

Moonlight shines dully through the cloud cover, providing little light for the dark figures half crouched half running, across the wide street, staying close to the shadows of the large dogwood trees standing guard watching silently over the yard. The house before the cloaked figures stands five stories tall, white arch's frame the long windows, elegant carving etched into the walls, vines climbing up the sides and flowering bushes brighten the path way at the front door made of solid spruce. One of the three intruders parted around back while the other two carfully approach the front door. One of the figures pulled a lock pick from their back pocket and carefully picked the lock while their partner watched their back. Putting the lock picks away they draw their weapons and invade the house, their footsteps sure, quiet, and confident on the white marble as they moved into the grand entrance. The grand set of spiraling steps lead to the second floor of the house creating an arch way over another hall down the middle on the first floor. Both people walk up the stairs moving in sync, one walking backwards up the steps covering his partners back while the other walks up scanning the top floor. The soft glow of a nightlight filters through the crack of an open door, casting the two figures shadows over another open doorway, the shadows disappearing as the two figures move out of the light and cover both sides of the open door. Quietly they move into the room their shadows casted over a small sleeping figure, chestnut hair spread over the feather pillow, pink sheets and a white comforter covering the person sleeping. 

 The sound of light footsteps, wake me but I don't dare move. My father drank a lot tonight so he couldn't possibly be up and moving around at this time. I listen, waiting, praying that whoever it is didn't notice the soft glow of the nightlight from my younger brothers room. I wanted to get up and close their door but couldn't make myself move. My heart is pounding, the sound drowning out any other sound, and I swear they hear it thudding in my chest. Whoever they were. I forced myself to calm down and continue breathing as if I was still asleep. I'm only 10 living a rich life with everything I could ever want, butlers and maids to do everything for me. At least that's what everyone thinks. My father is an abusive drunk, but makes a lot of money. Whoever is here, is looking for money or revenge. They'll be sorely disappointed if they think ransoming us will get them any money. My father could care less about us ever since my mother died. And if they kill us he'll thank them and even pay them for it. The sound of footsteps stop, my entire body tenses, waiting for the inevitable. They're on the white carpeted stairs, coming slowly up the stairs. I can barely breathe, my heart pounding faster. Shadows cross over my room but disappear and the sound of receding footsteps as the intruders made their way down the hall away from our rooms. Quickly slipping out of bed and tiptoeing to my brothers room I glanced back and forth seeing the shadows of the figures disappear into one of the rooms. With haste I made it into my brothers room and closed their door once I had ensured they were asleep and safe. With some difficulty I tiptoed down the hall to see what the intruders were doing. Sounds of a file drawer being pulled open and paper shuffling emanated from my fathers office. I stopped at the door inhaling quietly and then peeking around the door frame. Both intruders backs were too me as they riffled through the drawers. Without being noticed I slipped away and ran down the hall to the stairs quickly making my way to the bottom and underneath them. The living room was dark so dark my eyes barely adjusted properly before I saw yet another figure poking around. I ducked behind the couch closest to the front entrance holding my breath. When I glanced over to my left I saw the intruder right there poking around the shelf and quickly scrambled back towards the stairs. I must have made enough noise because the figures footsteps followed behind. Panting with terror I ran for the steps slipping on the first one and scraping my knee and tearing my nightgown. Daddy would not be happy about that and would yell at me. I didn't have time to care! I needed to run! I picked myself back up and climbed the stairs as the intruder ran after me skidding to the bottom of the stairs and then quietly following. My heart was racing, pounding in my ears as I scrambled for my room turning the corner of the hall I was suddenly blinded by a bright light and stumbled backwards then I forced my feet to move in the other direction and I ran down the next hall still blind. Feet followed closely behind till they were right behind me as gloved hands grabbed my arms and pulled me back. Before I could scream one of those gloved hands clamped over my mouth and the other wrapped around my chest pinning my arms as I struggled frantically. The other two figures appeared in my field of vision one of them pulling a white cloth from his pocket and pouring some kind of liquid onto it. He pulled his mask off as I stared at his gentle grey eyes. 

"It's going to be ok," he said as he lifted the cloth up ready to place it over my face, so quietly I almost couldn't hear it over my frantic panting. The man holding me removed his hand from my mouth and the grey eyed man quickly pressed the cloth to my nose and mouth before I could scream. I inhaled a lungful of the sickly sweet chemical and immediately felt drowsy and tired. My struggles were so limp and weak as I succumbed to the chemical until I went limp completely and everything went dark. 

When I woke it was morning and sun was filtering through my curtains. My head felt drowsy as I sat up in bed. I had a scary nightmare last night and I was still feeling like I was under that chemicals affect. A knock on my door made me look up. 

"Emma! Wake up miss," Edward one of the many butlers said opening my door. Edward was short 5'6" to be exact and he had grey hairs and a mustache like all butlers do. Edward was nice to me and my brothers and was the one in charge around here. 

"You have school today," he said walking in and opening my curtains. 

"Up up up!" He said patting me on the head as he walks by to wake my brothers up across the hall. Begrudgingly I get up and find something to wear for school.


Across the street sitting in a utility van Mark Harmine a government agent was spying on the house they broke into last night waiting for cops to show up. After last nights hiccup with the oldest child of Ron Wolf the group wanted to keep an eye on the house and Emma Wolf. Last night had the group in a bad mood and not because it was almost biffed but because of what they found. Ron Wolf was a business man working industrial contracts which was a cover up for the gun deals he ran but also an abusive drunk. Mark glared in disgust at the house remembering the faint and dark outlines that stuck out in the flashlights beam on Emma Wolf when they found her awake. That kid... Mark sighed remembering how quiet she had been, him and his partner hadn't even realized she was there watching them while they ruffled through her dads files. No wonder the kid didnt scream for help. She was scared of her dad too scared to cry for help... that bastard... Mark glanced up as Emma and her twin brothers stepped out of the house the butler following behind. They got into a black Cadillac and pulled out of the drive way through the gates. Mark started the utility van he followed behind a distance keeping the Cadillac in view. He wondered if Sams idea actually worked...

