
Chapter 1



Every night it's the same dream, no nightmare. No, I am not talking about me, I am talking about Hansel, my love, my boyfriend.Every night, or morning, Hansel's shouts, crying, wakes me up every night. He would scream bloody murder as if something, someone was after him and he would cry out my name, begging for forgiveness. Forgiveness of what?My name is Brett and my boyfriend, Hansel, is a killer.




I was cooking breakfast as fast as I can while looking up at the clock every so often. If Hansel doesn't come down soon, he will have hell to pay. Oh who am I kidding? He's a killer and I'm just one of those "good boys". I heard footsteps coming down, flipped the eggs and bacon, watching Hansel put his shoes on then walk towards me.


He wrapped his arms around my waist and lightly placed his lips on my neck, his arms wrapping themselves tighter around me. With one hand, hr turned off the stove then turn me around so I would face him. "Forget breakfast and school." He whispered in my ear, leading me up to our bedroom.




Dazed at first, I allow myself to follow him but soon snapped out of it when he closed the door. "No, breakfast, school, then the love." I said, with as much determination as possible. I cross my arms over my chest and leaned against the door. My boyfriend looked at me with murderous eyes. When he doesn't get his way, he can kill but he has yet not killed me.


He thought about it then pouted, which I found very adorable, even coming from a killer like him. To see him pout made me want to jump him and give him as many licks and kisses as the stars.


"Okay, but you owe me babe." He said, kissing my forehead as we went back down to eat then head over to school.




We barely had any classes together, only two, and both subjects, classmates, and teachers hated us with a passion. Why? We were the only homosexual couple out of the whole homophobic student body. I get bullied a lot and in normal cases, Hansel would not be there to protect me, soccer practice.


Now, I know I said this was a homophobic school but the soccer coach could care less, he has a little brother whose gay as well, well had or gonna be. Our coach's brother, Lex, is dying of cancer and broke up with his boyfriend about a month ago, told him to move on but never forget him. I was on my way to my locker when I got pulled in the restroom by the thugs. Football thugs. Lovely huh?


"You know what time it is faggot?" One of them asked, cracking his knuckles with a grin.I grimaced and ready myself for the blow. Two of the other thugs held me in as the one grinning, formed his hand into a fist. I closed my eyes tight but before the blow coukd hit me, he was stopped.




I slowly opened one eyes then the next to see a highly pissed of Hansel. The two other thugs who were holding me, let go. Quivering in fear. Hansel was smaller than the three, but he knew how to make even Chuck Norris cower in fear.


"What are you doing to my Brett?" He asked, sneering at them all, daring to lie. I knew that if they lied or didn't awnser him right away, he could go on a killing spree. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, so that he wouldn't kill when they tell."Awnser me!" He shouted, as one of them stepped up to face my boyfriend, his fingers twitching, fiddling each other.


"We....we were ju-just messing." He said, his voice shaking. Hansel looked down at him with cold murderous eyes then punched him square in the jaw."You liar! I'll kill you for this!" He shouted, charging after the three like a raging bull but as quick as Flash, I place myself in front of my pissed boyfriend, my back facing the bullies.


"Not worth it." I quietly said, leading us both out of the restroom.




Hansel was out the field, lunch time approaching in a few. I had a window view of him. He kicked every ball, soccer, volley, foot, and even a baseball towards the goal, hard.I swore if he didn't stop now, his ankle would snap but he didn't, he didn't stop until every ball was in the goal and he was puffing and sweating. The bell finally rang for lunch and I quickly picked up my stuff, running towards the field. When he saw me running towards him, he straighten up and smiled but his eyes were still pissed off and tired."Let's go get lunch." He said, wrapping his arm around me shoulder, leading us towards the cafeteria to eat lunch.




To loud!!!!! Oh my frigging god! I HATE loud noises. Love concerts but it's music not loud gossiping. My boyfriend chuckled when he saw my lips forming into a pout. He knew I hated loud noises if not a concert. He handed me his ipod and I blasted BOTDF, deafening my ears within the music and not the loud gossip noise.I took a tray for myself and went along the huge line for my food. As soon as I was done, I caught up with my boyfriend and we went to our usual spot outside, under a large tree.


Before I coukd take my first bite, my boyfriend placed his fingers under my chin and turned my head to the side towards him and placed his warm lips on mine. We kissed then slipped our tongues inside each other's mouths, battling to see who dominates one's mouth. He won. No surprise but I love his tongue in me. We made out, ignoring our lunch until the bell rang for the final few periods.




The final periods were hell. I was so glad school was over for the summer. Yes, it's summer what did you think it was? Monday? After the final bell rang, I got up as quickly as I could, grapping my things and headed outside the school building and waited for Hansel.








The final bell rang but I did not go just yet. I had a date with three unlikely, terrified destinies. Yes, I am talking about the three who dare try and harm my Brett. No one touches him but me.Once the classroom was cleared, I looked over to see the three try and get away within the crowd. Pathetic idea.


"Going somewhere?" I called out, looking down at my text book. The three stopped short and returned back into the classroom.


"N-no Hansel, well, yes." One of them quivered. A smirk formed on my face, I was gonna have fun with them.


"Hm. And where do you think your going? You have a debt to pay if you want to breath more," I reminded them all, listening to the gulps coming out from them. I looked over to the side to see my love searching for me. "A full month then you are all free that is, if I don't kill you."


I left the three inside the classroom and headed out to join my Brett who looked very concern. I placed a bright smile, assuring to him that everything was alright. He believed me. For now.




We returned home and dropped everything before I picked him up and placed him on the kitchen counter and began kissing him furiously. I left him no moment to take a breather, he wrapped his arms around my neck, his legs around my waist.We continued to kiss until both our hands start roaming against each other's bodies. My hands went up under his shirt, fingers brushed against his hard nipples as his own hands traced my abs and around. Soon both our shirts are off, our pants buckled, crotch, hard solid.


