

“Subject 0798 has completed experiment #538,” the intercom announces loudly my successful spare as I finish pummeling the unfortunate volunteer who was supposed to provide a challenging fight. Looking up, I regard the five armed guards who stalk forward holding a shield and baton towards me. They flinch as I leap off my opponent, moving closer to them. They're supposed to take me back to my "room" but they know I don't go quietly or obediently. I stride around them, head held high, tail up in the air haughtily showing off and expressing my dignity. My eyes are closed as I near the sliding door, making the soldiers feel capable of lunging if need be. Inching closer to them, seemingly harmless and obedient. Let's see how they react to an attack. I pivot suddenly on my back right foot and vault into the air. They're slow to react to my enhanced maneuverability watching my ivory teeth, watching as I twist in the air and slam my whole body weight into the closest guard's shield shoving him into the ground with an oof. Moving in quickly the remaining guards move in to close off any escape and pin me down. Even with their precise movements and synced actions my bodies tensed and ready to leap my mind already playing out my next course of action the calculations of my lunge jump and weight needed to knock another guard to the floor. Their unease and anxiety comes off in waves knowing full well how this will end. They're fear and anxiety is a potent scent at a constant here. 

“Enough 0798, ” I hate that they call me a number... as if I'm merely a creation and not human, and the sound of his voice makes me want to bang my head on a wall. Smooth as silk and devoid of any compassion, full of self importance. If I could I’d rip his throat out, but when you're stuck in a massive maze called a laboratory with 20 levels each one full of military staff, and cameras watching your every move, you can't get away with murdering the head of the whole operation. Unless you have a death wish. And I do not.

Glaring at him does nothing to unnerve the man, his ice-blue eyes just glare back. Even if deep violet eyes are bizarre and scary looking from a pure white wolf with the intelegence of a human and the pure hate of a pissed off experiment.

More soldiers spill from the doorway, filling in the space behind the doctor that runs the whole equation and oversees my training. The man I hate most of all. The guards from before had batons the difference now is these guards have guns with tranquilizer darts. Wouldn't want to loose such an important advancement as the combination of wolf and human DNA. The German government kept this lab and the contents of the lab so quiet that those involved can't leave the lab and all communications are strictly forbidden, if you were caught or even suspected of sending messages to the outside world they put a 9mm into your head. 


I stepped off the guard I had knocked into the floor and watched him get up and scurry away. The soldiers from behind Dr. Advarso began advancing towards me, crouched in defensive mode, shields held in front angled up. I bared my teeth in a wolfy grin of mischief. My back legs tensed ready to spring, the hair on my neck stood on end, my eyes narrow studying each movement made. These guards were military trained and didn't hesitate or show fear. Not yet anyway. One guard in the back wasn't in a defensive formation and that's where I focused my attention. With a snarl, I release my pent up energy and spring into the air, leaping over the men. Caught by surprise the men were slow to act, they always were always waiting to be told to move then expecting me, landing in front of the lax guard, I slip in between the guy's legs and bolt through the door swinging around left into the corridor. Doors and other hallways branched off, glass windows, a view to what the scientists in white coats working with vials of chemicals or others in hazmat suits behind biohazard doors. Pelting full speed down the long tunnel felt exhilarating, until the far wall began getting closer. Slowing my pace preparing to pivot into a sharp right. Turning sharply into the next hall, I'm greeted by military men and blow darts in the shape of guns. Indifferent to the men and their toys, I run directly at them dodging their feeble attempts to stop me and weave through their legs. This corridor is much shorter than the last one at the end is a door locked by a keypad. Good thing I snagged a key card on my way through the forest of legs. The pounding of several pairs of feet behind me is unnerving but I'm quicker than they are. Sliding to a stop in front of the door I run the key card through the slot and the door clicks open. With a swish of my tail, I taunt the men as they slowly come up behind me and walk into the room. 

The floor beneath me is no longer concrete but grass and actual dirt. Trees sit in the back corners providing shade from the skylights above and rocks large and small litter the ground. Flowers and vines provide a pop of color and texture. A water feature makes up the direct right corner from the door, at the end of the waterfall sits a small pond with actual fish. The only thing out of character is the cameras that survey the terrain. Hidden eyes. Eventually, you get used to it even the annoying hum they create. Trotting across open space to the largest rock in between the two massive oaks at the back center of the room. I spend most of my time on top of the rock bathing in the sunlight or underneath the rock in the den I had hallowed out. Swiveling my ears towards the far left cluster of trees, the ruffling of feathers catches my attention. Turning away from my den, I trot towards the birch tree where the sound was coming from. Before I reach the base the door beeps and slides open, the guards file through standing at attention as Dr. Advarso walks in. 