My school wasn't far from our house sitting just a block from our neighborhood. It was a nice and expensive school, specifically for the rich having extensive classes and in most cases sports other than your usual football baseball and hockey. The school hosted some of the best high school teams for figure skating, archery, hand to hand combat and musical concerts. My mother enrolled us here when she was still alive and had paid ahead of time so we were ensured till we graduated high school. Most of the rich kids went to this private school as it was top notch and made the parents feel good about themselves. When my dad has "friends" over they will talk about the school and they have a different demeanor when they talk about it like they think they are giving their kids the absolute highest education. It's all about status my nanny said to me one day. "They always need reassurance that they are the best," she would say. My mother didn't spend much time with other people. She would take me and my brothers to the park or to movies or other fun things. The only reason she had us go to that school was because it was close by. Currently my brothers were in kindergarten and I was in fifth grade so we were in the same building. They had a separate building for elementary middle and high school all of them connected to the staff building and cafeteria. When we arrived Edward let us out at the elementary building and we walked up the stairs quickly through the front doors of the elite school. It was still hot out even in September but I wore long sleeves, leggings and a jacket. Dad made me wear long sleeves and sometimes even sunglasses in class if I had a bruise on my face. It was always cold in school anyways so I didn't mind wearing thick clothes. I kept to my self though most of the rich kids didn't care for me or my brothers. Only a few bullies here and there. I went to class quickly after making sure my brothers got to class and sat in my usual spot. Hopefully today would be a good day. 

Mark sat outside the private school from a distance watching the school yard. 

"Jax can you get security footage?" Mark asked turning around in his seat to glance into the back of the van where their equipment was. 

"Working on that right now," Jax said typing into a computer with quick fingers. Jax was 28 with long blonde hair green eyes and freckles on his cheeks. A computer genius and wiz Jax could hack the Pentagon without being seen if he wanted which technically he didn't need too since he was government. His skill level was natural as he had been picked up hacking government computer systems from home at the age of 15. 

After lunch fifth grade and kindergarten was sent outside for recess to the playground and courts. I liked to sit under the tree near the outside gate or climb it when no one was looking. However lately some boys had been bullying my brothers so I had to stay alert and watch them from afar while they played on the swings. I was quickly distracted though. 

"Emma! I hear you may just surpass fifth grade this year!" Abby Jenta was the most popular girl in fifth grade and a jerk. She had two of her friends along today dressed too pretty to play and ready to cause issues. 

"Maybe," I said turning to look at her as she tossed her pretty red hair. 

"Maybe she says," Abby laughs giggling with her friends. The three of them were blocking my field of vision as some of the boys started kicking my brothers off the swing set. 

"Hey!" I yelled as the boys dragged my brothers off the swings. I pushed through Abby and her friends and run across the grass full speed. The other boys saw me and ran off before I could release my wrath on them. 

"Jack Tommy! Are you two ok??" I asked helping Tommy off the ground dusting mulch from his arm. 

"Yeah," they said in unison. 

"Thank you Emma," they said hugging me. I hugged them back glaring at the first graders for what they did.


Mark looked up from where he stood by the oak tree when some commotion started at the swing set. Bizzare enough Emma was glaring at some boys standing over them and sternly telling them something. Whatever it was it worked because the first graders nodded and scurried off like their lives depended on it. Such a young girl with survival instincts and a sternness to her... 10 year olds aren't known for being able to dodge intruders either. Mark tapped his arm for a minute adjusting his ballcap trying to stay indiscriminate. When the bell rung and all the kids went running back inside for their last class Mark returned to the van to watch surveillance videos. 

After recess we had our last class which went by fast as usual. I was still upset over what had happened at recess but something else felt off. Like someone had been watching and is still watching. My thoughts of course went to the nightmare I had last night and wondered if it had been a nightmare or if it had been real... it had felt surreal but when I thought about it when the man had grabbed me I still remember the feel of his skin against my arm... I still remember those kind grey eyes and his soft gentle words. It had felt so real but then it was over and now I can't tell if it was or wasn't a dream. I was so deep in thought that I missed the bell. I hurried to grab my stuff and go fetch my brothers embarrassed that I had missed the bell. I found Jack and Tommy quickly and asked them how their day had been. Both had enjoyed their day other than recess but they excitedly told me about what they did in art and music class. When we got outside Edward was waiting for us on the curb with the door open. Before I could get in the car though something felt off again. You know how in the movies when something feels off or something bad is about to happen the hair on the back of your neck raises. Well it wasn't this feeling per say it didn't feel dangerous or threatening almost like something was guarding me but was watching from far away. I glanced around looking for the source passing over many faces and people before settling on a man with grey eyes and dark hair under one of the oak trees wearing a black ball cap and jeans. His eyes met mine and I froze. The dream hadn't been a nightmare or a dream. It had been real... 

"Emma?" Edwards voice broke me out of my slight panic confusion. 

"Sorry I thought I saw someone I knew," It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth either. Edward glanced around in the direction I had been looking as I climbed into the car closing the door once I had climbed in and went around to the front seat. When I glanced back out the window the man with the grey eyes was gone and I was left feeling confused and... hopefull for whatever reason as we drove away. When we got home there were cop cars out front. Edward brought us into the house and I immediately went upstairs with Tommy and Jack to avoid my dad but ended up running right into him. 

"How was school?" He asked with a fake smile. My entire body went ridged at his demeanor when I noticed the officer next to him watching.

"It was good," I said quietly.

"Just getting Tommy and Jack to their room so I can work on homework," I said quickly going around him and the police officer leading Jack and Tommy away from our father. Jack and Tommy never received any of the abuse because I made sure it fell on me. I ensured that my brothers never were hurt. Once they were in their rooms I went to my own and closed the door sliding against the back breathing heavily. Panic spread through me as I heard them talking outside my door.

"Do you think she saw anything? Perhaps heard something?" The officer asked quietly to my father.

"No," he said dismissing it immediately as he walked back down the stairs. He had things he wanted to keep hidden his operations and business and no one knew what was in his office and he wanted to keep it that way. When they left back downstairs I relaxed and tried to focus on homework. Even as I tried to work on subtracting and long division I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened last night and today. I was afraid to mention it to my father but I was scared something would go wrong. By the time dinner was finished I went to bed anxious and nervous. Dad had several glasses of alcohol and during dinner he interigated me about last night asking if I heard anything or saw anyone. I lay in bed unable to think clearly or keep a line of thinking straight. Out of caution I closed my brothers door and kept mine open a crack and waited.