The makeout soon came to an end when a loud beep interupted us. Our pants were unbuckled and unzipped but not off. I broke the kiss, highly pissed at the noise that dared interior with our love."It was just me, I hit a button by accident. Please don't murder our kitchen." He teased with a pout. I smiled and nibbled on his cute pouted lips.




I waited inside the living room, watching TV as Brett was cooking up our dinner. The sweet and salty air filled the atmosphere and my nostrils. The smell was divine.I heard a crash not a moment too soon and cursing coming from my love. I was about to get up but was held back by his assuring voice. I sat back down but this time on the edge of the couch.








Shit dammit! Well rest in peace plates. I grabbed a clothe from the sink and carefully picked up the shattered glass.I had the stove on low, the food was ready but I wasn't. While picking up the glass, I accidently cut myself, this is bad, very bad. Hansel knew I used to cut, threatened me that if he saw even a prick on me, he would kill. I couldn't let him.


Quick as flash, I cleaned the wound and sucked my finger until the wound sealed slightly. Hope to god this works, note to self: don't use the left hand. I called Hansel to help setting the food on the table. When he approached, I prayed he didn't notice the blood."Smells good," He complimented walking over to the stew. "Let's just hope it tastes better than you."


"Hey!" I crossed my arms and pouted receiving a smirk and a wink from him before he grapped two pot holders, grasped onto the handles and placed our dinner on the table.




We ate in silence for a bit until the sound of the doorbell interupted our meal. Who did we invite? I don't remember...I turned my head and looked over my shoulder, it was a young girl, blond and brown hair. Who the hell was she? Relative? Someone from school? A reporter?


Hansel got up from his seat and walked over to the young woman. She was from our school and she seemed nervous around Hansel but not in a way I would think. No, she was nervous for the other reason that made my blood boil in a bit of rage.








I lead Stacey, yes, that is her name, away from Brett and into my room. I could already sense the jealous rage on his face. He always had, and always will, dispise women.Their hairs' were too long, they were too curvy, they talk too much, demand too much, and plus, hurt them, touch them, or even try and break up, they scream like horrible banshees in dire need of music lessons.


I threw Stacey on the bed and threw off my shirt as if I was about to make love to her. She smiled I smiled back but oh Stacey, if only you knew what I was really about to do to you deary.


I blindfolded her with a piece of clothe not bothering with a gag. I massaged her gently, getting her body pumpped, kill me now, before I grabbed my knife.S


he was still in the thought I was making out with her, I.straddled her and raised my knife, aiming at her chest. I let her breathe her last, her giggles getting on my nerve, before I thrust the knife down.


Stacey began to scream in agony and tried to get away but I wouldn't let her. I held her down with one hand and continued to stab her until she was screaming no more and was lying dead in a pool of her own blood. After cleaning up the bloody mess, I stuffed her dead carcass inside a black trash bag and began to elimate her, making sure no law enforcers would ever find her or identify who might be her killer.

Chapter 2






Where was I you asked in the small murder? I was simply eating my dinner then I decided to wait at the living room for Hansel to finish but now, I have to keep a close eye, once he starts to shed the first blood, he'll keep on doing it.I heard foot steps and grunts coming down from the stairs. He was carrying the now dead Stacey down the stairs. He drentched her with various perfume and alcohol so she looked like she was only sleeping and knocked out cold from drinking way too much.


"Remember love, I am doing this for you." He would always remind me. I nod in every response but think to myself, and for his own lust.


I still wondered, since sophomore year of highschool, if Hansel would drive the knife to my chest, and continue to stab me until I breathe my last. I changed the channel to The Walking Dead and settled on the program until the next new episode came on.








After cleaning up the bloody mess, I stuffed her dead carcass inside a black trash bag and began to elimate her, making sure no law enforcers would ever find her or identify who might be her killer. Doing my best attempt not to gag from the various smell of perfume I drentched all over her to hide her deceased scent. I poured multiple cans of beer in her mouth so if questioned, she drank too much.


The words I said to Brett were very much true but I knew too well, he beg to differ. If I were to do this for lust, it be more than just women and one victim. I dumpped Stacey and cleaned the fingerprints, leaving no murdering evidence, and no trace for anyone to find me.


I had been hunted down once but was given up when the cops decided not to search for me since they claimed "no more murders" but oh god no, there will always be murder. Murder is apart of life, that's what makes the world go round, murdering.




I return home to find Brett lying dead asleep on the couch, the TV still on. I glances as the pictures moved. The zombies of The Walking Dead devouring their victim as he cried out in agony, begging for the pain to stop. I was surprised to see my Brett was fasinated by the TV series, he's even reading the comics and it's a hell lot more bloody than this.


I know, I am a killer, not exactly well known, but I'm no zombie. I'll leave the cannibalism to the zombies and Hannibal Lector, they do a finer job and human meat? Not my cup of tea. I rather stab my victims, hide 'em without evidence, without a trace, like Jack the Ripper though my idol is Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer.


I smiled down at at sweet innocent Brett and carefully picked him up bridal style. My princess, my innocent boy, never will cry guilty or not guilty. Never will shed blood or have even a drop on him anywhere. Brett's mine and mine alone.Gently, I place Brett down on him bed, he began to stir and moan for a second before he settled in the warmth of the soft bed. I am starting to get jealous of a stupid pillow now, he's cuddling with it. Grrrr.....


I shook my head and carefully pulled the covers over his body and up his shoulders before I leaned in to give him a light kiss. I remembered his mother telling us a kiss goodnight keeps the nightmares away. I believed her but now, no amount of kisses will take away my current nightmare.


The nightmare of me holding the bloody body of my Brett whom I killed in a fit of rage and blood lust, by my own hands, haunted me the very first day I asked him out. It hasnt stopped then.








