. We all watched. Then a man came running in to the scene. Rebecca then rushed back to the closest tree, and hid in the shadows. The man looked like he was 45 or so. His blackish gray hair was combed to one side. He got closer to the lanon. We all watched prepared to attack. He called out in a sweet but rough matter.
“Alex? Oh Alex. Come back to your papa.”
The lanon looked at him and recognizing his voice, started to move closer to the strange man. It was something we have seen a few times. It’s a rare occasion, It was an unlucky luck. A person may come across the animal that comes out of the rift and take it in under their wing. Raising it and keeping it as a pet. But when they get older they get lose and run free and end up killing innocent people.
Rebecca soon stood out of the shadows of the tree and spoke to the man.
“Sir, do you know what you’re doing?”
“What? Who are you? Where did you come from? He responded his eyes darted from Rebecca to the lanon.
“Sir, I’m Rebecca from Briefly. I need you to step away from that creature.”
“Briefly? I heard about you. You take innocent creatures away and lock them up and test on them!” “You want to take away my Alex! I knew it. You’re not going to take him away from me. He doesn’t hurt anyone!” He spoke with a rasping voice.
“No, not yet… but he might! He can’t be tamed. Please sir…” Rebecca soon reached behind her to take out her stun gun, but the man was no stranger to moves like that. He soon took out his gun and pointed it at her.
“You just keep those pretty little hands where I can see them!” he shouts.
It was getting out of hand and soon Scott steps out of the other side and presents himself.
“Sir, you better listen to the gal. You think what you have is an innocent creature, looks can be deceiving and then if will hurt you. It’s called a lanon and it fell through a rift in time.” The entire time he spoke, he had a serious face placed on him; he was looking at the lanon.
The creature then jumped out of the way and started to run. Rebecca then pointed the gun at the Lanon. The strange old man then pointed his gun and aimed at Rebecca. I ran from my hiding place and jumped in front of Rebecca, pushing her further back. The man pulled the trigger and I took what was coming for me. It seemed as if it was a slow moving bullet, the ones they show in the movie theater when it’s about to hit the bad guy. The bullet then impacted me and I could feel it shredding inside me. I was the jello and the bullet was the fork. I gasped; fell sluggishly down to the ground. Time seemed to end. My friends looked at me then at the astonished man. The man dropped the gun and ran. Scott got ahead and with Thor’s help chased after the man. Rebecca took a perfect aim at the monster and knocked him out. She then went by my side and brushed aside the grass on my shirt. Thor and Scott came back with the man in cuffs. They went and got the medical kit. They then wrapped my side up and tried to stop the bleeding. They loaded me into the van and headed to HQ. I knew I wasn’t gonna make it. The bullet made a deep impact and I was losing too much blood. I saw everyone staring at me. I managed to speak up, though it pained me every time I took in a breath.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t do anything before. I should have snuck… up.” I gasped.
“Shush. It’s ok. You’re gonna make it” Rebecca’s voice soothed me.
“Not in time… HQ is so far…” My voice started to fade “I’m a doctor… I know.”
“Riki, don’t say such things. Just hold in buddy.” Scott spoke in.
I closed my eyes and saw darkness. No light or passage. Just darkness. I was falling and drowning in the pit of despair. It never ended. I just kept falling and falling.
I had died in the van 35 minutes away from HQ.
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Point of view- Riki
I was falling and falling into the darkness. I was screaming but no sound came out. I kept falling till I landed on something soft.. it felt like a pillow. Was this my passage to heaven? I looked for the light. I felt warmth. It felt like fire flames. It started to get bigger and bigger and I got swallowed by it. The fire faded away like fog and I was still blinded. I could hear voices. They were speaking to me. No, they were speaking about me.
“This can’t be… it just doesn’t seem right. Rebecca whimpered.
“There’s nothing we can do. We must grant him his last wish”. Scott spoke in a candid manner.
“We all sign a contract and we all agree, He wished to be cremated. Load up the fire Thor” Scott’s voice amused me.