Mark adjusted his mask and hat fidgeting with his gear and belt buckle. He checked his watch again in paranoid anxiety. 

"Chill Mark. It's a simple break in and kidnapping nothing can go wrong as long as we are careful," Sam said pulling his hat over his wavy blonde hair covering his green eyes from view. Mark scoffed but kept silent taking a deep breathe and calming his heart. 

"Alright let's get this over with," he said as he followed Jax and Sam out of the van. They crossed the street quickly staying under the trees. They climbed the side of the house underneath the hall window of the second story and opened the window. Sliding inside they quietly treaded over the white carpet down the hall to the first door by the stairs. Mark went first slowly opening the door and walking inside Emma's room. Jax kept an eye out while Sam followed Mark. 

The second I heard my door open I knew they were back and this time they came for me. My heart pounded so loudly I couldn't hear. A shadow loomed over me as black gloved hands gently grabbed my arm and hooked underneath my legs. Suddenly I was being carried and it took all my strength to stay silent. I peeked to see who it was and saw those same grey eyes from the night before and today. He was looking right at me and I shut my eyes tightly tense and ridged. 

"It's ok," that same soft voice said quietly as I was set back down on the bed. 

"Emma it's ok we're not going to hurt you," he said softly watching me as I slowly opened my eyes. 

"Stay quiet ok," he said as I looked him in the eye opening my mouth to ask a question. He picked me back up with gentle care and carried me out of my room. 

"Wait!" I whispered. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with a quivering voice as he paused. 

"Somewhere much safer than here," the mystery grey eyed man said.

"What about my brothers?" I asked suddenly worried for my younger siblings. If I went missing what would happen to them? Surely my father would hurt them without me to take the blame. 

"Don't worry they will be saved too," the grey eyed man said softly. He could tell the fear I held. 

"I promise," he said softly carrying me down the stairs and unlocking the front door. He carried me away from the house across the street. Away from that nightmare. Away from everything I've ever known. Away from my brothers. Away to safety. 


Chapter 1

Spring air rushes around me shifting my chestnut hair, the night sky lit up by the city lights dimming the stars above me. Down town buildings rise around me and my snipers nest protecting me from view and allowing a clear view of the skyscraper across the street the only lights on were the party lights on the seventh floor balcony and ball room. One floor above them tinted windows hid five heat signatures amidst them several high power weapons. The gravel roof beneath me dug into my black khakis and elbow pads, black military grade combat boots rest against the wall of the roof access door. Over my black face mask a wire snakes from my black shirt up my neck over the moon tattoo and into my right ear. Black gloved hands hold an MK13 my right eye aligned with the scope the crosshair skimming over couples and singles nicely dressed in expensive suits and Louis Vuitton, Hermès, and Gucci sipping champagne and chatting up governors or rich entrepreneurs. 

"Ghost? You there?" The ear piece in my right ear crackles as Tyler calls for me. Tyler is the teams tracker standing at 5'11" long jet black hair tied in a ponytail brown eyes and always bickering with Blake. I press my hand to my right ear moving my hand from the trigger to reply. 

"I'm here. Ready?" I glance back down the scope finding Tyler in my cross hairs. In response another voice comes over the frequency. 

"Yup. Got an eye on Tanner?" Tyler asked glancing up from his glass of champagne. Tanners the leader of our little group and the oldest so he handles undercover adult parties. Tyler follows and Blake is usually nearby or undercover along with the other two as muscle and support. Karly is our tech brainiac Tanners younger sister. She usually is nearby monitoring police frequencies, covering out entrances or escapes, hacking alarm systems so on so forth. I provide cover fire from afar and have the most dangerous job. Tyler and Blake are complete opposites and usually are bickering like children or pulling pranks on one another. Tanner ignores them for the most part and is probably the most awkward of us all while his sister is the life of the party and always perky. 

"Ghost! Pay attention," Tanners yelling at me now. 

"Sorry, I've got an eye on you, Tyler I see you by the bar, and our body guards have a target on their foreheads. Just say when," Tyler walks to the windows and acts like he's looking out at the city, instead looking up across the street to where I lay hidden. He turns around to get into position, politely sips some shampain and makes a face. I chuckle not realizing my hand still at my wire. 

"Not funny," Tyler growls through gritted teeth at me. I grin foolishly adjusting my grip on the trigger.

"Focus people we've got a gun deal to crash," Tanners voice always catches me off guard no matter how much time we've been working together. He sounds much older than he looks and he's very good looking.

"I think it's party to crash Tanner," 

"Don't patronize me little sis," noticing movement on the gun floor I aim the rifle up and watch several of the men start to pack up their merchandise letting a slight groan escape as I read the sellers lips.

"What's wrong?" Blake asks. 

"We've got a problem. One of Gonzalises men just got a heads up. Looks like the cops are onto this as well," shifting the gun I set my sight on the buyer lining up the cross hare with the gun dealer in charge, finger closing in on the trigger ready to fire.

"Alright we have a small window of time before the cops get here. We need to get what we came for and get out. Be ready Karly, Ghost relying on you to cover us," Tanner began moving towards the steps at the back of the hall room that lead up to the private meeting room. Shifting my aim, I lined up the cross hares with a guard close to the windows in the party room. Taking a deep breathe, I moved my finger to the trigger. On the exhale I closed my finger over the trigger. The recoil was minimum as the bullet silently cuts through the air and slams into the glass and into the guards shoulder ripping through his nice suit. Panic and chaos erupts violently as the guard drops from the bullet, blood slowly pooling under his arm the guests and remaking guards panic and rush to the nearest exit. With the room clearing it allowing Tanner, Tyler, and Blake to take the stairs up. Once I lined the cross hairs with the gun dealer i inhaled. On the exhale I pulled the trigger glass shattering everywhere and providing a view inside the tinted room. The three boys bust into the room already having pulled their guns out and switched into bullet proof vests. Muzzle flash fills the room.

"Cops are three minutes out," 

"Thanks Karly," The sound of sirens echo through the streets as they get closer to the building. Something catches my eye and I get up and lean over the edge of the building. What I didn't expect to see was two cop cars already at the base of the building. One cop ran into the building I was on and the other ran up the steps of the skyscraper across the way. Raising my eyes I locked gazes with grey eyes stormy and thunderous. 

