
Chapter 1


"thud" the sound was so loud anyone could have heard it. I growl silently as I opened my eyes to see what was before me. I sigh and say to my self "a door really?" I place my hand on the door knob and stared for it for a few seconds remembering the past event. I open the door as it makes a very loud creek that was really unsettling to me. I open the door a tiny bit more but this time slower, slower than than ever... Luckily it dosent make a creek as much as it did before. "Great" I mumble to myself as I roll my eyes and then sigh. As I enter the room the loud sigh echoes through the peaceful and silent atmosphere, I go further. I examine the room carefully as my heart starts to beat slightly faster. I can somehow feel like it just skipped a beat. I go once further rolling my eyes and examining the room once again and then- "thud" before me I see a simple wooden table that is slightly dusted and a chair that matched it. I sigh and mumble to myself, this again. The room was quite empty really. The only thing that can be seen was these two very simple items yet very pretty. I go further and suddenly heard a thump. I seem to have hit the table leg. I look down and examine the situation very slowly until my eyes went up and then- The door makes another irritating creek as I tilted my head to the back fair part of the room as the cold wind slightly entered. I go forth the door I once made contact with and grabbed the know. I held it very gently and twisted it. I examine it once more and soon my eyes met to its general direction and closed the door shut. There was really something that I never really like about this place. No matter what even if the same scenario repeated over and over. That boring cycle never really caught my attention so I guess it never really mattered. I take a look once more and breathe softly. The silence here was the only thing I really liked ever since the first time I've entered this exact same room. I always liked examining things vtery carefully in what they would be like. It was always a strange habit but I never really knew why I liked it. I always tried to see things that others were never really able to see themselves. Yet that what saddens me the most. I finished thinking about that and made more gentle steps to the exact same direction as before. I took a look once more but it don't take too long. Not even the sound of my own footsteps could be heard at this point. I always love that for a fact. The very cold atmosphere and silence lingers to the room as I take more steps. And suddenly I make contact with the same location as before. I bite my lip and roll my eyes across the room in disappointment. I put my things down not too far from my original spot and then saw what I always adored. The blurry glass could be seen in by direction as I see my reflection in it. I take a few more steps closer and stared at it bottom to the top. It's beautiful... I stutter to myself. My hands slightly tremble as I touch the cold glass before me as I look. Everything about it was always lovely to me. All these small details yet very gorgeous cracks and frost shined across the room. I idly put my hand on the glass and stroke it delicately as my eyes are locked at this beautiful sight inches away from me. I tilt my head sideward as my attention and contact breaks from the glass. I hear a very unsettling noise different from rather than before as I roll my eyes in the opposite direction of the room I was in. I knew someone was there and I knew they were here. I refrain to break the connection between me and the sudden noise I've heard. I close my eyes as I snicker and then breathe for a second. I knew who it was and why they where here in the first place. I open my eyes as I still snicker preparing to say something. I roll my eyes once more and then turn to the direction of the table. I take a seat as it makes a loud squeaky noise as I finally make contact with it then flop. I rest my head on my hand as I look out the window again. I should really clean it soon I barely ever even see people pass by anymore. At this rate... Probably not, heh. I feel something crawl up my back as I stare out the window. I know it's you Misty.

"Awwwww... Too bad then I'm sure I almost got you this time dint I?"

"Keep dreaming Misty, I say as I take a notebook and pen out of my pocket and draw a line. I guess that's another point for me, haha"

"Pshhhhhh... I totally almost got you that time "

"Well not really... I say as I put my hand on my mouth and laugh silently"

I giggle as I put back my note pad and pen inside my pocket and tare out the window snickering.

"We should really get a job soon like your mom said so. She says as she lays down her chin on the top of my head"

There was this pretty awkward silence for a few minutes buy hey I guess we where able to work it out somehow. We honestly just kept on starring out the blurred window for around 15 minutes. It was honestly probably even too much to entertainment for us just staring to be honest.

"Anyway... Wanna get a job soon? Misty says to break the silence cheerfully while she places her hands on her hips and backs up a bit"

"Misty, I say in a disapointed tone. I already have a job and you don't"

"Good point there... She says shrugging"

"Anyway I'm going to work, see you around 6 or something. I say as I get my jacket and wear it"

"I wanna come, use my car! Misty says with glee."

"Alright then... But your car is slow as snails."

"No it's not, never mind that lets just go already, you've said that a million times already. Misty replies"

I roll my eyes as I get to the drivers seat an put on my seatbelt."Im pretty sure the sun is giving us a sign for you not to come with me since it's so bright that my eyes are staring to hurt."

"Nyeh, just drive before I will. Misty says out of context"

"Be my guest, nah I'm just joking. I say as I smile weakly"

I continue driving as the wind howls softly. "Are we here yet? I ask as I go further"

"No, I hear Misty say as the sun kind off calms down"

"Where taking a bit slow to get there. Ynow your heart is stone Misty, I say jokingly as I look out the window for a few seconds."

"Yeah right, she says as she silently laughs"

"Well this is gonna be a long drive song hang tight. I say with a smug look"

"Whaaaaaat? I shouldn't have come with you then. Misty says back to me"

"That's what you get for following me to work. I'm a scientist, hey, what did you expect?"

"I hate you she says looking out the window"

"I love you too Misty. I say as I turn left with"








Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.12.2015

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