“Don’t I get a say in this? Maybe I want something different with flowers…” I spoke up. Opening my eyes for the first time in what felt like forever. I then picked myself up and sat upright on the metal table. I was then talking to Rebecca who looked as if she saw a ghost.
“Riki, look at the scanner.” This wasn’t right. It showed that I was dead but no decay or deterioration in muscle what so ever. No heart pumping. I felt fine.
“This can’t be!” I yelled!
“It is” Scott spoke in sincerely.
“But why?”
“Maybe you were not ready to go yet. Maybe you’re given a second chance of living life.
“You call this living? I’m not living! I am dead and moving, I’m a zombie! I was starting to fume. If I were alive I would be turning red with anger.
“Actually zombies are part alive and eat flesh…” Thor spoke in
I glared at him, his snide comment made my eyes roll.

“Maybe we should run a few tests. There might be a cure… or you might have something rare…”
“Oh. You wanna test? Ok let’s test Riki and see what he can do. I said in a playful manner. Let’s probe Riki and see what happens. Look at the cause and effects...
I jumped up. I was in my blue striped boxers but it didn’t matter. I got up and looked at the surgical tools I was too familiar with. I grabbed the sharpest knife and cut open my flesh on my palm. A gap opened and my skin hung to the sides. Everyone looked wide eyed. Nothing happened. I felt no pain. No blood came gushing out. Rebecca cried and ran out of the room. I then glared at Scott who did nothing. I turned around and ran. I ran out of the building. I ran all the way to the streets. People stopped and stared but I ran.
I then opened my eyes. Stopping the movie in my mind. The sun blinded me and I sat up. My clothes were damp. They had dried from the heat of the sun. I looked at the ocean, the suns reflection gleaming on the surface. I remembered the girl. The water girl. I got up and walked back to my house to change. I knew what I had to do.

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Point of view- Riki
Chapter 4
I was in my house, the house that felt real. My damp clothes clung to my skin. I ripped them off. I stood there with my shirt off; I looked down at my pale skin. A ripped puncture was on my chest. It was a whole from where the bullet hit me. I thought only of my friends, and dressed to go see then. I thought about how they haven’t heard from since I ran off in such a hurry. I went and searched for some old clothing so I ripped a piece of and mended my hand. Once everything was done, I went outside. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and it felt like overcast. I walked towards the hidden area and went inside to find my friends and Co .workers. They saw me, and stopped what they were doing. They were worried about me. Rebecca did not look up at me, and Scott moved towards me. His arm reached out and then went limp. He spoke.
“Are… are you ok?”
“Ok?” I replied. “Better than Ok, I feel great.”
They all stared at me in shock.
I spoke again to extinguish the fiery silence.
“I have a new mission for us. I name this mission project… The Water Girl.” I spoke the rest rather fast so I could get it all out. I told them about the dancing girl in the lake. I explained what she looked like, so we could look her up on our database. My friends were relieved to see me happy, and that we have a mission to do. Rebecca looked on the computer to find any matches that looked like what I was talking about. Scott decided to look up for anything odd happening in the lake. About 14 minutes passed and Scott walked over to my desk and opened his mouth to speak.
“Hey, I know a lot… has happened to you. I hope this is not too much to ask but- could you go back out and …”
I interrupted him.
“ So, you want me to go back out in the lake and find the girl.”
“Well, ya. You know, since you have this new thing, you can live under the water and make contact with this girl. We can’t find anything about her. We need you to talk to her and find more about her. Then you need to learn about her and see if she some kind of hidden monster and find her weakness.”
Scott spoke, thinking about his word choice. He then at the end of his speech looked up at me. I smiled at him and agreed to do my part of the mission.