"Shit!" cursing I quickly take the rifle apart and grab the military duffel bag next to me. 

"My position has been compromised, there's a detective in the building a floor below you guys. Watch your backs," the gun taken apart stored in the bag and zipped up I through the strap over my head and snatch up the shell casings out of the gravel. 

"Alright be carful. Don't get caught," Tyler's heavy breathing crackles the mike his voice filled with concern 

"Watch your back kiddo. Don't get yourself killed falling off buildings," Tanner and I have worked together for over three years in this city and knows my past. Sometimes I wonder if that's a bad thing or a good thing. I've got two options right now. The back of the building sits up against a much taller building, to my left same story and to my right an alley way. Behind me there's the roof access door, which blocks the sound of pounding footsteps. The sirens of probably every police car in the city were getting increasingly louder, and the cop in the stairwell will be on the roof any second. I turn back around facing the street, the detective was looking between me and the stairs which lead to where Tanner, Blake, and Tyler where finishing up with the bad guys. He made a decision and went up the stairs his gun pulled out.

"Detectives coming your way Tanner," 

"Ok, thanks for the heads up. Karly where are you with the van?" 

"I'm on my way now. I'll be there in 80 seconds," the door behind me slams open and I spin around eyes widening. There are three perspectives of a gun. There's the one where you are pointing the gun watching someone else point the gun or having the gun pointed at you. All three are very different and very dangerous situations. Taking two steps back puts me at the edge of the building where the street lies 6 floors up. 

"Stop! Put your hands up, and get on the ground slowly!" The cop was shaking and sweating in the cold air having to keep adjusting his grip on his weapon anxiety coming off him in waves. He's got dark brown hair, with dark brown eyes, and is a few inches shorter than I am at least 170 pounds. Eyeing him up and down he favors his left foot slightly off balance. There's 10ft between us, and 90ft below me is concrete. Inhaling my muscles tense and with blinding speed I've closed the gap between us, planting my right foot pivoting on it and swinging my left foot around and knock the gun from the police officers hands. The gun slides across the gravel roof a few feet, coming in again my left foot slams into the cops chest sending him flying backwards to crash to the ground. Before he has time to recover I've grabbed his handcuffs and cuffed him to a drain pipe. I kick his gun out of his reach. The loud bang stretches out for several seconds as everything slows down adrenaline and instinct saving my life. There's a loud bang off to my left and on instinct I twist left before dropping to the ground. The bullet barely misses my cheek, and I'm on my feet in seconds sliding behind the roof door. 

"Ghost! Get the hell out of there!" I lean against the wall actions swirling in my head while I pull my Gloc19 from its hip holster. 

"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do!?" I yell back at Tyler, gritting my teeth angrily. The boys are extremely protective of Karly and I which can be over the top annoying. The cops are now at the base of the two buildings no doubt running up both stairs. I look around the wall to the building across from me, spotting where the shot was fired from taking a moment to pinpoint the sniper.  I didn't see any snipers! 

"Karly check video surveillance! Two floors above the party room!" Through my wire I hear Karly furiously typing away. I hear a curse before she announces that the cops were already in the building before we got there. They had already set up for us...

"Ghost! Plan B," I pull my rifle back out and set it up. I close my eyes and image where the snipers at. I get on the ground and I lean away of the protective wall. I've already got the sniper in my sight, as I exhale and pull the trigger. The bullet slams into the glass window missing the sniper by an inch. The glass spider webs, and I'm on my feet pulling a device out of my bag. I pick the Mk13 up and shoot at the window below the sniper. The glass spider webs before completely shattering, three figures standing at the edge, masks similar to mine covering their faces. I've already put the rifle down and have shot a zip line across the street. The meeting rooms floor is one level above the building I'm on which allows Tanner, Blake, and Tyler to slide down to the roof. Tylr grabs my riffle and duffel bag on his way out and I pull a pistol out. The sound of pounding feet echo up the stairwell, the boys already on the neighboring roof. 

"Come on Ghost!" Blake stops pulling his mask down temporarily and I shake my head with a grin hidden under my mask, and wave him off. Tanner forces them to get a move on knowing what I'm doing. I sit on the ledge of the other building my feet hanging over the gravel roof. The first cop out of the stairwell is the detective I saw in the party room. He has his gun out and the first thing he does is check the cop I tied up. More of the police department of Las Vegas floods out the door, all stopping short of me guns aimed at my chest. The detective pushes through to the front, and stares at me. 

"I'm detective Young, captain of Las Vegas police force 59, hands in the air, and slowly get to your knees with your hands on your head," his voice is extremely calm he barely quivers. With precautious movements I slowly move my hand behind me. This gets a reaction from them all and everyone of them starts yelling at me to put my hands up. I laugh, and pull an origami wolf howling out and set it on the ledge next to me. I stand on the ledge and beckon them to me, before spinning around and running to the ledge of the building I'm on. Detective Young's voice calls out, then barks an order to his men. I keep running breathing evenly, my feet pounding the roof in time with my heart beat. The sound of five pairs of feet follow. One lighter than the others no doubt the detectives. The end of the building looms before me. At the ledge I stop then turn sharply to my right and run along the edge. I glance over my shoulders, the cops following close behind me. A brick wall towers over me higher than I can jump with no hand or foot holds. Silver piping runs along the buildings wall and without much thought I jumped tapping one foot on the piping boosting myself up, and grab the ledge pulling myself over the ledge. I glance down, the heavily armored cops closely following, except for the detective whos right on my heels. Not waiting for the agile cop to catch up, I search for somthing to hide behind. I dodge behind an HVAC unit as Young pulls himself over the ledge. I watch his shadow move across the roof as he cautiously walks past the units. I follow quietly, keeping to the shadows. He gets to the edge of the building and stares down at another street. The roof has no gravel on it which allows me to get right behind him until he sees my shadow come up behind him. I grab him around the neck and kick his gun from his grasp. It clatters across the roof and stops against one of the air conditioning units. His elbow jabs into my side, but he's loosing air and his attempts to get loose were weakening. As he's about to pass out I release him and grab the back of his shirt and toss him to the ground. He raises himself up on an elbow before turning onto his back. He lays there staring at me, sucking in air. I look up to see the rest of his team coming over the ledge and flee. There's a fire escape on the side of the building, and I'm down the side of it and on the ground in 10 seconds. Reaching up to contact the others, to come pick me up, a black van rolls up to the curb it's side door opening. 