“You are more trouble than your worth!” he growls. I stare at him unblinking, before sitting down and dropping the key card at my feet the gaze of every guard following.

“If I were more trouble than I'm worth, ” I pause briefly to convert back into my human form. “The U.S government would have had taken vials of my blood, and then killed me so YOU the puppets could dissect me to uncover what makes me Tick, ” tilting my head to the side a smirk lingering on my lips. The good doctor (not) glared at me and snapped his fingers. His grin was amusing as he seemed to think he could outsmart me or predict me. I was bioengineered to be impossible t catch my dna so complex not even codis would be able to detect my human blood. Advarso always with the bad ideas. In 2 seconds flat the team of guards lunge for me, and I transform back into my wolf form, grab the key card, and vault into the air onto a rock behind me while the men crash into a pile at the foot of the boulder. I yip with laughter, the key card at my feet, the men angrily threatening me.

“Give that back 0798 right... Now, ” I pretend to be scared, putting my tail between my legs and shivering. His cool demeanor changes, his face turning bright red. “Bring me the key card, ” the guards encircle the rock, 13 tranquilizer guns pointed at my head. With a sigh of defeat knowing I wouldn't be able to avoid all the darts in a lunge I toss the key card in the air watching it flash in the sunlight flipping before pausing midair and slowly beginnning to fall and as if in slow motion 3 things happen; one, the guards follow the card with their eyes, two a screech and flurry of feathers dive for the card, three I lunge a glint in my eyes and slam my whole body into the guard closest to me feeling the recoil as he wavers backwards and unsteadily regains his balance. Bounding off the guards shield I land on the rock and lunge back into the air using the momentum I had gained to go for yet another guard but they now understand the pattern and with practiced movements my targeted guard raises the butt of his gun and slams it into the side of my head throwing me off my course and flying into the boulder at which I had perched before taunting the morons of this place. Stars burst across my vision as I feel my skull come into contact with cold stone and the dark shadows of the guards whither behind closed eyelids. Through my thick coat the feeling of the cold stone against my spine faded into bitter resentment and muttering disappointment. 


Pain lances up my side and down my spine, upon waking from unconsciousness. My vision is still cloudy as red hot pain bounces around my skull. I made a vow to ensure the next time I see the man that hit me across the skull goes home with severe bruises and a bloody nose. I still have his scent in my mind, his glaring green eyes, his look of accomplishment as he grins ear to ear. Ugh I hate this place. Slowly rising to my feet the flutter of wings draws my attention. 

“I see you are still helping me, ” shaking my head trying to get rid of the drowsiness only made my head hurt. The flutter of wings lands next to me. 

“I see your still being a pain in the ass, ” Kyle stood in front of me, glaring, his silver grey hair shining in the sun. He offered his calloused hand a small grin on his face and I took it resentfully letting him pull me to my feet. Dusting myself off I sighed and leaned against the rock behind me the one I had been thrown against

“I found a way out, ” Kyle looked at me with a questioning look not quite understanding.

“Im serious, ” looking at the cameras in the corners I lean forward and whispered in his ear.

“All we need is one key and bam! We're out, ” I pulled away and Kyle stared at me before pacing to think. I climbed into one of the trees finding a suitable nook to relax in shifting into my wolf form. Dr. Advarso would be back, probably to test Kyle and his flying endurence and maneuverability. Once they cycle out the guards and the sessions I can grab another keycard but this time Kyle would be ready to slip away and we'd be out in a jiffy.

“I'm sick of this place, ” grey feathers ruffled as Kyle flew into the tree with me. Landing on my back he settled down as the sun began fading. Curled in the branches the heat from my fur kept both of us warm throughout the night. Soon both of us were asleep exhausted with the stress this place caused. We both dreamed of seeing the world and living it like everyone else. Pictures weren't good enough. They never were.