I woke up on the bed the covers warming my body from head to toe as I reluncantly got myself up to take a shower. As the warm water rushing down from above and hitting down on my body, I scrub myself with the bar of soap we have.


Once I was cleaned, I turned off the water and grabbed a near by towel, drying myself and my hair before I wrapped it around my waist and stepped out of the shower/bathroom. Hansel called just in time and the smell of popcorn filled my nostrils.


Oh why couldn't I have been immune to smell. Hansel KNEW popcorn got me going, I loved the taste, loved the smell. Curse you creators of this deliciousness known as popcorn!I quickly gotten myself dressed in PJ's and ran down the stairs. When I made it down, Hansel was getting the blankets. The bowl of popcorn and drinks were on the table, it seemed a little much for just two and the bowl was quite quite big but surrounding it were smaller bowls.


Hansel chuckled, "I thought I invite a couple more people like us in some ways. Since you know me as well, a murderer, you might as well know what Kyler is," Hansel started, placing the blankets down. "Kody's boyfriend, Cain, is a theif, so he'll steal a few stuff but don't worry if he get's bored of it, he'll return it without you noticing if not...then say good-bye to it forever."


I nodded and claimed my spot on the couch and blanket and stared at the blank TV before I heard the doorbell ring. I was too exhausted to get up, well lazy, so Hansel happily obolidge to get the door. Out or in came Kyler with his boyfriend Cain."Wait!" Shouted Kody as he looked through his pants then sneered at Cain. "Cain, give me back my keys."


Cain pouted and took the keys out, "aww but sweety, they shiney, I want them" but Kody shook his hand and demanded Cain to hand them other. I couldn't help but snicker, it was funny.




We decided on three movies, an action, horror, and last comedy. Kody chose Red for action, Cain and Hansel chose Jun-On The Grudge for horror and I chose Grown Ups for comedy. They were all a win win and we all liked all three vids.


Red was up first and since Kody chose it, he got to start it up. Turned out he didn't need our help with the DVD player, he knew exactly what to do. Genius boy Kody was. After he pressed play he jumpped next to Cain and wrapped himself around his boy.I felt Hansel wrapped his arms around me and a blanket covered us, after that movie was over, it was both Hansel and Cain's turn to put in Jun-On. When it began to play, I felt myself wrapping myself tighter around Hansel.


"Don't worry, I'll protect you." He teased, I sneered playfully before I planted a kiss on his cheek but not the lips.




It was nearly half-way towards the ending of Grown-Ups and already I was falling asleep and so was Kody, I glanced over towards him, he looked like a teddy bear cuddled up against Cain, fast asleep. He snored every now and then which made it even more cute. I just wanted to pinch his cheek and give him mommy kisses.


"Don't you dare." Cain snarled quietly at me. Was I thinking out-loud? I felt myself heat up in embarressment before I knew it, Hansel was laughing quietly and shook his head.


"Your impression gave it away. You were making kissing faces." He whispered. Now I'm really embarressed. Oh god strike me dead.








I gave Cain and Kody the guest bedroom kept down-stairs while I carried a sleeping Brett up the stairs and into our bedroom. I tucked him in beofre I joined in next to him, as if on cue, and wake, he immediately wrapped himself to me like a kola bear.


A smile formed on his lips as I held him closer to me and let sleep take over me, a sleeping Brett taking over my body but oh if only he didn't cuddle higher, he's gonna be the death of me with his oh powerful cuddling up to the neck.




I was running. Running long and hard. My feet were aching but I was running. Loud noises from afar, muffled as I ran down further. No, I had not committed a murder but someone was after me. I didn't know who but whoever it was, I didn't want to know.


"Stop or he gets it!" A female voice screeched. God, a female? I stopped on my running tracks when I saw her holding Brett, a knife she was holding near the base of this throat. My eyes widen in both fear and anger.The girl smiled sweetly, "that's a good boy Hansel. Now drop your knife and come to me, you know and I know we're meant to be together. I will never hurt you again, I was a fool into leaving, come to me sweety. Come, come, come..."


Her voice echoed in my head as if there were more than one. The world started to spin and soon more of her were joining in, telling me to "come". I was out of my mind!






I woke up the next day with Brett shaking me in fear. He was scared of me, he looked down at me with puppy eyes, he was dressed for hell I mean school. I groaned and got myself up to take a shower and get dressed.


After I got dressed the sweet aroma of pancakes filled the air. I practically flew down the flight of stairs and into the kitchen. I knew Cain was a good cook but I never knew he was THAT good. Why wasn't he the "mother", now that was a funny mystery."Oh look, he who sleeps like a rock finally awakens and is dressed! Oh, he deserves a cherry." Cain teased putting a cherry on my pancake. I rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Brett.


When breakfast was served, we ate until our stomachs were full and we looked like pregnant women. Fat and happy with the pancake inside of us like babies.




School's fun, gives me time to check out my next victim. Yes, I still had that killer, lustful desire to shed some blood but never will I do that in public. Suddenly, a shout for help came.It was Brett's.








I could only watch in horror as Kody was being thrown to the ground and taunted at, I was being held, my arms behind me by a jock-bully. Cain was no where to be found, I hope he or Hansel heard me cry for help before my screams were muffled by a beafy sweaty hand....gross."Now, now, now. What am I going to do with the both of you?" Justin, the leader of all that is brutal and stupid asked in the most taunting way, playing with Kody's glasses as if he were about to break them but doesn't. He's really good at suspense I'll give him that but he and his friends are TOTAL ASSHOLES!


Justin stopped to look at the bruised and crying Kody, he knelt down at his level and smirked before he showed the glasses right in front of his fac before...




"CRACK!" The glasses broke right in front of Kody. Justin snapped them, now I'm mad. I bit the hand that was covering my mouth then turned to knee my handler where the sun don't shine. He fell on his knees and I shouted for help as loud as I could.