"What took you so long?" The smirk on Blake's face makes me smile. Before hopping in I look up, and the detective is looking down at us. I wave and close the van door behind me. 

Chapter 2

 "Let me guess. You left a note," I grinned proudly at Tanner. He shook his head. Blake clapped me on the back with a chuckle. 

”Dont egg her on Blake,” Karley said from the hotel bathroom door. Her wet hair dripped onto her grey t-shirt. She had a towel in her hand rubbing her hair in between it drying the wet dripping strands. I hopped up off the bed and grabbed a towel. 

“My turn, ” the boys groaned. 

“Oh come onn! You take forever!” I laughed and shrugged and got into the shower. Blake grumbled about not having gotten up and called dibs first. The shower felt amazing after having been in the cold on a hard gravely roof for 5 hours. My elbows by now were pretty hard and calloused having propped up my rifle for so long. It'd been 5 years since I'd been rescued. Even though I'd been 5-6 years old I still remeber the house. 

"Alright, somthing went wrong during our mission. Let's pinpoint it," Tanner said shifting on his feet hands crossed as everyone studies the layout of the mission. "Bad guys dealt with we need to focus on how we didn't spot the detective at the party, and who shot at Skylar," Blake said tapping the guest list we had. "Did he go by an alias?" I asked studying the list. We had a list of all cops, detectives and judges so there's no way we would have missed a cop on the list. Karley went to work figuring that out and picked up the guest list and circled names we didn't recognize automatically and then searched the unknown names through a system. One didn't match. "Andrew Cyrus, 85 in Texas. He bought a television at 9:50 pm and recieved it at home. Our detectives alias," she said grinning. "Alright so we have an alias, now the sniper that shop at Skylar." The others glanced at me. The scrape from the bullet was cleaned and patched. Tyler sat on the bed studying documents and searching for info.

"I didn't see much. I only managed to shoot at him and miss," I said a little uneased about the fact he knew I was there. "I staked that spot out from the shadows for 2 hours. There's no way I missed him," I said irritated. I wrung my hair out again water dripping down my fingers. "It's ok Skylar," Tanner said. It was all he could say and trying to explain how I messed up wouldn't help and he knew it. 

"All we know right now is someone was trying to kill Skylar or trying to fuck us up," Blake said trying to keep his cool. Everyone knew the dangers of the job and when somthing does go to plan it's all hands on deck. Especially when one of the team got targeted. "Let's get some sleep we have to check out tomarrow and move," Tanner said ending the conversation. Karley and I shared a bed while Tanner and Blake shared the other. Tyler slept on the couch even though I was smaller than all of them and would have been ok on the couch however being the quiet gentlemen he was. 

Tanner woke everyone up before the sun came up. I was so deep in sleep that when Tanner shook me awake I rolled over pulling a pistol out from under my pillow. However Tanner knowing this probably would happen was ready and hand my wrist and pointing the gun down. I grumbled about being woken up and Tanner let go. An hour later I had a sun hat on and was dragging a suit case behind me. The others followed with fishing hats on and fishing rods along with their bags. Karley paid becuase she hasn't been seen by the cops. The disguises we were wearing covered up any suspicion and the fishing hats and sun hats covered out faces, our gear including weapons were hiding in the suitcases. Once in the van we ditched the hats. "Where too?" Karley asked as we drove off. "I'm more interested in the paint job on the van," Blake said teasing Tanner. "I didn't have a whole lot of time," he growled from the front seat. 

“Focus," Karley said as she took a right. "I'm waiting on a call," Tanner said pulling his phone out. "I'm waiting for one too," I said grinning. Tyler turned to look at me realizing first. Blake and Tanner followed. "You didn't," Blake said mouth open. "Don't believe me?" I asked leaning back and closing my eyes. "Besides I won't be around and it's a burner phone," I said eyes still closed. I could feel Tanners look and I wasn't sure he was happy. About an hour of driving Tanner got a call and we stopped for a drink at a coffee shop. Tanner disappeared outside while we ordered coffee. A few minutes later we had our coffee and we're sitting under the umbrella outside. "Your getting better with your aim there Skylar," Tyler said mentioning my shots last night. I nodded messing with my hair as I sipped my coffee, "I'm trying. It was a little difficult with the dark and wind changing directions," I said remembering the last shot and how it missed its target. Tyler was about to say somthing when Tanner came back. "Got me a coffe?" He asked acting almost hurt. I raised an eyebrow smirking. "Didnt think you'd want yours so I drank it," I said sipping the coffe in my hands. Karley rolled her eyes shaking her head and handed Tanner his coffee and he sat down. "Command wants us sticking low for now. Last nights party didn't go so well and now Blake Tyler and I are on the cops radar. Boss is determining if we're to be pulled out," I set my coffee down abruptly. Tanner shook his head. "Don't argue Skylar," he said as I opened my mouth to protest. I glared picking up my coffee and tossing it in the trash and stalked off. No one followed as this was normal when I got angry. I stepped into an alley glancing over my shoulder before I took a running start and jumped up onto a dumpster and bounded off that grabbing the lower rung of a fire escape. I was on the roof within seconds still fuming.