I yawned as my eyes flickered open. My head shot straight up and my ears perked pivoting as I looked upwards. Sparks flew about above us in a circular shape the moons reflection making it hard to see the shadows above. The sparks stopped and the soft sound of something grating a thick circular piece of the skylights glas dropped flat landing in the grass with a thump and the sudden wash of scents flowing into the atrium like room filled my nose and everything lit up like a light show. Suddenly I could see very clearly the outline of scent of each human being above us on the glass, the outline of the trees and the flow of other far away scents riding the wind. Their movement as they slowly lowered themselves down through the hole in the ceiling woke me fully as realization hit. This was a brake in. Shifting to wake Kyle up, he glanced around before hopping to a branch quietly balancing as his eagle eyes focused on the opening above. Both of us stayed completely quiet while moving to get out of the tree without being seen. The moon was full and three shadows lowered themselves to the ground using climbing gear. One of them turned towards us, and crouched. The moon glinted off a guns barrel making this brake in non to fun for us. With a soft growl as a warning to the intruders that we were wide awake I disappeared behind the rocks. Kyle stayed in the trees watching wings unfurled and ready to glide to the ground.

“Lets get them and get out of here, ” whispered a male voice, caucasian, mid-20s, American. Odd. What were Americans doing here? They were the ones who sponsored and provided the equipment for this program. What were they doing braking into their own project? No matter. Soon an alarm would go off as the cameras picked more than two heat signatures, but these people knew what they were doing moving quickly to search the space. One stayed by the hole in the glass providing cover from above and serving as a look out. Even at the edge hidden in the grass being all white made sneaking around impossible and the look out above called out to point me out. Like a ghost I vanished quickly behind the rocks flanking the nearest intruder who turned to face me as I came around the boulders. Our eyes locked and he could not look away from my violet eyes flickering with emotions. The alarm went off blaring loudly. Another two men slid down the climbing lines as the man in front of me snapped out of it. Now advancing on me Kyle flew in to his grey and silver wings flashing in the moonlight as his talons reached out to claw at the middle man's night vision goggles. A beeping sound arose and everyone took pause to look to the doorway. Without hesitation I lunged jumping up onto the nearest guard and using him as a springboard to leap up into the air. Those ropes were out way out but so were they for the men here. The door burst open and the first men crowded at the door fell backwards as I slammed into the lead guards shield creating a bowling ball affect and crashing the army behind him. 

"This isn't an invitation to stick around!" I yelled as I shifted back to hold the door closed as they recouperated on the other side and organize enough to attempt to slam the door open. Whoever these people were took that as a sign that we did not plan on sticking around so they started climbing while Kyle and I held the door closed. I locked gazes with Kyle and we counted to three before we stepped back letting the crash crew slam into a door that was already open and came flying through stumbling forward. While they tried to clean up the car accident that they were Kyle had flown to the top and I had lunged up grabbed a rope and swung up released and catched the rope at the top and pulled myself up. My violet eyes glared at the gun barrel in my face before they locked with the owner. We were surrounded by eight people in total all dressed in black with masks covering their faces. Only their eyes showed. Backs to the hole in the ceiling we didn't have much chose in where we went unless we wanted bullets in our spines. So we were forced to start moving. We ran with this group into the woods while the lab behind us went into full out panic mode as they just lost their only experiments. That place was our hell and we just escaped only to land in what looked like another one to be. Kyle stayed in his bird form sitting on my shoulder

Escape, Captured, Repeat

One thing I knew by heart was that the lab was where I'd been born, raised and escaped from. I know they've tried many times to produce humans with "superpowers" hence subject 0798 as they have called me. Tyler and I were born in the lab not as humans but as our animal forms, by animal mothers taken care of and taught by our mothers. At 4 months we exhibited high intelligence and an understanding of human words. Within a few weeks we began to discover the possibility to be human eventually changing into a human being. Finally they had created hybrids that could be used in war as a weapon or as a spy. One that would automatically win every battle because of the ability to blend in with nature. Once in our human forms they put Tyler and I together to see how we would react with one another. We were infants at the time but much more advanced infants. We still required motherly care, and as we got older we were taught how to read and write, world history, other languages and cultures, mathmatics and sciences. We had an average knowledge of the world but more than normal people. One may be educated in their countries customs and be classified smarter than their peers but would be classified dumber when it came to other countries customs and common knowledge. We learned more and exhibited more characteristics than a human being. We were beyond advanced for 10 year olds. Yes 10 year olds. We spent every minute of everyone hour of every day in that facility learning and being tested. Play time was training time, sparring time where we fought one another or against soldiers seperate or paired against small numbers or larger numbers. We were tested for everything every possibility every counter every imaginable way for one to stop us from being effective. Imagine being tortured, but fighting back at the same time whether hungry weakened, poisoned, dehydrated, sick, tired, hot, cold, injured, hiluscinating, blind, deaf, mute, sense of smell taken away, underwater, in the dark. It did not matter what it was we had to win or suffer worse. So getting to the point, being above ground for the first time in the dark while being shot at, and surrounded even then it shouldn't have happened. Neither of us should have been surprised or caught off guard. And yet we were easily knocked out. 