Point of view - girl (Enya)
Chapter 5
I watch as the strange man pulls himself out of the water. I glide over and watch him. Me, who is still invisible, gets out of the water. I do so by controlling the water and have it gush um underneath me. It looks like a fountain pump pushing the water. I stand on the water as it pushes me up toward the surface. I smell the fresh sent of the air. I walk on the dock and stand beside the man. I am dry, once I reach the surface but the man is dripping wet with his soggy clothes. He just lies on the ground and closes his eyes. I sit next to him knowing he won’t realize that I’m next to him. I sit and thing for 10 minutes. Not very long when I realize that I was hungry. Just because I can swim and breath underwater does not mean I won’t eat. I get up and walk away from the man who is lying on the dock.
I walk towards a new building that just opened. I ask for a table but they decline saying that I am too young and little to eat by myself and I should call for my parents. I snuffle a laugh. If only they knew who they were talking too. My parents? Ya right. It has been a while since I last thought about them. I closed my eyes, and I felt my pupil turning into a dark purple. My eyes now had a glazy slip over them. When I opened them, I stared into the waitress eyes. Peering into her soul, and I spoke keeping my voice down a little.
“Lady, you will give me my food for free. My parents don’t matter. And remember this, It’s the princess orders!” I said the last bit harsher to make it stick into her mind. She was under my control and she walked away stiffly. I saw her guide me to the table in the corner.
“Is this table worth for you, Princess?”
“Yes, But I advise you to leave the Princess part off.” I said.
“Yes Princess.”
I sighed. I hated using my powers and having to add the princess part. I try act normal and blend in but I have advantages that I need. And besides, I am hungry. A few minutes later my food came. When I was controlling her I told her my food orders. The waitress glided the food one by one onto my table. It looked like a lot of food for one girl, but after living under water for what seemed like forever I have got to eat! On my table there were chicken fingers in front of me, Oatmeal to my left side, and ravioli to my right. I did one dish at a time. Working from my left to my right. I ate it all, leaving no wasted food. At the end of my eating I felt as if I ate a cow and a pig. I looked down to make sure my tummy was not going to bust. I knew the cure to help me feel better. I walked out of the new restraint leaving a $5 tip and erasing the waitress mind of me. The building was only 3 blocks away from the dock. So I walked the little trip and got to the dock.
Once there I saw that the man was gone. I thought about what happened to him but I let the idea of him slip away from my mind. I jumped into the water not holding my breath. The sensation of the water thrilled me. It felt so good, I could feel my energy rising. Water is a source for me to get my energy. It’s a recharging station for me to heal. I then created a thin coat of water and “slipped” It over my hand like a glove. I then held this water glove and I felt the power rush in my veins. My glove hand glowed. I brought it over my stomach and it felt warm. My stomach then emptied itself, as if the food that was once inside, was gone. I still felt as if I ate, but I was no longer feeling the “fullness” I felt much better. I smiled and felt weary. I slowly drifted into a state of slumber. I then closed my eyes and slept under the cool water. Floating aimlessly in the middle of the water, I felt great.

Point of view- Riki
Chapter 6
I walked along the docks edge and stood there for a few seconds. Thinking about my choices that I had in mind. I had to find this girl, and I had to get my plan into action. I went over my plan in my head.
First I would find this girl, and talk to her. If that would work out then I would try to earn her trust. That part was a little confusing for me. I really had no idea how I was going to do that. The next part I would try to find what or who she is. And then, the part were Scott comes in, trap her if she is titled dangerous. I had no idea what was going to happen; I had no clue where this girl would be and if she would be harmful. After I went over my plan, I did the first part of my plan. I had to find the girl.
I jumped into the water, it rushed around me. I stood still floating in the water. I blinked to get the blurry vision clearer. I’m not sure if what I saw was what I wanted to see. The girl was 10 feet in front of me. She was floating in the water, still and silent. No movements happened. I was scared and crushed. My mission was a failure. The girl was dead. I felt anger rush inside me for no reason. I swam closer to her. Holding in a breath that did not exist… The girl looked frozen. I then reached out to feel her pulse in her throat. I barely made contact before a hand reached and grabbed me. This girls hand had me pinned down under the water. The girl was now behind me cuffing my hands with her grasp. A voice broke my struggle to get free.
