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Echo Umbra Coon

 Name: Echo Umbra Coon

 Age: 17

 Specie: Jumper, a teleporting people with a long smooth tail with a fin spade or feathers at the end, some have spikes or a fin that runs down the length of their tail, they have goat like ears on the side of their heads, long horns that may spiral, curve up, down, inward, or outward or perfectly straight, usually have markings on their tails and faces as well as their arms. On the birthday of a Jumper a ring marking appears on their arm. These rings signify the number of times a Jumper can teleport. Example would be a five year old Jumper can only teleport short distances five times, each time they teleport a ring fades from the original color until the Jumper has recharged at that time the ring will return to its original color. At the age of ten a Jumper can teleport longer distances ten times and shorter distances up to 20 times depending on the distance. The royal family has the ability to transform into their ancestral forms a large lizard with similar features of that of a human Jumper. They are covered in scales that do not overlap but form together, webbed fingers and toes their claws grow up to 5 inches, with a length of 12 feet from nose to tail, males being larger as to protect their youth. Jumpers are perceptive and incredibly aware beings able to sence emotions from afar as well as their 5 senses being 5 times more enhanced than humans. Jumpers usually have slim agile and lithe builds and well toned skin

 Gender: Female 

 Pronouns: she/her usually prefers to go by her name

 Sexuality: straight, although she isn't completly against dating women

 Height: 5'9" slim and agile build, well honed

 Eye color: blue a shade above turquoise and silver flecks



Sparrow Endarea Coon


Name: Sparrow Endarea Coon

Age: 17

Species: n/a (probably a Jumper like her sister)

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: straight (she's never really thought about it)

Height: 5'4"

Eye Color: green

Hair Color: reddish brown

Weight: 129

Personality: sparrows got an attitude but she's determined and fierce like her sister Echo

Backstory: eh we'll talk later



youll see

Phade Iris Wolf

Phade flight rising character and a MM character 


Name: Phade Iris Wolf

Age: 20

Species: mirror (FlightRising dragon specie)

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: straight

Height: n/a

Eye Color: electric blue

Hair Color: n/a

Weight: n/a

Personality: soft tender and loving Phade loves everyone and she hates to see anyone hurt. She's soft and caring readily able to defend even if it means putting her own life in danger. She puts others before her and usually blames herself for small things and big. She's always willing to listen and do her best to be there for her friends and family.








Ghost (my alter ego >:3) (ok sooooo there's a few things to know about me)


Name: Ghost Isabell Wolf

Age: 5-17 

Species: n/a

Gender: female 

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: straight 

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: grayish blue

Hair Color: white silver or grey

Weight: 120 

Personality: Her personality um well... she can act like a child a lot... she's over excited and can be a bit annoying though she just really enjoys talking to other people and explains everything... she can change to a very dangerous person when need be and won't hesitate to lash out at those who dare insult, hurt, offend, or abandone her friends. 

Backstory: it's... complicated




Xavier (my only male oc *-*)









Eye Color:

Hair Color:







Clare (new oc)










Eye Color:

Hair Color:



Backstory: Clare was 9 when her parents were killed. Her father died when she was 7 and her mother was killed when she was 9. Both parents were killed by the same person. Same group to be specific. 

Random Story Bits

 (Gonna go all out here and just type up some random stuff since writing books is hard.... not to mention tedious and I haven't even gone into the research! 0_0)


You can Run but you can't Hide


They're so close. I can hear their boots pounding the catwalks below. If they get to the stairs before I get half way across the roof I can say good bye to my secrets. And my freedom. 

"Stop! Halt criminal," they're behind me!? How did they get on the roof?! BANG! Argh! 
My arm... their closing in too fast. And they aren't here to play. 
"I've had enough of your games," I know that voice... it's all too familiar. I pivot holding my arm to face him his piercing green gaze burning holes into my soul like acid. Coltan Kane. A By-Hunter, the most feared and most dangerous of any Hunter group. He's the highest ranking and he's been put on my case when their 20th failed attempt at catching me failed. It's said he's only hunted the most dangerous of the By's refused to chase after easy targets he's put some of the most powerful By's in a prison meant to hold them until their untimely death by the other inmates. He was only assigned my case because no one else could catch me not because I was dangerous in particular but it put him in a bad mood and he's made that clear. 