Trained as I was when I woke I kept my eyes closed, my breathing even, and my body limp. I focused on my sense of smell, hearing, and feel to determine where I was. It was dank, cold, wet, and air was flowing from somewhere to my left, the sound of dripping water sounded in the small cylinder shaped room, and my hands and feet where bound, and a gag in my mouth tasted of mildew. Great a sewer system, I was in an effing sewer system, and a small enclosed space that rebounded sound making stealth movement impossible. I stayed put a moment listening for breathing waiting and listening. Eventually I focused enough to hear soft and even breathing off to my right and the distant rumble of traffic farther away. The sound of voices speaking softly sounded to my left down another pipe. I kept my breathing even as I listened keeping myself calm. I was positive Kyle was the source of the breathing to my right so they hadn't separated us. That's good. 

"How long until they wake? We can't risk them escaping we have no idea how they were trained. We know nothing of them," American, Caucasian, southern accent, tired, wary, irritated. Who ever was speaking was not happy and beyond worried. 

"We don't know, all we know is they are not our enemy. Not yet at least," another voice, American, Caucasian, no accent, wary, nervous, tired. Everyone's on edge and it was gonna get worse. While I had been focusing and listening my hands worked at the rope around my wrists slowly and carfully pulling the ends out of the loops bit by bit. I was forced to stop when the voices got closer and the sound of footsteps echoed in the small space. A splash in front of me as one of the men stepped into the water and droplets landed on my pant leg. I was calm as could be which allowed me to keep up the facade. 

"Where either of them injured?" The American without the southern accent asked crouching in front of me. The bonds on my wrist fell away and my eyes snapped open. 

"Boo," I said causing him to stumble backwards into the water. Wrists unbound I'm able to change my form. Now in my wolf form im able to get my back feet out of the ankle bounds. Crouched and focused the two men have pulled weapons out. 

"Wow easy," the American said weapon out but pointed at the ground his southern friend had his gun steadily aimed at my head. Already having backed in front of Kyle I tickle his nose with my tail until his up and trying to shake the itch away. It took him a minute to focus and realize what was going on. 

"Aiden gun, put it down," the American said his eyes still on me but his hand out in front of Aiden. Kyle worked at his bounds while I kept the two Americans attention on me. "Alright let's just calm ourselves ok? We aren't going to hurt you," he said glancing to Aiden making sure he was putting his gun down. Usually I would have lunged at the unnamed American but right now he was keeping his buddy from shooting us. "Can you speak in that form?" He asked looking me in the eye. Kyle spoke up.

"No she can't neither can I," he said undoing his bounds. Both the men were surprised at how quickly he had undone the rope. Kyle transformed into his bird form shaking the rope off his talons before transforming back. 

"Ok look let's just put weapons away and chill," the American said as more voices echoed through the pipes. My fur stood on end and Kyle was tense, with more people coming we couldn't risk anything. Kyle touched the tip of my tail and feathers appeared as Kyle took off down the pipe system. I followed behind the two men racing after us. The sound of Aiden loading his gun echoed through the pipes. 

The sewer was horrendous, it smelled awful in my nose and the water was just a dark green and brown cold as fuck. Kyle landed on the concrete edges, folding his wings in, waiting for me to sniff my way out. Harder than it sounded even for me, as I sniffed the pipings walls and floor, then the air searching for the smell of fresh air or faded human scent. All I could smell was sewer, so we kept moving Kyle flying ahead and my ears flickering behind us listening to the sound of splashing getting closer. I kept moving splashing water as I went until we came to a complete drop off into a huge box with other sewer lines. Several stories tall, there were at least 20 pipes emptying here. Kyle flew upwards into another sewer line waiting for me. The only way I could get up there was climbing. Splashing behind me made me freeze. 