“Be still and you shall be gone.” Her voice flowed like a river, smooth and quite. It stopped me from my struggle. I waited for her to make her move. She went on.
“I’m going to take you somewhere; I want you to be quite.” Her voice glided beautifully. I nodded my head and obeyed. A feeling of forced power rumbled beneath us. I looked down to see us standing on top of what looked like an upside down waterfall. This waterfall pushed us into the air and we shot into the sky. It looked like we were in an elevator heading towards the heavens. I gaze at the scene beneath me. The people walked about aimlessly. Cars zoomed by to beat the traffic rush. No one appeared to realize this waterfall that was happening in front of them.
“They can’t see what’s going on; it blends in to something that the people can comprehend.” Her voice startled me but I took in her words. We kept gliding above the city till we reached the clouds. The water evaporated and dissolved beneath us. I got worried. She pushed me onto the cloud. The cloud felt like a pillow. This was beyond my imagination. The cloud was felt like my bed. We walked onto the cloud and I could feel her grip loosen. She backed away slowly and I turned around. I was ready to meet this girl face to face. (chapter 2)
I stared at her feet, they were barefoot. No shoes on them. Then I realized that I too had my shoes off. She had long legs that were thin but had muscle in them. She wore tight leggings with a jean skirt on. She was wearing a brown tee-shirt that was tucked into her skirt. The shirt showed off her curves. I glanced at her face, and was stunned. I just stood there soaking in her features. She had these thin eyebrows that shaped her eyes. Her eyes were tree bark brown. She had small, but plump lips that held the color of a rose. Her hair was something beyond words to describe. It held the night’s sky and the oceans waves. Her hair was long and silky. At times when the sun touched it, it looked like fire on ice. When the shadows came gliding on it, it looked wet but shiny and dry. Her skin held a peach nectar color. She looked like 15 or 16, but she was smaller than others I have seen. Her appearance was an angle flying over a sunset. Streaking the world with ice and fire. It felt like forever when I was done gazing at her. She looked at me innocently but her head tilted to one side. She then stood up right and spoke.
“What is your name?” I melted by the voice of an angle.
“My name is Riki. And may I ask what is yours?” I answered strongly.
“Riki stands for something?” She said not answering my question.
“Yes, my full name is Rikimaro wood. I don’t like my long name.”
She laughed and spoke again.
“My name is Enya”
I was puzzled. I never heard such a short name.
“Does that stand for anything, Enya?”
“Yes, My full name is…” She looked at me then sucked in a deep breath.
“Eclipse, Petra shanya Scarlett Sapphire Hippolyte lavander. Enya Lavander for short”
“Whoa, and I thought I had a long name. may I ask the next question?”
“yes, you may”
“who are you.”
“I just told you. Enya.”
“Well, yes, I know that- but I mean. I have never seen you before and you seemed … dead.”
“you mean in the water? Well, I was sleeping. Why does it matter to you who I am. No one else does.”
Yes, but no one else has seen what I have seen. And, how were you sleeping?”
“you think you have seen it all? Guess again. How would you like it if I just start barging in when you are sleeping and ask 20 questions?” She was getting annoyed.
But she also fell for my trap. When I mentioned that I had seen it all, she responded with you think you have seen it all? Guess again. So, she must be from another planet or a rift in space.
“Oh, my bad for asking so many questions. There are as you know, only so few I may ask.” I said in a sarcastic tone.
“Here I am walking on a cloud and being yelled at for being curious on how I am supposed to get down and if I will make it down alive.” I had my own flame ignited.