Justin growled and took hold of me, my arms were behind my back in a painful position. Oh no, he was going to break my arm, my good arm. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I silently begged."Help..."


"LET HIM GO!" Hansel came running towards us, fury and rage in his eyes. They weren't the eyes of a killer but the eyes of an overly protective, raging bull. Well....Justin's dead. Speaking of him, he let go and laughed like a madman which made my boyfriend more angry.


Does he not know who my boyfriend is? This is Hansel. HANSEL. And when you anger Hansel or threaten him, he will teach you not to mess with him. I better get out of here!

Chapter 3





How dare he hurt Kody and broke his glasses but most of all, how dare he even TOUCH my Brett. Brett is mine to touch and mine alone. Only our friends and family can touch him, none other unless they wish for death to come early.


I glared coldly at Justin as he made his way towards me but not before throwing Brett on the ground. My Brett deserved no such treatment from anyone. I watch from the corner of my eye as he made his way towards Kyler and together they fled. I smiled, Brett knew what was going to happen next.


"Now, I will ask you nicely while I am still in my calm and cool stage, leave my Brett and Kody alone." The word "alone" spat out like vemon. He stared before he laughed straight at me and punched me in the jaw. My head was thrown to the side from the impact. Oh Justin, you have no idea who you are dealing with. I smiled to myself as I threw in the next punch.








I helped Kody get to the nurse's office, Cain running towards us, worry and rage mixed in his eyes. He stopped when he was right in front of us. He panted before he asked with a growl."Who did this to you?" He asked looking on at Kody. Kody tried to smile but did a poor job at it, he failed and began to cry. I carefully handed him into Cain's open, protective arms for him to hold and told Cain everything.


Rage filled his eyes fully as he picked Kody up gently into his arms, immediately, Kody snuggled his head onto his chest and we walked towards the nurses office together. I heard him mutter, "they're going to pay..."




"Well Brett, you seem fine, nothing too serious though I put some ice packs for your major wounds. Your arm will survive. As for you Kody," The nurse went onto Kody and handed him some pills and ice packs. "These will help with the aches and ice packs for your wounds. None of you will need bandages today, managed not to get yourself bleeding congrats."


I knew the last part was joke, I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled before I headed out and waited for Kody just outside, Cain on the right side of me. He has cooled down but not enough to get him out of detention and killing Justin and his gang for what he has done.


Yes Cain had detention, he swore he was going to kill some fuckers and one of the teachers heard, he yelled out detention to Cain but he did not care, gave him the oppertunity to knock the living socks off of Justin and the others.I now felt sorry for them.








I smiled my signature smile before I strode away from the pile. I knocked them all out and left them piled up on one another. Justin, Danny, Michael, and Liam all groaned but made little effort of getting up. I couldn't help but laugh.


Oh today was going good, minus my boyfriend and Cain's getting beat up by these dirt-bags. People like that make me sick, even their blood deemed not worthy. To my knife or hands.


The next thing I knew I heard running foot-steps and the foul stench of perfume, oh dear lord help me...a girl. I turned to face the girl. Oh no...not Vinyl, anything but her.


I grimaced as she ran up and hugged me. It felt like hours until she finally let go, she gave me doed eyes and practically begged and begged for me to come back into her arms. No way in hell girl! That would be social suicide and a bad one at that."Hansey! I missed you! Come back to me please!" She begged but I shook my head "no" and continued to walk away. She grabbed me. "Please?"


I jerked my hand away from her filth and walked away.




Me and Vinyl once dated but she cheated on me with Liam then she cheated on Liam with Cain and Cain with Justin and get the idea. I remembered well when she tried to get Cain back but Cain quickly kissed Kody and it was both their first kiss.


It surprised everyone, including me, and I was there. It still surprises me that they even went out. Kyler tried so hard but his plans went upside down and inside out.


My feet started to run. I ran faster and faster until I almost passed Brett and Cain. Brett was trying to calm Cain's rage but I knew him well. No one has ever been able to calm his rage not even a child!


When Kody came out of the nurse's office he noticed the rage in Cain's eyes and rushed towards him. He pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug and sobbed, begging for him to calm. It seemed to work for Cain was starting to cool off, he hugged back and kissed the top of his head.


Brett soon joined and I kissed him on the cheek. I smiled when he looked up and smiled at me. Then I realized, this was no ordinary every day smile, this was the first smile he ever given to me way back when we first met.

Chapter 4






Today was my first day at a new school. My father taught me well about when it comes to hiding the victim and evidence. I learned my killings from him, he's my roll-model, my boss. I would've been in jail long ago if it weren't for him. I couldn't be more proud than to call him my father.


"Now rememeber son, when you see which tastey person you want, grab him, show him no mercy. Just kill him, do not torture, I did not raise you to be a sadist." My father said as he stopped the car in front of the new school.


I got out with my bag and nodded, "I will father, I promise. Have a good day at work". I waved bye to my dad before I stepped into the school.




The first thing I saw was a boy being beaten up. He was down on the ground curled up in a ball. His hands were on his head and face, trying to protect that area, his knees crouched up to where his private part was.


Rage filled me as I punched the retards who dare hurt him. Torture him. When I was down I walked up to the boy who was picking up his things and stuffing them into his bag, I knelt down to help.


"I'm Hansel, who are you?" I asked but the response I got was a stammer and him running away. Did I scare him that bad?



*** new guy actually talked to me and stupid stupid me fled! Golly! I am such a stuttering, cowardly ass. I wanted to say my name but all that came out was stuttering, stupid, stupid stuttering.


I sighed and went onto first period then the next few before lunch in which I dread. Why? Too much noise plus There was no one to sit with either. Not even with Kyler. No one actually knows where he goes for lunch but he always manages to be their twenty minutes before even the teacher!


"Hi, may I sit with you?" It was the boy again. He smiled down, his hands holding both sides of a tray filled with food. I nodded and tapped a spot next to me. "Thanks. I never got your name though."