I clutch my bleeding arm staring into his eyes fear and determination were the only glimpses of my weakness he would ever see. 
"You can't run forever Ghost or should I call you by your real name... Aira," more Hunters have made it up the stairs and up onto the roof blocking my exit. With their weapons trained on me there's no where for me to go on foot in this form. My name. My namesake... my mothers name. The blood that drips down my arm stop dripping. The crimson drops of my blood turn into white and silver wisps of smoke curling into the cold night air. 

"Your a fool if you think using my name will do anything to hurt me," his green burning glaring gaze changes as those white and silver curls of smoke roll off my skin my eyes turning white the soft brown seeping to colorless voids. 

She- she's never used her abilities... ever. From the time of her discovery until now she's always used her wits and street smarts to escape the authorities. It's what made me come to admire her. The fact that she may be more powerful, more, gifted she insisted in keeping her ability inside. I've never seen anything like her before. Those soft milk chocolate brown eyes always held a determination in them, a dangerous glint always in them. She was never scared of me not even when I got so close to catching her. Now she was showing me exactly how dangerous she was... and it may become my end. 

She seemed to glow brightly in white and silver ice blue highlights as the glow brightened swirling flashes of light circling her. To say I was in awe was an understatement as I stared at her. Ice blue markings lined her body her black clothing hideous compared to her true form. Why do I feel this way? Her and I...we are enemies yet... 

"Are you afraid now Hunter?" Her voice was strained with pain and anger... disappointment. 

"I'm here now. Why have you hesitated in apprehending me. A monster," she hissed her white eyes fringed with tears. I couldn't speak utter a word move. I was frozen in place and so were my men. 

"How far will you go?" She asked her boots squeaking against the metal roof of the warehouse. 

"You'll have to try harder if you think you will catch me anytime soon," she said before the flash of light blinded us all and she vanished. Completely.


No matter how much I run no matter how far I run they are always one step behind me. I suppose that's better than ahead of me but still. Some space would be appreciated. I keep replaying last night in my head as I pull my hood over my head the down pour having almost completely soaked me. He couldn't stop staring in amazement. In awe. He no longer looked angry vengeful... he looked ready to fall to his knees or reach out and touch me. Last night I have barely enough energy to teleport far enough from the warehouse. I almost passed out. Cars rush past splashing the puddles up against the curb and anyone unfortunate to be standing near. Keeping a low profile is harder than it seems but this rain helps. It's soothing despite being drenched. It wasn't long till I made it to the pawn shop. 

"Aira! We thought they had you!" Granger... that red hair of his looked like flames in the light and his bright blue eyes clashed horribly with it. He practically strangled me when he embraced me. He stood half a foot taller than me and acted like he could hide behind me when Lancer got on his case. Speaking of which...

"The news said there had been a brilliant flash of white and blue light from downtown last night," Lancer glared at me with his dark grey stormy eyes. You wouldn't have believed we were siblings if we told you. He had shaggy white hair and I had muddy brown hair and brown eyes. We only looked like sibling in our true forms. 

"I'm not in the mood to talk about it," I said as I walked past them both and went to the back climbing the stairs. He knows how hard it's been for me. I'm the only one capable of gathering intel and supplies. I'm the only one able to avoid the Hunters and escape if need be. He is over protective but he loves me. Loosing our parents had been hard on us both. The three rooms upstairs were ours but we weren't the only three. Kaina and Juniper came running out of my room giggling. They stopped when they saw me their faces turning bright red. 

"What have you two been doing?" I asked my tone warning and suspicious. They looked away with smirks on their face.

"I suppose I'll find out," I said giving them a small smile and ruffling the twins hair before going into my room. 

"KAINA JUNIPER!!! IM GONNA MURDER YOU TWO!" they put a fucking SNAKE on my bed!! 

 The rain had finally stopped by 3:22 pm. 


Texte: Ghost Wolf
Lektorat: Ghost Wolf
Korrektorat: Ghost Wolf
Satz: Ghost Wolf
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2022

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