Point of view - enya
Chapter 7
I was sleeping peacefully till my sensors were blasting. I have this power that warns me when someone is about to touch me. I have this little problem with people touching me. Even a tap from the wrong person can make my world crash. I froze, waiting to attack my foe that wished to touch me. Something was not right. My heat sensors were not telling me what kind of person this was. In fact, I got a signal that said that there was no life around me. Impossible is what I thought, but my touching alarms were still blasting in my head. The alarms warned me that this person hand was getting closer to my face . In one sweeping motion I grabbed this persons arm, not realizing who it was. I then jumped them, forcing them in front of me and I had their hands in a grasp. It was such a blur; it took me a few seconds to realize who this person was. It was him. The man that was swimming in the water, the man that was lying on the dock. This same man came back under the water. Something was not right, this same man was not alive, and he was undetected from my heat sensors that are in my mind. I stood behind him, not letting him get a close up of my face. I spoke strongly towards him.
“I’m going to take you somewhere; I want you to be quite A feeling of forced power rumbled beneath us. I looked down to see us standing on top of what looked like an upside down waterfall. This waterfall pushed us into the air and we shot into the sky.
“They can’t see what’s going on; it blends in to something that the people can comprehend.” I spoke to the man so he won’t get puzzled. We kept gliding above the city till we reached the clouds. I then pushed the man in front of me when we reached the cloud. He turned around and he seemed to be looking inside me. He stared at me, for what seemed like forever. While he gazed at me, I could not help my keep my eyes locked on him. His eyes held the forest, and his muclery body with a light Tan. And my god, was he hot! I never called anyone hot. Maybe cute or good looking but he was HOT. He wasn’t a body builder but he was definitely in shape. His wet clothes clung onto him and I could see his 6 pack. My eyes felt as if they might pop out of my head. His bangs were pushed to one side and his hair swished around in the wind. But nothing compared to his breath-taking smile. When he pulled back his lips, he looked as if he was holding a secret from the world and he wanted to tell someone about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bunch of girls lined up to date him. His average age looked to be 23. I then looked him in the eye and asked my question that was pounding in my head.

Chapter 8
Point of view-enya
“What is your name?” His smile then turned into a straight line. He replied with a soothing voice slightly dipped in the water. In other words, mildly deep.
“My name is Riki. And may I ask what is yours?”
“Riki stands for something?” I said ignoring his request for an answer.
“Yes, my full name is Rikimaro wood. I don’t like my long name.”
I laughed and let out a chuckle. This man- Riki- thought he had a long name. I couldn’t help but smile at his silliness. I responded to his first question. “My name is Enya”
His eyes squinted a bit and lines creased around his forehead. He looked confused. He opened his mouth and spoke. “Does that stand for anything, Enya?” I could drown at the way he spoke my name. I never heard someone make my name seem so wonderful. I kept my ground and acted calm and collected.
“Yes, My full name is…” I took in a deep breath ready to speak my name.
“Eclipse, Petra shanya Scarlett Sapphire Hippolyte lavender. Enya Lavenders for short”
He took a small step back like he got shot. He stumbled forward a few steps, and he replied a little bewildered.
“Whoa, and I thought I had a long name. May I ask the next question?”
“yes, you may” I responded like a teacher allowing a student to show off in front of the class.
“Who are you?”
“I just told you. Enya.” I knew what he was getting at and responded with a mocking tone.
“Well, yes, I know that- but I mean. I have never seen you before and you seemed … dead.” I noticed him wince at the last word; I too could not help but wince.
“You mean in the water? Well, I was sleeping. Why does it matter to you who I am? No one else does.” My voice raised a little.
Yes, but no one else has seen what I have seen. And, how were you sleeping?”
I rolled my eyes back and snickered. Riki thought he had me all figured out, like he was better than me. “You think you have seen it all? Guess again. How would you like it if I just start barging in when you are sleeping and ask 20 questions?” I was getting a bit pissed. The last part I realized I could have left out but I added It in.