I bit my bottom lip and took a drink of pink milk, what I like milk, was drinking milk during lunch and not breakfast against the law?


After I gulped a few I turn back to face Hansel who was trying not to chuckle. He pointed at my lips, I knew, I had a mustache. I quickly wiped it off with the back of my hand. "Brett...I'm Brett."




I remembered well the pink milk mustache. It was cute and I was tempted to lick it off but I knew back then he would run now it turns him on especially if I lick his ears. That really get's him going.


I had served my detention staring at the clock but thinking about my Brett who was at home caring for Kyler until Cain came to pick him up. When I arrived home, I was greeted with a kiss.


"Dinner," Brett said before he took my hand in his and guided us towards the kitchen/dining area to eat. He cooked up chicken and rice with an Italian salad. Yum. After he served the food and before he sat in his spot, he came right up to my ear and whispered seductively. "Just wait until you see what I cooked up for desert."






I lead us both up to the bed and closed the door behind us once we were both inside. I turn back to face Hansel and gently pushed him down towards the bed before climbing on top of him.


I leaned against his ear and whispered, "time for desert". I dived right into his lips before I made a trail down his jaw and neck. Kisses and licks all over making him moan low. Like a vampire, I sink my teeth into the sweet part of his neck and start to nibble and suck. I felt Hansel jolt, he likes it.


I trailed down from his neck to his chest after I ripped both our shirts off, I moved my hands up and down his sides before I went to his thighs and teased my hand over his crotch. He lifted his hips slightly as I unbutton his pants.


My hand rubbed against his crotch in a teasing way as I licked, bit and teased his nipples. Already he was panting.




Damn Brett and his hands, mouth, and tongue, damn it all. He was talented and boy did he know how to heat up my whole body. I knew I was panting with every touch Brett was making as he carressed and teased my body.


I felt my hips lift as he sank his hot mouth deeper in my hard member as he fondled my firm balls with his gifted hands. I felt myself about to come and gave him the warning of it.


I heard gulps coming from him and I knew, he was swallowing every bit of my semen. I relaxed my body and panted as I rolled on top of him and undid his pants. His back was facing his, his hole ready for me to enter in.


"You ready?" I asked recieving a nod from him as I enter inside his tight hole. A groan escaped from Brett's mouth as I began to work in and out of him, moving faster and harder as I progress. I leaned down every now and then to kiss his back and neck.


Once again, I felt myself about to come and I came inside of him making us one again. We both collapsed on the bed and faced each other with cheesy but loving smiles as we went into each other's arms for a good sleep.

Chapter 5



We made it in class with not a scratch or bruise on our body. Both me and Kody were panting like dogs needing water, our legs were shaking vigurously as we made our way to two empty seats in the classroom. We were lucky this is the class Justin was not in.




"Alright class, today we are gonna discuss Napoleon Bonaparte." Our teacher said as she started the history of Napoleon.


I averted my eyes to the side to glance at Kody who, as always, seemed inthrawlled, drawn in, by her "incredible" teachings. I swear this kid is the nerdiest, geekiest kid I have ever met....glad we're friends cause I am not understanding a SINGLE word she is saying.


"Brett, Cain's trying to text me but you know me, I can't lie, it's not in my nature." Kody whispered, our teacher's back facing us as she began to write gibberish information about the tiny guy. I glanced over to her to make sure she wasn't going to turn before going back to Kody nodding.


"Ms. Robinson(our teacher's last name), Kody and I have to go to the bathroom." I said, crossing my legs for the effect, Kody quickly glanced down to see what I was doing and copied me. Groaning, Ms. Robinson gave her consent and we rushed into the bathroom.




When we made it to the bathroom, I locked the door as Kody got out his cellphone and opened up Cain's text to read it. As he read the text, I panted heavily and slid down the door and onto my arse.


The ground felt cold eventhough I was wearing skinny jeans but better than those aweful hard wooden chairs we are forced to sit on, tomorrow, I am brining a pillow! My poor arse can't take anymore abuse.


"Yes! Thank you Cain!" Kody exclaimed sending me up on my feet quick as a flash. I looked up to him, waiting for him to reply. "He was the one who sent Taylor. He called Taylor last night to protect us both from Justin!"


Hurray for Cain!




I called the school last night telling them I'll be nursing a highly sick Cain as his parents were out on a buisness trip across seas and his personal doctor had a very tight schedule so I volunteered to help but, I then became worried. Worried for both Kody and my love, Hansel.


My worry did not cease until Cain decided to call an old friend who goes to our school. I never saw him but I've heard of him. Thomas. He was a 3rd degree black belt in tae kwon do and is very protective of innocent people and animals. He was the perfect bodyguard substitute.


"I hope they're ok. Kody texted me saying they ran into Justin earlier but then Thomas came. Thank god, but, Kody did not say if he came just in time or too late." Cain said hoarsely, coughing a bit. I frowned and rushed to him, a bowel of hot chicken noodle soup in my hands.


I sat on the coffee table across from and fed him like a baby. This reminded me when we were kids, I was sick and Cain did the exact same to me then massage me to cease the aches. They were like a mother's kisses, sending the nightmares away.




It has been at least twenty-five minutes later and Cain was already fast asleep. I tucked the blankets high up on his neck and made sure his feet were covered. A cool wash clothe rested on his head, cooling him down.


I glanced down at the sleeping Cain before getting up from a white coated designed chair and headed into the kitchen for a bite to eat. I searched inside the fridge and got myself a glass of grapejuice and a turkey sandwich with a chocolate pudding cup.


I gathered my snack in my hands as I closed the fridge and made my way to the table to eat. Opening up the sandwich from it's wrap, I glanced at the clock above, 3:30, Kody and Brett should be coming hom along with Taylor.


I can't wait.