"Don't jump into that, look you do that and you end up drowning as the water sucks you down and into a full pipe system," Aiden and his friend stood at the end of the pipe, the unknown had a worried expression. Like he cared whether I drowned or not. Now that they were here though I was trapped. Transforming into my human form to climb down would take too long allowing them to get to me and grab me. Again out of many options, between the sewer below and them in front I had no where to go. I wasn't given much option to attack or give up as a dart struck me in the neck. At the edge of the pipe my vision shook and faded my footing uneven and my balance off. Then I was falling, Aidan and his friend watching me fall in shock and Kyles screech as he dove for me. Why... Explain to me why I've been knocked out three times in two days. What is this!? Irony? Karma? The hell! 


I woke soaked and coughing. All I knew was I couldn't breathe and I was choking on water. That's it! I keeled curling to my side coughing up more water, the sound of voices distant and close at the same time. I think it was the two Americans and Kyle? Maybe a girls voice? Someone put a hand under my head lifting it up. 

“Liddia! Liddy, can you hear me?” Kyle's voice echoed in my head as I heaved, still coughing up sewer water and shivering. How and the hell did I change shapes? I shouldn't be in human form, much less conscious after getting darted. 

“Abby! You could have gotten them killed! She was right on the edge of a fucking drain!” Aiden's voice echoed in the pipes. 

“Im sorry! But we couldn't loose them! Not when they know where we are!” the girls accent was oddly German. 

“That gives you no right to shoot her!” the American yelled. 

“Adam has a point, Abby,” Aiden said. I coughed more water up laying there trying to catch my breath. Kyle had my head in his lap his hand offer my forehead. Shakily sitting up Kyles hand in my back for support and one on my arm I glared at my attacker. She was definitely German, blonde hair and blue eyes as cold as ice. The three turned to us the dark tunnel behind them threatening to pull them in. 

“Are you ok?” Adam asked stepping forward a hand outstretched. I flinched a soft growl eliminating from my throat. Standing on my own I turned to the open end of the pipe to see where we were. The water lapped at the edges of the pipe where it drained out into the massive hole. Abby lunged forward not risking losing them and ended up with her arm twisted behind her back. 

“Ow!” she cried her dart gun dropping into the water that reached ankle high. Adam and Aiden got defensive but cautious. 

“Dont, try, me,” I said softly my eyes hard. Abby struggled in my grasp wincing at the pain. Kyle stood behind me eyes narrowed. The sound of footsteps splashing through the water behind the Americans. 

“Adam! Aiden Abby!” a voice called as a dark haired boy and three other men came around the corner. Kyle tensed one hand on my shoulder. 

“We are outnumbered,” he said quietly only loud enough for me to hear. His warning was clear. Tread carefully. 

"Let go of Abby and everyone just relaxe," Adam said quietly trying to resolve this before things got too tense. He wanted to end this peacefully, without anyone getting hurt. However Abby wasn't one for listening and brought her other arm around, her elbow slamming into my nose breaking out of my grip. Kyle stopped us from falling into the water and caught me from falling onto the ground. She had her gun raised at my head aimed for my forehead, calm and collected her nose flaring as I stood again shaking my head. Blood dripped from my nose, but the dangerous flash in my eyes made her nervous her calm demeanor fading. Now there were seven opponents armed, and no way for us to escape except into the sewer where I almost drowned and no way of defending ourselves without loosing. 

"Come with us quietly and don't fight us," Aiden said stepping forward his own pistol out. I narrowed my eyes trying to determine our chances of survival. Right now I couldn't think clearly because of the darts effects and Kyle could escape through the air. My right foot pivoted giving me purchase while I turned my body ever so slightly my hand touching Kyles. He got the message but stayed firm. If he wouldn't leave I'd have to force him. I spun around and pushed Kyle backwards forcing him to transform into his bird form. Looks like the sewer drain may be my only option. I dove into the water resurfacing as a wolf. 