He looked stunned from my response but he replied with…
“Oh, my bad for asking so many questions! There are as you know, only so few I may ask. Here I am walking on a cloud and being yelled at for being curious on how I am supposed to get down and if I will make it down alive.” His cutting words hurt me. I did not expect that. We both glared at each other for another minute. His eyes softened and he spoke. “We got off on a rough start, let’s start over. My name is Riki Woods. And who are you?” I smiled. I didn’t want to smile, but his smile automatically made me want to smile. I responded in a polite manner. “My name is Enya lavender; it’s a pleasure to meet you.” We grinned at each other. I understood how Riki might be a little upset. I did after- all drag him up on a cloud, that’s not normal for most people. I told him to turn around and then I held his arms that were by his side and I carefully lowered us to the ground. We were both standing on the dock, when he asked if I wanted to dinner and get a snack to eat; while we talked. I wanted to say yes so much, I wanted to imagine us in a café eating and laughing like a normal people. But I’m not normal, and I didn’t want to say anything to … odd. He might think something of me, and I thought something of him. He still wasn't on my heat sensors. So I declined. I walked in the crazy streets not aiming to go anywhere. I turned my head back and Riki was gone. My arm, raised slightly upward wanted to reach out and touch him, but it fell limp to my side. Riki was gone, and maybe gone for good.

Point of view: Riki
Chapter 9
I was so happy that things went as planned. Well part of it. But hey, I’m on a name bases with my enemy- I mean friend. I was now getting a little confused. I saw the girl- I mean Enya leave and I too headed in the other direction. I went straight to Brifly’s HQ. Once in Bryfly, I saw all my teammates waiting around the door. Scott was the closest by the door with his arms crossed, and Rebecca was on the stairs, and Thor was in his seat eating a sandwich. Scott was the first to speak.
“You were gone for a longer time than I expected, did something happen while you were gone? His eyebrow raised in suspicion.
I responded with a happy tone.
“Actually… no, things went to plan. I found out a bit more than I was aiming for.” A smile spread across my face.
Scotts arm dropped to his side in shock. He told me he wanted to know about it all, and so I stood there telling them everything. From how she was in the water, sleeping, and the waterfall, and the cloud and also how I got her name. I did mention the fact that the she wouldn’t eat something with me when I offered and how she ran off after that. I also did not mention how beautiful she was, how she made my dead heart pump again. Scott was a little upset that I let her run off and not know where she was going, I only said that I had a feeling I knew where. Scott then ordered Rebecca to look in the database for anyone named Enya. Thor went online to see if anything water based happened.
“Scott, what should I do now?” I asked.
“You keep doing what you are doing. Get to know about this girl-
“Enya.” I interrupted.
“Er, yes, Enya- and find more about her. And if that works well than you decide if she is dangerous or not.” So I returned home, ready to sleep on what I learned. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. Nothing happened, my eyes only saw darkness. I soon realized that I can’t sleep, it was physically impossible. Well, I guess I will pull another all-nighter. I got up and turned on the television. The newscaster showed a picture of the dock, and a lady ready to speak.
We are here at the Dock, where people say just moments ago the water rose 15 feet in the air and dropped. Splashing the sides of the Dock, and the people who stood by witnessed it all. The people are still puzzled to why this would happen. It doesn't make much sense but we are on the case. This is Libby Sons, signing off.
I smiled and thought about what Enya said that people can’t understand what goes on. Getting my jacket on, I was ready to wonder the streets.

Chapter 10
Riki point of view
“All right people, we need to get all trackers online. Look up anything that can be used for clues!” Scotts booming voice filled the room of the control center. We were all on the computers typing away fiercely trying to get a signal of where Enya the water girl might be. That was the title. We had a new mission called water girl. I kept telling him that she had a name, Enya, but he only said that the water girl was a threat. For some reason, it rubbed me the wrong way, I don’t know why but I got upset that he had no caring feelings for her. But then again, why do I care about her. She is a threat… “People, look up the name, it could mean something!” Scott’s voice broke up my thought. Typing, clicking sounds then filled the room; until Rebecca shouted “Got something!” we all stopped, turned our heads and waited for Scott to speak. He walked over to Rebecca’s computer and read out loud the Article.