3:30 yes! I can go home! Well to Cain's house but still! Yay! Out of this hellhole! I grabbed my bags then practically ran jump on Kody and together we fell to the ground laughing our heads off. We didn't notice a confused Taylor coming our way.


"Ok you hooligans, hop into my car." Taylor said grinning. I stood up and saluted like a soldier before hopping like a bunny towards his car. Kody giggled and hopped right behind me as Taylor rolled his eyes chuckling, walking behind us, getting his keys out from his pockets.


We all piled in Taylor's car, him at the wheel, Kody in the front beside him and me at the back sitting behind my bud, all the pokes I can give.






We arrived at Cain's house just in time. Cain was awake up but still sick in bed. Kody didn't care though, he knew his boyfriend was strong and ould never leave his friends or boyfriend without a very special good-bye.


"Cain!!!" Kody shouted in glee once the doors opened at voice command. Lying on the couch, Cain looked over and smiled seeing a giggling, bubbly, bouncing nerdy boy hugging him tightly, wiggling his bottom cutely.


"Hahaha well hello there bubbly boy." Cain chuckled hugging Kody witg the srength he had in him. Planting a kiss on his cheek, Kody pulled away to meet his eyes. They make such a cute couple.


"Welcome back my Brett."






I stood there smiling with full affection as Brett's grin turned into a wide smile. He was perfect. Hair black as white, skin white as snow, teeth healthy and sparkling just like his eyes whenever he is happy and/or very much in love.


"Hansel!" My Brett shouted with glee as he ran into my arms, hugging me as tight as he could. I laughed and hugged back tightly, maybe a little too tight. He started squirming, his hard-on rubbing against mine. Ohh how I wanted to take him right here, right now. "Let me breathe, please!"


We both pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes before kissing each other with full effection. We kissed for a while until Kody interupted. Curse him.


"You two gonna breathe someday?" He asked earning a chuckle from Cain.




We all sat around Cain as he still laid in bed. His eyes were half-way shut but he did his best ot stay away as Kody fed him soup then icecream. They were such a cute and odd couple, well we all were. I'm a killer, Brett's innocent and never drew blood not even on himself, Cain is a theif and Kody is too well-mannered to steal from anyone dispite how poor he was.


"One of the teachers asked me if I could give you homework, I said "sure" then threw it away. As long as you have me, you'll graduate." Kody reassured to him with a warm smile.


Cain's so lucky to have a genius for a boyfriend but Brett is pretty smart too, he gets A's and a few B's but where he stands on my perfect list is his flawless thick black hair.


It literally feels like an animal's fur, all soft, warm, and addicting. We even had hair modeling buisnesses all over the place wanting Brett to model, he said "no".


I saw Brett eat hs soup before turning over to eat the cherry from his icecream. I noticed the mountain of whip cream and chocolate sauce he poured on his icream along with sprinkles, nuts, and gummy bears; oh how I wanted to spread that whip cream all over his upper body then lick it off, with the chocolate sauce, I would drizzle it all over his hard on and suck it off. Great, now I'm getting aroused by that image of sexyness.


Brett seemed to notice and giggled uncontrolably. I started to feel myself blush extremely and heat up from my neck and down to my feet. My boyfriend planted a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear making my hard-on even harder and a little wet.




I couldn't maintain my giggle any longer. When I averted my eyes towards my Hansel, he was staring at me like a hungry, handsome predator licking his lips. his eyes were on my neck, chest, nipples, stomach, naval, and then my hard-on but he was also looking at the icecream, I knew what he was thinking.


I started to giggle uncontrolably as Kody and Cain looked at me as if I had lost my mind and gain another head. I opened one eye to peek over at Hansel who was blushing furiously. He must have thought I read his mind, nooooope, his impression gave it away.


I leaned over and kissed the cheek of my boyfriend and whispered in his ears seductively making him blush and heat up even more than before and I am pretty sure his hard-on was now more harder than ever.


Tonight's gonna be fun!




Kody decided to stay with Cain so that gave me and my Brett some alone time. We all said good-bye to one another and me and Brett wished Cain a get well before going off home to "bed". As I drove us home, I stopped at a red light and glanced over at Brett, he was sound asleep, it has been a long day and as much as I wanted to take him, I'll let him sleep.


I kissed the side of his head before starting my car up again at the green light and drove the rest of the way home, careful not to wake my sleeping Brett.


Arriving home, I parked the car into our garage and gently picked up my boyfriend bridal style and walked inside of the house and upstairs after I closed down the garage. It made a loud noise but Brett slept right through it.


I gently laid him down and undressed him then redressed him in sweats before changing myself and crawling in. Gathering him in my arms, I cuddled with him and kissed the top of his head with affection as I start to fall asleep.




I woke up slightly to the sound pf a destressed groan and a shook up squirming Hansel. I frowned in both worry and alert. He was having a nightmare again. About me. I sighed and wondered if his nightmares will leave if I leave him?


I carefully crawled on top of him, straddling on his hips as I shook him, trying to wake him up. I shook him, patted his cheek, grinded him, nothing; nothing until I slapped him and called his name desparately.

Chapter 6




I did not recongize myself as I clentched my signature knife in my hands walking towards a young man who was running from me. I did not who he was but the only thing that was on my mind was to kill, to slay him until his last breath was gone.


Lust for murder consumed me whole as a smirk formed on my lips when the boy tripped on a crack sending him falling down face first. He tried to scramble away, crying my name out for mercy. I did not listen, instead I laughed, laughed at his pathetic mercy as I raised my knife.




"Hansel, Hansel! Wake up!" Brett shook me vigrously. I opened my eyes and jolted up careful not to send my love flying off the bed. I panted and ran my fingers through my hair, sweat started to fall from my brows. The nightmare.


I looked up at Brett a worried impression on his face, his hands were on my chest as he was straddled on me. As we looked into each other's eyes, I knew what we were both thinking, who was going to make the first move?