I traveled by roof for a while until I found a vantage point where I could observe the activity at the building we hit last night. Cops swarmed around the place as well as the building I had been at. As if he knew I was there watching the burner phone rang. I let it ring three times before I answered. "Hello?" I said sweetly. It was quiet for a moment before Detective Young answered. "Hello," he said. A waited a moment before answering. I could hear faintly in the back a keyboard being used. Trying to track my position. "I'm guessing you've printed the wolf for fingerprints, anylized the paper, tested the ink and handwriting?" I asked knowing full well he has. "And I'm guessing, well I know your attempting to track me. Let me save you the time and electricity. I'm using a burner phone," I said before he could answer the first question. He exhaled disappointed. "For someone so young you know what your doing," he replied after he thanked the techy trying to track me. "I must apologize for having to talk over the phone. But I like to wander the city and I don't need cops and bounty hunters ruining my sight seeing," I said leaning forward putting my elbows on the ledge of the roof. "Yes, I was hoping we could meet," he commented almost in a convincing tone. "Your a nice shot," he praised as he shuffled some papers. "Thanks, I gotta try. Gotta stop the bad guys," I said turning around and crossing my legs. "Didnt need to shoot a body guard to cause a distraction," he replied his tone darkening. "And the gun dealer didn't need to die," I let the silence fill the space. "I was aiming for his stomach," I said quietly. The sincerity was evident but he wanted info he wanted to know who I was. "Got a name?" He asked gently. "I do but I don't hand it out to strangers you know stranger danger and all that," I chuckled putting the phone in between my shoulder and my ear to pull my gun out and check I had a bullet in the chamber. I released the slide with a satisfied chch sound. I could hear him suck a breathe in as he heard it. "Quit panicking I'm not about to shoot anyone or rob a bank," I said reassuring the detective. "How did you know I was there?" I asked suddenly out of no where. A pause and then a breathe. "What do you want? Why leave us a phone number?" I laughed. "Alright I see how it is. Don't answer my question but ask your own," I replied putting my gun back into its holster. "Ever heard of a challenge? I like challenges and you've proven to be one. So here's what I offer. If you can catch me and only me I'll uh give you information on things you don't know. However you bring me into a police station," I paused to make sure he was listening. "I'll shut down and you'll get nothing," I said. "I can be useful to you and vise versa, I'll give you a clue if you can find it at every place we go too and if you can decifer them we can meet up," I said knowing he would take it. "See ya around detective. Oh and uh see if you can't find a shell two floors up from the party room becuase your people are not looking there from what I can see now. Au revoiur!" I said ending the call. Detective Young cursed realizing I was near the crime scene and was on his way. I left an origami wolf tucked in between two panels and left.


Chapter 3

The origami wolf fluttered in the breeze still wedged in between the panel, the city night cold and bright. Red and blue lights flashed below the brick building across the street, silent, abandoned. Detective Young stood staring at the origami wolf, crisp white paper folded perfectly into a new form, his hands in his pockets, stormy blue eyes glaring at the taunting clue. 

"Andrew," footsteps echo up the stairs and a woman in her late 20s, tall and slim, dark brown hair held high in a ponytail, pushes the roof access door open, her hands on her hip just above the gun at her waist. Detective Andrew young turned the folded paper in his gloved hand delicately as if it would crumble or disintegrate if he wasn't careful. 

"Amanda," he said curtly putting the folded paper into an evidence bag. "I want this processed, I want to know exactly what kind of paper, ink, where it came from," he said glancing around the rooftop searching for anything that this girl missed.  

"Yes sir," Amanda said disappearing back down the stairs once she had the evidence bag in her hands. Andrew studied the surrounding area for any other clues that the mystery girl had left behind. Nothing presented itself, she had ensured not to leave anything behind not even footprints. The way she taunted him letting him keep up until ambushing him and then disappearing before showing up here and leaving this little clue. What was she playing at? What's her motive? These thoughts whirled in his head becoming his way of organizing the clues. Glancing around once more he decided nothing was left to find and left the roof. He was going to review the info carefully in hopes to discover something else hidden in the videos and/or evidence. Starting with the three boys at the party and hoping they were in the data base perhaps then they would have a lead other than this clue. 

Andrew stood over the computer anaylists watching them rewind and zoom in on footage of the nearby street cameras looking for the white haired girl and the three men from the party. The men were easy to find and with their faces in clear view they now had the three attached to a bolo. The white haired girl though had half her face hidden behind a mask. However white hair isn't hard to find especially with an idea of her height weight and body type she was easy to pick out however she avoided all cameras and they couldn't find her on the streets anywhere. The matter was finding them and locating their current location. They escaped into a black van so they had to be hiding out since their plan didn't go to plan. They had gone through all the video footage from the party and the street cams looking for their black van and attempting to follow it but these people knew what they were doing and disappeared from camera view and the van never showed up again. Andrew had sent a forensic team to locate the van from where it last showed up on camera hoping there was evidence inside if they could find it. Andrew was studying how well the team moved, their communication, timing and weaponry. They moved quickly and efficiently, their communication was excellent and they improvised on the fly. The girl had a silenced rifle and you had to have a permit to have a silencer and a rifle hopefully she was in the data base or her purchase of the gun.


It didn't take me long to get back to the hotel but the whole way there I was irritated and agrivated. If we were pulled from this city we'd be stuck inside in the middle of nowhere for a year before we would be reassigned. We worked this city too long to let it go. We still had a major cartel to rid. I went upstairs and used my keycard to get into the room stepping inside and closing the door. 

"Good news," Blake said giving me a thumbs up. 

"Boss isnt pulling us but we still have to stay low," Tyler said sitting at the table in the corner of the hotel room. Karly sat next to Tanner typing something into her computer. I sighed with relief. 

"Then I can play with Mr. Detective," I said grinning. 

"Skylar," Tyler said warningly. 

"What? First off you know I'm amazing at escaping and I've done this before," I said holding the burner phone up. All of them looked at me skeptically.

"Guys, I'll be fine," I said sitting down on the other bed and laying down. I pulled my shoes off and jacket tossing them to the side of the bed. 

"Besides, if we can get the detective to work with us we'd be golden," I said closing my eyes. 

"I swear Skylar. Your too cocky your gonna get caught and no one will be able to save you. The government will deny your existence," Tyler said quietly his tone implying his worry for me. I scoffed closing my eyes my hands under my head on the pillow before attempting to sleep. Every city we've been assigned I always found a detective to "play" with. I would leave clues for them leading them to drug deals, gun deals, sex trafficking attempts, literally any major crime I could think of that we were not dealing with. Small crimes were not our forte. The large dangerous gangs and cartels were our targets. Once we finished off those issues we turned to a new city. If things flared up in the last city again another group would come in and deal with it. This was my way of cleaning up the city while we were there. We committed crimes to save the innocent and that was why we were denied existence by the government. Why we knew little of who was in charge and who knew. If we were captured then the group was responsible for getting that person out, if the cops arrested us then there was no way to get them out unless they managed to pull off an ambush on a transport or break that person out of prison. It was dangerous what I did, I was easy to spot with white hair, though my face wasn't known it was still a risk but it was worth it and it saved many peoples lives and helped the cops out a great deal. I was careful even if I was cocky. I was young and I made it impossible to catch me. I worked out constantly and ensured that I could get out of any situation no matter what it was. I just hoped that I could get the detective to work with me even if he was still chasing us. I just needed to figure out how to meet up with him without cornering myself. I suppose that's a future problem he still had to figure out the next clue. I smiled before falling asleep.