The legend of the water family:
Once a time ago, in the past yet in the future there was a family. They were true blood. It started on a space craft up in the stars, on a planet called Fireclaw. Fireclaw was a home planet to many people. As the story goes they were just like us, looked like us. Some say they were our great, great, ancestors. As the story goes, the citizens were a little different than us. They had powers. Each one was born with a power, sometimes small and sometimes more powerful. In the ledged there was a queen mother, who was able to talk to animals, the father King was able to control one of the elements. The king and queen were the rulers of the planet, they were great role models, and they had their own family crest: THE TRUEBLOOD engraved on it.
Everything was great for the True blood Royal family. Until they got a message from the rival Clan, the rival clan wanted the planet for their own. The message was a threat to leave now or get blown up. The citizens of the planet Fireclaw all got ready to leave on a safety spacecraft. While other officers were ready to defend the home planet. The royal family had just a little baby girl. The father and mother look in the cradle of where the baby girl slept. They kissed her goodbye knowing this would be there last greeting. This baby girl was special. The parents knew this. They tucked her in a safe water Orb that the father made. Inside of the orb were food, blankets, and a guide. They assigned two of their top military men to watch over their daughter. They sent her out, a destination where she would be kept safe. A place where it would protect her. Earth, this strange planet was perfect for the girl. She would grow up and live among the humans that have just started. They gave the girl a new home to start with, a cave in the middle of the forest, with a bear. The mother spoke to the bear and told him to guard and raise the girl like one of the bears own. And so as the story goes the girl and the 2 men were sent out of a ship down to earth. And while the orb was racing to earth the girl woke up from her sleep and cried. Somehow she knew. The parents held onto each other and tears crept out of their eyes. Ships started to leave the planet while the parents were ready to stand with the planet. In a matter of seconds the home planet blew up. And the power of the effect hit the orb sending it faster to earth and moving the 2 guards across the world. The girl landed and the bear picked her up and carried her to the cave. Time passed and soon she was a young girl who was raised by a bear and lived in a cave. The 2 guards to this day are still searching for the girl who has blended in with society. Lost or Gone forever.
That is the legend of the water family:

We stood there; it felt like had just watched a move that felt too real. “It’s just a legend… right? It can’t be true…” Rebecca’s soft whisper was the only sound in the silenced room. We just stood there waiting for Scott to give us an order.
“Ok guys, this is a great start; let’s see if we can find more on this family. Riki, you know this girl better than any of us. Does this relate to her in the smallest of bits? “
Um, well… Kind of, I guess.” I answered my voice shaky. In fact it sounded a lot like her, a water orb was mentioned and I remember seeing Enya create one. She seems to do the impossible, but a bear? What was that supposed to mean? It must be just legend nonsense. The same nonsense that’s just crazy as Enya lived before human, its just crazy to think that it could be possible. It doesn’t take many brain cells to realize that Enya is just about 17 years old, and she was a baby when she “lived with the bear.” All these questions and new information was too much, it was getting too confusing. “ I don’t think this article on the ledged is going to help us much, why don’t we just stop and think about this?” I state calmly.
“Think about this, what is there to think about? We got some facts and we have you, you did just agree that the legend related to her in some way…”
“w –well, yes but maybe we should think with some common sense.”
“Common sense? You want to voice your opinion with common sense? What has gotten into you? You know this job, you know the requirements, you’ve done missions like this before, and you just now start to act all… I don’t know... just act like THIS! We work with the strange, the unusual, the aliens and monsters and unexplained creatures, and we are doing what we normally do, get some facts, track it down, catch it, and figure out what we do with it!” Scott was red in the face now.