As I leaned against the "door" frame of our kitchen, my arms were crossed as I watched Brett make breakfast for us as he wiggled and shook his hips, tapping his feet and nodding to the music. He seemed really into the music. Supercharged by Kwanza Jones.


I rolled my eyes at his goofyness as his hips danced to the music, he really was an awkward boy and will always be but I didn't mind it at all, not one bit, that's part of what makes me love him to much. So much it'll kill me if anything happened to him.


Kill my heart, I'll kill you.


"Dinner is almost ready! Set the table please Hansel," Brett "commanded". I scoffed playfully and walked over behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing both his cheeks and neck. When my lips contacted his neck, the unmistaken, beautiful sound of his moan escaped from those lushous lips I so desparately want to kiss and let them do wild things to me all over. "Hansel, please, I'm, I'm hungry."


I ignored his voice save his moaning which turned me on, I slid my hand down to his crotch and gave it a light squeeze making his mouth open, that was my oppertunity. I stuck two fingers in his mouth and had him suck me like he does to my member.


"Let's have desert first." I whispered seductively in his ears before licking it and lifting him up bridal style and making our way into our bedroom to have the best dessert any one could ever ask for with a lover.




I arched my back and let Hansel have his way with my member but god, god, god, god was he so slow and torturous, I loved it. I moaned his name and for him to go faster, he completely ignored me and went even slower! Prick!


"Mmm, Hansel, please, just, please." I moaned/whispered as he pinched my left nipple, making my member grow harder than before. He stopped sucking me and I pouted, my pout soon went away when he flipped me. Oh goody! I was going to get it! Nope, no I'm not.


Hansel was behind me and when I thought he was going to do the doggystyle on me I was wrong, instead he lowered his head and his tongue flicked on his hole. Oh god above, I know I am sinning but that feels so good.


He continued and every once in a while, he would thrust his tongue in and out. Mmm, I wonder how that would feel through my member's slit.


"Why don't we try?" Hansel smirked. Shit, I said it out loud. A blush formed on my cheeks as he flipped me back so I was facing him. He's actually going to do it. Brace yourself Brett, and get ready for the bliss.




With ever moan Brett made, it made me thrust inside of him harder and faster. I looked down at my love who has his eyes closed and his lips slightly opened. His member was so hard you could see the veins, I could not help myself but grab it and stroke it.


"Hansel, I'm, I'm..." Brett moaned as I thrust and stroked him faster and harder than before until we both came together as one. As Brett started to fall asleep, I place a kiss on the top of his head before leaving him alone on our bed.


I walked down the stairs, careful not to wake up my love as I went into the kitchen and opened up the knife drawer. As I admired all the various knives, I carefully chose the right one for tonight before walking over to sharpen it. A sly smile appeared on my face as I glanced out the window to see a druggie man who looked to be in his late 20's early 30's. A smirk formed on my face, making my sly smile disappear as I place on my hooded jacket and walk out the door to meet with this man, my new victim.


"Hello sir," I said, hiding the knife but making sure I do not stab my thigh as I walk towards the man. The man turn around to face me, he was trying to hide a bag of heroine and so far was doing a poor job of it. "That's a nice bag of heroine you've got. Mind if I have some?"


The man glares at me as he finally places his bag of heroine in his jacket pocket then stood straight and tall to make himself look more intimidating but I knew well I was unfased by his threatening guesture. As the man walked closer to me and towered above me by a few inches, he scowled; if I were a scared, foolish young boy I would have cowered in fear but instead of giving him what he expected, I flashed on my "award winning" smirk.




As he struggled to pry himself from under my foot, I shift my foot and weight to his wound, above his hips on the right side. He cried out in pain as I dropped down on my knees on him and stabbed him and stabbed. Blood gurgled out of his mouth as well as drool as his skin became deathly pale, he rolled back his eyes heavenward and dropped his arms dead.


I got up and dragged the man away from the road and tied some weights to him before drowning him in the ocean. As I watch him go further down into the dark blue abyss, I stalked away from the shore and back to the killing road to clean up my mess to leave no trace of evidence. I checked my wrist-watch on my left arm and I knew my Brett would be fast asleep, most likely on the couch with TV on.


To my "great surprise" I was right. The moment I opened the door, I saw Brett sleeping on the couch with the TV on. I turn my head to see what he was watching, "Sleepy Hollow". I sighed, shaking my head in amusement as I picked up my sleeping angel and put him to bed as I undress myself and burnt my clothes to crisp. As I watch the fire the sweet sound of Brett's moaning played in my ears like a sweet melody drifting me off to sleep.




I woke up to the sound of groaning and begging. I turn over to my side to see Hansel struggling with himself on the floor. I frowned and knew he was having that same nightmare. I want to help him but I don't know what to do or who to go to well other than Kody and Cain but they wouldn't know what to do either.


After I got dressed and still straightening my hair, I heard the door knock. Setting my straightener down, I walked over to the door just as Hansel was waking up. I opened the door to reveal an embarrassing Kody and a pissed off Cain. I raised my eyebrow in confusion as I looked up in Cain's hair. Pink.


I snickered, covering my mouth with my hand to try and tone down the laughter but to of no avail, I failed and laughed and laughed. Cain scoffed and walked in well, stompped in.


"Haha very funny. Kody got himself a spanking for doing this to my hair and now I have to wait a couple weeks before I can wash it off!" Cain exclaimed, waving his arms in the air in frusteration. Hansel came down in only his black cained jeans, no shirt, and a grin on his face.


My mouth began to water as I eye rape his body, I licked my lips lustfully. 'Oh how I would love to take the dom lead and lick every single one of those abs!' A smirk appeared on Hansel's face as he came ot my side and kissed my cheek, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling my closer to him.


"Maybe later." He whispered, making me blush. Dammit! I spoke my mind again, luckily Cain and/or Kody didn't hear.