"Don't let them escape!" Aiden yelled as two splashes sounded behind me. Kyle flew over head dodging darts from Abby while I evaded the other two in the water. One glance to the piping we just got out of and the others were gone. Somthing grabbed my tail and I yelped slamming one foot into whoever grabbed me and rolling onto my back. A dark brown haired American maybe, with green eyes, about 20 years old was holding onto my tail dragging me closer trying to wrap his arms around my stomach without getting bit or scratched. The other appeared next to me grabbing me around the neck and dragging me backwards towards another pipe. Snarling I twisted and turned trying to get out of his grasp but it was like being hugged by a bear and I almost couldn't breathe. Kyle dove down with a screech his claws digging into the mans back before screeching in sudden pain and going silent. Panick swept over me and I snarled kicking and struggling as I was dragged into another pipe. No no! NO! My feet were pinned and my head was held down, rope wrapping around my ankles, hands pressing down on my front feet keeping them down while someone's hand wrapped around my snout keeping my head down. 

"Where's the damn muzzle!?" someone snarled as I kicked into soft muscle. Everything was moving too fast I couldn't process the events. Kyle was dead injured or unconscious, I was pinned and about to be completly tied and escape was becoming impossible. Shadows above my head as someone handed the muzzle over. Eyes wide with fear i thrashed as hard as i could my breath coming short and heavy. Cold metal against my snout and leather straps were forced over my head and over my muzzle. 

"Finally, damn," Abby huffed as rope was wrapped around my neck and my attackers stepped back. I growled dangerously panting and still struggling, until i could see Kyle lieing still at the egde of the pipe his hands tied behind his back and a blind fold placed over his eyes. 

"What now? Taff said to keep them away from the main base but theyve already proven they can escape from bonds. Our best bet is a cage, where they belong," Abby spat glaring at me, before looking away from my peircing violet gaze. 

"We take them back to base just blind fold her," Adam said sounding tired and irritated, one of the larger men, the one that had grabbed my tail picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder while Aiden placed a blind fold over my eyes. I growled angrily struggling with what energy i had left. The fear i felt was overwelming. What next? What would they do with us? How do we escape?


I may have been blinded but i could smell just fine, the sound of every step they made echoing through the sewer pipes. Having been designed to memorize information, escape, and attack effectivly my memory was spectacular, my senses 100 times better than a mere human being, i was easily able to memorize the path they took to reach their base. I had several things i had to focus on at once, mainly direction, my faded energy and exhaustion, and where Kyle was. That and desperatly attemtping to scramble away from the americans grasp with my feet bound. Eventually i was forced to stop attempting to escape in the condition i was in and the fact i had no idea what i was supposed to do or what was in store for Kyle and I. The footsteps stopped ubruptly, the sound of their splashing echoing into a moment of silence. A knock sounded echoing before the sound of stone against stone grinding against each other followed. I huffed as i was jostled uncomfortably and i was carried into a new structure. One that didnt smell of the sewer, wasnt cold and damp, and smelled of more people and food. 

"Have you lost your damn mind?" a deep and heavily accented voice asked with fury. My captor tensed underneath me, his muscles tightening.

"They escaped. We couldnt leave them were they were anymore," Adam said authority in his voice his obvious discomfort making the tension in the room stifling. Unlike his calm caring demeanor with Kyle and I before. The tension, anxiety, nervousness, anger, and fear wafted in waves throughout the room. The grinding sound returned signialling the exit closing. Not good. I grolwed tensing before wiggling and then digging my claws into skin. With a yelp i was dropped the stone ground below me cold. I went still listening my ears twitching before focusing behind me. 

"So its true," a soft voice said rather than asked. Young, american. WHat was with the all the americans? What was going on? I growled letting the sound still the air untilt the footsteps were next to my head. Frozen, a hand moved to the blindfold before air swiped behind my ear. 

"Dont. Not yet," Aidens voice sounded closer before someone picked me up and dragged me furhter into this death trap. Snarling i barked and snarled struggling. A few minutes later i was set down on the ground of a darker room  and the sound of another form being set down as the blind fold was removed and they left Kyle and i in a cell locking the bar door and walking away. Adam sighed watching before someone called his name and he left glancing back before closing the door to the hall. Snarling i struggled against my bonds frustrated and angry. i couldnt chew the ropes off with the muzzle over my head and Kyle was still unconcious. Frustrated i lay there quietly listening. What a nightmare. i sighed my nose flaring flicking my tail before attempting to roll onto my stomach and sit up. Thats when i noticed the camera in the corner the red light in the corner glaring. The chill i got as i felt their eyes on me i shook my head and crawled over to Kyle poking him with my head the cold metal of the muzzle pressing against his cheek. Wake up damnit! I pawed at his face barking. Dude I can't sit here like this! Get up! I sighed and stopped messing with him setting my head on my paws sighing again. He must have been shot with a dart. My eyes sagged exhaustion catching up and dragging me down. Nice thing about being a wolf, I wake at any and all sound and fall asleep quickly. I would just have to wait. The cold stones were biting, and I wish I was back at my den or in a tree where the ground wasn't cold. I traded one prison for another and dragged Kyle with me. 