Andrew sat on his couch on the edge studying the files and evidence on his coffee table carefully, the last clue this white haired girl had left still imprinted in his mind her words still echoing in his head. They had found the shell casing she had mentioned but found no prints. Andrew sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose as he studied the last clue. 'If the wolf howls at the moon then he's calling his pack, but if he's snarling then beware' what did it mean? What was he missing? Perhaps... the first wolf she left was was howling. Which had a phone number, perhaps the wolf howling wasn't just calling the pack but was meant as communication... the second wolf was of a wolf sitting so perhaps that was informational clues... he needed another wolf origami to figure out more. Andrew looked up different wolf origami shapes and how to make them. However he discovered that none of the videos or images showed the way she folded them... so she came up with her own folding pattern which meant there could be many different poses the wolf could take. The paper and ink she used was standard nothing unique not even a particular brand sold in one place. A regular gel pen that could be bought at Walmart or goodwill or literally anywhere else. The paper was not unique either however it sold only in printing stores such as UPS. That narrowed down locations however they couldn't find her in any stores here in the city or outside of it so she bought it somewhere else. Andrew searched other police files from other cities and towns searching for white haired girls with a group of at least five vigilante's. Several cases came up with the five. Two women and three men, efficiently working together escaping the cops and sitting in large cities for months until a major cartel or gang was destroyed and disbanded. The white haired girl showed up consistently leading the cops to small crimes and even serial killers and kidnappers using origami clues. However these origami wolves were in different colors and had completely different folding styles all made up. Not only was this girl impossible to catch but she never left any evidence behind she didn't want to be found. Andrew growled in frustration leaning back exhausted. His house was deathly quiet until his dog Maggy a golden retriever got up to comfort him, her dog collar jingling as she put her head on his knee. 

"How am I supposed to catch this girl? Got any ideas Maggy?" He asked rubbing her head and scratching her ears. She looked at him wagging her tail letting him pet her. Andrew checked his phone for any messages and the time. It was too late to be up and he needed a shower. Hopefully tomorrow would turn something up. 


Chapter 4

 "No no no," Tyler said shaking his head. 
"What? Why not? It's just a walk to the coffee shop," I said confused on why he was being so stubborn. 

"You of all of us is the easiest to spot. We do not need you getting caught and/or bringing the cops here," Tyler said hands on his hips standing in the way of the door. 

"Even if the cops do find me they can't catch me," I said tilting my head trying to figure out how to get around Tyler to get to the door.

"Skylar none of us want to risk your life. It's bad enough your leading a detective around," Karly said quietly still in bed. Tanner and Blake were in the adjoining bedroom still asleep unaware.

"How many times have the cops chased me?" I asked hands on my hips about to prove a point. Tyler sighed long and dramatically.

"More times than we can count," Tyler said knowing where I was going with this already.

"And how many times have I escaped?" I replied crossing my arms tapping my foot. Tyler rubbed the bridge of his nose sighing again before relenting and stepping out of the way. 

"Fine fine just don't get your ass caught," Tyler said

"And take your knife and a few smoke orbs," Tyler said shaking his head. Being the youngest everyone was overprotective but I usually got my way since I really was the hardest to catch and much more capable of taking care of myself. I pulled my hair into a bun and pulled my ballcap over top as I left the hotel and walked down the street hands in my pocket. It was still early so it was pretty quiet shops were just opening up, traffic was absent, and very few people were on the street. The coffee shop wasn't far from the hotel but I passed it heading towards the park a few blocks away crossing the street carefully and walking into the park. A few joggers and dog walkers littered the area but none paid me any mind. I sat down on one of the benches pulling the burner phone out of my jacket pocket and flipped it open. I dialed the number at the top of the list which was technically none existent. The phone rung for a few seconds before someone picked up. 

"Mysterious white haired girl," Detective Young's voice came over the phone. 

"That's me," I said smiling putting the phone between my ear and shoulder. I pulled the sheet of paper I had brought with me and a pen and wrote something down before beginning to fold the paper carefully. 

"I believe I may have figured out your last little clue," Young said. I could hear keys being typed on a computer. I grinned at the detectives futile attempt to locate me. 

"Oh? I would hope so," I said folding the white paper down and back up. 

"The position of the wolf indicates what type of clue it is. I also discovered you made your own way of folding the paper into the wolf," Detective Young said quietly. 

"Very good! Impressive it only took you one night to figure it out," I said impressed by his speed. He was a very good detective I may need to do some research. 

"Must have been difficult to come up with so many different ways of folding that paper," he said making me pause in my folding. So he did his research... he discovered something crucial. I was silent for a moment determining my next words carefully.

"Youve done your research. It took me years. I started when I was very young," I said quietly. The night I was rescued from the hell i was living with I started making origami to occupy myself when I was alone. Eventually I discovered my own way of folding paper into new forms found new ways of folding the paper to create those forms. I rarely hinted at my past, it was a delicate situation and risky.

"Your very young to be a vigilante... and an incredible marksmen not to mention your speed and agility," Young said shuffling paper in the background. I was silent again folding the paper in my hands. 

"My expertise," I said carefully. "Took me a long time to master," I finished, cautious of my tone though I doubt it'd help. 

"Must have, and your what? 16? 17? It had to have taken you at least 8 years to do which would make you 9 or 8 years old when you started so perhaps your group is family? Unless your hair is naturally white but if that was the case your eyebrows would be the same color," I chuckled at his observations.

"Not by blood unfortunaly," I said realizing I may have screwed up.

"So you were adopted or kidnapped?" Young said his tone curious. I grimaced remembering my past life when I was 5 or 6. 

"Rescued. But that story is for another time Detective. It was nice chatting with you I am curious if you can locate and figure out my next clue. Perhaps we shall get to meet after all," I said hanging up, closing the phone and carefully setting the standing origami wolf on the bench and walking away to find somewhere to watch from afar. It did not take long for Detective Young to show up. I only had to wait 20 minutes before he came looking for the wolf. He found it pretty quickly too walking over to the bench and picking the origami wolf up. He glanced around before spotting me. I smiled before disappearing out of sight crossing the street. Young was at the edge of the street searching for me but I had already disappeared from sight a smile on my face. 