We rode in Cain's car as Hansel's car was still broken and we can't get it fixed until we have just enough money plus a hundred more for us. Yes, me and Hansel are kind of poor but not as poor as Kody is or was. I didn't want to meet Kody thinking he would tell the police about Hansel and Cain but it turned out even Kody was in on the run with the police. His crime? Theft. Just like Cain.


As I looked out the window as Cain drove us to school, I felt Hansel's hand holding mine, a smile formed on my lips as I thought about the time Hansel once tried to kiss me and it did not end up well until an one moment later...




I was out in my favorite spot to eat at lunch, scribbling on my notepad when a shadow blocked my light. I closed the book and looked up to see the new kid, Hansel. I gulped wondering what he was gonna do to me. i was scared, scared shitless and he seemed to know cause a smirk formed on his gorgeous li...whoah! What am I saying?!


I got up to leave but he trapped me between him and the tree. "Where are you going?" He asked, as he leaned in foward, his lips were about to press onto my own. Frightened, I kicked him right where the sun never shines and ran for my life as he fell on his knees, clenching his crotch area, whimpering in pain.


I ran and ran until I could not take it anymore. I held onto the wall for support and was lucky enougb the water fountain was there. I bent over to take a drink of water when I felt a strong hand squeezing my shoulder. 'Please don't let this be Hansel!' I begged.


"Oh, it's not Hansel." A deep voice snickered. My world began to still. My eyes widen. My whole body began to shiver. Shit.


Slowly, I turn my body to face my bully, the one guy I fear most out of everyone, Julian. I gulped as I took several steps back as he took several steps foward until my back collided with the lockers. I close my eyes and whimper, embracing myself for the torment but the first punch never came, all I heard was, "Let's have fun" then...nothing.




"Brett, Brett...BRETT!!!" Kody shouted and shook me until I was out of my trance. I looked at Hansel who looked at me with concern but the heated blush on my face caused his lips to curl into a ghost-of-a smirk. Our first kiss, like a hero rescuing a damsel in destress. "The school bell rang two times, we got only one ring left or else it's detention!"


We all ran as fast as we could to our classrooms just in time before the final bell rang. When we got into the classroom, we all laughed our heads off causing people to look like us strangely, I would have cowered and cried but Hansel and Kody were here with me, and I know everybody was scared of Hansel and Kody, being my bestfriend, would know how to comfort me.


"Nice to see you boys arrived not a moment too late, take your seats and we'll get started." Our teacher said, gesturing to the empty eats.


We all walked over to our seats with grins on our faces not noticing the frown of one particular person. Cain and Kody were whisper flirting while Hansel was passing out sexual love notes to me, I could feel myself growing hard with each note he passed down to me. Oh crap I gotta piss but we just STARTED class!Oh please hold on....

Chapter 7





After many classes, lunch finally came and I had asked Cain to take Brett for lunch as I needed to talk to Kody. Why do I need to talk to Kody? Well, Kody knows Brett and I need to know the things Brett thinks is romantic. Tonight will be our 6th month anniversary ever since I started dated Brett but he didn't know I was a murderer until a few weeks later but that part isn't important.


After we grabbed our lunches, Cain and Brett stayed inside the cafeteria while Kody and I went outside towards one of the picnic tables out school had. We sat across from each other, not saying a word for a few moments. I opened up a can of sprite I bought and took several sips, feeling the bubbles and fizz running down my throat.


"Kody, you know tonight it's Brett's and I's 6th month anniversary. I want to know, what are other things Brett likes?" I asked. Kody gave a finger symbolzing, "one second" as he swallowed his sandwich and drank a few sips of his Arizona tea.


"Well, Brett, like me, loves video games but that isn't romantic. So why don't you take him out on a date? He admit to me he has missed those moments where you would take him out constantly. He even said the best moments of his life was when you would take him into the observatory, hiding a basket of food to take in when the sign clearly states-no food allow-." Kody said, taking a spoon full of his chocolate pudding Cain gave to him.


I nodded my head in agreement. Kody was right, it has been a hell of a long time since I've asked my Brett out for a date. Yes, tonight I will. This anniversary will be perfect, be prepared my love, you're about to see a shooting star.








I knew our 6th month anniversary was tonight, I was very nervous. Why? Well, I dont know my boyfriend all that well, I know I should but he never really opened up his intrest to me, whatever I was intrested in, he was too well except for the murdering part. It seems that all I know about what Hansels loves is murder and me. M&M...hehe


"Hey, Brett, what's wrong?" Cain asked, trying to grab my attention. He shook me out of my trance. "Hey, Brett, we're friends right? If somebody is bothering you I'll tell Hansel right away and he'll deal with whoever is bothering you."


I shook my head and took a bite of my pizza I bought before swallowing, "Ah, no that's ok Cain, it's actually, seems that I dont know Hansel that well and I want to give him something special". He nodded his head inunderstanding before taking a sip of his Mt. Dew.


"You know Brett, Hansel is not all knives and sex, he does have a bit of a nerdy side. Have you ever heard of the anime Death Note?" He asked. I shook my head "no" now feeling embarrassed as I have guessed it, and guess right, it was his favorite anime TV show and I've been forcing him to watch Jun-Jo Romantica or Ouran High-School Host Club. "Well, he is very fond of Death Note, his favorite character is L ironically, I'll give you info about L and we'll find a costume so you can dress up as him. You already have the black hair just need the outfit."


This should be fun.




Hansel's POV



School was finally over! I decided to take a quick nap before setting my plan into motion, all I could think about was My Brett and how suprised he'll be when I take him out to see the stars and have a picnic as well. I closed my eyes with a smile on my face letting darkness consume me.


Holding hands with my one and beloved boyfriend, we were at the park, it was dark and deserted, peaceful, ust the way I like it, I can focus






















Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2015

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