My ear flicked at the sound of the hall door opening and footsteps stopping at the door. Having woken I stayed "asleep" listening one ear perked the only sign I was awake. Keys jingled and another set of footsteps approached. I lifted my head eyes narrowed a soft growling sounding from my throat. My eyes flickered to the gun in the new figures hands, Aiden at the door opening it. I stayed put watching with peircing eyes. 

"Try anything he shoots you," Aiden said stepping into the space and slowly approaching me. My fur stood up the growl getting louder my muscles tensing. He knelt down and carefully removed the bonds around my feet eyeing me the whole time. He stood and walked back out locking the door a shudder running through him. He looked at my eyes before looking away. They were scared, of me, of what I was, I stood stretching thinking about the past day. I paced the prison occasionally pawing at the muzzle around my head. A week ago the lab had a break in for the first time ever and the whole place went on lock down and both the US and Germany went on high alert without causing panick. Documents on Kyle and I as well as past attempts were stolen. I took this information and compared it to these people. The fact they had easily broken in, were almost completly unaffected by the fact Kyle and I could change our appearence to an animal, and how well they worked against us. Could it be the same group? It could explain why they were unaffected, and how they managed to break in again. I flicked my tail pacing the floor. Damn this fucking muzzle! I pawed at it growling a whine occasionally escaping. God I hated this thing! I walked over to Kyle and patted his head with a paw whining at him. Oh for fuck sake wake up! I slapped him on the head before pushing my nose under his stomach and rolling him over. I stepped onto his stomach before stepping in between his legs. That woke him quickly as he sat up gasping in pain. 

"The hell!?" He cried before glancing around his surroundings his golden eyes absorbing all the details. He finally looked at me before reaching over and undoing the muzzle around my head. I stepped back shaking my head. Fuck about time! I yawned showing my teeth to the cameras before haughtily prancing about. 

"You are such a bragger," Kyle mumbled before rubbing his neck as I transformed into my human form. 

"I absolutely hate muzzles and if anyone tries to put one on me again I will loose my shit and someone looses a hand," I hissed rubbing my jaw and neck. Kyle glanced over at me. 

"You ok?" He asked quietly trying to be sensitive. I nodded sitting down next to him leaning my head on his shoulder. He put an arm around my waist his head on mine. I've never cried before, never let myself hurt. Even when I was frustrated and wanted to break down I told myself to calm down and focus, but this was a whole new experience whole new environment, and the stress and frustration was overwhelming. The tears fell on their own.

Echo Tango Foxtrot

"We should get rid of them," seven people sat arranged around a round table, stone, the monotone color of the room the silence deafening.

"No, we can't do that. The Russians will find a way to get their hands on them again. Besides they are the actual living proof of the evidence we have. We need them, we need what they are," Adam said brushing his long hair back wishing he could tie it behind his head.

"We have the records! And the data, we don't need them specifically," a darker man with brown eyes and black hair braided behind his head held the files up. "We have all we need," he said glaring at Adam. 

"We kill them and it's murder," he said with a snarl pointing at the darker man. "Just because they are experiments, with the ability to change into an animal doesn't mean they aren't human," he said. "Besides they're trained and know more than we do," the room went silent as everyone avoided one another's gaze. 

"Trained they are dangerous... we need to decide what is best to do with them," a woman the elder at the table stood taking the file from the darker man. 

"And killing them is not an option," she said before disappearing into a side tunnel. The room went silent before the darker man stood glaring at Adam before storming to the barracks hall. 

The door to the cells halls opened up as Adam and his three companions walked in. Upon seeing the empty cell he cursed lightly and the system went into lockdown. 

"I told you," Adam glared at the darker man.