 I saw her standing by one of the trees watching me, my heart picking up the pace. I'll never forget those eyes and even with a hat on I could see her white hair hidden underneath. She had a slight smile on her face before she disappeared. She was gone when I got to the tree where she had been watching from. I cursed quietly, she had been so damn close and yet she disappeared like a ghost. I lifted the origami wolf staring at it. The wolf was in a different position than the others. It was standing its nose pointing further into the park. Was the direction important? I'd have to check the message on the paper once we unfolded it. What was her game? Was it a game? Or was it her way of helping the authorities even if she was breaking the law. However... she showed her face. Why? She's never shown her face to anyone. So why me? Why show her face after being so careful to hide it? So many questions it was frustrating. I glanced at the street for a while before getting back to my car. I sat there a moment studying the origami wolf in my hands. Time to get it back to the lab.

When I returned to the lab I brought the origami to one of the rooms we use to photograph evidence before I would dare try and take the origami wolf apart. Finishing the photos was easy but now I had to wait for the lab technicians to fingerprint the paper before I could finally take it apart to find the new clue. 

'Where it begins starts the trail. Do not follow what is fact,' this clue was easy too easy. What if it's a trick clue? If it really is this easy then the first sentence would be where everything started the gun deal they crashed, then the last would be don't follow the evidence... because it won't lead me anywhere. She's made it impossible to track her through the evidence. But these clues are how she wants us to follow her... so if we follow them we may be able to catch up to her. This is a game to her. She wants to be chased that's why these clues are so easy. With this in mind I sat back thinking. How to get ahead of her game. My phone rang again. Unknown number. I flipped the phone open quickly. 

"Wasn't expecting to be called so soon," I said quietly.

"24 avenue corner of St. James and Calis street," the call ended quickly. I grabbed my keys and coat. 

"Amanda! Finish up the evidence on the light table," I called as I passed her running out. I booked it to my car quickly pulling it out of the lot and hauling ass to the location given to me. I made sure my gun was at my hip as I pulled up to the corner mentioned. I parked a ways from the corner mentioned and got out my hand just above my gun as I glanced around carfully. No white hair no ball cap. Then I heard a scream and started running. 

"Let go of me!" A woman screamed. I rounded the corner, my gun pulled out of its holster and brought it up aiming at the masked man holding a young woman, dressed expensively, hostage and attempting to drag her into a black van. 

"Let her go," my voice was level and calm as I held my gun perfectly still my finger near the trigger watching the kidnapper carefully studying his stance and trying to read his body. 

"Stay away! Or I kill her!" He said the woman in his arms trembling her eyes shut tight as he jerked her around walking backwards towards the van. 

"I don't think so," he flinched panicking and shoved the woman forward towards me and jumped into the van before it drove off.

"Are you ok ma'am?" I asked putting my gun away making sure was ok and not hurt, already calling for backup. All thoughts of the white haired girl had left my mind for the time being. When the cops did arrive they assisted the woman and checked she was ok asking her what had happened while a forensics team checked the surrounding area for evidence pulling tire track prints onto a special type of paper. 

"You got here at the right moment," Amanda my partner said having pulled up in her own car. 

"She knew this was going to happen," I said quietly my hands on my hips searching for her face. My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket. Unknown number.

"You aught to give me a name and number, I'd like to be able to contact you. How did you know that would happen?" My question remained unanswered for several seconds before she responded. 

"Maybe when we meet I'll give you a name. As for how I knew. Mrs. Charter is a business woman for Luke Industries. She's dating the owner of the corporation. She was a target for a cartel for money since their gun deal didn't go so well," her voice was soft and quiet but severely serious. She wasn't messing around now this wasn't a game nor part of the one she was running me around with. 

"You won't find any evidence that they had anything to do with it unless you manage to locate the men who attempted to take her but be forewarned they won't give up their boss," she sounded like she was on the street so where... there she was watching the action. 

"The Bolvo Cartel?" I asked staring at her from afar. Why risk being so close to so many cops. 

"Correct," she said watching me. I decided to attempt to approach her and Amanda followed noticing her as well once she followed my line of sight. We crossed the street with no issues but by the time we got to the corner she had moved and was still moving. 

"You really are determined to catch up to me aren't you?" She said as she made a turn into an alley way as we picked up our pace.

"Can't help being curious," I said as we approached the alleyway.

"Curiousity killed the cat," she said in response. I paused pulling my gun out nodding to Amanda and we rounded the corner our guns up. She stood at the end of the alleyway leaning on the wall ending the call and putting the burner phone in her jacket pocket a smile on her face. 

"Unfortunatly I can't stick around," she said pulling an origami wolf from her sleeve and setting it on the ground before dropping a small orb onto the ground. I rushed forward determined to catch her. Smoke spouted up curling around her before becoming too thick to see her and I stopped before the wall and she was gone. 

Once the smoke spouted up I was already moving disappearing up onto the dumpster and jumping up to the fire escape ladder and pulled myself up.

"Andrew up top!" The woman with detective young pointed at me putting her gun away and running backwards. Young followed me up the ladder as I quickly moved up the stairs to the roof. His partner followed on the ground. Ha they thought they'd be able to catch me. It made me laugh in their stupidity as I ran over the roof of the shops and stores on the street jumping over gaps between the buildings. I glanced back a few times to see how far back Young was. He was right on my tail moving quickly. I had the advantage of young age and long legs and years of experience. 

"Keeping up?" I called back jumping up and vaulting up and over the edge of a building. I leaned over the edge to see Young struggling with a way up. "Aw come on now Young it's not hard," I said taunting him. He looked up at me getting a good look at my face. 

"If you don't play the game more people die, more crimes are committed and more people are affected that YOU could stop with my help," I warned him knowing exactly what he was doing. 

"I helped you here did I not?" I said smiling before disappearing.

Chapter 5



Texte: not done yet
Bildmaterialien: not done yet
Cover: not done yet
Lektorat: not done yet
Übersetzung: not done yet
Satz: not done yet
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.10.2020

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