“Yea, I know the requirements and all that jazz, but maybe we should look at this “case” a little differently. The only facts we have is that article, maybe we should look into who wrote it, and maybe that person has more knowledge on this. And maybe, just maybe we should gain more knowledge than track and attack.” I say with emphasis on attack, I kept my voice steady and calm, I was getting a little red in the face also. I look around; I had forgotten that the others were still with us in the main floor room. Rebecca is playing with her hands, trying to look preoccupied. Thor just sitting his seat, looking from Scott to me, me to Scott and then his eyes looked at the grey tile floors.
“Maybe, just maybe, you’re right… We might want to look at this from a different angle. Thor! Look up more info on the author and other articles that relate to this mission. Look the up True Blood family and other legends. Rebecca, keep a watch on the monitors and look for anything unusual, and if it appears then notify me right away!” Scott looks at me and gives me a small nod. I felt exhausted and didn’t feel up to working on the mission anymore.

“I’m goanna call it a day.” I yell out to my friends.
“What, now? When we have vital information that could help us, you want to call it quits?” Scott says annoyed.
“Yea, just goanna take a break for today, I’ll come back tomorrow if you want?” I honestly didn't know why Scott was making a big deal about me leaving early, I hardly ever leave early, it was just a small favor. Everyone does, a few days a week never hurt anyone. Where not exactly chasing anything now.
“A break? You just don’t get it, Riki? You are a key importance in this mission, how could you leave now?”
“Yea... let’s see... I’m basically luring in the prey for you to catch. Big key importance... Besides you’re goanna lay all your facts based on the legend?”
“Fine then... take the rest of the day off, but keep your communicator close to you in case we get anything new...”
Sure, sure.. See ya guys!” I wave to everyone before heading off. I think this mission is turning Scott into a nervous wreck. Hard day at work. I shake it off and head home, I glance at my watch. 11:30pm, gosh, my shift was going to be over in half an hour, why would he get so upset with me leaving just a little early. Sometimes I don’t understand Scott. The sunny sky that once was up now turned dark blue. The street lamps lit up the side walk. I look around; not many people are out at this time, I make a sharp left down the street. No point in going home when all I do is close my eyes to nothing. I walk on the side walk looking into the window shops and pubs that were lined up on each side of the street. Most of them were closed for the night, except one called Night Light, a little shop that had odd trinkets of sort in it. I peek in the window and see an elder man at his desk reading a book called The last element, interesting title I thought. The little shop was an old small brick building that was losing its paint on the door. I slowly open the door and walk in. A bell above my head dings as the door taps it. The man looks up from his desk and smiles as me. I see that he has some wrinkles across his forehead.
“Welcome to Night Light, a shop where you can always find light from the dark. We have luck charms, spell and fortune books and rock charms. If you want you can get a question answered. For your first one free, but the next is going to cost you 8 dollars.”
I give him a small smile and I nod as I look around. It was pretty dim in the shop; the only lights were the small lamps that were placed on the little round wooded tables that were placed randomly in the room. A large book case was against the wall to my left while boxes with charms and trinkets and rings were on my right. I walked over to the book case and looked at the vintage books that had that old stale book smell. I read the cover of the book titles to myself but my lips whispered the words. Magic spells for luck, The universe is your fate, You choose and fate decides, The last element. Once I read the cover, I pulled out the book from the case and dusted it off a bit. There was no description on the back; I opened it to the first page.
The young girl, trapped and alone, the young girl does nothing but stops to watch, at times she will add in her own thought. She can be known as a veil, for she hides secretly but can change the thinnest item and change ones course. She is alone and her gift or curse is the only thing she has that makes her alone. As the story goes, she was protected by her loving parents to meet up again later in time. But for now she is alone…
Wow, deep stuff I thought. I closed the book and placed it back into the shelf.
“Do you wish to buy that book?” the old man asked me.
“oh, um, no thanks – I was just looking.” I say.
“People don’t pick up books or items if it didn’t interest them; it has to have some importance for you to pick that book up…hmmm?” The old man looks at me through his thick rimmed glasses.
“I- well yea, it did interest me but it’s not what I need.” The man nods his head at me and continues to read his book. I then wave goodbye and head out for a walk.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2011

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