"I'm sick and tired of your shit Blane. Think about how they feel," Adam snarled as they opened up the cell. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. I dropped from above landing behind Adam hooking my left arm around his neck pivoting and pulling the knife from its sheath at his hip and holding it to the smooth skin of his neck my glaring eyes making contact with Blane. 

"You instigated this," I let my voice chill the room as the head of the organization walked into the halls weaving in between the crowd. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Kyle dropped behind the elder woman from the meeting room from above pivoting so his back was to the wall with her in front of him. The hostility in the room raised to maximum peak as everyone held a weapon out glaring. 

"Trained we are dangerous. There is no deciding what to do with us," I said.

"We leave you get your people back alive we keep our mouths shut and we run from this place and disappear," they didn't like the sound of that glaring at us. Pushing Adam forward the crowd parted and Kyle turned. Back to back we made our way out of the cells into the meeting room and to the stone wall entrance. 

"Open the door," the woman said quietly still in Kyles grasp. With reluctance the operator did as he was asked and the grating of the stone against stone echoed in the bunker. 

"Show us the way Adam," I said in his ear keeping a grip on him. 

"We can help you... you don't know this world. We can help you adjust and survive," he tried to talk us down while pointing the way. Splashing through the sewer we wound through the maze of pipes and tunnels.

"Look, I get it your scared. The conversation in that room was divided but no one's going to kill you," Adam said trying to convince me his side.

"We're not worried about dying. And we do know "this world". What do you think they made us for? Do you think we are a draft of the final project? We are the final project. We've been taught about your world. What you don't understand is we are half animal half human. Half military half civilian," I said was we continued to trudge through the disgusting sewer. 

"We were made to blend in and spy. Attack and defend," Kyle said from behind us. 

"You May keep us safe but we'd just end up in your labs instead of the Germans," I said finally once we got to a pipe that lead to the surface. 

"We won't be used as weapons by yours or anyones givernment," I said letting Adam go and pointing the dagger at him. 

"Stay away from us and no one gets hurt," Kyle said once I got up the ladder, he shoved the woman into Adam and shifted flying up to the top and hooking his claws into the back of my shirt while I opened the hatch and climbed out. 

"Ready? Set. Go," pushing the hatch open Kyle winged into the air and I lunged forward shifting and digging my claws into the earth opening up the throttle for cover in the woods before us. We disappeared without a trace.


The United States of America. 
Airport security was tight and the crowds were nerve racking. The HAGP trained us for these situations and genetically enhanced our ability to separate the information that was gathered by our senses and pin point specific information. The rebel group from Russia followed our tracks across the continent but once we hit the cities we vanished into thin air. Literally bred for this Kyle and I snuck into the USA via cargo as "pets" on commercial liners. New York city was massive bigger than anything we've seen up close. Crowded and constantly on the move Kyle and I struggled to navigate the airports massive building. 

"Can't believe we made it out," Kyle said quietly, next to me as we kept our heads down until we left the air conditioning and into the city heat. 

"This place smells," I muttered as we walked along the side walks towards the city. We kept our heads down and mine covered. My eyes were violet an unnatural color and my hair was naturally snow white. 

"Do you think they'll expect us to come to the US?" I asked glancing to the cameras on the corner street. 

"Highly doubtful... but they may have our faces posted for lookout just to be careful," Kyle said as we crossed the street. We had no money, no contacts, we had literally nothing. Why were we here? Good question. 

"So where do we start? We can't exactly take what we want," I said glancing around at the busy streets. 

"Why not? We don't exactly have a choice," Kyle said as we walked down the streets keeping close together. We passed shops filled with books, trinkets, candles, toys, furniture, jewelry and other things people seemed to need at a constant. 

"Since we can change into animals we could steal food and stuff without showing our faces," Kyle said as we passed a hotdog stand. I sighed putting my hands in my pocket as we walked steam curling from my mouth into the cold air. He had a point but if we got caught or someone reported a golden eagle stealing food the Americans would be alerted that we were in their territory and we'd be hunted down quickly. We did not know the terrain as well as they did. 


Texte: GhostWolf
Bildmaterialien: GhostWolf
Cover: TheShadowGrim on deviant art
Lektorat: Haven't decided yet
Übersetzung: No one
Satz: GhostWolf
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.12.2020

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I hope you guys like the book I'm not sure yet if I want to turn it into a series but we will see. ENJOY!!!!

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